Getting 'Current' with Electro-Medicine - Handout

The bioelectrical human body: All throughout the human body communicates through electricity – not just through it's nervous system but through the entire system of fascia-connective tissue – and also functions as a 'liquid crystal under tension' capable of vibrating at various frequencies.

A Little Electro-Magnetic Healing History: Electric eels treatment – back 2750 BCE – Egypt, etc.. - And magnet-based healing is probably even much much older!

Mesmer 1773 –used magnets – and then his own bioenergy when he realized effects could be similar – similar to modern -gong masters, laying on of hands, , etc.

Early -Modern Electrotherapy - From late 1700s – to early 1900s - lots of healing devices used by physicians and the general public - an estimated 10,00 physicians using such methods in 1884

Nikola Tesla – his Violet wand - simple low-current attached to glass tube – recommended 900 times in the Edgar Cayce readings – also advocated temperature raising 'diathermy' via high-voltage high frequency fields – i.e. Tesla coils

Lakhovsky's MultiWave Oscillator – MWO – healing by exposure to wide spectrum of frequencies

Royal Rife – targeted infectious organisms via plasma radiated frequencies - 'Rifing' Abrams – 'father' of frequency medicines and ''

Harold Saxton Burr – Yale professor of Anatomy – realized the that subtle electric fields were key in the patterning and functioning of life – with over 100 studies - repeatedly demonstrated that the body's electrical fields predicted diseases such as cancer etc.

Reinhard Voll in the 1940s – demonstratied that conductive potentials at acupoints matched the health- functioning of related organs systems as predicted by Traditional Chinese Medicine. Electroacupuncture

Robert Becker - demonstrated electrical signaled regeneration, perineural communication system, etc. vs 'Mechanism -

Primary Approaches of 'Electro-Magnetic Medicines':

PEMF – Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields – to trigger – increase electrical potential within cells -

Basic TENS - Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation – - mainly used for pain relief – though also for things like 'automatic' muscle-building - like shown in the Bruce Lee movie Dragon -... - blocks pain – or increases endorphin production – natural painkillers (etc.)

CES – Cranial Electro Stimulation - a non-invasive brain stimulation that applies a small pulsed electric current across a person’s head. This small electrical stimulus which is applied laterally across the cranium stimulates endorphins, serotonin and norepinephrine neurotransmitter production. They're also known to help with sleep – overcoming insomnia and improving dream recall too! - compared to TENS CES works inatthe microcurrent – rather than milli-current level - 1/1000th.

Ultrasound – used both in mainstream medicine and for newer approaches – tooth regeneration, healing, etc.

Microcurrent devices - * Cheng study – showed that microcurrent treatment causes 200% increase in ATP (energy) production as well as in Collagen and Elastin - (connective tissue) creation -regeneration. - popularly used in aesthetic procedures – skin toning, etc.

Electro-accupuncture – in mili-amp and micro-amp levels

Bob Beck – 'zappers' and the rest of the protocol – using NIH(?) study results to make anti-AIDs, anti-cancer etc. available and affordable for everyone – put blueprints on line for free for anyone.

FSM – Frequency Specific Microcurrent – Locally developed and largely inspired by the work of local Theosophist Harry Van Gelder: Can target specific organ systems with frequencies and then cause certain healing changes in those organs with other frequencies Overview & the story of FSM

Low Level Laser therapy – can reduce inflammation, trigger regeneration, erc.

'Rifing' - Royal Rife – claimed to be able to see living bacteria and viruses w his specially designed Universal Microscope – and then tested until he found specific frequencies that would resonate w them and 'explode' them - … - thus curing Cancer, Lyme disease, etc. etc.

Earthing – thing you can do pretty easily now yourself. - low cost – check out documentaries on Youtube, etc.

Seahorse Cove - local place to experience Rife frequencies treatment – and many other interesting therapeutic devices too – all just by donation!! - or -

293 3rd St., Lafayette, Oregon 97127 Phone (503) 864-9494

Hours of Availability: Monday - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm., f Tuesday - Thursday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Some key Book Recommendations: : the Scientific Basis - by James Oschman - earlier version kinda recommended more – since it's more readable – reasonable sized print – much more affordable too and lotsa great info! - The Resonance Effect: How Frequency Specific Microcurrent is Changing Medicine by Carolyn McMakin The Body Electric – by Robert Becker