2018 Conference Overview * Preliminary schedule. Please check the final schedule onsite. Date Time Title Language Theme Venue** 2018.9.15 09:00 - 18:00 Registration Feed Technology International Forum EN/CN Theme: Technology leading Feed world International Expo Centre/ Hall 3/ room 2018.9.16 09:00 - 18:00 Meeting precise nutrition, antibiotic substitution, quality and efficiency improvement, 3203 2018.9.17 09:00 - 18:00 Meeting processing technology, environmental protection, trade development 2018.9.15 - 8:30 - 17:00 Training Course on recycle and utilization of Livestock and Poultry CN Theme: The ecological development of animal husbandry in practice Nanjing International Expo Convention Center/ 9.16 Waste Zhongshan Ballroom/ 3F

2018.9.16 17:00-18:00 VIV Asia 2019 Grand Show Preview EN Food Engineering InterContinental Hotel Nanjing (International Press Conference) 2018.9.16 18:00-20:30 VIV China 2018 Welcome Cocktail Networking event_By invitation only InterContinental Hotel Nanjing 2018.9.17 09:15 - 12:30 Farm and Food Integration Seminar CN Theme: Integration and Branding Nanjing International Expo Convention Center/ Session One: Keynote Speech Nanjing 303/ 3F Session Two: Panel Discussion 2018.9.17 13:30 - 18:00 The Belt and Road International Animal Husbandry Forum EN/CN Session 1: The present and future of global animal husbandry Nanjing International Expo Convention Center/ Session 2: Regional Policies and Opportunities Hall Session 3: Experience Sharing of the Transnational Corporations

2018.9.15 09:00-18:00 Registration International Poultry Council Annual Meeting EN/CN By invitation only InterContinental Hotel Nanjing 2018.9.16 10:00-17:00 Meeting (IPC) 2018.9.17 09:00-12:30 Meeting 2018.9.18 09:00 - 18:30 Aquatic China 2018 EN/CN Theme: Healthy and sustainable development of Aquaculture Nanjing International Expo Convention Center/ Session 1: A future for aquaculture Hall Yangtze Session 2: Aquaculture Solutions - Nutrition Session 3: Aquaculture Solutions - Technology

2018.9.18 09:30 - 12:00 Sino-Dutch Pig Industry Seminar EN/CN "Future Farming, Future Technology" Nanjing International Expo Centre/ Hall 5/ 5202

2018.9.18 13:00 - 14:45 EPIS Products Demo EN/CN Products Demo Nanjing International Expo Centre/ Hall 5/ 5201

2018.9.17 09:00-12:00 Registration The 3rd China Egg Products Circulation Conference (2018) CN Day 1: General meeting of Beijing egg processing and Marketing Association Nanjing International Expo Convention Center/ 2018.9.17 13:30-18:00 Meeting Day 2: Forum & Panel discussion Hall Zhongshan ballroom/ 3F 2018.9.18 09:00-18:00 Meeting Postponed TBC International Pig Forum China (IPGC) EN/CN Theme: Promoting a synergetic development of the pig industry Nanjing International Expo Convention Center/ Session 1: The landscape of the global pig industry amid multiple challenges Hall Yangtze Session 2: The application of smart technologies in the hog production chain Session 3: New trends in pork processing and consumption ** Nanjing International Expo Centre (VIV China exhibition venue) and Nanjing International Expo Convention Center are 2 different venues, located next to each other. Venues English Address Venues Chinese Address (show to taxi driver) 1 Nanjing International Expo 1 南京国际博览中心 No.199Centre (NIEC)Yan Shan Road, Jianye , Nanjing 南京市建邺区燕山路199号(新馆) 2 Nanjing International Expo Convention Center 2 南京国际博览会议中心 No.300 Jiangdong Zhong Road, Jianye District, Nanjing 江苏省南京市建邺区江东中路300号 3 InterContinental Hotel Nanjing 3 南京绿地洲际酒店 No.1 Zhong Yang Road, Gulou District, Nanjing 江苏省南京市鼓楼区珠江路中央路1号