Biologia, Bratislava, 58/2: 179—190, 2003

Studies in the Palaearctic and Oriental (Coleoptera, ). III

Eduard Jendek

Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9,SK-84506 Bratislava, Slovakia; e-mail: [email protected].

Jendek, E., Studies in the Palaearctic and Oriental Agrilus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). III. Biologia, Bratislava, 58: 179—190, 2003; ISSN 0006-3088. The following nomenclatoral changes are proposed in the genus Agrilus: A. achilleus Obenberger (= A. myrmidonius Obenberger syn. nov.); A. al- bopictus Kerremans (= A. argyropus Descarpentries et Villiers syn. nov., = A. delouchei Descarpentries et Villiers syn. nov.); A. liscapia nom. nov. (= A. apicalis (Bourgoin) syn. nov.); A. macroderus Abeille de Perrin (= A. an- gulifer Abeille de Perrin syn. nov.); A. piliventris Deyrolle (= A. takedai Tôyama syn. nov., = A. takehiroi Tôyama syn. nov.); A. pseudocyaneus Kiesenwetter (= A. roubalianus Obenberger syn. nov.); A. ribbei Kiesen- wetter (= A. tibialis Lewis syn. nov., = A. corax Obenberger syn. nov.); A. semiaeneus Deyrolle (= A. nagaii Tôyama syn. nov.); A. shibatai Kuro- sawa (= A. hokkaidoensis Tôyama syn. nov.); A. suturaalba Deyrolle (= A. abreui Fisher syn. nov.); A. validus Deyrolle (= A. nobuyukii Tôyama syn. nov.); A. villosostriatus Thomson (= A. binominatus Kerremans syn. nov.); A. zigzag Marseul (= A. clermontianus Roubal syn. nov.). The com- plete synonymy of A. ribbei is listed; the authorship of A. sinuatus yokoyamai Iga is discussed; the correction to A. senilis Kerremans is given. Lectotypes of 24 species are designated. Key words: , Coleoptera, Buprestidae, , Agrilus.

Introduction IRSN, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Bel- gique, Bruxelles, Belgium; The present work is a continuation of the study MCSN, Museo civico di Storia Naturale ”Giacomo Do- of the type material of Palaearctic and Oriental ria”, Genova, Italy; MNHN, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, Agrilus Curtis, 1825 (Jendek, 2000, 2001). France; NMPC, Národní muzeum, Prague, Czech Republic; Material and methods NSMT, National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan; Abbreviations used. The material examined for this SNMB, Slovenské národné múzeum, Bratislava, Slo- study is deposited in the following collections: vakia; BMNH, The Natural History Museum, London, Eng- SOCI, Collection of S. Ohmomo, Ibaraki, Japan; land; USNM, The United States National Museum of Nat- DEIC, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswal- ural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D. de, Germany; C., USA; EJCB, Collection of E. Jendek, Slovak Academy of Sci- ZSMC, Zoologische Staatssammlung, München, Ger- ences, Bratislava, Slovakia; many.

179 Other abbreviations used: MS, handwritten Names information in that database is approved by the (manuscript). The backslash “\”isusedtoseparate United States Board on Geographic Names. data from different labels; square brackets “[ ]” are used for my remarks; [p], preceding data printed; [h], Taxonomic part preceding data hand-written. The mark “[sic!]” (= so,

thus) denotes that a word, phrase, passage, etc., that grilus achil leus A Obenberger may appear strange or incorrect has been written in- tentionally or has been quoted verbatim. Agrilus achilleus Obenberger, 1935: 121. Issues of nomenclature were resolved by consult- Agrilus myrmido Kerremans, 1912b: 208-209. ing the fourth (ICZN, 1999) edition of the Interna- Agrilus miwai Théry, 1936: 61. tional Code of Zoological Nomenclature, hereafter re- Agrilus myrmidonius Obenberger, 1936a: ferred to as “the Code”. Articles of the Code cited 1092. syn. nov. herein are simply cited as, for example, “Article 23.9”. Remarks. Kerremans described in two 1912 pub- Species names are listed in correct spelling. They lications two different species under the name myr-

are cited in the original generic combination and in ger mido. Obenber (1935) as the first revisor the original status when followed by reference to the considered the species from Sarawak published in original description, otherwise, they are cited in the the Sarawak Museum Journal to be published in current generic combination and in the current status. 1911, while that from Taiwan published in the Lectotype designations. According to the Article Archiv für Naturgeschichte, in 1912. He proposed 74.7.3, the lectotype designation after 1999 “must con-

tain an express statement of the taxonomic purpose for A. myrmido from Taiwan the new replace- y of the designation”. Lectotype designations herein are ment name achilleus. Thér (1936) skipped the provided in order to preserve the stability of nomen- act of Obenberger and proposed for A. myrmido

clature by fixing the status of the specimen as the sole a second replacement name miwai. Finally Oben- ger name-bearing type of a particular nominal taxon and ber (1936a) omitted his own act from 1935 in order to specify the type locality. The lectotype des- and proposed third replacement name myrmido- ignation of some species is not followed by any taxo- nius and cited A. miwai as its synonym. nomic act, but is not aimless. Status or synonymy of The description of Agrilus myrmido Kerre- these species will be solved in subsequent publications, mans, 1912b was based on an unspecified number because only a limited number of types from public in- ◦ 0 of specimens from “Taihorinsho” [= Ta-lin (23 36 stitutions was available. Lectotype designations were ◦ 0 made with careful attention to previously accepted us- N, 120 26 E), Chiai, Taiwan]. The single syntype age of a name. preserved in DEIC was not examined. For a lectotype designation proposed prior to the Agrilus myrmido Kerremans, 1912b, A. achil- year 2000, the Code permits use of the terms “the holo- leus, A. miwai and A. myrmidonius are objec- type” or “the type” to indicate a lectotype designation tive synonyms. See also A. myrmido Kerremans, (Articles 74.5 and 74.6). Such designations are cited 1912a. along with a designator and relevant data.

Subsequently fixed name-bearing types were pro- grilus albopictus A Kerremans vided with a printed red label bearing all relevant data: Agrilus albopictus Kerremans, 1892a: 822. Lecto- e.g. type status, species name in original combination

type  , MCSN, by present designation: “Carin and correct spelling, author, year of the publication Cheba 900-1100 m L. Fea [leg.] V XII – [18] 88 and an inscription “E. Jendek design.” along with year \ \ of designation. Unlabeled lectotypes designated prior [p] Typus [p] [red ink, red border] albopictus \ to the year 2000 by other authors were also provided Kerr. [h] [black border] A. albopictus Kerr. ty- with pertinent data label. pus! [h] \ albopictus Kerr. Type [Kerremans’ MS] Type locality. The type locality is listed separately \ Museo Civico di Genova [p]”. Number of syn- for each lectotype designated herein or that designated types unknown. prior to the year 2000. Data were taken from all avail- Type locality: Birmania [indicated from title] able, original sources as: original publication, locality [= Myanmar], Carin Cheba, 900-1100 m [Karen originally cited and lectotypes’ label data. The type Hills, approximate coordinates 19◦130 N, 96◦350 locality is quoted in the language and form of the orig- E, (Source: R. Poggi, Genova, personal commu- inal citation, the order of the elements is sometimes nication according to itinerant map of L. Fea in changed. To preserve original locality data, comple- ments and updates are consistently given in “[ ]”. Burma)]. The historical or otherwise vague localities are Agrilus argyropus Descarpentries et Villiers, updated (in most cases including coordinates) accord- 1963a: 57, 61. syn. nov. Holotype  , MNHN: ing to the GEOnet Names Server providing access to “Hoa-Binh Tonkin R. P. de Cooman [leg.] [p] the database of foreign geographic feature names of \ Agrilus argyropus n. sp. Holotype nob[is]. the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA). A. Descarpentries et [h] A. Villiers det. 19 [p] 62


grilus coraeboides [h] \ MUSÉUM PARIS 1935 coll. A. THÉRY [p]”. A Kerremans Described from single specimen. Agrilus coraeboides Kerremans, 1900a: 5, 22, 28.

Type locality: Tonkin [= North Vietnam], Hoa- Lectotype  , BMNH, by present designation: Binh [20◦500 N, 105◦200 E]. “SYNTYPE [p] [round label with blue border] \ Agrilus delouchei Descarpentries et Villiers, Sumatra Weyers [leg.] [Kerremans’ MS] \ corae- \ 1963a: 57, 62. syn. nov. Holotype  , MNHN: boides Kerr. Type [Kerremans’ MS] Kerremans

“TONKIN [p] VII [h] Hoa-Binh [p] 40 [h] leg. A de 1903-59 [p]” and 3  paralectotypes, from the Cooman [leg.] [p] [orange label] \ HOLO [h] TYPE same locality as lectotype. Described from three [p] [red label] \ Agrilus delouchei n. sp. Holotype syntypes. [female sign] nob[is]. A. Descarpentries et [h] A. Type locality: [Indonesia], Sumatra, Hindrapo- Villiers det. 19 [p] 62 [h]”. Described from single era. specimen. Remarks. Described from Sumatra, Hindrapoera Type locality: Tonkin [= North Vietnam], Hoa- [= ? Indrapura (2◦040 S, 100◦560 E)] as indicated Binh [20◦500 N, 105◦200 E]. in an announcement: “Sauf indication contraire, Remarks. Agrilus argyropus and A. delouchei are tous les Agrilus ont été capturés `a Hindrapoera et junior subjective synonyms of A. albopictus Ker- dans les environs”. The type locality is presum- remans, 1892. ably closed to another Weyers’ locality “Tambang

Salida” (1◦190 S, 100◦380 E). However there is in grilus auricol lis A Kiesenwetter NE Sumatra another “Hindrapoera” (= Indrapo- Agrilus auricollis Kiesenwetter, 1857: 125, 149– era, = Indrapura) (3◦180 N, 99◦230 E).

150. Lectotype  , ZSMC, by present designation:

\ \ grilus cyaneoniger melanopterus “Austria [h] Kiesenwetter [p] Sammlung Cl. A Solsky Müller [p] \ Type von [p] Agrilus auricollis Kiesw. Agrilus cyaneoniger melanopterus Solsky, 1875: \ [h] [red label] Holotypus [p] Agrilus auricollis 277–279. Lectotype designated by Jendek (1995a). Kiesenwetter [h] Zool. Staatsammlg. München [red Agrilus impressifrons Kiesenwetter, 1879:

label]”. Number of syntypes unknown. 254–255. Lectotype  , ZSMC, by present designa- Type locality: Austria. tion: “Sibirien Amur Christoph [18]77 [p] \ Kiesen- Remarks. Described from multiple places of ori- wetter [p] \ Sammlung Cl. Müller [p] \ Type gin: “in den südlicheren Gegenden Deutschland’s, von [p] Agrilus impressifrons Kiesw. [h] [red la- namentlich in Oesterreich, Beyern, Tyrol. Aufser- bel] \ Holotypus [sic!] [p] Agrilus impressifrons dem ist sie im südlichen Frankreich zu Hause”. Kiesenw. [h] Zool. Staatsammlg. München [red la- The type locality becomes the place of origin of bel]”. Number of syntypes unknown. the lectotype (Article 76.2.). Type locality: [Russia] Siberien Amur [Amurska-

ya Oblast’]. grilus blatteicol lis

A Bourgoin Remarks. Agrilus impressifrons was synonymized


Agrilus blatteicollis Bourgoin, 1922: 168. Lecto- by Semeno (1903: 171-172). Descar-

type  , MNHN, lectotype designation by The examination of the lectotype of A. impres-

& Villiers pentries (1963c): “Hoo-Binh [sic!] sifrons reconfirmed its conspecifity with A. cya- Tonkin [p] \ Agrilus blatteicollis Bourgoin [h] neoniger melanopterus.

[black ink] Type [h] [red ink] \ MUSÉUM PARIS grilus inamoenus 1935 Coll. A. Théry [p]”. Number of syntypes un- A Kerremans known. Agrilus inamoenus Kerremans, 1892a: 824–825.

Type locality: Tonkin [= North Vietnam], Hoa- Lectotype  , MCSN, lectotype designation by

◦ 0 ◦ 0

& Villiers Binh [20 50 N, 105 20 E]. Descarpentries (1963b): “Carin Remarks. No type locality was cited by Bour- Cheba 900–1100 m L. Fea [leg.] V XII – [18] 88 [p] goin, but presumably “Indo-Chine fran¸caise” as \ Typus [p] [red ink, red border] \ inamoenus Kerr. indicated in the title. The type locality is stip- [h] [black border] \ A. inamoenus Kerr. typus! [h] ulated from the place of origin of the lectotype [yellow label] \ inamoenus Kerr. Type [Kerremans’ (Article 76.2.). Because the original description MS] \ MuseoCivicodiGenova[p]”.Numberof neither implies not requires that there were syn- syntypes unknown.

types, then Descarpentries & Villiers (1963c: 14) by the mention about holotype: “Hoa-Binh Type locality: Birmania [indicated from title] (R. P. De Cooman), holotype female au Muséum [= Myanmar], Carin Cheba, 900–1100 m [Karen de Paris” validly fixed the lectotype (Article Hills, approximate coordinates 19◦130 N, 96◦350 74.6.). E, (Source: R. Poggi, Genova, personal commu-

181 nication according to itinerant map of L. Fea in types, then Descarpentries & Villiers (1963c: Burma)]. 9) by the mention about “the type”: “Thailand Remarks. Because the original description nei- (Mouhot, type au British Museum)” validly fixed ther implies not requires that there were syn- the lectotype (Article 74.6.).

types, then Descarpentries & Villiers (1963b:

grilus macroderus 109) by the mention about “the type”: “Birmanie A Abeille de Perrin (Type,MuséedeGˆenes)” validly fixed the lecto- Agrilus chrysoderes var. macroderus Abeille de

type (Article 74.6.). Perrin, 1897: 4, 5, 15. Lectotype  , MNHN, by present designation: “BUCAREST A. L. Montan-

\ grilus liscapia A nom. nov. don [leg.] [p] A. chrysoderes Ab. var. macroderus

Sambus apicalis Bourgoin, 1923: 261. syn. nov. Ab. [h] \ MUSÉUM PARIS 1919 COLL. A. de

&  Lectotype designated by Descarpentries PERRIN [p]” and one paralectotype :“Corfu ◦ 0 ◦ 0

Villiers (1967). [39 37 N, 19 48 E, Ionian Islands, Greece] [h] \ Remarks. Jendek (2000: 502–503) transferred MUSÉUM PARIS 1919 COLL. A. de PERRIN Sambus apicalis Bourgoin to Agrilus,whereex- [p]”. Described from two syntypes. ists the senior homonym A. apicalis Waterhouse, Type locality: [Romania] Bucharest [44◦250 N, 1889, without proposing a new replacement name, 22◦060 E]. having presupposed a synonymy with an earlier Remarks. Described as a variety of A. chryso-

described species. Due to the delayed revision I deres Abeille de Perrin, 1891. As the name of a ger propose the new replacement name herein. valid species used for first time by Obenber Derivatio nominis. Random recombination of (1936a: 1012). the original name “apicalis”. Agrilus fuscosericeus Daniel, K. & Daniel, J.,

1898: 66-68. Lectotype  , ZSMC, by present des-

\ grilus livens A Kerremans ignation: “Wien Bartscht [h] fuscosericeus [h]

Agrilus livens Kerremans, 1892a: 825. Lectotype \ Sammlung Dr. K. Daniel [p] \ Holotypus [p] Descarpentries & Vil-  , MCSN, designated by ? Agrilus fuscosericeus K. Daniel [h] Zool. Staat-

liers (1963b): “Bham`o Birmania Fea [leg.] [p] sammlg. München [red label]” and one paralecto- \ VIII [h] 188 [p] 5 [h] Typus [p] [red ink, red type  , with same data as lectotype. Originally border] \ livens Kerr. [h] [black border] \ A. livens were both syntypes on one pin, data under para- Kerr. typus ! [h] [yellow label] \ livens Kerr. Type lectotype were transcribed from original labels. [Kerremans’ MS] \ Museo Civico di Genova [p]” Number of syntypes unknown. and two paralectotypes, sex not examined from Type locality: [Austria] Wien [= Vienna]. the same locality. Further two paralectotypes from Remarks. Descibed from multiple localities: the same locality as the lectotype are preserved in “Austria inferior, Hungaria, Slavonia, Serbia,

BMNH and IRSN. Number of syntypes unknown. Graecia, Russia meridionalis”. Agrilus fuscoseri- ger Type locality: Birmania [= Myanmar], [Kachin ceus was synonymized by Obenber (1936a: State], Bham`o[24◦160 N, 97◦140 E]. 1012) as the junior subjective synonym of A. Remarks. The original description neither im- macroderus. The reexamination of lectotypes re-

plies not requires that there were syntypes, then confirmed their conspecifity.

& Villiers Descarpentries (1963b: 110) by Agrilus chrysoderes var. angulifer Abeille de

the mention about “the type”: “Bhamo (Type, Perrin, 1897: 5, 15. syn. nov. Lectotype  , Musée de G`enes)” validly fixed the lectotype (Ar- MNHN, by present designation: “CAUCAS OC- ticle 74.6.). CID. STARCK [p] \ MUSÉUM PARIS 1919

COLL. A. de PERRIN [p]” and two paralecto- grilus longicol lis A Saunders types, male and female with same data as lecto-

Agrilus longicollis Saunders, 1866: 315–316. Lecto- type. Number of syntypes unknown. Descar-

type  , BMNH, lectotype designation by Type locality: Caucase occidental [Western part Villiers pentries & (1963c): “Type [p] [round of Causasus Mountain, now part of Russia and label with red border] \ Siam [?] [illegible hand- Georgia]. writing] Mouhot [leg.] [p] \ longicollis ES Type Remarks. Described as a variety of A. chryso- Siam [h] \ Saunders 74.18. [p]”. Number of syn- deres Abeille de Perrin, 1891 from “Caucase oc- types unknown. cidental” and subsequently considered as variety Type locality: Siam [= Thailand]. or subspecies of A. chrysoderes Abeille de Per- Remarks. Because the original description nei- rin, A. communis Obenberger, A. aurichalceus ther implies not requires that there were syn- Redtenbacher or A. viridis (Linné). The examina-

182 tion of the lectotype revealed its conspecifity with mans’ MS] \ Museo Civico di Genova [p]”. Num- A. macroderus. ber of syntypes unknown.

Type locality: [Indonesia], Sumatra, région du

grilus mediocris A Kerremans lac Toba [indicated from title], Pangherang Pisang Agrilus mediocris Kerremans, 1900b: 341–342. [1◦550 N, 98◦450 E].

Agrilus modicus Kerremans, 1893: 348. Lec-

Agrilus myrmido totype  , BMNH, by present designation: “SYN- Kerremans TYPE [p] [round label with blue border] \ Kanara Agrilus myrmido Kerremans, 1912a: 76. Lectotype

\ Obenberger Andrewes [leg.] [Kerremans’ manuscript] modi-  , MNHN, lectotype designated by cus Kerr. Type [Kerremans’ manuscript] \ Kerre- (1960: 131): “Kuching Sarawak Hewitt [leg.] [Ker- mans 1903–59. [p] \ A. modicus Kerrem. Inde [h]” remans’ MS] \ Mirmido [sic!] Kerr. Type [Kerre- and 10 paralectotypes same locality data. Single mans’ MS] \ MUSEUM PARIS COLL. CH. KER- paralectotype from the same locality is preserved REMANS 1923 [p] [yellow label]”. Number of syn- in MNHN. Number of syntypes unknown. types unknown. Type locality: [India], Kanara [= ?Karnataka Type locality: [Malaysia], Sarawak, Kuching state]. [1◦330 N, 110◦20’ E]. Remarks. Agrilus mediocris Kerremans, 1900b Remarks. The original description neither im-

was proposed as the replacement name for A. mo- plies not requires that there were syntypes, then ger dicus Kerremans, 1893 not A. modicus Kerremans, Obenber (1960: 131) by the mention about 1892. Agrilus modicus Kerremans, 1893 was de- “the type”: “Le type fait partie des collection du scribed from “Indes Orientales [indicated from ti- Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris” tle], Kanara”. There are several “Kanara” local- validly fixed the lectotype (Article 74.6.). ities in India and Bangladesh, the type locality Any type locality is cited in the description, presumably pertains to Karnataka state following but Borneo is indicated in the title: “the from the locality “Belgaum” in Karnataka and of- fauna of Borneo”. The type locality is precise from ten accompanying “Kanara” in the paper; see also the lectotype locality. See also A. achilleus Oben-

A. modicus Kerremans, 1892. berger.

grilus modicus Agrilus nivosus A Kerremans Abeille de Perrin

Agrilus modicus Kerremans, 1892a: 821–822. Lec- Agrilus nivosus Abeille de Perrin, 1900: 13. Lecto-  totype  , MCSN, by present designation: “Carin type , ZSMC, by present designation: “Type ! [h] Cheba 900–1100 m L. Fea V XII – [18]88 [p] \ \ Aulie Ata [h] \ Turkestan (Stdgr. [= Staudinger] Typus [p] [red ink, red border] \ modicus Kerr. [leg.] 1901) [h] \ nivosus [h] \ Sammlung Dr. K. [h] [black border] \ A. modicus Kerr. typus! [h] \ Daniel [p] \ Holotypus [p] Agrilus nivosus Abeille A. modicus Kerr. Type [Kerremans’ MS] \ Museo [h] Zool. Staatssammlg. München [p] [red label] \ Civico di Genova [p]”. Number of syntypes un- Zool. Staatsslg. München [p] [blue label]”. There known. are in MNHN five specimens of A. nivosus from Type locality: Birmania [indicated from title] Turkestan labeled as syntypes, which I did not [= Myanmar], Carin Cheba, 900–1100 m [Karen studied, but will be considered as paralectotypes. Hills, approximate coordinates 19◦130 N, 96◦350 Number of syntypes unknown. E, (Source: R. Poggi, Genova, personal commu- Type locality: [Kazakhstan], Aulie Ata [= Zham- nication according to itinerant map of L. Fea in byl, 42◦540 N, 71◦220 E]. Burma)]. Remarks. The area of Russian Turkestan com- Remarks. The name modicus was proposed by prised the republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kerremans for two different species of Agrilus, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

firstly in 1892, secondly in 1893 (see also A. grilus nixius mediocris Kerremans). A Kerremans

Agrilus nixius Kerremans, 1896: 369–370. Lecto-

grilus modiglianii  A Kerremans type , BMNH, by present designation: “Type [p] Agrilus modiglianii Kerremans, 1894: 529–530. [round label with red border] \ Sumbawa Staud- Lectotype, sex not examined, MCSN, by present ing[er leg.]. [Kerremans’ manuscript] \ nixus [sic!] designation: “SUMATRA PANGHERANG-PI- Kerr. Type [Kerremans’ manuscript] \ Kerremans SANG X. [18]90 e III. [18]91 E. Modigliani [leg.] [p] 1903–59. [p] \ A. nixus [sic!] Kerrem[ans]. Sum- \ TYPUS [p] [red ink, red border] \ Modiglianii bawa [h]”. Number of syntypes unknown. Kerrem. [h] \ Modiglianii Kerrem. Type [Kerre- Type locality: [Indonesia, Nusa Tenggara Barat],

183 Sumbawa [= Sumbawa island, 8◦400 S, 118◦000 E]. Saunders 74.18 [p] \ octonotatus Saund. [h] [yel-

Additional material examined. low paper]”. Number of syntypes unknown.  Borneo.1  , EJCB: “Borneo”. Indonesia.1 , Type locality: Laos, Pachbon. EJCB: “Indonezja [sic!], Bali [island], Gilimanuk Remarks. Described from “Pachbon [= ? Ban [8◦110 S, 114◦260 E], 27. V. 1959, leg. B. Pisarski Pakbong (15◦080 N, 106◦490 E), Attapu province], et J. Proszynski”. Laas [= Laos]”. The original description neither

Distribution. Indonesia and Malaysia: Borneo; implies not requires that there were syntypes,

& Villiers Indonesia: Sumbawa and Bali islands. then Descarpentries (1963a: 60)

by the mention about “the type”: “type: Laos grilus nubilus A Kerremans (British Museum)” validly fixed the lectotype (Ar-

Agrilus nubilus Kerremans, 1892a: 823–824. Lecto- ticle 74.6.). Descar-

type  , MCSN, lectotype designated by

pentries & Villiers grilus olivicolor (1963b): “Bham`oBirmania A Kiesenwetter Fea [leg.] [p] VI [h] 188 [p] 5 [h] \ Typus [p] [red Agrilus olivicolor Kiesenwetter, 1857: 135–136. \ ink, red border] nubilus Kerr. [h] [black border] Lectotype  , ZSMC, by present designation: “[any \ A. nubilus Kerr. Typus ! [h] [yellow label] \ nu- locality data] Kiesenwetter [p] \ Sammlung Cl. bilus Kerr. Type [Kerremans’ MS] \ Museo Civico Müller [p] \ Type von [p] Agrilus olivicolor Kiesw. \ di Genova [p]” and one paralectotype  , labeled: [h] [red label] Holotypus [p] Agrilus olivicolor “Teinzo [site unlocated] Birmania [= Myanmar] Kiesenw. [h] Zool. Staatsammlg. München [red la- Fea [leg.], Maggio 1886 [p] \ Museo Civ. Genova bel]”. Number of syntypes unknown. [p]”. Second paralectotype from “Bham`oBirma- Type locality:Germany. nia” is preserved in BMNH. Number of syntypes Remarks. According to the indication in the de- unknown. scription: “Durch ganz Deutschland” the type lo- Type locality: Birmania [= Myanmar], [Kachin cality is Germany. There are two specimens in State], Bham`o[24◦160 N, 97◦140 E]. BMNH labeled as syntypes of A. olivicolor from Remarks. The original description neither im- “Volhynie”, which status is ambiguous and they

plies not requires that there were syntypes, then are not consider paralectotypes.

& Villiers

Descarpentries (1963b: 112) by grilus ostrinus the mention about “the type”: “Bhamo (Type, A Kerremans Musée de G`enes)” validly fixed the lectotype (Ar- Agrilus ostrinus Kerremans, 1892a: 819–820. Lec-

ticle 74.6.). totype  , MCSN, by present designation: “Carin Cheba 900–1100 m L. Fea V XII – [18]88 [p] \ Ty-

\ grilus obscuricol lis A Kiesenwetter pus [p] [red ink, red border] ostrinus Kerr. [h] Agrilus obscuricollis Kiesenwetter, 1857: 125, 144– [black border] \ ostrinus Kerr. Type [Kerremans’ \ \ 145. Lectotype  , ZSMC, by present designa- MS] Agrilus ostrinus Kerr. typus! [h] Museo tion: “Lyon [h] \ Kiesenwetter [p] \ Samm- Civico di Genova [p]”. Number of syntypes un- lung C. Müller [p] \ Type von [p] Agrilus known. obscuricollis Kiesw. [h] [red label] \ Holoty- Type locality: Birmania [indicated from title] pus [p] Agrilus obscuricollis Kiesenw. [h] Zool. [= Myanmar], Carin Cheba, 900–1100 m [Karen Staatssammlg. München [p] [red label] \ Zool. Hills, approximate coordinates 19◦130 N, 96◦350 Staatsslg. München [p] [blue label]”. Number of E, (Source: R. Poggi, Genova, personal commu- syntypes unknown. nication according to itinerant map of L. Fea in Type locality: [France, Rhône Alpes depart- Burma)].

ment], Lyon [45◦450 N, 4◦510 E].

grilus peregrinus Remarks. Originally described from two locali- A Kiesenwetter ties: “In Deutschland selten; es liegt mir nur ein Agrilus peregrinus Kiesenwetter, 1879: 145. Lec-

von Kahr in Steyermark gesammeltes Exemplar totype  , ZSMC, by present designation: “Amur vor. Häufiger findet sich das Thier in Lyon”. [h] \ Kiesenwetter [p] \ Sammlung Cl. Müller [p] \ Type von [p] Agrilus peregrinus Kiesw. [h]

\ grilus octonotatus A Saunders [red label] Holotypus [sic!] [p] Agrilus peregrinus

Agrilus octonotatus Saunders, 1866: 316–317. Lec- Kiesenw. [h] Zool. Staatsammlg. München [red la- Des-

totype  , BMNH, lectotype designation by bel]”. Number of syntypes unknown. Villiers carpentries & (1963a): “Type H. T. Type locality: [Russia, Eastern Siberia] Amur [= [p] [round label with red border] \ Type [p] \ Pach Amurskaya Oblast’]. [?] [h] [illegible handwriting] Mouhot [leg.] [p] \


grilus perviridis Agrilus pubiventris A Kerremans Kiesenwetter Agrilus perviridis Kerremans, 1894: 530–531. Lec- Agrilus pubiventris Kiesenwetter, 1857: 124, 126–

totype  , MCSN, by present designation: “SUMA- 127. Lectotype, sex not examined, MNHN, by TRA PANGHERANG-PISANG X. [18]90 e III. present designation: “TRANSCRIPTIO [p] Pu- [18]91 E. Modigliani [leg.] [p] \ TYPUS [p] [red biventris (Laferté) Oran Mars type [h] \ MUSEUM` ink, red border] \ perviridis Kerrem. [h] \ per- PARIS 1952 COLL. R. OBERTHUR [p] [yellow la- viridis Kerrem. Type [Kerremans’ MS] \ Museo bel]”. Number of syntypes unknown. Civico di Genova [p]”. Number of syntypes un- Type locality: Nordafrika, [Algeria], Oran [34◦420 known. N, 0◦380 W]. Type locality: [Indonesia], Sumatra, région du Remarks. Described from Algeria: “In Nordafrika lac Toba [indicated from title], Pangherang Pisang bei Oran gefunden”. Kiesenwetter attributed an [1◦550 N, 98◦450 E]. authorship to Laferté with note “ined” (ineditet

= unpublished). grilus piliventris

A Deyrolle grilus ribbei Agrilus piliventris Deyrolle, 1864: 138, 157–158. A Kiesenwetter

Lectotype designated by Jendek (1998: 328). tibialis Lewis, 1893 syn. nov. Agrilus takedai Tôyama, 1987: 316–318, Figs gracilipes Lewis, 1893 17, 33. syn. nov. Holotype, sex not examined, japonicus Kerremans, 1898 NSMT: “nr. Keningau, Sabah, Borneo 25. V. 1983 lewisiellus Kerremans, 1903 M. Takeda lgt. [h] \ HOLOTYPE [p] Agrilus corax Obenberger, 1917 syn. nov. takedai M. Tôyama, 1986 [h] [red label]”. De- taigicola Obenberger, 1924 scribed from single male. ignoratus Obenberger, 1924 Agrilus takehiroi Tôyama, 1987: 318, Figs 18, prinadai Fisher, 1925 34. syn. nov. Holotype, sex not examined [male bakinensis Obenberger, 1935 is indicated in description], NSMT: “Cameron – freyi Théry, 1939 Highlands C. Malaya [p] III. [h] 19 [p] 86 [h] \ iturupicus Alexeev, 1979 HOLOTYPE [p] Agrilus takehiroi Tôyama, 1986 Agrilus ribbei Kiesenwetter, 1879: 255. Lecto-

[h] [red label]”. Described from 2 specimens, male type  , ZSMC, by present designation: “Sibirien and female. Amur Christoph [18]77 [p] \ Kiesenwetter [p] \ Remarks. The examination of holotypes of A. Sammlung Cl. Müller [p] \ Type von [p] Agrilus takedai and A. takehiroi revealed their conspeci- Ribbei Kiesw. [h] [red label] \ Holotypus [p] fity with A. piliventris. Agrilus ribbei Kiesenw. [h] Zool. Staatssammlg.

München [p] [red label]”. Number of syntypes un- grilus pseudocyaneus A Kiesenwetter known. Agrilus pseudocyaneus Kiesenwetter, 1857: 126, Type locality: [Russia, Eastern Siberia] Amur [=

150–151. Lectotype designated by Jendek (1995b: Amurskaya Oblast’]. 172–173). Remarks. The type examination of A. ribbei re- Agrilus foveola Roubal, 1919: 37–38. Holo- vealed its conspecifity with A. tibialis Lewis, 1893.

type by monotypy  , SNMB: “Ca[ucasus]. b[orealis]. Agrilus ribbei can not be considered a nomen obli- Teberda VI. [1]912 Roubal [leg.] [p] [yellow label] tum as it was considered till now as a valid name foveola mihi Roubal type [h] \ Slov. nár. múz. Kat. of species (the Article 23.9. and subsidiary). No. [p] 1004 [h]”. Described from single male. This variable species was separated into two Type locality: [Russia, Karachayevo-Cherkesi- subspecies, which differ only in the color: brown- ya], Caucasus borealis, Teberda [43◦26038” N, green, continental (East Asia) and blue, insular 41◦44045” E]. (Japan). Since both forms were found commonly Agrilus roubalianus Obenberger, 1937: 58. to cohabitate, I consider them to be chromatic syn. nov. aberrations. Thus “corax” as the younger name of Remarks.Thespecificnameroubalianus Oben- continental subspecies is new subjective synonym

berger was proposed as the replacement name for of A. ribbei. For details on the synonymy see Jen-

A. foveola Roubal not A. obscuricollis var. foveola dek (1994, 1995a). Due to the intricate state in the Rey, 1891. The examination of the holotype of A. synonymy I give above an overview of all available foveola revealed its conspecifity with A. pseudo- synonyms. cyaneus.

185 grilus semiaeneus A Deyrolle 25. VII. [h] 19 [p] 69 [h] H. Kawai [leg.] [p] Agrilus semiaeneus Deyrolle, 1864: 137, 157. Lec- [scratched] \ HOLOTYPE [p] Agrilus hokkaidoen-

totype designated by Jendek (1998: 326). sis Tôyama, 1985 [h] [red label]”. Described from Agrilus nagaii Tôyama, 1988: 763–764, Figs single specimen.

7, 14. syn. nov. Holotype, sex not examined, Remarks. Agrilus shibatai Kurosawa was erected ama & Ohmomo NSMT: “Crocker Range, 16 M[iles]. NW Keningau, to species status by Akiy (1997: N. Borneo, 26. V. 1982, S. Nagai [leg.] \ HOLO- 4, 38). The examination of holotypes of A. shibatai TYPE [p] Agrilus nagaii Tôyama, 1987 [h] [red and A. hokkaidoensis revealed their conspecifity.

label]”. Described from single male. grilus sinuatus yokoyamai Remarks. The examination of the holotypes of A Iga A. semiaeneus and A. nagaii revealed their con- Agrilus sinuatus yokoyamai Iga, 1955: 79. I failed specifity. to locate the type of A. sinuatus yokoyamai Iga in

NSMT. grilus senilis A Kerremans Remarks. Agrilus sinuatus yokoyamai Iga was

Correction. In the first part of the studies of described as a variety of A. sachalinensis Oben-

Kurosawa Agrilus (Jendek, 2000: 506) the lectotype designa- berger, 1935. (1963) used first time the

tion of A. senilis Kerremans, 1914 was proposed. name “yokoyamai Iga” as a valid name of species

osawa, Due to a typographical error, the paragraph with and later (Kur 1974a, b, 1975) adopted

A. senilis was combined with the previous para- it as the subspecies of A. sinuatus (Olivier, 1790).

yama Akiyama & Ohmomo graph that pertained to A. semiaeneus Deyrolle. Tô (1985b, 1989) and Agrilus senilis is not a synonym of A. semiaeneus. (1997 in corrections), assigned the authorship of

A. sinuatus yokoyamai to Kurosawa. According to grilus sericans A Kiesenwetter Articles 45.6.4.,, the name yokoyamai is Agrilus sericans Kiesenwetter, 1857: 124, 127. Lec- deemed to be available and subspecific from the totype, sex not examined, MNHN, by present original publication with the authorship assigned designation: “TRANSCRIPTIO [p] Cuprescens to Iga and not to Kurosawa. Ménétr. Chalconotus (Megerle) Caucase Typ Gory

\ ` grilus suginoi [h] MUSEUM PARIS 1952 COLL. R. OBER- A Tôyama THUR [p] [yellow label]”. There is in ZSMC a sin- Agrilus suginoi Tôyama, 1985a: 21–23, Figs 1, 20.

gle specimen from “Sarepta” labeled as the type of Holotype  , NSMT: “(showed) at Nishinomiya A. sericans Kiesenwetter, which I do not consider 10. V. 1973 K. Sugino leg. [h] \ Kanpira (is. Iri- to be a paralectotype (see remarks). The number omote [24◦200 N, 123◦500 E] ) [Okinawa prefec- of syntypes is unknown. ture, Japan] K. Sugino leg. [h] \ HOLOTYPE [p] Type locality: Caucasus [Caucasus Mountains, Agrilus suginoi Tôyama, 1985 [h] [red label]”. De- now Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and part of scribed from two females. Russia]. Remarks. Agrilus suginoi, along with A. adel- Remarks. The type locality of A. sericans as phinus Kerremans, is closely related to the West stated by Kiesenwetter is “Vom Caucasus” and Palaearctic A. sulcicollis Lacordaire. Agrilus sugi- not “Sarepta”. Kiesenwetter based the type of noi differs from A. adelphinus by having more con-

A. sericans on a wrongly determined specimen vex pronotum, with more shallow lateral impres-

y & Laporte de Castelnau cited by Gor sions; sharper prehumerus and by distinctly arcu- (1837: 56-57) under the name “, ate elytral apices (apices at A. adelphinus are shal- Ménétriés”. lowly arcuate or obliquely subtruncate apically).

However, the only reliable distinction is the form grilus shibatai A Kurosawa of the aedeagus: A. suginoi has the upper prox- Agrilus hornianus shibatai Kurosawa, 1964: 323. imal part of tegmen medially broadly shallowly

Holotype  , NSMT: “HATSUNO [site unlocated] impressed with sharp, crenulate, lateral carinae; AMAMI IS[lands, Kagoshima prefecture, Japan]. while in A. adelphinus is proximal part of tegmen [p] 25. V. [h] 19 [p] 60 [h] T. Shibata [leg.] [p] convex. \ HOLOTYPE [p] Agrilus hornianus shibatai Y. Additional material examined. Kurosawa, 1964 [h] [red label with black border]”. JAPAN: Honsh¯u Island: Fukushima Prefecture:

Described from eight specimens. 1  , SOCI: “1998. 06. 06., Yatakezawa, Tateiwa

Agrilus hokkaidoensis Tôyama, 1985a: 45– [37◦050 N, 139◦310 E], Fukushima pref., S. Ohmo-  47, Figs 17, 38. syn. nov. Holotype  , NSMT: mo leg.”; 2 , SOCI: “Akané Rindô, Haramo- “Horoka [site unlocated] [h] Hokkaido [Japan] [p] machi City [37◦370 N, 140◦570 E], Fukushima


grilus transversus Pref., 23. VI. 1980, S. Ohmomo leg.”. Tochigi A Kerremans

Prefecture:1  , SOCI: “1994. 05. 22., Kido, Motegi Agrilus transversus Kerremans, 1894: 531–532. ◦ 0 ◦ 0

[36 31 N, 140 11 E], Tochigi Pref. S. Ohmomo Lectotype  , MCSN, by present designation:

leg.”; 1  , SOCI: “1996. 06. 21., Teraku, Kuroiso “SUMATRA SI-RAMBÉ XII. [18]90 – III. [18]91 [36◦580 N, 140◦030 E], Tochigi Pref. S. Ohmomo E. MODIGLIANI [leg.] [p] \ TYPUS [p] [red ink, \ \ leg.”. Ibaraki Prefecture:1  , SOCI: “2001. 04. red label] transversus Kerrem. [h] transversus 29., Mt. Tsukuba [36◦130 N, 140◦060 E], Makabe, Kerrem. Type [Kerremans’ MS] \ Museo Civico di

Ibaraki, S. Ohmomo leg.”; 1  , SOCI: “1989. 5. Genova [p]”. Number of syntypes unknown. 5., Migimomi, Tsuchiura [36◦040 N, 140◦120 E], Type locality: [Indonesia], Sumatra, Si-Rambé.

Ibaraki Pref. S. Ohmomo leg.”; 1  , SOCI: “1988. Remarks. The type locality “Si-Rambé” is pre- 6. 11, Mt. Hanazono [36◦520 N, 140◦370 E], Kita- sumably located nearby Toba, Danau (lake), 2◦350 Ibaraki, Ibaraki, K. Ichige leg.”. Ky¯ushu island: N, 98◦500 E, Sumatera Utara as indicated from the ¯ Oita Prefecture:2 , EJCB: “Japan, Kyushu, title “Sumatra dans la région du lac Toba”.

Oita¯ Pref., Kujˆu[33◦010 N, 131◦180 E] Mts. Kuro-

Agrilus validus dake, 25-26.v.1991, Ryô Noda leg.”, 2 ,SOCI: Deyrolle “Mt. Kurodake, Mts. Kujyusan [33◦040 N, 131◦150 Agrilus validus Deyrolle, 1864: 144, 192–193. Lec- ¯ E], Oita Pref., 1. VI. 1991, S. Ohmomo leg.”; 1 totype designated by Jendek (1998: 332).

 , SOCI: “2001. 6 .3., Tsukahara H. S., Yufuin Agrilus nobuyukii Tôyama, 1987: 310–311, [33◦150 N, 131◦210 E], Oita¯ Pref. Y. Tsutsumiuchi Figs 11, 27. syn. nov. Holotype, sex not exam- leg.”. ined [female is indicated], NSMT: “Tohjambu [= Distribution. Japan: Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibara- Tojambu, 2◦560 S, 120◦060 E], 400–1000 m Nr. ki, Oita¯ and Okinawa Prefectures. Palopo, Sul[awesi]. Sel[atan]. INDONESIA 12th

V. 1985 N. Kobayashi leg. \ HOLOTYPE [p]

grilus suturaalba A Deyrolle Agrilus nobuyukii Tôyama, 1986 [h] [red label]”. Agrilus suturaalba Deyrolle, 1864: 139, 168–169. Described from single female.

Lectotype designated by Jendek (1998). Remarks. The comparision of the lectotype of A. Agrilus abreui Fisher, 1930: 70–72. syn. nov. validus with the holotype of A. nobuyukii revealed Holotype by monotypy, sex not examined [female their conspecifity.

is indicated in description], USNM: “N. BOR- grilus vil losostriatus


1879: 72. 21st [h] 1927 [p]; [underside] C. B. K[loss]. & H. Agrilus villosostriatus Thomson , Lec- M. P[endlebury]. [leg.] F. M. S. Museums. [p] [pink totype, male, MNHN, by present designation: label] \ TypeNo [p] 57430 [h] USNM [p] [red la- “Th[omson]. Type [p] [black border] \ India Orien. bel] \ Agrilus abreui Fisher [p]”. Described from Mhora [h] [yellow label] \ Villosostriatus Reiche a single female. M. ss. Th. Type Ap. I. 72 [h] [Thomson’s MS] \ Type locality: [Malaysia, Sabah] North Borneo, Ex Musaeo James Thomson [p] \ Kerremans Vidit Near Sandakan, Bettotan [Betotan, Sungai (river, 1892 [p] \ collectio Oberthür [p]”. Number of syn- creek), 5◦470 N, 117◦520 E]. types unknown. Remarks. The comparision of lectotype of A. su- Type locality: India Orien. Mhora [site unlo- turaalba with holotype of A. abreui revealed their cated]. conspecifity. Agrilus villosostriatus Kerremans, 1892b:

214-215. grilus taveuniensis A Théry Remarks. Number of syntypes unknown. Any Agrilus taveuniensis Théry, 1934: 145–148. Lecto- type locality is cited in the description, but “Inde”

type  , BMNH, by present designation: “Type [p] is indicated in the title. The examination of the [round label with red border] \ 2087 [or 1?]. 24 single syntype in MNHN revealed, that A. villosos- [h] \ Taveuni, Fiji, Silvester Evans [leg.] [p] 18. triatus Kerremans is conspecific with A. villosos- X. 1924 [h] \ Press. by Imp. Inst. Ent. Brit. Mus. triatus Thomson. The syntype is not available to 1932-412. [p] \ Exemplair dessine [p] \ Agrilus sp. me at present in order to perform the lectotype [h] det. K. G. Blair [p] \ Agrilus taveuniensis Th- designation. Junior primary homonym and sub- ery [h] TYPE [p] [red label]”. Number of syntypes jective synonym of A. villosostriatus Thomson. unknown. Agrilus villosostriatus var. carmineus Kerre- Type locality: Fiji [islands], Taveuni [island, mans, 1892b: 214–215. unavailable name 16◦500 S, 179◦560 W]. Remarks. Described along with A. villosostria- tus Kerremans as his variety: “Var. B. carmineus”.

187 Content of the work unambiguously revealed that Abeille de Perrin, E. 1897. Notes sur les Bupresti- name was proposed for an infrasubspecific entity, des paléarctiques (Suite). Rev. Ent. 16: 1–33.

because distinctive characters are only color differ- Abeille de Perrin, E. 1900. Diagnoses de Coléopt`e- ences: “Ochraceo-villosus; thorace nigro, elytris ad res présumés nouveaux. Bulletin de l’Académie de

latera carmineis, ad suturam viridibus ... Bien que Marseille 1900: 3–23. ama, K. & Ohmomo, S. ces deux variétés diff`erent absolument au point Akiy 1997. A check list of the de vue de la coloration”. Following Article 45.6.4, Japanese Buprestidae. Gekkan-Mushi, Suppl. 1, 67

such a name should be deemed infrasubspecific pp.

goin, A. and unavailable from the original publication. Bour 1922. Description d’un Heterosoma nouveau de Madagascar et diagnoses prélimi- Agrilus binominatus Kerremans, 1900b: 341. naires de quatre Agrilus nouveaux de l’Indo-Chine syn. nov. fran¸caise (Col.). Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1922: 167– Remarks. Proposed as a replacement name for 169.

A. villosostriatus Kerremans, 1892 not A. villosos-

aniel, K. & Daniel, J. D 1898. Coleopteren-studien. triatus Thomson, 1879. II. München, Kgl. Hof- und Universitäts-Buchdru-

Agrilus binominatus var. carmineicolor ckerei von Dr. C. Wolf & sohn, 88 pp.


A. & Villiers, A. Obenberger 1936b: 91. unavailable name Descarpentries, 1963a. Cat- Remarks. Proposed as a replacement name for alogue raisonné des Buprestidae d’Indochine. I, A. binominatus var. carmineus Kerremans, 1892 , genre Agrilus (1re partie). Rev. fran¸c. Ent.

(unavailable name) not A. carmineus Dug`es, 1891. 30 (1): 49–62.

A. & Villiers, A. Descarpentries, 1963b. Cat-

alogue raisonné des Buprestidae d’Indochine. II. grilus zigzag A Marseul Agrilus zigzag Marseul, 1866: 439, 478–479. Agrilini, genre Agrilus (2e partie). Rev. fran¸c. Ent. 30 (2): 104–119.

Agrilus clermontianus Roubal, 1925: 71–72.

A. & Villiers, A. Descarpentries, 1963c. Cata- syn. nov. Holotype by monotypy  ,SNMB: \ logue raisonné des Buprestidae d’Indochine. III. “Sarepta v. Bodemeyer [p] Agr. Clermontianus Agrilini, genre Agrilus (troisi`eme partie). Bull. m. type [h] \ Slov. nár. múz. Kat. No. [p] 1003 Inst.roy.Sci.natur.Belg.39 (11): 1–23. [h]”. Described from single male. Descarpentries, A. & Villiers, A. 1967. Catalogue Type locality: [Russia, Volgogradskaya Oblast’] raisonné des Buprestidae d’Indochine. XIV. Corae- ◦ 0 ◦ 0 Sarepta [48 30 N, 44 30 E]. bini (4e partie). Ann. Soc. ent. France (N. S.) 3

Remarks.ThetypeofA. zigzag, described from (4): 989–1008. olle, H. “Russie méridionale” from an unspecified num- Deyr 1864. Description des Buprestides de la ber of specimens, was not examined. There are in Malaisie recueillis par M. Wallace. Ann. Soc. ent.

BMNH, IRSN and MNHN specimens labeled as Belg. 8: 1–272, 305–312. .S. “type” of A. zigzag. The conspecifity of A. zigzag Fisher, W 1930. New Bornean Buprestidae. Jour- and A. clermontianus is judged from the generally nal of the Federated Malay States Museums 16:

accepted concept of A. zigzag. 58–97.

y, H. L. & Laporte de Castelnau, F. L Gor . 1837. Histoire naturelle et iconographie des in- Acknowledgements sectes coléopt`eres, publiée par monographies sé- parées. Suite aux buprestides. Tome II, Livraisons I would like to thank the curators of the collections 12–16, Paris, P. Duménil, genera paged separately, for allowing me the privilege of examining material [genera: Colobogaster, Chrysobothris, Agrilus]. in their care. I particularly thank R. Poggi (MCSN) ICZN (International Commission on Zoological No- who provided me with help in the location of histori- menclature) 1999: International Code of Zoological

cal localities of L. Fea in Myanmar. My sincere thanks Nomenclature. Fourth Edition, adopted by the In- ý

are due to S. Bíl (NMPC) for critical review of the ternational Union of Biological Sciences. London,

L. Bellamy manuscript and C. (Sacramento, Cali- International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, fornia, USA) for the linguistic revision. This work was xxix & 306 pp.

partially supported by Grant No. 2/7176/20 from the

Nakane, T. Iga, M. 1955. Buprestidae, pp. 73–82. In: Grant Agency of Ministry of Education and Slovak (ed.) Coloured illustrations of the of Japan. Academy of Sciences. Coleoptera. Enlarged and revised edition. Osaka, Hoikusha, 274 pp. [In Japanese with English sub- References title].

Jendek, E. 1994. Studies in the East Palaearctic

de Perrin, E. Abeille 1891. Contribution aux species of the genus Agrilus Dahl, 1823 (Coleopte- Buprestides paléarctiques (Coleoptera). Rev. Ent. ra: Buprestidae). Part I. Entomological Problems 10: 257–288. 25: 9–24.

188 E. Jendek, 1995a. Studies in the East Palaearctic von (eds) Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutsch- species of the genus Agrilus (Coleoptera: Bupresti- lands. Erste Abtheilung. Coleoptera. 4 Bände.

dae). Part II. Entomological Problems 26: 137– Nicolai, Berlin. H 150. Kiesenwetter, . von, 1879. Neue Amur-Käfer.

Jendek, E. 1995b. Taxonomical notes on the Agrilus Dtsch. ent. Z. 23 (1): 145–146.

osawa, Y.

betuleti species group with description of two new Kur 1963. Buprestidae. 147–156 [Bupresti-

T. species (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Koleopt. Rdsch. dae], 167–168, 187–188. In: Nakane, (ed), 65: 171–178. Iconographia Insectorum Japonicorum. Colore

naturali edita. Vol. 2. Tokyo, Hokuryu-kan. [In E. Jendek, 1998. Lectotype designations in the

Palaearctic and Oriental Agrilus species (Coleop- Japanese].

osawa, Y. tera: Buprestidae) of the Oberthür’s collection in Kur 1964. Descriptions of several new the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. species and subspecies of the genus Agrilus Curtis Acta Soc. zool. Bohem. 62: 315–333. from Amami-Oshima of the Loo-Choo Archipelago. Kontyˆu, Tokyo 32 (2): 323–334.

Jendek, E. 2000. Studies in the Palaearctic and Orien-

osawa, Y tal Agrilus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). I. Biologia, Kur . 1974a. Introduction to Japanese Bup- Bratislava 55: 501–508. restidae (10). Coleopterists’ News, Tokyo 17/18: 1–4. [In Japanese].

Jendek, E. 2001. Studies in the Palaearctic and Orien-

osawa, Y tal Agrilus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). II. Biologia, Kur . 1974b. Introduction to Japanese Bup- Bratislava 56: 171–174. restidae (12). Coleopterists’ News, Tokyo 23/24:

1–4. [In Japanese]. C

Kerremans, . 1892a. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in

osawa, Y. Birmania e regioni vicine. XLIX. Buprestides. An- Kur 1975. [Introduction to Japanese Bup- nali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova restidae (13)]. Coleopterists’ News, Tokyo 25/26: Serie 2, 12 (32): 809–832. 1–2. [In Japanese].

Marseul, S. A. de 1866. Monographie des buprest-

Kerremans, C. 1892b. Coléopt`eres du Bengale occi- des d’Europe, du nord de l’Afrique et de l’Asie. dental. 19me mémoire. Buprestides de l’Inde. Ann. L’Abeille, Mémoires d’Entomologie 2: 397–540.

Soc. ent. Belg. 36: 171–226.

ger, J. Obenber 1935. Synonymia Agrilorum (Col. Kerremans, C. 1893. Additions aux Buprestides des Bupr.) II. Čas. českoslov. Společ. ent. 32: 121.

Indes Orientales. Ann. Soc. ent. Belg. 37: 326–357. ger, J.

Obenber 1936a. Buprestidae V., pp. 935–1246. C.

Kerremans, 1894. Énumération des Buprestides . & Schenkling, S. In: Junk, W (eds) Coleoptero- recueillis par Mr. le Dr. E. Modigliani a Suma- rum Catalogus, Volumen XIII, Pars 152, Graven- tra dans la région du lac Toba. Annali del Museo hage, Verlag für Naturwissenschaften, W. Junk, Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Ser. 2, 14 311 pp.

(34): 526–541.

ger, J.

Obenber 1936b. Synonymia Agrilorum (Col. C. Kerremans, 1896. Énumération des Buprestides Bupr.) II. Čas. českoslov. Společ. ent. 33: 91–92.

recueilles par M. le Docteur E. Modigliani a Suma-

ger, J. Obenber 1937. Synonymia Agrilorum IV. tra et dans les iles Mentawei. Annali del Museo (Palaearcta) (Bupr.). Čas. českoslov. Společ. ent. Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Ser. 2, 16 34: 58.

(36): 361–371. ger, J.

Obenber 1960. Notes et études buprestologi- C Kerremans, . 1900a. Contribution `a l’étude de la ques I. (Coleoptera). Buprestodologické studie I. faune entomologique de Sumatra (Côte ouest – Acta Univ. Carol., Biol. 2: 125–153.

Vice-résidence de Pa¨ınan). Chasses de M. J.-L.

oubal, J. R 1919. Sechs neue palaearktische Coleop- Weyers VI. Buprestides. Mém. Soc. ent. Belg. 7: teren. Arch. Naturgesch. (1917), Abt. A, 83 (7):

1–60. 36–39.

Kerremans, C

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