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6-26-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-26-1918 Journal Publishing Company

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TMIKTY-NI.NT- H VOI. (XVIII. So. 87. New Mexico, June 1918. Daily by Carrier or Mail, 70o a Month Albuquerque, Wednesday, 26, Single Copies, M



BY STIR UP TROUBLE LANDED ABROAD S DUD inVON KUEHLMANN AMONG A BY DIAZ' TROOPS IT THURSDAY Want an Huns Independent Edward Shortt Asserts That Initial Unit Has Grown Fast Rising Waters Sweep Away Drawing of Order Numbers Freedom of the Are Existence, Germans Responsible and by July a Million Men Pontoon Bridges, Making for 800,000 Men ,Who and , Posses- En- Seas Foreign for Prevailing Sentiment All Told Will Have Been Impossible Crushing of Registered on June 5 to Bo sion. Savs- Secretary. i - j Against Conscription, Transported to France. emy as Contemplated. Held at National Capital"


for World War Responsibility Teutons Have Been Carrying U, S. Fighters Arc in tiie Italians Turn on Offensive Secretary Baker Will Draw Is Placed of Primarily Upon Out Campaign Propagan- Trenches Doing Heroic Against Enemy in Mountain First Capsule From Bowl Reticent Russia; Regarding da on Island; People Urged Work in Staying Advance of Regions and Are Attacking and Drawing Will Continue Belgium's Future, to Give Aid to Huns. Huns; Many More to Follow, on Various Sectors, Until Job Is Finished, '

fT MOHNINC JOUKNAI. PtCIAI LASBO WIU IWV LRARtO WIRI MO.N.H. ... ""' MOttNINS JOUffNAC ieCIAL LCAtRO WIM1 RV MORNING JOURNAL RrtCIL 25. iO..25. Edward Shortt, re- Amsterdam, June Germany's . June Washington, .lime 23. The first The Italians have cleared the Washington, June 23. Of wore net speaking Drawing, war alms briefly forth, peace chief secretary for Ireland, division of the American army landed maining Austrian rear guards from order numbers for the SOO.000 men de- n commons on me in ideas outlined, the idea that she the house of today France one year ago tomorrow, i lie west bank of the Piavo river and who registered for service he to satisfy military sired to secure world domination Irish question, said hoped eighteen days after General Pershing arc in possession of the entiro river last Juno 5 will be held Thursday In house that the German plot in reuclied soil. In the twelve to through the war disclaimed, and the the Flench front from tho Montello plateau the same committee room In the sen Ivelund was a real and Imminent dan months that have since elapsed thN sea. last accounts their forces ate office In which responsibility for the conflict primar- ne was the At building the, first nlneAd iinrtn nunctiit. hv Ttr. Richard ger tn this country. He said division has grown to an army in size which crossed the stream In of great national lottery was held a little ily and the pursuit von the German foreign satisfied that both the clergy and by July million men. all told, Austrians were still less than a year ago. Kuehlmann, influence will have the retreating In a to the nationalists had used their hern sent forward. them, Inflicting heavy cas- Secretary Raker, blindfolded, will secretary, speech relchstag in the Behind harassing in Berlin respectively to assist' keeping this million another million ualties and the enemy to con- draw the first number from the bowl yesterday. men are in forcing While that what was de peace. camps and cantonments. tinue his retreat. at 9:30 a. m. and the selection will declaring Hehind these a third million will disorderly sired for the German people ana tneir Mr. Shortt said the government rap Fate has turned somewhat Its bal- - continue until all the capsules contain- in certain of of idly fill tho gaps left as tho divisions the master numbers have allies was "a free, strong, independent knew that a part anco in favof of the Austrians, for ing been a amount of ammuni- lleuT. EPPIE KiCKCNBACHER. sail. removed. .Lost year 10,500 numbers' existence," within the boundaries Germany laige tho Piavo river again has risen and drawn for them "by history," the tion was loaded into a German subma- lilciitonant i:il(llo ltlckcnluiclicr, llic auto racer, foiiul (Itlvins a rnr for Secretary linker estimated today wero used and the drawing continued; in was not' so lie bccunii that between 6H 70 some of Ihe pontoon bridgiS tho said Germany would rine, and that, moreover, submarines ticneral IVrwIilng France exciting oiidikjIi for liltn, and per cent of for seventeen hours. With a maximum foreign secretary it filer. the latest r IiIiil. kIkihh iiim Ills men Italians hail thrown across tho stream VinvA in nnrlino in make anv prior had been seen in localities where the Tliis, pliolo stiiiiiliiig by plane the already shipped are combat of 1.200 men estimated from the dis- as not Willi the picture of I'mic Sum's hut in the ring.. The (.ciiiiiius arc lourning nit troops. Tho first division has have been carried away, making trict the concessions by stating her position Ddtaruetion of shlping could what tlial men ns on a car, and the showing largest registration been to a force of a ipiick pursuit Is Ipt-te- ry uuu object-Mr- . expanded fighting on June 5, it said, the second to Belgium in a way wnicn wouiu have been their K f. fl , 0 0 0 an of the Austrians which Gen- without Ger Baid since the pre- men, barked by organlza crushing will bo completed within three her simllarily binding Shortt that tion of the ami eral Diaz had counted upon. The Aus- mnnv'a nnemipefl. the government's supply transport line, hours. mier had announced it takes 2."i0,inn make cf trians are declared to be up to for clrsum-stanc- es (hat mm t0 rushing Divided Into Jive Classes. Referring the responsibility policy with regard to Ireland, Teuton Airmen Rain Bombs on fectivc. reserves from tho east. as lie vieweu 11, ur. run Establishment of five classes for ,the war, had entirely changed, there on thin basis It is Kuehlmann said: clear General Claim Italian lisse-- lcaf. tho relative being two main causes for the iiow tho substance of registrants fixing liability "I do not believe any responsible Canadian the Pershing his Tim Austrian admits a for service will make change. The first and most Hospitals Killing the first field urmv of Thursday's man in Germany, not even the em- was the dis- comprised reverse along the Plave, but an- drawing of far less Importance even cause, he said, eighteen infantry divisions with ull peror or the niembers of the Imperial a in Ireland, Doctors and Nurses nounce that the retrograde movement to tho men directly concerned then be- covery of German plot Patients, auxiliary troops. Ho far ns known government, ever for a moment he would be able to had been carried out In uccodance was that of a year ago. The order In which ho hoped thero has been no yet for Is" lieved could win the domination im- opportunity with and without losa of mate- ,whlch the registrant's number they the house was a real and KV MONNINQ JOURNAL BPICIAI. LIA9KD Wlllh never used tho war for actual of this plans nt hv Htnrtinir this war. The satisfy been during (ho formation military rial It is added that the Austrians drawn will determine only rmo minent danger to the country. In Canadian Army lleailquarters in unit. Thursday Idea of world domination In Europe Is military purposes. have taken morn Uihu 00, OHO his place in the class to which he will there was the fact that the France. June 25. A Canadian hospi- Last one American are sec- prisoners as was by mapoieon. addition, night three story wing troops holding from sinco 15 and be assigned, whereas the first draw Utopian, proved In Ireland was against con- tal on a site behind the British front which was tors of In at least six the Italians June Russia Planned the War. feeling about .00 yards long varying lengths that the losses of the Ital- ing was to fix tho registrant's place In and the movement which occujMed for sixteen months, was fire cut In half on the battle line. To meet ugsregate After that revelations scription caught after being by places in esti- the order of his call for service. As- declaring te followed twat feeling had bombed by Germans last night and a the Ger- ians the fighting at the lowest RusbIb. necessarily bomb, Jho staff rescued the emergency presented by 1 tlmt had been made showed hospital mate. In men. . - of a. to class one . . . in several doctors 50,000 signment registrant ...... i been,uied by the rem'sts a persons, including, and hcTnltW4 patients Cut off by the man drive, however, Hrey have been Is to officer wero killed or seri- tho upper .hand the practically certain entail his the with France abetting phylscal movement In conjunction patients, flames, carrying them through shut- drawn away from the region formally Holding along call to the colors If he is sired war, wounded. to ure borders of tho Venetian tho early phys anil attitude strength- with the German plot. ously tered windows and down ladders to assigned the United Slates and plain, fit. and If ho Is deferred her 's The of the Canadian hos- to Italians havo turned on the offensivo ically given desire for conflict, Tools of Huns. , bombing safety. Tho first bomb went through face face with the enemy on the hi In ening the Russian Innocent bomb- In classification.' position the other declared pitals last night followed the two floors and into tho Manic, In Picardy and Flanders. against tho enemy the mountain Is Dr. von Kuehlmann again The speaker said he aid not for a of two operating classes of little moment. had not entertained ing other Canadian hospitals room where the night staff was work- Tho real Amerlenn sectors, how- region and are attacking on various Attaches of the marshal that Germany moment say that any substantial pro- near the coast. The on which lie on the sectors. Notablo provost belief that this war could lead were building ing on urgent cases that had Just ar- ever, the right flank of gains of ground staff will ba Used any portion of those in Ireland who the bombs were niuht within have been made and In to general's probably even to domination of Europe and dropped last rived. The doctors and nurses were great battle front. From sight addition to draw the capsules. As soon ss a the opposed to conscrlpiion had nny sheltered thousands of woundod dur- where stand on inflicted less that of the world. buried under ihe debris and in a few of Swiss border they heavy casualties on the Is selected it will be handed much knowledge that they were being used ing the last March. German to the shadow of a capsule With reference to the peace ques- fighting minutes Ihe wholo operating section soil, almost enemy largo number of Austrians to another attache, who will open It to further a German plot. Canadian nurses, offieers tho battered of Verdun. have been made tion Dr. von Kuehlmann quotoB from doctors, was a flaming tomb. fortress prisoner and sixteen and read aloud the number. Mr. Shortt said that Sinn Fcincrs and were 1 of patients among the number Members of the personnel whose American troops arc In the trenches. machino guns ve been captured, ac- Cross former' Premier Asquith's speech been in the of those or Careful Clwoklng. which he said that the had captured killed seriously wounded. quarters were on the top floor of the cording to Rome. The Austrian war A cross of May 16 in movement. It had been The most careful checking would turn a deaf roofs were painted with great wrecked building had narrow office, however, asserts that all at- will he In British government German was a tho numbers made order if It was not that the plot red crosses and tho buildings have tacks in this region have been no car to a peace proposal intended to Ireland, NO USE TALKING that there will he mistakes. Each in terms. bogus plot injure number as it Is withdrawn from the couched ambiguous but he to say thai there was "We likewise can make the same regretted fconut Activity on Wist Trout. howl will be written in order upon the sec- no need for invention, for the plot h in view declaration," added foreign Viscount On tho front In France and Bel largo blackboard placed full it to be also our was a fact- When h. and ITALIAN VICTORY of all in the room. When It has been retary, "knowing French went to Ireland, Mr. Shortt BRITISH BOMB OF PEACE NOW IS gium bombardments and raiding oper- policy. ations, the latter in filled this board will he photographed when, continued, they found the reappear- considerable - "Once the moment arrives, strength, continue. The French near for a permanent record. ..- to that the na- ance of seditious propaganda in the Each local hoard will be furnished I care not prophesy, Leport, north of tho re- locked In form of poems, pamphlets and no- I Aisne, have nn official of In tions which are at present with report the order one on the the E 0 D pulsed a German attack, but on sever- battle will .exchange peace views, tices, posted walls, inciting SUADRONS HERTLINC'S VIEW al other which tho numbers appeared, so that conditions must be to aid German force that sectors, notably In the to of thcVcllminnry people any BE Woevro in they will be able make liability and f mutual confidence might land In the1 country. Lorraine, themservps lists their districts. certain degrees have cariied out successful for Preparation and fodder taken raids and t In each other's honcRty chivalry." "Any straw and by taken of such lists, however, will Df. Kuehl- German Mr. Shortt snid OVER BO prlosneis. The Canadians near new "For so long" continued the army," READS ENEMY IBf MORNINQ JOURNAL IPtCtAL LRApKD WIRt poned until the registrants have POSITIONS Arras have been successful In en- mann, "as every overture Is regarded one of the postcrB read, "will be paid Amsterdam. June 25.-S- king in aie returned their questionnaires which as terprise which netted them twenty-tw- o ed by others as a peace offensive for by Germany. ( the relchstag today Imperial Chancel are now nclng nistrioutcn. beven false for the prisoners and six machine guns. have been allowed for filling out a trap or as something Illcgul Drillings Urged. lor Count von Meriting said; Tim Germans are flays disunion between Mr. Shortt quoted extracts from Italians Fired and said these four of bombarding the and returning these documents.'' purpose of sowing Accurately' fV MORNIN jOUftNAI. PBCIAk LtAMO WIRI "I that points British as attempt at many speeches that had been dcliverl form front east of Amiens , the allies, so long every While Fire London, June 23. A series of Brit President Wilson might possibly H In the various ed urging illegal drillings for the pur- Quick Enemy's tho basis of a general world peace. Synchronously with the defeat of a rcapproachment ish the so will It be possible pose of assisting Germany, and said raiding operations by an "indo No utterance of President Wilson Austrians In Italy and tho spirit countries, long Was Diffused; Diaz' Men of unrest to see how any exchange of ideas the sources of Information upon which pendent uir force" in which Import whatever followed this. So that there prevalent in tho dual mon- UGESHNTO to show Ger- . In archy comes another acknowledge-men- leading to peace can be begun." the government relied Fought Viciously, ant points behind tho German linos is no object spinning any further t man existed both in Ireland were the threads there started. from Germany that that coun- What Germany Desire. intrigue attacked and many tons of Is PC try desirous of "In view of the magnitude of this and outside had always proved true 'Y PNIf.t JOURNAL PCIAl LKASID WtKI) bombs dropped is reported In an of "There is still less object after state- peace. in- in its SHOW OLD SPIRIT war and the number of powers, when tested by. subsequent events. Italian Army Headnuarters ficial statement today. It reads: ments since then have reached us, es Through foreign secretary. Dr. are He said he had N'ortdprn Italy, June 24, (Monday, from America. These state Richard von Kuehlmann, cluding those from overseas, that traced the activity "Sunday evening our bombing pecially the govern- be ex- of In by the Associated Press.) vic a ments, made It clear ment has made the admission engaged, its en'd can hardly German agents Ireland from Italy's squadrons carried out scries of at Indoed, really that 1011 has been one of science over Mctz-Sublo- is to be the end of the war through purely military decis- and asserted that at the begin- tory tacks on the station. what understood a peace of could hardly bo pected of blind The Italians from the or a of for expected de- ions alone and without recourse to ning the war a pamphlet entitled courage. Four raids were made. Clouds pre- peoples league peoples the through purely military REGARDING RIS start had more them, ob- maintenance of freedom cisions alone and without to negotiations." "Ireland, Germany, and the freedom artillery against vented observations of the results and justice." recourse diplomatic of but their fire was always accurate wore diplomatic It In his statement oi mo the seas" had been in circulation tained. Over six tons of bombs negotiation, and that introducing In quick, while the Austrian fire was dif on was hoped Germany's enemies would German war aims, the foreign minis Ireiand. It bore evidence of .being dropped this objective. fused. The Italian infantry at times "On attacks were success- realize that In view of Ihe resources said: Monday AMERICAN TROOPS tmr MORNItl JOURNAL IMt'H IRftRtO WIRSI ter (Continued on Page Two.) were opposed by five times their num out factories and sid- of the Teutonic allies the It to say quite fully carried on victory for June 25 Mr. George "I consider necessary ber, yet the Austrian were factories at cnlento was a dream, London, Lloyd in a easy for all to troops ing at Saarbruceken. to Sir Edward Carson to imply, and way driven back notwithstanding their and the at Kvnsivo appealed what our positive desires railway sidings Regarding Ilelgiiiin. show the same spirit he displayed understand, ADDRESS OF VON splendid courage, whirh tho Italian s. The foreign secretary was evasive two ago and "1h eommander-in-chlp- f, General Diaz, were TO BE IN ITALY years subsequently "Our formations attacked by with regard to tho future status of his abilities and un- "We wish fqr the German people has called "unfortunate valor." of which was using vrey groat inde- enemy airplanes, one Belgium, but asserted that the funda Influence in Ulster to to and our alltes a free, strong, The secret of the Italian victory sent In and another rivaled try boun- down flames mental views of tho Imperial govern secure some measure looking to tho existence within the seems in counter-attack- s, pendent to lie immediate driven down out of control. All of differed from those ascribed to to drawn for us history- - We KUEHLMANN PEACE were wher- ment willing assent of the Irish people daries by, which carried out our machines returned." EARLY IN JULY it by British sbitesmrn. The alms of desire overseas possessions corres- ever the enemy showed himself, local Imperial unity," Germany and her allies, he said, In- The government, ho said, stood by to our greatness and wealth counter-attack- s being followed by ponding up WANT REVISION OF cluded a free, strong and Independent it had April . the freedom of the seas, carrying our counter-offensiv- all the line. the policy proclaimed along existence, "within boundaries drawn but in the method of administering' trade to all parts of the world." BID, BELIEF HERE Thus, the enemy was never given any PAY PATIENTS LAV.' for us overseas ' by history": posses must be advised by "These In brief," added the for- rest and never allowed to it the government replenish Rome, Monday, June 24. American sions corporatlng with the greatness the men entrusted with the adminis- are our roughly sketch- his supply of troops. MORNIN JOURNAL VrBCIAL LUIID eign secretary IY troops will be In "Italy probably of wealth and freedom of the seas to tration of Ireland. v ed the realization of which is The general feeling at headquar- Culif., June 25. (!The early alms, tmv MOftNIN JOURNAL tPVCIAL IMHC WtRtl Sacramento, In July, to notification commerce. Sir Edward Carson, the Ulster vital and mfjessBry for ters is that, although the victory has California state will be according absolutely Washington, Juno 25. Germany's legislature given to the Italian authorities .by In response to a recent by said that If the premier be- been Rreat, there are yet harder days asked at lis session next speech leader, Germany." latest declaration of wttr aims', as beginning State Senator Cotillo of New York, Mr. Asqulth, tho former British pre- lieved he was Justified in ordei ta TToimrriinr Releium. the Had of the forces. re- foreign enunciated yesterday In the Berlin defending January to revise the state law who is here on an official mission. mier, in which he said that Great on the war in trying to brlb said- - ' ' "If we only had American to the of carry secretary by Dr. von min- troops lating care "pay patients" The . announcement of Britain would not turn a ear to therebjMn-currin- g relchstag Kuehlmann, with us now we would do still direct par deaf Ireland Into conscription, "We must cecline to make, ag it ister for was regard- better at state hospitals. A recent Investiga- of a not couched In am- break- foreign affairs, was the ticipation American units along- peace proposal a grave politicat risk, were, ft concession by giving a ed by officials here as work," remark heard by th tion by the state board of control re- side the forces now In terms. Dr. Von and prior today merely on al sides. fighting Italy biguous Kuehlmann ing a party truce shattering tl statement on the Belgian question another phase in Germany's old cy- correspondent vealed the fact that although the law has produced an encouraging effect. declared that Germany could make a foundations of the unionist party, ha fixed a of $15 a (Continued on PaBe Two.) cle of military drives and peace offen- definitely charge like declaration, "knowing It also to ought, in taking this desperate course, sives. month each for the care of such pa- Washington, Juno 25. Announce- be our policy." at least to have determined to go rtabt In the official view, Dr. von Kuehl-mann- 's Diaz Advanced 90' tients, this work now was costing the ment that American troops were to One of the most remarknblo ut- through with It. v:Hi THE WEATHER only new contribution was the state In excess of 120 per patient The be sent to Italy was made recently terances of the foreign secretary was "The Itoman Catholic helrarchy," attempt to fasten principal responsi- Points on Active legislature will, be asked to amend the b Secretary Baker, but Tor military a declaration In which he placed the he said, "has gone to lengths In, .op bility for planning the war upon Rus- law to permit the state to care for tho reasons the plans regarding the ex- onus for starting the war on Russia. posing conscription, which no civilised Denver, Colo., June 25. New Mex- sia, the only great nation whose pow I List of the Army patients at cost, members of the board pedition have not been made public. with France and Great Britain next modern community ought to tolerate) ico: Wednesday and Thursday, partly er has been broken by the Teutonic of control said. So far as Is known It has not been in order culpable. for a mo:--. jnt If you have to endure cloudy; thunder showers military and propaganda machines. Italian Army determined whether a force would all this and humlllatioq,.vou probably Headquarters, r indignity north somewhat cooler south Since Germany previously had con- Monday, 'June 24 .the Asso-slat- ed Former EmiK-ro- Slain? bo sent tUrect from the United States Zabrinskl mv Sugar Head. are upon your knees te"Oi portion; (by ' crawling portion. Warmer north portion tended that England and, to a lesser Press.) As a reward for Copenhagen,, June 25. Russian or from the expeditionary forces in Washington, June 26 Food Admin- particular church." i wt-- i Wednesday; cooler east portion Thurs- degree, Prance, were responsible for his operations against the Aus-trlan- s, Red Guards, have broken Into the France. It is not believed that a large istrator Hoover has selected O. A. min- ; day. ; y the hostilities, this move by the King Victor Emmanuel residence of Nicholas Romanoff, the force will be sent. Zabrinskl of the milling divisions of Dynamite Explockn. ister only served to strengthen the be. has advanced General Diaz ninety,, former Russian emperor, at Ekaterin- the administration, to become sugar Montreal, Quebec! June 25. A cat en- In the Arlsona: Wednesday and Thursday, liif that a main purpose of the speech' numbers on the active list of the , burg and murdered him, according to Bureau of Fisheries at Washington administrator and director for the of dynamite exploded railway generally fair except probably ws to- invite peace proposals from Italian army. This action places the Russian newspaper VJla, says a recommends the Introduction of forcement of drastic new sugar regu Vards here' today. Much damage, no - ana lost, oi era cast portion Wednesday. Not much the west, although mention was General Diaz as Italy's fifth rank- Stockholm dispatch to , the National whale meat as an article of food. The lations which are to be announced property, wu reported, ' 1 change In temperature. y. made of peace negotiations. inv general. , Tidenede. :vj .' v meat Is devoid of all fishy taste. shortly, effective July 1. life was feared,

ia TWO Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, June 26, 1918. our enormous military resources the SHIPPING BOARD CAMP CODY BA D situation "V nd ithe ' determination at home permit tis to use such language. Wo .hopo our enemies pcrcoivo that. S In view of our resources, tho idea of anning uppiies HEAD OPPOSED TO CI vlelory for tho entente is a dreanv" Tho foreign secretary said an Please Cut This Out and agreement had been reached whereby i the fortifications on the Aland Islands In tio Haltic, were to bo removed, i COLD PACK FRUIT JARS 'bone our LAW MUSICAL FIESTA but that a final decision had not yet It in Mind Outfits been reached regarding the future of Keep Canning Preserving Kettles, the islands. JAR HOLDERS Tho Polish Question. Strainers and Colanders wllh tho question of Po- To use in Cold Pack Can- Chairman Warns Na- Soldier Musicians Win Their Dealing Fruit Hurley land, lr. von Kuehlmann said that Bonds of Method to Hold Jars Presses, In- Holders of Liberty the ning tion Against Experimenting Way to Citizens' Hearts not only was tho Polish question M in Wash Boiler. Taring Knives herently a difficult one but tho al- at This Time; Prohibition With Pleasing Manner and most Inseparable connection between First and Second Issues, who desire to It and iho solution Of the economic Oil Cook Stoves and Gas Would Be Disastrous, Masterful Austria-Hungar- y Ranges Playing. question Existent between have these bonds converted into the and iicrmany had so far prevented the attainment of a definite 1-- inv MOMNlNn jnunsAi anclAi. win "We'ro here to gh.e the folks all 4 4 issue must turn; them into the Washington, June t!Ti. Declaring Jacob result. we've got," said flergcHtit "I believe, however," said tlio for- it the nation cannot afford to conduct 1 :i:ird Hchmldt, director of the infantry minister, "that before there arc bank before NOVEMBER 1ST. & wo eign Raabe ut this time, chairman band today, "and Mauger experiments from Cump Cody goncral peace negotiations In Kurope, "If It's Hardware We Have It." I lluvley oC the shipping board today arc trying not to overlook any bets. tho zealous efforts of the statesmen 113-11- 7 North First Street. to tho most fun 'opposed absolute prohibition before don't, need say that concerned will result In their succeed- Is DELAY DO IT NOW the senato committee. the boys havo having people enjoy ing In finding a solution acceptable to DON'T agricultural' their music. Consequently, Iho fact when were resumed on tha all parties. hearings that people from the sanitaria have "In south rtussio, our occupation of .tones to Ibo emergency amendment been lining up today to thank us for the Crimea gave rise to certain inci- E agricultural appropriation hill, serenading them this morning, makes dents respecting tho Russian fleet but EXPECTED CRIPPLE IS i "We've got to put. all tho smash ua feel mighty good." these havo been satisfactorily scJUed.'' Bank EI 10 and drive wo havo got into tills war," It. was ft llttlo Blunt he said: First National .thoughtful Continuing, declared Mr. Hurley. "We've ;'ot lo typical of tho veteran sergeant and "England's attitude In tho days be- fight, fight and utill fb:U with every bis band that the boys from the fore tho outbreak of the war was TO FORCE ITALY DRAWING PENSION muscle straining, and put aside non- Hnndlsorm division pulled off yester- bound to strengthen Hussia's desire essential oxpcrimenllng If we aro to day morning when they hlkod un for war. Of this there nro proofs wring victory from the Huns." l'nlversity hill and played somo of enough in thu documents already pub- Ilo said that In bis opinion there their choicest selections at each sunl-tariu- m lished. would bo more risk connected with for delectation of the pa- "On tho other hand did TO MAKE PEACE TRIES TO ENLIST the Germany of tho United prohibition ut this time than In the tients. To say that Iho muslo was not for an instant believe that this Increasing pressure as of hav Joined the enemy ranks, conscription of labor, taking enjoyed was It mildly. Tho war could lead to the domination of States LEGION would be a putting but no In tho posi- beer away from workmen Invalids fairly ate It up. It was a treat Kurope, much less to tho domination substantial changes Slftl tl:iu!Xi with labor. He tion have taken Tho Unporlul practical Interefernco such tin they have not often exper- of tho world. On tho contrary the place. rv MnftNiNO Art im 1 1 a p n woi.l Is to do every- journal added: . n ienced and attendants at ono of tho Oerman policy beforo tho war shoved government's policy A Man, Who Applies at Army chances. Im- Washington, June "'.. dispatch "1 don't want to take any for the tuberculous said It good prospects of being ablo satisfac- thing that can be done to render Itfiliuu fi oiu to- Sounds hospitals neutral 0 IS to th(! embassy Station, Lameness I'.uih on Warning. was almost tho eagerness torily to realize Its essential aims, possible tho entry of further GAMATI u in-- ti t yes- Says Joined pathetic, day confirmed the ;i I'ostlnasler (ieneral Burleson was namely the sottloment of affairs l.i states Into the ranks ot our enemies." Hip with which the concert welcomed. terday that prliionoi taken by Does Not Interfere With His in c.ipreiiMini; the fear that prohibition the east nnd tolonml by Tho Situation. li.- The boys from Camp Cody who problems Military In tlm fighting at t I'iiive at, time Interfere with Italian this might are not "horn blowers," but artiste peaceful negotiation." of tho military situation, (WO. Til : Includes some Shooting Ability, of war. lie said he Speaking numbered 45, prosecution the are a lot of Russian Situation incertaln. the said that victories had SANCTIONED HERB 12,000 or 15,000 during the not to say whether It splendid appearing young secretary Uu''jH. captured was prepared Ih to' In Hie AtisdHan offen- conserve food, and men. Their conduct cxemjilu'ry and With reference Jtussla. Dr. von given tho Germans tho initiative f(..-.- pant week before was necessary to Tho fact that he was confer tho band Is about as good nn adver- Kuehlmann said: Franco, and continued "wo can hopo sive wan turned lnt:i a ro it. discharged suggested that the committee from tho twenty-tw- o tisement fop thn moralo and Intelli- "It Is to believe that tho summer and autumn will MOVNINS J JURNAL IPKClAL Wlll The dispatch follow.:; . army years ago wllh the food administration. Impossible that (V lAIO an a cues-llon- s and the of to new 25. Organization "Tho Austrian lire In full retreat. tho result of broken hip, a broken Mr. answering many gence physical perfection of tho great process fermentnlion and bring our arms a and great Washington, Juno Hurley, , In tho 1 and three broken ribs and has on tho United Slates as could be sent wild movement of conflict- succes.-- of a volunteer "Slavic legion" They evidently loresaw pir'sihMlty leg by prohibition advocates urmy Irregular been a over since. Is dif- out. nro set-u- p ath- which tho "When one a wide of United for service at the front, of nn Italian defeat bo' n vci- antici- drawing pension committee, said the ( lib f labor They trim, well ing forces, disappourance makes survey States not to clear-eye- of Ciinristlc of members of oppressed tho jiofiiihllily of their own enough keep Richard Donahue, ficulties In ship building had letic, bronzed fighting1 the power released, has events, one must ask whether the war, composed pated a from to tho was as full lo will races of Austria and wus feat, Papers found on nftjjio prison- cripple, wanting join in "dry territory." It men, of Irrepressible humor as reached permanent equilibrium. All according human calculations, Germany, 1 em- tho Is in win- by tho senate. Tho ers say that tho offensive l Italy army. brought out that 2r..Ur. men are American soldier wherever you conditions the former empire of last beyond the autumn or the approved today wlil-- h Donnhuo la doing his "bit'' of uso-f- ul in find anil tho czar must to n. ter or next Thero is a amendment providing for the legion, was to bo tho last stroke would ployed at ship yards prohibition him, they havo mado certain extent be beyond year. bet-t- on n In tho Poles because of the or. out out of the. win- nnd force work cuttle ranch states and 2J0,157 In "wet" territory. friends of everyone they have mot. described as uncertain. Our policy, common idea umong tha people that but excluding Italy In thn southern In France of a Polish make peace. The Auulrlnn Guadalupe mountains Mr. Hurley andVither officials The boys slept the sleep of the Just In view of this sltuutlon, Is close ob- the length of the wur Is something ganlzatlon separate of oven was ndded to $12,000,000,-00- 0 soldiers were promised food and part New Mexico, but that to the statement made last night In cola in the. gallery In the servation and utmost caution and, so absolutely new, as if the authoritative army, the does not hlm to suppott bill unanU Thin explains the rxtranrdi-- , keep from wanting several days ago by I'alnbrldgo Colby. armory and declared liked It far as purely internal affairs are quarters had in our time never reck- army appropriation by booty. do more. Donahue and a of others which they mous vote the senate. .uirjr with Which tho An: ti tans party ,..r..,i.rr of the shipping board, much better than if they had been concerned, correspondingly wise re- oned on a very long war. This Idea of bravery in of a of outdo ar- have fought. charge shipment led tho committee to reopen hearings quartered at a hotel. There was serve. is incorrect." rived In from Carlsbad, nmenummn. plenty of Montello the Ital- Albuquerque on tho Jones prohibition of room and plenty of air and "The leaven of national fermen- Dr. Von Kuehlmann quoted Von SUTHERLAND WINS "In tha region where hail boarded tho train, to plenty avia-.o- r, they told tho commutes that ot tation within tho Kusslan poli- who In 1909 in the ians have found the body of the driven the cattle Mr Colby the sleep. body Moltke, relchstag CONTEST FOR SEATj who failed to having previoiiHly take wines and beer from "Wo re a little of our tic led to the detachment and sev- said that If war broke its duration and Major llaraecawbo, there from tho light proud men," a op- Guadalupe. would reduce the output said nontenant Kwell tho erance of a whole series of end could not be calculated. return (luring the first day of ih" workingman of band, ontitlca, ' lionahuo could not. resist the temp- 25 cent. HORNINfl JOURNAL RRICIAI. (. WIRIt erations In Hint region. A bullet was r American shipyards per last night- "I am In of them. which have partly attained full na- "Despite tho brilliant successes of (V tation to again join the army after Interests were charge Washington, Juno 25. Senator found In ). 'J'lil.i leada "If merely prlvnto Don't look very much do tional status nnd are develop- our arms." continued tho the right temp! the large flag waving from tho "I have worried, I? partly socrotary, Sutherland of West Virginia, republi- to tho belief Pnrraoswbn seeing '..fc.etod." Mr. Hurley said, llellevo me, if I never had a ing toward that end. "Ihere has been nowhere thf Major window of the army recruiting sta- I would harder clearly can, is entitled to his seat in the Unit- his disabled mi'rhliio forced no hesitancy in saying that Job than looking after these "in Finland tho battle has been recognizable our enemies read- niw tbiit tion here yesterday afternoon, and experiment. IoWuns among ed States the privileges and the prohibition - senate, him to descend Into thn enemy's lines, to welcome army life would bo easy." decided In favor of the party which iness for peace-- govern- decided in be Immediately reported Sergeant KisU In "Dr.v" Pronn. ment elections committee today ho killed himself rather than cap Lieutenant ICwell, was for Finland's has laid . down Jacob Tyno in charge, that ho was business hut tho howover, is striking indepen- repeatedly its dismissing the election contest brought tured. Thn Ionh of Major lianioea "U Is not private merely an officer; Schmidt is dence. The soil of Finland has been In declarations intended "rearing to go." In a war Sergeant standpoint a year ago by former Senator Chilton In felt in Italy, us be wan the tbe-r- ii country's buslnc feat the father of tho wholo cleared of Ked Ouurds and for the widest deeply The applicant served in vnlry I am concerned bunch, Judg- everything publicity. democrats ' aviator of the Italian army emergency In which ing from tho ho to Finland about to de- "Tlio declarations leading but he said ho was not particular In to way talks about points being of our enemies, to bin credit the destruction and 1 am unwilling this cash, them. Tho Is having what branch ho was put In If he could with proposition, however, is velop that high culture which especially of English statesmen, al- GERMANY of about, enemy machine.;. r.lnnd sponsor for any experiment mutual, for tho her's In form of an low as yet no HAND OF fifty only enlist again, lie was training B. boys think Schmidt Is the independent peaceful ray of light to th liberty of neatly naif tho tan on tlio recruitM on horseback in the art of personal and greatest little, oldvoung man of state." darkness of this war. SEEN IN PLOT , TO men In the sli'l. vanlii sixty-thre- e Jiurdllng, lit a Texan camp, one day million that ever Wore a uniform I tattle Problem IHITIcult. "From Kngland tho reprcach Is con- industries. and are not bit made that wo UP TROUBLE t when his hoiso, which was leading contributing risk In they n backward about Tlio secretary said tho number of stantly are not prepared STIR follow- "To inv mind t.hero is more so If on a hint from to AZTEC FUEL CO. the others, stumbled. Morses bo in telling you you bring up tho Oermnn troops which participated in England stato our was than there would attitude on ing trampled over him. Donahue Ihli proposal it subject. Iho battles in Finland at the latlqr's publicly tho Relglum (Continued from Page One.) he conscription or labor horniKO On sent to nn army hospital whero the request was small, but they undoubt- question.'.. this point the views of and for tho last three y is Inlerfereneo with liberty, Ibo Imperial from tie mar printed remained for eleven months. a partial MEETING TO In government differ s in X t DISCUSS edly contributed their share shap- luo-.ilh- to reappear told Pona-hu- n without anv Increase of control, tboso ascribed to us had begun The recruiting M.rgeunt la- ing events. by Knglish not him havo tho conscription of EXCHANGE statesmen. We us Ireland- Store that, ho could accept opposed w PRISONERS "My" the treaty of regard Belgium said tha your bor' 1 havo felt Ibat one In It was here the spenlier the insistence because "Cour-lan- d question the entire complex. (r applicant's bo continued Dr. von Kuehlmann, had found was bo could aa it may possible, nv .lauRNAi. . . Wo government Germany winter's thai despite his lameness should, so long ..... Lithuania were severed must, however, decline to make, made refer- next and patriotic and as it were, a concession in touch with Ireland and fiic a bun. rely upon the voluntary Washington, June 25. Germany from the Kusslan It was prior by giv- in wh'rh of American labor." nns neen asked empire. ing u statemonton tho ence to the collapsible boat through Spanish dip from tho outset clear to tho nego- Relglan ques- t wnor ha.I Coal Now. away of light lomatio to tion which would bind tho '.Ili prisoner n the "Tho sudden taking channels send reiirnsnntn he of rial- - us, without ' tho foreign ele- lives to tiators that partition the least enctnv. la'ded. OF wines nnd beer rroni Iierne, Switzerland, to meet tie tho lino ilxed In the binding tho TAX HARVEST of which there Is a American region by It was a peculiar coincidence, Mr; ment In the yards, representatives (hero on was bound to an IjittMito Victory n Dream." Phone 251 I 5 peace treaty create Si ortt continued, that up-- Professor ... very largo proportion, wlll, fetr August to discuss maintenance, "As the courso of lilt regards probable L-- extraordinarily difficult .situation. j V i .arba have a wrenching effect on the wholo treatment and exchange of I Kdvard miuicr rf "It was hard for the Lettish popu- events, tho Imperial chancellor and Claire and a H will set men to talking In response to a proposal from the In tho ment for East, prominent program. lation to endure the prospect of being haye profusely decided that was found the text of a GOVERNMENT such a move: It will state the Oermnn govern- g Sinn Felner, U.S. of tho wisdom of department co- of devolopmont for- ment cut , up. The historical internal present stages to him by another puzzle thousands of temperate recently signified its agreement advances on tho road to peace can letter written to in to Bnch eonferenea hesion of tl)o entire Haltio region man whlen tn.v'ic allusion la eigners who are accustomed merely prlnrlplo a any bo expected from The suggested at that time objections hardly longer sr. which was lo !iap a glnss of beer or a glass of wine with I'nlted Slates also has asked statements which we shout to teething toing HELP to the possibility of a lasting public the Oerman io IS BIGGEST EVER their meal.'. iicrmany permit a Swiss commis- against each other from the tribune. w. two months after sion to Visit orison ramus in separation beween Livonia, F.slhonta speaker's and that Valera wa "None of tho ship yards aro able (ierman "our position on tho battleflolds, began !r ft o determine and Courland. would to tolerate employes who over-lndulg- what American prisoners our enormous resources and reminded that the two months may be classed us releas- Mvonla Turned to military of in stiiuulatns. Such men are eliminated Invalids and ficrinany. tho situation and determination at not bo ui until the end May. effect ed for Internment In Switzerland. Re- "Hut conditions arising from the .No Mom 'Kxocutioiis. JOIJMNAL .PICIAW Lf AtD.WIffl The d.lcf then home us to use such UNCLE V MO.NIN4 automatically. on one permit language. Inter- Hidden halt upon ciprocal privileges nro promised. difficult situation created the We iDoivald McNeill;, unjonist. Juno "T.. The blgRest will bo to call - hope that our enemies will per- AVnidilngton, The state department mado uiihth- tho dissolution of the Kus- Ihe asked: "Has the taxes ever by tho a part of tho routine of hard part by ceive that in view of our resources tho rupting speaker, harvest of gathered today a communication from the slan on the other for us been was finished to- working and sober, men. One of Iho Slss state, and, idea of victory for the entente Is a writer shot." t federal government government, consenting to receive In tho deslro and of arriving "No." Mr. Sh'orlit. "And tho of tho time proa tent difficulties we have had to necessity dream, an illusion, and that they w'll reused SAI night with expiration valided Americans and Intern thorn in tho est. wo those and Income com ha l. was the constant turn over of at certain settlements in duo course find a way to unless aro forced by whij for paying excess profits until the end of tho war. of con- approach We been that Involved for us the necessity us with offers which will cor- call themselves Interned persons, wo a:w ismeiita without added penalties labor. have Improving It announces that the to peace, tho and w are proposal cluding peace as It was done. will) the situation and satis- have no deslro for nny more execu- for delinquency. KstlnuiteH, placed situation gradually tne (terman was soul Oer- respond lent government "in agreement with the entire vital neods." tions. If we can protect the country By Getting sum collected from Hivho soureea at frunkly worried this proposed tho nt fy Germany's un- through Spanish ambassador man public, wo resolved lo give ear and Insure the safety of tho realm $2, 775. 000, noo, and exact figures experiment inay cause additional nerlln on Juno Italian Victory Ignored. I Ki, and that, no reply to Livonia's appeal for help nnd re- of the situation without any more executions we want probably will be known next Monday rest." had been received un to this date. All on Speaking military t tho of terror carried Austro-Italla- n von to do so- It is otherwise the or Almost, a half billion !(MY In rtcverngn of Poor. will place reign on the front, Dr. If Tuesday. questions l.e discussed fully at tho Ked Guards by a reign of secre- will be those who) eamo In today for corporations and Postmaster Cleneral Hurleson de- tho conference at by Kuehlmann, German foreign upon i proposed Heme, tf peace and order. Tho inhabitants of the Austrian; retreat ft.rtc It, and not upon us. other big tat payers who postponed clared Iho prohibitionists' should not H is arranged, tary, Ignored In to these provinces, mindful of the across tho Plave and told his hearers Asqulth appenlofl S ; ivnient as long as possible. capitalize wmt order brins again and terrible sufferings In tho to the government to refer the Irish about their hobby. ENEMY WAR to relchstag: AIMS which must endure, turnod Austro-Hungarl- has to the dominions confer- ROUT OF INVADERS Mr. Ttnrleson said be was expressing they "The army question was tho German authorities. In a onslaught attacked the ence. his personal views nnd not ARE BRIEFLY STATED from dashing ENTHUSES ITALIANS speaking for the administration. "The imperial government Italian positions, achieved noteworthy "The government.'"' Mr. Short con- "I believe In class IN THE REICHSTAG the outset took the standpoint that successes and has pinned down large tinued, "In determined to put down (lon't legislation,", beforo final- ho continued. nnd wlno aro It was highly desirable and Important enemy forces on that disorder. There Is no democrat who SPICIA!. WINRI "Jtrnndy to i.T MOBNtNa JOURNAL I.SA.IO a recognition front." would allow ss beverages of the rich and (Continued from l-- ly giving diplomatic peaceful citizens to bo 23 Premier regarded One.) detached themselves i Home, June (Sunday.) beer of th poor. If prohibition Is the states which persecuted and ruined for their po'itl-c- al Orlando unnotincod from tho Russian to 25.- ob- publicly necessary to win 'tho war I'd vote for which would bind us without in the firm the former empire, Washington, June Some opinions, and the government does band stand In tho center of a garden with Rus- not It but If I had any doubts I'd hestltate least binding tho enemy." come to an understanding servers think Germany at least has intend to allow it." party given by tlio Itrillsh embassy to tho form of recognition ft beconio convinced that It is with Eng- Mr. w. s. a loVig time. This Is no time to havo Situation In Knst. sia as Shortt said that men of all of for disabled soldiers, that the Italian Bhould take. This line land must deal d patience with fanatics or to listen to In discussing the sltuutlon In the uch slates and America that she Political parties-an- rellgilons were army had been- victorious on tho not be from." in Is In extremists. If we listen to near east. Dr. von conduct will departed peace negotiations- and paving assisting recruitfng. one-ma- Cabinet ministers, members of extremists Kuehlmann said: the discussion "straf- Instancing and do foolish It "In her advance from Ater referring iUj the way for elimination of the who signed the tho corps, senators, depu- things might l,elny territories wlth.the Soviet en- i Gold Silver diplomatic the end of the war months." fulling to her tho which had taken place ing." practically Ignoring the other declaration, and Colonel Arthur For and ties and other notable to the many under treaty of Kuehlmann said tente confident In their jiersons tianlels to advo- Itrost Utovsk, for reasons of government, Dr. Von powers, ability Lynch, who fought against the Brlllsli I number of several thousand had as- Secretary appeared Turkey conference" was about to take to deal with them if Eng- in A - Wonderful cate prohibition. Ho said his safety, pushed the loft wing ot hur that a separately the South African war. Opportunity sembled for the concert. dry In Rerlln under his presidency, land and American can be brought to To Let Uncle Win the order In tho navy had resulted In In- advancing troops into regions which place Sam When the premier declared that at which an attempt would be mado see the advantage to themselves Auslro-HutiBarla- creased Its could be The War And At The Same had. been forced efficiency and proved indubitably not permanently on of such peace terms ns the we have sa- to bring about friendly agreement accepting i to retire across the Plnvp. river, there value, "Jf you sny must occupied or annexed. Tho chiefs of Germanic are to of- Time Get Rid Of Odd loons outside the doors of the staft have discussed this matter all points still pending. powers prepared wag a scene of Indesorlbublo enthusi- navy and to Neutrals. fer. LEMON JUICE t And Ends Of Old asm his - yards to Increase efficiency of the tho Turkish advance in the Caucasus Pays Tribute among audience. ' the Other features of von Kuehlmann's Silver And Gold Which News of the has workmen" he added, "you can say. has stopped," "I .can express the hope thiit victory spread corres- speorjjj are declared by the officials You Kvery where there also it Is necessary 'for tho inert In l'r. von Kuchlmunti' to discussions Mill completely TAKES TAN , Can Exchange For throughout Italy. referring and wish- hero to be nothing more than repeti- , OFF have been demonstrations and rejoic- uniform to have liquor." tho various governments formed In pond with tho requirements tions ot former declarations him nr Is es of the there and the by ing. Organized labor overwhelmingly tho Caucasus region said: populations by his predecessor in the office of for- to Brest-Lltovs- of the German people." the opposed absolute prohibition and "Turkey, In k Interests .minister. The to Ger- the .will not more eign reference to bring up tho question now Is to secretary added. "I go with- Girls! Make bleaching lotion t War treaty, having received the promise of Courland many's "Independent existence Savings "throw tho apple of discard among tho of tho closely Into tho future in us If is .JWU."!MII'IIIS regaining districts which she He with- the boundaries drawn for by skin sunburned, people of this said Samuel lost In 1877 and Lithuania, which malhly Is .mean country," to the Russians, found history," understood here to or i domain of the home depart- Alsace-Lorrain- tanned" freckled and a Oompers, president of the American herself obliged nuito bv tha in the a determination to retain e m i . .r recently ment. " uMUi-- Federation of strategic developments. In upper Meso- by virtue of the ancient title set lucaiuiiui lame "riMldbtls" Issue! In the course of Ills address Dr. Try to I'ros , to ultillze Batum-Tabrl-Juf- fa up by Germany preceding the repara- Squeeze the of two lemons Into drink potamia the tribute q the Jiice that war To pretend the Jones amendniont lino of comniunluatlon across Von Kuehlmann paid tion ot those provinces py Napoleon's a bottle containing three ounces ot Thrift Is advocated states which Jiad done every- Orchard Stamps conditions make being on the grounds that the Aderbljan region of Persia to the. peutral act. White, shake well, and you It would conserve food Is to minimize the of have a ot the best 1 hypocraey, " con- thing suffering Referring to the German ministers quartor pint freckle, Mrs A. of Mr. Tigris valley Von Kuehlmann had ''','.. sunburn and tan C Wright the exceptionally Oompers declared, adding that tinued: wounded .prisoners, and which declaration that "Germany could not lotion, and complex- "faddists" are If need be, the ion beautifier, at very, very small cost. i Wright Trading Po.t 4th u . taking advantage of "Our on battle fields. "offered, hospitality bind herself to any pledges in regard Your proper tho war to the Issue. position the of their countries for adlscusslon be- grocer has the lemons and any and Gold has been placed in press Orgaalxed ta Belgium," It Is pointed out that drug store or toilet counter will sup- labor, Afr. Oompers declared. Is will- tween the belligerent." their statement was evidently made ply three ounces of Orchard White for charge of this by the War to abide tho from Committee and will ing by Judgment of Presi- the lamer oltlcs. Porev If. He added: In answer to the comment made re- a few cents. Massage this sweetly fra- Savings Posruii dent Wilson 'and when he thinks the Johnston, vice president of the Chem- "Any tears that some change might cently in the. house" of commons by grant lotion Into the face, neck, arms return to you the full ralue manufacture and sale of tntoxteants ical National bank. New York. Insist occur, in the, strict observance of Foreign Minister Halfour, that no- and hands each day and see how should cense, no will 0om ed the Jones amendment would to be at de- freckles, sunburn, windburn and tan of the articles in stamps. L opposition throw Spanish neutrality appear where had Oermnny officlnU. how soft and from labor, J- ' thousands of banks and business In no Justified- In Amer- disappear and clear, present way clares her willingness . to evneuate whit the skin become. ' Yes! Ut is houses into t, ica some amo.ll - . KcpreseoUnj a.cwmlUo.Pi: banks bankruptcy,' sUtca, jailer Dig iver- Belgium...... harmless, t . i f Albuquerque Morning Joftrrtal. Wednesday, June 26, 1918, 73&9BBE3SS Wonderful Feature PLANS 2- - The American Razor Prqgmin Great of Second of ASPIRIN Program bayer ;pF 14 Day STA1 CAMPAIGN For the past yea; a Mother-Daught- er Congress Marie on the L COM TE banks of. the Hudson (By E. lMina Johnson.) have had in raising armies nnd con Dr. Sarah Coker spoke on child ductint,' war activities. She asserted welfare a solo was that information received via the matters, sung by eye for the War Savings Stamp Mis. Morrissetto and Miss is more effective than that received Plans s American American Steel Ilornung cniiiuulicii which will begin at ! Bayer-Tablet- Workmanship, had a most on con- ear. interesting paper by the o'clock and con- ditions found children enter- Thursday morning among Santa Fe r Paintings, tinue for two are practically We Amei-lciui- linvc now. itcrfootc'il a llw of old Myle razors, das ing the public schools. Miss Erna "i'p in Santa Fe," s.iid, Mrs. Wilson, The various committees for widen mo in every way ecitiul or better Hum foreign made razor. on the work of the complete. Ferguson reported "artists are now painting huge the campaign, which will total a mem home service of the Red in Xo nmri' intewswork In buying. MIST MARK GOOD Oil department paintings of scenes Ger- of about l'Ml, will meet at the ; nw Cross and the whole was one bership i, program many, German landscapes, to bo se,nt Chamber of Commerce building at it r: i of the valuable ones of the week. nn : to the various army camps for the o'clock Thursday morning for final i Another one will be the child ts KTYI.KS PRICE given by boys io study. We want them to be- instructions before on tho Bayer-Tuble- and Capsules of Aspirin contain genuine welfare division on and it starting styi.i:s I'RK'I! (.old Meal, Army anil Friday come familiar wuh the topography of first round tf the drive. M. E. IlleUey Aspirin. Demand them in tho original puckaijos. For VallKllilllll . . , Navy Uhould lo largely attended.. Expert Germany so that when the time comes will to tho workers your protection every package and every tublet is information is available on the care speak campaign Senevu Chief $2.50 Fluid Kleel $3.00 they can go right on to Berlin with- at that time. plainly and invariably marked with of babies and information of children, out to a moment" (Ap- Not will the committees repre- value to all mothers and having stop only "The Your Guarantee ski: tiiiosk on display at stork. practical plause.) sent Individual workers but various in oin there should be a much larger repre- Crose "We want them to organizations. The Rotary club voted Bayer of Purity" Jmfn avcdI BARBER TRADE ESPECIALLY SOLICITED sentation of Albuquerque women on be able to walk without to take an active part, in tho drive TIk. mile-ma- Friday. In fact those In charge of right along hesitation." "Awliin" (Fb. U. S. Tn Of ) !j a told several weeks ago and tho University SiMttiilre llial th Btoiinamicacidrtrr ct wilicylicacid Mother-Daught- She of the great number! of the congress feel iii thru tabku a.J cuiiika- ia U l!ie UUU baycf of New Mexico, which will suspend . that local women are not taking ad- picture postals of Germany contrib- nianufai-tuf- L s uted to summer classes fur tho two days, will j vantage of their opportunity and at the government by the people of Fe. be represented In the teams. Guy L. J. as Santa Then she turned to 2 ' 1 tending in such large numbers they chairman of the for Hardware Co. v. some of the war posters on the wall Rogers, campaign Whitney should.' the county, said last that the Observed. behind her and explained sig- night Canning Demonstrations their business will have SIXTY MEN CALLED, "15 the Hearst publications and that R. F. MEAD, Manager. home canneries which nificance showing of what the women college enough The three students in drive to news dealers are requested to cease In had each of France are in heroic' the make three REMAIN IN ONE Phone 76. 307 West Central. were operation yesterday doing teams. He believes the entire can CLASS selling these publications from their a deeply Interested audience. It was Mrs. Wilson mado the sober- city news stands." be covered in tho two days. notable half a hundred Spanish-speakin- g ing statement that in that parts of France The workers will to have With the selection of sixty men to women were present and ex- and Belgium there are no try every longer any nan and woman to buy one complete a quota called for entruin-me- nt of various are Women between the 16 GO. promise Man Would planations the steps ages of and or more war each within five days after 22, Albuquerque chalked on the blackboards savings stamps July daily up 15 Teams Registered. month for the next six months and only fifteen will remain in class one Rather Fight Than Work in Spanish as well as English. The Yesterday a total of teams or even of tho draft for this until cher- ;ir many of the children are expect- county the "I suffered with stomach I stuff canned yesterday included .130 women were I for years r registered and hey ed to buy ut least one stamp. A stamp newly registered men are drawn for troubln and could not IP- FROM THE FILLUMS peas, carrots, were still eat and Just FLIPS ries, peaches, rhubarb, coming. bought. In Juno will cost $4.1 7. The that class by lot. hated to to me. chicken. Pressure for anyone say work i : beets, beans and Dance cost of one The call for the t SOO regis- I would Since a are demonstrated nnd every Saturday. stamps will be increased sta, rather fight. taking cookers For the cause of "Sox for cent each 192a trants to be sent to Camp Travis, San course of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy AT TH.K TIIKATKUS est merit and entertaining in each is Soldiers," succeeding month, in TOI)Y. possible step operation carefully the Women of the American are the will be worth Antonio, Tex, actually want to work, and talk "15" Tluiiler That great master- abilities and It has been well named The kitchens nro num- Army stamps )". about am one to leave explained. to give a dance at the Satur- Anyone who Is anxious for a out, I the last of "The Whip," a Par- the motion In the bered A, B and O. Miss Randall and armory place the table ifow." It Is a harm- piece' filmdom, greatest picture The ANTI-HEARS- simple, one day night. Camp Cody band Will on any of the stamp selling teams 'is T MOVE axon super-photopla- will bo repeat- world. Mrs. Boss were in charge of less preparation that removes th play and tickets will be one dollar directed to notify Mr. Rogers today. catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal ed at the "li" theater today. See this kitchen yesterday, Mrs. Koger and each. APPROVED BY LOCAL AT THE IDEAL. Miss have another and Miss tract and allays the Inflammation picture today. Espinosa Miss Van Hi nsslaer which causes all stomach, House Dark. "War Jirides" will bp seen at the Tura Hawk and Miss Bertha Becker Absent, ITALIANS GIVE PICNIC DEFENSE COUNCIL practically Crystal Opera Miss Martha van Reu.sslaer, head of liver and intestinal ailments, includ- Ideal Theater Ideal theater this great pro- The demand for these dem- con- Repeating by special today, another, the division of home economics of the FOR MAN TO ENTER ARMY ing appendicitis.. One dote will request Herbert Brenon's immense duction special re- is widespread and a great The action of the local or sale being repeated by onstrations national food will be committee vince money refunded. For by screen "War Brides," fea- quest. deal more could be used administration, in of Fourth of celebra- production, equipment unable to he present an Mrs. Members of charge July Briggs' Pharmacy and Butt Bros., Nazimova. "War Brides" Is an intensely dra- to by the demonstrators. planned, the Italian colony here tions here, was turing .advantage Georgia Beards-le- Burlingham of the a in can- heartily approved druggists. Lyric Theater Viola Dana starring matic story, but while U has to do The d cold pack method is yesterduy gave picnic Tijeras by the county council of defense, statistical division wired yesterday yon us a farewell to Joal Cox, who is In "The Only Road," a Metro feature with conditions brought about by war, being given special emphasis. that she will according to a nlatement issued at a A arrive today nnd she will soon to enter the United States army. In five reels; also a reel of "The there are no battle scenes, trench Eloquent. Apical ly Rubbi Bergman. have meetinc; of the defense council yes- a message of unusual interest for Following a day in the canyon, the Si reen Telegram." is tiljown, and the effect of the light- Seldom has a more eloquent patri- tho terday aiiernoon. The council also ti ' delivered In Albu- delegates. pioneers to tho Pullman Pastime Theater Repeating popu- ing upon the troops, but no battle otic 'address been Mrs. Telcsforo adjourned approved and pledged its support to if Ik after- Mirabal, club cufo, where held a bi iast lar Hessie Hurriscale us the star In scene enacted. The main story has querque than that yesterday county they liquet the War Savings Iron ffiarM rHlh f of. leader of Valencia county, uocom-panie- d night. Stamp campaign. oat. runnfowH "Mudam Who?" followed to do with the at homo. noon Rtfbbl Moise Bergman this anti-Hear- UN. ftrvu. In by Tolo, sufferings by by by Mrs. I'lacldo The The following resolu- In lw 4lm mmnf the in "The Men." Joan, the youifc widow, defies the Was an appeal to all that is Jaramlllo, Sandoval county Red Cross chap- inftto. M h!' boon MMtl mni funmaker, Junk cily. has arrived at the tion was adopted: nonro by sjhoN inon Man. In . congress and will ter will hold a dance at Bernalillo on military authorities, and urges the highest and noblest America, "Be it the Bernalillo LM M. thaw, foftnor ftooratory de- demonstrate with the the resolved, by i of OiO Troaowrv mmI AT THE I.YRIC. young women of the village to refuse couched In beautiful language and today canning Fourth of July. of fruits and vegetables. dem- The county council of defense, at a meet- otlo:PormorUnlloftlatoSoM A "conventionalized la to become of the livered with rare fervor. It brought Drying Rio Puerco district county ' lor fttotiartf ftallai Rannov off fandango" brjdes departing onstrations will also ing held June 25, 1918, that the Dalawaro at proaaM Maar a! tha soldiers. es- the commun- begin today. council of defense and tho Rio Puerco U. L. Clam the way Viola Dana describes a dunce She is imprisoned, hut home with great power Babies in council heartily endorses the action ft. Army Qananri Jahn and sake the bath tubs and fruits Red Cross chapter will hold a war tha tlrwmmaf bay af she does in "The Only Uoad," a Metro capes, leads a band of mourning ity of interest for humanity's and in oT the New Mexico state council ""of waa la tbo and vegetables cans were the chief conference on 3. wno aryirt1 al All-St- series which will be women to meet the king and that exists between America her July They will hold T(Nattrad) only 1 yaara picture protest attractions yesterday at the second a Fourth of defense in condemning us unpatriotic, Unit a a Slatao JttsJoa O. at the Lyric theater today against war. Her own individual mes- allies, France and the motherland July celebration at Regina, w. atainaefiat inoueimof vioiibo presentsd blood of our day's session of the Now Mexico an of tho Rio the attitude and sentiments of Wil- at Waahlnalan an alKara. Aa nov- she delivers in a most of our flesh and Mother-Daught- auxiliary Puerco chap- and tomorrow. Miss Dana is no sage dramatic flesh er liam your tfoetor or baut II O manner. "We believe intensely," the congress not cast-i- n ter. Randolph lleurst, and ice in the art of dancing, as all who blood. any reflections "lie It further resolved that the have seen said, "In the Ideals and prin- whatever on the her spirited Spanish dance speaker splendid addresses Choice of Bernalillo are .urg- in AT THE PASTIME. for which we are fighting, Ideals delivered in the old Alfalfa. Bright green people county "The Winding Trail" will doubtless ciples afternoon by Rubbl Moise R. w. i' ed to discontinue their of B3 All of the wlnsomeness and charm and principles which are indispens- Bergman patronage I: world. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, of R if of manner which has wn such a host able to the liberty of the entire head the 0 library of friends for Bessie Rarrlscalo will be war was forced on us as It vat publicity division of the food This We administration in New Mexico. given ample play In "Madam Who," originally forced on our allies. These on the talks were unusually but no 4 the secret service classic of the screen, are on the Ride of conscience, more eloquent the side which important nor practical than the which will bo Reen for the last time side of civilization, on brass-tack- will s information today at the theater. Special God wills shall prevail. We give dispensed at Pasting our the child welfare held in IF music will be the feature of this play. all our time and effort, persons. meeting the ft The scenes be to 'alive morning under direction of Dr. are laid In the south during n,,r lives if need keep Frisble. Evelyn time of Rabbi As previously the FOR EVE 12V I1 the the civil war and the mu- America's honor." Bergman i intimated, score to the-- men who oi auruction was Mis. D. R sical will include many of the paid a stirring tribute Ktter's old songs of there baby, the subject of a demon- that period of romance. have gone "over stration in '$ ....i-- nnmnnrison the proper of the The will "in bathing management also repeat baby which was the comedy, "the of them, very little is demanded witnessed by an in- Junk Man," wilh asked tensely interested "Toto' 'in the leading roles. of us. We must blush for very shame throng. The baby .. cnnntri; love Is so weak wept quite audibly, as any well regu- We lated baby would do If , lukewarm that we fail to respond. at being obliged to more and to perform its ablutions in a I must determine glvo public If necessary Ralhenng and It f t 7 BE ull we have they say is a t ft more to give perfect yi ALERT! which means haby ail(i delights in bathed : to bring the victory home being at h J which will make under normal and proper cir- peace wiin u,.r WhlCfl cumstances. ihc following men are ordered . i.i .,..r- - fnr flpmOCTflCy.- Another little one was trie wv iu "t3 hathed in io report. at once to the local ...iii fnrover secure for all man a demonstration in tho af- board, at America ternoon, these Albuquerque: kind the blessings for which performances being not . Luis 1m. 4" on y very f Baca, Tijera, N. M.; life, liberty, numa,. interesting to the delegates B. stands but Benjamin Ginsberg, Omar exceedingly instructive. to-bi- BUY ncss." were Many h fe. uiuio unierson, Tomas Silva, Fountain Sisters Again-Ther- weighed and exhibited dur- A. T,o oa ing the Hugh Curlisle, S. F. Andrews, Was a flash of Old Spam day, Mrs. Frank Gordon's Juan plump little ld f Chavez, Nick Chavez, John the program again yesterday afur, Frank ueorge Fishburn, Elfido Gutjer- - three Fountahv sis- being voted the healthiest and best e noon when the .i rez, James Whitfield, Proceso $ amidst delighted ap-.- developed child observed during the Torres, II. ters Vlrginio Lueero, Frank irave three numbers each Baca, Justo .i echo Dr. m. K. Apodaca, Emilbj was applauded to the Wylder delivered a prae-ca- l v Antonio L. Candela-- of which a ami informative umaeiaria, i Kminish and the third talk on one of O. A ria, aario Arm nbonsn n A a rivals-Gen- Frenchified "Yankee Doodlo' which ,nost formidable era1 Baca, Onesimo $ Musca Chavez, Giavanni house. , Domestlea, alias Gen- v isertozzi, brought down the eral Melquiades Garcia Nuisance, the common or gar- Adolfo C. Gonzales, Lee den house Arthur CATINU WITH PICTURES, fly, and all his evil ways v HOiDtirt, Onofre Leo- - FDl and results. Sandoval, TIIEMU !' WILSON Dr. Wylder spoke on the pold Meyer, - Frank Otto Wagner, danger of the fly especially in rela- T ",l"ur r.uis Moon, Alfred San- - tbo tion to war nnd In Chez, Thn nower of the picture, the general presented )20lNorthArno. in education was ravages of this pestiferous and drawing, the poster, nealth-destroyli- Mrs. Insect strongly emphasized by Harry and HueeliKly DROWNED Wilson of Santa Fe, head of Uio de- graphically, urging all possible IN EL PASO; of tl.o measures to prevent its partment of library publicity and propagation LAD' who has a largo activities. ISBURIED HERE food administration, Dr. W. G. and well stocked and popular tiooth Hope delivered a lec- audiunce ture on medical facts learned from The of in the armory. She got her body Albert S. Blxler. 16 she the examination of men years old, who In humor by saying that wk drafted for drowned at El Paso good in military service. Sunday was snrrv for the people who lived afternoon, brought to Al- de- - Today's program Is as follows: buquerque .Aubuquerque because they were yesterday. Funeral serv- 7:00 a. m. Breakfast, Elk's Club. ices and burial were held here. prived of the rare privilege of visaing VIOLA DANA 8:30 to 10:00 a. m. dem- Blxler with a number of other men Albuquerque. Mrs. Wilson urged Drying onstrations, Mr.'W. T. gen-ar- Will iipiH-a-r niut tomorrow and was more libraries there are only Conway, UMlay boys, swimming In concrete public supervisor food ut ibe Ljiio in "The Only Komi." ne was keen to eighteen in this great state and bet administration struggle now kitchen; Mrs. Lura, Dewey Ross, ex- uniy ana sank before others could ter use of those existing particu- tension roach him. Two about the war and service kitchen; Miss Tura attest. As Nita, in "The Only Road," soldiers swam to the larly in learning A. Hawk state the star her toes about In spot wnere he activities and obligations," council of defense and tiny flings disappeared but did its woman's committee abandon a table not find the body until too late. "You have marveled," she said, "at kitchen; Miss thorough atop rough Lilian Mrs. "W. in a western saloon. The reason she Blxler formerly lived here. the way the German women have Randall; John Wilson calls her dance a "convenlionalizfd stood behind their men. We have presiding. - 10:00 to 10:30 V m is because it is a sort of SENATOR CURR in war about a year- We music. fandango" NAMED been this 10:30 to 12:00 m. potpourri.. It is fan about it for only Moving pictures rhythmic part HEAD have been hearing 12:00 m. dango, part tarantella, part cobra de OF ICE DIVISION four years. For fifty' years the Ger- Dinner, Elk's club. en lo In 2:00 to 3:00 p. m. Dr pel and part'Hawailan hula. mans have been about it. The Lecture, ' i i at hearing Albert Shields. "s iiii m , other words, Miss Dnna does not do Senator If. L. who of ago began to '.'i'rmjagf Curr, represent mothers fifty yours Mrs. W. E. all of the dance with her feet. Orant, Luna, Sierra and Socorro coun- instill into their sons . the hatred Lindsey, . presiding. 3:00 ot 4:00 m. ties in the state legislature, has been which has about this con- p. Women of the "B." brought American AT THE appointed by the state food adminis- flict. How did they do it? Through Army. , Mrs. Arthur A. Absolutely the greatest motion pic trator as head of the ice and livestock the medium of the picture. These Kellam presiding Put a of Patriotism on 4:00 to Chip ture in Is "The the divisions and-th- 5:00 m. the world, Whip," of the food administration. mothers made the Huns e p, play. which be oftoday :00 to 6:00 m. masterly production will according to announcement yesterday. German women of are prod- p. Open. seen last today 6:00 m. for the time at the, "B" curr is a careful business man," ucts of the same Pictures p. Supper, Elk's club. Your Shoulder training ' June 28th 8:00 ter this afternoon and evening, with the .administrator said, "and Is so When war came we could p. ni. Moving Pictures. one did it. the m. to on or before June 28th. not star, but six; with not only sttuntcd tht he will be able to give men would be 10:30 p. Taps. Pledge yourself buy War Savings Stamps one sensatibtional scores nts not believe that guilty scene, but of entire time to the work. ; We are Germans have done; we The. largest representation from the the will call to Produced on the most laVlsh of what the It's Patriots' Pledge Day day government upon you give them, assuming that things in the Ice busi- do- wiy outside county came from San- - - - could not Imagine our own men a of new of will to new evidence.that scale- imaginable a train wreck ness were reasonably right before, the doval, thirty delegates present. new"pledge loyalty; proof your win; your wor1 ing such things. Wo have hot been being mar- staged tot the purpose of securing' one and our purpose in handling this Eleven of these were dollars as well as your hearts are behind the men facing the Hun on the scene .- educated to hate by pictures. Now delegates alone cost $25,000- this division is to them from ninety-fiv- e miles fields of France. . prevent going we must feel that, it Is our responsibil- brought from Cuba tyred fair production marks a new wrong under Inflamed business Tton- - :n J. F. Young's automobile. The . ity to to tho people of our com- epoch In the history of the silent ditions." , carry delegates front Jemez were munities the to their brought Day-Fri- drama. The motion picture has been things change In the automobile of J. National War day, June 28th RHCTMATIC A7fT Undifferent attitude of mind where Seligman. Savings elaborated from the gigantic stage KIDNEY ILTiS The large from the r h , Are you troubled with ever it exists to, make their to- representation production-whic- feeling ran at the Drury rheumatism, county was due largely to the efforts Lane in London for kidney or bladdef affections? Any such ward this war what It ought to Two Well-Know- n Laundries theater three years of Mrs. C. C. Mcacham of Bernalillo, This Space Is Patriotically Contributed by the and in New York for two years. symptoms as swollen muscles or joints think. Oh, well the war is far City backache, nerv- chairman of the council of defense of the City: The also had a two-ye- headache, dizziness, away, and what does It matter wheth- stage play ousness, played-o- ut there, and to Mta. J. F. run in was feeling, urinary er we save this sugar or that flour Young, Australia and translated puffiness under the eyes? chairman of the Hoover team into other than neea what difference will It make? We county THE IMPERIAL LAUNDRY EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY languages the English you Kidney Pills. Mrs nd Puer-o- o roiey information county captain of the Rio and was with success in Frank P. Wood, R, F. D. 2. must disseminate so that . played huge Morrill, district. . . COMPANY COMPANY Europe." The motion picture, offering, Maine, writes: "I found relief aa soon no one will be able to say 'what does " as I began Pills. " 211 West' 148. Second 'and' (foal as it does. mVch. greater possibilities taking Foley Kidney it matter to me?' , SilverPhone Phone 177, My husband also received much bene Yes, Horatio; beyond the Alps lies for scenic effects than the stage could Mrs. Wilson dwelt upon the 'power of but there are harvest fields in - fit from them. He was so lama he Italy, ig a wonderful of the and to possibly do, really could not over: now feels no picture, polntaa trie need of hands closer than that. ,. an - stoop be fering. It Is attraction of the hlgh- pain." sola eveiywher. ' t important part the posters FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, June 26, 1918. PERRITTHOLDS NEW YORK PREPARESFOR AIRRAIDS B 500 HOMELESS mm YORK TO FIRST PLACE Bf MIL LION DOLLARS L F CONGRESS H ir. i HITS AND WINS IS DAMAGE BY F RL OR BRIEF RECESS

RV HO.NINO JOURN .L IftCI.. LEAitO W,R1, Unable to Solve Deliv- in June 25. The (RV MORNINC! JOURNAL SPECIAL LEABEO WIRE) Boston Ruth Wallops Home Run Cleeluiii, Wash., June 25. President combined efforts of the Cleolum and Washington, of Giant Braves His for Wilson gave his approval to plans of ery Twiiler; . First; Raising Total Ellensburg five department's weiro ' leaders for a brief re- still to the task of congressional Score in Ninth on Two to Circuit Is unequal tonight cess while the new rev- the Year Nine; a fira which late today of congress checking is and heart of the busines dis- enue bill being prepared by Ihe Singles Steals, Third at New York, swept the house and means committee. trict and ten block of reside. ice i here. ways Plans for the recess to begin early v MORNING JOURNAL C1L WIRIt Authorities fs'.iinate that l,Vi' per- LIO - next and continue Bos- rop-ert- y month until early Boston. June 25. l'errltt held ,R MORNING JOURNAL SFIOJAL. LIASED WIRIJ sons are homeless and place ihe i in were laid before the presi- ton to four hits and New York won. New York, June 25. Boston re- los:i at more than $1,000,000. August, dent by Senator Murtin of Virginia, Throe hits off Nehf in both tne sixtn tained first place in the American All coal mines in the vicinity sus- Xew York two runs New York. of Senator Simmons of North Carolina, and ninth gave iF league here by defeating pended operations and crowds two un- t - 1 in- and Rcpresen'ntive Kitehin of North each time. Kawlings' single, tf--- IS i $ . ' I ' rlflrV Ituth hit a home run in the first miners, experienced in tho use of ex- J. C. Smith's r season Carolina. They suggested and tho contested steals and wf f ning, it being his ninth of the plosives, weni. from hous-- ; lo house, Huston its assented to suspension of scratch hit to right gave v and the third in the local park thin blowing them up In an f fort to check president i congress as soon as the run in the ninth, fccore: I wH a r . Score : tho flames. Twenty-fo.i- r blocks of appropriation yt bills and a few other matters are dis- New York. ill Boston. the i,usl-res- .'t buildings, including principal AB. U. H. f'O A. sry AB. R- H. PO. A. E. posed of The president was told this structures, have been destroyed. 5 1 might fie next Bums, cf Uooper, rf Prosecuting Attorney McGuir? pnd accomplished early 5 3 5 week, possibly in time for congress to Young, rf i Shcun, 2b Chief of Po!li Bunker have appeal- ss , 4 2 1 recess before July fourth. Fletcher, Whitman, If ed to Governor Lister f jr authority to If 4 2 3 Representative Kitehin stated that Thorpe, Ruth, rf call out the home guar ! company, ut . . 4 It would he in Zimmerman, 3b Alclnnis, lb 0 10 Ellensburg. probably early August lib ' 1 0 before the ways and means commit- Jlolke, lb Thomas, Late today another fire broke out c 4 0 4 tee could war Kariden, Scott, ss in the woods west of town. Fifty min- complete drafting the 4 3 revenue hill. Rodriguez, 2b j A Knew, c 0 ers who were to fi&ht it 1 sent captured Perritt, p Jonca, p 2 1 0 a man who was said to have been Profiteer is Fined. found hiding in the brush. He is be- ,:s 4 7 0 35 7 10 27 16 Salt Lake 25. Totals il Totals ing held by the for City, Utah, June J. J. police Boston. Xew York. Neville, manager of the local H listers A. 1 Alt. R. H. rn. -I-I AB. It. IT. PO. A. E. mill, a Colorado compuny, today was . . 3 0 Raw lings, r,s Gilhooiey, rf 0 0 TO TEACH TRACTOR fined $1,0110 following a hearing be- s 4 fore W. W. Herzog, 2i "'irens l.avt' Im'ii on the roofs if v York ra In tin-- of raids. Peekinpaugh, Armstrong, federal food placed l.j cis nam iiiliahllants lll'X ulr 4 0 if - I 2b .... IN administrator for u' on l'owell, All Mill noiiikIciI at iiii by the operation of a single sv. lu ll at polii c hcutliiiiartri'M. If be (.( l imine lioinbaril-tl- Baker, 11 WORK SCHOOLS Utah, charges rf . . - 21, 4 1 1 Wiekland, y tli rat ki't alone nuiv Miifl'irc lo sfarc them aunv. London and I'alis also arc iisinp; I lit- type of siren pic- Pratt, ...... alleging profiteering and disobelience 4 2 7 J. C. Sinllh, 3b lias ihe 1'. S. men In I be T. 10, A. 0 IRV of the food tured here, which upproal of (lie Signal Corps. The photo are KlU'ltle, I,. Plpp, lb ,, MORNINa JOURNAL RPICIAL LC ABC D WIRI rules The fino was or- Konetchy, 1 b . Anderson and Iv. S. Chamberlain. When the picture win taken an airplane actually was flyinu overhead, bin Bodie, If ... , 2 0 0 4 Sacramento, Calif., June 25. The dered paid to the Bed Cross" and the Kelly, If It was not u III bill one of our flyers from Mineola. Marsansi cf 4 0 1 1 California state council of defense has mill closed for one week. c c 2 0' 0 4 Wilson, -- Hannah, been asked to assume direction of a 1 3 Nehf, p Caldwell 0 0 0 0 proposal to give practical demonstra- lournal Want 1 1 Ads Because STANDING OF THE TEAMS Walters, c 0 0 tions of the care and operation of Pay 31 1 4 2T 21 0 Totals RAILROAD MOTOR FULL EXTENT OF Russell, p 1 0 0 0 farm tractors in connection with ag- . . .' 002 New York 00 0024 N ATION M, IiFAfU I'.. Finneran, p 2 0 0 0 ricultural courses in high schools in 000 000 001 1 SEALED BIDS Roston W. L. 1 0 0 0 various parts of the state beginning s I'd. Hyatt Sealed bids Summary: Twobase hi. Fletcher, New York 37 17 with the new school term opening will be received on and Three-bas-e .0r, before June Burns (2). hits Thorpe, 39 IS .0X4 Totals 32 3 7x26 10 1 next full. 2, 1918, at the office of Chicago A ENEMY DEFEAT IN the County of Bernalillo Conn-y- , Wickland. Stolen base Rodriguez, Patted for Hannah in seventh. The as dlscus.-.v- l by member;' perk Boston 30 20 .r.00 plan New Mexico, at N. 2). Sacrifice hits Young, - ninth. Albuqnenjue, Rawlings Pittsburg!- 26 30 .404 Batted for Finneran in of the state board of control and the M for furnishing ami sixteen Holke. Bases on balls Off Perritt Is ot driving .' 2f! 30 .404 xWhiteman out, hit by batted ball. state board of education to have piles 3. Philadelphia and fourteen 2, off Nehf Hit by pitcher By Cincinnati 26 31 .450 ' Score by innings: tractors sent to. various districts, par- piles forming an extension of the Nehf Struck nut , By (Young). By 25 30 .45.-- L, ONE DEAD ITALY NOT KNOWN Boston 200 400 010 7 ticularly in agricultural centers, Jetty or breakwater at the west banK Brooklyn of Rio Perritt 4, by Nehf 5. St. Louis 20 33 .377 New York 000 102 where, where the students taking ag- the Grande above the west end 0003 of the in Two-bas- e in the schools Barelas bridge, Los Ranchol Summary: 'hits PipP' ricultural courses high de Atrisco. . Chicago St. Inils 0. Three-bas- e in the be 1; AMF.IUCAX LFAC.Ci:. hits Hooper, Shean, surrounding territory may Said work .to be done under the Chicago, June 2&. Chicago out- Pratt. Home runs given a week or two weeks train in Men It Is in Ruth, Thjmas. supervision of the County Surveyor played St. Louis throughout, Tyler Four Section Dangerously Believed Washington, Stolen buse Double Fin- this phase of farm work. and in with two AY. L. Pet Pipp. play accordance specifications permitting only hits while Carter neran, Pratt and Basel on Assurances of their on file in the office of the County one. one visitor reach- Boston 37 2 .583 Injured Near Williams, Ariz, However, That Dual Mon- Pipp. Clerk. (gave only Only ballf, Russell 3, Finneran 2. Jones 4. and promises to furnish demonstra- Copies of said specification! ed second base. Score: New York 33 25 .5601 are to be obtained from to Struck out Russell 3. 2, tion tractors without cost have beer, the County St.. Ixiuls. Cleveland 36 28 .563 Brought Hospital Here, archy Troops? Are Out of Finuerar, Surveyor. ' Jones 2. Wild pitch Jones given by the tractor manuaciurfers, AB. R. II. PO. A. E. Washington 32 31 .508 Oil Barrel Innings of the board ef Bidders must Inclose cheek payable Bursts, War for Present Summer, piiched Russell 3 according to members to cf 4 0 0 4 2 1 Chicago 28 28 .500 the County of Bernalillo for 10 pet Heathcole, control. The proposal has been laid or ine 3b 4 0 0 0 5 0 Detroit 23 24 .48 ceni amount of bids. Balrd, One man was killed, four were se- -- before the executive committee of the Bids will be and contract 4 0 1 9 1 0 St. Louis 29 31 .483 Philadelphia Washington game opened let Orimm. lb verely injured and several others re- Washington, June 25. News from ruin. state council of to lowest and best bidder at the meet- ss 3 0 0 0 0 1 PMiludelphiu 21 36 .368 postponed; PiBtell, ceived minor Injuries early yesterday Italy today while confirming the great ing of the County Commissioners of 2b 2 0 0 2 3 0 Bernalillo to bo 2 Paullette, afternoon when two motor section victory won by the Italians In hurling Detroit 4; Chicago 2. County held at p. 1 0 0 2 0 m., 28, Betzel. 2b WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY cars of the Santa Fe railroad crashed the Anstrlans across Ihe Piave In dis- Detroit, Mich., June 25. Detroit Friday, June 1918, at the If 3 0 1 3 0 Oi Court House of Bernalillo county. Mcllenry, together on :t curve between Williams organized threw little addi- scored three in an and OFFICIAL STATEMENTS 3 0 0 2 0 0 retreat, eighth rally The Board of Countv Commission- Beall, rf and Ash Forks, Ariz. TUe five most tional light upon tthe exent of the dis- won from Chicago. Cunningham ers reserves to e 2 n 0 3 0 1 NATIONAL the right reject any or (Jonzales, m;a(;ii; seriously injured were brought to aster. started the rally with a single, ad- all bids. c 1 0 0 0 1 0 St. Louis at Chicago. Brock, v on train No. 8 and rushed On the face of Urn latest news, it to third on Vltt's drive and The successful bidder will he re- 3 0 1 0 3 New York at Boston., vancing AUSTRIAN. Sherdell, p 0j to the coast lines hospital where they appeared to many pljfeorvers that'the scored on Cobb's single. Vcach's hit quired to furnish a satisfactory bond, Brooklyn a; Philadelphia. to in double were attended by Dr. ,1. V. Elder. Austrian army, as us offensive weap- sent Vitt and Cobb across. Score: . according law, the 0 3 24 14 3 at Cincinnati. Vienna, Jine 2f (via London.) Totals 30 Pittsburgh The dead man who was known to his on, is not to be considered amount of his bid, and contractor will s(riou.sly Chicago. The Italian losses since the Austrian not be to work with- Chleueo. as lived un- for months. The dual AB. R. II. PO. A to permitted begin AB. R. H. PO. A. E. AMKRICAV I.KAfiCi:. companions only "Irish," monarchy by offensive began have amounted out equipment adequate to the satis- til when he succumbed to a Itself Is believed here to be out of the rf 4 Chicago at Detroit. midnight, Murphy, 150,000 men at the lowest es.imate, factory completion of the work Flack, rf crushed skull and numerous other fighting for the present summer. Weaver, 3I 3 communica- ALFRED bs 1 1 Cleveland at St. Louis (two says the Austrian field GltUNSFELD, Hollocher, games). severe fractures. What Germany plans or will be able E. Collins, 21) .... 3 Chairman, Board of County Com- If . . at tion issued today. Mann, ., Philadelphia Washington. The four men are: to do is another matter. As yet there J. Felsch, cf 4 missioners. Boston at New York. injured Since Juno 15 more than 50,000 pris- NESTOR iMerkle, lb John TttcMullcn, internal Is no sign of a movement of J. Collins, if offi- MONTOYA. County Clerk. . injuries. grrtit oners, among them about 1,100 Paskert, cf James fractured rib left German troops to tho Italian front. lb 3b, and Jourdan, cers, have been taken, the statement ,Ienl, hip injured. Pnless such a movement )s under- Risherg, ss . Keider, 2b . . adds. J. M. AV'eeins, broken collar bone, taken immediately many officers here Schalk, c .. fol- p COAST The text of the communication LUMBER Carter, PACIFIC LEAGUE Internal Injuries and back. are convinced it will mean that Ger- Russell, p . . . . r sprained lows: Klllifer, c Paints, Oils, Class, MalthoUl Pedro Basins, left leg broken. many seeks to save; tho situation by Danforih, p of it Roofing c . "In the Montello and south and O'Karrell, The men were employed as extra attempting at ones to complete her Building Paper. p the enemy is feeling his way to the Tyler, San I nmrls-- I: Sacramento II. section One of was in offensive in France. Totals . . . 30 2. 7 24 15 J. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER 1 hnds. the cars projects Piave with In the San Dona MeCabe, 2 b , . Sacramento, June 25. ot R. W. Premier nnnounce- - patrols. charge Corkhill and was Lloyd George's Detroit. Dl Piave district covering troops, COMPANY Score: R. H. E. at a moderate yesterday that thP world is Totals 33 14 13 27 JO 0 running speed. The,llfnt AB. R. II. PO. A. which are protecting the crossing of San Francisco 4 8 2 other was in of Ferrell the eve" of great events was taken in Score charge Joseph Bush, ss 4 1 2 1 B our divisions, have had to ward off by Innings: Sacramento '' 2 3 i'nd was downhill a some here to menn that he St. Louis 000 000 000 0 running at high quarters Vitt, 31) 4 1 1 1 1 strong attacks during the last few Batteries: Baum and McKce; West rate of sieed. Fourteen were anticipated the delivery by the Ger- THE FARft 100 705 10x 14 riding Cobb, cf . . i 4 1 2 3 0 days. WM. COMPANY Chicago and . on the two cars when rounded mans of their utmost effort In France car- Two-bas- e hits Grimm, Easterly they Veach, If 4 0 2 3 0 "Here also we have been able to Summary: the curve too late for the within a matter of days. It is assum- Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Mann. Three-bas- e hit Mann. passengers Heilmann, lb .... 4 0 0 15 0 ry out our movements in accordance Mtrkle, Salt Luke .": Ia.s AngclcH I. to a collision. sus- ed that'informatlon has reached Lon- if'KESJf AND SALT MEATS Home run Flack. Stolen base prevent Corkhill rf 4 0 1 1 0 with plans and without loss of ma- Los Angeles, Juno 25. tained a bruised shoulder don showing that has se- Harper, Sausage a Specialty 2, Killifer. Sacriflc hits and Ferrell Germany Young, 2b 3 0 1 2 6 terial. Zeider Deal, Salt Lake 5 11 1 had both lected the alternative of tt ...... Par Cattle and Hogs the on halls arms slightly fractured. fighting c 3 0 0 1 0 15 the' Italians have Ruling Hollocher, Flack. Bases 1 Spcncor, "Since Juno Los Aflgeles 7 3 J heso two men and out in France rather than forego the Market Prices Are Paid Sherdell C. Struck out Tyler S, Sher- several others Yelle, c 0 0 0 0 0 lost more than 50,000 prisoners, in- Batteries: MeCabe and Dunn: with were last advantages of her offensive there to- 1. 6. slight injuries taken . . . 2 0 3 0 about 1,100 officers. The dell Innings pitched Tyler and La pan. to while she rushed reserves to support Cunningham, p 1.2 cluding Standridge night Los Angeles, where they were tal losses of the enemy at the lowest - placed In a Austria. Pittsburgh-Cincinna- ti game post- railroad hospital. Totals 32 4 11 27 15 estimate amount to 150,000 men. Vernon I: Oakland 2. One of There are American officers DUKE rain. the cars was carrying a large many 010 100 000 the mountain front be- CITY voned; Ran Francisco, Calif., June 25. barrel of crude who do not believe the Internal situa- Chicago "Yeslerday oil. This was thrown 100 000 03x 4 tween the Pi- Cleaners-Hatte- Score: R. H. over tion in Austria is as Detroit Asiugo plateau and the rs 2. all tho men as serious reports Two-bas- Philadelphia 3i Brooklyn and greatly aggra- Summary: e hits Weaver ave again was the theater of violent Vernon 4 9 vated their wounds from adjacent countries indicate and Philadelphia, June 25. After being sothat physicians J. Collins. Stolen base Young. Sac battles. The enemy did his utmost in- Oikland 2 7 1 had much that Germany is confident its ally can 220 West Cold. Phone 446. held safely by Combs for eight difficulty in giving them rifice hit Weaver. Sacrifice to tho hill positions lost Batteries: Dell and Devormcr Mar- - relief. hold against the Italians long enough fly recapture nings, Philadelphia rallied in the Ulsberg. Double plays Bush, Young Juno 15. the greater of tin, Kremer and Following the collision men to permit it to concentrate all its During part ninth and won. In the final Innings Murray. the and Heilmann; Young, Bush and Heil tho day there was bitter fighting on t, were power for a final blow in France. Fitzgerald, pinch hitting for Prender-gas- taken to Williams where they mann. Bases on balls Off Russell Monte Di Val Bella, the Col Del Ros- Wil- were in These officers anticipate the opening doubled, Bancroft singled, placed charge of Mrs. George 1. off 1. out so, and Monte Per-lic- a. a of a great drive on the western front Cunningham Struck By Ascolono, Solupolo liams sacrificed and Stock doubled, WESTERN Kelnhart, Santa Fe nurse. With no Russell 1. Rus- i Hudson LEAGUE assistance at any moment. If It docs they Innings'pitched By for Signs producing two runs. other than that rendered by come; sell 8 "Tho were back the will it as admission by the Italians thrown R. H. E. train crews, the woman regard 3-- Score: gave the St. Iiouis Cleveland 1 everywhere." 8 0 men first aid treatment accom- German high command that the whole Brooklyn .. ..000 100 0102 AtSionx City 8; St. Joseph 10. and St. Louis, Mo., June 25. St. Louis 000 6 2 At Des panied the four Austrian military and governmental Wall Philadelphia ..000 1023 Moines 4; Omaha 9 badly injured to the won the first of double-head- er .here. fabric Is and must fall unless game today's ENGLISH Paper Batteries: Coombs and M. Wheat; At Jopiin 4, Wichita 3. (ottering and Cleveland took the second. the German power is rushed to Its sup Prendcrgast and Burns. At Oklahoma City 4, Hutchinson body of tho dead man Was re- After holding St. Ix)uis scoreless for port. London, June 25. Field Marshal moved last night from the hospital Innings in the first game, Mor- to an eight Haig'8 from British Hudson for McGoorty OulM)inis undertaking establishment here. ton weakened in the and lo- report headquar- Chip. ninth the ters in France of Racine, Wis., Juno 25. Tho injured trninment were too cals filled the bases on three succes- tonight says nothing Picture I Sergeant special has occurred. Frames ASSOCIATION Eddie McGoorty of Camp III., weak last night to give details of the in sive hits. Importance SOUTHERN Grant, accident. Fourth St. and Are. outboxed Oeorge Chip of New Castle, Officials of the Santa Fe Score First game: R', H. E. f Copper Pu., according to the ueie saut tney did not know the time Cleveland 002 8 0 popular decision, the ....000 0002 FRENCH in a ten round match here accident occurred or any details St. Louis 000 000 003 3 8 2 At Little Rock 1, Nashville tonight. The men are oi ine disaster, 25. office an- At 4, 1. , middleweighta. TEXAS COMPELLED Batteries: Morton, Coveleskie and Phris, June The war Chattanooga Memphis nouncement At New O eans 10, Atlanta 0. O'Neill; Rogers and Nunamaker. tonight says: j PERFECT BRITT0N OUTPOINTED Score Second R. H. K. "Between the Oise and the Aisne, At Mobile 4, Birmingham 12. PLANS FOR in game: Wallace i: Cleveland .. ..000 000 4 0 raids enabled us to take Hesselden BIG BY LEONARD 0303 prisoners. CELEBRATIONS FAST St. Louis 000 000 0022 7 0 The artillery activity was spirited In TO CLOSE DOORS Batteries: various sectors of the of General Contractor HERE JULY FOURTH BOUT AT SHIBE PARK Counibe, Bagby and south the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION I Thomas; Lowdcrmllk, Wright, TTouck Aisne, particularly In the region of We are In a position to give and Severeid. e. more value for the money titan The general committee which will June 25. Benny "On June 24 six enemy machines any other BUILDINU FIRM In he In of the of Leonurd, lightweight of the CRT MORNIM JOURMIL VRS ' were dam- this At Minneapolis 2; Louisville . charge Fourth July champion RCIL lHO HUNS LAND FORCE brought down or fell in a vicinity. celebration met world, in 25. Texas be- 3, 5. here last night in the outpointed Jack Britton six Austin, Tex., June aged condition." Office , With At St. Paul Indianapolis it. haniber of Commerce and hard and fast rounds nt the Shibe came a "bone-dry- " ON At KansaB City 0, Toledo 2. perfected park state at midnight THEBLACK SEA filnns for the celebration. apen-ai- r arena The Lum- At Milwaukee-Columbu- s game The music tonight. when approximately 750 saloons Superior speakers, illumination und Leonard was the nggressor state-wid- e JOURNAL postponed: rain. patriotic during closed under a prohibition 0N,H aRIOIAI. LURID WIRI1 ber & Mill Co. committees will start work today on inu.ii oi me iignt, out lirltton was act. hundred saloons had Moscow, Tuesday, June a Eighteen THAT ANNOYING, , ' It has about so In this definite plan and It is expected that dangerous at all times, scoring often been closed Germans have landed a force of 8,000 PHONIC S77 just gotten the with a loft previously by legislative PERSISTENT COUGH will bo that shook Leon- ten-mi- world that everybody has arrangements made with chop up act reestablishing a le infantry and cavalry, together with something out hitch. ard when it landed. The "dry Iftay to thrnlo lunr trouble, or to' worry over. champion zone" around military camps and artillery, at Poti, on the Black sea, ac- rnaan ltdthat the chronic stage already A firm in Los was wired was on top of Britton all tho to ' Angeles nearly ship building plants. cording an official communication Is reached. Ia either trr last night to send at once 500 time. Twice he staggered his oppon- Issued pounds ten-mil- today. ALTERATIVE PILLS ent with I'r.dtr the e law, which ECKMATPS CHICHESTER S rjf red fire for illumination. Tho Red right punches. In the final tiane-repalr- er BRAND. became This tonle and sup- A Albuquerque Foundry round Leonard effective last 15, the "Two-nit- " Cal- yr. r Cross chapter here has been asked to tried for a knockout. April Don't neglect the Red plies the acknowledged benefit of 1'hl.ahee.ter-- DlaamaVBiUrutl have He landed often sale of intoxicants ceuced n the cium treatment without laturblos taa la Bed Mold nettluV and Machine Works every member on the In but could not drop Crows Clnh. Join no Iter-cot- io 'Us ud grounds nt today. stomach. Contains Alcohol. KUcd with Blue Ribboe. cities.. Salouno Hablt-Forml- bora, uniform. Charles White was selected Britton. principal closing or Drue. Take ether. Bur ef roar J Founder Machinists as a to were located lit the less popu- SAYS IT ACTED A AsktoClltoincH.TrilS Engineer committee have the motor MKR CHARM. $2 tiit, aew 91S0. six, aew 80c Km.ct.C HKAND PILLS, lot Sal Castings In Iron, Brass, Bonze. Alu lous districts. tnoludes war tax. All known ss Best. KelUbla minute men on duty on the ( to JACK RABBITS AND .Price drucsiats. vests Safest, Alwsys minum. Electric, Motors, Oil day Eckman Laboratory. Philadelphia AT Engine convey to the university campus Another liquor regulatory law ef- Coughs, colds, sore throat or bron TV SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Pumps and Irrigation. is chial troubles which at this Works A members of putriotic PRAIRIE DOGS WIN fective at midnight tonight the persist' ami Office Ihnaneranfl organizations. time or tne year usually are of an ob- Mrs. E. L. Bradford, chairman of act providing that stinate Is all mors the saloon licenses be confined to character. That the music committee, said she will The .Tucltrahbits defeated the Prai- must reason why a truly reliable remed. on ten-inni- cities. the state A mnalr for infactiooj furnish that day some delightful rie Dogs in a fast contest incorporated Should, like Foley's Honey and Tar Compound ol Va arioirjr tr&oC and unique musical numbers consist- yesterday. In the Twilight league the wide law he held Invalid the anti-roa- d should be used. Mrs. Margaret Smaie, PliORW, OJfMMODCMJt ing of choir and Stars of Third Sec- house law would govern Bishop. Calif., writes: "Foley's Honey LUMBER sod ill Hriotura community singing. the ward beat the Plaster v not ' Is Cement, : and Tar a more than 1 A Then the audience will be divided Into ond Ward o licenses. grand remedy: ItelitvMin to dava. Sluggers. liquor Is claimed for It I was from ' WWCBIt.20 leMByDrasglsU groups under leaders and will wander Both gamps were well played and suffering Lumber TrtU wiui bottle or nuuW os a cold last week and vsed the medi Albuquerque Company - kb ngudt puVKiBrn rv about the c'ampus singing to each were featured by the stick work of the Don't neglect the "TwrBlt" Ked cine It acted Ilka a charm." Con FOiim FIRST.. STREET THE EVANS CHEMICAL I and .s4m.,. CO, CfMCMINATI, 0. other, (players, S rsTlflll Cross Club.' Join today. ' no opiates. Sold everywhere. u (tains ..Jt. V If Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, June 26, 1918. FIVE


OP HUNT '18 MINIMUM AGE I SLACKERS FOR DRAFTED III IBV MORNINO JOURNAL SFCCIAL LEASED WIRE Several Hundred Draft Resis- Washington, June Advocates a in the drafi limits Are to Answer of change age ted Refusing declared today that under the present Call for Army Service; Sol- law it soon would be necessary to go into the deferred classes to provide diers Go After Them, men needed for the army. Senator 1 Wadsworth of New fork said class one would be exhausted by November (By Newspaper KnterpriMp Asu'n.) 1, and Senator Fall of .New Mexico in- -j Atlanta, C.a., June 25. Georgia's sisted that another half million could little war of its own has started. no; IO (ailed without touching the The first net, staged In the moun- deferred classes. tains of Cherokee county, gave a In behalf of his amendment to Newspaper Enterprise association a make the army draft ages lis to 45 Read the Announcemcnts'of California's Famous Hotels taste of the job of "war correspondent years, Senator Fall told the senate at home," gave a handful of picked that personally he opposed its limita- Beach and Mountain Resorts and Solve some real and ended tion thut under 111 should not be Health, "That Problem" soldiers training boys LITERATURE AND FULL Outing abruptly when a 1.4g army truck of sent to tho firing line. In tho civil INFORMATION BY WRITING DIRECT, OR AT soldiers smashed through a bridge, war, he said, a majority of the soldiers killing three men and Injuring six. had not reached their majority and FREE INFORMATION BUREAU AT OFFICE OF THE Back in the mountains of north now or later the government will come MORNING JOURNAL Georgia several hundred draft resist- to drafting men between 18 and 45 ors are refusing to answer the call for years. EsSny the army. Uncle Sam decided to go Senator Williams of Mississippi pro- kin Reach of IVetyihirfo , SAN FRANCISCO after them. posed (hat the Fall amendment be Under Maj. Arthur Arthur McCol-lum- , modified so as to include all men be- acting adjutant general for Geor tween the ages of 20 and 40 years of gia, and Maj. Joel B. Mallet, selective age. This was opposed by Senator Wtl of Vardaman of who said he. P CiSSrWl service law officer, the pariy fifty Mississippi, picked men assembled at Marietta and favored an increase In age to 45 but set forth after midnight for "some- never would vote for a lowering of LOS ANGELEX where In the mountains." the limit before the age of 2X. New Mexico Headquarters Trail Is Dangerous. Senator Chamberluin suid the war AlWH.l'TRI.Y FTRWIMtOOF - XX HOOMS-n- ll I could not be Momentarily the caravan expected waged without the sup- U with private hiitlm. Conducted on lnth t,he to hear from port of the people and he did not be- ft ' r1tf!L k European ari American plan. snipers. I k l miuMk'd In thv heart of the mm lieve tho would for Ht Major McCollum occasionally country stand near beautiful Central Hark, Cars to i his two rows men under 21," he frnrn Mill Sta- flashed lights, revealing drafting although 4 .41 Mountains, etc., Street CtARYATTANtORSTS. V favored the tion ill v lintel. Kiit'optum If of men with rifles between their proposal. ret opp'iplto plan l. N. M. IIKAIXtl ARTKIth 13 Tariff from LWJ pt-- Mrxiro M)(.ir "It is estimated that there are be- day. Nw patronage aw LaswiiT""'1' knees. smelted. Illustrated folder upon A clans "A" fireproof structuro, all tween the ages of 21 and 31 about rquet. ittiltililo rtimilN, eurh wllh bath. LElEIEEISlilll Soon we struck mountain roads. 'Visit lio Grill." M. lMmmick, IjCAhpo prlvato BROADWAY - 11,000,000 continued Senator R On a liirnrt cir line In ll pulnts vt t SEVENTH ji We crept along edges of precipices. iiitm," 1 ha center ol the- 1'omerene. fntt'rest &! wlthn) wnlkiDw illnlant't shopping, butinew and Major McCollum's car slid toward the "of that mini her one and uf tiups atid tliuatiTR. H?iiit-k((- , atrical ditiict. Convenient to all car linn. edge. His brakes worked In time, a half million have been called to the with a prts"allty tliBtlncDvply lte 300 outside rooms with private bath. tu. just own. rarlfT,' Kur, tZ to t ropeanplan. Kates $1.50 and up. Dining and road. colors. What need is there for reduc- plan, per room HOTEL we regained the plan, up. Fire- service retinrd and excellent. Free, IHI iw I POT the day. Amtr, pt'r ilay Folder Then the troops stopped at a cabin ing age?" proof garage liua from lipota. upon request. nfarhy. WILLIAM R. FLCXIl), Msnaxer. sleepy-eye- d Senator Chamberlain said an ex- AUTO BUS FROM DEPOT VanilEolnrnl of that sat In a clearing. A FREE Olwillllll ltlih Id J. B. LANKF.RSHIM, of mm mum Owner. man answered the knock on the door. amination General Crowder's testi- TO POPULAR 'VIWW . mi iwhj PW I'j mony before jail I Inside sat youmi the military committee men. would reveal the reason but ho did not Two Prisoners believe it wise to state that reason Taken, now. Soldiers filed in revenue offi- ore CAMP MONirl and "If we THE BIG HEALTH PLAYGROUND NtABNYi 1 II cers began a search for whisky. The don't take a chance," the mother of the boys drew forth tho big Oregon senator continued, "wo will If find ourselves family Bible to show they were under drawing upon other EXCEPTIONAL SPECIAL ilUMMEfLRATES I classes and It age. Feverishly she turned af- is better to step over page 3.0 and ter page without revealing the infor- take tho man without depend- mation. ents." m mmm Senator MMMSTJMIHmilim,.III ma 1 Chamberlain mm "Where's an offi- said older JgltltPtlt1tea Offers Full Promise of a Healthful Vacation your other boy?" men not Happy cer asked. qualified for military service Wm1LOS ANGELES THOUSAND AND ONE DELIGHTFUL could be substituted on the farms ONE RECREATIONS "I don't know," said the father. FIFTH ST.NcarMAIN TO BOTH DIVERT AND "Hain't seen him In a month." AMUSE lieutenant Kimberling came in with RATES ABSOLUTELY si'm:ximd ami:hk and cool ex-phelRo- dge i hhopkav " a report that two men on horseback $Ii0$3 CAFE ii n'si'.K x ; A I'.xuiM IS BOATING I Ul A i:ts " (XriUa had been seen for tho rum KKSCI.TS OP A SO.IOI IIX AT making woods, vni M I X lAli Till: .11 l.V and a detachment of soldiers went af- u a ed. MHItTIXO i irr ter them, only to return empty-hand- SCASIDC LONG BEACH HEAD CALIFORNM DEUC!4TFU, RESORT i:vi;xts ARK IjAKTIXU r..ic i:s We marched away with the two JAMES immmmhmA mis Write for folders on Jtivmitlim, llunics nml IntliiHtrlcH. I,. VV. KAIXAHI), FAYW00D HOT SPRINGS prisoners, smiling young fellows with , BMITJOHES Cliiinilu'r of Cuimm-rco- Liin Cal. beards, apparently unconcerned. Sci'iclary Hoach, for Rheumatism, Stomach Trou- At the edge of a thickly wood foot- bles, Kidney Ailments, Inflamma- hill the men were halted. DOUGLAS, IS DEAD tions, Arterial Hardening, Loco- motor Ataxia, Nervous breaking, V, Orders to Shoot) Perfect "At Ocean ParK etc Treatment, Perfect the first shot, fall flat. If any- Metropolitan IhMfelry fn Entire Crescent Uiy tUlrirt, Climate. Health, Pleasure, Large one tries to run, shoot," was the order. li'tU cool and beautifully furnlHhed romns. Absuiutidy f lrfir-Mf- Modern Hotel. Booklet. Round They rifles for pltunted in centtr of oniusments nnd but a few Bt'ps fronr tho mi to Faywood from deployed, and, ready New York, June 25. Dr. James breakers. Amer. anil Kur. plana. Kur. plan fmm l per day up. trip Albuquarojue invaded woods. two UHert. ll.70. nction, the For Douglas, fur many and Arrange for reservations now. Check your baggaxe hours combed the bushes. years president they lately chairman of tho board tu- T. C; McDERMOTT Two who fell Into net of boys the rn tors of Phelps, & scowled and vowed, when Dodge Company, FAYWOOD, N. M. quizzed v nunc uieu at nis about stills, that they couldn't "tell unuets, home here today in his eighty-fir- st year. nothing they didn't know." Dr. The Crescent Resorts of California came to Douglas was rated one of the Enchanting Bay oufhern California LONG DGACM People testify that the pris- foremost metal YtJf were and mining authorities ' SPIES RESORT TO oners under age, so they were In released. the world. He was also a historl in w a and of STRANGE METHODS Singing the rode writer note and philanthropist. softly now, boys He was born SMAllieUCEAdPM Spend the BATTI.B (BKF.K METHODS 1 la Quebec, Canada, and along. he leading cars passed safely mountains meet th sea. tim Beautifully situated in the city, famous educated at Queen's s.iffst surf hHthint? is enjoyed, Press over a high bridge that the university, Kings- WHERE evrry aeHwhore and mouiituiu recreation Is found, Surnmp.r Close to V 1 for Its cool summer climate. Tha flnitst (Aasoflnfeil Corrcpondenee. spanned ton, Canada- - Institution of kind In Ex- 2!i. To Etowah river. The front truck fol Coming to the United bnnd concerts sre (riven twice dllyf la plentiful. its the West. Tlonie, Muy prevent central lowed. t'Uiten In 1S75 ho went t.i Phoen cliniate Is cool and Jnvlvorai Insr. Rythmic Surf. ceptionally fine electric and y equip- empire spies from conveying Informa- Suddenly a crash of timbers, WHERE imi cn,n live tin dpi must Ideul conditions. ment; Scientific methods. Htnr Identified - Thoroughly tion, the columns of Italian and the truck plunged rear end fore- Pa., becoming vou can purchsse ymir tickets and check vo bnePitrA direct. In n Itcclon Famous competent corps of men and woman phy- personal most, forty feet into the water. v.'ih the copoer industry of AW?oiu, Write .o the Fit UK NKKVH'E IU KKAC, Cluinil-- of Commerre, ftantu Monlen Betch, for lis Cool Summer sicians and surgeons; graduate nurses; newspaper circulating In Switzerland "ii I (turn iu, for folder nnd hotel, r health lectures. American nnd other Men pinned beneath the overturned New Mexico an! Sonora, Mex'M, and ttpmtment rottuge reervatlon. Climate. plan service. countries have been sup- few weeks nt Long Special summer rates. For descriptive in editions. truck moaned. Mar-ques- the railroads of the southwest and Closest Beaches to Los Cool Sea Breezes. Enjoy a pressed foreign Sergeant Abe L. Angeles the Southland's most folder and rates write was shown of N. northern Mexico. Beach, W. RAT SIMPSON, It during the trial of an Syracuse, Y.; Corporal beautiful resort by the sea. The Manager. Itallnn one Sum F. Smith of He was In a large measure respon- Tenth and I.tndeu Avenue, Beach, engineer, Cesare Santoro, Charleston, Mass., center of summer social activi- Cal. convicted of Information to and Private Ernest Rhinesmlth of En- - sible, with his early associates In mo- conveying ties. Tennis, golf, bathing, the that ho had Inserted his in- glewood, N. J., were killed business, the lato William E. fish- enemy, outright Dodge, toring, yachting, dancing, formation In the newspapers In the. Tho wounded lay In agony for more and the late Dwilles James, who have ing and horseback riding are since cuSAN diversions. form of love letter advertisements. than an hour before medical aid ar- been sucecded by their son. FRANCISCO among the countless E di- CQES Tho foreign editions of tho newspa- rived. Clevland H. Dodge, and Arthur Cur-tis- s for a Coot, Interesting and Vacation Five automobile boulevards SUi Inexpensive to Los pers now leave the country with tho James, for the development of rect Angeles. 1 - DANGERS The Virginia Is conducted on advertisement space blank. The Aus- OP COSTIVENESS. that region. to n, lassl-Aid- the American plan. Absolutely Itrians, show that they cannot be headache. lit beanie president of the a. of Irritability, "blues," sallowness. Copper HOTEL STEWART fire proof. An atmosphere TO BOTTOM altogether circumvented, It has been Queen Consolidated for accommodations from no. refinement ever blotches, are of con- Mining company good $1.50 day Breakfatt 35c and 60c (Sun- quiet prevails found, fill this blank with now matter among tho results Lunch tfOc, Dinner world-famou- s beach re- -' It and other copper companies w'lloh days 75c) $1 (Sundays $1.25). at this to Italy, and then have tha stipation, if long neglected may wevu The STEWART on Geary Street, JiiKt ofl Uniou Square Is close to for fold- (injurious cause pile3, ap- acquired by :he firm of Phlpa-DotiR- c everything sort. Write descriptive editions ulceration of bowels, worth while. Municipal car line passes the door. Stewart Motor Bus oiests er. scattered over the Italian pendicitis, nervous paro Company and which in M principal trains and steamers. front by in the prostration, (1. M. Ill'Kli MaiiUKcr. BLAST EXPLODES airplanes hope that lysis. Don't delay treatment. Best wcra capitalized ; $50,000,000, nvil'-in- v Italian soldiers will rend the newspa- remedy Is Foley Cathartic Tablets, as the corporation one of the largest pers and accept, as legitimate Italian many thousands know from experi- cot ence. not do per producing ci mpanies ; the ( AaworlutM Prrea rorresrwadcoee).! news, the matter Inserted In the blank They only their work Dr. as 29. subma- but In- cotinlry. Doug. and his ass- London, May How a spaces by the Austrluns. surely, easily, gently, without ociate jury to stomach or Intestinal lining also contnt'td the El Pa rine which destroyed a munition ship Contalh no habit-fortntn- g element. Srti'hwestern railroad and allied Unm. was itself wrecked by the explosion is Sold everywhere. of vhlch Mr. Douglas was president- - related in a Iiritlsh udmirulty state- BIG PAY mind that which aiikei sgulble. Laaro TrctlonMrlns. Automoblllnf , Kt. ment. Blrlss, Ignlton. s Acttyfasa Walillns. Vulcanlrlno, Machlnlit Trail, la A OF OFFICER Walters warlca's Oldart. Larsnt and Moat Rallabla Maehanleal Trada Hnhoot. d WIFE Tho ship was torpedoed without I90S Ovar 5.00(1 sradualas. Wrtta today for BIG CATALOG, which may by the which then h.n w in. niivnnb HVIUMVIITI HURUUL, riSuarOS SI SIS, kOS AflgaiN. PROVED HOARDER warning rose to tho surface and opened fire with her guns. The German's second ( AaRnr-lntr- Press rorrfinpondenrai.) round exploded In the ammunition London, Muy 17. Milk products hold. successfully attack Egypt and India. De- are In great demand in England. So terriflce was the Information was also received today of a cheese to the explosion that HATCHING livery followed (hat tho was al- HIS from German Interned officers that in home of Mrs. Eileen wife of submarine Johnston, most demolished conconcus-sion- . letters recently received from Ger so by the Maj. Campbell Johnston, attracted Her was lifted Scouts many a decided chanse In public opim much attention the gun and flung umong neighbors Boy ion Is shown of sideways, her side was torn out and regarding the prowess in Urentwood, a London suburb, that she foundered EXCUSES the central powers, and great surprise Mrs. almost ns quickly as a food Inspector Investigated and tho steamer. NOTICE Is caused hy the attitude of American Johnston was taken to court and fined soldiers of A rescued member of the munillon German origin who are loy- $100 on charges of hoarding food. al to the cause of the allies.' miip crew tniiH ie;crined nis experi- HAVE just received a shipment of r Mrs. Johnston said the cheese had ence: !,. P A LURE TO WIN been sent her by a Dorsetshire friend TRENCH SPADES. ' "Almost sub- WE Just what RED CROSS. MISSION and that it was much than sho Immediately after tho larger marine's second round we en- '"' boys "Over There" use. are had The checeee had were all 1 They IS anticipated. in black clouds. We heard You'll Never rr not HERE FROM JAPAN been cut and Mrs. veloped spades accepted by the inspector and we - distributed among i as In- rushing, roaring, gurgling noises. were able to them from HOeftlMOl JOURNAL SFaCtAL LBAetD WlftV) Johnston's friends, but the buy the manufacturer. IS)" Mt PMHf JOURNAL WIHS1 Something gavo our bout an twist Is SPSClAL I.SASID spector found forty-si- x pounds of ugly Bake Another Cake , WashlnBton, June 2G.Oermany A Pacific June 25. Prince and threw me overboard. When I We received a certain and to Port, and twenty-thro- o pounds of only number, they prepurlng her people for failure a Ited sugar came up I fouled a blanket or tar- will HURRY an Tokugawa, heading Japanese macaroni In the house Mrs. Johnston go fast So BOYS. win the war this year, by extensive Cross mission, declared here paulin with my head and hand, ftA VAlllva tt,ju.. epKna. U . 4 nettinK forth that in the today was fined on that account. right propaganda that Japan Is ready to send a large and it seemed a long timo before I one of our customers told her friend. A arniien are not able to sne THKSK WILL ALSO MAKE VERY event Germun corps of lted Cross workers to France, could get clear. Even then everything Ana knew what she was talking I'SEFI'Ij ALTO SPADE. . overrun France this year, the situa- JAPANESE NOT TO was still In about, for at first she was decidedly Ho is authorized to make an offer of darkness. Then the air akADllcftl rMirnrrlinir Holrlnar Ann tion next will be; better for Ger- nnv year halp if workers ore needed, he said ACT IN SIBERIA gradually became clear and, seeing a outside the home. But many vas at the bffrlnning of I why praise WHILE THEY LAST y Prince Tokugawa'g mission will visit boat, struck out for It and was our uaKiMgT Try some pies ana the present offensive and thut a move- American hauled aboard." tinny cuntonments and MOUNIN0J JOURNAL SPSCIAk LSASSO cakes and you'll do the praising. ment will bo made then to put Frcnce IJ. lr Wl) VVarhington, C, to study Ihe work Toklo, Friday, Juno 21 (by the As- $1.00 Each entirelj out of the wu. In which are HOW SIIK HAMSIIKS they 'interested. sociated y n,CKACirE. A Summary of the peace propagan- Press.) The newspapers Mrs. Krfie K. Kleppe, Averlll. Minn., that as a result of the de- da reached the state department today As It to be In report writes: "I was at a sanitarium three ought said favor of cn weeks at nna turn . r through a neutral country. It sug- the Austrian liberations of the advisory board itttm uaeifi n..,).. emperor that ho doesn't decided time, for rheumatism and trou- - gests that Oermans released , from the try to hearten his diplomatic affairs Japan has kidney J. KORBER & CO. people by telling not to the of oie ana got no relief. On my return army after the war will be able to give them ho has won the war. comply with request home I "Albuquerque's Big Hardware Store." In- began using Foley Kidney Pills Impetuo to German nubmarine con- Ihe enlento and to refrain fro.n anil found ImmdmtA a PHONE 878. 220 NOKTII SECOND. rail,., hnli Pioneer struction that will offset what Ameri- "Conservation In wool will bo re- tervention In Siberia nt present-I- bottle completed the cure.", This Is Bakery cans ami Knglish can do to build up flected In men's clothing next year," diplomatic eircles It U believed runner proof "hat these wonderful their commerce. It also says that af- declares a dispatch from Washington. that Japan, unless directly menaced, pills give relief where other treat-- 4 fall 1'npnllftlfiil fop auolr a.i sV. If. BALLtJiG, ter the present war Germany will be Well, It Is reflected tn our personal will not act without the support of mlita Prop, ,., able to a, now. aching kidneys, bladder, back, luuselet Inaugural campaign and outfit right tho United Statei. . or om joints. vrywQer , , M. Soulta tint GUfBV SIX Albuquerque Morning r Journal, Wednesday, June 26, 1918. A ' I ? AH UCDBPENTIllUT KlVnPlPIt the when warned kaiser, against , KEEP.THE OLD FUSE BURNING arousing us, declared "Bah, the CONSUL (Elf hnmt(iit Americans will " AMERICAN 220,000 MErJARE not fight Today he -- has opportunity to meditate upon the "S 1 ' 1 . r.'ww rwr journal error of his statement. Our Cana- $ornjnjj dian brothers first furnished him a AT VENICE GIVEN CALLED TO CAMPS v PublUhtt by tb surprise in this line and now the JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. Americans are duplicating the feat. He knows today that America will , WMtsrn Reprr.cnt.tir fight and fight hard. MARCO HONOR I C J. ANDERSON, In all William was one btaxquatu Bia, CMcao, 111, probability of the strongest believers in the state- BlGEiyilER Baatcra Repr.Mttt.tlr. ments Were He RALPH R. MULLIGAN, that Americans soft. H 42nd Street, New Tork. should by this time be at least ' Eut parti- Rank of Standard Bearer of Governors o.f All aesond-cl- as matter at the ally recovered from his erroneous be- States Except N. poatoffic. of Albuquerque at, under Act lief. have at- the Venetian Conferred of Congraia of March 1, 187. Every time his savages Flag Arizona and Illinois Ordered Larger circulation tbaa any other paper tempted to raid an American trench - on Trade Representative; - to Send Between In New Mexico. Tb. only paper In New they went back, the few that were left Quotas Mexlc. Iiaued every day In th. year. with a better of what con Emblems - 22 and TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: knowledge Oldy Preserved, July 25, Dally, by carrier or by mall, on. month, .foe stituted American "softness." Yearly, In advance ?.M (Associated Fresa Correspondence.) - tmr MNIMd JOUKNiL .PICIAL NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. A lUXGKUOVS TENDENCY. liaiio wi.ri Bub.crlber. to th. Journal when wrltlnf Venice, May 25. The silken stand- ,. Washington, June 25. As a further to new ad-- ard of the old of hav. their paper chanced to a proud republic step carrying out the war depart- reel tnuit b. eure to lve tb. old .ddree. Conferences at Washington between Venice, known ail tho Gonfalon cl - ment's plan to have three million men "Th. Morning- Journal baa a higher circu- representatives of the fuel adminis- San Marco, now has a place of honor under arms 1, Mar- lation rating than I. accorded to any other tration, the war industries board and In the American consulate at Venice, August Provost paper In New Mexico." Th. Americas shal General Crowder called Newepaper Directory. the shipping board have resulted in and upon American Consul B. Harvty tonight on tho the conclusion that America's war-maki- Carroll, Jr , has been conferred the governors of all states except O O distinction of a Arizona MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED is dependent on coal in the being Gonfalonier rf and Illinois for the mobiliza- San Marco, or standard-beare- r, rnaco. last analysis and that householders of the tion between July 22 and 25, of 221,-- " Tb. Auodat.d Preee I. eicluetrely Venetian flag. entitled to the uae should be notified that hereafter 000 white draft registrants qualified (or republication It is the first time in the of all new. credited to It or not other consume half of the history o' for general military service. wlie credited la thl paper and ala they may only Venice that such a distinction lifts eras This call is to exhaust tb. local sew. published herein. nvprn nmmint nt electricity and been given to and it expected the any foreigner, number of men class one and when burned each month during the last reflects Ihe feeling of the city toward THE JORNAL Uke. ani print. added to school requisitions of 23,4 3G and ex- year." llife American for the Ixty hour, tblrty minute, of representative men, brings the total calls so far an- clusively Aeioclated Prea I mma. wlr AVith all to the ef- attention he has given their interests ervlc. each week. No respect patriotic nounced tor July to 243,43d. To com- other news- he dufing the trials of the last six months paper published In New Mexico take forts of these war boards, it may plete its program the department will with the on Piave in mora than twenty-fou- r hour, of An- in order to suggest that enemy the .only have to depend on the 400,000 class tedated aervic a miles cast of Venice. Pre., during week. as a force in the economy ofle registrants from the June 5 en regulative EntMcinx of the individual and nation has not Preserved. rollment and the 250,000 or 300,000 WEDNESDAY Throtiyhou! the jto be obtained the reclassifi JUNE U, 1918 yet lost all power. Among employees political changes of through Venice, ti e city ha the em- cation now in progress. careless of their employer a interest preserved r blems which marked its greatest glory In the call announced tonieht New Tll'K MOTIIIiB CON- this line have some ; ' D.U'GIITEK work along may RON ( when as the Venetian republic ahe was HTork leads the list with 22,241 men; - has to f 1 GRESS. effect- But the householder INDIA'S I mistress of the Adriatic and the fowa is second with 17,849 and Wis- and JKM HOOHTAtMS.TO third with pay directly for the gas electricity ' l ' eastern Mediterranean and was strong consin 13,200. Is Earnestness the outstanding fea- he uses. The monthly bill is far more CORALSAHMJtHWt'S enough to defeat the Turks und con- Some of the state quotas and camp ture of the Mother f "CO tXPLOSlOH ) assignments follow.: Daughter congrcsj powerful in spurring him to economy li 'tV'WIS GOlKfc fcfc.AH quer Constantinople. The winged being held in week. can be lions of St. Mark are the most fa- California, 4,000; Camp Lewie. Albuquerque this than any orders or urgings LOOWR. THA.H Wash. men women 'MiW Slttrt l miliar emblems, and aru not The and who are on the from Washington. ' Facing now high ' Jj m I they - Colorado, 1,100; Camp Travis, Tex. the men women war yWlWMar ' i thousand- brass only seen in Venice and all thu sur- program, and who and increasing costs of living and Kansas, .3,700; Camp Funston, r-T- Z?K rounding cities of the Venetian pro- cuine to listen and learn about food taxes which compel him to scrimp in bakes? ,Kans.; 900 Fort .Riley, Kans. vince, but in Corfu and all the I the county and house- along New Mexico, 740; Travis, Tex. conservation, state, every direction, the average coast ,of Calmittla and Croatia. Camp city officials who have, made ad- must down his lights and Texas, 8,700; Camp Travis, Tex. holder keep 'mr Another of these emblems Is 3 dresses, the men of the infan- whether he liird fuel to the uttermost Doge's ring, confered in the old duys Tillie Clinger says the reason she Land, all are to try giving earnestly would or not. on Venice as a symbol of the sue-raini- ty is quitting her present boarding house ward accomplishing the job America There is to he observed a dnnfter-ou- s of the. "Ocean's Queen" over is because her room is so hot that has undertaken- in many of the legisla- tiie sea. But the relle of the when she sticks her gum on the bed- tendency ice tea, lemonade, and all other cold O. ; I.oren.o Ganadu, Sardinin, Italy; proudest Tiie good that will grow out of the advanced at is the Gonfalon of San or post the smoke strangles her. tive and other proposals beverages, instead oof su- Joo I,. Graham, Miss.; Joe past Marco, congress cannot be estimated in words war. WITH using dry Gulfport, standard of the old Washington as regulations for It SCISSORS gar," Is a tlmply suggestion frm tho Kasper, Chicago; Joseph Letter, New famous republic. and phrases. There aro few ways of Individual It is one of the possessions of the is the assumption that the AND PASTE 0u!,y iWbtnap's ,H(itne Companion-"Add- ' York; Thomas A. Lewis, Warren, O.; the common- con-du- city and the council reaching heart of the over his own about one-thir- d ns water Michael Denver, Thom- municipal guards is losing all power much Lynch, C)lo.; its use and Cocoanut Oil Fine wealth better than through the kitch- own st as to a boil and cool. Add as 1). McCrucken, Graham, Va.; Ed- designates the few who as related either to his sugar, bring are to en. The mothers and the ob- TELEPHONE LINEMEN the to the the amount ward F. Meyers, Berwyn, Pa.: Leo privileged carry it, the desig- For Hair daughters or at his moral and social OF THE liquid beverage; nation Washing housewives of the state are in closer to sur- SIGNAL COUPS. will be governed individual taste, M. Monien, Dancy, Wris.; Stanley,Mul-lins- , carrying with it the title of and should be forced by Marco-Notuhl- ligations, Detroit; peter Milwau- Gonfalonier of San touch with actualities than anyone to the state. (Scientific American Supplement.) but be careful not to use more than I'eplinsky, render that power Is kee; Clifford W. Long Beach, Ceremony. ISO. as Outside the service, almost un- necessary. ,'In this way the drink Poland, want to l If this is going to be assumed Calif.; George III.; It was a :notable It you keep your hair in 11 known, are the daring deeds of the is sweetened uniformly, a all sugar is Katlaff, Harvard, ceremony at the ood' condition, be careful what you is on the housewives that the in wartime we may bo sure it Edward L. N. council true teallunt linemen of Uncle Sam's sig- melted; then, too, there Is no wasted Sledge, Asheboro, C; city chamber when the rank wash it with. program of economy devolves. They time. W. standard-beare- r will he assumed as true in peace nal corps who fix battle and sugar left in the bottom of the glasses. Harry Smith, l'ierceville, Ind.; of of tho Venejian Most will be able to do more than anyone time. telephone John H. N. soaps and prepared shampoos It should not be assumed at any telegraph wires, "When woxonsider that most fam- Smith, Rochester, Y.; flag was conferred on Consul Carroll, contain too much alkali. This dries ekiu to Mr. Hoover in his making Samuel- - help plan of infantry and und ilies usually have cold drinks twice Tunno, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Fred more as an evidence of personal es- the scalp,' makes the hair brittle, and in and u artillery perfect E. Turner, Ga!; William Is to stop waste America, start THEY, TOO. CARRY OV. of all branches of the a day, and that in every glass there ilephziliah, teem than In his official capacity. very harmful. Just plain mulsified" I. Wear, Cisco, David M. cocoanut oil Is and en- move toward national economy and service To means is more or less left, we can eas- Ga.; With the mayor and councilors of (which pure to possible. keep the sugar Wright, Lincolnton, N. C. tirely greaseless), is much better than thrift. "The hero of the war, of communication on- mod- realize what a would result Venice were the admiral of the greatest open the ily saving Drtxl of Wounds. port the most expensive soap or anything The women of New Mexico have as- writes an American sur- ern battle these men from the use of this conservation and the high officers of the army And my mind," field, undergo Corporal Hermun F. Levin, Ke- else you can use for shampooing, as with wonderful stretcher hear- the risks and are navy. Addresses were exchanged sumed the task an eagerness and geon "is the greatest frequently nosha, Wis.; Privates Keith Creters, this can't possibly injure the hair. lads are. killed while but and toasts drunk, expressing the fuel- nest which promises much. er. What fine, brave they at work, they perse- St. Paris, O.; Armistead A. Green, Simply moisten your nair with wat- car- vere, wires as as the PUZZLED. ing toward the consul and the cordial er rub it In. One or two With never a murmur, they carry, restoring fast Salt Lake . Gre-nian- n, and the City; Frederick P. relations between will an of lads who have enemy shells them. (From Outlook.) Led-fon- existing and make abundance ARMY PISt ll'MXU ry, carry those poor disrupt New York City; Clifford l, Italy In the buttle of is said A medicuL tournal vouches for Ibis the United States. rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the been hit. They have no protection, Seicheprey, it Cincinnati, o.: Harry M. Slaw-ki- n, and The lath- the Germans story: A distinguished surgeon, while Following this, a, delegation of the hair scalp thoroughly. The 133rd infantry band which is they are forced to encentracted their Pittsburgh, Pa.; H. Yon-ke- r, er rinses out easily and removes every and by necessity on making his rounds a hospital, Henry fathers to the Ameri- playing in the city this week is as sorts of shell-swe- fire the American telephone through Muskegon, Mich. city proceeded particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and ex- travel over all was dazed when a can silk- half-lifeles- and which were in momentarily consulate, one of the cessive oil. The hair dries good an of what dis- s, telegraph wires, Died of Dtscasi' bearing quickly example military areas bearing their wounded soldier Inquired querulously: en Gonfalons San and It leaves it-- fine and consequence cut many times. Privates Ederene L. Mal-m- o, of Marco, and gave evenly, and will do for an as , doc-tor- n Bushey, man- cipline organization breathing burdens." ,. But our were not to "Say, doctor, when one doctor it into the hands of the new standard-- tilky, bright, fluffy and easy to have-On- boys be beaten Minn.; Hernico M. Lewis, Weems, it is possiblo to to look up- doctor bearer. age. We over here are prone in that way and almost as fast as the another doctor, does the Va.; Leonard W. The standard is of Heavy think in a over tho other Siromberg, Welling- You can get mulsified cocoanut oil might that discipline on war and see the fighter going enemy shells them the men doing the doctoring doctor ton. Colo.; John B. silk richly edged with gold fringe at most store. It is was not of par- at- disrupted to be doc- Little, Ozark, Ala.; any drug very musical aggregation the top, or the soldier repelling of the signal corps, in the face of the doctor like wants Will Woods, Pittsburgh, Pa. with a gilded staff topped by the lions cheap, and a few ounces Is enough to ticular importance, yet the snap and We our eyes upon the heavy tored, or does the doctor doing thr Dictl nf of San Marco, last everyone in the family for tacks. keep bombardment, restored the like Airplane Accident, smartness the men of the band put ears hear only the wires. doctoring doctor the other doctor Lieut. Billy Glenn Atmore month. . battle and our wants Rushing, into their selections, the manner of shell and the thunder of the This is the latest example of the the doctor doing the doctoring Ala. bursting to him?" Died Fifwi their marching and the whole tone cannon. That is war, we think. But dangerous work of the daring linemen doctor Accident anl Other Causes to and who fix battle telephones. It in he-- , Sergeant Leslie Knutson, Milwau-ke- e of the organization is directly due that Is not all of war. For here USELESS OCCUPATIONS role work, outside of the service it Private Peter George, Newark, army discipline. there in the inferno are the angles of yet the holes In Swiss cheese. is almost unknown, one of Counting Doing the thing exactly right re- themselves in constant peril, although chickens before the incu- mercy, the most important of all scientific Counting little or no more effort than unhonored and unsung bator's bought. SUBSCRIBE NOW! quires unknown, ends, of modern warfare. it in a and the stretcher-bearer- s. on a false friend when a doing slipshod fashion, the heroic When the fighting begins over the Counting RA I P- real need comes. IDE result is infinitely more satisfying. XOAII IiOSTHIS Git top, with the charging infantrymtm go Mm on a raise. The men of the 133rd infantry band the linemen, with the sec- Counting Chair- generally the hairs In one's do with a precision and To perk up his shipbuilders. ond wave, in of an observing Counting gray everything charge head. zest that reflects a great deal of cred- man Hurley gets off this: officer and in magnifi- immediately on tho weather be ing good SE TO THE JOURNAL it upon those responsible for their "Noah was 600 years old before he cent disregard of terrible danger they Counting 1ST how to build an ark. Don't begin lines behind tho tor a picnic. training. knew coolly stringing tho the are advancing first line, so that the artil- Counting pennies, hoping The people of Albuquerque lose your grip!" will take care of themselves in advance and lery may be informed of the ad- dollars pleased to have these men as tueir Noah had warning kept won't- a at hand. He didn't vance or told to concentrate their fire they WATERS fcuest this week. There is fineness plans and material Counting on a crop without working that will All he had on a certain boche gun crew who, in obacco about" their organization to think of Fund have for well protected position, are making it. leave a lasting impression. to do was to build something that did a things obnoxious for our boys. nrnnlii float while it rained. He IBY MORNINGiiJOURNAL How Usually the linemen as quickly as tPKCIAL LIA8K0 WIHB Our Soldiers Will for NOT SOFT. times, but what Long AMERICA splendid Job, for his possible make for a point where they Norfolk, Va., June 25. IIeport8 of was a mere do-- the presence of a heavily! Good Old American Tobacco! ,.f tntrpther piano can establish an observation post ano Roll Honor fast and In the past certain misguided or to the modern big freigh as on and the ene- of nrmed German raider in West Indianj compared they pass through waters were have said that V brought here today persons ter. my's barrage they unroll their line and By special arrangement The JournU to deliver, soft. ... to account, when one Casualties masters of 'vesnels arriving from Cen-- i an guarantee American manhood is becoming biblical of them carries a field American tnrough with tobacco two dollars telephone tral and South America. The is arrangement manufacturers, we are luxury- his voyage, Noah set which somehow manage ship worth of tobacco, for every dollar ubacribed, to our eoldiere in They have hinted that a hehar finished through they said to be of tho cruiser a France on in to them-selve- s type, with and the way to France. -loving the dollar him out a and got doiiuu, the din of make people, placing vineyard Jaltle, (BY MOHNINO JOUKNAL WIM rakish build and clean linos. - PCIL LSD The which be drunk on the Juice of the grape, heard- 25. The army packages (50c worth, of tobacco) are put up 1b attractive and the Joys may purchased, a Washington, June The fact that the raider mado no patriotic In every we finish for That telephone is like a battle flag, ninety-seve- n packages. package put a return postal card above the principles which which was a shameful casualty list today contained effort to attack at least two vessels with your name and addrese o far hardy and over. and many a man goes down with It, that you will get word back from undei manhood- have de- 600 years old, names, divided as follows: which sighted her, led the to the battlefields from ae many eoldiere as you ubscribe 26 eent ly real They shipbuilder only to have it picked and carried captains test ar- up Killed in action, 64; died of wounds, believe that she Is a "mother for plecea. , clared that should a crucial forward of noncom-bata- nt ship" CELEBRATE. by another these 7; died of accident and other causes, submarines which were rive America could not stand, that her nOW TO whose business is recently op- troops only 2; died of airplane accident, 1; died erating off the Atluntic coast. TOBACC6 IS MIGHTY SCARCE .manhood was builded upon the sands to serve, not to fight. wounded severely, 26; "" " On 28 comes the of disease, B; Near the Trenches. ' and must surely fall. July When the battle moves forward wounded, degree undetermined, 2. event in Ameri- TO PROTEST AGAINST FROM IRV1N COBB'S Today we may look upon our man- of an important rapidly and the telephone and tele- Private Michael Lynch, Denver, "PATHS OF GLOBT" fiftieth anniversary of to be In action. hood and the lie to these state- can history, the graph wires have moved at top Colo., was reported killed HANGING OF "Ae I recall now, we had eome give to the con- Wel- M00NEY through the Rate of he school - the fourteenth amendment speed to keep up with the advance the Private Leonard W. Stromburg, bouse to where the automobile stood when a of wind ments. disease. The to us puff blowing of the United State. Upon Importance of the signal service is lington, Colo., died of MUftNINd JOUNNAI. from the left, which meant from across the battlefront. Would any nation with a soft man- stitution (V rtCH UAII1 to our noses brought w-i- i demonstrated in a way as Impressive lt a certain smell which we knew full well. , re- that CO years ago, written list: Washington, June 25. Labor or- already hood place before Its young men day, the of In Action. law of thW lur.d ire as onward rush light artillery Killed ganizations throughout the "'You get It, I see' said the German officer, who stood along- such as are UBed to into the basi Derrick-so- n, countdy side of me. comes cruiting posters born or going Into action. Lieutenants Paul Waples have been invited by tho Washington 'It from three miles off, but you can get It five to our and principle that "all person? is Clarence Milton miles when the wind Is strong1- - nd persuade them Join navy and A division ordered to move to Norfolk, Va.; Central Llabor union to send delegates he waved his left arm toward one in the United SUtr, ca- Thomas M. It as though the scent had been a visible army? Virtually every poster another position; with it goes two Drumm, Bigelow. Kans.; here for a mass on June 29, tobacco Is so thing. That explains why thereof, are C. Hay-doc- k, meeting scarce with us along the staff back In Laon. sees the real fight, the rav- S'.l.ject to the Jtrisdlction ble wagons, carrying cable which is Golden, Philadelphia; George to protest against the execution of yonder pictures This John "AH the tobacco which can Is of the Hun or the stern realities ct zens of the United Sta'es." attached at one end to a permanent Milton, Mass.; Sergeant Thomas J. Mooney, sentenced to be be spared sent to the men In the ages f Corporals front trenches. As long as smoke extended to American citizens regard-o- line. They are autocrats in their way, R. Pooler, Miami, Fla.; hanged at San Francisco for they and keep on smoking they of war. Would sueh pictures and Mass.; Jo- alleged can stand that." . and no one is George Anslow, Boston, in pa-ra- to soft men who color, enual civil rights- these wire men, permit- Charles complicity the preparedness .,.., statements appeal ted to Interfere with the swift execu- seph Jindra, Cleveland, O.; bomb there. ease to C n wav io celebrate th't potjo 'n W. Arthur outrage No Mutter How Small the Amount prefer luxury and fighting? tion of their they have the right It. Smith, Charleston, Va.; After Send It in. our h is by strt'tclivr.' work; Ralph the meeting the delegates will Were our men softened would not national story of over and and Wood, Macon, Ga.; Privates to Our boys are going to need tobacco hv out to inciure way troops supplies, Jerome march the White House to thank great quantities. Fill anmn nt her means be employed these enual civil rights" at a trot dash the Amundsen, Edgerton, Wis.; President Wilson sl5B0Jlpon ?on8 Soon and make It rapid through W. for his efforts in be- or noTr:?'aIt, to Th t0 . generousl . And of sex. Kalamazoo, Mich.; George Journal Office. A , to get them into the army? all Americans regardless roads, the men on the wagons paying Angell, half of Mooney and to urge that as a oi Austin, New York; Gerald N. Austin, the fact mat tnousanas mn kout the cable. Back of the wagons Chi- war measure he take further t 11 i t i 11 IT sta- - Chitrle Basel, steps n n onlnnr c thA rP IT The National Security league's ad ride men on horseback who with Malnesburg, Pa.; to prevent the execution. the toH Dewey O. Beam, Johnstown, THE JOURNAL, tions dally to enlist testifies to vice to advertisers to refuse support hooked sticks toss the cable Into cago; ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. reasons enlist- Frank I Beck, Fairhope, Pa.; recruit gives as his lor e out of the Pa.; ;Mo No. German-languag- Is bear- ditches and behind hedges Tex.; ...... pk(. 1 Popular elsarettas kaTlng retail ot the fact that he wants to fight the newspapers Oscar N. Bolinger, Indian Creek, tsIm lea ing Zel-tu- way of troops and transport wagons, Mich.; Wil- hor- ing fruit. The Chicago Staats Ray C. Brandow, Morley, PERFECT WOMANHOOD " Pkg. No. 1 Popular pip tobaeoo bavin Ms, Hun. The more he hears of the while further back other horsemen tie Ab-n- er ntall v1m vl and Presse are the latest notche liam W. Cameron. Gllman, Wis.; rors of warfare and the hardships the line and make it secure. Isn-do- re Pk. No. Popular elcaratu tobaooo sarin rain Eta. N. S. handle W. Cooper, Monticello, Miss.; null at before are on the L:'s gun are In the forefront of every Simon Perfect womanhood on per- which those who have gone They Czarnieskl,. Chicago; depends y ..Ha No. 1. Popular some- fect health. and dis- pit. pint ar!nr tobauo karlns mail film enduring the more he wants to get In advance and In the retreat are Czech, Jackeon, Mich.; Salvatore Keauty good f Ma, v' position both i ' The Republicans, having to leave the front line, vanish before, palrf and ...... ,, r to the Michigan times the last D'Annolfo, South Barre, Mass. IS aeeordanc with fray. tr-,- Wal- suffering. A menace to a wom- or offar to an popular brand of tobaooo aa a refused to support Henry Ford for where they stick to the end of their Paul Davis, McCammon, Idaho great ctsanttM to our la It is true that we are by nature W. an's happiness in life is the oldlr orop (a salt at H paokafM, aaah (or , should at least, agree to do a wires under terrific shell fire until ter Dawe, St. Louis, Mo.; Charles suffering our aversion senate, - that comes peace loving people, and ordered to their commands if Q.;- Herbert from some functional, de- I enslOM ..A..!...'.. statements. better Job than they usually do when rejoin Dlgelman, Coshocton; which soon , JJ. to strife gave rise to JlSe alive. Blanchardvllle, Wis.; Charles rangement develops head- they pick a candidate. theycan get through Dobson, aches, backache, nervousness Toae Kama ..... But the conduct of our maTlnes, If no A. Miss.; F. E. Dubbs, and "the ...... Drake, Lawton, blues." . For such woman other has shown once SWEETEV SUMMER DRINKS WITH O.; Mike Dummitt, suffering ' fact, .that' West" Liberty, find in Straat AUraae -...- ..-...... ,,. '. rt the Yanks over there long , help that famous old root and aroused the Americans are among the stay SYRIP. Wheeling, W; vVa-- Elmer Dunkle, norn ' enough London and Carls will Insist "A 6f sugar may be B Eaves. Tal- remedy, Lydia E. Ptnkham's hardiest and fiercest fighter. . . large quantity WrlghtsvllUv Pa.; John Vegetable 0tr into baseball summer a syrup E. EUy, Detroit, Compound, which for three " before we entered the upon getting the big saved this by making lapoosa, Ga.j Clifton has been "rMwcM.v Long fight generations 1 leagues after the war. of the to-- be used) In sweetening William Fishettl .Cincinnati, restoring health, sugar Mich.; ' to wdmen of America. . .. ' 4 ' ,

a - June 26, 1918. SEVEN Albuquerque Morning- Journal, Wednesday, u - m " u BRINGING UP FATHER , : !MStfSSS'iMT' BY GEORGE McMANUS 1 r 77 n Bf GOL.lC-N- 500NER "WHERE DOES THAN MENTIONED OURJWlFE .T r j N . - , Z - MOORE TOOR ALL THAT CHIN r - , V BUirf..'FVQrsYl-ETJLtrr- : V-f- W WIFE HIT ME WITH RETHROWS? - I v1" Y v me - iM -- out- - i U-i- "Jfikn5 f - y L -- veil meet at . I a stove up". J ' ' r'y S r5 St jk Ln VfSU feT Si k q fclF SEVEIS NEAR , I , v- - W . ' " '


FOR SALE FOR SALE .icelianeoui. PREDICTION OF Rolllnir Coal Oil Stoves and Re- TODAYS $2,000. 4 room frame, modern, 2 Mill frigerators, and buying Second VOll SALE One of the best built, is our main busi- sleeping porches, completely fur- SALE A Jewel 1" West Hand Furniture icst most convenient ami to cult rallgu nished, suitable for 2 families, locatod, T; il'us. eheaii. ness tlicae days. "tTTi see us. CAMGONET rents for $30.00 per month; 3rd b,inc;il'.'VS, in the SirTAT&Hocoiid naiiij nit die; cheap. Cotno in and E wa rd. lowlands. Trico and terms Livingston. SIS South Second. ANOTHER upon - FURNITURE CO. (2,600. frame, bath etc., modern Imngnlow. close In i FTlir.SALEOrflcT. furniture. Aiply Suth- STAR sleeping porch, line shade treos, ce- lowlands, hardwood floors, fireplace. weit Corner Second tind Cold, Thono 403. 118 W. Oold Ave. ment block garage, good barn; com- 2 porches, GO-f- t. lot. Owner is leaving FllirsAI,-:- Zeiililu Hlul woinhrtteliy iitiiilln. pletely furnished; 4th. ward. town and must a.ll at once. The TiAXTOH & CO. Sli cents a doi-n- I'hone Sin7-F3- . AFFECTS MARKET $2,300. 4 -- room shingle bungalow, price is right. See WAN rf'.Dil.ace'" curtains washed and .irio Qoil. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. modern, built-i- n features, hardwood THIRD AND GOLD. stretched. per pair. Phone floors, glassed sleeping porch, Mi"lPsATlrfice box. Ml pounds capacity. ATTORNEYS garage; 4th. ward. L Madia Co. Price, li.tlO. K. W. Fee, 212 Woid lad $2,600. stuccoed bungalow In CAUFORNIA T1MDIE IOHN W. WILSON ViTi biniti i for I.So. modern, fire- i,REAL ESTATE. FIRE INSURANCE, SALE lieciT:..(r' at .. Attorney Trading Lacks Its Usual University Heights, LOANS. HfHutlfiil rorm-- 100 bj 143 feet, In I'art-- f Is practically new. Frank A. llutiliel i'.. Rooma II. IT and 11. Cromwell Bulldtag) place. Jtc.ich, Sun Die:t, worth about M.-- hone 240H-F- Phone 1178 7 -- 156. 216 trutU- $2,600 room adobe, pebble dashed, Phone West Gold. will for here; would ttsKumu four-roo- Breadth Owing to properly cull S,v"LE Furnuuie for house. KOUKV ItOOKV Warning modern, lot 76x142, cement walks, soma iiipfprenco. chickens and garden, convenient to shops at In-ai- Attorneys as to Imminence of Hun Of- -. $1,700 brick, city water, Address ",", Journal, Suits I, Law Library Building electric new FOR SALE New Kama Fe brick FT'lTtiA 1.19 OVie horse and buggy; two sets toilet,, lights, bung- Fire ana Auto Notary Publla DENTISTS alow, two bed .rooms, large living- and or harness, one henvyi one cart, two bug- fensive on Western Front, floors, newly papered and painted; one couch and near terms. dining room with oak. floors, bath, kitch- gy poles, one heavy; sanitary OR. J. E. KRAFX shops; easy en, slreplng porch, electric fixtures, FOR RENl Rooms. pad. IU'0 North Second. Dents,! Surgeosl .. Brenlin shades, side walks, 6u foot lot nil ROOF Rooms Barnett Building Phoaa) M MOBNINO on Made Mail (V JOURNAL SSBCIAL LSASEO WIM! fenced and gne the street. Terms Mortk. JOo per gallen. Roofs under onr r will Appolntmenu by reasonable. from to year. We can put on New York, June 25. Trading In Loans Improve year U, F. COl'P al Eatate, Insurance, W. I). CARIt Foil RENT 3 huuiMtKeepiua- logins wuh pri- a new root that wilt last as long as the storks 1143-- J Dentist today larked the breadth and 111 ioutt Fourth Street Ml South Wntter riiom vate hath. North Fourth. Manaano Co, Phone 1M1-- session. Ill building. The Roopr 1 Mellnl Building uniformity of the previous FOR REN T:uVnlshet, rooms.'""!!? 7 dO South Walnut. (The warning of Britain's premier as to North Second. Albuquerque Hotel. ER1E carbon roof paint and roof cement I IIVSICIANS AKO BtnOBONtf the imminence of another German BUY oil leases near o K HE N Y Three rooms with stops leaks; lasts five years. Use Dsvo o. THE LATEST OIL EXCITEMENT floor Jap-a-la- ihTmaboaret cabtwrioht drive seemed to offset the further porch. 110.00. not) North Second. ready paint, paint, Valspar, svsal Chil ARIZ. WILL wells or on cold kalsomlne, and be satisfied. Practice Unilted to WomesV achievements and ac- HOLBUOOK, FOR RENT Rooms o o, week, wgter of Italy's troops 14 14 geological structures hath; Thos. F. Keleher. 401 W. Central. Phona410. I will locate on or or steam heat; no alek; over Oolden Rule Store 11 a. Phone 171, W. at counted for the irregular tone at the parties or there are oil indica- disc Emerion" li Central Albuqnereme. whole sections of oil land within the anywhere Wo , m. close. proposi- e'OR RENT Mouern rurmsneo rwnnai new outfit at Ksiancla. ..uu Dinvfl sector approved of by several eminent tions. Can finance drilling sick: water. West Plows, practically t see assd Also In- running tt8Uj Central. $10(1,00 will In flrsi-c-l.i- condition. Will Practice limited tn Eye, Ear, i Domestic developments exerted no KoologlBti at J1.50 iler acre. tion. Want to get in touch with put 'J acres the. FJK RUNT Kuril loni-r- t rooms kei-p- ' sell or consider from re- THROAT tail-wa- y dividual locations, of at men who will do on com- e,r bus, cheap, proposition Rock r leasing a 10 to 18; I to marked influence. Island Sgf use on bosls. Office Hours; Bear same fleurex. Address), A. h. KKM'HfeK mission. tng and single rooms, til North sponsible farmer to partnership directors are expected to make llolbrouk, Arii. Third. or will trade. .1. W. Campbell, Mounlalniilr, Btate National Bank Building to- 38. Las N. M. N. M sr, definite dividend announcement at Box East Vcgns, .11) I.IIANUE HOTKI, Rooms Hlld opart-iintit- DrtTsARXnTOKEB morrow's filti West Central. Mrs. Illchnrd Practice Limited tn Children. meeting. Oats July, 7114c; Aug., 67c. I'roprltreHS. Office Rooms 1 and I, Wright Blog. A share of the and Oold. preponderant day's Pork July. $43.00; Sept., $43.30. ENGLISH BOYS KEEN IMPERIAL, ROOMS clean FOR SALE. Fourth In Ntc; and Hours 3 p. m. to I p. m. business again centered t'nltcd Laid $25.32; Sept., $23.55. rates by or week; over Woulworth's, ONE Centrifugal pump July, LOST. day control. Ap- Resldencs 1076. Office Phone HI States Steel, Bethlehem Steel, Bald- Ribs $23.10; $23.67. FOR FARM LABORS 3111 West Centrnl. motor. With pressure Phone July. Sept.. ply D. Weinman, care Economist. win Locomotive, Marine preferred, NEW YOUK MONEY. LUST A black leather purse on Third REN"!' Nice clean sleeping room and n FOR SALE and Eggs oils, leathers and tobaccos. Ralls street, between Lend and tfazeldlne. light housekeeping apartments. The Amer- Poultry (AKsnclnted Press CorresiMindenr'e.) to 313 West llnieldlne. ican Hotel. 502 2 West Central. and were dormant, except for Reading and June 25. .Mercantile 22. in Foil SAI.H One fine turkey gobbler rork, Iondon, May Schoollxiys LOST III Bunt black Klip. couuimiiK FOR KENT Two nice rooms, turulstleil , South few low at mod- six 6 WANTEErwMisceilaneous. eix Hu(( Orpington laying hens, ill grade coalers, mostly IPow four and months, per Great Britain are organizing this year paper of no valuo to anyone except owner, light housekeeping or bedroom; board near Arno. erate o 4.i2Mi finder will office, re- by; good home cooking; reasonable. No sick, WANTED Fit teen pupii. Ill "t "' - gains. .cent; sterling day bills, per on a more extensive scale than ever ir roturii'u Jyurnul . leochcr. got FOR"sALi: l". R. t. Reds. Ileal In stale. ex- will lis ' ' no children. 60S West Fruit. Phone 1U44-- tsko tpanlsli lessons. Lady fl, United States Steel made an vent; commercial 60 day bills on summer on ward given. Mm k. and chicks. C. J". 2.1 for work during the outside room North Second esg.s Hay, of two from its 4.72 commercial 60 FOR RENT Nicely furntrted I. H. an treme reaction points jlianks, per cent; farms. Thousands of have WA.NTEIf-y.ui- ni! mule dog not sa High. the boys by the week or month: also furnished room j ro early high and closed at a loss of iMay bills, 4.71 per cent; demand. to for volunteers HELP WANTED. Elms corner 3 months old Must be Intelligent; nod FOR MAl.l'i rlnllie flota Kivajm, responded the call for light housekeeping. Huul, R. I. Reds. Mrs. L. K. Thomas. about one Associated issues ,4.753 cables, 4.76 First and TIJeras. home. Phone combed point. per cent; per and arc planning to spend their vaca 717 East Har.eldlne. were to 'icent. Male. vt ANTED Itluhetit price paid f(r old gold firm strong. tions in the to aid the farmer fjouUi. t n ...f ull Hlld Ilarreit en- country ,.,..1. kind. 5AltrClfICK8' ThoroUBhbre.l The uncertain final hour was 9914c. tel A ut iirimHhaw'. 12Sr,-J- . S. - Bar silver, in any way possible. The 'boys are A.'i porter RENT Furnished loom; separata en- slightly used clollics. I'lione CUus- It'K'ka, Reds, 13 cents. Mrs Kalo advances In Sumatra AUtu School. mnn. Lincoln street, Kin. livened by brisk paid on a "piece work" scale. TmTK"L Angelcs"vrt. C.A. trance II! West Coai 'tutor. 115 Topekn. Oeneral Motors at ex- Train for service. li- sweet peas, White Leg- Tobacco and Government bonds, steady. For of FOR RENT Furnished rooms, tit West FOR SALE Beailtltu, spencer FOR SALE "Layer and Payer" B 3V4 re- agricultural workers eighteen A farm hand. ver: no no children. long stemmed, assorted colors horn baby chlcka, III for 100: 11.60 for treme gains of and points, t itamuau uuaua, WANTED mllkor; ai. Ap. sick, fragrant, Rio 6. uaaj, years old and over in Northampton Beiemck's Dairy, 1103 North Fourth. "So prr hundred. Order In advance. $! for 36. Yotfe Poultry Ranch, P. O. hog spectively. Time loans Steady, Sixty days. ply FOK RENT Nicely funnelled room, aq aica.. School. Phono 1777. shire the board re- and Ton Grande .Industrie) 107, city; Phnne were but most 514 5 90 5 6 agricultural wages WANTBDWoTnan cools, $sbT carpsntors First class hoard. West Sliver. cB liberty bonds steady, per cent; days, 111 UUlllBT-CABHli- PAID FOR JllNK. . . . v. .. -- - s, e . . decided the minimum laborers. Employment Agency, South other divisions cased slightly. Total i.. cently upon FOR RENT Nicely furnished front bed BY THE SOUTHWESTERN JUNK CO.. rates for the Third. Phone 164. close In. Phone 1431-J- . 101 South AL80 FOR RENl Apartments. $6,350,-00- Call 6 summer, designating rom; x 114 WEST LEAD. PHONE 111. WE sales, par value, aggregated money Firmer. High, per six-da- A middle man to work Fifth. thirty shilling for a y working KANTRD aid BUY OIJJ AUTOS. luTtllETTraJoi cent; low, 414 per cent; ruling rate, around ranch and cook for two men, Two rooms ments and rooms. Highland fifty-fo- FOR RENT futnluhed lor 11 renovated. Sne. lA' sleeping un- 4 week of working hours. Af work and good wages with board and AVE your msttress United States bonds, old Issues, '414 bid, per .Steady also rourns. No sick $.1 Albu- House. per cent; closing 7, housekeeping; sleeping summer rates. June only. up. t . 1 r 1 . n ter October the minimum wage is to room. Address, Box Lupton. Arts. 417 West Silver. on call. . VCIll, u nMn. mo,!,,., Mattress Co., 1011 South Second. Fnlt RENT Furnished iiousi keeping apart- changed ui I'll Mm, ivuii, eight-hou- r 7 In re- querque R be the same for an day ANTED Experienced bookkeeper. ments. Hotel. 811 North Closing - nnv nent. mar- FOR RENT Three furnished Phune 471. Albuquerque prices: with one rest each week.' ply give references, experience, age. rooms, sleeping porch, batti, gas. $17. It. wora Second. American Beet 68 day's ried or single, and expected. C.rulmuu. PIANO TUNLVO and repairing. Ail Sugar salary McCluuhnn. 210 West lo!d Phone sn7. 'Irst-clas- H. RENT Furnished and 46 (Irubimu, los Cerrlllos. N. M. . guaranteed atrlctly J. it housekeeping American Can NEW YORK METAL. Rryant Muslo Ktugl rooms, new modern building: no (Atsnclnted Frmf Correspondence.) Uignmnda. Edwards, wlt'4 Albuquerque On., Ill American & 78 West Central. Phone 771. Me. 216 Norlh Seventh. Smelting Refining. 24. RENT-rurnls- hed I Lead Bawdsey, Suffolk, Eng., May FOR rooms. ill South E.N'I' tour rooiil turillslo-- American Tel. & Tel 95 New York, June 25, Firm. A . WANTED ec..nd-anu mens and Dors' Full II Three or -- a .. n'Aitfhlnl,KVIUIilf, fnK,nnnivvii thn. lUCVIIL- - WANTKIJ Competent aaleswoman. Walter. Phone 102. the 300 South American Zinc 17 SPOt. 7.30. ivu, lung NT olothas, shoes and underwear. Also trunks apartments, modern; Economist. FOR-ilK- Toom , hotel office. S 'ly washed up on the shore, being Large with itMplii Call Second- Slsth. Inquire Savoy f Firm. East St. Louis epoJU A r liouaewnrk. and suit cases. !. Chicago I0U2 West Anaconda Copper Spelter WANTKD Klrl Keneral porch; ideal for two. 116 East Central. 117 FOR RENT At the Washington, utilized for war purposes by tho na- hand store. South first One Atchison . 8" 8.38.40. Call J30 Huiith FMIth. KENT Room with h and Central. All ready for tunnant. aiti'ill tional council. ob- FOR sleeping pun wTnTfTdUWI from lo to lo . 56 salvage Glycerine WANTBP American for house- board for woman. 112 North Waltor Plume bags. Pay completely furnished. One part- Baltimore & Ohio ' girl general oo Ions Iron. from D. tained will provide the nroucllant for 301 West Homa. 1754. each, scrap Pay ly furiil'hrd. J. Eukln. proprietor. & 24 NEW YORK COTTON. work. Apply In. Ht. Louis Butte Superior eighteen-poun- d tn per Patrlotlo duty. 130 shells while the Western wn. California Petroleum 20 WANTED Bookkeeper. Mortgage KOll RENT iFurnlshrd room with sleep- Junk Co., 405 South Flr.i street, rnnne TiniTV As7l LNC.TC) 25. Cotton nones win no used to o.. New llcciil-nt- ui j)ldg. ing .101 South The finest modern apart- 147 New York, Juno futures Increase tho sup- porch, gentleman prefexed. WANTED -- Careful kodak finishing by limi-ta- r tral. family Canadian Pacific of VVANTElt A ninht for genrrij Waller. ment house In Ire state. For well people 60 14 closed strong. July, $28.27; Oct., ply phosphatic munurtsi fur the NT photographcri. Twice dally service, 00 FOR-"RE- , Phont 2022. furnished Central Leather Phone nil, North Rooma furnished for" . .n...... I..,, M'nd only. Apartments $25.72: $25.33; Jan., $25.08; land. nunienioi rttunju. D.i.,t,, D. & Ohio 56 Dec, WANTED Dressmaker"" A"iipjy"n Mr large sleeping porch. 110 Houth to a relialile. established firm. or partly furnished. J. Eakln. Prop. .Chesapeake 0V. vniir finishing . 43 14 March, $25.00. I'lione 13BS Walnut. pnoiesr-iiiiiers- Chicago. MM. & St. Paul ITALY'S Kills, imn Korrester. J. Banna Hnnna. master "FOR SALE Automobiles. .Chino Copper 39 WHEAT CROP WANTEI7"oT,k for Hants Ke arnl t,i go to FOR RENT Rooms with sleeping porch 4S KANSAS CITY PRODIXE. mountains later. Apply I'll Nortlf i welflh. wllh or without board. Phona t71. 1131 For Rent Rooms With Board. rColnrado Fuel $ Iron BIG Best East Central. 67 PROMISES YIELD ,nly. FOR SA I. ft- Cheap, car. .'tit Crucible Steel 25. and WOMAN no cook. 410 Centrnl. S1 Kansas City, June Butter Fir general housework; General. hoard. Est Sooth Edith. Cuba Cane Address Box 129, , Sugar (AwM-lale- Ing. Albuquerque. porun with new tMilllh F'Ofn-a-Tru- i 14 poultry unchanged. Press OrreAponflenrr.t FOR RENT Nicely- furnished' modern firoiIlssaTioirdTind steeping iv hAl.t; lliaiid KHe 26c. TEtJSOnAPHT, Stenography. Bookkeeping. rooms for Phone 1773 room at Bummer rates, 3i. IN South Ainx k takes It. Address Dux 17, cars Eggs Firsts, 3314c; seconds, London, May 23. Italy's-soil- which light housekeeping. iji .Great Northern Ore Ctfs 33 Board, room and tuition may be earned. Phone 16IS-- I'Oirnnl. has been cultivated Mackay Business Colleges, Loa Angeles and . '90V4 continuously for - FOR SALE, Livestock. FoS'ltEN'T Sleeping porch and furnished roll SALE Ford touring car, cheap II, Great Northern CHICAGO PRODUCE. Fresno. ( pfd..... 52 thousands of years, promises this room; table hoard. Mrs. Abbett, 101 North Davidson motorcycle, stngleMio. ill ... . Inspiration Copper yenr to produce the harvest Wslnut. Phone ISO. South Yale. Phone L",oo-J- Intt Mer. Marine Pfd. Ctfs 103 Juno 25. Butter Market greatest 32 Chicago, of wheat ever reaped in that country. FOR RENT ROOMS' with or without board. Large aliy roll SALE HUH Biudeiukor. Under, Kannecott Copper Dwellings. FOR SALE A few good Poland China lire and run unchanged. An Italian a a" rooma. good board. Hot and cold water. spare extras, -- 116 30,-31- .1 profesBor, member of bred or One ffotid work re- Louisville & Nashville Eggs' Market higher. Receipts bows, open. 004 South Third. Phone loin. 4300 miles. $1,000,00 cash, terms to m . . . . 98 university delegation whlrh visited florin. horse, reasonable. Phone 141J.F1. sponsible parties, phone OSi for. Martin or Mexican, Petroleu cases. Firsts. ' HmYaDY "NOOK Trench offers excellent room 3335c: ordinary London reoently as of the min- eOit HUNT Six furnished house FOR SALE Estra fine, young pedigreed ,11 SOS West Central. 2814 in- guests 1. and board. Just the to strong. Miami Copper first, 30 33c; at mark, cases of after .Iulv Modern, plenty Urge shade Block Flemish fllant, New Zea- place get 23 istry Information, announced 411" breeding For rates 8420F-- 4 ; free transportation Missouri Pacific cluded, , that, West, Marble. land, and Rufus Red Belglsn hares. William phone 30S4c. owing to the abultdants havest expect- lrs. Eleventh Accommodations sow avaiiaois. airs. n. a. rOK SALLPuriiUur Montana Tower Market i Old South, Oestrcch, Sr., i24 North Street, Potatoes unsettled. ed In 1918, he had reason to N. Thomas. ot house, illi , 7214 1 believe Alhuqucrquet. . New York Central rereints 2 cars., Wisconsin, Michi BENT line furnished four. room house MRS. W. Ht of the Loekliart Ranch South.i.cYale. Phone lstio-j- that Italy wotld be for the first fort FOR SALE Will sacrifice two go-i- all PEED, Pacific 87 time 40J Houth Seventh. nt !14 West has moved tn 102 South Arno street, when Northern gan and Minnesota bulk,. $1.10?? In Apply around horses with good double sot har- : 43 the matter of Gidd. Also four-roo- unfurnished house at she is to . health seekers - Pennsylvania 1.25; same, sacked. .$1.35 1.50, Now grain. ness. Rancho De Atrhico, near Dickenson's, prepared tugs' FOR RENl Miscellaneous. 24 411 Kouth Seventh. or Its Smith Fourth Phone laas. Ray Consolidated Cop&er rocelpts 50 cars. Market unchanged. in il (laraae. Inquire Sou West t. Coal the cellar now means fire In THE RIO GRANDE DtlliOC HOC. COM- Heading . J" Alive, higher. Fowls, 27c; HlghtancsB, FOR SALE Houses. Hi 'HUES and Rigs to Jesses sa.ap - Poultry ' the furnaoe" next PANY Of N. M LA BO EST springs, nnn.ihllr- iron & Steel 92 32 ' ' - winter. Albuquerque, rates. 8. Oarcta. 1808 North Arno. springs, 42c' s'OU KENT Desirable caodara breeders of pure bred hogs In the . Btate. IRSAtTE FourteerT-- f oom house, modern. 83 ilW-- FdR-NTen- Rquthern Pacific .... furnished cottage. Phone SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES FOil .IIINB two bath rooms, ranges, shades, garage, driving "horse" and"buiP on It 1S04-.- I .... 24 MAUKETS, i FOR BENT Four-roo- furnlalied bungalow One 760 lb. buroo Boar $23(1.00 close In. Thaxton Co. av. for hours. Phone Southern Railway S ,UVEST.QCK l'Hi.'-- . 154 $12.00 2 glassed-i- ll'J Bouth Arno. One 400 lb , Texas Company ,., ( , .Chicago livestock. $l3.00fftie.!0: wethers, 14.00; porchea. 0O FOR SALE Nice home, furnished and a ; 130J Cen- One ir.o lb MONEY TO LOAN. ; 12214 24 Cattle Receipt-- ) ewes. $10.00 13.00. ;: RENT Brick bungllow East S.OO good (justness, I4.W. half cash. Union Pacific v. ..Chicago, June or East One 12lb , , paying COc tral. Call at renlral. 110 SO 00 Journal of tics. Alcohol 124 fi ftflrt steers. 25c ' One lb. Bungalow, U. 8. Industrial Aetlvo beef to FOR"BENT Denver Urestock. Fnrnlahed cottage PURE BRED WEANED PIQS at 13.60 My residenoe In University United States Steel Ill than last week's close, other 1088 Walter. 5 FOR SALE higher' i with South Mexican 00 19 Denver, June 25. Cattle sleeping porch. Native acrub pigs Height Sleeping porches, gsrsge, etc s.v. Winds cahee .mostly Receipts office 1211 South Third: Phone 111!.. 8s 1336-- Utah Copper unevenly hlglier; 700. - FOrffENTFoar-roo- house two glassed City Terms If necessary. Phone or " Market slow And nfenrU- I4. 15l'8-- 5 mllea south. Phone S401-F- Bank 25c n,r In Waier paid. Phone Ranch .Five-roo- higher. porches. NATIONAL. FOR SALE modern bungalow. TRADE. vrno-- steers,' $12.00 12.65; cows Three-roo- reference. FIRST DAILY r CHICAGO BOARD OF RBpeintn 14.000. Licht and and heif FOR RENT furnished cottage. 4II consider car In trade: monthly pay- AUTOMOBILE STAGE. 25c to 30c than. ers, iK.0uft;.l2.25; stockers and feed- Inquire 117 South Broadway. Phone B34-- ments If desired. Th-on- 2244 or address R. Six-ho- Passenger Service .butcher hogs higher N'T r ers, .. $8. Fli-ItE- PASTURAGE. ears Leave Sllt-o- City 1:30 P. m. June 55. Indications that; medium ana 00n. 80; calves, $12.00 Furnished cottage, , modern, Journal, ,Chlcgo, yesterdays average; car lines. Leave Mogollon 1:00 p. m. market had become greaUy 16c 15.00. glassed porches', University FOR RENT Pasture wito water tn Jt best the coin packing grades mostly np; good 1161, Iu24 Last Central. Position. Curs meet all truln.i. Largest and a. Hogs Receipts 2,200. Market 10c Phonj mornings. limits, 11.60 per month) to advaaoa. WANTED auto In the southwest. oversold about moderate sold. Bulk of sales, $16.30 Three-roo- equipped livery. brought hogs all OR RESlf modern bnugaloW. 217H-- In emphasized a lower. Top, '$16.25; bulk, $15.90 Phone BES'NETT AUTO CO. uptawl prices today, 16.60; butchers, $16.40ifil6.65: pack Completely furnished; two porches; desir- $1 of the 16.00. 111 8EVENTT lores of pasture, per CtV." New Mexico. Httlo by intense heat over parts $15.80 m 16.85; light, $16.5o8 able neighborhood. Call youth Cedar. Ranch. 1 anntlh. Silver ' c ing. ;:'. month. ..Dolde's jnllel .southwest. The close was firm, 16.76; rough. $15.60(!M5.75; pigs, Sheep Receipts ,800. Market FOR BENT Modern nme-roo- house wjlth town. Phona ISM WANTED Competent lady stenographer $1.44 steady. Lambs. porches. Ideal location for room- desires in or out of town. D. C. L. to net higher,' with July and choice, $16.25a16.50. ' $17.00'l7.50; ewes, Bleeping position TIME-CARDS- . 40 good $12.0012.50. ing and boarding house. 301 South Edith. Journal. r to $1.44 and August $1.4714. fiheen Rece nts 10.000. Market Phone G.12. ' FOR RENTOfrice Room. 14c ad- WANTED Man and wife without children Oats finished at e off to steady to lower than yesterday; Idaho FOKHlsNTOMh wishes work on cow ranch. Wrlto F. I'. s 17c to 50c. LEOAIi NOTICE. General. N, M. vance and up spring lambs, $18.40r native sprinjr. upstairs, over Woolworth'e atore Penn. Helen, that beneficial xOTirif FOR RENT room modern house, Notwithstanding top. $18;b0; fair California springs, Eight room, fine In Il- Last will and testament of Mary M. KJoclc, heat, gas and garage. Phone 613. FOR RENT Downstairs office BUSINESS CHANCES. rains had fallen Ohio. Indiana, $16.00; wethers, $13.50. deceased. next to Postofrice. Ill (South corn Washington location, Barber and loom linois, Missouri and Kansas, the To Oeorga St. Klnck. Alubuquarque. New Fourth. HJIvTaIE shop pool combined, baths. 1825 West Central a.e.. BAIL-WA- Y Livestock. Mtxfco, named In the will sa PERSONAL. 2 ATCHISON, TOPEKA SANTA FB market averaged higher throughout Kansas City - exwttor; FOR RENT front connecting office nd Town. , setbacks 25. Cattle Re Sarah J. Jarrett. No. 24 West, Xinth rooma Oolden Rule CO. the flay. Numerous transient Kansas City. June Erie. No. over, (tore. Inquire rOK SALE Owing to III health I will sell street, Pa.: Etta J. l)avent,if. Ro-T- 11. ' ' ' sort. southerns. 111. , . pop-cor- n See U'estlKmnd. took place, but none of a radical ceipts 10,000, including 600 West Ninth street. Erie. iP.i . public able rates. Phone , my wagon at "B" theater. at- llhraVy of St. Johns-ill- e. Parker. Elms from 10 to 12 a. m No. .Class. Arrives Departs, Besides smallhess of receipts here Market to weak; Prime rea the town of fit. Hotel, 1:30 steady ' .Tonnavllle. New Ycik. 1 - 1. The Scout 7:10 ptn. pm. some notice from the bulls, dressed beef Montgomery county, "THcHIROPOPISf. FOR SALL- Real EUte. FOR RENT One of the best double atore I. . .11:41 tracted steers, $17.00017.75; Tou are hereby notified that the alleged best located for California Limited pta. , ' western steers. on" buildings and general 7. Faat ..10:46 am. 11:16am. despite the fact that the June option steers, $13.O016. 75; last will and testament of Mary M. Kloek, Corns and callouses Norlh 111 feet merahandise In the See J. I). Eakln at Fargo - - moved without No soreness after re VOAJBLot' High city. . Th,e Navajo 1:11 tun. 1:10 am appeared relatively weak. il0.60O17.75: cows, $6.5oe l3.ou; deceased, late nt the county 'of Bernalillo pain. from Central Ave. east front. Phone l&ll-- J Washington Apartments 1103 West Central. with Ideal stockers and and state t New Mexlo. was produced and moving. Bunions' treated, Ingrowing halls Phone JI. Routhbound. Hedging sales together heifers, $9.00 14.00; In court of the cured. Your feet examined .free. Satisfaction FOR KALE'-K- tx acres of cultivated land 01. El Paso read the pr.obats county, Express .... ' 10:11pm. weather tended to keep down values feeders, $7.60 12.60: bulls. $7.26 of Bernalillo, slate of New Meieo. on tha guaranteed Call and see me. C. E. Chase. and 4 --room house, I mllea north of town. 107. El Paso Express ... 11:41 am. SO 9 1 SALE , offerings 11.00: calves.-$8.- 14.00. th day of June, and the. day of tree Overland Hot'", West Central. Phone Cash price $805.00. On terms fsio.00. Phone FOR lunches. ' bound. market. Country Ills, tsss-w.- East provinx of said alleged last will and testa- 1S4. " MltKt eli, a 10. The Scout 1:01am. Hoim Receipts li.000. Market for the f7)ifALE barlinymalf ,,7:JSam. frv tni on ment was thereupon fixed Saturday, ranch all In wheal and alfalfa. Irqutre I. The 'Navajo ...... 1:09 pro, 1:40 pm. hogs o .strong. Bulk, $15.95 of A. D. 1018. at 10 o'clock ID 1 7 1281-- or 178 7:01 Bnarply higher quotations steady v :oth day July. ' TYPEWRITERS. TO TRADE. West Copper Phone 4. California Limited .. 1:00 pm. pro, Stockyard interests 16.20;. ugni, the forenoon of said day. I. Santa Fe. 1:11 pro. 10:81 pra, lifted provisions. lieavy, ,$l.U91f.30: hand end the seat, of this All and WANTKD To 320 ncres In llnlnea Eight.... fllvcn under my TTPEWRtTEIia makes, overhauled trdv DRESSMAKING. 'JYlssilw mnst of the buying. A- - ' KMth. $1B.01.20: pigs. $lfi.00l.60. court, this Hlh day of June. ! 1. ,. repaired.rfMee1e,eerrRlbhona for every machine. A- county, Texas, for land In or around . MONTOTA. VMeAivyyvAMeMyvvvMAAeeelij- rtroue Illi Kansas City sad Chicago, T:t am. T Closlnjr prices: , Sheep Receipts 8,oo. Bteaay. (Seal) NESTOn lbuquerque Typwrlter Exchange, Pboai H4 Address Box SOI, Albuquerque, UREsWAlSa Wilt stw Say: Oaaller. lot. tMUM Cltf a--d OUcisai 141 BO. ug., 1.47. - iyewUngs, Gowtl OarX UlAoutb gurtb. N. iL 1H, Mr . J I Cornulfc ,$MJi;,,0jK18.Mi , ..j EIGHT Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, June 26, 1918.

CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. COL D. K. B. SELLERS 318 WEST CENTRAL AVE. fliMIJSlMMMM Will HH'ak at the LAST TIME TODAY of the Booker T, NOTICE Plumbers, Hot Water and Steam Heaters, Tinners Washington's .Memorial Sana- HOUSE OF HIGH CLASS PICTURES AND MUSIC torium, given by the Eureka Supreme Council, No.. 1, and All Persons Born in of the "Wrot" Steel Warm Air Furnaces under the auspices of the Rio. Any Part Orundc National Development ABSOLUTELY British GUARANTEED. SPECIAL Society, Ine, Empire PIIONK 815. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. GABLES HALL 319 ii South Second Street. Whether naturalized citizens or not are requested to Paralta Plays meet at the PICK OF Tin: PICTURES THURSDAY. JUNE 27, 8:30 P. M. DAT Awrr rv 11 vrtrs Admission 25 cents Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday fhd Tur tuic 8 P. M. WEEK ONLY B I H J Bessie Evening For the of arranging our share of the July 4th I Celebration, as requested by President Wilson. V r"' Saxon J Monarch 20c Bafriscale DANCE GEORGE ROSLINGTON, When this lot is sold we will linvc 110 inoiv until tin- - time when Socks there Is uu restrictions on wheat products. IX And Help Buy Chairman British Section. For Sammies I". S. Food License Xo. IH. MADAM ARMORY Saturday Night, 4i!allu l.timo Gallup Stove WHO?' 29 Ccrrlllos Lump Hahn Coal Co. Ccrrlllos Stove CRESCENT GROCERY Distributed June 'WARD'S STORE By PHONE 01 IV. W. llodltinsnn Thirty-piec- e UOMKRH. W A K D Corporation Military Robert joxks Band ANTHRACITE, AI L SIXES; STEAM COAL. 315 Marble Avenue. Coal and South Walter. III iiimiiiiiiSjSi A speciul production in Seven Phones I'lione 576 'MmfiHiwu Mill Wood. Cord Native Lime. iBessieiBarriscale as Jeanna Parts Admission .... $1.00 Coke, Factory Wood. Wood, Kindling. II (Beaufort:,;' "V Nsher Paralta LADIES FREE Vroductioii jofHardld McJ J The Unwritten Chapter In .. 'Gratfa'l. rtnvsterv ;stdrv7 American History. Dance the .1 given under SUITS $1 P . Madam of the Women of CLEANED, DR. MARRON ALONSO moV A auspices Four suits American Army. pressed $1.25. 821 Ji WEST CENTRAL Ml 11 rut MillI. ,lMIII1IMlt tU Phone 831-- T.YRIC THEATE auq Toto in 'The Junk Man' Delivery, i'lione bihi. R NO RAISE IX PRICES. TODAY AND TOMORROW Journal Wants Brinci Results THE JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. MATIXEE Admission , Adult!, 10c; Children, 5e QUICK EVEMXG Admission Adults, 13c: Children, 10c VIOLA DANA in Time of the Shows 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 0:00 p. in.

1,1 very and saddle horses. Trimble's IDEAL THEATER, THE ONLY ROAD I ted ISarn. JEW AND MODERN Today Only U. R. R. SERVICE METRO FEATURE IX FI V E REELS NOTICE. Repeating by Request All bonds of the Third Liberty Loan Special Attention and Rates to tha paid for in full at time of application Traveling Public ALSO "THE SCREEN TELEGRAM" ONE REEL arc ready for delivery. STATE NATIONAL BANK. HOTEL HALL HERBERT the" hatsshop H. S. HALL, Owner and Manager special cases. He leaves the latter part New Mexico BRENON of for D. Has just received a beautiful line Magdalena, 35c the week Washington, C, of reason- PRESENTS Sfrt Onions, qt. jur on business. hats at very Hotel's Free Auto Meets all Trains Sweet 35c able Call and see them. Relish, qt. Jur M. W. A. will prices. STEAM HEATED. ELECTRIC 40c Albuquerque Camp Mrs. L. II. Chambciiln, 103 S. 4th St. VACUUM Preserves, any fruit, qt meet in session The LIGHTED, 20c regular tonight. w. s. CLEANED Oscar Sauce, jar degree team is to attend as B. M. WILLIAMS 9 bottle Catsup 15c requested NAZIiMA o. there will be initiation. tloz 15c Dentist Sour Pickles, S. Rooms 1 2. John Meeks and Jules Pallhct ami Whiting Pudding J enlisted in the naval reserves corps as Phone No. 8I. -- IX- seaman yesterday. They Intend to Corner Second and Gold. V. S. 8. SERVICE leave for El Paso in a few days by AUTO ! Matieiicci, Palladina&Co. automobile. TELL HENRY'S DELIVERY TO J an was 'War Brides1 GROCERIES A XI) MEATS Juan Ray, Indian, arrested Your baggage troubles. Phnne 930. JEMEZ by the police yesterday on an old W. 8. V 01 W. Tijeras. Phones 495-19- 0 federal warrant charging hiin with HOT SPRINGS -- BY- introducing liquor into Isleta. He is Bryant's Delivery Marion Craig Wentworth held at police headquarters pending FOR QUICK SERVICE ROUND TRIP, $20. v a preliminary hearing. Phone 501. 223 West Copper. smL Mr. and Mrs. Noa IlCeld left yester- BITTIWnOUSr"ROOMS Notify Undersigned. THE STORY OF A Brothers I day afternoon with Charley Clay for CHAS. H. CLAY, WOMAN WHO DEFIED Strong the Jcmcs springs, where they will W. S. A AN EMPIRE Undertakers remain several weeks, and tako the Orders taken hw nervlce flags. Jemez Hot Springs, N. M. hot medicinal baths. Women of 223 West SERVICE. PnOXE American Army, 1 MERBEM BRENON ' PROMPT There will be a special communi- Gold Avenue. 75, STRONG 1JLK., COri'ER G, W. 8. A 'Jp&T cation of Temple lodge No. A. F. .NY Prices All Day: AND SECOND. o'clock for Iiersons who wish to imew or take J&ZCL and A. M., at 7::30 tonight NAZI OVA., f Kn Children 5c work in the M. M. degree. Visiting ont mrtnhrrshipc In the Red Cross ;"WAR BRIDE J" members will bo welcome. xn do so by railing: nt Strong's Rook Buy Your Navajo Adults, Mutince, 10c; Night, 15c Daniel Lighton of Albuquerque, who Store, O. A. Matson Co.. Grimshaw's enlisted In the cavalry at the army or Mrs. If. IJ. Ferguson, or by phoning LOCAL recruiting station several days ago, the chairman of the Membership com- This Week! LQ ITEMS has passed tho final examination at mittee. No. 13SI-- 3 E Fort Bliss, Tex., according to word W. 8. S. The Babbitt stock of superfine '' ALVARAD0 Navajo Blankets are selling at received here yesterday. EGGS. lower than have Colin Neblctt has re- prtces Navajos Tourist lunches. Pullman Cafu. Federal Judge On sale by lending grocers the sold for Ih Albuquerque for years. turned to Santa Fe after a vacation, Last Time Martin & Thorn. Taxi. Phone 273. morning after they nro laid; 55c WHY? Because this Btock must to Information received -- W H. St.. Francisco Chavez, son of Antonio according positively be closed out every Today Chavez for Los last here yesterday, and has opened CITY ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP blanket must be sold, and prices THEATER left Angeles court for cases. He leaves have been lowered to a point night. special PHONE 5B7 the latter part of the week for where competition stands aghast. The of America w ill FREE CALL AND DELIVERY Nowhere can you get a good Nav- Royal Xeighbrs Washington, D. C. on business. HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY WAY. meet at 8 o'clock tonight in Cable HATCH'S OLD STAND ajo blanket at such a low figure. hall. Women alien enemies will bo un- Everybody is invited to come In able to for the time being, if and the blankets, and corn-pa- n to Mrs. Man-rici- o register Inspect Born Monday Mr. anrt have done as the them with other of did a '.hey already not so, qualities I'erca Albuquerque, of at LOST and prices. daughter. supply questionnaires police EXTRA SPECIAL FEATURE headquarters Is exhausted. More BLACK LEATHER PURSE Horn Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Babbitt Blanket Store have ordered and tho women Hills on Siind&val. 409 North First street, a Containing and Silver, 105 West Central Avenue, Near will bn given another opportunity in 1. daughter. East Centra Reward. First Street. th future. PHONE 285. The Royal Neighbors of America w. m. r. will timet at 8 o'clock tonight in Gable hall. An entertainment for the lrnrflt of the Hooker T. Washington memor- T. J. Mabry returned yesterday ial sanatorium, under the auspices of morning from Santa Fe Where he at- the Eureka Supreme Council, No. I, DOG MUZZLES WANTED tended court. will be held at the Gable hall, MADE TO ORDER To rent a five or six-roo- m 3l'iat T. South Second, tomorrow evening modern hoiiw or bungalow at J. Mabry returned yesterday 8:30 o'clock. Col. I). K. B. Sellers Address 81! 11th from Santa where he at- HAUSER'S SADDLERY oner. North morning Fe, address. 2138-- J. ' will deliver the principal 1 1 1 W. 400. or phone tended court. W. S. U. Copper. Phone II. ). Jamison in attending court in Women of the American Army will Santa Fe. He is also spending several give n dance at the Armory, Satur- days at Tesuque. day night, for the purpose of raising EVER The Woman's Relief will meet funds to purchase sock for the HAY corps our In the army. f at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in the "Sammies," hoys Its alleviation and cure, by my The music for the occasion will be ILUNCH ati combined treatments of Osteopa- I. O. O. F hall. rendered by the Camp Cody military thy, Medicine and Finger Surgery. After spending the winter nl Albu- brass band orchestra. Admission will GRIMSHAW'S C. H. CONNER, M. D. D, O. Miss Jean Bell left be but ladles will be admit- querque, yesterday charged, Second Central Office Stern Building fur Denver, Colo. ted free. and 'Grlmshaw to See Phones Office 655. Residence, 33 After spending the winter in Albu- Wants Tou" querque, Miss Jean Bell left yesterday A L I E NLABC E R sTATlL for Colo. Deliver, OF II. B. Jamison Is attending court HAVE SMALL SHARE Let Us Send a Man in Santa Fe. He also is spending THEIR WAGES WITHHELD To Replace That Broken Window severay days at Tseque. Glass. Mrs. B. F. Copp and son, Franklin Horses for Sale C. for the returned from an ex- Arthur Culver, examiner ALBUQUERQUE LUMBER CO. Copp, yesterday service here, "j f tended visit in California. government employment Phone 421. 423 N. First. the Teams. La-va- n and V. F. Partih, inspector for Two Heavy Judge Lorin C. Collin, Frank Two Teams. and J. Porter Jones were arrivals United States immigration service, Light have received instructions regarding Twenty Well Broken, Gentle from Santa Fe yesterday. Saddle Horses. B. the employment of Mexican laborers Mrs. F. Copp and son. Franklin build- Mast be sold at once. from for agricultural work, railroad USED CAR SALE Copp, returned yesterday an coal fields. The or- ! in ing and the lignite extended visit California. Mexican to be Dr. Albert Shlcls Los ders allowing laborers See A. B. McMillen of Angeles for these wcro an- v Look Over the List You May was In He Imported pursuits Albuquerque yesterday. nounced several ago. or J. Pence. Find Just What You was visiting Dr. David days Want.; Boyd, president The instructions provide that the of the University of New Mexico. employers of such lnnor shall with- One Oakland Touring, Mr. Mrs. Hammond, 228 -- and George hold from the alien's 25 cents 6 passenger $150 North street, announce the birth wages High for each day's services until the mon- of a daughter morning. One Overland Touring, yesterday so withheld $100. On 6 -- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davern returned ey aggregates passenger $300 each day the employer shall transmit Meet Us At One Overland.!,$.... Monday night from Los Angeles, im- Touring, to the in chargo of the 5- where they were on a vacation Inspector - passengor . . ., $275 trip. migration service at the place of the THE RED CROSS United States District Attorney One Overland Roadster. . . .$130 is in on alien's entry the money withheld Hummers Burkhart anta Fe Is " business. to from the alien's wages. The money DANCE One Overland Touring, P r He. expects return today. F u r - e 6 8 to a be to of $150 t deposited the credit the passenger eat "Che Woman's Belief corpB will Special alien. After the sums withheld ag- in session at Odd Fel- One Bulck Touring, Cecil and Hamilton Produced meet regular the sum of month TONIGHT By Raleigh Henry by Maurice 2:30 o'clock after- gregate (100, St per $050 " low hall at this be withheld from the noon. shall laborer's 8:30 O'CLOCK Tourneur. wages. Whenever the ulten leaves the, f One Buick Touring; (Light Colin Neblctt re- 6 -- $900 Originally rrcated by Cecil Raleigh and Henry Hamilton of the Lane, London, with the Federal Judge hag United States, whether it be bofore 6) passenger Drury to Fe a vacation, AT THE ARMORY One masterly direction of Arthur Collins. Its dirocllon Is magnificent. Its Is turned Santa after or after the savings amount to 1100, Studebaker Six, photography superb. according to information received here $850 It has wonderful scenes, surprising climaxes. It is universal in Us theme. AH limits of stage the total will be returned to him. Admission In now yesterday, and has opened court for $1.00 ' possibilities were reached the original production and It has been made Into the su- W.8. B MANY BARGAINS AMONG preme offering of flimdoni. - - ' " Whatever basis there may be for Per Couple THE ABOVE. CALL AND THEM the reports concerning the kaiser's LOOK OVER SHOWS AT 1:00, 2:45, 4:30, 6.15, 8:00 0:45 P. M. there Is no reason to Thirty-Piec- e Military Transfer Co. health, believe 1 to 0 Admission, ....,,. . Adults, 15c; Children,; 10c Springer he's got lockjaw. Y". "- ...... :.,...... " ..... "U " ' t'?;Band..... f , .... -' AXD THE WAR TAX. fj, : tVfw;' ' Ticket ori'lsale .'at,? KISTL-OVERLAN- D CO. -- ' Strong's Evening Adults, 82c; Tax 3c 25o Children 13c; Tax ao 15c. ' or; ; GENTRY'S EGGS ! Book Store, Mat Son'' and Ked Cross Work Rooms. Phono' 710. 513-5- 1 5 W.' "Central S T O R A G E Hawkins; Skinner, Champion, Oon - - " 1111 roy and San Jose Market; 05c dozen.
