E432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 21, 2021 Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, to ensure we running backs including My deepest sympathies go out to Joe’s fam- are protecting our air, land and water for our and . Like these leg- ily and to all whose lives he touched. children and grandchildren. endary athletes, Little achieved great success Madam Speaker, please join me in rising to during his college playing career, earning f honor the life of this extraordinary leader, and three All-American Titles and was later in- in extending sincerest condolences to the ducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- Mondale family. Minnesota and the United After leaving Syracuse, Little was drafted by SARY OF ’S OMI- States was blessed to have Walter F. Mondale the in the 1967 and quickly CRON CHAPTER OF DELTA provide us with a lifetime of service. emerged as a star in the National Football KAPPA GAMMA f League (NFL). In his nine seasons in the league, Little was selected to five Pro-Bowls, SECURE AND FAIR ENFORCEMENT amassed over 12,000 all-purpose yards, was HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO BANKING ACT OF 2021 the league’s rushing leader in 1971, and was later inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame in OF CONNECTICUT SPEECH OF 2010. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. BARBARA LEE Outside of football, Floyd Little was a com- passionate and kind-hearted man who dedi- Wednesday, April 21, 2021 OF CALIFORNIA cated much of his life to community service. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, it is with He leveraged his success to give back to oth- great pleasure that I rise today to join the Monday, April 19, 2021 ers and empower his neighbors. Little became members of Connecticut’s Omicron Chapter of a distinguished speaker for charities and fund- Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Delta Kappa Gamma as they celebrate their raisers across the country and frequently do- strong support of H.R. 1996, the Secure and 50th Anniversary—a remarkable milestone for nated his time to numerous philanthropic en- Fair Enforcement Banking Act, or the SAFE this very special organization. Banking Act, of which I am an original cospon- deavors. He was particularly proud to support sor. I want to thank my friend Congressman the annual Jay Fund fundraiser, The Delta Kappa Gamma International Soci- PERLMUTTER as well as Chairwoman WATERS which raises money to fight childhood cancer, ety is a unique organization whose member- and Chairman NADLER for their leadership on and worked extensively with the Walter Camp ship includes tens of thousands of women this issue. Football Foundation, which provides athletic educators from across the globe. Members This bill creates protections for financial in- opportunities to youth across the country. Like focus on promoting their professional and per- stitutions to be able to provide financial serv- his success in football, Little earned countless sonal growth—striving for excellence in edu- ices to state-legal cannabis businesses and accolades in recognition of his generosity and cation and dedicating themselves to making a ancillary businesses. This would allow these commitment to serving others. Little and his difference in their students’ lives, in their com- businesses to access the banking system in- family returned to the Central New York region munities, and in the world. Over the course of stead of relying on cash transactions. in 2011 out of a desire to serve his alma the last fifty years, the members of Connecti- Marijuana is currently legal in 36 states, 4 mater and the community he loved. Central cut’s Omicron Chapter have done just that. territories and the District of Columbia for me- New York has undoubtedly benefitted from his One of sixteen chapters of Delta Kappa dicinal or recreational use. This is an impor- presence over the past decade, and we all Gamma in the state, members of the Omicron tant issue as financial institutions prohibit deal- join his friends and family in mourning this Chapter live or work throughout the Naugatuck ing with cannabis businesses because of its loss. Valley. They have made it their mission to pro- current Schedule I, federal status. We need to Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues vide unique programs to the communities of ensure that these legitimate businesses have in the House join me in honoring Mr. Floyd Lit- the Valley that blend education and service. access to banking services as more states tle. Little’s athletic legacy is one that is perma- The have distributed books to newborns, have medicinal and adult use cannabis pro- nently cemented in record-books and Syra- young children, children of prisoners, and grams. Many of these businesses are oper- cuse culture, and his crowning achievements adult education students. Many of their mem- ating as cash only, which has created many will live on for generations to come. More im- bers have knitted afghans and hats for both issues for business owners and employees portantly, however, Little will be remembered babies and cancer patients. They have helped and has led to safety concerns for our com- as an incredibly generous man who lived his to raise funds for UN-sponsored charities, the munities. life in service to others. His charitable work re- Ronald McDonald House, and the Umbrella, a I look forward to continuing to work with my mains in the hearts of the thousands of people shelter for victims of domestic abuse. he helped throughout his life, and he will be colleagues on this and other marijuana related Perhaps most inspiring are Omicron’s efforts issues as they relate to racial and economic remembered as a towering figure who came to be admired wherever he went. on behalf of the next generations of educators. inequality. The SAFE Banking Act helps pro- They understand the importance of nurturing f vide a solution to this financial issue, but we those that will follow them in their professional must not forget the larger systemic injustice of REMEMBERING JOSEPH ‘‘JOE’’ R. pursuits. The Omicron chapter has sponsored cannabis prohibition, which has disproportion- MERLO the tuition for more than one-hundred fifty ately impacted Black and brown communities young women to attend Laurel Girls State, a through the war on drugs. We must work to- one-week program rooted in civic education gether to end federal cannabis prohibition and HON. TIM RYAN OF OHIO where they learn about how state and local to pass the MORE Act. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES government functions through a hands-on ap- f Wednesday, April 21, 2021 proach with state and local officials guiding the way. In addition, they also sponsor annual col- HONORING THE LIFE OF FLOYD Mr. RYAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to LITTLE lege scholarships to high school students honor the life of Joseph ‘‘Joe’’ R. Merlo, who planning to pursue careers in education. passed away on December 22, 2020. HON. JOHN KATKO Joe was born on June 8, 1945 and was be- From dedicating their professional careers OF NEW YORK loved by many people in my community. He to providing our young people with the strong- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was a husband, father, uncle, great uncle, est of foundations on which to build their fu- grandfather, great grandfather, cousin, and ture success to developing, implementing, and Wednesday, April 21, 2021 friend. supporting programs that enrich the education Mr. KATKO. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Like many who grew up in Niles, Ohio, Joe of children outside the classroom, the Omicron honor the life of legendary Syracuse University was a legend. If you didn’t get your haircut by chapter and its members have left an indelible Football Player and treasured member of the Joe at some point in your life, then you mark on countless lives. I am proud to stand Syracuse community, Mr. Floyd Little, who weren’t really a resident of Niles. today to extend my heartfelt thanks and sin- passed away on January 1, 2021. I will always remember Joe for providing me cere appreciation to Connecticut’s Omicron Floyd Little played for the with sage advice early in my political career. Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma as they cele- Football Team from 1964 to 1966 and donned Anyone that knew Joe knew he was always brate their 50th Anniversary. As we say in the number 44. This iconic jersey number was fun to be around and was a true Northeast Italian—C’ent Anni—to another one hundred assigned to some of the most accomplished Ohioan. years.

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