Winter/spring 2018 Parish Post Page 1

Editor Sue Nicholls Tel: 01296 661910 [email protected]

Advertising Klaus Ginda Tel: 01296 668911 [email protected]

Distribution Pitstone Parish Rachel Weber Tel/txt: 07717 471584 Post PPP is produced on behalf of Pitstone Parish The next edition will be Council and distributed quarterly, free to every distributed at the beginning household, PPP aims to keep members of the of May local community informed about events and Deadline is 5th April, 2018 news that may affect them. We are very grateful to the following distributors, who deliver the magazine to your Current PPP advertising rates door every quarter: (inc. VAT at 20%) Gill Arney, Kathy Brassington, Martyn Bronziet, Quarter Page £14, Half Page Barbara Byrom, Mike Clayton, Dawn Eaglesham, £24.50, Full page £48.50, Laurie Eagling, Lynn Fountain, Klaus Ginda, David Inside cover, colour, half Hawkins, Lesley Horlock Barbara Jacob, Sally £30, full £60, Back page, Kapadia, Maria Lashley, Norma Leighton, Linda colour, £65. Martin, Nikki Mattey, Julie Mead, Sue Nicholls, Janet Nielsen, Vanita Patel, Louise Pope, Isobel

Robinson, Sarah Smith, Annie Stack, Tracey Stone, Other useful numbers see Fiona Thompson, Linda Thompson, Louise page 59. Weatherill, Connie Wesley, Linda Willimont. If you would like to help with the distribution then please contact the distribution manager (see left).

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WELCOME Dave Nicholls, Chairman, Pitstone Parish Council

Happy New Year to you all. Doctor and Hospital appointments. As we move into spring we start While some people can call on NHS to see the delightful changes to the transport options, many cannot, and countryside in fields, hedgerows and because public transport options are trees. This year, around the also limited, are forced to rely on recreation ground, those changes will friends and family, or pay for taxis. include the removal of two trees that Volunteers in the Community have been killed by bark stripping. Transport Scheme assist using their We have involved the police and are own vehicles. Users of the service taking further steps to find the pay the volunteers’ expenses, making culprits, but we really need the system more affordable. everyone's help. Please keep your We are looking for more eyes open, and if you have any volunteers to assist with this information, pass it to the clerk so important service. Helping in this way we can take action. does not affect your insurance, and In my last report I talked generally all necessary training and advice will about volunteering and the benefits it be provided. If you feel you can brings to individuals as well as the commit some time to this please community as a whole. This time I contact me or the clerk, for more have a specific request. For some information. years a Community Transport Wishing everyone all the best for Scheme has been running, where 2018. volunteer drivers help people attend

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PITSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Laurie Eagling, Parish Clerk

Almost £23.5K of funding football league should the senior club secured for Phase 1 of the redevelopment at the sports gain promotion, improve safety for pavilion those using our site and help to The parish council is delighted to make the site more attractive to announce that grant funding has been users. secured to commence work on the We are most grateful for all the first phase of improvements to the support received. This project has sports pavilion site on received £14,298 from the Premier Road. Phase1will see the League, through the Football Stadia replacement of a section of Improvement Fund; £7,791 awarded perimeter fencing, the installation of by Vale District Council two sections of ball-stop netting and following a release of Section 106 an enlargement of the senior pitch. developer contribution funds This will start to: bring the site up to towards sport & leisure in the the specification required by the parish; Pitstone & Junior

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Football Club have provided a fee for utilising their bin. Increasingly, donation of £300; Pitstone & these bins are being used by Ivinghoe United Football Club residents to discard bulky waste that (seniors) have provided a donation of they don’t wish to put into their £1,100 and the remainder has been personal refuse bins such as heavy contributed by the parish council. bags of soiled cat litter, carrier bags After a lengthy tender process, of soiled nappies, excess food waste, AlphaFence Sports & Security lots of packaging from birthdays/ Fencing will be engaged to install the Christmas deliveries and presents, perimeter fence and ball-stop netting, old clothes/blankets and garden and Agripower are being employed waste. After Halloween we found to carry out the pitch enhancements. several bulky discarded pumpkins in At the time of writing (December the bins, despite AVDC saying that 2017) it was envisaged that work they would take away all pumpkins would be commencing shortly, and left alongside the food waste therefore should – all being well – collection bins. Such deposits cause have been completed by the time all types of complications and issues you read this. for our staff members, especially Village roadside litter bins / dog when items are heavy, pose health & bins safety hazards or can’t be put into Please be mindful that the parish the general waste wheelie bins. council provides a number of litter Glebe Close and Windsor Road bins around the parish for you to use seem to be particularly prone to for the disposal of small items of issues. litter as you are walking around e.g. Unfortunately, we also find black confectionary wrappers and empty sacks full of dog fouling left next to drink bottles. The council employs the village dog bins, which rip open three retired gentlemen to empty and spread across the footpaths, for these bins and they physically carry which AVDC need to send out a the contents to the Memorial Hall specialist clean-up team for wheelie bin, where we pay the hall a hazardous waste. Please dispose of all

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your refuse responsibly. Fire. AVDC can supply larger refuse According to the Highway Code, you must not park: and recycling bins or additional • On a pedestrian crossing, including recycling bins if you need them. the area marked by the zig-zag AVDC will take additional lines recycling if you leave it in a cardboard • In marked taxi bays box next to your blue bin on • In a cycle lane collection day. • On red lines You can sign up to the garden • In spaces reserved for Blue Badge waste collection scheme with AVDC. holders, residents or motorbikes AVDC also offer a bulky item (unless entitled to do so) collection scheme. • Near a school entrance, including Any surplus waste, or materials the area marked by the zig-zag such as batteries, can be taken to the lines recycling centre at . • Anywhere that would prevent There are clothing/shoe banks access for Emergency Services at outside Masons and outside Colbree or near a bus stop Engineering. Inconsiderate Parking • Opposite or within 10 meters of a Inconsiderate parking is another junction area that seems to cause a multitude • Over a dropped kerb of problems around the village, • In front of the entrance to a especially where the roads are property Answers to the top parking narrow, where parking causes related questions: visibility problems at junctions, when  You don’t have the right to the vehicles park on the pavement so parking space outside your house. pedestrians are forced into the So long as they don’t break the highway, and when people park on law or contravene parking top of ‘keep clear’ signs. Here is regulations or restrictions, anyone some useful information provided to can park there. us by Thame Valley Police and Bucks  You can’t force your

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neighbour to utilise their to take any action other garage or driveway should than asking them to move they choose to park on the it. road instead.  If someone parks on your  There is no restriction on actual driveway without how long a vehicle may your permission, this is park there, so long as it is trespassing. Trespass is a taxed, insured and has an civil, rather than criminal, MOT. The only exception offence. This means that being if the police believe it the police are powerless to to be abandoned. take action.  Driving on a pavement has been banned since the Access for Emergency Vehicles and Refuse Lorries Highways Act of 1835. Parking on the pavement in London is banned in the Highway Code. If you do park partially on the pavement you must leave enough clearance for a double buggy to safely use the path, otherwise you will be committing other offences.  The law only deals with Picture taken in a different town by Basher Ayre obstruction to the highway, not your driveway. If Firefighters are urging people to someone has parked in think about access for emergency such a way that your service vehicles when parking in the driveway is being blocked street. Inconsiderate parking causes the police might be able to them to lose valuable time, and this give you advice, but could be vital if they are responding probably wouldn’t be able to an emergency incident. A fire

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engine needs 10ft (3 metres) clearance to pass safely and it doesn’t need to be a whole row of cars to cause a delay, it only takes two cars almost opposite each other, to cause an obstruction. Bucks Fire urge residents to think about their parking as they could be putting the lives of their families, friends and neighbours at risk. condition’. please be considerate when  If you splash a pedestrian with using and parking your vehicle. a puddle they have the right to take your registration number Other motoring reminders and report you to the police provided by : where you may be prosecuted for ‘careless driving’ 10 Motoring Laws people forget or ignore  You should only use your fog lights when visibility is “seriously reduced” i.e. less than 100m.  Failing to come to a complete halt at a ‘stop’ junction is breaking the law.  If you fail to clear snow from Courtsey of B|ristol Post your roof and it slips over your windscreen or slides into  You must only enter a boxed the path of another car, you junction if your exit is clear. could be open to a charge of You commit an office if the exit ‘driving without due isn’t clear or part of your consideration’ or ‘using a vehicle is inside the box whilst motor vehicle in a dangerous you are stationary.

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failing to update it can lead to a  You must be safely parked to fine of up to £1,000. use your mobile in a vehicle –  It is an offence to drive in the being in a queue of traffic or outside lane of a motorway sitting at lights doesn’t count. If towing a trailer or caravan you are using a sat-nav app on unless you are in an emergency your mobile, your phone must situation or overtaking an be in hands free mode and/or in exceptionally wide vehicle. a cradle. The penalty for using a  You are breaking the law (and hand-held phone includes, at probably invalidating your car the very least, 6 penalty points insurance) if you leave your car on your licence. engine running while you defrost your car in the street while sipping coffee on your door step. You must be ‘in charge’ of your vehicle at all times when the engine is running, otherwise you risk a fine. If you leave your car, the engine must be off and the handbrake on.

… and remember that it is now Image courtesy of illegal to smoke in your vehicle while children are in the car.  Changing your car? The seller must now ‘cash in’ any unused car tax on the vehicle and the buyer must buy new car tax before you can drive the car on the highway.  Your photocard driving licence is only valid for 10 years and

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Visits to Greatmoor Energy from Waste Do you ever wonder what happens to the things you put in your waste bin? Your recycling is sorted and passed on to recycling companies, but what about your non-recyclable waste? So far over 2500 visitors to Greatmoor Energy from Waste have found out. All of the residual (non-recyclable) household waste generated in is now processed at the Greatmoor Energy from Waste facility,at Woodham, near Aylesbury. Greatmoor is operated by FCC Environment in partnership with Buckinghamshire County Council. Greatmoor has the capacity to treat up to 300,000 tonnes of waste a year (approximately 900 tonnes a day), waste which would otherwise have gone to landfill. As a result, it generates a minimum of 22 megawatts of electricity to the national grid – meeting the energy needs of around 36,000 homes. This alternative treatment of waste will result in a saving to Buckinghamshire County Council of approximately £150 million over the 30 year life of the contract. Guided tours of Greatmoor are available by prior agreement and at no charge. Visiting groups have included WIs, U3As, Rotary Clubs, Scouts, Cubs, Primary Schools, Colleges and lots of others. A group visit to Greatmoor can be tailored to your requirements and will include a tour around the facility, which includes the control room (where you will be able to see the cranes loading the waste), a visit to the viewing hatch providing an exciting view into the heart of the fire, the turbine hall and the huge condenser fans, which is an

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DISTRICT COUNCIL NEWS Sandra Jenkins & Derek Town, District Councillors, Pitstone & Ward

Are you or is someone you know shelter for the homeless and those iat risk of facing eviction or at risk of eviction during winter homelessness? Aylesbury Homeless months in the district. Action Group (AHAG) would like to New state-of-the-art waste engage with anyone in need of lorries roll out across Aylesbury housing support. More information is Four new waste lorries are available on the AHAG website now operating on the streets of Aylesbury. These are the first of 22 Since 2014 new vehicles that will deliver a range District Council has supported the of improvements including enhanced Emergency Winter Provision scheme performance, better fuel efficiency operated by AHAG, which provides (Continued on page 15)

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and safer operation. vital funding and organisations who Season to Recycle are signed up include schools, animal Over the festive season charities, theatre groups, sports households generated around 30% clubs, disability charities and many more waste, so it was even more more. important to reduce, reuse and Most causes raise anything from a recycle. wrapping paper, boxes and few hundred to a few thousand empty bottles. pounds a year. All year round, please help us by What they have to say…. filling the blue-lidded recycling bin • “Every good cause should do with; food plastics apart from this “ cellophane and cling film, cardboard, • “It’s an easy and fun way to paper, tins and bottles. If in any generate vital funds” doubt, check out our new online • “Without this we couldn’t Waste Wizard that tells you which provide some of our services.” items can and cannot be recycled. All • “It beats tin rattling” your food left-overs can go in the • Some examples of where the food waste bin. money is spent: Vale Lottery – an update. Support Groups Vale Lottery was set up by Computers for schools Aylesbury Vale District Council Horse riding lessons for autistic (AVDC) two years ago and was the children first of its kind in the country. The Sports equipment following statistics will give a good Therapy sessions overview of its success so far. Unlike Running costs the National Lottery, Vale Lottery is If any local organisation wishes to a much more local affair - with 2800+ join Vale Lottery, or indeed if you’d tickets bought each week; 180 causes like to sign up and start supporting a supported; £130,000+ raised for local local organisation, just visit good causes; £23,000+ cash prizes If you are involved won so far and a potential £25,000 with a local organisation that is weekly jackpot. Vale Lottery helps looking for additional funding it is local causes and charities to generate (Continued on page 16)

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(Continued from page 15) The most positive element of this scheme is that there is no cost to useful to know the following – the participating causes ie license, • The lottery licence is held by management running costs, set up AVDC. costs etc. The only real labour is the • 60% of each £1 ticket cost joining effort on line and the goes to good causes – 50p is promotion of each cause via social paid directly to the chosen media, newsletters (like this cause and 10p to the publication for example), Community Fund which additionally AVDC will help advise supports a range of causes. with the promotion of your cause if • The rest goes to the prize you choose to take part. fund, running costs and VAT.

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ACCESS FOR ALL TO THE ALLOTMENTS Brian Brooks, Chair, Pitstone Allotment Association

Pitstone Allotment Association, who we are exploring various options that manage your local allotments, make allotment gardening more oversee a thriving site set in beautiful accessible to a wider proportion of surroundings, giving our local our community. We are considering community the opportunity to grow creating smaller more easily their own fruit and veg. accessible raised beds. Whilst we recognise working an If this is something that would allotment plot is rewarding with interest you please contact our many benefits, physical activity, secretary Marjory Rankin to register growing your own produce, as well your interest at the email address as being part of a friendly community below. amongst them, it can be hard work maintaining one of the whole plots that we currently offer, particularly for those less able and not as fit and active as they used to be. To this end [email protected].

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Anne Wight at Slapton Village Fete

COUNTY NEWS Anne Wight, County Councillor, Ivinghoe Division I hope that you all had a very were gratefully received by many of Happy Christmas and would like to our parishes to honour the fallen of take this opportunity to wish Buckinghamshire. After attending Pitstone residents a joyous and the service at St Mary the Virgin prosperous New Year. I look church in Ivinghoe on Remembrance forward to working with you all and Sunday, I made my way down to getting to meet more residents Pitstone where I was honoured to personally throughout the course of have been asked to lay the wreath the coming year as we work on behalf of Bucks County Council. together to make Pitstone an even This was Pitstone’s first more thriving community. Remembrance Day service and it At BCC we had a very busy end to was held at Pitstone Memorial Hall. last year. In November, I was very It was very well attended, and a pleased to have been able to poignant and moving tribute to provide poppy wreaths from those who fell in the service of our Buckinghamshire County Council country. for my villages this year in support Also in November at the Full of the Royal British Legion, which Council meeting, Avril Davies, the

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Beacon Villages Community Library

BVCL 100 CLUB Now in its 4th Year! Come and join our many prize winners and help to support your local Library. Why not pick up a pack at the Library in Ivinghoe? Or email [email protected] for further details and an online application form.

Run by the community, for the community General enquiries: [email protected] 01296 387890 Committee enquiries: [email protected] Opening times:: Tues 2pm - 5pm Wed 10am - 12noon Thur 2pm - 5pm Fri 2pm - 7pm Sat 10am - 1pm

Performing Arts for 6 -18 year olds

Our workshops are taught by professionals, with classes in drama, singing and musical theatre, ensuring every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential. To find out more about what we offer in Tring and surrounding villages, email [email protected] Visit our website or call Kate on 07790 487 022

Winter/spring 2018 Pitstone Parish Post Page 23 former local member for Ivinghoe communities, it was lovely to be able Division, was made an Honorary to make their Christmas a bit Alderman of the Council at brighter thanks to our council Buckinghamshire County Council. employees and county councillors, She committed her time and energy who donated Christmas presents to serving the community for 16 throughout December for years as a county councillor and so it disadvantaged children across is very fitting that her long service be Buckinghamshire. The presents were recognised with this much-deserved wrapped and handed over to children honour. I would like to extend my and young people by members of the warmest congratulations to her on Council’s Children’s Services teams in this great achievement. time for Christmas. I was delighted to support this effort, and hope that all our young people had a truly memorable Christmas! As regards my work with Transport for Bucks, one of the advantages of being on the TfB working group is that it has allowed me to develop some very good working relationships with the TfB team as well as to feed back to them, Avril Davies Pitstone residents’ suggestions, ideas and priorities. As I know that residents here in Pitstone are In December, as part of naturally concerned about road Buckinghamshire County Council’s repairs it gives me great pleasure to efforts to ensure a good Christmas report that in the past few weeks the for some of our more vulnerable jet-patching I commissioned this children and young people, I was very autumn has been completed in Glebe proud to be able to support the Close and throughout Ivinghoe annual BCC Christmas appeal. Since Division just before the colder winter part of my work on the Corporate weather comes our way. I also asked Parenting Panel includes working with TfB to raise an order for replacing some of the younger members of our the missing kerbs on Queen Street.

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The B488 through Horton has recorded, accessioned, conserved, now been beautifully resurfaced, stored safely and respected globally. which means I am turning my attention to examining various o A website that enables people options to slow down traffic. These access to this unique and inspiring include re-examining speed limits on resource alongside the ability to parts of the B488, looking at the share their own stories. data from the recent traffic count on o A Heritage Centre at Stoke the Brownlow Bridge in Ivinghoe, Mandeville Stadium, Aylesbury, and assisting in the formation of new Buckinghamshire. speed watch volunteer groups in o Regional hub exhibitions telling some of our villages. Please let me local stories. know if Pitstone residents are o A series of small touring interested in more information on exhibitions supporting sporting and the possibility of a speed watch and I heritage events across Britain. will be happy to explore that with o A creative learning and you. participation programme will run Regarding some of my other across all areas of work. work at BCC, it is my great privilege By way of brief history, Dr to have been appointed as a Trustee Ludwig Guttmann first opened the to the National Paralympics Heritage games as part of Trust as part of my role as Deputy his programme for the rehabilitation Cabinet Member for Communities of paraplegics. Wheelchair basketball and Public Health. The mission of and particularly archery were the NPHT is to enlighten and inspire popular for building upper body future generations by celebrating, strength and inspiring patients to cherishing and bringing the improve their health. Ultimately Paralympic heritage and its stories of these became the first Paralympic human endeavour to life. games and the NPHT is keen to Over the next 6 years we aim to preserve the history of Dr establish: Guttmann’s legacy through ensuring o An archive and collection of the preservation of archive material national and international and adding patient stories to the importance and interest that will be collection so that it remains a living

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legacy. investment in research and We are all looking forward very innovation and build on existing much to the Flame Lighting strengths in motor sport, high Ceremony in March 2018 at Stoke performance engineering, space Mandeville Stadium in advance of the propulsion and drones, agri-food and PyeongChang Olympics and creative and digital industries. Paralympics. Pitstone business owners and Buckinghamshire County Council managers, as with other businesses has been proactive in taking a lead in in Bucks, should prepare for Brexit preparing for Brexit. Its unique disruptions and opportunities. Of strategic location and business course different businesses will have dynamism means it is perfectly different priorities and exposures, placed to lead the way in growing Buckinghamshire is well placed to productivity and delivering the succeed in a post-Brexit world, with government’s Industrial Strategy. one of the country’s most Working in partnership with productive economies and with its Buckinghamshire Thames Valley strategic location within the Golden Local Enterprise Partnership Triangle between Oxford, (BTVLEP) and with Buckinghamshire Cambridge and London, in what has Business First (BBF), the Council has been dubbed the Silicon Valley of the produced detailed analysis of UK. The county is also conveniently Buckinghamshire’s local economy, located near Heathrow, the UK’s including workforce dependencies gateway to the world, which is only and trade relationships. The Council likely to become more important is setting up a task and finish group, following its proposed expansion. which coordinates our Brexit Should any Pitstone businesses preparations, and collaborates with wish to explore further and shares best practice with other opportunities with Buckinghamshire local authorities and organisations Business First, do please get in across the country. touch! Fortunately, Buckinghamshire is close to major research institutions and well-placed to attract [email protected]

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RINGING ENDORSEMENT FOR ARMISTICE CENTENARY Richard Boothe The Bell Ringing Teams at All Saints’ peace. Church in Marsworth are playing Just as they did 100 years ago, their part in a national campaign to ringers come from all walks of life recruit and train 1400 new bell and it is an engaging and sociable ringers during 2018, to hobby which is open to people of all commemorate the 1400 ringers who ages from about 10 upwards; many lost their lives serving during World people take up bell ringing in War 1. retirement. Men, women and This National Initiative called children all ring together and there is ‘Ringing Remembers’ aims to get new a keen sense of community among ringers trained in time to ring our ringers who enjoy creating this nation’s bells on Armistice day 2018, traditional English sound. which is the centenary of the end of As well as ringing for National hostilities. The intention is for occasions such as Armistice day, the Church bells up and down the Olympic Games or the Queen’s country to ring out, honouring those Jubilee, Church bells are rung for who gave their lives and celebrating (Continued on page 44)

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WHAT’S GOING ON AT COLLEGE LAKE? Paul Simmons, College Lake Warden

A Happy New Year to you from to close for nearly a week for safety all at College Lake. We have had reasons. some wonderful winter days here at One of my favourite winter tasks College Lake with bright crisp and is hedge laying, and in mid-November sunny ones as well as recent snow. we began laying another section of Unfortunately the snow soon became hedgerow on the eastern side of the a sheet of ice in our car park and on reserve, which we have carried out paths around the reserve so we had (Continued on page 30)

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(Continued from page 28) morning at 10.30. The idea of these walks is for people to improve their in sections over the past few years. health step by step. It is becoming As with the previous sections of increasingly well-know that spending hedge, we started off by running a time in the natural environment is beginners course for our trainees and good for health and wellbeing so we volunteers, showing them how to lay thought College Lake would be an a hedge based on our local Midland ideal place to host a Simply Walk. On style. There were twelve trainees our walks we usually do a 2 mile working in pairs learning how to cut circuit of the reserve on level ground, and lay the stems, known as but there is always the option of a pleachers. Hedge laying can look shorter walk depending on each quite drastic and even destructive, participant’s ability. There is the but this traditional management option of a tea or coffee in our café technique will rejuvenate a hedgerow after the walk. If you or someone you and create a good habitat for wildlife know is interested in joining the walk from insects to mammals. During our or becoming a walk leader, the breeding bird surveys last spring we Simply Walks website is at noticed an increase in yellowhammers in the area of the laid environment/exploring-the- sections of the hedge, and believe this countryside/simply-walk/ or you can is due to creating suitable breeding contact Paul Simmons at College conditions in these sections of Lake, on 01442 826774. hedgerow. Over the next couple of As always keep an eye out for months we will finish laying the hedge upcoming events and guided walks at before we stake and bind it. College Lake by visiting our website January will be the first anniversary at: of our Simply Walk at College Lake. Part of the Bucks County Council on or come in for a walk round the health walk scheme with over 80 reserve or for a cup of coffee and a walks around the county, our walk cake in our café. takes place every Wednesday

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BOUND FOR IVINGHOE Dave Sivers International bestselling author Romantic Novelists' Association Carole Matthews is amongst a star Romantic Novel of the Year Award. -studded programme being put Her latest book is Million Love Songs. together for BeaconLit 2018. Other names confirmed at the Ivinghoe’s own literary festival will time or writing take place in Brookmead School include hot new on Saturday July 14. crime-writing Carole Matthews is a talent Vicky successful and popular Newham, BBC British author, famous reporter Adina for her sense of humour Campbell, and her romantic author, blogger comedy novels. Her and creative books have sold over 4.8 writing tutor million books worldwide Morgen Bailey and have been published in more and Pitstone author Dave Sivers. than 31 countries. In 2011, she was The festival panel is promising the inducted into the Festival of usual eclectic programme of panel Romance Hall of Fame for her discussions, live interviews, talks and outstanding contribution to romance workshops. writing. She has published 31 novels There will be free parking on and has appeared on the Sunday Ivinghoe Lawn, just a short walk Times and USA Today bestsellers lists away (disabled parking available at and her books, Welcome To The Real the venue), light refreshments World and Wrapped up in You have available all day, pre-orderable both made the shortlist for the (Continued on page 41)

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On the 1st February 1989, 18 men places over the years including the met in the Town Hall at Ivinghoe to Tunnel Cement Social Club, The Bell, discuss restarting a branch of the The Rose and Crown, Ivinghoe Golf Royal British Legion in Ivinghoe & Club as well as the village halls in Pitstone. At that meeting was a Mr Ivinghoe & Pitstone. Membership Owen Wynne, and by the end of the grew over time and fund raising meeting he had been elected events got bigger and bigger. The Chairman of this new branch – and success of our branch is due largely so he has remained until the AGM on to the two of them chivvying the 6th December 2017 when he everyone along and making sure that tendered his resignation. there is a diary of events Over the past 28 years, which will help with both the Owen and his wife Alex, social side of the branch and have worked tirelessly for the fund raising side. the branch, organising fund Owen has led the branch with raising events, day trips to an integrity and fortitude various locations which belies the moans and throughout the country, groans which always come cheese and wine evenings from being the person with and buffet lunches as well as co- whom the buck stops. He has in the ordinating the Poppy Appeal last few years however found the role collection each year. In the early days, increasingly time consuming and Alex borrowed a mini bus for the day difficult and so his decision to retire trips and would drive members to was a good one for him. We knew various events. As his aide de camp, that it would come at some time and Alex has been there at every event, the time is now right for Owen. So efficiently making sure that all went we were pleased that on December well. Meetings were held in various (Continued on page 37)

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3rd in the Millenium Room at Pitstone them both. We were also able to Memorial Hall we were able to say present them with parting gifts – port thank you to both Owen and Alex and wine for Owen and two metal for their years of dedication to the poppies for Alex to put in her garden. branch. A tea party, at which so many Owen remains on the committee and members had helped by providing will oversee the Poppy Appeal whilst sandwiches, scones and cakes, gradually handing over to someone ensured that we said thank you in a new. So... way which showed our gratitude to



We have a beginners group meeting fortnightly in the church ringing the beautiful hand-bells that belong to St. Mary’s Church Ivinghoe. If you missed the taster evening, and would like to have a go, or see and hear what happens it is not too late so please get in touch or come along to a Monday evening meeting. We have fun, a break for refreshments and ex- perience the very special sound of our 139 year old bells. Alex Wynne 01296 668 336

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WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Sue Jones, President

Happy New Year to everyone and I Tessa as Treasurer and Sue E. and hope you all had a wonderful Christine as extra members, so we Christmas with your families. are looking forward to new Last September we had a very challenges in 2018. interesting talk on First Aid and Our December meeting was a Defibrillators. We have fundraised wonderful evening at the Kings for our 100th year so have decided to Head: good food and company and a donate £1000 to both Ivinghoe and visit from Father Christmas ended Pitstone Parish Councils towards the our 100th year with a bang. installation of defibrillators in each Our first meeting for 2018 will see village. about 10 new members joining our Our October meeting was another WI, so we hope they will enjoy all interesting talk by Jean Yates on that we do. WWII Waging a Secret War. Our Bursary was drawn at the November saw a change of Christmas Do and Annette was the committee at our Annual Meeting lucky recipient. Helen, Angela, Rachel, Betty and Date for your Diary Win, all came off the committee and Sunday 11th February is our Valentine our thanks to them for all they have Lunch. Please book early for this done. A special thank you to Win, popular event. who has been a ‘Fab’ Secretary for Arrive at 12 for 12.30 lunch the cost almost 15 years and has kept us up is £12 for a hot 2 course lunch. All to date and in touch with all our WI diets catered for. information and news. Tickets from Sue 01296 660 436 or Mandy has come on as Secretary, Lynne 01296 668 072.

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Does British nature provide any greater spectacle than an endless vista of bluebells? Is there any better place to witness this phenomenon than at ? The bluebells of Ashridge are, perhaps, the most famous in the world. They feature annually in the dailies and periodicals advising people where to see them. I even read about them in an airline magazine – they were billed as a prime reason for visiting Britain (by air, of course) in Spring. Dockey Wood, on the left of Beacon Road as you head towards Ringshall, is widely reckoned to be the prime site. In my view, this is largely on account of its proximity to the road and the ice cream van. I prefer to go off the blue piste and into the great blue yonder, especially the areas known as Pitstone Common (north-east of the Monument), Albury Common/ Old Copse (south-east of the Monument) and Duncombe Terrace. Wherever you choose, please keep feet and paws off the flowers. Two years ago, the decision was taken to charge non-National Trust (NT) members for entry to Dockey Wood during peak hours over the two main bluebell weekends. The chief reasons for this were to spread visitor pressure and reduce traffic volume on the long, straight (i.e. fast (Continued on page 40)

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(Continued from page 11) experience not to be missed. The maximum group size for a tour is 15. School visits are available for Key Stage 2 upwards. Cllr Bill Chapple OBE, Buckinghamshire County Council's Cabinet Member for Planning & Environment, said: "Greatmoor is a great asset to Buckinghamshire, and I'd really recommend that people take this opportunity to see the plant in operation and find out how it helps us reduce the environmental impact of our waste while at the same time saving money." Feedback from visitors includes “ The tutor had a really good knowledge and explained it all well. The tour was such a good experience and really interesting. I think that all the general public should have an opportunity” and “Very informative but not too much sitting around so the children got bored or disruptive - they were kept engaged throughout” If you aren’t a member of a local group but would like a tour, why not come to one of our open tour days? Greatmoor is holding four public open tour days in 2018. These are on the following Saturdays - March 17th, June 30th, September 22nd and November 24th. On each day there will be tours, at 10am, 12.30 and 3pm. Please note that places are available on a strictly booking in advance basis only. There is a minimum age limit of 12 on open tours. For more information about Greatmoor please visit

(Continued from page 39) and potentially dangerous) Beacon Road. The erection of a fence alongside the wood, and low wood banks to deter access to “elephant tracks” caused by years of trampling, have already led to recovery of bluebells in areas from which they had disappeared. New this year is a dead hedge to prevent trampling of the beautiful beeches at the front of the wood. Soil compaction around the roots of these venerable and vulnerable old giants is undermining their ability to draw water and nutrients into their root systems and so damaging their health and longevity. Just twenty or so years ago, the bluebells grew right up to the verge. Hopefully this new intervention will

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(Continued from page 34) you’ll need to be quick – the offer will be time limited, and the price packed lunches (bring your own will then rise to £25 – still a bargain. picnic if you’d rather),and a goodie Separate morning and afternoon bag with treats and surprises. The tickets will go on sale nearer the bags are ideal to carry your time. purchases from Chorleywood BeaconLit continues to go from Books, which the authors will be strength to strength and has put the delighted to sign for you, and there area firmly on the literary festival will be opportunities throughout the circuit. So save the date and watch day to win books and other goodies. this space for further news. The organisers are again holding The festival website is at prices at 2016 levels, and full day passes will be available soon at the Early Bird price of £19.50, but enable them to creep back in and recolonise this area too. Top ten bluebell (Hyacinthoides nonscripta) facts 1) It may also be called common bluebell, English bluebell, British bluebell, wild hyacinth, wood bell, fairy flower and bell bottle. 2) A quarter to a half of all individuals of this species are found in Britain. 3) It is found everywhere in Britain except the northern Outer Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland. 4) It prefers slightly acidic soils and is most prevalent in ancient woodlands. 5) It can grow in open habitats, including coastal meadows, especially in the west. 6) It is pollinated mainly by bumblebees. 7) It is protected from most pests by a suite of defensive compounds. 8) It is protected under the Wildlife and Conservation Act (1981) but not under EU or international law. 9) It has often been voted the UK’s favourite flower and has even been banned from some such polls because of its inevitable victory. 10) An albino form can be found in Ashridge. Roughly 1 in every 10,000 plants is white.

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New to the area with young children at home? Recently had a baby and want to meet other parents in the village? Why not come along to Pitstone Memorial Hall on Thurs- days (during term time) from 9 am to 11 am. You can be sure of a warm welcome and a cup of coffee, and for the little ones we offer a variety of activities Music Sessions, arts and crafts, toys and games, story time No need to book, just turn up on the day For more information please visit Facebook: Pitstone and Ivinghoe baby and toddler group

Rainbows: Monday 4.30–5.30 p.m. Pitstone Memorial Hall Guider Elaine Thorogood 01296 661540 Brownies: Monday 5.45–7.15 p.m. Pitstone Memorial Hall Guider Elaine Thorogood 01296 661540 Guides: Tuesday 7.00–8.30 p.m. Millennium Room, Pitstone Memorial Hall Guider Yvonne Ashton To join us, please visit our website at

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(Continued from page 27) is also the opportunity to learn the fascinating art of English Change services, weddings, funerals and Ringing. community events. Although some Change ringers do not need to be ringers do attend Church, this is not able to read music, but must be able compulsory, and this low cost hobby to count. People who enjoy computer is open to those of any religion and gaming, solving puzzles, number games none. and visual patterns can often excel at Learning to safely handle a Church change ringing which has its roots in bell takes between 10 to 15 hours of mathematical patterns. individual tuition which the teachers at If you’re interested in taking part in Marsworth are happy to offer as they the Armistice 100 initiative, or have are accredited members of the made a New Year’s Resolution to Association of Ringing Teachers. take up a new activity, you can learn Once a new ringer is competent at more about bell ringing by visiting handling these huge, ancient instruments, they are invited to join in If you’d like to discuss the possibility of with other ringers on practice learning to ring, or are just interested to evenings to start learning to ring in come along and visit the tower, please time with others. For those who wish contact Richard Booth on to advance beyond basic ringing, there 07850 038197

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Cheddington Pre-School is in the grounds of Cheddington Combined School. We have a purpose built building and our own well-equipped outdoor learning environment with vegetable patch and mud kitchen, plus access to some of the primary school’s facilities. We offer a great variety of activities each week including PE, library time, woodland area visits, as well as visits to Reception in the summer term for those who will be joining school in the September. Cheddington Pre-School prides itself in delivering a high quality of pre- school education. We have very healthy registers at Pre-School so please remember to register your child from 18 months old. We take children from 2 years up until they start school. For further information or to register your child with us please contact Michelle Andrews, Manager. Tel. 01296 662292 or [email protected] or visit

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On Saturday 18 November, over 150 Jazzercisers took part in a 6 session marathon to raise money for the Epilepsy Society. 10 instructors and 55 routines through the day, including Funky Fusion, Ballet Body & Party Mixx, to keep participants on their toes. The charity was chosen in memory of a young man from Tring, Jeremy Snape, who sadly lost his life to Epilepsy at the young age of 20. More than half a million people in the UK have epilepsy and one third have seizures that cannot be controlled through available anti-epileptic drugs. There are 1,000 deaths from the condition every year, including many children and young adults. Epilepsy can have a devastating effect on people and their families, affecting all aspects of their lives. As well as celebrating Jeremy, the group were also celebrating 10 years of Jazzercise in the local area and Keri Donnellan, the class owner, teaching Jazzercise for 25 years. To date, more than £7800 has been raised for the Epilepsy Society; £950 of which came from the raffle, which was only possible with the support of local businesses. After the event, the room was buzzing with energy, with exhausted happy people! Here are some of the comments: · ‘Great day today, everything hurts but so worth it. Thanks to all the instructors, you’re rock stars.’ · ‘Over 25000 steps, more than 3000 calories burned and a huge £7000+ raised’. · ‘Well done to Keri and her amazing instructors and managers. So well organised. Fun with a serious side. Just an amazing experience.’

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GENERAL SALES OF ANTIQUE FURNITURE, FURNISHINGS & EFFECTS The largest General Sale auction in the area. Up to 2500 lots every fortnight

FINE ART SALES Antique furniture, treen, metal ware, silver, pictures, glass, ceramics, jewellery and Objets d’art. Up to 700 lots every other month

VALUATION FOR SALE, INSURANCE, TAXATION & PROBATE We provide valuations for a variety of needs



Buying or Selling Contact us: Tel: 01442 826446 Fax: 01442 890927

The Market Premises, Brook Street, Tring, HP23 5EF E-mail: [email protected]

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Friends At Brookmead (PTA) Charity number 104137

Friends At Brookmead raise funds by running a recycling textiles project. Items that are no longer required such as adults’ and children’s clothing, shoes, hats, belts, handbags, ties and soft toys can all be turned into money, which assists us in purchasing additional resources to enhance the children's learning at Brookmead School. Rob Clarke of Colbree Engineering has kindly agreed to use their village based engineering site at Pitstone Green Business Park to store additional textile collections on our behalf. Donations should be placed into plastic sacks and dropped off at the signed collection point at the rear gates at Colbree Engineering on Quarry Road. Friends At Brookmead would like to thank Colbree Engineering for their support in enabling us to extend this project out to the wider community. So next time you are sorting out your wardrobes, don’t take it to the tip…take it to Colbree

[email protected]

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Quality fresh vegetables. Extensive freezer range. Home produced beef and lamb. Stockists of Heygates animal feeds. Heygates flour. Speciality foods. TEA ROOM We serve tea, fresh coffee, Cakes, toasted sandwiches, Soup and filled rolls The Moors, Wilstone, Tring HP23 4NT 01442 828478

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ADM ADMIN & BOOK-KEEPING If you are over 75

Spend time doing the jobs you you can claim a want to do and leave the paperwork to me. free TV license.

Locally based book-keeper For information Offering: Invoicing about TV Estimates Personal Tax Returns Licensing please CIS VAT returns visit And more www.tvlicensing. Contact Andrea for further details or call 0300 Tel: 07789262183 790 6115. Email: [email protected]

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James B Chadburn FBHI Fine Antique Clocks & Barometers

Specialist in repairs & restoration

Valuations & clock finding service.

Advice & assistance on formation & disposal of private clock collections.

Quality clocks / barometers Bought & Sold.

Tel: 01525 221165 Mobile 07790 000629 Email: [email protected]

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Little Cravings Buy Direct, Quality Turf Grown at our own Farm Family Firm, Farming since 1949

3 Grades of Turf Weed Treated and Fertilised Discounts on large Loads Catering Small Orders Welcome General Public and Trade Enquiries Welcome From dinner parties to Palletised Delivery weddings we specialize in bespoke menus for your individual consultation IVINGHOE TURF

(01296 661939) please call 07980 615 798 The Bungalow, Vicarage Farm, Ivinghoe,

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NEXT OPENING TIME 2017 2pm and 5pm on 15th October as part of Tring’s Apple Fayre

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USEFUL NUMBERS Report to... Street light problems Castlemead lights – email: [email protected] Marsworth Road lights – Bucks County Council online: Other Pitstone lights - email: [email protected] Found a pot hole, blocked drain or other highway problem Bucks County Council online: Castlemead highway issue? Email: [email protected] Missed bin collection or to find out about recycling Aylesbury Vale District Council online: Dispute with your neighbours about their high hedge Aylesbury Vale District Council offer more information and a complaint service. For more information go to: high-hedges Other nuisances causing problems e.g. smoke, air pollution etc Visit Aylesbury Vale District Council website: or Bothered by aircraft noise Email Luton Airport [email protected] Need details of a planning application Details of all local applications are published online by Aylesbury Vale Dis- trict Council: Want to know if you need planning permission? Visit: Illegally parked? Report problem vehicles to Thames Valley Police on telephone: 101

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