Parliamentary Documentation
PPPaaarrrllliiiaaammmeeennntttaaarrryyy DDDooocccuuummmeeennntttaaatttiiiooonnn VVVooolll XXXXXXXXXIIIIIIIII (((111666 tttooo 333000 NNNooovvveeemmmbbbeeerrr,,, 222000000777))) NNNooo... 222222 AGRICULTURE -AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES-COFFEE 1 KAMOLA, Isaac A Global coffee economy and the production of genocide in Rwanda. THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY, V.28(No.3), 2007: P.571-592 ** Agriculture-Agricultural commodities-Coffee. -AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES-JATROPHA 2 SAMUDRA GUPTA KASHYAP Goodbye tea, welcome jatropha. INDIAN EXPRESS, 2007(23.11.2007) Highlights that farmers of Northeast India now prefer jatropha in place of tea cultivation. ** Agriculture-Agricultural commodities-Jatropha. -AGRICULTURAL CREDIT-(INDIA) 3 JAIN, Gopal and JAIN, L.C. Govt. helping money lenders. DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2007(21.11.2007) Highlights the problems related with agricultural finance. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Credit-(India). 4 VERMA, Nivedita Contribution of micro-finance in economic development of India: Rashtriya Mahila Kosh, P.273-293, in. LAL, RAMJI AND PUROHIT, H.C(ED): RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND NGO, 2007 New Delhi, Shree Publishers. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Credit-(India). -AGRICULTURAL CREDIT-NABARD 5 BHARDWAJ, Gurendra Nath NABARD's role in rural development through non-farm sector, P.294-301, in. LAL, RAMJI AND PUROHIT, H.C(ED): RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND NGO, 2007 New Delhi, Shree Publishers. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Credit-NABARD. -AGRICULTURAL TRADE 6 BADRINATH, K Don't throw them to harriers. STEP, V.2(No.16), 2007(September): P.29 ** - Keywords 1 -AGRICULTURAL TRADE Points out towards the malpractices in commodity exchange market that led to suicide of farmers, small investors and petty traders. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Trade. -AGRICULTURAL TRADE-(INDIA) 7 PUROHIT, H.C Marketing of agricultural produce and economic development, P.328-346, in. LAL, RAMJI AND PUROHIT, H.C(ED): RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND NGO, 2007 New Delhi, Shree Publishers.
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