

H! I

To Veinon&rate i RilM ommittees Hhw To Play Good Highway. 1.9 Near'.,' FaristPrfeiv^ Wi 500 Men to Visit Halloween Paraj JmdelNewBome n vest ig ate 1 Bridge 1$ Taught De '-•—"" )L and Public Mj Palatine May Be in JewelFjatk All ffiiari•t y Cam Local Homes for in Review Seriev m i i Meeting Ton jgh I •' Paved This Fall A n odel home demonstration will Will Ne fcvery farilily applyina for charity How to play better bridge, how ti be couiucted Nov. 14-29 at jibe-.'new Gas Adjustment bid a hand iu auction and how to hii r relipf frAin t,ie| Cuba towljiship pauper 1 ______frame house in Jewel Park under the fur d or from the BW|ngtonj relief the same liana in contract is taught Hi of Jewel Tea Co.,. Inei, of- in a series of 3(i illustrated lessons Jubilee Shjopping Bateaif lives Road Bids directi Officia s Will Hiayi; Systematic committee ft(n.l will *e T'checked and Natural Gas in Mains Soon; >(;>!<' ficials who are in "charge, of deyclop- which wiH be published weekly in Tin doi ble ihecke I," the cdmmittcfes dei Wilt Be bjfferedat St ires ' **K ment i it the park. ..They will be. as­ Review, commencing with this ist>M(. \i[,-i Minimum Wage Cleaning Up >f Wood cid ;d in a joint meeting, held an the All Appliances Must j sistelt hy, the Public -Service Co. of No less an authorty than Wynps Friday and Saturate ^ *& - ! ,.w is Spiked for Relief Worli Pii )lic Jjervicel (fo. otlicefk Wednesday Be Adjusted Nortlu rn Illinois which will heafc the' ev« uing. Ferguson is the author and instructor . ,. house" with gas and -will have! theco- in the 30 lessons, j 4U1 p srsons vrno receive aid from T operat ojii of interior deeo^rtttoh fwrnir orgnnizatiDii will b» reported to , Each, of these lessons is plainly i .- Autumn vindow decoriilioi t; w] ; on* lustcated to show various hands that - r remains • favorajblt' ture c nppany; etc Needy ?" milies ofLQook county w rn othe' «0 tlai duplieiltion for char- Barrlngton will be invaded by n be in evidence at the harvest jubil '< the four players receive from-a deal. Th? ill." two remaining The. purpose of. the demonstration e prdvidCil with \Vo( d for fuel tl is worlj will not be made, and1 every army of 500 to 600 men on Novcn which ppens Thursday evenin| with T- ity lessons teach what should or shoull ..f tin' Northwest is to.display a gootl house Avjiieh can \ ri.nter. thi'Bugh 'an; a pei son applying for aid will be re- bcr 13, according to unverified r< Halloween costume parade Ibllov < rra'ngehieht' lie- not be the bid on each I and aid whj, (.ti.-- 1: lie built, well furnisncl, and equipped qui stcd to fil out a A application ports which have been received at by a public mei»tiii|,' of, the higf sclu ) . . n litirriiigron awl tivijcii Hmmett Wheal revealihg many fine poi its of the tw» with nodern convtlmelxceis' at tf rea- in of itlie board blank w iie.li is in the fprm of a ques- auditorium. Many *>f. the stwes 1 1 ' The Review office. This invadiii bridge games in such a limple maimer -... i.l.-ned "this fall,- and sonnbl v low price, according to liobert < f forest preserve'comi aissioners, Wijil- inmn. In fiat every/fnmilj' will be i hoard will not be part of the Nation that any .bridge player, inclining Jtlis already appropytalely irimmed|fo'r t «. M! |-..llte <>."» south of- Hilton of tlie Jewel Tea Co. ti'r ('.. Loagpc, superi itendcnt of ?stigtted thoroughly! whether ask- be al Guard or another U. S, Army ail novice, can learn more ahuut the 'jubilee, and ;stree,ts ate deiik|it wi The bolide is one: ot •two-built this for i|id|frojn^ the Cuba town board '••• paved.. !oodwi|l Iridustrie.s'i pastime and improve" his game iu hot 1 cornstalks andlotuer triininingi of t s'ummi r by the company. It Is ii six Chicago, rfjul pane maneuver, but a group 11* ^ were illi'1ll(]p(l in a sccutij-es of town from the I liirrington Relief Com- «f season. The stiteet flags were t| be 1 ' j relief organisija Northern | Illinois Public Service C< • contract and auctionj l.-J.-l miles of paving room -- wo story structure coUveiiieut- mil tec The < :UJUI|I board plans to go out Thursday |moruiiig. |> ioiis throughout the The plan of,, contrasting the two ( wliirh bids were re> Jy arrihgetl, (»<|tiipped wjth gits heat, county cno igh t< ej-en i|nvestigate the -workers prepared to adjus|t all gas aj tastily furnished and attractively By o|rder of Mr. W (k pliances iii the village for " games with a double set of instnu One addition; to the prograiuM'lui * .>• iIn- sinte Highway. heplan the bn ilnilnedia Le relatives of; persona seck- the new m lwidse iped. 1 tions in each lesson will-prove-hcli day irtening will lie music fgpy t 1 *, S|j|'illKfii't•: miles "f pavement open JcVclojHMCIlt not exclusive, to the work. he Bnilringtoh Relief "Compiering !jie|M>iited FV \v" ilito nt ive lengths by |leaf mute hoiiils aftiiie, Barringto n and Lake Zurich on —,— i • ii ml northwest ot (llciajs ntid employe* of the company. Cojnmitpii will |furnlsli[ food, clothlni, \V. «1v. Bransflh.'urominenf t Wlf« f f fnijiilic-t, Superintendent Longue Nfov. 11 or 12, making the necOHsni i-j Hie outer route of The house was designed Hy Wul* " I lo needy lu'rwuiHi in Bnrringto^ .ipectjj to /iiternle fi flit ii'ifjithtnientN for (lie new .IIH mixtiir spwiken, wUrii* Hie princiua« |»iml •llllll I'll lit title iWHi - ,, || The l»rogr^|» v I n ml Work of RarrUigton nnil ; a in hi i tint, iiiiWuMiitnly Hitrrnumliiiu on the program tiriiiilj! t|i« winter i a imrt of the The entire crew priilmbly will nut sii < ll r.l r i-.niHlruction j (,,,1(, j,v ,),,, ,.|)|itniclnr, licniutii tins- (err Itury, iriii't'tihn lionrd will nroJ Charity Needs of liicljide in addlMtui,- vominiiiil ne'riijf progi'iiin -of. tie Goodwill Tfi- reach Bnriington, but (tilim* been ei- llli tiuine over the hlNeh, The InnilHcuplhK was pliiniM'tl Inn; and xlnglnijr by the high se iiml i|ytrl#H, vvlih'h provl M ii»|iloyiileiit. villi IlilHpl^Hl Kill (lilt, .IIH'dlOltl HhVlH- tliiuili'd tjuit more than .'00 men will •-'• •> |.v thvoligjl I'ltlllllll*, ciii'Htru^ i ; \ . by .hi ill Hell, . f u parade w.il Jf«»H The jti'iiicllHil tililtit f -the- -(ImW.Vif II tliereiilmutK IU'eptived :» \>nrh arotlfl p. \\\L Mie'imrnih' wH im IIIMICI tiuitct'lit) utitlii' I'l'll- fl'lllll llOIIKJW. I nil ( 'll, of Mlll'tOII miiltiH Hcveml hour"* or |n)H»lbly 11 ih y wnil^mi }P)gii Him'i Jo fitttil PresentThre,e-Aet itch in* clofliliiK -HIHI riii'iiKui'i'. wliifh l'undt, CHKIIIIT of lln» before the liiii'iiet' ndJiNlnn'iilH 11 Sponkor at Joint Dinner Tel r-ntl. li't'/ttik utroel, iwf.nil Hlnlloii |i iioj'lhwi>#l,. tin I'ttWt nv'litle ( le Hl'i'il; the money tl I'M wnriii'd not In tuvti tin gllN IJIUII «:.•'..t-if.. Welch of. llehilt—- U, yl'n lllln I'fttlltUCtl- IllN |M»»»i" Main Hlvi'ei; \vi'N( oil M11I11 M |11m Play, 'The Patsy .'-iigci,- j. .- MMI to |iny tliillf r to iiiiilniiiii'i'incnl 111111111 inn 'high, on tlmlr slovi before 11 Relief Funds ll, iieeoll'l l III Mifeaf pnw»|ijt.v IIIMII' milieu! at til., wood. J'MI'IIH. '1* lesdiiyj i|ii< A-ttftiil of fH.MOIMMNt will b«- IH'«_* |i«rtrd<< will lie, dlslimided. || . i I'torw who met Weilni"*. which lite housewlft* ^111^ rccou xt> 0 ,|.l<:leH. the department will ! Selected; Will Be fiii.i were uiwfatftl wlljh infieli HIIC- 11 I'd of dire snry lo cofie with coitililluiW III I The Hire nf'iunHr.wlH liuflfiilo 1 A MticccKWd' wntt io he (lie new gtiH. 1 ( i(f - New puvciiiciit contracts ; I'Hf ust winter. V evcijifoiff, iiieii'opolitiin Chicago rti'ctt Hiisl LcKtou.ilrum mul btiitie eiir|is|{^id The new reduced gas rale has M'li 1 e- iip until the validity -i.)t ; GWen Nov. 20 Alter the wood In cut Into i^tove liiiititild iit that time. from iiuemployiuelil till Is winter Im followed ,.l>y scores of J^nlld In effect In Ililiiois idliiee. the nun wiige- law could be , Cllgt liH;b;v the deaf ;lHipt|ei'H, Huper- Mr. lfiiijdt lijitM been cashier and a cording to I'Vnnk IfJ. GIHHHOII, from tlie dressed Iu Halloween and 1 meter reading was made, even Hioujh i ease ; before the supreme I ii'tei'deiit- LoagtiC: will ,dirW't Its (lis 11) niber 'of Ithj board of directors since exccutlvlc olllces of Mic (Jlibiiigo Hnjld ci)sltunci|i w'seiubMng goblins, Th Junlor -I'LISHI nf Biir.ringt;«iJ rilnltiom »o iieedy faniilleH. in Chl- th • iimtllttiUoH w«» orgoniwd in 1I)H». the cus'tomcrs have beeii nerved wjlh Transit Co., who spoke at it combined ghosts, India nt*. mid wliiil-ni SK iig<> iiiul outlying- towns in Ci.^'othyilt- Diring th|i"•' ' 11s'• 't two or three years the old mnjuufaciurcd gas. dinner of the Harrington Lions club prtaes will .he awarded for LAW Invalid | high ichool will present The Patsy .1 r!iicf.«.. The wood will .be'distributed Ii. ' has not) I"e n in good health. .It is T and Barrlngton Chamber of Conv appropriate costumes /itul w| ghffni comell 11 llli.i'll 111 1 ,1- 11.(ll i,ir> cast includes : -:, jli announcing the order'to tun:) the aliout a year md one-half ago and has BuildinC Permits Issued tatives of the Joint Emergency Relief of parn.de paskes through. i-tineiits. \vhfj)i • supervis.•isec I 'Hi »iill< <*f felled dead timber in thejfor- ver coinple tely recovered. He in- Fund organization which consists of Hon to the five prizes. Miei'! Harrington—Jack Dauni. • •fleeted by tlie* law. werveree , HiU st preserve, over to the Goodwill la- nds to uiidi rgo another operation in five charity organianUons, the led 11 large number. o,f candy bfigt Irtne October set a building permit-"rec­ • I that they.-would .place-j W.iiliatn Harrington—Gwen- lust lies. President \,rhea|an said): e near future, he said Cross, the Catholic Charities, ; he eitch ,<;hild compcjUng'in the. jjfrnd ^r'r ord in IBarrington of at least 18 *i «r at once, the. igreatest Wolff. Is l,oiig lis dead timber* lastl* in Tlie direct >rs havef not decided on Jewish Charities, the Mulyation Ariiiy. dolyn months standing. ml of Work. he fovfist preserves needy..-families of cashier for the- baiik but have an- and the United Charities! . tJr lee •Har'ringtoiv-i-Phebe Drussel. October was the first month pji 'ly. highway, officials an- Ciooc county will not have to fa^ the in ted Ray Turs and A. V. punt *»- Of the nearly nine million dollnrs Soc&> Sden^ Class rici.a. Harrington—Ruth AVie- A. C. Burandt, present village clerk, . ihniiis the first .12 days Pa old unprovided for. ...Distribution of sikatit cas'hie which will be needed for .Chicagola nd to Give Peace Pfbgi i•!* bids for $.S,000.(M)Oj!denli< ck. ' -.:--, .'.'." •': the bujk of the wood is to be turned took office, in which no permits ,w territory, seven million three bundled .•hwav work will be re- Billy Caldwell—Don Maxou. i. over to:thc Goodwill Industries because Peace Wetk Will Be issued for any form of construction thousand, will be alJoted,*'for ffrxl. division of waterways in (liis i^ay Intndica[Ti>cd people, who work. clothing,' fuel? medical attention, mid' The following Pcajee (frogjiMi Tt ly Anderson---Russell LaPointe. • !•• iiilvrrtise for- bids on cou (i not- otherwisn' i am a living, will Observed Nov. 8-14 This does not mean much if any bulging for destitute families—m.»n, sponmrcd' by .the eightlij gra f sd( (I lie Buchanan--Gladys Kemper, nil nf waterway bridges. .-'S«< >e riven jobs and thfreiy bjecome splfr thing, Mr. Burandt explained. Build women, and children. Apj>roximatcly scileiice cli|ss' will he given |Tuei| l> inces Patrick. OvFIaherty--WiI- ing permits are not alwars taken ijiut a'fteriioHn.'.Nov. 10 at 2 10'Hock, |n : -upervi'siiig architect caHs Fs sup .orting;. The Bn^-riip:Bto n Woman's club I will $300,000 will be needed for'- sinsle 1 narf ts '•'•• "peuwl-November ;•{, on lard" Grabcnkort.'. , '. oust [• '"tPei ico Week" in Barring- at the exact time when construct on men and wimien out of employ incut, the schotd gymnasium. Ali .. is started, with the result that ove a' inid friends' havt' .been . invil il. I "i »i worth-of constructi®n T rip" Busty—WilHant- Beerman u Mo f 18-1 inclusive. More ] than and the 1; nainder'for miscellaneous llev-ival Meetings to Be period of time, actual construct ii projects Weil SOUttcW'd story concerns Patricia Etnr 4t|l bus/iifess ijlaces will have a window otij relief work America-r-I la rinon i«'a ,/bn n( ids from other countries, work may be fairly steady while im nyi Introductory tiMk*—Uayn||>|ld riiigt >n, a girl who "riins Kscontl' t) Held at Saleni Church ; splay of,goi irly Fall \Vant« ! permits jare issued some months ndj brldi, chairman.' •' j j her ddei- sister. She is the Patsy at prooitnaproof t linrt world peace is necessary I M- I^)c.^l Labor few other months. Thefe is a until ral1 The early fa.ll of 1931 found coiidi \^orld „HcrK, Alfrcti-Ci^'<'ii who is hlaincd whenever ^ any thin A serie,s of revival mleetings will be fi r uninte'rruninte'rrii pted trade. ! iii.iis.hibor may reap the- drop in building work during the 1 ite. tions among unemployed, riistly wors.e World Heroes—'l.ouii' Pa^ itr goes wrong, ami is forced Jto .renmifc hel.l at fhe Salem V vangelicitl church The pastor < will speak on. the above • •' fin' inoticy to be spent fall and winter months. than .they were a year agW, Mr. Glas- fred Castle; Abrahnm-Liuco B v in tl e backgroutnl in order t|iat| he l 'evening at 7:30 o'clock starting sijiitjectil.j^ct. anandd the school w|U have a • '|" .'he hiKliway department cue son said. He cited seven|l install res Phtggc; Chril*,l«|)hcr Cobjjnli siVtei; ijiay be presented to advantagt Sunday, Am ring the sriceinl lijrgrge exhibiexhibit of posters conveying 6*. I.i *- II Jill iif its contracts, it nejJt of persons able to get nkm\i a year igo rence Stout; 'George MVi) .*! Her frit hen, a traveling man. »s -oh vorld peace »1 North Western Commuter. iffiinitt iji, ili.f eontractors shall sp« iikeri for these "meetings.. Will be being up against (lie wall this fill Robeif Muii({lieiik; Henjanii her,'iidk and finally declares his ii ; Petitions' for world disarmament Fn k- i'..>r residing in the Tteln- Dr Ha Ty Lindhloo n, «iiccb«iifiil,'Ohi Get Novel 12-Ride Tickets A skilled - worker who bwt his job ill be atj ci eh church for voluntary tin. Joh, n /Mtilri Wooilro, w, Wil« 1) <|«>p«i id|ni'(K ,-,'..-" casjii evttngcliHt. A chorus choir will n year ago had enough money siu-ed >!v ami that ftiir rates of gnatiiref), AVUlJanf noMei'rijr ;j Florence Aigl I n • I.,- pn.id. 'Hie. onty ex- Tl:e Pat«y isl. presented by speciii lea I thf ol(lnltiiig MilHlc.'"Alirt; lioln' to s|(dy ,( nr •iMhe.l Invalid, Will be' Armistice Day Dinner ride brothers anil sister*—the op it and is now In the stiite pen! en No MmM^'-rMimllw High (#Hs' .' »>. ,• • n - • i ij: mil tractors and to iiiifc)iiiM' addluoital sitbttiimn r Mary. A retailer who hijd siifUreiit iftei they had respoiulel, to roll Cotit'mry to popitliir I belief," said Club., , "' '" Si ' ' 11- ncree on the pro- on the |*niiie dlvlHioji u|. a two-cer fitndr.' to carry his hunt pressed cuHto caljl at the Lion* Lndlw' nl)i)lit dinner Slrl 0>lei 'coiiHclenllouH lawyers— IVnce' Ciirtoons The ~Vfk Id >| t|Nt -..-•I »s ii solution to (he Tie Aiiicrlcaii Legion Alixllinry }i\ mid tl.ieN me many of them—always mile rate up; to RO per cent of the t niers In the fill! of 1U30 Ijmt his Ciisli. (iinof'e, - Lewis YVnlthim'J 1; [ lie Ureeugnrd (liill .'"rldity eveiilms, by J i'r.i, i.ii's will be urged mak ng-flnul lirepiiratloim for the At!' ndcavor 'to effect 11 reconcVllnMon be- mileage ri'pritHeiitf'iJ by Mm 12 »* rPMcrve, later was closed oilt of hln 'Mel'inbn »ii,Hln Mount, Mni||ii Bj »> i Hinl legal- claims for mls^ ice day dinner, to the given tl,t nnioiiiifiiiit tltJ' pltKo, .vetir, day, tlute, ween 1 in^in nnd wife; ami iu cases store mid miwJuiH Joliiedjtlie elm ity lev I Th, llottujuli[es s Hole,! ktnr.t •ii'iif they evpended. In the [cafloW iiuilitorliiiq on Htntldii urn hour of fhelr niiri'higcs, mcniberH 4'lie re llij-re are cblldreii, Mm Imi'i'ls- iter trnllle muiiflger of flic Nifrth group he was helping niifjs year jigo, Wnir. 7 , !,; •*., - • "•inri.n'ts that the state utrct t Wetlnctlay, Nov. 11. Mtartlhg of the Hai'iingtnu Mom* club llntcneil CI'H ihiilc.. v(»t',v effort to show pur- WeNlern, announced. Mr, Olnswin related. 1 RmiilliiKKi-Tlie Boy lir'Afji •*. 1 ••I I'Hiih. but which were at 7 o'clock. CardH have been mailed to an Interesllng IHIIIH'MH by Attorney uts what 11 voire will mean to the "Tills new thiket will ap|ienl to Naval Offlcw Htmi» inoiul L'lbiicli; t'nknovt'ii, Vnt i ne he rt-i'vlce men who are Tltdoil -.1...1. - •'.'?-.' to II M-.V X. f»»«' ^ Chicago mi the Jilldreii. [ 1 very child needs both a ijntftuiK licftitise of Its low, per- in nt • Ha-maRed;. No On4 ; dinier with Mrs. Berthit F'rye,'WO \wf (*ol«», ho\viwer. iiimtead of gluing n lir divoi'C(i IIICMMI. TIIIIHI be physical 'fit l!s priced Itiwer thai) the 25 and IJalfh' rfymti .of^the- Kept 1 luit in Two Accidents Hon gb street. nmry school set ifimles on bow to crueltruelty to I1 > aci'eptwacceptedi u11ss grounugrounds 11in1 1() illde tickets' and ioiily sllgitly Continued on page ward' Christian, Moldlcrs. A mcmber«hlp drive under the i f- ain divorces, much It appear tUtll ItinoiUlnois eocMiir'a,n " he d-xplained. MiMifai hfghci', than the (iO-ride monthly iiuli M. rect on of »Ir». George Miller and cult and more or le*w futile. ui(Blng vldus li Mcketk •i.'nts oecurring iri the neuimess. ai id cr iclty do hot count. Di- i< Mm Noel Stuyncr ia also part of tic adpereuce to the lei cbmmiindments 1 niiy during the last orcn grounjils erluclty must be physi- .Vusiliary's program for Novembei an antidote uigaiii^t divorce. Law nl. smell s striking, ininchlng, or The Good] Earth i' mvieWeiiK •----1. i onsiderable damage Father of P. R. Prover Is T lie-aim of the unit la to get tib M, judges, and clihlren bring about .eating;' m d must jneliido repeated ! .mobiles but fortuhnte- old members in early and also, to haie llijndreds of -recoil ciliatfons, .between ictS--HI 11 lei st two in an uncontested Seriously Hurt From Ifall at Meeti ng off,5 Woinek • - -ult in serious injury a '.!. ive- for new members. The enp collides threatened with separation, 'nse. ani hreo or more in a con- > I—_• • , :-1/ • I I;. tains will have plum? for all at tic according to Mr. Cole ested case. 1 R. E. Drover, father 1 of P. R. " •> ' 'h ' r" '•ii.' driven by Rudolph' Scvcnljy-fivewoineu met at the pi blic J *-! meejting on Nov. 0, mid there will be bne of the featu -cs of ladies' ijiight Alust Be Definite Drover; 120| Coblidge Jivenue, was Mie iieoplefas few outside can, Harrington, and .Edward library rooms last' Tliujrsday "a ter- scv< ral projects of importance to t<| Nviks in the form nt music, operatic tiojw, the seiond grounds, svriously injured carry' Sunday m urn- |ias given us. in this spleml I l)Ol I ike Zurich were wreck- 'DL'sei noon to|eaj Mrs: James E. MacMur- upofiL The regular meetings are h o notices will be sent out by t|lie Miss I^orettai Diiik, L. IL Bishop Drurtkennets is grounds, wlten a Mr. Drover who hhs j passed, bis ity anil frankness, nhl ef chw S ly ¥' "ij;lif. Mr. Lawrence and appreciation of her a jd^nce ' Fere ledg > seci etary. > (ifju-merly of Barriigton),- and Victor spouse in d ink at leagfci twij'e a week seventy-fifth I year is sl|tTeiring from a the • atithofr's' intimate kn liis machine east [on evidence;of the fact that Mrs. ]fac- Iieir ) 1 LiiSalle, at one tit ie leading te-nir of aver ta' on period of time, and of broken right;' wrist ^ahd a fract ired the counfrlrJ its people pn'd -'i.*t and Mr. Pohlman r Murray Sdid justice to ihe "greit'cst t|i e Vienna Opera Co. They tare must be witnesses to the rij?lit hip. He was taken'to tlie "Wes-! ners. apd bustoro^ .' Seknd Case Infantile wuirsje tljieri 1 book of j the day on tfontempo -a.ry 'lis ear north on Jfcirth costumed as Spaiiis.1i Iminstrelfi'and ley hospital in "Chicago Tuejiday Mrs. MacMurray #aid t booi fonditioi Bigamy entitles the see- China." I. : ' « •' the collision occurrei* Paralysis Reported in 51 strolled/ among I tie j guests as they ontl \Vij'c or husband —ad the case may morning. T pieted ilife asyit is 'eoll,. -. . LaWreiice car to tur2 Mrs. JdacMurray's manner is al­ China ami that it is hard. I She. Harrington Communib ailing- 1 Each gavv delightful stolos, be—to.| ^ret Iji 1 divorce. The attempt 1 Neither machine. up-. +___, ways grdcious and charming, her pie- : "Invictus" and 'Here Comes the to ta|ke, life phether by 'poison, • shoot- tot), that jth#mtory was afeeat i' t Second Meeting) Sunday sentation of a subject ahyays' inte re it^ Groom" were sojlos by the bass si:igpr, ing. »r| hy my other method, is ani- moft setting forth the .idcasjjhnd i^lip|ls Idle driven by Rudolph d second case of infantile paraly ing; but iri this case she j was so •thor­ M'r. Bishop. "S6m«' Time. Some ^ay" other1! ba]sis :or divorce for the intbnd- . .O; OnraWef Stamp Cf^ub of a people:' tbeir Work,| <'nl>;i township collided in the community was diagnose* I oughly iu sympathy wifh the spirit ami |a solo from Pagliacci were Sung ed viebtii h t>thcr grounds for divjree joy; together '.with calan i. ilt automobile at the week at'the home of Mr. »ni ' 'i '' of'*theboolt-and its-chnractcjrs, and so by Mr. LaSnlle.' , Miss peck,- played ar> jjduljter?, giving of a social, dip?ase' spoke of the honesty of .. W-'iiaJi . street and' th* Irving] Hollister, 015 E. Mr™ A second meeting 'off s^tamp c< Hec­ familiar with ite scene ajnd story tliat and tb« strength' and bewity ot'j he piano aecompanin ents to the vocal ami being < t mvicted ofi a felony. VI hen '-lif.iy ejirly Saturday* let, where tbjsir six year old sou tors of Barrington will he held Sun- her .review waa more than int« rest­ character ofc' Olan^ his -flife. solos and also nlakd the piano selet- 11« 11' i,-Ionian «is {found gnilry in 'h lie result that both ... with the-disease. This case J* ir (lay afternoon at the ijegion club ing;' it was an inspiration. . - - of the book; Were4 read, an* the tions, with her ofvn arrarigemtijt j^ of ljajor erjnjie tluj spouse is' badly, j damaged.' No rejorted as a mild'one, a ease whicli 1W a room tor" the purpose of comnlpting The author of "The Good Earth,' review intejrspenied with nre bi^if. variAtions of'^Ani »e Laurie"' and tiff en Htleher .Ustepei 1 • The, principal aildrriss of the even- Li out an each Lion» to ansWer. roll to Passavant Memorial hospital Siti- meeting last Sunday af^unpoa. Th^' ter of a missionary. Bo|rn and r used read/'Thc.^ood Earth'^ foMthe b< 1 n onthlil meeting of the ingrgb'en hy-Mr. Cole, prior 0 the callit|i| ing the wedding date the da ' where she .will remflin for trtatl- Kill stamp^lub will be for the purpose of i(_, interior China, she grew" to u ider-. of its prose,, for the int#esP <\ l'« ho Tuesday, Nov. 10, program of mu^ic listed the giuunds call ;b: dace, .and the year of his lC exchange of ideas and tradinjg of stand nnd to love the I country and story, nnd'f'of Ml the mcDt Sliss work has been ill with time! the moral tfj point public sc 100I for divorce. :R». stamps. , iniantile paralysis for several vmW man

! "j I- I

%./?.. WmBmwm WvSffiK -V wm mm MW

2 JMRRINGTOmi N REjVIfiWI i-mmINGTON , I^LI^OIS, THURSDAY, NOV^BjtBEI| 5,1931 Gulf Strain ?» Course Pkper for inrancjr '•• PatroUum Lo^•engf known Quaint Ebltaph t i Conf ltc«u|i phjiri , ftUtUlof Slssplng BMUIJP ' A cryptilriiitt iiigi'iiyedjnnd U«« of pott'olemii dates back to The course of ' hu (Kttf stronm' Toper eummey ». Hid utieestral Cttstlu of tlio The proudest UoaMat titet obscure is Influomjod to it I*|Mi '''l^'T' NK^ 'OuLfiang Star printed on one «ipn|Itl b of plltW; 'iMMJnt|» of Blta Is oils of the Hoik the beginning, of history. It Is onu village of noisbvnr sthnt one of «"j "Iwifc- »t the (Jldent natural products used is in the qoastLlne.,, Aitm- leilvlng. the the inesHiiA U'lr which (8! p«ri'hllBt»i: under, contract h on n pre­ the quaintest cplthpl Gulf of Mexico, it Jjncountcr* the hook, HtorMfor im "•Ml* i by mnb. It una os n curative for ihurchynrd. HOfft ,,|M from the (Vane n ilfatiy. Oitltoti, cipitous rocK, WUII CIOI d'plercltig |8 inscribed in Its Bubnmn Islands nhd Is turned" special 'k««» N re ''IH'!\'iV. ' A • at H'cs of the - man'sdtlness that petroleum princi­ to Be on Mass. Ucpi'OSwntiti towi'rl and rimmed With t ark Jjrcpr. The' epitaph Is t ik of a watch northwestward, following the trend jtow ,to unnrHlnm: '.> fe'inow treasury «loi»nrtt|iH»i iir, nrd nirtln- pally appears In legend nnd eitrly maker burtod nearly j 100 years ago. le fa history. I of the American cimst. On Issuing lorn* log(»f«|r. I '>" MlO 1,,(. tallied hi Hie Crn Wie­factory during inous. by Sleepinjjr Ipeaujy, li itW It reads: 'iy. Hi.. \m Tlte people of ancient Japan and into the ocean It'll met by the so-, known ('rjffitogriitjj the manufacture |>f this'particular end if to be bollevcdj It < lutes! back "Here liesI In a Horizontal' posi­ called "cold wall,' which crowds "^ "ll» 1)0. paper. The Cr»n4 cj inipany Is also China, Judea nnd Persia uied pe- lleved to m coiKn to tiit Twelfth ceMtiijfy at tl its gray tion the outside xmse of Thomas In .'toward the Nevr Knglund coast, of Shakcsifare,. . '"'•luvbookj' tinder the sunervlsl oni of the Treas* walls, have Seen jthany a battl^ 'troleum in a primitive wnlv cen­ Hlnde, clock and wi chmaker—who forcing the Gulf stream water off. «'K; ncoordinc ury department's representatives turies before the Christian era. to some ifittiorltjl plw lie , . Mary Ann Jackson in! Person wagetji. It might almost (pe said to departed this life wound up„ In toward the east. Selng' forced out n^ot-lhe mjlhor I vas during the delivery \t the pnper to be three- castles In. one grouped Noah's ark was sulked with a form hat iKo m Feature at Matinee and of petroleum gathered frjmi the hope 6f being taker In, hand by his farther and farther from the coast/ author'-110,¾ labor! the bureau of engra ing and print- about an Inner coiurf; an 1 each |of Maker, and belig ' thoroughly it' Is spread Into a fan-shaped drift ' Vwoii („t0 Ing. No outside person can buy shores of the Dead sea. J jib told the text {He fm I" I Nii> case Evening Prograpi (he tliree I has its pjnrri en ry. i It fs cleaned, repaired and set going in of coptlnuatly diminishing depth. 'through ajftempll this paper. full o r the paraphJmraphernnllB n olf drea n- of a rock which "poured the out <|!|>lipr. . rivers of oil." Nehemiah fs sup­ the world to come bn the 15th of i | ,.. . haunted rooims,r ; ljieavy ; rpn-l>ou| id August, 1830, In tljie 19th year of .' ti,l Fridity find Sattiniay night;! of this •hest.4, carvqd doolrs, ol d pe1 wti ?r, posed to have used oil for altar Clever, and Di ngerou» fires—he called the substanc^ "tfep- his age." week Tjif Catiow t leatre will show massive refectory] tabl is Wh|pJi The centipede abroad'-in eastern Nearby Is the tjwo-llne epitaph surelj have o|ften trembb dl beneaitb thar,*' from which the present word Ken Miiynnrd with Iris famous white. lands is a formidable, and often poi­ vf a butcher: tstory of their loads of venison, i|lnie 4hd "nqphtha" was derived. — Detroit horse, Tansan, in ; western sonous, ' insect,] but Its wjsdom News. Here lies the bodj/i of poor John iffSiai^ {titled "Two-Gun the thunderous mettriinen|t of| feast- MS color and action, might well instruct human belnga era HJggs.. I Man." "J A Benny Jlubiur cpmedjy a- of evqry age anjd clime. Afraid of A famous' man for killing pigs. football i,slant, hews' and cart >on will the tarantula (a spjeies of great Sausages «• Tithe* l>e other screen sul jects! of interest. spider), the centipedo always takes An added attracti [on for tfyis show care to build a cactus fence round bouble-Moated Calitle In the town of Demen, Germany, 1 Sha.ke«pea*«j h om« Seised] • for Saturday matin »e and evening Itself ere It g«es to sleep. It is Notwithstanding' Its latlier re­ it seems, the church is entitled toj Researches in the calendar of Old only will be the pe 'sorta( abearanc;a ranee most entertaining to tvatch the .se­ mote position on the island of Jut­ receive 130 pounds of & certain kind Chancery court hive revealed a of Ma*j! Ann .Tackscin, daintj. star of curity of the fcentl^iedes as they land, lb' , on th< banks' of of sausage, known "as MettwuJrst, document showing bailiffs were th6 Innfjord, 0as;tle ^pcttrup fias every year from the local tithe-l •m&Mm "Our "(Jang" comeiiies. .'< AT screen fckeir arch-en- once in possession < if Shakespeare's' lie at ease, wfiile lured pinny visitors to it i walls' of payer. Recently the latter re­ I \ funs remember the little,fret-Isle-faced emles cannot crawl over flije cac- old home at Strat tord-on-Avon; to Mary Ann whose Ji,ntic» ii) 'Our recen ; years. Although I :s age and fused to, supply the ration of sau­ tus, which they iwill pever tackle. builder have been forgot en it has receive Judgment for' debt. "They Satuidaj Oat ^" iferies have i ddwl sjo mueh to sage. The church invoked the aid did breake open ye doores of been there for many cenl ur es, and of the law, and the tithe-payers FridaV a their popularity: and followers of is on > of the best I dbul de moated ye studdy of said .1 ouse and rashly "Our Gang" will wl Had to deliver the customary Mett- seize upon and tal:e divers books, leome thf> oppor- -.1-. ' Gat Freeze* Fire castles of Europe.j It* dl aiding bul­ wurst. But the church was still j and 1,1» i: ttihlty to-see Mary Ann oir"'the stage Carbon dioxide,whichjls expelled wark of earth:onitbe eastern side boxes, deskes and moneys," says the NoyemJ|>er .at The Callow in - unsatisfied—the sausage, it Was, al­ document. But It was not Shake- 6er singing, danc*. from your body whenever you ex­ reacli ss almost toj the ea res of .'t:h? leged, was not up to standard—it ing, talkingyact. speare's' trouble. . The houpe had hale, lias cfceen jput to use by the struct ure* and with its grass-oljal contained too much beef. Mejitwurst "The Honor of t|u> Famil, " Behe Las Angeles flfe department to ramparts adds Immensely to [the 1 passed Into the hands of his daugh­ has always been a source of trouble ter, and his son-iln-law had con­ I in n i fix' ne went f en t u re be the put out fires In which streams of impression one receives of its an In Mecklenhur^-Schwerin. In many screen offering nf The Catlovf theatre water are of little use, as in chem­ cient formidable, 'ritreng h. It i Is tracted the debt. Shakespeare him­ parishes th liicul clergyman was self had played hi^ last part a few .Sunday and Mondat nights. I This is ical and oil flresj. The gas Is car­ only restored in pjirt. am ithe visit entitled to so many ells of the sau­ OF, THE OmGlllKL n screen version of ried In high pressure cylinders, and or can easily visurillze ijt's ancient years before the time of this doc­ m •% one of iBnhuic's sage from his ' j-lshoners. He al­ ument—.London Mijdl. drollest, and yet most dramatically when" releused nj [cloud of dry Ice exten); and forin, ways got the • t- length, but if fcETAIL romantic tales?. . ? like that used Iji certain kinds of he were unpopular, the Mettwurst Business Notices Bring Results Miw Daniels play* the piirt of a refrigeration is squirted over the wa4 of the smallest possible thlck- coquettish yoiing litdy, who is- com fire, Tills reduces the temperature ^loiyrood Nojw| Ob*< iiired ncsp, there beinir nothing in the pniiinn and 'nurse''to an nged nnd nnd prevents oxygen from reaching Tin somber \: l|s of Uolyrood bond regarding lt§ diameter. weijlth'y French .nobleman, Arhn.piir- the blaze, thus smothering It. palucli,, Edlnlmrgli, havr lost ire- cumb.s lo her clui.rnis. His m phow, n iiiemljrnnco of the jgrunileur of its This Woman Lost dashing young oHleir, arrive i on the r days; yet ft) hold j somci of i A11 scene, and after duels, dihlis ITS and Tinned &tuff Used In Navy the enjost glamorous and t lo saddest other nmazing doings! is abli to free Atortf tlmii' 1(),000,000 pounds/of memqrles of Mary Queei of Scots, 64 Pounds of Fat Ifow i«l>tb> Tii the old gentleman from the wiles of catihed goods are consnmed by the Here on the Dtli f if Mi rch, LTiOO, Darnley nnirderpd Mil. I.fttiru—only to ho snared 14m- sailors of the Ilnlred States navy Lord )livld ttlV.. zlo, aki Italian, whom ho Mrs. II. Price o{ Woodnide, L. I., self. In a yeiir. ('imbed tomatoes Hike accused I of Oiet That :New. liupi'uper relations with .Mary, Iris writes: "A".year mo I weighed 190 .SlliU't subjects will, furn jsh thwir the leud In i-egejables, followed by' beiiiis. Among fruits, peaches UBIKI, wife, Exactly 12 iiionths afterward lbs. I Btiirtcd to tnko Kruschea and share of' eiiliMiaininclit on s |«,0- he b Inmeif was murderf d by (the now I weigh 120 and never felt bet­ gram. Thes . includr a Mi<-I»| y Mouse. followed closely by pineapple, then ( come prune.*, applesauce, apricots, f- earli of Bptliwpll, ivhtj ibnnied ter in my life ami what's more, I cartoon, stiitterioij- Ito.sVoo Ates in Mary after less tlnjn tliree ipontbs. look morn like 20 >TH. old than the comedy, news ajnl act. In addition peiti|s, figs i int.'raisins. Figs tire remflvely mny In Hid ctuined goods mother of 2 chlldre i> one lfl and the Don Keller, popular ,youilg singer, other 18. • Every one of my friends JIG. will introduce some new stuijf s in the products, but tli« niivy uses them The Empty Bab nay it's' marvelous the way I*reduced." to the'-extent coinnniuity sing. [of 0-10,000 pounds ail- |B hard for ajn einfr iari.i I' 137 Pstrk Avenuj tiuully. t\ To lose fut with Bpced take a half fii'i'tju, Garbo's product i< strindl uprlclit '•''"hni.'finj ll tennpoonful of Krujseheii in a glass looked forward to' a s being oif special Li of hot' wntcr befor brwikfnBt every BARRINGTON, ILW rois interest' and her last feature, "Susan m<|rning-j-don't mids a morning—an I.enox, Her Fall and Rise How About a Net* 6eII? Or Think. He 4 851 cent bottle lash 4 Weeks—get it which at Frcdlund Drug Co. or any drug was held over in thf loop fnjr an ex- "You've IJPMI 'ranging this J>ell for A r)il»»g.vnlst Is! A. iiian who if ; twenty minutes,"''''Remarked, the en­ woman hater. ' store in America. I: not joyfully sat tra week's showing has been received isfied after the fiist bottle—money with great cutluisiiisin ; evelrywhere. raged householder tq the house-to- back, 'Business Notices" Bring famlts i Tin's is not inly dtijp to GarGnrpo's-out] ­ house agent. "What is it you 1)0 "s- out- want?"' "Well, I thought you might standing work, but also to t'he np- |W>arance of ('lark (jlable in-(he male he Interested In a new door bell."— lead. Ootrott News. DUMB! This unusually stjrong feat) ure will It is dumb stupidity for arty play The Callow tliea'tre, friend's : Transmuting Hatred \ night,, Tuesday. -Nov, nd the> Every generation enjoys the use J woman to have bad breath. Wednesday following. . ,of a vast hoard of • hatred be- It offendsfothers—ruins you For Thursday night of|n< elrs xt week- queathed to It* by antiquity, and ';• WeHelpYtni Ian Needed : BackttPWces - •' >•' socially. The worst of it is you, The Catiow theatre will prjes«| lit WiH- transmits that hatred, augmented i Hbme Imp vemlents | H iam I'owell in "The Road- t b'Singa- by fresh .acquisitions, to future jjfi ante sfyow y0" how youcai bay far [g yourself, never know when you l>ore." | pges—Lord Mncniilay. .'IS the mtnsmattmont^lyinstfllmerttf have it. But you can be surja PRICES PRICE "V^OUR home, too, cgn >e that you won't have it by garg­ L comforuble with up to-the- Prices! quoted at "this sale are as low if not lower than they n inute improTemenu at • small ling with Listerine. It instantjy ost—sometimes »slow »s $10.00. I ago. Some of the. items are lower th ih pre-war prices. You. ends halitosis-rimproves mouth 9 TS We supply only "Certifii d M»te- to buy this high quality merchandise at these low figured for lojn||-so r »ls", that tre guarinti ed and hygiene, and checks infection. b icked by a $44,p00,000 Rational come n now and save. i fijtretycompany. J Lambert Pharmacol Company, PHILL-UP We aire always! glad to St. Louis/Mo., U. S. A. ' j' r. * .. ,^ counsel you on an^ im- <(£*% provements you harire in iw~W' mind. There's ifo obli- Men's i Suits ^ndQ^er WITli satioa 5 4 LISTERINE Men's h^avy winter Jovercoatsi, plain Men's wihiter oyercoajt HaHfrhrf- I' L|aeeschulpe Cf Hagjetj colors arid patterns. A value of their ends halitosis kind ha? never been seen in the' ner & Marx^ reg. $35 lvalue Phono 4 or 450) ( Kill. 200,000,000 germs last 15 Phillips 66 years t i.. The Gasoline of ! I • • " r •; Jt MEN'^ SUITS bf beautifjil i C^)hrrJ)llea Volatility I OneSto Statio3 n the o|ujtstanding values of fpe i\ -U The highef [test jfii(8oline without higher copt. Sa^ve $ | money by Hoppirtju: at (he Orange tj.nd BWck "66" i> '! shield ai GiiHt Main Street and Northwest Highway, Let me explain wHy this gasplinc is different. ? Men's! Suede j Leather Men's Ho Lumber iJacketp. Genu­ WoolLi J. H. ine T^lon Zip|pkr quarter s PROPRIETqR i j Men's Kid Gloves. Made Boys' W 4 Service— by Hansen sizes 3 to, (fa.5o ' ! $*.9S FiMr Body Shop iii CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. Duco Patnt Shop Fended Shop | 1931 amples W^tti^n^s Goats kAtinounm I. Wje havi. purchased Ithe Entir^ Sample, iLime from £/f ."&• RoL\ Tires ail East rn Coat MjanufacturerJ One coat of a Weekly Individual Batti ries, J Light Bulbs kind. M e offer them for the benefit of Barring- ton 'ShopWs. 'a lmu tation T Wint BY Sip plies of all Hinds kk 12 Rides—RJlooday .95 $23.00 $55.00 ko Sunday, inclusive—Effective Novj I •' ' ' m i' I ' l Here's a new idea, in 'keeping with the Prices Always Reasonable modern trend to m ke smaller pur- Women^s Dosses; > chases and more of em—the Wtekly ew ^tyles and Fabrics of ^ool and Silk 12-Rido Individual Commutkh Ticket. It'scon - Have You \Triea \he New Standard Individual venient, calls for a s aller cash btjitday , Oil Co s Gasoline $495 $1Z.9S Commutation and the fare per ride lis low—but litde more than for the 60 ride ticket! Women's Silk Scarf^ ...,i.»S>; Ticket tt ^ls! Wbolen Dresses Barringtcfn And Anothet- Bargain Goes With It TORAGE M^P^PMIV^^r ••• to CHICAGO The new 12-ride ticket also gives) you Corduroy Sport Jackets,, reg. $3i50 valud S2.25 Only the privilege of buying one way or aw round trip tickets between any two ^J $3.14 points in the suburban district on your WOMEN'SSHOBIS 5 division for yourself, your family or Former blues to $6 many styles al patterns &i friends, up to one-half of the mileage He Bros. SZ.85 to $3.95 represented by the 12-ride ticket at the low rate of 2c per mile1. Wi^m For/nit particular* and tfck$tt /H your W«)-poNruc • C. * N. W. Ticket Ageot utr s# T«t., Bairiniit^ »6 N. Cook St. CHICAGO NORTH WESTERN RY. Station Stti

•MM: mm mm

h f IIEVIEW, BARUNGT) URSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1901 ftivor» hnd colorH were unwl in *the -week,' Fo\;or« vere lawnrded to MM ^4- decorati JHH. pjke Zurich Bcr,t HarrlH, Mrs. Joh 1 Gosoell an| Light Year Illustrates Dreaded I *enal Station | ' Somcthf'ngL^lt to liapk v* iJtiiri r Mrrf. James Gainer. Mate|IntoBirdH*ven Wonderful man | Year aft) r year > ComPnc«ted CJph«rr Mr«. WUIinni Tonne cntertaliietl Immensity of Creation A rrvplo-mm J„ n er„,j • a numb>r of frlontlH at a Halloween he' Improves 'nhiwst' everytttfig. ex­ ,-nt to I>P8 MisH Gernldlne Smlih and Mrtj The Dry T'»rtugas hfe a series party Saturday evening. Concerning the dateless history cept hlinselfvHuo'ehester • rime* *.., ,,.i rcrrospondence -vherefl in visit her Martha Osgood hove miveil from the I of creutioh, I need to Invoke but, ot islets, te J in number; ati the .'ex*' CJnlpn. •- .fuii^ treme end < if Florida keysj belojng- .....,•-«:..'« 1« interwoven W Howii nr Zimnternuin. repairman George Harris h his IKJW dnfjes. On In million |llght years to reach our " «rv|.toKn,m Is t?.a one& Zurich ihotored t«J> Chicago Thursday Sun lay pveilbii with Mr. and Mm earth. What Is a light year? Re-, Garden key was used As » peai'al of bread with wW i.r of McIIenry Friday vening he was/ honored ijt a 1 ,.,.1 o i-o rontnlne.! in tl e boll nfternotyi. Join station during the Civil war, and •' JL farewtd THuro v.. member, a ray of light moves at the tf .f, Slitikcspenre, proving a >eordlH • iiiiiK Mrs". George Party 1 Riven by^the. Masonic it was here where Dtjctot Miidd, .1* Mrs. June Eat l amazing' rate of 186,300 miles In it saves « *..ine fitulipritlen that he wEl . i friend* in the lodge 3 their hall. nger and Mr, and M and Mi . Clayton Krien ojf every secdnd "of time. Now, multi­ O'Lituglilln, Spnngler lindl Arnbld MrH. George Eatenger rjidtored to Mc- Elffi H>t tho'-mithor but that h> rrinl a and Mrs Tillie Krien of Car ply the seconds tnto minutes' and were sent* 10 serve out (their teems ^Irs. |B. II. SSImons of Lake Zurich, Hcnry AVexlnesdaj pent ersville re Suiidny guests ,pf of Imprlsoi ment after being foniijil It isn^t ne>cci}M[ry \oW Styvit i lutlior hn.l luborlousfcy vvo -en wl days until you reach a full year of l 1.. ••• l.iiniHvi'r and Mm. Chester' J^ong and Mrw. Mterie J !. l.n text Hie facts of t;,e '^ Mr and Mi Henry Freking. guilty: by a military" eo^mlsslonl of quality in a- *leri|ifrjce. Listei Sninlii.v with the Earle Hnrrbjnii and Victor Carr seconds, then you have' a light year. •H?h a complicated, clpHer, * 'GariilM'h of Hitrrinjrton viwited Aflth 1 partlcjpntic n in 'the assassination were Chicago TJS tora Tuesday. . M r. and Mrs Frank Vlk and chil- Then think, if you can,,that It has Paste, made by the jmakers of Mr. ami 'Mrs. E. the former'H tji»iter, Mr«. Horry IRH- tqken a million of such years for of Preslder t Lincoln. j\ll nt Sunday evening with Business Notices) Brinjg RjeResults s 25 ll nd family of the Flint < 'reek school on Sunday nfror- have spent the past Kb months here, Mr. ind Mi 1, |IarolriH: I- cago, Later tliey bfrthday party- in honor tiMbfcr'. 6^i1 d 7, 1931 hotel ( 1 Saturday. will tpctul the win- of 1 er niothi'r, Mrs. Kajtherino Schu -½ fioine Snt- ter in Florida. 7 . i iirni niadier of .111 lilt Slgwalt Is expected home }Vn supper, with nil the on a f nir-day furlough from Mexico Mrs, Corn Dovell and Albert Ha- fer, 11 Fremont farmer, were united trimmings M is onjoyed dt n Into hour. er s rood ^j Militar r Ai-iideiny of Mexico, Jfo, in mnjri'iiige at' Woodst Mr. Sehumi el er rccelvpil many usc- 1..,. Sipilll It 11 f I MS' murrinji oeek on Mon- -,; Mrs. Marie Leslie was hostess to da;y nWning. Tl ftil glfls ufd nil deptjrted wishing -Mi'lay. ,Mr, uud Mra. innrni tey lo-'t immediately GOOD FOODS FROM A CLEAN STORE the II nco eluli Ttiitiwlity evening. for her iniiiiiv l|ip>y bl(thd«ys. •-! 'l-iiiiiiitf»-s i)t' Clii- a hoiieymoiin trip lo Mlt tjiesotit, Of Mesulatjic-. (leiiry. t'. Prelim ami Will f ORIGINAL .1. Mi'llei and Mrs. Mrs. A[r. .uhd Mr 1. Elmer Olterst of El­ 133 Park Ave. Phone 460 j Barrington, 111 in in I'm ne received high vcores. Mrs Ony Wheeler of McHcnry ; Kingstoji and .Mr. visited relatives liere gin were vbltos Monjday nt the homo I 'i ill • i' ' J. Fiiili. fuiiMihitioii. A iiildiiight tfriday I 3TAIL Ilallir '..fJKirkhuid. of Jr. and M's. Henry FrekJng. lunch vas served and Hallowwn M •. ami Mrs. I'mi l Ironelft' on have 'l.n"-' a in! daughter. fat or" ?! ml colors used in decorations. mov d into the .Ttjilin B onelieon home >|fr. and itr\<. Wilfred kelsey and Grocery Bargains Friday and Saturda -'I in f .ifi4-i t.vville on on iilaIn street chil •lren of lib ago were Sunday Mr. 1 ml Mrs. Charles Krueger i)nd - 1,. Nicioley ami visi ors at tllte heme of Mr. and Mrs. dnrglit •IN of Half Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Eurl *i Mr. and LngeRcliultc Fi'ii nk Kels' H fjhady Hill. 11 Albert Volling and Mrs. Herman entertained the m m iters of the Traymore or Royal A LJIIIII'-II ftititndiru: of Fi-her of McIIeiiry ' were dinner A'outig People's clns|< of' the Feder- A esdamef V T nniior, Fitts, Jnn- •n Sunday. loween party Friday *nlng. Bunco noo 1 with Jt!n, \Yaltbr Hupe. rim thajTjme to wa.s played at four tables. Awards : klr j. Cherries ii-i- atti-mled n Ilal- .Mi^ Lydia Ttoekenbach spent the r. an Harold Kclsey and were presented Irm Banks, Glenn \Vilini.|ti' Saitirday 'Week-ejid at her home, chil lren, 1R«[ : an|d and Phyllis, enjoyed ! J :•* atr Mtiw Watch Blackburn, Mildred Grnnsee nnd with Mr. and Mrs. No. 2 1/2 can, Frjnik1 Dickson.) Jr. Sunlday diriAcr Wl-( 11 the Jiuiitiiig season ojienefl Enoch Bran it. i • .1:1111 and Vii-Kinia Stimlav at T111011 a t-mall army of Mr. and Mrs. Gi'O'go Broughton ^% liiithda; partj in himterji were on hand to get the X. rs. Clannce Meyer of Barrington accompanied by, Mr. id Mrs. H. B. - II. rshheri er ut Ins <>arlv I ii'ds. There were, no accidents is ifutTeringi w th. a badly sprained Sclmefer left tile fij-sl of the week til'.iV. • Hi IiUlowet-n rcportt d. rigi foot cpu sed from *a fall down Brookfield can for Duluth, Minn. thn e steps St nday morning. Mrs. Andrew Sorensen, Phil," Frohlke, Meyer is n daughter of Mrs. Oliver •' 11.irst-.v and ler s'i-»(cr, Firis of, Shdy Hill, and .Clarence .Tehks v^rc ' Kenosha lBlfihirk I kyenue M 'Ikwii'k. saw tlii-. musi- Wauconda cullers 011 Tuesday. 1 BUTTER • •irl Crazy'1 at tin- he Mati :iev family have moved F a R \]^fe^(i;t(>M ILLINOIS '1. -'lay afternoon. Mf. and Mrs. Crjiy leii and son, froia'thc Riley eottage to Sterling. f Frederick, have mov< from the Elm- - in-i .I-'ink had us guests Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn entertain­ William , Gardner left for Las crpst subdivision into the Dnvlin Vejuis, N. Sj : ^. nine Sigma l'hi Beta ed Mrs. Margnret Itipkey and Mr. Tuesday where he will house. spe id the' vinte r with, his wife and '• '•- "f Chicago." and lit s\ I")a;ve Canghey of Chicago A f Han ffhter. THINSIES and M r. and Mrs. Kobert Blackburn Irvin Moody of Chicago spent MAYONNAISE \)ii(-e$ p Bring Results Mv<. Albert Ilej^beek and n "d eli ildren of Arlington Heights on Tuesday here with rcl itives. • •iijiiyed Sunday ilri\ing Sunday J iotoring Illinois- may be ex- r Mr. and M/rs- ^rn Cliok spent Sun­ •IMI retuniiiig' by way of 1 pecied to 1 nusually heavy 'during KRAFT'S 150 to [ IM-Kalb. day at Batnvia. r MrsJ Cbira Smith, who has been the fall sep'sjin according to a report • rionsly ill the past week, is reported ?i.im« I'olilinaii W.'IN taken . Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry L. Grtinjtham of the touri.^s division of the Illinois Pint Jar for . packag somen nit improved. Her daughter, ^ SJI 1 urda'y evening but is entertained Mr. nnd ilrs-. E. <[). Van- Chamber of immerce. The Illinois M,rs. .Tames Williams of Crystal Lake ••wil today. Nntta and' son, Kenneth, of Chicago. Tot ris^t 'guic e has acquainted thou- has lit' a earing for her. winds of people with the scenic spots " lialbinkainer stopped Fri- John Frnnkovie of \ ilwaukee speift MM Mary Kennedy of "Waukegan of [llinois dm these will be visited Saturday to call on old the week- end nt the C=. P. Thomas dur ng the r aj -•ix'llU the week-end with her .sister, of autumn when all All Varieties of Krafts lie wa is on his way West to home. ' Mrs. .1 nines Carr. nat ire is fui ;i color. ' •acent.*, Mr. mid '.Mrs. 1'aul Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mrs. J. PRlfcES of I'unnc-is Ferrv, Ear Itroughton nml Victor Carr X. Zimmer and Mrs. John Geary add Cheese motorefl to Woodstock Monday morn­ son, Donald, spent Friday at the Her­ ing man Mniuian home. per pound if fjot kJMH'r thaiii they were 15 yeays it tl|e Charles Kudsinnki mm SI IS HI A 1/2 lb. packag re-vjiar prices..; You won't be able Mr. and .Mrs. Otto Gal/. Mrs Pratt. uiotbJjr of Elwood F. Earle Hironimus is. employed Uel Walter Leiidtke, Pftitt. who has s|ij»nt the summer hi Kay Paddock. 1 e pit this^ bw figjUres for long- Itoss and Clifford I I—a» ile". with I er son's family, has returned Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher who re- BY, MIC ZEMO .1" < bicngo. ; to the home of a daughter in Yonk de near Kosoville )n makesilif lift e ers, \ Y. ere pleasantly If Itching, '»u _ ..•« I'II nk attended! the first u-prised by a ntimbet of friends and un bearable, quickly a'ppjy Zemo, ththa.e FRl ITS AND VEGETABLES 1 lie ; NortIrwent Suburban Har ild Hapke of AVaukefiha spent Intivc* 'gathering at their home to BOI'thing, cioling, invisible family ••iigijie in Morton Grove W'ednt sday with-his parents, Mr. and •lp them celebrate thleir golden wed ' an riseptic. "J hpusanda find that Zemo I&TTUCE .2 for 15* W^X'BEANS ..'. ...2 lbs. br ngscviftj relief from Itching, helps "in^j as a member of the Mrs'. ( }e value r l'l fifth v edding iinniversiiry on Sunday, lie ving pimples, roah and other skin i'-ngo am) Mis. Hose I' uoelJ' Smith, diseased To II his couple I ,;l IMunei wan served t< twenty relatives, iri itatlons. J Wver bb without it. Sold ililreu drove to Pal- liiiye been born six children: Mr|s. Sll It wa also the first wedding anni­ everywhere—85c, 60c and ¢1,00. lay to vlHiti Mr. mid I (chard Do well, Mrs Leslie DuvM, Iv.l versary of their daughter, Mrs. Pctor SZ750 a ml KimKi MM Edna Fisher of Waukegan tuWI J listen Mrn. Grander lit the clauftli- l|il<|,vd I'lisher wlio, |w1t h his fumilkr,' Mi-. Henry Heljuofcr .wefit Mra. Llllv Tiyiilon, She nml ii'f.vu 1-, inner WHO, IWIHI ins lumity iinliiv to spend the: week- ter of •Klile nt the old bom' and two eh I' MIN« NVva 'IVynton,' nf ilauuhtei'M, .Ml'H. J. Iwir (litigliteri tlrtn, Lllliini and Li roy, decenisei were jfresvht at ihn festivities.! I :sl) •f beautiful fabrjc3 Mi- .1. Smith. "i . M luny lovely fflfta were received, lit)- / [ Mrx, Olive Welli|i «f Wintki'Kan l eiotis refresh men Is 'Vivvivo served at l "i|i is iMijoying a. two day-Thun i'alueki'fef the season spent Hie pant few IIII.VH willi frleudH tN close of prngreMKl" e euchre. ' here. 4 Days Only Saturda! l-'i/ik,' Frank ami Kruo- Mrs L. (!. Gni'dper ami snln ami Famout Mon of Long Ago 1 i t tit Tourmll, IU"lllllS. "W ] W •(>.!« I L in otl. Fr'o'nt In Li! ertyvllle. | FI'IIIITO, nliont HIO. He litter Htnrjt- e« 11 m bool of music nnil other nrts ! n'l mid Miss t'ath. Sen ttor Hay Pipldoek and fftinlly j T,ijiift*r .stock 1 tit N'l'vers. Ho wnI the hivt'htor 1 W aiiki-gan were imwei Saturday to their farm eaxf ..11--(11 at the Weaver oil tli« iriutiut, .Theonl y work noW of lV«l 0. llively iisiii'llii'il to lli n Is the Hn'r- 1^;l:$ 10.50 0BU0C0. Mr. Clissltia I>OW!IIM entertained the mbnlon InstlMitlon. Ue died |n ila. ? files' Wool Overcoats . I.'I. Mowe ami three wlu^«4 ;.» to'9 M-'i'l. Alieli.. arrived ; f •• 1-11 their i-elativett," the TS% —tMMfi—+4M——*t*—i>i*— }U.U.i< aximum Fountuin Syringes, 2 for $1.51 3r>c.Klens5o' Tooth Brushes, ,..;..i for36* " $S.9S I'ii l.'rehi'iM and Otto ll.ikenii'yer \v\\\ remain Uretcst Rubbing Alcohol, .., 2 for 81* 50c Rubber Goves, | ....,.2.^51^ ' The Howe faniity L ' I i •in: limne on Saturday. ^1 31i-! Dental Cream, ...: 2 for SI* .; 2 for 51* SOc Ladies' Dressing Comls, ..] '"i-11 well aiu( siius ot leanzo Dental Cream, 2 for 51* ,.A..2for76* 1 6pc Antiaeptif—t>r MU3^,| •Mi-'. Ada Moore audi ii-31 Shaving Cream, I < 2 for 51* .^:.2 tot 21* •in-aivi \hiiel' rteuing.j jHefresli- ret est Mineral Oil 2 for $1.01 ypo CJompv |l6-oz. 'I and Halloween l':..2for;Jil*, Puretest Cod Livei; Ofl, J2 for $1.01 50c Bisma-Rek, Antiacid Powder, Rexall Theatrical Cold Cream, .fi...2ior^6** 1-lb size, 2 for 76* 25c Soda Mint Tablets, 140's, .:,...... Cream of Almond Lotion, ...:. j 2 for 36* 1 ;,j...2jfor'26^ DOUBLE L • ,'^ u jrf*i *.-. . „; .ji;forii* JFirstiiid Adhesive, Plas 25c Essence 0: Peppermint, ? ACTING I J in., five yards ' 10c Senna Leuve,s, loz., J'A,t6r2m$

POWDER S^feii}.;;./ '•$;/;: Entice the Fine AiJ5ortm|ekitsr;5'^ to tijfityfae Radio Broadcas t h*ture.„how ; ; < mes Keep Fresh !of 5t^l®ilery 4-; 10,000 Rexoll stores are on . air every morning m November &7- fi fl ^'te:bei;.;£|:' . Over',*7S> Stations Muilc and Novel, Kntetfalnmeritj ^#^ateifljt Features, ' , \|| trices i\ ; USED fifliLERi^MENT „,, 'smg$&i*:ri? ^¾¾¾^¾¾^^^¾^¾ E-ssasiifciiaS/iisSSiilt f :t:m ~ \y-T*'ri^?'.•i.TrZT^-.i. •ifisnmmi 1) -*ti«^fc'»' MS: ;'".>:'• .''.V^r*lv'-rf-'"? My 1>

Zm t-

5#h .,-..»• 1 1 1 mwm 1¾¾¾¾^¾¾ ^VMh ^ ¾¾ J5^T4^Wi^TWT iWr^S' smmsimmm Piffi^r^*s r - ' j" 'I t HARRINGTON REVI W, BAltRINGTON, ILLINOIS THufepAY, NOVEMBER 5,193X Find Tomb Richer iliai jtjest for this disease, and participated and to prevent its fiirtb it spread, Dr. Th it of Tut-Xnkh-, Uan 'III a series of four sectional veterin­ Andy Hall, director of the 'state de­ ary conferences, to result in the in­ partment of health, warns that kiss­ le OM U4 1^|H What nay prove t^> be tl e most ing, as well as jthe me of common' utt important Egyptian tonjlb ;«it dis­ struction ana" accreditation of veter- f olice FeareiJ £< covered Is thai of Ita Ou«r, who irarians whq wish to qualify to ren- drinking cups' transmit i it. The deT Ifr thty disease control service at the partment is prepared t> analyze spe­ F. ' ired.ly" is > dOft K m lived marly five thjousani years V-~«M n dog attachef :to>,:« ago. He was high pHest of Egypt, (quest and expense of the poultry cimens from the moutis of suspects. hut he leems also to have held a ;< lepers of the state.. * Proper treatment, h> says, will m Charles S.Kinnhon^ promptly clear up the infection. Neg ') C.rc.1 feilows fert]* bewildering number of high offices. ,, of his.puws to ftre.tJ The ton ib consists pf tjtvo chnnj- Vincent's angina, otherwise known leered, it will drag on indefinitely. oo- -oo hers. Cne of these, contains the hk "Trench Moutli," has more than : * . The 0>>!fc(f sarenphegus of a |queen whose tripled Aurin^ the pastj two months, Business Notices Br ng Results wSiH^ ^^ Success name has not yet1 bean found. . K, mlvico -JU*m. The mummy, though, lias a won­ •^•Oliver} J. Wnj^ A man there was, and he made prayer derful 11fold crown flashing with .¾ wl«'« thoy triedi tr^ tUem 1 To his miserljr pile of jgold! Jewels. I t SSldv i<> '"• f* *®:* he lost his smile—but he didn't care, The sscond chamber is, perhaps, •III «r«eiire;,of ^ ntet And his heart grew stern and .the mote toteresllngpowing to Ihe :-1') n^ily. ^assed to a land v here it • -;'Vwatery con|it|* He had no time for laughter and fun— would need ail the things that had - T.yt.ry'sH'^tress^Jli^. Not even a baby's kiss. been mcessury in life. Tor this -Tswlilllff. hud ,Ml ,'f «»'i reason hey often placed n> their KnwJty tott'^HPiil: tombs tot only food) but ilothlng, He ^huckled with glee, at his baijik boats, carriages, chairs beds, ••JScessarv f.»f ?"r Hassan bellevi s that, Jigied ins mn nnd.fr Of gold—->but ncer a friend t ;ays the Repoft< when a) have been examined, the ;W^p4rt.^lirthe|N«? .l find will prove of greater Impor­ f" : I • i L„i,, KtihrnlUlMg wim ft tance t mn the tomb of, Tut-Ankh- Thcfn follows a rapid, de-« What,th<|jtclq HlU;f««! ViivuuMiineeN, .lln>|Fi-(Jt<*f)[ {Ion \vii>( Ji»f l»rot||fli! . I)»»JI r • ciillVi' as well ns ||'»W)l'M>pl •'fOtitelo-rnrK1'. Af|V,luhl tie j(, il.iiiMlesS he Wt^llll |i;l\P I ffiiiiiii'i' Kign'lil«';»tl»t;' i'f Sharp Words Get Credit Aztecs Well Versed! a for Ending Hiccoughs Science of Astronomy A di-fferimcH of uplnloi litis A study recently issue I by the arisen lit Spittle its to how t|o cure Mexican ministry of foielgn af- a bud else of hiccoughs. A short fairs describes ut length the ad- •L time ago n Seattle resident had ii vance made In astronomy by Mex­ t'l'lK'llicl.tlK very bud case, was sent to i hos- ico'I*.*.*,s. firsnH«t . inhabitantsi«l...i.f. &_, ' 11th{. » Aztecs. IKinfih',1 W'Mllllt!(':}( pitul and wits cured, htlt thjjtt did! tone of the outstanding facts In j tt|(l|-(.' l',| 1 1 •! H-fcf jl'JDll I not close the- Incident the history of the first Injhitbitnnts ,'||('l Kllotlltl •»('• fl'lio if Mexico Is the marked progress II n;iv IJI' the, Urc The hospital's ofllelal repoh was that they nchieved in astronomical that the hiccoughs stopped afterj '(•('Li'linil'i'd .iij'.'l'ToVn t)i s ;. [science," says the report aa given . IIIMIIIS, ilint lj*«!il' i\ ii .administration of adhesive binding put by the I'an-Atnerlcnh Infornm- and lemon juice. Unofllcldl ver­ 'Adiiii!'-," Uvuivn -|i u [.1 1 ion service. "It Is indeed remnrk- met I'm' lliiM't- i-;nv i' sions, however, are to the effect ble that a people presenting so that an exasperated nurse sliarply of "ll;e \\i\v *if Hull icii.il -i . any evidences of primitive life Yur.li IU'l'ithl'i'P-i H)j(i told the patient to o,ult being n should have been nfhle to reach fool, and that was the Inst of the ihe exact and scientific conclusions hiccoughs. 1 \ ' ' • • i • that their records indict te, The No ilcei *o nfcU;: ,: Ye; It Is a 'good subject to. argue nrly Mexicans had two ralendars, >• ahout. because everjjbod.v knows , ne civil and the other religious, • ' 'Tin- IIUIHll.Tit!': '>|'.V<'- all about bow to cure hiccoughs. t nilMil' lU'tllll-fillilV, 'fh.-ijJ 1 'he first consisted of HI periods ; '!% •t.' One does not have .to ' he a doctor if 20 days each, with an additional "' d"ii"l Jor '"l ;i-. mi : i - • to prescribe In a case of this kind; days. These 5 days were de- (lie lus'trl. • An 'ilr handicap. The laity has mo-e hic­ different kinds. The rell ;16us cal­ with sii'lIun,u::iri.-iD'wC.ir \* i\ "it r_ cough cures than wers ever lit any endar consisted of 13 periods of lii-hiul'fnugjil ill ilj.<'-:.ill iljt i >!'*.. •I • medical book, and can cite enses 20 days each. The 20-duy period Theri'sit.' I"' . where every one of the cur is has of the civil calendar wa» divided "Vmi .miist IK>'»1I)." «-.lit;.i worked. It can be pi-qfed, py affl Into 4 periods of SI dtys each. davljs If necessary, that eating lemi. ''" ' It - • Fifty-two civil years made a cen­ "y i'<," si\il.'' fti,l'l spond to the days we adq for leap "you litiA'e' > twit the back of the neck hjus biten In- years /ivlllltle' pj>' Seattle is welcome (to ivhat pleas­ secretary of the Illinois Chamber of "I.i'i.'i'knit tttv tiioiili, K M-. •^•(r- ure It can get out of a'gu'irg how 1 'Commerce. nhows that industrial ex- ID.V hii'i'ses; hut -ti f.-t i|".t. .¾ to treat hiccough's; but In tl e long pension in southern Illinois has made 1iini\v | hilt lioliod.v kill kvjt t(4v:l run the sliarp-tongiwd iniir^e will get as many votes ij| a great growth since 1914 there are • llionij :111c| "that 1 sij'tSt'iilii'* Jny of the but few cities whibli cannot boast of oire of thi'in."-—I;,';it,, h ?lt»-al exports,—Spokane ispinesn Ke­ view. at least one or nifore flourishing in- I dustries. (r. Wcajel'.iJIt.'xdff pict A wet'tsel'- s .-.-v«-|wit ! I4.y.f hy u (i(>fiiiiiti ntttai'iiHI 't,it.? tl'ce itlmut to lie. |'tlt' W •!«• mill r>roved filifrjilsiKt , ;.N 'limn II mice lu|l b I'D r stai'lted one «p|)vfc; 1H( are onlcrjy pile,. i)i'jfh*i:ni) ti twee.n thoitt t«i .fopWi K mound. 'C'IHW l fiijMf Wei. l freslj coiulltToli st|j tTWuigl^ fH JUNI • been * ckupli I'W'J> for Winter liad, Iieen plumjl ( tfip of tU .f- B lii'pgo Ollo'cllol! J# ti^Tf BargaiDo Non tPreparatio Overlook nThes e the holl ,^'0(l-6nt|{''/jv4f,y iv iriiii<-(., w5ik'ii.-Wni|'[}t*i. I|r&« .'for ,llio.t\vcii«('i; tt)"«Up,'i.l|U(i Special Offer No. 1 Prices J ,llu> miu) b po))lnjr j|ws! Afi Regular Price $4.00- $».S6 ^tartii^g in G^icago iii 1199 witn ajhbrie an^ wagon inda modest store, our whoso owner *njji u ,(Ull - rti Clean and set spark plug gap. Clean sediment bulb. v business has expanded htil todair it operates iporo tjhan 1300 motor units tCWan carburetor and jeti. i ijind serves Homemakers in pveri I nine tnousiind cities jarid towns Adjust distributor breaker point located in forty stages.! It occupies! one^ of the ihost mMep and best Check tithing. j gtjps. Test and filljbatte* y. Equipped manufa'ctudhg plants infAmfeica. Clean and tighten or replace bat!te|y cable co 1 j , tions. '['•'" ^-w-- • "ep r» cable con Reset generator charging rate for told weather Me are proud Of Jewels thirly^q yiEiars fef liryicet o theiAnWican public, Clean generator cemmutator. j rhich is symbqlized bj our B^rringtcn ti • Fill and adjust shock absorbers fori cold weather. i- > Flush radiatbr preparatory for anti-freeze;. Tighten all nose connections or replace. ewelsearcliemeshs p e m choices'l: coffees, teas^ ^- Repack watejr purajp if necessary Change Oil. nd bthei groce;ries M yourlenj^ni edgle:, Special Offer No. 2 — $5.00 >enefit daily tiirough I &#'^ ideiil." Jiiaii.i i||k5iu|rfc|^)\;i^ Sipom and ecohomijOa^ Regular Price $7.00 Sank as Offer No. 1, and in addition t Lubricate chassis Lubricate front v'heels. Change transmission lubricant arad change differ­ ential,. liibri< ant. i (all lubricant included) Special Offer No. 3 — $10.00 j Regular Price $13.00 \", Same as Offor No. 1 and No. 2 Combined! with grind valveij and clean carbon.1 ALL PARTS AND ENGINE OIL EXTRA

CeWbrali i

IN REVIEWJ BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1931 Jim. ^^^ ilU b Chile! Led Where atross the crudyWe ?n j>f the Edin bout ttjojiejy an^ more, mother j 1 [jttl e ' Cottoni Comunlpiion n ij [ ICqloniaCqlonial Maill fl Total Assets—One 'cause I -Thmht» ami "Dollar*' Police Feared to Enter Musee in NewA'ork, Slary by reas­ net him | an* his little boy The average annual constjmntlon Thi folloxvlng la froi i«;iRort t 1 on of her fame receiving an em icing on the A rich silver! mine was di|seo*- Small Daughter , -.i-istree— t thi-s morning"•. I\"v of cotton in the United States was "Hi$tioky|of the United ies »T i< a dog, « police was enrrije'd b&jftftrfl ji,: By LEETE STONE on Fourteenth street. Fijomth^n on tor took me over to the studios an" 1916, and in'eonimemoration a llarge I ers, i trnol followed the ifiiun rpnus ..Mi- of-.those up-stend ten years 1904-OK to 1013-14. The qumber'of silve* ccjins were struck, fi' " she was/ movie ncxesjs until her made a test of my voice. He held average annual cotton consumption as fa:' as! there were, any; Qrareatyt- (-~ ,iuws; alert from the Til/f ARY BAIItri, "mother of the having the.eftl:y pf St. Joa:hlm, lng tltd ^roadless settlemepii l . ; iws to the tip of his hair coinmenc'ed. to sil rer—flatting met on h|s lap while he heard it run fbr 1J»1«;i7 and 1017-18 wns| fl1.077. . ad i '1 films"—Astoria, Long Island, u These were called joacliimstlialers found Bheir. 'way_through ** • i-i" •'['fii>' '".police" refers: to between Hollywood «nd New York. fhlrough, 4n' oh, mother'! He told •000 running bales. The vfrvage or.thalers. a ntjine that was midl­ to- w lere - many creditors had been as' best they could by the •*l 1 i ri'.'i ID his affiliations. At \eJt the reviews, Fall ly drlpplne me to n straight home Jo you and ''annual consumption from in20-'J!l bi-.: kind over many years, sat staring Hqd to "dollar" and was applied, to bridle 'piths. The 'postman! ii :-:i'f A.' Kelliher md ; wtthr pjralse from cehsbntted ciitics :ell you tc bring me out right away to 1029-30 was G.303,000 hal^s size, '!. at thje" inevitable'; petition. In bank­ m other silver coliis olf a similar 'eltjvnAE at regular -interVa) Si' * - , 1 J. Hurrnjn fonnil his ot/her work. aft the moth«r in o see Frt hk Hanway about a con- The Spanish dcjllftr] was curre|ot In only, wMi) he received enonj i:"> tried , to persuade- ruptcy which coldly listed her.llabil. ; America before tjiel H^volutloi and to pay the expehses of the trj el' fountain Woman." From ,that ract. Jit's pot a star child part Never Something for Noth ng ;,•• 11 it in. enter his. home Hies at $5|p00, and lier assetg at It was ^ natural that this j lame 1 remote seftlenient.s were foitohako '!'•:• lay till this day, wliefa she faced or me, .K Isays, mother." ....-•• • of. nil members of $105. ; But tbe investigator had forr Compensatioiris one of ilaiure's should be given] to i the coin p' the Ifjthey. received: mnll once * *M njh, Ml i': ' starvation and want, n)t onlr for Mary i Biurd wasted no time in I. iI.Kv WHS just plain |-gctten Doris, ten-year-old danghte Immutable laws. Much of lire's nn- new republic, ffrlpus explanntfonfl Benjamia-Vranklln was apftM:it' d herself, but for a bpl'q ired ft ndTy, •are of lupplnesB. Knowing great 1 ,tJl -.; in.- enthusiasm^ with of Mary Balrd. At least be d/d hnpplness, and Inany of Its tratrlc of the dollar s gn 'ijaye been S"»- postniiisijer, general in 17¾¾ " l Mary Balrd was tlcketejl In custihg lrectorf me rushed to the closet I-, «. >'.-.-it>-«l what he..meant ntt* list her as an asset, which /he failures, come from the futile JMTovt gested, but the most plausible one served, about Up years. It offlcesas the perfect fiwrthe'r'if the or'Dor}»* best dress and proceeded to take something without S so >n : '.,•"> 1 nii\ incinfi. ' was. However, that comefe iatp. is concerned wlfh the design; o|f the made the service a paying !filijns." "... ";-'-'l. •!;/, ....-•;• willing to pay the price. Yon Imp to ""• -in--;-;. Mis. Mnrcella > cnpltilze Lady Lucie and her cnh'l old Spanish do lar. This bort on the -crown.' Yet even tJi#t ,t ie rrouble looked MaryBalrd, wuare get something for nothing.—R amount Jjof mail delivered, l ,M.| hecii stubbed' and j But the advent of talking pictures uughten Doris without deluv. rilt. one side a representation of two- Vi In the eyes. An invalid husMund to tie . :,. a hospital. It was had done away iviOi, p any or the pillars,' symbollj; of tlje PHlats of whole'crtun'try In a year/wt h »s' :,.- 1 lit- detective? to eit- fe?d, care for and nourish ywlthL the Hercules. Our dollar sign s|u>ws than thai now delivered In/ oid rivals. Jlother parts went few Uncla Eben Old Printing Patent of N*w f'ork tn ,oric day:"' c ty .;.,• I,ui Teddy said. "No." teiderness of .true affeetl6n; tJiree ajnd fjar between these', pillars Kjtlth the ribbon or ~m !"f; .v '.vmild have heen a tar snialt children to look «&t for, the "I hafe heap o'. respeck foh a The earliest record of the] nlrt of So mused Mary Balrd facing' the| rraw," said Uncle^Eben. "It scroll interlaced ., ,,:!ucrs" bullets or .a vie- ollest of which wasyborls. An wheelbar printing in the city of I'-dlnbiurjKh la last ditch before destruction. brings Ini money, 1st Id o'ikeepin' you the grnnt of a patent b.V IjheRicht DIrectloji and .!( !m •noth'er." .-VpauffC- ; . :i iind ..li'.llies <)|ls a.tutienee was unthreatened and, as It seemed to "all, spcure In Its regal "AH right, dear—of course, he's II • • i',.rr.-.-e!i'-es ii: .'lTTC beautiful man; but tlat doesriM: :• 1 V l;idep.einl''Hce.-^N|fw istry. '.'•<.. ell me where you've be ?n to ijiake \ :. iM Ti ibiine. 1 hen, sliortly after the "Orejit Trtiin Hobber^." pioneer moving pic- uother worry so." tn\ni iVjckcei] ita thr^£p \tftj' "But yon won't nee4 fo w^m f.'o NceJ toi Ha^Ic^n ' Years' :\:v''iii'; yvii'rs is a 111 in ,: :ii i.ilii.v, bavin;.' little to 1::.- soul: iM" the' mind or '. An old anecdote of .\".-i- :HIN of bis conversat on 1 ,1 laa'.':t.rian olllster-who siiil ""iiirht in the aint(,\ of Mn|riu ia°/, must W old," said Nu ho-

1I1I the ottiwir, "I am slifcty .1 loiiel," said.(he etupeilor, certainly lived b|: I. now how |o count "ic 'more closely." Jubilee Days " was the man's re[ 1 1 * .mijiieyv ta|y shirtsi 11 ml hut us foriiny years i Friday and Saturday Only i "i.od.v will Want tost1 Mi 1 I shall never hi: i Hoston 11 era Id. fi»tl er VOSS Features On Labor, Parts -4< I or Accessories - I«g Constmetlon. 1 iiaiuralist Ii. a pop I •eoamilaBai tally «a> .' be cut Up III II SII|W/ discount this week Friday and Saturday to al' who $2.50 ' el*i ed Mid rawwag 1» .iiii-resting. - No .fewive r bring this adv. with them and either buy oil bath. - ; j., j,' •e 'bad been -curefttl worth of merchandise or have that amount Addn e in abo\ . the .other, m | -liar ge Bmuy Railing Casters. ( labor.'.: ' ,{-• ",;;;•' '', ; \\nil sand and iittild - B^i aiy ol line aiad flalsb. i" form an uir--tijht •••se mice wt?re In as ^Falfy Caaraafeed. j mi as though' they li|a

i Armistice [OSS adds another revolutionary improvement at nti advance in price! l|3-gauge porc€hJn enamel ri tub with COFRUGATION3. E|eryr wbmab knows that a (corrugated surface gives far greater washing efficien­ cy and is much stronger than a si tooth surface. Notv, jn addition to mlttch- ing every other worth-while feature.of the over-priced washers, the VQ&S 'i , ' i' ' i . > offers, exc usively, the two greatest improvement hi j washing machine history .. J (1) The patented VCSS FLOATING A&ITATOR w^ich dupli- cates hand y washing action. ' (2) A CORRUGATED porcelain enajnieled tub, which adds so much to the washi ng efficiency and strength of the tub. 11 Games 1:30 p. m.

( elebrafe Armistice Rene\^al pf this T^aditipnal Rivalry , COliEOJ\ RRfflGTON! BE A T HEIGHTS 1 ' ! I


5M&£2. mm. A%:M i'p^V^h^v':"! m N0VEMBIfi l19 3 mm. SK •aita-Jm- -L mmsr^ were Sunday guest i-»f Mr. and Hr\i son, 'Gaoig Ni rsery lions, jlnrry an^l Nilrmaii, pay Buck, 3 1 w y' / -- "" Wf'«W$tP>n "Thank Offeiiiw" luiojjranv Floyd Hawleyj, 230 W. Sta­ Mrs. A...il"bfniay, ''LiBlitljnl! the jofed a merry eveuiiiB sliVrJHiiided liy CiiHtle had luWe of tlje Josephine Beuseheti were joint host' •v , and Mr Ron, Itolnm , W., Lake Hirer il/, 124 <:n(illdg« nvenue,. spent World's' DnrkiH'HN" ttiiM iii«;{tlter and N0V.7 * following group of fjriendH Saturday of the gaines awards were received by untl '4ij»0 i 'clock when Barri'ngtnn people for 111^ 'extended keeping w Ejlyn and Miss Annette Mitel, 250 soJns o( [L'ralrle View were Hinidiiy Personal evening nt n HilHo\\|een pi rty,: Mr Mrs. Arnold Schaiihle, ijlrs. Jack wers i|i>t|ved, AH wnij It visit at the Tojft home. farance of Each1 el W. Iiiike. street, were Sunday dinner dl|nner giicHts of Mr. nnd Mrs; G.-I», nnd Mrs. .1. Voiit|riiKl- Thiirsilay. Nov. ft.at'2 o'clock, at Mlel Mr. nnd Mrs. E. O. fcifhabinger, 545 iC" Comedies jj>.vable refreshmentliufent*s | weiy served by the young people's 1 in ion he Tierney l'ost Home, Grace streik, Mr, 1 and Mrs. Herman Kihlmnn H. Cook- street, en.oywl the week-end Mr. a lid Mrs. Sam Rkissell mid • in a| flf; titmcing. tfie liostes*. Ffii Itivipr Valley will j;> entertain'd I'nrkUidge. Mrs. Ruth Whitcojnb, nnd s(in, Myroii, 300 E. Liberty street with relutiyet at vYuthinglton, 111. at JO:30 o'clock in, the Maleni chujr|' tm js act! Mrs. Bertha iFrye, and Mrs. Hoscita spent jSunday with Mr. and Mijs. Fred OM IT] ft'UKKX •-. : "r'nttrtaim in Honor; pnilors Saturday eyi i ling. Kiiebler and the chairmen of all com- JN'ordmeyer of McIIenry Mrs, Ilenrj Dor lea, 130 W. Main ffoin ten churches will b i present of Daughter mitteifs arc in attendance. s'treet spent the Week-Cnd with her •'chcli chnrcl will be rej iijescnted bj J^J ' Mrs. ITtteli Calkins, «14 ( Miss "VWinda Kirby, 310 tt. Lin­ daughter, Wjinifiw at Knox college. line. was. Hostess Saturday « voninn at niii lbpr on tl e proKra|nji. Rev, ;Ii;j fl. 'NARD Keystone Class . j . j ' give the coln avenue, enjoyed the \veek-end a lliillo\v(|cn party in honor. Jof her lyn as of Nnjcrville wi Mr. a ml i^ijrsj . E Iwai'd Wesolowski, AJ"e You Meets I with relati -Rs in tho city. n. daughter. It nth. Twelve y-niiig pep- dries' of tl e cveninfi Well, will 500 North and Mr. and Mrs; HI t filbwed by a social ho 1 r. pin enjoyed the evening idayinc The Keystone class of the Salem Sunday •allers a J the home North nvenue, Halloween Knmes ip whi rli [ prizes church wns entertained by Mrs. Har­ and Mrs. Frank Bauman .Sj»\-y«[r Bil|illtj Class Heating JNMAN were awarded and refrefillnitjnts in old iiomuth,.-'303 S. Jloiigh street, townshi]) >vere: Mr. and Mr^t. keeping with the sen>'nti we|fc ixerved: Enl ertains Monday evening. A social hour folr niniid Ban nan and daughter, [The Sawyer Bible (lass of loweil an 'interesting*, program'.'and Ann, Mr. jfiid Mrs. Roy Huglios nnd also Fototh for the Fan Y. I\ M Holds dainty refreshmoi)ts w:ere served. Miss Meilioiiist iHuhdny schrol entertalm Y^ur Itally f' Dorothy Sodt iissisKed !"Mrs. Ilomuth.. nboiit 50 mentis Fridi eveniiNB- h COMEDY.] S'E\ AND (:.UlT0j»j The Y. 1' M. f\ of tl e Salem he cliurcb parlors. Tlf guests eh I Jo Matinwv—i| i- l'>«- nml X4\ chiireh held a rally pr'tigri^ TULW- Biirrlngton People at , costume and everyt I ng wajCcar- Evening- x;ljjn«l !)i.|..iii., 'Jdo nml 40c j day evening in ill «'|iurci lyirlors Party in Chicago | rice) out aero ••din u to tl ( 8,(((11¾^. Building with gii»t>ts from the • following Mr. and Mrs. A; 1). f'lntich. Mr. eiijijyable h -nbli wasjsci M1 awtl -p*fl3! THE CASKET •SUNifc NOV. 8-9 ,; eliiinlirs: lleerfiebl. X. ."'.ottlificld, and .Mrs. Spencer ttieke, anld Mr. and awijrded. ARTICLE VI - - j , BE! ^JlElS^n •. I'rairie View' iinel fligiilinii Pfirk. Mrs. L. • B. Nivineier, all of,Barring; A* s'oon as practicable Efficiently? Kacli visiting church gave oije niini- ton, were guests Saturday evening at Altjiil So?! wy the cilsket should be si- i her i.n the program after which a a.-Halloween ;parry- in the home of Ifntcrtalnw Ice ted. The modern fr- siicia" hour followed. Allfui'l yixty Mr. and Mis. Il.yrun Lyons of (}hi- 'Ihe Aitrn s'oC•ict y f, gamos designs and of diffenu t of your hesting system, Harrington day,'railed atteniion to tlie literary ('intests w i'i"e wjoyed With pHil materials may be in­ in your met lod of firing, treats to i'oine and Jissured the giinV to M fs. Salter j envei as, m spected. It Is advisable in your fuul, or In the x".\ * ..fcoiiicu that the bookH were in the .Mnj*tin Gi'|rib/u, Men Vn'jiu for Mime member Of I Ah MICKFri;? K CVUTOON Woman's CluJb hands iif very capable spealtcrs. These a ml Mrs. ^oi'Re Will construction of your •onib. family, or Heveral mem­ Stutterhj It s Ale* ro'iiirdv meetings' nt'e not restricted to 'inein- bers, to visit the funeral building? Act and ?W' '.'.".I'V : The liaiTijigtoii Woman* elul) was bors of the Woinnn's club but arc Kniertiiliw for Son's director's place of base­ m* represented at the [next. l|iy! of Hie open. to the public. Anyone Inter­ lllrtlidny ness and there, iliako a I'li-s I'lniitvs • \VOIIIIII|'H elli-h iin Miiti- ested in good reading will want to ; selection from 11H» vari­ Nov. i€n '.j Mrs/0. Erlckson 0 Honey L11 ((0 Vfe will mi ike a .survey; TtJES.*' day .'ifternnnu. Nov take advantage (if them.'. A list of ous designs which he * YOU NEED miivtfi allied fourteen y« 111» men li -of ypur building j giving the subjects' and speakers for thin keeps on display. ibujlc (11n lie 'H|iiiidn,Mllllll V ev liiiig'in lib] NO LONGER GARBOI year is given; below :. you a full d itailedj report Mrs. tlenrgn Hiirrett and Mi>*.,l-es- of/lrer sou, C B. Erie (pon, who In only a few. In­ ler HiKKias atlentleda meet illg "f 111"' Thursday,' Nov. tl)—"Ellen Terry (felibniting his birtljdn'j stances, will you find n1 | BE TOLD at a cost of one dollar ISO!) $ |.|i *s eoiahlittee of the se I'IIHI (lis- aiid Bernard] Shaw—A- Correspon­ funeral director today I for each residence or tric-t in t'liieago' "li Ttiestk v of this dence". SpcakW: Mrs. (J. K. Hard-/ who requires' the seine- THAT YOU FN. >nbx ; I I apartment. Willi. acre.' • • | . ' •/ tlon |if a cusket to le HAVE AN ijngrMtrm MH) Thursday., j Dec. li)-—"England's' made from a [catalog c r 5 fc sm\% cj The I'liilh. thnniglji its Inliiil wel- Crisis" by. Andre Siegfried. Slpeiiker; photograph. EXPENSIVE Ll AND niMK^V.] faro committee, is Hp'onsor[lnx Peace Mrs. Robert Work- 7 ' - :| / . i ho|ogrtph| Tills service makes t Tuesday- •iOe-llle Week. Nov. 8-11. iiictusivt Pastors Thursday. Jan. 2R—"The'Barretts possiblt'to see every con­ FOOT liendk Night: of all churches will, tali '"•]\'iice"' for of Wimplo Street" by Hudoif Besicr. PECI^L ceivable VaViatidn in Fuel Elcoitoitiyi the stibject of their (sermon s, Suiulny Speaker: Mrs. Helen Roesilig. OFFEIt style, mnterinl, lintngs, - TlftlRl kov."i2 •; school tea4ven. Speaker: strictest privacy is al­ SeiTitee studeiits; of the jujiior bifchl school. Mrs'. Suiiiner Mead, On presenting tiis ad and ways observed. | BARRINGTON . Thursday, April^$8—Fiction to" be About forty busiueKs esta *l|sbmeh>ts ying $2.50 a time of 1 1 BY of the village, will «:oopern( by hav- sele<;ted, Speaker" ,i Jirs. Gordon Cam- tl ing' you wi : be en-j r ing window ilisplnys of for ign goods1 eron. tit! d to ;t\yo beautiful bANIELSEN & 7x0 silk. finished photo- ScHUT :'s SHOE sold by them. ThLs will hs in foldeit (regular WILLMERING 2(¥K)c- price, $30:00 |o dozen).j STDRE national' trade anil pros'peijiits - FUNERAL DIRECTOJEIS F^ir proofs Jo -select BARRIP[GT3N. ILLINOIS Mrs. Krahk I'undt and Mik Eldcn from This off good to Lady Assistant Jar aary 1st. Gieske will attend the iiOveruor's AMBULANCE SERVI0E ctmrert on (Saturday aftj-n oon,' Nov 203 S. Cook Stj 7. in the Governor's rooi i of the Do you know that r Merchandise Mart. This is i musieale Sin BARRINGTON, ILL siioijsorwd by Govejrnor Cmmerson, you can a 2|29 E.;Chica$|9 Telephones: Barrinjgton 20 the proceeds of which will go to the PERMANENT WAVE Elgin, f Palatine 22'! uneiiitiloynient relief fund. [The tal­ WITH SHAMPOO li ent i^-the hest offer»d in Ciii-ago ivml arid set the tickets' are reasonably priced at $1.()( L. Women who are interested' in. included $400 good music and wlib happc n to be in Marcel ....__,...... 75 (liiCngo on Saturday wil want to Finger Wave - ... ,75 take advantage of fthis. do Shield og Quality Stores i hie oppoi-- Manicure tunity of hearing- a fine ogram and - M TTLE COLONEL PLAYSpI % Pi Shampoo ...... 1.^, helping the it-lief fund. '1 he time is ._ .50 tw-o o'clofl: Reguh $1.00 and $L50 value Friday, arid .Saturday Spi ial SPEC [ALS |[arv|Bdt- ubilee Weekf I I .. . ^ ii -fi Marcel and Shampoo ...... Intercut in the Hiding •ourse pre- Shampoo & Fin ;er Wave $1.00 seared )>y the literature committee ©f Satisfaction Guaranteed ss UUi. Mrs. None -Such Win >le Gram Coriji„No. 2 cans None-Such Sm Sifted E irly June Peas, No. 2 dans 1|5^ Blossom Tomaioes, 2 laiige.NOJ Z>/t cansj...:...:...¾..^^ loice Importi s i 9f ushprt lOiriaL-'?' 1--8 Kilo cans lW'tm Sodt, 2 2½Lhfilp...r,...,....l...... Clovtr Hill I>einut Butter, |-lb. barreLjars ..1.,. Premium [or Kr spy Sofli Griickers, !5i4f, pkgs. M fcN'S WEAR Ciov«ir HIH Handwich Sj r&ii Poitoftlce Block Barrlni ton, III. Obocj Gub Cfffi e^.: lb lp.u4' ^.11 1 in; tl—•!»—»1—wi 11 1 ••_„_„• Outstsm ling Values IS WEEK r PJVKTS STRONG TONADE TROJAN 11 made] LVY i •*"' .•'"• LESK1N

If mmnMM ill

• I-;-


.iSi'.TBf. „f '.SpringWk Xti in^nctfoki rc^traiiijiir !0H11m i Havett; Anfittc i, N( Hydie; Liter 11 :rattq^/''Bf|bi«ti^y''^r^Htiit^f>'.-ftii((' ''I i.V ¢...1 Sumtoy „( t w^ii^wmmM tyvflleV; Jargar^i;Jo gelnseii!fiseii :•' PalntJPaia|ifei ae, ' 'flnl Mr*. ChaHc •» Na* i political Camps_ .4ie , itlty lihd ibunty ofilcinl^ In the Pauline ttackw*thi fii^rinifpj^,'MT" »Vi- ilVf!|||«>. ' i «tot s from following 'Mi,*the; $rw I* JOemmviit. yy}:.\ V i#i': in Turmoil From Bion st of 4he »^0portl6nmeht, csj)! (- ,tt,,| nncKhorii of . cinilj in tSw* ljrepaylnif oi balldts ii t inG.iA.A.PlqyDay :; : I).. tbo H>rin«j,fet«fc«wfe, Watp iiskoa in lie i^;A; (^. ;'^iin |iP^teK: ; M'l'ini wli.H.I. ;„,,om, tj Mm. 11 : V ; 'v week.' •W- . 'j' \.' (y.: :";" ",.V:'," m --X >• f ' Vi'tm/ont,, MU, ,v, j f- J,"M-u'horn. -ua fa t Mr*. Sluirtleflf Rttliflj E<|nalfty QueBtlohetl Six^.riif rei^^tijigy gig ^f Si.|f gg 1¾^^ J v m I'J«(JJJ Th» compiuinanft! Hkewitio hold ! ,t hie tic aim fiat IOUW fi otit i ight differ- The ft: A;l;8ilJ8:^iid"|iervic tliefr bJU that. (ho rennportlQitihciit nt schools, me: at tho.> Barrington won eh ventven h prigi :j)i th« Tttf j., injunction Against tJH a »proved by ^he W«to lcgittlntui Continue^ from pagi tlonal Voiss Baler . oriteitt. which ' Jud tymnasiuijv Sat irdhy and ttjok part ; (joeH not .-aceord equnl, ffprcttontatioti conduieti^ iby-th'ej^ psii Washing]fjta l^nipoirtionment'Stari nt - Great tttites. Lieuteiii nt n the gai it s >ai d j con ests hi cornice. • !-:n- mm to a I in the Htnte; One noint in 'ana chine ei mpaity of ' )ai enport, ti lires Kurning spok. i on !!thc flubject of ^es tj. Si ioM with tl e fflttl pla.V Wajr sponsored cording to a lutti* rcttciVetil by illu»trat,ion VVUH the fact that one con- 1 (jreajioiial district in Ohlcttgo eoii- Nava;l Reserve. Prior to tlie world '»y the leal* hii;h school cirls' nthlc- laist we«k. Tht! w iwitton brouihjl tlniiiB 041,1)00 votes ^hlle nnotWt \Var.t the Unitttl States hi id a uayy. tie assttciition. the local dealers ii ajtnplifiedl br Wm lkjjrsrtunel of 80,000 nien.and 5,000 wci's 8;000 ijre'aleis .,ps, nil the north shoic ilbwr state .has but .150,000. The day'«[j>r48rani opened at 8:30 tot that there ••&• ofrlceira. This Whs eipande 1 to ' iOO,- tered ii| th<* •ibta'fc rt..; ^lie lettei .,, un int.) ii turmoil «8 Tl e rei»ai>ping plaJi has broukit m, witi r;gistratioh, ; arid- the mm ii,,. injunction granted |omji laint from «11 sedtions of nortfi 000 !mcn and a0,000f pftc jrs during groups w< sr s' di rliled into six; color part roids: ..':' '" 'i •' • rjttiml I). Sliurtleff! i rit Illlnoia; with- the; exception j. oi: the #a|r,-. At prtsent the X% S. Jfaval i earns; T h« Or ce>i cdlpf ;eam wain- "Goiirratuialiijlij for Iwlnhing « ev- .„ ,-ircuit court again {his. :ounty, which regards the remap force C| include 85,000 iriien arid 1),000 Aiiletl thi> lead throUghoiit the day critli prflze in ijotep ational Voss SMiles w officers. Tti facilitate expansion in contest'jf pver 8,040 dealers* Jt t:A • j..n:il rt'iipportionmenl ping plan as advantageous. I if winhin ? five of tlie eve nt^( follow* I ..unit'srumblings' nne case of another war, Congress, passed nd by the Ilnki who won four.' The signal honor tc tonit r-';r .compan y to 1 ive WEATIllfe the :^ayni «esejrvc act in 1925 ere )range a itc Yt 11^ team tied with been ouj; of \tmw i linerijners pin our TOI ent ., HIii'"is Supreme court Rel ef Committees j arJujj iittval t-eserre- bases and |uild- sales cdutest,.M• • .1 d t is with plea|ur» the ••!,.• •'decision. Providing hr(»e, event t eaihi arid the Hqd and /; Will Inyeltigate infe up a large reperve force lyhicli will Jrcens tie teams, tleir captains, andj the I is^ad jof lups etting your home (and 'AH Charity Cases of another conflict. The Mnth naval ictivities ii i. w licli they won were: amount won. b> yo ir company," C;irl Chindhlom. Wto j?cserre districtv of which Illinois is your herfesj) v rith fari allfe««]ie^timfi 'ejsonal Appearaftc e of ; ,,,-1(111 to escape the hvijt Jreen, Emilys uailrie'r', liitiertyville—- . Continued from page 1 part, is the Iarg|isjt-jq t all e reh- th ough delay, vo lh yba }\ jbasebkllj, treasure Method 1st; Ml Bazaar: •^all Cletiing'r why ^ djvlde the ' ti,,. -»I«J tenth district. it. is an inland district.''Mt ha*: en. The Ladies'! Aftt society of tlie ,|,|i- that.he will have 10 lunt, teni h ; P nfkv Ruth I)yer, Elgin JtfcRY ANN othet aid throughout Cuba [tow roUe)i 25 per cint ot theT toto|l! per- —ilelay, v >lley bai), baseball, jrtuhts Methodist Epincop 1 church will;ver|seyer11;wseksf ' f'^::-'' •:">• . district. . ' "I ' ' : ; —wl ich includes Barriifgfoii noi'th sonnd. • £• v • % duct thf annu il fi 11 bazaar, and ilita- •"• • ^^-, -1:1-V .''' •>••••..]':•-..^wys^ $••; ••?!..•:!> 1 ind . tests; Ycl low, Marian Cirauloi " :mn (•..!! A. V. Smith, state's Lieutenant Drna relatet a Mv ]ot Sffiin-^-Hor *shj>c8 (2), archery; Or* ner Frid'ay cvunin ',„ November 20, A p Take eich Tdom in tutti*'The- cui^ JACKSON \i renew their efforts :o Mail street and the rural territory his personal expt r^H^es in cbniic :tion north and west of Barrington. In tlin life Jain k Rovcistad,' Elgin—Horsc- cafeteriji dinntr x. ill be, served from: tai na, linens, bl ij^ets, washable ruga, ; dainty star ok . ('.>imty state's'attorney with submarine ^'ork. lie wns in ihbei, volle/ball, treasure hunt; Blue 5:30 tc Tiiere will be it the higher court u> easej of the .Barrington Relief distii charge of an cartjl type of submarine j OIR GANG" Cojnedies butiijn, ,each able bodied person Out .» Hildred B ie Aolej, Barrington-—Tennis, in terestSng diflilat, of taHe i run|ner?---yeX -;even ;.'ihe r-ijpajio^hi.- , ,-iMJi <>f Judge Shurtlcf. when it was bronglit a few year; ago aprons, dolls, etc The public is AJrel : i^i a singing, daiic ng enipoyment will be given an oppo mseoall; R ;d, Muriejl iDplby, Huritley —i ml 'even "this: jtajunideripg. ,.,r with the political sit- from Honolulu t* (Phila«dlphia via, j--Reiay^ tr ?asure hiirit. come! talking act!] .!' the opinion that Col. tuiii y. to work for. the relief 'givin' the Panama Caiiat.'.> H|e ,'vas; 'an of­ OX THK SCREB.V ; liimJ . Employment will be fouri 1 Is Most of t ie games had to be played J li ftmnger in the tenth ficer an the S-51 ,bbt with four ithei n "the' 1 gjtmlnasiu" ' m dlue to the rainy in Congressman Cninl- village officials for men sent to ^hen officei 8 had beet transfer ed si J >rtljl by tie relief organization. 1 iveather.- ' ^ie tenni! matches wj&re pn^ent hank suits tta'e befori: the tragic trip , wbijeh brjjjugbt- >layed oi he.JeweL Tea»Co, courts ;,..-.i(.le for Col. Smitfc to It| has been, estimated that apbrok .death to the S-5:L's crew, imatbly $500 Jwili have been raised vhich hn jeen, loaned to them. The :,,• |):irt'in his enmpitign. ivchts stined at 9 o'clock and.were I'EDLRSEN ! Cub i' toWn by j the sfer^s )f joiit TWO l-ihe ;Not Bitter * entel tainments. This probably will Legion Meeting to Me ilayed in tl e order as follows: Games i, Welch, candidate on'tlic not-be more thin sufficient-f-if it Held Thursday Night ind; relics, volleyballi stunts arid tests,, WAN -liit'e, who has gain'd suffident—-to co.er the rijeeds of sicfc lorseshoBi, tennis,, arcbery, baseball, -•-,-.'• Recently through Jiis peopie, emergen sies, etc'. . A meeting of the Barrjngton posi tnd treasnr . • la rations against probllii- Tl e Bnrringt nn Relief comn itte» of thlt Americahf^giin T'ilKbehelt iejid at iKioii followed by a; lunch.- -11--A jie aided through tie rei>o! -ted Wednc sdayj night a total o t "in -th.( club rooms .Thursday; evening, ; as© Football for tkv Fan A discussion of iictiVities "or the fis ;<.}Y.jY. NEWS, ANDJCARTOOAN'I)TCARTO( N O'lMi")!. $l.ljlf7,30. An< thed $65 -will be re : ititv and northern Coiik ceivUl from tne Barrington Hillii ehl yiar just started will be held, iThe \jlatiii.-.-^:!:ir, p. m., l;jc and: 35c officeis plait to.'.get the ijuembe|rship Hi-inns 17.and 9 p. m., 20; andj 40c • not, been as' bitter in tie Country club as one-half of the char • ii o|| tin*' rennportionme fit ity {»lf tournanent receipts, and bn« drive underway. M|ers; in JfcHenry, Boo le full street* and parts of three others tfj'N., MON., NOV uc*»'er-n counties. 'Mnny are titill to retwi t. It is expected that J5EBE DANIEIJS ,'v Miters' lmv« been irk;d a t^titl'of $1,5(K) w|Ul have been1 re • i fi^r lii^cn' includwl in pm ts flltsfcfdfwhen «jll donations are jin. Thif :ntv voting districts. Tie will be used ir Bari-ington and the .-. county it is contended >y immediately f)urro?,B,Wng country !i -in^niWe I should 1),, in the tenth '{ •' t- i • first. Although the Barringtopi Be Hfi-tifHl lief committee isj, part of the Joint r 'ii.- liy'.liidge Shurtleff w 1 :i,-|t.f]ii, Knit rgency ttelieff, jio funds will be i'A II in circuit court at B sent to tlie . jo nt relief as long i» Hring, '-•'"nil.'iy. It is certain ther- are'nejeds in Barrington, mem f« \X "t<: • dinfusion in the, srate hers of the eomjmittee. have promised j lijC-KKY MOUSE C.il TOON t,. reinstate all of the < Id i $ nittprime Kowoe Ate Cobnedy i nd will stnnd as' tl«e offic J. ¢. Sheesley Proprietor Ari ijji'l News HI the matter .until the stl 25t-50el 1'iirt Co which the *ase w of Sunny Side Statior tt ES., WED., NOV 1« 1 •'I i.iii decide in the mattef, 1 twoN^lle Suit J. H. Sheesley is^ the new propri'e- ^ pliin ofi rertoportioiimcnt tor of |he oil station at Northwest [ETAGA • .1 tit the lasl\ses«ion of t high way and EnstMnin street. The doll -.•ii-laUin} wa* aHflcked in in stat on used to lie kjiown as the Deep \Suskv nlcd by Frank T.^iloi-an iind Ruf i station but will hereafter sell i'aspeit of Belvidere %Qio C< n I hilfipH gasoline, ami oil exclusively." w 9 Yiemki that ttfei re^listrictin^v » It *\:ill!h e known as the Sunny Side (HM MU 4*B «1 !|) inpropnr 'and , uncon'stituti. Ser\ ice; station. jjdkVS.' CARTOON, ASp fQM^D\\ i ! Adiiiiss/on 2tK"-l jlccjiijf^jf ~ Jijesaay—fjriend'^ ftfgit THURS4 NOVk 12 Prices Ar rvice Let Us Submit«in Esti PAINT OR WALL

It Is Not too Late to Have?Your Ho Take Advantag5? of (p|ur Low ALL WORK Derry»»« 615

AYSUITS FLOATING i n"( av Saturday Special *f 5^' POWER «* Women's Hosiery 4ff S Yd© LIKE IT" TRY (FHkfim or| $ervice Weigjht PLYPdOUTH WITH J ]vW rttWerSAatfea DOUBLE'DROl H¥DRAUM£jf ?rida3 andj Saturday frMy FLOATING FRAME POWER BKAivE: ' ! + aif for $1#*JS -.1^:-.^^,^^/^ Jackets .Tins is a,restless|^a^dWt^ plifir .tori Fri.fand Sat. $3.00 clianges (faking plsice. ^i^|^^ ^ taken place inV&W®^^ I :| i WOMEN'S Mesh Hosier price cars, Todiiy:^yix^^^i^0M fteveSandee * - vjCun M popularity iec^use Jmmm ^ ilp|^ ?l old values. •V' ••' i:''\ |P| Y*|ui JFri. arid Sat: finltf #$1.3 Get acquainted Wit Si./Mff^: vtry latest in low prtc< 'icm&mM li r>iis ard F^oss pair!3iOC outh and find out ^ Fro. ve Wheeling m^Mi^m0^M Double-drop Frarne| Ask us for a tifar-iip

TelrBar^ni^||| STAKDARDlEiilR CHRYSL«^-ppWPH , Bar-ingtofl, fffr •dflftSM-JSJIpfe.- jP^WKflV, i.«, „ w^ zw =^ s»5irs?s55^ mmmmpmmmm

8 INGirONREV IEW, BAtRINGTON, ILLINOIS TliURSD.i% NOVEMBER fj, 1931 mm—mm ______m ______• M World i.o..o ave Scientists! Delve Into When Coffes Was Fint Wodan's Way .ManyvGi'SBe:. . .omit s always ,wlth the Men of Army and NAvy • jj _ M Secrets of Upper Air Used Mere Specilation Tp' te*> !H ijtreet, paririhgton, IlL, and' vi ill Be Ity." -There Is a < orrespor ding fubn, and when It bursts HKHJ are the result was hot sm li filctwyi brought to earth by n pnrn :1 ute, medal for 'the navy. the. Distln- jTho fact that shooting Btarjj are TlWy then rottstedthe bw | bey) occnpatlOB ngnlnst an trmed enemy. pieces of stone or metal; from erugo and si read Its fame. \'tm As close to; y^u is ^durrlellpliorie There Is. also a navy, cross. Home stince, made white hot by the frlc- PrsBdi have preserved -tin follow­ means by Ach you eatt if6t a|pon tcj of the most notable fo reign de ora­ tllort of.air. Now experiment!! are ing pictures! | ue version of thi Sa tions are: British Victoria c-oss; legend: A young goathe•<, Kaldi; ywjr wanis. ':'-\1f yow w^ iobu|:or ee French jLegirin pf Howrt Geinan to be made with giant rocket i de­ signed to carry thermomoters, noticed one i lay that Hi goats, I have had eight years Iron Cross; Belgian (Order of Leo­ barometers and other Instruments whose denorthent, Up to '1 at time, jxperii mce in watch making br irent; h Ire ^ be Wred; trade bf^ive, pold; Japanese Order of the Ris­ tot a height of at least 00 raWeW had been ijrreproa chat l<, were ,ind can expertly repaif both domestic aiid ing §un; Italian Oder of St abandoning tlemselves tc i he most foreign classified ads will get certaift Reac]i tm your poiw^pwvC|a11 Barrl John Clagett Proctor In 'Wash- frnlk •'• or berr tes. He p c ted ani No. 1—Make you*''^ii^^iakt^-^id' lea Ri*«i From the Water ington, Past and; Presents" lays: ate | the berries and beeisine tin happiest herder la ArabI i, litile it coats ^«eift(^io^;- F* •Fotj a short period sach year the "Land was donated for Rock Creek ancient ruins of Phila r, in the Nile* church in 17-0, and there Wsj suf­ are t© be seen. It is in the early ficient ground around the ne the largest cities in Illinois i: was found that out of 1,820,384 i F qiuful foolish honest man may cause workers only 1(12,815 are def nltely more evil than the united) ef­ taut of >vork. This dries not i lcflude forts of twenty rogues.—Baron 24,087i additionani l workers who were de-Grimm. .tempojjnri|y laid off. The , rcjseafch RRINGT -i was made by. the Illiiu is. dimmer of 1 Coin mi ret --.- Uuslnoss Notices Bring, llbsults ist^juiiii

? -. i1* ay, Saturday ['How did you[guessj» Jhat I wanted that diamond ring saw at the Elgin Community Jewelers?' t wasn't gue (8 work. It w^s the knolwiedgfe that a rift from thef Elgin jCommuhity Jewelers is sure to * 7th )lease Select your Christnias Gif.tff now.' A small deposit The Americnn Legion vyill hold any articI«s-for fiifture delivery. 'J. Cash or Credit

! " . '•'"•'. : . This year, as for tht'last tjhree years, we are giving away absolutely Fmea ladies' $100 diamond ring. See our dispkiy window for particulars. i ember •:i i Expert ropairiiig on American and Swiss .'•I watches (J-nariirtteed w<|rk. \\'e> are—watcli inspectors for Aurora, Elgin and Fox Kiver Kail way. RIUM Elgin Community Jewelers f Opp. \\jestern Uriited Gas and Elec. Go. M 8:00o clock 79 S. Grove Ave. Ejlgin,! Tho Store c f Value' llll^iiKkfr Post Your Farms Halloween Parade' and ••• .'••• :h\- •...- .H'::^:^ . :• I: --:.1-:- M. :;-u- -¾^.',-'-V. :1:'•'d--:- BAR^lNGTok PVIEW, BA INGTok ILLINOljs THURSDAY; NpVEMBER 5, jlft ! I I .' Tfye Old Brabs Kefctle dentljr, "just beejahse yoii have 'tilth Outdoor Lif|> in Illinois,' an authori­ le. in making Unsolinjl investments, lire (llfferewt I'llrletles ,of >\ In li—In me indi my old 'brass tative work that deals with the breed' instead, tt shows hojv fur-fjtrming •rnppje, thiv^anfteh and the Did Its Stuff kettl(.I*"'; , ! | , ing of such animals. 'This hook was fan he made into a drcjfltable UusK "Another Iscetfon' oi'' the ! ^3 ore the start of the race pech prepared by' members of the Depart­ i less. , • , • • . tcrlbes various forms of frani| By CLARISSA MACKIl! pie f mrid the. nost Strategic p aces ment of Ooriservjatloi: staff, and deals "Tlie booklet also dc al i wfth ojther ind tells how'thtvy'can be rais nN alotj the! road Lwhen the iflstol with the specific priblems that con­ lubjecta'of general intmst to jspovts- icctiou' of t(ic booklet has' prof IT WAS Jack Benson who tamed front the Illinois br seder.' shor aroke the i tlllnt«s3 and the two nen. One section 1» given elver .to iWelnlly popidar with sportsw * li,s yellow car the "brass kettle." "It explodes the idea,, of fabulous theyi are niixiousfo we this « cam started tfurje was ia sho t of ten which aro for artlfilial ponds or Sonie of his friends Hinted thai be- profits {which has deluded many pec;-, n small natural pondsj Auiong these utduor life preserved. ' -I cau te Jack had bo igl it the> cat When laujlter that va^ never after ard It «as no longerliew, and ba( ted. Splm er's car shot ub the \ dl8 has just bought the TjTiere i:ay very well be a game in if lat he could do to help himself. away it]3 resjilts. The product of tfs •K, 10,.8, 7 "Buy a new carj Jack," liughed Bh. lck Motor yofks. He is perfect-1 A hearts a id not a gan e in clubs. All in Ins this rac«fr--some c»^, eh?|* | youthful surplus Id be all, the i 'riter prefers a one-club bid on !?6ung Pred Splnnek , j energy shoul Jlfter that, dozens of girls anmodel with ke ;;le"—the j<»ke AV|»S on th€m; he ha: chosen thitj locality because of of your fortune. Save regularly in .UY •; niDDlNG: \ r passed! I calculating eye. I "The 'brass , ; icition in thisjhand is: kettle* can beat yoikr cat up Its bills. But thje girl Who bad been First State Bank. We will protect y>ur ,W:\k-r buljone no trump or i Hand No. 4 I fatty's soi'-y for Jact and bis apparently hill and out to thtf llghthoujse," he savings land help you make them gray. I i,e no trump bid seems the Hearts —10,6 , I ol< car .would eventually marry hlub, or.e v : k'.vcs partner more accurate l! 8|ald flatly. 4--1 i he---- Clibs—7,5,3 I trni Mildred n*as only a poor little : V, ith this bid, partner will Dij monds — t, 8,4, 3, 2 Spinner letSned back among his1 if.:'"" scjipol teaclieif! ' ' :\ nc:i<: rvoi but, if Z should bid one Spides—S, 3 crimson cushions and shouted glee-' ]*!T, fcw.-:. re is a very strong chance lolly. 'Til take you, on, Jack; (W|NU Service.) First State Barm off Birrington I.ij:f id will deceive partner and vhat about this afternoon?" f. • .suit in a big loss. jThe only B 1 Capital and Surplus $1 >O,000 , ! i\\ ii favor of the heart bid is "Nowi, If yon like," saijl Jack Fur-Breeding Industry , H. J. LAGESCHULTE, ( hairmar of the Board •s* ar;' Sjteadily. ih.r , i safer bid than no trump Growing in Illinois A. h. ROBERTSON, president be-.. Z's ace of clubs and spades No s< ore, first game. Z dealt and bid "No—make It tliree o'cli k this HOWARD CASTLE, Vice President EDWARD; w[ RILET, Vice President ih w ' • tof his hand, he may not one no trump and A passed. What ifternoon, eh?" | A. T. ULITS|CH, AsstCashlex, HELEN R. MEIEIt, AStst. Cashier ' , s ore one no trump. This is should Y bid with'thei foregoing hand' be "Right," said Jaok with His easy linois is growing in impDrtancJe A. II. LAGESCHULTE, jj.sst Cashier . B t.-f' . eias to be more than offset i mile. j : na i fur-breM ng state, accorling to fc-- ' iluble loss resulting from AUCTION BIDDING: "You'll want to scrape a little DIRECTORS .rtucr. I)ir>ctor Italplji E. Bradford of th|e : • -ii' Ther s are two possible bids with thta : nud oft your kettlei and put In some Illiois Depart nent of Conservation.1 Howard P. i Jastle, Lawye. r . George J. Hager, Lagectohulte & Hngci, Ine.; 'Fred Hobein, Retired hand, c ither a pass or a two-diamond Farmer; Hj J. Lagesohulti, Chairman of tho Boird; Walter N. Mindwer, W. N. Landwer & • • i, tas and true her up," laughftd Spin­ \< T BIDDING: bid. In the writer's opinion, a take-out 'Numerous requests nrje beiing re- Co.{ Irrln Landwer, Real Estate Managemeq^; 10. \y. Riley], Former; A. L. Robertson; r.ict, where game must be with a minor suit "bust" is not justi­ ier in an assured way, and then ceUed by the Department' of |Conser- President and Cashier; WUiam Schnetlnge, painting & Uecoratiur; ,Wiiii$m Skinner, ~klnnoSkinner , I for, it is always [better to fiable. There, are many hands that hey separated, he] and his cronies vaton for iniormation <[n blow to "" ~ " ' -" " 0. Wolff, Silo((kmtractoiT; Robert G, Work~" ^ t, rather than no trumtrump; , in warran t a take-out of a no trump bid :o rac!e off In n rlotoufe group, while raie and breerl foxes, mink, [skunks, .1 l.mils. One heart is, there- by par tner with a minor suit — such lack backed tho brjasni kettle), turned and other fur-btarins animals," says • jiroper bid. as a two-suiter or a minor holding about; and' then w alt«ad an" Instant, D^iijotor Brndlord. j strong enough to indicate a chance for with n mischievous Hand No. 2 glance towurd, Ffeopta whe "request this ilnforma- game--but no hand justifies a minor ihe.groujp of girls thM are suppl.i|e(I with eorfies cif 'Moire take-out because of weakness. The who .WRl.ljed bnck| minor suit take-out is not iof the same to the hptel.'. B "Anyone want a• j rlele?*!'. uske type a s the take-out with spades or 1 hearts. In the latter case, there is Jack! '. . I.- • :•• . always a chance for game; but, with a The girls laughefd iks If II were a irts - •K. ft 10,9,-11 weakness take-out in clubs or.dia­ good: Joke and wfived thellr' hands •,i's — none monds there is practically never a St him, but one iirrestlng v« , mionds—• 7, 2 ce camel chance for game; With a hand of this rom the inewest "!es — Q.J, 10,18, 4J 3 type, : t always! is better: io pass and girl, thiire, hope 11 hat your partner will lose as whom Jack had qdnilred b it nef.er «r game. What shou|d steal a glance at her. Inieed. she seems preferable, .'., as lealer, bid with the foregoing was lovely-^all a ibeauty )1 soft col­ iiandi oring kissed by the sun, wonderful Hand Nc. hazel eyes wit^i | thick y • curling AUCtipN BIDDING: • lashes iof jetty black to match the : A 1 Thi dealer may bid either one no boyish,cut of hef hair aid the Im­ trum] i fori one club. Nowadays godd pudent curl of black) against the playe rs refuse to bid oyer one no truinp- rounded cheek. (She' was dainty in irts — J, 7, 2 if the r have the.lead and an established every way, though h«># anfl surprised! her own; t scbnolter- f t re, first game Whit shouj.l 1 waste no fuel. n club i better bid than one no tr^p liig eye, .qulck !^ withdraw n. f heating; service foif your " ome thin •:, bid with the foreioing hanci Tliey both laughed then, and felt \ inter. And because a new g i has been BIDDING | CONrRicT'BIpDING: bet|er acquainted! i And, of course, you'ro. through with ^hov- three po|sibw: course- df In Conjtract, there is no argument. J^ck fell t« dreaming I iboiit tliie I rought into northern Illinois, It has been th majy pass, bicl The JfopfEr bid is one'club. ; eling coal, fussing > ith drafts, carrying glrlh-what a (Juiet little thing she jossible tc reduce the cost of this most out ashes foievber wolf »>f (he Nflfrib ad a newspaper five, mlJee Is in animal with forhiiduble jaw "I shall be pnjyour side she tis- can be"coiiv< arte d to^ 5as"at sniall expense Will this solve (he problem ; One of these has been sured him, whesvht n they pa -ted, "and et us figure your eostt i-.ian who hnWtUdll.v to snip a man's hand off, that| yotf;wIl A gas-bi er can be installed in the fire- hi»uldei( in another broke both honeikof l L o show you just what this reductioi box whei r your system is wairin air, hot eans to you, we will be glad 1o send one water or s1 m. The Public Service Com- }': f our house heating engineeri to call at pajny*s h ._yg. laborato^lhWja'pprovecl out home. At once—and with* ut obhgat- half ado: n of thege conversion burners ildiwg : :\ng \you. hi ariy way. He can prepare anil —will be lad to Recommend one exactly » I J afce estimate <»f just what it will cost to he^t suited to our hoino. M V •^•l' ut ifith gas ntnder the new rates. ij J t i : the coupon B Remember in comparing gasjvdth oth«;r mail us the cqupoij below, fuels that it offers you completely caro- I • i one of our house heating cjngi- fee| heating sertdce. A 1;empeJa)ture r^gu- you. He will i jot only tell l^t|r in the living room takes jfull charge the new gas heating Katies imited iimi kE|sT0Ni! SBRVICfr SlMtoNS^rm^M•* <|f the fujrnace—orders your el as you or a comfort­ 3ion ' bui -ners -^ hi it J alieto 'esti- Special OmMnafon^WAert^^ need it—keeps the whole hoi e fliat will re^iti Jie yoUi par altera seas6rt rf^^eamemm mate just what gas heat will cost during a setv ably, healthfully warm j w ... are it for aWthe r IoifclH '^9^MM % SPl^^S! ' I an average heating ue *<• r and •ro.i larifriPAAM a short time at special '6#-AciBaintKI»KMI —Cranke ase Drained ^&ssii rjiipcatioiii mr m^ Gentlemei]!: Withodt ofaUgfting me in any .sepd filled. [Your choich of c6i|afing|printer. You.can lei enj of one of your heating ei igineert to tell ue all - new gas Chart Specifications). beating rate,,1 gas JDonv^rsion urnen—knd to what it -^-Transi lission Drained, "" iSi ^m^^^$ov^^. its : y J advax tages < lurii lg eable will cost t« beat my hjrnie thgu. ; ,..,

% jij^f ^p|^!iipi^ iljber. /When tempers es drop J r * , * Refilled, v Name r-r ^Bai|t%^a BdiC^v^'eati^.-,: vxily^yoJu- gas heater istiurt ip ,..._ -. -r- r-j — !—Differ mtial Drained, Ifhislied; aitd 8—Radiator Hushed and! RefiUed. Addreu ; Refilk d.'. matically. JAs soon as the house is fortable, off it goes again. B^caiise Oly.L<^ Lu~±~*~J ...:...:, u|j' ~1-, 4~' this remarkable sefoce— CO No mi^ '\ I it "^f^^^^^^m^mm&xm. PURE OIL PRODUC' iu4 SWviefc GpUfjqrtI OF NORTHERN ILUNOIS ^ /'•[ , / T*ltipnOJri4>.I2 J Mw^^m^ o ti 555 . i! B^jrington, Illinois Hough Main •^ Bwira^i^ttfcPW ;• ^m^tmmgii )U.H, SCHI tEIG TO, Local Superin r \»' :i*?%**$ trggSftfpaiVigtR BBfSJW ,A f***r^ ¢¢^6-- U^ij-^J. f.-./^^vrf .J*.;****' snsw m?s ifir^g


..* mm MM. mmwmm M SjSS

BARRING TON, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER &} 19S1 PCKZZ5 xxxrzxxxzxxxxzxzxxzzxxx BARRING TON REVIEW ESTABLISHED 1SS5! Chuick Neibs [INGTON LESLIE W. MCCLURE, Editor and Publisher t Ttttt»iirt»tmnnn JMMMMMI WALTER :¾. WINTERlNGBAM tfXXXZXX y : Business Directoi and Foreman f IPIRSTi BAPTIST By National Editorial Association (Special to The Review") J. Fnblished every; Thursday afternoon at Barrington, 9:30, Bible school; 10:35, Morning worship; 6:45j IDine is, ana entered ai Secoi d-cfass matter at the Bar B. T. 3>. V.; 7.:30, Evening serv >ar in the fingtra posfoffice undcfc Act o|f March 8, 1|879. Next Sunday the pastor begins his ftiurth 3 REAL OPINIONS may always Be service of this church. His iritjssa e at ihe mof|ning wof >verhea|rd in the wake of parades.'It Membe r -of ship w 11 be, "Go Forward." jln the evening jervice be s particularly true in politics; Some NATIONAL EDITOR: At, ASSOCIATION will sr4ak pn the theme, "Songs it the Sacri ;ce." iveeks must elapse "before the congres­ ILLINOIS ?RESS ASSOCIATION In ihc mornihg our church cholrl will lead 1 he congre- sional sessions .vill provide the public forum for vent luting piled up preju­ ;f gation tn hymns as well as enrich the service )y special; rda of thanks, resolutions of condolence, obituary dices. Just no iv United States sena­ ntimbeis. In th< evening thef Bapi ist, Church < ommjunity peetty, memorials, am all notices of entertainments or tors, jealously defending their prero­ Orches ra under the direction of Walter N. Searsl will •witty and. church salffs and parties given for pecuniary gatives as indh idualists, are whetting give 11 dmrt pro;ram. 'Jliis is in addition to he Gospel benefit wilt be charged for. the axei,' for Be rah of Idaho. It seems messago by the jpastor. that in realizing his life-long ambition J] coihmunicatioi s • shou Id be addressed to the All, of' our members are most earnestly re (uested to of stealing the front page spotlight be pnierit at both, servldes, and all the fric^ ds of thi from the president, "Sir jOraele," as BARRINGTON REVIEW 1L1 lOd NORTH COOK ST. BARRINGTON, ILL. churcR are cordially °wel!(|me to siare in the lenefits 01 Borajh is sarcarticnlly dubbed, had fhe&«;«i ospel (services. Come early to sejeure a good seat blandly ignored his colleagues...-'If the L^HONE, BARRINGTON NO. 1 CHARLES R. DRUSSEL, I istof. jibing manifesl in ptivate conversa-. i '• ~* tionsi reaches: t le debate- stage ;in ihe senate the sole n from the West w+ill HAS THE TTRN GOME? SALEM EVANGELICAL I I find I that his ffiir for interjecting his ./!'•'•> th approH Thheri e is a different tone noticeable in, the coiiversa- Pea ;c Sunday will be obsen'ed at Salem « fiewli into the Hoo^efr-Laval niatter the 10:30: coiinjs for ha|ight ith the- other past week or two. Instead priate inusic arid the «crmdn. Thu subject for tion jof business men in the iiiiie^y-ffive gei|tle>me] of tha senate, 1 service will be: "The Remaining Obstacles in the Way ofi of. wondering how rauel 1 deeper into the financial hole the U is i possible tlat B01 ill may lose the World Peace;" A cordial invitatjion has bee|i extended! couiltry was going to get, nqre people are expressing 1 o be our chairmanship iif thej .senate foreign to the American Legion and otler soldiers rj?lationj3 commjittee 'lid bear out the confidence that business is going to get better very soon. giicsts n, this service. pjredijtifms of Ithe senators that "his agbs. Our jjhis is a very Jior. efiil "si gn. The principal trouble Sun Jay school at! 9130 a. m. Classes for al: civn great niin I-he.ftl en consult* il> atiendance goal is $&). wilni the general situation la tely haa been lack of eon- 45 p. m. Ifnteresting 1 Young People's tncitihg at 0 FII \.RE-BA( KS i^ 'Sentiriient are fide\ee on the part of tios.e who have money, .They have progams will be rendered by the vpung peoilc, Evening t bewi unwilling to speii 1 their money, to invent it where 11»t f op fined ti pojtiti 3, The recent worshii and beginning of several weeks of KA angclistic on of th inferhtate commerce it w{>uld be doing usvful work • because of {he fta'Iing that d'cisji meetings. The men of the churqb will have chargq of •oiiin ission in; which railroads; were perltips. after all, pri'es hrijl not yet'touchpd. bQttjbm. tlio Suiida'y evening meej;inR. gj'antod certain f'reigh rate'{advances rawhack ton slieedior re- That has been one sofiotis e Both catechism classes will mebt Saturday t 1 p. nl hut ,deniejlenied theithejir mniltmni i eleniiuuls has covcfy,.and another ha? been, the.'fact that a great many Will thu pa rents kindly send thei^. child ren to! this hour iilrea|ly prpvokifd iietim in tho biisi- hnnjjs •and .financial' iiikitutie ns, perfectly, sound in the of Bibli' instruction. IICHS woiid, 'J/he raiirouds tl|rongh long) run, have had so much of their depositors' mohey PHILIP BEUiSCIIER, Mi 1 Ister. their t»xeci|tiveii and numerous, stock tied .up in securities which 'iinnot epiiekly lie- realized 1 nil (IOIKIholder ) are hopeful that 1110- on flint they have been uiinliil e to extend the lines, of. ior b is and tri ck tjmfijc will be coii FIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST, SCIENT 1ST- cred t [which 1150 absolutely necessary for the normal rolle 1 liy natioutil a nd state laws, course faf business. • 1 East Main Strjeet I-he rail carriers complaint igaiitst the relatives freedom of motor think Mr. Hoo.'or die perhaps the wisest thing Sunilay service, 10:45 it. m. We!j rans|>ortution fijoni rfguhition. Cu'ri- when he Sum ay school, 9:30 a. m. that lie has done in I in .earner as President, msly the railreitds bcJieve that their called Reading bankers into onferenee and itli their Nov ^mber 8—Subject*: Adam t rid Fallen Man Goh cri Text: Ephesians !i :14^. Awake ilioti that rumplcard will be held by the .private assistance worked .out T plan Tor providing cred it beyond ar o>yner and jperator: They ialcu- - sleepest, and arise from the' deadj and Chifist lhall give jijif die.season! jvjie^ it what the banks extend. And n calling in leade s 9/ both ite fliat millions of imotorists forced pntions is based thee lif ht. party nominating coiiv as traffic a'ecjdentis Jrc K'l'l'MCd. \, -ilio four., qftaT.teirs |o ibek jtljti r-. parties in Congress to reassire the- country that this ff highways by lwayp trucks and J on congressional rep esentatiort. cording to s tn(lis(i<; lie VliieiilCt t ll-). The two teani8.are| about ( project! \vii| not a pa *tii}an bid for popularity, but a Wednesday evening meeting, 8 p. m. usses will favi>r legialation to riiakje police department,! riif-teen nn,l one- heir eight-ycaf-pl4|!r |-iv»liy ve the nation ttpm- worse Reading room and 'lending library at 110 U. Hough Iriv'ers responsible' 11 ider conditions Wandering half per wit of a\\ k His of-, ,j j„. gem inf."patriotic effee: tn s< TOE bEMOCR^TjIC WOMIlVS H) te;iis. ago H»ighta|;liad n >tj street olien to the public J daily except Sunday J a breadth of view, wl ich must from 1:30 dmilar to those noiv imposed, by law juries to ehildrW j i.ih • 1.1 jcars 0f troulilel lie acted with organizations ire nil) ing time "thes'e 1 fnntn all sense n butj defei te 1 B mee{ the approvht of people o"f all partiesj, o'clock 0 5:30 p. m. ! Also Saturday evening f|rom 7 to m engineers an I train crews. Meas- days as criticisms of the Hoover nd- From this to T^at' age ih' Chicago ^luit 1 g 1!>:{(I (lei'iifred. on .'« to 0. Ijaslfyea-Hitr 9 o'cloe t. i.rement of public resmtment against during this houW Mo lt ooks at this. time, as f the $500,000,0(00 .credit ministration ai'e soft icdaled tempor­ y\l must eian- oppled thenkliy theiniarjjnjo he "road-hogs"' is diffieult but in the gerous hour is frVmi :•! wbi< h the, bankers' committer, under the Hoover! plan arily. Like all skillful campaigners • See {Breath G^ses I |>. nl.; ilur- kick by Wa yn|, vrabt ik'or t md'jt may swiig this necessary votes they are not remiss in gathering poli­ ing "which period, j | ii|i cen I of all • ;nnie this *eaT|lo^k8 ar if i has jrijnnged for, woub turit (he trick. It ce^t ainly has SAINT JAME S see the [vn or stringent regulation of commercial tical ammunition. ' Their weekly It i> now peissibll to nous triifric'ac factory 1st and.3rl Sii ridays. ijiosed , , ??. ii : 8 :Q0 a. hi., Holy Communion. as a drawing card arc well attended. is cor by mean i exhilitt just ii stalled at Field : Choral Eucharist. RRTRENCHMENl' in federal gov- Both parties have hesn handicapped tiniqu dangerous day «•. i 1! M'i'li for rhil- Toj I.OS* ,iS> [Pja;'«]» at once it ought to speed up t le•'resumption of hdustrial 10:45 a. m., 2nd and 4th Sundays, Morni ijg grayer jUuseim of i'fAturnl, H isto'ry. In this, 14 u'Minent expenditures-will do much to in their pre-copventio 1 organization drcn, inasmuch 4 nify one-fifth .of; I,l will be the^bist'aiipears opentiims very .materiiilly. and Sermon. ireak party lines at the neSt congress. work by lack of fundi,. The republi­ exhibit the gwses have been'segregated all accidents tojHijire are recorded in separate tubes, and made, visible .by ;xveJve of the JBroncho.'.«- S Chui (jh School, 9:30 a. m. The inevitable pressure frefm'various can paj'ty chieftains are faced wifh on r that djiy. ^jeki y 0 per cent of Iteese. P. Mill'ei :&- Jjti lei | _ passu g a nl'electric 'urren't (through fill 'accidents to^ dj idr The lit. Rev. George Craig Stlewart, D. l|)L, fiishop I ;roups. which follow econbmy meas­ the problem of overcoi ling the defeat­ neciir . eise- ;ivnfilman, I*lagge, warffi tel ,~i Customs of old Egyit would have cramped the style ures' will nndoiib|edly be exerted ist psychology in the r links. Tlie Dem­ the ti besj thus produ ing If he charaiP' where 'than atr'Sri ifrsfc'l urns. TJiis of Chici|go, \Vill administer The Holy Rite of Confirma­ , |leister, lforp lanil;jCat!ov'.;x teristic spectrum of eae-fi^-brilliant finding indi jnroiiud. uls thdfught ih official circles. One of need of keeping botl feet on the .11 tlwjf, order Of peiiod ii'i -A child"*! s ft oiq 5 to '} • S»R.-.-iS. GRAY, Rctor., their |tiantity, thoir. old rivals. .' f hecoiitemplated, economies-is to elim­ grpunjd Iduring the. nest few months in the 1 tmosj lere. Tlris i'yeiirst of age, indm order begins ivitli nilreigcu which is, There wilt be ii dimWe hetde Wnefn a Denver man recently clained tha he was inate;- many ^government bureaus Meanwhile, Washington is ready for two second teattis trteeing e the nost abulndant, »nd ilf followed mh Napejle^fnJ a' clever det^ ctive 11uickl y privid he was,an METHODIST EPISOOPAL ih rough merging or abolition. The- afmsy social season H'hich means so :< 'Art Iiistttu inners m.. Tlie tearririgton ['j>iie j»r(|sident has riade his position .clear much to political fori unes, by o::ygen, ^rgon. lydrogein ' neon,' i ' ^1 ptf?e win hers in An Vrmistice Sunday service at 10:35 a. n with a fFollbiviiDg, are;fthi Ijhot Iicen beaten: in' thei r las im poster. to [officers of tie navi^ and military \— helium, kryptbn, nnd xenon. ^ Argon hi ion of Auierr- sermon on "The Great t Armistice and by the const! ;utes about' one per cent by vol- the 44th 'annual! I>x ' IJitarts but have beeri held, tortw stabli8hinents, and' other elepart- ui'o nf fhe Art- icy are alsiji. anxious tr> ma Vested' Chorus Choir. Landscape Architecture' umef neon abjoot one part in S0,0(K) can imintiiigs.niiaiM 111 r)p*$iw*TrT*TrY\tTTit*****i*tx*tri*** iberitS. These f ubjects were discussed ;'t. 2!» to Dec; liy a big,success. At 30 p. m., the seconohd of Good •»'jdlows h ip J II the intimacy of the Rapielari cariip The modern scope of the art and iieiiun., about| one. pi rt in- 230,(MX); Institute bf'Chilig; H Serviced" with a sermon land mi;sic on "Old Watcii expression of landscape architec­ krypteij about lone part in two millioh, 13, 1JKH: (his summer nnd autumn. The -army- r Tlio Mr.- at d Yr<. nnk 0. Logan,' words for New World Conditions.' ture Is expressed "in the followiug and x'rion oni part ii seyente*n mil­ Eyei for the B!»n«f he Way of Life lias lieen told that scopes of military .\«'da,l and $J,(Xkl,1 lurchuse or I ; definition by the late President lion. Howeveir, sever, ll of these 1 aye In ever-in£i«iisliu>- ntiiiluer Chu ch school, 9:30 a. m. M.U.I Bowman, 1 :upt. posts of no.• value.ii. I elefense must award, Morri M' '-Iliiuntoif 1 By BFUCE JARTON Eliot of Harvard "Landscape provct to be of much commercial i ) Klilu itr, raan slieplietd dogs; heiU'i . I • .Epw orth league, 6:45 p. m. lie wiped out. Tlie s«me|sad story wins House." architecture Is primi rlly a line art, portai ce. Argon is now useel to fill In this country ja^jpoljierdo] XlgllXIIIIXXrrrrrmXCXrXTmiT^l Wexniklay, Nov. U, Ladief Aiel at the parscnage, unfolded to the navy regareling 'on- v Tl(e Mr.' iiHd Jitr? ; and as such its rcost important eh'ctris ligho bulbs having been nnk 0.. Locan TieTng- emploVe.(H: a'ft' fcijl'hf-'_ 1 M.S. FREEMAN, Pa •(tor. foleto bases along the coasts. Thrift WINbbW DlM&^ NG DW^MlfiSi. function is to creato and preserve found more satisfactory fori this' pwrr prize 'of $1,000 tiff \ rk'in paiiitintj blind. The fo'BS Useil 11 -elFei neasiires will raise' storms in all beauty In the sum undlng of huj- or [sculpture,, AVjIli 11 Zoraeh, 'for feinales,'for jhey arc? les* eas' (fa my.first busittes* was nece-sst|r-y for me to amps at the capitol. pose 1lmn nitrogen, \'hich W«|B prep BARRINGTON EVANGELICA.L LUTHEaAN tnnn habitations anc In the broadr ioiisly-used. Neon, o'eing tel'the bril­ *'Mc>tber anelJChi;M' J hn ptorrs, fop. trmted tlinni mak»fi. Tliey 1 call Olio! day at the office hf. n biinkrapt eompa ly which "Seareel Torso" fl|« only three of four nioiiih« of Groff's Hall dr natural scenery «f tile country, liancy of its ipecti'un , is now widely nr; Miittsein, fof had Hold in small unit nil ove r ,the country. DISILLUSIONMENT is in. store but; It Is also conce-ned with pr©- 1 "Pine^Trees"; Hi^ Cikovsky, fof ing to lend!-n »l]|nd' ippn Divi nc services every Sitiiday it 10:30 a. used 'or illu|ninuted .signs. Helium |V Its 1 literature had : follow •d the fnmiHar pattern, ;n. or enterprisiiif! comniqnwimlths -iio\y motlng the comfori. convenience "The Valley".; m 1111 Marsh, for through crowded ^1 re>rj *, an Uihlp clIiKs and Sunday sc IOOI lit 9:451 a. in ifriticiimtiiig marked giiins in prestige ! became of iff* lightii'ss and noii-Mi' i J ! pointing out how much ydu v ould be worth i' you in- and health of urban] pop:» atIons." "The; 'Bowery"; -Wt |ne Cluipiii, for gereMis e-onptruetltNn AVtrlH The nds- to all I'lammnbil'ily, hay proied ideMil for fill 1Jf I- \ vested one dollar in tel •plione stock iti'lSOn,, of if Ford Lutheran church cxt< vho |n e at the nil politjiciil ini'luenee at Washington "White Towers'fif.< udt vnu I'appel- comnmnds. ^t'liait.fj "lef «! l"BI ai' sliiJiH and hallo ops x had pty'd you to lend lii 111 a nickel in 1900. present time without a church hoiiko a siijicere i ivitation s a cou^equentfleeif list census. Con- endiiin, 'Magaoljns: J)u; isr pe. 11. 'tron the dogs. bilT^ulso [they life tjioiiment for .'many•.'. jjearH.' In .fact, The Bedouins Im ve been'cen­ Inspeetj Forest Preserves Itoe«ker; architiibt " ' "' to disobey, if riirr'jrlng. *>B1 delilnrnjtely "crooked, '(' hey w-re sure that thi ir enter • "'! :D.'C.,]IENNIQ,'-^tor;."|- •"•""••I - "*r in] .subject, M- •••! "i;!oi N.'iitu Ajvenuc v hile passing amendmiMits to the' con- turies-wanderers ille the gypsies murj y public ofjleialH of Wfisconsiiil! wan! Laning i'tym iiiiiitiiig, Fniii- der Involves .iiiilii)|'r. T"*. pise 'va|s destined to mike for tunes for every >no nsso- itutiion the legislativui body has been of E-urope; but recently efforts have geiiee (ifthj'se Oei^f 1« ^'>'f Mjelrose Par?, 111. s* nulstly frV>ni>>MiIwaul:ee. were the ces Fpy; sculpture, J^r rude. Lntiiroji, ciatee li'ilh it, and they backed their judgment vith their a nio&t persistent violii tor, refusing to been made, with seme degree of Kuests Tuesday (Oct. 27) of the Cook lief, tinless cine sejijH' tblni: lii own liMnicy.. Hut that lid 11 it mitigiito the sufferings c uinjfe the mombe'rsliip by states on success, to have tin'in settle, and ST. JUNE'S County and J)uPage County Forest:' Drawltun In, CI Hi si's Koom .... ;L,.--^--+-r- of thn people who crow (ted th office on the day'Of iny tte i basis of decennial census returns^ many of the tribes are located in Preserife. comjuisvioners and the' C\\U little settlements on < the fringe of Int eri'stinj drawij K< ly the iiiiiMerp. Immnne |to Fire' call. Stiiulay, I/ow Mass, 8a m. anil 10 a. m I is k'hariictei'istic of our lawmakers eago R gioniillTplaniiiifg Association oij the Sahara desert „ Occasionally of li.n« draw ing 'join. foilIMI in Hie '-.' • Asbrtst'efc' Is a hjlneril.- a» station age.nt iili.lI his f tiled'. ittle wife from a AVeirk days, Low Mass 7 a. m. \\ f( 1 .prescribe Rules' and regulations for a ton I' of the, forest |ireseryes' and an one of theset tribes, v ill get restless cllildrwi's m isemn Iw Art lus'li,- oii>si 'mlnrrnjiiripl inc<« Umsf Devotions in honor of the Sacnd Heart, fiif)i)j Friday tl ie people's cm^luct but not make the, inspect on of the* high ivays of the two coiintrv town in 1 nnsyjviniin The had inve, :fed $15;': and go oh the move- again, but t;he hite. I We* I ii«e >ei ilieh lately of of each month. Mass at 6 a. m.1 si ieie fit themselves. It seenis urilikeiy e'Ouhtie ?. Otutstandi ig acclimplishJ ()00, h|'iirr savings^v s of a lifetim v majority-" have lenmed that tire set-, the work of) ^tieli { iju rn artists ut 1 . Con that the reiippqrtiemnient will be au-., ments sliojiviij tht; visitors w'ere the A f|rior preacher fr »111 Nor th Carolina, The. $6,000 fes^ons, Saturday^ $ p. m, 1 tlement life Is easier and are jn- Matiijse, Pica Lijiii (the Jnpnii- TIJBBV tlioi'iited unitil ni'ftor"'thje elections next wiele mghwajjs, trnffie'Reparations of ! which ncredil le economies had been his Bui tisrii by appointriieijt.' cliipd to, be contenNrl. '. ese) jfiiul'R(dc>iit |bi have heard- lie IIJHI saved by number ojf. delegates' to,: grada, new iniprovem 'nts in the for- only liiiiwarfc against the poorliouse. REV. JOHN A. DttFFICt, P: is !qr. of them as* piiuiesrift the eliiUii'iMl's j'^; est pre server, and the syst-em of more diMover snnu'. A school-teacher; a lentist: many men whos* guar ed rnoiii. howovi r(', m* j V0U feET^Rj v»OJ^ than I, KM) iifiles in Conk county alone. ic-e, men. Aiiil^ ha nils ^111(1 bent backs were clixpietit of heavy tiurdeps, delightful drawiilgs; LET IVAV; |>o¥» C*tt rpnxicpcaxxxxxxzxzxjxxtinaxxjjijrtaix Much i iterest was sheiwh by the Visit­ theve a»* works |>fj illt \\elj linmvii They wept :'j tfiejj euniei 1; they tlireatened, but it did no ors in,-the 300 miles nf 40 foot wide 'ar{|»ts'wh«i,lm ve|i«i N1 Svortdl'anic VOU BEC^>€ic t^ good. [No one. of them ever re •overed a cent, 1 r eoncret;'paye'ment-s in'Cook'and Du r—MHlot. Wiiumler,! ^efiei.., Moris.ii. Chj?$QV $VR.l• company whi< h finaneed itself By JOHN JOSEPH GAINES, M. B of pave neiijt separated by center strips 1 S'teinlein of i|«ilft! Liirssoii, ' of by -se ling stocks to (be publii T of pari ^ such !as Nor li avenue, we>t AK>; t HMfe bowK not even if GeOige Baker Uki fm^tLML^^JK iSweefoii;, ntid tyifisi lid Hensoii Of were tacnr: cnxxixiixiix mixr cxxixxxi of the t)es Pluines .liver, and State 001¾ <:^v^.|?Tp cio tho president and ,T. I'. Miirgan tli sales manager. ,tjio United Stajtw, I • .-•... - Highw«y 54 between Roosevelt Road Everybody whose lumie get advert is ed a liljtle is in- MORE EVIDE;•W C' E and Ogloh Avemie in'DuPago county. vited to go 011 boards 0 direote ned even A i-ery old adage has WajShin [tort Q ji H r Dollar rs. If hi s hnnpi if, "ITotls make fcusijs; wise In the forest; preserves the visitors to mo. I have n nice, fnrm let men en I er that says "no t them." "But we are ilijying in a .diffeccnt age; were sjtown the forest type of tree In responS', to,jtn ifation is.«nincss wl h which you arc I don't in anybbdy t fo;ol because he Spreads feast— planting witli the 70),000 small fok wni? time ag 1, Seen jof the 'fretiti-- • has riM.'ivcd not intimately connected mean* that j 9I"n attend a meet- if he ciin afford it; the ylery iriu:h bigger, fepi,h the est trees set out in th> last year, and ury Andrew W; ft) ing oice a month, vote on a k t of thinglinps that /ou know fellow thijit gorges himsell a|t the feist! some 0! the jbank pi mting on 'hig* designs,for < icsnew (iejfgo Wiwliii.ip ( issued next not hi 1 about, receive $10 or $20. and go aw ay. The IM t evening,' (much agjainstj m r better jud iji lent), fjlls an I deep cuts w lich were hiad« (on quarfer lollair-! r> year as part jf.ith'e^ iefe tennial olisp'rilisp'r- ; publi' reading you if name, beiieyes that you are direct ncceptij'd an invitatio^ to dine 8jt 3 o'clock wi til a pro- for ljigiiway purposes. vanre of Wi sliingfcj 1 ing Actually you are not. fesi^ional brother—our wives we're in attenda |e 'birth;, frfii) * The a{bout^ ninety artjsi ," -J'lii^Iiiiid most lonnb the men if the day . werh p|ast and' gone; it was Opjera Calendar M ire made up of cares the tfme Tlie desigi for | iref John Charles Thomgs, of business vanity. A maii \,-ith a lot of dir ctorsbips To say that this was a fine, sumptuous i|ne|il, does Jean V: euilleJ Eugenii Sandrirti, Ser­ after• hi.^ iiiime thinks if himself as a "big shot If describe the sietting. It *ras a triumbh HUti «C Location! not tin of cul- gio Bcnoni, Virgilio Lazzari.' Inci Mavkin) Many |nf the fa mo is dunii lies';have lost money and inary skill—the quantity was limited to capici y only. dental e 1; iires by the, pallet Conduc­ ' Virginia L'laiins to lead .all-He sleep during this depiession It will be* interesting to Im idenOally, one of ithe physicians present said he tor, Moriinizoiii, states ,ln attentjo; t< histori, c . lo-. Bee w hether the return of good times will not bi ing many Was a littlo ticklish abouf; coffee—he had a blood-iressure! Saturday, JjTok 7 at)12—Boris Cfod- nations and JlitJ 3 iar! |ng of them Vesigi at ions'. e»f sonething over 200, a|nd was a lit apprehen$he about! unoff (Jr Itrilian) with Coe Glade, for the liforrola oil q'of \ISMT*. 1 n Directors should d reet. Viridow dressing dummie« it; he was only sixty and looked iorty-fivc. Y't, he was, I>eoIa Turneii, Helen Freiuid, Sonia VW.rltlhg hi ftory > 1 .|i m Instead, of shoull go out. being .•eriously threatened ' paper," state offtc il« ftsnll it. Twe- Sharnova, Maria Clae iscnsr Paul Alt- iill attention Mi facea metal niari^ rs wife and I went I to (the paity in a neighlor phy- home, Octave I>ua, Ledovico Olivicro, to1 places of rertoi n. tnd tliey. are sician' car. As we came; home at '10:30 ll m., the TheoiWie R,it|h, Vanni-Marcoux, Sal •set ID historic sefl en< Thus the KxroaxxxxxxrxctxxxtxrxxxxxrnxxrcCT doctor said to me, "I've had to be a little gu4r< ed here vatore Bacctiloni, Hesira Defrere,- movemeuts of aft iesjln Civil war lately Mrs. C— and I ar^ both developing hig t blood- Chase Bam wo, 'Robert Ringling, days and the'Into! 6V*»read of se - pressures." Jean Vieuille Wilmn Boriifield -(de tlemeitt from tltt^ ai* can he fol­ hut). (J'ondul'tor, Con per. LIBRARY NEWS Juie one thing, dear! refaders;|lTHE SIX 0'ClX)CK lowed'by the obfH vlnfc tourist. Saturiltt.yj Nov. 7 it 8-Ull Trova DINNER. Protein pdi sor, ing, t fim the absori tion of Eiikkiiitixxxxiantrx: tore, Popular prices, 75c }t6 f|4 (In axxxxxxxxtxxxxxd execssfve amounts of undigested fooda A hea\]y meal, Uti »1 Tpit monthly repor^ of .the -Italian) with Sernfuia DILeO, (debut), Barrington Public Library partaken of when the mind and body were ti 'ed and talk sayi= 'hat- ^ follows: Alice d'Hewnmioy,'Cjrcna Van tJor^ The^ magnzlne&lee is .as needeei rest. REST. Sfomfachs compelled to voi'k 'when trees coftimit • svili de bv \vi'ii)M»tng -- 'i illumes., in the lib ary don, Autonjo (Jortis, Augusto Reuf V . ..4,992 relaxei 1 and weakened frtiinj mental and physic tl tire, (debujt) Glmsbipe Canadpre, Eugdnio thelt roots arotirtfl their '-tri 'm ••- and Blifrowers register^ d 'durinjg montlt Now «11 h a uieui for BREAIKFASIV would hav Sandrin , "VlirifiJio Laszuri. Incidental choking' thomspUM toJ,v wee-"" anj Total numbors of lorrowe i.s ...,. 1,21(00 harm.' The digestive organs restel from sevcji tinmen liy I tlie Baljjt. Conductor^ we knpw why tir*) rill >r eight (ill. lielUVi-A'i'U • Ailriit books Jssiij'd ... ^1,108 hours. Moranhtin' ' " k *' U^Qther pines. |3^i<> of refreshing sleeji. . But, nfter this fine sump' Illivflie «<» Juvenile- hooks issued .. 534 tuous. six-o'clock dinner, 'every rnest I awakew d, „.„. j next 1 1« let Vi'tt tci'f' - Jtendaiwc ror* tin month ; Child Danger thi .1410 morning with llttJe] or no appetitr, feeling hekvr, men. times tori*"* «"' '•' Rwpiiming November 14. ftaalfM.. Tr«il#iy Story Hours wil|l be con­ tally foggy, lack of vim and enetjgy. for the )ae|f day's l're>m f» to 0 o'clock in the aftcr^ Wlj hiuni ducted on Saturdays from ^•aya 4epresslng^« ey 2:45 Pi m. work.} When shall we. wise up? 1100 lu is the most dangerous hour of Beside?; a trnsHfj r .nder i'.i 11 1«' the twe u^fej4( for efbildreu no fir, twUswdLtew,in.uc .r> troll New*- I ;i

I - ~w-, ^UiJw-i-v, •'•^-JirV'*^- -.»*."^^ll6l^ T 11 * #


Heights to Play 'Hjerc Ny. 11 Pirofessional and Business Directoryji • m mi J w •• .,__ P f ' if irate s, Tigersj Imiiajis cracked the maples fojr 189, 141, 225 to take se.-oud place, with a total of L»ad in tewel Phi Group 555.- - r ager's Team in jtynrhos Beaten I Tuesday, Oct. 27 PHYSICIANS AND LAWYEIS MUSK The EMrates, Tigers, and Indians Pohlman Drugs— SURGEONS end in their respective leagues at the irst Position in l, Grant H|gh of ,T. Daeschler .421 141 195 ,457 BARRINGTON StUOll v ind of 1 he fourt l week at bowling„ in._ K. Scherf ... ..160 167 137 464 CASTLE,OSBOF N ft WEISS CHICAGO VINE. ARTS : the Jei.'el pin oop. N>rton, in tM E. Gieske . ...156 120 119 395 A. WEICHELT. M. D. CONSBRVATOR« OF' appeared to pins, fr>m Beermlan'f team. It was tlie im Satiinilay afternoon. High (individ jal)—Norton, game Cameron Real Estate— •_'S t«l 0 victory for 224 pit first defeat of the season for the I Ha'ger ..114 183 k4( 443 PIANO EXPERT" i I.a IK The Lakers High Bier nan keflen. Cadwallader's team, 3 gam !8 (individual)—Nor- Kumics 145 1144 158 447 DR. B. P. GRABJBR ...... th working football [ton, 60^ pins. afltei having los; tl^eir first'slix games ARTHUR J. H AGGENJOli , iiH-d t<^- be hitting on J. Welch .118 154 IK 435 J American tlie seaiso|n!, iallied to take Pomtr PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ATTORNEY. •AT-4LAtf. . .a tela sjsed Barrington League C, Landwer . .123 :.53 1&: 430 of Phone, Cary 66-M,-l ovs team into clmfy for three stralgpt ri. '•• "nieiit of; the game. The High C. McGowan .154 188 162! 504 gimrs. ., BARRINOTO|N ! Barrington, PI one ..-./ ''*•'' 1½¾ •lie ball in scoring po- Tennl \V!iii first quarter but eiabe hnpr>veilenlt yet in .order, to •over, Yankees ....„,..< 6 716 .500 .8:30 to 9:30 a. m., 2^ to 3 p. ra. Piano Tuning and Renairiai Senate's t 6 744 .500 Miller Bros.— gtt nttj the michi desired 600 class, • 7 «

418 Sunday 11 to 12 noon 119 N. L&sjue si , i V l «; not affect. the S<|hreiber J36 :.45 1011 389 a id 159 for alt itjal of 533 pin^. Beer- ' /- -T ' I ^1 l* High! game [(individual)—Fran­ J • Northjiivest loop. Bnr- Peters 150 :L50v 151» 450 m|an was se:o|if h?gh individual with i- ;%* cisco, J30 pins j\ OFFICE OVER 1ST NATL ^AN^£ Phone, Dearbtfrn 0009 .-1)- game left to show Meyer 178 J70 214 562 187,1174, aird'157 for a total' of 518 Expert work en all reproducing 9 dm i.'! a mbdiike, that ganie Higl 3 gamef.' (individual) -Hunt, Telephone Barrington 23 505 pi is. mapes. or send a card direct f. * ; ./'<• -lay game on the lo- Totals ...... 819 779 72C 2323 ., Arlington Heights as Outlaw League Higer— '• CALL , Thursday, Oct. ;,-.' Thifj gijmc is. the High Hlagsr ,.i.70 145 161 Shoup's Confectionery- . Plagge Home Furnishing fjj>j —nsi>n idid has be'co'me Teni l W»n Lost Game Pet. P IU sen ..: 19 152- 168 CASTLE, Wl LLIAMS, Weasel 152 179 I DR. OLGA ALCOTT WILHELM . . ' ' I: 1 i -^ic It is the only Indianii ...1L 1 761 .010 Well aT ...... L44 142 134 LONG ft MC CA^THY ii scheduled for Nov. 11 Braves ... U 6 767 .500 Heucr 140 116 E Miller 180 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PHARMACISTS crowd- ial expeeted. Macks' n hut defeated Barring- Ifeeiman . :.87 174 157 'In-.iso during 1!K{^. ciwHrijei'l. o. Last ytenr" Barrington of n thousand or more) i )- li-.ur. The ricxtrapst din- '.•a-hrthe nj.irgin of.a drop- .Totals ...... 737 737 2244 T>tals . 10 703 708 faty i> ; i;-t i-'from :>, to 4 p. |n., idijir- W.-ivne. GriiJbe.nkbrt. The "SERVICE YOT/j WILL I •• ii ii-ri.Ml 11 p«>r .;»n| of fan ( . v-ar look;)) as if it were McLclster'i P imeroy-^- JAMES P. HAFr •.I-.-.'H|.T:!W l<. children o«!i ur. 3|he ; 1)1*. D. F. BROOKE The team vtrhich takes the Camen nKeglers S .'liroeder ...... 112. - 160 407 (jjhu "ch ....4~ 141 136, 157 ATTORNEY-AT-1 "i-.-t -liwiu'-'iiHis hour H.frfm • PKiYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ii- most spirit Will prob- t'hauble 128 181 412 llefl ernan *.. :io "" i 117 H -". i in j-Saturday-is t ier jrnost ; J 603 Summit REAJi ESTATE •'-••;•* 'l.i.'J "!' the ww>k i:.r chjl-! Graham ..•137 147 440 Davy .L.. :M 124 130 Str To I>ose 12 jflayers Ilomuth .....169 195 548 (Ii'e(nga(rd 110 liO HOURS i -Miidi as n.-arly one fifth of" 9 to 10 a. m, If the hist; appearance of Gjerdau .. 180 181 539 1'one'roy :.....u...: L57 183 132: Telephone, Bnrribgtonj 650-J t;i :•.•,-.•.* r,, children are econhxl 2 to 3 p. m. ' - 'v I j Ifleriing [•. 100 100 • •-• 'l.i.v. N.Mrly 50 per-'cent.! of j f tlu. Bronchos. Naegntz, 7 to 8 p. m. Miller, E.I JMiller, Holke, iti Bo ling Loop Totals ..726 864 756 , 2346 pRDON CAMKROl •.-•I.-M-v tuv children occL'r ieljie- Sundays by Appointment . Pingge, Gfitbisch, Green, T atals n| 5 to 9 Garr '....;.„-.. 104 Telephone Barrington,235 { - • ^QR • • i ^,,.1-.. rivals-. f . .140 If. <>. PlAgge .114 135 249 P *'• "' !«>'. -Hl'-lusil-f". Scons for Week Ilureell ...... 136 will be a doiple header with .....178 'V. Catlow j...i 128 125 119 372 #' I. J !!ch vemm {/.... 162 140 138 440 CQU)K|TRY ,HpME| -eeond' teams |neeting at 1:30 * \rt Institute Winner The Barrington Ponies have Totals ... .748 708 7SOI ,2236 ipadKyalladeij 160 214 139 533 CHIROPIDIST GLASS & STURTZ J -Ji !._' .Ire the prize wi|ner.s!iii Th« .Camero i 'Real Estate pih team ' - -E^fATES: '4 a beaten in their last four Standing: held t he lead i I the Barrington Bowl- ATTORNEYS Ba-i •1J.• i f'ii -;i :|ii'4,'il exhibition of Ameri- 1 otahv no 760 718 ai88 ut have been lield to two ties. ing l|pague folr the second straight Won liOsft Pet. 1 •'in !• ;i-;i:.L-^ irn-1 -i-tllptnri- lit the Art ••" also anxic us to make th« • / ,', -1 105 W. Ad urn FiltMS ACR •*?. : vV-eek by defeating • Miller Brothers Cjameron Real Estate 5 :833 Standing j Chiropodist and I >' • f, ; in i'.i''- ..i ifj,i,•:!-,,. Oct; i«>' to Dec. - ? success. ! 1 NegR:n in two games Tuesday night, reengaril Grill .....„.;4 .667 W6tt Lost Pet. Foot Specialist CHICASO '•; ri v.i'.:t ..' i r'] * ,jj .Oct, !7. The Miller team seemed to ipofsky Clothiers ...A :667 HajI er .... I - '2f 778 .,'!":•]• Mi-. :,,il Mrs. Frank Q Ix>;#m Telephone, Franklin : •'! • Eyes for tfawi Blind •have heir opponents cinched in the iAiller Rifos. ..:...... 4 .667 llee man ,...(;i 3 J167 DR. L. V. REPKE 4-ii.i :,i,^ xr>.iHNi,- as a pun tase Jor i ii 4- '•*••: incrnusfngl numbers Ger- vnrt... -. spilling 819 pins tq the hitter's I arrington Review. ,...2 .333 Cadwallader .....jii 6 533 (I0NTRACT0R93 1 i« :.rd. Mt.rrij Kairtor, for "] Fa unfed /6fiNERAL CHIROPODY iUerd dogsi better known 054, >ut the Cameron quintet rallied I ohlman Drugs .. 2 :333 ] 'on eroy ....21 222 «i L-^. ill--" i : . i i iintry as police dogs, are to taKO the sjeeondarid third games hou'p's Confectionery 2 .333 ifl"- Mr nld .Mrs. Frank'G. SogSn Diaeasei! and' Deformities of the- Fejet •i-n'i loved aslguMes for tWe by si bstantial margins. • JjIcLeister's 1...... 1:.,..1 .167 CALKINS BROS. ,.1-: ••• i . -s • -;»fc Tii. e dogs us^il are'generally team was the only one JINS BR , CHICAGO OFFICE ••«•' - I!;.'IM..J William Zora A*' for „Gr< engard's Excavating* and Grading r they artless easily dis- of the teams to win all three of their "Three in a Row' Start Practice Next Wfek Barrington, Pione 32-J ",.M" 'iiTr •:111.1 I'liilcl"; John Sr rrs, for I 2020 Garland Bldg. i * « ••'ll iiii males,! f They require week's series. They, ;:w;-| %• ' * * i T..r4" ; [f.-nfy .Matt on, for game i in tin This well-known game mown as Phone Central 3005 Golf Courses, - Subdivision *'/ : i- or four Months of frnfri- baiel;" jiosed nit Shoup's Confection- i 't'i••- ;Ji--W' : Nicohty f'ikov kj-, for Tlt-t'it-toe.", "Criss-cross." '&c.,.ls Suits were ssied Monday to tan- Barrington: By Appointment Landscaping, Roads, Dr in; ;...ad n blihjrt mnn, safely ery live by piree pins in the first probably very old. ithoug} wfe can­ !|i!!. \ III.l!l, for JIC!i i >ol' basketbi 11 quint mid intern live JOHN E. HIEINR1CH I .oustruction] work, t The and »' -pin .margins. Pohlman leston.-'-. In --h'la- "The! Hoosler Tennis Cturts, Bowling i :VVi i,. T...v.iA'-s" ; I.aura van jl'apnel- ,'s. -'rigltt." "left." and "for- by 3: >ra tico will st in next week, allhbigh Drugji won tkvo games, and dropped Ichoolboy" me'ntloiur thei' game as ATTORNEY dT-JL iW ^ • * ^ •i:^ i , 'Mii^|n>!ia r.h>s>.r>ni" ;|lIonpr- •r.'e "known and obeyed bj follows: •'SoiWtlmes i h•» played :he first gjfimf is more than tlree ! one o the Bnrririgton Reyiew.team ' | ,i • ,iv!- ,..1^.^0,^1¾.. -landscape, l|. Lejon -.- hut »lso Olley are trained 'teertah-toe, ttiv^e/tn a r>w * with .yedks away, Tlii]rty-one boys have Lipofskj Clothiers took two (1 iii I; •' >.-r. Arrthitectu'ral Mibje ft, Kd- if carrying nut. the OP. a^d the girb, usin^ M slate ^ rid; pencil lesfcnated the] • intentions of report- DR. E. T. SCHUTT JUSTICE OF 1 HE; PEACE BAItltlNGTON, il4 garaeii and dropped 6n^ ' to M«- for basket (Cook Coijity) W.I ;f-i.;i, j.ij-l l.ariiits; fjgnr« paintinf, Fran- •c \ ,s datijl'erJ Tlie Intelli In a way welMsnown to! ill school ng >all this* season. CHIROPODIST ', II. II.' CAL1CINS, Phone 551 • •:' ihcse i.'ogJR| Is beyond he. f^eiatf rs. lthough Coich Werner -would not i rt b ••. : M-tii iture, Gertrude 3 4tb*^p. hildren. Aiiyallader, - anchor 'better'' X'hd4 of 'te»-t«h-toe,' nal e any pret ictions as to the p SCHUTTS SHOE STORE •A. -fit CALKINS,- Pli l men 'on Shou p.'s Confectionery and learned op/the Wildcat, rind which >ec s for the \s< -asoh, the Ela boys Telephone Bair ngto 534-J i l)f:iw ilt^s. in Children's teams, respectively, .£ "'•: I • inuyi ha vo^een In the flrst place nn toiiig t9 be lall Office Hours '.Iraniiius by the-pjist«rs. Immune to.! Fir* ' ftidlhn giiniie. f« It, Is plt|j'ed with primed for the opener, Chicago Offic •I ..I .ii'ii >.<-| on-confin|s<>iim at th«. Are Inniti- Is Incombustible. on Dee; L, Evenings by Appointment Ji>.. - rfi W •- I'njji. rend, nyich lltely of Telephone Franklin 0122 Expert Proofing of Homes, « -1)-. ..t! -ii. h modern nittotH'tit . Telephones: Ings Against Gold, In, t'i. «.0t« •" iiAvun,". nt' these IJlrll. All'! - Phone: l)e> IMaliies 9| ,-¾ v *!,'•>. ,,r other wfil known DENTISTS DR. WILLIAM fANDML Wo stop- those ;Jfif«h« tiro ... ltti*c achi-^ed wi||ld-fMOti' window or door-Mines pot I'iijittii.r, I.epere, |lIori!n Quarter poliir . 115 E. Mjaln Si. in' -I i -it' i" I I/-III.IIII n "ii'ifa ! :-••-!».iis.j i„ the Invitnti«i| i*wup«l I Phone Barri igton 252 f' :,.'5 inn" -.\'A>i.Secretar y of th| Tretfs- Successor to ^ • if ••". 'i . ! •:• -i: Vi.ilnu ;,JV. ^lidlon. hus |eeeivfc(• t.ijc ni'w Gt'orge. \1 asuirj*- By Ap|iioilitment for conveniehce -! ]f |DR. E. W.OLCOTT your ; Miiri.r :,),,11, r htr be issu fit neart of tie bicentennia I obset- 1 \int-- ..i' AVjisliiiiKtbn's birth frotn llarripgton 77 .,115 E. Main St. ..i...|u' piiicty' artists. : - ••ed; OPTOMIITR 'in.' design for the new |uartcr, •lit: li-i~ t.. I..- the first coin . f regu- « J -s •• "vrr t< bear the ii iage of r-l f ^..:,1..-..,. VVa-hingloii. will be telccted E. A. WELLS | 1.: F. W. LINDBERG GOLD STA1 h '' n'v'iiiiv «.vri>tary''of the treas iry- -. if.-1.'-' OPTOMETRIST AMD ••-••"•''•iiKasrraST 1 . rwtor® OPTICIAN >0 Ma»king Hi*toric Lttcati BB» . 'SER^sCB* -_p 1 ,.1 Qfllce in Pohunui Building \ ruini;i claiiis to lead III the 1' , ' )wa lEast Station 4 -.""il'cs in atten fon -to .hls^rlc 'to" 127 E. Majin St. | 135 Park Avenge '; RlRRINfeTON, IIs -11:-1 ! '*•• moilt fr.'nn tielev^atericao; b«'W*. • :,' y-j± '. m • !J- I j\ .ii i>j. tho observing tonf St- . ''•' lt T-:^,; swri IN< . . rM '. « 1 P.P.1FANN Readers of the n find] tbifi 4-yr. Guarante \ A rboricultural |l , : _; _ Moth Proof ing St 1¾l , yur n,a-azitie Tree Talk saystijat directory a_convi iieni Index ,t^.((.^- cmu'iit suii-ide by wf'JJPP'il M 4 lofeafRipBal Racf i|ii i-ovvfs aroiirtd thelrtruj ^i-^.rhi.'laiid. 7 to 9 p; m. business and rrff.• , i J >h\ui* theins-elves to dent] rlngton. When in need- of Ev'ery , professional and .. el tan.w whv the willow W*T SSDM^TiuppAY; ANjH , man iA BiMTintton ;rtiL:!,v-r [.•.in.k' The elm. If wevfiv I 1 : l spodal service ey torn to thh j his! name, ,,„.., „ Weffi-.-i U (..o'tlipiiery. ,H»* ng*Jf*' ' ;|^TtJRP|Y •* " \ ntnhber, and fc«&rj of,., . ^, firms, teld- r •ni ft it.- r..ot '.jf-ihls thins Mi 1« leCr, pareqnickly toll f ^TtW#j4jr«!to#i~ It ta priifed it;ii«;:it Is triirtk niyatefie* ore «M. m. phone numbers, addressei. '••v'^-depr.is^iit'.-so why. brti'l ch oof. KftTSV h'- llfh.ties, n fr-tstijil; render nn be ... ^bo^-^iiarr^gtoiil* This directory been a feature )1. jra*ijJ*^^*«jJ"L jw^tj'ed i»<) jtHKh.—Detfotf * f****. Barrington Hudson-BMei Bldf of The Reyjew for almost 41 > week, , •-• • ™ • • *, • •*'« r. . . • f

"' »' « ~A y:x: BARRINGreN REVIEW, BARBINGTON, ILLINOIS TOURSpAY, N^JJlBER 5, l|^31 r—.;' ".' y. I '''•'• I. ' ' .! ' ' —' ' i. I " , —»• I ' I ' ' " I I • • •! II'HI WANTED WANTED Chicago Man Injurud morning hear Fox River Srove in m FOI BENSA T FOB BENT '?j& automobile accident. j 1 GIRL [wants litojwle^kJL^ Telephone MARRIED MAN utantji' work WASHINGS M Whin Car Upsets oik Flying glass caused painful lacera­ SIX 1(0091 IMilrSB for rent at 50S ROOM AND BOARD in private njew nU labtirerX Louis Reesi, 209 W. Ma}n mine. WctM fi tions .about his face an Groie , sivenu!. Reasonable. Tel, pome; modern convenience. Holme Barrington 132-Jf-l.* Highway and B^rns| Up ! copkirg. Reasonable rates. Gentle­ 4i street, Tel. Bttrringtoh 1$9-R. man ,Pank later in the day.f to offer. Ver ion Also- typing to do. at 'home. • Best eident between Barringtoi: and Fojx tional. '.'Call'at 217 W. Ststisn st. OJLD LOG CABIN HAUL on Rand Rijihter,' 317 E. Barrington 18^-Sn v roal one mile north of Lake Zur- Lake street, BJirringto|n references Isabel Happc, 445 Wash­ Biver Grove \\;hen • the ba • in, which SIX BOOM UIPBiR FLAT ror rent, Business Notices Britg esiiUs icbi fur rent for pa and dances. ington ' st|eet.' ' ** MIS' he and-four other men! j;efe filling Furnace heat, $$> per m onth. Tel. POSMfjION wanted, skidded apd turned over, j if! 1.00 a night. Tel.'Lake Zurich M CLERICAL Barrington 375 R.' Hare had year* experience HOLSEWORK wanked. ' Will do RADIfr SEUVK K Mr. Jahkowskj-was brought.jo the HXXllTXlXITXXXlXTXJXXXXyi e'l tt ^even • cleaning of any kind. Mrs'. Groni, at general offic^ work. 3race Denious, anlK repaleik'. T< local hospital for first niil treatment TAVO SLEEPING ROOAIS irih pri- 208 Dun«|h»e avenue, Telephone Ba'r- ton 387-K. ? ^ssrnmivo M AN ADVERTISING COLUMN T|\VO MODERN FIVE; ROOM bun 428 North ave, Tel. Bn ri-ington 01-J. where it] WH,S found thai lite back FOB EVERYBODY .rate bath' fok" rent. Ca! 3|20 Di- galows for rent on Hardin? avenue rington 183-M. •was injured "but after reei iv-infc ined- vision.street or Tel. Bjirr 3J tt Fox Rixer Grove. Furnace' heat. HOUSES CLEANING wanted to d<. ieal treatment he was I tble '-to be a !iJisuit• e of Steve Kulovsck, For River GENERAL LABOR vork wanted by &mproi|Mi by the hour or d« y. Town, <)r MODiERN SIX ROOM BUN JALOW 1 Call at 210 E.' taken t«: his home. Grovel 111. I 42-4 country. Mrs. John Bederske, 113 middle Jajged, man The other- occupants of thej a BUSINESS N( TICKS for rent "at 563 I livisiott street, Liberty s'trcetj Barrington, 1 linger avenue, Tel. Ba rington 343-R. -VuMjlAVt were noil iujureel even fjhotifrji the Z • THEY BRING BESULT8 Barrington. Inq uire of own> liohcr.. ( Sewerjleiii Call Barrington One FOR SALE car burntfd. jj Rate: 10c a Line; Miliimum,60c Dvorak, R. D. Car lr, HI- 43-2 HOUSEWORK by thje' day, wonted WASHINGS OR IRINING'wSnted on Orlo Sundjfejaal M_ BAKERY AND FOOD sal'e at Land- to do at home. Mia. Williamj-Kel- eiisj: of Sutton" «h The party was- earojit^ to Lake kxxxxxrrTTT THREE ROOrt KITCHENETTE on Tuesdays or 'Wei nestlays. T Mrs. we -'s I. Gi storeJ, Station ler, 209 Raymond avsnuc. TeJJ Bar­ open at 1,00 \)t}n\. re .Geneva. FOB RENV apartment ( foi' rent abort i Peerlqss Louise Coe,, 245'Lincoln avenue. Tel. Villk Bo^ ^ Ba^rl sjtivel entrance, Satufrday, Nov. 7 at Barrington |3,4«-W. j - j rington- S&J- W. Marketrket.. HeaHeatt and irater irnishcd. of Salem Evan- Hills Platts FAr Apai C. 4 Ni W. Officialflnspects THKEE ROOM FURNISHED cot p. ;n. Berenn da si Inquuir * at Pe'e e rlees Vlarke or Tel. delical church. Crossing for Improvement tiigc with bath, nf. Tel. Bar- Bariingtoiingtoiij 701', tf. Appeal Probable r'ington 2J)5-J.. ihEAitlS for sale. Bring your baskets r THRE^EEE R{ROOMi i FURNISHRI) npart- until pick theni for COCJ a bushel. S in rentals. • Work >f installing a jmw cr issiiig SEVERAL OFFERINC liient wi^h prrat e bath garago Revo mh Fnrm on Algonquin roiid. at lions) street over j 111 Wirt Lawri'iice, 11 E. Main R L A N U A4 iutempt' «,in the! part -of. (,'liieiiRO for rent.] Call at 403 Nt|>i{th (Cook 4 North W 'stern trucks Will star next street, TiiU. Barrington i73 and Bar- street or' Tel Barrington 3JH-X JtUAIMAGE SALE, every Tuescay, li^ board members' j*W the Ife week or"thrly the followim; week. W. rington 330. Wednesday, Thnrnliiy hud Sifhir Ijlnjc «;o8t of 'BhrriflRton t»-'i

A. Krjiener, assistant sup'rititi ndetit LIGHT 'Iio'iiickccnlnir i i iii" FCRNIMIlEI) in > ovi'iiihcr In tlhe JwmiMml*- »«re*'ra4t . '>",-:«' of the Wwcoiwrfn division, vault Unr I'PPKR FIW\T for rent Four rooms apartment fftp.'rent . MR, A, K. iicti|iin salt'N room t|if W. N. iLni|id> HgYALgLUE rhifftotli Weiliiesdny iiionii] ig inspect- ujnet bath. Giirag* $30 per Kecle^, 400 Kj RiiHKoli sti ft;' Tel. atioif street, poy rimrtjiui ^,^ W Ibout ri'iuly "to' be.••• $**?<\ oW ing t|At j't'oKsIm:. Both iistallatldti month, Tel. Biirriiigtoii 44-It. tf BarritigtoH 27C tf imlitjim from any oil"' iippiw-'hifod. rt. ,,1,,^ ..».• with" or ib.B5«Xher^v31 of the ijt'W crossing tun ele ,'iitlo.n lls'l jihurcli V'omch's At*!., of the nijrtlt trucks vvijl |e ilopie by IIEATEI> THREE ROOM furnished UPPER FIAT, four rooms ),nd linth, STORES Ion Wf roHpoellvo plftn forlljifi -n- ruilrof«l iectioit workers, it. w iijmi'tmciit for rent [Jlii'iige If ilc- for rent oil Eiist liusseU ijrcct. L. *00 MIIOCKN CORN or |iny |«|»'l for il^**tviT KyKtwn. -i : [' :;i 135-,1 or Jpir- it; AiihMtiM'emMit-,wi^ miuli', t k ported. I slritd. Tel. BiirHngloii I F. Hehi-ocdeiv 4:..8-S, Cook cot. Ti'U sn t'1-. Wultj' r Uolmufh, U. 1). 2, The viliuKenllleiiils life coiisi let-faff, I'iiigfon • &Iill)I . .Harrington • .4.8*1 V*. t< ilutilclciii, 111. 'IV . Lf lie ' Zui'lch BE-ST QUALITY ALWAYS iwefiiiK •'j" 1/HviiJ ilf'SlnbhijiJ: the . HiiKKflstion that - Ht,e WW outer •in U UIH/IICJE', thut only * niwit>i \r> strips of pavement neat' the trncKH n j„ ^liiill to fflc wlt|> llMV*'jp renin in mpiS'il <'"" <>»'' ul i trilflh) until .after the erosfdng' ^vitleli- Hide, In perfect condition, $75. -l)r(. ,J.¥«IK<'' Hhurllfff. ]TIIIN lij-ie llevonah I'lM'in. AlgouipMtl Friday and Satur* ing work is,complete. ['all ,,, |ji,'r|ii fluiU-'frtrirf dni| ||v Itoa i, or Td. Itmidel' WRI-ll-'l. lii'M'up liiniT. t Inn).|JHjliiy*:.In* (.|«|i,» I'liicr liii« Hiip^tnr €-1((11- : Second October Baby I'llRICYVOOl) Cut' sul< Well HPiimtiivili ii.ifii|i< ili'lnlllJiii'"i*it lift Ki'liiMiiiVj s ni, in it foot IHKI i foot longHiM, Announced; Br»t of Jlov-r irilt Fimiiis, I Jilie Zurich,! 111. SP -nni'4. -.•)]'' '•-.-_ Noyeihber ^o Arrived 'el, Lake flurjch .'15. .Hijv'i'l'lll IH'lvfltl' lljlH IMtf^ ,1^ Friday and Satur(|ay M.|N|OI* IIM> bonnl w^tli; HHS |>iii 8 |»K/ for ,^(il<>. l'P|iitcc t your .lawns ii t|i<< ('"H ,. nunluHi fbi* vilJi^K..', I. Althoitt It: iiii s .ivitkt rey isteije( Butter Best Creamery I'Virtls, T/Hlti! Zurich Ills. Ti1*. 8PIING fJHICKEISS for sue,weigh nmvt'l. ' ' "" tti-j>ri»w'j)t. -lorfljwikfi- Kramer f Cuba townsl ip The yottiig b(twcen.8Vj to 4 pounds, dressed, • 7 lbs, for liaviv nffiTi'ii" ntjiiii> ij'jiici-islt'ij)".-- ; lady WH! mimed Lneill [• '>a,H e njiid drawn mid delivcrcl, rcac|y to fry. ApplvS pclicious, Wine Saps, Jonathans nvnljl li'K'Ki'ti thiv i;it^ii'«ti;i'i'iiE|i-^ is ii. vig I I unl. frWlitict prizes in tin Firs Baby Djivl'titou- |stri|et. 'L'cl., Barrington AlHKt-illfl I^|iriiv«d°.[ Sweet Potatoes . *\x i were 1 1 ! of the \(oi|tli race of Ojetolw EggS FrJish Candled M.i "4. I i r • ,, tt ()<• (ithi } ' bti'tiif.. |h . offered 1»," ' J'Jngge's Home''Furnishing •I l.ionr^l lu'i'mlier* nufi'wj Unit [ti T' •'• Co. and he 'Barrington Itevie-v. The IVHEA AI«|D Rl E STRAW for 1 1 rf POOS Idaho Bakers jiystijrnIVv iIllllKn t I" impfnvi'ij IIII'CIt! t father <>i relative of flu newf briliy PotatOC S Northern Cobblers ok. sate Baled. Hartvood Farms; Tel- Spill! lie Barrington tfl-W. tf jlniwtii up ii 'pin ii '}f\f_ llii-'iV can get he prizes by calling at the i Wisconsin White Mhli'jt nppnntully h'l^innt \n*4i ni places mi rued. i * GEESE. flWf.jto t|io iiipii on. ;ln» iiiliur .1¾ When Will the first h^b.r of .Vovem- BoneleS S Ham 4 lbs. average lb.; DUCKS, BROILERS, foe i 'sa](» eitiher drcswl or alive. Vil- ' '1 ' i ' tin' iw'!e answered Meat Package - jagij deliv ery.i Tel 'Burr. 130-M-2. I Tie biiiinl i: fmfeiV wij-li Uf.i before mjxt week'. i, ., I' f*'. Our Stock Is New and Fresl AIrt|J Fra nk iB'nnmn >H't|nf .steering tliv* yjlbtiie ftiY).) : L— • ' a % lb. can 1 inlllijiiMiiil expense, fe^iirille.<«. 'jf Depot Smoke Sho \dd^ LOST tWn (l)f.v tnke. Ajji ,'ip*|»<'aJnH l /* lb. can 33C 3 lb./can 65c ntlipri'ine cinirlt is hiililselfl ej^ei Three New o|ol ifables Tne Food Ma BLACK CH(^W DOG lost. Closely (Toiiijtiuelion of a r Untie! I clipped 'with exception of head and SUpe r SudS Package . j«mi «i deeorated and 'turned, mt a liinttyrn BROWN LEATHE R PORTFOLIO ;3 fears: iijllii seini-iiimunl iinn'rest <*nini: Irani room. The twii Im iiija*. have lost lift- NbrtBwWei'ii depot, Bar- Camay Soap %-tjle cost, (if .iippeij)ijiK 'tljfjj i-4 licpn joined h.v cutting a*n,V •HI rt Hn/:l(in, ! Letters J, A, It. on cover. f;ilffrtii tig'reemoiit jiji-twren f;lu |l V- the partitioiv and the |tw4> bullies Cor laips pet'sonol letters. Reward. •i}M- to (he ^itddeinj is itiif h? will be run together. Tel Iihotie Biirriiigtoii, 131-M-2. Coif €6 Webb's Jif<.'r« tll'e nest 'boilfil meerijn TlmV new pool tut hiiv ' }» TOe'ttJjTier" wild, t.be rnhjue iiltorn installed, in the new i tioll and LEGiLL »'• TL ^ iiisiiiieied to fifc«' liri.rj billiard table Will be tinltallei later I Ji^Ki' with the ..Htipri'iti'e eourV'.'ii Mr. W'oltliauxeii nimoii 1H i-il 1 NOTIDE ISaCOn Slab, per pound [ hi^Hl it nt the jiVhrMi J* terhl, Oii ami after tliiH date I will; not Oranges 252-288 dozen , -f t . Chicago Youth Bi id 'ospniisihlc for «t y debts cofitfnct- per [ |fa(rinHrton Men 1¾ ttend: y quf ed Iby anyone biii:' ni) self. in Automobile Accident TOMATO! SS, large No. 2½ size 10* WAXTIEX^VAX PAP.Eli, 2 ' Sea Scoiit Trai 444, AUGtjBT DBUtirr.E. R BRAN, Hellogg's Pep or post 1 H ' =1=75= PEARS, ^d.,1 tall,,can « 'Charles I'enct son f 1'»' lice ijioTi ..j : ....11^* li'ddern ot thi>|^»rthw«s'i!4. f «• WANTE"J'B:D F -, of Chicago, was in.Juri Sun lay No. 2½ siae lihtn eoujioTJ jiittriiejtiil tulluy' M*! BAKING POWDER, K.C., 26-04 *** .YOU WANT! 1» set of (USIKIH free. CRACK 3R KRISPIES, \)b. p Um- iiiivni trnlulii^ Wutlf-H Si :;*> NT.VI'K OF lf,UIN<|»lr C< l)p your slioppli g at Wagner's AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Flour 10* j|o i|irl|e||mt«- fjMhft rwii)im| 1¾ »rs rv : OF" I.AKF. ss. Rt, "JIniilicl. iisli for rtr tnlls mill I'ccclve ROYAL sYRUP,22-oz z ihf ^4..v.r'....ii..:.„. M|i!ii iinil 'tViiliilnif tifjij'se for.ei'i! CIUCIIT COI'KT >F I.AKF, LAMbwP 11 l(^y with each L'fc piirclmsc 21* }> «fi isiMint b>ft(!^ni; fi'h* emjta VITAMONT DOG- FOOD or COINTY: A HOME STORE RUN BY H0M FbLKH JH^LP CLEANER i 10< ill' "Mr- ttnsl VB)N1NG8 'TILL ty 1*.- HfT. Tc). Durriitetoii 12R-W-2 nflcr C| |i. in. |>tifHi|ii'll gre; V " ' i •.-•*. III r Xo, deed • r'eei'irded lis hi '•?<(|ii|i:li'ii K.--|»o,m' .•HIIO-.".; CMAHI.K H F ?.U't*KN. jilKl .1110)¾ YOUNG MARRILI) MAN Wnnt* 1H jflrtWs. Mr;•„ XOTHF, Us lIMItRttY ai ION to Pretty Kite lien Aprons, made of i(va8h;able JM-.tMHirtiiy.nf,ArlfiMhiii M the saidCIIAUUI'S F. U.I>RX. I printsnrints,. •pacb «. l»nvy nhi} OlBOrffu Wliliei as Mortgagee tinder Jlorigagi reeiiird- «1 as iHicunieiit X Green and B ue, Trims, full size curtalins 'HllKtuii; T1i,.yj ^,,r,» InrcOBi ' » ws-."14. -h'nd : CAUVIX K-. .loiixijdc; that 'the '• tie back j*, per set ...... 4..;.... fW-Neiiyi KxeeiittveiXimijd . above limned Coinpla nant heretofore «tU'll,),,! eptf.rPHWML iWh" opiilin,m filed his Bill of Conipl lint .'•' -"aid Fancy Linec B^by Bonnets, eaxjh .... w: wns Court, on tht> Clinnei ry ide thea-enf. Boys' High t hereupon is- T^p Shoe<^ with packet knife ubilee S|,r"' # jp«• .-.* ^m and. rhaf. ii siitiimonji sued out of said i u rf sizes,-:11 to 2, pair . the above' named, defendinff retuim- siz&s 2 to 6» pair ... ll^frinjftOh^SfHji terni of :::::::::1 11 ' able on the first day of 'the AT to Hold;th|hI^gi|i I. the Circuit, Court o I,ake Cocinty. Neckties, hidden at the Cifurt f oufe in the city Largeeac' Assortmenh t Men's and Bois' iVap Shootjfpfo^e of Waiikesan. in saiflI jLaki' Con lit v.. b: ..'...... 1.5 on the first ^fouilny rs Barrin{ton, 111. Phone % ,|.piis «|,oot, in aniflnh|iil;Wei I. G. A. HaT raiian iHneapplei lajrrge Ijto,.2½ c f • : i ! j NOTICE OF /\P ?MVAIT !IO N 8 thick slices inj Heavy syrup, 2 cans [jT^W.trSPilink ^ |ftT!'f fro XOTICK IR'll^RFlY giveki of if he SLICED MILK-FED LEG fOftKs, , 1 11 SS "IVf ^ *¥***S'Or tt e Tiling by the unde signed -with, the Candy—All Plastic t ind100 peif-een| filled t - / \m«f H4s.-Bikte.--s / Illinois Commerce d inmissif u of, an application for n c^4ifcate Of. (J'on- mixtuh, 1 lb. jar .:....>v....:.J SHOULDERj ., -4 Verticnce and Xecessi'y Jo oierate'as Sugar, fine,granulated, 10 lbs Beet Liver IZlC VealRoast 18< il Njotor Carrier for tire triinspdrta- tioti of profierty hcfftWu Crystal Jello, all flavors, 3 pkgs. .:,....4.. l^AM/l'L WimdMme ; Ijike. Illinois- and Chieinro, Illinois, I«0% PtRE i«C-»— ' *!'.'•:• -:5.,^1:,^ and the Illinois points following; American Family Soap, 10 bar^ \.[.. FANCY SLICEl fhieago. Park • Uiito>. Palatine. t^ure Lard, 5 lbs. :...:...... ::..:4.1^.1:^. Wsiikegiin, .O.rvenwoiMK;'Lilly ' Lake. VitAt Finest Peanut Butter, 16 oz. jar, onl|y "A , ' *'l • * Fo^c Lake. Hebron. l)unde>. Niles. ard, 3 for 25C Boiled Ham 1 ISc t>)sl«l Luke. lies IMniiies. Bi^rring- Stinkist Lemons,.300.sjize, dozen HOULDER .A husky 0%-0O1I^, ^ ]h0 toii. Cary. Harvard, iVnueonda. Iting- wojo'd. Allien. Carpet tersville. Wheel- I. G. A. Con, Genuine Golden Bantam, Nd;:2 DELICIOUS DELICIOUSi ;ER nr, fn>f, NorH'ood Park, Mt." Prospect, cans, 21 for Triui 1¾ : y *^wh- to, da Fi« Iliver Grove. Uidgefi Id. Big SLICED 1) ' n 0 Folot. VoK Jobusbi rg. Li! ertyville, I. G.i A. Coifee, a blend for every lake ajndpi^is (MER |4 m , ' WV the aP Alfeonouiii. Kdison Park. Arlington BACON 19C Veal Stew .USAGE . IliiigjitS, Grays Like,- Woodstock. (I)BIeid,perlb Ij Zurich. McMiiiry, lliehmoinl. 2 lbs. f)r ! : mm* l"»*»iv . ) ('IU',• "M *«*•** tlf Elgin, Ilnlf Dnjy. RIB OR LOIN SMAL1 Informtition us to the line and (G) Bl >ndf per lb 1.. pli ce of .hearing' upoty. tliitf'nifpllcii'tio.11 mijy he secured. by .2.lbs. rqr, „ with the WecretaVv (A) Bjen^, per lb ,.. lliC Veal Chopi ZOC Pork Links 17« Si^WJh^w* Cnpinlerce Comm'iss 111 nois or (lie undersign

^. ';
