The BG News February 21, 1980

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The BG News February 21, 1980 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-21-1980 The BG News February 21, 1980 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 21, 1980" (1980). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3710. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The Q Hews Bowling 'Green 'State IJniversily | thurs- U.S. takes firm stand dav 2-21-80 on Moscow Olympics WASHINGTON (AP) -The Olympic teams in Moscow." Carter administration said yester- The White House said in a written day the United States officially will statement that, with the month Endowment boycott the Moscow Olympics this passed and the Soviet forces re- summer and that U.S. Olympic maining in Afghanistan, "the presi- left by local artist Committee officials and athletes dent has therefore advised the are expected to follow suit. United States Olympic Committee White House counsel Lloyd that his decision remains unchang- A local artist who died Cutler made it clear that the com- ed, and that we should not send a while his watercolors were on mittee, which oversees U.S. par- team to Moscow." exhibit in the McFall Center ticipation in the games, is being has left a $55,000 endowment relied on to abide by President "THE PRESIDENT thanked the to the Fine Arts Foundation of Carter's decision. committee for its earnest and the University. In Bonn, West Germany, chief patriotic efforts to present the case According to the terms of State Department spokesman Hod- for transferring, postponing or the endowment, as set by ding Carter announced the final cancelling the games, and asked it James W. Strong, who died decision as the deadline arrived for to take prompt action to formalize last March, the money will be the Soviet Union to pull its troops its acceptance of his decision," the used for awards in the form of out of Afghanistan. statement said. scholarships, books or "The United States set a deadline The statement said Carter's posi- competitive trophies. for its decision on whether to par- tion on the Olympics "has been Awarded no less than every ticipate, a decision to be contingent overwhelmingly supported by the two years, the award will be on the withdrawal of Soviet United States Congress and the given to fine arts majors who troops," Carter said, accompany- American people." have completed at least one ing Secretary of State Cyrus R. Outraged by the Soviet thrust in- quarter prior to receiving the Vance on a tour of European to Afghanistan, Carter served award, Dr. Maurice Sevigny, capitals. notice in a Jan. 20 nationally broad- dean of the School of Fine cast address that he was giving the Arts, said. "TODAY IS the day on which Soviets 30 days to withdraw or risk Strong, who recieved a that decision was going to be based. a U.S. boycott of the Olympic bachelor's degree in ar- It is clear there is no sign of a Games in Moscow this summer. chitecture from Miami Soviet withdrawal. The president University in 1943, was a life- has made clear that our decision is Thirty days passed, and the Rus- long resident of the area. His therefore irrevocable. We will not sian forces remained in father designed Crim Street participate in the Olympics in Afghanistan. The president had told School, among other local Moscow," the spokesman said. the American Legion Tuesday he buildings. In Washington, State Depart- was not giving ground-that yester- Mary Wolfe, McFall Center ment spokesman Thomas Reston days deadline would not be extend- Gallery director and a close said the boycott decision is "firm ed. friend of Strong, was and unalterable." REPORTS from Kabul, the responsible for bringing the He said, "It is a position which is capital of Afghanistan, said the artist's work to the Univer- shared by more than 50 govern- troops remained in the nation and sity. ments throughout the world and that a rumored "cosmetic" In addition to watercolors. which will be reflected, we are con- withdrawal of a limited number Strong was a specialist in vinced, by the nonparticipation by had not occurred. In Moscow, the pencil, India ink, tempra and at least that number of national casein. deadline passed without comment. Graduate student stipends Book store taking cap, gown orders will increase next year; Candidates for the March general fees also to rise 22 commencement are reminded to place their stall photo by Tim Carrig by Paul O'Donnell Ferrari said the stipend levels in order immediately for cap stall reporter isolated departments may be and gown regalia at the The closest thing to spring available lor Ireshman Dan Payne higher than in other departments, University Bookstore in the was the warm, dry environment ol the Student Recreation Center. Graduate student stipends will but he added that this is to attract Student Services Building. Frisbee fling The radio-television-film major was silhouetted against the win- increase next year but the amount students to those departments. No cash is needed at the dows ol the rec center while he flippd up a Irisbee with his leet. of the increase is undetermined, time measurements are Provost Michael P.. Ferrari told the ABOUT $2 million was allocated taken. Graduate Student Senate yester- to graduate assistantships this Graduation announcements day. year, Ferrari noted. will be on sale, also in the In order to keep the same Gerald E. Krygier, GSS Presi- University Bookstore, about number of graduate assistantships dent, said GSS will make a proposal two weeks before commence- Food coupons given grace period that the University has this year, at the April 10 Board of Trustees ment. Ferrari said, there must be an in- meeting regarding "realistic sti- by Cindy Whitaker At least five criteria will be studied during the crease in general fees. This in- pend increases." evaluation, Corbitt said. crease also is undetermined, he ad- Krygier said after the meeting A seven-day food coupon grace period will be tested The first will be the impact of the grace period on in- ded. at the University beginning March 31, according to that the proposal will center around come the University usually generates from coupon "The administration and the graduate student workloads, the inside James R. Corbitt, director of University Food Opera- book sales. Whether or not the students reduce the tions. Board of Trustees are aware of the cost of living and the lack of propor- number of coupon books they buy in the new quarter need to increase graduate student tional increases in stipends during NEWS-The city's sewer The decision resolved a long-standing proposal because they have some left from the previous quarter stipends," he said. brought to Food Services by the Resident Student the last 10 years. and flooding problems may must be taken into consideration, Corbitt said. Ferrari said several depart- " It is important that we get an in- Association. The grace period would allow students to Also important is whether the grace period will af- be eased by a new $25 use this quarter's, as well as spring quarter's, coupons ments have requested additional crease," Roy E. Finkenbine, GSS million waste plant, for fect the purchase of bulk items, such as cases of soft graduate assistantships for next vice president, said, "because if between March 31 and April 6- the first week of spring drinks, in the cafeterias, Corbitt said. Students can which construction will begin quarter. year, adding that this need must be not, we will keep falling farther and March. Page 4. spend extra coupons on such bulk items. He is afraid balanced against the need to in- farther behind." Installation of a food coupon grace period has been that some students may not purchase bulk items crease stipends. suggested in the past by students and became a project because they know that they can spend their extra of RSA in 1978, according to Rick A. Haught, Food coupons during the grace period. FERRARI ALSO reported to GSS Coupon Committee chairman for RSA. "WE'RE NOW trying to juggle that the Graduate College Dean "The time was right," Haught said. "Food opera- CORBITT said he also will look at how the grace those concerns," Ferrari said, Search Committee has narrowed weather tions seemed like they wanted to do something for the period will affect buying patterns in the Towers Inn referring to the University's outlin- the number of candidates from 50 students." and the Strawberry Patch, because students may ing of the budget for academic year to 10, adding that he expects a Mostly cloudy. High45F (7C), decide not to go to these places if they can spend their 1980-81. report from the committee regar- low 32 frOCi, 20percent THE RESULTS of the test period will be reviewed extra coupons during the grace period. Graduate student stipends ding the potential candidates and chance of precipitation. during the 30-day period following the test. A decision "A change in spending patterns may jeopardize the across-the-board are low, he said. selection process sometime this then will be made by Corbitt concerning future grace restaurants," Corbitt said. The entire structure needs to be quarter or early next quarter.
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