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The Ledger and Times, May 13, 1953

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- • • , A4 -0111_

TUESDAY, MAY 12, 19.13 A pig chain is being used Xi ReitX etail Reatitiky Csiessuafty arsraper For 11147 H'ers for ammiweiais youngsters wanting to raise iiiaan dairy hdks, t while still ubted arnorfg other 4-Hers are raising We Are Weather I eson county. beef cattle. Helping To KENTUCKY: Showers in west_arld nocth and thunder- Build Murray storms in southeast portion this afternoon. Cloudy and ARSITY cooler with showers tonight Each Day and Thursday. The low to- night will be 46 to 54.

Mlantint110/ United Press YOUR rsonasssnit soma NEwsrArrie 1114411s IN ITS 74th ESA* Murray, Ky., Wednesday Afternoon, May 13, 1953 MURRAY POPULATION - - 8,000 Vol. XXIV; No. 114 alarming stage( ,oung.,1a Nester and a • Rio E!'ELEMENTARY SCHOOL POSSIBLE HERE SKELTON ..ksitop; Will Be Located On New Site . JANE GREER Torn toes Kill At Least 92 PersonsTo Relieve Crowded Conditions TIM CONSIDINE 200 Planes Strike FRENCH TROOPS MARCH INTO LUANG PRABANG A new elementary school is in In al 'probability. Carter as id, Toll Mounts Mental Health the educational picture for Mur- a special. School election will be Top today Red Mountain 4 ray. according to a release held in the near, future. for the from Zelna Carter, Superintendent public to decide whether the school By ROBERT UDICK of City Schools. The new school tax will lat.' continued or not. Wreckage SEOUL, Korea May 13 When you give As Meeting To building would be used for the The school board has several Nearly 200 United Nations fighter- lower grades and would he placed sites tinder consideration at the bombers struck in waves today on a . site other than the present present time. Cleared Away against troop and aupply buildings Be Tonight One. The plans will be drawn, accord- • on an isolated table-top mountain The new building, financed by ing to the board, so that the school • eweme-r.;_„,„, axpanclecL4t amt.-- WACO,. Tex. May 13 (UP- Prof. T. C. Venable, chairman of six rooms and a lunch when the need arises. The Allied warplanes flew over would have The fainf screams of a woman the Mental Health Committee, of Carter -said. 'The building of the new school the target, on the coastal tidelands room,• suddenly halted heavy-machinery the Calloway County Citizen's Public Law 315. was building. will greatly allevtate the of northwest Korea, in Indian file. The law. clearance today of downtown Waco Health Committee, has announced relieve 'municipalities current crowded conditions in BOLD explosives at passed to the VA They dropped high as rescuers feared there, might be an evening meeting, open to any in defense areas. The gov- schools. - the Gift of o five to seven-second intervals. located Lifetime! some persons still alive in the interested citizen of the county ernment, through the law, would The' Murray Lions Club went on rubble left by tornadoes that kill- Col. Richard N. Ellis of Mont- to be held this evening at 7:30 p.m. aid cities whose school systems record last night as endorsing the ed at least 83. gomery,- Ala, who commanded at the Health Center. became overcrowded because of continuing of the present seta/us "Not very long, when people of defense projects. tax so that the new' school site Bulldozers tugging at the tangled the bomber formations, said the the nearness, spoke about mental illness, they increase in enrollment has could be purchased. wreckage of the Dennis furniture heavy attack was "very effective." The spoke about it in whispers." mem- leaSt 15 per cent,. and stor were stopped when two ope- to be at Flames and billowing smoke bers said. "This is not so true attributed4o clil'ease rators reported they heard screams has to be visible far south of the target to today. We talk about it more open- government projec Carter said. issuing from the rain-filled base- returning pilots prevented full as- ly because we know something can increase is dated from 1939, ment where pumps were bringing The Speakers Are sessment of the damage. be done about it. Psychiatric treat- the'beginning of many defense pro- up blood-stained water. ment, of just counselling can often The bold attack failed to lure jects. • help people whose emotional trou- said.tharsuch govern- Other rescue workers stepped Communist MIG's from their Man- Mr. Carter bles were never before censidred ment projects as TVA. the atomic Named for MSC gingerly over the mass of broken churian sanctuary. Earlier .in the -an illness-couples who can't make' at Paducah, the steam furniture, rolls of carpeting, bricks day. however, American Saberjets energy plant a go of marriage,-the children plant; and other government acti- and plaster to remove a piece at shot down two of the Russian-built with schoo4 and behavior problems; vites in this area has increased the IBON WATINTITE• PRESIDENT a time in order to prevent possible jets and damaged another. Commencement -alcholies:-men who can't local school enrollment in .exc ss rad.ion bonds dhst 21 i•w•It further injury to persons possibly Capt. Joseph McConnell of Apple :ride sw••p weeed a job:-children and adults with of 15 per cent. hoed •rpanwon band pinned below.. Valley. Calif., shot down his 11th yea.a.oiaba Cerrtal chronic physical illnesses::-de- At the present time.- over 1.000 -Dr'-- Kenneth MclartancL-one-ast $495* MIG. He .said later, "it was the $3311 The death count in the tornado linquents;-criminals." enrolled in Murray High America's foremost educators,. will easiest one 1.4;• ever rtin into." pupils are • r4. facilities now tS• l• (S. which leveled several blocks of With the provided Sch901, and even with the new be the principal speaker at OR_ tr>•6.4 re s: 6.1.•• "Lao downtown' Waco Monday afternoon at the new Health Center, Callo- building on the present site, over graduation ekercises at :Murray his soared to 83. Four of the bod- way County citizens are indicating ') 'Res Ass- _ crowded ..eonelitions still exist. State College on May - 25, Dr, desire to do Ralph H. ies have not yet been identified their interest and Laos In Frerch Indo- The newest elementary school Woods. MSC piesident. SOLDIERS OF A FRENCH BATTALION march Into Luang Prabang, capital of At least 92 persons are known Lion Slave something to improve conditions (international) building is being completed under revealed recently. China, as natives watch curiously. Supplies were parachuted to the reinforcements. NDSEY'S dead in two tornadoes w h i cal known tc exist in the courty. The the same public law that would The sertrice-s, beginning at 8 at an. a struck in Texas Monday. Nine meeting tonight is a planning meet- furnish funds for the proposed in the college auditorium will mark were killed at 'San Aneelo, 190 Sale Put Off ing to discuss the steps to be taken new building. the thirtieth commencement at miles to the west. here in this communit,..., A film Mr. Carter said that the govern- Murray State. the "Nations Mental Heall '' will Mrs. Neuma Wear, Long Time ment has offered to build, the new More thaft 200 students ara ex- Convictions ea 50 persons still are mint- t About It was decided at the regular be shown. "At least 9.000, Ame- building, and that Federal per- pected to participate in the exer- ing at Warn. Pi SC R E'S H OW ••• meeting of the Murray Lion's Club ricans-- in every 18-are today sonnel have been in Murray. alone iises. Dr. Woods will make the suffering from mental and emo- A flood threat which hung over last night, that the club's "Slave Resident Dies Here Tuesday Found In with state personnel to inspect the F:yery survey shows it .. tional disorders Mental illness is the rubble-strewn city seemed to Sale." originally planned for Fri- present facilities. every dealer know,. it- still the nation's number 1 health have abated. The Red Cross had day night, May 15, would be They both agree that the pre- America does for the - problem." said Miss Mildred King- one of the Ga.: one niece, Rocket"! evacuated 150 persons from low- postponed until a more favorable Mrs. Neuma Wear, Willis of Atlanta. sent .campus can hold no more It's among cade, Mental Health Nursing Con- and Hopkinsville the most admired lands in and around Waco as a date. outstanding women in civic Mrs. W. S. Swann of Murray; ,one buildings and that a new site sultant, State Department of Health, Murray. was niece. :Ed Diuguid automobile, anomil today - precautionary measure. The thought was expressed by church circles of grand Mrs. Jim must be obtained. • who will attend the meeting and her home at Murray. thin high-powned, members of the club that a num- claimed by death at of BOPKINSVILLE May 13 41.11')- The present campus needs the any who will assist in the discussions. Tuesday at Funerid services will be con- Super "68" for 1913-and that's , There was little hope that ber of people would be occupied 200 'North 5th Street James Hooks, former Hopkinsville remainder of the space for a play- in the pm. ducted at the First Christian a mighty profitable situation persons were still alive with graduation exercises on Fri- 12:15 policeman, went on trial in, Chriet- ground the authorities said. crumped ruins of downtown Waco. Church Thursday afternoon at 3:30 two The new building will cost ap- for every ”.itiocket- owney! day night, also that other enter- Her death followed an inness of Ian Circuit Court today after The appeargnce of the bulldozers p.m. with the Rev. Hsrrywood policemen were convicted yester- proximately $113,000 Mr. Carter It means that your Idilamoliile tainment such as the Bisbee's ten weeks during which she had powerfehovels signaled that Mrs. Miles Gray officiating. Burial will lao said and will be financed entirety and day along with a pawnbroker in will command top prier as • Comedians Feature Night, and the suffered a series of cerebral authorities had all but abandoned in the Murray cemetery with the Hopkinsville vice investiga- under the provisions of Public trade-in ... will get you lop champion boxing matches over hemorrages. She 'was 86 years of' the hope for the still-trapped victims. J. H. Cliturchill Funeral Home in Law 815. deal television, would interfere with age. tions., in 505sf, next thhonolole rubble Pad been charge of the arrangements. The people of Murray will have Previously* the the sale. Dies Today " Hooks is charged with malicious- a Auteriei. enthusiasm for the removed brick-by-brick to protect Active pallbearers will be Con- to, however, purchase the Site of The date of the sale will be The fine christian lady was an ly striking a Fort Campbell soldier. "%stet'. means- - cave-ins. Die Ford, Elliott Wear, Ralph Wear, the new school the injured from further active member of the First Christ- Buford Chilten and Phil- building. money announced at a later time, club Mrs. Melinda Miles, Gingles Wallis Officers in your pocket! age 86, ian Church and the Christian Wo- Tom MeElrath. and search crews that broke into officers said. lip Crabtree, charged with engag- The site wI cost from "..090 to This peat popularity is just one The passed away at the home of her William Whitnell. Honorary pall- to- men's Fellowship of the church. ing in a hazard, were convicted ,- erinee the water-filled basement early daughter. Mrs. Gary Myers, this bearers will be the deacons and A20.000 he said. depending cn just aifeant are of “Vrnlng an- She was alsa a member of the yesterday and fined $20 each. day sent for pumps to clear it. morning at 3:20. Her death was 'elders of the First Christian what purchase price can be ar- -014ismobille- With it. famous J. N. Williams chapter of the Earlier Bill Loftus, 33, former Mrs. Ernest JohnsOn, wife of a attributed to complications follow- Church. rived at. '"Itio ker. Engine, Power St yle • United Daughters of the Coe- pawnshop operator:, indicted on — dentist whose office was in the Basketball Short ing an extended illness, The body is at the residence, 200 ins.. Pewee Sheering*, Pedal- federacy aod the Captain Wendell 'charges of selling obscene In, 1932 the people of Murray structure, said hi 'iushand-who North 5th Street, where friends two Ea... Subject At Varsity The deceased was the wife of the Oury chapter of the Daughters of voted a 10 cents per hundred rower Brakes*. S.I Make a was injured-told her four men literature, was found guilty. A late William E. Myers who died American Revolution. may call until the funeral hour. to pay a . Dr. Joseph King Vivien date with the Irldionolide basament when the the jury sentenced him to serve six school tax bond iggille fled to the A fifteen minute basketball sho•t in 1932. She Was a member of "Rocket 88- -- Mrs Wear was the wife of the months in the County' Jail and for the city school*. The last ,bond right nowt twister appeareo. subject will be shown at the Var- the presenjations of degrees in im- Primitive Baptist Church. late H. P. Wear, well known Mur- fined him $500. a Will' be paid off in June, Mr. Cart- sity Theatre on May 14, according pressive ceremonies attended by At last count the ni mber of Mrs. Miles is survived by two ray druggist. She taught in the The trials grew ' of Investi- er said, and as prescribed in the Lancaster, manager of Fennel hundreds of relatives and friends to Frank Mrs.. •71.••• F•nr•r•• Waco injured totalled 'about 320 daughters, Mrs. Gary Myers of Murray city schools for many gations late last/year of vice coe- ballot of 1932, the .ten cents Ref' one \es. the theatre. of the graduates.. 4,.,,.,.I .• In San Angelo, lca- miles to the Murray Route 4 and Mrs. Mary years. ditions here. The antivjee chive was hundred tax will be dropp IVY unal 41 or. t" Dr. Joseph King Vivion, pastor west, 130 persons were reported The subject, "Basketball High- Darnell of Niles, Ohio; three sons, The deceased is survived by sparked by the Hopkinsville Minis- at that time. "of the Fourth Avenue Methodist the department of lights" shows a review of the big John and Jack Miles of Murray Dies Today Cham- injured, and two daughters. Mrs. Raymond Pear- terial Association and 'the If thepeople at Murra) will Vote Church in Louisville. Kentucky, public safety said two were not panes in the past season. Route 5 and Noah Miles of Ger- son of Jacksonville, Fla, and Mrs.. ber of Commerce after a federal to continue tnts small tax, the will speak at the bacca laureate expected to live. Included are the NIT games and Mantown, N. C; one sister, Mrs. Paul Willis of Atlanta. Oa one grand jury at Paducah returned a Mrs. Mary Ellender Fennel died site for the new school building services on Sunday. May 24. at the NCAA finals in Kansas City. Mellisa Walthrope of Midland, broth'er. Rudy Oury of Murray: report condemning lawless condi- • Rescue work continued through this momma at her home on Almo can be purchas&el in a manner 3 p.m. also in the college auditor- The short subject ends with the Texas; two brothers. Scudder Vaal- one grandson, Hugh Stephen Pear- tions. the night. Even though power had Route 1. Her death followed a that will not increase present ium. Harlem Globetrotters playing the loway of Almo and Asher Galloway son who graduates from - Special Judge Lawrence S. Grau- not been fully restored, portable Georgia lengthy illness due to complicit, taxation. The ten cent tax can be Dr. McFarland is educational con- scree al. College All-Americans. of Makinn, Tenn ; 17 grandchildren; Tech, Atlanta, Ga., this Tfear; one man was appointed by the Court searchlights made the ions. merely continued for from' one sultant and lecturer for General Teams playing in the "Basketball 12 great grandchildren. of most as bright as day. • granddaughter. Miss Dorothy Oury The deceased' was 82 years of. of Appeals to preside, at trials Highlights" are St John vs St. to three years Motors, guest lecturer for the Colfax-the 2Ist Funeral services will be con- age and a 32 persons indicted on 17 charge, The twister at Georgetown; member of the Owens -- "Reader's Digest" and educational Louis: Louisville vs_ ducted at the Sinking growing out of the investigations. to batter the nal;en sine.. last Springs Chapel Baptist Church. director for the American Truck- Duquesne vs. Western Reserve; Trials of eight others will he Saturday-killed Nelly King, an Baptist Church Thursday afternoon Wet Weather Slows Mrs. Fennel is survived by her ing Tulsa vs. Duquesne: Seton Hall Association. sa elderly Negro woman, and injured el 2 o'clock with Bro. Paul Poyner husband. Ca arlie Fennel; 'Iwo tried. during the 30-day,spacial term Niagara:: Duquesne Vs. Man- Planting Of Fields George Marz A native Kansan, the commence- * 200 per- vs. and Bro. Ralph McConnell, officiat• daughters. Mrs. of court. Monday. City Safety three oth•rx. More than John; Fleta Dotson 'and ment speaker holds his bocturate hattan; Seton Hall vs. St. Mg. Burial will be Commissioner Joe Davis will be sons had been attending a church in the church 'LOUISVILLE May 13 il7Pt-The Mrs. Dora Holland of Madison, from Leland Stanford Univers:ty • Kansas vs. Indiana and East vs. a charge of meeting a few minutes before the cemetery with the Max H. Church- Tenn.; one son. Alfred Fennel of tried on misfeasance West. U. S. Weather Bureau and the of California, his Master's from meeting broke ill Funeral in charge of the ar- efesadersonville, Tenn.; fl grand- in office: . _ Funeral Today twister , but the Bureau of Agricultural Economics Columbia UniVersity and his Bach- rangements. Judge Grauman fined a prospfc- up and only about 30 were in the reported today that wet weather childreh7=2 great- grandchildren.' elor:s Irotti Pittsburgh IKaneasi FIVE YEAR OLD NOT tive petit juryman $10 for failing building at the. time. The body will be at tn funeral is keeping Funeral services will be held State College, EXCITED OVER FIND many Kentucky farm- to anstiver a itiry-duty summons, Funeral seryices for George M. The Louisiana , tornado went on home until the hour of service. ers out of their at the Owens Chapel Church Dr. McFarland was a school ad- fields. and also ordered the extradition Mara were held today at 2 o'clock to hit Dry Pron. La.. where it The weekly report said that. Thursday afternoon at 3 .s-lock at ministrator for 24 years, The Mc- LA HONDA, Calif May 13 (UP) from Illinois of one. of the 12 ac- the Ledbetter Baptist Church destroyed several buildings. No "Except for the .fact that some and burial will be in theWades. with Farland Trade %shoot -Five-year old Jimmy Bill ap- cused persons who failed to appear the Rev J. H. 'Tahurman of- CofftceY- Injuries were reported at Dry northern and born Cemetery. In' charge of ar; ville. Kansas was designee., by him parently saw little cause for ex- central counties had when his case was called. ficiating Pron. Examination For land dry enough to rangements is the 1-inn Funeral and named in his honor. A per- citement when he was brought home work, farmers Hulan Stamps, of Crofton, was . Waco Mayor Ralph Wolf said over the reat of the state wera Home of Benton where the body Mr. MaYz who was 63 years of sonnel expert, he is in great de- after being lost in the mountains Health Educator fined $10 fiir failing to answer tlje rescue work will continue on an will be until the hour of.svrvice. age passed away in a St Louis. mand as a speaker and for 24 hours. He was found by a compelled to stay out of fields be- jury summons. his full around-the-clock basis. Only a To Be Given Here' cause of heavy soil conditions and ,Mo., hospital Monday. His death schedule _preps him to fly Much 300-man search party using blood- • Grauman ordered- a $3.100 bond small part of the wreckage-which frequent showers." EVERYBODY I,OST was a cerebral hemnr- oT the tiMe to keep his enenge- hounds, an amphibian plane and forfeited and, bench warrant issued includes the remains of a six-story On Thursday, June 18. 1953. at A year ago at this time, MIAMI. Fla. May 13 It:Pi-Med- rhage following an illness of nine ments. a helicopter. four- for J. B. Duke, who faces charges furniture • store. the Joy Ther.ter 900 a.m, an examination will be fifths of the state was short of ley Speedway staged a stven-cal• days Or. Vivion Is a native of Stss When reunited with his grateful of permitting a house te be used and many smaller buildings-hal held at Calloway County Health soil moisture, but now about the stock race Tuesday night but none soma. He received hisA.B. degree parents young Jimmy looked at for prostitution and administering The deceased was a member of been cleared away. Department in Murray for the posi- same percentage reports en' ex- of the automobiles crossed the from Drury College in Spsingfie'd, his father in surprise and asked: narcotics. Washington andge Facet M No 9 Damage in Waco was estimated ition of Health Educitor I in the cess of /ragtime. the report stated. finish line Missouri, his M A. and B.D. from "How corn you're home today?" The judge said he would ask Gov. Khights Templar. •Shriners, and at from $10.000,090\ to $25,000000. Calloway County Health' Depart- Most tobacco On the final lap all seven cars Southern Methodist University plants are now Lawrence Wetherby to move tor Moolah Nu, 16 He was and est'imated ranged ment. an L.L D. from il The Red , Cross about three inches tall, some more smashed together. the extradition of of World War I.* both Ce ntenat y I Duke sit it can MOBILE up to 15,000.000. Persons interested in taking this thin that in smithern Kentucky. College of Louisiana and Kentucky DIALER be established that the defendant Weary saillinteers at Waco were examination can obtain further There hew been no SCHOOL DAYS Survivors include h" Wesleyan. . Announcement reports as yet is trifling with the court." wife, Mrs. joined by National Guardsmen. Air details and application blanks from of any setting Conditions haee Sadie Holland Mars of The baccalaureate speaker, is JAI.. N. M. May 13 (UPI-State Only one arr two - witnesses in the St. Louis, Force and Army units, naval re- The last quarterly conference the Calloway County Health De- been favorable for good pasture Mo his 'daughter. Mrs. Phi Beta Kapp?, has been presi- LLES police reported today tnit on a eaFe against Chilton 'and Crabtree Louise highway patrolmen for the conference year will be partment, or by writing to the growth- and BninkMan of St dent. Of Southwestern servists and hay crops. Some less traffic -sign reading "School Zone appeared in , court. Louisa Mo. . University Church Merit He was Bud of Army engineers helped in the de- held at the First Methodist System Office, Kentucky pedeza was damaged by frost. --Don't Kill A Child" they found Georgetown, Texas.. He has who testified he engars.el Burial wa* in the the molition of some of the buildings tonight, The Rev. W S. Evans, State Department of Health. 620 Rainfall in the past week varied the following notaition in in Ledbettar served as pastor in a number of a ehrld- a dice game in which both cemetery with so badly damaged they cotilud not dfatrict superintendent, v.:111 pre- South Third Street, Louisville 2, from 2.32 inches at 'ish the Max H. Church- churches in Texas and held Corbin_ to only scrawi: • policemen participated: Both the side for his official visit. Ky, .10 inch de- ill, Funeral Home in charge of the pastorate ot MrKendree be allowed to stand. at Shelbyville. "Wait for a • Methodist ITY-TISTID teacher" nied' the witriesies' testimony., aA'angements. USID CARS —"-" Church in Nashville, Tenn. • • ' 410 4.

• a, as "seanwaiseiteate..... ante's-was, - •

5a. •




.• ( PAGE TWO THE LEDGER & TIMES,' MURRAY, KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1953' TIIE LEDGER & TIMES Leagues Cut TODAY'S SPORTS PARADE Charles Wants .•I'Ecistik.. BY LEDGER a TI5IFS PUBLISHING comrAxi, Use. opecisichition of 'MI Murray Ledger Ilse CalloWay Fames. and MI By OSCAR FRALEY the Browns and one - hitters uylAnother Try Milers-Herald. Octroer 20 1928. and the West Kentuckian. Jimmie, pony,Rosters For. United Preis Sports Writer Billy Pierce ef the Chicago White Lieveland , It, 10112 . _ Sox. Bob Lemon of the, • NEW YORK May 13 1U131- Indians and Bob Porterplield of JAMES C WILLIAMS. PUBLISHER Deadline Since Mickey Mantle blasted .his the' Washington Senators. _ 562-foot home , a debate has After an identical number of • fie reserve .the right to reject any Advertising. Letters to the &Otos. raged in the major leagues over games last season. tliere hadn't sr Public voice items v. rue.b in our option are not for the NEW YORK May 13 (UP)- whether the ball is livelier, but you a no-hitter or a one-hitter TOLEDO, 0. May 13 (UP)- best interest Ii been et our readers Walking papers for 18 players al- caul prove it today by the recorded. Ezzard Charles cried -for the nest ______teddy were in the null- today and • , There also is an •inerease:, in crack at the heavyweight crown he unce held today following his THE KENTUCKY PRESS ASsOCIATION 1 11 by midnight tonight they will have Maybe the ball has hurry nick- usually scarce two - hitters. This • NATIONAL REPRE.SENTATIVI WALLACE WITMER been instructed to "clean cut your rabbit" in it, as claimed. Yet the season there have been eight in a unanimous decision over a game CO. IMO JOI1V C-4110 •.• 111/ Has Decision locker" as the big league clubs Billy Gilliam in a 10 rounder. ,litionroe. klempt--s. Tenn.; 230 Part Ave. New York. 307 N Michigan e . good - are landing it well total of 199 major league gatnes. Charles indicated before aware.Chicago, 69 Holyston St.. Boston juggle their rosters to meet the to their liking. For that many contests in 19542 the fight here Tuesday night that if he gut -.- - 25-man deadline. There's-56nd pfoot avanable in there were only five. Tk by Gilliam, he would demand Late:red at Use Post Office, Murray Keniocky, far transmission as o Ma e On Crop the increasing number of low hit Three-hitter over that distance a' The Washington Senators got a bout with the winner of the Second Class Matter , games being hurled this semen have jumpedd from eight.hist sea- Rocky big jump Tuesday when they sold Marciano-Jersey Joe compared with 1952. soh to 12 this year; four-hitters Walcott fight .11.213SCRIPTION RAILS. . Bs t ARL 1.11NI)lt InT , ."pf1eitorns Orman; has a staff ot infielder Floyd Baker to the Red tot be held Friday at Chicago. Iy Carrier in Murray, per week 15e. per At this t up_g_Aa_st_Kiss oluk _there are up from 13 to 14 and five --Hatted--Pre - ripens Writer-i,:eners•rs-eisat-nreloeses-Mee-seeiseeie..-Seix. porter q•a•dy. waT LIT8 cotin-it per. year, saLso. else' had been 54 games of five hits or 'Titters v;-17-ic-r-easZ fri7m 28 to Glirrnrn Vntlae4-01ehri:61-6145- • NEW NORK May 13 'CM-Jolty ' 4-0. Johnny Antoneli 2-1. Warren the White Sox and optioned pitcher sition for the former mere. j5.39 less recorded. In the Lime number 35. , champ at Chilly Grimm says it is a "ntee: Spahn 2-1, Jim Wilson 1-0. abri Dean Stone to Chattanooga - the Toledo Sports Arena _ of gaines there have been 74 thts The American League 's ahead as the a peo-blern" -like decitimg which i Vern Bickford 0-2. but a 1:011111b- Orange, N. J., EDNESDAY. MAY 13, 1953 That brought them down to the year. • of the National in low Rt. five- younster steadily b,ank to gl.gAssat a malice; donors , tend tough pitcher despite' a slow build up points pre-scribed 25•playee limit but they The added pitching edge includes or-under efforts, with 40 such per- in the hist half in-but th-Ph. boss of Milwaukee's I start. All that and Lew Burdette, of the fight. bought southpaw Johnny Schmitz a nu-hitter by Bobo Holluman of formances 1. compared to 33, but Braves had to figure out today 1 who is acknowledged to be one of From from- the Yankees Tuesday night may be accounted Tor by -the there on, Charles seemed how to make room for seven goeld the league's best relief men. to find himself Rookie Class Of and now must still reduce their fact that the Junior circuit has as the two heavy- 1953 Has - starting pitchers weights battled to a standstill 1 Buhl wasn't the only star hurler roster by one man. played more 'games to date. The in Suddenly he came up v.atts. -two the lifth, matching puhch Tuesday night. :Whitey Ford, an- Major League count is 90 games against 79. fed. new ones. rookies Bob Buhl and By selling pitcher Roger Bow- punch. In the sixth, Charles More Prize Pupils other ex-GI just me•ssisi a no-hitter As could be extsacted with their caught Since War Don -1.addle. who qualthed senaa- man ' to Pittsburgh and askins his younger opponent with a num- when Early Wynn. his cpposing bag three of Robin Roberts. Curt Lunette hy_pitching two-hitters in wingers on pitchers _Meg Lanier ber of good lefts and rights pitcher, topped a slew miler down Simmons and Karl Drew's. the to the • • their first major leagea starts.' and George Spencer for the pur- Standings body, and the- 'following round, • •.1 .. 13 .171.t . i e.on. but tatW thought he could the third base side in the sixth Phillies have shown the strongest Buhl „patched an -1 rriAmph over , pose of releasing them, the Now Charles shifted to Wiliam's head. '5 ii hat for if high aver,tge. Yet; "he's nailing as the Yankees drubbed pile:hint in either league with the Giants Tuesday night after' York Giants cleared the way to Charles, weighing 18959 hon-us. up there set-.349. with three homers Cavelanch 7-0. Ford just missed nine low hit efturts. to Gil- Don Licidte pitched a 4-1 victory meet • tonight's deadline. liam's 310":, connected a and 11 runs batted in. fielding Wynn's ball, but lt was a with a in the second game of a The Cards are second in the short right to the jaw in the tenth, • we- Rip Repolske of the Cnids was ligitimate hit, since he had tt beat- In addition to acquiring Con. Philadelphia 14. 7 .667 Na- sweep Subd ay. tional League With sending Gilliam tio-,the canvas. Ile regarded strictly a "good-field. no- . en when Gil Mr- suegra from the Senators, the Brooklyn 14 9 tido seven such Buhl, the e.x-GI from Saginaw. low hitters, followed by the. Chi- took the mandatory eight count hat- outfielder ...when he came t'n Dougald gloved the ball. Iry Noren White Sox also bought cuttielder Milwaukee 12 7 .632 - eicies Mick, who pitched for Grimm cago Cubs with six, and weathered the storm. •1, e season. be.t he's--been ...waiting hit a two-rub homer Zed Mickey Allie Clark from the Athletics, St. Louis 10 9 .526 Milwaukee ,, ,,,„ 145 14,, alien he managed Dallas in 1950. with four, the Giants with three, Mantle a twetrun triple as the Yan- thereby putting themselves .two New York 10 '13 .435 ,.„ .. Hay _h. had a one-hit shutout until and the Dodgers .. he kees attain 'humiliated their so- men over the 25-man limit. Pittsburgh, 9 13 409 and Pittsburgh House ., ..„ „,. .„ a ..i...44.64, tired in the ninth and with two each, while Remodeling yekded a f...los-est contenders ;Jul _ _Chicago. • .7 12 .364. Ci Irma 'on Heibby Thounpson's pitchers are I rk. homers. 13 RBI's double. picked tip this thud straight vic- Despite their aiSv,sal ot Schmitz, Cincinnati 5 12 .294 finding the going Visitis .ns..-not • tory. , the Yankees, who will be permitted real tough. They haven't posted 1'- AMERICAN 14F.AGUE Mr. and MI S. Otis • slucging Braves gave Buhl i‘init to carry 27 men because 'Whitey game in which they allowed Read if Hart lii National county showed several improve- pin Bruton ,of the support.. Del Crandall and Johnny League games, Ford and rookie outfielder Art New 'York less than six hits. 16 7 .696 ments made _r___11...sees, with a 31,_.[.. 4e, and i Logan Coldetitga three apiece. The the Phils took first plate by de-i Schutt are returning servicemer. the past few months Cleveland 13 8 .618 The - con*) b-serran Jun..: 1 Braves, by warining their third featang the Cardinals, 6-S. ..:nd Chi- still have to Chicago White Sox and when members of the Farm and • 'i.aleart of par three more play- Chicago 18 10 .615 cago topped Brooklyn 6-4 in 11 in- Washington Senators I.-ad the. Home Development .progrim met ' e Dodgers. at; :WS Aie t. d fog in a row now are only half a eis. Among those likely to go are. Boston 11 11 .500 nings The Pirates were 'toned out American League with seven low at their home. : e utiacI"i- ,b-sigue 4ase - stealmg; game behind Brooklyn and a. game infielders Frank Verdi. Jim Bride- Washington 12 13 `.480 hit games each: Km Read explained . eci..rehip with six each Each lois i behind. the first-place Plots. . o fa 5-1 three ennuis Intr"aT Vln- weser and southeaster Bob eery. St. that remodel- Louis 1,1 12 .474 ink included "oet. outstanding in the. taeld. too Now, along with his two. -pew cut, In other American Lesguit Dom DiMagglo's decision to quit • the reine;val of a Philadelphia • 10 II H7 The Athletics -end .the Browns fireplace s. esctsteap Harety Kuehn. One of • games Wishing-tun topped Detroit, baseball left the from the''living room and Red Sex three Detroit " 6 20 .231 each have had six such low-hit - e fi•w bright lights th.• 10-1. Chicago edged Boston. 8-7 in over the player limit a chimney horn the. kitchen, chang- .1 Tegers'l while the Pi- games: the Red Sox and IndianS : ie. i 10 inuings„ and St. Louis beat rates. Yesterdays Results ing the,..- location of the kitchen sold ...use. tops to. majors NIAJOR LEAGUE Athletics and Browns each each five; Detroit three dud, Philadelphia 7-3. -sur- door. iniTalling running water and win 35 arid ha- a al! mart. remained two men over --the limit. NATIONAL LEAGUS prisingly enough, LEADERS the Yankees only a sink. This year's Brooklyn, one man over, report- one. plans also in- It. ha- a,Bifiri The Phials made use runs in the clude changing o:rif f edly was on the verge of making Chicago 6, Brooklyn 4. 0 inin2s. the farm entrancs • tn.- plane .11 AMERICAN LEAGUE ninth. one on a bases-loaded walk, and improving et among.' a deal with the Chico Cubs, who Philadelphia 6, St. Louis 5 the lawn. : • tk.• e. f es. it ith Player and Club G AS ft It Pet, two on an error by pitcher Stu -Other changes already ane withing the limit. The Milwaukee . 8, Newt York 1 to be made were • -1..•t, Kell. Boston__ 241 80 18 32 400 Miller,- and two on a double by also -outlined, Dodgers are interested in added Pittsburgh-Cincinnati, ppd. rain. Buy Plants Locally 5.ead Miss Martha • Suder. Phila.__ 14 32 7 .19 .363 Rutile Ashburn to cushecen Jam Jane • a tteerutter pAlctiing strength and Joule's. University i f Ken- Rosen, Cleve. 21_ 73 12 25 .342 Roinsiouy to his third ,the. Cubs victory. have their eyes on AIIIIRICEM 6 LEAGUE -4susissi• biome -delabeaeltadagd..glaril• ilKonstanty and Kati Draws yielded . in- 4.•filadlo' meld r plants brought W.thi J 3-2 rec:44.. at fielder Bobby Morgan. On a tour male of the hirm,'Mr NATIONAL LEACCE four Cardinal runs in the' In from the South may carry •he Wh bottom The reds, St. Louis 7, Philadelphia 9 dis- Read explained his ereitspdeg plan, of with one player too ease, warns Dr. H. el leer and Club G AB It II Pal the ninth, thief: On homers by Washington 10, Detroit 1 A. Chaoirian of livestock program aired general many, -were expected to cut loose the farm 3-4 .395 Steve Bilk° and Sully Hemus, but New York 7, Cleveland Chit ersitv of Kentucky. Hotne- outlay. one of their catchers. The St. 0 .377 Andy Hansen ektinguished the fire. Louis grovm plants are the beck he says. Cardinals also Chicago 9, Boston 7, 14 innings. Al I At31'..'re;;. PiUs. ' will be forced to Plants grown by ... .373 Willie. Jones hit a Phi:I:ie.-Miner. local cornmercial Hazard, Ky., was name.1- by Ken- reduce their roster by one player. Today. Games producers at: us -illy satAactory tuckiaris who had Served IN Fundy a two-run,Ilth inning In addition to the Giatits and under ' Item. RUM: Campone Ilia. Dod- NATIONAL LE WEB because me *sures'have been taken Oliver Hazard homer Cubs. the Phillies. Braves. Indians Perry in the Battle ge.: s 10: Mathews. Braves 6. Jones. g5Ne toe :Cubs an uphill vie-, to prevent root knot .• d other of and Tigers all Lake Erie. during the War of I s: • Ennis. 'mai., 3. Sni- tory as Rey Campanella earlier were at the limit New York at Milwaukee K..islo or below it. 1813, SHE S A CHAMP GUERNSEY der. Dodgers 5. Kluszewski. Redi doubled in two .tallies for Brook- 10-21 vs. Antonelli (9-1). . 5: Bell, Reds 5. Mantle. Yankee's lyn -to' bring his amazing runs bat- Pittsburgh at Cincinnati - Pet- during the 1850's, tit II-1 Judson 40.0i, - ' 5; Wertz Browns 5. Geriert, Red ted in lead to 40. the 4.7hited s. States offered Spx 5 Washan/ton made- 15 hits_ includ- Spain A100,060.000 Brooklyn at Chicago - Podres for the island of Cuba 10-21 a Iten• Batted In: Cat'.' p-mull a, ing for by Wayne Terwilliger and :- -S.' Hacker 4.1.41. philadelphia at . • Tigers 22: En- three by Pete Runnels in its fifth St Louis - Roberts straight victory. a fix-flitter fin Bobo litilleeman, she NA diet lor • 44-21 vs. Madrid( 43-21. Run Mat... Yankees 24: Mm- second ste-ight rchhitte. ainunst AMERICAN LEAGUE oso. x 24, Snider. Dod- Checago fought uphill to be it the As, had nothing but trouble a • - Beton on Ferris Fain's two-run as he gave up three hits, three Chicago at Boston - Dobson Ifni.: Kn...., Tn.., r. 37- Camps' double an the 10th after Geor re. walks. and two Puns bet'ee goiter (3-2, vs. Grissom 1-2.. , - 34. Ath- Kell tied it up with a two-run out with a blistered finger in the Cleveland at New York - Gar- homer for the Red Sox in the ninth. second. But Don Larsen patched cia (2-10 vs. Loped. 12-04. 4 hing Pa::a II Red Sox 4-0: Al Carrasquel earlier hit a grand five-hit relief ball to gain the vic- St. 1.ouis at Philade.lphj• - Ron, :,t , • 4-0. Ewa. Van- slam homer for Chicago ..nd [hit tory over As :ate. Hobby Shantz. tette i1-1 vs Kt liner 14-21. ' ke.• D.q-l-e-rs 3-0;'Geroert and Ted Lepcin Lowered I Les Moss hit ma homer and :double Dc-trout at Washington - New- ; Stoat I. 3-0 for -Lipstein in the bat Isa,t in the, 14-hit Brownie attack. house'. 40,01 vs. Ekes 0-01. - - -

Regalia Story YES! We are headquarters for Genuine Ford QUEEN ELIZABETH'S CORONATION A-1 USED CARS K t..'-ss 1.:•16.•, e•arip Dairy Herd and TRUCKS • r ; r41," a 1 404111 v record of Cis il. it ins' oil! use t‘ei Ainipota Sr.1 : it tn., it rhe, champ. an d the Spoon tea an.,t the new tar r: at. t I ti., with William green.. The "Ampules is a golden - in• a toy • lessGn apt,. from %%Row beak the are h- -r it of Ni Albans hop will pour the oil into the 1950 Custom Ford Tudor . . . $1111.00 in Farmers association's r gilt spoon. from se loch ha Light gmen, heatei, radio. I •t•13 Ky. License, eteiterssationots dip for the anomling The twee then is tonth the Gohlen 1951 Deluxe Ford Tudor $1212.00 Spots. symbol of chivalry Jvt 19;13 Ry, - IMMEDIATE lad ore she is i•ro•A net, Eliv,- DELIVERY beth must go through still another 1949 Custom Ford ny -- the Delivery ef the Fordor . $888.00 The New. Wonderful! n. hailio Insignia. In brier. she wall rec. le. and heat. KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER tho Or), the Ring. the Scepter • v ith Cress and the 'Scepter wail 1946 Ford Super Deluxe Ford . . $555.00 AU Attachments Including Floor Polisher Tudor, rad. and to_at. 1953 Ky. ticense. • Tt.c forts originally matec f. Good Trade-in Easy Terms cinerles,tL 1S7/11 6-i6h h taall"of pu,. 1941 ForstTudor surmounted hy • r ros. so • Radio and heat. Needs paint. 1953 -Ky.$ Cail Clifton Campbell, Representative LC, diamonds. peal Is a apt.hir• 212ic2.enre.' an em. tell- The hand aril 1950 Ford /1 z Ton Pickup o are se.1-vettfr- hirfre - redires . $888.00 •:;.hitere an.1 emeralds sorround- • - 1952 Ford Ton Pickup .... $1212.00 . a .new one is ma Drix en only 14.W min s. tics% truck guaranty... .. v .11 i-mit vintoolise 1948 Ford the citl, en's veddiiii; 2 Ton with Flat Bed . $777.00 the (.41111, t radiation( hair Sy111144 po•Aer ant (IAN V; NOTICE .1,:•a i«, Remember, MURRAY MOTORS 11TION • : a gives a Brit,-ti th, epte r with Cross cont•ins I. the ritual written out- the ;zest .01 diamond in esist- guarantee with all post war cars The following Baither Shops ' LI:4S, of Mur- of Kir.g. ..-nr ,., thenl#0,-carli Great Star 1 h and trucks. , t .1 -Africa The Scepter cc ith Dov• 1..1, r lb ga..: ray will close on THURSDAY afternoon 1.e.a;l: --r1 equity end mercy. i- the literalY Come in and ask bt. ro a 1,:nger than tle John Farmer, Wilson • r v during the Summer months instead of on ' ha, ter s'.il h ;Cress are! is stir- Stiles \S in Q's Lliiirbe or Bill Solomon about it. lb II be- reei'inte -1 tly a gold- n orb,Vi ti lt, re...mare h. q rec.% tie- 1 ar-i a o Tole Ampulla and Spoon Wedensday afternoon, beginning THURS- doTe c' ith ant :;t e hitr, 11 since the ;...1.1.n 1 ft il. eyes and beak. Mate, regarded as t it Croon of Stale of liValiarri the Con. the val. YOU CAN BUY WITH t':ottas of the eoronatieln comes. ,iiable CONFIDENCE DAY, MAY 14: It teas -toe., will group of Jewels in exi...tence. He are hhishop places the Startling AT j-r• s. .1 moles eienigh is the fact that MURRAY 'MOTORS, Inc., Edo-aril the Cor.• it contains' 2.7,53 , -,sot hyon th's heath thi pearls, 17'- ,ambit-es. 11 erheialii DUNN & SPANN BARBER SHOP- 1. it for- in her reign she v all and five rubies. More importur Because we sell oply the BESI' and ' 1. • •• ar Tro, gm -at golden e mean, these gems include such sure: o 'hi- g 1.1(41.• than five pounds. stones as these: the Black junk the rest. MURRA1 BARBER SHOP tod v ith tore raids, sap- Prince's Ruby. presented to the -a :Nor A«, pearls and other Black Prince in 167 and worn by stone, It • nry V a t. thelle b cef A ii1TE WAY BARBER SHOP V gin- a f.'s. thirTes. the remit 1415: the huge MURRAY • S. • Sitsu..- I .. in Second MOTORS e• 7 , h .}."01-4, stay A f r1( a diamond 'and the • arid far: I DUNN'S BARBER SHOP • fl-1 ..e.rphere tria., Pi. oily of t },;41. tie in lh 190b Maly . the. the Cor,lessor. Irene% est onia•-.1 Spurt. and Phone 170 - -0 the CIOVIA 4. to., /Uteri ... • 1

- etas • ;-= - • -

V it • • , • • it, 'se • 4.


p. 4

( It• WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1953 WEDNESDAY. MAY13, 1958 T/1E LEDGER & TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY E !Charles Wants PAGE THREE OUR WANT ADS Weather WIFE VISn ESCAPEE IN JAIL Another Try USE „..1,.! 1;111111H 11111 1111 Ifl 91 0 vo 0101 lbw olot 00111,,iiotlit ..,0140141‘ 111111\1s nth Bureaus Are /est SLIGHTLY USED -- 1311T YOU for- FOR can't tell it. Dinette take the Blue Ribbon ter -` At Tittle 7 SALE I Suite, 5 lawn ght piece FOR RENT care - Priceel r of set with extension table. Female Help Wantedi to sell. Economy ght $59.95. Hardware dr Cut In Riley's Supply, Number No. adn't FOR SALE ONE LARGE LOT. ON 2 Store, 105 11127c In FURNISHED - utter TOLEDO, 0. May 13 (UP)- North 16th N. 3rd Street, phone 1672. M13c APARTMEN - 3 — Street. 90 feet by FEMALE HELP WANTED - NICE THERE IS Charles, cried for routs**, Utak:- NOW A S1 Bi EA WASHINGTON Eszard the next MO feet, worth the electrically- - etIthP' position open SUPS-Met' money. Call NEW as secretar-Y-book- Sev. ing Machine crack the heavyweight crown FOUR DRAWER WALNUT ped, ifrivate• Representative th'er Bureau is getting e in at 1226 or see Fred entrance. Close in keeper. Reply by ready to mewl McClure. li.11,5p finish, chest letter, stating Living in Murray. he once held today following his of drawers. Water- Adults. Call 131-W For Salem shut up shim at perhaps as This after 5 pan. full qualifications. Box 310, many fall top. $29.95. Just Blur- Service and Repair, contact unanimous decision oval. a game FOR SALE - GARAGE APART- the thing 706 Olive tfc Boyd as 100 of its 360 U. S. stations- ,. ray. Linn, fur that odd corner. Itiley's No, 201 South litteenth, Phone if sines. Billy Gilliam in a 10 rounder. MENT on North 14th Street, money cuts Veded by the House 2 Store, 105 N. 3rd Street, phone 1592-J. Ire 195a1 Charles indicated before the fight between Wells Boulevard and go through. Olive, 1672. M13c here Tuesday night that if he gut one-half cosh, balance Lost and Found NOTICE It already had planned to close by Gilliam, he would demand a' easy. Phone 1226 or set: Fred 36 "stations of lowest tance MODERN GOLDTONE 2-PIECE ••••••mr priority" and McClure. Armed Forces Day bout with the winner of the Rocky M15p Lire 150 persons. That was the re- sea- living room suite. Couch makes LOST - PROBABLY AROUND I HAVE A 100 YARD PLANTBED Marcianu-Jersey Mery Joe Walcott fight a real t'ust Planned At sult of a $735,000 cut by tha Eisen- FOR SALE -- NICE comfortable bed. $189.95 Office, key ring containing ready for setting-Medue tobacco, to be held Friday at Chicago. TOMATO heiwer_adeniniatratisai_iw five , 7 keys.Uwar4. dark airul_aferae setantes -bee- ilk- Ls • %Yr Maras, VW A lso- 4.1.0egia. Wu/a - soom offer-ed. Ca41 860 fired. Ernest- Lassiter; Fort "7-artillfir-preleTffea -Plenty, ori po suite Canaybell. ther Bureau budget propoSed by N. 8th Street. $19.95. Riley's No. 2 Store, or-226-.1. 14414c Murray Routh 4, Harris Grove t s it ion for former le the champ at 105 -No. 3rd former President Trumaa. Street, phone 167a. Exchange 1.113p FORT CAMPBELL. Ky. - the Toledo Sports Arena as the Come Last Mead PHILCO REF relLiEltATOlt Friday the House Approprl• M13c Sunday, May 17, Armed Forces Orange, N. J.. younstee steadily and ations Committee voted an addi- five- electric range. Both in good NOTICE - FOR REPAIRS ON Day 1953 at Fort build WANTED Campbell, and per- up points in the teat half condition. Can FOR SALE NEW KIRBY motors, tional cut of $2.000,000 end the be seen at Air- VACUJM lawn motors, etc., call all paths will converge alonea of the fight. , lligh- House but lene Gin Co. CLEANERS. Immediate delivery. Loyd Beane, 1215-4 way approved it Tuesday. 11114c or see at 41-A north, arid south to this From there on, Charles seemed All WANTED TO BUY -UPRIGHT If that cut stands, a bureau y the attachments. Excelient floor 1109 Vine. 1114e Kentucky-Tennessee FOR piano. Phone airborne post to find himself as the two heavy- SALE-SLAB D1OOR. PAINT- polisher. Easy 821-W. M13c spokesmanaald in reply to :1 query, has Terms. Good trade- and the special Miliary ED with Police es- weights battled to a standstill 111 white enatiel. 52 inches in on your old BETTER MEALS FOR it will mean a further staff reduc- The vacuum cleaner. LESS WITH cort stationed at all gates Wide and 6'6" of entry. '9. tbs liftla matching pu h for high. Complete with Call Clifton Campbell, a Norge Home Freezer. Choose tion of 450 pereons and the closing, represen- Then on to the Marway, index punch. In the sixth. Charles caught hardware. 297 South 13th, phone tative, the size altogether, of "as many as 100 their South 13th St. Phohe "just right" for your to tine celebration. 1103. stations." his younger opponent with a num- 111114ne 1564-Ma a family, whether it be a Curt . Jac Lists Stage Reds new Bigger and better than ever will ber of good lefts and rights to the upright or chest model. We be The number of additienal clos- the sell this year's military hippodrome. body, ings isn't certain because, and the following round, a complete- line of frozen loon Information the Ingest booths will .be staff- ! state Charles shifted to Gilliam's head. Answer be Yesterday's Puzzle containers. spokesman said, "we just haven't Economy Hardware. ed to assist visitors in their CIVIC LEADER Frank Raboskt, 49, wbose rear name Is • some with CROSSWORD PUZZLE, choice been Cornelius Pytsch, Charles, weighing 1894.1 to Gil. of able to gear our planning to M21c particular dernonstIcations is visited in taa cell in Chicago by his wife and the Rev. Milan Swaako hums ACROSS 3(-Blemlelsed or any such disastrous 2104, 4.-onnected wrth the blow as that." after his 3k7-C,tuarr• complete post-wide tour. And arrest as an escapee and parole violator He is wanted In short right to the jaw in the THE SKY IS THE - The $2,000,000 new cut, he addel, ready tenth. 1-Kind r:t lily 42 --Pr.isisit Ion LIMIT ON besides a detailed New York as a parole violator, and in Placerville, e-Afreall 43-Apt•roaeM-s layout of the Calif., for escaping sending Gilliam toe.the canvas. Ile what you can do with the, also would mean sharp curtailment • chg- such ..1 soitelope 4:s -Break suddenly more physical organization t•f jail in 1936 after being sentenced to a long term on a statutory `Fort of many. rape Chi- teek the mandatory eight count 11-lialr of 46-1•Onler•ii than 80, wonderful'Super Kern- eirecial services, including conviction. would Campbell as post and headquarters, in Northiake. Chicago suburb, he is treasurer of a civic and weathered A rtg••rm goat measure tone Deluxe the fairly new tornado warning sys- aukce the storm. 12-han. wall paint colors there will be organization. /le wee discovered when his wife Ynalske 15-Eggs of babes elaborate displays applied for a Job in a 11-11exclamation Iii- d.,ulhnrii Made -so that anyone tem. Oeean weather service for Id be three, can spply featuring all arms and plant seeking an AEC contract, and a screening of all job 13-3:ovelop blarkhini stay-iv-es and ships holders them, you can cover wallpaper - and airplanes would be had applicants burgh 17-11 ,tosh - :tier 51-T..1. of hoad t agencies- 21 . 'Fort CamptAlt and was required. //isiernationa1 Sound's/so(o) House Remodeling and hit, he said. ion i MS 53-Port and all wail surfaces, in your throu II V1/1.oto• o unain event going 11-6-Vitsi 20-Rab111•111all lavorde-Srades. Economy Hard- -has propose a Parking areas v, iii ue fetineasials t on ishode of deal 1•*--i'srp..,,ter's ware & Supply, East Main, Phone Weather Bureau budget of $27.435.- Mr. and 23-11indu cymbals •,..I I pl.) jaCent to -the Midway, and refresh- on- Mrs. Otis Head of Hart Cl splo 575. 3422c Oial for the fiscal year starting lowed 2.4-1.'7 t. ment county showed several improve- 24-WIdeawake 62-autitusIn facilities will be cenveniently July 1. That, the spokesman said, 4,110. Ilse Beat In Radio Natedpiamod caster is-conmass point located. • ments made the past few months was $200.000 short 'of what the it he 29-italise• DOWN 4 -I altan coin EVERYBODY KNOWS TIJE REPU- and when Members of the Farm and 111-Unappric15tIve 31aoew bureau salually Wanted to foot all e ev1- TATION of BLUE GRASS Home polaoll I-la I,k 6-Teutorda deity Power -its bills sees i the Development .progrim met -Metal fast.Ler 2 -itssiamation without firing anybody or SS - Vrt nets s and Push type mowers. -They low at their Mime. Si-College aro is! 3-t)rdinance• artleass----• Read the Classified Ads redncIng services -to the public. 1340 WNELS 1.344 Mrs. Wad explained that remodel - IS wag- ink included the rendival •fillit' of a 2 1 V 1 le-lhour ntr :crfan rowns fireplace from the -living room tw.m• genily DAYLIGHT TIME IS CONCENTRATED IN THE NORTHEAST and rg Ir-Tooth Dial to DO a chimney (Ion' the kitchen, chant:- elides 14- Ila alien ing the...location of the kitchen S 0 M',7 pre.o,Ice door. naalling running water 1E'/ 111--elml•Seets 'if thy Thursday. May 14, 1953 and hunt °ply a sink. This n Sg2; year's plans also in- 0 .; •7 is 21.-Lonn clude. changing ".-Inuis Is the farm entranci . 6:00 Farm Program 12:45 Luncheon and improving the lawn. 24 30 7,b 21 priri -Music ./ 6:15 Farm Program 1:00 Record to 1:45 -Other changes to be made Shop, were Nit V it $2 I rigor.. also 34 te.30 Hymn Tune 1:45 Here's to Vete outlined, said Miss Martha "11,110,1 JEROmE ROBBINS, ..1. chor('ogra- 2—Tho pineapple .0:45 Calloway Capers 2:00 News Jane Jotics, Univeraay f Ken- V f:A15 1 pher who created the dances for 34-31 p 6:45 News 2:05 Music fer You to . 2:45 teseasp• blahs AssuriinIzatia0.44ent. 341-Walks sUCh Broadway huts as 'The King ought 7,00 -Morning Cheer 1:44c7,0104 .X.11.Aatt: On a tour nia,fe of the b.rm. Mr 14. 1/ -Apothecary's arid I" and "Call Me Madam," ta' 7:15' noel" Wateher to IMO v. Ms- Read explained his (nipping plan. •111. 59 shown on House un-American 9,0•1°!: -1.41Y-181prikedur le • 44 WiS M. • Ian 1 Ors 40--4tne te-tand 10P1 WAvtoll 0. 8:00 News 340 Nears ef livestock program and genetal farm snot he I' activities witneais stand in New -bane- outlay. • t agents York, where he admitted having MO 8:15 Morning Devotion 3:05 Western Star • 47 '7 48 •,1(0: • says. ii I :cetianges been a Con.muniet from 1943 to s, 8:30 Mystery Shopper .63:15 Western Star A retii 1947, and named sevelf person- v 8:45 Morning Special 3.30 Music for Hazard, Ky. was named by Kea- IT 11•41%,•toly hotly 1.005••••Art Thursday UP)-' veil* in Wires WOO Morning Moods -.(ansy tuckams who had alities of the entertainment KY 3:45 Music for Thursday served under - iNwede 40:> N C. said 07 5f ,§ s9 ' Allenv ril•Fon 1.vorld he said were members of 9:15 Morning Moods 4:00 Postcard Parade taken Oliver Hazard Perry in the Battle new G7-(111n•-.141 other m. his Red ramp. Ile sald he turned 11:30 Mot-long Moods 4:15 Postcard Parade of Lake Erie, during the War of la SS-Preto-A Took* o 9:45 1812. robittioL.-.11 Communist became he experi- Morning Moods 4:30 Postcard Parade 1111-Gretk letter enced "prejudice," but later be 10:00 News - - ' awe le ewes earn - 4:45 Postcard Parke 4 as. eaten. ritRill119110111,O. 111111Cr/1411{0aal) 10!,15 Rural Rhythm 500 Sports Parade sidlopt 10130 Lean Back and Listen 5.15 Teatime Topies jurj 1045 Lean Back and Listen 5:30 Teatime Topics ta 'minty 10:55 Scrapbook 5:45 Sagebrush Serenad. 11:00 '1340 Club 6.00 News forts 11:15 1340 Club 6:16 Between the Lines 19*8 j1.1:4 grand aja:25 Eddy Arnold 6:30 Baseball Warmups • • 0/t4 4:7!=1")... litioas 1130 Favorite Vocals 6:55 St. Louis Cardinal Baseball r11/5. e mall- 11:45 Gospel Hymns game to 111 • 10:00 ding rTERMILK DAC0 12:00 News 10:00 News guilty ' • -• •-• (00100••• tat Muni...1Mb, blag fAT "MK - CITIES WHICH CHANGE to daylight saving time are northeastern 12:15 Noontime Frolic 10:15 Listeners Request to 11100 concentrated In the quarter of the Uruted t and 12:30 Church of Christ eirkorsts States, Una map locating most Luger daylight time cities *Maws. Most change to daylight time April 26. MOO Sign ON . 1 flung • robe about me anti the deck. Orelyke suddenly Bung 044 QT. .414/rd the sede "Sombre" Mom IIII/ dashed to the deck to find others out his arms, staggered to the rail, dieted off Nassau. ttattantaut Lord Rob- NANCY ert TIntagel, Ills isaitertc•o wife Vir- IISSi.mbled there. and pitched head first over it were g,inia, and their elderly aunt. La dy into By Emile Busbmillw Lien Tremaine. await the arrival uf The yacht's great whistle the sea. Jonas ran into the wheel- further g ce•I a. Dartu• Opdykc. • shrieked like • soul possessed, and house to give the necessary orders SOMEDAY OH, BOY- -- A riking wealthy ercentrir insi UliaYT of the everything happened at once.. ix fore Maury craft, had invited eight people A coining down. YOU WILL icago, I'. cruise with him •long the South Bells clange d, the engini•e It Look him only • nunat to tell 0—MAN emsrk en roes, Remaining g is eats churned, the shin ahip UtliVered to his 'this, and he was finally hoard ship Theo Walton, off again, WORK FOR THE Was es Gay a stop. directing the search. e are headquarters for voile azirrea and her *ery innttare fa 00V ER N ME NT Kinn. tort, Vrederiek Roma. • lawyer, Lar- "The owner's pine overboard," Carlotta Redding made a con- ry Redding. a broker. :ham- and his loin+ Captain Jonas said. . ventional; dab at her eyes with AS A Genuine Ford Point wife, Carlotta. Dr. Ruben Rah. a doiph, By this time the noise and con- crumpled handkerchief: WE I peychietrist. When the yacht It. "Poor G-MAN well underway. Its paesengers moat flation hall roused everyone. Lisa Oppyr• Wag their Cade She looked as genu- AND :ARS and TRUCKS reptant. rphriant Jonas and their Tremaine arrived, • ritfaid. Todd Observing this odd with a dark inely moved as a fashion dummy. •TUNE sea. pair, Virginia Tintagol wonehow feels cape over her evening Mesa and There could be nO doubt, how- suet that the paseengers are prisoners of CarloUa, oddly cotatinied in a sun ever, about Larry's agitation. CI Alf• ti n crew nor ioremorittion of evil In His teightonsall when at dinner their host. suit., as if it had been the first pink cheeks were paper white, hums blOw. ,tisl) he announces that be Moen,. to thing ehe could grab. The squat, boyish voice treniblml, lie k, rit pat- I've flInger•••••wly and essirinelS fittils rd Tudor .. $1111.00 t' It he knows everything about each steward. as, Mrs. Macbeth, tang his wife's shoulder and mut- ,,f lift gli.stil la-ho was Todd's sister, Waddled tering. tlei, radio, 1 i.; Ky. lacenata • tre --- tip, anti Robert, fully dressed, his "Don't worry. It must have been CHAPTER FIVE cowlick standing on erni, his eyes !suicide. It must have been suicide, d Tudor $1212.00 OUR course lay with the wind, blinking as it he had heels asleep. you know." 1933 anti I could barely feel the warm I heard a little shriek. and Gay , Brown Randolph Ay. License. and exchanged trn It, 0,1 Po MA/ A •••••..*4 I Cep, reeze of our passage. The sea wits Walton. in a drifting black m•gli- a long' look, and the corners of 1111.311•,1A*111•••••••••Sywal••••••••)....__._,. Fordor . S888.00 nark, except where the !soft move- gee, grabbed my arm and clung to both their mouths turned down (UPI ment of-the .hip etruck it to white It as it she were drowning and I cynically. I must say that I trio ABBIE •f the iii heat. me. It was a night for dreaming, could her. (mind the idea of suicide hard to By Raohono Van &Pres hes K night for love - and all I could do "It isn't true," she kept saying, accept, for it ever a man had ough- LORNA! NOW HONEY... Deluxe Ford . . S555.00 use worry. We were trapped on over and over. "It can't be true." seemed to be enjoying himself. (GROAN)„/IE HAS LOOK, ON YOUR OWN LORNA'S SROKE—WHICH aerial itas ship. We could not even wt. Poor little Shwa, I remember Derma Optlyke had that night, In 70 511011.1 UPI./ ' I'VE GOT TO TIME, GRIFTER, MEANS VAT I heat. 1933 Ky. license. WHAT'S THE.NAME OF I M READY YOU'D HAVE the ea at the .rat port and make our thinking, her eerres will netea his horrible way. But the alterna- TALK 70 YOU- BESIDES, THAT CHARACTER IN THE TO ANSWER HAVEN'T TO GO TO WORK. 1 way hack, because like most Eng- slaved all this. There was an in- tive was equally difficult to face, BIBLE WHO WAITED YOU, TOMMY- YOU FORGOT... eeleill- $222.00 lish people traveling abroad. the gentionenese about her' which was for it meant that someone still on SEVEN YEARS FOR HIS' th of Needs paint. 1953 •Ky. license. g•wernment hiol not allowed us to not all affectation. and made one the ship hail shot him. Perhaps GAL'S ANSWER? 1 a world. take any extra money. Our spider want to take care of her as it she one of the guests goaded to fury WELL, ILL re a NOW I KNOW How RE arget. Pickup - $888.00 host had us well in his web, had been wehild. I gave her suet) by his taunts, perhaps an unknown OET and something told me there was comfort as 1 could. which was not enemy in the crew. In eaher case, FELT- THE 'reels '' n Pickup •trOuble corning. much, for 1 too was having trouble we hail a niunlerer on board. It DOOR.. endly ... . $1212.00 I dozed a lielle and when I woke grasping the hideous reality. was a sobering thought. seen milts. New truck gnat a it LP there were voicas from the The stewardess ignored the rest It seemed to all of us that' the - in Salon behind me, and the lights of us and spoke aeroes US to her gruesome stare h went on for ids a with Flat Bed . $777.00 %sere out there too. The bridge brother. "How did ye ken?" site hours. once Kerrie had broken up. I decided to Inquired. "114en giving up," Jonas said at- news RAY take one walk round and then "I dreamt it. I dream true," he test, his voice like a rusty door. si re- MOTORS gives a turn and his tone said clearly, "Even if he was alive when he hit in. told her, 14 the I had shut sp. . the water, theretwouldn't be much with all post war cars on ballet slippers which 2. made no noise on the black linole- The caffein was busy giving left of him by now." Bra- ion tile, and a long purple dress orders to the sailors who had run Gay, atilt hanging to my arm,. 13 '111 4410014ff- s on a /Lich did not show in the dark- up, about getting a boat over the quivered ana -hel her face against er to C ness. As I came around the stern, side. They wr re a sinister-looking my shoulder. "Make him stop talk- John Farmer, Wilson 1.1L1 ABNF.R d ir I saw a man and a woman stand- lot, Lascars, Haitians, Indiana, the ing about It. Make him stop." BP Al Capp )mon about it. ing by the pert railing, outlined offscourings of half a dozen races, Frederick Brown, more experi- that ✓ heftiest the darkly shining water. but they seemed efficient enough. enced In this sort of thing than can They did not notice me, but I It was not until the boat glim- the rest, of us. now suggested that foe' Ft of beard accent, and mered whitely on the water, and the ship be searched ta see if a o'R itry." Use's clipped 1,11r74f1',04-P 41;,je weapon or a clue could found. sp esv•iree.Oferi, WITH CONFIDENCE the passion In that usually calm rowed off into the darkness, that be ba 1 opened my mouth f.por-t kohl, brought me a etandstill. captain Jonas paid my attention to say that I °""ale In Ifts! an khe •MOTORS, Inc., "But the frightened passengers, am) had seen a man throw something b9.\S-z, Ny0.1, you are vile," she said. "I to , best bus- 'overboard just before lights ,fizrO•ndr t„,,0 wonder you have been let to live se whit n he did, his story wart not one the "‘ long." any happier. went on, hut had eense enough to -WO to rhake us feel 1 joa‘a II oply the Ciale it. My impression " BLS I. and I beat a hasty retfeht, but not Ile had been standing at the was pretty .p ° look- in.kfinite, and it was leo soon, 0.0eir,1-cvcvab‘a II b• teforti I heard the nervous whinny railing of the bridge, he said, n.4‘"t '014 x? ik the rest. had much toe Nona, for an irresponsible m of Which was opdyke's laugh. ing down at the deck, and he giving out of information. I would • More uneasy than ever, I ran seon Str. Opdyke alone against the Sea- talk It over with Robert 'first. 40.0.-A-4 • down the companinnway to my ship's rail, outlined against the le at a sound I looked around for him, to draw cabin oa the deck below, cursing water. Then he had heard been shot. him off to one side, and discovered MOTORS tie tonvention which made it a which might have a "-‘,.,°.:_rea'a''ala p m. straightened up. that he was not with us. As usual, solitary single rather than a nice Opdyke had c)In°415-r lane. Owned toward the passageway be- he had an idea, and as usual, he ercai rm., double. Robert Will, not in his lalliarakae,"°v Iler tween the salon and the awner's hail acted on it, While everyone Phone 170 Pruik- next door. Al 11 undreamed by Jonas started down the eLso was milling around. bt whrniatakable sound split the cabin, 5,';'°„;:anificorfp, ri ha entibl reach (To ffl Continv,9 POP. lir-a it ,'as il row, hut hetv, 8_, • V,e4 _LeffOim,sisf Nscer. " sea astraelaa is"8 -t r Dr 14112:S;' 41,ap Fr° 4,

w .is a

PAGE FOUR THE LEDGER & mos, MURRAY, KENTUCKY - WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 195$ There will be two discussion ses- Ninety-seven Persons Attend The Reunion Stockmen Invited To slims in the afternoon—one for one for producers of • Thurman Family At Murray City Park Experiment Station dairymen and ..Of meat animals. Speakers will deal late Mrs. Jot' F. tGert- silage and other ra- Club News Activities The descendants of the ora Hamlett, Special attention will be given with feeding James M. and Mary Jane Hicks rudei Thurinan, Mr. iinci Mrs. breeding programs and other WOMEN'S PAGE to the value of grass at the annual tions, the Thurman and son, Charles, with livestock. Thurman held a reunion •wt Rudolph. Animal Industry field day at the experiments Mitchell and • Jo Burkeen, Editor. .. Phone 55 or 1150-M Weddings Locals Murray City Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip University of Kentucky Experi- Phyllis, Mrs. Betty Ste- Represented at the reunion were daughter, ment Station at Lexington May 22 wart, Mrs. Walter (Jessie) Thui- Have You Read today's the families of eleven children. orchard grass, fescue, man; Pastures of Six of these eleven children still and bluegrass will be Classieci Ads? Mr. and Mrs. Rubel "Thurman brume grass Murray Woman's Club Installs Offic survive who are -T. H. and Galen the production of meat and daughters, Martha Mae and seen and PERSONALS Thurman, Mrs. Roza Russell and milk explained. Also the Edna Belle, Mr. and Mrs. Hoke and I Mrs. Parvin Blalock, all of Mur- irrigating grass wilt be dis- McCuiston, and children. Bobby. value of ray, Johnnie Thurman of Paducah, field at the Experi- afore:tie and Charles Boyce, Mr. cussed. One Jeer -Vaaaterreeeei t Leer.erter ea- and. Charlie Thurman of San ment Station has been irrigated and Mrs. Orville HousOen and Antonio, Texas. three years. 'the Weekend. ...iiests of Mr.' Gran! sons, James Harold. and Sammy.. for parents. Mr end Mrs J D. Grant, The total attendance was 97. A Mr. and Mrs.. James Lamb and . The morning will be devoted to delicious basket lunch Was served South F.!tet-rith Shea t. children. Gary and Wanda, Ste- seeing the various pastures and at the noon hour. Those attending wart Thurman and daughter, Ola the herds and flocks rummg on said good eats and fine fellowship Gene, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Nors- them. Robert Maki of Nastaalle, Tenn.. were enjoyed by all who were in worthy and children, Owen, Paula Poultry-keepera will see and Was the v eekeed ate's! of his attendance. Mae and Ricky. Mr. and Mrs. hear about infra-red brooding chicks. parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. M Those present were Bradley Parvin Blalock and daughters, Results and costs of several dif- Thurman, Frankfort; Mr. and Mrs., • •• Rachel and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. ferent types tried at the Experi- FiLm.rog ohn. _14;aia: Neladri-11111116-c'1 hisWñl ment Station "WITFEF-exPTainFd. well. Kennet. Mo.: Mr. end Mrs. the late J. L. Blakely: who %VLF and Richard; Johnnie Thurman, Mr. and Mrs. Urtiy ludge of Trteg County for Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Jones, Horace Thurman and son. Dennis, eight.'years. has eKme to Murray Mrs. Perry (Lois) Thurman. Mr. Paducah; Morris Thurman,daughter, to ,ritake her home with her bro- and Mrs. Howell Thurman and June, and tAubry Thurman. Cadiz; there T. 0. Turner. Her. daughter.' daughters, Annette and Nancy, Ray Left to right - Mrs. R. H. Thurman, Mrs. Walter C. Williams Jr., Mrs. L. E. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Duke and 95 Drive In Miss Laura Blakely. died' Thurman, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Lynbrook wh''e .31ra._Edward Griffin, Mrs. Louis 1). Chipps, Mrs. John Quertermous, and children. forris and Donald, and .atr Mrs. Gar- Thurman. Sr., and sons, Joe and teaching Armstrong Ca:lege '11 nett Jones. friend, Miss Barbara Lane, Herbert hand-engraved rock crystal Savannah. Ca:, -recently. -Mrs , •. - - Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kerlick Thurman and son; Billy. Nashville, Tuesday and Wednesday 131akel. is the reothee- ef and sons, Jimmy and Chris. Mr. CANIIIIRIDGE fit-r1 The Murray Woman's Club held club year brings many opportuni- Tenn.; Charlie Thurman. San An- by children, ell and Mrs. Galen Miller Thurman, "The Devil Makes Three" of watern have passed, its annual dinner meting and s and bS he r ea rneat desire' tonio, Texas: Mr. and -Mrs. Frank • inistaltahon of officers at the club Mrs. Jr., and children. Gail, .Ann and • that the club should grow in• urn- I Robert Young Bucy and Preston Thurrilan, De- with Gene Kelly A design of pleasing , house last Thursday evening with berg. in understanding, in devotion ! Trip, and Ike Brandon. all of Hostess For Jessie troit. Mich.; -Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Pier Angeli refinement We Bradley Thurman of Frankfert the retateng president, Mrs. Etie;erd to duty and in education and sti- Murray and Calloway County. Friday, Evansville. Ind : $2.00 at The was the guest of relatives the Griff:n, prestchng. mulation of the members, , Houston Club Meet Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Thurman. Mr. Thursday Only palt _weekend. • The retiring president. Mrs. Grif- and Mrs. Hillman Thurman, Mrs. Offers • • • Mrs. Louis D. chippe. district Mrs. Rabert Young opeeed her Actress "Finders Keepers" fin. was presented with a gift from Roza Russell, Mrs. A. W. Russell The Gift Department governor of the Kentucky Federa- home on the Benton Road for the starring Tom Ewell just Mr. and-Mrs Lennie flake aryl the club for her valuable services and daughters. Mary Keys and Date To MIG Pilot :',e4 'lien of Woman's Clubs, of Marten meeting of' the Jessie Houston Of- Julia Adams if yo children, Derree arid la.e.atl. during the past year. Ana Beale, arid friend, Mrs. Gen- and Economy Hardware was the guest speaker. Who Delivers Plane saw Miss Barbera Lanee of Na.,e,11.... During the 1952-53 club year the ficers Club of the 'Woodmen Circle aChellenees To A -Bictman's- Club the Term., spent Sund its -en- Murray. - Club has contributed from the held- en Tuesday evening. — MeiVrt —WitSa -4-Ive-.-theffre--ei - HOLLYWOOD May 13 eLIP)—An feren :General Club-Treasury a total 'if The president, The Jaie Baker, Expression Pupils by Mrs Chirps. She "affectionate" blonde named •Kath Mr ned Mns Frank Riley cif tell: etiallenged- $95000 to the following causes: presided at the meeting.. Mrs .t..., .4 the member in the home. in edu- ken Hughes offered a date today Bei Deereit. Mich. are the reae 1350 00. Murray Hospital; $200 'JO, Young zonducted two contests ta Present Recital to the first Red pilot whe.brings fount , catto - in rel: :on and in civic 'bailie Hale _aradekiLee ng- -IC -I% :Ilt•S. • Tuesday Eve ni a Musirah-made MIG er. CHURCHILL were • _ ment; $2500. • March VI Dimes; Ruth Lassiter; war* the itelpients 'r MAX -H. The guest speaker from Marion United Nations side. job. Herbert Thee-ma-1 ned < -n Hilly $50.00. Red - Cross; $50.00. TB Drive; cf the prizes. Mrs. Will H. whitneu presented the new officers es-ha In headline-happy Hollywood, pa- FUNERAL HOME rf Nashvillea Tee n , ... j Preston. also :i;stalled $25.00. Heart Fund; $150 00, Girl A dessert course was served by her first recital of het, expression Mrs L. E Owen, eiesident; triotism often invades the cheese- Thurman- •c",f 1.1..-t.:- it: Mear . e'er- ate Scouts..aluch they sponsor; $50.00, Mrs. Voting to the sixteen officers; pupils at the Marray High School Tls Mrs Edwarel C;ritfin. fret vice- cake department, and thus the Superior Ambulance Service corn, .the glif.F2S of. the ir - xe•-. _Cancer Control;'$25.00. Cri Lip I e d present. Auditorium Tuesdag, evening at president; Mrs. 0 ca Wells, pretty actress got the idea of help- bard Latis Thurman. and bretat n- Hee . '' second Children; $25.00. Boy Scouts. These The next meeting will be held'seven-thirty o'clock. "The Friendly Funeral 11(;ine" vie-president: Mrs. John Quer- ing Gen. Mark Clark--if he doesn t throi Tburrnan and I creak.- , • a pa.,: contributions are in addition to in the private dirimog room . of Those appearing on the program _. . termousi recording secretiryt Mrs. mind. 311 N. 4th St. Murray, Ky. Phone 98 Thurman. Zba.- work and monetary contribu- the National Hotel with Mrs. Gen- Tuesday were Phylis Mitchell 'Kay • . • James Rudy Allbrettere eorreiptind- Clark offered $100.000 to an tions of the -six individual depart- eva Hamlett and Miss Katie Martin Pinkley. Mary Keys Russell. Linde enemy pilot who delivers MIG to mr. and Mrs. Joe 1.' ot Mg secretary;' Mrs. Garnett Jones. ments. as hostesses. • Allbritten, Sue Collins.. Sharilyn ,..,:„a„,..,,,i treasurer. him so it can be studied. Evansvile. Ird, were the The club house was beautifully Broach. Jan Jones, Linda Brown- . Nee chairmen of the six depart- Kathleen admits money is fine. of her permits. Mr. and Mrs. Gal_ decorated for the evening with field, Ann Beak Russell, . Judy ments of the club are Mrs. C. TS: . --‘,.• .fur_ but she thinks maybe the military on Thurman. Sr: the past itkekend the speaker's table being centered - ,Wilson, Deborah Page, Brenda THURSDAY Lowry. Alpha: Mrs 'Haity Sparks. forgot about the glamour side. %earl an arrangment of yellow enda Lynn'' CIrove' If SCS nett, Ann Page, Jimmy Hughes, Delta:. Mrs. Fred Gatgles Garden: -Well, the $100,000 so far ha, NI. pink roses flanked on each side by Dorothy Fay McClure. Linda Gor- Home. Rex Holds Meet With Coe failed,- Said Kathleen as she F R I . Mrs- G. a' Scott, 134*- candles. Other arrangements of don, Betsy Blalock. Sandra and Syndergaard. Music; Mrs. John O. tello, Larry Campbell, Sharon stretched in the suny ratio be- VARSITYV flowers were placed at Mrs. Story Leadtr Pasco. Ze t vantage hind her house. She had to stretch THE points. Place cards marked the Churchill. Marilyn Moyer. Dee:- Retinnr offtcers are Mrs. Grif- The- Woman's Society of Christ- carefully because, she explained, a screwy stranglehold on your funn bone I places of the- incoming and out, anna Brumley, Marion Belote. fin art side:it. Mrs Myrtle J Wall. ian Service of the Lynti Grove "all I have on is a tow' 1 " going officers and department Craig Banks, Carolyn Bolea, Patsy first sice-presidert". Methodist Church met Wednesday -If I can lure the guy cut here Mrs. 'v mtier chairme^n. the advisory council and Purdom. Cecelia Wallace; Willtame receding seciet. is. Mn:. evenini at seven-thirty o'clock at Barbara Casburn. Keith Guthrie. to show him around the town, lit Th FRP the retiring committee. chairmen. I I ILl Thwrn r..-tre.,sur,-r The the church for its regular monthly June Kay McKeel, Ronald Conner, be proud," she said. "I•el take tea: -dere rtrnent chearencri ecteting. Eva Overcast. Patty Lou Thurmond. him to Ciro's and Mocambo night deep-C-citj' Mrs. R 11,-41. Alpha' Mrs Mrs. Front Story was in charge cf. Patsy Spann, Janice Paschall, Caro! clubs and to siime of those little Nr Hutson Deft,: :M rs. Lenv. Y.. Social Calendar ) • program. The devotioh was Quertermous. Bobby Jean Law- intibate restaurants that I like. J. 1: Gercier; , Mrs. Glenn 13. _,,ven by- Mrs. Clover Lockhart, rence. Patricia Ann Cox, Jerri "You see, -I'm the added ineen- ell WATER ' Muse. Mrs- James Isiter. Mrs. Inez Cooper, Mrs. Katherine Brandon. Freda Fitts. Dona Wilson, 1% 3,3111,44} 51,ss 'RESISTANT Special music for theaesyte Sims and Mra. Lorena Parks gave Bob Farmer, Gladys Cox. Betty thief.-anY Red pilots are interested. was by. Prof ' and Mrs. Rhert]ic Thee Arts and Clefts Club will short tail's. Smith. Dianne Adair, Patricia Cole, here are the statistics on the, jaea. !at .1 *yr II neer They sang the "Lera's Pray. :meet with Mr' Mayrre Randolph Twenty-two members answered Edwina Cain and Danny Key pot: She's 5 feet 9 inches and her Kent a -:- the two-thirty o cruves are sized it.% acanten and two 1 at caw a. 'al the roll call with four guests also MISS Margaret Ruth Atkins was 38. 23 arid 37 tion. •eteeetrabers durire the program. present. the accompanist. Ushers were She is blonde; with hazel eyes. a aaa, w..5 the winner Thursday. May 14 A group of kidies made plans to Misses Patricia Beak. Betty Hart. She does not smoke or drink. TB

1, le. taseip ;,./ the Fgypean :1 The Fe.0 Nei t Mi-s.on Circle attend the district officers train- Betty Carol Lassiter and Frankie But. she said, "I'm very eller- - PLUS - Mtn- •tteet• Camp at Duquoin. Li. given I will _meet with Mee. Ivy Todd at ing day at Dresden- -Tern. May itubblefield. I . the Kentucky Fedt ratien. of . three o'clock. 13. Officers of the fifty-five local The second recital of Mre Whit- .t1°nTh aete hMIG pilot won't, even have i -a. -ir• 's Club. p:ayed the drum • •• societies %sill be represented Mrs. neWs students will be held Friday to use his $100,000 loot in the BASKETBALL. grin. err.pareed by Miss Margaret The South Murray Hornernakers Obera Miller of the Lynn Grove evening at the high school audi- niteries. It wouldn't last long any- will ..I1 0 Atkins. . Club will meet with Mrs. S. V. WSCS IS president of the Paris torium at seven-thirty o'clock. way. Kathleen - promises she'll eel 3 o The HIGHLIGHTS Mrs La E. Owen in her ac- Foy at one-thirty o'clock. District of the WSCS. public is invited to attend: the proprietors to pick up the tab. Water mod 44440/6 ,Isese h sad it v- 11 "I just want to be helpful." she il rir )4. be a bo▪ 0 -,./efiistant ''tire' ta %cork- IA ith_the splendt The Girl Scout Council and lend- said. "I entertained our troops IC 1953! fill •-; as Alaska last June. The jet pilots un i 3) .-Shot .torproof •Crysits1L., idle-ars dt part-1 ers will meet at the Steed Cabin Included are 8 of the most eS and stardine cern there in Fairbanks named me •Mis; Fe at nine--thirty (;clock in tne morn- outstanding college games %tile • Stainless - Steel :•:.5:ret to err :late trie , 1,14. PRE?6ECESSORS'.1111117 Outer Space' after I starred in of city i., (nest so your wrist)- .•-• ea ef the p- edtc• s . Thursday. May. 14 ELIBETZAV 'It Came from Outer Space'." the season! ••• • r 5,5 I The Universal-International sti 610 luminous Diol Hands I I 17,7' Tr, Wesleyan Circle of the WSCS [J VIP H II S. John vs. St. Louis 11 ef the First Methorlast Church will dio acress said she, figured on 1; h gro- "folly Guaranteed eseer---'M writing Clark a lett - th'e 14 T. •Weletkep N.. 19. Meaty Hist Tudor Louisville Georgetown. yrt, 'king of England Ruled 14E5.1509 -Frankly." she said - modestly, 30 0. i r'Awns 707 M;,' II. at seven-thiqy o'clock: Mrs. Edward Griffin "I don't think I have much of a Lakeview Drive In and Mrs. ,,, Born 1457, his claim to the Duquesne vs. Western Ky. G ONLY H. Glenn Doran are ebhostesses chance to be accepted—but you the' "-1) .1 I throne ram• through his moth- and Mrs. (*harks Marten never can tell a . . Tulsa vs. Duquesne - Mgt Baker is. h er's being a gr•ot.greal-grand- • chairman. seen S,29.75 py.gram, daughter of Henry Tuesday & Wednesday • • • IV, As Earl Seaton Hall vs. Niagara to es of Richmond May IS and leader of the the Illill=1311111016 "Las Vegas Story" Friday. Houser of Lancaster partisans Here's The Way To •Duquesne vs. Manhattan Th r. Conenrd Homemakers the, he defeated he House of York followers .11 ne-t with Mrs. William Fertilize Tabacco Or with Jane Russell at Bosworth Ric:sand III wore his crown to Seaton Hall vs. St. John and Victor ItTraeris at one-thirty o'clucia bottle He was Mature •• killed and the crown Suggestions on fertilizing tobacen, — — • , placed on Henry VII s head Kansas vs. Indiana If on th• battle- Issued to 4-H club members by • Mrs Charlotte Wbitnell will ors - field. Henry hay Thursday and FridAl had a second coronation in the College of Agriculture and sent her expression pupils in proper order plat at Westminster His subs'. Home Economics, University of COLLEGE ALL STARS "Oklahoma Annie" recital at the Mon.t-1y High awe,- quint marriage to Elizabeth, eldest dough• Kentucky: with Judy Canova and !Velum at seven-thirty.. o'clock. ha of Edward IV, reconciled thy contend. vs. • •• Fertilizer may be put in Asand,' higi John Russell ing houses and ended the War of the ino lir ary VII and neat the row or spread broadcast HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS The Harris Grove- Homemakers (iist Roses Historians speak well of Henry VII. The right above) his auto- Or a part of it 0100 to 150 pounas • Club will meet with Mrs EUgt He stopped importation of luxuries', env Haz graph. Ile origi.natrd may be put in bands and the east Nance at one-thirti o'clock. couraged home industries and restored to "Star Chamter preen' rel- broadcast. Don't put fertilizer in • • • England's shattered trad•. In seeking a LAST TIMES TONIGHT in es'. to 11.11 a furrow and then set the plants 'Saturday. May IR nob,. new route to China for British merchants, who oppressed the poor. in contact with it. If a lane, RED SKELTON and Mrs D. F. McConne II will pre. the Cabot, discovered Newfoundland JANE GREER the Electric Mower amount (500 poundsi of fertlizei '1 nt her piano pupils in a recital 16 inch cut Is used, it is well to broadcast all !it hir h;.-me.7804- Olive, at seven- in "THE CLOWN" of it and turn it under or disk it General Electric -it- .rty o'clock. • • • In after the ground Is broken, D. Motor "rae Alpha Department of the Murray Woman's Club will meet In ONLY at the club house at two thirty N• o'clock. Mrs. Sam McKee will be this the- guest apeaker! Members please Am note change in smiting date. BEST TRUCK BUYS IN TOWN! $44.9 • • Mei the'i The Captain Wendell Oury chap- of the DAR will meet with New Dodge Pick-ups, Panels, Stakes... key ,,.Las. Bernice.- Frye at two-thirty an o'clock.. Members please rote the vett change .of meeting date from ape. at new lower prices! * New no-shift driving! the -rd Saturday to third Seturdity. •• • • * New supersafe brakes! Get famous Dodge truck quality and My() qua $431! Me NNW arid Zeta Depart- as much as Prices have been reduced * New, more powerful engines! on all popular models ... pick-ups, panels, the : t; of the Marr .y Woman's stakes. You save when you buy, nave ope pill pr.-sera the Madra ' * New Dodge-Tint glass available when you operate a new Dodge "Job- • is s. Prof Rnbtrt Haar, de * New, bigger /12-ton pick-up! . Hated" truck! 1st' =eat I programt the at' tight o'clock ' * New styling and comfort! Check the features listed at left, . and remember, you get these plus many more of • • • * New lower prices Dodge quality features, at new lower the prices! Oct more truck for your money, off, Gasoline Slonday. May at I Bra/or, haat ill get a Dodge "Job-Rated" ttwk!. tint r. 11 11011 W:!, -. Class of 1109. seas likc a t Wage. its Power Mowers dist t, •, t h still hold sill iii ibury Viii time. from $74.95 ant :real Moher•Daughler Shops, horn's, and even 4 friendly Dodie Dealer today! tit tee aVorearis Club House Thapet !the extended build- 1 ee your C tier • .x.thirty k ing in the center), hard its • • toil roaateate• !hurl; Jose wh LARRY KERLEY CO. r d ilic yr des The Penny ,Hornemakeas Cluh o sri r a of the Guard, the Square v.-ill meet with Mrs Festus Story Hug:ands /kat East Side standing army. DODGE" 4 104‘ -thirty. TRUCKS I at one o'clock.

• I.—

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