~DMSION OF AGRICULTURE U~'Jj RESEARCH & EXTENSION Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Arkansas System


Livestock Health Series Sore Mouth in Sheep and

Chelsey Kimbrough, Ph.D. Introduction Signs and Symptoms Associate Professor Contagious , commonly Tiny red nodules around the lips known as sore mouth or orf, is a highly are the frst signs of sore mouth. The Heidi Ward - DVM, Ph.D. contagious commonly seen in nodules develop into blisters and then Assistant Professor and young lambs, kids and nursing dams. form a thick, brown scab. If the scab Veterinarian Some strains are more severe than is removed, red -like tissue will others but typically run their course be seen. If the scab is not removed, it within four weeks. Sore mouth is will naturally fall off. The process may zoonotic meaning it can be transmit- take as long as four weeks. If severely ted to humans. A scab-like lesion on infected, animals often stop eating due lambs and kids can be seen on the lips, to pain from the lesions. around the mouth, nostrils, and eyes. Furthermore, lesions can be present on nursing dams on their , ud- ders, legs and sometimes . When dried scabs fall off, the virus can still be active within the scab and has the ability to survive up to a year becom- ing a source for later infections.

Photo 2. Sore mouth presenting in the lip corner of a . Source: Susan Schoenian

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Visit our web site at: Photo 1. Lesions present on an ear. Source: Susan https://www.uaex.uada.edu Schoenian Photo 3. Orf lesions on a lamb's nose and lips. Source: Susan Schoenian

University of Arkansas, United States Department of Agriculture, and County Governments Cooperating Infected lambs and kids can transmit the virus to The their dams. Due to the subsequent painful and/or is udder lesions, dams often do not allow the lamb or kid a live virus to nurse. Furthermore, the infected dams are at risk vaccine which of developing due to a secondary bacterial in- requires extra fection. Lambs and kids may need to be supplemented precautions. to ensure their nutritional needs are being met. Sore Gloves should mouth can mimic other vesicular type diseases such be worn when as vesicular stomatitis or foot and mouth disease. If handling the several animals are affected in the herd or fock, it is vaccine. The recommended a veterinarian confrm the disease. scab that falls off from the Treatment and Prevention vaccine injec- Affected animals should be isolated to prevent tion site on the sore mouth spreading through the fock or herd. animal con- Although there is no treatment for the viral infection, tains a viable the lesions can be treated with iodine or chlorhexidine virus which Photo 4. Lesions present on a teat. Source: Susan to prevent secondary bacterial infection. It is import- can introduce Schoenian ant to wear gloves when treating sore mouth as it can sore mouth into your fock or herd. Once the vaccine be transmitted to humans. If a person suspects they has been used on your operation, it may be necessary have been exposed, he or she should seek medical to vaccinate yearly to prevent further outbreaks. It is attention. Once scabs have fallen off, sheep and goats important to consult with a veterinarian to make a should be monitored until wounds completely heal to thorough decision on a sore mouth vaccination proto- ensure secondary bacterial infections do not occur. col. are available for sheep and goats and Good biosecurity practices should be followed to may be appropriate in focks or herds having severe help with prevention of sore mouth, especially when and frequent outbreaks. Vaccines are usually only introducing new animals into the fock or herd or if recommended for use on farms where the disease has animals are used for exhibition. occurred. Typically, only healthy animals should be vaccinated, but research studies have shown that in outbreaks of sore mouth, vaccination may shorten the course of disease.

Printed by University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services.

DR. CHELSEY KIMBROUGH is an associate professor - animal Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May science, located in Little Rock. DR. HEIDI WARD is an assistant 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of professor - veterinarian, located at the University of Arkansas in Agriculture, Director, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Fayetteville. Both are with the Department of Animal Science of Arkansas. The University of Arkansas System Division of Agricul- the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. ture offers all its Extension and Research programs and services without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and is an FSA3156-PD-01-21N Affrmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.