Oba II Of The great benin kingdom ince 20th October, 2016, when Omo N'Oba N'Edo Uku Akpolokpolo Oba Ewuare II ascended the throne of his forebears, the great Benin S Kingdom and in general has witnessed unprecedented peace and development. Last year, the Omo N'Oba celebrated his third year on the throne, coinciding with his birthday and the 32nd edition of the National Festival of Arts and Culture tagged EDO NAFEST 2019. As a first class Monarch of Africa's greatest Monarchy, a grade A Ambassa- dor of Italy, Sweden and other European Countries, he has left no stone untur- ned in building on the legacies of his forebears in all aspects of human endea- vour. A musical instrument player, chess and golf player, Oba Ewuare II has reno- vated the ancient Benin Palace to his own taste making it an ultra modern palace, one of the best in the country. Under his reign, the National Festival of Arts and Culture (NAFEST) was celebrated between October 16 – 26, 2019 in Edo State for the first time after 40 years. As an Oba who has come to restore discipline and wipe out all forms of crimi- nality in Benin Kingdom and Edo State, he has in conjunction with Edo State Government outlawed Community Development Associations (CDAs) which hitherto made life unbearable for citizens and scared away both local and foreign investors in the state. Thus, the injustice of communities in Benin Kingdom which made buyers of land pay unlawful fees has stopped; thereby attracting investment by both local and foreign investors in the state. Community disputes and communal clashes have been reduced to the barest HIS ROYAL MAJESTY OMO N’ OBA N’ EDO , UKU APKOLOKPOLO minimum in Benin Kingdom with the Omo N'Oba taking time off his busy schedule to come out on a day to attend to issues bothering on inheritance, EWUARE 11, community leadership and witchcraft among others. OGIDIGAN OF BENIN KINGDOM On the long line of succession of kings in the kingdom known as Benin which started in the 12th century by modern reckoning, Omo N'Oba Ewuare II on “I have to preserve the culture and tradition of the Benin King- ascension to the throne said “there may be some differing views about the dom because I know no other – We are doing our best to ensure origin of some of our ancestors, but there is unanimity in the shared heritage that our culture and tradition are not watered down by western between the peoples of Benin and Ile-Ife in identifying Oduduwa as a fore- culture. I reassure the international community that Nigeria is a bear of kingship in many kingdoms in the part of Africa called Nigeria great nation and not as bad as they project it to be”, Oba Ewua- today”. He said historians agree that Oduduwa sent his son Oronmiyan at the re II stated. request of elders of Benin to return with them as ruler of their realm, noting that Oronmiyan's stay in Benin may have been short, but before he left, a As an Oba that has zero tolerance for criminality, he has placed child was born to him, who was later crowned Oba (king) and is known today curse on criminality of all sorts in Benin Kingdom and Edo as Eweka I, “Oronmiyan's time in Benin however short-lived, he was an Oba, State using his Chiefs and Chief Priests. and so, he was the first Oba after the Ogiso dynasty came to an end. He esta- blished Obaship in Benin. By implication, the listing of pastshould therefore He has also invested in security, supporting the police to ensure begin from Oronmiyan as it is listed in Egharevba's book – Short history of safety of lives and property in the state. The prosecution of Benin, making my revered father 39th Oba that reigned in Benin – If the li- suspects who violate the laws on trespass to land in the state is sting is counted from and, should be counted from Oronmiyan”, Oba Ewuare on-going and violators are being brought to book to ensure II said. peace in the state to pave way for willing investors to operate freely in Edo State. Thus, he therefore stand today as the 40th , a direct descendant of Oronmiyan, the son of Oduduwa ,whom the Benin people of that era knew Oba Ewuare II has also been forthcoming on national issues. as Ekaladerhan, their self-exiled Prince who later became ruler in Ile-Ife. His wise counsels have also assisted the government at the federal level to resolve crucial matters and thus ensure peace “The Benin people recognize Oduduwa and his origin but it is not our place and development in the country. to force this recognition on others outside our boundaries. The history of the world is a shared one and there will certainly be unexpected connections in While playing host to Journalists in his palace recently, Oba the future. This is thus a time for unity, and not divisiveness, a time for mu- Ewuare II re-affirm his resolve to settle the age-long communal tual respect, recognising that our wholeness as peoples is so much more than crisis between Ukhiri and Ulegun dukedoms, stating that the the sum of our parts – “Epluribus Unum”, the Benin Monarch further em- Benin Palace has since commenced processes to achieving phasised. peace and tranquility in the communities. Oba Ewuare II's cultural renaissance on tourism promotion through Arts and The Monarch also disclosed at the quarterly parley with Media Crafts with his special purpose vehicles (SPVs) – The Benin Royal Dynasty Practitioners in Edo state that the Palace would also be wading Trust and Benin Royal Academy for Performing Arts in collaboration with into the lingering crisis between Amagba, Oko-Oroma and the Benin Traditional Council (BTC) is already contributing in training of Obagie N'evbosa Communities. The Oba who frowned over the youths and developing their talents. Oba Ewuare had during the Edo crisis rocking the communities said that the Palace had summo- NAFEST 2019, while responding to Vice-President Yemi Osibanjo during ned all parties involved, noting that the palace after hearing his visit to Benin described Edo as the centre of Culture and that the state from the communities have resorted to using traditional means was doing its best to keep the culture alive. in getting to the root of the matter.

3 Oba Ewuare II warned that nobody should take the Palace for granted by indulging in activities capable of disrupting the peace and tranquility currently enjoyed in the kingdom. Assuring that the crisis will soon be over, he commended members of the press for their visit and advised them to uphold the tenets of the profession at all ti- mes by ensuring objectivity and balance in their reports which must be based on truth and sincerity. At the 2019 Birthday and 3rd Coronation Anniversary of the Omo N'Oba at the Holy Aruosa Cathedral, seventeen children that participated in the cultural dance that en- tertained the Oba and other guests were given instant scholarship courtesy of the Omo N'Oba from Primary to the University levels. The Edo National Church of God, the Children Cultural Troupe of the worship centre exhibited great singing and dan- cing prowess to the delight of the Oba and others. After the scholarship awards, the benefitting children were admonished by the Omo N'Oba to ensure that they develop themselves to the level of being proficient in Edo Language. Oba Ewuare II brought to birth two committees, Holy Aruosa Development Committee to attract institutional and infrastructural development to Holy Aruosa and Holy Aruosa Welfare Commit- tee to see to the welfare of Holy Aruosa members. Speaking on the theme “Let Trust and Love Guide your Conduct”, Ohen-Osa Harri- son Okao, the Presiding Priest of the Holy Aruosa Cathedral who enumerated the achievements of the Oba these past three years, challenged everyone on the need for truthfulness in dealing with one another. He enjoined all subjects of the Oba to al- ways exhibit conduct of sincerity, fairness and abiding sense of a truthful person. He cautioned against the consequences of miscarried justice arising from wrongful advi- ce. As a result of the ravaging coronavirus pandemic, the Omo N'Oba in his gracious benevolence gave palliative to Journalists in Edo State to cushion the effects in this hard time.

In all, Oba Ewuare II N' Ogidigan (The Great) has lived by his name and his era will continue to ensure peace and development, as well as put Benin Kingdom and Edo State on the world map.

4 EDO NAFEST 2019 In Retrospect he Edo NAFEST 2019 has come and gone, but not leaving behind memories that will linger on T for a very long time in the history of cultural and arts festivals in the country What makes the 2019 edition unique is the indisputable fact that it held in the ancient city of Benin, the cradle of black civilization, the home of culture, not only in Nige- ria but the entire world. It is no gainsaying the fact that is renowned for its unique culture and arts all over the world and the Benin Artefacts are testimonies of the great potentials of the Benin people as the Artefacts remain the finest and most expensive, even as they adorn the International Museums in Britain, France, Germany and other parts of the developed world. Having been looted from the Palace of the Oba of Benin Kingdom during the reign of Oba Ovonranmwen by British Soldiers in 1897 during the British Punitive Expedition to Benin City, popularly referred to in world history as the Great Benin Massa- cre. Another interesting aspect of the Edo NAFEST 2019 is that it held in Edo State as first of its kind after 40 years. Furthermore, it coincided with the third coronation an- niversary and birthday of the great Benin Monarch Oba Ewuare II. Suffice it to state that the October 16 – 26, 2019 Arts and Culture event successfully put Benin City and Edo State an the world map as the entire nation gathered in the ancient city of Benin to showcase cultural heritage of the Nigerian people, giving boost to commerce and industry as goods, wares, merchandise from different parts of the country and beyond were on display for exhibition and sales, thus boosting the economy of Edo State. Tourism got a big boost as visitors had the op- portunity to savour the hospitality of the state and its inhabitants. Director-General of the National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC), and President, World Craft Council, Otunba Olusegun Runsewe said the 32nd edition of NAFEST has shown that Nigeria is a great nation with diverse culture. “There is no disagreement that this pro- gramme has brought out the unity of the country as both the Military and civilians participated in the 32nd edi- tion of the programme in Edo State”, Runsewe stated. He further stated that the 2019 National Festival of Arts and Culture (NAFEST) held in Benin City, Edo State, broke the record for state's participation in the national event with 30 states taking part in different activities of the week-long arts and culture fiesta. According to him, it is the first time that 30 states will be participating in the festival, noting that the festival started in 1970 after the civil war to re-unite the citizens of the country. RIVERS PEOPLE OF SOUTH SOUTH SHOW CASE THIER RICH CULTURE In the same vein, Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo com- mended Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki for pursuing a cultural agenda with recovering the lost treasures of the state scattered across the globe and Oba- seki-led administration's vision to reposition the state as the foremost destination for tourism.

“As we diversify and move our nation in the direction of revenue beyond oil, tourism is clearly one sector which has untold potential for growth. Edo state is blazing a trail in the direction. The governor has rightly prioritized art and culture and by showcasing its cultural heritage, Edo state will attract global attractions for the right rea- sons,” Professor Yemi Osinbajo said

5 On his part, the Benin Monarch, Omo N'Oba N'Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Oba Ewuare II advised politicians to improve on the nation's demo- cratic process and political structure to align with African Cultural Values that engender unity and peaceful co-existence among the people.

The Monarch said over the years, culture, and sports had proven to be veritable tools for national unity and development unlike politics. He further noted that if the nation's democratic process is well created around African Culture, Nigerian citizens will be living in peace and harmo- ny, while remarkable success will be achieved.” If we had developed and improved on our democratic process and political structures as im- ported into Nigeria to align with African Cultural Values, we will go a long way in taking the nation to the next level”. “ Sports and culture unite the nation, we can see indiscrimination during sports. I wish politics was like culture and sports to be used to unite the nation as well”, Oba Ewuare II emphasised. Whereas, Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Culture and Tourism, Rt. Hon. Dr. Omoregie Ogbeide-Ihama expressed gratitude to the Godwin Obaseki-led administration in Edo State for making the programme a success. He said “Today is not actually a speech making day. Today is for us to celebrate history that has been set up that Edo State is hosting the National Festival for Arts and Culture for the first time in about 40 years. I want to thank all those who stood firm to make this possible. You know, without the state government, we will not be here celebrating today so let us thank His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Edo state and his ever working Deputy Governor, Rt. Hon. Comrade Philip Shaibu for standing firm to support this NAFEST 2019”. “For those of us in the National Assembly, for my Committee, we have committed to always support Culture and Tourism across the country. That is why I remained very determined last year while the commissioner approached me that Edo State wishes to host the next edition which is what we are doing today. Even though I did not know I might come back to be Chairman of Culture and tourism, we stood firm to fight five other states to make sure that this thing came to Edo state to meet the desire of our executive governor”, Ogbeide – Ihama further stated. Whereas, Edo State Commissioner for Arts, Culture, Tourism and Diaspora Affairs, Hon. Osaze Osemwegie-Ero said we are glad to be at the event celebrating our culture and what God has blessed Edo with, stressing that Edo State is richly blessed with enriching cultural heritage that is second to none in the world, as well as blessed with much revered monarch in the world HRM Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo Oba Ewuare II N’ Ogidigan who has supported the Ministry of Arts, Culture, Tourism and Diaspora Affairs, gave his blessing and endorsement of the Edo National Festival of Arts and Culture 2019.

According to the Commissioner, the theme “Our Pride” was chosen because of our rich heritage. He appreciated the Executive Governor of Edo State, Mr. Godwin Nogheghase Obaseki for putting in a lot in re-awakening our culture in the state. Hon. Osemwegie noted that when the governor came on board three years ago, he carefully choose culture and tourism as one of the systema- tic pillars of his government because he knows the value of our culture and tourism. He further emphasised that the governor has tried very well in the areas of education, health, infrastructure and he was optimistic that and the country at large will give him 100% in culture too. The Commissioner stated that he was very happy that Edo State has made history for hosting the right event for the very first time in forty years and this is the 32nd edition. Leading other members of the state executive council accompanied by his wife Mrs. Betsy Obaseki, Governor Godwin Obaseki said “We are happy to host the nation. Our culture unites us all. You saw the performances by various states today and for the first time in history of the festival, we are having the highest number of states participating in the programme. Thank you all for making the hosting right possible for us as a state. I admonish you all to participate in the programme throughout the week”. Governor Godwin Obaseki also in his remarks during the festival said his administration is leveraging on cultural capital to drive investment in the tourism sector as tourism is one of the key pillars of his administration's agenda, maintaining that NAFEST has provided the platform for Edo State to showcase its cultural heritage to the world.” “We have great value for offer to the world in terms of arts and culture. We believe that within our tradition, we possess a culture of tools with which we will possibly change our future for the better. Benin is already on the map of the heritage site and the next level for my administra- tion is to translate these assets into a hub to attract international tourist traffic”. “For us entering the next level means manifesting the greatness of Edo State through tourism as one of the pathways of sustainable growth and prosperity in the post oil future. Culture is a united force and when we dig deep into the treasure of our heritage, we will find a means to achieve unity in diversity”, Obaseki further stressed. Various ceremonies took place at the University of Benin Sports Complex, Oba Akenzua Cultural Centre Festival Village, Igun Street and the palace of the Oba of Benin which include colourful display by Cultural troupes drawn from the 36 states of the federation and the federal capi- tal territory (FCT), Abuja, the Guards Brigade Band of the Nigerian Army, Legendary Musician Sir Victor Uwaifo (MON) and popular music artist 2 Face Idibia (2 Baba) amongst others. Highlight of the epoch-making event was the presentation of trophies to winners at the closing ceremony by Governor Godwin Obaseki at the University of Benin Sports Complex.


damu Orisa (Eyo) Festival is a carnival that normally reveals the rich cultural values of Lagosians. It is usually a gathering that brings together tourists from all over the world and lagosians, as well as prominent A indigenes of State in government and the organised private sector. Top music stars in Lagos state and yoruba celebrities are not left out as it is an occasion that normally bring the best of the Yorubas in Lagos State un- der the watchful eyes of His Royal Majesty Oba Riliwanu Babatunde Akiolu I, the custodian of the rich and proud culture of Lagos State, the Executive Governor of Lagos State, the Lagos State Assembly and National Assembly members. Going by the popular slogan of the Lagos people, including the state government, “EKO ONI BAJE O!”, meaning that “Lagos will never spoil,” it is certain that Eyo Festival is a rallying point for celebrating unity, heritage and heroes. The Adamu Orisa (Eyo) festival is one of the most recognized festivals in Lagos among the yorubas in the Eko area. The history of the Eyo festival dates back to the 18th century and was first staged on 20th February 1854 in honour of late Oba Akitoye of Lagos.

Oba Akiolu Rekindles Acrimony In Yoruba The Eyo masquerade is a symbolic representation of the return to earth of deceased and renowned members of a family in Lagos, since according to tradition, the yorubas believed in the existence of contacts between the dead and the living. Hence, they believe that departed dear ones do not forsake their progeny, rather they return time and again to visit them, watch over their affairs and protect them. This is why the Adamu Orisa (Eyo) provides assurance that contact between the dead and living is very much real. The Eyo festival is normally stage as one of the ceremonies associated with the funeral obsequies of a deceased Oba or Chief and recently became a prerequisite for the installa- tion (Iwuye) ceremony of an Oba or Chief. In the past, no Oba or Chief could perform the capping or Iwuye ceremony until he has completed the funeral rites of his predecessor which include the staging of the Adamu Orisa or Eyo play. Though there were no records of happe- nings in those days, which make the origin of the festival to be shrouded in uncertainty, history has it that the Adamu Orisa (Eyo) could be traced to two areas. One account has it that it originated from Edoland (Benin), while another account reveals that it was introduced to Lagos from Ijebu-Ibefun, a town in the present day Ogun state of Nigeria.

Despite these various accounts, the fact remains that it is generally agreed that the popular Lagos Eyo (Adamu Orisa) festival was introduced from outside the state.

7 Fight against spread of CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: Musicians must be involved INTERVIEW WITH -LUCKY LEBERTY

The need for musicians in the country to be actively involved in the fight against the spread of the dreaded coronavirus pandemic otherwise known as COVID- 19 has been emphasized. According to the National President of the Nigeria Union of Musicians (NUM), Mr. lucky lebarty, government cannot fight it alone, thus it is a call for every entity to get involved in it, as there are so many things that has to be done by the government. Mr. lebarty who stated this in an interview' with OBAlAND MAGAZINE'S Senior Editor EDWIN ODEH reiterated the fact that to be able to get the message to the people, the musicians has to be involved; noting that the musicians are the messengers, "the best messengers you can ever find". "The musicians have a way of putting the messages across, so that it can inspire you to do what you want to do. Musicians in any form or in anywhere have to be involved in this battle against the coronavirus pandemic. Yes we have been hearing about this epidemic they call coronavirus that has been all over the place and totally shut the world down to a standstill. This is something we have never seen in our lifetime and we do not pray to see it again where the whole world is totally shut down because of a virus. We need to work together and musicians need to be engaged in this", lucky lebarty said. The National President of the Nigeria Union of Musicians (NUM) further stated "you know, at the village square where you have gathering of people, before the king or whoever speaks, the bell ringer comes to the arena and rings the bell, calls for people's attention and once that bell is rang, everybody comes to a standstill. In this case, the noise coming from that bell is music, while the bell ringer is a musician. Music has a way of getting messages across". On the activities of NUM, the National President said NUM is a collective body for the inte- rest of musicians all over the world. "We are here to represent the interest of musicians. For far too long, we have been ripped apart by special interest that don't even know whether we exist or not. But as a union, we are trying to put a stop to this. Collectively, we work together, speak with one voice and come up with a plan. So it is a very beautiful way of making sure musicians are together", he further stated. On the upcoming artists, he revealed that Nigerian musicians have started well, but that learning mu- sic never ends. "You just have to upgrade. Last time, I said they are half-baked, by that I do not mean they; are not good enough, but they could be better if they understand or learn the rudiments of music and be able to put them into practice. Then, musicians cannot be played with. It has been a place where people think they can take advantage of musicians anytime, any day. Take for instance, some- body will just come from nowhere and say let me manage you. They manage and ruin the musicians, run them down and ruin their career. A musician is supposed to be managed by a professional body. That is where the union is involved. Before you manage a musician, you have to be registered with a musician's union. You have to know exactly what music is all about and how to go about it. It is not something as if you are selling materials in the market. There are rules to it", Lebarty further em- phasized. To make musicians registered with the NUM effective, NUM has a Music Village located at the Rose Garden, Aso Rock Road in Owina Quarters, near Oluku in Benin City, Edo State. Lebarty mentioned that it is a NUM'S event centre for musical activities and entertainment with the NUM Live Band stationed to enter- tain guests every weekend. The NUM Live band is made up of veteran and young talented musicians mostly gra- duates of music, resident in the NUM Music Village. The NUM Music Village covering a large expanse of land is a serene environment beautified with international best practices for hosting different ceremonies. "It is a place loaded with other side attractions to com- plement the efforts of government and other stake holders in taking the music and entertainment industry to the next level. NUM also has a recording studio for recording musicians. So far many artists have been produced in the studio and a NUM music school is underway", he added. Globo Records is a recording label & ENTERTAINMENT VILLAGE located in Benin City also owned by Lucky Lebarty established to discover talents in the music industry.


8 Emperor Charley Brown Hosts Edo Most Famous Artists istory was made in Benin City recently when International show biz guru based in Tori- no Italy Mr. Charles Osagie popularly known as Emperor Charley Brown hosted Edo most Famous Music Artists. H The ceremony which took place at CEE WHY BAR, 55, Sokponba Road, featured top celebrity artists which include Prince Kola Arala Osula, Italian based, De Authentic Brothers also based in Eruope, Akobe, Lady Sandoka, Sandra Aigbogun, Aigbovbiosa, Councillor Osamede Idehen, Influence Akaba, Osahenema, Da Silva Gospel Artist, Edo's ID, Okperanky Isaac Okiku, Wonderful Twins Boy, Jolly Osaro Nomayo, Osaro Nomayo's Son, and many other International and Local Artists. According to Emperor Charley Brown in his opening speech, he has been in show biz in Benin City for the past thirty two years, a pioneer in the entertainment industry in Edo State before “he viaed” into Europe. He has taken a lot of artists from Edo State and Ni- geria at large to Europe, showcasing Edo Culture. To the best of his knowledge enter- tainment is what he knows to do best and has served as president of the Benin Community in Torino, Italy for nine years. Since it takes two to tangle, in conjunction with Prince Kola Osula, he is fully on ground in Benin City and Nigeria to pull the trigger of his show business from now onwards. As an Edo son, he solicited for support from everyone and relevant stakeholders in the entertainment industry including the government and private sectors to take the entertainment industry to the next level. “There is no doubt that Edo State is the home of culture and our artists have left no stone unturned in promoting Edo Music and Culture both within and outside the coun- try. Edo most famous Artists Musical Concept is therefore to foster uni- ty among Edo artists and take Edo Music and cul- ture to the next level. The artists on parade today have been tested both locally and internationally and are the best in their various rights. Through this same medium more talents will be revealed. I use this opportunity to commend the Oba of Benin, Omo N'Oba N'Edo Uku Okpolokpolo, Oba Ewuare II and His Excellency, Governor God- win Nogheghase Obaseki for their laudable roles in promoting Edo Music, Arts and Culture”, Emperor Charley Brown said. The ceremony attracted top celebrities from within and outside the country who came to identify with International show biz guru, Emperor Charley Brown reputed for his landmarks in the entertainment industry in Italy and other parts of the developed world where he has hosted top Nigerian and International Mu- sic Stars and DJs. Among those who graced the occasion are Erhaigho from Switzerland, Enogie of six communities, Mr. Oluku from Geneva, Mr. P. Uwadia, Mr. Gadaffi, Mr. Darlington, the Dynamic Ladies of Benin led by Mrs. Choice Iyamu – Presi- dent, supported by Mrs. Juliet Efionayi – Vice President, Mrs. Juliet Oseghale – Secretary, Mrs. Blessing Idahosa – Committee Chairlady, Mrs. Queen Osadolor – PRO, Mrs. Ehis Igbinoba – Ladies Delta, all of Dynamic Ladies Club, Normal Boy and Friends from overseas, Mr. Agbonifo Asuen, M.D. House 10 Hotel, Gapiona, GRA, Benin City USA based, Papa Precious, Denmark Lady and Friends, Smalling Police and Mr. Lewis Arasomwan – Verona. Others are Mr. Legacy - Chairman, Golden Flyers Club International, Mr. Osas - Vice Chair- man, Golden Flyers Club International, Executives and other members of Gol- den Flyers Club International, Mr. Osas from Spain, Sandra from Denmark, Mrs. Nomolest. Also present at the ceremony is Lady Omo, Treasurer, Golden Flyers Club In- ternational, an Italian based lady who used the opportunity to celebrate her bir- thday surrounded by family members, friends and well wishers from Italy, Eu- rope, other parts of the developed world and Nigeria. Highlight of the birthday was the cutting of her birthday cake amid pomp and pageantry flanked by Char- ley Brown, Prince Kola Osula, other family members, friends and well wishers. The Edo most famous Artists Music concept is a thing that has come to stay, according to Emperor Charley Brown revealing that another great musical show that will feature other music celebrities and veterans was underway.

61 years on the throne, Oba (Dr.) Sikiru We are proud of the Oba of Benin Adetona Enogie of Oghede

remains longest serving Awujale

t is no gainsaying the fact that Alaiyeluwa Oba (Dr) Sikiru Kayode Adetona, Awujale and Paramount Ruler of Ijebu- I land is one of Nigeria's greatest living Monarchs. Having been officially recognized by the then Western Region Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on January 4,

he giant strides of the Oba of Benin, Omo N'Oba N'Edo Uku Ak- polokpolo Oba Ewuare II has brought peace and development to T Benin Kingdom and Edo State in general. The Enogie of Oghede His Royal Highness Osadebamwen Aghahowa stated in an interview in Benin that since ascending the throne as the Oba 1960 and crowned on April 2, 1960 Six months before the coun- of Benin, peace has been the watchword as the first class Monarch has try attained independence, Oba Adetona is a patriot and nationa- made lives and property to be secured, removing bottlenecks in the tradi- list of the highest order. As the greatest custodian of Ijebu cultu- tional circles that have inhibited progress and development in Edo state. re, tradition and history, he has become an encyclopedia on the history of Nigeria. He was born May 10, 1934 and the fifty-eight The Enogie of Oghede prayed for long life for the Oba to enable him conti- Awujale of Ijebuland, serving sixty-one years on the ancient thro- nue to put Benin Kingdom on the world map. The Omo N'Oba’s good ne of Ijebuland. He celebrated his sixty-one years on the throne policies and kind gestures have no doubt alleviated the sufferings of the on April 2, 2020. people in Benin kingdom and Edo State”, the Enogie said. Oba Adetona is a first class monarch and longest reigning Awuja- He also noted that the success recorded in the celebration of his third year le in recorded history with a successful reign that is a pride to the anniversary on the throne, his birthday and the 2019 Igue festival are poin- Ijebu of the Southwest Nigeria. He has succeeded in raising the ters to the giant strides of the Oba and love the people of Edo State and status and reckoning of the Ijebu people and one of the country's Benin Kingdom have for him. greatest Monarchs. He is a philosopher, social scientist, an astute His Royal Highness Osadebamwen Aghahowa said the Oghede people are administrator, a spiritual leader, a benevolent employer and an proud to be associated with the success story of the Oba. He used the op- incorruptible ruler. A traditional ruler who is devotedly and loyal- portunity to appeal to the Oba of Benin, Oba Ewuare II and the govern- ly committed to the Nigerian state, he is detribalised and in the ment both at the state and federal levels to mediate in the land dispute forefront of finding a national solution to any political crisis in between Oghede community and the Nigeria Army neighbours. the country when it occurs. The Enogie said “hostilities between my community and the army has He is transparent, equitable, abhors indecency, believes passiona- resumed. The Brigade Commander came, arrested me, seized my vehicle tely in Allah and allows the Christians and Muslims to live in but after investigation, he saw that I was innocent he released my vehicle harmony in Ijebuland. Oba (Dr.) S.K. Adetona, a Commander of to me. With the help of the Chief of Army Staff through the Army Sur- the Federal Republic of Nigeria (CFR) is an employer that shows veyor General who came to survey the Army Barrack and Oghede commu- goodwill, kindness and charity to his workers. A mentor that nity who discovered that we did not enter the Army Land. This is because provides extraordinary experiences for his employees, he parades the army land is surveyed and gazette which the Oghede land is not part of an ultramodern palace, best in the country. Today Oba Adetona army land, but there is another survey that the army is parading disputing has remained a blessing and a great source of inspiration to the Oghede Community and the neighbouring villages around Oghede com- Ijebu people. munity – Oye-Iyanomo. We are appealing to the Oba of Benin, the Gover- As he soars on to greater heights in his long reign, the Ijebu and nor of Edo State Mr. Godwin Obaseki to wade into the matter and for the Chief of Army Staff Lt. General Tukur Buratai to act on the work of the Army Surveyor General which exonerated Oghede community, so that the people of Oghede in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State can have peace in the day and sleep with their eyes closed at night. This time around, the army comes into the community with loads of soldiers to take belongings and arrest people in the community. After two days, they release them after subjecting them to grass cutting and other torture. The property seized is not returned. We are appealing to the Federal Govern- ment to wade into the matter and settle it once and for all”, Enogie of Oghede further appealed.

10 Benin Bronze Casters and Sale of Benin Bronze Head

Bronze casting in Benin Kingdom has come of age. This history dates back to AD 1400 during the days of Oba Oguola. The great king introduced the art through Iguahae. The great grand children of Iguahae are the inhabitants of Igun in Benin City known as the Guild of Bronze Casters worldwide and reputed for Bronze Casting. Little wonder that Prof. Felix Von Luschan, a former official of the Berlin Mu- seum for Volkerhunde stated that “these works from Benin are equal to the very finest examples of European casting technique. Benvenuto Celini could not have cast them better nor could anyone else before or after him. Technically these Bronzes represent the very highest possible achievements”. It was evident that became very popular worldwide because of the Benin Empire's early interaction with the Europeans. Suffice it to say that the works being auctioned today by “unauthorised auctioneers” are from those carted away during the “Punitive Expedition” of the British in 1897, the Oba of Benin's Palace according to Joshua Citzheemer 1603, was about the size of the German City of Tubinger was razed down by fire.

The Oba of Benin, Uku Akpolokpolo Oba was exiled to Calabar. The Benins may not have control over world media to propagate the views, but the truth, they say is told once. The question agitating the minds of well mea- ning people is what becomes of the future of these Bronze Casters? This beco- mes necessary considering the fact that if the civilization preceding that of mo- dern day left treasures behind that could be worth as much as N606 million, what becomes of history on the present day inhabitants of modern earth if that tradition is let to die? All over the world today, there are conservations of endangered species, it is worth mentioning that the knowledge of Bronze casting is endangered, and it is pertinent to protect everything given to us by God including knowledge. To cushion the negative effects of the neglect of present day Bronze Casters in Benin Kingdom, the Museums like Museums of Primitive Art, New York, Mu- seum of Mankind, London, British Museum London among others should invite and pay for members of the Guild of Bronze Casters in batch of 4, each year, to visit them and see the original pieces in these Museums. This will inspire this present generation of Bronze Casters to do better than their ancestors. For exam- ple, in an exhibition held sometime ago in Vietnam, not one Bronze Caster was on the entourage. Whereas, that historic exhibition of Benin Bronze works collected from galle- ries, Museums and private collections all over America and Europe for the first time did not have any impact on the Bronze Casters who should have been in the forefront of such visits. It is not out of place to mention that the Bronze Casting Tradition is almost going extinct. The fact that when great institutions are threatened, all hands must be on deck to prevent their going totally under need not be over- emphasised. It therefore beholds that when a man can no longer support himself and his family, the only reasonable thing to do is to look for some other occupa- tion. This seems to be the option being dangled before the Bronze Caster. With the much noise about reparation, what should be done is that each time a Bronze head or any other Benin artifact is auctioned, a percentage should go to the Bronze Casters, Benin Traditional Council and of course the Nigerian Government. Regrettably, this is not the case up till this moment. According to James Bad- win, “History is not about the past, it is about the present. We take it with us, we cannot run away from our history.” From 1897 – 2020, one hundred and twenty- three years after Bronze works and other artefacts were taken away from the palace of Oba Ovonranmwen, one of such pieces, a 17th Century Bronze head (9 inches) has been auctioned for N606 million by Sothebys in New York. The fact that “unknown” buyer paid this much for the Benin Bronze head means that this artefact is worth much more than a Rolls Royce or infact any other luxury car. As has always been the case, Sothebys, the American government, all got their “fair” share of this transaction in form of taxes and what have you. The buyer got value for money spent. The Bronze Casters?, Nothing. The Benin Traditional Council?, Nothing. The Nigerian government?, Nothing. Affordable and Comprehensive Healthcare, A myth in Africa? Asks Dr. Nosa Aigbe Lebarty MD

r. Nosa Aigbe Lebarty is a celebrity in the Medical Profession, a United States of America based Medical Practitioner who hails from Benin City, Edo State Nigeria. As a Medical Practitioner, he believes that in an increasing world where the effects of globali- zation extends to even the most remote communities, Africa in general and Nigeria in particular, the lower and middle class popu- D lation are now more likely to suffer with health conditions more often wrongly associated with the West, such as Obesity, asthma, heart diseases, cancers and stroke. It is also his belief that through innovation, collaboration and technology, Africans should be able to over- come significant Health challenges plaguing the continent. Thus, with inherent passion to see Africans come out from the health challenges and as a detribalized young Nigerian-American Doctor who believes that high quality heal- thcare should be free of financial barriers, equitable access despite the age, race, gender or even political affiliation, he foun- ded Project Health Africa which is geared towards repositioning and revitalizing the Health Sector, reached out to the poor and vulne- rable people whose basic healthca- re was a distant dream, contribute to the wellbeing of Africans, en- hance friendly relations among Africans and promote medical exchanges and mutual learning. “As far as medical co-operation is concerned, with improved health system, Project Health Africa will Dr. Nosa Aigbe Lebarty MD aim to raise the standard of living of the people by providing afforda- ble and comprehensive healthcare”, Dr. Nosa stated. Therefore, Project Health Africa hopes to collaborate with many reputable hospitals in the United States of America and Europe to bring about the needed Medical advan- cement that is so badly needed now more than ever. According to Dr. Nosa Aigbe Lebarty, the goal of Project Health Africa is to Build a State of the Art Central Medical facility, two rural access medical clinics linking the central hospital via Telemedicine, Develop a referral system for major illnesses; state of the Art diagnostic and imaging centre; and use of innovative system such as Tele- medicine, EMR to connect with various medical expertise outside of the continent and serve as an educational hub for local and foreign doctors, medical students, allied health professionals and nurses. Dr. Nosa further stated that “overall, healthcare should be affordable and should be at the forefront of any government.” “If recent events has thought us anything, it is that a healthy population is the epitome of a successful society. The advancement of a society is linearly proportional to the wellbeing of its populace. Project Health Africa hope to operate by that mantra and create an avenue that may be emulated by others” the USA based medical practitioner contended. Dr. Nosa Aigbe Lebarty was born and raised in Benin City, Nigeria. He attended Fabiyi Akpata Primary School, before proceeding to Baptist High School for the first few years of High School and rounded up at Paragon Comprehensive College in Benin City, Nigeria. Dr. Aigbe Lebarty then migrated to the United States of America with his siblings where he obtained his undergraduate education in Biology at Med- gar Evers College of the City University of Newyork and graduated with honours. At Medgar Evers, he was an engaging student. Some of his notable involvements include being the president of the Science Club, Secretary of the African Heritage Club, Parliamentarian of the alpha honours Society, Medgar Evers chapter, the director of the Science Club Journal, and the co- chair of the Science Club debating team. He was the co-captain of the Soc- cer team that won the first championship of the university in 30 years. Dr. Aigbe Lebarty also served on the student faculty Disciplinary committee of the School of Science, Health and Technology, and also the stu- dent Athlete Advisory and Disciplinary Committee of the Athletic Department. He went on to participate in a summer scientific research as a MCNair Scholar at the University of North Texas Health Science Centre Fort Worth where he was elected the president of the SMART/MCNair Student Association. The celebrity went to Europe to obtain his medical education at Poznan University School of Medical Sciences. In Medical School, he was an engaging student. He was the Chapter's event organiser of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), the local co-ordinator of the standing committee on Refugees and peace of the International Federation of the Medical Student Association (IFMSA) Poznan Chapter. Dr. Nosa Lebarty completed his residency at Ellis Hospital Family Medicine Residency Programme in New York. Currently, he is the Medi- cal Director of the Hospital Medicine of Nathan Littauer Hospital, Gloversville, NY where he also serves as the Chief of Medicine. He is the founder of Lebarty Medicine Hybrid Medical Services that most notably involves the use of Telemedicine in places like the Nursing Homes, Adult Homes and Medical Outreach to Patient with no access to immediate medical services. He is also the founding partner of Centralmed Urgent Care and Primary Care as well as the founder of Project Health Africa.

Internationally acclaimed humanitarian award“ APCN Humanitarian Awards” had reached her 12th Edition and it was said that Africa’s Queen of Reggae Evi Edna Ogholi,

who recently bagged a brand Ambassador of Hope and Peace endorse- ment at Edo State’s prestigious Aid People Change Charity and Orphanage Organization had volunteered to present , host this 12th edition of the prestigious APCN Humanitarian Awards 2020 “but with difference, com- pared to previous celebrations in Luxury event centres Due to Convid19

hizogie ogbebor was born on June 15 1985 into the family of the Ogbebor royal family, notable in The Benin Kingdom she piloted a micro edu- cational study, she has become one of the Edo Eproud daughters. Meeting up to the standard described Pandemic ravaging the world , i prefer protecting life by stopping the red as (what a man can do a woman can do better)she has carpet social gatherings. The event will be an online event, voters link proved beyond reasonable doubts the segments of will be found below and winners will receive their plaques at their homes woman that got power and reasonableness. or wherever they chose to receive their recognitions” said Evi Edna Og- The efficiency of her fashionable decor.world, made her become a role model for the future generation youths of the Edo people. Ehizogie Ogbebor is a Nigerian Busi- ness Guru and the CEO of Sayaveth interiors and Hotel Ltd she has amalgamated into the world of her dream, storming everyone with her undescribable interior de- signs constructions buildings, conception embed interior design in the last few years, due to her determinations and dedication pulling the real woman at of man, as described in God creation, What else can be used to describe such an industriously and creative philanthro- pist pulling the image of the Edo people to the highest level, living the sketch of what it means to become a The youth are the leaders of Comedian young Elder talked about the tomorrow ravaging Coronavirus pandemic Hon. Omosede Igbinedion

fosa Japht, popularly known as “Young Elder ” is a Nigerian social entrepreneur, E Comedian and a Philanthropist. a social media influencer. During our chat with the famous Edo Comedian Efosa Japhet, he said “my comedy concept is to implement the means to reallocate investors into Edo state to enhance The industry, And also to create awareness for the Government of the state to understand the importance of co- medy and movie industry in the state, He also sta- ted that currently, the Edo movie and Comedy industry is dominating. I have been a good actor right from my teen “ said Young Elder.

here is this saying that says “what a man can do, A woman can do better”Proudly Edo Daughter @ Hon. Omosede Gabriella Igbinedion, Barrister, Politician, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist does not hide the fact that she is passionate Tabout the Nigerian youth, who she strongly believes will be the leaders of tomorrow. For some years, she has been at the forefront of the mouthpiece of the Nigerian youths. As a notable daughter of the Edo people. Hon. Omosede Igbinedion was born in the early 1980s into the fami- ly of Chief Gabriel Igbinedion, The Esama of Benin Kingdom. She attended Igbinedion Education Center where she sat for the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) in 1998. She attend- ed Cambridge College in the United Kingdom where she acquired her A-Levels and went on to obtain a Bachelor of Law De- gree from the University of Kent in 2003. She obtained a Comedian young Elder talked about the ravaging Coronavirus pandemic “during the severe lock- down by the Coronavirus, all I learnt was love and beloved, no person was above the infection” He added.Visit www.obalandmagazine.com for the audio interview.

Masters in Diplomatic Studies from the University of Westminster in 2005. She then returned to Nigeria and attended Nigerian Law School, and was called to the Bar in 2007. In 2015, Omosede was elected as the youngest female member into the 8th Assembly of the House of Representatives (Nigeria), where she represents the Ovia Federal constituency which consists of Ovia North-East and Ovia South-West Local Government Areas of Edo State under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). She is the Deputy Chairman House Services in the House of Repre- sentatives and a member of the following committees: Local Con- tent, Aviation, Downstream Petroleum, FCT, Judiciary, Rural Devel- opment, Women in Parliament Why I BECOME A CELEBRITY BIOGRAGHY OF ESTHER EDOKPAYI INTERVIEW -UWA DIVA his is the biography of Esther .O. Edokpayi T (Born 01/04/1981) popularly hailed by Edo- State fans as “Lady of Songs”. She is a Highlife “World

music” singer, Nollywood actress, Film producer, and Philanthropist. Known for various educating songs that relate to Social awareness, Gospel, and Philoso- phy. Her famous Blockbuster was: Owamagbomwan, Omakon (Feat. Influence Akaba) Ose- Neghian, KENIYAHENUWE, and others

Miss Omoruyi Loveth Uwa is a highlife singer, model, Actor and also a make-up Artist. She goes by the stage name Uwa Diva. In an interview with Obaland Magazine, she spoke about herself, her inspiration, challenges and other issues. Excerpts:

Please tell us about yourself?

Well, I am Uwa Diva that is my stage name. I am into highlife mu- sic; I am a model and also a make-up Artist. So I have passion for music right from childhood, I have always wanted to be a celebrity; I have always wanted to be a star. So here I am. Early life: Esther Edokpayi was born in Benin City to How did you become a celebrity? the family of Mr. and Mrs. Edokpayi from Evbuesi, a province of Iyekoriomwon Local Government area of Okay, I actually started acting as a child in the Secondary School, Edo State. She is a biological mother of four children. from there I got an opportunity to act with Edo State Artists. I found Music Esther Edokpayi started her musical that I also had a passion for music, I started writing and by special Career: grace of God in 2019, I was able to take the bold step and hit the career professionally in the year 2009, to finally join studio. I did my first single. I do modeling and all that. the Nollywood film industry two years later. She re- Apart from modeling which is dominated by women and young leased her debut album titled “Owamagbomwan” in girls, the music and movie industry are mostly dominated by men, 2009 which brought her to stardom. In 2020, she had though a lot of women have made great impacts. How are you co- ping with the challenges? released seven albums and over 20 singles. Her al- bums had gained rotational TVs and radio airplay in There are lots of female stars, I just have to step up my game, I have Edo State and beyond. In 2019, her music catapulted to work on myself to make sure I come out as one of the best too. her to tour with her band in the United Kingdom at There are lots of challenges, but I will push through. the prestigious Edo festival and Award. Awards: in 2018, Esther Edokpayi was given an What advice do you have for upcoming models, music artists and actors in Nigeria? award of excellence and leadership, South-South for Best Nollywood south south actress of the year, the Well I just want to advise them to work hard, to believe in themsel- event was held in Abuja. She won Best producer of ves, believe in yourself, in whatever you do, work hard. Do not let the year. In 2019, she won Best Benin female musi- down yourself, do not be weighed down about what people might cian of the year Philanthropist: She has a music aca- think about you, just encourage yourself and push through, you will demy where over fifty persons raging from old and just be fine. young persons had benefited from her entertainment

academy, “studying” “Songwriting”, “Singing” and

What would you want government at all levels to do to encourage “acting films” for nonprofit. I travelled to the UK in Artists like you? 2019 for Edo festival and award, Filmography: She had produced one of the best movies in Edo sta- I want government to appreciate us. Appreciate your own because te, she is the we are the entertainers. The government should appreciate us founder and CEO of Lady of Songs tv. An internet TV whether financially, with connections. Give us the opportunity as we are trying our best to entertain people. They have to back us up, stand beside us and support us in every way they can. Thank you.





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