“Down the Hatch”

Mobile Application Proposal

Carla Marinescu

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 1 of 30 Hatchet Copyright Content:

1. Introduction a. Project Overview: b. Proposed Solution

2. Information Architecture a. Ideas/Research on existing solutions b. App Contents c. Flow Chart d. Target Audience d. Personas/Scenarios e. Experience/Journey Map

3. Low Fidelity Wireframing a. Paper prototypes d. Digital Prototypes

4. Feedback

5. Revised Low Fidelity Wireframe

6. High Fidelity Wireframing a. Colour chart b. Logo Design alterations from Hatchet Logo c. Designs

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 2 of 30 Introduction

Project Overview:

This project is an application based in Perth CBD. The app allows users to spin a wheel to randomize their choice for in the City. Considering that the users can have a limited amount of time for their , the app needs to be a clean design that is quick and easy to use on the go.

Proposed Solution:

With knowledge that the client wants a spin wheel within the application design, the content is then considered in relation to the Target Audience. The proposed solution is to create an app that is able to randomise the choice and provide a list of places in relation to that selection. The criteria can be altered according to preference of distance, price or rating. Once the place is selected, the user can choose to call, get directions or see more about that place on google/Zomato.

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 3 of 30 Information Architecture

Ideas/Research on existing solutions:

Possible ideas to condsider: • Vibrations and sound on phone for spin wheel • Some sort of indication - “click to spin” • map system? - Google maps - how to get there • After whell is spun and choice is made - 5 options: - spin again - directions - popup google maps or use phone app. - call - go to website - done • More options? - price? - Meter Radius/Distance? - Choice of Cuisine?

• 2 wheels? 1. Cuisine/genre 2. Place (/Cafe/Bar) • Favourites list? • Use Icons • Rating system - star rating

Existing Applications - Inspiration • wheeldecide.com - spin wheel for choosing genre • Restaurant Roulette • Random Restaurant Picker - Unusual logo • Zomato • Trip Advisor - Quicksprout.com/the-complete-guide-to-building-your-personal-brand-chapter-2/ • Wheel of Lunch - BAD DESIGN - wheel doesn’t spin easily • Restaurant Roulette - pretty well designed - Could use better images/icons - rating system - directions - link - cuisine - link - $ price - link

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 4 of 30 Cool logo design option

Figure 1: Random Restaurant Picker. 2019. Screenshot. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com. chrisjanusa.findmefood&hl=en_AU

Zomato rating system and restaurant images

Figure 2: Zomato. 2019. Screenshot. https://www.zomato.com/perth/lunch

Customisation by Cuisine choice in Trip Advisor.

Figure 3: Trip Advisor Australia. 2019. Screenshot. https://www.tripadvisor.com.au/Restaurants-g255103- Perth_Greater_Perth_Western_Australia.html

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 5 of 30 App Contents:

• Cuisine Choice • Restaurant Choice • Directions - google maps • spin again • Call • Price options • Favourites • Distance • Settings: - Notifications on/off - walk/drive tickbox - sound on/off - vibration on/off - food specifics?

Flow Chart TYPE 1: My initail design asked the user to select a cuisine first. This design has since been changed. The original concept is for the app to help choose a place for lunch, however my first design goes against this by asking the user to choose their cuisine.

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 6 of 30 Flow Chart TYPE 2: My second design asks the user to spin first to select their cuisine and then gives them an option of places to choose from. This can then be filtered according to distance, price or rating. After select- ing the place, the app provides 4 options on a page that shows an image of the place and a short description. These options include ‘done,’ in which case the phone will take you back home; “Call,” where the app will pop up with the phone number; “Directions,” which will take you to google maps; and “Zomato/Google,” which will give the online description, rating and reviews of the place.

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 7 of 30 Target Audience: • Younger Target Audience • Business people • people working in the City going on lunch break • Ages 18-39years old • Specific target audience - people working at Hatchet


Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 8 of 30 Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 9 of 30 Experience/Journey Map This process helped me realise that the application design should not start with the user first having to make a decision. After creating my journey map, I went back and redigned the application flow chart. I realised that the app should provide a randomizer (spinwheel) up first so that the user doesn’t have to make a decision when they first open up the app. I realised this could create tension for the user if they don’t know what food they feel like. This is why the original design was changed.

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 10 of 30 Low Fidelity Wireframes

Paper Prototypes, Sketches and Dot points:

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 11 of 30 Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 12 of 30 Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 13 of 30 Digital Prototypes: Original prototypes were based off my first concept of having a list of to choose from first.

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 14 of 30 Digital Prototypes: Finalised protoypes with all content.

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 15 of 30 Feedback: Glenn: • Create a way to remove the you don’t like from the list

Solution: Either swipe left on the restaurant choice list to ban that place or right to add to favourites or when the restaurant page is up there is an icon to ban that restaurant. This list will be created in the settings under “Ban Restaurants.” They can be re- added by selecting them and clicking add.

• Create a way to choose whether to spin for cuisine or place.

Solution: A filtering system has been added to the homepage to choose which spin wheel to use according to preference.

Dan: • Create a way to spin with the favourites list.

Solution: A favourites filter has been added to the filters on the home page as an option to change the spin wheel.

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 16 of 30 Revised Low Fidelity Wireframe:

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 17 of 30 High Fidelity Wireframing:

Colour Chart:

Cuisine Colour Palette

Favourites Colour Palette:

Random Colour Palette:

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 18 of 30 Main Pages:

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 19 of 30 Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 20 of 30 Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 21 of 30 Cuisine Page

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 22 of 30 Information Page

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 23 of 30 Option Pages:

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 24 of 30 Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 25 of 30 Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 26 of 30 Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 27 of 30 Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 28 of 30 Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 29 of 30 Logo Design Alterations from Hatchet Logo:

Mobile Application Proposal for “Down the Hatch” March 2019 page 30 of 30