0 ~ · . .. · . () (y (:) :r:. 0(\ - C. .r a 3 Al er" V) )::, OH IOJRACEWALKER C C (\ VI ~ rn 3 0 rt- 1 VOLU~-;J.,;VIII I NUM.ffiR1 COLUNr.:USI OHIO li AHGH1 19?2 ~ (/) r- \,JJ r- KITCHEN, YCUNG HIGHLIGH'f U. S. SCENE; ).J "v "'ii\ MCDONALDSHINES IN OH.IOJ SOVIETS SWEEP C) j\) 1-1 '.i.'hepast month has seen an unuimal amo!ll'lt of race walking activity for th i s timo of ye.i.r with many- top-level performa.nc .oe , In a poorly ~cheduled effort, Bob Kitchen just missed the last issue of the ORWwith a new American 50 Km.record on February 27; a brilliant 4:13:35 ,8. Three wesko later, I..l.rry Young loft the field e:..rly to win the Senior ~tional 35 Kmby nearly a mile in 2:52:41, 'fuo days before that those two i..'llr,ec­ cable ~ nd irre pressible veteran:i Qf the raco-walldt~ke11 OM-two in an indoor 3 ¥• .ilc a.t the US-USSR du;,.l meet, despite an out st,mding effort by Dave· Romarnsky. On tho Ohio scene, Phil HeDo:.3ld first walked a good 10 :nile in icy cond­ itions and then banbod 20 Kmin 1:37:25 two weeks later . Details on theso race:i and other goodies of interest from th-! weird ~d wonderful WO>rldof nee ·wal.ki:ig follow, as the Ohio Raee Walker unbeliew.bly enters its eighth year 0f publication.


( Speei;.1 te the ORWfrom Steve Lund via. the Pacific A3soiilation Race · ' Walki~~ Report.) . Snn F:ranci3co, Feb. 27-Bob Kitchen again picks up tho glory for the month by walking ti?: fa:,test ever 50 Kmby an runerican. Hi3 J)(lrfarmance (4:13 :35,S) betters the old U.S. record held 1::rJDan Ro,11ansky by 1:43, That's darn near a lap . Looks a:, thou zh the Olympic te2111this time around is going to include t hreo 50 Km walkers all of who:n will ~ able to better the old-record . ... thoy're going to h;.vc to, or they "just aint goin 1 to ma lee it".

There isn't a whole lot one cart say about this performance or tho· raoe, which started sh0rtly after 9 a.m. Aa is always tho case around here, all the 'l>.11lkers hil.d their r,1 n plans, most of whicli had nothing to do with an Olympic qualifying 50. It waf; in the 50• s at tho start, a.rxl as tho to.11J)(lr.i.turo slowi:;r rose to the low 60 1 s cver.rJ;iody dropped out­ except Bob. 0 It positi~ly makes me weak te watch this guy go,and go, and go ••.• r Fat~ue sots in, hi:, pace slows a little and he keeps right on truckin 1 • J:> It see m:i a:, though he i.pproaches each lap of that track ao though it haa 1/1 moa-ni~ unh itself an:i is of little or no rel.a ti.on to the other 124 laps. (/\ He sit!!ply starts peeling off U.S. records as though thoy were simply tho skin off a Florida orango. Since his 35 Km record 2 month:, ago, he ha.:m•t l~oked too good. For the past couple of races, his form haan't been .u­ .togethor too smooth . He set no World, or even U. S., records during that . period. A real downer. Tuia wec!

FOUR:tOflli U.S . RECORDS! First to !all w.lS Klop!er 1 :, bra nd new 40 K l. N:i.kol:i.i Smaga, UC:SR 20:08 {6:50, 13:33) 2. Vladi."llir Golubnichiy, USSR re cord of last month. (Really not a rec ord ainco it w..s on the ro.ld.) 20:11.2 (6:50.5, 13:32.4) 3. Dw.veRo) nansky, USA 20:12 . 8 (6:51.2, 13:32- His ti:no of 3:20,:27 waa shaved down to 3:20:00. Klopfer was holding Davo's ti me shatters tre American record, by the way, which should be 11&mo t he stop mtch-,s and· really waan 1,t to~ oxcited tor Herr Eob. The consolation for losing the race.) 4. Ron Laird, USA20 : 59.8 (6:52 . 8, next record l{lopfer road Qff w~s 25 milea in 3:21:16. Then c-mo 30 13:51.8)--Romansky had one caution at about 880 yards--Judges were Lask.au, :niles in 4:.04:36 and finally the 50 Km. following are the statistics Macr¼~ld, Tigc:nnan, and one &ther, whose name I din 1 t ~uite oatch . ) so you can study the progression. Also included are everybody elses doi:-iga. Klopfer and Lund '.fert either sick or Just recovering, Snaz­ YWNG CLOBEliRS35 KM FIBLD el le coll•psed due tD hunger, Lansing due to too much pressu~e around the household, Bob Jackson due to dist anc e inexperience and eptimisn, Hollyl ·10od, Cal., J,,!..arch19-- came into tir.sel - t'own today !.or. the Ranney peeled off at 20 Km with a personal best bj" saaething under a N.1.ticn:11 35 Km and quickly i ndicated t~t he is ready to answer the trem­ minute (1:35:34--a fairly ~npresaive performance in its o~m ri&ht but endous challenge being thrown up by one P.ob Kitchen. Leaving his only Bill did have a 1:34:36 in 1968; perhaps Steve refers h track Jill r ka), challe nger , P.ob BQ;~nan, after 5 km, he movjd through 20 Km in 1:36:10 be­ Phil ;,:oocrs was ;getting 1:aek: in shap11 after foot problems in the Jr. fore t he :,:nog sl01·1ed him somewhat the rest of the way. His 2:52:41 was, 35, Eark Price re:mmed his walking <:.lreor after finiohj,ng college and neverth eless, an excellent solo perform~nce. Kitehen had church earJllit­ acq uiring a cuto little wife nruncd Elizabeth , and B:>b Bowma.n,Kitchen's ment s an d could not ma:ke the race but it should be very interesting when onl y competition, called it off at 40 K.'ll, havine posted a peraonl best they do m~et. . .of. 3:29 : 58 . One mile a'!µ 5 Km splits: Kitc hen : 7:50, 15:50, 23:51 ( 24 :42), 31:50, 39:44, 47:38 (49:17), , :&,b Bowman wtlked .i. very Gtl"ong N.Ce in l!leO~nd, h.,ngine with Yomig 55 :31, 63 :26, 71 :21 ( 73: 34) , 79 :14, 87 :10, 95 : 08 ( 98: 34), 1: 43 :03, fo~ 5 lGn then droppir.g back of Bill Ranney by nearly 2 minutes at :25 Jan 1:50:59, 1:5 8 :57 (2:03:10), 2:06:55, 2:14:56, 2:22:58 (2:28:08), before caning on again in t he fin.i.l 5 to best the Athens AC veteran. .. Ran­ 2:31:01, 2:39:06 , 2:47:18 (2 : 53:31), 2:55:37, 3:04:04, 3:12:41 (3:20), nc~, despite fading in tho final 10 kn',, probably had his ·best time at .i.ny­ 3:21:16 , 2:29:56, 3 :38:45 (3:47:14), 3:4 7 :28, 3:56:00, 4:04:35. thing o•r-er 25 !<.Illas , like fi ne wine, he continues to improve with age. Bow:?an: 8 : 03, 16:14, 24:31 ( 25 :23), 33: 25, /+J_:Id, 1+9:52 ( 51 :38), 5,8: 05 In fourth place, captured tha style prize a.n:lalso turned in 66:21~, 74:41, (77:05) 83:04, 91:23, 99:51 (1:43:31), 1:48:14, 1:56:42, ' hie best distance performance. Obviously a fellow t0 watch , :&>bHe nder­ 2 :O~:12 ( 2: C9 :45), 2: 13: 45, 2: 22 : 41, 2:.JO: 47 '(2: 35 :10), 2: 39 :14, 2: 47 :38, s on, :iow in tho Army and traini11B with Scully at Fort Mae.Arthur moved 2: 50:04 {3:02:23¢,J:p4:'33, 3:13:29, 3:22:24 (3:29:58), 3:31:16 for 25 M throu.g~ in th e seco nd half of the race to tako fifth and l-li.ke Ryan bested Bob J a ckson: 17 ;:iil cs · in 2:36:55 , · Strid~r te~nate Jchn Kelly over the la st 15 km for sixth. The Striders Bill n~nr.e;r: 7:37, 15:ll, 22:46 (23:34), 30:21, 38:00, 45:39 (47:10), too k the te2.1n title over the Shor e AC. Not<'Jablo abs entees besides Kit ­ 53:22, 61:03, 68:46 (70:51), 76:31 , 84:18, 92:10 (95:34) chen wero Gootz Klopfer, just getting l::ack in shape after so me i lln ess, llr'y'an Sno\zelle: 1:59:01 for 20 l~n am To:n Dooley, concentrating strictly on 20 Km. Ron Laird atarted but il~I-~- ~·{.~H"~iHHH8**1,HHHH.~~~~~-''°'"";P,HHHH~~·1HH~-;.'Hi*~~*;;-~;HP~~~~~-**1"~~'*>t-a had .1. eo1·e ha mst.ri ng, o.pparontly from the 3 Mile 2 r.i ght a before, :n:1 u.s.-u.s.s.R. went c;,nly 2 Km. The results: . 1 . L.s.rry You!\~, C'elurnbia College 2:52:lµ. (24:01, 47 :54 , 1:11:44, 1:36:10, filch:~".',:'ld , Va.. , Harch 17-In the first-ever indoor dual trac k meet b~­ 2:00:56, 2:26:3 8·~ 2. Bob Bovnuan, Stridcrs 3: 00 :02 (24:01, 48:33, 1:13:39, t w(:e:1 the U.S. and the Soviet Union , Europ eM 20 l'.ra titlist Nik0lai 1:3 9:49 , 2:06:17, 2:33:30-P.ob m.s & littJ.e put out wit h tho ti mers tor S.,,n.<:ap ull ed away .fro:n tc"!!ate Vladi 'llir Gol ubnichiy and a dcter:nined not letting h~n knew how clo no to 3 hours he w~.s as ho approached t he Dave R1>;;.;i."lnkyin th e final mile to capt ur l.l the 3 H.ilc Wall< in 20:08. line , If thoy h;;d, he would prob..1.bly ha.ve kicked and got DQ,d.) J. Bill GoJ.ub:~ichiy, twice Olympic chn,npio n , j1wt held off flqr..i.nsky to tako Ran,"\ey, Athens AC 3:01:22 (24:20, 48 :43, 1:13 :29, 1:36:35, 2:04:24, beco:--.d as Ilo:-i Lnird suffered tho cmbarass ,;1cnt o! being lapped despite 2: 32 :25) 4. Todd Sc~illy, Shore AO 3:03:37 (24:44 , 50:02, 1:15:19, 1:40: br e,:king 21 minutes in fourth. 31,.2:06:53 , 2:34:15) 5. Bob Her.dernon, US Army 3:12:50 6. Hike Rya.n, Str iders 3:14:17 7. John Kelly, Strid era J:15:32 8. Jim Bean Striders 'r:1e :rn ce was walked at an over-incr easing pac~ as the t wo Rus­ 3:16:56 9. Greg Diebold, Shore AC '3:18:37 10. Paul Ide, co1.'col . 3:20: :;;i;;.:,s wcro ap;: ...rer.tly conte nt to bide t heir tize at the start, if you 40 ll. Tom Knatt, N• . J,f-,dford Club '3:29:21 iz. Roger Duran, uu. 3:32:57 I call .S :aga s 6: 50 first zn:i.le bidil1[.; one's ti me. Ro:namiky, who h!!,d )e ad 13. Da.vo Bryant, Sa.nt.i. 1-lonica TC 3:41:.mewith most any Arnerieal\ held on fairl;r flat loop of ju st ur.der 5 Km. ¥alkcr. Even a stylist like ~rry Young might lock a bit rough 1:ll comparison when going at such speeds. A great effort by Dave, but it t:hows the problem in beating these guys at 20 since we know they .:.re very strong and now, ob-ri.ously, very fast. The rosults:

. " l-'.ARCH,1972 PAGE4 MARCH,1972 PAGE5 HCDOl'IALDTOUGH OTHE.11. RESULTS : 2 l·,il e (rood), Huntington, Conn., F~b. 27-1. Jack B:>ita no , Stratford Spar­ On the local scone, Phil McDonald continues t¢> improv. af.ld, at tans 17:33 2. Phil Tarasovic , SS 18 : 07 3, Ni:ke Segal, South. Conn. Sports least tor the moment, tho highly competitive races Qf last summer and CJ.ub 18 :24 4, John Tannachion , U. of Bridgeport 18:53 5. Dr, Norm fall are a thing ot the i::ast . On March 5, we got a rea:ionable field to­ Canter, SS 19:34 1 Nile , Franklin, }la::i:i., Feb. 13-1. Georee La.ttarulo gethr:r for the first , time this year as aix :ihowed up fer a 10 miler at 7:43 2. R cha rd Moor<, 8:04 3, Don Thorap::ion 8:21 4, Brad Kron 8:36 1'/orthington High Sctiool. With tho temperature at 22 arid the wind quite 1 5. V~k~ Rounds 8:53 6, Sig Podlozny 9:18 6 Yd.le, fuston 1 };ass., Feb. strong, we chose to use an 8$7 yard lap around tre school, which offered l. Fred Brown, Sr. 69:58-Frcd re port s it fir.ally ha ppened. They have some' shelter from the wind, · rather than venturing out on the full 1 mile all'lays agreed up there that all scheduled walks would be held if one waL1<­ 1014 yard lap. So we did 20 laps, making a total distance of 10 miles er &nd a t imer sho1,-ed up . This was the day of a very damaging North­ 140 :,,ards. McDonald and 1-lortland alterr.a.ted the l ead tor three l.i.ps oa~ter and others tr5.ed to ma.ke it rut couldn't. Fred's powcrful .1-:averiok for a 12:18, Phil then took off on his o,m, doing sub-four minute laps got him, and his courageous timer Les Ealcom, through. His time va.s t hrour,h 15, where he had a 59:56. He %.lowed somewhat from there, but &bout 12 ~inutes off his best on the course, so corditions were rough. :itill finis hed in 80:1'.3, excellent for the cor.dt tions, Eortland ICAAt.Al M:Lle Walk, f'rinccton, tJ. J ,, M.~rch 4-1. Howard Pala.'1\archuk, otur r-d ed in nearly '.3 minutes late!'., Meanwhile, Jack mackburn, just Temple 7:02.2 2. Phil HcGaw, Sprin_~ncld 7 :10.7 '.3. Pet()r Harren , USl·lNA getting back into things,- ~couldnit ·shak<: a-i improving :&lb Smit h until 7:'.36,4 4. Bruce Dcug l as , U. of na iJ\e 7:~ .0.5 5, Kenneth Heyn.olds, US!•:t-:A after 6 mil es , Doc Blackburn went through 9 miles an.d Dale Arnold, alSG 7:U.2 6, P..ic h PlHfnor, Nanhattan 7:M.8-18 starters, with Princeton , very short on tril. ning, managed 6. Johns Hopkins , Syracuse, and Alfred al:Jo represented, waa the bieg est field in histo:r.r. 10 n lc I Asbur.v Park, N. J. --1. Todd Scully, Shore AC Thirteen days later and r:;any of th e same gladiators were back at the 1:19:29 2 . Dave Rorr~nsky, SJ Charge rs 1:22:00 '.3, Dr. George Shill i ne , sa.-ne sito for tie Region 6 20 Km champion sh ip. This time we wc:nt on the, NYPC1:25:58 4, Bob ¥.::imm,Phil. AC 1:26:56 5. :fub Falciola , Shore AC bie loop, which is 40 yards over 2500 rr.etcrs pe r lap, meanir.g 8 laps with 1:311.:31 6. Don Johnson, Shore AC 1 :34 :40 7, Elliott Dem.an, Shore AC the first one 320 yards ohort. Thi s time NcDonald shot ri ght out and 1:35 :51 8. Bill Hakulich, Phi1. AC 1:36:11 (16 finishers). ~lmen 1 :i 10 was pullir.g steadily away after the firot three steps. Ho was probably Hile, Asbury Park -- 1. Stella Palrunarchuk 1:43:18 2. Ns.ncy Taylor doin g 7:'.30s at th e start, an d ,rent through 10 Ion in just under 48:00 . 2 :16:1 3 '.3. Virginia Luc as 2:17:07 20 lb, Asbur·y Par :, , Ja r.. 30-1. He held ju st '!ndc'r 8-minutei ,:pace from there and turned in .i.n excellent Jol-,n Kr..i.ftc,n, t-.YAC 1:34:45 2 , Todd Scul l y, Shore AC 1:36 :42 J. Ron 1:37:?.5, 1-lhich·move~ hir.i frc; n 40th to 21st on an all-ti me U.S. 20 Ion Daniel, !-'YAC1:39:45 4. Ray Somers, un. 1 :39:52 5. Ron Kulik, NYAC list . recently compiled by ,fub fuwrr.an. Phil is o:xtre::,dy to ugh right l:l,3 :16 6. Howie Palaraarchuk, Te.'llple U. 1:43:16 ?. Elliott Der1man, · mr,: an d s!1ould get toug!icr. He has had a knee problem thin winter, 1·1hich Shore AC 2:00:19 10 Hile , Lonu, Branch, N.J, 1 Narch .5-L Ron Laird, was t:pparcntly a function of cold weather, and ,v:1s forcGd to .rts to get in a few lon g Shore AC 1 :32 : 35 7. Bob C;;.rlson, Shore AC 1: 33 :41 8. Bill Hakulich, ones, we can look for an even stronge r Fhil. B:i.ck to th" 20 kn, J,!ortland Phil, AC 1 :33 :47· (12 finishers) 20 Km, Dt~tro~t, Feb . 27-1. Jerry . carried through at a fairly steady pace to meet the Trials qualifying B:icci l:/~J:50 (25:50, 52 :4 5, 1:19: 00 ) 2. Le6n Ja.::iionowski 1:43:52 star.dard with a 1:42:25. !)ale Arnold went the whole way this tirr.c at about ( same splits) .3. Bill Walker 1: 48: 23 ( cold :i.nd lfindy as for the Long the same pace he had man.i.getl f0r 6 miles 2 weeks earlier and a ne1·,©1r.er, Branch 10 miler, too.) 30 Km, Detroit. Harch 12--1. Jerry Bocei,2:42:58 C,;iry lihlr;;;;.:--:n,in );us first eYcr race, held on ea:r,ely to finish th::: dis ­ 2. Bill \>:alker 2:45:09, . Lcim Jasiono't"ski did n:i-t finish. B:icci 1 s splits: tance. fob S!!lith ran into pr0bl~::is a nd cr.lled it a day after 5 lap:J and 26: 52, 54 :1 0, 1:21:24, 1:1..8:26, 2:15 : 50, Walker with him through 20 Km. Doc i.lackl:,urn did 15 Kin. Jack the filackturn •,m.i:ioff cheerir.g his high Women's 10 Y.m (read}. Det.-oit, llarch 12--1 . Jeanne Bocci 57:45 2. Lynn school tern !l to a regional te.s ke tball cha.';lpionship. The results of these Olsor. 59: 03 3. Denise Gross 69: 14 W,r.;:en1 s 1 J.1iln (Indoor)• Detroit 1 two races: ¥..arch 18-1. Jeanne Bocci 8 :10 2. L.,urie Tucholski, ~olcdo 8:13 3 , 10 J.;iles , J:arch 5-1. Phil };cDonaJ.d, UCTC80 :13 2, Jack l-!ortland, OTC lfary Honey, Dayton 8 :16 4. Carol Mohanco, Dayton ? 5.. Denise Cross, 83.: 00 3, Jack El.ackrurn, O'l'C 95:48 4 , P.ob Smith, OTC 98 :37, Doc Elack­ Detroit 9:30 6, Kathy Simon, Det roit 9 : 33 (Lynn Olson arrived late and burn-9 miles in l:4].:19, l)aJ.c Arnold 6 rniles i n 63:10 did 8:16 by herself) 1 Nilf', Detroit, Harch 18-1. Bill Purves, Toronto Rcgfon 6 Al,U 20 Km, Harch le --1. HcDor.'1ld 1:37:25 2. Mortland 1 :42:25 6:43.0 2. Jerry B,cci 7:05 '.3, Leon Jasionowski 7:07,5 4. Roman 01- '.3, Arnold 2:11:21 4, Gary Uhlr5ann, un. 2:49:37, Doc Bl.c1.ckburn 15 Ion in szew~ki, Toro11to 7:11.5 5. Dill Walker 7:18, Brian }iurphy DNF ~ - 1 :40:05, P.ob Smith 7½ plus in 78:0'.3. Columhia~ Mo. 1 March 18-1. JM Duncan 30:15 (5 minutes after 5:27 1 *"';:~H(-;;iHHH:~:~*;;-~r~~~{~~~~,.-it-~:-:H;-',.;-;~-~-i;~p,;-;H'rJHH:;-'h~-!h~--i:*i}i;~+~~--;.;;r~~~~-,H:-rnrz-;n:1("";.'....',H;-{:->,H~ Hile run 2, Dave Leuthold 30: 50 '.3. Joo V.d.ze, Atchison, Kan. 32:40 Full results of NAAUJf!door 1 Hile, February 29--1, , SJ 30 Km Run, Columbia, }!arch 4--2. Larry Young 1 : 55 :16 Far We2tcrn 25 Km, Chnrc:;el's 6:13.4 2. Rn tai?Xi, 1'..'YAC6:J.4.6 '.3, , Striders San Francisco, Feb. 13-1. Eob Kitchen 2:03 :35 (24:~, 48 :34, 1:13:36, 6:17.5 4, Tod Scully, Shore AC 6:20,4 5. Ron. Kulik, NYAC6:22.6 6, Dr. 1:38:32) 2. Bill Rannoy 2:03:39 (2L.:2'.3, 48:50, 1:13 : 50, 1:38:56) '.3. J0hn Knifton, f.,YAC6:29.0 7. Greg Diebold, Shore AC 6:31.5 8. Esto!:.an Roger Dura~ 2:13:11 4. Steve Lund 2:14 : 06 5. Jim Bean 2:22:06 6, Jerry Vallo, 1·,'VTC6:40.0 9. Howie Palama rchu k, un. 6:48,0 10. Joe StefanOwicz La nsL,ig 2:?/:4S 7. Brys.n Snazelle 2:28:05 (Steve Tyrer 2:19:12 should Phil. AC 7:CY7- W 1d Ron Daniel, Cautions to Laird and Scully be up there . It was just 2 wecka later that Kit¢hen did 2:03:10 on his ·~ay to 50 ~n the track.) NARCH, 1972 PAGE7 PAGE 6 HARCH1 1972 Sun. May 7-7 Mil.e , Belle Isle , Detroit, 10 ~.• m. (A) Walking _Pentathlon, Suneyvale, Cal , 10 a..m. (K) Onta.rio 3 Km ChaJ11pioru,hip1 Toronto , March 4- l . Frank J ohl'leon 13 :04. 4 20 Km, East Rive r Drive , Philad elphia (M) 2. Bill Purve s 13 : 06. 2 3. Pat Far r ell y 13 : 21 , S 4. Nevill e Conway 20 Km, Missouri Cup, Hickman Track, Columbia , Mo. 2 p.m. (R) 13: 56.8 5. Roman Olszewsi:i 14 : 47. 0 6. R, Wal.llbolt 15 :13 . 0 7. J . Mon­ 20 Km, West Seattle Tr a ck , Wash. 9a,m . (C) aco 16 :30 . 6 9 . G. Salisbury 16:38 .8 (F elix Cappolla and Karl }Jorsch enz Sa.t . May 13- WEST.lillNHEi-1.ISl'Hl!:RE 20 Kl1 CHA}IPIONSll, Sha r on , Pa. ( J ) di d not fi nish ) 15 l-!ile 1 Toronto , March 12- - 1. Pll.t Farre lly 2 :02 :08 3PAAU20 KmChrunpi enship , Cal Tec h 'l'l'ack , 9:30 a .m. (F ) 2. Karl ¥.ersch enz 2 :02 :11 3 . Max Gould 2 :21 : 51 4 , Erni e Sharp 2:39 : 58 2 Mil o Hdcp, Grade School 3/4 !file , Lolll!JllOlltH . S. Track , 5. G. Salisoory 2 : 56:13 6. Art Keay 3 :06 :4~ 1 5 Km, Stockport , Eng. Denver, 9 a ,m·. (G) l J ohn Paddick 70 :;l.2 (1"embcr 1964 Olympic te:un at 20 Km who t-2.:. walked Sun . May 14- - Qhio AAU10 Km, Worthinnton H. S. , 12 noon (E) ;o or .'.l.dical ly si nc e appare ntly mak ing s trong eff ort t hi s year ) 2 . Ron 20 Km, 5.1.n Francisco Stat e Track 10 a.m. (K) Wailwork 71:04 3 , D, J . Vickers 7~:48 4, Julian Ho~kins 73 :32 ~Results 10 Km, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 10 a. m. (I) than ks to fonr,or ~lub nat e &rry Richardson who has recently put in a 1 Mile , Hartin Luth er King Games, Philadclphis . 56 :32 ·7 mil e ef f ort on"a mea sur ed course . JoD. y good thing too bloke is Sun . May 21- NAAUSR . l HOUll, LAWHENCEVILLE, N.J. (N) (if you don 't have back i n England 'Where I do n ' t hav e t o contend _with..,su ch et o~la r perf? r ­ entry blank by first of Hay contact Da ni el immedi ate l y) ma nccs) 15 ~~ , Hayes , Engl , Jan. 8--1 . Ron Laird 7~:36 15 Km, Steyr.ir.g , 5 Mile, Belle Isl e , Detroit , 10 a, m. (A) ~ . , Jan . 1- 1 . Laird 70:23 2 . Al.an fuchanan 72:13 7 ~.ile 1 Lo:'ldon, Sat , May 27- 2 Milo , Ca.li.fornia Relays, Nodcsto 2 p ,m. (K) Jan. 15- 1 , Laird 50:11 2 . Shaun Lightman 50:42 3 , Bill Suther~aro Sun. l-:a.y 28-9 Mile Hdcp, l,Qkewood, N.J . (B ) 51: 14 4. Amos Seddon 51: 22 6, C. Lawton 51 :30 6. George Chaplin 51 :47 ~U SR. 10 KH, STAGGFIELD, CHICAGO(0) 7 . Eric Tjcylor 51 : 57 8. J , Call ow 52:18 (30ur.der 5? , _38 under 56:o::, Mon. l-'.ay 29-Zinn Hcmorial 10 l'Jn, Chica go (P) 92 under 1 Hour) 10 Mil e, London, Jan . 22-1. Paul Nihill 70 :15 (2 :l-u.le Sat , June 3-Kennedy Games 5 f.m, Bcrkel51Y, l p.m. (K) splits : 13 :41~, 14 :09 , 14 :04 , 14 :18 , and 14 :00) 3 Km, Lo~don , Jan . 19- I owa AAU2 Nile, Dewitt, IQ1<,a ( I) 1. Roger Mills 12: 35 , 0 2 . Ron Laird 12 :46 , 6 3 , Amoe Seddon 12 : 58 4. 20 Km, Women's 5 Km, Groemdch , CQnn . (Q) J . Callow 13:00 . 6 5, Alan fu char.an 13:13 . 4 Rl-:MU 2 Hour , Colorado U. Track , Boulder 8 a, m. (G) 6 Mile Hcicp, Co3lllo Park , Columbia , No. 9 a .m. ( R) UPCOhltl:r RACES (~ tt er s in par enthes es ref er t o person s t o cc,lt act r&­ Sun. June 4- 2 Milo , &illo Isle, Detroit, 10 a. m. (A) ga r dil18 t he r ac e as list ed following the schedul e .) 10 Hile, Lansdowne, Pa . (14) 5.1.t. Juno 10-0hio MU l Mile, Dayton (E) Sun. April 9_.:_i5 Km, Bel le Isl e, Dotroit, Mich . , 10 a ,m. (A) lO am (B) 3 Hile Hdop, Gr ado School 1 Mil e, Broom!i$ld , Col • . 9 a.m . (G) Capt . Ron Zinn l,e:uori al 10 l·!i.le, Aetury Park , N. J . - ~ Sun. Jw.e 11- .t-!JAAU2 Mi.le, MoP111outhCollege ( B) 7 Y..i.le, Hickr.i&n Track, Columbi~ , Mo. , 2 p.m. (R) 7 ~lile (~rack) , Cleveland , Ohio (E) t!AAU SEIUOR 25 Kc, SUTTU;, \·/ASH. , 9:30 a, :n. (C) Sun . July 1- 0LYMPIC'£RIAL 20 KN, EUGr:1-IE,O;mGON (J) \-led . April l? - Lo:, Angelo s Athletic Club Invi~ational 4 Mile Tue. July 4..:..0LYM?IC '!'!UAL 50 KM, EUGE:lli, OREGON(J) Sat , April 15- -l w\ U JR. 20 KM, COliNwEUSHUG CHS, PA., 10 a.,m. (D) 10 Mil e, Contin ental , Ohio, 12 noon (E} Contacts: 2 ilile , UCLATrack, Los Angefes, 12:30 p.m . (F) A--Jerry &cci , 1141-.4 Beacor,::;field , Dotroit , Mich. 48224 RI-~U 20 Km aoo Opon, Ad;i.::o County F;.irgrounds , Col . (G) &--El li ott Derman, 2A N, Locust Ave. , W. Long Branch , N. ,T. PNAI\U 15 Km with Bi.1·ch Eay Karathon (C ) C-Dean Ingr.un , 507 Cebb fuilding, Seattle, Waah. 98101 Sun . April 16-Eastern Regional 50 Hi.le , :•:omiouth Col. Track 7 a.m. ( B) 0--Step hen Palrunarchuk, 6357 Crescent Avo. Corn~ells Height s, Pa. 19020 MVAAUl Hour , Hickman Track , Columbia, Ho., 2 p.rn. (R) E--Jack Hortland , 318L, Swr.:nit St . , Columl:Als, Ohio 43202 Sat . April 22-1 Hil e, Kansas U Relay s , u.wr enco (oub 7:30 to quali fy) ( H) F--1'-'.artin Rudei-,, 102lf 3rd St ., Apt . 2, Santa Monica , Cal . 90403 50 Km, West Se2.ttle , Wa sh . Track, 7 a ,rn. (C) · G-Flo;y'd 0: dwin , 935 Ash St . , Broo;,?field, Colo . Iowa AAU20 Km, \•:aterworks Park, De:.-:Hoin(ls,10 a .o . (I) H-Fred Young, 9824 E. Lirrt1ood, Independence , Mo. 64052 Sun. April 23- NAAUSr . 20 KH, C.H. POOTCOLLtGE, LOhC ISLAND (J) I- Mike Sulli van, 2510 40th Place, Des Hoines , I owa 50310 Sat . Aori l 29--7 Mil e a nd 40 ~a , Dayt on, Ohio , 12 noon (E) J -Bruc e MacDonald, 39 Fairview Avo., Port Wabhington , N. Y. 11050 ' NAAUJR . 10 Kl4, COLURADOU. TRACK, OOULDER,1 0 a .m. (G) K- Ili.11 Ranney , On~ Barker Court , Fairfax, Cal . 94930 5 Km, Mt. SAC Rel ays, Walnut , Calif . (F) L--Fred Brown, Sr., 151 Wdsh St. , P-edford, Mass. 02155 Walk - Run Pent athlon , Hiclor.an Tr~~k, Col'lllllbia , Ho, (2 Hile H- -Bi.ll Hackulich , RD1 , Upper Stat e Rd., Nor th Wales, Ohio Walk , 880 r un , .Mi.lo Walk, 2 11..i.le Run, 220 Dash ), 9 a. m. (R) N--non Daniel , Sun . April 30- 10 Mil e l?cardwalk h"alk, Seasid e Heights , N. J . 10 :30 a.ml (B) 0--Tcd Haydon, U. of Chicago, Track Coach, Chica.go , Illino is 20 a.nd 50 Km, \'/oodside, Calif . (K) P- -Bi..11 Ross , 2835 N. Linc<1ln, Chicag o, Ill 60657 10 Y.m, Mt. SAC Relays , Walnut , Calif . (F) Q-Bi.ll Kongovan , 1 Putrwn Hall, Apt . 3D, Gree nwich, Conn . Dr . Tri pp Memorial 10 Km,Women ' s 5 Km, Broomf i eld, Col . (C ) R--Jo e D..incan, 4004 De!oo, Cob:ribia, Ho. 65201 Bill ' a Tap 10 Nil e HDCP, Lcwell , l~as . (L) . *****1'<*".rlli:*::~H:--l:'*****""**l:-~;:-;:-:o:-:HHH'r.:-;:..,-r*!l-)<-~~;:"*l(~-'.HHH:-:l-"-'****-A"IH:-lH:-11* Sat . l-!ay 6--I owa AAU50 Km, Stat e Fairground s, Des Moin es , 8 a.m. (I) _The O'nio Race Walker is published monthly in Colwnbus , Ohi<>by one Jac k RJ-IAAU5 0 Km, Ada.ma County Fai r gr ounds , 8 a. m. (G ) Mortl .. nd, who deoerts his wi fe f or thre e or four ni ghts whilo beati ng it 1 Mil•, Quanti co Relay s, Quantic o, Va . out . Subscription ra.te iSi $2.50 por year . Addre ss all corr espond enc e to 3184 Su!mnit St ., Colu:nbls , Ohio 43202 MARCH,1972 PAGE 8 MARCH,1972 PAGE 9

A CLASSI C EXAMPLE OF RELAXED, HIGH=SPEEDWA LKING. ANDA NOT- SO- CLASSI C EXAMPLE. Your editor , also Ken Matthews , still this writer ' s pick as the al l­ during a 10 km race , looking equally legal but not time 20 km. kin g, seen as he laps a l esser man nearly as relaxed and going nearly a minute a mile during a 43:26 10 km effort in East Germany in May slower . Thi s was early in a 48 :39 effort i n 1970 1961. That , my friends, is 6 :59 .4 per mil e, and with Barry Richardson and Jerry Brown in arears . what could lo ok easier , or more legal . Jerry Brown is not very often seen in arears t hese days . !-:ARCH,1972 !•'ARCH, 1972 PAGE11 BITS OF 'IHlS AND THAT as Pedestr i an of the -Month and I note that he is exactly l year older than If you wnnt to continue to see purty pict ures in tho ORWsend me eomo. yo .tr editor . . · Gloss y pri nts preferrod al though good hal fton es ca n be used. (Tho 5 Years Ago (Fran the !-;arch 1967 CRW): Jack Blackburn slip ped away fro;n picturo of 1:atthews is takon Iran a caver of one of l-!cCar thy 1 s old ra gs. ) Jack Mort land in the last mile aa both recorded th eir best eve r track 10 Arry aiz e, they can be reduced . Can1t quaran teo the y will be uacd, as I Jan with 47:22 aro. 47:28. Norm Rothe , up f'roin '!'e:x.aotci visit re la tives, can only run two pr t hree a month. Current t.hinga will be pr ef er red, took t hi rd in 53:25 .ao t he 9-rnan fi el d comprise d one of the la rgeat in wt eono old i es are of i nter es t , ae well •••• Dave Lakri t z, one of th e Ohio history • ••• Don DeNoon edged Larry Walker 6:28 to 6:29 .9 to catpure rea l like able veterans of th e walk ing g~ e, i11 ret ir ing fro:n his j ob t ho ~tional 1 Mile in Oakland ao defending titliet Ib.idy Haluzii came t hird a nd .:1oving to Isra el in April . I am sure all in the walking fra t ernity in 6 :34 .2, Ron Laird , Larry Young , ar.d Bob Kitchen filled out ~he first wis h him well • ••• Joe Ti g erman will be on th :,· In t er national Panel of six •• •• 1.:1.rry Walk e:.-alse turned in an outstanding track LO Km.wi th a Wal.kin" Jud gee for th e Olympi c GQmea in I•ainich as the only U. S. re pres ­ 46:21 . 2 to beat Ron Lair d by nearly a minut e and LarrJ Young 01 nearly ent ati .;e .... . 4crnen 111 race walking subc ommittee of the 1-Q.tio~l A.AU two • . •LV .... <..>0-~ ... ··= -u·c1H1-:HH.'*IH'rlHH} Women' s T&F Corrurii-ttee has been es tabli shed with Don DeNo~n, Apt . 2, -IHHh'Hl-'.P',c-i,Yl-:HHHH'rA-lHHHHH<**~~-l:-.:-lHl-',HHHHH'.-IHl·l<-IHHHr..'-k..-, 8 n .-,..- «,~,.. ,,.,.,.-, •~ 635. Coronado A\!e,, Long Beach , Cal . 90814 a~ t he 1972 Chaircian . Don !J.is aak ed that all Assoc iation RI-/ ChaiI'IJlan includ e women• o eve nts at I rece ntly r ec eived a letter fro~ one ef the natio n' s loa ding ju dges, shorter distanc es on th eir sc hedules . ·s end na.~c s a nd addre:Jscs of any who, off the record, express ed th o opi ni on that wo might do well to try women race i-mlkers in yrur area and res ulto of raceo to Don • . . . Ron ~ir d.l.a a:id protide ex pense money fo r jud ges if we expect them to travel gre at ra ce w:-u.kine. book is due out i n early April ;,.nd ia being prin t ed and diata nces to judge our walks. 1-trgood friend. Dr • . Bl.ac kwr::i has ofton di stribu ted by Trac k & Field News, P. O. E.ox 296, Los Altos, Calif ••.• talked along th¢Se lines to the extent of indic ati ng that if we want pro ­ Soea1cing of Tra ck & Fi eld News, as noted :io?:te time ago, th e f!ublicat io n fe asioral judgin g wo had better make judges professionals. He ~as el.so i~ 111::1-r givi ng race walking more play and Bob Bo,Man ii, doing an exc el­ discoescd t rain ing course s fo r judg es in the past . Becau3 0 this is an le nt jnb ao t heir Walkin g Edito r. However, for thos e who k~ep harp ing on imoortant issue, and because at leas'.. two of our better judges are con­ t he ~eeess ity of 1 Mile walks for exposure of th e oport, consider the cer:i ed about it, I asked Doc to bri efly set down somo of his t ho~ghts on fo llowi ng fr.:,;n their artic le on the AAUIni oor T&F Ch~npions hi po as :::att ers rel.a.ted to tho quality of ,judging wit h the t hought t hat :i.t ~igh t wri tten by Ji:n Dunaway and !?ob Hersh , ;'In the - r.lile wal k , te l evision slow- ·, instigate s=e ~osit ive action along the lines ho l. ys d own. Here i s motion re play i,. _o~en reve aled cor,oidcr able air under the I wall~er:3' yot what he gave me: only :r.ost - flagr ar.t Ron Daniel was canned, as D;.vo Ro.T.."lnoky ,,;en in a r..eot '! best 6 : 13 . 4, 11 !low I don I t know if the rep ln ys r eally showed th is or not , nThcre should be form al tr.lining fe judges . Ther e should b e exa.m­ ' er if th ese · guys de11't kn ow _what they ar e look i ng at. !ht I am eure t his inations--eral writt en, and practical-beforo one is permi.ttod t o act as 1• not the kind ·of exposur e we need •. •• A Junior NatioMl Trac k and Field a j~ e. When' a judg e is considered qu.a~fied , his OXJ?enses to a walking Meet fo r boys 14 te 19 , to include a 10 Km 11'21.k, will be held in Uenv er eve nt shc:ul d be po.id , and he should rece i ve an honor a~ium. , June 23 a nd 24 . The first two in each event will qualify to a; mpote in a du.al meut with th e USSH to be held July 22-29 i n ei ther Qiic~go , "Fom.a.l training should consist ef a curriculum in anatomy, phys­ El Paao , or Sacr ament o. A return match ~ill be held in tr.e Soviet Union iology , and mechanics of ,raiking . It sh~ld ~nclude a P: r~o d of ~ppren t ­ ner.t year ••• • •\'lhoopsl S()!?lemo re results I ·had buried int h.:i wrong st.a ck iceship wher ~i n th, as piring jud ge is assi gneu to a qualifi ed Soro.or of otuff . ( I work fr om ot ackQ of Gtuff.) 10 Km, Indi o . Calif . , F(1b . 20- judg e for eac h race . Each des ignat ed judge should have a st udent judge 1. Ibb B::M:nan48:10 .6 2 . Don DeNoon 49: 11 3. Hudy lfa.luza 50:52 4. 1-<.ilce at each r ac e. Ryan 51:28 5. Jo hn Kelly 52 :00 6. Dick Ort iz 53 :41 7 . F.d Bouldin 54 : 50 8 . JiPI &an 56:31 9 . Manny Adri ano 57:3 6 10 . Carl Warre ll 58:11 11 . trJust becau3c a I:lan ha3 j udged maey races does not auto matically Ho;;a1·d Par nes 60:16 12 . Hal Mc~iill iams 60:29 13. Ccorgc HcCur6 61 :1 7 qual ify him aa conpetant . Qualificat ions of judg es should be r evie wed 14. !:arty Lipstein 68 : 00 4 ¥..ile(Inctoor), Lo5 AngUe s, Feb. 23-1. Larry on a yearly basis . Hallcer 30 :40 2. Don DeNoon 30:48 3 . Niko lty2.n 31 :35 4. Ed Bouldin 34: 59 5. Carl Warrell 35:5 3 6 . Georg e NcCurc 37 :12 ? . Chris Clegg 38:35 "Qualificationi, for otudent judges need not nec essarily include a e. ha l Md/il liams 39 :1 0 15 Km, Altadem, Cal. Feb . 12-1. Bob Bowman backl!/round of race walking , since the y would be trai ned in the ba sic s in 1: 14:12 2. Steve Tyrer 1414:40 3 . Don DcNoon 1:18:17 4. Jim Bean 1:21:53 an;r cas e. Experienced rac e walkers may in some instances ha ve too much 5. Eel Bouldin 1 :26:31 6. Dav e Bryant 1: 26 :36 7. John Kell y 1:31:3 5 empat hy with com?etitors to be obje ctive. LOOKit:G BACK: "Personality of the appli ca nt for judgeship should be consid er ed. 10 Year s Ago ( From March, 1962 A1;ierican Race Walk er ) : The cover shows He or sho needs to be a rat her r igid , perf ecc tionistic , CCl.'llpulsi ve typ e. Jac k ma ckbur n and Rudy Haluz a during 1959 10 Km,-which Rudy won on a The convivi al "hail fellow, woll met" extrovert will not do . He will very ooft tr ack i n 48:03 with mackburn second in 49 :15 (which actual ly overlook too many faults in order to pres erve th e plea san t atmosphere he hao nothing whato oev er to do with 10 7ea rs ag o) • • • • Ron Zinn ·won t he IC4A re qui r e s. ~ ~.ile in 6:18 .J to br eak 's Ar.ierica n record as nem-y watch ed helpl essly from a judges pesition. Zinn was 1:3 0 at the 440 ard 3 :03 at "A jud ge shou ld be required to disqua lify h:il:isolf when friend3 or re;i... the half before slowing to 1 :4 1 on the th i rd quarter and th en kicking in . atives are competir.g. Ron Daniel wa~ a diotant ~eco nd in ? :07 . 4 ••• J ac k Black burn blaze d a 5: 31: 17 to win the Midwest Race Walking Assoc iat ion 50 Km in Colwr.bus. In a ra ce "Iv th o very natur e of his work, t he judgo should exp ect to be ex­ held , a~ the same ~ime, Jeff Loucka of the Ohi • Track Club beat Chris McCar ­ clu ded trom pro- ~nd poet -ra ce social gatherings and c~naraderie, which th v tor the 20 Y.niCharno io nship in 1:46 :33 ••• Elliett Denman was !eatured ...... ,_ .: __ _ _.,. ...,_.., _ ...... ~ ·"' ... ~ - ~-·~ 'fl\.- .,. __ __ ... .,: .,. ___ ..,.1,,,_ .... __.... _, ~ ·· -- - "' - -'.,_'- MARCH,1972 PAGE 12 MARCH,1972 PAGE 13 hL~ for the calls he made, will be upset for the calls he didn't make, LARRYYOUNG CAPTURES ZINN AWARD This io all aggravated by the fact that race-walking is one of the m~t stre~uous of sp~rts, and most of the competitors arc in an unreasonable The Eleventh Annual Capt. Ronald L. Zir.n Hemorial Trophy, presented state rL mind during and aft er the event, Therefore, judges vhould be each year by the Gre~n & Gold AC to the outstanding race walker in tho u.s., be paid, There is no other reward, l';o satisfaction in a jo b well done, has been awarded to Larry Young for 1971. The recipd.cnt is determined · The ennity and hostility., encountered send judges hoDle feeling rather b-f a v_ote of ·walkers throughC1t1t t he U.S. Larry received 34 first place depressed ar angrr, There is a universal desire to be liked, and being vctes .unol'.8 the 49 balloto cast and canpiled 414 points to 286 for runner ­ a race-w alking judge does nothing for this, up Ron Lair~, himself a four tirne winner of the award, Young had also won the trophy in 1968 . The only other man to receive it more . than once was 11Establfohing a few of these principles will obv-i;.te 3uch thingll as a Ron Zinn who won it three of its first four years . befor e •his death in recent national race in l

Ca:;.'.lc nts , please, :&ntam Di v:i.sion ( 9 and under): 440--1. Nike Rencheck, furgettstown Pa. *'-H l, :>.;;H :-ln-*lH,·~-r.*lH~-lHHl-lHH:-lHHl-li·lHHH'**l:-li-X-'A**'A-lHHHHH'~*lr*""*l'***l<*lH'***** l: 5lf,2 2, Tim Bunker , Lacr osse , Kan. 2: 00, 0 3, Rick lvilson Indep~Mence Late Hcsults : Mo, 2:04,0 4, John Resnik, Purgettstown 5. Greg &ntley, Stockton Cal Rel!ion 6 50 i

: Sever al daY,s before each p,ame, the coach at a bi g-t:i.Jno football scho l 11 Intcrcour:ic am<>ngunmar r i ed athletes is a t ot nlly differ ent pro l>­ moves hi :l marri ed pl ayers into a do:nni tory . Does he want to r.;,ake sure l()Jll. Quit e ap art fro1n moral cons ide rations, the ••• effect of the so:newhat they ge t just the right amount of sle ep? No, he wants to make sure they cla ndeotine atraoophere in which such aff~irs ar c usually carried out get just th e right amount of sex . NOtIB. (Boos a nd hisses from read ers) may be unsettling ar,d detract fro:u performance , 11 ( I hope Ron Laird is c~refUlly taking all fuis in . ) ...... There is evid ence, you see, tha t sex has gained a foothold in ~T.er­ i ca, ~!Id , indee9, io ever practiced to SO!'IC extent on the o:rntincnt. Of Broad°way Joo tlar.lath, re puted to be a.mans th e core accomplished bcd­ course , it ma.y be nothi:, g r.iore than a fad. a,t while it lasts, say wor.:e rocx:i artists, talke d about sex in footq¾1,l: "When I 1"'aO at Alab?~T.a1 he coacl1es and r-.anager s, it must be recogni zed for tile pieril it ii .. Aft er all , said , ~oYcn the rc,"-:..·ri€Jdfel1 01·1s had to :1;,::nd the hct 4 days befor e a game t hey oay a little carnal kn owledge can be a dangerous thing, expecial l y in ·a dormitory . They didn ' t like it much _but t hat ' s the philo~ophy they j ust befo r e a !ig event. So, to their athletes, they keep singing that beli eved in there, Yctlre l,l rnit ed in pro ball , too . The night before a old refrain: 11Refrain . 11 I game, we hav e a curfew an::l.a bed er.eek . " D1t dccs se>:u~l intercour uo really have an adverse effect or. an ath ­ If Namath is not much of a n author i ty on the effect of i rtt er couroe lete ' ~: pe r formanc e i f irrlulged in, say, on the eve of a conte:;et? Sue:, r the night before a game, his reputation .,..ould seem to qualify him to com­ Helch, a fi ~ht rr.anagcr for mo:;;t of the 20th cer.tury, think$ it does. ment on the effect of ir.dulgcn ce at other tiJ~,cs. "Kids eet with t heir wives or r,i rlfrie nds and they don't know when to stop" Suey :;aid . "They C0[le cut weak as a cat , I know a lot of fighters "Personally", ho :,a.id , "I think i t helps . It helps my r.er vcs , Evon who WC~itbad just bec aus e of that . if yru qon' t part:tkc of se.x, i t' s nic e be ing aro und a gi rl, just t o relax yourse l f . 1 1 vc beon in istuntions where two day s befor e a. ga::ie I couldn 1 t 11That 1 s 1,1ly they send fig hters to training camps, 11 said boxine prc.'11- c.a.t because I was so nervous . That• s not a good feeling . " otcr :)on Fra:ier, "To r.et the ;;, ~way fr= tc;r.pt;;.tioro . 11 11Li ke sex arrl booze?" 11 Not r.... , rry fighters ar e reall y boozers , 11 Frazer s.i.id . 11It I s sex . 11 And in ~uch a si tu ation you find t h~ companio nship of a young lady ·tend:3 to all eviate the: problem? 11\·/ell" , Na:n.-.th said,"regr.rdless of whe­ Tho effect of intercours e on athl etic perfomance wt\S taken up las t ther it's football ,or what I'r-1 doi :,g, I 1m always loo king to bo in the Au~ust by a E!ritish publication, World Sports . The mag~.zine ire r.~ioned a. ccr.,p:.rry of a young lady I can hav e a good relationship wi t h , whethe r .it' a Briti sh runr.er who did a su b- 4 minut e rrd.le loss than 90 minutes after with ~ox or just as f rie .nds , .. •• I 1 ve checked with our t eam docto r becaus e making lo ve . ll.1t t her e was a l5o a queotion f r om Dr . Ian Adams, club phys ­ I didr. 1 t want t o do something if it would really hurt me, The doctor told ic ian of the Leeds soccer tea~: rno it has no effect . No adverse effect. Of course , if you abuse it - if you stay up all night and abus e ycurself - then i t's goir.g t G aff~ct your " 11A ·1ot of people say that sex has no more effect than a sneez e cm y ou. Thllt of cour s e i s rubb i sh • • •.• ! t hink it all dep end:i on th e lengt h Ar,d so on goes t he artic le, which' we don I t have roo:n t o comple t e her e, of the s ex act . If a playe r had s e:x on Friday night which -lasted for (nor do we have roo,ll for sev oral ·other things stacked at typewriter :side ) half an hour, I don ' t think it would make aiy diff erence to his perfor­ witho.:t reaching any definit e conclusions , probably becaus e thero are no mance the foll owing day •••• but if sex went on for a few hours , th en th.it !irm onos t o be r eached , But I s till think Dea n Cr o,nwell was some kind wa.ild have a 'l:nd offect . .Bnergy would be sapp ed ." o! a nut 1 A ca ll to th e American Hedical Aasocia.tion in Chic ago produc ed thi s co.,:;ncnt f r o:n a apok esman of th e AMACQmni tte c on Medical a spect s of sports :