
Adding (PP) to Your Practice

September 9, 2014 Webinar: Pearson Assessments

Michael B. Frisch Professor of Psychology at Baylor University Email: [email protected]

Research Fellow of the International Society for Quality of Life

Founding Fellow in the Academy of Cognitive , Aaron T. Beck, Honorary President


Websites MBF216

• Free Exercises: www.wiley.com/go/frisch • FRISCH: http://blogs.baylor.edu/michael_ b_frisch/


1 9/4/2014

Plan for Today

• Thanks • What is PP • Why add PP • Evidence based PP research


Plan for Today

• How to add PP to Your Practice • Target Populations for PP • Tools/Resources • Your questions, cases, populations • Evals and goodies MBF194




2 9/4/2014





3 9/4/2014


Ill-being vs. Well-being:

We’re missing half the picture!

Focus on Whole Not Half

Moaner Lisa Happy Lisa

To make progress, we have to measure it.

4 9/4/2014


Tom Pre-Intervention (At Risk) © 2013, QOLI Profile Report, Pearson Assessments, All Rights Reserved.

Redress the Imbalance of Negative Psychology: Aaron T. Beck and David A. Clark

• “Therapists and psychologists have exhibited a depressive thinking style in their theories, research and treatment of psychological disorders.

• “We have tended to focus exclusively on the negative as in symptoms or what’s wrong with people…

Aaron T. Beck and David A. Clark

• “Our preoccupation has been the relief of suffering, the alleviation of negative emotions…it is clearly not the whole story.

5 9/4/2014

What’s Wrong with Health Care Today?

* “Treating negative mood will not automatically lead to happiness in our patients.

* “A new and expanded therapeutic perspective is needed that directly addresses issues of happiness, meaning, and contentment.

Aaron T. Beck and David A. Clark

• “At last psychologists like Ed Diener, Martin Seligman and Michael Frisch have begun to redress this imbalance.”



6 9/4/2014

1. Beef Up Your Assessments

Two goals in Healthcare today: 1. Cure /manage disease, disability, disorder 2. Preserve or enhance clients’ quality of life, well- being, and happiness. Assess positive, not just negative health!

An intervention in itself…

MBF197 2. Boost Your Clinical Effectiveness

Therapy + Positive Psychology = or Medication + Positive Psychology =

1. Greater Effectiveness 2. Relapse Prevention --essential says Beck, Fava etc.

MBF198 3. COACHING: A Whole New Area of Practice and Source of Income.

• Executive-, Professional-, Organizational- • Personal- and Life-Coaching • Boost the Bottom Line • Work with high achievers to be happier and more productive

7 9/4/2014

Your Future in Positive Psychology Coaching

• International Coach Federation • ippanetwork.org • APA’s Division 13 - Society of Consulting Psychology

MBF199 4. Enliven Your Own Life and Practice

Greater Happiness and Ethics

How to Add Positive Psychology to Your Practice • Give a Well-Being Test • Develop Positive Goals • Apply EBT Interventions

8 9/4/2014

MBF200 Evidence-Based Positive Psychology.

Assessment: QOLI or Quality of Life Inventory Intervention: Quality-of-Life-Therapy or Quality of Life Therapy and Coaching/QOLTC

Independent Evaluations • Marty Seligman’s Flourish, pp. 292 & MAPP • Rashid & Seligman 2014 • Textbooks: Carr; Compton & Hoffman • Ed Diener • Alan Kazdin • Robert Biswas-Diener and Ben Dean • See Frisch (2013) for details



9 9/4/2014


Quality of Life Therapy

Unique: Two NIH Trials by James R. Rodrigue of Harvard and Beth Israel

-3rd NIH Trial just funded and underway: ICDs-- implantable cardioverter defibrillators

-QOLI is validated too…sensitive to intervention-related change


Rodrigue and others 2005 Rodrigue and others 2006 Rodrigue and others 2011 Abedi and Vostanis 2010

Results of RCT:

From page 2430 of Rodrigue et al. 2005: • “Several primary findings emerged from this study: • 1. “A brief, targeted psychological intervention, that is, Quality of Life Therapy, leads to significant improvements in quality of life, mood disturbance, and social intimacy

2.” Improvements in quality of life and mood appear to be maintained for as long as 3 months after treatment.

3. “While the treatment-as-usual protocol appears to yield some short-term benefits in mood, Quality of Life Therapy was found to be a more effective treatment overall for transplant patients.”

10 9/4/2014

Contagious to Caregivers

• “Caregivers whose spouses received QOLT reported vicarious gains in quality of life, mood, and social intimacy, relative to those who received the usual or standard intervention involving emotional and educational support.

• “These findings suggest that beneficial effects extend beyond the client to their spouses who are often caregivers.

• Rodrigue et al. (2006). Caregivers of patients awaiting lung transplantation: Do they benefit when the patient is receiving psychological services? Progress in Transplantation, 16, 336-342, pp. 336.

MBF204 Replication of Rodrigue et al., 2005: Rodrigue et al. 2011, pp. 709

“The findings show that it is possible to improve – quality of life, – psychological functioning, and – social intimacy • with Quality of Life Therapy while patients wait for [KIDNEY] transplantation.

• “The current study found that the Quality of Life Therapy group had superior quality of life outcomes relative to both Supportive Therapy and Standard Care groups.”


1. Give Rationale (and Build Motivation) 2. Positive Psychology Assessment. 3. Positive Psychology Interventions 4. Re-Assessment, Fine Tuning, Outcome, Prophylactic Follow-ups.

11 9/4/2014

The Trinity of Happiness Benefits

1. H-Better HEALTH and HELPING :greater longevity

2. R-More rewarding RELATIONSHIPS

3. S-Greater SUCCESS in Work, School, Retirement Pursuits – Use to sell Positive Psychology Interventions/Assessments to your clients and groups. – Benefits are At Risk with low QOLI scores…1-3yrs advance

MBF214 Longevity: The Nun Study

MBF219 Businesses with Happy Workers

• Lower healthcare costs • Greater customer loyalty • Lower employee turnover • Greater productivity and creativity • [Workers make more $; > liked by customers, clients]

12 9/4/2014

MBF207 Worker Satisfaction & Firm Value Alex Edmans (Wharton)

Companies with satisfied workers in ensuing years, have higher share prices, controlling for other starting factors.


Case of Texas MBF220 • Also in Frisch 2013

MBF209 Texas (SITIR) Pre-Interv

13 9/4/2014


© 2014, biweekly “PROGRESS REPORT”-Pearson Assessments, All Rights Reserved.


14 9/4/2014


Sweet 16 Recipe for Joy: 50-80%

BASIC NEEDS or “WEALTHS” RELATIONSHIPS • Goals-and-Values • Love • Self-Esteem • Friends • Health • Relatives • Money • Children


• Play • Helping • Work • Learning – Traditional Job • Creativity – Homemaker – Retirement Pursuits – Volunteer, etc.

15 9/4/2014


• Home • Neighborhood • Community

Five Paths to Happiness Instructions: Brainstorm possible solutions under each CASIO strategy for managing or solving a problem or for boosting your fulfillment and satisfaction in a valued area of life. CAS I O

Boost Satisfaction Changing Changing Changing Goals Changing in Other Areas not Circumstances Attitudes and Standards Priorities or What’s Considered Before Important Basic Strategy: Basic Strategy: Basic Strategy: Basic Strategy: Basic Strategy:

Problem Solve to Find out what is Set realistic goals Re-evaluate Increase improve situation. really happening and experiment priorities in life and satisfaction in any and what it means with raising and emphasize what is areas you care for you and your lowering most important about for an future. standards. What and controllable. overall boost to new goals and happiness. standards can you come up with? I need to decide Just ’cause Stan Try for a Good Not Quit beating my Walking the mall, whether to make (husband) wants Great job at work head against the brings me to people peace with Ashley to sit around and this week and see wall. I can’t and is the best or keep “blowing” “watch” the grass if “the sky falls.” change Stan “antidepressant” I her off. grow, doesn’t (husband). Stop got! 50 WAYS…Job mean I can’t travel trying and “do your song… to own thing” more. see the kids and grandkids.

Pre and Post QOLI Areas of Comments and Life Interventions PRE-INTERVENTION POST- INTERVENTION Goals “I must put aside all my Vision Quest Exercise And personal goals while I -Life goals for valued areas of the QOLI Values raise my family.” -- Spiritual Life improved with Dzogchen Master from Austin and Austin Zen Center -” I forgive Morticia, my perp; she is dumb not malevolent” (Take A Letter)

Self- Premorbid low from -Success Path Esteem hypercritical mom -Journaling, Thought record -” I’m a loser who failed “My Self-esteem is up. I LIKE ME! I am a to protect my daughter. pretty good Mother. I stood by Annie. I I don’t deserve PT, took the blow for Annie, I’m a strong therapy, or a lawyer”. woman, who protected her kid like a cop taking a bullet for the president! Now I know that I can get KNOCKED DOWN by a truck, and survive; that is pretty amazing! I am a strong woman in the face of adversity.

16 9/4/2014

Helping “ I wish I had Helping Routine something “I know that I am here to teach others . This here.” accident presented itself to me for my use. I’m here to serve others…I see much work to be done. I am not sure where to begin! Schools, sidewalks, crossing guards, city park, recycling, bike paths. -“In ten years, the agony surrounding this injustice will have subsided. Hopefully WE can look back and see that many measures were undertaken to better protect the thousands of children who walk to and from school every day.

-SAFETY ADVOCATE w/ husband. - cross walks at “scene of the crime”

Makes friends while volunteering at café run with homeless.

- See “Work” for mentoring project.

Work “ I’ve been promoted out Job Enrichment to make of what I love work a “Passionate [high flows]. Calling” Too much supervising others!” -“Work That Satisfies” “ I’m the token woman on the -Relationship Skills grievance committee.” “I’d like to mentor girls in science and engineering.”

Learning “Nada. None. My Playlist and Routine Play brain is mush”. -Go to Baylor’s public lectures. EX. Titian, Women’s studies, Marley and me, Edvard Munch. -Learn re: advocacy causes Creativity “None” Pottery class at comm. college. -lunch with instructor

17 9/4/2014

Friends “I have no friends in Relationship skills Texas and have -EXPERT friends or transplanted been here eight Yankees doing well in “Bubba- years.” land” -YMCA, homeless café, pottery class --Native Texans like “Mother Teresa” -- ”shooting the crap outta stuff” at Guns R’ Us Relatives Only call sisters at “Skypes” weekly with Vermont holidays. sisters

Love Progress or Fooled on initial QOLI…Mating in Fine-Tuning QOLI: Captivity “Joe ,the Plumber, -Take a Letter betrayed me.” -QOLI Exchange Technique Texas: 2 years to 10 “You are uncommitted, out of love…You don’t care that I was run over! Joe’s Perfect Job: “You are my everything… -job hunt outside TX -advocate together! -couples friends & guns -FAT Time, Favor Bank, McDates, Five Paths to Happiness


Home Cluttered and messy with LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR FIX IT family, animals, 15 yrs collecting furniture Neighbor- “Too conservative.” LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR FIX IT hood

Community “Too redneck, LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR FIX IT conservative, dumb -learn to ferret out and appreciate the good cowboys with no parts… brains, hopeless dummy rednecks w/ no culture or brains or liberal values.”

18 9/4/2014

clinical psychology and mental health applications --QOLI Exchange Technique MDD GAD Social phobia Panic Group therapy Caregivers Chemical dependency

medical/behavioral medicine/OT applications Cardiac rehab COPD Kidney Disease Cancer TBI Caregivers Occupational therapy Bariatric surgery

19 9/4/2014

What you need to get started

• QOLI materials – “QOLI STARTER KIT” – QOLI Handbook

• Quality of Life Therapy (Frisch 2006) • http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0471213519/qid=1116019877/sr=1-

1/ref=sr_1_1/103-4814745-3565452?v=glance&s=books – Toolbox CD now online at wiley.com

To Order QOLI

• Pearson Assessments – 800-627-7271 (7 AM – 6 PM Central Time – www.psychcorp.com

• Use 10% Discount Code:

“E2B” [cap letters, case sensitive]

“You owe it to all of us to get on

with what you are good at!“

--W.H. Auden

20 9/4/2014

Thank You!!

Case Conference: Your Questions, Cases, IA, EBTs from each Sweet 16

MBF215 Blessings Accomplishments Talents and Traits Count your Big and little blessings— the big and things I got done Big and little things little things today that I am good at I’m grateful or for accomplished in and that people like the past. about me. -8-in-1 Powerhouse -start up menu -daily and cumulative

21 9/4/2014

MBF193 Cliff Dancing (At Risk)

Pre-Intervention © 2012, Pearson Assessments, All Rights Reserved.

Cliff Dancing Post-Intervention

Cliff Dancing Takes the QOLI, Part I: When Assessment is Treatment or Causes An Epiphany

“After taking the QOLI for the first time I began to think about what I considered to be really important in my life. It is important for me to begin thinking this way considering that I am not far from the end of my life. Knowing what I consider to be most important will help me lead the life I really want. I believe that if I can figure out what is most important I can focus on that more. That’s how I can account for such different scores the second time around. I think that in my case taking the QOLI helped me to get into the mindset needed in order to make important decisions about how I would like to live my life”.

22 9/4/2014

Cliff Dancing Takes the QOLI, Part II: Put it in Writing!

• The QOLI forced me to look at each area of my life, evaluate my weaknesses in it, and devise a plan to strengthen those areas. I have never physically written down problems or goals for different aspects of my life. I found that the written word holds me more accountable than do my thoughts. Although I did not stay true to some of my goals, the quality of my life in other areas where I did pursue my goals increased.

Abedi, M.R. and Vostanis, P. (2010). Evaluation of Quality of Life Therapy for parents of children with obsessive-compulsive disordersReferences in Iran. Europeanw/ underlined Child and AdolescentRCTs Psychiatry. doi: 10.1007/s00787-010-0098-4 . Ben-Porath, Y.S. (1997). Use of personality assessment instruments in empirically guided treatment planning. Psychological Assessment, 9, 361-367. Biswas-Diener, R. and Dean, B. (2007) Positive Psychology Coaching. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Biswas-Diener, R. (2010) Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Clark, D.A. Foreword. (2006). In M.B. Frisch, Quality of Life Therapy: Applying a Life Satisfaction Approach to Positive Psychology and (pp. xi-x). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Clark, D. A., & Beck, A. T. (with Alford, B.) (1999). Scientific foundations of cognitive theory and therapy of depression. New York: Wiley. Clark, M.P. & Mason, T.W. (2001). Implementation of a comprehensive system of program evaluation: The Iowa State University experience. Journal of College Student Development, 42, 28-35. Crowley, M.J. & Kazdin, A.E. (1998). Evaluation in clinical practice: Critically sensitive and systematic methods of treatment delivery. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 7, 233-251. Danovitch, I. and Endicott, J. (2008). Quality of life measures. In A. J. Rush & H. A. Pincus (Eds.), Handbook of psychiatric measures (2nd Edition). (pp. 125-140). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. Diener, E. Ng, W., Harter, J. & Arora (in press). Wealth and happiness across the world: Material prosperity predicts life evaluation, while psychosocial prosperity predicts positive feeling., Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.


Eng, W., Coles, M. C., Heimberg, R. G., & Safren, S. A. (2001a). Quality of life following cognitive behavioral treatment for social anxiety Referencesdisorder. Depression and Anxiety, 13, 192–193. Eng, W., Heimberg, R. G., Hart, T. A., Schneider, F. R., & Liebowitz, M. R. (2001b). Attachment in individuals with social anxiety disorder: The relationship among adult attachment styles, social anxiety, and depression. Emotion, 1,365–380. Frisch, M.B. (2013). Evidence-Based Well-Being/Positive Psychology Assessment and Intervention with Quality of Life Therapy and Coaching and the Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI). Social

Indicators Research, 114, 193-227. doi: 10.1007/s11205-012-0140-7. Frisch, M.B. (2006). Quality of Life Therapy. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Frisch, M. B. (1998). Quality of life therapy and assessment in health care. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 5, 19–40. Frisch, M. B., & Sanford, K. P. (2005). Construct validity and the search for a unidimensional factor solution: Factor analysis of the Quality of Life Inventory in a large clinical sample. Unpublished paper. Baylor University, Waco, TX. Frisch, M. B., Clark, M. P., Rouse, S. V., Rudd, M. D., Paweleck, J., & Greenstone, A. (2005). Predictive and treatment validity of life satisfaction and the Quality of Life Inventory. Assessment, 12(1), 66-78. Frisch, M. B., Cornell, J., Villanueva, M., & Retzlaff, P. J. (1992). Clinical validation of the Quality of Life Inventory: A measure of life satisfaction for use in treatment planning and outcome assessment. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 4, 92– 101.


23 9/4/2014

Frisch, M. B. (1992). Use of the QualityReferences of Life Inventory in problem assessment and treatment planning for cognitive therapy of depression. In A. Freeman & F. Dattilio (Eds.), Comprehensive casebook of cognitive therapy (pp. 27–52). New York: Plenum Press. Frisch, M.B. (2009). QUALITY OF LIFE INVENTORY HANDBOOK For Laypersons, Clients, And Coaches. Minneapolis, MN: Pearson, Inc. Frisch, M.B. (1994). QUALITY OF LIFE INVENTORY MANUAL and Treatment Guide. Minneapolis, MN: Pearson, Inc. Furey R. Beyond Feeling Better: Adding Happiness to the Treatment Plan. PsycCRITIQUES [serial online]. 2007;52(5). Grant, G., Salcedo, V., Hynan, L. S., & Frisch, M. B. (1995). Effectiveness of quality of life therapy. Psychological Reports, 76, 1203–1208. Greene-Shortridge, T.M. and Odle-Dusseau, H.N. (2009). Quality of life. In S.J. Lopez (Ed.). Encyclopedia Of Positive Psychology (pp. 817-821). New York: Wiley- Blackwell. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., & Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business-unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 268-279.


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24 9/4/2014

Rashid, T. & Seligman, M. (2014). Positive psychotherapy (pp. 466; 461-498). In Raymond J. Corsini (Author), Danny Wedding. Current PsychotherapiesReferences (10th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1-285-08371-1. Rodrigue, J. R., Baz, M.A., Widows, M.R. , & Ehlers, S.L. (2005). A Randomized Evaluation of Quality of Life Therapy with Patients Awaiting Lung Transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation, 5(10), 2425-2432. Rodrigue, J.R., Widows, M.R., & Baz, M.A. (2006). Caregivers of patients awaiting lung transplantation: Do they benefit when the patient is receiving psychological services? Progress in Transplantation, 16, 336-342. Rodrigue, J.R. Mandelbrot, D.A., and Pavlakis, M. (2011). A psychological intervention to improve quality of life and reduce psychological distress in adults awaiting kidney transplantation.

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 26(2): 709-715. doi:10.1093/ndt/gfq382. Safren, S. A., Heimberg, R. G., Brown, E. J., & Holle, C. (1997). Quality of life in social phobia. Depression and Anxiety, 4, 126–133. Scogin, F., Morthland, M., Kaufman, A., Burgio, L., Chaplin, W., & Kong, G. (2007, December). Improving quality of life in diverse rural older adults: A randomized trial of a psychological treatment. Psychology and Aging, 22(4), 657-665. Salek, S. (Ed.). (1998). Compendium of quality of life instruments. New York: Wiley. Seligman, M.E.P. (2011). Flourish. New York: Free Press. See pp. 292 for Quality of Life Therapy and Coaching as an evidence-based approach that “works”. Valois, R.F., Zullig, K.J., Huebner, E.S., Drane, J.W. (2001). Relationship between life satisfaction and violent behaviors among adolescents. American Journal of Health Behavior, 25, 353-366.