! UP . Knt r. O re e fe gg O if bi L d r. e m le B ea l r fu D ve Li 9 1 K O 0 O AL 2 B C IS R T F EA E Y DG BU

Plymouth Public Schools GARY E. MAESTAS, Ed.D. Administration Offices Superintendent of Schools CHRISTOPHER S. CAMPBELL, Ed.D. 253 South Meadow Road Assistant Superintendent Plymouth, MA 02360 Administration and Instruction PATRICIA C. FRY Telephone: 508-830-4300 Assistant Superintendent Fax: 508-746-1873 Human Resources Web: www.plymouth.k12.ma.us GARY L. COSTIN, R.S.B.A. School Business Administrator

January 26, 2018

Dear Members of Town Meeting,

The budget comprised within this document represents a 3% increase over prior year expenditures. The direction provided to the cost center managers in the school department, in line with other town departments, was to develop a budget that is focused on the same level of service as the prior year. As the information within this document demonstrates, the majority of increases are in the category defined as contracted services. Contracted services line items include all contracts that are negotiated by the school district for goods and services such as school buses, special education services, and any item that requires a contract.

Over the past five years, the school department has performed staffing audits in an effort to maintain a balance between class size and program demands. Making shifts in staffing as a direct result of our audits has allowed us to continue meeting the needs of our student body even in the face of shifting populations from one part of the community to another. Although we have made these adjustments on a yearly basis to help meet the demands of educational programming, we have an ever increasing stream of requirements that come in the form of unfunded mandates. Education is in a very vulnerable position when societal needs are presented. Since school districts have the responsibility to work with children, issues that arise in society are placed on the agenda for public education. Every time there is a health or educational crisis, new national and state mandates may be placed on the agenda with no funding opportunities to follow. We have created a document delineating the cost of unfunded mandates that impact Plymouth for your review that can be viewed on our website in the Superintendent’s pages at http://www.plymouth.k12.ma.us/page.cfm?p=2496.

Although we do have many challenges in education today, the school department is committed to making the Plymouth Public Schools a value add for the community. We are honored to represent this budget and look forward to the deliberation process in an effort to communicate the mission of the school department.

Sincerely, Sincerely,

James R. Sorensen, Ed.D., Chair Gary E. Maestas, Ed.D., Superintendent Plymouth School Committee Plymouth Public Schools

Plymouth Public Schools ~ FY19 Budget i


Superintendent’s Letter of Transmittal ...... i

Table of Contents ...... ii

Proposed Operating Budget FY19...... 1

Object Code Summary ...... 2

Cost Center Summary ...... 3

Cost Center Summary with Object Codes ...... 4 - 9

Department Summary ...... 10 -12

Grants & Revolving Accounts ...... 13

Revolving Accounts Memo to Town Meeting ...... 14

Capital Improvement Requests ...... 15

Per Pupil Expenditure Report ...... 16

Foundation Enrollment ...... 17

Ten-Year Enrollment Summary...... 18

Cherry Sheet Report ...... 19

School Staffing Summary ...... 20-27

Plymouth Public Schools ~ FY19 Budget ii


School Committee FY2019 Budget

Budget Total $97,034,575 Non-Salary 20,897,212



Salary 76,137,363

The School Department Budget, in its simplest form, is comprised of SALARY and NON-SALARY accounts:

FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019 FY 2019 % FY Actual Revised CC Level Supt School 18 to 19 Expended Budget Service Budget Committee

Salary 70,155,009 74,059,201 76,515,881 76,515,881 76,137,363 2.81%

Non-Salary 19,933,765 20,151,969 20,897,212 20,897,212 20,897,212 3.70%

Total Budget 90,088,774 94,211,170 97,413,093 97,413,093 97,034,575 3.00%

Plymouth Public Schools ~ FY19 Budget 1 Plymouth Public Schools FY 2019 Budget OBJECT CODE SUMMARY

The Department of Education "Chart of Accounts" separates School Department budgets into six different "OBJECT" Codes. The SALARY Accounts are separated into OBJECT Codes 1, 2, & 3: (1) CERTIFICATED SALARIES, (2) CLERICAL SALARIES and (3) OTHER SALARIES.

Salary FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019 FY 2019 Object Codes 1, 2 & 3 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School Expended Budget Service Budget Committee 1 Certificated Salaries 56,720,777 59,818,133 62,123,071 62,123,071 61,744,553 2 Clerical Salaries 2,527,534 2,609,637 2,617,561 2,617,561 2,617,561 3 Other Salaries 10,906,698 11,631,431 11,775,249 11,775,249 11,775,249

Total Salary Accounts 70,155,009 74,059,201 76,515,881 76,515,881 76,137,363

The NON-SALARY Accounts are separated into OBJECT Codes 4, 5, & 6: (4) CONTRACTED SERVICES, (5) SUPPLIES & MATERIALS and (6) OTHER EXPENSES

Non-Salary FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019 FY 2019 Object Codes 4, 5 & 6 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School Expended Budget Service Budget Committee 4 Contracted Services 15,673,999 16,651,244 17,285,330 17,285,330 17,285,330 5 Supplies & Materials 3,411,016 2,670,845 2,706,343 2,706,343 2,706,343 6 Other Expenses 848,751 829,880 905,539 905,539 905,539

Total Non-Salary Accounts 19,933,765 20,151,969 20,897,212 20,897,212 20,897,212

Total Salary and FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019 FY 2019 Non-Salary Actual Approved Level Supt School All Object Codes 1 - 6 Expended Budget Service Budget Committee Total All Object Codes 90,088,774 94,211,170 97,413,093 97,413,093 97,034,575

Column 1 represents last year's FY 2017 Actual Expenses of 90,088,774 Column 2 represents the Current FY 2018 Approved Budget of 94,211,170 Column 3 represents the FY 2019 Level Funded budget with contract obligations to provide the same level of service as provided to students in FY 2018. Column 4 represents the FY 2019 Superintendent's Budget of 97,413,093 which is a 3.40% increase over FY 2018 Column 5 represents the FY 2019 School Committee Adopted Budget of 97,034,575 which is a 3.00% increase over FY 2018

The School Committee budget was reduced to match the Board of Selectmen's recommendation.

Plymouth School Department accounts and reports are classified and coded specific to the Massachusetts Department of Education requirements. The School Department's annual End of Year Pupil & Financial Report is audited by a Town Finance Director's chosen outside auditor to assure compliance requirements. School Department accounts are included, along with other Departments, in the Town's Annual Audit.


COST CENTER SUMMARY The Education Reform Act requires "Site" or "Cost Center" based budgeting and accountability. Cost Centers are mostly school buildings (i.e. South Elementary School), but can also include budgetary identities such as Technology, Maintenance or Human Resources that deliver services on a district-wide or multiple Cost Center basis. The Plymouth School Department has identified the following Cost Centers for budgeting and administrative purposes. 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School CC # Cost Center Description Expended Budget Service Budget Committee Line # 301 PLYMOUTH EARLY CHILDHOOD CNTR 1,294,717 1,267,947 1,328,179 1,328,179 1,328,179 1 305 COLD SPRING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1,831,010 1,910,058 1,949,854 1,949,854 1,949,854 2 306 FEDERAL FURNACE ELEM SCHOOL 3,491,878 3,733,389 3,782,870 3,782,870 3,782,870 3 307 HEDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1,765,957 1,738,385 1,760,431 1,760,431 1,760,431 4 308 INDIAN BROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3,903,165 4,141,129 4,146,858 4,146,858 4,146,858 5 309 MANOMET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2,372,496 2,475,179 2,498,553 2,498,553 2,498,553 6 310 NATHANIEL MORTON ELEM SCHOOL 4,152,444 4,507,432 4,524,574 4,524,574 4,524,574 7 312 SOUTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4,124,028 4,765,823 4,823,916 4,823,916 4,823,916 8 314 WEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3,161,317 3,583,290 3,594,561 3,594,561 3,594,561 9 319 DW ELEMENTARY 427,914 518,798 534,622 534,622 534,622 10 321 PLYMOUTH COMMUNITY INTRM SCHL 8,078,897 8,984,997 9,046,076 9,046,076 9,046,076 11 322 PLYMOUTH SOUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL 6,916,017 6,889,199 6,922,611 6,922,611 6,922,611 12 331 PLYMOUTH NORTH HIGH SCHOOL 10,204,573 10,656,445 10,775,117 10,775,117 10,775,117 13 332 PLYMOUTH SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL 7,331,129 7,677,650 7,703,193 7,703,193 7,703,193 14 333 PLYMOUTH SOUTH VOCATIONAL HS 4,551,896 4,629,687 4,657,117 4,657,117 4,657,117 15 334 PLYMOUTH NORTH VOCATIONAL HS 541,992 518,091 522,787 522,787 522,787 16 335 DW ALTERNATIVE HS PROGRAMS 427,234 382,054 398,000 398,000 398,000 17 336 REGIONAL VOC./TECH SCHL TUITIO 106,024 160,000 162,000 162,000 162,000 18 347 DW VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS 214,693 227,051 235,621 235,621 235,621 19 348 DW STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 956,070 1,229,625 1,232,450 1,232,450 1,232,450 20 350 DW UNDISTRIBUTED 264,857 607,036 2,464,092 2,464,092 2,085,574 21 351 DW ACCOUNTABILITY & MEASUREMNT 343,382 371,674 377,174 377,174 377,174 22 352 DW EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 1,608,399 756,921 764,310 764,310 764,310 23 353 DW SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES 9,077,822 9,631,159 10,089,956 10,089,956 10,089,956 24 354 DW COORDINATORS' SERVICES 536,541 577,274 556,511 556,511 556,511 25 355 DW CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION SVCS 1,633,477 1,698,458 1,700,856 1,700,856 1,700,856 26 356 DW CURRICULUM & PROF DVLPMNT 494,210 516,294 518,093 518,093 518,093 27 357 DW HUMAN RESOURCES 62,623 169,167 174,160 174,160 174,160 28 358 DW BUSINESS SERV & OPERATION 5,582,130 5,578,027 5,746,665 5,746,665 5,746,665 29 359 DW FACILITIES DEPARTMENT 2,107,866 2,112,097 2,148,689 2,148,689 2,148,689 30 362 TECHNOLOGY CENTER 1,047,245 1,037,609 1,064,645 1,064,645 1,064,645 31 363 SOLAR RENEWABLE ENERGY 1,262,129 925,456 969,313 969,313 969,313 32 371 CHARTER SCHOOLS - RISING TIDE 214,641 233,769 239,239 239,239 239,239 33 Total All Cost Centers 90,088,774 94,211,170 97,413,093 97,413,093 97,034,575


The Education Reform Act requires "Site" or "Cost Center" based budgeting and accountability. Cost Centers are mostly school buildings (i.e. South Elementary School), but can also include budgetary identities such as Technology, Maintenance or Human Resources that deliver services on a district-wide or multiple Cost Center basis. The Plymouth School Department has identified the following Cost Centers for budgeting and administrative purposes. 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School CC # Cost Center Name and Object Code Expended Budget Service Budget Committee Line # 1 Certificated Salaries 899,549 860,079 909,086 909,086 909,086 1 2 Clerical Salaries 33,980 35,165 35,515 35,515 35,515 2 3 Other Salaries 355,370 371,203 382,078 382,078 382,078 3 5 Supplies & Materials 5,819 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 4 301 PLYMOUTH EARLY CHILDHOOD CNTR 1,294,717 1,267,947 1,328,179 1,328,179 1,328,179 5 1 Certificated Salaries 1,471,005 1,547,461 1,584,493 1,584,493 1,584,493 6 2 Clerical Salaries 42,922 43,830 43,930 43,930 43,930 7 3 Other Salaries 259,966 265,028 267,692 267,692 267,692 8 4 Contracted Services 4,747 4,147 4,811 4,811 4,811 9 5 Supplies & Materials 50,072 48,092 47,428 47,428 47,428 10 6 Other Expenses 2,298 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 11 305 COLD SPRING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1,831,010 1,910,058 1,949,854 1,949,854 1,949,854 12 1 Certificated Salaries 2,784,243 3,018,636 3,054,511 3,054,511 3,054,511 13 2 Clerical Salaries 41,466 42,329 42,379 42,379 42,379 14 3 Other Salaries 593,799 587,004 604,614 604,614 604,614 15 4 Contracted Services 5,380 6,861 7,958 7,958 7,958 16 5 Supplies & Materials 65,496 76,709 71,558 71,558 71,558 17 6 Other Expenses 1,493 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 18 306 FEDERAL FURNACE ELEM SCHOOL 3,491,878 3,733,389 3,782,870 3,782,870 3,782,870 19 1 Certificated Salaries 1,427,932 1,413,031 1,436,623 1,436,623 1,436,623 20 2 Clerical Salaries 40,656 41,980 42,279 42,279 42,279 21 3 Other Salaries 236,094 232,668 235,931 235,931 235,931 22 4 Contracted Services 12,692 6,971 6,679 6,679 6,679 23 5 Supplies & Materials 47,878 42,285 37,469 37,469 37,469 24 6 Other Expenses 704 1,450 1,450 1,450 1,450 25 307 HEDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1,765,957 1,738,385 1,760,431 1,760,431 1,760,431 26 1 Certificated Salaries 3,331,376 3,513,589 3,511,436 3,511,436 3,511,436 27 2 Clerical Salaries 40,695 47,514 47,814 47,814 47,814 28 3 Other Salaries 400,803 465,384 469,455 469,455 469,455 29 4 Contracted Services 7,823 8,447 8,447 8,447 8,447 30 5 Supplies & Materials 121,508 104,995 108,506 108,506 108,506 31 6 Other Expenses 961 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 32 308 INDIAN BROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3,903,165 4,141,129 4,146,858 4,146,858 4,146,858 33


The Education Reform Act requires "Site" or "Cost Center" based budgeting and accountability. Cost Centers are mostly school buildings (i.e. South Elementary School), but can also include budgetary identities such as Technology, Maintenance or Human Resources that deliver services on a district-wide or multiple Cost Center basis. The Plymouth School Department has identified the following Cost Centers for budgeting and administrative purposes. 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School CC # Cost Center Name and Object Code Expended Budget Service Budget Committee Line # 1 Certificated Salaries 1,984,467 2,059,737 2,068,727 2,068,727 2,068,727 34 2 Clerical Salaries 42,156 43,029 43,529 43,529 43,529 35 3 Other Salaries 279,184 309,171 311,132 311,132 311,132 36 4 Contracted Services 2,797 6,247 6,593 6,593 6,593 37 5 Supplies & Materials 62,260 55,895 67,472 67,472 67,472 38 6 Other Expenses 1,631 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 39 309 MANOMET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2,372,496 2,475,179 2,498,553 2,498,553 2,498,553 40 1 Certificated Salaries 3,334,230 3,634,168 3,662,073 3,662,073 3,662,073 41 2 Clerical Salaries 42,921 55,944 56,644 56,644 56,644 42 3 Other Salaries 674,303 709,808 704,672 704,672 704,672 43 4 Contracted Services 9,671 11,322 11,322 11,322 11,322 44 5 Supplies & Materials 90,813 95,290 89,263 89,263 89,263 45 6 Other Expenses 505 900 600 600 600 46 310 NATHANIEL MORTON ELEM SCHOOL 4,152,444 4,507,432 4,524,574 4,524,574 4,524,574 47 1 Certificated Salaries 3,322,210 3,919,750 3,946,886 3,946,886 3,946,886 48 2 Clerical Salaries 30,408 44,564 45,769 45,769 45,769 49 3 Other Salaries 648,347 671,863 702,566 702,566 702,566 50 4 Contracted Services 4,279 7,968 8,014 8,014 8,014 51 5 Supplies & Materials 114,609 119,278 118,281 118,281 118,281 52 6 Other Expenses 4,175 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 53 312 SOUTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4,124,028 4,765,823 4,823,916 4,823,916 4,823,916 54 1 Certificated Salaries 2,462,956 2,820,731 2,819,931 2,819,931 2,819,931 55 2 Clerical Salaries 38,064 42,873 42,923 42,923 42,923 56 3 Other Salaries 575,943 640,567 653,271 653,271 653,271 57 4 Contracted Services 8,113 7,967 8,013 8,013 8,013 58 5 Supplies & Materials 75,563 69,652 68,923 68,923 68,923 59 6 Other Expenses 678 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 60 314 WEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3,161,317 3,583,290 3,594,561 3,594,561 3,594,561 61 1 Certificated Salaries 389,547 477,104 492,853 492,853 492,853 62 3 Other Salaries 37,535 39,562 39,637 39,637 39,637 63 5 Supplies & Materials 778 2,132 2,132 2,132 2,132 64 6 Other Expenses 54 - - - - 65 319 DW ELEMENTARY 427,914 518,798 534,622 534,622 534,622 66


The Education Reform Act requires "Site" or "Cost Center" based budgeting and accountability. Cost Centers are mostly school buildings (i.e. South Elementary School), but can also include budgetary identities such as Technology, Maintenance or Human Resources that deliver services on a district-wide or multiple Cost Center basis. The Plymouth School Department has identified the following Cost Centers for budgeting and administrative purposes. 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School CC # Cost Center Name and Object Code Expended Budget Service Budget Committee Line # 1 Certificated Salaries 6,816,611 7,642,142 7,675,988 7,675,988 7,675,988 67 2 Clerical Salaries 193,371 201,128 201,478 201,478 201,478 68 3 Other Salaries 844,508 895,626 912,762 912,762 912,762 69 4 Contracted Services 29,127 46,314 47,392 47,392 47,392 70 5 Supplies & Materials 185,429 188,646 197,561 197,561 197,561 71 6 Other Expenses 9,851 11,141 10,895 10,895 10,895 72 321 PLYMOUTH COMMUNITY INTRM SCHL 8,078,897 8,984,997 9,046,076 9,046,076 9,046,076 73 1 Certificated Salaries 5,702,912 5,575,344 5,600,113 5,600,113 5,600,113 74 2 Clerical Salaries 187,226 165,061 165,336 165,336 165,336 75 3 Other Salaries 845,757 979,122 983,247 983,247 983,247 76 4 Contracted Services 25,786 25,027 27,591 27,591 27,591 77 5 Supplies & Materials 152,829 142,995 144,424 144,424 144,424 78 6 Other Expenses 1,507 1,650 1,900 1,900 1,900 79 322 PLYMOUTH SOUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL 6,916,017 6,889,199 6,922,611 6,922,611 6,922,611 80 1 Certificated Salaries 7,754,692 8,148,157 8,237,786 8,237,786 8,237,786 81 2 Clerical Salaries 259,744 269,091 269,491 269,491 269,491 82 3 Other Salaries 1,645,644 1,719,551 1,748,121 1,748,121 1,748,121 83 4 Contracted Services 109,196 155,414 160,372 160,372 160,372 84 5 Supplies & Materials 370,360 284,237 281,398 281,398 281,398 85 6 Other Expenses 64,937 79,995 77,949 77,949 77,949 86 331 PLYMOUTH NORTH HIGH SCHOOL 10,204,573 10,656,445 10,775,117 10,775,117 10,775,117 87 1 Certificated Salaries 5,455,659 5,830,695 5,824,136 5,824,136 5,824,136 88 2 Clerical Salaries 260,096 270,392 270,867 270,867 270,867 89 3 Other Salaries 1,113,004 1,195,751 1,201,083 1,201,083 1,201,083 90 4 Contracted Services 115,037 145,748 166,737 166,737 166,737 91 5 Supplies & Materials 346,098 190,795 198,201 198,201 198,201 92 6 Other Expenses 41,234 44,269 42,169 42,169 42,169 93 332 PLYMOUTH SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL 7,331,129 7,677,650 7,703,193 7,703,193 7,703,193 94 1 Certificated Salaries 4,070,571 4,115,960 4,138,504 4,138,504 4,138,504 95 2 Clerical Salaries 72,834 74,288 74,288 74,288 74,288 96 3 Other Salaries 177,471 207,749 201,335 201,335 201,335 97 4 Contracted Services 94,579 92,075 99,375 99,375 99,375 98 5 Supplies & Materials 134,391 135,265 139,265 139,265 139,265 99 6 Other Expenses 2,050 4,350 4,350 4,350 4,350 100 333 PLYMOUTH SOUTH VOCATIONAL HS 4,551,896 4,629,687 4,657,117 4,657,117 4,657,117 101


The Education Reform Act requires "Site" or "Cost Center" based budgeting and accountability. Cost Centers are mostly school buildings (i.e. South Elementary School), but can also include budgetary identities such as Technology, Maintenance or Human Resources that deliver services on a district-wide or multiple Cost Center basis. The Plymouth School Department has identified the following Cost Centers for budgeting and administrative purposes. 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School CC # Cost Center Name and Object Code Expended Budget Service Budget Committee Line # 1 Certificated Salaries 479,714 448,665 453,361 453,361 453,361 102 3 Other Salaries 17,831 18,029 18,029 18,029 18,029 103 4 Contracted Services 9,138 14,254 14,254 14,254 14,254 104 5 Supplies & Materials 35,309 37,143 37,143 37,143 37,143 105 334 PLYMOUTH NORTH VOCATIONAL HS 541,992 518,091 522,787 522,787 522,787 106 1 Certificated Salaries 415,360 365,552 368,858 368,858 368,858 107 2 Clerical Salaries - 1,252 1,252 1,252 1,252 108 3 Other Salaries 1,923 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 109 4 Contracted Services 6,570 - 13,140 13,140 13,140 110 5 Supplies & Materials 3,381 12,250 12,250 12,250 12,250 111 6 Other Expenses - 500 - - - 112 335 DW ALTERNATIVE HS PROGRAMS 427,234 382,054 398,000 398,000 398,000 113 4 Contracted Services 106,024 160,000 162,000 162,000 162,000 114 336 REGIONAL VOC./TECH SCHL TUITIO 106,024 160,000 162,000 162,000 162,000 115 1 Certificated Salaries 104,558 106,649 106,649 106,649 106,649 116 2 Clerical Salaries 38,061 39,771 39,821 39,821 39,821 117 3 Other Salaries 12,477 14,548 14,548 14,548 14,548 118 4 Contracted Services 39,095 50,003 52,303 52,303 52,303 119 5 Supplies & Materials 14,432 8,430 8,430 8,430 8,430 120 6 Other Expenses 6,071 7,650 13,870 13,870 13,870 121 347 DW VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS 214,693 227,051 235,621 235,621 235,621 122 1 Certificated Salaries 549,975 632,078 634,853 634,853 634,853 123 2 Clerical Salaries 23,262 23,763 23,813 23,813 23,813 124 3 Other Salaries 34,297 34,350 34,350 34,350 34,350 125 4 Contracted Services 338,015 527,100 527,100 527,100 527,100 126 5 Supplies & Materials 9,227 10,259 10,259 10,259 10,259 127 6 Other Expenses 1,294 2,075 2,075 2,075 2,075 128 348 DW STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 956,070 1,229,625 1,232,450 1,232,450 1,232,450 129 1 Certificated Salaries 116,059 468,289 2,315,376 2,315,376 1,936,858 130 3 Other Salaries 62,180 79,747 75,916 75,916 75,916 131 4 Contracted Services 58,378 59,000 72,800 72,800 72,800 132 5 Supplies & Materials 28,240 - - - - 133 350 DW UNDISTRIBUTED 264,857 607,036 2,464,092 2,464,092 2,085,574 134


The Education Reform Act requires "Site" or "Cost Center" based budgeting and accountability. Cost Centers are mostly school buildings (i.e. South Elementary School), but can also include budgetary identities such as Technology, Maintenance or Human Resources that deliver services on a district-wide or multiple Cost Center basis. The Plymouth School Department has identified the following Cost Centers for budgeting and administrative purposes. 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School CC # Cost Center Name and Object Code Expended Budget Service Budget Committee Line # 1 Certificated Salaries 180,441 111,949 111,949 111,949 111,949 135 2 Clerical Salaries - 875 875 875 875 136 3 Other Salaries - 87,500 87,500 87,500 87,500 137 4 Contracted Services 162,234 166,850 175,850 175,850 175,850 138 5 Supplies & Materials 707 4,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 139 351 DW ACCOUNTABILITY & MEASUREMNT 343,382 371,674 377,174 377,174 377,174 140 1 Certificated Salaries 827,158 134,049 134,049 134,049 134,049 141 2 Clerical Salaries 23,261 23,764 23,814 23,814 23,814 142 4 Contracted Services 214,054 324,183 331,522 331,522 331,522 143 5 Supplies & Materials 541,673 265,900 265,900 265,900 265,900 144 6 Other Expenses 2,253 9,025 9,025 9,025 9,025 145 352 DW EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 1,608,399 756,921 764,310 764,310 764,310 146 1 Certificated Salaries 1,670,858 1,751,999 1,831,575 1,831,575 1,831,575 147 2 Clerical Salaries 85,414 87,080 87,155 87,155 87,155 148 3 Other Salaries 556,629 546,275 589,598 589,598 589,598 149 4 Contracted Services 6,425,199 7,006,331 7,270,477 7,270,477 7,270,477 150 5 Supplies & Materials 143,277 87,700 90,861 90,861 90,861 151 6 Other Expenses 196,445 151,774 220,290 220,290 220,290 152 353 DW SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES 9,077,822 9,631,159 10,089,956 10,089,956 10,089,956 153 1 Certificated Salaries 431,470 462,059 441,196 441,196 441,196 154 2 Clerical Salaries 90,005 91,481 91,581 91,581 91,581 155 4 Contracted Services 5,705 8,234 8,234 8,234 8,234 156 5 Supplies & Materials 3,523 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 157 6 Other Expenses 5,837 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 158 354 DW COORDINATORS' SERVICES 536,541 577,274 556,511 556,511 556,511 159 1 Certificated Salaries 666,271 679,348 679,348 679,348 679,348 160 2 Clerical Salaries 804,735 825,282 827,575 827,575 827,575 161 3 Other Salaries 71,142 70,388 70,463 70,463 70,463 162 4 Contracted Services 21,039 61,835 55,835 55,835 55,835 163 5 Supplies & Materials 31,605 17,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 164 6 Other Expenses 38,686 44,605 48,635 48,635 48,635 165 355 DW CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION SVCS 1,633,477 1,698,458 1,700,856 1,700,856 1,700,856 166 1 Certificated Salaries 65,597 73,412 75,211 75,211 75,211 167 4 Contracted Services 33,407 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 168 5 Supplies & Materials 20,405 9,950 9,950 9,950 9,950 169 6 Other Expenses 374,802 404,932 404,932 404,932 404,932 170 356 DW CURRICULUM & PROF DVLPMNT 494,210 516,294 518,093 518,093 518,093 171


The Education Reform Act requires "Site" or "Cost Center" based budgeting and accountability. Cost Centers are mostly school buildings (i.e. South Elementary School), but can also include budgetary identities such as Technology, Maintenance or Human Resources that deliver services on a district-wide or multiple Cost Center basis. The Plymouth School Department has identified the following Cost Centers for budgeting and administrative purposes. 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School CC # Cost Center Name and Object Code Expended Budget Service Budget Committee Line # 1 Certificated Salaries 4,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 172 4 Contracted Services 47,030 130,007 134,000 134,000 134,000 173 5 Supplies & Materials 6,877 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 174 6 Other Expenses 4,216 22,660 23,660 23,660 23,660 175 357 DW HUMAN RESOURCES 62,623 169,167 174,160 174,160 174,160 176 1 Certificated Salaries 855 - - - - 177 3 Other Salaries 213,519 161,168 138,250 138,250 138,250 178 4 Contracted Services 5,208,050 5,340,919 5,533,375 5,533,375 5,533,375 179 5 Supplies & Materials 82,336 67,440 66,090 66,090 66,090 180 6 Other Expenses 77,370 8,500 8,950 8,950 8,950 181 358 DW BUSINESS SERV & OPERATION 5,582,130 5,578,027 5,746,665 5,746,665 5,746,665 182 2 Clerical Salaries 91,276 93,253 93,455 93,455 93,455 183 3 Other Salaries 838,957 888,777 888,032 888,032 888,032 184 4 Contracted Services 697,469 676,364 693,542 693,542 693,542 185 5 Supplies & Materials 471,182 443,349 462,921 462,921 462,921 186 6 Other Expenses 8,983 10,354 10,739 10,739 10,739 187 359 DW FACILITIES DEPARTMENT 2,107,866 2,112,097 2,148,689 2,148,689 2,148,689 188 2 Clerical Salaries 44,983 45,928 45,978 45,978 45,978 189 3 Other Salaries 410,013 438,092 438,467 438,467 438,467 190 4 Contracted Services 396,592 414,431 441,042 441,042 441,042 191 5 Supplies & Materials 194,941 133,158 133,158 133,158 133,158 192 6 Other Expenses 716 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 193 362 TECHNOLOGY CENTER 1,047,245 1,037,609 1,064,645 1,064,645 1,064,645 194 4 Contracted Services 1,262,129 925,456 969,313 969,313 969,313 195 363 SOLAR RENEWABLE ENERGY 1,262,129 925,456 969,313 969,313 969,313 196 4 Contracted Services 214,641 233,769 239,239 239,239 239,239 197 371 CHARTER SCHOOLS - RISING TIDE 214,641 233,769 239,239 239,239 239,239 198 Total All Cost Centers 90,088,774 94,211,170 97,413,093 97,413,093 97,034,575


The Plymouth School Department has identified the following Departments for budgeting and administrative purposes.

2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School Dept # Department Description Expended Budget Service Budget Committee Line #

001 ART 1,256,368 1,293,495 1,335,702 1,335,702 1,335,702 1 002 BUSINESS EDUCATION 35,023 38,917 38,917 38,917 38,917 2 003 ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION SERVICES 164,770 205,619 212,465 212,465 212,465 3 006 TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION (IA) 398,388 360,001 368,351 368,351 368,351 4 007 LANGUAGE ARTS (ELA) 3,880,885 4,110,855 4,199,630 4,199,630 4,199,630 5 008 MATHEMATICS 3,170,417 3,253,984 3,324,824 3,324,824 3,324,824 6 009 WORLD LANGUAGES 1,613,924 1,733,580 1,766,774 1,766,774 1,766,774 7 010 MUSIC 1,452,159 1,481,537 1,520,174 1,520,174 1,520,174 8 011 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2,077,075 2,124,207 2,179,318 2,179,318 2,179,318 9 012 PLANETARIUM 39,437 45,680 48,632 48,632 48,632 10 013 SCIENCE 2,697,793 2,639,243 2,709,993 2,709,993 2,709,993 11 014 SOCIAL STUDIES 2,512,366 2,518,369 2,556,745 2,556,745 2,556,745 12 017 VOCATIONAL/TECHNICAL EDUCATION 3,588,482 3,582,916 3,594,639 3,594,639 3,594,639 13 018 COMPUTER EDUCATION 1,547,936 1,380,709 1,390,771 1,390,771 1,390,771 14 019 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE 1,062,016 1,062,537 1,079,347 1,079,347 1,079,347 15 020 MULTIMEDIA SERVICES 22,965 23,600 25,500 25,500 25,500 16 021 GENERAL EDUCATION SERVICES 15,614,550 16,396,492 16,323,142 16,323,142 16,323,142 17 022 GENERAL SUPPORT SERVICES 477,661 519,942 540,462 540,462 540,462 18 023 SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES 6,213,173 6,580,330 7,154,630 7,154,630 7,154,630 19 024 EMOTIONALLY IMPAIRED 871,152 846,262 871,744 871,744 871,744 20 025 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY DW 85,411 71,448 125,144 125,144 125,144 21 026 AUTISM 1,555,015 1,744,270 1,781,789 1,781,789 1,781,789 22 027 DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYED 452,168 511,668 562,725 562,725 562,725 23 028 INTELLECTUAL LIFE& BASIC SKILL 1,174,218 1,235,951 1,260,622 1,260,622 1,260,622 24 029 SENSORY 1,067,080 1,120,856 1,140,853 1,140,853 1,140,853 25 030 NEUROLOGICAL 1,498 800 800 800 800 26 031 COMMUNICATIVE SPEECH THERAPY 1,368,659 1,404,995 1,427,213 1,427,213 1,427,213 27 033 SPECIAL LEARNING DISABLED MSN 6,076,422 6,494,845 6,357,844 6,357,844 6,357,844 28 037 ELL ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS 376,112 454,433 457,083 457,083 457,083 29 038 TUTORING 93,401 89,109 92,714 92,714 92,714 30 039 ENRICHMENT 101,970 126,770 130,288 130,288 130,288 31 041 IN-SERVICE PROGRAMS 22,485 37,962 37,962 37,962 37,962 32 042 ADVANCED READINESS LEARNERS 45,968 62,308 62,462 62,462 62,462 33 044 CURRICULUM IMPRVMNT & DEVLPMT 103,892 110,920 112,719 112,719 112,719 34 045 CONFERENCE RELATED EXPENSES 119,972 110,632 115,332 115,332 115,332 35 046 TESTING 76,839 86,250 93,510 93,510 93,510 36 047 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 785,645 829,942 844,381 844,381 844,381 37 048 HEALTH & DRUG EDUCATION 474,267 497,368 509,968 509,968 509,968 38 049 INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS 989,757 982,357 1,007,195 1,007,195 1,007,195 39


The Plymouth School Department has identified the following Departments for budgeting and administrative purposes.

2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School Dept # Department Description Expended Budget Service Budget Committee Line #

050 INTRAMURAL 76,628 99,532 102,734 102,734 102,734 40 051 LIBRARIES 946,228 996,108 1,017,159 1,017,159 1,017,159 41 056 VHS AND DISTANCE LEARNING 26,375 92,655 102,250 102,250 102,250 42 057 MEMBERSHIP DUES - 87,440 91,235 91,235 91,235 43 058 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT(NON CONF) 54 81,896 79,646 79,646 79,646 44 059 PROPANE FOR VEHICLES 10,890 20,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 45 060 BUILDING & GROUNDS SERVICES 4,712,805 5,005,747 5,041,459 5,041,459 5,041,459 46 061 PROPANE & NATURAL GAS 396,532 400,000 404,500 404,500 404,500 47 062 OIL 35,900 30,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 48 063 ELECTRICITY 1,262,129 925,456 969,313 969,313 969,313 49 064 WATER & SEWER TREATMENT 129,058 135,205 143,883 143,883 143,883 50 065 TELEPHONE 186,928 144,222 164,500 164,500 164,500 51 066 WEB/NETWORK CONNECTIVITY SRVCS 189,202 171,072 181,298 181,298 181,298 52 067 GASOLINE 34,061 36,000 38,500 38,500 38,500 53 068 ENERGY CONSERVATION 99,868 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 54 069 INS CLAIM /UN-BUDGETED EX 28,995 - - - - 55 071 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SERVICE 482,012 515,869 514,094 514,094 514,094 56 072 MEDICAL SERVICES 1,343,098 1,433,604 1,434,487 1,434,487 1,434,487 57 081 HEALTH INSURANCE 24,111 25,000 38,800 38,800 38,800 58 091 SUBSTITUTES 961,597 1,096,794 1,136,785 1,136,785 1,136,785 59 092 OVERTIME 84,236 100,163 100,163 100,163 100,163 60 093 CONTRACTUAL ALLOWANCES 526,601 505,255 473,026 473,026 473,026 61 100 SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION SRVC 6,982,798 7,581,001 7,465,831 7,465,831 7,465,831 62 101 STUDENT TRANSPORT & TRANSFER 353,184 304,290 360,034 360,034 360,034 63 102 BUILDING SUPERVISION & ADMIN 4,421,078 4,642,692 4,660,369 4,660,369 4,660,369 64 103 DISTRICT SUPERVISION & ADMIN 2,827,461 2,892,904 2,873,417 2,873,417 2,873,417 65 104 CONTRACT & NEGOTIATION CONTING 2,400 400,000 2,275,000 2,275,000 1,896,482 66 105 RESOURCE OFFICERS & ACCTBLTY 165,778 162,860 167,000 167,000 167,000 67 171 VOCATIONAL AUTO 6,856 8,640 8,640 8,640 8,640 68 172 VOCATIONAL CAD 2,744 3,450 3,450 3,450 3,450 69 173 VOCATIONAL CARPENTRY 5,066 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 70 174 VOCATIONAL CHILD CARE 2,530 3,018 3,018 3,018 3,018 71 175 VOCATIONAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 2,546 4,071 4,071 4,071 4,071 72 176 VOCATIONAL COSMETOLOGY 7,336 5,931 5,931 5,931 5,931 73 177 VOCATIONAL CULINARY 7,117 8,532 8,532 8,532 8,532 74 178 VOCATIONAL ELECTRICTY 5,273 9,787 9,787 9,787 9,787 75 180 VOCATIONAL GRAPHIC ARTS 4,745 6,159 6,159 6,159 6,159 76 182 VOCATIONAL MARKET 12,102 15,666 15,416 15,416 15,416 77 183 VOCATIONAL METAL FAB 5,219 - - - - 78


The Plymouth School Department has identified the following Departments for budgeting and administrative purposes.

2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Revised CC Level Supt School Dept # Department Description Expended Budget Service Budget Committee Line #

184 VOCATIONAL PLUMBING 8,601 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 79 185 VOCATIONAL ALLIED HEALTH 2,745 4,130 4,130 4,130 4,130 80 186 VOCATIONAL ENGINEERING 13,764 16,950 16,700 16,700 16,700 81 187 VOCATIONAL FACILITIES MNGMNT 5,378 8,500 8,000 8,000 8,000 82 188 VOCATIONAL WOOD DESIGN TECHNOL 5,128 5,980 6,980 6,980 6,980 83 189 VOC AUTO COLLISION AND REPAIR 14,297 6,132 6,132 6,132 6,132 84 190 VOCATIONAL HVAC - 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 85 191 VOCATIONAL MEDICAL ASSISTANT - 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 86 Total All Departments 90,088,774 94,211,170 97,413,093 97,413,093 97,034,575

Plymouth Public Schools ~ FY19 Budget 12 GRANTS AND REVOLVING ACCOUNTS


ENHANCED SCHOOL HEALTH 106,600 95,531 120,560 109,600 109,600 109,600

INCLUSIVE PRESCHOOL LEARNING 85,872 90,611 92,992 92,992 67,939 37,939

PARENT POWER 4,980 11,018 9,000 9,000 0 0

SKILLS CAPITAL 0 0 0 52,844 0 0

TOTAL STATE GRANTS 340,670 351,720 377,652 419,536 351,584 321,584


CIRCUIT BREAKER 1,991,443 2,311,638 1,896,962 2,231,028 2,281,307 2,133,954

DISSEMINATION GRANT 0 0 0 0 39,777 39,777

DRUG FREE COMMUNITIES 0 0 0 0 118,063 105,574

EARLY CHILDHOOD 44,649 46,603 46,531 47,876 45,156 45,156

PERKINS VOCATIONAL 65,163 61,583 68,646 76,941 74,018 74,018

SPED IDEA ALLOCATION (94-142) 1,800,120 1,774,670 1,853,150 1,916,753 1,902,107 1,902,107

SPED PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT 34,733 76,462 59,396 59,396 0 0 TITLE IIA - IMPROVING TEACHER QUALITY 251,092 241,007 247,804 245,963 216,373 216,373

TITLE IVA 0 0 0 0 25,282 25,282

TITLE ONE 667,327 771,627 823,377 987,308 1,001,671 1,001,671

TOTAL FEDERAL GRANTS 4,854,527 5,283,590 4,995,866 5,565,265 5,703,754 5,543,912

TOTAL STATE & FEDERAL GRANTS 5,195,197 5,635,310 5,373,518 5,984,801 6,055,338 5,865,496


ATHLETIC 315,957 310,794 437,982 371,925 400,000 400,000

SCHOOL LUNCH 2,591,484 2,482,870 2,625,877 2,610,639 2,822,586 2,870,338

TECHNICAL STUDIES 355,900 243,275 279,581 252,317 350,000 350,000 TOTAL MAJOR REVOLVING ACCTS 3,263,341 3,036,939 3,343,440 3,234,881 3,572,586 3,620,338

Plymouth Public Schools ~ FY19 Budget 13 GARY E. MAESTAS, Ed.D. Plymouth Public Schools Superintendent of Schools Administration Building CHRISTOPHER S. CAMPBELL, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent 253 South Meadow Road Administration and Instruction Plymouth, MA 02360 PATRICIA C. FRY Assistant Superintendent Telephone: 508-830-4300 Human Resources Fax: 508-746-1873 GARY L. COSTIN, R.S.B.A. Web: www.plymouth.k12.ma.us School Business Administrator

TO: Melissa Arrighi, Town Manager FROM: Gary L. Costin, School Business Administrator RE: ATM Warrant Article 3 for FY19 DATE: December 6, 2017

Please include the following requests in Article 3 on the Fiscal Year 2019 Spring Annual Town Meeting Warrant.

 Article 3, Chapter 44, Section 53 E 1/2 Revolving Accounts: Authorization for $150,000. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Explanation: This article authorizes a school custodial details revolving account under Chapter 44, Section 53 1/2. Overtime salaries related to building usage will be charged to this account. This provision requires an annual reauthorization by the town meeting. The school district reauthorization request for FY19 is $150,000 in total annual expenditures.

 Article 3, Chapter 44, Section 53 E 1/2 Revolving Accounts: Reauthorization for $350,000. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Explanation: This routine article authorizes a technical studies (culinary, auto, carpentry, child care, cosmetology, etc.) revolving account under Chapter 44, Section 53 1/2. Infrequent wages, which are paid to staff and students, will be charged to this account for additional services related to vocational activities. This provision requires an annual reauthorization by the town meeting. The school district reauthorization request for FY19 is $350,000 in total annual expenditures.

The Plymouth Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, genetic information, ancestry, status as a veteran or U.S. uniformed military service member, disability, or age in admission to, treatment in, or employment in its services, programs, and activities.


Priority Element Description Building Total Estimate 1.00 Building Repairs and Renovations (Submitted) $ 1,371,176 2.00 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement $ 454,495 3.00 Bonded Projects $ 4,791,476


1.00 Building Repairs & Renovations (Submitted) $ 1,371,176

1.01 Replace Windows 1 Pod per Year Project WEST $ 36,000

1.02 Brick Remediation at NMES (Immediate Stabilization Repairs) DW Facilities $ 126,500

1.03 Replace Intercom PSES $ 49,740

1.04 Create Additional Parking WES $ 31,000

1.05 Exterior Painting and Cupola Repairs HES $ 72,555

1.06 Carpet Removal and Tile Installation (IMC) PCIS $ 61,732

1.07 Sidewalk Asphalt Repairs PSMS $ 60,650

1.08 Install Gym Dividers IBES/PSES $ 21,554

1.09 Restoration of Play Area CSES $ 23,644

1.10 Field Renovations and Chain Link Fence Installation PCIS $ 148,290

1.11 Pave Parking Lot and Crack Fill/Sealcoat Play Area HES $ 134,200

1.12 Replace Public Address System PCIS $ 25,751

1.13 Replace Windows 1 Pod per Year Project Expanded FFES $ 90,000

1.14 Replace Skylights FFES $ 64,610

1.15 ACM Tile Removal and Install VCT Tile CSES $ 95,000

1.16 Resurface Gymnasium Floor IBES $ 32,500

1.17 Replace Gymnasium Floor PCIS $ 180,353

1.18 Resurface Gymnasium Floor PSES $ 38,192

1.19 Resurface Gymnasium Floor FFES $ 38,192

1.20 Add additional Card Readers to Exterior Doors PCIS $ 24,756.00 1.21 Replace classroom curtains with verticle blinds PCIS $ 15,957.00 2.00 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement $ 454,495

2.01 PSHS Equipment Cut From FF&E Construction Budget PSHS $ 131,495

2.02 Replace Food Service Box Truck DW Food Serv $ 45,000

2.03 Purchase a 2019, 71 Passenger Diesel School Bus DW Facilities $ 83,500

2.04 Replace Truck 945 Utility DW Facilities $ 52,000

2.05 Replace Truck 949 Utility (w/o sander) DW Facilities $ 49,500

2.06 Replace Truck 940 Rack Truck DW Facilities $ 63,000 2.07 Replace 2002 F150 DW Facilities $ 30,000 3.00 Bonded Projects $ 4,791,476

3.01 Brick Remediation NMES $ 2,025,000

3.02 Roof Replacement WES $ 1,312,004 3.03 Roof Replacement IBES $ 1,454,472

Plymouth Public Schools ~ FY19 Budget 15 Plymouth Public Schools ~ FY19 Budget Per Pupil Expenditure Report FY05 through FY16

F i s c DOE Revised Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth a Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year l 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Y e Plymouth Average Not Yet Plymouth Average Published by Per Pupil $9,539 $10,665 $11,271 $12,061 $12,215 $12,562 $13,117 $13,099 $13,453 $14,049 $14,935 $15,705 State Dept. of Per Pupil Expenditure Education Expenditure

State Average Not Yet State Average Published by Per Pupil $10,626 $11,196 $11,859 $12,489 $13,063 $13,100 $13,369 $13,636 $14,021 $14,570 $14,936 $15,545 State Dept. of Per Pupil Expenditure Education Expenditure

Plymouth vs. State Plymouth vs. State Average $$ -$1,087 -$531 -$588 -$428 -$848 -$538 -$252 -$537 -$568 -$521 -$1 $160 Average $$

Plymouth vs. State Plymouth vs. State Average %% -10.2% -4.7% -5.0% -3.4% -6.5% -4.1% -1.9% -3.9% -4.1% -3.6% 0.0% 1.0% Average %%

Plymouth vs. State Average Per Pupil Expenditure


$15,705 $16,000 $15,545 $14,936 $14,570 $14,935 $14,021 $14,049 $14,000 $13,369 $13,636 $13,063 $13,100 $13,117 $13,099 $13,453 $12,489 $12,562 $11,859 $12,061 $12,215 $12,000 $11,196 $11,271 $10,626 $10,665

$10,000 $9,539

$8,000 Expenditure




$0 Rev FY05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 Fiscal Year 16 Plymouth Public Schools ~ FY19 Budget M ASSACHUSETTS D EPARTMENT OF E LEMENTARY AND S E C O N D A R Y E DUCATION FOUNDATION ENROLLMENT R E P O R T O CTOBER 1, 20 17

School Name PK K Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7 Gr. 8 Gr. 9 Gr. 10 Gr. 11 Gr. 12 Other Total

Early Childhood Center 141 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141

Preschool Subtotal 141 Cold Spring ES 0 41 39 38 41 44 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 254 Federal Furnace ES 0 59 64 59 81 62 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 386 Hedge ES 0 0 24 28 29 32 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 154 Indian Brook ES 0 91 86 97 87 108 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 567 Manomet ES 0 38 57 39 53 47 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 287 Nathaniel Morton ES 0 85 87 85 113 77 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 548 South ES 0 99 112 102 112 117 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 653 West ES 0 83 64 60 52 70 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 394

Elementary School Subtotal 3243 Plymouth Community IS 0 0 0 0 0 PCIS 0 369 321 330 0 0 0 0 0 1020 Plymouth South MS 0 0 0 0 0 PSMS 0 248 238 239 0 0 0 0 0 725

Middle School Subtotal 1745 Plymouth North HS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PNHS 348 328 296 274 25 1271 Plymouth South HS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PSHS 306 258 267 257 0 1088

High School Subtotal 2359 Alternative High School 5 8 20 15 48 Tuition Out SPED / Other 0 2 1 1 2 2 7 2 5 10 21 8 13 9 83

17 Tuition Out Subtotal 131

Total Enrollment 141 496 535 509 569 559 583 624 561 574 669 615 591 559 34 7619 P LYMOUTH P U B L I C S CHOOLS T EN Y EAR E N R O L L M E N T S UMMARY O C T O B E R 1, 2017 C OUNT

FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Grade Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct.1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Grade 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Pre K 193 187 192 188 178 144 186 194 174 141 Pre K K 636 583 573 612 580 499 542 471 523 496 K 1 643 652 631 625 664 618 543 565 507 535 1 2 633 678 654 606 607 668 623 545 567 509 2

3 639 651 674 649 607 602 672 630 557 569 3 4 682 640 656 669 651 605 593 668 632 559 4 5 579 551 547 571 583 574 560 551 618 583 5 6 547 624 565 547 572 582 568 563 560 624 6 7 635 595 632 564 562 581 587 583 569 561 7 8 594 590 593 624 568 570 584 589 600 574 8 9 786 742 696 664 677 621 629 628 645 669 9 10 672 628 655 621 612 647 568 602 580 615 10 11 601 651 582 644 587 585 646 561 584 591 11 12 551 574 592 515 595 554 553 597 529 559 12 Other 18 35 17 11 19 17 20 33 41 34 Other

TOTALS 8,409 8,381 8,259 8,110 8,062 7,867 7,874 7,780 7,686 7,619 TOTALS

PK - 5 4,005 3,942 3,927 3,920 3,870 3,710 3,719 3,624 3,578 3,392 PK - 5 6 – 8 1,776 1,809 1,790 1,735 1,702 1,733 1,739 1,735 1,729 1,759 6 - 8 9 – 12 2,610 2,595 2,525 2,444 2,471 2,407 2,396 2,388 2,338 2,434 9 - 12 Other 18 35 17 11 19 17 20 33 41 34 Other

TOTALS 8,409 8,381 8,259 8,110 8,062 7,867 7,874 7,780 7,686 7,619 TOTALS

Plymouth Public Schools ~ FY19 Budget 18 CHERRY SHEETS ~ FY10 through FY18 Plymouth Public Schools ~ FY19 Budget

Dollar Percent Distributions & Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Incr / Decr Incr / Decr Reimbursements 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 To Prior Yr. To Prior Yr. REVENUE EDUCATION 1. Chapter 70 20,948,547 21,523,756 21,778,007 22,208,459 23,291,788 23,670,917 23,872,517 24,315,047 25,884,957 1,569,910 6.5% 1.(a) SFSF Funds To Offset Chapter 70 Reduction 2. School Transportation Programs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 3. School Construction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 5. Tuition of State Wards 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 6. Charter Tuition Reimbursement 978,676 794,333 1,288,429 1,416,648 1,383,759 1,311,443 1,372,208 933,809 516,296 (417,513) -44.7% 7. Charter Facilities Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%

Sub-total: $ 21,927,223 $ 22,318,089 $ 23,066,436 $ 23,625,107 $ 24,675,547 $ 24,982,360 $ 25,244,725 $ 25,248,856 $ 26,401,253 1,152,397 4.6% 1. Chapter 70 - Federal Grants Direct to Schools

1.(b) SFSF Grant To Maintain Foundation Spending 1,910,642 (b) 115,549 (b)

1.(c) Federal Education Jobs Grant 1,428,409 (c)

GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1. Lottery, Beano & Charity Games 2. Gaming Proceeds for Lottery gap 3. Unrestricted General Govt Aid 3,452,391 3,314,295 3,074,658 3,314,295 3,392,638 3,486,722 3,612,244 3,767,571 3,914,506 146,935 3.9% 6. Police Career Incentive 65,711 29,843 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 8. Veterans' Benefits 472,120 625,287 603,303 626,613 646,676 604,872 623,837 497,574 470,749 (26,825) -5.4% 9. Exemptions: Vets, Blind & Spouses 227,553 236,915 242,687 251,650 281,310 282,170 283,949 307,081 328,681 21,600 7.0% 10. Exemptions: Elderly Included in #9 Included in #9 Included in #9 Included in #9 Included in #9 Included in #9 Included in #9 Included in #9 Included in #9 Included in #9 11. State Owned Land 768,760 474,178 491,425 491,584 501,304 550,733 550,733 548,207 547,686 (521) -0.1% 12. Municipal Stabilization Aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Sub-total: $ 4,986,535 $ 4,680,518 $ 4,412,073 $ 4,684,142 $ 4,821,928 $ 4,924,497 $ 5,070,763 $ 5,120,433 $ 5,261,622 $ 141,189 2.8% OFFSET ITEMS - Reserve for Direct Expenditure 7. School Lunch Program 50,953 44,271 50,117 45,133 43,037 41,799 0 0 0.0% 12. Public Libraries 44,387 45,563 45,643 44,841 44,817 60,951 61,647 60,837 62,304 1,467 2.4%

Sub-total: $ 95,340 $ 89,834 $ 95,760 $ 89,974 $ 87,854 $ 102,750 $ 61,647 $ 60,837 $ 62,304 $ 1,467 2.4%

SUB-TOTAL, All General Government $ 27,964,419 $ 27,860,420 $ 27,574,269 $ 28,399,223 $ 29,585,329 $ 30,009,607 $ 30,377,135 $ 30,430,126 $ 31,725,179 $ 1,295,053 4.3%

ASSESSMENTS - EDUCATION 1. School Choice Sending Tuition 84,616 125,951 118,743 178,106 229,616 231,891 280,378 331,600 328,987 (2,613) -0.8% 2. Charter School Sending Tuition 3,628,666 3,662,700 4,432,812 5,354,343 6,059,827 6,524,123 7,335,831 7,340,117 7,393,007 52,890 0.7%

SUB-TOTAL, Assessments $ 3,713,282 $ 3,788,651 $ 4,551,555 $ 5,532,449 $ 6,289,443 $ 6,756,014 $ 7,616,209 $ 7,671,717 $ 7,721,994 $ 50,277 0.7%

(b) Stimulus funds directed to school districts to supplement FY10 Chapter 70 allocations. Funds are in the form of a grant and are used to ensure all districts reach foundation budget. © Federal funds directed to school districts to retain teaching staff. 19

Plymouth Public Schools GARY E. MAESTAS, Ed.D. Administration Offices Superintendent of Schools

253 South Meadow Road CHRISTOPHER S. CAMPBELL, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent Plymouth, MA 02360 Administration and Instruction

Telephone: 508-830-4300 PATRICIA C. FRY Assistant Superintendent Fax: 508-746-1873 Human Resources

Web: www.plymouth.k12.ma.us GARY L. COSTIN, R.S.B.A. School Business Administrator

To: Plymouth Town Meeting Members

From: Patricia C. Fry, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources

Date: January 19, 2018

RE: Staffing Report FY19

Over the past two years, the Human Resources Department of the Plymouth Schools has performed a reconciliation exercise to determine the accuracy of staff reporting. We believe this exercise was necessary to assist in determining the true identification of all positions within the school department as well as the development of a methodology that is now the standard as we move forward with staff identification in future years. The end result of this exercise in identification is contained within this report, which accurately portrays all positions within the appropriate school department funding source.

The following report contains specific data related to the overall staffing totals for the Plymouth Public Schools for the FY17, FY18, and FY19 school years. There are many factors that impact the staffing needs for the school department. The FY17 school year was the first year of the full-day kindergarten implementation as evidenced by the increase in staff FTE totals, and we are happy to report that it has been a tremendous success over the past two years. We will continue to prioritize support for all students, and while there has been a decline in overall student enrollment, the specific educational needs of our children has increased. As a result of these needs, we have worked to be creative with the intentional program design of our special education offerings. These offerings are saving the district money but are, more importantly, keeping students in their home school district and will continue to be a priority.

In the report below, we have identified a number of important factors that contribute to our staffing trends. Please review the following:

 Staffing totals  Definitions of important terms/staff titles/additional budget information  Listing of specific grants/other funding that helps reduce funds associated with our total FTE count  Special Education District-Wide Programs – program design, staffing, and student totals  Special Education Out-of-District Placement Student Numbers

We hope that this breakdown will explain the many different facets of our PreK-12 district staffing needs. While this report is based on the overall FTE count, it is important to note that while the total FTE’s for FY19 is 1217, many grants ensure that the school budget does not fund all of these FTE’s. For example, our school lunch program is self-funded. We anticipate the same funding model will

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be used for the FY19 school year as the majority of the grants are entitlement grants; however, it is too early to share official projections.

I. FY17 & FY18 Staffing Totals:

FY17 FY18 FY19 Description of Category FTE FTE Projected Category Totals Totals FTE Totals Administrators Central office 51 FTE 51 FTE 51 FTE administrators, principals, assistant-principals, academic coordinators, etc. Certificated Teachers, nurses, 763 FTE 757 FTE 759 Staff counselors, therapists, FTE literacy/math coaches, psychologists, etc. Clerical Staff Central office, 58 FTE 58 FTE 57 FTE programmatic, and building based clerical support ParaEducators Classified support staff 203.5 FTE 202.5 200 FTE (paraeducator definition listed below) Maintenance Custodians, skilled 80 FTE 80 FTE 80 FTE Staff craftsmen, etc.

Food Services* Cafeteria managers, 50 FTE 50 FTE 50 FTE cooks, cafeteria staff, etc. (self-funded program) Adjunct ISS, planetarium, 15.3 FTE 15.3 FTE 15 FTE Contracts Plymouth Family Network

Computer Staff that support our 5.0 FTE 5.0 FTE 5.0 FTE Technicians computer hardware needs throughout the district FY17 FY18 FY19 TOTAL 1225.80 1218.80 1217 FTE’s FTE’s FTE’s FTE’s

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II. Definitions/Additional Information:

A. FTE – Full-Time Equivalent

B. School Resource Officers and Funding Source – We currently have four School Resource Officers (SRO’s). There is one SRO in each of the four secondary schools. These officers also provide support to our elementary schools. The Plymouth School Department works collaboratively with the Plymouth Police Department to cost-share these positions. Essentially, we pay for two of the positions and the police department pays for two of these positions. This role is integral to our student safety model within our schools.

C. Educational Television Program Details and Funding Source – We are fortunate to have 6.56 FTE’s who work for our educational television program. These individuals are paid through a revolving account, and the funds are generated through our local Comcast/ Verizon agreements. Therefore, we are able to provide state-of-the-art television/communications programming to the community with no impact on our local school budget.

D. Social-Emotional Support Specifics – Throughout the budget process, you have heard a great deal from our school leaders regarding the declining social-emotional health of our students and families. It is important to highlight that this need is being addressed in our schools through the work of qualified employees. The certificated staff FTE total includes approximately 45 FTE’s who represent counselors, psychologists, etc., who work directly with our students that struggle with social-emotional needs.

E. ParaEducators – ParaEducators are an integral part of our school community. We have shifted the model and structure of ParaEducators to use funds more efficiently. Para- Educators assist the certificated staff in a number of different areas. The categories below help explain the many roles of ParaEducators in our school system. In accordance with our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), we have grouped them into specific categories:

 Category 1: Instructional Support ParaEducators: Moderate Special Needs, Classroom, IMC, Literacy, Computer, Vocational  Category 2: Building Support ParaEducators: SAM, Security Receptionist, Clerical, Science, Bus Monitor  Category 3: Specialized Support ParaEducators: ADA, ASD, Basic Skills, CARE, Life Skills, Preschool, Project Growth, One-to-One

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 Category 4: Specialized Therapeutic ParaEducators: CNA/Health, Job Coach, Speech and Language Assistant, Certified Occupational Therapeutic Assistant, Physical Therapy Assistant, Registered Behavior Technician, and Applied Behavioral Analyst.

III. Grants/Other Funding:

The grants and other funding sources listed below have provided resources to effectively help us reduce our overall FTE count by subsidizing the school budget.

Grants  Inclusive Preschool Learning Grant  Coordinated Family Grant  Enhanced School Health Grant  Title One Grant  Special Education IDEA Grant  Title IIA Grant  Perkins Grant  Title IVA  Drug-Free Communities  MA Dissemination Program  Early Childhood

Other Funding  Municipal Medicaid Reimbursable Services Funding  Comcast/Verizon Cable Contract Funding

IV. Special Education:

A. District-Wide Self-Contained Programs

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was signed into law in 1975. Prior to IDEA, public schools accommodated only one out of five children with disabilities. Many states had laws that explicitly excluded children with certain types of disabilities from attending public school. At the time IDEA was enacted, more than one million children in the U.S. had no access to the public school system; many of these children lived at state institutions where they received limited or no educational or rehabilitation services. Another 3.5 million children attended school but were “warehoused” in segregated facilities and received little or no effective instruction. The cornerstone of IDEA is that all children receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Setting (LRE).

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Plymouth is an inclusive community with a school department that is committed to educating all students within the least restrictive setting (LRE). Least restrictive environment refers to the principle that to the maximum extent appropriate, students with disabilities are educated along with students who do not have disabilities. The removal of students with special needs from the general education program occurs only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in general education classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily (603CMR28.06). To this end, Massachusetts requires that school districts provide a full continuum of in-district and out-of-district services and placements to meet the needs of diverse learners.

It is important to note that the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) recently published a guidebook for educators regarding the importance of inclusion for students with and without disabilities. Inclusion is not a special education placement, but rather the implementation of systems and processes that allow all students to be educated within their community, the impact of which is significant. In Massachusetts, students with learning or communication disabilities, who are educated full-time in general education settings, are nearly five times more likely to graduate high school in four years than are similar students in substantially separate placements.

Moreover, school districts must demonstrate maintenance of effort (MOE) regarding special education programming and services and that the cost of placements and or services cannot be taken into account when planning for student programming. It is also important to note that special education is not funded exclusively by the local budget. Special education is partially funded by the IDEA federal entitlement grant and through the circuit breaker reimbursement program. While cost cannot be the leader in this discussion, the fact that it is better for children to remain in their local school district has been our focus. The average cost per student in an out-of-district placement is $75,000.00, not including transportation, which is also mandated. So while we are focused on the needs of our students and as you will see from the numbers below, it is also more cost effective.

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Listed below are the programs that are currently in place within the Plymouth Public Schools, their staffing totals, as well as the student enrollment.

ASD – Serves students identified on the Autism Spectrum grades PK-12. Life Skills – Serves students with severe special needs who are medically fragile, non- verbal, and/or more than three grades below grade level grades PK-12. CARE – Serves students with significant emotional & behavioral disabilities grades PK-12. BRIDGE – Serves students with low cognitive abilities, but not medically fragile grades 3-12. Possibilities – Serves students with identified behavioral disabilities grades 9-12. Project Growth – Serves students who are not diploma bound, rather transitioning to independent life and job skills ages 18-22.


In a time of tight budgets, Plymouth Public School embraces opportunities to partner with other organizations to supplement our local resources. One way that this happens is a partnership for the use of classroom space to Pilgrim Area Collaborative (PAC). PAC utilizes space at Plymouth South Middle School for the SEASIDE program. SEASIDE is a program that services students in grades 1-6 with a focus on social-emotional disabilities in addition to a transition program for 18-22 year olds. Along with sharing of professional staff and services, the district receives funds from the collaborative to use spaces within the building. This space was made available for this creative partnership when the fifth grade students returned to South Elementary School in the fall of 2017.

Preschool:  2 ASD Teachers (PECC)  1 Life Skills Teacher (PECC) Elementary:  7 ASD teachers (FFES, IBES, & SES – transitioning out of FFES due to space)  2 Life Skills teachers (WES)  3 CARE teachers (WES)  2 Bridge teachers (NMES) Middle:  2 ASD teachers (PSMS)  1 Life Skills teacher (PSMS)  3 CARE teachers (PCIS)  2 Bridge teachers (PCIS)

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High School:  2 ASD teachers (PSHS)  2 Possibilities teachers (PSHS)  2 Life Skills teachers (PNHS)  4 Project Growth teachers (PNHS) In closing, in order to staff these many programs, we have hired talented staff with specific skills to work with the various populations. Again, this district-wide program model demonstrates a substantial cost savings for our district. It is also important to note that our out-of-district placement numbers have significantly declined due to these models and the supportive staff in our schools. These numbers are all included in the totals on the first page of this document.

Total Certificated Staff in District-wide Self-contained Programs (Teachers, Counselors, Therapists) – 43.4 FTE

 Preschool – 4.4  Elementary – 15  Middle – 9  High School - 15 Total ParaEducator Staff – 76.8 FTE

 Preschool – 15.8  Elementary – 38.5  Middle – 8.5  HS - 14 Total Number of Students Served – 263 severe special needs students

 Preschool – 31  Elementary – 90  Middle – 52  High School – 90

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B. Out-of-District Placements:

As is stated above, in specific cases when we are not able to keep our students within our schools or district-based programs, we need to send our students to out-of-district placements. Listed below is a longitudinal perspective of our out-of-district placements since FY12.

Current Plymouth Public Schools Special Education Out-of-District Placements:

 FY12 – 100 students  FY13 – 81 students (2 students returned to district)  FY14 – 97 students (4 students returned to district)  FY15 – 85 students (6 students returned to district)  FY16 – 84 students (7 students returned to district)  FY17 – 80 students (2 students returned to district)  FY18 – 81 students

In closing, being such a large district, our staffing needs are diverse as our school population has varied needs in regards to academic support. In addition, mandates have increased over the years based on requirements from the Massachusetts Department of Education. As a district, we work hard to ensure that our staffing levels do not increase, rather if we need to add a position due to student and/or program needs, we look at appropriate/necessary reductions. Through these creative measures we have been able to maintain stable yet efficient staffing levels.

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Cover design by: Emily Goonan, Media & Communications Specialist for the Plymouth Public Schools

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"Look Up" by Morgan Maiorano, PCIS Class of 2017