Unions and Documentary screening and forum

You are invited to attend the launch of the half hour documentary “We are the 99%” about organised labour and the in New York City and the panel discussion, about trade unions and Occupy by ACTU President Ged Kearney, SEARCH Foundation Co- ordinator Peter Murphy and members of Occupy .

We are the 99% is about (extra)ordinary working people who struggle to change the system in the wake of the global financial crisis. Nurses, Jill and Maria set up a medical tent disobeying council ordinances to provide care for people who could not aford treatment. Workers Peter and Julian fight for basic working conditions. Sparrow faces the dilemma of how to sustain a democracy when racial tensions explode. Over the course of 2 months, in the microcosm of they endeavour to create a good society and ultimately are brutally evicted igniting a world wide movement. We are the 99% is made by Shabnam Hameed.

WHEN: Monday 13 February 2012 from 6pm-8pm

WHERE: UnionsNSW Auditorium, 377 Sussex Street, Sydney

TICKETS: $15 and available through [email protected] or on 0415 817 9311

The Australian Council of Trade Unions is a national trade union centre of 46 afliated unions and is the largest body representing workers in . Occupy Sydney are the workers; are the indebted; are the immigrants and the indigenous; are the homeless; are the students; are the unemployed; are the under represented people of the world. We are the 99%! SEARCH Foundation advocates for a 21st Century democratic ecological socialism, and has been supporting the Occupy Sydney movement.

Media Contacts:

Shabnam Hameed: 0415 817 931

1 This is a self funded documentary and all proceeds will go towards production costs. All donations are welcome.