T H E 2 1 S T C E N ST T U R Y I THE 21 CENTURY N Ceres V E 99 Chauncy Street S T Boston, MA 02111 O R : T: 617-247-0700 C F: 617-267-5400 e r e s INVESTOR: www.ceres.org B l u e p r i n t CERES BLUEPRINT f o r S u s t a i n FOR SUSTAINABLE a Ceres is a nonprofit organization mobilizing For more information, contact: b l business leadership on sustainability issues e Peter Ellsworth I such as global climate change. Ceres directs n v
[email protected] e the Investor Network on Climate Risk, s t i INVESTING 617-247-0700 x107 a network of more than 120 investors with n g collective assets of more than $14 trillion. — J u n e 2 0 June 2013 1 3 Updated June 2016 / U p d a Authored by t e d J Peter Ellsworth, Ceres u n e Kirsten Snow Spalding, Ceres 2 0 1 6 118 http://www.bostoncommonasset.com/investing.php . ST 119 “MFS Investment Management Policy on Responsible Investing and Response to the FRC UK Stewardship Code,” 2013 Update, THE 21 CENTURY INVESTOR: http://www.frc.org.uk/FRC-Documents/Corporate- Governance/MFS-Investment-Management.aspx . 120 http://www.needmorfund.org/InvPol.pdf . CERES BLUEPRINT FOR SUSTAINABLE INVESTING 121 Provided by NYCERS. 122 http://www.gbophb.org/sri_funds/oyb/201211.asp? . 123 Provided by AustralianSuper. June 2013, first printing June 2014, second printing June 2016, third printing (with selective updates, including fund performance on page 41) Authored by Peter Ellsworth, Ceres Kirsten Snow Spalding, Ceres ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the members of the INCR 21st We also want to recognize the