Don't miss these two motion pictures


tut@iltEN=T SUilTilIER'68 Welcome to Table of Gontents

All of us in the hope tlnt your Page uisit today u,ill be a happy and memorable one. We also ho'pe that this booklet wi,ll assist gou in plon- General lnformation 2-3 ning your Day at Disneyland as well as proaiding inf or'mation regarding Dining lacilities, Merchan- The A-B-C's dise locations. Entertainmettt attractions, etc. If of Ticket Books 4 there is someth[ng you cannot find in this booktet or AotL desire additional information or guidance, Guided Tour lnformation 4 just ask anE Disneylander . . . u;e would. be aery pleased to ossist Eott. Disneyland's Adventures 5-9 Haoe a happy daE and come see us again soon. andAttractions...... Map of Disneyland .....10'11

'i, Main Street, U.S.A. t2

Tomorrowland 13 l G 14

Frontierland 15

New 0rleans Square . 16

Adventureland t7

Food and Refreshments ...... 18-20 Shops and Stores ...... 21-24

Free Shows and Exhibits 25

Your Entertainment Calendar ....26'29 .'rr .'lri ; I' ii';,"rii;iil:-if! STROLLERS AND WHEEL CHAIRS Strollers and wheel chairs are available for your use in Disney- General information about Disn-eyland may be obtained at Gity land. They can be obtained lor a nominal rental, at the right Hall, on the left side of Town S(uare- as you enter tha Mtgi6 side of the area just inside the Main Gate turnstiles. |j1OOop. As you explore the pirk, feel iree to asli iny-i-m- ployee for assistance. PET CARE lnformation about other Southern Galifomia recreational at- Disneyland Pet Motel provides pleasant facilities for your pet trac-tions and public transportation schedules may be obtained while you enjoy the Magic Kingdom. You may leave your pet at Carefree Corner on Main Street, U.S-A. SponSored Ui tHA, in an airy, individual enclosure at a cost of only 500 for the this also is Disneyland's official Guest Registiation Centdr. entire day. This charge includes a choice of Kal-Kan pet food. This facility, sponsored by Kal Kan, is located to the right of the LOST AND FOUND Main Gate Ticket Booths. Sorry, dogs cannot be left overnight. Lost and found facilities are maintained in the Global Van Lines Building,- between the Fire Station and Emporium, on Town BANKING SERVICES Square, Main Street, U.S.A. The Bank of America, located across Town Square from the City Hall, provides complete PUBLTC TELEPHONES banking facilities. Banking hours are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. every day Disneyland is open Public telephones..are located throughout Disneyland. Ask any (except Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.). ursneylander Check cashing, lor for directions or see the area maps. the amount of purchase or up to $10 in cash with proper identi- LOCKER SERVICE fication, is available after 4:00 p.m. at the "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln" ticket booth, located on Town Square. Facilities for checking purchases and garments are located in the Global Van Lines Building on Town Square, next to the Fire BANKAMERICARD Station on Main Street, U.S.A. Locker service also is providea Your Bankamericard at the bus stop area just outside is accepted in most Disneyland shops, the Disneyland Main Entrance. stores and restau rants. LocKers large enough for suitcases are located near lhe tram and bus stations, west of the Main Entrance. FIRST AID POSTAGE STAMPS AND MAIL SERVICE Registered nurses are on duty at all times in the First Aid Cen- just Stamps are available in vending machines located in each ter, at the end of East Plaza Street, off Main Street, U.S.A. land, and at the Hallmark Communication Center on Main Street. Mail boxes for your letters and cards are located REST ROOMS throughout with regular pick up for mailing out ol Rest rooms are located throughout Disneyland. Ask any Dis- the United States-Disneyland, Post Office in Anaheim. There is no-United neyland employee. States Post Office within Disneyland. PARK OPERATING HOURS LOST CHILDREN June 15 through September 2,8:00 a.m. to midnight, 1:00 a.m. Facilities for the care of lost children are maintained at the end on Friday and Saturday nights. Effective Monday, September of East Plaza Street, off Main Street, U.S.A. The matron in 16, Disneyland will be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays during charge will assist you. the Fall, Winter and Spring period, with the exception of the Christmas holiday and Easter holiday season. BABY STATION The Baby Station is located adjacent to the First Aid Center on WHEN LEAVING DISNEYLAND East Plaza Street. Facilities are provided for changing intanis, you preparing -Oa6y-sittinj lf wish to return during regular operating hours today, have formulas and warmirig botiles. Sorry, your hand stamped at the exit gate before you leave the is not available. Park, or at the Disneyland Hotel Monorail Station exit. 3 ts the etc. Aduentures and Attractions of Disneyland Ticket Books couponorlttc Disneyland Ticket Books are a most convenient way to enjoy f--E the Magic Kingdom. Both the Big 10 and Deluxe 15 Ticket Books include admission to Disneyland and a selection of adventures and attractions on an "A," "8," "C," "D" and "E" j#t:Jfi:',' ticket basis. ffi l iTfiiljli;il :riri' THE BIG 10 Ticket Book includes Admission to the Park and @ a selection of attractions as shown below: H0RSELESS CARRIAGE ffiain Street) A trip down Main Street aboard a replica of America's classic autos.

1-A 1-B 2-C's 3-D's 3-E's THE DELUXE 15 Ticket Book includes Admission to the Park flilHitilih:fi1','* and a selection of attractions as shown below: nr e#H t D FIRE EllGlNE (Main Street) E B "Answer the alarm" in Disneyland's ;1 lc D c t very own fire wagon. 5_l B 0 c E 0 SURREY E ffiain Street) -A 2-B's 3-C's 'l-D's 5-E's Travel down Main Street in an elegant It you have already purchased a genetal admission ticket, ot it you wish lo "surrey with the fringe on top." enjoy additional adventures inside the Patk, you may buy a 1o-adventure book (14,18,2C,3D,3E) or a i-adventure book (iE's) tot $3.00 at any central ticket booth inside the Patk. Either book may be used by anyone tegardless ot age. l(lNG ARIHUR GARR0USEL (Fantasyland) Ptice subiect to change without notice. Ride to the land of fantasy on one of the Carrousel's 72 prancing steeds. Guided Tour Information The popular Guided Tour is especially recommended for "first- time guests." Visitors are taken on an exciting tour of Disney- couponor25c land by a charming Guide who tells the fascinating story of the [--EI Magic Kingdom's history and growth. The Guided Tour includes admission to Disneyland and a selection of six of the Park's popular attractions. air Street) lf you already have purchased a General Admission ticket, gi,f,fr l;']{ff11i+1,A'ff you may buy a Guided Tour Ticket at the ticket booth adjacent ril@ to "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln." Tour tickets, minus Main Gate admission, are $3.50 for adults and $2.75 for children. 4 b:-a4 M0T0R B0Ar cRUlsE (tantasytand) IIUMB0 FtYING ELEPHAt{IS (Fantasyland} Soar high over Fantasyland aboard the ry f,:'j"r#,1J':i:f#1,'1',,0Jnt1.,,,.*, elephant with aerodynamic ears.

CASEY JR. CIRCUS IRAIN (Fantasyland) The bright, gay circus train who "knew MR. T0AD'S WILD RIDE (Fantasyland) he could," travels a scenic route. A hilarious ride through old London.

FAMII-Y TREEHOUSE Wffi SWISS () See the Swiss Family SN()W WHIIE'S ADVEilTURES Robinson's tree-top home and enjoy (Fantasyland Travel through the Dark an aerial view of Disneyland. Forest to the Seven Dwarfs' Diamond Mine. StEEPING BEAUTY CASITE (Fantasyland) See diorama scenes from the popular Walt Disney movie, "Sleeping Beauty." *tfi fJ i,y9jl?51*u:-iiJLYlTil,,. wMN i----E couponor3Sc - d#..,ro MAD TEA pARry(Fantasyrand) Wilili,1l,l,*[ [,iX',Hiil1.J:J: (Fantasyland) ry, FAt{TASYtAND THEAIRE View highlights of Disney movies. Erel- g GREAT M(]MENTS WITH MR. IINC()LI{ presented by UNCoLN SAVTNGS & toAil ASS0CrATror{ Mll(E FIHK XEEL B0ATS Grontierland) (Main StreeU A backwoods water journey to Mr. Lincoln "comes to life" in this adventure, on the Rivers of America. world-acclaimed attraction. Young people, up to 17 years old, receive a RICHFIELD'S AUT0PIAS (Fantasyland, complimentary ticket with the purchase ) Youngsters can navigate of a Disneyland Ticket Book. these freeways of the future.

SH00Ilt{G GALLERIES (trontierland, Adventureland) Test your sharpshooting coupon or60c skills at still and moving targets. i---tr (Fantasyland) PEIER PAN FLIGHT g?3lll,l,l,'','.',iii3,[1]*'Jiill':H,ilf Fly over moonlit London and on to '@trril f Never-Never Land aboard a pirate galleon. ' fu an "inside" glimpse of each attraction. -SI\.IJ_ MoD()NNEI.I. D()UGTAS FTIGHT IO THE PACK MULES () M00N journey fomorrowlanil Take a - to See Nature's Wonderland from the the Moon and visit Mission Co-ntrol. back of a sturdy pack mule.

INDIAN WAR CAN0ES Grontierland) Row your own war canoe under the eye of a real lndian Guide. iiillT'ililHjril',frTifdiir::,.:-' " ffi STORYBOOK LAND CAI{AT BOATS (tantasyland) MAITERH0RN B0BStEDS (Iomorrowland) View ihe World of Fairy Tales. Race down and around "snow-covered" --{ slopes, in a thrilling bobsled run. Si(YWAY (Tomorrowland, tantasyland) /* ,, 1';# Et{CHANTED TII(I R()()M ii#,ll?:::[:#f,,jfillf--lfl presented by UNITE0 AIR IINES W rffiL (Adventureland) , A Polynesian Paradise, where 225 birds, MINE TRAIN RIDE (Frontierland) flowers and tropical tikis entertain. A Western-style adventure through Nature's Wonderland, Rainbow Caverns. SUBMARINE V0YAGE Iomorowland) Journey through "liquid space" on an SANTA FE & DISNEYLAND RAITROAD exciting undersea cruise to the (Main Street, Frontierland and North Pole. Tomorrowland) All aboard for a circular tour of Disneyland. "rl's A sMArr woRrD" presented by ()F RAFIS BANK AMERICA (Fantasyland) (Frontierland) Explore Tom Sawyer lsland, with its many caves and Fort Wilderness. Join the happiest crew that ever sailed around the world. '-'-r'::^ R0CI(ET JETS (Tomorrowland) PIRAIES ()F THE CARIBBEAN pilot a high-flying jet to Disneyland,s (New 0rleans Square) outerspace. --€\-:-\-:> Sail through the wildest adventure that +F\== ever rocked the Spanish Main.

c(lup(ln 0r 75c (adults) (children 65c) ffi{*ii#ffiilffi-ffiil*rffi

C0tUMBIA SAltlNG SHIP (trontierland) MARK IWAIN SIEAMB0AI ffrontierland) Cruise on a replica of the first Ride the gleaming sternwheeler, as it American ship to circle the globe. travels around the Rivers of America.

8 ry:l,r ffirl,rlll, ffir:il"

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c1s Di3ry Edudids

10 11 , -reKffiY* IVTAIN ffi.&.& quotes atltaction show ticket used. Letterc in quotes by each adventurc and attrcction show ticket used. Lettets in by each adventure and

ADVEilTURES AI{D ATIRACII()TIS SH()PS AND STORES INF()RMATI()TI AND ASSISIAilCE Coke Refreshment Corner Richfield Autopias "C" The Character Shop Disneyland City Hall Plaza Pavilion Skyway to Fantasyland "D" Mad Hatter Shop INA Carefree Corner Plaza lnn Carnation Plaza Gardens Santa Fe & "D" Souvenir Stand ADVENTURES AtID AITRACTIOIIS Disneyland Alweg Monorail Trains "E" FREE SH()WS AND EXHIBITS FREE SH()WS AND EXHIBITS Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad "D" Submarine Voyage "E" Adventure thru 0mnibus "A" Wurlitzer Music Hall "E" Monsanto's lnner Space Horseless Carriage "A" Swift's Market House, Rocket Jets "D" C & H Sugar Corner, and Bell Telephone Main Street Horse Cars "A" Goodyear PeopleMover "D" Sunsweet Growers Circle-Vision 360 Surrey "A" McDonnell Douglas Flight Pharmacy General Electric Carousel Up,john to the Moon "D" Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln of Progress presented by Lincoln Savings & SHOPS AND SIORES Coca-Cola Tomorrowland Loan Association "C" T()()D AND REFRESHMENTS Souvenir Stands Terrace Fire Engine "A" Coca-Cola Tomorrowland Terrace Wonderland Music Shop The Space Bar "8" Mad Hatter Shop Penny Arcade Emporium (film)

SERVICES Magic Shop Tobacco Shop Strollers and Wheel Chairs Jewelry Store Bank of America Crystal Arcade Eastman Kodak Exhibit Book and Candle Shop Global's Storage Lockers and Lost and Found Flower Market Baby Station Art Festival First Aid and Lost Children Hallmark Communication Center Tt)()D At{D REFRESHMENTS Camera Shop (film) Hills Bros. Coffee House Timex Watches and Garden Silhouette Studio Carnation lce Cream Parlor China Shop Sunkist Citrus House Candy Palace *t

72 13 Letterc quotes in by each adventure and attruction show ticket used. Letlers in quoles by each adventurc and atttaction show ticket used ADYE}IIURES A}ID ATIRACIIOI{S F()()D ANII REFRESHMET{IS TOYilIUNES ffIII TITRTGTIOTIS SHI)PS AilD STORES "8" Welch's Grape Juice Bar Shooting Gallery "C" Frontier Trading Post (film) Peter Pan Flight "C" Character Food Stands Itlark Twain Steamboat "E" Pendleton Woolen Mills Store Xing Arthur Carrousel "A" Chicken of the Sea Golumbia Sailing Ship "E" Davy Crockett Arcade Pirate Ship Restaurant I Snow White's Adventures "C" Itline Train Ride "0" Mexican lmports Frontier Rock "C" t Pack ilules "E' Shop SHOPS AND STORES Frontierland Hats "C" Tom Sauyer lsland Rafu "0" Souvenir Stand (film) Dumbo Elephants Arts and Crafts Flying "C" lli*e fink Xeel Boats "C" Frontier Print Shop Skyway to Tomorrowland Castle Candy Shoppe "D" Columbia Museum "B" lndian {rading Post (film) Casey Jr. Circus Train Tinkerbell Toy Store Only) "8" 0{inter Frontierland Camera Shop "lt's a Small World" "E" Merlin's Magic Shop (film) lndian l{ar Ganoes "D" (film) presented by Bank of America Mad Hatter Sanla Fe & Disneyland Railroad "D" FREE SHSWS At{D EXHIBITS Storybook Land Canal Boats "D" Souvenir Stands (film) Motor Boat Cruise "8" Caricatu res F000 trrD nEmEsflilExTs Pepsi-Cola Golden Horseshoe Revue Alice in Wonderland "C" Fantasy Gift Fair Casa de Fritos lndian Village Mr. Toad's Wild Ride "C" Glassblower Pepsitola Golden Horseshoe Gun Collection 0aks Tayern Shake and Sandwich Shop Aunt Jemima's Kitchen lndian Yillage il Fort lllilderness Snack Bar t

L4 15 $$ WBV (DI'R&WAS$S S,'i&.UAffiiffi quotes Letters in by each adventute and atttaction show ticket used. Lettets in quotes by each adventute and attruction show ticket used.

ADVENTURES ANI) ATTRACTI()NS SHt)PS AND ST()RES ADVEi{IU RES AI{ D ATIRACTI() I{S SH()PS AIID ST()RES Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad "D" 0ne-0f-A-Kind United Air Lines Enchanted Tropical lmports - Film "E" Le Gourmet Tiki Room "E" Adventureland Traders Pirates Arcade Museum Laffite's Silver Shop Big Game Safari "C" Adventureland Bazaar Cristal d'0rleans Shooting Gallery TOt)D AND REFRESHMEIITS Far East lmports Mlle. Antoinette's Jungle River Cruise "E" Magic Carpet The Blue Bayou Restaurant Parf umerie "8" Guatemalan Weavers The Creole Cafe Le Forgeron The French Market Portrait Artist T(l()D AI{D REFRESHMENIS The Mint Julep Bar Candy Cart Tahitian Terrace 0rleans Veranda Le Chapeau (film) - Sunkist, "l Presume" Tiki Juice Bar


16 L7 Plaza Pavilion - Buffeteria, luncheon, dinner - 450 to g1 .90. Food and fiefreshments Family_style dinners. Chicken, fried shrimp, homemade pas- tries. Children's portions available. D.isneyla.nd has a larg.e variety of refreshment centers- ln the Sunkist Citrus House Fresh orange juice, lemonade, coffee, Magic Kingdom you will discover a menu to please every palale rolls, lemon tarts, frozen- juice bars. " ' and pocketbook.

MAIII STREET, U.S.A. ADVEI{TUREtAT{D Carnation lce Cream Parlor - Salads, sandwiches, beverages, Sunkist, "l Presume" Fresh orange juice, lemonade, donuts, sodas and fancy sundaes. coffee and jungle juleps.- Carnation Plaza Gardens Sandwiches, beverages, sundaes and ice cream. - Tahitian Terrace Coke Refreshment Corner - Cokes, sandwiches and chips. - Waitress service. Luncheon and dinner Hills Bros. Cottee House and Garden Breaklast menu, also hot and cold - $.50 to $3.95. beverages, sandwiches and desserts. ,Authentic- Polynesian specialties; sand- wiches, salads, Plaza lnn - Buffet service a la carte; breakfast, luncheon, steaks, sea foods, and dinner - 45A b $2.25, hot sandwiches, salads, chicken, beverages-Ch ild ren's roast beef, chopped sirloin steak, sea {ood and desserts. portions available. Children's portions available.


Blue Bayou Terrace - Waitress service; luncheon and dinner. Price range: luncheon, 500 to $2.50; dinner, $1.00 to $3.50. Sandwiches, salads, sea foods, chicken, beef and desserts. Children's portions available.

18 19 t The French Markel - Self-service: luncheon and dinner. Price range: 50A to $1.90: Fried chicken, hot meal sandwiches, sea $hops and $tores foods and desserts. Children's portions available. The Creole CaIe - Waitress service. Prices range from $.25 to MAII{ STREET, U.S.A. $1.25, featuring sandwiches, exotic coffee, French pastries and an afiay of ice cream parlor delicacies. New Orleans choux- fritters. Art Festival - Have your own pastel profile drawn in a few minutes. The Mint Julep Bar Non-alcoholic mint juleps and ice cream' - camera Shop - Film and other photographic equipment. Tweniy-four hour Royal Street Veranda Pink lemonade, frozen bananas, choux Kodak processing is available on youicolor slides and movies. fritters. - * FR()NTIERTAND . Candy Palace For the most discriminating sweet tooth.

Aunt Jemima's Kitchen Plain and fancy pancakes, waffles, China Shop Decorative accessories and gifts in ceramic and glass. ham, bacon, sausage, eggs,- beverages. - Casa De Fritos - Mexican food specialties, combination plates. Crystal Arcade - Glass blower at work; and a Book and Candle Shop, with Price range: 300 to $1.85. a wide selection of Walt Disney books, as well as candles from ali over Shake and Sandwich Shop Variety of milk shakes and wrap- the world. ped sandwiches; self service.- Fort Wilderness Snack Bar Candy, cider, coffee. Emporium - Featuring a complete selection of gifts for the entire - family. lndian Village - Foot-long hot dogs, beverages, cookies. Oaks Tavern - Chili, sandwiches, beverages. Pepsi-Cola's Golden Horseshoe Pepsi-Cola, sandwiches and ch ips. - Mark Twain Juice Bar - Sternwheelers (fruit punch). .

FA]{IASYLAt{D Character Food Facilities - Sandwiches and beverages. Pirate Ship - Sandwiches, hot tuna pie and beverages. Welsh's Grape Juice Bar Pure grape juice and frozen juice bars. - tlower Market - Unusual man-made flowers and floral pieces. I(lM(lRROWI.AND Hallmark Communication Center - A complete display of Hallmark greet- Coca-Cola Tomorrowland Terrace Sandwiches and bever- ing cards, party packs and other paper items. ages. - * jewelry. The Space Bar - Assorted juices, popcorn and ice cream. lewelry Store Large selection of specially-designed 20 21 Mad Hatter Shop - Colorful variety of unique Disneyland hats. NEW (lRtEAt{S SOUARE Magic Shop - Unusual selection of tricks, masks, gadgets and souvenirs. 0ne-0f-A-Kind Shop - Exacting customers will find choice antiques, reproductions, and other unique gifts gathered from parts of Silhouette Studio Artists create and frame silhouettes while you wait. all - the world. Swift's Market House - An old-fashioned general store complete to cider and dill pickles. lncludes C & H Sugar Corner, featuring a variety of penny candies. Also, Sunsweet Growers displays a variety of dried fruits.

Timex lYatches - A complete display of Timex timepieces. Tohacco Shop - Tobaccos and smoking accessories from around the world. Wonderland Music Shop Lisiening pleasure for every taste, including favorites from Disney films.- Wide selection of player-piano rolls.


pur- Adventureland Bazaar Rare products and gifts from all over the Le Gourmet Unusual cooking and serving accessories available for - - exotic foods and spices. world in a jungle atmosphere. lncludes GUATEMALAN WEAVERS, FAR chase, along with a selection of EAST IMP0RTS and MAGIC CARPET BAZMR. Latfite's Silver Shop-Wide selection of silver gifts, combined with en- gaving facility for personalizing. Cristal d'0rleans A room of glass, highlighted by glass cutting and en- graving. - illle. Antoineth's Parfumerie-A complete line of select perfumes and the services of a perfumer to blend unique fragrances. Le Forgeron-Shoppers can find all types of leaded glass and metal accessories for the home. [e Ghapeau - Hats, accessories, film and cigarettes. Bookstand - Souvenir periodicals and books. Portrait Artist - Water colors.

Adventureland fraders South Sea lsland apparel and accessories in FROilIlERl-At{D colorful assortment. - Camera Shop - Complete line of film, and processing mailers, cameras, Iropical lmports - Hats, bags and shells. Film. and camera accessories. 22 23 0avy Grockett Arcade - lncludes the MEXICAN SHOP; FR0NTIERLAND HATS; the FR0NTIER PRINT SH0P, with custom head-lined newspapers and stationery; a S0UVENIR STAND; and FRONTIER R0CK SH0P. Free Shows and Exhibits ln addition to the many Disneyland adventures and attractions, you will Frontier Trading Post Western items, apparel gifts. - and Film. enjoy visiting the outstanding free shows and exhibits sponsored by many nationally-famous companies for your enjoyment. lndian Irading Post A re-creation of an Indian store, featuring authentic lndian gifts. - Pendleton Woolen Mills Store - A complete selection of woolen fabrics and fashions for men, women, and children. Eastman Kodak Exhibit - Free photo information and assistance. IllA's Garefree Corner - Disneyland's 0fficial Information and Registra- tion Center. Sign the guest book and pick up your complimentary copy of FAt{TASYtAI{D the Declaration of lndependence when you leave the Park. Arts and Crafts - Features a unique selection of clocks, other imports and Swift's Market House - The General Store of Grandfather's day. G & H a glass blower. Sugar Corner features old-fashioned penny candy. Sunsweet Growers dis- plays a variety of dried fruits. Caricatures Have your caricature made in minutes. - Upjohn Pharmacy - An accurate recreation of an 1890-era drug store. Be sure to pick up free vitamins while visiting. Castle Gandy Shoppe - A variety of unusual candies. Wurlitzer Music Hall See a complete display of pianos and organs, and Fantasy gifts, young - Gilt Fair- Assorted toys for the at heart. enjoy the daily organ concerts. Mad Hatter - Hats of every size, shape and color. Merlin's Magic Stop-A medieval settjng for a large selection of magic Golden Horseshoe Revue-A way-out-West Vaudeville show supplies and tricks, plus expert demonstration. Pepsi.Cola with singing, dancing, and comedy entertainment. Shows are 11:30 a.m., 1'00, 2'30, 4,00 and 5:15 p.m. Souvenir Stands Three outdoor stores with a selection of Disneyland souvenirs. -

Iinkerhell Toy Store-Toys {or children of all ages, also a complete picture tour of America doll shop. Bell System's America the Beautilul - A motion in an enlarged 360-degree theater. Also features the futuristic Picture' phone, where you can see the person you are calling. ItlM(lRR(IWLAilD General Electric's Carousel of Progress=Six life-like families trace the contributions of electricity to better living. fhe Gharacter Shop - A wide selection of Disneyland souvenirs and other Disney merchandise. Film. M0nsanto's Adventure Ihru lnner Space - A thrilling trip into the world of the atom. Mad Hatter Shop Colorful variety of unique Disneyland hats. - Monsanto's House of the Future - A futuristic idea of tomorrow's dwell- ing. Souvenir Stand - Complete selection of Disneyland Souvenirs. Blue Bayou Strings - Soothing melodies on the Blue Bayou Terrace, 11:00 a.m. to 6'00 p.m. 24 25 Mickey Mouse.and Friends.- Those laughable, lovable Oisney characters Your Disneyland will be on hand to meet and greet you in the foliowing areas. Main.Streetand.Towr Square Mickey, Pluto, Goofy, The Three Litfle pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. - Entertainment Galendar Monsanto Gardens - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Elfective 6/15/68 through 9/7/68 Pirate Ship, Fantasyland - Peter Pan, Captain Hook and Mr. Smee. Aunt Jemima's, Frontierland - Brer Bear and Brer Fox. For summer '68 Disneyland will present the greatest entertainment pro- Adventureland - Baloo, King Louie, Colonel Hathi, and Mowgli. gram in its history. Throughout the Magic Kingdom both daytime and Small_World Character Area, Fantasyland - Donald Duck. Alice in Wonder_ nighttime you will find a variety of entertainment specialties to delight land, Ihe Mad Hatter, White Rabbit, , Gideon, Foulfellow Winnie- every member of the family. the-Pooh, Eeyore, Chip 'n Dale, Thurirper, Flower, Gus-Cus and li[uea; ffi, Poppins.

Oisneyland's "Kids of the Xingdom" - The music and the sound of today presented by a group of talented young people. Monday through Saturday on the Tomorrowland Stage show times l:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m.,3:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 5,00 p.m. and 6,00- p.m.

Pepsi-Cola's Golden Horseshoe Revue A way-out-West vaudeville show with singing, dancing, comedy entertainment.- Show times - 1:00 p.m.,2:30 p.m., 4,00 p.m.,5:30 p.m., and 7'00 p.m.

Disneyland Band - The popular 16-piece Disneyland band performs for ydur enjoyment daily as follows: 1:00 to l:15 p.m. - Main Street parade with Disneyland characters. 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. - Concert at Plaza Gardens. 7:15 to 7:30 p.m. Main Street "Disneyland on - - F:?ltt,.

lndian.Yillage - Authentic tribal dances and native crafts in the ln_ dian Village from 12:00 p.m. to 8,00 p.m., UonUiylnrouih S;turd;r.

Hans and 0tto - Two courageous mountain climbers scale the treacherous slopes of Disneyland's mighty Matterhorn from 10,00 a.m. to 7 p.m. Ihe.l{ew_Estahlishment-A group with a groovy beat at Coca-Cola's Tomor- rowland Ierrace, Mondays through Saturdays from 12:00 noon to 7:00 p.m. 26 27 0n Stage, U.S.A. Tomorrowland Stage showtlme 9:15 a.m. and l1:00 p.m. - - The Delta Ramblers - Playing favorite Dixieland melodies from 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. ln person top stars of the entertainment to 8:00 p.m. at the French Market, New 0rleans Square. world...Each week.a comple,te new production. This Disneyland "hap- Ihe Plaza lnn Strings Waltzes and smooth melodies provide a perfect pyning" is a kaleidescope of the best in show business. - p.m. background while dining in the Plaza lnn from 1:00 to 8:00 _Oountry Mlsig lubiler Sundays on the Tomorrowland Stage at 3:00, 5:00 and 7,00 p.m. Top- country Ihe Royale Street Bachelors Parading through New 0rleans Square with western stars in a toe-tapp-ing variety - show. a Dixie beat from 11:00 a.m. to 6,00 p.m. The Royal.Tahitians Thq songs and dances of the South Seas presented Dapper Dans 0ld time favorites on Main Street U.S.A. from 11:00 a.m. - as a background for delightful dining in the Tahitian Terrabe. Show to 8'00 p.m. - times Monday through Thursday; 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:30, 9,30 and l9'_3Q p.m., Friday and Saturday; 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:30,'9:30, 10:30 and DISI{EYIAI{D AFTER DARK 11:30 p.m. Ihe.Clara Ward Singers-- World famed gospel group performing in the Disneyland on Parade - 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. .Disneyland Golden Horseshoe from 8'00 p.m. to midnighi, Monday through Thursday, characters and entertainers in a fun{illed musical promenade through the and 9:00 p.m. to 1'00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Magic Kingdom. The Young Men [rom New 0rleans - Real old fashioned Dixieland melo- dies aboard the Mark Twain sternwheeler, from 4:00 to 11:00 p.m. Sun- day through Thursday, and 5:00 p.m. to midnight on Fridays. Fantasy in the Sky 9:00 p.m. nightly. Tinkerbell flies high above - Ihe Adventureland the Magic Kingdom to signal the opening salute of a spectacular Steel Band - Rhythmic Calypso melodies in Adven- aerial display. tureland from 4:00 to 1l:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, 1:00 to 8:00 p.m. Sundays. Bill Elliott and-the Disneyland Dateniters - Music for dancing al Plaza Gardens from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday. The Mustangs - Disneyland's own rock group appearing on the Small World Stage from 8:00 p.m. till midnight, Monday through Thursday till 1,00 a.m, on Friday and on the Tomorrowland Stage Saturday evenings- from 9'00 p.m. to 1:00- a.m. The Blue Bayou Strings - Soothing melodies on the Blue Bayou Terrace from 3,30 to i0'30 p.m. Monday. Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, and 4,C0 to ii,00 p.m., Friday and Saturday. TIe Americana Brass - The tempo and tunes of today interpreted with a mariachi flavor. 0n the Mine Train stage in FrontierlSnd Monday through Friday from 4:00 to 11:00 p.m., Saturday 5:00 p.m. till midnight. Ihe Hager Twins Folksinging group appearing at Tomorrowland Terrace p,m. - from 7:00 rto midnight, every night except Saturday. Firehouse Five 2 - One of the country's best known Dixieland bands appears at the French Market in New 0rleans Square on Friday and Satur- day evenings f rom 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Teddy Buckner - The golden horn of Teddy Buckner and his Dixieland band entertain from 7:00 p.m. to midnight Monday through Thursday at the French Markel from 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. on Sunday at the Golden Horseshoe, and Sai'r.rrday, 7:00 p.m. to midnight, on the Mark Twain.

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