ANNUAL 2019 REPORT GREENBELT ALLIANCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lynne Deegan-McGraw Elliot Evers Nancy Adler Jake Mackenzie A MESSAGE FROM THE GREENBELT Board Chair Chair, Development Andy Barnes Dan Marks Tom Brickley Barbara Pierce ALLIANCE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Anne Halsted Anu Natarajan John Gibbs Laurel Prevetti Board Co-Vice Chair Chair, Public Policy Craig W. Hartman Steve Shanks Joshua Hurwitz Dee Swanhuyser As I reflect on my new role as Executive Director of Greenbelt We heard that people Jon Harvey Michele Stratton Bob Johnson Laney Thornton Alliance and the path that brought me here, I am struck love where they live, that Board Co-Vice Chair Chair, Audit Doug Johnson Corinne Winter by how lucky I am that I can make a living by protecting, they value the open space Linda J. LeZotte Heather Wooten Robert Oxenburgh Sam Liccardo preserving, and enhancing the features that make our region and natural and working Secretary/Treasurer unique. But I also see the challenges our communities are lands that surround our facing and the urgent need for us to come together more communities, and that they effectively as a region and build a more resilient future. love the vibrant, diverse GREENBELT ALLIANCE STAFF region we call home. We Amanda Brown-Stevens Alison Gibson In 2019 Greenbelt Alliance staff were hard at work for a better Executive Director Climate Smart Development Specialist also heard anxiety and Bay Area. Some of our work has deep roots in the legacy of fear. Many people are Sarah Cardona Lilibeth Gonzalez Director of Climate Policy & Advocacy Operations & Database Manager change our organization has spearheaded over the last 60 struggling to be able to years. We started the year defending a previous win protecting continue to live in an area Amy Henson Kiyomi Honda Yamamoto Marketing Director, Interim Advancement Director South Bay Advocacy Manager 1,200 acres of rolling hills and riparian corridors outside of where the cost of living Antioch from lawsuits. And we ended the year with a big is skyrocketing. They Zoe Siegel Ken Lavin Director of Special Projects Outings Coordinator win at the ballot that protected hundreds of acres outside of are worried about the Brentwood from sprawl development. Those lands will continue Amanda Brown-Stevens, Executive Luna Vu Kevin Riley increasing hazards and Director Director of Finance & Administration Solano County Regional Representative to provide habitat, protect our water supply, and increase threats and how floods resilience to wildfires by maintaining buffers around cities. Paris Badat Teri Shore and fires might affect them, Corporate & Foundation Relations Manager Regional Director, North Bay their neighbors, and the wildlife and landscapes that they We also crisscrossed the region, supporting policies that will Nora Cullinen ICA Corporate Work Study Interns: love. They are stretched thin with jobs and long commutes Senior Development Manager Marcela Cardoza, Gabriela Reyna make it easier to build more desperately needed homes within and don’t feel heard in a civic dialogue that often prioritizes our cities and towns, close to transit and jobs, to alleviate the voices of the privileged. the affordability crisis while reducing the climate impacts of building further and further out. We supported a density bonus In 2020 we look forward to building on the incredible for affordable projects in Santa Rosa and an inclusionary legacy of this organization to tackle the biggest challenges housing ordinance in Sunnyvale. We endorsed climate-smart our region is facing today. We need to ensure that we are developments from San Mateo to Castro Valley, and we preserving a resilient Bay Area, with a natural infrastructure advocated in favor of a homeless navigation center in Fremont. of forests, farms, fields, and wetlands that are home to vibrant ecosystems and protect us from the impacts of a changing And we connected with people. We organized educational climate. We need to ensure that we are building a vibrant VOLUNTEER OUTING LEADERS VOLUNTEER INTERNS events to help residents learn more about how to get involved Bay Area where people can live and work in safe, affordable Sandra and Bruce Beyaert Lorrie Goldin and Amulya Dhulipala Lina Lalwani in shaping their communities. We spoke at public hearings Janet Byron Jonathan Marshall Michaela Elias Nathan Lyon homes, close to jobs, parks, and a great transportation Terry Chaplin Cathy Petrick Anisah Elsayed-Awad Dana Ng to hold our leaders accountable for bad decisions and to system. We’re committed to building a Bay Area we’ll be Colette Cussary David Schmidt Maddi Gibson Brennan Robins commend them for good ones. We shared lessons learned Serena Enger Sue Schoening Anne Graham Edgar Sanchez proud to leave for future generations. Anastasia Hobbet Carolyn Schour Carly Harris Nikita Sinha and best practices at meetings and conferences around the Robert Johnson Karen Synowiec Amanda Kang Eric Smith region and beyond. We listened to community members, Amanda Brown-Stevens Patti and Larry Kenyon Nancy Topp Bruce Kaplan Kimberly Venegas Dr. James Kim Liz Watson Sandyha Laddha Justin Wang leaders, partners, allies, and even our opponents to better Debbie Klein Suzanne Weakley understand what challenges our region is facing and how we Photo: Grant Ritchie via Unsplash Gail MacGowan can best make a difference. Greenbelt Alliance Executive Director 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 regulator, including a stint in Jerry Brown’s first administration CHAMPIONING THE as Director of California’s Pesticide Programs. Following a two-year assignment at EPA headquarters in BAY AREA WITH TRUE Washington, DC, Jake returned to the Bay Area and in 1984 met his wife Barbara. In 1993, Jake and Barbara met with HIGHLANDER SPIRIT Owen Byrd, Greenbelt Alliance’s policy director at the time. Owen was organizing the first cam- paigns in Sonoma County. Creating action groups in each of the nine cities in the county, Owen asked Jake and Barbara to lead the Rohnert Park campaign.

WITH JAKE’S LEADERSHIP IN 2008, THE SONOMA the White House. Jake has just concluded a two-year term as Chair of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. He COUNTY REGIONAL was involved with Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit from its beginning and served on the board of the Local Government CLIMATE PROTECTION Commission in Sacramento. AUTHORITY WAS Jake joined Greenbelt Alliance’s Board of Directors 12 years FORMED AND LATER ago. From campaigning for Sonoma County Urban Growth Boundaries early in his career to supporting land protections— such as expanding community separators throughout the Photo: Agency Moanalani Jeffrey Photo: Agency RECOGNIZED BY county in 2016—he’s maintained his commitment to Greenbelt THE WHITE HOUSE. Alliance and the preservation of natural lands. Beyond Jake’s Jake Mackenzie knows a thing or two about standing strong. open space contributions, he has also pushed the region Whether herding sheep as a boy on his Scottish family croft or to stand strong in its fight for climate resilience, affordable responding to a tough crowd at a regional planning hearing, From campaigning for Sonoma County In 1996 they put together a campaign for a four-year Urban homes, and development. Jake is a man who doesn’t stand down. True to his convic- Growth Boundary. Jake ran for a seat on the Rohnert Park tions and a natural leader, Jake is known in the North Bay and Urban Growth Boundaries early in City Council at the same time. Both campaigns were success- Recently celebrating his 80th birthday, Jake has a fascinating beyond as a steward of smart city planning and a voice many ful, and shortly after, nine Urban Growth Boundaries were perspective. Both planning long into the future and draw- his career to serving on regional seek when it comes to local and regional government. enacted throughout the county. Those very boundaries are ing from a deep, storied past, his view of what the Bay Area government—Jake Mackenzie has responsible for much of the remaining natural land in Sonoma could be and his drive to get us there are the reasons we’re Jake landed in America from his homeland, Scotland, in 1962 County—a globally recognized area where agriculture, natural honored to award him the 2019 Greenbelt Alliance Champion to study for his master’s degree at Oregon State Univer- remained a lifelong advocate for lands, and vibrant cities coexist. Award. The impact his leadership and actions have made will sity where he also earned a PhD in pesticide research and Greenbelt Alliance’s mission and the carry on for decades, touching the lives closest to him and development. With PhD in hand, Jake enjoyed two years of Jake served as Mayor of Rohnert Park for five terms and City those of millions of people he may never meet. Jake Mack- international work, after which he became one of the early preservation of natural lands. Council for 23 years, the second-longest run of any current enzie has truly helped to shape this stunning place we call hires in the Environmental Protection Agency, bringing him to official in the area. With his leadership in 2008, the Regional home. We thank him for his wisdom and his vision. Read more the Bay Area in 1972. For three decades, Jake was a pesticide Climate Protection Authority was formed and recognized by about Jake online at

4 5 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Photo: ©Tom Rennie 6 RESILIENT BAY AREA VOTERS CHOOSEAMORE PROTECT NATURAL LAND, CHOOSESMART GROWTH time since2005thatsprawldevelopers triedtoconvince ting thecommunity’s watersupplyatrisk.Thiswasthethird traffic congestionandgreenhouse gasemissionsandput have pavedoverfarmlandand criticalhabitat—escalating stood ourground,sayingnotothiscynicalploythatwould lands. ButGreenbeltAlliance, ourpartners,andthevoters build asprawling2,400-unitsubdivisionontopofprotected Measure L,whichwouldhaveallowedthecompanyto step Brentwood’s communityplanningprocessbydrafting In theEastBay, developerBlackhawkNunntriedtoside ing newdevelopmentoutofthepathwildfires. helping topreservetheagriculturaleconomywhilekeep yes toMeasureBrenewtheUrbanGrowthBoundary, without hesitation— was atstake. Andthe peopleofRohnert Park responded Director, Teri Shore, madesurethecommunityknewwhat about theimportanceofMeasureB,ourNorthBayRegional hosting events,knockingondoors,andspreadingtheword the city’s UrbanGrowthBoundaryforanother20 years.By cultural landsthatsurroundtheirhometownbyrenewing renew theircommitmenttoprotectthenaturalandagri In theNorthBay, thepeople ofRohnert Park wereasked to still can. preserve ourpreciousnaturalandworkinglandswhilewe affordable atallincomelevels,andweneedtoprotect their prioritiesclear—weneedmorehomeswithinourcities, On November5,2019, peopleacrosstheBayAreamade an overwhelming90%ofvoterssaid ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - - - - bonds formoreaffordablehomes. cry tooursupportersvoteyes onthesecriticalfunding crisis throughPropositionsAand E,wesoundedtherallying And whenSanFranciscoproposed solutionstothehousing organizing theBrentwoodcommunitytostandagainstit. ners toraiseawarenessaboutMeasureL’s deceptiveplan, their community. InBrentwood,weworked alongsidepart Measure Bandunderstandwhattheboundarymeansfor election toensurethatpeoplecouldaskquestionsabout hosted severaleventsleadinguptoRohnert Park’s special city-centered growthandprotectpreciousopenspace. We to craftMeasureB,encouragingresidentspromote Greenbelt Allianceworked withtheCityofRohnert Park OUR IMPACT where theyteach. ing thatoureducatorscanaffordtoliveinthesamecity renovate homesforourlow-incomeneighborswhileensur Francisco’s PropositionsAandEforfundingtocreate inclusive andsustainable. That’s whywesupportedSan creative policiesthatensuretheBayArearemains the housingcrisisbecomesevenmoreextreme, weneed ing naturallands. is equallyasimportanttoourclimatefuturepreserv Encouraging therightdevelopmentinplaces reject thoseplans. lands outsideofthecity. Eachtime, we’ve helpedthevoters Brentwood voterstoallowdevelopmentonopenspace Ourregionisgrowingrapidly, and as - - - through smartplanningandconservation. make alocalimpactontheglobalissue ofclimatechange, mate risksforourcommunities. Withyoursupport,wecan plan integratespoliciestobuild resilienceandreducecli grow. GreenbeltAlliancewillbetheretoensurethateach all updatingtheirGeneralPlans—theirblueprintforhowto County, SantaClaraCounty, andtheCityofSanJoseare In thecomingmonths,SonomaCounty, ContraCosta dangers thatclimatechangebrings. people canaffordwithinoururbanfootprint,awayfromthe continue topasspoliciesandplansthatprovidehomes natural resourcesandhelpnatureus.Andwemust of droughtandflooding. We mustactnowtopreserveour urgent asweseeincreasedwildfiresandrepeatedcycles sions onhowweuseourlandareonlybecomingmore cal tocombatingclimatechangeatthelocallevel. These winsfromtheNovember2019electionsarecriti WHAT’S NEXT Deci ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - - - wildfire beforeitreachednearbyhomes. themselves andcontaintheOct.2019 greenbelt bufferstobetterposition example inthisimage, firefightersused drought, andfloodingincrease. For urgent thaneverascyclesofwildfire, and reduceclimateimpactsismore Using landtoprotectourcommunities 7 Photo: Yūgen via Flickr 8 COYOTE VALLEY PROTECTS LANDIN HISTORIC DEALPERMANENTLY LOOKING BACK, LOOKING FORWARD and towns. better protecthomesandneighborhoodsinsideourcities path forwardisclear. Byconservingnaturallands,wecan protection, thedamagewouldhavebeenevenworse. The oped naturallandshelptoabsorbfloodwaters.Withoutthis causing millionsofdollarsindamage—thevalley’s undevel protection. WhenCoyoteCreekfloods—asitdidin2017, flat valleylandswithinCoyote Valley serveasnaturalflood purchase goesbeyondthepreservationofopenspace. The member, SamLiccardototheMercuryNews.Andthis explained SanJoseMayorandGreenbeltAllianceBoard part ofourpastanddosowithacleareyetothefuture,” “This isanopportunityforustopreserveimportant groundwater storage. Morgan Hill—hometolushfarmland,wildlife, andcritical is 7,400 acresofgreenbeltlandbetweenSanJoseand permanently protectslandinCoyoteValley. CoyoteValley historic $93milliondealtopurchase937acresthat This pastNovembertheCityofSanJoseapproveda ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - to ouradvocacywithresoundingsupportin2018.This to SantaClaraCounty. Thepeople ofSanJoseresponded plants thatimprovegroundwaterquality, a vitalresource wetlands andriparianareasactasnaturalwatertreatment portion ofSiliconValley’s groundwateraquifer. Thevalley’s wildlife habitat,CoyoteValley isthelargestundeveloped Valley provides.Amongitsrichagriculturallandandvital educating thecommunityonnaturalbenefitsCoyote Greenbelt AlliancespearheadedtheMeasureTcampaign, efforts inCoyote Valley. resulting in$50milliontofundconservationandrestoration when theresidentsofSanJosevotedyesonMeasureT, purchase comesontheheelsofahugevictoryin2018 Coyote Valley fromsprawldevelopment.Thismonumental our partnershaveworked togetherfordecadestoprotect ties andclimateresiliencebenefits.GreenbeltAlliance our region,providingcriticalhabitat,recreationalopportuni Coyote Valley hasthelargestundevelopedvalleyfloorin OUR IMPACT

- flooding. We mustadaptbyprotectingplaceslike Coyote that meansintenseweathersystemswillcausemore supply aswellincreasingtheriskofwildfires.It’s areality we willfacemoredroughts,threateningourwaterandfood sprawl development.Therealityofclimatechangeisthat are stillthousandsofacresthatremainunderthreatfrom purchase andprotectionoflandwithinthevalley, butthere the safetyandresilienceofourregion.We celebratethe ronment adaptstoourever-warmingplanetarecriticalfor The naturalbenefitsCoyote Valley providesastheenvi WHAT’S NEXT Coyote Valley justoneyearlater. Open SpaceAuthority to buyandprotectover900acresin landowner andtheCitytopartnerwithTheSantaClara clear communitysupportultimatelymotivatedaprivate ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - unprotected land. close toshopsandjobsawayfromCoyoteValley’s growth withinitsurbanfootprint—keeping development belt AlliancewillhelptheCityplanforclimate-smartfuture process tospeeduphousingproduction.Ultimately, Green new homeswithinthecityandstreamlineurbanvillage also wantstoseeSanJoseallocateadequatelandfor and resourceswithinCoyoteValley areprotected.She of thetaskforcearetoensurethatallnaturallands Jose GeneralPlanTask Force. Kiyomi’s goalsasamember Honda Yamamoto isservingonthe2040EnvisionSan That iswhyourSouthBayAdvocacyManager, Kiyomi Bay Area,andbeyond. Valley andtheuniquevalueitprovidesforSanJose, the like CoyoteValley. climate changebyprotectingplaces We must adapttotherealitiesof - 9 Photo: Taylor Hanigosky 10 that areaffordabletomorepeoplewithinexistingcitiesandtowns. we cancreatenewhomesandrehabilitateolderbuildingstoprovideoptions that arecriticaltotheBayArea’s economy, naturalresources, andenvironment, But thereisanalternativetothisdilemma.Insteadofstrainingtheopenspaces look foropenspacestobuildhomesfarawayfromjobs,services,andtransit. extreme pressureonournaturalandagriculturallandsassprawldevelopers migration resultsinpeoplemovingtotheouteredgesofregion,putting homelessness, withpeoplebeingforcedoutofthecommunitiestheylove. This lack ofaffordablehomes—leadingtoincreasedeconomicinsecurityand It isknownacrossthecountrythatBayAreastrugglingwithasevere ENDORSEMENT PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT BUILDING SUPPORT FORNEWHOMES ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Read aboutallofourendorseddevelopments at reduce ourclimateimpactgoingforward. provide muchneededhousingwithintheurbanfootprintand ners, andcommunitymembers,we’ll bringpeopletogetherto ernment. Byworkingwithlocalelectedofficials,leaders,part public andpoliticalsupportforapprovingtheminlocalgov examples ofaffordable, climate-smartdevelopmentandbuild criteria topubliclyendorseplansandprojectsthatareshining footprint andbuildingclimateresilience. We’re usingnew gram tomaximizeimpactwithafocusonreducingourclimate launched arevampofourDevelopmentEndorsementPro communities tobemoreresilient.In2019GreenbeltAlliance ing eachyear, werealizethatmustdomoretoprepareour With theimpactsofclimatechangeonBayAreaworsen WHAT’S NEXT development projectsmoveforward. ance’s endorsementandadvocacyareneededtohelpinfill greenbelt. Andnowmorethaneverbefore, GreenbeltAlli enhance qualityoflifewithoutsprawlingintotheBayArea new homesandneighborhoodprojectsalongwithplansthat truly climate-smartregion.Sincethe1980s,wehaveendorsed existing citiesandtowns—fosteringamoresustainable infill development—newhomes,shops,andworkplaceswithin Greenbelt Allianceiscommittedtosupportingthiskindof OUR IMPACT

ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - - - - - that adapttoanewclimatefuture. That’s whywesupportdevelopments communities moreresilient. must domore, fastertomake our As climatechangeaccelerates,we 11 SAVOR THE GREENBELT 2019 FARMS & RANCHES FOREVER On October 24, 2019, over 250 Bay Area philanthropists and , and economic development. We were also proud Donors and friends of Greenbelt Alliance gathered in down- thought leaders gathered at the Fairmont to to honor Jake Mackenzie with the 2019 Greenbelt Alliance town San Francisco on May 16, 2019 to experience the Bay celebrate Greenbelt Alliance’s work on the pressing sustain- Champion Award. As former Chair of the Metropolitan Trans- Area’s agricultural abundance and to celebrate our Farms & ability and growth issues facing the region today. The keynote portation Commission, longtime Mayor of Rohnert Park, and Ranches Forever Fest. This year’s happy hour featured local speaker, Kate Gordon, Director of the Governor’s Office of a well-known steward of smart city planning, Jake has been farms and ranches and their products, including wines and Planning and Research and Senior Advisor on Climate for a dedicated of champion Greenbelt Alliance’s mission. Read tastings from our lead sponsor, McEvoy Ranch. Proceeds from Governor Gavin Newsom, inspired guests with her thought- more about Jake’s contributions on page 4. the evening supported our work in Contra Costa County, where provoking remarks on the intersection of , major sprawling expansions threaten local farms and ranches.

Thanks to the generous guests who attended this event, Photo: Jalen Oneal Greenbelt Alliance and our partners fought all around the Bay Guido Frosini of True Grass Farms spoke to Greenbelt Alliance Area to stop sprawl from consuming local farmland. Our vic- supporters about the importance of responsible land use and management for small farms at our Farms and Ranches tories included stopping a disastrous development proposal Forever Fest. in Brentwood which would have paved over 2,100 acres of

prime farm and ranch land outside of the city’s urban limit line. A special thank you to Board Member Laney Thornton and We couldn’t have done it without our supporters. Read more Keker, Van Nest & Peters LLP for co-hosting the event, and to about this win on page 6. our many sponsors who made this event a resounding success!

ANNUAL SONOMA DINNER The Sonoma Leadership Council of Greenbelt Alliance held its annual Sonoma Dinner on a beautiful September evening at the private home of Terry Gamble Boyer and Peter Boyer. While listening to live music and enjoying a farm-to-table

Photo: Agency Moanalani Jeffrey Photo: Agency dinner, guests celebrated what we love about Sonoma County and the work Greenbelt Alliance is doing to protect our envi- ronment and support the right development in the right places.

The Sonoma Dinner is our chance to thank our supporters, LEAD SPONSOR LOCAL FOOD CHAMPIONS URBAN ADVOCATES introduce new people to our mission, and spread the word about the important issues Greenbelt Alliance is currently working on in the area. We are grateful to the nearly 100 guests who attended to support our work to protect Sonoma’s greenbelt lands and promote good growth policies.

See a full list of Sonoma Leadership Council members on page 19.

If you’d like to get involved in the Sonoma Leadership Council call Nora Cullinen at 415-543-6771 x302 or email us at [email protected]. Photos: Bryson Silvestri 12 13 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS FINANCIAL SUMMARY $100,000-$199,000 Akel Fiduciary Inc. Anonymous THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS Silicon Valley Community Foundation for being a part of the Greenbelt Alliance community! $50,000-$99,999 From donating stock, to setting up planned gifts, to making annual and monthly contributions, your Anonymous support keeps our greenbelt lands free from sprawl development and creates thriving neighborhoods STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Facebook in our cities and towns. Together, we’re creating a prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive Bay Area. Fiscal Year: October 2018 to September 2019 Google Inc. Steve Silberstein SUPPORT AND REVENUE The Wallace Alexander Learn about the many ways you can support Greenbelt Individual Contributions $92,021 Gerbode Foundation Major Donors and Events $640,152 Laney and Pasha Thornton/The Alliance at Corporations $164,765 Laney Thornton Foundation Foundations $592,000 Contracts and Fees $141,792 $20,000-$49,999 Investment Income $108,939 Anonymous Arntz Family Foundation Dedicated Donations $0 REVENUE Craig Hartman and Jan O’Brien SF Housing Action Coalition Donations $0 Porter E. & Helenmae Thompson Signature Development Group Donna Halow New Belgium Family Foundation Foundation The Swig Foundation Jon and Connie Hartung TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE $1,739,669 Nancy Packard Burnett Laurel Prevetti and Bob Hawn Carolyn Johnson and Rick Theis Thomas and JaMel Perkins Rich Robbins $1,000-$2,499 Derry and Charlene Kabcenell EXPENSES Syzygy Foundation Water District American Farmland Trust Deepak Kamlani PROGRAM SERVICES The Nature Conservancy Joe Sherman Anonymous Sidney Kass and Susie Edward and Sallie Arens Greenbelt Alliance Programs $1,279,440 $10,000-$19,999 Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP Langdon Kass† SKS Partners Tracy Stampfli and Edie Kirkwood SF Housing Action Coalition Programs $5,000 Matt and Janice Barger Lalit Balchandani Total Program Services $1,284,440 County of San Mateo Michele and Richard Stratton John Kriken John Sutter Hans and Marian Baldauf L & L Borok Foundation Dignity Health Teresa and Ralph Bastian Community Foundation The EACH Foundation L37 Partners SUPPORTING SERVICES The Leo S. Walsh Foundation Benevity Lawrence and Lori Lapides Administration $391,561 Dana and Robert Emery Stefan Bewley Elliot Evers Wareham Development Peter and Beverly Lipman Fundraising $461,020 Diane B. Wilsey Bishop Pine Fund Jake and Barbara Mackenzie Total Supporting Services $852,581 Will Evers and Melinda Ellis Evers Stephen Williamson and Jeffrey Heller Michael and Alexandra Marston $2,500-$4,999 Alexandra Bowes Walter McGuire and TOTAL EXPENSES $2,137,021 Kaiser Permanente Linda and Andrew Ach John and Jean Brennan Colleen McCarty Perkins Hunter Foundation Boston Properties Stephen Butler Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock John and Leslie McQuown Tom and Mary Brickley Carrie Byles MidPen Housing SPUR Calthorpe Associates Claudine Cheng Sunset Development Company Heather Minner Committee for Green Foothills Steven and Georgia Chun Natural Resources Defense $5,000-$9,999 Dagmar Dolby Climate Ride Council, Inc. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION EarthShare California Steve Birdlebough and Sara Davis As of September 30, 2019 Andy and Sara Barnes Mary and Patrick O’Meara Richard C. Blum East Bay Regional Park District Lynne Deegan-McGraw Robert and Anne-Jette Oxenburgh ASSETS Carmel Partners Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Eden Housing Johanna Patri Wells Whitney and Anne Halsted Nancy Evers Kirwan Current $808,711 EXPENSES Terry Gamble and Peter Boyer PulteGroup, Inc. Maud Hallin Margaret Hand and John Hartog Courtney Benoist and Jason Fish Robert and Patricia Raburn Endowment $1,798,541 The Honorable James C. Hormel Bonnie Fisher and Boris Dramov Other Assets $105,359 Hanson Bridgett LLP Maryann Rainey Jon and Katherine Harvey Jackson Family Wines Maxene Spellman and Mary and Louis Reid TOTAL ASSETS $2,712,611 Urs Hoelzle and Geeske Joel Jon Kannegaard and Neal Fishman James and Sheryl Reuben Robert Johnson Patricia Sandoval Linda Jo Fitz Reuben, Junius & Rose, LLP LIABILITIES $180,502 Dan and Mimi Kingsley Robert Lawrence David Fowler and Kathleen Demetri Enrique Rodriguez and Kathy Doyle Nancy Kittle Hollis Lenderking Robert Charles and Chandra Friese Jonathan Scharfman NET ASSETS $2,532,109 Lennar Multifamily Lorrie Goldin and Stuart L. Gasner and Kate Ditzler Lydia Shorenstein Communities, LLC Jonathan Marshall Donna Gerber Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP Maximus Real Estate Partners Midpeninsula Regional Open Randy Goldstein Lawrence Simi Meshewa Farm Foundation Space District Sara Griffith SOMO Living Will and Julie Parish Nossaman LLP Douglas and Kaatri Grigg Sonoma Land Trust PG&E Foundation Peninsula Open Space Trust Grizzly Peak Cyclists, Inc. Tom Steinbach Eleanor Phipps Price Naomi Porat Habitat for Humanity of Greater Deborah Brown and and Chris Towt Bay Area Rapid Transit District San Francisco Michael Stevens

† Deceased. * Payment on a multi-year grant. ** Total includes new gift and payment on a multi-year grant. 14 15 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Peter Sullivan April Eberhardt and Harold Marsh Nonprofits’ Insurance Alliance Lead Sponsor $25,000 Bay Area Rapid Transit SONOMA LEADERSHIP Robert Johnson GIFTS IN MEMORY OF SummerHill Housing Group Peter and Gillian Emblad of California Google Boston Properties COUNCIL Jeffrey Jue John Morse Erskine Dee and Peter Swanhuyser Marianne Emblad Perl Perlmutter John Osterweis and John and Jean Brennan Our Sonoma Leadership Council Patricia Kaspar† TBWB Albert Evers Susie Renner Barbara Ravizza Tom and Mary Brickley comprises donors who have Mary Kent† GIFTS IN HONOR OF The Bear Gulch Foundation Anne Evers and Breck Hitz Alan Robin and Connie Levi Patricia Dinner contributed $1,000 or more in Bonnie Killip Kathy Barnhart The San Francisco Giants Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Charles Rowland Local Food Champions $10,000 East Bay Regional Park District support of our work in Sonoma Virginia Rawson Elaine Cocuzzo and Scott Keck The Schmitz-Fromherz Family Fund Metz & Associates Kirby Sack Nancy Adler and Arnold Milstein HDR Calthorpe County. Bob and Caprice Solotar Hayley Currier Carolyn and Edwin Tognetti Falletti Foods Peter Sager City Center Bishop Ranch James Corner Field Operations Margaret Spaulding Gael Erickson† Edward Topham Marianne and John Gaddy Mark Sarkisian Lynne Deegan-McGraw Metropolitan Transportation Andy and Sara Barnes Celia Thompson Taupin William D. “Bill” Evers Stephen Tracy Kate Godfrey and Robert Colley Robert and Barbara Scavullo Elliot Evers Commission Teresa and Ralph Bastian George Tuttle and Ben Cushman The Evers Family Simon and Paul Vlasveld Nancy Grant Ilana Schatz and David Lingren Anne Halsted and Wells Whitney Midpeninsula Regional Open Space Suzanne and Jack Brangham Paul and Dorothy Wachter Susan Gonsalves Marsland Warren Watkins and Janis Patricia Greene Brian Schmidt Craig Hartman and Jan O’Brien District Robert Charles and Chandra Friese Jack Weeden† and David Davies Roy C. “Bud” Johns† Harwood Grattan Elliot Grimshaw Sue Schoening Jeffrey Heller and Lise Jeantet Nossaman LLP Dee and Peter Swanhuyser Patricia Wolfe† Bob Johnson Webcor Builders, Inc. Richard Taylor and Tracy Grubbs Marcus and Ann Smith Tom and JaMel Perkins Peninsula Open Space Trust Lynne Deegan-McGraw Betsy York and Demetrhea Terrien Lawrence Livingston Jr. Steve Westly William Haas Soren Spies Arthur Rock and Toni Rembe Ellie Phipps Price & Chris Towt Linda Dodwell Julie Lovins Dagmar Dolby Robert Wieckowski David and Jane Hartley Erik Strahm SKS Laurel Prevetti GREENBELT GUARDIANS Dan Marks and Cheryl Armstrong Wilson Meany David Hearth Anne Teller† Laney and Pasha Thornton Santa Clara Water District Elliot Evers MONTHLY DONORS Jean Maxwell Windy Hill Property Ventures Alfred and Ruth Heller TransformCA Diane B. Wilsey Signature Development Group Will Evers and Melinda Ellis Evers The Greenbelt Guardians are Lew May Patricia Wolfe Mick and Sabrina Hellman Mary Van Dyke Michele and Richard Stratton Bonnie Fisher and Boris Dramov donors who committed to making Mary Polite Urban Advocate $7,500 Linda Jo Fitz Jaz Zaitlin and Mark Nienberg Helen Hilton Raiser Varsity Technologies Linda Jo Fitz TMG Partners automatic contributions each Katharine Rexroth Leavitt Patti and Larry Kenyon Ralph Warner Randy Goldstein month to Greenbelt Alliance. Kiara Saran Douglas and Kaatri Grigg $500-$999 Kami Kinkaid Mariquita West Vineyard Patrons $5,000 Neighborhood Supporters $1,000 Brian Schmidt Maud Hallin Thorsten Anderson Frederic Knapp Andy and Sara Barnes Stefan Bewley Faith Allen Matt Vander Sluis Barbara Baksa and Caltrain Donna Halow Rica Lakamp SAVOR THE GREENBELT Carmel Partners Brian and Debbie Auerbach Andrew Spafford Claudine Cheng Craig Hartman and Jan O’Brien Andrea Mackenzie Savor the Greenbelt is our annual Dignity Health Bob and Carol Berman IN-KIND DONATIONS Marcia Barinaga and Eden Housing Carolyn Johnson and Rick Theis Mary and Adrian Martinez fundraising event to support William D. Evers, Jr. and Robert Besso Auteur Wines Corey Goodman Jason Fish and Courtney Benoist John Kriken Hank Martinson Greenbelt Alliance’s programs. Melinda Ellis Evers Theresa Sweeney and James Bartholomew Estates Janet Byron HOK Jake and Barbara Mackenzie Lawrence Maxwell FivePoint Blanchard Cowgirl Creamery Arthur Richard Carter L37 Partners Walter McGuire and Lisa Micheli Event Co-Chairs Hanson Bridgett LLP Greg Brockbank Frog Hollow Farms John and Nancy Cassidy Robert Lawrence Colleen McCarty Shereen Motarjemi Craig Hartman and Jan O’Brien Nick Josefowitz Joe Buhowsky Groom Wines Wei Chiu and Rebecca Parker Hollis Lenderking John and Leslie McQuown Nelson Nygaard Dan and Mimi Kingsley Park Merced Janet Byron Hafner Vineyards Joan and Clarence Coleman Dan Marks Will and Julie Parish Consulting Associates Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP Kristen Clements Handley Cellars Daniele and Janine De Iuliis Honorary Co-Chairs MidPen Housing Johanna Patri Network for Good Caroline Cooper Hog Island Oyster Co. Roland Dreier and Patricia Dinner The Nature Conservancy Thomas and JaMel Perkins Non-Profit Housing Association of Open Space Sponsors $2,500 Camille Cusumano Idell Vineyards Bina Bhattacharyya Ellie Phipps Price and Chris Towt Pfau Long Architecture Eleanor Phipps Price and Northern California Bay Area Council Jim and Laura Dekloe Jackson Family Wines Diane B. Wilsey Barbara and Jerry Pierce Chris Towt Ann Dolyniuk Kathryn Kennedy Winery PulteGroup Lydia Shorenstein Simms Duncan Lagunitas Brewing Company San Francisco Giants Michele and Richard Stratton Megan Fluke McEvoy Ranch San Mateo County Transit District Laney and Pasha Thornton LEADERSHIP CIRCLE DONORS Mark Gion Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Co. Laurel Prevetti and Bob Hawn Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP Edward Topham The Greenbelt Alliance Leadership Circle is a donor society open to those who give $5,000 Valerie Glass Revive Kombucha Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock SOMO Living LLC Fei Tsen and Wayne Lew or more to Greenbelt Alliance during a single fiscal year (October 1 to September 30). Their Karl Goldstein Rodney Strong Vineyards Michele and Richard Stratton Sonoma Land Trust Warren Watkins and willingness to champion our core work of creating a more sustainable and inclusive future has a Wendy Marinaccio Husman and Scharffenberger Cellars Rich Robbins SummerHill Homes Janis Harwood Grattan real impact on our ability to pursue our mission. Dan Husman Schlein Vineyards Santa Clara Valley Water District The Swanhuyser Family Wells Whitney and Anne Halsted Tobin Kendrick Schramsberg & Davies Vineyards Joe Sherman Webcor To find out more our leadership circle, visit or Michelle Koo Straus Family Creamery Silicon Valley Community Steve Westly contact Nora Cullinen [email protected]. JACK KENT JR. LEGACY Gustav Larsson Troop Beverage Co. Foundation Senator Bob Wieckowski SOCIETY DONORS Sam Liccardo True Grass Farms Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP and Sue Lemke Jack Kent Jr. Legacy Society David Marsland Volker Eisele Family Estate Nancy Adler and Arnold Milstein Will Evers and Melinda Ellis Evers Lennar Multifamily SKS Partners Windy Hill Property Ventures members are donors who have Akel Fiduciary Inc Facebook Communities, LLC Lawrence Maxwell Wattle Creek Winery SPUR named Greenbelt Alliance in Michael May Anonymous (3) Terry Gamble and Peter Boyer Meshewa Farm Foundation Steve Silberstein Greenbelt Ambassadors $500 their will. Arntz Family Foundation Google Inc. New Belgium Family Foundation Robert and Joyce Miller John Sutter Keith Boswell Betty Nelson Matt and Janice Barger Maud Hallin Nancy Packard Burnett Syzygy Foundation Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Faith Allen Andy and Sara Barnes Hanson Bridgett LLP Will and Julie Parish Sue Schoening The EACH Foundation Metz & Associates Andy and Sara Barnes Dr. J. Donald Seaver Richard C. Blum Craig Hartman and Jan O’Brien Park Merced The Leo S. Walsh Foundation David Hearth and Lauren Hall Zach Cowan and Sarah Stadler Carmel Partners Jon and Katherine Harvey Thomas and JaMel Perkins Patrice Shaffer The Nature Conservancy Anu Natarajan George Tuttle and Ben Cushman Marcus and Ann Smith City Center Bishop Ranch Jeffrey Heller Perkins Hunter Foundation The Wallace Alexander Nelson/Nygaard Tina Duong County of San Mateo Urs Hoelzle and Geeske Joel PG&E Foundation John Spallone Gerbode Foundation Non-Profit Housing Association of John Erskine† Peter Khoury and Amy Tanner Dignity Health Robert Johnson Eleanor Phipps Price and Laney and Pasha Thornton Northern California Dr. John and Mariam Graham† East Bay Community Foundation Kaiser Permanente Chris Towt Ruth Tretbar Wareham Development Santa Clara Valley Open Space Margaret Hand and John Hartog Roger Uhlig Dana and Robert Emery Dan and Mimi Kingsley Porter E. & Helenmae Diane B. Wilsey Authority Wendy Marinaccio Husman Elliot Evers Nancy Kittle Thompson Foundation Russell and Claire Urzi Effie Westervelt and Dan Husman Rick L. Wood and Mary Bud† and Fran Johns Bourguignon† Thank you to everyone who supported Greenbelt Alliance between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019. Please contact us at 415-543-6771 x302 or [email protected] regarding omissions or edits. † Deceased. * Payment on a multi-year grant. ** Total includes new gift and payment on a multi-year grant. 16 17 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 THANK YOU TO Nathaniel Waldeisen Greg Dalton Nick Josefowitz Marcia and Robert Popper Michelle Whitman Carol Chapman Stephen P. Hatchett and Carol Mattsson Sarah Schulman OUR DONORS Gretchen Whisenand Edward and Susan Darland Patricia A. Kates and Stephen Popper Frederick Williams Mary Chapman Phyllis A. Lasche Michael May Kathy Schultz Matt and Lizanne Witte Linda Davis Henry E. Brady Lee and Paul Quintana Mason Willrich Alex Chen Billi Haug Steve and Lynne McAdam Ann Schwartz Heather Wooten Kyle Dewolfe Tobin Kendrick Nancy Rader and Judy Wobleski Harry Chomsky Richard Hawley John McCarthy and Judy Schwartz $250-$499 James R. Yurchenco and Laura De Jesus Mary Kent Schardt Dick Norgaard Marian F. Wolfe and Michael Clancy Sara Hayes Kathryn Barnhart Susan Schwartz and Alan and Helen Appleford Amy Lauterbach Nerisa De Jesus Candice Cousins Kerns and Wally Ransom Scott S. Scheffler Sarah Cocuzzo Amy Henson Melinda McCutcheon Robert Zucker Steve and Valerie Arelt Chuck and Jane Zaloudek Jim and Laura Dekloe Bruce Kerns Deborah Raphael Art and Janet Wong Jacqueline and Alan Coffin Dr. Valerie and Richard Herr Josh McFerron Padi Selwyn and Brian and Debbie Auerbach Catherine Derringer Lori Kohlstaedt Virginia Rawson Rick L. Wood and Mary Andrew Cohen Susan Hevrdejs Mary McGlone Reuben Weinzveg David and Janet Azevedo Cornelia Diessner Ted Kolda Willard and Bourguignon Dr. Howard Cohen John and Nancy Hewitt Amy McKenzie Donald and Rosanne Seratti Erica and John Baccus $100-$249 Mary Dodge Jim Kuhl Nancy Richards Cynthia and Bob Wordell Jocelyn Cohen Steve Hibshman Susan and Ralph McKuhen Peggy and Ronald Shapera Jessica Beebe Karen and Robert Abra Shannon Dodge and Barbara Langworthy Rick and Allyson Rickard Ko Yamamoto Eleanor Cohen Michelle Hills and Peter McNally Martin and Ellen Silge Michael Boom Anne Ackerman Mark McCaustland Sheila and Paul Leach Alyne Robino W. Dale Knutsen and Fred Coito Jr., Steven Stielstra Alice Meyers Corey Simon Peter Brantley Rachelle Acuna-Narvaez Katherine Dollard Marguerite Lee Jim Robson Marjorie Yasueda Shawn Collins Daniel Hoffman Robert Meyers Ken Smith Ida Braun Julianne Adams Frizzell Michael and Catherine Dorman Tienne E. Lee and Ken and Catherine Rockwell Angelica A. Zabanal Paul and Celia Concus Otto Holz William Milestone Gregory and Jocelyn Smyers Ellie Casson Adobe Matching Gift Program Cynthia Dusel-Bacon and Steven Nierlich Thomas Rogers Randall Cook Perry Hopkins Kathleen Miller Jeffrey and Connie Smyser Susan Chapman Wanda Alexander Charles R. Bacon Philip Lenna James and Esther Roitman Larry and Patricia Coons Theresa and Richard Horrigan Jeff and Karen Miner Cheryl Solis Jim Chappell Christopher Allison Paul and Anne Ehrlich Sam Liccardo Dee Rosario Up to $100 Zena Corcoran Shirley Huey Rita Minjares Robert Solotar Chevron Matching Dr. William and Joseph Ehrman III Dan and Miran Lieberman Polly Rosenthal Kenny Abiko Jane and Thomas Coulter Kathryn Hyde Dr. Carol Moll Laurie Soman Employee Funds Helga Andereck Dale Engle Bonnie Lindahl Tod Rubin and Catherine Corey D. Mark Abrahams Laurie Craise Gail Jackson Janet Monks Carol Somkin Eunice Childs Byron Anderson Ian Epstein and Lisa Lindelef Ana Ruiz James Abrams John D. Cremin, Jr. Carli Paine and David Jaeger Elizabeth and Michael Mooney Erin Stanton Kristen Clements Prashant Andrade Stephanie Abramovich Kathryn Liston David and Susan Russell Ann and Bruce Adams Nora Cullinen Dr. Ervin and Bonnie Moss Joan Starr Jerry and Dorothy Coil Dr. Eve Armentrout Ma Carolyn Ferris Jonathan Livingston Alfred Sanguinetti Linda Aiello Janice Dabney Denise Jindrich Margaret Moster Gary and Alice Stern Bruce Dodd Mona Armstrong Herbert and Alice Fischgrund Cynthia Long Karen Schaffer and Peter Albert Barbara and Peter Dahl Catherine Johnson Anu Natarajan Mark Stevens Daniel Drake and Lee Julie Arntz Earl Flage Elaine Lum Michael Ward Dave Alden Peter Dailey Andreas Jones Richard Navarro Barbara Sullivan Steinback-Drake Araceli Avalos Megan Fluke Keri Lung Richard Schechter Andrew Aldrich Willard Dakin Geraldine Judt Howard Neckel Nancy Sullivan Simms Duncan Peter Bacchetti Alan Forkosh Gail MacGowan Bruce Schine Faith Allen Angela Daniello Fred and Wendy Kahn Newport Trust Company John Sulzbach Enterprise Community Partners Nancy Bachmann and Ned Forrest and James Madison Cynthia Schmidt AmazonSmile Foundation Chris and Dana Daubert Dr. Daniel Kalb Linda Newton Jesse Swanhuyser Ben Evers Dave McCully Leslie Whitelaw Peter and Carole Main Erik Schoennauer Nick and Marcia Anton James J. Davis III and Nabeel Kalla Anne and Sam Ng James Sweeney Vanessa Evers Dr. Brenda Bailey Ed Fry Mak Charitable Fund Carolyn Schour Anonymous Gail Davis Kitty Kameon Moira Nichols Joshua Switzky Exxon Mobil Corporation Karen Barnes David Furst Mal Warwick Donordigital Pat and Gregg Schwinn Sara Atkins Dr. Daniel J. Dawson and Phyllis Karsten Deborah and Tadashi Nitasaka Jean-Luc Szpakowski and Tony Fields and Emily Ozer Bob Barrett and Miguel Gallegos Philanthropic Fund Mike Serrone Wilma Austern Janice Frazier Christopher Kearney Kenneth C. Nitz Gloria Polanski Dr. Mary Wilson and Linda Atkinson Ellen Garber and Glenn Hunt Carolyn Malmstrom Steve Shanks Cyndi Bakir Alejandro De Jesus Russell Keil Barbara Noparstak and Nancy Terranova Dr. Harvey Fineberg Alec S. and Sharon B. Bash Joelle Garretson Bob and Diane Malucelli Elijah Shannon Shelby and Richard Bartke Don and Neysa De Fremery Warren D. Keller and Duane G. Bay Don Thomas Mike and Diana Fredrich John Baunach Ilana Gauss Nancy Manyi-Tenwilliamson Scott Kogan Donna Batson Leslie Decena and Jo Anne Keller Linda Novick and Seth W. Clark Gary Tipp Renata Gasperi Carole Bayer David and Betsy Gifford Cheryl Armstrong and Anne Shelley Wendy Bear Karen Piotrowski Charles Kennard Judith Offer Penelope Rink and David Goldstein and Meg Beeler and Thomas R. Mark Gion Dan Marks Patricia Showalter Kim Beeman David Depew Gregory Kimball Anne Olsen Frederick Toth Julia Vetromile Von Tersch Kathryn Girard Jeffery Matsuoka Richard and Jill Sideman Emily Benner Gary McBride and Ann Dole Joel King Cliff Olson Mary Ellen Trainor Paul Goldstein and Keith and Atsuko Bennett Valerie Glass Lewis May Patrick Siegman Betty Bernstein Ann Dolyniuk Deanna Knickerbocker Carole Ormiston Nicole Trapasso Dena Mossar Linda Zwerdling and Paul Glassner Ted Mazzone Shirley Skaredoff Robert Besso Ahna Dominski Marcia and Larry Kolb Bill and Judy Orttung Katherine Triest Charles Gresham Joel Berger Karl Goldstein Brennan McBride and Tom Smegal Manjeet Singh and Barbara and Dick Eandi Michelle Koo Michael and Kathy Paivinen Dale Trowbridge Rachel Hooper Bob and Carol Berman Judy Gong Brenda So Janet Frances Huseby and Manjeet Bhamra Michelle Eaton Bill and Susan Krawetz Lopa Pal and Eric Sternberg Suzanne Truchard Amy Huang Mary Bernstein Javier Gonzalez Jacinta McCann Robert Selden Smith Martin Bigos Susan and Charles Eckberg Nancy Kriel Caitlin Parry-McManus Wendy L. Turner Joshua Hugg Sandra and Bruce Beyaert Frederick and Marilyn Goode Derek McGreal Anthony Smrdeli Emily Blanck Dee Eduardo Gail Krowech Marta Gasoi and Steve Patton Carol V. Emily Kenyon and Alan Billingsley Leslie Gould Thomas and Virginia McKone Pat Sotelo Richard Bloom and Frank Eldredge Bill Krumbein Jeffrey Pekrul Claudette Van Gordon-Finzel David E. Lipsky Joni Binder Nelson Graburn Kathleen and Paul Meagher John Spallone Bridget McCoy Jon F. Elliott and Leesy Taggart Judith Kunofsky Pennbrook Insurance Services Richard Vanderlugt Gustav Larsson Thomas Blalock Hugh Graham Dr. Lee Mei Martha Stampfer Irene A. Beardsley and Merritt and Marion Elmore Peter Kyle Joel Perlstein Melissa Vong Sue and Peter Latourrette Theresa Sweeney and Leah Greenblat Dan Melin Donald Stang and Dan S. Bloomberg Janet Falk Dave and Maureen Kyllonen Leslie Peterson John Vu and Greg Ripa Linda K. Persson and James Blanchard Herb and Norma Grench Christina Meyer Helen Wickes Terry and Peter Bloomsburgh Sylvia Fandel Maureen Lahiff Nick Pilch Sandy E. Walker and James Little Kimberly and Simon Blattner Theodore and James Meyerson Jenifer Steele Randall Bluestone Thomas and Pauline Ferrito Judith Lamberti Daisy Pistey-Lyhne Ellen Webb Patricia Litton and Robert and Marion Blumberg Martha Griffinger Robert and Joyce Miller Heather Sterner Dick Bogaert Anthony Ferro Jane Lamph Richard Poley Stephen Walker Peter Ralston Roberta Borgonovo Aaron Grossman Dr. Robert and Kay Moline Jodi Stevens Burt Bogardus Nancy Flood Joan Lamphier Joyce Pollack Judith Walsh Jeremy Madsen and Charles Bouril Eric Haas Mia Monroe Julie Stokol Anna Bolla Frank and Kirsten Flynn Mark Landerghini Lauren Post Jacquette Ward and Sarah E. Gilman John Bowers and Thomas Hagler Stephanie Mooers Elizabeth Storey Nicholas Bonnell Kathleen and Graham Forder Curtis Lawler Ursula Preiss Howard Shafer Gail Martin Linda Stevens David Hamilton and Matthew Morse and SV@Home Anne Bouse Elizabeth Fowler Dr. Andrew Leavitt Virginia Preston Don Weden Allan and Eleanor Martini David and Eva Bradford Cyril Bouteille Marcella Brawley Nancy Huneke Susan Mattmann Jack Swearengen Gary Bower Oliver and Lolita Frank Edward and Carol Lee Nancy Radcliffe Cathy Weitzner Michael McCormick Donna DeDiemar and Chris Mary Ellen White and Peter Khoury and Amy Tanner Dietrich and Gloria Freytag Wendell Lehr Ann and Joe Ranish Forest and Forest Weld Kate Meis Joseph Brennan Hamilton Jack Morton The Villages Hiking Club John and Becky Bradley Lucy Friedland Michael and Sara Lerschen Sheila Raymond Marcin Whitman Kelly Moran and Mark Eliot Carol Breslin Frede Hammes Robert and Nancy Neff Diane Toby and Jeff Lea Roland Brandel Robin Fross Jaimie R. Levin and Jane Wise Jon Reiter Kathleen Whitney Edward Munyak Jim Richards Mike Hammes Betty Nelson Terry Toranto MD John Brazil and Barbara Fukumoto David Lewis Steven and Katherine Resnik Cleon Winter Noel and Penny Nellis Shelagh and Bob Brodersen Paul Hammes and Audrey Kass Alexandra Nicholson Ruth Tretbar Libby Mary Dresel Joan Garbarino and Sherman and Alison Lewis Matthew Rizzo Julie Witherspoon Liz O’Donoghue and Tim and Gaynor Brown James and Claudia Harrison Jane Nielson Annie Trouve and Ruth Breslin Steen Jensen Dr. and Mrs. William Lidicker Jeanne Robertson Dana Wolfe Jon Goldberg Phyllis Browning Jillian Harvey William Nisbet Robert Beaumont Greg Brockbank Alan Goggins Karin Liedtke Abbie Rockwell Karen Woodbeck James Paxson Anne Buckley Hill Gary Hedden Hope and Jack Nisson Judson True Charles S. Bryant and Jean Gold Erik Lindskog Ana Roqueta Nathaniel Wyatt and Mark Reedy Paula Buel Dr. and Mrs. John and Carol and George Nobori Keith Trummel Mary Norton Leah Gold and Scott Landers Robert Liner Jay and Melvin Rosenthal Sarah Sweedler Santa Clara Valley Open California Wildlife Foundation Tamra Hege Rick Nordensten Unum Life Insurance Co. Elinor Buchen Carol Goldberg Norman and Marion Livermore Joyce Rybandt Ravi Yarlagadda Space Authority Dr. Richard Caplin Joyce Hendy Celia Karian and Jim Novosel of America Joe Buhowsky Ralph Goldsticker Guy and Darline Lohman Oliver and Patricia Saffir Glenn Yoshioka Ryan Scura Garth Casaday Brian Hirahara Lester Olmstead-Rose Phyl Van Ammers Mary Lou Cachero Sara Goolsby William Lundgren Mary Salmon Pam Zimmerman Dr. J. Donald Seaver Myra Chachkin Jeff Hobson David and Karen Paradise John Vander Sluis Donna Caplin Vinita Goyal Patrick Lung Steven F. Horwitz and Richard Bard Lyttle and Patrice Shaffer Sean Charpentier Kirsten R. Holmquist Rachel Patterson Laurence Vermeulen Russell Weisz and Judith Carey Jeannie Clements and Gerald Eleanor Macmakin Bonnie Sanders Denise Rook Stuart Siegel Dr. William and Von Chen Lorraine Honig Claire Perricellli Laurie Vollen Jennifer Carlin Griffin Eileen Maloy Mark Sapiro Steven and Dr. Carol Christensen Jock and Molly Hooper Marianne Peterson Phong Vu Thomas Carlino Kathy Griffin Ana Manwaring and Cynthia Sawtell Deb Slotsky Cindy Cobb Chenming Hu Soren Peterson Paul and Dorothy Wachter Kristin Carlson Claire Grosshans David Prothero Ceil Scandone Andrew and Yesenia Smith Huguette Combs Tiffani Huang Jim Phillips Dieter and Susan Walz Brian Carr Richard Guarienti Susan Margolis Nancy Schaefer Simon Snellgrove Helen Conway Wendy Marinaccio Husman Richard Pisio and Douglass and Gretchen Warner Mary Kate Carter Rita Haberlin Janice Maritt Lydia Schindler Robert Sniezek Caroline Cooper and Dan Husman Elaine Torres-Pisio Judy Weiss Cristina Castanha Marilyn Halberg David Marsland Marvin Schinnerer Neha Taleja Wendy Cosin David Isaac Pleasant Hill Garden Vincent and Rosemary Weltz Ernie Castiaux Joan and Bruce Hamilton Sandra Martensen and Sam L. Foushee and Universal Paragon Corporation Colette Cussary Stacy and Keith Jackson Study Club Kathleen Wesner Laurie Chait Mary Harte Alan Selby La Rae Schneider Russell and Claire Urzi Camille Cusumano Martha Johnson Rita Poppenk Robert and Karen Wetherell Terry Chaplin Heath Massey Schenker Helen Nancy Schneider

Thank you to everyone who supported Greenbelt Alliance between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019. Please contact us at 415-543-6771 x302 or [email protected] regarding omissions or edits. † Deceased. * Payment on a multi-year grant. ** Total includes new gift and payment on a multi-year grant. 18 19 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 “We are in a climate crisis, and bold local action is a critical part of the solution. Greenbelt Alliance’s work is key to preserving and enhancing our region for future generations.”

Kate Gordon Director of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and Senior Advisor to the Governor on Climate Photo: Francisco Delgado via Unsplash


Graphic Design by Adam Hoffman