


Minutes 1. (a) Draft minutes of 1 April 2014 (attached)

(b) Matters arising

2. Future business programme (PB/S4/14/49)

3. Legislation: referral and timetabling of a Bill at Stage 2 Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill (PB/S4/14/50)

4. Procedural motion Substitution on a committee (PB/S4/14/51)

5. Publication scheme – consideration of any exempt papers

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 29 April 2014




1. Bureau Members will be aware that under Rule 5.6.1(c) the Bureau has a duty to ensure that there is a period of time available for Members’ Business at each meeting of the Parliament.

2. Motions submitted for Members’ Business are shown below.

S4M-08834# Jean Urquhart: The Role of University Rectors and Gender Imbalance— That the Parliament notes the existence of the office of rector in Scotland’s five ancient universities; understands that elections to this office take place every three years, allowing all undergraduate students the opportunity to vote for their rector at least once during their studies; considers the ability to nominate figures of national and international renown as the figurehead of the university to be an opportunity for students to demonstrate solidarity with social and political causes; believes that the nomination and successful campaigns of the anti-apartheid campaigner, Winnie Mandela, the trade unionist, Jimmy Reid, and the Israeli whistleblower, Mordechai Vanunu, by the University of demonstrate a strong political tradition that continues to this day with the nomination of Edward Snowden for the same post; notes with disappointment the current and historic gender imbalance among university rectors; understands that all five university rectors in position are male and that each of the five ancient universities has only had one female rector in their respective histories; notes with concern that none of the four nominees for the position at the University of Glasgow is female; believes that there are innumerable inspirational female figures who would serve as role models to female students; would welcome an increase in the number of women who stand as candidates in future contests, and notes calls for universities to investigate what can be done to redress this gender imbalance.

S4M-08906# : UK Government Attack on Trade Union Rights—That the Parliament notes with concern news that the UK Government is currently undertaking a review of the provision of check-off facilities throughout government; notes that this is an arrangement whereby trade union subscriptions are automatically deducted from salaries; understands that the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), the largest trade union representing civil and public servants, which is active at HMRC Cumbernauld and other locations across Scotland, last year won a High Court case against the UK Government's Department for Communities and Local Government when it sought to remove that contractual right; recognises what it sees as the vital role played by trade unions in ensuring that the rights of workers are protected; believes that any move to remove this arrangement will represent an attack on trade unions and the rights of government workers to organise themselves and may damage industrial relations; welcomes the position of the not to withdraw from existing arrangements to collect trade union subscriptions directly from salaries; understands that the current check-off arrangements operating in the Scottish Government have been in place for many years and that they continue to work well, and commends the PCS and other public sector unions for their efforts to ensure that their members' interests are represented.

S4M-08936# Margaret McDougall: Awareness of Group B Streptococcus —That the Parliament notes with concern what it understands is the lack of public awareness regarding group B streptococcus (GBS) and the effects that it can have on newborn babies; believes that, in the UK, GBS infects over 500 babies every year; understands that, of these babies, 340 will develop early-onset GBS infection and one in 10 of them will die; believes that the incidence of early-onset GBS infection in England, Wales and Northern Ireland has remained unchanged since prevention strategies were first introduced in 2003 and that, in Scotland, it has increased from 0.21 per 1,000 live births in 2000 to 0.47 in 2012; understands that many countries, including the USA, Canada, Germany and Spain, offer routine testing for GBS at 35 to 37 weeks of pregnancy; notes that, although the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists does not recommend routine testing, the Scottish Government is not bound

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by this approach, and welcomes public petition, PE 01505, Awareness of Strep B in Pregnancy and Infants, which was lodged by Jackie Watt from Kilwinning and asks the Scottish Government to introduce guidelines advising that all expectant mothers should be given information about GBS and be offered either routine testing or given information on where they can be tested privately.

S4M-08982# Mary Fee: Channel 4’s Hunted and Tackling Homophobia—That the Parliament notes with concern the recent Channel 4 documentary, Hunted, which highlighted attacks on LGBT people in Russia; understands that these actions are a breach of human rights; believes that the people perpetrating the attacks were reported as saying that LGBT people should be "hunted"; understands that this programme has caused widespread distress due to its graphic scenes of abuse and violence; notes that February 2014 is LGBT History Month, which is aimed at promoting awareness of LGBT issues and tackling discrimination; prides itself on what it sees as Scotland's proud history of standing up for LGBT rights, including having some of the most impressive legislation in place to tackle hate crime and promote equality, and welcomes the work taking place in West Scotland, across the country and internationally that tackles discrimination and furthers equality.

S4M-08987# Joan McAlpine: Fairness for Local Television in Scotland—That the Parliament welcomes the establishment of new local television services for Scotland; recognises the role that they can play in delivering public service broadcasting commitments such as news and current affairs; understands that Glasgow and Edinburgh have won local licences and that Ayr, in the South Scotland region, is on the shortlist for the next round of licences as well as Dundee, Inverness, Falkirk and Aberdeen; considers that local television’s public service content justifies a prominent position in electronic programming guides of Freeview and other digital providers to maximise discoverability by viewers; notes with concern that Digital UK, the body responsible for allocating channel slots on these electronic programming guides, proposes to locate new local television channels at position 26 in Scotland compared with position 8 in other parts of the UK, and notes calls for all stakeholders and those with a regulatory responsibility for broadcasting, including Ofcom, which has a Scotland office, to work together to ensure that local television in Scotland is not disadvantaged.

S4M-08992# Marco Biagi: Save the St Stephen's Centre—That the Parliament supports the community bid to purchase the St Stephen's Centre by the St Stephen's Playfair Trust; recognises the importance of the facility to the local community as a venue for events of all kinds; values the architectural importance of the A-listed building with its commanding location in Edinburgh's New Town and its significance for the world heritage site; believes that this centre should continue in its role as a thriving community hub, and would welcome its current owners looking favourably on the trust's bid to take over what it considers this irreplaceable community asset.

S4M-08994# Cara Hilton: Support for Mining Communities in Scotland—That the Parliament recognises and congratulates the Coalfields Regeneration Trust (CRT) and the Kincardine Community Association on what it sees as their excellent work in positively engaging the communities that they serve with initiatives that aim to improve health and employment prospects; understands that, since 1999, the CRT has been helping mining communities recover from the devastating effects of pit closures by spending over £18 million in the hardest hit areas across the country and this has supported over 700 community-based and job creation projects; notes that both groups recently arranged a meeting in Kincardine that attracted what it considers a phenomenal crowd of nearly 600 and in which residents expressed their views on how to improve the village; understands that, if current funding levels were to decrease or disappear, the CRT would be unable to continue to function as admirably as it does at present, and believes that the CRT carries out valuable work that allows communities affected by pit closures to prosper.

S4M-09113# : Islam Awareness Week to Celebrate the Common Wealth of Islam—That the Parliament notes that Islam Awareness Week begins on 17 March 2014 and that the theme this year is Charity Begins at Home; understands that the Scottish theme is

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Sharing the Common Wealth of Islam, which focuses on celebrating the unity and diversity of Muslim Scots as an integrated part of the Scottish community; notes that Islam Awareness Week aims to engage the people of Scotland of all faiths and none with the aim of achieving a greater understanding of Islam; wishes the organisers every success, and looks forward to the numerous events that are planned across Scotland.

S4M-09127# Marco Biagi: Fair Access to the Professions—That the Parliament believes in the principle that everyone with both the desire and the ability should have the same opportunity to enter professions such as law and medicine as much as any other career path; understands that, for many years, entrants to such professions have had a similar social profile; welcomes the Law Society's recent action plan, which aims to increase accessibility for people wishing to enter the legal profession; commends what it understands is the increased financial support now given to postgraduate students in scientific, applied and professional courses, and notes calls for further work that builds on such approaches in order to ensure that professional and educational advancement is available to people in Edinburgh Central and across the country, regardless of their social or economic background.

S4M-09197# Roderick Campbell: Scotland’s Secret Bunker Reopening—That the Parliament notes the reopening of Scotland’s Secret Bunker in time for its 20th anniversary celebrations, following a recent series of upgrades; understands that the bunker, which became operational almost 61 years ago, only opened as a tourist attraction in 1994 after been bought in 1993; believes the attraction to be one of the most popular tourist destinations in North East Fife and welcomes tens of thousands of tourists every year; understands that the latest upgrades will allow visitors to access never-before-seen areas; considers it fortunate that the use of the bunker now is for tourism and that its use as a nuclear shelter was never required; congratulates the owners on providing what it considers to be an excellent education resource, and hopes that it continues to thrive so as to allow future generations to learn about the Cold War.

S4M-09250# Elaine Murray: Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service and Annan Athletic's Loan Goal—That the Parliament congratulates Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service (DAGCAS) and Annan Athletic FC on teaming up to help football fans’ finances by aiming to raise awareness of the help and advice available to those with money problems; commends DAGCAS on providing post-match advice sessions and recognises what it considers its unique ability to provide assistance to people with problem debts through its holistic approach to working with clients and efforts to finding the right solution for people based on their individual circumstances; believes that this partnership is an innovative response to DAGCAS’s recent increase in clients, including those who have found themselves with troubles because of dealings with doorstep, high street and payday lending; notes that DAGCAS has said that its client debt from doorstep lending has increased by what it sees as a massive 42% in the 12 months until October 2013; applauds what it considers Annan Athletic's lead on this issue, which it believes is in contrast to those of clubs in Scottish football that are sponsored by payday and high street lenders, and commends DAGCAS and Annan Athletic on their efforts to use their position at the heart of their community to help people in their area.

S4M-09251# : MS Week 2014, Treat Me Right—That the Parliament welcomes MS Week 2014, which takes place from 28 April to 2 May; understands that Scotland has one of the highest incidences of MS in the world and that over the last decade the availability of treatments for MS has been instrumental in supporting many people to manage their condition and its symptoms; supports the notion that everyone with MS should be able to access the right treatment at the right time; notes recent research by the MS Society that highlights current barriers to accessing MS treatments in Scotland and considers that, with new treatments on the near horizon, this situation will hopefully be urgently addressed; welcomes the MS Society’s Treat Me Right campaign, which aims to ensure that licensed treatments for MS are freely available to everyone who needs them and that people with MS are active, informed and equal partners in their care, and notes debate on what steps must be taken in Scotland to achieve this goal with the partnership of the Scottish Government, the NHS, the voluntary sector, industry and people affected by MS.

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S4M-09302# Fiona McLeod: UV Radiation Awareness to Prevent Melanoma and Non– Melanoma Skin Cancer—That the Parliament notes the increase in the prevalence of skin cancers between 1987 and 2011 as published in the NHS Information Services Division report, Cancer Incidence in Scotland (2011); notes that the report highlights morbidity and mortality from UV radiation induced cancers; is concerned that there is a continuing increase in the number of people with melanoma in the 15 to 34 age range, including in Strathkelvin and Bearsden; notes the potentially significant human, personal, financial and societal costs of what it understands is Scotland’s most common form of cancer, and believes that sun protection is an important part of decreasing the prevalence of skin cancers.

S4M-09310# Fiona McLeod: Action on Hearing Loss and the Benefits of its Hear to Help Service—That the Parliament commends the Action on Hearing Loss hearing aid support service, Hear to Help; considers that, by offering free maintenance, information and support for NHS hearing aid wearers, it provides an invaluable service; understands that the advantages for users include increased use of and benefit and satisfaction from their hearing aids, easier and speedier access to support and services in the area where they live, improved confidence and communication skills and reduced feelings of isolation, and congratulates Action on Hearing Loss on its community-based service in Strathkelvin and Bearsden and across the country, which, with the support of what it sees as its hard-working volunteers, works closely with audiology services across communities to provide a mix of outreach, domiciliary and drop-in services.

S4M-09329# Richard Lyle: Celebrating 125 Years of the Showman’s Guild—That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish Showman’s Guild on its 125th anniversary; understands that the Scottish section of the Showman’s Guild is the largest by area, covering fairs from John O’Groats to Carlisle and Kendal; considers that the Scottish Showman’s Guild plays an important role in Kirkcaldy Links Market, Europe’s longest street fair; commends the Scottish Showman’s Guild on inspecting all rides, games and attractions for safety certificates; supports what it considers the Scottish Showman’s Guild’s continued success in regulating Scotland’s fairgrounds, providing safe entertainment for people in Scotland; compliments all the members of the guild on the way that they serve the people of the Central Scotland region, and wishes them continued success in the future.

S4M-09362# Patrick Harvie: Digital Rights—That the Parliament notes the 25th anniversary of the invention of the world wide web and the beginning of a year of action by the World Wide Web Foundation's Web We Want campaign; welcomes the call from the web's inventor, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, for legal protection of citizens' digital rights; notes that this has been described as a call for a "Magna Carta for the internet"; considers that an urgent need exists for clear limits on the mass surveillance of private citizens and on other government and corporate use of data and metadata; believes that the internet and the world wide web offer extraordinary possibilities for free speech, access to knowledge and citizen empowerment; is concerned however that these great benefits are under threat in the absence of respect for citizens' rights to privacy, open standards and online civic space that is free of corporate control; recognises the Scottish Government's work to date in establishing principles for identity management and privacy, and supports the goal of legal protection for digital rights and a free and open internet.

S4M-09382# Alex Rowley: Halbeath Park and Ride—That the Parliament welcomes the opening of the Halbeath Park and Ride scheme, which provides 1,000 free car parking spaces, including 48 disabled bays and 12 electric car charging bays, to residents of Cowdenbeath, Dunfermline and the surrounding towns and villages; understands that the scheme is already proving extremely popular with commuters and is a welcome transport link connecting Fife to the rest of Scotland, and considers that a rail link and railway station at the site would further the economic and transport potential of the scheme.

S4M-09404# Rhoda Grant: Care.Fair.Share. Campaign—That the Parliament recognises the national Care.Fair.Share. campaign that was launched by the Scottish Youth Parliament on 23 January 2014, which aims to ease the financial difficulties facing young carers in Scotland; acknowledges the struggle that many young carers experience in having to balance

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school, care, personal relationships and other commitments; understands that there are estimated to be over 100,000 young carers in Scotland, including in the Highlands and Islands, which amounts to 10% of the school-age population; expresses concern that NUS UK research shows that 70% of young carers in the UK feel that their education has been negatively affected by their caring responsibilities; appreciates the work and dedication of organisations helping young carers, and notes the potential positive impact of the three objectives of the Care.Fair.Share. campaign, including extending concessionary travel, providing additional student carer financial support and guaranteeing flexibility in attendance requirements for young carers through the guidance for the administration of the Educational Maintenance Allowance.

S4M-09412# Siobhan McMahon: Recognising the Work of the Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments and Bobath Scotland—That the Parliament recognises the work of the Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments (SCCMI) in Cumbernauld for its provision of education and therapy services for children, young people and their families affected by cerebral palsy and other related conditions; understands that the SCCMI has assisted a wide range of disabled people from birth to 19 years of age and who reside in all parts of Scotland, since being established in 1991; further recognises the charity, Bobath Scotland, and the support that it provides for individuals and their families in a relaxed, non- clinical and fun environment; understands that children and young people affected by cerebral palsy and other related conditions may be affected by disorders of movement, disturbances of sensation, perception, communication and cognition; praises the work of both the SCCMI and Bobath Scotland in addressing the educational needs and the development of psychomotor, communicative and individual living skills in children affected by cerebral palsy and other related conditions through the provision of physical, speech and language, and Bobath Scotland therapies; acknowledges that primary teachers, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists and other staff work in close partnership to integrate educational and physical activities to address each child’s needs and to maximise independence, and hopes that what it considers the excellent work of both the SCCMI and Bobath Scotland continues to support those with, or affected by, motor impairments.

S4M-09418# : Animal Rights and Human Responsibilities—That the Parliament considers that companion animals, farmed animals and wild creatures are sentient beings whose contribution to communities and the environment should be recognised and celebrated; acknowledges, in particular, the positive role of pets in the lives of children and adults throughout Scotland, including in Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, and the comfort and assistance that they provide for many people who have difficulty with vision, hearing, mobility or socialising, and affirms that animals need and deserve the best possible welfare standards appropriate for their species whenever they are bred, reared, traded or kept.

S4M-09422# Elaine Smith: Celebrating and Supporting Breastfeeding in Public—That the Parliament notes with concern reports of a recent incident in which a mother, Emily Slough from Rugeley in Staffordshire, was labelled a "tramp" on a social networking site after a stranger took a photograph of her as she sat on steps breastfeeding her eight-month-old baby; notes that the photograph, which was taken without Emily's permission, was then uploaded online and believes that the misogynistic, derogatory and disrespectful comments that were subsequently posted could cause upset and concern to nursing mothers; understands that, as a result of this scandal, Emily organised a mass breastfeeding protest on 15 March 2014 in which thousands of mothers came out in support of breastfeeding in public across the country, including across Scotland; recognises that, in Scotland, mothers are protected under the Breastfeeding etc. (Scotland) Act 2005, which makes it illegal to stop, or attempt to stop, mothers breastfeeding in public; notes the view that, to reassure mothers and to help breastfeeding in public become a social norm, this legislation should be used and publicised across the country, including in Coatbridge and Chryston; acknowledges what it sees as the huge health benefits of breastfeeding; understands that a recent UNICEF- commissioned report, Preventing disease and saving resources: the potential contribution of increasing breastfeeding rates in the UK, outlined how increased breastfeeding rates could improve public health, produce long-term health benefits, allow considerable savings to be made by the NHS and provide a mechanism for improving health outcomes across a range of

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social groups; congratulates Emily Slough on her campaign, which it hopes will help raise awareness of the need for changed attitudes towards breastfeeding in public, and believes that mothers who are engaging in normal, nurturing maternal behaviour should be celebrated and supported by society.

S4M-09431# Annabel Goldie: Inverclyde Women’s Aid and East Dunbartonshire’s Women’s Aid—That the Parliament congratulates Inverclyde Women’s Aid and East Dunbartonshire’s Women’s Aid on receiving grants of £776,623 and £346,442 respectively from the Big Lottery Fund's project, Becoming a Survivor 2; understands that the project has invested almost £12 million across Scotland to projects that deal with domestic abuse and seeks to enable greater access to support services for women, men and families who have lived through it; affirms its abhorrence of domestic violence, and congratulates all of the projects and organisations throughout the country that seek to tackle and erase what it sees as the stain of domestic abuse.

S4M-09443# Linda Fabiani: East Kilbride Caters for All—That the Parliament congratulates the hospitality students from College in East Kilbride who won the Gold medal at the Brakes Student Chef Team Challenge; notes that, on 11 March 2014, the team took over the members’ restaurant to provide what it considers excellent cooking and service to members and guests; thanks Sodexho and the Parliament staff who arranged the event and gave mentoring where applicable; understands that, while this is the first such initiative, there are plans for other colleges to participate; notes that the hospitality industry in Scotland is believed to employ 215,000 people and is growing at 4% per annum, and considers that the Ryder Cup, Commonwealth Games and Year of Homecoming will be excellent opportunities for the sector to show the world the fantastic food and talent that Scotland has.

S4M-09502# Rhoda Grant: The Bunchrew Land Declaration—That the Parliament congratulates Community Land Scotland on the publication of the Bunchrew Land Declaration; supports the renewed commitment that it makes to what it considers the just cause of further land reform in Scotland, including in the Highlands and Islands; notes its reference to Scotland having yet to take the decisive action of other European countries to bring about more equitable patterns of land ownership; further notes its call to established land ownership interests to recognise the manifest unfairness of current land ownership patterns in Scotland, and welcomes its reference to more people-centred land governance and the achievement of land justice in Scotland.

S4M-09518# Alison Johnstone: Fan Ownership of Football Clubs—That the Parliament believes that football clubs are at the core of their communities across Scotland; supports ownership of football clubs by fans' trusts, which, it believes, can deliver more responsible and representative long-term stewardship for their clubs; welcomes the efforts of individual supporters' trusts, Scottish Fans and Supporters Direct Scotland to give fans a stronger say in how football clubs across Scotland are run; notes that four clubs playing in the SPFL are already owned by their fans and wishes the Edinburgh-based Foundation of Hearts well with its work to add its club to that list, and believes that widespread fan ownership of football clubs could be a sustainable and stable basis for the future of Scottish football.

S4M-09525# Graeme Pearson: Justice for Survivors of Historic Institutional Child Abuse—That the Parliament acknowledges the continuing efforts of survivors of historic institutional child abuse, including those in South Scotland, to access justice; recognises that many survivors continue to suffer from the legacy of the abuse that they experienced; believes that, while some steps have been taken to address historic child abuse, much more needs to be done; notes the deliberations of the Public Petitions Committee in its consideration of Petition PE1351, Time for all to be heard, since it was lodged in August 2010; welcomes the publication by the Scottish Human Rights Commission of its Action Plan on Justice for Victims of Historic Abuse of Children in Care; notes that the main aims of the action plan are to achieve acknowledgement and accountability for historical institutional child abuse; further notes that a number of options exist for improving accountability, including a full public inquiry, the establishment of a survivors' support fund and tackling the barrier of the

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time bar in allowing survivors access to justice, and notes calls for action to improve support for survivors of historic institutional child abuse and allow them access to justice.

S4M-09529# David Stewart: Scottish Natural Beauty—That the Parliament welcomes the VisitScotland Islands Visitor Survey 2012–2013, which was published on 11 February 2014; notes the finding that the main influence on visitor decision to visit Shetland and the Outer Hebrides, and the second most important influence in visiting Orkney, was an interest in the scenery and landscape; observes that the Public Perceptions of Wildness in Scotland survey of 1,872 people carried out by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the two national parks, showed that 86% of the main sample felt that action was necessary to preserve wild land in Scotland and that all groups highlighted energy infrastructure and built-up areas as the most significant adverse impacts; considers that 73% of respondents to the most recent wild land consultation by SNH were supportive of their wild land mapping, and notes calls for the Scottish Government to ensure that Scotland’s best wild land and natural landscape areas are protected in planning as a national asset.

S4M-09570# : Scottish Apprenticeship Week 19 to 23 May—That the Parliament notes Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2014, taking place on the week of 19 to 23 May; understands that Scottish Apprenticeship Week will include over 100 events and over 1,000 participating companies throughout the country; appreciates what it considers the valuable resources and skills that modern apprenticeships provide to Scottish people and companies in Glasgow and throughout Scotland, and looks forward to widespread participation in the events during the week.

S4M-09573# Maureen Watt: Oil and Gas Academy of Scotland Event—That the Parliament celebrates the Oil and Gas Academy of Scotland (OGAS) launch event on 1 April 2014 in the Parliament; recognises that OGAS brings together Heriot-Watt University, ASET, Forth Valley College, North East Scotland College, Robert Gordon University and the University of Aberdeen to deliver leading-edge training and education programmes tailored to the requirements of the oil and gas industry; notes the range of courses provided from craft to research level and the strategic links with the industry to provide vocational opportunities for students and enhance courses at OGAS for the sector, and applauds what it considers this innovative approach in keeping Scotland at the forefront of the oil and gas sector.

S4M-09591# Anne McTaggart: African and Caribbean Women’s Association Report on Sickle Cell Disorder—That the Parliament recognises the work of the African and Caribbean Women’s Association on raising awareness of sickle cell disorder (SCD) in communities in Glasgow and across Scotland; recognises that SCD is an inherited condition that affects one in every 2,500 children born in the UK; understands that sickle cell traits have been identified in as many as one in 10 people of African and Caribbean descent and that over 6,000 adults in the UK have SCD; notes the calls for a universal antenatal and newborn screening programme to be implemented across Scotland in order to identify new cases at the earliest stage, for NHS staff to be provided with comprehensive training on the specific needs of people with the condition and for health and social care providers to be appropriately resourced to treat SCD as a lifelong condition; notes the findings of the report by the African and Caribbean Women’s Association, which calls for greater awareness of the condition among GPs, the Scottish Ambulance Service and accident and emergency staff, and further notes the view that support for people with SCD should be delivered in partnership between the Scottish Government, local authorities and the NHS.

S4M-09594# Michael McMahon: Doing More to Support Carers of People with Terminal Illness—That the Parliament recognises the joint Marie Curie, University of Edinburgh, VOCAL and NHS Lothian report, Understanding the barriers to identifying carers of people with advanced illness in primary care: triangulating three data sources, published by the journal, BMC Family Practice; acknowledges the report’s key findings that people across the country, including in Uddingston and Bellshill, who care for others with a long-term illness or coming to the end of their life can find this to be all-encompassing and that, because often they do not see themselves as carers, but simply as people looking after loved ones, many such people do not get the support that they need or are entitled to; further notes that the

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report says that people working in the primary care sector, including GPs and nurses, do not always identify such carers and, consequently, might not direct them to the support available and that carers who do receive support might see this suddenly withdrawn following the death of the person who they were looking after, which can leave them feeling isolated and vulnerable as well as being bereaved, and notes the report’s recommendations that more needs to be done to encourage carers to identify themselves, for the primary care sector to help identify them and for carers to get bereavement support.

S4M-09600# Jenny Marra: No Title to Property—That the Parliament is concerned at what it considers a lack of protection for housebuyers in securing titles to their property; notes the cases that have been reported in The Herald of people in North East Scotland, Lothian and across the country who are unable to sell their property because they never secured the title to it in the original conveyance; understands that the only recourse in cases such as these is the Law Society of Scotland's Master Policy but believes that there is a lack of transparency in the purpose, pay-outs and operation of the policy; is concerned that there appears to be no remedy in Scots law in such cases; considers that long-running disputes in which the title has not been secured are unjust and can cause distress, financial burdens and ill-health, and notes the view that solicitors should have a legal obligation to secure title for their clients.

S4M-09631# Margaret McCulloch: Scotland's Best Places—That the Parliament notes that 2014 marks the centenary of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) in Scotland; understands that, as part of its centenary celebrations, the RTPI is working in partnership with the independent planning and design consultant, Barton Willmore, and the Scottish Government to identify "Scotland's Best Places"; recognises that both Crown Street in the Gorbals and the Merchant City in Glasgow, Dundee Waterfront, Lerwick Waterfront, Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park, Raploch in Stirling, the Royal Mile and Holyrood north in Edinburgh, the West Highland Way, the Forth and Clyde Canal and East Kilbride have been shortlisted; understands that the shortlist was decided on the basis of whether the places had been enhanced or protected by planners and the planning system, exemplify best practice in planning and benefit from the role played by planners, have a significant positive and sustainable social, environmental and economic impact and are nationally significant; further notes that the public will be able to vote online at the RTPI website and that the vote ends on 7 May 2014; commends everybody who helped to establish or improve the shortlisted places, and looks forward to Scotland’s best place being announced in June 2014.

S4M-09633# Ken Macintosh: SAMH Report, Worried Sick—That the Parliament welcomes the publication of Worried Sick, a research report by the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH); notes that this research was produced as part of SAMH’s Know Where to Go campaign, which aims to ensure that everyone in West Scotland and the rest of the country is able to find, ask for, and get the right help for their mental health; is concerned about the findings of the report, which outlines the detrimental emotional, financial and social impacts that socioeconomic deprivation is having on people with mental health problems and how living in poverty can impact on peoples’ mental health; notes with alarm that 98% of SAMH’s service users say that their mental health has declined as a result of the welfare reforms and that SAMH staff have had to provide additional support to service users, including suicide prevention interventions, as a result of these changes, and notes calls for the Welfare Reform Committee to investigate the impact of welfare reform on mental as well as physical wellbeing, as well as the relationship between welfare reform, health and socioeconomic deprivation and for urgent and sustained action by local, national and UK governments to mitigate the impact of welfare reforms and to reduce health and socioeconomic inequalities in Scotland.

S4M-09697# Bill Kidd: Recovering Health Costs for Asbestos-related Conditions and Diseases—That the Parliament welcomes the proposals by Clydeside Action on Asbestos regarding the recovery of costs to the NHS of treating people with asbestos-related conditions and diseases and considers that these proposals would address these health issues here in Scotland and, in doing so, help the constituents of Glasgow Anniesland, the home of generations of shipyard and engineering workers and their families, many of whom were exposed to asbestos-related illness during their lives.

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S4M-09759# Sarah Boyack : First Anniversary of the Rana Plaza Disaster—That the Parliament notes that 24 April 2014 marks the first anniversary of the tragic Rana Plaza disaster, in which an eight storey commercial building collapsed in Savar, near Dhaka in Bangladesh; understands that the victims and their loved ones have yet to be fully compensated for the preventable disaster, which claimed the lives of over 1,000 workers; welcomes the launch, on 24 March 2014, of the Rana Plaza Arrangement compensation process, negotiated under the auspices of the International Labour Organization by employers and unions in Bangladesh and globally and by the government of Bangladesh; notes calls for companies operating across the Lothian region, Scotland and the UK, especially companies that sold clothing that was produced at the Rana Plaza, to make sufficient contributions to ensure that a target of £24 million is reached by the 24 April 2014; considers that no worker’s life should be put at risk due to a lack of appropriate safety measures and that the first year anniversary is a day to remember those who tragically died and serves as a reminder of the importance of health and safety at work, including rigorous protection of workers’ rights for all, and notes that 28 April 2014 marks Workers’ Memorial Day, which exists to remember the dead, fight for the living and ensure that lessons are learned from tragedies and that disasters are not repeated.

Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament from 8 June 2011

Date MSP Party Subject 8/6/2011 Marco Biagi SNP Green Investment in Edinburgh 9/6/2011 Elaine Murray LAB Ban on Use of Wild Animals in Circuses 15/6/2011 SNP Fighting Sectarianism and Anti-Irish Racism 16/6/2011 Mark McDonald SNP North Sea Taxation 22/6/2011 Elaine Smith LAB There is a Better Way 23/6/2011 Stuart McMillan SNP David MacBrayne Group Supports Coastguards 29/6/11 Margaret Mitchell CON Police Complaints Commissioner for Scotland 30/6/11 SNP The Scheme 7/9/11 David Stewart LAB Young Drivers 8/9/11 Aileen McLeod SNP Flavour Fortnight 2011 14/9/11 Rob Gibson SNP Remembering the Russian Arctic Convoys 15/9/11 Hugh Henry LAB Upper Clyde Shipbuilders 21/9/11 Bill Kidd SNP UN International Day of Peace, 21 September 2011 22/9/11 Jamie Hepburn SNP Save the Children Report, Making Work Pay – The Childcare Trap 28/9/11 SNP Battling Scotland’s Drinking Culture 29/9/11 Paul Martin LAB Stop the Closure of Lightburn Hospital 5/10/11 Rob Gibson SNP Germany Exits Nuclear Energy 6/10/11 Christine Grahame SNP Jeremy Hunt Doesn’t Get the Picture so Neither Does the Borders 26/10/11 Jenny Marra LAB Fuel Poverty in Scotland 2/11/11 Sandra White SNP Mordechai Vanunu, Israel’s Nuclear Whistleblower 3/11/11 James Kelly LAB Nail the Rogues Campaign 9/11/11 Margaret Mitchell CON Prescription Medicine Waste 10/11/11 Liam McArthur LD Damaging Impact of Air Discount Scheme Changes 16/11/11 Dave Thompson SNP The People’s Bible 17/11/11 Siobhan McMahon LAB British Heart Foundation’s Heart Start

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Date MSP Party Subject Event 23/11/11 Jim Eadie SNP Act of Settlement 24/11/11 John Scott CON Provision of Orthopaedic Trauma Services at Ayr Hospital 24/11/11 Christina McKelvie SNP Nuclear Test Veterans 30/11/11 Kevin Stewart SNP St Andrew’s Day 1/12/11 Neil Findlay LAB Community Benefit and the Cumulative Impact of Windfarm Developments in Communities 7/12/11 Sandra White SNP Truth About Youth Project 8/12/11 Rhoda Grant LAB MS, Better Care 14/12/11 Stuart McMillan SNP Commending Petrol and Diesel Watch 15/12/11 Sandra White SNP University of Glasgow Ranked First in the UK 21/12/11 Siobhan McMahon LAB Disability History Month 22/12/11 Jim Eadie SNP 10 Years on from Harkin-Engel, Child Trafficking in the Chocolate Industry 11/01/12 Annabel Goldie CON Volunteer Centre East Dunbartonshire 12/01/12 Margaret Burgess SNP High-interest Payday Loans 18/01/12 Elaine Murray LAB Independence Referendum, Let Wallace Vote 19/01/12 Joan McAlpine SNP Save Introducing in Scotland 25/01/12 Stewart Maxwell SNP Holocaust Memorial Day 2012 26/01/12 Patricia Ferguson LAB Save Glasgow’s Local Train Services 01/02/12 Colin Keir SNP Drum Brae Library and Community Hub Project 02/02/12 Linda Fabiani SNP Assistance Dogs are Working Dogs Too 08/02/12 Jamie McGrigor CON Designation of Special Areas of Conservation 09/02/12 Helen Eadie LAB Celebrating the Value of Co- operatives Internationally 22/02/12 Dennis Robertson SNP Eating Disorders, Raising the Awareness 23/02/12 George Adam SNP Take a Step in 2012 for Fairtrade 29/02/12 Iain Gray LAB Protecting Access to Justice across Scotland 01/03/12 Sandra White SNP BBC Scotland Job Cuts 07/03/12 SNP Save Gadburn School 08/03/12 John Park LAB The Living Wage, Tackling In-work Poverty 14/03/12 Sandra White SNP Commonwealth Week 2012 15/03/12 Mark McDonald SNP Changing the January Pay Date 21/03/12 John Lamont CON Local Rail Services to Berwickshire and East Lothian 22/03/12 Sarah Boyack LAB Green Investment Bank 28/03/12 Jim Eadie SNP Violence in Syria 29/03/12 Jim Hume LD The Road Forward for Community Transport 18/04/12 David Stewart LAB Devolution of the Crown Estate 19/04/12 Christine Grahame SNP Community Radio Coming from a Station Near You 25/04/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Allotments Regeneration Initiative in North Ayrshire 26/04/12 Richard Baker LAB UCAN’s Campaign for Robot-assisted Surgery

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Date MSP Party Subject 02/05/12 George Adam SNP National MS Week 09/05/12 Elaine Smith LAB Beyond the Frame 10/05/12 Dave Thompson SNP Centenary of the Dewar Report 16/05/12 Alex Fergusson CON A Road to Health 17/05/12 Paul Wheelhouse SNP Addressing Alcohol Abuse among Scotland’s Armed Forces 17/05/12 Christine Grahame SNP Commemorating James Graham, Marquis of Montrose and Member of the First Scots Parliament 23/05/12 Jenny Marra LAB Deaf Awareness Week 24/05/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Glasgow Epilepsy Genetics Service 30/05/12 Aileen McLeod SNP Rio+20 31/05/12 Elaine Murray LAB Improvements to the A75 06/06/12 Colin Keir SNP Royal Highland Education Trust 07/06/12 John Mason SNP The Death Penalty in India 13/06/12 Liz Smith CON Scotland’s Mountain Rescue Teams 14/06/12 John Park LAB Celebrating Fife’s Outdoor Education Centre 20/06/12 Rob Gibson SNP Remember Cunningham Graham 21/06/12 Jamie Hepburn SNP Time for an International Arms Trade Treaty 27/06/12 Patricia Ferguson LAB Scottish Government Cuts Threaten Creativity 28/06/12 Christina McKelvie SNP Success of Armed Services Advice Project 04/09/12 George Adam SNP Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697, Shining the Light for Community- based Events 05/09/12 Kenneth Macintosh LAB Humankind Index 06/09/12 Annabel Goldie CON River City 11/09/12 Kevin Stewart SNP Aberdeen City Centre 12/09/12 SNP Scottish Steelworkers’ Memorial Fund 13/09/12 Claire Baker LAB Welcoming Fife Diet’s New Food Manifesto 2012 18/09/12 SNP Keep Scotland Beautiful 19/09/12 Christine Grahame SNP The Great Polish Map of Scotland 20/09/12 Sarah Boyack LAB Fair Access to the Legal Profession 25/09/12 John Mason SNP Gambling Proliferation 26/09/12 Kevin Stewart SNP Work Capability Assessments 27/09/12 Hugh Henry LAB NSPCC 02/10/12 Liam McArthur LD No to Nuisance Calls 03/10/12 Linda Fabiani SNP October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month 04/10/12 David Stewart LAB Isle of Gigha,10 Years of Pioneering Land Reform 23/10/12 David Torrance SNP 5th Fife Scout Group, Kirkcaldy, Scottish Championship Award 24/10/12 Margaret Mitchell CON Dyslexia 25/10/12 Willie Coffey SNP Neil Armstrong 30/10/12 Hugh Henry LAB Protection of Workers 31/10/12 Roderick Campbell SNP The Vivarium Trust and Co-housing for Older People 01/11/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Time to Introduce Presumed Consent 06/11/12 Adam Ingram SNP William Murdoch, The Scot Who Lit the World 07/11/12 Kezia Dugdale LAB Living Wage Week

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Date MSP Party Subject 08/11/12 John Mason SNP Glasgow 2014, Scotland’s Time to Shine 13/11/12 John Scott CON British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly Autumn Plenary 14/11/12 Neil Findlay LAB Christian Aid, Tax Justice Bus 15/11/12 Nigel Don SNP Scottish Literature on the Big Screen 20/11/12 Jim Eadie SNP Caring for and Curing Boys and Men with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 21/11/12 Claudia Beamish LAB Scotland’s National Museum of Costume 22/11/12 Linda Fabiani SNP Open Your Eyes to Destitution in Scotland 27/11/12 James Dornan SNP Celebrating St Andrew’s First Aid Week 28/11/12 Iain Gray LAB Value of Instrumental Music Tuition 29/11/12 Christine Grahame SNP A Scottish Media Panel 04/12/12 Jamie Hepburn SNP White Ribbon Campaign 16 Days of Action to Tackle Violence Against Women 05/12/12 Margaret Mitchell CON 40th Anniversary of Lanarkshire Samaritans, Hamilton 06/12/12 Patricia Ferguson LAB Bobath Scotland 11/12/12 Alison McInnes LD Camphill Scotland 12/12/12 Mark McDonald SNP Grampian Launches Autism Alert Card 13/12/12 Richard Baker LAB Edwards Syndrome and Support for Babies with Palliative Care Needs 18/12/12 Christina McKelvie SNP Migrants’ Rights Day 19/12/12 Rob Gibson SNP Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters’ Marine Energy Constraints 20/12/12 Drew Smith LAB Job Losses at Clydesdale Bank 08/01/13 Kenneth Gibson SNP The Origins of Addiction 09/01/13 Malcolm Chisholm LAB 20 Years of Zero Tolerance Campaigns 10/01/13 John Mason SNP Mergers and Acquisitions 15/01/13 Adam Ingram SNP Scottish Coal Industry 16/01/13 Rhoda Grant LAB Sustainable Biomass 17/01/13 Bob Doris SNP Day Centre in Glasgow 22/01/13 Alex Johnstone CON Safer Social Networking for Children 23/01/13 Bruce Crawford SNP The Leprosy Mission Scotland 24/01/13 Helen Eadie LAB Clinical Standards for Cardiac Rehabilitation 29/01/13 James Dornan SNP Make Young People Your Business 30/01/13 Joan McAlpine SNP South of Scotland Television 31/01/13 Drew Smith LAB Work Not Play 05/02/13 Dave Thompson SNP Prohibit Cold Calling for Property Maintenance and Repairs 06/02/13 Annabel Goldie CON Street Stuff 07/02/13 Margaret McCulloch LAB Retail in Scotland 19/02/13 Jim Eadie SNP Lothiansound Talking Newspaper Celebrates 25th Anniversary 20/02/13 Chic Brodie SNP Scotland’s Historic Buildings 21/02/13 David Stewart LAB 50 Miles Per Hour Campaign 26/02/13 David Torrance SNP Congratulating Fife Gingerbread on 25th Anniversary 27/02/13 John Mason SNP Families Need Fathers 28/02/13 Sarah Boyack LAB Enough Food for Everyone IF

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Date MSP Party Subject Scotland Plays its Part 05/03/13 Liam McArthur LD Postcode Lottery for People with Multiple Sclerosis 06/03/13 Murdo Fraser CON Endangered Species and Wild Land Conservation 07/03/13 Christina McKelvie SNP #Scotlandhour 12/03/13 Jean Urquhurt GROUP The Role of Crofting in the Highlands and Islands 13/03/13 Bob Doris SNP Dr David Livingstone’s Bicentenary 14/03/13 Neil Findlay LAB Lessons from Orgreave 19/03/13 Mark McDonald SNP Count Us In 20/03/13 Jackie Baillie LAB Dementia Carers’ Voices 21/03/13 Angus MacDonald SNP 75 Years of Young Farmers Clubs in Scotland 26/03/13 Bob Doris SNP Kurdish Contribution to Scotland, Remembering Halabja 27/03/13 James Kelly LAB Bicentenary Celebrations of Dr David Livingstone’s Birth 28/03/13 Sandra White SNP Bowel Cancer, Don’t Take a Chance, Take the Test 16/04/13 David Torrance SNP Congratulating Save Wemyss Ancient Caves Society 17/04/13 Kezia Dugdale LAB One Billion Rising 18/04/13 Nigel Don SNP Scotland’s Butchers Lead the Way with Quality Produce 23/04/13 Alex Johnstone CON Welcome to the National Cricket Teams of Japan 24/04/13 Jamie Hepburn SNP Future of Scotland’s Crown Post Offices 25/04/13 John Pentland LAB Workers’ Memorial Day 2013 30/04/13 John Mason SNP Social Tourism 01/05/13 George Adam SNP MS Week 2013 02/05/13 Neil Findlay LAB Blacklisting, a Scottish and UK Human Rights Abuse 07/05/13 Gordon MacDonald SNP Dads Rock 1st Anniversary 08/05/13 Mary Scanlon CON Importance of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel 09/05/13 Mary Fee LAB Using Prisoners’ Assets to Reduce Reoffending 14/05/13 Christina McKelvie SNP Voices from the Frontline, Digital by Default 15/05/13 Aileen McLeod SNP History is Made at the Mull of Galloway 16/05/13 Margaret McDougall LAB University Marine Biological Station Millport 21/05/13 Clare Adamson SNP Electrical Safety in the Private Rented Sector 22/05/13 Joan McAlpine SNP A National Tree 23/05/13 Anne McTaggart LAB Mary Barbour Commemoration 28/05/13 Sandra White SNP Sectarian Attacks against the Shia Community 29/05/13 Margaret Mitchell CON AEDs in Scotland 30/05/13 Alison McInnes LD Still Waiting Campaign 04/06/13 Patrick Harvie GRP Protecting Tenants’ Deposits 05/06/13 John Mason SNP Bank Branch Closures 06/06/13 Paul Martin LAB Community-based Housing Associations, Building the Community

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Date MSP Party Subject 11/06/13 Christina McKelvie SNP MND Scotland Welfare Reform 12/06/13 Hanzala Malik LAB Challenging Negative Racial and Religious Stereotypes 13/06/13 Roderick Campbell SNP Sales of Interest Rate Swap Agreements 18/06/13 James Kelly LAB Parkinson’s Nurses in Scotland, Providing Effective, Safe, Person- centred Care 19/06/13 John Wilson SNP Credit Union Expansion Project 20/06/13 Christine Grahame SNP James IV and Flodden Field 25/06/13 Dave Thompson SNP Review of Specialist Heart Failure Nurse Services 26/06/13 Duncan McNeil LAB ASH Scotland’s 40th Anniversary 27/06/13 Richard Lyle SNP 100th Anniversary of World War I 03/09/13 Alex Fergusson CON The Da Vinci Challenge to be Tackled by Dalbeattie High School 04/09/13 John Wilson SNP Welcoming Oxfam’s Our Economy Report 05/09/13 Graeme Pearson SNP Enhancing Enterprise for Scotland and China 10/09/13 Graeme Dey SNP Scotland More Aware of Fair Trade 11/09/13 Christina McKelvie SNP End Revenge Porn Scotland 12/09/13 Claire Baker LAB 82% of Scots in Favour of Compulsory Microchipping 17/09/13 James Dornan SNP Disabled People in Politics 18/09/13 Nanette Milne CON Marie Curie, Signpost to Palliative Care 19/09/13 David Stewart LAB Dunoon-Gourock Ferry Action Group 24/09/13 Gordon MacDonald SNP Al-Anon Family Groups, Supporting Families with Alcohol-related Issues 25/09/13 Jim Eadie SNP The University of Edinburgh in World’s Top 20 26/09/13 Richard Baker LAB Safety of Offshore Oil and Gas Workers 01/10/13 Fiona McLeod SNP Celebrating 100 Years of Westerton Garden Suburb 02/10/13 Aileen McLeod SNP Supporting Teenage Cancer Trust’s Education Programme 03/10/13 Jackie Baillie LAB Challenge Poverty Week 08/10/13 Nigel Don SNP Energy Action Scotland Marks its 30th Anniversary 09/10/13 Liz Smith CON Direct Rail Link Between Perth and Edinburgh 10/10/13 Jim Hume LD CAB-run Innovative Youth Outreach Projects 29/10/13 Alison Johnstone GRP Strict Liability 30/10/13 Aileen McLeod SNP Scottish Woodlot Association, a First for Galloway 31/10/13 Malcolm Chisholm LAB Folic Acid Awareness Campaign 5/11/13 Sandra White SNP Glasgow Women’s Aid 40th Anniversary Celebration 6/11/13 Jackie Baillie LAB No More Page 3 7/11/13 Mike MacKenzie SNP The Best Buildings in Scotland 12/11/13 Dennis Robertson SNP Action over Size 10 Models and Mannequins 13/11/13 Claire Baker LAB National Parks, Unfinished Business 14/11/13 Colin Keir SNP 100 Years of Conservation, Research

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Date MSP Party Subject and Education at Edinburgh Zoo 21/11/13 Richard Lyle SNP 50th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination 26/11/13 Murdo Fraser CON The Future of Medical Research Funding in Scotland Remains Strong 27/11/13 James Dornan SNP St Andrew’s First Aid Count Me In Campaign 28/11/13 Rhoda Grant LAB World Prematurity Day 2013 and World-class Neonatal Care in Scotland 03/12/13 Christine Grahame SNP I Come in Praise of Local Development Trusts and other Community Initiatives 04/12/13 Linda Fabiani SNP Celebrating Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists 05/12/13 Sarah Boyack LAB World AIDS Day 2013 10/12/13 George Adam SNP YouthLink Scotland 11/12/13 Alex Johnstone CON Arbroath CAFÉ Project 12/12/13 Kezia Dugdale LAB Financial Conduct Authority’s Plans to Regulate the Payday Loan Industry 17/12/13 Stewart Stevenson SNP Moray Library Closures 18/12/13 John Wilson SNP 12 Days of Debtmas Credit Union Campaign 19/12/13 Jackie Baillie LAB Discontinuation of Home Office’s Go Home Campaign 07/01/14 David Torrance SNP Congratulations to Fife Gingerbread 08/01/14 Fiona McLeod SNP Recognising the Value of Community Optometry 09/01/14 Paul Martin LAB The Effectiveness of Existing Dog Control Laws 14/01/14 James Dornan SNP The Cedar Network 15/01/14 Annabel Goldie CON Through Care Support Project HM Prison Greenock 16/01/14 Tavish Scott LD Oncology at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary 21/01/14 John Finnie GRP Lift Lives for Good 22/0114 Joan McAlpine SNP Congratulations to the Big Burns Supper 2014 23/01/14 Neil Findlay LAB Airlines Discriminating against Disabled People 28/01/14 Stewart Maxwell SNP Holocaust Memorial Day 2014 29/01/14 Angus MacDonald SNP The National Tree for Scotland 30/01/14 David Stewart LAB Melbourne Declaration on Diabetes 04/02/14 Maureen Watt SNP Self-immolations in Tibet 05/02/14 Jenny Marra LAB International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation 06/02/14 Stuart McMillan SNP Society’s Increasing Reliance on Foodbanks 18/02/14 Aileen McLeod SNP The St Ninian Ways, a Proposed Cultural Route 20/02/14 John Mason SNP Promoting Family Recovery Across Scotland 20/02/14 Patricia Ferguson LAB Support for Syrian Refugees 25/02/14 Murdo Fraser CON Police Scotland Traffic Wardens 26/02/14 Dennis Robertson SNP Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2014 27/02/14 Richard Baker LAB Unite’s Back Home Safe Campaign 04/03/14 Claudia Beamish LAB Thirsting for Justice

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Date MSP Party Subject 05/03/14 Linda Fabiani SNP Marie Curie’s 2014 Great Daffodil Appeal 06/03/14 George Adam SNP Scotland’s First Year as a Fair Trade Nation 11/03/14 Kenneth Gibson SNP Clyde 2020 12/03/14 Margaret Mitchell CON Celebrating Commonwealth Week 13/03/14 Claire Baker LAB Recognising the Work of Greener Kirkcaldy 18/03/14 John Wilson SNP Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week 2014 19/03/14 Nigel Don SNP Scotland’s Traditional Housing Stock 20/03/14 Iain Gray LAB Anniversary of the 1984-85 Miners’ Strike 25/03/14 David Torrance SNP Asda Kirkcaldy’s Community Life Programme 26/03/14 James Dornan SNP Scotland’s Outlook 27/03/14 Elaine Murray LAB Closure of Dumfries Control Rooms 01/04/14 Nanette Milne CON Self-management of Anticoagulation Therapy 02/04/14 Mark McDonald SNP Applauding Autism-friendly Theatre and Cinema 03/04/14 Jim Hume LD Keep Justice Local

Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament in Session 4


Frequency (no.) 146 78 27 10 3 0 264 Frequency % 55.30 29.54 10.23 3.79 1.14 0 100

16 PB/S4/14/49

BUREAU - BUSINESS FOR WEEK COMMENCING 21 APRIL 2014 DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 21 Constituency Constituency Tuesday 22 0900-1300 Committees 1400 Time for Reflection

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1405-1435 Motion of Condolence for Margo MacDonald

1450-1505 Topical Questions

1505-1535 Appointment of Scottish Ministers

1535-1729 Scottish Government debate: Scotland’s Voice in the EU

1729-1730 Housing Bill Standing Order 9.6.3A motion

1730 Decision Time

Followed by Members’ Business - Motion S4M-09518 Alison Johnstone: Fan Ownership of Football Clubs

Wednesday 0900-1300 Committees 1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 23 1400-1440 Portfolio Question Time: Justice and the Law Officers; Rural Affairs and the Environment

1440-1550 Labour Party Business – Fuel Poverty

1550-1700 Labour Party Business – Living Wage

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members’ Business - Motion S4M-09263 Stuart McMillan: Fixed Odds Betting Terminals in Scotland

Thursday 24 0900-1100 Committees 1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1430-1659 Stage One debate: Housing (Scotland) Bill

1659-1700 Financial Resolution for Housing Bill

1140-1200 General Questions Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1200-1230 First Minister’s Question Time 1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members’ Business - Motion S4M-09191 David Stewart: Local Knowledge Under Fire

Friday 25 Constituency Constituency

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Tuesday 29 0900-1300 Committees 1400 Time for Reflection

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1405-1420 Topical Questions

1420-1659 Scottish Government Debate: Inshore Fisheries debate

1659-1700 Legislative Consent Motion; Deregulation Bill – UK Legislation

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members’ Business S4M-09310 Fiona McLeod: Action on Hearing Loss and the Benefits of its Hear to Help Service

1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) Wednesday 0900-1300 Committees 30 1400-1440 Portfolio Question Time: Health and Wellbeing

1440-1700 Conservative Party Business

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members’ Business S4M-09525 Graeme Pearson: Justice for Survivors of Historic Institutional Child Abuse

Thursday 01 0900-1100 Committees 1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) May 1430-1700 Public Audit Committee debate: An Audit Framework for the Scottish Rate of income tax

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if 1140-1200 General Questions required)

1200-1230 First Minister’s Question 1700 Decision Time Time

Followed by Members’ Business S4M-09251 George Adam: MS Week 2014, Treat Me Right

Friday 02 Constituency Constituency

18 PB/S4/14/49


DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 05 Constituency Constituency

Tuesday 06 0900-1300 Committees 1400 Time for Reflection

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1405-1420 Topical Questions

1420-1700 Scottish Government Business

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members’ Business

1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) Wednesday 0900-1300 Committees 07 1400-1440 Portfolio Question Time: Infrastructure and Cities: Culture and External Affairs

1440-1700 Scottish Government Business

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 08 0900-1100 Committees 1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1430-1700 Scottish Government Business

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1140-1200 General Questions 1700 Decision Time

1200-1230 First Minister’s Question Time

Followed by Members’ Business

Friday 09 Constituency Constituency

19 PB/S4/14/49


Date of Lodging: 22 April 2014 Short Title: Business Motion Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees to the following revisions to the programme of business—

(a) Tuesday 22 April 2014 delete

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Debate: Scotland’s Voice in the EU followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business and insert

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Motion of Condolence: Margo MacDonald followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Appointment of Scottish Ministers followed by Scottish Government Debate: Scotland’s Voice in the EU followed by Housing (Scotland) Bill: Standing Orders Rule 9.6.3A followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.30 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business (b) Thursday 24 April 2014 after

2.30 pm Stage 1 Debate: Housing (Scotland Bill) insert

20 PB/S4/14/49

followed by Financial Resolution: Housing (Scotland) Bill


Date of Lodging: 22 April 2014 Short Title: Business Motion Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees the following programme of business—

Tuesday 29 April 2014

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Debate: Inshore Fisheries followed by Legislative Consent Motion: Deregulation Bill – UK Legislation followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 30 April 2014

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Health and Wellbeing followed by Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 1 May 2014

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

21 PB/S4/14/49

2.30 pm Public Petitions Committee Debate: Petition No. 1453, Organ Donation in Scotland followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

Tuesday 6 May 2014

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Debate followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 7 May 2014

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Infrastructure, Investment and Cities; Culture and External Affairs followed by Scottish Government Debate followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 8 May 2014

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Scottish Government Debate followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

22 PB/S4/14/50



Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill

1. On 27 February 2014, the Parliament agreed to the general principles of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill.

2. The Bureau is now invited to—

 refer the Bill back to the Justice Committee for consideration at Stage 2; and

 recommend to the Parliament a deadline of 30 May 2014 for that Stage.

Parliamentary Business Team April 2014





Committee Substitute

1. The has requested a change to the substitute member of the Public Audit Committee. It is proposed that David Torrance MSP replaces Christina McKelvie MSP and that the change take effect from 5pm on Tuesday 22 April.

2. Rule 6.3A.2 of Standing Orders states—

A nomination of a committee substitute must be made in writing to the Bureau. Members so nominated become committee substitutes if appointed by the Parliament on a motion of the Parliamentary Bureau.

3. The Bureau is invited to agree the following motion—

Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Substitution on a Committee: That the Parliament agrees that David Torrance be appointed to replace Christina McKelvie as the Scottish National Party substitute on the Public Audit Committee.

Parliamentary Business Team April 2014