AGENDA ITEM NO- roe-;iu-cr--6 REPORT

To: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Subject:: Airdrie-Bathgate Rail Link Update

1 From: DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT I Date: 1 February2006 I Ref: 79/27 I

1. Purpose of Report

1.I This report updates members on progress with the re-opening of the Airdrie-Bathgate rail link and provides an overview of the main issues raised at the recent consultation events.

2. Background

2.1 Members will recall that the Central Transport Corridor Study (CSTCS), commissioned by the Scottish Executive, considered a range of transport projects serving communities lying along the A8 and A80 travel corridors. A key project identified in the CSTCS study was the re-opening of the Airdrie-Bathgate railway. A technical feasibility study was subsequently commissioned, which confirmed that the rail service identified within the CSTCS could be delivered and that four trains an hour could be run from the west of Glasgow through Glasgow Queen St (low level), Airdrie, and Bathgate, with a final destination of Waverley. The Scottish Ministers were satisfied with the viability of the scheme, as identified within that study, and subsequently approved the continued promotion of the re-opening.

2.2 West and North Lanarkshire Councils jointly commissioned an economic activity and location impacts (EALI) study, to consider the extent of the positive effects of re- opening the line for North Lanarkshire and residents, as well as estimating their net contribution to the Scottish economy. The outputs from that EALI study were subsequently incorporated into the wider studies for the whole route.

2.3 The Scottish Executive, who are funding the project, appointed Network Rail as the promoters of the scheme, to take the scheme through the Parliamentary Bill process. Consultants Jacobs Babtie were appointed to carry out and co-ordinate the various civils and other studies and designs and to co-ordinate the various consultation elements.

3. Current Proposals

3.1 A governance structure was established to determine the appropriate representations on the various working groups. The Core Stakeholder Group comprises representatives of North Lanarkshire Council, West Lothian Council, the Scottish Executive, Network Rail, Strathclyde Passenger Transport, First ScotRail and Jacobs Babtie.

3.2 A series of public consultations have just been completed, with public meetings held in Airdrie, Plains and Caldercruix, as well as appropriate West Lothian locations. Network Rail (as scheme promoters) and the Scottish Executive (as project clients) presented their preferred scheme options at these consultation events. The various comments/ concerns raised will be considered by them, following which the proposed scheme will be finalised and submitted to the Parliamentary Bill process around Spring 2006.

C:\Documents and Settings\Shiachp\Locl Settings\Temporary lnternet Files\OLK12\Comm Rep - Airdrie Bathgate PE 010206 V4.dOC 187 3.3 Prior to the consultation events, the consultants presented the preferred scheme to Members at a special meeting in the Civic Centre, in order to gain the support of the council prior to finalising the scheme proposals for the public consultation events. A similar presentation took place with West Lothian Council.

3.4 At the consultation events, a number of concerns were raised about potential structural damage to their properties, as well as potential noise and visual intrusion, as a consequence of the new rail services. The consultants advised that they would de dealing with these concerns during the development of the project.

3.5 One of the main issues that arose at the meeting in Plains concerned the current recommendation that there would not be a station in Plains. The original CSTCS study did not allow for any new intermediate stations between Airdrie (Drumgelloch) and Bathgate. However, following representations from officers and Members from both councils, as well as the local MSPs, the Scottish Executive subsequently included the examination of potential intermediate station locations within later studies.

3.6 However, the Scottish Executive is only proposing one new intermediate station within North Lanarkshire, at Caldercruix, plus one within West Lothian. The proposal for these new stations is based upon engineering, patronage, environmental, economic and other associated factors, as well the ability of the new train stopping patterns to tie into the existing rail timetables for both the Glasgow and Edinburgh expansive and relatively congested networks. They reiterate that having more stops on a line increases the overall journey time and consequently reduces the attractiveness of the route. However, it is recommended that, within the council’s consultation response, the Scottish Executive are asked to reconsider our request to also have a station at Plains.

3.7 The main issue to emanate from the public meeting in Caldercruix, over and above the issues raised in paragraph 3.4 above, was a request for traffic calming on Station Road to address the expected rise in traffic volumes following the construction of a station. The department will ensure that this matter is considered by Network Rail during our subsequent detailed meetings.

3.8 Concerns were raised over the potential visual impact of the new double deck car park proposed for Airdrie Station. The consultant preparing the scheme options was aware of these concerns, and the fact that it was in a conservation area, and would be attempting to step back and provide environmental screening to the higher car parking level to mitigate any such detrimental impact. The issue of traffic concerns around the station, which would likely be exacerbated when the additional 120 or so spaces were provided. The consultants will carry out Traffic Impact Assessments at Airdrie, as well as Clarkston and Caldercruix, to examine these issues. The requirement to maintain vehicular access to certain properties on Victoria Place, abutting onto the extended car park, was also identified.

3.9 It is proposed that the existing Drumgelloch Station be re-located to a new station at Clarkston, due to various constraints at Drumgelloch. This would permit the provision of a substantial park & ride car park, as well as providing a more even spacing between stations between Airdrie and Caldercruix.

4 Sustainability Implications

4.1 The re-establishment of the rail line is consistent with Council and Government policies to promote sustainable transport modes. If and when the project is implemented, it will help the Council to meet its obligations under the Road Traffic Reduction Act. The project will also contribute to achieving objectives outlined within the Council’s sustainability index, including: Improving transport links between centres of population and employment sites, Increasing employment opportunities for local people, 0 Locating development in areas easily accessed by public transport

C:\Documents and Settings\Shiachp\LocaI Settings\Temporary lnternet Files\OLKI2\Comm Rep - Airdrie Bathgate PE 01 0206 V4.dOC 188 5. Corporate Considerations

5.1 The Scottish Executive intends to meet with both North Lanarkshire and West Lothian Councils in the near future to discuss contributions towards the likes of subsidised bus services to the stations, maintenance of car parks, enhancement of access routes to the stations, etc. The requirement for enhanced bus feeder services may be particularly important if a station isn’t provided in Plains. This new subsidised bus provision may well require a financial contribution from the council, in consultation/ partnership with SPT/ the new Regional Transport Partnership, as will any enhancements to access routes. These financial commitments would likely to be required around 2008-201 0, concurrent with the rail line construction works taking place.

5.2 It should be noted that the introduction of the new rail services eastwards to West Lothian and Edinburgh will result in an increase in demand at existing stations in Coatbridge and Bargeddie, some of which currently experience an over-demand for parking spaces. The enhancements/ improvements required at existing stations to accommodate the expected increase in rail patronage at these stations is not part of the Scottish Executive’s study. Consequently, the council will need to consider extending some of these station car parks concurrent with the construction of the rail line, if approved, to accommodate this future demand. This would require a financial commitment from the council around 2008-201 0.

5.3 The project promoters have advised the department that approval of the Parliamentary Bill will mean that there will be no prior notification procedure, although Deemed Consent provisions would apply. Clarification of this will be sought from the Director of Administration. The department will respond to the issues raised during these current informal consultations. However, the council would also be able to make representations directly to the Parliamentary Committee during the progress of the Bill, if so required.

5.4 The re-opening of the line will contribute positively to the Council’s social inclusion and economic regeneration objectives.

6.0 Recommendation

6.1 Committee is asked to:- (i) Support in principle the re-opening of the Airdrie to Bathgate rail line; (ii) Agree that the department responds to the Scottish Executive generally supporting the re-opening, but requesting that they re-consider the provision of a station in Plains, as well as considering the other matters highlighted in this report; (iii) Note that these proposals will have an impact on patronage and car parking demand at existing stations in Coatbridge and Bargeddie, requiring further consideration and a potential financial impact for the council; (iv) Approve that the Director of Planning & Environment determines the requirement for any traffic calming or mitigation measures; (v) Note that the Director of Planning & Environment will seek confirmation on the status of Planning Approval/ Deemed Consent provisions following Parliamentary Bill approval.


Local Government Access to Information Act: for further information please contact David McDove at 01236 616256

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