This PDF file contain the Energy technology catalogue chapters for the biomass and waste plant types listed below with related data tables (.xls) has been send in external review from July 14 to August 22 2017. 08 WASTE-TO-ENERGY CHP PLANT 09 BIOMASS CHP, STEAM TURBINE – ORC PLANT, LARGE - MEDIUM – SMALL 42 WASTE-TO-ENERGY HEATING PLANT 43 DISTRICT HEATING BOILER, BIOMASS FIRED The invitation to comment the documents is open, comments should be send to Andreas Moltesen (
[email protected]) eller Rune Grandal (
[email protected]). 08 WASTE-TO-ENERGY CHP PLANT Qualitative description Contact information Danish Energy Agency: Andreas Moltesen,
[email protected] Author: Rambøll: Claus Hindsgaul, Tore Hulgaard (First draft by FORCE Technology/Jesper Cramer) Reviewer: Brief technology description The major components of a Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plant for energy recovery by combined heat and power (CHP) are: A waste reception area, a feeding system, a grate fired furnace interconnected with a steam boiler, a back pressure steam turbine, a generator, an extensive flue gas cleaning sys- tem and systems for handling of combustion and flue gas treatment residues. Process diagram is found in Annex 1. The plant is primarily designed for incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW) and similar non- hazardous wastes from trade and industry. Some types of hazardous wastes may, however, also be incinerated. The waste is delivered by trucks and is normally incinerated in the state in which it arrives. Only bulky items are shredded before being fed into the waste bunker. The design and operation of WtE plants vary depending on the environment of their location.