Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 / Sept. 29

would like to ask at least Mr. Neal to come Chase Manhattan Bank; Alan Greenspan, Chair- up here. He and Senator Riegle should be in man, Federal Reserve Board; Alan S. Blinder, this picture. It may get them so many write- member, Council of Economic Advisers; Arthur in votes, they won’t be able to retire. Levitt, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Com- mission; Robert , Jr., first Director NOTE: The President spoke at 3:05 p.m. at the of the Peace Corps; Eunice Shriver, director, Spe- Treasury Building. In his remarks, he referred to cial Olympics; and Hugh McColl, Jr., chairman Richard Kovacevich, president and chief executive of the board, NationsBank Corp. H.R. 3841, ap- officer, Norwest Corp. of Minneapolis; Tom proved September 29, was assigned Public Law Labrecque, chairman and chief executive officer, No. 103–328.

Joint Statement on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Security September 29, 1994

Joint statement on strategic stability and nuclear The and Russia will work with security by the Presidents of the United States the other permanent members, as well as other of America and the Russian Federation countries, to ensure a successful outcome at the Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin underscored 1995 Non-Proliferation Treaty conference that that, with the end of the Cold War, major produces an indefinite and unconditional exten- progress has been achieved with regard to sion of the NPT, to conclude a comprehensive strengthening global strategic stability and nu- nuclear test ban treaty at the earliest possible clear security. Both the United States and Russia date, and to achieve a global prohibition on the are significantly reducing their nuclear forces. production of fissile materials for nuclear weap- Important steps have been taken to detarget ons. The Presidents also agreed on the desir- strategic missiles. Multilateral negotiations on a ability of continuing their respective moratoria comprehensive nuclear test ban have begun. on nuclear weapon tests. The Presidents noted the key role of the Non- The Presidents welcomed the ongoing deacti- Proliferation Treaty in ensuring global stability. vation and dismantlement of strategic nuclear President Yeltsin outlined the initiative Russia systems by the parties to the START I Treaty presented to the UN General Assembly for a and the implementation of the January 14, 1994 treaty among the five permanent members of Trilateral Statement. They welcomed the real the UN Security Council for a halt to the pro- possibility to bring the START I Treaty and duction of fissile materials for weapons, a ban the Lisbon Protocol into force in the very near on the reuse of fissile materials in weapons, future and pledged full cooperation to this end. further elimination of nuclear warheads, and re- The Presidents agreed that their defense min- duction of strategic delivery systems. isters would exchange information every three President Clinton outlined the ideas he de- months on strategic systems that have been de- scribed at the UN General Assembly for co- activated and eliminated. operation in advancing nuclear non-proliferation, particularly to enhance the security of nuclear The Presidents confirmed their intention to materials and to prevent nuclear smuggling. seek early ratification of the START II Treaty, The Presidents discussed these initiatives, of once the START I Treaty enters into force, and which they had informed each other in advance expressed their desire to exchange START II and which reflected shared goals and certain instruments of ratification at the next U.S.-Rus- common proposals designed to contribute to nu- sia summit meeting. clear non-proliferation. In this regard, the Presi- In an important new development, the Presi- dents agreed that the permanent members of dents concurred that, once the START II Treaty the UN Security Council, given their respon- is ratified, the United States and Russia would sibilities as nuclear powers, have a special role proceed to deactivate all strategic delivery sys- to play. tems to be reduced under START II by remov-


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ing their nuclear warheads or taking other steps Proceeding from the principles of partnership to remove them from alert status. and reciprocity, the Presidents agreed to work The Presidents instructed their experts to in- together to develop broad bilateral and multilat- tensify their dialogue to compare conceptual ap- eral cooperation on assuring nuclear security as proaches and to develop concrete steps to adapt follows: the nuclear forces and practices on both sides Cooperate on a bilateral and multilateral basis, to the changed international security situation including through the exchange of appro- and to the current spirit of U.S.-Russian partner- priate information, to prevent illegal trade ship, including the possibility, after ratification in nuclear materials and undertake meas- of START II, of further reductions of, and limi- ures to strengthen the regime of control tations on, remaining nuclear forces. They also and physical protection of such materials. discussed the prospect for confidence-building Exchange detailed information at the next and transparency measures in this area. The meeting of the Gore-Chernomyrdin Com- Presidents consider that, as the political partner- mission on aggregate stockpiles of nuclear ship develops, there will be new opportunities warheads, on stocks of fissile materials and to strengthen stability through openness and on their safety and security. The sides will transparency. develop a process for exchanging this infor- mation on a regular basis. President Clinton described to President Direct their joint working group on nuclear Yeltsin the unilateral adjustments the United safeguards, transparency and irreversibility States will make in its strategic and non-strategic to pursue by March 1995 further measures nuclear forces and safety, security and use con- to improve confidence in and increase the trol practices as a result of the recently com- transparency and irreversibility of the proc- pleted nuclear posture review. President Yeltsin ess of reducing nuclear weapons. noted these U.S. changes as a manifestation of Facilitate broad cooperation among appro- the new relationship between the United States priate agencies in both countries to ensure and Russia and described the comparable review effective control, accounting and physical of measures underway in Russia to reduce Rus- protection of nuclear materials. sian nuclear forces and improve their safety. The Facilitate cooperative programs between U.S. Presidents agreed that each side would inde- and Russian national laboratories in the pendently consider further unilateral steps, as areas of safety, physical protection, control appropriate, with regard to their respective nu- and accounting of nuclear materials. clear forces. Deepen cooperation between the U.S. De- The Presidents discussed the benefits of re- partment of Defense and the Russian Min- duction and enhancements to the security of istry of Defense in the area of ensuring non-strategic nuclear forces. nuclear security. The Presidents agreed on the fundamental Implement a joint plan to expedite construc- importance of preserving the viability and integ- tion of a new, long-term storage facility for rity of the ABM Treaty. Noting the recent fissile materials from dismantled nuclear progress made on the issue of ABM/TMD de- weapons at Mayak. marcation and multilateralization of the ABM Taking a broad view of strategic stability and Treaty, the Presidents instructed their respective bearing in mind the need to control all delegations, working with the other participating types of weapons of mass destruction, the states, to complete agreement on remaining Presidents agreed on: issues in the shortest possible time. The importance of continued, full, mutual and Both sides have an interest in developing and reciprocal implementation of the Sep- fielding effective theater missile defense systems tember 1992 U.S.-Russian-UK statement on on a cooperative basis. The Presidents agreed Biological Weapons as a means of gaining that the two sides will conduct a joint exercise confidence that offensive biological weapons of theater missile defenses and early warning programs have been terminated. of missile launches. This exercise would con- The need for adherence by all states to the tribute to providing a basis for U.S. and Russian Chemical Weapons Convention and for uni- forces to operate together, for example, in versal application of its provisions, as well peacekeeping operations. as the need for adoption without delay of


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measures that make it possible to bring the NOTE: This joint statement also included a report CWC into force; and the need to resolve of September presummit meetings on U.S.-Rus- without delay the outstanding issues related sian security issues. to the Bilateral Destruction Agreement and the Wyoming Memorandum of Under- standing.

Statement on the 1996 Democratic National Convention September 29, 1994

I am pleased with Chairman Wilhelm’s deci- her political expertise will make the 1996 con- sion to name Debra DeLee to head the 1996 vention an exciting and rewarding experience Democratic National Convention. I am con- for those inside the convention hall, throughout fident her energy and enthusiasm as well as , and across America.

Statement on Lobby and Campaign Finance Reform Legislation September 29, 1994

The American people have made it clear that to lawmakers. I call on the Senate to quickly they want a change in the way Washington pass lobby reform and send it to my desk. We works. From the beginning of my administra- must take the political system away from the tion, I have called upon Congress to enact tough lobbyists and the narrow interests in Washington political reform legislation. Today Congress and give it back to the American people. made real progress in the effort to return Gov- I am also heartened by the agreement be- ernment to the people. It is now time for Con- tween House and Senate leaders on campaign gress to finish the job and enact lobby reform finance reform legislation. This bill will limit and campaign finance reform, so that narrow congressional spending, curb the PAC’s and lob- interests are never able to obstruct the national byists, open the airwaves to debate, and ban interest. the use of soft money in Federal elections. The House of Representatives took a major step toward changing the culture of the Capital Make no mistake: this is real reform. Tomorrow when it voted for lobby reform. This legislation the Senate will vote to end a filibuster and ap- will, for the first time, require lobbyists to fully point conferees on this bill. I call on Senators disclose their activities, their clients, and the from both parties to put aside partisanship and sources of their funding. And it will bar lobbyists move forward with this legislation. There is sim- from providing gifts, meals, and entertainment ply no excuse for delay.

Remarks at a Reception for Senator Edward M. Kennedy in McLean, Virginia September 29, 1994

Thank you so much. Senator and Mrs. Ken- gressman-to-be Patrick Kennedy, and Marvin nedy, the Kennedy family, Senator Mitchell and Rosen, and all those who made this night pos- Members of the Senate, Congressmen, Con- sible, I thank you so much for your help for


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