To: Registered Students MGH201, MPH221 (email addresses according to Ladok 2021-01-21) Copy: Program Directors, Student Counselor, Program administrators Attachment: Same info in PDF format, General Presentation about Exchange Studies, Info from partners (Thailand and India), About Adlerbertska Scholarship Other relevant info: An information meeting regarding you course options during the third semester (at home) will be arranged on February 10 (Public Health Students) and on February 8 (Global Health Student). Not to be mixed up with information below. At this occasion we will present information regarding internships abroad (individually arranged) to those of you interested in this option, among other things. Exchange Studies It is possible to apply for and do exchange studies during the third semester in our international master´s programs in Global health and Public health with health economics/ health equality. Interested students can apply for courses (free of choice) on a bachelor´s or master´s level in the field of global/public health at our partner universities. The credits obtained after successfully completed studies abroad are transferred upon request and included in your degree. The agreements, faculty agreements and university wide agreements are all listed in the same application form. There are two different maps (search fields) to figure out where to study. It depends if you are interested in faculty agreements or university wide agreements (or perhaps both see instructions below). The Faculty agreements are quality assured (by teachers) and signed within the subject area global/public health. These agreements are only open to students at the faculty studying our international master´s programs in Global/Public Health. You compete with your classmates for a seat on these agreements. The university wide agreements are open to all students at the University of . This means that you compete with students from all other faculties if you chose to apply for a seat on these agreements. University wide agreements are not quality assured by our teachers so you must double check if the partner university offer courses in public health/global health before applying. Trickier to apply for but not impossible, if you do some research first! Good luck with your application! Who can apply? A complete application consists of the following mandatory parts: - Online application in Mobilty Online (system for international activities at GU)CV in English - Motivation letter (600 words) written in the language of instruction at your first choice of exchange destination. Motivate the choice of study destination and why you would be a good representative for your educational program and University of Gothenburg. - Ladok transcript with completed courses and full grades - Other documents that may show participation in activities that are seen as merits in the application process General requirements: - Be registered and study full-time at Sahlgrenska Academy at the time of application and semester before exchange. - Have completed a minimum of 30 higher education credits before exchange. - Have passed all examinations within the study program. - Meet the language requirements for the exchange (according to Partner University). - Meet other requirements that might be specific requirement from the partner university. Selection criteria for all study programs (22) at Sahlgrenska Academy: - It is a merit to have been buddy for an incoming international student through INTET - In the selection process, applicants who have not previously been on an exchange (during their current program studies) are prioritized if the exchange is at the same study level. With study level means Bachelor (year 1-3), Master (year 4-5) and Phd. Students who have been on an exchange and apply again will only be nominated if there is an available seat for another exchange. * There are no specific selection criteria for the international master´s programs in global/public health. In case of competition of a seat, we will check grades and count total amount of VG´s (passed with distinction) in finished courses (per student/program). If there is still competition between candidates after this first selection, the candidate will be determined by drawing lots. All documented and with witnesses attending. Responsible for the selection of outgoing students are the Program Directors in collaboration with SAIO. How to apply The application is made electronically in the mobility system Mobility Online and the application link will open below approximately 6 weeks prior to deadline (1st of February). See Application process for details before you apply. Picture: Application for outgoing Students “Outgoing Exchange” – application in three steps. Do not forget to submit in the final step! Click on the picture to register – read the instructions first!

Insurance during your Exchange

It is important that you have good insurance coverage while being on an Exchange. The University of Gothenburg has signed “Student UT” insurance with Kammarkollegiet for students studying within the framework of an exchange program or exchange agreement. The insurance provides around-the-clock coverage of for example the following: - Personal injury - Medical and dental care - Home transport - Visits by relatives (in connection with life-threatening injury/illness) - Disruption (in connection with a family member’s life-threatening injury or death, or extensive property damage) Read the terms and conditions carefully. Remember that you may need to complement Student UT with an additional insurance. Remember that you are only covered by the insurance when you are in the hosting country, and when you are travelling directly to and from that country. The insurance goes into effect 14 days prior to the start of your exchange and expires 14 days after completion. The total insurance period is stated on the insurance certificate that you will receive before departure. Detailed information can be found on: insurance/insurance-during-education-abroad

SAIO Evelina Nyström [email protected] 2021-01-21 About the agreements and possibilities Picture below. Updated 2021-01-21 Sahlgrenska Academy agreements Study Field: Public Health, Global Health, Public health with health economics/ health equality. Click on the map for details or see below.

Home Partner City Partner Institution Program Info from Partner Funding Institution Country

Sahlgrenska Germany Berlin Free University of Berlin ERASMUS Studies Adlerbert scholarships

Academy Erasmus scholarships

Sahlgrenska India Mangaluru Nitte University, K.S Hegde BILATERAL Studies New! Nitte - Sahlgrenska Global Health 2021 Adlerbert scholarships

Academy Medical Academy

Sahlgrenska Sri Lanka Mihintale Rajarata University of Sri Lanka BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships

Academy promotion/

Sahlgrenska Thailand Bangkok Mahidol University BILATERAL Studies New! Exchange Program and Field experiences Adlerbert scholarships

Academy in Thailand Mahidol - fees are waived)

SAIO Evelina Nyström [email protected] 2021-01-21 Picture below. University of Gothenburg agreements – all subject areas included “university wide agreements”. Not quality assured. Click on the map and/or see partners below Contact International Centre at GU for detailed information Drop-In on Zoom

SAIO Evelina Nyström [email protected] 2021-01-21 Funding Partner Home institution City Partner Institution Program Country (There might be more funding possibilities) UNIVERSITY OF Australia Brisbane Queensland University of Technology BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Australia Melbourne Victoria University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Australia Perth Edith Cowan University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Australia Melbourne RMIT University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Australia Newcastle University of Newcastle BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Australia Sydney University of New South Wales BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Australia Wagga Wagga Charles Sturt University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Canada Montréal Concordia University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Chile Concepción University of Concepción BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF China Hangzhou Zhejiang University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF China Hong Kong The University of Hong Kong BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF China Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF China Shanghai Fudan University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF China Hangzhou Zhejiang University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF China Hong Kong The University of Hong Kong BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Denmark Tórshavn Färöarnas Universitet NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Denmark ÅLBORG NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Denmark ÅRHUS University of Aarhus NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Denmark København University of Copenhagen NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Denmark Nuuk University of Greenland NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG Odense, Kolding, UNIVERSITY OF Esbjerg, Denmark University of Southern Denmark NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG Sønderborg and

Slagelse UNIVERSITY OF Denmark Roskilde ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Finland Helsinki University of Helsinki NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Finland Jyväskylä University of Jyväskylä NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Finland Joensuu University of Eastern Finland NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Finland Kuopio University of Eastern Finland NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Finland Oulu University of Oulu NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Finland Rovaniemi University of Lapland NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG

SAIO Evelina Nyström [email protected] 2021-01-21 UNIVERSITY OF Finland of Tampere NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Finland Turku University of Turku NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Finland Vaasa University of Vaasa NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Ghana Cape Coast University of Cape Coast BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Akureyri University of Akureyri NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Iceland Reykjavík University of Iceland NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Japan Tokyo Sophia University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Japan Hiratsuka Tokai University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Japan Osaka Osaka University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Japan Tokyo Waseda University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Japan Tokyo Tokyo Gakugei University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Japan Tokyo Keio University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Norway Bergen NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Norway Kristiansand UNIVERSITY OF AGDER NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Norway Longyearbyen The University Centre in Svalbard NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Norway Oslo UNIVERSITY OF OSLO NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF Norway Tromsø UNIVERSITY OF TROMSØ NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE Norway Trondheim NORDLYS studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG AND TECHNOLOGY (NTNU) UNIVERSITY OF Singapore Kent Ridge National University of Singapore BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF South Stellenbosch Stellenbosch University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG Africa UNIVERSITY OF South Port Elizabeth Nelson Mandela University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG Africa UNIVERSITY OF South Korea Seoul Korea University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF South Korea Seoul Seoul National University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF South Korea Seoul Yonsei University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF USA Boston Northeastern University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF USA Columbia University of South Carolina BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF USA Sacramento California State University, Sacramento BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF USA Washington American University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF USA Wilmington University of North Carolina at Wilmington BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF University at Albany, The State University of USA Albany BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG New York UNIVERSITY OF USA Boston Northeastern University BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG

SAIO Evelina Nyström [email protected] 2021-01-21 UNIVERSITY OF USA Chapel Hill, NC University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY OF USA Shippensburg Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania BILATERAL Studies Adlerbert scholarships GOTHENBURG

SAIO Evelina Nyström [email protected] 2021-01-21