,Give OU~ Hawkeye I 'earn a A ... tbe Iowa root- baU __ , "aJUle4 ror 3:45 I ,.& eIda"; at the lIukl", AIr. perl. r . , 'l'be 15-mlnute ran, Utat wnt ~ .... aDUI tbe 4 p.m. lake-off "ill F ...... Mol ..:h,. wWI I_lade a pep baDCl aDd Ute ...... ".. U .. , .. FUr ebeerleaders maklnr the bip lo .. .-nb' cIoMy ...... MadboD, WI&. Part17 e. ....,...... 04 ~ De Han-I Pe, Club, lpe_, tullUr\, &IINU wUIa • 'e of ., tbe rail" bas askeel tbat ears I1Mwen la ~ ...... rolDr lo the airport pick liP pas­ at owan 1 M.eft at 3:30 at the Iowa Me­ bt. 1868 - AP Leo5ed Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents lowo City, Iowa, Fridoy, September 30, 1955 ....1.1 Union. Queen Hopefuls

A1hleUc Director Paul Brech------:.::------­ Ier said Thur5~ay that the BOllrd dents were unable to hnd seats of Control ot AthletiCtl does not in the student cellon. have the aftswer to the student Brl!chler said that he agrees seatin, problem lit thts time, but wIth the council opinion thai the they bellevc that a solution is state legislalure should nol be nges possible. seated in the student section. He He said lhat the group has pOinted out that the practice was been workin, on the problem initiated at a time when the for a month. main problem was tlndin, Brechler said that the board enough people to (ill the seats. 1955 Corn Mon'ument PreSidential became gravely concerned when Brechler indicated that giving o Politics preliminary enrollment made It the legIslature seats outside the plain that there would be more student section would mean a than 9,000 students this year. loss of revenue to the With Illness, Council Meels Bleacher Compan, Athletic Fund. The board contacted a bleach- Complimentary Tickets er company about a month ago The Big Ten has a rule which In the hope that more seats could stateS that the home school must With Nixon be provideq, he said. All seats pay $1.80 to the visiting team for the remaining home pmes for every compUmentary ticket W A HJNGTON Vice. ha;ve been sold. excecdini: four per cent ot he Pre Ident H'11l0fl ..ld Tqur.clay "We know that we have an total available. This means that aner pr Idrn. over a me UD« obligation to seat every student the Univer,ity would lose both ot the Natlon.1 &eeurlty Council who wants to see a ball garnet the origLnal ticket price and a th t n chan. in torelp or Brechler stated. "They pay ror premium lor exceeding the lour IIr ~conomlc polley "are needed or the privilege in their tuition, and per cenl maximum. JanuIl')'. contemplated In the near tu- they have a right to elCpect Brechler said that the Athletic I • But nat seats." Department will receive no In- Nlxon talked With repo~l'II ~ndon B. J He explained that the board crease in income a a result of after a 2~-hour WlIll~ HOllie had been operating on the as- the higher tuition chaTged thiS Sptaker Sam meetln, 01 th~ council, 1he ,ov­ aumption that 1955 enrollment year. He stated that the present pled led th m.o; Iv to a conlr~'­ ernment'l hl,hest a,oncy for would not exceed 8,500. a figure allocation ot $4 per student per lonal proCl'Im which th y hope military and economJc policy suppUed by the Regtstrar's Of- semester was established In the will put a Democrat In th White plannin,. , ' tice last spring. On this basis early 1940's. HoU$ next y r. He Itre~ . that only Pre 1- there would have been enough Francis "Buzz" Graham, SUI Adlai teven on, tltul r bead d n E"enhow~r can m kc dec:l­ seats this year, he said, except Ticket Manager. said that sta­ of the p rty, I nearby on th .Ions on matter. dLseuaaed In th tor another unexpected problem dium records show 8,619 seats shady I wn of John on' ranch council whkh. nke the Cabin t, -spouse ticKets. 10 the student section. Hc recoi- ARROWED FROM home and nodd d approval as purely an .dvllorybody. 8po"le Tloketa nized the need for more space, their hou Inr unl re VIe 10 Dolphin Ou n eml-fln II John on and Rayburn talked to !fIxeD" a.ae More than 900 spouse tickets but felt that students could ease hown. The Dolphin 8Mw ",til be pre nud Oct. u-n. Remaln- reporter. have been sold this lall as com- the situation by not lending ID's 101' candidate are: left Ie rlrhl, front row: Ann I.e "'I , 1. lou"( Nixon old h.b role IS pre Id­ pared to about 400 last year, The to friends. Ity, and Barb"a Poll , A t, De Molnt'. eeood row: Jo le­ All th In, oUicer In . &lunhower" ab­ sharp increale Is evidently the He said that ticket enforce­ mann, A4, De Moln ; Janet Prlee. A2, Knoxville, and Judy a erted th re Itnce Is primarily to see that significance in the ov rnl,ht result of selling tickets fot the ment would be more efrective Ferdinand, ~,Chlearo. Third row: Vlrelnl Ball, 1. Ced r R.p­ Item up tor 4 e I n ITO han­ football season only, at a re- for the remainin, games. Id!!; Bonnie Lane, AI, Allrora. Ill., and ha.rl van, I, Glen­ vbit with Johnson. All three .ald dled effectively and frrJcientiy. th y h d not m t to plOl any duced price. The decision to sell wood. Fourth ro,,; ue harp, AI, Des ~folne , and Jo JlllnH, AI, The counciJ meeUn" be aid, trateIY to tlk advanlag of spouse tickets on a split basIs Hampton. was arran~ ~rore the Presi­ th Pre Ident', Illness. was 'taken at the request of last dent luttered • h rt attack lu~ year's Student Council, Brechler Johnson e peclally underlined SaturdaJl Ind its busine W8& laid, Wouk Play R · M· · e . e hts l;ympathy with the Pr sident. to dbcuu thin,s which would He admitted that the council's umor In ISSISSIPP,. Th Texas lawm k r suffer d a hav~ bien III up "r.,ardlen rejection ot an 85 ppr cent atten­ similar heart atl.ack In July. of the occurrence .t Denver." dance figure was probably right. Trim and tann d, h looked fit Nixon noted that this I.s the ~ figure came from a survey Thu ay and be was confident time .of wlMn both the made aevenl yo!'l ago, he said. he would be able to ~Ke ove.r council I,M the C blnet begin to He had no comment concern­ ~:;~:~::27 ~~2!ooD!:!!.IJs Still Alive the acU,>, Senate lead rshlp in hold relUlar meetilJ's. He will Ing the p ~ ocedure for handling Two whit men accu ed of kld- would dbpel these wild Januny. preside today at I Cabinet meet­ an overflow Buch as that at the The Universlty Theater will napln, a j4-year-old Chicago rumors. Thb depends finally on what -In,. Kansas State lame, when stu- open its 35th season with Her- Negro boy Ii k freedom on 'I Would Know' th doctorl lay about hb condi­ U "..... t man Wouk's "The Caine Mutiny bonds today amid rumor. that "It he w re alive. I would tion at the time. Twenty-three Cabin I mem­ Court Martial," PrOf. E. C. the boy, Emm It Louis Till, ts know. I don't know bow tbls "There will be no chang In Union Featured on bers and other oftlclala attended Mable, head of the Spee.:h and alive. could come up." con,r salonal tactics as a result the council meeUn,. Murray Doctors Say Dramatic Arts Departments lit The rumor were not con- Sheriff H. C. Strider laid in of Mr. Eisenhower's iUne or Snider, uslatant White House the State University of Iowa. an- firmed. Mrs. Mamie Bradley, the I nearby Cbarleston he had heard this meeting," he s.ald, e.mpha­ pre.s. crel'r1, a.ld It wu not nounced at the Theater Mixer lad's mother Thunday called Ithe rumors Till w • alive in De.. slzln& that qe had invited Stev­ Homecoming Badges unusual to have 110 many on Thursday night. them "a cruei hoax" trolt but "al rar as knowing enson in August lor a purely so­ hand. Ike Able to Each of the season's six plays Around-the-olock' police pro- any thin, deCinite, I don't know cial c II. 8,. RT BEllO k Nixon ..Id tbe m tlng went off "without Iny dltflcultl ." will be pre3ented on Thursdays, teetlon was provIded in Chicago it." Rayburn was Invited to Join The 19'5 Homecominl bud el, l + ~ He said the eouncll meelin ,s, Fridays, and Saturdays or two ror two witnG ,in last week'S Strider and two other defense them lollowln& Stevenson', lec­ th sales of which will finance / consecutive weeks. sensational murder trial o{ 24- wltn es testified the body ture Wednesday ni,ht at the like those of the Cabinet, pro­ all St I University of Iowa vided the Pre !dent with advice Sign Papers "Court Martial" will open on year-old Roy Bryant and his 36- round in the river had been dead University 01 TexBI. homecomlnl activities, teature Oct. 27 and play through the year-old half-brother, John W. at lea t el hi days. 1t they were on which to procced to hts own 8 photolrapb of th new addi­ DENVER (.4') - President Eis- next two days; then the per- Milam. correet, the body could not have Johnson al 0 made It clear dccisloOl. that Stevenson's vlalt was in no tion to the Iowa Memorial Un­ Any dectslons ,moUn tin, to enhower's recovery progressed formance wlil be resumed on Jur, Verdict been Till's. He was missing only Ion. Thursday to an extent where Noy. 3, 4 and 5. William R. Rear- three days when the body was sen a personal political en­ new policies, be emphasized, will doctors decided to let him put his don, instructor in Dramatic Arts, A country jury al nearby Surrr tound. dorsement of Steven on. "Ware proud of the new nd­ be made by U\. President. Nixon jnitials to a couple of govem- will direct the plar. ner la~t Friday (ound Bryant I Identified Bod, dillon to the Union, and I'm sure Ind Snyder both remarke.d that ment documenlb later in the Other plays in the Theater's and Milam innocent ot murder- The boy's mother Bnd MOle that the students are proud ot what fOI!I on at web meetinp I Week, possibly Friday. It will be Community Series are: "Ondine," ing the vacationing Chica 0 boy. Wright his sharecropper uncle IL," said Prof. Wend Ie Kerr. Is by tradition kept confidentiaL the first tiushitllS transacted by. the J ean Giraudoux fantasy, to They still face a kidnaping identltled the body posltlvel;y a~ ABC's own chairman or the HomecomIng g..... Pr&1ar '. the chief 'execu.tive' since he was be presentea In December; a charge and wi,ll seek release on ITilI'l! . The lad was abducted Badge Commill ." Nixon opened the meeUn, with 'ltHcke.n. I third play, unannounced; "Fam- bond at. toda),. hearing. trom Wright's co.ttoni\eld .hack " We are happy to give some • proposal for a IlIeD~ .prayer ot , . " It '.alsd was annoul'lced that i1y Portrait," a religious play; . Contradlctor~ Identification of near Money In th rly bouTt publicity to our new Un.lon ad------­ th.nb,lvln. tor tbe Prosldent'! j 'Strdrr1)Ir1'! ~ciams, : Eisenhower's Edward Sheldon'S "The Boss;" a body tound in the TaJlahatchie l ot Aug. 3t. Meeting To dlton In lUI tlrst year." pro,re.. In recoverin. from his 10p aide, will ny; hete ",ora. a.nd Moliere's "The Doctor in River heavlly inCluenced the OHlcers testified at the mur- Kerr said that he is ordering Illnfla. He atd: " WBSbington today to take over Spite of Himself.' jury In freeln, the men, and set Ider trial that Milam and Bryant 17,000 badge. for thb year's Increase Size "Gentlemen, as we all tnow. n" ~Uretti()ri of t)perations at the Season tickets, on sale next off widespread speculation about admitted taking the boy but said homecoming weekend, an In­ It Is the c\lltom of the Cabinet .. Denvet 'Whitl! House . .J week in Room 8A, SchaeUer Till's whereabouts if he Is alive. they released him unharmed Hear Wilmeth crea e of 2,000 badges over la.st to open with a .n.nt prayer. . "Ianie& C. Hagerty;' White hall, are $5; admission Is Mrs. Bradley said In Detroit'l when they round he was not the year's order. "Whl~ thll hll not been the Prol. Richard Wilmeth, of the 01 FootQal1 HouSe press iecretary, said In $1.25. All seats are reserved with "1 am willing to have my boy's Negro who allegedly whistled at The badges were designed by practice of the Sei:urlty Council, reply to Questltm~ that the two SUI student.s admitted with ID body exhumed from the vault and molested Mrs. Bryant at Slate University Department of the Homecoming Committee. may] propole a .Ilent prayer ot development. hlean It is likely - cards. tor thorough examination if that Bryant'! country tore. Socioloty, will participate in Tbe photograph ot the new thankslivln, for the marvelous Card Section record of recovery that the ,barring comlllfcations in Eisen------"America's Town Meeting of the Union addition was taleen by hower's condition - that any Jim Kent of the Pbotographlc The card lection at tbe State Ptuldent bas made to this A lr" over ABC radio stallons hour?" need tor possible delegation ot Kay Servlte and the art work was UniverSity of ro wa home football Picks Lucky Number Sunday. prt.tl\tential lJO\Verb to other fed­ done by Dale Ballant ne of the games will be expanded b 150 eral officla ts ha& a bout disa p­ The subject of the dlscus.;;loll Graphic Arts Department. DENVU lIAR 1l0llBBD Ilddltlonal scats under new al­ DENVER CA") - The )'lorth peared from the picture. will be "Are Our Colleges Sup­ · The Hawk-I Pep Club Sale ...,.. Step lowances by he Athleti Board. Denver Bank WIS robbed o( 14,- pressing ]ndivldualtsm7" Committee I • working with a The decision to let Elsenhower Membership in the card sec­ 400 lbunday while many cus­ The other speaker wUl be Prot. group of University Hlgh School tomers In the lobby watched the take tbe first very slna 11 step studentJI in regard to the sale of hon will tot..1 900 pel' ons. Under E. Merrill Root of Earlham Col­ World feria on television. back toward direction of the badges. m~re the enlragemenL 200 carda When the pae - and the to')­ rovernment, and to have Adams lege, Richmond, Ind. The b dges will go on ale of each color ere purchased and ahifHtom Washington to Denver, bery - was over, Etienne Per­ Root iJ the author of a new Monday, Oct. 10 at 4 p.m. designs are being changed to ac­ enyi, bank pruidcnt. learned hI! !Cl'lne on tnll heels of another en- commodate the larger group. .. colira'ging medical bulletin {rom took, "Collectlvlfm on'the cam­ Members of the 1955 Home­ had 'Von JJM offJt'eJPOOI. His FltlBlmons Army Hospital, where pus." He says in the book that coming Committee are: Kerr, AI Waxenbcr , AI, MoUne, Ill., prize: $2.tO, college faculties dtscourage In­ and John Elman. A3, Des Moines, the' President " II'8S taken Satut:" chairman; Willis Mercer. Marcia dJvlduaUsm In students, W.tson, Steve Shadle, and Dean co-chairmen of the Hawk-I Pep :; fl\d~~,~~ ,, ~UItt.na. I ~ "1J!I, IjI!4er~u~:' Club, whlcll spor.sors nrC. card eir~ t' attacJt~ if .. I ~ l. t Wilmeth said Thut_day he Helen Reich of the Omce of II Student Affairs. section, have a keG that all 8~U ­ Ha~ •• d t~ 'Wqite HO,uSe feelll that colleges do not sup­ • COMING TUISDAY~ phyalelan, Dr. Howard M. Sny­ press individuali. m. dents who nave tickets f.or the , section be at th~ tndium by ~~~, had irffl/rmed .tM P.resldent The program is to be broad­ 12:30 p.m. on game days. \ ~d that had 'come- up for cast by the ABC radio network , How ToSldy .t>. Pefon Still on Boal Persons Interested in offerln. him to Ini\iar two ,overnment at 8 p.m. Il will originate [rom " \ ~rrufnts on ' 0:'- before Oct. I, the campus of NE'braska Wesley­ suggC$tlons tor new dC1liNi lire satOtday, and that Eisenhower an College at Lincoln, Neb. Hear Buenos Aires requested to colJtact Davc Ad­ in College ams, A4, Princeton, by calting agreed to do .0. The program cwn be beard at £UENOS AIRES, Argentina (iPl 8-04 19. Sa' ...... V. 1 ____ MI"or Activit,. 8 p.m. over station WLS, Chi­ mat~r - Arl/enllna's fallen dictator, The was put to calO. [t will also be re-broadcast Themes lor the de igns to be chief executive, Ha,erty report­ Juan D. Peron, remained In exile used in co-ordination with the M&n1 tresJtmen have to leave cver station ){sO, Des MOines, at Thursday - but. within sight of coUc,e before they even com­ ed, after hilj team of physlc:laNi 7 p.m. marching band are: Indiana, 8Ireed that h, now Is up to that the cJty he once held in an iron "Herky Goes St'ut.hi" Purdue, plete a aemata!"s work. Start­ Each of the participlints will Ing Tuesday. the !lrat of a IOrt of minor IIctivity. lI'ip. "Along the M.~Ii.sslppl." and The two dc.cuments bein, make an openin, statement of He still was aboard a Para­ Minnesota, "Modern Modes." series of ~en mldea will ap­ brOuaht from Wuhlngton for Mr. hll position on the subject. Tbey ,uayan ,unboit in t.he outer pear, luLeatin& bow you - Eisenhower's ~'D$." Initials are will then Question each other. harbor of Buenos Aires and un­ the frMbman - can stay In I D.U~ I...... r ....) , llats of Foreign Service ofl icers The program wiU be completed der protection of Faraguayan au­ HOEGH BAS VJ81TOaS coUece ind evtnt.ilJ pt a ' up for prom,otlon. TICKET NUMBER 016652 ia Ute luck)' nlllDber fer someone-as yet unkDoWD. Tbia ta the nllmber.f by a questbn and answer session thorities 10 da saLler a revolu­ ~ES MOINES (A"}-About 30 deJl'ft. Don't mi. "How To Whf,e.,fIQuse otricials explain- the &teket drawn at the annual Mercbants' N~tst .treet daDee Tbarada, nlrht eDUUIDr the holder in which the audience partici­ tion drove hlm from the presi­ women from the vicinity of Elk Slay lit CoU.:' starUna next , ed that iiri.1~ t\?ey. ate (iiutialed . lo a 1156 model Ford aulomoblle. Kay Taylor, N3, Ta.... Ollla.. aDd lin ''Mia Iowa." .. Ibown pates. dential palace. Hom, Gov. Leo Hoegb'. birth­ Tue&4I1. • • ~ :.~ ii; iditl\i'llh~ !friday the oflicers plcldnr the wlDDmr number with Keith Kafer, Secretar, .f the Iowa Clb Chamber of Cci_eree, "America's Town Meetinl of Reports that he had managed place, visited with him briefl;y J ' " 'hOI: DAILY rowAN ' 1 '\tttt · 'I\~ ~ i Mi.ible for higner ' holdhtr the epvelope eoDtaiDIIIJ Ute ticket&. GeDf LeDlpbere, repteaeDtaU.e of radio RatIon WMT, the Air" Is sponsored by Town to slip oU the armed riverboat in his ottice Thursday. He .ald, ~ ..... 11 ...... 7 fI! ~". 4r ili\tL -rI~. ~. , ~,n~~t .IMJ.Jli ': ~l 1'hH' 'is Ihewn annouDeln&' the nUJDber. U no ODe c:la~ the ear Dew DllDlben wUJ be eelee.. cae" weell Hall. loe., a non-profit, educa­ and catch a plane Ie Spain .spread severa I of them w~r,e cOlliiDa , .(j.lijlfO.! ~~ \ \ ~~U .. ~W .... "'. 1. UDWa wlllIIeI' ia loeated. ______' ___ • tiollal orpniJaUon. through lh~ cavital. and second cousins., " . • 1j.·"OI I I PUll 2-'J;'HE DAILY,- - IOWAN-I wa City, ---_.Ia.-Frl., Sept.---- 30, 1055 • e ,'d ; t o l , a doodles by dean It boesn't Pay- A Daily Iowan staff member came into the office Thursday, complaining that he had received parking summonses totaling APPli== $9 for p arking his car in an alley overnight. 01 tbe ,nd dell The Iowan staff member found it quite ironic in the light By HART E. VAN RIPER, M:D, the antitiody count goes soaring tection possible if you neglect Ihtl. student of recent Iowan coverage cOllcerning the Iowa City parking (Editor's Note: This It the liaY, ac= fourth of a series or five artleles tar above the level achieved by While the first two shots ,m ,eneral , problems. He also found it quite depleting to his wallet. the first two. Within nine days protection equal to that sho. on what parents should know 1I'eeken~ The facts of life about parking violations in this city are not a.bout the Salk polio vaccine). o! the booster injectlon, immun- among the 440,000 children ",ho Any pleasa.nt. Yiolations are very easy to acquire and very expensive Ity to paralytic polio is about were given the vaccine in ~ )15 tath­ "Johnny h;ld one shot of Salk as high as it is in patient ~ field tri-al of 195t - that lJ, Ib once you get them. Alumni vaccine at school. Then school who have recovered from nat- effectiveness of between 60 and ~on bI8 __ 1m. The Iowan staff member came to one conclusion: it doesn't closed and we were inlormed by ural injections. Indeed, in one 90 per cent - the two-shot preslden"--­ the principal that there would sense it is better, because the munity is only temporary. pay ,to violate parking laws in Iowa City. You may get away be no more vaccinations until re- units, an wid1 them nine out of ten times, but the one time you're caught opening in the fall. I understand Salk vaccine prote<;ts a~ai)ls~ all pro Salk and his teJ1ow-sc~ theOW= that three shots 01 S1ilk vaccine three types ot the poilo vlr1,ls, 1ists do 'not ' Imow yett ' whelhfr Cao= more than ml)kes up for the times you aren't caught. are. necessary, the liecond wJthin w\l~reas this d~s , nQ~ 'Occt;~! ip. th~ ' prdtection given by the wbalt The c____ The first meter or parking violation receives a courtesy ticket. t,wo to four 'weeks /Ifter the first. a 51"gle ,nat,ur<\! Yl f¥hon. I .rH' '. 'oourse ·of three' ·dhots is 'UlelOllf ~ying ~ After t~at the amount of the fine progresses with the number Does this mean Inat Johnny's first Under ~he program sponsoonr br, tndeed, just what 'lts duratloa 1erslty shot was wasted ana that. he will by the National Foundation 1~ IS, I and ' wht!ther' futthe~ boosles JOn or = of .tickets,' second ticket cost the third ad in­ 'Il1e will $2, $3, have to begin all' over?" • Infantile Paralysis, 'all children way be necessarY at re~H.f 111- .Itendln~ finit\JIn. The answer: If Johhny gets in the (i !it an~ ,seco"d gtllde). terval~, ' Tliere 'are som~ (jilts­ )Itter In Tr,~ "1'~9gr~~sive" system works for both overtime meters his seconp shot when school l'e- of !;Chool as ilf fp ~ ln.i, 1j955 , WIl~t · tions" thaf ltsCientisd cap BORer "hY the , 1 "date W _...... opens _ . or in fact at any I time offered ~ .thel;'firsj' J.t'f0~' !\h.dts. j1 1in'ly 'Olr'1resorting 1'to ' the "",.If. anO illegal parking. At the beginning of every year the traffic within the next school ter~ _ Salk vacclne. I Th~t ; PjQ~ '!rK, lnd-see method . This is one 01 pi dad. buteav cleans out its files and the "progressive" fining once the first 'shot will not have' been though del~yetl 'h! some ,, ].o;;alit-, therh. \· ' ,. " " I Fin al -­ ies, will be comPldted ' tltis fall. " ---...:..-_....:..______Dad wil === again starts with a courtesy ticket and works its way up. wasted and he will not need a If you did ~ot request vaccina­ Delta K ~ new "first'" shot, according to Our staff member got caught for $9 because he received e1Ji dence presented by Dr. Salk. tion of your child when the lirst Dad's ==== dally be th ~ee separate tickets. Police officers can give a ticket on the \ . Body Reactlo~s shots were being given, your r • pre-gac=--= same violation every hoUl', for as long as the car remains. With the first shot,' something child is no longer eligib)e under begins to happen in the body, the National FOu?da ti on pro­ II Dad So, as our staff member learned Thursday, even though the with these two gram. lf you the !Irst "I don't kn o'tv if I should ;0111 the Young Democriats or not. In another 20 years tlwlj might be re~ults: , However~ hav ~ jntermlss citY's parking situation is poor, it doesn't pay to try to beat l One, there is production of ,changed YOu~ mind, the ch~nces '. .', ' CO ilS ide red a suhversioe organization. , polio antibodies not only in per- are that vacclDe wlll be At 910 Kilocyeln Union fo the law. avalla~le The -0 sons who hav~ produced them to doctors through commerCial bank account suffers too much. by . Your b f e but I 0 d he ' Channels soon enough so tnat lOre , o Th d h t 'th' health authority 10 your com- the Poloye tzki Maidens" by Bor· j A t with Ilf reads the social doin's with a most derisive shout. R cI d C s]eOcodn s Oft' w'~t .10 ad p~r- munlty can advise you as to time ·odin. The work be perform. a re NEW YORK (JP)- 'DieT you have any warning?" . ecor n ugus . f will Dad's I: Hesays they make the. papers for' women folks alone; Over and over, pe'ople ask this question of any e who has had NEW YORK (JP) ---, Newspap- ~o 'S ays a er J 1S a mln- and place. . ed by Leopold Stokowski and'hls ers racked up newall-time rec- I ~tered, carries both these de- But it is most important to re- Symphony Orchestra. event at HG'II read about thepilrties and he'll fume amI fret and groan. a heart attack. Is there an alarm bell? A set of mptoms? Any­ Omicron thing you can recognize, beyond any doubt, as the' harbinger oC a orcts last month in lineage, the slra.ble . resul~s .rurther. ~ more member that the third or booster says of information it doesn't have a crumb - honorary ncr heart attack? American Newspaper Publishers antlbodleS, higher senSItIVity .. It shot, about which you mu st see TODAl"S JlCHl:lnJLI Bdt you ought to hear him .holler when the paper doesn't come. Assn, said Thursday. proba~ly lengthe~s, too, the time Iyour own doctor, is essenti.al. 8:00 Mornln, Chapel and CO-l The scientific answer is "no," farty, Un I • Automotive advertising set a jn whlCh they "',11.1 ,hold good. You cannot be sure' that YOIL are Governmenl But I am not sure this is the n~ ~:::~Ican I sizzling pace with an August gain But the sensltlzlOi effect of giving your child the tullest pro- 9:20 The Bookshel! lub and He is always first to grab it and reads it plumb clean through, . complete answer, on the basis of evening in a movie, the attack of 47:6 per cent over the same the first shot will endure, in mostl ' I~~~~ ~~:;'~inlf F.ature my own experience, and the . It was so severe, he says, He doesn't miss an item, or a want ad - that is true. month last year, the ANPA said. cases, through the better part oC l 10:15 Kitchen concdrt stories of other people. that "I couldn~t .remember my says don't know what we want, those dam newspaper Total national advertising, in- a year. That is why the child Meeting Planned :u~ ~t.'.'~~~t'Sh~~c!.:OS' ' H ~ _the~ Science does not yet have the nurse's telepho number, al- Qluding automotive, showed an who already has one shot can go 11:45 Bo",OIU' Mesd.""", • , guys; tools or technique~ that would though I must have called it a increase o:f 15.8 per cent, retail t~rough the summer without get- For Town Students g:~ ~~~t~m I\amb \~S . ''I'm going to take a day off some time and go and put 'em wise; permit a doctot; to say, "A blood million times." lineage was up 4.1 per cent and tlOg the ~econd and not have to ~2 : 4$ Sports Roundtabl. clot is beginning to form in one Dr. Evans was 51 years old at classified up 19.1 per.cent. An- begin over. A dinner meeting will be held 1:00 , lVIuslcal Chats The Gr "Sometimes it seems as though they must be deaf and blind and Here is th recommended . 1 :55 On Stage of the coronary arteries. In a the time, a goUer, figure-skater, vertising of aJl types combined e for Town Men and Women Mon- 2:10 Murlc In Bl""k and While Its tlrst [, dumb." few weeks, it will completely and an aviator. registered an overall gain ot 10,2 schedule: Two doses, ot one d.ay, OC,t. 3 at t~e lo:v ~ Memo- i~~ ~~~~~ ~~~eciation and History 1:30 p,m. But you ought to hear him holler when the paper doesn't come. plug up that artery, causing a per cent. cubic centimeter each, the sec- rIal Umon, Leslie Willig, Town 3::10 News Iowa Mer heart attack.". He recovered from the attaDk, The figures were compiled by ond preferably (but not neees- Men d.Adviser:l said. Thursday. ~:~ ¢-~.~~~'l. Chemlc.1 Socltly The pr, (Author Unknown) This is the most common form and in due course resumed his Media Records Inc. in 52 index sarily) two to four weeks after The lOner WI I begm at 6 p.m. 5:00 Chlldren's Hour with an I of attack. It is the kind that normal work schedule. Within the tirst, and a third or booster in the cafeteria. 5::10 News Copperlle citieS. They showed lineage i:1 shot of one cc at least seven W'II ' 1 d th t th 5:4$ Sportst\me . * * * struck President Eisenhower. three months, he was flying' his til!> national, automotive, retail I Ig a so announce a e . 6:00 Dinner Hour by daneln Key to Reform- * * * No Danger Signals . onths aft th d h t d T n Me 1 t' f ffl 6' 55 News · d t h own plane agam, and he plays nd total classifications at their m er e secon soan ~w n e ec Ion 0 0 cers 7:00 Mind or.the Writer All gra( 'rhe crusader may serve needed reform by acting as the HIS oc ors say e was el'- I\igh ~s t levels 'in history both for before the next polio season. Will take place at 7:30 p.m. Wed- 7:30 Little Orchestra Society dents of I cutting edge ,1& shear~ through the crust of custom and the en­ amined with an electrocardio- golf regularly, . .' Polio Immunity HI,.h nesday, OCt. 12 in th~ Pentacrest ~~!~ r,::!NO: Y Theatre ,d 10 atte graph, IlISt A,ueust. Ther~ ere -, He ihint,s he' had a warning, ~gll~t1955. lIJld..the first eight montn~ , W'thI th e thOIr, d or b oos t er sho, t Room of the new TTmon... LD ·.~Ov SIGN OFF tre,nchment of gestea interests. Or a crusader may be one who' no"'l1anger signl;l ls flying at that ·that mornil'fg'. Arid he adds: A utomoti vEllinE:age for the first • . . '" foments change which might impose worse injustices upon in­ time, they said. "A lot of people get a complex diVid ual and SOciety than do "the ills we have." ?o, from .a str~ctfy mechanical about a heart co~dition. It seems ~ahead'ght monthsof the year-earlierwas 26.4 per period, eellt G. ENE . RAL NOTI C' E'S".,," , Th,ere is no, better way of discovering the kind of cause POlOt .of ~Iew, It appears that to me that nature is all on your nptional advertising including '. _ .' . these ~ccldents ~vertake the side in these cases. The discom- ~utomotive was up 10.5 per elmt, these militant pioneers serve than through the gi,'e-and-take of heart With no warnmg whatever. .. ~etail lineage up 6.9 per cent, General Notlees should be deposited with the editor of the editorial page , of The Dally lowa1l .... But is this all? pr could it be fort you have IS a klOd of guard. fr~e discussjOl1. newsroom, Room 201, Communications Center. Notices must be submitted by 2 p.m. Ute da, Jt~­ that nature, in some subtle way, Your heart seem!!. to be aware of c~assified 15.9 per cent and all In .. fi~st publication; THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY PHONE, ,and must be t,ped or IeIIIir For this reason it seems less than wise for the executive does try to sound an alarm? dan~er, and alert before you. categories combined up 9.9 per wrlUen and slmed by a respOnsible person. No General Notice will be published more &han ODe week secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of A heart attack is an intensely _a_re_.______. Tnt. prior to the event. Notices of church or youth croup meetinrs will not be published In Ute Qe .... Coiored People to assert t11at "in no area has constitutional free­ personal experience. No two Notices column unlellll an event takes place before Sunday mornin,.. Church notices should be ~- stories are exactly alike, but -f - · / d -/ posited with the Rellcious news editor of The Daily Iowan In the I\ewsroom, Room 201, CommaDIIl!l- dom been so seriously eroded as in the area of civil rights of this, for what it's- worth, is mine. ,a a, y tions Center not later than % p.m. Thursday for publication Saturday. The Dally Iowan reMnet alia N(}gro citizens." Congress, says he, has enacted "not a single It is not hindsigl1t--01 O f I C rI,.ht to edit ~ll noUces. .: civil rights bill in 75 years." t Vague Feeling For several weeks before the -8 U t l LET I N RHO DES SCHOLARSHIPS CHILDREN'S I C REA T I VE stude nts interested in an evenln. I ~ Rights recently violated within a limited period and locality attack, I had been conscious of a - " for study at Oxford University, dance classes will begin Oct. 8. of folk dancing are invited to tlie - yes. And protest is highly in order. That the march of desegre­ vague feeling of uneasiness. It England are open to unmarried Registrations are now being Women's Gym, today from 8 to junior, senior, and graduate men taken in the Office of the Wo- 11 p,m. Teaching of simple folk .l ga!ion under the Supreme Court's decision has increased ten­ was nothing concrete, and there tRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1955 was no obvious. rllllSon for it. No students in all ~ubjeets. Nomina- men's Gymnasium and fees will dances from many countries ,al : si~ns and hardened resistance can hardly be disputed. But even unusual problems weJe con­ UNIVERSITY CALENDAR 1ions from this university will be be paid in the Business office. be geared for newcomers totollc • lacking all act of Congress ,he position of the Negro throughout fronting me, and no serious WOf­ UN~VE SITY _CALENDAR items are scheduled made on October 17. Prospective Beginners classes 5-7 yeats at dancing. InformaI., comfoi:t\ble . i the President's office, Old Capito) candidates a're invited to consult 8:45 and 9:30 a.m. and interme- clothing is recomn'lended.and Wd- , thl United States has improved far beyond what would have ries. Yet, from time to time:: 'there at .once with S. R. Dunlap, 101-1 diate elass 6-8 years at 10:15 a.m. men are urged to wear low 11eels., Saturday, Oct. 1 ers Club been deemed possible 75 years ago. Political parties reckon was this feeling of anxiety. It Tea - President's U. H ., x 2236 . Ad vanced 8- 12 y~ars a t 11 a.!T). " I1ome. smjously with ~the Negro vote today. Not so in 1880. In employ­ seemed that something, :some­ 9 a.m. - Tour to Amana for ~.RADUATECLUB mP where, was awfully wrong. I re­ new foreign stud ts - The Uni­ Thursday, Oct. 6 ment, in the professions, before the courts, in housing, in s~hool­ I UNION BOARD SUB - COM­ GERMAN PH.D. READ~NG a 11 old jl}e .~bers ~nd , ~\ivt member thinking ("hile ~alking versity Club International ~ 2:30 p,m. - The University mittee applications are now being exam will be held Oct. 5 from new membets ;tcY;f't! Grad Club inl doorS'~Ve been opening that were fast shut before. to the office bne morning. that q:lub Guest Tea - Univer~ity accepted. Two members of each 3 to 5 p.m. in room 10. SchaeUer~l%e\-, Oct. 4· .t·'Iew. , i't Ce~ ~er ' l 'I .. It is true tbat the Negro's share in social j1.lstice is not yet sooner or illter must come out. mub. housing unit or dormitory section Hall, Those !to intend to take I Ri~el,' room" of the.Jowa ~jl', Shortly before he attack, I S un~aJ', ~ ~ct. 2 a ir one. ,4I)d there may be some stormy days ahead. It is Saturday, Oct. 8 ' may apply. Petitions may be the exam a.re a~ked to register UJ1Io.~. A. shodetlCd virsiori. also developed' a pale,. pasty 2:30-4:30 p.m, - A.A.U.W. tel obtained at the Information Desk ..~ 'the E:nglist\ film, "David Cop , ex ' ected tkit. tller~ be some organization like the NAACP to 1:30 p.m. - ' Football, ]owa, vs. color and .,began running into for prospe~t{ve ~mbers - Uni­ at the I Union. All applications IUS HAWKEYE YEARBOOK field, the B5Y" - wm open tile spearhead tbe struggle. But the NAACP will better persuade the periods ot sleeplessness. diana (Dad's Day) - Stadium. must be returned to the Union staff will hold an organizational meeting, fol1ow!tl 'by dancint Danrer Signals? _ versity Club rooms. 8 p.m. - Dad's Day Concert - moderates by tempering its crusading zeal witn a pinch of desk by 5 p.m. today. meeting, Oct. 6 at 7 p,m. in room and refreshments. AU are ill- Now, all of this may amount 8 p.m, - 10\ Moun ~a ineers Iowa Mem orial Union. ' 221A Schaeffer Hall. Positions vited to ~top in and iet acquainl- moderation. • -Christian Science Monitor to exactly nothing. But in my Travelogue, " w~tern Canada" Wednesday, Oct. 12 LmRARY HOURS: MONDAY· on the copy, photography, busi- ed. ' book, it was a set of red lights. by Robert Friars Macbride Au- Yet I tried to shrug'itoff and did 8 p,m. - University Lecture Friday, 8 a.m.-12 midnight; Sat­ ness art and office staffs are open nothing about it. ditorium. Course ~ Sir Harold Scott of urday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, to interested students. AU those YOUNG REPUBLICANS WIU This case may be somewhat Monday, Oct, 3 Scotland Yards - Iowa Memorial 2 p.m.-12 midnight, The Library interested in working on the staft hear U.S. Representative Fred A, more specific: 2 p.m. - University Newcom- Union. will close at 12 noon on Oct. 8, are urged to attend this first Schwengel speak in the Penta­ In the winter af 1946, Dr. Oct. 15, and Nov. 5, the dates of statf meeting. crest room of the Memorial Va· (For Information rerardlnr dates beyond this schedule, the home football games. Depart­ ion Oct. 5 at 7:30 p.m. R~ Words of Me-;', Wise 'aDd O&herwise James Evans, a buSy New York see reservatlol1ll In the orfice of the President, Old Capitol). physician, began feeling vaguely mental, libraries will post their UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE ments will be served followio' hours on the doors. These hours Baby-sitting League book is in the talk -and a discussion period, I '0' will be effective for the first the charie of Mrs. Marjorie Oel­ I Of President* Eisen~ower * * after the Geneva * conference: * * against~~ti~~ ~~S!, flu. ~:c!~~~~etHe als(;¥el t'~;~~:~:~ tired. He ~~ ~ tie ' SIGMA DELTA CHI WILL .t t semester. erich from Sept. 19 to Oct. 3, "There is an element of greatness about him, a power weonnt "onmWorOnfl.knign,g·Walkl'ng to hl's ant O ! emem el'j Telephone her at 8-27U if a sitter hold a luncheon meetin, Tuft­ £Pr creating some kind of unity and of ]1armony among .. day, Oct. • in the alcove of tilt I THE STUDENT , COUNCU,,­ or information ab~t joining the people he is associated with, no matter how broad the as- office, he felt a slight pain in his. I group Is desired. Iowa Memorial Vnion eaf_1I sponsored student book exchange at 12:30 p.m. ~ltaSJ plaD,. 1O sociation may be. Indeed, it may be said that the broader che~t. ,"It ,:"as~'t h.al! as severe "One Yet., Ago Today f In Room 21, first flpor, SChaeffer as mdlgestlOn,. he says. ~hen 'f Ernest J. Triri,)ett, 50, itinerant Salej;man, is being questioned in TENNIS SQUADf AiL CAN- attend. __~ _ '! i f eJements. the mote effectively the peculiar talent of Ike he sat 9own, It went awa~ and ' the kidnap-slaying of. 8-year-old J~mmie Bl;emmer" Sioux City. will be open as tollaws: ¥isen]lower functions." , he thOlolght no more about It. • Russia propo~d the elimlnatiqn Or aU atomic and hydrogen ~et\1rn of monel ;md unsold dida\es .for varsity. Or, ~eshman SEALS CLUB 'I'ItY~" books ... Sept. 30. tennis squads report to Coach water ballet will bedwlll. Oct. " OCIOIUS I t. _ .-Editor Max Ascoli in "The Reporter" magazine, T ' ht ~ttrJI ft . t weapons by'stage" and using atomi!! energy for only pea<;eful pur- wo DIg s a el;, a er ,a 1WUl . oses. , .,'. Hours Will be 9-12 and 1-4:45 Don Klotz, "Varsity courts: '~, 'Uilid and 6 from 'I too ... p.m! at tile J 'd, Jury p.m. dally, Cpl. Claude Batchelor convictEd of collaborating ·with the house, any aft~fnoon from , 1'0 women's gym. Prellmlna"t-y ~ . ~~: , --h--" '- 5:30 as soon as··possible. I tice sessions will be held Oct. ~ , h '~•. e Dal'lylow' a.,w"·'.; enemygiven a andlife sentence.squealing ort fellow prisoners' 'of war:. \.< in ,Korea, was . COLLOQUIA ON "TIll: CON. .. . ~ , .;4 and 5 from .:<1~ . !ftII.I. ~ ,'will trolled Release of Thermo-nu­ "NTERNATI6N~~ . CEN~l\ :G)1e must attend ~ llractkt' \0 f • " Five'Years Ago Today clear Energy" by Prof. J. A. Van Will have a footban, seminar lor qualify for tryout., ~ Authorization to cross the 38th parallel was submitted for new fOi'eign students an.. '! Inter- ~ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1955 okay to the UN General Assembly, Allen, department ot physics will be held Oct. 4 at 4 p,m. in room ested old students, today at 7:30 PH.D. FRENCH READiJI& Red China will present complaints against U.S, aggression in p.m. examination will be ,Iven ad; II Publlshed daUy except SUnaay and to,. •••ID. Tile D.lIy I.'.... c, ••• I.II•• DAlLY IOWAN EDITORIAL STAFF person before the UN. 301, Physics building. Mond~y and le,al holiday. by Student 'eparlmenl, I. the Comma.I •• lla •• from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in 1'00II Pl\blicatlons, Inc., Communlcatlona Cenler, I. 0,0. "... • ..... I. II p.lft. Editor ...... , ...' Ira KUlensteln . Center, Iowa City,' Iowa. Entered as Moad.,. tllrnlll Frld.)' ••d , ..... I. ManAlln, Editor .. , ...... Bill B, krr " Ten Years Ago Today HILLEL SCHEDULE FOR :no Schaeffer Hall. Only tb_ aeqond clas. matter at the post ofl\ce U •••• 8.hr")'. New. Editor ...... Jack Pe •• e PROFILE PREVIEWS RE­ .t Iowa City, under .the act of eon­ Assistant. News Edlror :. Eleanor Benz The national labor scene brightened with the ending of the the week: Friday night service signing the sheet outside -It 2. 11'19. elevator strike. ., minder: All freshmen and new 7:30 p.m,; Saturday afternoon 3- 307 Schaeffer HaT1 by Oct.· Iress of March 0101 4191 from D•• D , ...1'DI,1I1 ,. City Editor ...... Kirk Boyd A... lltant CIl)' Editor ... , Stu Hopkins transfer girls interested in Pro­ will be admitted tt> the MEMBER ., lb. AS80CIATln .RE88 report DeWI ...... • .....'. , ... Sports Edltor .. " .. , .... , Gene Ingle The clinched the National League pennant wl\h S p.m., signing for interest groups' exiirilDl­ The A ..""lalted Pres. Ie enilt~ ex­ Ite ... l. or ane •• neeIDIlDt. tCl The Dallr AIIlstant Sport. Editor . .. ,Fred Miller a 4-3 victory over the Pittsburgh Pirates. file Previews must 'return their in Israeli dances, Hebrew classes, tion. The next examination wiI clusively to tile use (or ~pul»l!eatlon I..... Itll.rla. .111... .r. •• lb. Society Editor ...... Betty Broyl •• applications to the Office of Stu­ be given at the end, tb. fttIl of all the local newe printed In thl. 0._..... 11 ••• C ••Ur. Editorial AssI.tant .. Ph lIts Flemlng General MacArthur ovefl'ode' an imperial suspension of Jap­ singing and others. Saturday 8- ot new l~pet' a. well a•• 11 AI! nowl ClUef Photolf8pher and anese newspapers. He forbade an! :further retaliations against the dent Affairs by 5 p.m. today. 12 p.m., Mishmash mixer, music semester. I dlaplrlches" 8ubocrlpUon •• te. - by carrie,. In Wirephoto Technlcian .. John St.""..... press. There is still time' to fill one out. by Bobby Cotter. Sunday supper 10_ City, as cent. w ••kly or ,,'per MEMBEa year In adv.nce: ,he month •. ".sa; ./ Twenty Years Ago Today with Tzlnmes, 6 p.m. REORGANIZED AUDIT BVa.AU thr .. mcnlhl, ",50. Jly mall In lo""a, DAILY IOWAN ADVEBnSINO STAFF WOMEN'S RECREATIONAL dents' - Apostle' OF .. pet' year: ,Ix m.mlbs. ~; three Bualnr51 Man_,rr. ,E. John Ko\1man Enrollment totaled 5,65Q, an increase of 360, over last year. eJacULA TIONI monltt., t3; .U other m.n subscrlp. A.st. Bus. Mlr .. ,. WlUltrrt I) Vaull,llnn , • Farm values decreased by 31 p~r cent. ' swim ../Jour is now In. session at' BISTORY OF mEA. WOllE sPet.k. oaJJht aiilliIl6• ."", tion .. *10 per yoar: .1'1( monthl, ~.IIO: Classified M'r ..... M. 'William Norton ' t .. the Womep's Gymnasium pool course) 11:33, sect jon 5 . (11~0 1 ~41i p.m. in C;:ontertllctt ' tbm month.. t3.as. PromoUen M,r ...... ' ....~ .... k·.ur8_n - Roosevelt hw.ted the AAI',. ba/lOer as he' started )lis political Dial 4191 IF)'OD 40 ••• r •••I ... campaign. dally from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m: All T-Th) v.:flI meet In 221A. ~l' • U!' the ' Iowa Me'illorll1 ,.ur• D.II, lo.aD " ',SI •.•. II.... • .... u. a, ".L ...... DAlLY IOWAN ClaOVLATION STAFF A tropical hurricane with a death (olfof -25' already, is now women students, faculty, and . - ' -- .. - - .. - 'StrodllY' services' Wln--lJl • ftfld tlf!"I.,.. I. rive ••n aU "11,.1". • rron .f p •• d ••b •• rlll.n If •• , ..1 •• E.,•• c ..... AII'I .••• u.... . Clrcul.tion Man_,er Gen. Lundahl threatening Florida . staff are ellaible to attend. FOLK BANdING - ALL Itll and 10;30 a.m, .

i TIlE DAILY lOW ~-lowa Cit,.. lL-Frt.. rl't. 31. U SS-Pap I !~~,. ' A~p.lic~.t~?'n.s ~or ~/umni Dad I SU.J'unu ~ W' ( I b te 2 d ~~e ~!:,on' !~~:d~r~ lPue Tuesday ::cro",'W'"h'IdO":'::~ e re e e ra Ing our n 01 the year must be com pleted Sunday from 3:30 to :I p.m. In the .. JIld delivered to the DUlce of club room at Iowa Mrmorl I bneglectthll student Affairs by 1\ p.m. Tu~- Union. All tf m mbe and o shots Il.t dJY. according to Jim Cooney, IT Invited to attend. HY-VEE that sho,.. 1teneral chairman of Dad's Day children Who weekend. Starts Their eclne in the Any student may nominate Join L.. that Is. ab Ills father to be the honorary o h6i.s. modern d nee' club, Third Year of 60 IlI4 "Iumnl Dad of 19M: Appllca- wlll hold II tin.1 m tina: Oct. , 1111. tion blanks have been sent to Serving You presidents ot a II the housln, Our \lnils. and may be obtained from • of th~ omrn' Gym. TIll Is the Office of Student AHalrs. the CiI'$1 -of t,,·o practice. e Ions Wonderful Candidate QIl~lIfleatlolUl I for town and un! 'erslty men and The candidate must quality as women who are inter ted in be- Party People in )laving attended tbe State Un!- . comln, members of Orchesl$. 1ersity of Iowa and must have a Tryou for memba ip wllI bt' Iowa City ,on or daughter that has or Is h Id Oct. 18. ,lien ding SUI. The nominating )etter must contain the reasons COLLEGE 110 liD CO. 'TE T , why the writer bellev~ the can­ and the are on us .. IIId8te would make a good alum­ BARGAINS DI dad.

Final selection of the Alumni I pad will be made by Omicron Delta Kappa. FREE GRAND PRIZES During Our Birthday Salel Dad's Day weekend will om­ dally begin Friday, Oct. 7. with • pre-eame pep rally. The Alum- • 01 Dad will be Inlroduced for 1 Year's Supply SANITARY MILK A;uO~~r~:_~:It;n the first time during a concert intermission at Iowa Memorial LTV WOMEN Union following the pep rally. Faculty worn n r Invlt d to The -Dad's Day concert spon­ ", t CQU Int d" cort hour 1 Year's t Supply SIDWELL ICE CREAM , IOred by Central Party Commit­ Monday. trom 4 to S:30 p.m. tee, will feature Bill Haley and the Women', Gym. bis Comets. Tickets will be on BlLL H"LEY and HI Comei.s ,,111 prr en, the Dad', D" COD­ To 50 Lucky Boysl sale Monday at the Information urt ' ID Iowa Memorial Union fo Uo wln&" the pep rally WR OPEN HOV I: 50 Official Size FOOTBALLS Desk ot the Union. oiIt. 7. ' Th Worn n', R Cleanon Asn .. NOTHING TO BUYI You don't have be present to win! - Register in our Storel Dad's Day Schedule will introduce varlou J1"oup ar· '0 Other Dad's Day events in­ tlvltles to fre hmen and transfer clude Saturday morning open Foreign Students To Visit Amanas student Tu setay at an open houses at all housing units; the houle from 4:30 to 11:30 p.m. In .. FROZEN FOODS ' Iowa-Indiana fQotQall game, with 'the' Uni'iersity Club will en------­ the .odal room of the Wom n's SHOP HY-VEE alf-tr\Tle entertainment by the tertaln , forty-five new torel!!n ien tudenls; ntl Mr. Gymnasium. Mar,lIret H no'. University Band honoring "Dad." A3, B dtord. I I neral cltalrm~n Frigid,". Who!. Kern.1 stUdents at a luncheon at an Am- Nath Iyer. Int rn tlon I "' •. and the Introduction ot the Al­ Chairman. of the open hou . LUSH'US . umni Dad or 1955. and a Union ana Colony restaurant Saturday. Intere t d ·tudent m IIfI1 up Open House, from' 8 to II p.m., The program for this event in­ I. nd Orch Is at thi. Frozen Corn 10t wIth a reception and coffee hour. cludes a caravan tour around the Dap's Day weeken"cl, an annual YWCA Members Swan.on', TV event at SUI. Is sponsored by colonies and a vi.slt to an old Omicron Delta Kappa. men's Amana home at Homestead. Mrs. honorary leadership fraternity. C~arles ~l7.er, 5uperlntenden1 of To Attend Boone CORREOTION Turkey Dinner , Ind co,sponsored by Central Amana Schools, will speak II) Party, Union Board, Ha wk-I Pep the g,oup. ant! colotcd movies (lr Conference Today Screen Door Covers Club and the "I" Club. the -Amanas will be shown. The box 69c lunch«>n will be at Ox Yoke Inn. The YWCA Boone Conferen~e M ke a atorm door In Ttj-e -troup will meet at 9 a.m. wiJI be held this weekend at the mlnut: H \'y KrllH Libby'. Graduate Club Saturday at the International YWCA Camp at Boon, Iowa. p per wlto window. • vel Center! , Transportation will be The event. sponsored by the In­ heat! (urnisllet! by Mrs. Harold Beams. tcrcolleeiate Iowa District COIl­ Beef PieSpkg. 25c Plans Meeting Mrs. ,Ci:al'Toll Coleman. Mrs. H,,­ terence of YWCA-YMCA extend The Graduate Club will hold bcrt" Bal1aptym!, Mrs. William trom 6 p.m. Friday to Sunday 89c SHOP HY-VEE Its first fall meeting Tuesday at Go.\lier. Mis. Mark Hale. Mrs. noon. IId\,anla. of Ihe 7:30 p.m. in the River Hoom. Ca~roJ1 B.' Larsen. Mrs. William Principal speaker at the CO.I­ many money- 11\'10, Uuy. Iowa Memorial Union. Peterse)"!. , Mrs. John Hu s. Mr •. Cerence will be Mr. M. A. Thom:! Society in our bl, Fall True Valu Plenty of SAFE-FREE PARKING While You Shop The program will be opened J.·a. Stroud. Mrs. Dewey B. Stull ot the Mar Thoma Syran Church. Sale. with an English rilm of "David and.. Mrs Clara Hinton. India. Copperfield, the Boy.... fO,llowed Also a,ccolnpanyjni the group All persons Interc,tcd in by dancing an~ refreshments. will 'Be ' Mrs. Norman B. Nelson. tending the Boon Conference Lenoch & Cilek Fresh - Crisp All graduate students and stu­ chair man ot New Foreign Stu­ should contact th YWCA orrice 207 E. Walhlngton dents ot graduate age are invit­ dents. Orientation Program; Mr. in Iowa Men\,rlal ed to attend. Wa.lla~e Maner. advisor to for- Chris Price at 4226.

• • w Pascal 'Celery LET'S GO !< I,T~ LUCKY DROODLE TIME! stock U.S. Choice - Government Graded

IF YOU'RE UP A TREE about what cig­ Beef 'Roast lb. · arette to smoke, U1ere's a pleasant poinL of view in Lhe Droodle at Jeft, • JiHy U's titled: Davy Crockett enjoying ~~~\II A Treat for better-lasting Lucky as seen by b'ar LOOK at this Your Dinner table in tree. Luckies taste better for a CAKE 2nd ANNIVERSARY hal(ul of reasons. First of all, Lucky - SPECIALl- Strike means fine t baceo. Then, that MIX Heinz Yams thar tobacco is toasted. "It's Toasted" Chocolate, Whit., Vellow - the famous Lucky Strike process­ and Splc. t KETCHUP tones up L\lckies' light, mild, good­ 9 oz. box tasting topaceo to make it taste even 3 I , 19c boHle Ibs. better ... cleaner, fresher, smoother. So set your sights on better taste­ lOC X.IAY 0' ADAM ~J\WA\'- (Ani. IVI, light up a Lucky yourself! Judith f!9' 80llOn u. • DHOODLES, Copyri.ht l~ by ~r Price ll' 6 boHle carton .------1-"s~~, bsfIS"e Coca-Cola 19,c (plus MpoIft) Studentsl I ~~I~~n=~ PRICES GOOD Thru Sunday EARN OPEN SUNDAY 9 t~ 6 p.m. $25°O! HEY KIDSI Monday through Saturday - 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Cut yourt!clI in on lhe Luck.y Droodlc 1I0id mine. Wa pay 525 ror See The ..U we UM!- a nd ror a ITPAYS- TD ~H(J" liT whole rafl we don't uael Sen d yo ur Droodlee with doecrip­ WOIDER CLOWN Live Litle •• in cl ude your name. addrcMI college anol claM aM the ....me and addr""" in OU( store of lbo d ..... in your colle!!c low" from ,.,hom you buy cip­ lODAY and SA TURDA nlttce moet orlen. Ad­ d...,.. Lucky Droodle, BOl< 670\, Mount FREE BALLOONS FOR ALLI Vernon, N. Y. CIGARETTES .L ______~~~~--~--~~~, . -and ~~ee on HY-VEE's own Merry-Go-Round Today and Saturday l'ale i-TRE DAlLY IOWAN-Iowa City. la.-Frl.. Sept. 30. 1953 , , ~ . I 'Byrne Baffles Brook)YM , wi~h ,5 -H, itt-9 ' ~ 'i •• ,. * * fourth . back season with his finest tri­ * * * * didn't do all right. I juSt ~ Bals in 2Runs Byrne was helped by three umph. another left handed hitter ~ Y~kee double plays as he rode Trailing 1-0 as they came to Tommy Finds there." home free on a four-run fourth Alslon Plans J bat in the fourth. the Yanks Ma~ager 0/ ~ Inning raUy that routed Loes. greeted Loes with a single by Yankees has announced he p A I,n4·Run 41h~ . The Yanks managed to win Gil McDougald but he and Irv 'Lies' Work to start . a l1I!z! Jow Sports • Thursday's game on eight Noren quickly were chopped Lineup Shift hander. ulty singles. five of them bunched in down when came up The 4-2'loss put the Dodll!! thei the fourth inning. with Noren's sharp grounder On The Duke By TED SMITS in a deep, deep, hole bui A Slrikes'Oul6 The Yankee victory was ac­ near the bag and threw to Pee AII.olated Pr •• s Sporls IV rller team wasn·t downcast. 'l"ttr the in short complished with Wee Reese to complete a double By WILL GRIMSLEY were more puzzled than an~ Bab By JACK HAND play. AII.ol.ted Pr... Sports Wrller NEW YORK - Manager Wal­ else, and the object of thai is a enden.ed Frolll ASioelaled PrelJ Sporh WrHer their slugging ace, still riding the ter Alston, glum and quiet. AII.ol.I•• P.ea. DI.pal.I... bench with a leg injury and with Tpen it happened. NEW YORK - Old Tommy puzzlement was Tommy B~ COUI NEW YORK - Tommy Byrne dropped a single into short left planned Thursday on a possible Alston was asked what one out of actlo~ fl'om Byrne, who two years ago shakeup of the Dodger baWed Brooklyn with five :lits the second inning on with a center and walked. the matter with his . SI Thursday as the New York singled to left. thought his baseball days might lineup when the Loes, in thc big Yankee fo basi OWENS* NAIlED * - *Jesse Ow­ pulled muscle in his right thigh. moves to Ebbets Field toda:;. ens, former Olympic star. will di­ Yankees took tha second iame of Byrne was tremendous. walk­ scoring Berra. be ended, said Thursday he used inning. tsry rect recreational activities of the the World Series from the Dod­ ing five and striking out six. Martin Sincies a little bit of "psychy" and a "If the Yankees pitch a right "He didn't lose his .s.ll!fJ, I cou~ hander, I may use Amoros and Illinois Youth Commission. 11- gers, 4-2. Byrne. who failed first with BllIy M"artln then smashed a little bit of lying to lull Brook­ know that," said Mton. "C'1llDr utic shift Gilliam to Ilecond to get as said he didn't, either. Yogi dJd!I~ TI lino,\5 Gov. William G. Stratton -...... Byrne ground salt into the the Yanks and then dropped to single to left and Gilliam made lyn's big bats into impOtency for announced Thursday in Spring­ Dodgers' wounds by driving in the minors after being cast oft no throw at all, Collins scoring many left-hand hitters into the hit his ball good. I'm certainb to rE the Yankees' 4-2 second game order as possible," the Dodger field. the two winning runs with a line by St. Louis, Chicago and Wash­ from second to give the Yanks not going to answer the quesu bers single past in the ington. capped his great come- a lead they never yielded. victory in the World Series. manager said. I' whether I left him in there 140 the 1 DOdger Manager "I told in the "It's not that Zimmer (Don ) long." RE I bye OKAY *OLSON * FIGHT * - Il­ declded to stick with Loes. eighth inning I was going to Casey Stengel called for Eddie by tl linois Athle~ic Commission ap­ throw him a fast ball," Byrne flee proval ,has .been given a Nov. 4 Robinson. a left-handed hitter, to bat for . Loes' first said. "but I gave him a slider in­ middleweight title bout between stead." Champion Bobo Olson and form­ Fencers Ratea GQod, pitch to Robinson plunked him in er champion Ray Robinson. The the middle of the back and the The of Snider was International Boxing Club, which basl!s were full. one of three big for would promote the fight. has not Byrne then tagged a liner into the Yankee veteran which ended center field. 'and Howard and Brooklyn threats. He whiffed yet announced i~ formally, how- ever. Martin romped hOlTle. with a man on But Need Aid: Ceach Four rUllS were in r the Big Ten champi,on- NCAA championships. starts in January. time. there. It is all part of .the new had been offered the honeymoon But when Duke Snider ram­ pitching outlook which saved my trip to Italy wi£h all ' expenses shiP." he said. IS Prospeots Leading th squad will .be co­ career. PHONE 3240 -, Mastropau]o. starUng his first Eighteen prospects reported to captain lettermen Clark Looney med the ball to the same place, paid it he will teach Italians the scoring Reese, Howard made a "1 took inventory of myself," , r finer points of baseball. lear at Iowa as varsity fencing Mastropaulo 101;' the first fencing (foil) and R y Meyers (foil), , Dick Gibson and Bob Hickland brilliant recovery to nip Snider he said. "I had always been a .. at second. power pitcher. I knew I'd have " (both saber). ' " ' * The Dodgers seemed to have to chanfe my way if I was going J[ONSTANTY'* HURT* - Jim Mastropaul main worry is Byrne ' on the way out in the to stay alive in this game. KonstantS-, New York Yankee depth. Loon and Meyers. a fifth when he walked Jackie steady competitor and former "So I began studying batters pitcher, suffered facial bruises Injuries 'at (enter: Robinson on a 3-2 pitch. Don and their reactions .to every in an autp accident near New­ co-captain. are slated to carry HIWlCE Zimmer's single to left shoved pitch. 1 began using a psychic MIA. .. IJJU,O two-thirds of the load in the ,..01 bY • • .burgh. N.Y., Thursday morning, Jackie along to second base, approach. I CQuid tell by the re­ GOlf) • . foil. Both are left-handed. Bur a" .. while en route to pitch batting Double Play actions to one pitch what he n'L ..• Pitkin will be the only letter­ GOLDEN practice for the second game of Alston called in might be expecting on the next." Itutt .. Mar Final Practice man in the epee division. He's the World Series. Konstanty can who grounded weakly to Gerry right-handed. Byrne was asked if he talked not appear in any series games lowa's football team tapered Coleman at short who started a to the batters, as is his custom. because of an eligibility regula­ off Thursday with light pass de­ backs found their mark often Sabers Good double play. "Only to Snider," he replied. tion. fense drills, still minus a per­ Thursday against the, defense 01 Probably the strongest threat Gilliam singled Robinson "Mostly I was talking to myself." manent starting center. across but Byrne Whipped a the first team backfield. Wiscon­ will be in th~ t saber where Gib­ Asked what he was saying, The center position was re­ sin's double passing threat­ son and Hickland. both right called third strike past Reese to Byrne replied. "you couldn't TOP LINEMAN* - * End Jim garded as the deep position early quarterbaoks Jim Haluska and handers, will ,carry most of the end the rally. print it." Houston of Washington Univer­ in the season, but the three top J im Miller-is rated near the top load. c;andidates have come up with BROOKLYN AB R H 0 A sity was picked Thursday as the in the nation. 1 Ollliam. U 4 0 1 0 1 leg injuries. However, Mastropaulo ~i Reese, 58 ...... 4 I 22$ Associated Press Lineman ot the have to choose betweeh senior Snider. cf ...... 4 0 I 2 0 Last starter Bill Van I Week after Washington's 30-0 week'~ * Russ Cress and sophs Jack Campanella. c .... 3 0 o 1l :a victory over Minnesota last Sat­ Buren, a sophomore. worked out * * Furlll.o, rf ...... 3 0 000 with the No. 1 team Thursday Badgers Again Fancher, Dave Hartman. Dallas Hodee!. Ib ...... 3 0 o 7 I urday. Johnson, Jim Newsome and J . Robinson. 3b . . . 2 I o 1 I for the tirst time this week. He Zimmer, 2b ...... 3 0 1 I 2 sprained his ankle in the open­ Stress Passing George Novak lor the third post. Loes,p ...... IO o 0 0 Mastropaulo said Gibson has Bessent. p ...... 0 0 000 ing game. c Kellert ...... 1 0 o 0 0 WEEKEND* REGATTA* * - Ten Junior Don Suchy, bothered MADISON. Wis. (JP) - Wis- a reputation for winnini over Spooner, p ...... 0 0 o 0 1 or more the world's faster hy­ dHoak ...... 0 0 o 0 0 at with knee , trouble, has replaced consin's football team put in its some of the finest conference Labine. p ...... 0 0 000 droplanes are expected to run in fencers. Totals ...... 28 2 5 ' 24 II Van Buren and looks like the final pre-game workout Thurs- the second annuS'1 lnternational probable starter at Wisconsin day and the squad was in good Contender? NEW YORK AB R H 0 A up Regatta at Elizabeth City. Saturday. The third center, Nor­ Bauer. rf ...... I 0 I 3 0 N.C., Saturday ilnd Sunday. physical condition for the Iowa Since he believes most of this , Cerv. cf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 man Six, also is hobbled with an year's squad possess the qualll\es McDougald. 3b ... ~ 0 I I 0 ankle inj ury. game here Saturday. Noren. cf.ll ...... 3 0 0 4 0 The Badgers devoted much of of a good :fencer-speed, preci­ Berro. c ...... 3 1 2 6 1 Apparently Coach Forest Eva­ sion. endurance, judgment, voH­ ColUns. Ib ...... 3 1 0 5 0 SENIOR* GOLF * CHAMP* - Mrs. shevski has decided to use the workout time to reviewing HowilTd. U-rf .. . .. ~ 1 I 2 I tion and opportunity-Mastro­ Ml¢in. 2b ...... _ 3 1 1 2 3 Harrison J. Flippin of Ardmore. sophomore Jim Gibbons of Chi­ offensive and defensive assign­ RluU10. ss ...... I 0 I 2 1 ments and stressed passing. paulo thinks lowa has a definite a B. Robinson. .... 0 0 0 0 0 Pa.. captured the 30th United cago at left end. injured Frank ? calling advantage over many Big Ten b J . Coleman, 8S . • I 0 n z States Senior Women's Gol! As­ Gilliam's spot. Frank Rigney Coach Ivy Williamson said the learns and possibly could be a Byme'!o.p ...... 3 0 1 0 0 Tolill ...... 2~ 4 H 27 H sociation championship at Rye. will also see action there. it ap­ same Badger team that opened contender for the Big Ten N.Y., Thursday with a 36-hole peared. against Ma.quettc a week ago crown. a-Hit by pilch lor Rluuto in 4th total of 159. Passes by the reserve quarter- will be fielded. 1t Includes b!R.o.n for E. Robln..on I.n. 4th six The new Iowa coach, an Hli­ seniors and five juniors. c·HII Into double play for Besse~t In nois fencing instructor last year, 5th rates the IlUn! as the team to d -Walked for Spooner In 8th all Br•• klyn ...... 0041 11. 0041 - ~ beat this year. New Y.rk ...... toe 480 ..,. - 4 Here Are Pairings CaUs Meelinl I!l-Zlmmer 2. RBI-5nlder. Howard. Hawklet Halfback ~at1'ln. Byrne %. Gilliam. 2B-Reese. DP~amPOOner 5 (McDoullald 2. his best back, halfback Jerry in the association's fall baseball with the varaliy fencers, will be Collins, Martin. J. Colemant: Labine 1 against Roosevelt. He will re­ tournament. (Berral. HO-Loes 7 In 3 2·3. Bessent or politics. but there's no Stack, may not play against Ce­ place Bob Bartunek: Schwank tested on a .lunge recorder, a o in l-~. Spooner 1 In 3. Labine 0 In 1. dar Rap~s Roosevelt here to­ At Arnolds Park today, Rod­ R·EJI- Loes 4·4. Be•• ent 0·0. Spooner difference of opinion when it probably is a better passer, in­ new device he has developed to 0·0, La bin. 0·0. Byrne 2·2. HBP- By nlgpt ~c.ause of an injury. dicating Bates may .go to the air man will meet Larchwood St. test a man's. potential as a Loes (Berra, E. Robln son~. W·- Byrne. Stack has missed practice all tonight. Mary at 3 p.m. fencer. L-LoH. U- Balll;mfant (Nt plate. Hon­ comes to St. Clair-John on's I week beClluse of a dislocated ochlck' (Al first base, n8""oll (N, .ec­ Oity High still will be seeking At Rudd today, Allison will He also Is ip the market for a ond bas.. Summers (A) third base. handsome fall outer coats. Tbis shoulder suffered in the LjUle play Rudd at 3 p.m. manager and assistant manager. Flah~rty (AI left fleld. Donatelll (N, Hawks' 48·0 loss to Davenport its first victory of the season. rl,ht fleld. T- 2:28. A':"'64 .707. Roosevelt has won three straight At Danbury Saturday, Dan­ Fall, these famous outer last week. Bates probably ,will bury will play Soldier at 1 p.m. shift fullback Bruce Taylor to after losing every game last year. coats sport an added bounty - right half with Paul Burgess At Clarence Saturday, Dysart moving in at fuJlback. Game time is 8 p.m. at City will meet Clarence at 2:30 p.m. exclusive new natural tones: Bates also has chosen' Jock High athletic field. and Central City will play Huron ·FREE! ·FREE! ·FREE! of Oakville at I p.m. darker shades enric!led with At Collins .Saturday, Radcliffe meets Macksburg at 1 p.m. and a sparkling liveliness like that Davenport Keeps Lead Collins will play Tracy at 2:30 INtRODuctORY' OFFER p.m. of sun-flecked foliage. One of Pair IENDEI OUARAITEED NY. Al(aiiable witll or without In IOWfJ Prep Grid Poll RAIN FORECAST ...... I NEW YORK (JP) - The, zip liner . , , DES MOINES (JP) - Daven­ weatherman said scattered LINS FREE, . with each order of three pairs. port £lolled 18 of 24 first place Dubuque tonight at Dubuque, ac­ showers ot thundenhowen votes Thursday to top the As­ cumulated ~23 points in the bal­ would be,lo late Thursday If not completely satisfied, retur~ y«Sur order sociated Press high school foot­ loting by Iowa's sports editors. nicbt and contInue today, ball poll for the second straight T.e leorln •• with flnt. place vole. In threateninc a washout of the ~nd keep' the 'FREE GIFT PAIR. For further in­ week. ,are.tbesel ~Dd polntl .".r.e. on 10 thlrd ,arne ot1he World Series. 'l'he Blue DevilS. who meet 'e ... lint ....., _I •• '.r •••• atl ••&.0..: I . Da.enport (18) ...... US formation, Hnd ih coupon below. from $39.50' :t. A ..... H) ...... 19~ 3. If•. A",bro.e (2) . . • •••••. .• • 168 4. Weat Waterl.o ...... 118 O'Dwyer Prop.oses 6...... n Clly ...... 88 Today'. Menu O. lut Des Moine...... T. ,,!. D•• Moine. aoo.evelt ...... 71 r - -7c~:O,.;; -.- -I DoCigers in Mexico II. Car.oU ...... 68 SPEOIALS I 9. B.rlln,'on ...... fI5 111. C".u ....1 .... F.aakU. •.. . .• !8 NEW 'Y'ORK (JP) - Former 11. New"'...... n AT LUBIN'S IP.o. Box 444 . Iowa City. l;wCl 1 Maybr William O'Dwyer came • lleoend 10 U. Cb ••I. 1 Clly, %5; IS. D .... que, ~4; ROAST BEEF ,fease send me: bacf to town Thursday with a U. Ollliion. 18: U. Marlon. 12: )6. Sioux Cabb.ra 8.1•• proposition that the Brooklyn CIl, Heelan, )1: 17. Denl.on. 18 ; I •. Mulle. Petalo.. aad Or... , . 10 Compl.t. cated." and co',r chart with real 8be •••".II. I.; 19. Re. 0 .... 9; 28. Ea .. R.II .nd Batie. 1 Dodgers move to Mexico City_ Walerloe oad C.dar Rapid. R.ose.oll. 7. C.Ue., MUk, Te. ! .r samples cut from hoi.. ' There has been talk of moving 7Sc 1 1 the Dodgers from Brooklyn and MACARONI., OHEESB 0 I Complet. catolo",. of K."tCraft Socks - ~uaran­ O'Dwyer told reporters at Idle­ C.b",~ 8.I.d • tMd for one y ... f for m.n and chndre"' - plus In-I wild Alr,Port: Exira Fast .•• Ma.be. P.lal••••• d d'•• n I &011 In' Butler forma{lon abollt yod, TrIal PaIr. "The Dodgers have long ,been O.Uee, Mil .. , .r T •• F,.. part of Brooklyn and Brooklyn DRY CLEANING lie I o loth of the Abo.,. CataleguH, 1 is part of the Dodgers. Both OOLD MEAr PLATE might lose it they were trans­ SERVICE " P~I. ,.1'" Lelia.. and ...T ....l. I Prlnl: Nam. · .. · ...... · ...... · .... : ...... : .. ·~ ...... I ferred to other than a city • ••U a.IIi, worthy of them. Mexico City In at 10 - Out at 3 O.tlee, MU.a. .. , .r Tea dOHnsn -I Add,...... •.. :...... ·...... ·1 Sl. .Cl'H 'IR· would be worthy of the Dod­ Me .(8l1rbl ad.m... -1 ella•• e) lers." LUIII'S city ...... :...... ,...... Ion...... Stat...... : .dt1£n/~ efothlng • 'JU'Ull1hi49.~} The Baseball Writer's Asso­ Varsity Cleaners ,...... ,~------' .;:0:;1 ciation of America was' founded Non: Plea" .ncl". Ule for postog. and handling. "Where Good Clothing is Not Expensive" ~'O q v t - hi 1.68 at Detroit, 17 E. WaabJnliOn • Dial US! 1~4 East Washi"gton

.~ . ~ ( Co-operative t.eagu~ Solves Herty! Pipe Lines Transport Personal Appearanc. Planned theaply~ Rotary Told Student Baby Sitting Problem The flcure ot Herky the Hawk You c-an tnn pon a pllon at ------ps Crom Tex to New York By FRED SCHORNBOR T will a,ain return to the Iowa Football stadium at Iowa's next c a~r than you could send a hT is 'here a p lin com- A group of State University of home C me, 0 t " aplns1 In­ pos~ard by maiJ the um dis­ pany comes in." Iowa married students and fac­ lOllY diana. Uince, Gear Venneber" sup.. The G~al Laltes Pi~ LL"le ulty members have a solution to rvisor of publle ~lation.s for the Company h been in opent on TIIllU theLr baby-sitting problems. ~ H wk-I Pep Club plans to jn!rodu~ Herley a a Ha k's Great Lakes Pl~ Line Company, for ov r 25 years. Around 1930 About 25 couples nave formed head can-Jed on an Iowa tootbaU told the Rotary Club Thursday. six refm ri in n nd Ok­ the University Co-operative uniform. Rex Dan . A3, Oska­ In hIs peech Venneber, ~m­ lahoma united to build a pl~liM Baby-~itting League. The league loosa, will '~ar the he d. which phasiz.ed that the Great Lakes to reach the Mid ....· t, lon, t 'If is an organization of married 'ill co t of a helmet of black Pipe Lin Company sells a r­ Its kind at that tim. Tbi w couples, students or faculty, with imiUition I ther with feathers of vi~, not a prod'uct. the birth of e company 8$ It one or more children. iold felt. "Tl1ID!lporlin, ,as by • pipe­ ul today. Services are performed on the The eyes ..... II be cut from line lJ the SlIme a mo\in, H by Inc-re u ot automobil basis of time rather than mone­ black felt. and D \'is 'ill a truck," he sa "Oil eompan­ and the use ot psoLine for farm tary compensation with only throu,h a beak made of tiber ie hav t1~lr own refineri In machinery, brau hl around his $lu!~ I couples belonging to the organi- gla . The head ill be about JUnsas 01' Oklahoma, but they ,reat d mand tor, . ThiJ con­ ''CaJtpf Ultion eligible. 3/\ inc-hes high and ' !!O Inches have. creat demand for th ir tributed much to \.he rrow\.h of Yogi dida~ They in turn must be willing 'ide and will be strapped to \.h product in Jarce population ("en­ the comp ny. 1'1'1\ ce~ to return the favor to other mem­ shoulder 'ith a ire frame. ten Ilke Chiea~ anel throu&h Durin&: Ih ~he question bers of the league in relation to The Hawk co tum tirst ap­ In there t60 the time they have received. pea d On the 10 'a Cield 1n the , Records ot the time donated "Doon . tall of I 8. The pep club, then Open • TODAY. by each couple as sitters are kept calltid the Tailteathers, ron truet­ .I :IG" " E D MO'D Y" by the league bookkeeper, an of­ ed th co..tume with turkey {ice which rotates among the t thtn on cardboard win,. and members every two weeks. a paper-mache head. Call Bookke,.per Dark ~ey coverall.!i were worn Mrs. Marjorie Oel~rich, 827 N. 1 It ned with tnps 01 cloth to Dodge St., now serving as look like teath . It WI about bookkeeper, said the member Iwo f~t hl'h and one-and-a halt couples call her it they need a leet In diameter. sitter. In 1948, anoth r head wu • She checks the record to see con tructed. Thi one was {ollr s· who is available and al~o to see \ teet In dJnmet rand r ted on if any couple is behind on the top or a footb II uniform. The basis of hours owed. ( n.lI,.- Je .... l'.h ••• ) head wa5 .tol n from under­ Mrs. Oelerich said that if any TELEPHONING a member 01 tbe Unlverslt Co-ooerall ~ naby neath thl' stodium ..... her it W I ME member receives more than 12 SltUnr Learue. frs. J\farJorle Oelerlch, 827 N. Dodre t., l'urrpnt hours "sitting time" without re­ bookkeeper of the rroup, belps brlnr (orether eouplr ne dlDr tored after bein. u rd tor a f w ,ames in J948. turning the service, they are de­ the service and fe llow member 01 the lear-ue. Form,.d b !5 clared ineligible and cannot be State Unlver Ity 01 JOWl married student and faculty m mbt'r , Th P p Club hopes that the I jii:;;;;~~~~~~:;;;y:;;;:;;;~~~~";p;;i~~p;:iij~M~~MMMM~;;;P"'~;;P~;;;P;;;P;;;P;;;P;;;P~~"''''''''''iii l re-Instated until the deficit is they as 1st In solvlnr eacb other' baby IUInr proble~. Herky III nell' brlnl mor erased. plrit to thl' crowd and enterta", The current bookkeeper indi­ th .t half tim . cated that the husband, wHe or both perform the baby-sitting Petitions Circulated for School Bond duty. She added that the chil­ Petitions were! being circulat- . ' dren may be cared for In the sitters' home or in the home of ed among Iowa City voters ture increa es in enrollm n1. A the couple receiving the service. Thursday asking the city school date for the election will bf' sct I Informal, Successful board to call on election on f.\ lit the board's Oct 11 m('C'ting. Mrs. Oelerich commented that lOSI and Found $195,000 bond issue. WANT AD RATES the league has been a very in­ ODe day __ U per word The money will go to finonce formal organization, but very "~ t In We rn wlnl" ThrN da,. .1%4 per .rd r..o I: Antl'lu. ,old bra«1 t.t W..-norl •• successful. She said there are six-room additions at the Her­ KENNY HOFER & HIS I •• • __ 1 per 01'd Unio~ _ R~w'rd . Phon • 01'11. 1-" no officers aside (rom the book­ bert Hoover and Mark Twain I TeD da,. -.--% per werd keeper. grade schools. MIDWESTERNERS 0. IBODtII _ 3 11ft' onl Apartment for Rent Help Wanted Making new friends and having MlDIDlIllll eb&r,e 5-. competent baby-sitters are the T~7 board is now plonnlng the aluruy CLASSIFIED DJSPLA Y rOR RENT: Lar,.. • __I",.nl. chief advantages of such on or­ ~n~ to meet antiCipated fu- \dOt P'um I'd

~ to 5 216 S. Dubuque Theta Sigma Phi "As a matter of fact, I get ofC work at 2;30 - which just happens to be my husb

~ \~,: f l ··) ~


Disneyland on tbe Screen PEGGY LEE . IIDr DEVINE 'DISNEYRAMA' lEE MARVUI • B1l fITl&lW o MARl( YU LTD. ~ • 0101(110" JACK WEBB fea&urln,. 7 COLOR CARTOONS -:- DI.ney Nature Study "BfAR COUNTRY" - PLUS - -:-r BUGS BUNNY "PORPOISE ROUNDUP" "'tbls Is dle.Lile," - Sportllte - ~W().LD'S "l.AM1' NEWS ,j • . TV App&arance Hawkeye Staff To Hold First Meeting Police Outline City Ordinances- For SUI Students The 1956 Hawkeye yearbook I -- ~our SUI students will appeOi' staff will hold an organization31 lions o[ coilegc editor and indlll on WOC-TV in Davenport Oct. 7 meeting Thursday at 7 p.m. in manager IIrc still 0;;-:01. at 12 noon on the show "Es­ Room 221A, SchaeIfer [{all. . . 't B b \aT k A1 According to BUSiness Ma-. BIRTHS pecially for You." Ed1 or ar ara. or , , ~ You, (an-'i' P~rk Car ~n Street Ov~rnight Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wood­ The students are Hawk-l Pcp HomeWOOd, III., said Thursday ager Sandi Mil ler, A3, Davell,. cock, 1215 Melrose St" a girl club president Ron Dowd, A'!, that members of Lhe editorial po:'t, Lh e rccord number or "Most students, and many Wednesday at Mercy Hospital. Vinton, Jerome Ryan, A3, Des and business staffs will be on Ha \\'k"ye subscriptions sold dUr­ townspeople," Iowa City Detec­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawr­ Moines, Hawk-I publicity cha,r­ hand to explain the jobs on the ing l'egl~tration Indicates a bi, Sgt. Emmett Evans said tlv.c ence, Coralville, a girl Wednes­ man, and two Dolphin cluh start openings. YC1I r ahelld Cor the more tmp Thursday, "don't realize there is day at Mercy Hospital. members. MISS Work also ~aid that po~i- 100 s!a fC members. a city ordinance prohibititlg Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morri­ parking on any street longer than son, North Liberty, a girl Thurs­ si~ hours." day at Mercy Hospital. E~ans made thii remark in p?1~ting out some of the city or­ DEATliS dinances that have becn most Louis Huetter, 46,. Calamus, HAND-SEWN MOCS abused since the influx .ot new Wednesday. stude~ts. . DIVORCE APPLICATIONS High on the list, he said, are Lolita Day from Arthur Day, WEEKEND ' S.URPRISE! i, p/lrkm,l ~fllailont '" . " ' both of Johnson County. Business district street signs . w,rn against parking between DIVORCE (JRANTEb 2',and 6 a.m. Loretta E. Sentman Crom Rich­ / ' • All City Streeb ard R. Sentman, both ot Iowa - uThe ordinance holds for an City. Iowa City s'treets, tl1ough," Evans ------waT'ned'. He added that fhe police dePartment usually allows 24 Relularl, hours before towing cars away: Wisconsin Tells of $6.95 M~ny ti~kets have been put on cars that have been left blocking Weekend Activities driveways, alleys, etc. In a letter to State University All alleys, downtown and rosi­ of Iowa Union Board President This Weekend Only dential areas, are restricted Bob Bateson, A3, Eldora; John parking zones, whether posted or Hobbins, president oC the Uni­ not. versity of Wisco nsin Union wel­ Sgt. Ed Ruppert said cars park­ comed all SUI students to the • ed in. alleys "longer than is nec­ football game on Saturday and essary to load and unload" will PARKING like this may make you a non· conform 1st, but It rnlrbt put a dent In your pocketbook. An outlined plans tor the weekend. be tagged. Iowa City ordinance specifically problblts parkin&" In an ande parkin&, space wlt~ the rear wbeels Friday night a top Madison Leti Wheel • jazz band will play for the "Kick­ He also reminded drivers that ______to tbe curb. -:- ______-:=- _____ off Ball" with the "Ball Parisien" they will receive tickets if they billed for Saturday night. park wIth' the car's left wheels Both dances will be held in a'~ainst the curb, or back info Greal Hall or the Union. Bngle >parking, stalls. OffiCials Step Up Publicity A movie, "Twelv~ O'Clock ' "Parking in either manner in­ High" with Gregory Peck, will volves crossing the center line," be playing from noon to 10 p.m ., Smart SU [owans love their Friday through Sunday, in the Ruppert explained, "and that I ~ suft, unlined sflugness .. , in viot tion ot a city ordinance." Play Circle or the Union. \.' the so·flf'xihle oil'S. In Ea~ing praees in the Union w.\1I Community Chest • Drive ,J • Ruppert had this advice I'or Perfect skirt nnd swe.ltcr be open to serv.c students in the mate in bruwn, beige, red, or dr~v()rs who lire trying to se!l By IVARS LlEPINS cafeteria, the R ath!)keller and the black smooth leather t!,leir cars: "You can display a Community Chest officials are of Journalism, is in charge of the opportunity tQ give to the Georgian Gt·iil. Tbe Breeze Ter­ 'For sale' in the car while you and bl
