Lesson-6 The Coastal Plains and the Islands

 Long answers

Q1. Describe the location of the coastal plains.

A1. The location of the coastal plains are-

A. - Lies between the Bay of Bengal and Eastern Ghats. It extends from West Bengal in the north to in the south. B. Western Coastal Plains- Lies between the Arabian Sea and . It extends from Gulf of Kutch in the north to Kanniyakumari in the south.

Q2. Write a short note on Lakshadweep.

A2. Lakshadweep- Island lie in the Arabian sea. Kavaratti is the capital. The islands are made of coral deposits and spread over an area of 110 square kilometres. It is the smallest Union Territory of .

Q3. Where is Mumbai situated? Why is Bombay High important?

A3. Mumbai is situated on the coast. It is also known as the city of dreams. Bombay high is important because large deposits of petroleum have been found in the seabed near Mumbai.

Q4. Which Union Territory was under the French rule? Write a short note on it.

A4. Puducherry was under the French rule. It is a Union Territory. It lies towards the south of Chennai. It was at one time a French colony. Aurobindo Ashram attracts a large number of foreigners, especially French.

Q5. Why is the coconut tree called’ The tree of wealth’. A5. The coconut tree is called’ The tree of wealth’ because-

1. It has multiple uses. 2. Many people are engaged in preparing coconut products like (1) Copra (2) Coconut oil (3) Coir mats (4) Carpets (5) Ropes (6) mats (7) Bags  Shorts Answers –

Q1. What is Chennai famous for?

A1. Chennai is famous for silk sarees and Marina beach which is the longest beach in India.

Q2. What is lagoon?

A2. Lagoons- Are salt water lakes also called backwaters.

Q3. What is a port? Name any two ports.

A3. Port- Is a trading centre and a place from where ships sail. Two ports are –

1. Vishakhapatnam 2. Kochi

Q4. Mention two dance forms of Kerela.

A4. Two dance forms of are-

1. Kathakali 2. Mohiniatttam

Q5. Which state has the highest literacy rate in India?

A5. Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India.

Lesson – 8 Natural Resources

 Long Answers

Q1. How are Human beings destroying natural resources?

A1. Human beings are destroying natural resources by-

1. Overusing them 2. They are clearing forests to build factories, industries or houses. 3. They are killing forest life and destroying the woods to make space for ever increasing human population.

Q2. What are the uses of coal?

A2. Coal is useful in many ways-

1. It is used to run steam engines, factories etc. 2. Coal is also used in the production of glass, cement and steel.

Q3. Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources.

A3. Difference between-

A. Renewable resources 1. They are also called inexhaustible resources. 2. These resources can be replenished- (Renewed) or to fill up again. 3. Example – sunlight, air, water, plants and animals. B. Non-renewable resources 1. They are also called exhaustible resources. 2. These resources are available in limited quantity.(Cannot be replaced) 3. Example – Metals, coal and petroleum

Q4. How are plants important to us? Why are trees called green gold? A4. Plants are important to us in the following ways-

1. They give us food and oxygen. 2. Trees are home to many animals, insects and birds. 3. Plants provide shelter, fresh air and prevent soil erosion. 4. Medicines are made from the roots, leaves and barks (Outer covering or layer of trees). 5. Hence, they are known as green gold.

Q5. How can you conserve natural resources?

A5. We can conserve natural resources by-

1. We must not pollute air, water and soil. 2. We must plant more trees. 3. We must not hurt wild animals. 4. We must save electricity. 5. We must develop other sources of energy.

 Shorts Answers –

Q1. What are natural resources called?

A1. Natural resources are called ‘wealth of nation’

Q2. Name the states that are harnessing wind energy?

A2. Following states are harnessing wind energy-

1. Tamil Nadu 2. 3. 4. Kerala 5. 6. West Bengal 7. Rajasthan Q3. What is black gold?

A3. Petroleum is called black gold.

Q4. What is green gold?

A4. Trees and plants are called green gold?

Q2. Where are metals found?

A5. Metals are found deep inside the earth surface.