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The Eastern Mail (Vol. 12, No. 41): April 21, 1859

Ephraim Maxham

Daniel Ripley Wing

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Recommended Citation Maxham, Ephraim and Wing, Daniel Ripley, "The Eastern Mail (Vol. 12, No. 41): April 21, 1859" (1859). The Eastern Mail (Waterville, Maine). 612.

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MISCnSI^LAinSTY. (naff whom, in his yogib; yon restieetsd and ro^ vered ?’. Stfmellmss, instead of ingef, be teli n leart SISOWiraD SAUeHTEtt. ha Pat nehamed to own, steal to his tye; ami KIIQUIL TO ‘ THI piATmiDI. WABO.’ ev.en fall drtwn his cheek. Sotneiimes he left ■ ' *0»»nfnii). At rArth hilt determined to leave Ae ifoase; riornlAW early, Ur. 'Sandford re but ihest Pere all half dttdrmAatirtne; foirhrt (di^sd'kS before. emnly swqarHo-was prooteding.- wiA vio­ olosa Is the serf ant. ar to speak plsinjy to yOu. I love Lady The latter luAsd, and seemed da* iidn'^i *'bd imagined he would return oh be walked disconsolately (alm,ost .distraote.dly) ‘ There probability of his betrirtg ofi^ j alilda—or, perhaps, unacquainted with love, lence. sire the jferton (0 fttfre, tif nin'i hemht'd fm mllOhiiig day; took bis morhinb's ride, so across the fields, loDhiog .fepeatedly at h|s madam,’ Bushbrook replied; or if there was, ' Ob I my lord,’ cried Sandford, interrupting hat I (eel may bu only.pily, and if so, pity for.wWd regardless of his ojltioier, nud in grrtti iotaoWhet hiufon the road, at ehe'distance of , apd. wishing^ ihe'lime wopld stand still, I am perspaded that he wohld not resent it; b the most pleasing passion that ever poiaeased him, with his hands clasped in the mosi for- W^a»imiles fremjtba'caaile ti for^ since his pet> ttll .be was ready to go bs^ gthb his errand for yesleraay, when 1 am coiifideflt be knew a human heart, and I would not obange it for Vent supplication—’ Oh t do nM let me draw agiiRiion,.snid> , ‘Did he?’said abe—and again she lifted would gladly exchange for approbation/ '' '*''*'Ttih’* **"***'ihclinallon he madC with Ills knees bent qarncsiness, bade Ihe servant leave iht rtom'; l‘Ve8erte to wfbiCh his Toilgh behaVitW bad tearanoe ,ef ^bat respept wbioh he so power- up her eyes for a moment beiming with btipe towards the grotind, stopped Lord Etm#ood Ifod then said to the itra'ngef, a ' If you really feel compassion lor me, and t You mrty sptak before tbtee gentleaiien/ tjtilMly' giyen birth. Awd SandfbrdlWn bisfnlly .felt, oonld be aitempt. to enter it?—be and joy. t believe yon do, contrive some meant, by your insranlly. Hut though it broke in iipbfi.fals IWtidteHevlw;^ he bad fbrmed an fllibtfral ideh taw the indecornm, r/Molved not to be guilty The man iMltinlly lilrned pxfei-nad trtrtK* ‘ There ia something which we cannot yet answers to Lord Elmwood, to pacify him wiih- Words, it did oot alter one angry look-^rhis bled-'-A'etf,' id. prokirtg the tiqim jitefort fad ml?fihM ElblivioodW ' beiri though he tOOk Up of it, and yet walked on till he was within but define,’ eaid Rushbrook, ‘ that Iiord BlmWood out involving me in ruin. Hint at my affec- eyes darted, and his lips trembled with indig­ .|lw«> let bitt‘ khesr that his opihidii wllii a email orcbfrd of the door. Could be then struggles with ; but when lime shall have erad­ spoke, went ib At door to see if it psw ehtl— lions being engaged, but notfo whom; and nation. ■ " r. ' returned—yet still trembling, seemed mtwHIInjj iittghdi yet resolved to make him restkution retieat?—he wiqhed be cpuld; but he found icated ‘ add, that I have given my word, if be ®l* Sandfoid, in ordef to XppeXse 'blnf, bowed tqMk'dPWy WicasiOtt Hat offered. that be bad proceeded too far to be any longer. aod offered A withdraw, hoping to be reoallrtdr.' to Sire his errand. ii, ■ j Before hh could proceed further, Matilda low me a,short time, a year or two only, I will, ‘ Whathuveyottdont,’tried Lord BimPtoa, ; :>«liSiter of-bimself. The time was urgent; he was once more punk into deapundency, and He wished in vain.' Lord BImwood’a eyed during Aat period, try to disengage them, and Ihat yoh are fo.this (tfroi'f: Whhit hrtv'h jort «iffe 'dWpei^yoniouis 'but cotdhtu'tad Roehi, ■mit eithgf hgb?|d her, and iveolure her dis­ scarce attended to what he was saying. use all my power to render roysqlfjworthy of< followed him to the.door, expressive df lbe joy lone;man.?’ . . . ..m his hbree bed rode back with pleasure, or, by diffidence during one moment, ^ Miss iVoodley observing this, said, ‘ Mr. Hie anipn- for which he designs roe/ ,. 'hff should receive from his absence. ihtidferdlt yet,hHiidIdatCd by bis respect and give up all his hopes, perhaps for ever. ‘ Nothing, irtiy lord,’ replied he,' bui 1 nrti Bushbrook, let' it be a foken, we shall be.glad ' Apd ihjiuia not'only your solemn promise, The ' oompaliioiia and coUnSellord-hf Lord airtid I am going to offend you/ IhdffetilfelBs for’Lii'dy Hatildk, father than by With .the same disregard to ccmaetpiances, to see you hereafter, that I now use the firee- but your fixed,determination? ’ Margrave; who bad so prudently advised.gtn-- MidVeUititfs bf xsompahion, he had- not the whioh actuated him when be dared to suppli­ dom to beg you -vnll now put aH' end to your tle metbodo in the pursuit of his passiort, while ‘ Well; no matter I ’ (he ansPtifod'fortMMh ‘ Nay, why will my heart to the ly) 'only.go on, and lal me know yirar edwragCld'mtme'ber'till the ridC Wus jost'fin‘' cate Lofd Elmwood in his daughter’s bebalfi viqji.’. botiom, when Ae surface^ ought to-content there was left any hope of (heir success, now ♦•IW!j hdd'‘’fbey oamd Within a few yards of he eit length Went eagerly tp^tbe donr and rap- ‘ You send m® .SF®y> madam,’ returned be, you?’ ^ . cunvinoed there was none, at strenuously rec­ ne»®-’ J: M.. , ,, , ., ■' The mgh’a disirtss ihertateq, andhe feplfea tkbtiett'Sb^ Inbited Ibeb' by the apprebensioo, * with the warm'est thanks for the reception you '‘If you Cannot reiolye on what you have ommended open violence: and sheltered under- ib-ttlid^hot adod'Wgain siijoy M fit «n 'Opp'Or- . ^ serydut'came-nhe astted to f apeak with have given'me; aktd this last assuraheO of yoor the consideration, that Aeir deprCdaiionk werh in e voice Of g|tief Urtd affright, ‘ 'xoiir Child, mj* proposed, why do you Msk tbit lipe of }0ur lerdl' , filnRy,^hbft^lfid, . ” Miss W^dley, if she was quite,ajone.’...... kindness is beyotid any other favor you coPtil uncle? J^or should be alloiv it you, your diq- to he prapiised upon.'n defenoeleie woman, who .t'^rdeH hie', Mr. Ssndferd, if f guess where He was shown into an apartment,,and Miss have: bestowed.. Lady Matilda,V added he, had not one pirote.Clor, exeepi an old priest, the Bushbrook and Sandford starttd; ana ttftli pbedien'ce at the expiration will he less par­ iog at Lord Elmwood, sap him turn w.hjft rti bbUhitve bdett, and if my curiosity forces nfo Woodley, entered to .him. ‘ suffer mq to take your hand at parting,, and donable than it is now.’ Bubjeclof their lidicUle; assured likewise (rom Wlbfiafre fef’Miss Woodley s'and Lady Mi- 'Bhe sfaiied when jshe hCbcld who it was; the infiueneh of Lord MargraXe’s wealth, that death. Ip n trerouloqs voice be insiaqily tried; let it be a testimoDy that you acknowledge me ‘ Within a year, Mr. Sandford, who can tell iVlial of her ? ’Sind rose from hit qrntt/^^ toda^C health?’ but as he did not see S'frown upon her face, for a relation.' all'inferior conseqiiOnoeS 6outd be overlmrne, what strange events may not wtCur, to change Bneommged by ibt qheftibb, end tbtf Hgm- ■tie named MtSs Woodley first, to prolong he canght hold of her hand, and .said persua- She put out 'her hand, which he knpitio re­ all our prospects ? Even my 'passion may de- they saw no room for feare on arty side; nod 8iyely>. ,1.. wbat they wished to eXrtoule they wiA oare tioD of hifo PbO tsktO it, the poof tehn gaUrt lllti time before be mentioned Matilda: for ceive ' hot did not raise it to his lips>-4ie held ill"®*’; ■ ■ • - way to hia feelings, and nnspered with, tvtr||f ||blit«gh'fo'hame her gave him extreme pleaS' '* Dp ,not,be offepded with me. If i'mean the bPon loo sacred—and looking earnestly ;‘ In - that expectetion, ibert, the . failure of and skill premeditated. ittf, yet'it wWU’B ipICasure aocompaoiCd by coO' to hffeqd; yoh, may. 1 forfeit my ||/ia In alone- Upon it, as. it lay pafe 'and wan in bis, be VFhen their iicbh'me was mature'fof perform­ sign of sorrow; , which yourself must answer for, t will repeat ‘ I saw her; my lord, isksn aPUy by fords-— fnidn'an'S'pkin. ' ' ,nientj.’,.„,...,/ breathed onO sigh over it, and Wiihdrewi as much of Ait discourse's sb;^l be proper.’ ance, three of his chosen companions, and three • '‘'They are’ both vCry Well,’replied "Sand- Boor Miss Woodley, .glad in her solitude fo Horiovfui and affecting aS this'interview Hera Bushbrook communicated his having servants, trained in- all,the villantfos exploits two ruffians seidra and carried her dway; rihilt fM,' at least they did 'not COmplain they were see tiny phS from Elmwood House, forgot bis had been, Rushbfook, as he rode 'home, re­ been to see Lady Matilda, for which Sandford of their masleys, set off for the bshilaiion of •bo‘Streamed In vain to fat for'help', tha looked like ont in dltlfUCiiOH/ . •Wk’,’ visit was an offence, till he put her in mind of flected upon it with the most inordinate'delight; reproved him, hut in less rigordu's terms than poor Matilda, and arrived there aboot (be twi­ it t she then said with some reserve, and bfld he not seen, decline of health,';in the he generally used in his reproofs; a'bd'Rush- light of the evening. Man, what, do ybu hiturt cried tlA tfifk ‘‘'They sire not in spirits, 1 suppose ? ’ said Lord Margrave,’ replied the.pfraddqf, ‘ PX Btishbrook. ' ,* Tell me the purport of your coming, sir, Ih'oks and behakior of Lady Matilda, his felici­ brook, by'his entreaties, now gained Ae irttel- Near lour bohrs after Aat lime (just at the and perhaps i may have no reason to qpm- ty bad been unbPPnded. Entranced in 'the family were joirtg'to bed) they q'ame u'p to the bavt ho doiibt; has.formed this plbt^ne hrtt /•'KC, indeed:’’ replied Sandford, shaking bis ligenqa who the nobleman was who addressed for tomb flmt {wst beset the house Itheft ihfi hind, •' plain.’ happiness of her society, the thPdght of his Matilda, qnd Oil Wbat'1ie'#t .i hill was rqstrairt- doors of the bouse, and rapping violepily,'gave *No'rie'W 'mlsfortonehas happened, I hope ? ’ ‘It was to see Lady Matilda,’.he replied; ‘ Or rival never came onCe to his mind'While he ed to paliecCe, by. SRndford’s arglimenti* and (he alarm of fire, colouring all Ae inbabiiants lived I aod when his vltlia word - fefustd; hi to health. . It was tO offer my ser­ was with hef-t ft want of recollection, however, to make their Way out immediately, as,, they thrertened Ais; Besides; otto of .h)s ftftitnU CHed'tiiiihbroOk V forit ‘was plain to see Sand threats. sliqnded Ae tarriaga; Jl saw, xhd .hoe.w.hifo.f Ittrd's spirits were 'u'ousoaliy cast. down. - vices—it was, Miss Woodley, to convince her, he by no means regretted, as he.r whole appear­ Dpod the subject of this mafHsiie, Sttndford Would save their lives. if possible, of my esteem.’ . ance contradicted every sUipjclonbe Cdifid poS- The fiimily Consisted of teir persons, all of Lord EMwood liiiened to the iMt pnrt of ' '• Nothirtg'new,’ returned be, ‘ except the in ifiqt his pHroni wUhbut having determined ex­ this aoeoun't with' ttetoing 'fibmphtrtrti—iheh; tfolenc'e'of W-young tibblem'an.'’ ‘ Had you no other method, sir ? ’ said MisS sibly entertain, that she'fPVPred' tbd addresses actly what to say ; hut rested on the temper iu whom can iasiantly lOti^be doorh and opened turning hastily to Bushbtook; fat fold; <:> '‘'What ndblertiBn cried Eushbrook. Woodley,, with the same resei^vq. of arty living man—and had be retfleinbered, which he should find him. them; oo which two men rushed 'in, and with ^ IIJ loVer of Lady'Matildls’s,'' replied Sand- ‘None;’ replied he.‘ of with joy I should he would opt have dared,to. name the inbject.- At: the' coffliinence'irtsint, of the conversation the plea of saving Lady .Matilda from the ‘ Where are my pistols, Harry 7 - bjsye embra'ced it-; and if you could inform roe The time, ran so swiftly while bh wns'away, he told him,' Bushbrook begged for time.’ pretended flames, caught her in,their arms, and 3andford, forgot, at this instept, nil; ihft pHt Ibiif, {{er (hUi fadd pgishd her when him slud Ae ertfli ‘Rirthbrook was petrified. ‘Who? Wbat of aii.y Ollier, tell me I'heseecb .you instantly, that it Was beyond (he dftmer hbtfrat Blirtwopd 1 hove eiVco hjm time, have t not ? ’ cried carried her off; while 'all thedecnlved people iand 1 will immediately be gone, and pursue House when he'teturned.'. Heated';'bis. Lord Elm'whrtdl 'f What 'canhe thO'mertning of Ae house, ronolhg eagerly to save them­ lie rushed towards him, aod gfupiiiif bis.tianfl) IdWsK'Mr. Sandford ?—explain.’ dried, ' . _ 'Tbey'Were' how arrltreo at the house ; and your directions.’ and bis hair disordered, he entered thq dining of his thus trifling With me ? ’ selves, bald no regard to her ; till, looking for Miss Woodley hesitated. room, just as-the dessert was.put rtpon the tablei the cause fet which Aey hrtd bcen tcrrifleditbey * Will you then prove yourself n fo^r 7 ’ - tiatidford, without making any reply to this dsifiiford .repliqd',‘ 'M^ lord, yofine men are Lord Elmwood ooly aniwerhd, ‘ Ige/ok 'pf outli- row, while iiilT were made auatere.hy th|||Mlf- love wilr make him happy in banishment, in petrified whii horifor.' Sbh uiid‘'‘'n'o 'idd'h,bt rssiofM to, liherty. , Hoibbrobk in kairt erttrbatedLord BHH- ipg cisfiilP pay.,,!., ij:.?...... ju same cause.j ,!. ,1- . ; poverty, or in sioknM»r it makes ihe poqt PAo whO'WM ikO'pofipoteMur'of'Alt' WiebtefoaM'; wOhd; lie laid ids i^eobflrtaMfg opoq him not &.them*fent. . ^ .■ At this instant g bell rang from.the chamber ‘Where have ybii 'heeh rsaid hiS "uncle Happy'as the rich,,the fool blessed (as. Ae .p.fse/ hut how eras She Ijpfrtllrtv?: hrtw effiset * Hfo, with a frown. The siiiqeriiy wiA which. Lord Ejmwood bad cue ?’ i-- 1 ; got g qiep. from the chsilel; ^wbile Ap sybalifoi •f Hoyt,, do, you do,' Sandrof^. ? ’ C^'d Lord above. • ;v ■ . , '.I . of.l)iaopn^p|ii{d,, was,too,great too^urv.# thq W(^ifed with:for. aKtreine the journey kindness; whipli, as it Ifwas, be tfbat,.u, Lady; Matilda’s. bell,’ said.^ Miss A chase, my lord, I beg your paidpn-r'but loved was expressed, as pc to|d' .thls, mbfef' The 'hirciifoiiiiance or iiils ekefil/lll toon .as Woodley;. bshe is coming totake .sbpri walk, a pack of .dogs | unexpectedly met/- Fur in than in words. ' . ; ■ . the people bad UfoV'lb'' eklt Op ibeir Feodllec- rigor of this aeotenos.on bis n^bew: . , . g bo yen wish, ip see her ? ’ . the hackneyed art of lying withorti' injury Ip ' .‘ .Your loiiltblp r«; talking,’replied Sandfoird, lion, were sent' fo xmelghboiriBg mbgiilrrtd i During hasiy pfeffuraiirtns for Ah ein’S'dht y, ji|(e auspeoted ho had peen taking. , . [>ariurc„Sandiard feoeived ffom MiSs ffrthdt am‘indifferently wetl, my .lord :’ replied Though it was the first wish of bis heart, any. one, Brt'sbbrook t6' his shame, waS profi­ ‘of the pasMon in.ltaniost refined and predomi­ but little could behopedicom.lhal. Who was be paused, apd qaid,,‘ Wil| you plead my ex­ cient. ('■■■' nant sensq ; while 1 may posaihly be speaking to swehe to the rohbev ? ' Who OitderMkh io ley the sad foUfiligenen orPliaf had tihertfoed f hit fM ih face of deep ^ *1®*' ‘P,anit«er ASecortpgnanhhr fcU. pje, pnHIy, in graUtode for bti pairqp a cuse?.*- :' ...... His excuses were received, and the qn^ect of a rtiere. pbantoirt, which has led this young find him out? Hist Woodley thought of Rdslit- iwli'yr •pd. pa^tly, in reprowii % ,^ls ictpp|ty. As ibe .^Igbt was but short, which Matilda ceased. • ffl'tdf iistray.’ brOok, of Sendfordt of Lqrd Elmeood-TrhMl for,all she, jiad .suffered ott, (hg sad.oticiiUlba,,, wff.notVw till thq evening, ;that Bosh- had to come down, she was In the room with During his absence that • day,'Lord Elm­ ' ‘ Whatever it<.b*,l«Miti*ned Lord ElmWbbd, what cOuld shit hemp from ibe went of power Within i sfahrt hour Lord BImPhtid set o^ji^ igwk had an opportunity of renewing-ibe con- Mill. Wpndley phd Mr, BushbrbokI just ab (bat wood had called fiandford 'apart, aiid'said t6 ‘-let him and his friends weigh (he cate well; in ibe twb fofinerT-^wbdi ffdm the la(ier,'fbr cbmpafiled Af his guide, the fafihef^ atnf btUbS aitonidartts furhisbed with ehery reduisiig I0 ' Whifh tad been so. painfully jnter- sentence, enfi.ed,. him, that as (he malevolenoe wjiteb.he oaca and act for |lie,beati-rso shall 1/' . 4 ' want of will 'NoV Sihplfled, end rtOtr dlS- She had stepped bqyond the door of the- observed between him and Bushbrook had, I His friends^ my lord ?,, What friends, Uf trXoirtd; she wrtUied rtboni the boese inoement- Bsesrtain ib« Moeess>. Of their entOrpsiSh.a.f ffUlrtke evening, no longer able,to sop(mrt apartment, when, perceiviiig a visitor, she. has­ be perceived subsided, lie advised him', if. he what'lViertd has hh upon' earth bill you ?' Ifi heggirtg for instruoiiOfoa hoiq to aet, or bow while .toor. HiltX thought her (folitqfot tily tpulidreyr- t was a well-wisKOr to (he young man, to soUnd : ‘ Then why wih'hertw'aubmit th my afivlce'i to forget her (UMery. . > high, much less thai .her deliver, sbqpld nfo ||i|B suspense; Into wMoliJia thrownwi'h' hef nAhr; [ro Ox honH^.M jptdj.fear,or shame, he,followed .Sandfoijj into , jEushbifbok, antmMcd, though trembling at his heart, and coUrtsel him not to aof against or himself give me n prhper -t-easiM why be can­ A tenant oi Lord^ Elmwood’s, pho occupied ^• .ehambBr at. the litne of.his retiring, and en- her presence, crioid,‘Lady Matilda, do qot the will of bis nearest relation and friend. *'1 not.?,.’ ■ ' ' :l„„. ■ . i a little farm'near'tb'''ibat where'Lady Matilda tio Hoiiin pitihouT A , ,, J - IfflPtfd.Ml hiia, with bltlheanxieiy l.esoffered, avoid met fill 7®^^ know.that 1 deserve such a myself am too hasty,’continued Lord Elto- ^ Eeoaoqe there ma^r he friefidshtp: without lived, and who was welt acquairtidd with the Upoh it; reader. In h'liy or oohhtry; yohe 'wfeill) pppisbment.’ ■ , wuodj ‘ and' unhappily, too - much d'SterMiiied familiarity. aDd so’iViq betw.qen him and you,’ whole bisiory of her and her Bfoiher’e misfor­ is ' radically. IncbtOfrlrth wltUsui^g gttridOfHf •to explain bis allpsion, w hen pe ta|ke,9 of.a Upon wbht I have once (though, perfaapSi rash, loyet, and nf Intolonpe fo |j8dy,Matilda, 'She iromedlalely saw who it, was, and re- ‘ 'That eSnifot le't for 1 bavO condestfshded tunes, was returning frotis a aelghhoring fair, garden fob plresurc and • gardert for-! j^dwh*! lufned. .hack wtjJi a proper pride, and yet a lyjsaid, to speak upon rt topio W*here it fo prob­ to talk to him in .Ac most Jamiliar term*,’. a garden, in which a few flup«cs| nt leMi.pMrif ,, Saiidford .yeeitig' hts, emotion, was angry able I'Shallmeet with opphsilion. ' You^tiand. just Bji Ibis inhuman, plan .pas ppt ioqxeQUlion. .yrith bira^f Ihst hp had itiadverjently men- proper ppliteness iii her manner, ' To oendeaeend, my lord iq hot to be famll- He beard ihe cries of a women A distress, and offer you the itthenie rtf their fregrafito dUii ttiqped the circuin.siance ;> and P^tifig ,en an •I beg yppir pardon, sir,’said she, ‘ I did ford, can reason with moderation.' ‘ 'For after r.’ fotlOrted the sound, lilt be'arrtved af a chaise beauty, artd a gardeft In Pbich Inihga MifUl not know youVl was afraid I iDiru4ed upon all that I have done fokcny' rtephew,'it wbuld ‘ Thert-cbine, sir, let ds he bn an equal foot- in hailing, and saw Matilda .placsd trt It, by nod ’tasteful shnil grofo for 'jirouf Ahtlti ‘ Bhety wlrpf Anfiy i.mporiance, desired, if he .had any bax pity to forsake'him kt laSiand yet, Ihkt tbUsiness with binjj that he would call in the Miss Woodley and a ilranger,’ inig Afotigli you.'' And W^W' sphak' obt h{$ the side of'two men; wlio presented piatbU to mentberof tbehouieitold*fhoOl#lii«fOn1wteft ‘ You do not then consider me as a stranger, la' but loo likely, if he should prOVoke tao 'ld it.’ tpraghts freeiy,'and'ttear'in>rte'id:feiarn/ . him, as he offered to.iepproscb and exposiu- est in An gnrden,in' sham fodto’; pMOirtfOmmrt •' ' "Exa^idted also aBexpootedW reception, Lady M®t>W*? ®"^ ®®ft. requires “Sir,’rejiHed Saodford;’1 will spkrtk tfi Why Ihen, hq ,hcgs iq re«pite,.for • year or •■tet and qafe. Ttfo hposO it psiry Pill fo Pdyi. SgaMat'ltfo pain of his ditappoiniment, Bush- iPy w.armeqt acknowledgpjenis.* him.’ IWO,^ • .14. ..'1 u i The farmer, though onotrlain who (U|- ife- bfft thb gdrdeh dhI iis.offiee, md Adi ihef jf farook repliedi sMc treated hinii orublly.aob Ehe eat:4qwn, at |f pvercom!?i,^y 'Yet,’:added Lord Elmwood, sternly,‘Ido ‘Chi'what preteDi^’' , . mete pat, yet, w'eiit to'Ae house •lih bid'heeii impbrlbnf 'onrt,^ itilrifstertbg tp Ah netti(U dntl WNHiia !hd*'stir Cut Cf hisTOons.'tiU he had re* and ill health- • ■ • ■ not urge,wh(>hJ.®® kFH for'his V'To .iite.'it WtM ptdferortert of a singtb fife-.- tAen IV.qin (as- Ae nearest) with the" tale' of i boOAbrtid. 'FnAhrabffforiib!- Miss. W.oqfiley .now;aqVecl Rushbrooh to sit, own, I can part from him with eBie,-pur be h'ut I spsptfdt it is-^Wbat Ite itnaginea to be what he bed sepn; and Aere,'.h<|ing informed er, Bessy nnd dobn. thooid ea«h' hohirtbrtlU fo ■WOlked'waatidfBotory answer to hih sjoeslion.’ may ibert '‘repent, and, you IkitoW, fepkolCDoe f .s Itbew 'hrifig' yCne ibod,! replied Sandford^ for.till ,pow.she .ha4 not, le»e<)-and Ifor ooroe. obgoot.'Whom bo tbiaki iti.pas Lhdy MltlM® Fhom be had beheld, this lbe.-gardea a por^ of aptmtfoof fet Ifod of Hkwsfohwiay pass the whole night , here,’ it had pie atid biher frnii trees;'frtyb l|ji ‘ And everything I hav0 said r ’ asid Bush- niter'bappentd—brt to Itendford it Pm oMwK bSiNfhrd had namCd f intOlatiw,’ kc was Simefatber’'j— die to iMoi on, whrts that wbleb I perhaps Mf. JtnlA ooiistltiitofongatA. Sff^^hev what had appanaadahto bim| ‘ Oh 1 oh 1 ■ ofjed she iDterrupliog him', with brook hditlly. ‘ V thonld ft^, miotic offend ydrt iff h'iar ' wise-^Aoi teselumrtAfiAmt Mli|y Atook Fhleh indicated the bitterest. s.pgqjah.. ‘ As. to What' you have 'said, I don't know * To wbnt, and whither are yoo ehanging at ilto linse U life rt||ifi*arhMlwdd» Us heart; , ‘ not let me add to yppr pfiestsihess,’ whnihor b baa made iBprasaiflaaMgh on my onr IntjoM’ff'eried-Lptl^ ItilAwMd, ‘'Hot, and dnielt«ppii,liiiwgiMl> JmisAniih dhyn; g*i^B>ite'qlBaa'ot"biaalwoo<»^‘t * while I am attempiteg to allevl- jaemor/t ‘0 enable, me to irqpeat air, if you hooilk.mir reaoaifiil^afod : rehrtilcU during phinh« h» fostfoMynniW^ sichaMilg ^ ItJ Jnstroot me what I can db to show ray ‘ I am glad i* bes .nol,’ ‘ , a Perd PUh hi^4Kl MenAMte* detuW- ■ ■ t;j|ofdt'«aswi»o*t ^ ktaaledlatW lemMr, yesi MKl* mtow bow iq,’ ' kloiylirWI hlar W*d» and glb- esteam and respect, rather than permit me ‘ And-my answer lb your undteU to'IW lim­ * Not, and afteakplaioly.* ; lions of beinfuidlUP ^ ^ lBtHifetBlmrjlt.tif Haia aagaUtsd, to r«ih pponi .wha* yo* ■ may ply, Art you vqlll rtoi obiy bfab'?.^'''' ' : *Than'dlMaeible.’ aoMtne Mcr^i had anagawMS^f . rl iiMuM hepoi Ur.-Swdford,'ll»t. you * No, ifttimit dditliWv-lMt .ra'hodll^.' ipietoaMteapoht- sHihonr dhffi«ilfydM-|tR st4%*im£fod«'- tlflhkaaktait ftw- Mlie'-Woodlew' we»t to Matilda, wtoiidoxprqrtH fehrttettertw-v; ,/;i. . i Mt offn'^ ‘ Toll we thb.lormi, apd J >*111 he exact.’ mordrldrAafoMig^tomh'thMr fomol)x frtte'p m(ii>foh"Ml4‘- P 'S ddlfolMilrT If- f>.'’ ^ %

Zi, 1839.

------■ ■* ...... vessel, while (Mre itphlained from a large, started ofi again, f travelled .1)111 jnto .Tbmfbrance, Aimdrb**—Ticonio Divis- < Buy old Ash-bhrrels that will hold water. In my friends, 1 here yet soen A tiaine spreading surface Hence the true philoib- St. Sihephens’, I ifas taken (bare gnd {rt'du|ht ion, S.‘’«f have engaged Rev. H. C. Leon­ (he bottom of each there will be about half a erected to the .msmury of s man who bat de­ €|f €mkm Jtiaii backihtre, and that is why.I am hsrflh^^ 1 butbel of salt: put them in some convenient voted bis life to making money 1 ^^e af- phy of shallow, flaring milk pans. A praotiee ard, oLtkiw place, to give a public address upon KPH. MAXBAM, J hAN’L B. WINS. originating in ponnecticut, for obiaining^tbn killed Albert (his nephew, a boy ten'’imrs place under shelter ; fill them wHh urine : wet fluenos of suol) a mao must ^ hie only oea- ■DIT0R8. largest quantity of cream f^rom milk, is meet­ old ;) I killed them all. 1 think l^tfidn't ^ke the sul^ect of temperance, on Friday evening, your ashes with this, and when you p|ant corn solation. He will be hoi^o^rea in |ife-^D( in ing the approbation' of ‘many sensible dairy Albert on the bead. I struck biiV.on the-'inde at 7 1-2 o’cWk, in' the Baptist cburcb. Air. put a small handful to tf-bill. It will add death he is forgotten; for he jia^ left tohihll WATERVILLE .. . APR. 21, 1869. women in this vicinity. New milk strained' of the face wiifi the maul. HUdidn't sVnil^le Leonard addressed the Division* few weeks grpaily to the crop. Also* qse the liquid to him nothing (o exalt his race, or hobpr'lbe bju then. I beard him make a noHe afiertkard. pour on the ground between the rows of beets tore pf the divinity within him, beyond j^ttf AG mi a I OR TBS MAIL. into common pans, and alter standing twelve since, and the society were so well pleased liours is carefully placed over a kettle of warm He was lying on ihs bed bat I don't know as and other vegetables—making a trench to con­ the greatest boor who obeyed him for f * eb^ 8. M PBTTBNaiI.L fc 0« ,7(*wi|MiMr Agnta, No 10 State with his disoourse that arrangements were KtfMt, IkMtoQ, and 119 Nammi ttmat. New York t m** Acentg for water, and brought as nearly as' possible to he was asleep. 1 don’t know how the shav­ tain the water, so as not to have it comre in aideratidn.’ Think pf It 1--N. Y. Merou^. iIm SMfent Miilf and art aoUiorlitd to rtotlTt AdvtriltemttiU the temperature of very new milk. It is then ings came in the box. They were there made for its repetition as^above. There is a contact with the crop, for it ia sure death aad.9cittoripdont at the taat rattt at rtqnlrtd at UtU oAot. A Low E8tim a tru^k belonging Spring is at-jiand, with its swelling beds, intu the water. 'Whefl w* lekrn music,* said wejl says: ’ ^ TUB ATLANTIC MONTHLY, a ftS magssint, and the Kabt- and singing birds. The plow yet rests, but PrdfeSsor, ‘ we do not learn it by rote. We ■aM klAit, one year, for • • • - td £0 some very ealisfacinry statements in regard to to my mother, by the side of the bouse, in He tpld the twslvp intelligeal men lihfim the kitchen. 1 took all the money in the anoilier w'eek will bring it into the field.— do not commit it to memory, but we take Ub HARPKR'8 MAOAZINK,at8|>eriiKllosI,ahdUht bAi^rsM the course of studies prescribed by the Com­ instrument and learn to play upfm h. ,Wben him that if. an action for damans wo* Mail, one year, fbr •••••• - ftSfiO trunk — fif'een dollars in gold an'ditlie rekt, all Rouse ye, farmers; for the festival of seed the only, redress agaiast the udu)tere|:,>^^ Q01>BT*8 LADTH BOOK, a M magadne, and the BAsrsan mittee, the motion pending at the adjournment but iwoqenis, in bills. I kqcw that my moth­ ire wonld study natural biktofy, initead 6f Mail, one year, fbr . . > ftSOO lime is at hand. Ply your hands merrily, and bodks, let us take speeimenb^-stones, mineral*, wives Jived in 4 yery perilous atmosphereiAM PXTKRSON>6 LADIES* NATIONAL MAGAZINE, a *2 pt of the former meeting, which wAeio forbid the er kept ipotip^ of my' brothers.' I don’t knbw they might as well let the infamy come Jrt^cgvt rtodieal, and the KASTtst Mail, one yea^, for ^ B2 76 leHi'hing of the languages in our High Scliools, us the little boy had liluiiey. 1 searched the ^lanttor Thanksgiving.' crystals. Whan we wonld study plants,^ lei n* LADIES’HOME MAGAZINE, (Atiliur’s) a 92 periodioat go to (lie plants themselves, and not td the he next stated that woman-w^i tba amaLf^ and tho Eastbeii Mail, ont yfir, for ... $2 «6 wus indefinitely postponed. The Agent rho.en tiunk after I set thp shavings on fire. No, I Tun Waveblt Novels.—A few weeks ago vessel. That her, name was frailly, auastkill am too fast ; I searched it before 1 set Ibe'flre, books describing them. When we Would TOVTa*8 CASKET and PLATMATE,a$l JoTenlle moD|h- la-t week having declined, Mr. Joseph Perci- wo made a-ooti^ of the cheap edition of these study ^animals, let U* observe animals; aud the strong arm' of t,he husband was needeil hh ly, and the Eastieb Mail, one year, for • > >92 00 and after I hud killed them all. I searched val was chosen in his stead, oelubrated works, now in coOrss of poblication when we Would sthdy geography, let Us not re restrain 'her .within Jbe path* of recilttMe; my brother's trunk. 1 have been too last and, so oDx^lhrougb bis entire addr^M,])* Sabbath Schools^ Waterrilla. again. The light was on the table burning by T, B. PetersoQ & Co., Philadeipbia ; and sort to maps and (ext-booksi-but lake a class -- Twp resolutions were then introduced and of cblldreh and go into the fields and look over constantly implying that tbe general ehai;im(*)g| The vigorous effurl,, t\liich for some lime passed by an evetwbolming majority—one of when I went in and struck my brothers. After the appearance of * Keniltoorth,' the fourth ef woman waa aueb that a libertine bad

'IftiMK'l ■ r 'j ■ j- lUiiHMly&ii

Ci)t €d0ttm . 2

«BB miSTBBir HAIL, OREAVpBALri r- YM Wfeetilei A krileon Medal NotzD Wottkn.—The National AVo ft is^not for WIGS I WIGn.l WIGS! Onat RwitiitiBilil the generaljon among whom Ellaabeth ’ Browning has Balcbelor'a Wiga an, 'renpeee antpwa ait Wjr itii *|T Hlf i.KdU t ^ /amUs Sritd0|)aptt, ov__ „ A « ___ fid«.S.rd ' FAAilLY SKWlNG MACHINJRl, ipng, and Charlotte BronteBr““*----- spoken,• *’ and Hiirriet...... H.Snfer tlagan-.SUght.aa.y and dnrable. Da. UTTLEriELD'S 'Dry Goode, Carpetings, Feathers/ Grtatsijf, ^ k* insoiteiy iapotter to aii eihtt#. li chiselled, ftnd Rosa Bonhctir painted, and Mtrv Lycn Fiuipgio ncbiwni—no tiirnlnf np behind -no shrinking off the bead; Indaeathls la tha only dstaBUsiiunmt arharathase OBISRTAL BAIM China, Glees,BritennlaendFlated Wafe. '1 i« b pnbltihed •rery TbOndiXi bf taught, and rlof^nde Nightingale lired, to d^pair of I a nw itri* to attend at firry dollars. woman's aobffttemeDtof her highest deitiny. things aia properly and.rsttfod and saado —TM— ittAjcHAni AND iriNo, 1y2$;" . ' 28t------BshddnCy, NSw Toik. DOWN BAHT BKMKDV B. T. KLDKN & CO. U80. n. DAVItt A BRO., Anilll. Cor* ihti PofAXo R6t.—Mr. Robert French of East 4 EE hard op fn mtktr, and) haVtof a kinr. .iock of On I 88 Hxchango ftlvoet, • • • * • rofririftd, Sfr. IlDMOltBUOP THB HO.'HAiO'VfTBM. FOR ALL FAIH.' toc^ In store, hqfe derided to give their > ^, XDII<^BA1IBPB0FKIBT0BB, tlayerhiit, No U., statee that the Mtato grown frodi It fi we I known ihat tUsJiiieee of tHo Wady ara'gov«rned bv FV ' aboTc o.m.d M'nd for a oiteular.______dlAWs^ bIWAb AaW h«A^a« i d_s.... a Try ni Bditle ani^ If relief be odiMaimteabMM It of tbe lUfd Tim4^ by ftlllnf Ml kinds OTOOEMES g^EE^VBiaM- At i^'9 Building, Main Strttt, Watervilh. sehd that bad bihn soaked bgehbbr in bitfe vitriol water, namralttwB snob aangdlaio the TegetabloUh latM «ltan|ja ttol gireri, r4t«irn yeur hot* Of (obdt ' will hot rrt. His recipe fa ‘ ohe.fodrth of a pound of ofseMons tie and get yoar quarter blue vllriol dissolved In three parts of tfatar: out the In winter the;[■her are eongeeled, or In common perhitifce the At Heldil _at Wkelesale Price*, »p Is down,' the pores and gnr whole body It herd emt Brm, TefhnAid. PnrebaTCr. »t. In.llad to *6tmtut our good* ttrf pnow .ad i. f. CAEFBEY x#B. tixltatai, DAM’t B. traletoes end soak them in the a'olmloH oni hour, and This Balm 11 an hufiTotemeat thenjilant them. They will germicate' riiadily,' aiid enif eecfimnletlOn ofimpniltoetekei piecefn.onr system. Jodg. for themnW**. , E. T. ELDEN A CO. pESPEOTrOU-X lote^a Aa* eWSwo* of Tne geoUl InRoSooe ofhprlng caaso An eipenilon of all on his Magnetio Urotrifler. lb otain Uaat h« tfM oSnhadol th* ft«»kjb fiad. ^ TEttM*. theif yinea Will niJl blast, not their tnbefs tot.’ Try it Notice to'Boad Bnilders. J * ir.FBBUiyALyoi.MainMiMl.^a. “Vriliy?-*! In a small way. UTing iMtter. tim M|l riles fn Tege^bU ltfr,also tMe jacee of R EX* ■'••eV^VdAM, wd M4ln miMi.d If paid In adTanc*, or, within bn«'isoiitb, <1.60 9“* and dnter j^nto tbe common eJrCtilAtioa BALM Is oarefully com- ROPOSALS vlll b*i4c*lT*dontnMayltt.,'S>r knping io P, Isted'e; OM having Just relQvnea■ iA m Batto* wfi&' trteigd ThisfTlatw isto ftm. Iftw WA't6 which etefy_f* ahnmfth__ P ‘ nbring a .Is snhl^;a a . and..... the ^ ..poundedfromRerbabronght (tons______toMafortBetaMteft, be lanovnoir pi'.]ter*d to oCtr paid within ifz iobBtihi, ' ■ i 1.76 In atahlean at Bmnswl6k(th, Telegraph sabs ’ tha n-WAribu...... _u . Fmisery. ropdlr to* lto«.l* *ad Eridgw in iV*t*atervllle, for one or negleet of it has oftuSed ft whole sdlnmer o t hunt ..... ftmmthaOrWnUl Lands,and{s fo'nrP ynra, tn ^UOD No S,-wbioh iMlndn th* E*-41U^% Vilteg.,Village, paid within theyaar, ■ - • . 200 kissing scbne rfas omftied, Bnd iBwstrifled behind tbd Rrow— Is (he time to■ apply- a remeoy thiit elkassls and starches ■IXTALBAUI. adapted to intcmaland eitemst god dectlon [ One of the JBett Attcriment* curtain,’ -----A------. ... -- Pains, sueh asHradacbe,Too(h.«ohe,Rir.aBhe,Neuralgia,Rbeu. Section No 14. which Is tbe Mutton HIM district, ewy fibre end pore, and eradleates erery patUeie attd sedldsent No. IQVWhleh is the liainiSridge iUpwMl dietriot; and tim, for ' of tond* to U teaad In town. H* Intoodi to k*.f aoaalaadlr 07* Kbit l^indi bf (^nnntry Prodnce (diien ib pay of hnmor that has Uin alsgnant during tbe winter. mattim, Burns, Scalds, Freeias, ihilblalna Bruise^ Fresh - - J , ...... - - he I ... Mr. Browh,*' said a ponstabis to this ubiquitous outs, Old Sores, Ague la the Face, Pains In ihe Back, Smmach, bulMlhgailMinga new roeuroad by Stephen Ilnbbi..Ilnbbard|shonse ------; and aUf^^for aupplied with mant.' ' ■* ■■ ■ - ■ - ^^Rsnnedy^s He'dItal'DIscbfS'ry Is Well itiiown td odr leaders as building a new Roa'il frota t^e Ooonty Road, near James The, Very Choioeit A»tloW^ persoDBge the other dliy, * How many COWS do yodowoV (hegresteatand best ...... Blo^ ftiriliorrinoi the world has ever pro* hr Hide, Sore Ky«e, Spider Diti4,' Bee Stings, cholera, Dyfisutery paphr dia'ebhtinnad pbtll ail afraaragea And all Sumfher cqmpUfnL^, Fever and Ague, erodp; Wortns in brook's to tbe Upftsr Oountv , near Asa Sonle's* ___ tHitiul___ ‘ Why do yon ask ? * was the query, * ffecan^o 1 wish dneed. Jus. PKKOITAL, ) Road OommMonen which wltn M' raid Ibt modarai* ptoSU, *b4 otirNta , azoapt at tha bption of the pnbiifhart.pnb t6.1 levy•— on thero,'. was... the prompt...... rejotfrdef. *...... Well, {et Weadriieeach and ell of our readers,to nse one bottle of It children,Gout, contrartton of cords, Ike. fte. In the village SB J...... B. UatfHBT. Sold by .1. II. PLAI8TKD ft CO., Wateryllle; 0. TIorrTift, GKO. WENtiyORTH,) ofWatervllte. see;'.said .Mr. Bi nbstfahtedljr^'ho^tfrapy cows thlsSprlng; we say one bottle, for that'wlll cleanse the tm- JVjterylll*. April 4,1819. 4«89 purifiesAnMflAtt oftJf oneviva A seeson Abo,,ahd prSpare^the system-- a ...fb* (he. cbini-b %. .. Hunter’s Milts; JohnTavioa, China; and by afl druggists and SPBINO ANn S>llMnErt4 • E0kT'orF(O|8l,.flOtiCR-::tVJttBRTIIXB. doit the law alio# ihe 7' * T#d,* r^oloed ^h4 cons'tHble. of (he next. ww*- medicine dealers In the country. M.S.Uoxa ft Co., No.l ; .;3 .;pBfAIlTD*SVW'MAIM, ■ ^ - * Two,'said Mr. fi , with good-hatu'red astonlsborent i Wberbtbe diseasehas fsstened Iteelf ard hr^ome setlled in CornhIII. Roatooi OencM Agents for Mass. C”uiittile,N!«Srco'LiVs'riNri.OKNf-AVA8TiiMA, nnoNcHiTis, hoarsk MB VERT nZ-l STOCK ' well If the law ellhws me two, 1 wish It would make Price 25 cents per bottle______41 NKsS.Cf ■ ------Waataira ifalt iKTa a daily at lO.Ob A.M. cima at 9.60 A.M, the jorgreini larger qnantlUei are required. (UTARKU,, aan Irritation or.8«te«f»ova Fine RcEdjMDtad* hadte and stud the other aloog.//toeew'f butoiie For Bcrofnla, Kryslpet^ Salt Itheum,Scald Head, White ■ irft. BMUra “ ■' “ . d.feP.Wi. " it,;k Scales, Shingles, Pushes, Ulcerated Sore L^, Humor In the WHOLESALE & RETAIL -STORE. ^es, Bunolng of the Bert ftrom Beerlet Fever or Mea0les,‘the HaffNCutAL TK(fon«e,oa Oocgh LoisnGm OLO T H 1 O ■kowbetan “' ■ A« “ “ 4.80 « To Punllc 'beakers and SIngeri; they^aro 4.80 V : SbMifARt Process against; 0EfN.(iDEN'>' Medical Dleoovery ctn be rrilM upon to eflriit a perfect cure. LOAYB, AIiLEir &. o6. efb'Ctuai in oiling apd glviuf, strength to Honldgewooka Jboa ; SiOO *K flw89 liear Ewr off.nd to lb* pobllo, in*Dd'l1ielnr*d *»pf.Mly tif Ib..bt4 MMMkillMTM At^ornetb.—It may not bff known to all the eg leave to Inform the Inhabitants of Watervll It and vloln* 6I.M N4w Koftend H*t*tl Tf*d*. W«diiMdft^andfildft7«t84X>A.M. ^ 74.8 A.U the vitloR- ivi»- maipberA of tbe ‘ legal profqseion ’ that at ibe ity, that they have taken (be stoiee lately oocupled by “If any of our readers,I pArUctflafly mlnlsttra or publie Tina STOUK U0H8I8I8 or ■ AlwleaTetlionda3ry4A.x.w^lo0ek8aiida3r, 6>. Ki MARKETS. BMessrs, U. ft W. Platt and DAMin. Au.XN,on speakers, Are suffering from *y**V"*f;* ' OIMe HoQHrrftom 7 A. H. to 8 P; M. late session of (be LegfsIalOre of this Stale, a 8TnRl5.T. roraMl; will brio* ..-mn-t tMifcl mM*' W«(ohm»n. 8PRINK OVIiMODA'Ibl, “ InUbrro.lbl. to publlo .pi.k.n. ’-lEtoo . riortW fayv was pqssed entitle*} * titi act giving furibei Near Autf 'dk Refi. RdllrOaA Depof, fiOciINKlilt C’pATS, , ,# WaterTilik Retail Fiieei. ’. Ab .xc*lUntoftlclo.’’-t^Mlon»l FROCR COATir, FACT, nm, AND PANOlf. remedy agirinsi Attorneys.' It provides ihalt Where they Intend to keep on hand, and offer for safe at ‘‘SuiKTioribr rolleTlrEhoi.trtintM ». .n,Ui)Dt W..T.M- OORBROTZD WZKKLT. Wholesale or Itetnil. qa.InU-d wlth.-|<;hri»lUn It^ll«^.l^0iool^l^. BDSINKRS EDini, •I ’I tfny Aildfbey Bt' laif, who neglects or refuses Pkor, CorS, Orain, W. I. OoodB, Grooeries, "A iiioit Klml)»bl« rimo4y.'’-lTlo.tnn^rd.l. PANT8 aM YUEVR, i: .lb(fBBn PBitaDiiAb.V-iHba. Eiiaha'Potter, member of Flour 6 00 fl 9 00 Beef,'fresh 3 a 07 to pay over (RffneyS belonging to hiS client; for Corn 1011 n 1 10 Pork, fresh 7 « 09 • Sun n»«4y Ibr lhro.t .Bnllcnn.' -rlTnniorip*. „ CM.’Mktlbntl 'Dbaabi'ilbm Bhode Iilabd, taye— LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, SALT, EIBoikIou. .nd l.lo««i»t.—ITr.tollet. eowOuilB All fAaoonielortd flom tba BEST MATBEIAIS In -th* LAV ten days after .denffled; Shalf be deemed guilty Outs 45 u 90 Pork, salt 10,0 19 gbld by Drup^M. thiooBho'ut 8i»t.».__ ^_____ KS'T OTVLES, and io ib* MOST lUOROOUH kUNNAR, Bpaaker, whan I am at-home 1 aaaoolate wlib Beans 1 00 A 1 SO Round Hog 7 o 8 UEROS OKABS AND CLOVER SEED bow. many there were ont*. jlim price than any other dealer W'e wish to Call particular atten* discharged according’ to law/and the bourt shall;' Brighton ttafket.—A^r. 14. tion to this article, as we are eonOdent Ibat the Oil we have on E. tT ELDEN &. OOf lookM aqlemo, and promptly raplied..- Market, fi.'IO Beef Oattle, 200d Sheep,2!00 Swine. hand will give perfect tetlfftictlon I being a better article and J. W. SMITH A CO.f ‘‘'ilva baodcad and'’ order bis iiame‘slrick'en from the roll of At- PuioKs—daitJe—We qtiote extra |9 00; flrsl lower io price than can be qblahitd at any other plabalnviown. ■win op«b thia Wtek, thHf >. > wBbat! ao many at that on to atbrmy n night 7” (orpeys and 'Oounsellors at t/a'M in Said Court. qunlltV ;s%eOnde50; third d 00: . ------Cash*...... and the bigheii msiket prices’ » paidj^d- for all kinds of NEW STOCK OF SPRING GOODS. Dock Sqaara, oor. Elm Siraeti Yea,'mildly retpbnded Jim, Moll that qnniber i' tbe Produce. , . Cbfe>i~>Selfls frotr St6 to S40. QoodsdellvereAtofomlliesloaoy nartofthoUllage. *. BOBTOM. ____ baH WlirbbM'...... raat— ....aiz...... bnndrbd.aiid...... mmaatbere oubBM 'trerawaatia onlyvifj . President Woods.—We learn fhat Geo. iSAcrp—Salesdn lots,from 82 70 to 87 00. ■ But. -2^8 Ihvtelte lihck. __ _ Ro-ioii, Ajrtll J, 1899. teSailS •1.* - . - - - i■>— Yia ataWmA BMaeA^ kmaaAave beta fiveNwam h.AM.lwA.4hbndfed Give us a a oatt and hk' your own Judges. Woods, E/'sq., late of Yarmoulh, sometime Since iSuifnc—At retdil,frotn Oc to fick WoterviHe, Apr, 18, '59.-89 LOWE, ALLEN ft CO. _ Htehtiofl. Fwinorl! ’ (i^ aa'^ebtydlVe'oat! SPRINONO. ST'Ji LU I elected President of tbe Wesfe'rn Uuiversiiy of Sew York Marketi~-.Apr. 18. Xew and Elegant Goods I NICK *rUol* of ORaSS BRED' will ''••foood.tJ^P.'OAF- -t tt.ia a Ofaineae raazim, that for every man that doee . — roaxiia-^ A FHKX‘8, All*), 8KHD EARLBY,j.rhi.h will k. *014 Ugb<- 1859. Pennsylvania, at Piitsburg, has entered upon Wrtttr--State and Western heavy; superfine State network, and every woman who It idle, eondebody ^ ' K Ali • dViitw SPliING & .SUMMER TRADE 1 Ught! Light*. J. FBAV^X A hUOTHBBS a anut tnffbr oold or hunger.' Ali loafera pleata notice the duties of his" 6fflce, under very pleasant 526’a 5 OD ; extra sState d Ob S)'0 43 ; ooihiinon to good extra.Wpsterq 6 00 a 6 50 f Southern. dull; mixed to I 8DPKRIOR •rlloteomOAL OIL,'«*iT*nted .to gl.oratl*. ave ih* Spttoa Styt ortb* .oMtapprond Patt.fna, oirqqmsidTtces. Mr. -Woods has had a long ez- TBAVER to HAHSTON A. facjlod;cain W found at (JAFFRKY 8f and of all qQsllriM* Gent's Soft Felt Uatit t>t the laiffll The New York 'Diapatctmaya' of a muelcal oompeor, go9(15{)0 n 6 du ; fafl'cy and extra 6 60 a 8 23. H ...... laUft perlence in 'conducting various fiterary Institu­ Grain, Wheat— Westtera red winter 1 43 j— Have Just received a large variety of the xkwut and' oauiossv Also, LAMPS In great variei^______;____ - . stylo and colors.' Youths and Chlldfoii'a and Fancy me that he' dpae not loob'aa.Tr ije cputd dUtingoleh tbe ‘ . styles of . Hats, of new and.. beautiful ..... pattens,_ whloliwl*,, ihty <-alter *t t«.*4 oiatb'ofiabNlikiogtaa'^pfroma'tympbobyof Beetb- tions,, and will DO doubt discharge the respon- Soathern..'t fiU. ^ For a Good Trade bargains. Give them a call. firrh’ j mixed Western 84; yellow Southern 88. « & FUENlSmNG GOODS, — baterviUe, April 6,1668. <«who patrons of the Institution over which he is They would rail pa: - a know*;!|aaaorea ne that the ramady^'ia' worse tbab the iSIaririages. BU81NK88 in which will be found all tbe most Of alnio.t any *rtlcl« of StepI* or Fooep Ordoari*., r*ll al V•ft)* .ditaata calted'io preside. copular style#':^;ridS-baiBd goods la-the miukepfor super MHihfc" } A-**- 'VI.XBliOW’8 j '"?±"r£S(“ AfoeHBBw OD the road to OaOMO Said Farm eoolalge In Winslow, by R. Ayer, Esq., on liie 10th Inst, Mr* medium knd Idw grades.* 175 acres, and baxeu It a oueHttory Dwelling iie«a«btwo Mtne Edmund L. HodgesIgei abu Missfiai9 fiasan Nn Robbaon. GentlemSa In quest of olothiug, wishing teobtalta a GOOD I, a ^6 te»{t Shed, a Cornhpnse, and oibtf ffulbffltd- Pd^y thatbdi(bfctime hardened may be rendered aoR, The Height of Felicitt.—A friehd who Bvjhttl Prien allOKtS for Produei. Calk pa-> mill privilege 'TVlNln the nelgtaftnohoot ef a school hmaA ■where, without injury to tbe aatb. 'vey-, relates to us the following incidents: ShaMet Flodr, andasgeran^, xqUtmlll,aDdU tbe farm recently ecenpfeff by Belle F., fiaughter of John Kerswelh Esq. Tratbr & Makbton'^ ,ln Fairfield, by Rev. J. W. FoM, Wank D. Small to Gvqrito A. Ulackwi’ll, Ueceoetd- .Paift.lMactatr, the famout'Scotchman, baa bean an. ' rt has been said that all ideas of human Comot urUain aud Temple Streets, Wafsrvllle. SUPERIOR ARTIOLE Jofi tw-4l4«(l and Ibr ula by . gageitv the State Temperance Committee to viatt thia Miss. Frances H. Connor...... - - - — ___ ^t. 10^30 _0. P.MASON.SM.nton’iiBlOfk. It Will be mid cheep i( applM for soM} terns rtf paymkiil happiness are compafative. Some years ago A taaodeeMX- Apply to ■ Stata.dnrlng thobomlog abmmer, and lestnra on. Tein In Norwfiy, 4tb Inst., Samuel F. Robinson (o Miaa. A.' CALL AT FLETCHER'S CUBIT'S CUBE f dfl hALDHBSS. ^XUOlUh ALLEN,ifr RUSSHliL BLAORWKLL, _ peianea.'' ■' " a countryman visited our encampmeni, and. Woodbury. , March 10,1859." TwaS* - at Wate»v«e«^ made many inquiries as to the purpose and exe­ AUO-OET TRK FlKbT BBLKOTIUN VR01I Hit ■MrAbramabffierleo,'VirgiBla, huannoUneed him. In Porihinfl, Uth Inst., Dr. Rufda'SkHhkIord to Miaa Iu brloglng tWs new arltcle—1 priventivei and SuH Ourif Lousla 0. Prdoto^ NEW STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, for Baldn««.s—intb nMloe. the pruprlator has seted mlthex- tHft ' ■tall at la;candidate- for'O on^ae, on tbe platform of Em- cution of Ihe work ; and, among other ques­ In Wihslow, llth-iost., by Revx Gardner, George LIV'EB iWVldGftAtGk! NOW RECKIVFD, treu^e cauiib'n, knowing that the publlo, having been so .ofteu 'gnOlpathn in. Vlrstnii. ^be Adminietratlon papert'pro- tions, inquired how we employed our time dur­ W. Files of Walea, to Miss. Helen A. Smiley, of Wins* deceived by worthleescr>in|K)UUda and preparation lorths hale, .poee.ip'lydehiiim.r At the Sign of the Big Shears, Wstervllle.40 PREPARED Et UR. SANFORD, ing ibe winter, when o'tt of door sport was im­ low. ,\ ' are prone to pronounce—a bumbugrevery new thing ol the .: Since tha deeeaaaofHr. Center at Bmnawibki canted fn Belgrade, lOth Inst.ihy^ ReV. Mrm. Ward, Albert WAX^D IMMEDIATELY. kind introduced,and he ifai not Ugeu thia cuuree to bring It (!O.MIH)|)Anlin UNTIRRI-V FROM OlJ.MlIi by the epplbaionof afiuid lamp; rebently, the Telegraph possible We told him that during tbe win­ Smith, oLAugusta, to Ni^Jenett M* uiniDuoia,Blalsdell, USofj^ome. ^foreiiiem until its virtuce faavb benn practically and ii)o»t S-oDtortklibkMPiOt*HVbond Ut.r MtdteloH nbv.balbT* t the Sign of the Big Shears, HOO GOOD ft P^NT tboroghly tested. Aa an effectual remedy .for Raldnete it now ih* unbite;\ tUat111*1 iotf*0(4 aa** t SkTU.atio, .Ml8f, ■nUdn,*nd atatet nialpitny people In thpt village have given np ter we were engaged in office-work in Wasb- In St. AlBana, 14.ih inst.Vl ‘ lobng/ E.^.,. Cohetan-.w . etantis unrivallad It Has been In Vise for about a year, during I the tine Dates, to MistfSanili R. MAKERS, to make UostoU wore. To such asaa can make more el lidt Ibhu any htlter iiiedtoiue>...... Vnowti. JllanbtbtilF bhtlrply'VrM)ng''iInld,aod gone baiok toaiil ter lampa o ipglon City, in constructing maps of our sum­ goodA work, good prices snd constant employment will be giveigiven whieb .tinM upwards of six hundred boules have beew dDtporOd a CattuiHle but a Livsa n^uedy, acting first oh Ule Llvor ia lia.earflddiaibdat the bouta. -WatervUle,...... Aprinrills,1869. <•40 E. N. FLETOUEH.------of, and not In a sing e Inataiice, where a fair trial hae been cJhv( Its*morbid ...... matter* (bun on the rtomaoH■' ali.l...... bbfteli.. “to mer’s'surveys, hadi baelt’proved unsueceeerulf* Thejiroprielor. who U a well ' A'm'dh'6(10111704 himsell to be dieqballSed for being 'IDcatliS. Holaues, Ae., lor Bale. ukrry.qlfearr tlUtlut hi4ttkr«tuos ieooini llsblng two purpewtta rAretU’* known resident (if Ji^rotldeiioo,RM !.{ rdrers to blsownoase as nlly without rU y of the painful foallnp hxparivuerd In Ik# ■a {bror oh fbe,Siok|eB oauee on accomitof tbe ralatlon * Do you ever see tbe President ?’asked a proof ontsbfflcaoyA In this town, Mr* Daniel M* Woodbridge, 4ged 43. SO udu: Cardenas MnUsses. lOO Casks Cement, lOit Catbartieo. It vtrengtbenb kiiv eyftUm '$ he bore tO''tba aoented. Cn being Mked what that OUT interrogalor. 'Onayear since he waa entirely bald, but after the appUoa* tdessihetlnidtliatUpmealt;sit; dad Whanwhan IsAeotaken ,ullFinBod<*,ullFinBo4 In...... Exeter. April‘ 17,•" .Mrs...... Polly fftdHbdsdon, • wife of 20 Tierces Museavado do 8UO Bbis. FloUr~.aU grades. tlob OI hU ohre, the hair started out In profusion, and he baa reialioo wgai be replied that be, too,waa a man led Oh, yes,' replied We, ‘ frequently ; he rides 400 Bush Herds Grass Seed, OGU Bush, corn, erotd-doeha, will •Uknkwafeh dod“ ' b/|ild‘ it np hlUi uhnittfri asaal ■ Geu. Isaao Hodsdon, and danghter of the late Timothy 200 “ Canadian Seed Barley, 8000 Bush. Oats, uow at ilBe a growth as when a young man.—There orb tepidity out on horeeback nearly every day,' (it was We.-ftworlh of Berwick, aged 77years and 3 months. numerous other coses of a llhenathrb.ana be IspermHted^to 8000 lbs. Best .Clover Seed, lOO oasksLlme, rri^r■l - to*A manyaMaMM wbll knUwb rtiisens of ttostoii,U.%*4a.A Frqvldenca'atd1Ab.A wlrl*. 1. AA'a .'.1 .Fhfl- fotUpr/k ooVof ihe ftiem riftiftml MftriUir ' The Sava'n'nah BepUblhsaa netioes that ladiee go out In Montyille, 23J nit., Cytoe M* Smitti* 29< SV' For mi. low bff DOIVE, ALLEN tt 00. , ahopipini in that city ‘‘ Iniaaliao or tome timilar fabrio, during ^r. Yap Buren's administration,). Wivoeeter woo'OI hava Used the article with tbe pidsl oomptate prinktpiil irisgUlators bf Ibe aljr onedoifttaM^ before III Gardiner, 6tb inst., Deborah £*, wife .of Robert A. success. Its action la imuivdlcte, producing a fine gi-owtii pf Imniaii obdy f aud when It aribg.bravebfo inataad of costly silks, sweeping the pavement with ‘At this snnounceroent ihg countryman Saj^er, 24. Worldng Oxen for Sale. bair,'an(Fye4 it it entirely frdsilfoaaay auiMtancee of anut* poifofns Its. fonctlops. w«ll{ flMMi” and rebommettdt ft as an ezample worthy of Norridgewock, on the 12th inat.,.'Sarah SpaoUliog, seemed lost, in IhoughI, and lapsed into pro­ eub^rfber offen^for aalo, at rensonahla prices, 10 .pairs Jurltioe nature.,. , the powerf of the syeitm evU Only one dUril iintUlion. ^ wife of Union Spaulding, aged 77 years and 3 months. It also pruvepts the hair from falling off, eleanees the scalp, fully ' (ter> Ohe AdM tikih hfrtr eodh tBkagood care tbatthe cbaiVoter ofbotb thedeindividnals • Wa*.l paow, i s'pose that cliap bas chickeo- In &iODCton, N. B., jst Inat, Mr. Geo. W. Seales, of Ifeiecertaialy thebest dnd Oeftst prepemtlon. for the hair •fonuopca of Ite functions! the firm of G.B. Record & Co., ia the 44tb year of hit Aimnal^ meeting ef T. V. Generation. be aucb thpA he may tafeir Ohiniit to preclont a treasure pie for dinner every day of bis life! ” cTcr offor(4 to the publlo ^ wbeii ihe etomseh Isntb feuK,IRWIA. One do«e of Iwto tua.epi in their haeping. ' age-.-formetiy a resident of WntervUle. he members of Tlcbiile Villsigk Corpbratloq are hereby ' Among thefUany oenifldatcsof ltsefflcao7,RUeniloD Is ealled Ibe buwele ere at f4U||, aiia fulewtU olWtFiiuiiwve T t In North. Vaxaalboro', Exqkel Wyman,' formerly oi , noUited to meet at tUe.T'ow^ Mkll, iu said tillage, oq Mpn< todhefoUewlBg-t...... - the Whole system s'uliflfer*..._ lb... '' the ^widentoiftliM jhi^reli^rtytin Meziob, fSoBiPtGRR’i/A'W.^-Jobn Graham undertook China, aged 81 yean. , ^ Tday, the second day of May .next, at, twd o'clock io tbe after* PlOVlDBNOI, Dso. 1,1868. coiuedubliewof one otrab— ta%piora .Indian. He- Waa born, Sfty-threa years ago, t(>'justify, Sickles in tbe killing of Key by quot­ UOQD. to act on the foUowIog wriieJea, t I twroeweed driadi ^OmMsIs CUsU ftSe Dabweea oniue five tohstntruVillon ruttteiveel|e 'jPiB.monnlaiqoat district of SohttpSrn Hekiro; end is by Article l.’^To choose a Moderator to jfokern.aald nteetfnff. mouth* sluce{ previous to whion time much ttte ^rger portion eeU*e bl thebu>^le«aee, oimI ing from the Bihlcf but lie did not refer to the WATEEVnXE ACASEHT. of my bead bad'been bald for rtlnejwara.:* Affer'a fow weeks hf ’Mgail, Hhv. tor the knahes a perffltibbre* hlbwl« pure Indian. His faneV Hifipd a few sheep' hnd Article 2 —Toehoose a Supervisor^ Clerk, Ttiiasitrer, Auditor une, tbe hair cbmmbnced growing, and has conllnned since. projnlrfor»ihaa made Uhls nly bnedfbaliuinsdlatuly Cattle; And gained a scanty sAbhlstefaes by the tale of Epistle of ,8t. James, chap, ii., verses 10 and of Accnunls, Cblof Engtoeor, Two Asrivitint Englntefs, and Hutil-ttly Head Is uow entirely covered.- lamforty*«ikht year*' tettVidyastudy,ink AW m ^mVAIL'UtfraotlceofmorU VA Hiwrv P'w t'hull The Summer Term will eommenee on Monday, May 2Bd, 1859, Fire Wards for the.ensuinglutn------year. « ■tliairbkiiM. He het a liberal ediqoatibn. . 11, wbioh read as follows ; and oontinae eight weeks, Under the care of the preeent Ofaye, and thb*icUrU" In my Otisb having met with eofuptete theu^iweiirv ynir*. to find We dare ofryn repeofod Instructors. Articles—To rco if the eorporatlon will permit ihe Ftiw egboeoe, 1 toHh pleasofU in reCommendfngMt, and will state the some;reffiaay wbsrewltb to Ian enfetol^ for Uftoloa^ 'pJiliADoxioai..—Oneofth* mbrinnikbapSrs tells about " W. hjisver aJiSIl keep the whole lew.and yet offend In T. R R M S i Eo^nefa ^.Tlcanlo' Cp be kvpt nearlUn Of thb A* ft K. ftbovh fucts itersonally tU any who. ace lnterrsted.aad will ea'J otiflisIViratoe the 'many do* ridrhiia,ifhiia, ahd U preventive Ins pastam'or oertaln steamers;"#blohby a good dea^ one point, he is guilty of ml. For He (hat said, Do not Languages, fi 00) Instrumental Music, extra.4k"‘ Co.,upon tbe condiUbn (hats company Mlall 08 I'orniM (iponnih. . BtlSUA SMn'fi. 119 Friendship •tieat. nralelfietota |o, wbioh It. Is 'bfuhrtlern. ol.'Stii’stcAmu Are made out to be eoabeWbat skottei- than work said Veqglne qhepever neoded within tbe Itmlte Uf liable. Oniybnto bUttle is aoeded kmg commit adultery, also said. Do not kill ! Now, if thou High English, 8 60(8. to flO' per quarter. ‘ to '4' ' ri: ■■ ■■ ‘ tboeo of another IhM;’.’ commit no adi/Uery, yet if thou kill, thou art become ii Common English, . 8.00) PrawIngandPaintIng.StoflO eori^reMbn. . Ahd ibis from Mr; S(itntieI1Voodbury,Manufaptaring Jeweler To prdre tbat this rtorhVdy to throw odt bf the tysteiN transgressor of the law." . Board in private families, from 4>2.00 to 92.60 with no extra Articled.—tn,auppl>togthtbrir l^mebcfofe sating glvea vigor solntioii or-tlie matter in this wise, 'fbu rWan .atop- SPLENDID lot DfaBNTL8.MKN’8 FINE 1)11848 , 64 Friendship et, Fvovldenee, E. I* plaeak healthy floworVife, I, the tppellt«aI and asaiH ped his team at a smalf brjdge, and Went to the tdrenm argument of his learned counsel. FASHIONABLE inLUNBXY for 18S9. A of the latvet Spring and hlimniSr siylesjust leoeWed a* invIgoVAtluii-■y, ------» .the— .,wwiustomOn/4i>h, fdbd welL beneattaiatta’to dilute bis. yrbiskeyi while tbere'tha Sea'u [New York Atlas. TllAYEK ft MARSTOftm. • From Mrt. it. ‘M. Glaricei Mllllhkry EoomV, boiner Wesf V'piirlFsIritt->iinr9li1tt- . ^ tlirt -li(ood,*iclV> One doee reiteateft etartsd,and.the,wheel tjassed directly over hie bead,' ^ JffiW STYLES ^IIB BBSl! and ehkapfst aMortmddt of Trunks,. VatlMs-, alnrier and Eddy ktreeta^VroTidentiut -U 1. lng.|0De and bM|ril fo -tbp euibs l•hr•»•lr dlMiiiaM ttf 'The, MdRMONB.—H is refOrted that Mr, JVBt RBCBlVKD PBOM WKW Y0RK| BT PaoriDEROfi Not. S9,1858. - < wholelie nikobiuery,mkobii removing its w6t:ft fonua, while aua*' it'Seeint reeeonable.—fBelfeat Janrbtl. ^ earpetann Khamel Bags, Hand TrbhKS,Urobr«lait« fto.t ^ bbenuslng thirtli'eUurefor' fialdsessAnu.^' idflndlitobe . a. til* oausq of illU> diseosum. iloAlsto^^adOf , TUAYERUf MAltSlGN. ek'd fttiierfeofisplalaii Nevir obnflde'in' a young map i aew palle leak 'Kipiball, eldest son of Hebef-C., nnd Joseph MRS. B. F. BRADBURT, the bbsc nvtlcle 1 Imvfi^visr tried for promoting tbe grewMl of effrotlng a radical ours, y fold eimoet to thg irol dooe* ' Jtever (ell your Seoreli to'o'H,W'>oo«rt the'."aged : old' doors'euldoip Young, son of Brigham; have apostxtised, and Bonnets bleached or cdlorcd afad pressed in the mtut perfeet RByoueeCkiaH fof the hhoioest and best Variety bf Hue the bale and kaeplBa tbe'livadlii aeleancoiidteton. llllloiia •iia(*ltsarer.ured*, One or two dudes eotus uf * sshnt'oloee.',;.' . are about leavui'g for t[ie States wJili iheir first manner, every week. A flhirsjtcollars.craratki , Gfovds. Pocket Udna* HUS kbdhooam.glaekk and whatl«>.betttor.wreVuol,’^ toMksueueud by Wbrnie ift - Itl^ Very etraoge, but over* womnn’s.hnsband ie the Watervllle, AprU 20,1859 4l' kcrolilsf8,or.AXTqrtlhlebf' aVt,^______Gcnilemeh, npnareL’s a— At the low eil, by tho qcaakiwT■ ' iT, tt*e of chjldrep i ao^ry, wives, leavitfg their ‘ 8|)irilaBls ’. behind. At rat elf'll prices; DC fhre to call ort*^. *ril aV>:U ft MAllBTON The foliowiag onreof Mr. Frank, a nte^hantof 'Ptovidynoe, the Mvftr ftivlgnfnlur. aafor,br»pL. _.. ______-worst that avec.JlvaiF. tiptil. ;he Js atts'eked, and then AMBROTYPES! , - and always to be Seen at hts place of budlneftiff NoV^'d^^ude, 1* ths wdrld, 04 hwueue iMfo* ifstsai; feUow,* ho ia the very beet i least five' thousand apostate Mortnons Will lepve ItT-POB ad ORNtBt , AMERIQAN GtJANO; worthy t>f notice. ' ' snffleient to relievo (he siol 1 ami tbirtyvigbt yesra oil age, tod for wleVen years paw bate aeb end ■ Hfo-lToM...... for California i'nriy iti the spring; qvHS labMribor hu tekkn ibobie tn tke bUUdtnR, Own Door To Farmers ana DealeM (tt Qttano. been nliuostenilrcly bald. A SATiirACTopr Baaso*'—A ' short time ' ago. a A Noytli of tlie Williams House, where lie will sxeecute Ufaa iakefftaMftrbluredottiaendlngthU modidlpe m^u pfdfuii* 'Bofaoolmaeter woe wanted _ for a. WIestera village. A __ f_ -II lui -r.:u. jn a-..______1 tried very mvoy preparatfon for thU .outU'Of bsldnqsst Ambrotypes in al 1 the Varlohs styles and sixbs, dh terms uuen THIS OUANOffrom Jarris.Triand,ia tba Pahiflo 6^t), con- alt to.ou*pur|>0fe, until atmut threw uiontbe slooe. Comuiuo* tlvefnnHi'vrf ond Asne, < hill Puvrriond all Ytefttuul pompousout little reiiaw,fellawv'bna one oniof IbaMplioants, being asked. Lowat..... than - are asually•• (bUmiatbtr iber places. 1 tninlng 80 per cent, of Phosphate and Sbtphate of Lime, UUllirt'ne ' 11'operates with a'cerraloty, atfti IhdUouftdd IsTOTIGESs c«d using Ourtls's Our*. afs willing to ti togfye aphllosopblosi reneon why cream was put with Cheap cases furnished fbr 10 hehllU^ and better dhes ptopor* add the tuostvalhabld fbrtiUaer known, Is Offsrnd for sale In ThureEUft1i«s born suriiilsed both fp myvOtf andfrleoda; ... fo Its wonderful vlrlotea ^ek” ttjrlled, “ Beennee Ihb globular particles of the teooally chhap. large rr sqiaU quantities, at about two thirds the price of new groiiUhofhairhw**ft^'^^‘*^'^^^ I au* In a fair way of All who uku a'reglviqf their anaulmous taethnoftyii iiu * ■cream render tbe aoute eagles of the tea more obtuse! ” A 11 PtlolUtea, ■ howiver chsa^, (Lre warrahled nbt to Jlkde or Peruvian For lull infomuUbn fip^ly at tbe Agency , of tba having as flnea huadWHur kk lu>ny more ybuthiUi dkys i fovor. ■ * E. B. B. crac] , ^)nepin tktmmth v/filfAi Me was elected. American Guano Gbmany; No. 1, Chatham Street, eoruer of amaatteffed it Is tlte tmfo’ar(lcto''fn nnifwbluh wUleffeotaeUid* SpitOFDLA.—Wb«Q (ho patient has boon a^otvd lb r five The pnblle aiw invited tO call dnd fixXxhitlH ipielmenl.' ' 8toto8tfaet,Boatoa. . - providence, NoV. lftlHM. fi. FRANK. tioafbwoom (Of/f lher. ' I DBaesiao FOB CHOBOHi-rA young lady who lately, jojua, or nnder, flkrorable a/mptcnil will appear on thhidinb AprU 20.1859. 8w4l I*. K. DUVl/TBR* A. Ok LOIIBaRD, Agent A^ Q. C6. TUB laiVFB ^KVffillfltATAll' ; Aaiintte* U

ffpril 2t, tSSfS.

MISCE Y. price I'm asking,’ ha added in a whisper. I H*'' J qwffmwmTSi felt as though a serpbnt had siu'ng me. ’But Kendall’s Mills Adv’mts. Portland Advertisements. cioTHMfo i T H A Y B n M A R S T O N .1 would rather sell her to some one' that will OKE VAiXL qp BTOOXmHB TO KEND, STOVES, HABDhWABS and BAR F.W.BA1Z.BY’B ' Are now reedy to showio thele'friends and eastomen, , Ixok at Ihia afid aava Om* i. be kind and a mother like to her.’ At K e n d a 11 ’ s M 111 fi •. An old Wife KKt bv b«rbright i(r«>ld«, • What do you ask ? ’ I said to him ’ .->-BOOK BINDERY, one of tbe most Swaying, „ tlionghtrully----- „_____^ ,jto and fro, . Mo.DB BachangeBlaoel...... fforlland ,'ElMant A AttiMtire In an ancient chair rrtiota creaky oraw ‘ Only fifteen hundred ( she's cheap. 'Tou THE LARO'xaf B'iNDIRY IN TllK STATE. • STOONS OF Told a tale of long ngo j TBAyi&^iPMARSTOX, While down by her aide,on the kltoben floor, won't find another such a piece of property in tirilXbRynn o* n bna* Mnelo ,iKagtaln*a,Pamphl*t. I n fa. CXOTHING the city for that price.' ' TV any and arary kind of Book,from afollo biblato ^ Ever exhibited In Fatervlllef Blood a boiket of woraled balls,—* score. hUd’eprImor, > wtafoh for ■ • Where were yoii' raised ? ’ BEAUTY, VARIETY AND Tbe-good'man dond'o’tir the latest newa. Bound in Sight to your own taste*.' WSiSb; taOAL PRICE, Til l the light of his pipe went oot,' ‘ In the Bed River hountry.’' . 0I1BAPNE88 ;Ss.o#. 1,24 'BAlL£'lr’S,68 BUohangeatreot Uemnot be Surpatteil Alao.alarga and w*ll,aal*ata4-aaaortmentDf 0anla> Tnu. And nnheedrd, the kitten with ctinnlng paws. ’ Will you lake girl, ma'am ? ' an* Oblldran’a Rolled and tangled the halls aboot; Ordanfbr Binding may bo left with Uaxbiii (i.Wliio.nt ) et Btni sat the Wife in the anclept chair, ‘ No ; good bye. Julia.' tha‘Eastorn Mall’OBIct, Watorriila, ' . TWENTT-SIX TAflKAOEB Soft Fait 'H§t«, Cloth 'C#, '4o;, AT BqCALLTILOM'PiUfiH.". ' Swaying to and tro in the Are light glare; I Walked out—•! thought I should choke— K. I.L. DAY, WUto.qranitoi Chinn and blaai WaxOi Call and axamlne thia itook Bafkip'ipilialuMB* 4|kMfk«, But anon, a misty tear-drop^oame. that the breath would leave my body ere I PAPER WAREHOUSE. —now oriRiRO a*— April 33d, 1868. —mmaw. In her eye of faded blue. could reach the out ijloor «tr. That beautiful No. 21 Exchange Street, FortlBni, ](e. E. T. ELDEN'Jc 00.’) ' Then' tridWethdoWn In a Ibrrow deep. girl a piece of properly! That stalwart, esn- a Confuting in port of Foil tln^ Genilieiheli’i FtimiihitlS'Goods,,- Like a singls'dmp of dew;; ' Oonitantly on hand, all elses and quelltiee of Wranplng Blngand Teasetf, ofno^pxt frn goraiattiSiro*^^ :' So deep^ wotitih the channel,‘ —so wide wns Hie stream,— sible roan a Miny I That room ful of human Baling, Hardware, Cloth, , Envelope and Sheathing^per fend superior duality ef ware The good man saw lianght kni the dimmed eye beam. Oath paid for paper Stock, ' ly50 iplslhaod gilt band,0hfna tea Borderedatfd/PlalUUNSNlHANDKEEriBlElE ' ' .’t 4 . beings lo be sold lo the highest bidder I Isetts, various styles 1 Tosqi arid Eveiy variety effosblonabieNSOK-TlBfl.OOLLARS, fie. ., Tet marrelled he mnch that the cheerful light Htag Philip Alr-Tlfhl. WaBSWfBHSWW! FMantleOrnaments,aflneaisort’ iheahtaPpstNa)as,by -> THATiR>EyHU^EiToV* Uf her eye, had eredry grown, What’s a WtvB.—• A. wile! ’ says Hya- Androaooggin a KBunebec EailroBd. ,, ment. lolat lamps, Fntry ^and And marrelled he more at the tangled balls,— cinib Self-will Lofty— wby a wile is a woman jr. H. «iLBRcrn, ian tie do. at low brices^ah- HowarA So he said in a gentlk Ions, •»1>IAI,H iK — riarbias, Briitannfa and: silver Benovelent Au/iltlffon calin that belongs to a man. She's a pretty ' little Splat^ ware of eveiy style end “ I hare shared thy joys since nnr marriage row. description, at extra haigrins,gloss ware ofall kinds, at ancliDn Conceal not from roa thy Borrows now.” creature, made to tickle his fancy, his vanity, STOVES, Hot Air Enmaou and FirmFran^et, prices. Allo.a rich oesorimqnt of 0Amrii^iN08,atallHle IfH than E HOW ABB ASSOCIATION, In vtaw of :ih* Then aha spoke nf tlia time when Jhe besket there, > and his self-loVe'; and to laugh, ain^ and eon be found at any other place on tbe Kendebee river. QoU PLOUGHS, AND BROAD-CAS'r 8KED BOWERS WIlfTKR ARRAN^KMHKT and look at them. ^ ratmotlonof hnman Ufa, canacd by Brnnal-dUaiafiAi Was fllled to the rery brim, , dance through his otherw^e dull hahlta^idh. tba dabaptlona praetUad tflim .ha bnfbftnaata'WlafiSrormk relnte* Olle and Dnildtng Malerlale, N and after MondayUy next, Anrf!5,1868, the Fosseihg And now there remelned of the goodly pile Bui upon lidF dance, mind you, she must see wlU leave Waterrine for Portland, Boston and Something for Yonr Children. llaaaMaliy qaacka,a*Taaalyoanago*lraatMl'' tbairOonaalttai Bat a single pair—Ihr him. 0 Inrgaon, aa* agakiTipu AOT.watthy of-tMlF nama, tg^ lliHl the house is kept in order; that the din­ Farmer*' Ihikrt&nd Cast Iron , Lowell at 10 a. M , andfoY Bangor dt 4 86 F^M., dally. rnHEondersIgned would'give notice to 'the 'clUsensof Water* Then wonder not at the dimmed eye-light | t'VTLBHY, riLlta. Freight Train for Portland leavea et6 00 A. m., and freight. ^ vine,Winslow add Benton, that h« hes pnrehtBed -tto ek- iBupmiiaryfor.thettaatmantof tub olaii.ur ittaaailaj^ Aeeoumoifo.tlon lesvea for Bangor.atSalO hair ft>rma,aiid to giro MBBIOAL AOTICB ORABg I'bere's but one pair of to mend to-night. ner is always well cooked ; iliai -'tha billions fermersUnd Ce^enten* Tools, House TrlmrolDge, feteni clnilve right to mannfooture and eell HITCflRLI.'BHBTAL* Kbtoiniro^ Passenger Train friim PGHIhnd and Boiton UC TlPd for Children’SjUlsfes’and Boys’ and Bhoe^ 1 cannot hnt think of the bnsr feet. and the house are all right; an-i (hat nothing (jhnrni, Cross OutSewe end Leetber Belting, Weymonth arrives at 4.80 r. x., antUfromiBangor at 10.11 a. NeitSjOless, Sheathing Peper, Oil cloth Cerpetloji, one of tbe best arilcles ever got np. One 'yeHt. of i^lti arty, to FDRN18H MBDICINlB FBEB OP CHARCB. ffL 'l Whose wrapping* were wont to lay in the wholehouiehold economy ever inierferes THROUGH TICKETS sold atall.Btatfodeon this line. wear as long as two pairs without It; Punip4, laeed Pipe.Sheet Ured end Sine; tO’* Nov. 80,1868 EDWIN NOTES,S^pt. “ WM.LMAXWBLL. neadlaaavto add ibal-4b4 Aaio%tiIHadaHa,lbr 4ht yaRiaMaai AmongoarrerietyofOoeklng Stoves,Ihevelbe - WaeefVlHe, Feb. 26,1658. <4 '------...... — —• ]»hhUs4ihlCS; For each emply'nook Ifi Ihe basket old, made by the Creator for man’s good, f^lie is cess wnion ooe attenaea tne labors-oi the CqnsnlQag.finriioi KINO PHILIP AIR TIGHT,>> rrilEapl.ndldandfaat atcamar nE8AP‘EAK,Otpt.Kii(WtT, ■ By the heart!irtli -there’s ■* -recant seat'; X will rnn regularly between New York and Portland,as in the core of Spermetorrboea, Seminal weakness,^potem/ a compound uf flowers, music, and domestic which reqnires no prelM.for I werrent them ehtire BOOTS AND SHOES. And I' miss ihe ehadows from off Ihe wall. follows: ’ BB undersigned would Inform Qonprrhaa, aieet,hyPhUlSjtbe‘tic0 pt Onanism or fielfoiiiM And the patter of many feet ; animal—very uSefiil and very ornamenlal— •etisfactlon, end they Vvlth ell of the ebove goods will be sold ae Leave Brown’s WharYevery SATURDAY,at 4 b’elock.p. M. fto., pnd.orderEk conMiMfohee14^ of tbethe fpfowpfohfor tbshlMMiitbaoiMMii ibeep aeeteny other place on the rlTei,for cash. the (dtHi‘ ’Di of' Watervllle‘—*” and year. ’Tls for. this, that a tear gathers orer my sight all Ihe more desirable for her lack of menial End retnrningleave New York, Pier 12 N R., every TDlSSAYi vielidtyT that...... he. has. lUrnlAed'tbe Tbe‘Dtfeetors, 6n a rqt^ew of the paft, foe1 aftehteil^r i At the tae pair of stockings to mend to-night. Haring bad much experienOe In the Fnrneee bnilnees, I at the same hour. meons'ond authorised powers; because, were shjj^ixot in this reiipect here obtained This vessel has jnstbeen fitted npwllh haw and powerful their labors in this Sphere of beneVoIent effort bave'hfhtf^i ^Twas said, that far through Ihe forest wild wjra. 1.. ntAXWi;i.i. so much interior lo her decreed lO'fd'and mas­ DARBY’S ' 1 machinery, and very fine aecemmodalloas for passengers, bate reaolvad to And orer the-mountains bold. 1I«W, Paiem, Gae f^oneuml g. Portable or StntlonOry making this tbe most speedy,safe and comfortable rente for to aat os hU agent to carry on the ter, she might become so prcstin^luous -as lo travelers* *btlween NewrXork York and*•* Uatne and .Bhoa businidiiiiao" far aa Was a land whodt) rireri and darkening cayes. FUBNAdE. Were gemmed with rarest gold ; , Possagu 95.00, tnc]adlng>arc pofl State Booms. he nay lie it on. a think lhat a shoe which fits one foot ought to For wood or eoal, which can be eet for aboni^o thirds of the Then my first-boro turosd from the oaken door— eost of thoiw asuelly set in bricks, They ereMet,'streng end Goods forwarded by this line to and from Montreal, Quebec Caih Frinoipla Only, And I knew .the shadows were only fonr. fit the other ; lhat good rules work both ways ; Bangor, AugnsU, Rsrtaortand Bt John. . Alsoconnects with geon,wiU be sent raall'^inn.'ssplei datable,end Dibs for, bare glren entire eatisfoeMOa 'll has labaU nota*k»Bgito{aaa'HU» I^AkGNiOfii and that just so much comfort and del^hi as been hnt a short 'Ime since they were Introdaecd. yet 1 bare Steamers for Baltimore. Goodstaken tfarohgh with despatch, anyone. Therefore ell who wish Another went forth oh the foaming'wars received lettersjof (he highest comaaendaMon. To those who at the cheapest rates to ppy oaaawilj^fili far.their Reports andt And dimlniehed the basket's store— she givet she has a rigpt lo demand in return ; Forfreigbt or passage, apply to shses.dlet, fo are unacquainted with ’hem, 1 would mf that I am wUUn^ to Interest to oalloefotopurohas^g dlftnootloD', Bot his feet grew cold—so weary and cold— tliai just so much honor and respect at she set them npbn trial. emery...... k FOX,.. .Brow Brown’s Wharf,PortlsBd, elhstrheve. *'■ They'll rarer be warm a n.r, more— ^ H, B. CROMWELL, Pier 12 N. B., New T fi. T. hil:|!:wxll.. new remedies and i Tin Roopiro and all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Work Hov.20,1858. - . . * • the lost year, are of great value; And th|s nook, in its emptiness, aaemath to me, pays she eliould receive.: in short, lhat she is done to ordt'r. Tin PedMs auppUed at a’’ Ibk rate, for ready WateivDIii, .to pay. [Feb. 2,’59] F. H OILBHETH, AddrMsj for Report or treatknent,' Bh.’ GBOBGX B.iAai. To giro forth no roice but the moatfof the aea. in number __and im|inriande, of' rights and HODNaConsnlring Sorgton,Howard AssocUtlDn.RodfiiMik privileges, tlie pdei-ol her husbandr ------Portland.and Boiton Line. OYSTERS, NinthB^, BhUpdelpUvPa. . ’ Two others bore gone towards the setting sun anning By order of the Dlreetora. And made them a home in its light, Thus Mr. Hyacmip Self will Lofty. jr Wrj H , Th* splandit nawsM-goiag 8tMm.T.FORBST ZOE' OIIEMCSi .FXUZTB. EXO. XaNOALL'B HILLS, „ CITY, LEWISTON,ang MONTREAL, will aa- 0.,P. kABBELUB, 0 0^4IB0UlLD,Bse*y. E?)RA P. I|E4B^WRLL, Frqi’t Ikiry fingers hare taken their share, But James Just Common-Sente, Esq., made tU furtboi- polio, rgn aa faliowa: ^o mend by the fireside bright; Fainter, Qrainer, and Faper'Han^. 1x4.4 Atlantic R harf, F rtlaad, ..cry Monday, Tu.aday, Keeps constantly on hand a Awerionn oholoe assortmentit of Some other baaket their garments fill-7 answer: , .j House, 8ign« and Ornamental Painting, of all klnd^, fEqeq|g| Wadpaaday, Ihnraday and Friday,at 7 o’clock, F. M.,aBd Bot mine! Oh ! mine Is emptier still.' ‘ Nay ; but a wife’is given neither for a toy in the best manner and on reasenable terms. V oaacrai rviiarr,>iJo«ion, ar.ry monday,' ThandayaiidFrlday,al6o’.lock F.ll. Frnits, Confeotionny, R, H. EDDY, BOLioiTOR op PATENTS, Another—.the dearest—the fairest—the Begt— nor for a servant, Bb'r ' rbf a steadfast friend. Shop orer ■. 0. Pratt’s Store. 48lf taaa,la'OaMa , - • - ' •! 38 Cahaa, Pl.a, . .Lata.Scaak of lU. B. PatontifMlaa, mUUagton,': OBfailhoAetoflBST. ■ Was ta'en by the kneels away. She is indeed, a fount of joy an'd pleasure, such ” on Beck - • , . . . y (Jq .OT8TKRS,OlOABB, Uf.*. And clad in a garment that wazeth not old, pa. A. BACKUS, . N.B. Each boat I. ftamlah^d with a larga anmbarof Slat* vy- Corxuan’f Bnrgiioa It.' 'SfliBtolo.ettaM,---- ... Oppoaifd Mtlb, ttrwaf.naaMB, In a land-of continual rtar. as. to a true heart, there is not elsewhere on EVhtoTXo ravszozAir, > Rooma,foath. accommodation ofladl.aaud f.miUef,*ad*rnT Wanniwa Oaaa aa,pUaa 'at Oh I wonder no more at the dimmed rye-light, earth; she is, ind.jed, the brigbtener ol his cli.ra ar. nmitadad that by taking tbir llna, mn.h aarlac al abort notica l_ _ —.— K KNDAL L’S^ILLS, (FcirJteU, Aft.J lim«aBd!*x,enM rMII be mad., and lh« of nirlr Families and Partiqs sup­ Great Riltoln, While I mend the one pair of stockings to-night bouse, ami the wise and' carefuL manager of IngiB Boatea al lal. koara of tb* night will b. arold.d. plied with Llee Creams,~ Cakes, Spe^eatloDs. oonug, anignmeDFS, ana an Fapm < Rclrrenr. —X A. ORT, Bmilar, B«UnC..,Vaaia.; Tha boata arrlre In aaaaoaforpaaaaagar. totnkathaaan n Oysters,ete., at short noMcs. fogjfor Patants.axeeutcd on nbenaforms, and wittf iMMfo ^ her lamily-^of her family—for whatever is J. F, MQggg.; » , Fannlnglon, M.. 46W , More abont tha Froflti. liktp a ont of; tha d tyn Orange*, Lemoni, Figs, Candies aOirffte; Reseatebes made Into Amerfoanorfondga works, to dshridsi bis-is hers ; and between ' wedded hearts the Tba Comipany ar. ant raanoqalblf for baggage Co anamor' I otbnthe validity advioe or iren^i^ ntlUiy ofIh Patentssdl moUeis or traAlag'tlw^i^fer'fi^inventions,—----- 'Will fBrming give six per cunt, on the ral* New Pms Storb at Kendall'i Hilli. pzcaadlng •601 p' ralaa, andtba t paraonal, unlaat nottcr lagif an . AT WBOLX8ALK OB BETAIL. ' - ! ’ words mine and tjiine are impudence and ab- 'pil1S«nbscrlber would Inform the elllsens ofSeadall’s HUti and paid fo.r at tbarata of ona paaaangty far arary 860 addI durpoma are in neat order for tbe aaeommodatleniof fadlat at the' eloinis...... of any...... Patent iUmlshed by remttttto'Qfo oe of tile Innd, and twelrfi, per cent on a sunliiy. But the iemore than ibis—she is and rleinlly, that be has opened a Retail t^oaal ralua 4s(4gamentf .recorded at iWeshington • -T Fra^httakan aa nanal. or gentlemen who may be in wnntof Oyitera, Ic.Cre.maor r ' This Agenay Is noi only the largest In New England to ' money capital of half lhat value lo work it zmua ANS AFoirnnoARV store. fraabmanta.' Pabllc patronage iaraapacttully eblicltaa'. his robfidant, bis-adviser, bis ever sympaihis- Nor L. BILLINCB, Agent. Wntertllla, Jy^y 7,1867.^jgtf through tb Inventors have advantages for secortog mes^ | with? ing friend—his able and most tender consoler, stthestand formerly oeeopledbyL.F.AtWoob.Kendall’sMlIIe OSpertiMnIpg the patentability of invanti^txinntpMied^ g i . In other words, does the farmer, whose land where he iftU keep eonstantly on band » goodaasortment ef FURS! FVBSr his'strength even when bU courage droops ; Drug»^ Medicintt, Fancy Coorfs, Confccticncty ^ Olgar$ Reduction in the Price <>f Harneitoi. is worth 2,000 dolls., and -who works it wiih a TBATEX 4MARS1ON J*. a. BOOL TEX she i^ihe voice of God's lovo and comfort lo which be will sell as low ns ean be ^ughtflse.wheN ■noseriDei; ana os duuuasb is XJtfM JfJBT PROOf of money capital of 1,000 dolls., gel 12Q dolls. him as 'he toils and struggles through this 'l^Physleiau’ Prescriptions eareftilly prepared. Are, DOW ppenlng their i rstefril for pest fovors. would ADVANTAGES’AND. ABIUTY.ho would odd that be to end ‘Large arge mock of luforni tUs qld customers and abnudani ;mon^to baUsve,and ean prove,-thlAto toeito , for interest on his land, and 120 dolls, for the weary world.- ' Thit is what a wife is, if she Jnly, 186S.lySa. , HEWRtA.PPCK. the public generallyg hat be ofllee of 'thphind ore the charges fhr probssfonol ssrrito-M ose of his money, over and above a man’s year­ ladiei’ FaibionaUe still eontlnues to carry on (he “moderxis.-'‘-'-rats. Tat^nt ipiiripimensa------answers to her maker's ideal;-but she is'sel­ lleme^ business in all fts ly wages, say 100 dulls, a year, making in all Da. A. PINK HAM, Dren Fnra, tototylyyOXw yOoin nast,hjpost, nos entb dom found, alas I because man is so unworthy.’ which for variety, quality branches, and ts'ready to ex* lectionID of speclflcatio)specifications and c 400 dolls, and price, cannot be ex­ eente all orders at n X n u 0 a These,I, besidesbepidss bishis extensive,e] Mbra^ of MgM and i Potato KS fpr early table use, should be 8VBOBQN dentist celled in the eonnty. prices. Works, and full accounts or patents l^ranted ’in th Some do and some do not, will be answered. and Enrope, kenperfilm able,^otidhae8Uon:'tOogtom^ planted as early as practicable. Select .tbe Also, their nsoal* assortmeDt'of Bnflklo, Wolf, L^ma and He has on hand a good stock pnUnaiinllF 1o«aUd at KKNDALh’S MILLS, n« of LIGHT k UBa4VYFY UAH-I ftollitiee for obtaining prients. ^ ^ • It is BO; some do and some do noi, say we ; Sennet Sleigh Robqe and Over ; Beaver and Otter CoUors, All DccesslW of a -Joliniey to Washington, to froenre afo most perfectly developed tubers, and plAhl relils------attenrton ------to Bttrgtcalmnd . ----- Mecimnleal ^ DealiStrr. , Gloves, Fancy for for Trimmihg, &c , Ae., cm NBSSBB that will be. sold bat 'where ihe don't cem^s in there is misern- ARTIKIOtAL TBRTII mdanted upon Gold, Plat ehetpXfbr cosh or approved ctedU. tent, and tbe usual great delay there, ore here savto tnymtoa l>)o shiftt^s',’Ihriftless farming lhat don't it-' them, whole in warm soil, with-a I’heral allow­ llvnr Plate,In anappropriatbanddniable knanher. Price* suited, lo the Time*. • Old Ilome Sts toton In exebange for new. Bepatringrnt* ance of strongly stimulating in.aDure. The Orrtoinextdoor to Phllbrook’s f-oroltareReomt* tended to 08’usual. Tgaiiaeai’A-na', serve the name. We cojuid give a great many KendalPs Hills, April 14,1857. " 40tf Cell end see them, ladles aad gentlemen. QT^Hamessfo Cleaned and Oiled Jb/f IS ctnU. ' • -.v—'MriBrmhl«rannerpatent, ini othen, or T that ha hasntnnieil Watairllla. and latanSa to earap PAINTING, great deal more'than 400. dolls, a year. We tubers a week to Ihe warmth of the jun’s ontha PAINTiaU BUSIXBSS In Itt Tar’.onabfaiichaa,taabaa «■ F T jL,1s S,j» rays during Ihe day tinte—covering them care­ AUb, Graining,' Glazing ttnd PCrptriny. will content ourselves with oiie ruaaoo; it is, House, Sign and Carriage Faulting, .CLZNTON, Un. fully at night—or by burying them in manure O.tlaCI^IrCOQtlD;. tliat all our life we have seen mtn in just that aRAINlNG, OLAZINO, VAPBR-dlAaQlNO, fe HARBLIffa. OH Filt*. had Mow* rt ewf nn^ warroptrd Coad. nes.'io meetetallordtn all orders In the which is in a state of moderate ferinentaiion. Oydarajkogt abroad promptly atlandlaB to. 11 above Une^&a manner that .position, living, and living well enough, giving Feeling oonflden t of bis* ability to do all work entrusted Ip has gtvqn satlsfoctloa. ^ (' ibeir families about as' many c'cmforls and him In u workmanllkumanner, be - woald sdlldt • share of ihe WI1.I.IAII]| piriBIt. beet employers foi a Rerlo4 ECtOWOtniAJRt nubile patronage. *' tbattbdfeatesSomMxplmmee - iwiveleget as cost other men six or eight bdn- Stop at. Purmot UilPs old stand. ApothDofity-Ase Druggift, Isrtbe business. '»Orders ' 'dred. We infer that- they could not have To Fa^nilii,ei in the Cowtry. ny/'rtWicutor aiteniton given id"Sign PninUng. 'VTATERViLLR, MAINE. Waterrille, March 81,1859. ^y83 From Bapt-17lh,: p67. to ;rq|io i7tb,uilS, tbo amtaarikaih done it with less -fihen 400 dolls., that they xvKnv aoDT has hxauo or thk famous BUY MB AND ULL DO YOU GOOD. Medielnaa eomponnded ond put'op rrifK cnr«:. ' iMlala BtlrMt'.'’ ooniao------ot hla luge,0 pracnc., maat,onmadt, on *wioiwioi . must have'received more than that or they 9.ppMH*|^IM»^oa'a Block, tloi|a,8IXTKBN AfPSALB, SYiRT-OkS______CHINA TEA WAREHOUSE, DUNTON & 'FOS TER, ^ riLLE in aiajrAToa, by tho (Wadaatobaz tf,|inl^. could noi have held their own, and gained a / HEALTH A STKI^NQTH J5ECUBEP. lOtl WASHiNOTOItr 8T.. B08TO.\, Mtxtd Fainf and Putti for tale, and Bmtkeito fend. Jan.l,iW.' »• a. KiMMr. |iti\e every year, as we have known rich far Bf TBS nsB nr trb AVTOHXrEXS AT LAW. aoA there U fierdljjk funilv within twentj mllei of Boiton, Great Sprlog and rinmmer Md IdfriU). A New Article for miking^'Scan tners do. -rhiwhere------onr BEAD AND REHBMBBB V TEAS ANB COFFEES y Dr. Langley's Boot and Herl) Ktten, Waterrille, Vn). , — TBAT — nNS pOUNn of 4*0 (MMIOBlimATBirliYEito(Witk'Av Office on Main Street, jiearly opposite Ae Williams House. J; D poondaoT mw,9|t|(Utt| aoMahlo.tom Tom Thinker, of Th inkersville, is a very IM ‘Skot need. We eell ererr deserlpUon oi , WaUoome’s Gnat Gerifian RenMily, iwforli Composed of Sarsapartlla, Wild Cbery, Yellow Doek. Prickly g. PONTON, |47l , gSPNRN F0^E)t. “ Mllraaof ou^nlBoop. It la aohoapdobatltnt. forvsA* thinking man. He is no ' sharper—would not , Qreen and Black Teas, Asn,Tbor(mghwort,;hwort, Rheabtrbfliravdmke,Rheabarb,Hevdrake, DondsUon,Randeliou, &e.i'" Jj^^Coughfl. Colds, Bronohltli, Phtl^o, InfiomiMtioh j>f ffig trees. BnsMedconi,prioe80cents; all of wHeleh ere so eomponnded oe'to act in concert, Throat and Lmnn, Is decidely the best thlsd before the W: For aiJe J. H. PLAlfitEB A cheat a neighbor any more ihaishe would wish and aielAt Natnre In enwilcaUnji dlseosa. jpSIAH H.DEUMMONP. public,...... end coats less then balfoftmany others.* 1. ' ftItis...... loxlltve, end onr prleee nnge from 25 rente per poqnd op to one doller.'ldnr. anA Notary ^hlio, a neighbor to. cheat him. He is not an un­ We eell |^d femlly tee (block,) fbr 85 cents, by (be peokege of HB effect of (hie Kedklna is moot Fe;ndarftU—It acts dfrect* inducing expectordtlon, loosening a ,cough, cleaning the air* War*! Watfij; Gjbito! Gltol ■ nipeo^ removing inflaametkVn, and healing the irritated orgifoi. reasonably bard worker—is industrious, but lire pounds : elM>, good Yonng Hyeon (greiin.) Ibr 85 cente. ly ut>ba the bowslsand blood, by removlag sll obstructions VfATEBTILLE, The el’oreTeu trees good et ere nsoellyaold in Coontry Tfrom tbs intemsi organs, stlmolattott .them lorn btslthy nctlon, It is purely vege able, being a proper compouto soasa Onokaiy an* OlaM Wum , .t gtorce Ibr 60 cente per ponnd. OfiMr-wIthBaolallaA Noyat. BMldahiaoa Opllagaatraak tbe best nlonte from various ports of ihe world* All who use takes life eomforiably. He is not a shirk— renoToilng the foontolna of Ufo, purifying the blood* clennsing nltlV‘’B.A.Bmt4kA.aii a.” tfepeak,its prolsa in the highest terms We do not deaUn ex< w.d,w«mi..d snmXlS!! %Ve Dug more Teetetnd Oe%he. itfromaUrrhamore, and canting it to covree nnew through... ev­ pays Ihe minister, pays Ihe teacher, escapes ery part of tbe body ; restorli^ the invalid to health pod.nsa eessive langnNgqj.nAr.pretendtO cure all easts, but from eight Ovounm^taland fknay end eeU moie end cheeper then eay other eetebllehinent in futlneee. They care's ‘ - - - -• - years triaTofl^Wdo believe Ihie mediae will rellevaand Ihe lawyer, helps build tha school-house, grum­ New Kngleud. sad eradicate from th| syetem, Liver Com* .FURNlTimE WABR-ROOH. plidot, that main-wheel of eo rahny dlteasesj 'Jsondloer in Its . w. A. caYhiky, cure more eoreo of .Throet end Lung affections* then any other TqUM Terra Dotta Wom' bles a iiltle. but when anothar good thing is to Onr GOYFKK8 ere VfiDSli tiny day, end for purity ere worst forms, allJiilioae dUessee and Fpol Stomoeb, Byspep- in this country, and with half tbe cost.. The best rimominen* •!>?**■**•« qooda.aowinittiailB be done, 'bel|A do it. nnrlmUed. sin, (^ostiveneM, ell kinds of Uomore, and every disease arising 4< tio Nevp Ware-Boom, No. i Boutelle Block, datlons are In tne msdlelne,' but for refortnees see olrvuloT win be sold at agent’s prices. A liberal diseount nsfo 9 Teee needy peeked in 10 pound obeete, lor Ibmlly itte. ^m Indigeetlon, HeadachiN DIntnese. Piles,Ueortbnrn, Weak­ OBsrsforsalenlargeend tolnlng certificates from Rider 8 K. Partridge* Mrs B. Wood- those who pnprhaselast tot seU again. R. T. ELBBN k (»). Tooii 'thinker's farm never was worth much for tha ooorenienea e^^tfld going te the ndlioads, we hare ness, Pains in the Side and Rowe(9, Ylf tolency, Lessor Appe- complete assortment Of ride*le* Mrt.WiniomMrt.Wingim Patten, L.L.ODriis^Klder^. Curtis. Elder. Partridge, ptad -others,'cured of Broncbltis;Conghe,Fhtbleliitlefo, uv>us,Colds,Inftuen'4UfsuDs** OTer 2,000 dolls., per probably (we have never BRANCH B T 0 R B 8 tlts.'andn torpid or disesesd I4vet,n disordered Stomach, or bodn._a Blood,«.-*# to.— whicht.f.k. all------ire urs more or lose sabjeot In Fprlngond iFAsnoa. ileersaness, Ao., after eU other remoUea hkd |lktkd* Please Wfitoh Sjoing . At No, 66 Uttlpo Street, ttfo doorx from the comer ofHMOVtf Irv R Rad you will never rcgial it. SkMaton Bkiria, Ibr aalo by-M, I. lUD J looked behind the curlainr) has he ever had ’‘'SUMt,(Ked Store.) Sammer ‘ ' Dining-Room rnoDD-'^sua.Frie«s-'^4 os. 26c4U1Ba { 16Avoa.ouvf Ol. w t T^fiof’?^* Sold ibWatervltle fc 00, at mnnnlketuttra’ prleaa, among wUebnn andt* 1 More than 1.000,000 persons have been enrM by thle medl- let of thoao law prtcad oaaa, at S1.60 oatb. ^ “ ■ „3 jtfuch over 1,000 dolls, invested as a working At 110 Courtart Street,(stonjMilDt^Street,(ston painted fed.)l ofne. It is highly reoommended tv pbyslcioM overywhore — by J. UIGOIN8. Also, by vetolhe dealen elrewhere. Pre* At corner of Beioh and Albany Streets pared...... and gold by“oC. 1 WxLCotfvx.Riehmond.Me.'iLtctfMi, BiehmondaMe. lyfiff capital. Time out of mind, he has been rated At comer of Woibltigton and Pinsjtreets. Try it, and you will ntver regret'll. FUBNituhE, Onlv 25 cente for a nlnii 871*2 eehla 6k a large totUs. iwiaaoika A Splwi^ Stock at^usl'about 3,000 dolls. All this time he has Coll on ua when yon come to Boston, and give onr goods a Sold by Peelers In Med!elDtjeeerywhere« . EXtE’E trial. . Oafba, MahokaMy BA'T, CAPS, TK0NK8, fiAGff,S -I Orders addreeswl to d. Oj LANQL^, ar HBOy 0. OOOPWIN Chair*, MIrrora, Mai- Canker Remedy and Pain Reliever. lived prudently batnever meanly. There is Urdera solicited by express. it CQ., Boston.SmiM Jnat rocnlTed and offsrad at OrtatBaiq;alaa,b'!r' ■ ’ ’ holblng tPeati in him. Now to have lived Q. laaBMg fjhanibar momse vmvTJB^ KEV OABiBBUl BTRONO TSSTniONY. J. PRATY A BROTPUBB, WiMdd' Washlagkiii SlrMlo Bfoilou. And arary arth^ Oabtsat Fonltnra,naoaiaary to allrat oomfartabiy, to have educated Ibree. or four Sm89 PA ROLLS Woolen Costings from 42ele.4otl.06peF- yd. pt Tb.foIlo«lng0totUlo*l* of a romarkablo onre wyoogbt by elpia Mara-Room.' >Iao,a ganacal aaaortmeat of tbia aalnabl*-ramady will ao doubt eommand attaotlon'and 'IT IB-''A MAflTI • " ■ ’ boys and dismissed them, as he has, to other OV" pieeet TenOstry, new patlsrns, from 75e to tl.OO That tba oaly really axallenl'had 'dom^^ia'^^al^fC; 16to pieces Hempuemp anaaira eottoovewa, irvin loe w moo, XEAnr-MADE COFFINS. oonrino. anry on that t)i]a madldna baa extraoidlnary Tit- business, before they had done much more a< GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY.. tu**2, Raad! Raad! Ready-Made Clothinm- '1. waIcbrvillr, mb. 10 placM 4 4,6 4, and 6 4 Whtt* and ebMkW Ratting*. 117-Cablnat Fomitarr manwfkclarad orrapaliad to ordar. “ThIa mv oyrtlO tLa't r baro boon a'graa'tanihtafandlam* home than eat, drink, and wear out ^lothes ; 36 » 6 4.4 4,6-4.aiid 8-4 FloUOU'.Otothf-' B. BRADBURY hu (Hisn an nISa. in Paaniz Buioi, fbr 30 ” Blair Carpatinea and BtalrUMD*. • WaUrrtlla, Jun*ag,6gB8.60 with lUbuamatory Tboumatlam ,forl,yf^ynnn— InthameanUm*------“— •latobo Ibundqt J,. FBAVY A BP0TBS|lj8»;fb^);riiybi.j to have married off three daughters and given . th. tranmtton ol a OBNERALINBURAMOK- BUSINCSB, tVaol MaU, Tnn«l and V.lnt Rnga, Bgtiy Mata, At. I bat* triad many ontdard appUcallona an d dlBOnnl Unlmanta, Jand i. ptepund to mgoUato and Itano - H. A., BACHELDER, ■bat fcnnd• • no nllaf.llaf. —The Brat■ of'Ootobo^lSdS.Ibegap■ ------to nae „ fl't - each a small portion, and lo have the little O^AU of uAiei bt told ivmediolels. R.a, 'r. l|ll|ta.i;.nkTa.H*ig«|g amd ririn BeUeaar. Tb* Povr^rl PowdSz.I Police* on Life and Fire Lituranee,' ' Wholaaal* and Brtail Beal.r In all ktnda of 1 HA oiHDSff POWBBR, jaaf ngalnfijnllM . properly at home kept-good at least, is prorIb Pureb'aaeni deairing to bny any of tbe abdn named goeda at first adplloatlon gaa, rsliai of pain in la*, than. 10 hoi|ia,and 1UU ling al mannAetnnn’ prio..,^ ■ on na non FAvoaiau tuuu, l*HthaDnbole«sl*piiM*.«iuandll Ihtthtlr Inlaraattnoall WOOD SEAT CHAIRS AND SETTEES: began to rodbeo tho awolllng Iho noxl ibonilng. In tbieo dayo more than 400 dolls: a yeaf, more than 500 tba pain add awolllng waa'whoUygona.” ' • ‘ ' In. nwraloTth. iMO*f nllabIaCompnnlM,lothon tb. Btook at k7T IjhPBM A UQ.;8 ; ' West Waterville, Ms. >l/!U.rTlUa,, 13£?- : . < ALBSHC LYIOXS. dolls., ;and must have cost h>m more than and th. Hutu«l ptitadpio. X jem wart lo boy a ■ilX'i'A FfN Or'afino To protect the insarra from tb4 imposition and loss so often, ROOTS, SHOES A LEATHER!;; Ordersrespectftillysolicited.'•' '' Itf To be .bad at HILL A ndBTira,WatorTlIlot Paoa A Atr olca.fiMihiqaablMoA J.- latmtat! eitba^; I and therefore Ips capital has paid mure ineurred hy taking Polloea from Irresponalble parties, grea woon, KendairaMiUs; Wjao’a; Nya’a Corner, Fairfield 1 Bjwa. I OaU at J. :^TY * BBOTBKBS, WrtI core taken^at noCompsny which has not an estab GEO. WLLIKEN B. KtMBALL, ' SiTOR, Flahba’s Ferry; 3. Hkakoa, Dnity ; A. Nra, HtanUr’s than six 'per ceot. on tha Isiid and twelve per lUtaed reputation for ability and integrity will bo represented (VORMBaLT OP BiqnitOBD,) Mill.; end at my honto In West tVaterrllb-. IB *- Silver-Platedi Want. Dos puTchOAed tbe stock and cent, on,the surplus. He certaioly could not itthis agency. Attonoy and Connselltor at Ifiir, A-NBir LOT ot ailTar eaka baketa, 'bapite 'Azjmi'jt pemos ’Iwrirlng Insnranee ore respaetfollj Invited to call on 'takenAbe store, le’e Pgw Parmdref Ongbl you ant la bo fnaarrdt—so tbnf fbe have done for"himself and hjs Igrge family, aod^ .foRst«f,on LA. ArkaI pit,ftntt,laaarara,andfi.dikifitM^aMM the subarrlber who will gUdJiy afford any Information or fkell- —*»n— Labor of Years may not bo la a alagle HaarT ' mnga,angaTtong,,ar*am kdlaa, eaa(nn,tyikaiMKM public, what ha has, with less.. Ity In bis power. J B. DKADBUKT. MAIM ^tkiSKT, ' NOYABY PUIfLICi •allara, ipoon holdara, ato.', ate,, aaUin^l vv’gterblUe.rebrosfy 1,1859. 80tf ,OFpo*l|n IhelPoalOfllra, EAWOOH. - . - - - -: ------MAIiSrE. INSURANCE! 'Hut TfftR Thinker is only a sample of thou- Oj^ You that have Properly! Be wise and protect «h*r* h* la now ttealrlng .neh Watervilie. Mutael Insartjioe Compuiy, aanfb of-small but thrifty farmers who bring addi Iona a* will make hla ati- Ixnd WCrrabta obtalnnl and piurhiaad al rwonabl. prlcM- OrookeiT, Glamnssi’.toiV' Tourtelvee and FamiHe$,farin a Single Bonr^ the Labor tlety larga and aeoaptnble.— WaTBRYILU, MB. of TKA K» may be uaer I______” Partlealar attention glTCR topiaoUeo nndarth. pp'lfirge families, live well and maintain a Hie Hook of • Iy33 . ■ orirolnal------law. BOOTS SBO^a respectable and oseful poeition through life, ZiraORANOE AOENCV. Bo yon want to gatyfai; Ar. yon aadting for ante.,- .and h'gvc enough, if^bey do not die rich, all Non 8,1818. I IT AVINCI fiir th. pa«l*» Vaiu hMawnptd In ihaliunr. Lufothisr And SndinjSf Molie^Wtorth elala, nnMbi»liwu,than>b,rib.r.«UlwnU!)na■ 10...... tak. itik. of Thrank or Valiie, lags. Tbs stliries of Its Ofiloara ays tp tffi by Tota of tha of which must cost more than eao be accounted H Is Mbreinl mMeraleptioM, while Intne department of OUS< Glabs Ware 11 . aOBL all Uods la. i^i-aaSi, ok.ap, eompanle.; both Block and OXiOT^bNTO CarM -Beg or Satchel mriubMS at tbeir annnal meeting. Plaiaa for,- uniesi farming capiiel is wortl| some- Mutnal. lhr.Tr. iTlIni fihinHa~ wlU...... ko In.uxwl ftom 8-4‘ to -----11 2 TO.M WORK he will bt pr^iMi^ ...... to meeMrden In the best The Bylawi proTide that “ Iq case, of any dl|M|K*ipont bo- —0»— — Xf— ' Glabb Wabr I Oil I ltiing.f-^ Farmers’ Magasine. ir eent for Ora pMia. Btortoand euntruti Uom fid to style. ; MILLlKJRf, twoen tha Colnpany and any peyipn, atlalng^oqi of an in; 1-3 par cmt-.lbroB* pwr. Feb. a, 1858. p(M U^n Sirewt, opposite P. 0. Furjiishing Goods, Lower prices than ever T bneo.'" • ' ' ■ " ■ ■■■ GlabB' Wab» I ( p rOf^oe at Ibt D.P^ ot th* BonocMt k KcancbM ll.ilroad ICall on eill on BalUag at'Maan^etiiiaf’a^iilefLil^ |9pi|iB lir A Sj^va Pbm.—Mrs. Francis D. L. I. BOOTUBV, Aftnt Why 'Bill yon Snibr t TBATBHA.MARBTON. THAYER k MAB6T0N. V) all ptitona aulhrtng from RhmimatUm, NIWMlgla, Cramp Er. B*. Ore^’o Bonediao. Boya’ and YeBiai>'« Gfge, of St. Louis, bas been spending this 8FEINO TRADE NOTICE, In tlx Llniba or Btomach, Blllpaa Colic, o; Todihuha, wa Ilay Curtia A poiklnii’a Ckkwv an Patti Rnualaiafalloibara, great repotallon of the Remotes' used during tl alnglo jj^mOMaadoitmaBl atknf yai«at|j winter in New prleens. She visited one of tharamadyyou waat Itoparataa Uka magic; If baa «and Jt fifteen yeM by Da. R.Okirni,.Principal of tbe Boeton IMrORTAHT Itaoir m'llre blgtaly lb tha oonlldanoe of tbn Rn< tha abora coraplalnta in tbouaanda of eaaaa altar Ipng yaan of Indian Medical IniMtute, bos secured for them a ooirespond’ FLUID Ana OIL Ml tke slave peqs in litft c^ty. Here is an extract Ts an Dealer, le erery Tewa e.ed ftty thet purrhate anflitriiig, and whan all other ramrdlc. that baro been trl.4 log demand, Snd orders by Exprem are...... - hoorlv IT ;recrived______foi . Olfii-nr* for tho frenaad Voar. - PpHeSf----__ a to------..Z_ .---- A.---- gQ Bmab aaaerMd Iilisip*,’at ' VANOY o.oona, .grovs. bare IfhUed. enppHesfrom Fb>slclaDs, Druggists, and Invalids, from forery D. L. MILLIKBN. FrrHdastj 0. R HorADDXN, Boerotoryl fTpiB her description of wbat the saw: For a4le by dcalm la modlcine .rcrywhrie. lyn Dtloo.1— of- the coontry, ' 'C. B. TBA'rBB, Tienabier. And Yankee Notipiui. For poitionlantors and reforcnce lo esses ohred, get the * )tAd|ap * In a corner sat a yonng girl, straight, slen­ DIrerlork.—n L. MiUitin, Mnnu nantooK, 0. B. TaATU, —oaa*r,— Effhu for folA AreaDa,’of the snbeoribtr.'ororder a copyhym^i viixf,i4- • . TO der aqd fragile, with skim quite^ as white as TfriLL And It for .tbdp adTaotuo to call and rwmla. th. drfssing GkSNMs, M. p ^86 Droinfield.8treri|BoitoD., Bha anbaeifttai aOay ft* a^BC^ toitiy iii Vr most aitaoilro, and bylitrihegigrMtoW-r* Of -FAN­ 'ikdtan Panama.—For pc^fjing the bki^and •emel of. the tanned tbe Middle CY ARTICLSB «w exhlMtrd In any oneMoialn th. U. 8 _ ___ *ri’*'S?B!ff - ■ -^i.dtidUmiirtaB ■mi-OiKK i'- - fomllMS, A good weirpfwClir and a garden. It ito system of Cano^n^ -Uitmors, Scrofiila, Sryi Mitn. Yftntk ai^ IbidiiKid. Rialee—not that tawny wbilq that so often Alto, 0. L. Walt*’, aaptflar L'oohing and flaVorlnf Bitracir. lUHui^' Stoid Uaaii,'F.aar Boina,' and ■di'.rap'tlana oi tha mgjtSw JVAT FUBLIBBBB, tho 3(th tbonittd.ond BabUit’a Boapt,—Onauit. - -■ > ^wUl be sold et lost than costae the •ubsorlber wlsk- akin or dlaekwa ariitng from ImpurlUea ol th* Blood.- aurl(s ^be. mixed raoes, but a clear brunette, Tbe Beatee I'henlral Beay Reer^.-^One pvarnuk- oe tb ffo Dfluth. Terme of payuioto made easy. For frirtbtr Plica 01 per bottle.^ 'mmmtm J mnllad ina aaaMMTaldpn; lt> any ndlnaa, lagon. gallon Bolt Boon In thro. mlnnWe- - Ron* g«nuln., nn- nnrtieulers Innutie at tha presste. poai paid, oi^ tbaro^jpllff {brntatnkapt,. , , - wilK.flW ijob blood flaibing through tbe trans- Jpar mannlhatand by C- L. Wall, ha fiarieg paid ua InTthtor, Watervllle, r«b. 15, *69. fimSi Mts N. BOWMAN. lodian BapiarklIrn Blllnpa^r’-Tltv TWg and tba agmuH. ANcmiTlIBlD fltaia'Ht*^ Tiy (bun. Price 60 ccoM. , A MtdUui 1. of th* fioiitit Omkj/s'v. nuNunrass of fahoy eocDe add vove, an, vklDlty, agjt) f|Nl|paft|hIly eol^^ patronage InBlaa itoperlal bropa will raatJr* brrroaa a^nd .Hal dw' shprfi'efler tbe present aehool mid vital Bnrgtont, parlad' Oq the top of the hoad, and ■ OOWISUSION mbbORantb, OR,, m.4 MtlMiVfwfaqt oraaiwCvMa; alw rnmonSlakbi, IklalMaa IDT, SIS, Its CeM'ear, wd «t *«D Meral Sir., id tba BU^b, At. Prica M eanU. tcrrMiimatc^kiab«t.Baialiinl ■mOaleM.'eoaM f^.e foiBt appearaaee'of an Afrisaa. 3m • FAiXFJEAli VILLAOB.- » TodaMia DobllUy, Irfipotanoy, Loss nf IbHnyf.jtFftlW will aaaa tadAhMelii ttbtrr «1U t , , , „. , auevoii, RAW..' - . -- fclM-^ni toUavayearOoRfihor *1*1I, Timidity, DlBonata of Oio BoziMaS|kW^4Saw ar.tai— ------” Her eyas VWO ndiiher, black nojr blue, nor yet ■eW A|«t^ tkr A. lAMJgROiH’B (SismwmS to Band- . • -'-T wnta’D LiewgtnJ H. H. CAMPBELL. M.: D:. bMri 1and raptwaiive. .WAT.SS VIALV...... J manna ol rTu ibBtfti^’iiN'fer aalef ^ I inquired. liilhr Isiiariw tiM Vroifa, Baaiaiiioi on Ointar BMM, itaf D^- 'Plairi.4’1 Iwllaii' IliniiinaM UahMabrni* bail mnly Mt Abaa- bATln, TBsShara^anSifthwainmal aatliArtloa on Boaten OOto- . pmega«*f'.>’M;YW4M»'t;o.‘a Dru Bhtrt. tbeeiMW^Ml Yes, atw eedtCveglwatJwaiiM AtS*to fhr tho too ------[, . iji ,;;rr •adeat. Julia, amt op hart, j^iig*^ibe . AgtMilNMk WllB-ObaalB b* lalna ta all-fiaitaiaRMBti mm. MaMM amat... lx thaaatB waRMJiaittalNtvaaa;

j ^,jlu j i>jwo" Mitr^

' i fUayrtliStoWra’-iSatlBa.
