Gardens north Pumped Local police say the number Best blooms propel green A local woman heads for the of car and truck thefts here thumbs into the winner's Canadian Fitness Championships has doubled\NEWS A9 circle\COMMUNITY B3 in Hamilton\SPORTS B5

WEDNESDAY 93¢ PLUS 7¢ GST AUGUST 21, 1996 T NDARD VOL. 9 NO. 19 Referendum drive aims at treaty SKEENA MP Mike Scott says he will renegotiate the Nisga'a agreement-in- referendum law to make it virtually im- "The NDP made sure anyone who would organize a petition to force the province to principal and any other land clahn agree- possible for anyone to succeed," he said. try to use the referendum law would be hold a referendum on the Nisga'a land ments reached to that point on a set of prin- Scott says he's now getting phone calls facing a monumental logistics task." claim agreement. ciplea to be developed before hand "in from all over the province from people in- But Scott says it still is poss~le. Under a new law, citizens can force a thorough consultation with the people of terested in Joining the campaign. "I would prefer that rather than going off referendum on an issue if they gather signa- ." But he says they're not going to rush into in a disorganized fashion and risk not pro- tures of 10 per cent of the voters in each of If the initiative gets to the referendum it. ceeding, I would prefer that we had our B.C.'s 75 ridings within 90 days. stage, it would need to get the support of "We will not initiate the petition until ducks all lined up before we got into the ac- "The government has wrongly denied the more than 50 per cent of the total number such time as we have the volunteer organi- tual petition." people the opportunity to be involved in the of voters, and more than 50 per cent of the zation in place," he said. The first step, he said, is getting a Nisga'a land claim negotiations," Scott voters in at least two-thirds of the pro- That may happen this fall, or possibly province-wide organization in place. said. "We have no option at this point but vinco's comtituencies. next spring, he said. "We're contacting people all over British to force the government to put the issue to And Scott says it will be a monumental "It's a manunoth undertaking,,' Scott Columbia who we think are natural allies in referendum.' ' job to get the required "volunteer army" in said. "To get 3,000 to 4,000 signatures in working with us to see this referendum in- Scott's referendum m if the petition suc- place to get nearly 4,000 signatures from each of 75 provincial ridings within a. 90 itiative succeed," Scott said. ceeds and if a 'Yes' vote results -- would every riding in three months. day time frame is going to be a very, very require the provincial government to "The NDP has engineered this difficult task." Continued Page A12 Mike Scott Offer PINE MUSHROOMS under Pickers here wraps anticipate a THE PROVINCE has finally made an offer aimed at inducing Terrace and bumper crop Thomhill to become one. The restructure package - By JEFF NAGEL expected to favour a plan to MUSHROOM PICKERS are hoping the dismal wet sum- amalgamate Terrace and mer is about to produce a bumper crop of pine mushrooms. Thornhill - is 15ein~ keot But so far very few of the prized matsutake mushrooms Ur/der~ wraps ~,fi;le it's aretbeing foundi says buyer Jackie Penner. reviewed by city and "Everyone seems to think because it's been raining Kitimat-Stikine regional there's a lot of mushrooms out there," she said. "But there district officials. isn't." Acting mayor David Hull "There's some coming in but very few at this stage. It's (mayor Talstra is on vaca- a waiting game." tion) said Tuesday morning Normally the season doesn't begin until after the Labour he hasn't seen the offer yet, Day weekend, she added. but said city officials "We've had earlier years before where they've some- times started this early, but it hasn't happened yet." described it as being a But that hasn't quelled the enthusiasm. Mushroom pick- "pretty basic package." ers have already established a camp south of Cranberry Hull said the offer may not Junction in anticipation of this fall's crop. be released at all, because it "It's like mushroom city," Pexmer said. "It's like hawks may simply be the start of a waiting for the kill." long series of offer/counter- A few veteran pickers who work for the ministry of offer negotiations between forests think the optimism is justified. the two communities and "The forestry almanac says it's going to be a hot year," the provincial government. says Richard Krupop. Regional district chair The.lack of sunshine, the wet summer, and the late snow- Joanne Monaghan said the pack melt all point to a good mushroom season, he says. committee charged with "There was slow melting even in the mountains up to exploring the restructure the end of June and into July," says Krupop. "That scenarios should meet this ground water level was retained fairly deep down." week to analyze the 16- Other indicators n like boletes mushrooms -- have page package. made early appearances, he said. Monaghan said they have Penner isn't optimistic for outrageously high prices when four days - until this the big crop does start coming in. Sunday - to decide whether Her depot was paying $20 a pound for #1's as of last or not to go to referendum weekend, and she was expecting prices to drop further. at the same time as the November elections. "By then we have to say Big game to get yes, we're going to do it or no, we're not." wired for data The question would also have to be determined by SN[ITHERS m Northwest moose and car~ou can run, but then, but she said there == Keep your head they can't hide. could still be minor changes The Ministry of Environment is fitting five moose and BICYCLE HELMETS become mandatory for all B.C, cyclists on September 3. That's Kaylee VanGenne to the package afterwards. five car~ou with expensive electronic collars. who, despite being only two and a half-years-old, knows to put on her helmet when she goes riding. With the help of a satellite, biologists will be able to Hull said it doesn't make monitor almost every move the animals make in the next sense to rush the process. two years. "There is not a hope in It's part of a larger plan to track 200 big game animals in hell of having this thing on the northwest. Next year tsggers will collar wolves, moose, the ballot for the November Bike helmets now the law caribou, mountain goats and grizzlies at a cost of about election," he said. $750,000 in Forest Renewal B.C. money. Even assuming the pack- PARENTS WHO allow their chil- It's simply a matter of an ounce of the original helmet sales receipt and District wildlife biologist Rick Marshall says the five- age is acceptable, he said dren to ride their bikes without hel- prevention being worth a pound of be approved by one of three agen- year project will help researchers learn more about the there'd be no time to edu- mets after September 3 could face a cure, he adds. cies. area's wildlife. cate the public. $100 fine. "After you become a father, when Those,agencies are the Canadian That information will help the ministry better assess "We have to make sure The new bike helmet law applies you are dealing with a claim involv- Standards Association (CSA), Snell potential impact of logging and other activities on wildlife. everybody understands the to all bicyclists, no matter what their ing a child, you think to yourself B95 or B90 or the American Society Most of the animals get regular high-frequency radio col- whole situation arid every- age. that it could have been my child," for Testing and Materials (ASTM lars, but five car~ou in the area in the Cassiar one that has questions has And not any helmet will do. The McNicolls continues. F1447). and five moose in the Klappan River area near Dense Lake them answered;" he said. helmet has to be an approved ICBC has introduced a helmet pur- Rebate forms must be postmarked will get higher-tech $10,000 electronic collars. "We only have to look at bicycle safety helmet, says Con- chase rebate program to ease the by Nov, 12 to be eligible for the pro- Those devices contain a Global Positioning System the second sheet of ice ref- stable Barry Noonan. cost of buying the protective gear. gram. (GPS) which can be tracked by satellite and automatically erendum to see what hap- The law is designed to cut down It's worth $10 for every helmet MeNicolls advises that purchasers records the animal's location eight times a day. pens when you make a not- on injuries and deaths caused by ac- bought for a young person in kinder- check helmets for the appropriate Every three or four months taggers in an airplane will well-prepared trip to the cidents involving cyclists. garten to Grade 7. stickers before buying. follow the radio signals to locate the animal, capture it, and "If you buy a gas barbecue you polls." It's the result of a growing accep- With helmets running in the neigh- download the information from the electronic chip. bourhood of $40 or so for children, are certainly going to look for a The results are the exact migratory and breeding patterns "Nothing would be worse tsnce of bicycle helmets, particular- ly for children, as an added safety the rebate works out to approximate- CSA sticker to make sure it's been of the animals. for this process than to have device. ly 25 per cent of the price, tested. It's the same principle here," Taggers plan to put radio collars on a couple dozen griz- one side of the river vote • For local ICBC manager Paul McNicolls notes. he said. zly bears in the Babine River area, and in August they col- yes and the other side of the McNicolls it only makes sense when The rebate is for helmets bought McNicolls notes that ICBC's lared 40 mountain goats in the Telkwa Range area. river vote no," Hull said. he cites statistics indicating that half until Sept. 30 and forms are avail- rebate program is also aimed at In October and January they will tag 60 car~ou, 40 "That would drive a rift so of the 100 people who die each year able at local helmet retailers and at reducing the cost of claims arising e moose and 20 wolves in the Cassiar. Ten caribou in the up- deep that it would set this in bicycle accidents across Canada, the local ICBC claims office. from bicycle accidents involving per Sustat River as well as 21 moose and five wolves south thing back a decade." do so from head injuries. Rebate requests must come with motor vehicles. of Burns Lake will also be tagged this winter. A2 The lerrace Standard, W(nhm:;day, Auflusl 21. 1996 Surgeon takes fight STOPPres to S u p re m e C o u rt l,,,,,,.,.,--',,,, v" 635"TIPSI Maverick doc says heSs still looking for justice A FORMER northwest orthopaedic in his request for release of the file. ]ltimnt.c &lut.ion I lccLroly i surgeon is taking his decade-old battle with But subsequent appeals by the College of Pilot search called off the College of Physicians and Surgeons to Permanent Hair Physicians and Surgeons to the B.C. Court Removal for men & women THE SEARCH for a missing pilot from an Air North the Supreme Court of Canada. of appeal have succeeded. DC-4 which crashed into the lskut River Aug. 14 has Dr. John David Kuntz wants the country's The latest round was a bizarre series of been called oft'. highest court to order the college to hand litigation over the last 18 months in which a Sandy Smart Terrace water rescue members took part in the over the file that it used to conclude he three-Justice panel of the B.C. Court of Ap- Electrologist search last week which took place about 80 miles north- should stop practising spinal surgery. peal released the decision on Kuntz's case wesl of Stew~ul. The body first suspended Kuntz without a before it had finished hearing evidence in a hearing in 1986, and then took away his 635-7835 202-4650 Lazelle Ave. The DC-4 made an emergency hmding on a sandb~u" closely related case involving another doe- licence pennanently in 1988. for seeking f'de disclosure. (Credit Union Building) in the river Aug. 14 after a fire started inthe left wing The maverick surgeon had refused to behind the engine shortly after taking off from the The court agreed to disqualify itself, and cooperate with the medical conununity and a new five-Justice panel of the Appeal Bronson Creek airstripl submit his ground-breaking work to the Court heard both doctors' cases, and sided e P .; "J The three DC-4 crew members tried to swim to scrutiny of researchers. with the college in a 3-2 decision handed shore but only two - Stewart Ch'trk and Dan Quaile - Kuntz believes there is evidence in the down March 25. ' or. I i!.l .--., : m,'kde it. Pilot Donald Begren of Whitehorse wasn't a file that will vindicate him ~ and prove College lawyer David Martin says he ex- Report I~, r l slrong swimmer and didn't make it to land. that he never engaged in experimental pects a decision on whether the countryns Terrace's w,'iter rescue team members flew tip that surgery -- if he can get his hands on it. highest court will agree to hear the appeal day to search the banks of the river and probe the writer, He alleges that the 1988 hearing that con- by early October. , trying to find Begren. cluded he was unfit to practice was illegal, Kuntz contends the B.C. medical and that the college tampered with evidence, Ilrs a coolsummer night. You'relying in your bed, about to fall osher "Unfortunately they were not successful," said legal communities have conspired against and that his rights were violated in the him, and that he will not get justice until he Suddenly you hear a flu,ering noise in the he tree just out side you Terrace fire chief Randy Smith. He helped coordinate the course of proceedings. window. You hop up and race to see what's going on. There in Ih, rescne efforts. is before the Supreme Court of Canada. His lawyer, former Justice Thomas Kuntz practised an unorthodox brand of moonlightstands a great hornedowl with a dead robin in its beak. "It's a very unforgiving fiver," he said, describing Berger, in his application for leave to ap- spinal orthopoedie surgery by inserting How would you feel about seeing such o thing? You may think it wa the difficulty the rescue team had with unexpected deep peal to the Supreme Court, says there's evi- plastic disks he manufactured himself into exciting. You may be amazed thai the owl could see the sleeping robiz sections and the last current. dence some of the college surgeons on the the spinal column. and snolcbil from its perch.Maybe you'd be glad that Ihat ovalwon't gl The phme had been flying supplies in and ore out of investigating committee that removed The college ultimately decided that Kuntz hungry. Bul maybe you really like robinsand would be upset to see one the Snip mine to Wrnngell, . Kuntz were ultimately in a position to was in effect experimenting on human killed. You may eventhink Ihe owl was cruel for doingwhat it did. The search for the missing pilot was officially called benefit from his removal ~ by gaining beings and could not be allowed to go on Many people don't like to think about how owls, wolves, and gibes off on Saturday. But Air North head Joe Sparling said an work he was no longer elig~le to do. practising. uedators feed themselves. They don't want to think about the blooc unofficial search is still ongoing. Berger argues thepossibility of bias justifies Many patients still revere the surgeon, and pain and death. They may think fha! predalors are frightening, o, the opening of the College f'de on Kuntz. Investigators from Transport Camda's safety board while others have successfully sued him for that lhese huntersare somehow"bad". Two lower court decisions backed Kuntz ,are now looking into the crash. Terrace coroner Dave medical malpractice. Some people dislike predators because they eat animals that are Coverdale is handling the investigation into the pre- I useful to us, or becauseIhey eat animalsthat we like. A farmer may hal sumed drowning of Begren. trust hawks becausehe's afraid they'll kill her sheep.And you may have mixed feelingsIoward owlsbecause they may aria& robins right outside LUCKY DOLLAR BINGO ¢ourbedroom window! MLAs want wood jobs Many people don't care much ghoul predators one way or lhe other. REPAP SHOULD provide jobs in return for taking =us,,8,.., PALACE =us,,.. But they still may won!er, what are they good for? These peop e forget over Orenda Forest Products and its wood licence, says that w Id animals aren t here for our goad. We may like some animals because they happen to be useful to us. Or we may like them because one of the MLAs examining the issue. FRIDAY .~ they are beautiful or cute or friendly. Bul wild animals aren't here 1o Skeena NDP MLA Helmut Giesbrecht said a report make us happy or to do anything for us. They are what they are and he and two other MLAs are writing will indicate jobs are 1 3 TerraceSoftbzMinor g Brothers& Bi Terrace CurlingA,SO¢ they do what they do for justone renson:to survive. needed in the Stewart ,and Gitwangak/Gitanyow areas. lertace Anll Poverlf Kinsmen Club If you want to learn more about bird of prey come fo this Sunday "That was the concern expressed by the people in Nisga'a Tribal nightsprogram, at 8 p.m., in Ihe amphitheaterat Lakelse Campground. those areas," said Giesbrecht of oral and written submis- C0unciI-Tertace Ter. Skating Club See you in the park! sions received during public meetings last month. 4 Skeena 5 Terrace 7 8 1 ~Terrace At the very least Giesbrecht said the jobs in those 9 vArt ASS0C Jr. Sec, Minor Kermode Terrace Peaks TerraceUtile Canadian areas now supported by the wood under Orenda's licence School Hockey Friendship Gymnastics Theelre Paraplegic Assoc. Kinetle Club Socielv Club Terrace Niega'a Tribal @ should continue if Repap gains control. Search & Anli-Povetty The recommendations in the report from the MLAs Council.Terrace Rescue will be forwarded to forests minister Dave Zimhelt who 11 12 13 14 7 RotaryClul Pro=am Schedule Terrace 15 16 -- Of Terrace AN IS- 19~ 1~ will make the finai decision. Approximately 40 submis- Kermode Order of Canadian 1~un~, ~gea IS: Thornhill Minor Terrace _. Royal Purple Paraplegic Assoc. Terrace 3p.m. sions were received by the committee and the majority of Jr. Sac, Hockey Friendship YouthSoccer Creepy Crmdlna CHthea" Come along on ~e great search for some of Blueback Terrace Nisga'a Tribal park,,~ residents) them are in favour of the Repap takeover. School Society SwimClub Heart & Stroke 8 p.m, "Rash From The Past" Come for a walk along the T~n Spruce Trail and learn Anti.Poverty Council.To.ace Foundation about the histary of thia old growth to,eeL (Meet at ~ top of ~e lrall near the Repap said it needs the 325,000 cubic metres of sewagedump stolon) wood a year contained in the Orenda licence for SecuriJ'~, i8 19 20 21 22 fii~, Au~l IS: Caledonia Terrace Benevolent 23 24 Kermode Terrace Big Brolher & Terll:e Pipe, S Orum, 3p.n~ of supply for its Prince Rupert pulp nil& ..... Sr, Sec. Minor ProleoliveOrder of "Y/lid Waler World" Come see and learn about some of the creatu,'esthat live Friendship Blueback Elk, Big Sisters Kitrumkalumli~;k$. onJn arudnear O'~e lake. (Be prepa.,edto 9el yoor feet war) The regional district will als0 be sending Zimhelt a School Basel~l ep.m. ~.aasr Beaver: Ncute~ Enalne~r'.l" Loam about our local ,esidento the Society SwimClub Terrace Nisga'a Tribal ium.olSisterhood beaver(ca..~ can,.~Xm~)~s habeat,and his~y. letter saying wood from the Stewmt region be used to Skeen,YalTey Anti.Poverty Council Sr=o,mobleAliCe boost employment in that region, not elsewhere. 3 p.m. ~J~[la&~Ll~LIt{~Take a short trip ~th ,~ Io anothorto~ ProvincialPar~. Coma 25 26 27 for a ~k to see the beautful rock canyon.Can you spot any salmon spawning fn "Those lbrest licences were supposed to help stabi- 28 29 30 31 the aresk? Meetat the IntoCentre nearthe pic~ area at Klear~.aCreek. Terrace Terrace Terrace Terrace Minor Canadian Totem Saddle ep.m, Kermode Club "NI~i'a L~va Plrk" $1i~ show and presentation. Nisga'a Lava Park is one of lize the economy of the region," said Stewart mayor Community Minor Friendship Peaks Gymnastics Softball ~,::'d,':,!iCn 8,C.'s newestan~ interes~g areas. Andy Burton. "And that hasn't happened. We're not Band Hockey Shames Mtn Terrace Anti. PACES Daycate Societv Ski Club Poverty Nisga'a Tribal Terrace Skaling looking to create a mill that will take fibre away ~uadshut Council 3 p.rn. "Jerk's Rarmem Hhdorv Hound" Come attd have some fun foaming how to be Club a histcq hound with lorry earn yo~ hlatoryhound sucker. down another mill, We should be looking at this as an Sat. Afternoon Games $ p.m. Have you evar seen the local osprey suddenly dive down into Doors 11:30 a.m. Games 12:45 the wator anU oume out ~th a fish in its talons? Come and lesm abe~t this arxi innovative approach to create jobs." Evening Games att',er b~rdsof prey. Doors 4:30 p.m. Games 6:15 Monday(Aug 19) Thurs., Fri., Sat. Late Night Games ap.m. "Villi Ihe Old Men or Iha Fomeil" Come and ~ tim oldest lteee in ~ie forest Doors 9:30 p.m. Games 10:00 p.m. and see if you can guess how ola they really ore. Meet el the e~ance sign Family Bingo Every Saturday Afternoon acmes fro~ ~e SewageDump S~. Vehicles stolen Last Wednesday of the month Is DOUBLE BINGO LAST FRIDAY a new Snowbird camper was stolen T.V,MONITORS SMOKEREMOVAL AISLECONCESSION FORMORE INFORMATION ON PROGRAMS PHONE EVA.MARIE SARICH from the Chinook Sales lot on Hwy 16 west. The camper 4410Legion, Terrace THEPARK OFRCE 798-2277 is white with turquoise striping across the middle and 635,2411 top, ~md "Snowbird" is written on the back. And late Sunday night or early Monday morning a ': :: A l Auto 1991 red Jeep Cherokee was stolen from the downtown •ill IV' Parts Plus area, .... ~ I, ~ Supply Ltd.

BB "Your Complete Automotive Supply Store" (.I:ilIMI: 4736 Lazelle Ave. (Just behind McDonalds) TERRACE, B.C. "R.V." Supplies & Acces. "Raybestos"Brakes "Framr' Filters "Moog" front end parts .)l )Plq=ll.% "Blue Streak": Ignition "Walker"Exhaust "Monroe" Shocks "ArmorAll" cleaners "Champion", "NGK" & "Autolite" Spark Plugs Terrace Crime Stoppers are asking your "Turtle Wax polishes "Magna charge" Batteries assistance in solving the theft over from a resi- dence at 4844 Loen Ave., Terrace, BC on August 01, 1996, We carry one of the of Automotive tools in the area! The investigation has revealed that the cul- prit(s) entered the residence through an For all unlocked door then proceeded to take the fol- your Spring Tune-Up Needs / Come in for a coffee and browse FII lowing china ware from the china cabinet: -- ~'i Mon,-Fri ...... 8arn-6pm 1. One Eagle of a branch worth $140.00 I:1 2, One glass egg with stand worth $50.00 • : J Sat ...... 8 am- 5 pm I::,iiI 3. One twin wovleson rocks worth $60.00 ~ek. I: :ii 4. One Mallard decoy valued at $120.00 5. One Music box, Calico kitten worth $66,00 6, One Floral music box worth $70.00 7, One Bird floral box valued at $60,00 8, One wolf on base worth $70,00 9. One Squirrel ceramic worth $60.00 Aug MAX. ~ PCPN SUN I~U~,X_.BEg..O.BI~S ~ PCpN SUN MAX. X~.AB MIN. 10. One Collection plate, Thomas Kinkade 9 16.5 13,1 1.0 0.0 24.0 11.3 7.2 33,9 1960 6.1 1959 worth $40.00 10 24.2 13,8 0.6 6.0 7.6 1975 20,1 12,7 TR 1.8 32.8 1960 5.6 1966 12. One Collection plate, Hadley House 11 19,5 12,8 4.8 0.6 10,9 1966 worth $85.00 17,9 12,5 1,6 1,0 30,7 1977 5.6 1959 12 16.9 11,9 3.2 3.6 7,9 1962 13. One Collection plate, Bradford exchange, 16.5 10,2 0.0 30.6 1961 7,2 1974 13 18.4 11,2 5.1 3.0 9.1 1966 WVinter Calm" worth $40.00 14,2 11,2 3.4 0.0 33.4 1977 5.6 1953 14 18.8 7.9 4.6 11,9 1960 If you know the identity of the person(s) 14.1 9,5 13,6 1.9 30,5 1977 5,0 1953 15 18.3 11.0 3.9 4.0 19,1 1069 responsible for this break, enter and theft, *'New Record 15,8 11,0 0.4 5,0 31,8 1977 5.6 1986 24.4 1969 Crime Stoppers would like to hear from you. ROAD CONDITIONS Ill Crime Stoppers offers a cash reward of up to BROUGHTTO YOU BY: $1.000.00 for Information leading to an arrest here with it's increase traffic. Please be on the lookout for our NECHAKO '- and charges being laid against an individual in ertaking works such as patching, mowing and brushing, .OHCOASr this or other unsolved crime. If you have any and crack sealing. Obey all signs and flagpers0ns and have a information call Crime Stoppers at 635-'l'Ips CONS YAUCT~ON SERVICES that's 635-8477. Callers will not be required to Fi / ~,,, / reveal their Identity nor testify In court. Yt~TurRoe; Maintenance Contractor Call 63S-TIPS mmm.mmmmmm~ T.he Terrace Standard. Wednesday, August 21, 1996 - A3 i ish fallacy News in Brief ngered for Overheated budget LIBRARY OFFICIALS say they love theft new air conditioning, but someone forgot to factor the change in to their utilities budget. tourist drop Library board chair Maureen Ogawa is as- king council for a $3,100 grant to cover the Infocentre move also a factor budget overrun to operate the air conditioning in 1996. Councillor Val George said the air con- A COMBINATION OF faulty fishing information ditio,fing was a last minute addition to the and a new location produced lower than normal capital projects budget set late last year, after visitor numbers at the chamber of commerce's visitor the library budget was approved. The item infocentre this summer. was referred to the city's finance committee. _ There were 592 parties registered as stopping at the Ogawa also called the new library building a infocentre office in June and 1,279 parties in July. success, noting circulation to the end of June Multiplied by the tourism industry standard of 2.5 is 25 per cent up from last year's record people, that works out to 1,480 people in June and levels. She said 1,200 new memberships have 3,198 people in July. been issued in 1996, with total membership now more than 11,000. And both numbers were down a healthy amount from the same two months of last year. In particular, the area seems to be lacking the num- Truck driver injured bers of tourists from Alberta and Saskatchewan that A TERRACE logging truck driver got a visited in past years. lucky bounce from a log in an industrial acci- It's these people who provide the backbone of the dent at a lauding near Kitimat Thursday. recreational fishing tourist here and they may have Kithnat ambulance and RCMP personnel been scared off by erroneous reports leaking over the were called to the landing 11 kin northeast of Kithnat Thursday morning on a report that a Rockies about the state of B.C.'s fishing industry. man had been struck by a log. Those reports may have been right when it comes to Kitimat RCMP Const. Alberto Neumann . the commercial fishery but wrong when declines said the driver sustained minor cuts and were also reported for its recreational counterpart. bruises when a log from the load he was tying "Word got out that all the fishery was bad, not just down on his truck fell off and hit the ground. the commercial fishery," says chamber employee It missed the driver on the way down but Sally Poppleton. "That spilled over and people have one end of the log bounced up again and stayed away." struck the driver. Neumann said the loggers Another contributing factor to the low number of didn't take any chances and called in an am- visitors was the temporary location of the infocentre bulance to take the injured driver to Kitimat FIRE FIGHTER Scott Spencer checks for a heartbeat on the new heart monitor the fire General Hospital, where he was treated. to the Skeena Mall. department recently acquired. He was demonstrating the machine on a dummy, so he had That was to permit renovations to the chamber's log a bit of a problem finding a pulse. The demonstration took place during a thank you recep- structure on Hwyl6 and those renovations weren't tion co-hosted by the fire department and the ambulance station. Fires below average finished until mid-July. COOL SUMMER weather is keeping the "Either people couldn't find us or, with big rigs, number of forest fires in this region well be- had trouble parking," said Poppleton of the low norm. So far there have been 56 fires this temporary office space. season, compared to an average of 220. Cardiac units added The latest fire, which staffed in the Nass on All this means it's been a challenging two years for August 4, is out, although crews are still keep- the tourist infocentre. LIFE-SAVING TECHNOLOGY in Terrace got well might save even more lives. That's because ing an eye on it. The fire, located southwest of Last year, a massive bridge re-decking project a boost with the addition of two heart monitors. the fire truck is often the first vehicle on the Cranberry junction, consumed 60 hectares. hampered the ability of tourists to stop in at the log The automatic external defibrillators came scene in an emergency. Since then fire officials report there haven't structure. after the fire department and ambulance station In an average year emergency crews respond been any new starts. But they warn the public asked the community to raise money for the car- to anywhere from nine to 15 cardiac arrest calls. still to exercise care, and to make sure all diac units. And those numbers are expected to increase as camp fires are properly extinguished. Bed and breakfasts multiply The machines are used when someone has Terrace's population grows and ages. A bright spot for the local tourism industry this year has gone into cardiac arrest. If ambulance or first "We've already resuscitated two people with been the steady growth of bed and breakfast accommoda- responders reach a person within eight minutes, these machines," says fire chief Randy Smith. On being happy tions. they can shock a heart back to a proper rhythm. But both he and Moi stress that early CPR by THE UNIVERSITY of Northern I3(2 is host- There are now five in Terrace and area and another three One of Terrace's ambulances was already out- bystanders is also very important. ing a world conference on the quality of life, in the Nass Valley. fitted with a defibrillator. However if that am- The machines cost a total of $13,500. Money and what it means to be happy. "Especially for European people it's personalized, bulance was already called out, and another was donated by the Order of the Royal Purple, The four-day event, which starts tomorrow cheaper and more interesting," said Poppleton. emergency occurred, the second patient would the Legion, Northern Savings Credit Union, in Prince George, will include an exploration Two of the Terrace and area bed and breakfasts are lo- i be out of luck. Downtown Lions and the Rotary Club I of what it means to have a good quality of life. cated at Lakelse Lake. : ..... ~ :: ' !'~ "This wag the missihg link," saltS ambulance • Kitwanga artist Andy Morgan also don~ted Canada has never hosted an international con- A healthy bed and breakfast industry provides for a wellL chief Wayne Moi. "Now we have it thanks to two carvings which were presented as thank you fcrence on quality of life before, but given that balanced variety of overnight accommodations, says Pop- everyone here." gifts. They were carved in the shape of a we top the UN rankings in this category, it pleton. Having a heart monitor ill the fire truck as Maltese cross, the fire department's symbol. seems appropriate.

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Not the answer ct IT'S TOUGH to advocate having yet more politicians and spending yet more tax dollars to CucCt support them, but that's the inescapable conclu- sion given what's about to happen. Provincial law requires an independent elec- toral boundary commission examination of elec- toral ridings after there's a provincial election. The idea is to balance out the number of voters contained in each of the ridings. And that fol- lows the concept of one person-one vote. In this case provincial law will give a 25 per cent tolerance when considering riding populations. The problem for the north is that the population in the south is growing very rapidly. If the legis- lature is to stay at its current 75 seats, and boundaries redrawn to reflect the southern popu- lation increase, the north will lose out. We'll have fewer MLAs than before down in Victoria. Terrace man at his wits' end' VICTORIA - Last Friday, But in June of 1990, George can. It was to no avail. Some The NDP provincial government's idea is to in- George Furmanek appeared in was awarded a thnber sale un- bureaucrat told him there was crease the number of MLAs by as many as six to the press gallery, asking to talk der the province's value-added nothing the government could keep some sort of north-south balance in place. to me. program. It was to assure him do for him. But he was the He said something about of 86,000 cubic metres of tim- kind of guy the govermnent That way we still have a say in Victoria and the being at his wits' end and ber over the next five years. It was looking for. Maybe he needs of the south's population growth will be ready to go to jail, if necessary. was also to assure his 18, eared to try again? met. My time is at anyone's dis- sometimes 23 employees, of As for his being willing to go posal, but somehow, I thought their jobs. to jail, he had originally in- This proposal is being attacked by the Liberal that this man needed a serious Unfortunately, George was tended to barricade himself in opposition. During the provincial election it iad- ear. I talked to George for over-extended, particularly to the bureaucrat's office. I talked several hours that day, and if one of the companies that had him out of it and invited him to voeated cutting the number of seats from 75 to ever there was a man with a supplied him with lumber spend the night at our house, 60. And now it's saying the NDP wants to pad problem, it was George. Hobeushield Bros. Logging at Just a small repayment for the the northern seats as a majority of them are It would be easy to dismiss :ROM THE CAPITA Kitwanga. hospitality I've been offered George as a victim of the HUBERT BEYER At that time, the government every time I was in the north. : represented by NDP MLAs. Liberals also say a proverbial system, but there's could have saved George and .4aid now, I've got a few reduction in northern MLAs can be compensated more to it. George is a victim Blessed with a healthy entre- the jobs of his employee,s by questions for our esteemed of political ineptitude, a for by hiring more support workers and using preneurial spirit, George granting him some stumpage government: Why do the major bureaucracy that runs circles thought of expanding his small concessions and an accelerated forest companies keep getting more advanced means of communications. around its supposed political operation. He researched pro- rate of cut. The latter was par- preferential treatment over All that may be valid but it does nothing to ad- masters, and big business. This duets. He researched markets, tially approved, the former small operators, even though then is the story of a man who dress the sheer geographic reality of living and and eventually hooked up with denied. they don't deliver anywhere got royally screwed by all the East Asia Company, which There followed a lot of nego- near as much bang for the buck working in the north, Forcing MLAs to spend three. opened markets in Japan for tiations, none of which solved or rather jobs per cubic metre more time driving around won't accomplish a Back in the eighties, George him. George's problems. Since then, of lumber as the small com- worked for West Fraser in Ter- He then shifted into high the bank has foreclosed on the panies? thing. And forcing northern voters to deal with race. When he saw that per- gear. He and a partner formed Furmanek family home, repos- Why does the government MLAs from even further far flung locations will fectly good lumber was being Hazelton Wood Products in sessed the car and taken just not guarantee small operators a fed hito chippers, he became 1988 and proceeded to build a about everything else that bigger slice of the total annual take away the democratic principle of relatively convinced that something bet- new plant. Although lumber is wasn't nailed down. And the harvest? And why are there ter could be done with it. easy access to elected representatives. a prized commodity in British education fund for the hundreds of millions of dollars George had lived frugally Clearly, in this situation, the Liberals are Columbia, George managed to Furmaneks' three children is in the Forest Renewal Fund) and had some savings. He wrong. Unless, of course, Gordon Campbell is scrounge the necessary raw gone. waiting for the government to quietly bought all the lumber material from numerous With all that in mind, you get its greedy hands on, when willing to trade his small-size Vancouver seat for he could get his hands on and sources. can see why George was at his George, with a little help, a territory the size of Texas. started a little value-added His off-shore customers liked wits' end when he came to see could keep 20 families earning business, making stuff like pal- his products and were prepared me. a decent income? lets and crating material. In to buy whatever he could pro- This trip to Victoria was to Beyer can be reached at Tel: time, he employed three duce. But then, the sources of be his last one. He thought 920-9300; Fax: 385-6783; people. lumber dried up. he'd have one more kick at the E-maih [email protected] Wage warriors Slow down you piowr too fast HARD TO believe, isn't it? Alcan workers get presented to them a contract proposal containing FARMERS have more than ported on rigid steel, suspend it seagulls in a flap. Tractors Build tractor motors with a three per cent wage increase in each of the next like a baby's jolly jumper, au- regulators, like Singer's with air-filled tires, uphol- chored to the cab corners by stered chairs and headphone sewing machine designed es- three years, an immediate $2,500 RRSP lump bungee cords. But lust, ex- stereo have some farmers pecially for public school use. sum deposit, increases in shift differentials and change his upholstered arm- thinking they're Formula One The only way to speed it up chair with an earlier model, a enough other jammy items that would make racers. They don't slow down even a smidge is to lengthen shaped steel dish with Iconic- until their head hits the cab the stitch. other workers drool. sized air holes. roof. Build extra resistance into Encourage the farmer to "Yet a scant 54 per cent of the Canadian The European Union is look= gas pedals. Or force farmers to wear a girdle nnder a zip-in Autoworkers Union Local 2301 membership ing at changing tractor cab buy a race car license for their Lycra coverall such as those specifications because farmers metal broncos. Workers' Com- who turned out at ratification meetings voted for worn by luge crews. Fuel and are driving so fast from one pensation and insurance com- fertilizer companies can sport the deal. To put it another way, the contract was headland to the other they're panies could set lower speed their loges. The idea is to look experiencing back problems THROUGH BIFOCALS limits for farm equipment. approved by a majority of only 43 people. keen for autograph sessions at and heart and lung disease Then earthworms wouldn't The contract comes at a tirae when the vast ma- the end of the furrow. ca used by vibra tlons. CLAUDETTE SANDECKI need hardhats. jority of workers are dealing with zero increases Where's Greenpeace or Save Bakeries could sell dessert Lastly, government could or perhaps one or two per cent or even pink slips. the Wildlife when you need To start, they could raise the bars for his lunch baked with reduce the incentive for farm- By narrowly approving the contract, CAW mem- them? If they'd lobby for height of the tractor cab by ten foam chips in place of minia- ers to hurry their field work. repopulating farms with inches, and replace the center ture marshmallows. Increase red tape. The prospect bers have demonstrated that they live in an isola- gophers and badgers, the speed portion of the steel roof with Since a comfortable, sore|d- of facing more paperwork ted and insulated world. problem would evaporate rubber. Farm operators need proof cab is largely to blame when he leaves the field is sure faster than a balanced budget. only a roof over their heads, for unhealthy G-forces, to slow him to a crawl. The prospect of snapping an not roll bars. remove soundproofing. When Watching today's farmers zip axle in a badger hole works To reduce damage from vi- motor whine drowns out his along the furrow at ease in PUBLIsHER/EDITOR: Rod Link better than photo radar. brations, have farmers wear a CBC stereo, he'll cut his kph. their air suspension, air- Also incorporate wavy lines in ADVERTISING MANAGER: Rick Passmore ~/ ,¢?,?,~... ,N.)~, ,.f,~. The European Union can seat belt or strap themselves in conditioned cabs swooning to imoL e.t..|l...* v.t., find ways to help the farmer his windshield glass; the PRODUCTION MANAGER: Edouard Credgeur :- like Mike Garneau with round the strains of the Toronto withstand excess speeds, or it upon round of duct tape. In- resulting vertigo at high speeds Symphony, Stun Rogers would NEWS Jeff Nagei. NEWS SPORTS: Dave Taylor can try to slow farmers down. stead of havlug a seat sup- is sure to drag llke an anchor. li,d little to sing about. COMMUNITY: Cds Leykauf .0FRCE MANAGER: Laurie Ritter "ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS: Sam Collier, Janet Viveiros, Karen Dietrich & Churl Reidy f/~/Auy sPL~. ~ I I up wfl'H ~f:~N)':! I ADVERTISING ASSISTANT: Emma Law, Kelly Jean OP WtI~ MARI-~IA!2 II'--~, - _ _P~--~._ TYPESETTING: Sylvana Broman DARKROOM: SusanCredgeur CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR: Karen Brunette MEMBER OF B.C. PRESS COUNCIL Serving the Terrace an,~ Thomhill area. Published on W~lnesday of each week by C~boo Press (1969) Lid. a13210 Cliolon Street Ten'ace, British Columbia, VSG 5R2. SIodes, pholo~raphs, illuslra~ons, designs and lypes~yles in the Terrace Sland~'d ~re ~he property d the cowflgh~ holders, including Press (1969) Lid., ils illustration repro services and adver~sing a~ee~e~. in whole or In part, ~hou~wri,en permission, is spedfic~ly prohibited. Aulhodmd as eec0~l-ctassmail pending the Post OfficeDepab'nent, for payment of postage In cash. Special thanks to all our contributors and correspondent~ for their time and talents The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 - A5 TH E ROAD CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE TERRACE STANDARD NORTH The Mail Bag Chris Greaves is a Toronto.based com. puter consultant whose idea of a good va. cat=on was to stop for gas every seven Brutal reality of gillnets hours along major highways of the USA. Dear Sir:. Having realized in 1994 that he'd driven As president of the Steelhead Society of British every state in the Lower 48, he set his Columbia. I am compelled to comment on your recent heart on Alaska. Then he met the Skeena article of July 10 concerning the testing of modified and Stikine Rivers, and the rest is history. gillnets. A year ago I said I was determined to The irresponsible comments of Lea Janz, a biologist return to the Terrace area. for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), are I came back, after a year in Toronto of an example of why the DFO is under so much pressure reading maps and photos, re-living my to abdicate its respons~ilities for the management of travels in the region between Prince Rupert salmon to the provincial government. .... and Dense Lake, I had to come back, drawn While the Steelhead Society does not support the by the sight of the at Iransfer of that jurisdiction at this time, there being no . indication the provincial government would do a better Last year, on my way back from Alaska, I job, Mr. Janz's personal attacks on Mr. Hooton il- stopped off for just" fifteen minutes on the lustrate why DFO is in such disrepute. bank of the great river at Telegraph Creek, Mr. Hooton is justified in his skepticism. All the and fell in love. This year I made the trip studies to date prove steelhead mortality as a result of from a base in Prince Rupert, but you can gillnetting is about 70%. The overwhelming scientific make it just as easily from Smithers or Ter- proof is that Mr. Hooton's comments are correct and race. entirely justified. Gillnets are in disrepute globally. British Columbia's Cranberry Junction --Km 0 newest fishery, the offshore squid jig fishery, created By road from Cranberry Junction (80 by the banning of gillneta in that fishery, is an example kilometres north of Kitwanga), to of the economic gains that can be crested by moving to Telegraph Creek, allow eight hours. more selective, and therefore sustainable, fishing meth- otis. Km 81 --Meziadin Junction Meziadin Junction forms a "Tee", with the left-hand ann travelling Westwards, It is no surprise that Bob Hooton's past the Bear Glacier and into the towns of Stewart and Hyder. If you do make the side candor and professionalism brings dis- trip to Stewart, sit in the Cold-Comfort cafe comfort to some politicians and and marvel at the 6,000 foot mountain that bureaucrats, and biologists with less rises straight out of the sea just half a mile integrity. But whose fault is that? Mr. from the care window. Drive up to the Sal- Hooton's -- or those that are made un- mon Glacier. comfortable by the truth? Km 181 --Bell II , At Bell II I stopped for a quick snack, and got gas. The proper role of the scientist is to examine data and PERFECT PLACE: Toronto refugee from concrete and smog Chris Greaves soaks up the Stikine draw conclusions from it that are reasonable. Mr. ' Km 382 --The Stikine sunshine from the front porch of the Stikine River Song cafe and lodge. Hooton, an award winning biologist and conservation- Ever since you passed through Meziadin ist, did exactly that in commenting on gilinets. The les- Junction you've been staring at the mighty ser talents within DFO choose to attack him personally wall of mountains off to your IeR. Now is for these comments in a desperate attempt to discredit your first view of the Stikine. Let your him. The only discredit they bring is to themselves and heart leap when you realize that the next their ministry. Enchanting Stikine On the other hand Mr. Janz has chosen to prejudge time you see it, the Tanzilla, Tuya and Rivers will have joined in. If it the success of this experiment, thereby compromising looks powerful now, imagine how it will any results that may flow from the endeavor. This is look when it reaches Telegraph Creek, the behavior of an advocate for the market fishery, brings him back rather than the actions of a public servant and scientist downstream! entrusted with stewardship of a public resource. Km 435 -- Dease Lake A tourist eye's look at the wonders in our backyard Mr. Janz leaves the impression that their is some body of scientific evidence that suggests that some Drive west through Dease Lake and i Stories by CHRIS G~VES We remember that people live and work here, so gillnets are selective. He knows full well that this is not you'll meet a 'Tee' junction on the edge of 'M STANDING awestruck with my toes it's impolite to nose too closely to buildings. The so. HIS personal attack on Mr. Hooton and his well town. You want to turn left, south, towards in the water. The flow varies, but on this Anglican church is here, and an RCMP detachment. known antipathy towards the conservation of steelhead the airstrip, then past the airstrip, the first trip, the guide told me the Stikine was 70 I drove from Prince Rupert Friday evening an d metres wide, fifteen to twenty feet deep, and summer core stocks, show he should be working 80 Kan of this road are vagudy interesting stayed the first night in Stewart. The next day was a where he would do less harm. to me, with the variety of vegetation, and and running at about 12 miles per hour. leisurely drive to ;l"dcgraph Creek, two nightsstay, i "" The Steelhead Society agreed to the gillnet experi- the Tanzilla river flowing alongside. The That's bank-to-bank speed. There are no river- and a drive back returning through the Nass forest ment as it is consistent with the Skecns Watershed scenic wonders don't start until 2/3 the way edge slow spots here. and the lava beds. Committees commitment to "made in the north" solu- along. Don't be dlseouraged if you came The volume flow is therefore about 60,000 cubic I saw 16 black bear oa this trip, includipg two sets tions. We have little confidence these nets can be here for scenery. It's going to come upon feet per second. About 1,700 metric tonnes per sec- of mother-and-cubs. I saw five of what I think were made less destructive but having said that, we recog- you so suddenly and so frequently that it ond. caribou, wild horses, and the usual skittering chip- nize it is a good faith attempt on the part of commercial will take your breath away. That's about thirty fully-laden 30-ton ore trucks munks and smaller wild life. dumping muck every second. Except it's water, and fishers to hnprove their chances ofsuwiving in a world the water carries the muck as a chocolate brown that demands more sustainable uses of public Km 516 -- 1st steep hill resources. At the 80 km mark on your journey from pudding. Every second of my life. And yours. The river district I understand that 12 knob is about as fast as a The public and the media demands that public ser- Desse Lake you'll come to the first of Edward Hoagland writes in Notes From The vants and politicians be honest, frank and forthcoming. many steep and sharply-curved passes. river can flow. Century Before of the land and the people he met Bob Hooton has those attributes, ask him a straightfor- Caution: Don't override your brakes. Use a The speed is borne out by the white foaming rip- during his visits in the early sixties. ward question and you will likely get a frank and direct lower gear, even in an automatic pies and waves on the surface. It's fifteen or more feet deep here, remember. No large rocks make The people are mostly long gone, but some nine response, straight up, and based on the best knowledge these waves. This river is breaking up on its surface years ago in Toronto, reading his descriptions of the available. It is no surprise that Bob I-Iooton's candor Km 517 --The Tuya river at the physical limits of hydraulic flow. great rivers and mountains, I found within me a and professionalism brings discomfort to some ~ At the foot of the first valley you'll come Back in Toronto I asked for an estimate of the strong desire to see the country. politicians and bureaucrats, and biologists with less in- to the Tuya river - the second of the three flow of the Niagara River near the world-famous I made that short visit in 1995 and vowed to tegrity. But whose fault is that? Mr. Hooton's m or major rivers to join the Stikine between Niagara Falls. My source replied: "As for the return. I returned in 1996, and vow to return yet those that are made uncomfortable by the Iruth? "Dense Lake and Telegraph Creek. volume of the water... I'd (wildly) guess the river to again. ]Bruce Hill, After climbing the far side of the valley be 5 metres deep, 100 metres wide, and flowing at "Coast range peaks go 6,000 to 10,000 ft, to Terrace, B.C. ~we travel once more through a plateau area, 5 metres per second. So that's 2,500 cubic metres gunsight peaks and to sailing, razory needle peaks. with groves of Aspen trees, and views of (or metric tonnes) per second." They're blue, cut with shadows and loaded with valleys clothed in many shades of green. Hold your head up high, Stikinel snow, and they carry small glaciers slung on their hips," Hoagland wrote. "The mountains bulk into Km 533 --The lava spit The river is silent here. Sixty thousand sawtooth massifs too superb to be true." MLA misses race point Words can not prepare you for the experi- cubic feet per second kissing my feet. My toes He's not lying. Dear Sir:. ~ence of following a road which heads out There arc 80 kiiometres of steep-walled canyon, Helmut Giesbrecht's letter of August 14, "Just deal onto a spit of lava some ten metres wide, are wet in the silence, yet my ears detect a roar sometimes 300 metres deep, sometimes up to 200 with it", in responding to the charge of racist dealings with the Stikine gorge dropping 300 metres from downstream. "How far down are those rapids?" I ask, and the metres wide, The Tanzilla, Tuya and Tahltan Rivers by government is flawed, arguing from the premise of • offthe left-hand side, and the Tahltsn gorge join in the waltz of water. the Canadian Constitution. •dropping 300 metres below off the fight- guide replies "Obl Those aren't rapids. That noise The road from Dense Lake is unpaved but of good The 1982 Constitution affirms aboriginal rights but hand side. you hear is the river just turning the bend". quality. It's a 120 km drive, of which the first 80 does not define, nor identify the nature of those rights.; Park the vehicle in the road, and gingerly Down at the bend it must sound like a freight-car Km are fairly boring, but the last 40 Km are non- It also extended those vague rights the Inuit and Meti peer over the edge on both sides. Then ne- derailment in Mississanga. We know about these noises back in Toronto. stop breathtaking views of the gorge/canyon. people, who were excluded from the benefits of the In- gotiate the pass down to the valley floor. I say they're non-stop because we're advised not dian Act. About 100 metres after crossing the Tahltan The Lodge to stop in the rock-fall areas, and the road is up to Meti, which means 'mixed blood', and the present Creek you'll find a pull-off spot where you 20 per cent (1 in 5) grade in places. Canadian Constitution a poor premise for Land Claims, can park the vehicle and explore the junc- Delightful. I stayed in room 4, a double-bed room The Stikine-Dease corridor carried construction being a form of institutional racism. tion of these two wild rivers. with easy chair and writing-desk, overlooking the materials for the Watson Lake () aerodrome More specifically, we're starting to see institutional Stikine. My favorite pastime is to sit and stare at the during World War II. Trucks ran day and night over racism increasing in our schools, where native children Km 557 --Telegraph Creek great green river sliding silently by. the 75-mile road, trips taking from eight hours to receive increased service based on race. Others, with Continue along the road until the road The kitchen is equipped for all basic cooking three days, An early task was to improve the mad similar needs, are left out and that is a fundamental in- sign announcing 'Telegraph Creek in 2 needs, with a gas range. so that trucks could haul material to the far endl We justice. Iron'. You'll drive past the landing strip Throughout the lodge the floors are red-painted enjoy some of those improvements today. A child in identified need surely must be treated (float planes land on a lake behind the and walking around bare-footed is simply wonder, The first white man arrived around 1835. The equally with any other child. The NDP seem to have town), then drive past the school through ful. way to the interior ran from Wrangell, Alaska by forgotten their socialist roots of striving for social jus- the old Indian settlement, down the valley paddlewhecler to Telegraph Creek, by pack train to tice and equality. to cross and drive alongside Telegraph The town the ccotinental divide at Dense Lake, then by river The Nisga'a AlP is mainly a form of societal encor- Creek itself, down into the old town. Walking around the lower town doesn't take long. to Lower Post on the Liard River. poration, which has little to do with culture; and more The old mining town of Glenora, down-river from to do with giving Nisga'a businessmen competitive ad- Telegraph Creek, peaked at 10,000 residents. Most- vantages and ways to articulate with corporations ~ as ly all the buildings are gone now. It looks more like is presently proposed with Repap in relation to the an out-of-town sports field. Orenda takeover. The last regularly scheduled riverboat ran in the The/kip could be positive, based on equality in com- late 1960s. munity and corporation m but not when cleavaged on at 2,800 metres is the district's racism. mighty mountain. Tours can be arranged from I do appreciate the NDP taking on this complex prob- Telegraph Creek. lem; too many others have put the problem aside or The former Hudson's Bay store is a BC Heritage simply ignored it. building and now operates as the Stikine Riversong In tackling the situation, though, for fair resolution, it Lodge. Fresh produce and groceries are available, means working from first principles and clef'tuitions: along with catered meals in the cafe during the with claims based on functional fights and tourist season. The lodge operates guided day hikes respons~ilitles to resources. iqto the canyons, and overnight riverboat charter If compensation for past injustices by government in. tours. The cafe and lodge has been in operation stitutions is needed it can be dealt with through affir- siuce 1977. mative action in specified eases -- like it should be for You can visit other places in Canada, but I don't anyone else, with claimsagainst government's past in- know why, when you've got this heavenly spot on justices. your doorstep. But there again, I'm now a con. William Hayes STIKINE COUNTRY unfolds like magic on the way to Telegraph Creek, finned Stikine-the-mudl Terrace, B.C. A6 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 r - -- - ...... ---

wm~SsERVING:" *'/~"~'~'~'~~.--~STopCOPPERc°pPerNAMEMt'B~11 '~';'~'~mm ':"~'~'; Elem..~OU':";'~'~ILLTOPskeenaRThomhil, '~'~;'OUT:~ NTAIN/H~;Tjt. c ~see,Jr' -~ ~ ~see,,1 ~ ~~ ~ ~Caledonia ~ x~ • .... -'"St'07:15Se¢'' "A,M ~lllm~ --IIU m II II r115111t1106432|g VillageVJllageVJJlageVilJageVilJageKiTVVANGAGabJe,sChurch...Store. III BridgeBrJdgeBrldgeKitwangaELEM/JR'streetStreetStreet'N°rth."II II II SEC,wiljjamErica,sHili,s.IIDaniel,.¢The IIWednesdaY,sTerrac6 II08:2706:2608:2508:2308:2208:1207:5207:49 I1'11Standard~3189 II TwoJOHNHospitaIILIAZELToNNEVVMileHAZELTONFIELDBusSECONDARYELEM,shelterAUgUStII II II AZELEM.II II21, Ii1996 8:253:032:592;54P, M.8:37II - ml~ | E EIIIL

1 Walker 07:40 Dear Crossing 3:04 m 17 Hwy 37 & Cedarvale Road 08:29 5 Upper Two Mile 3:06 1 2 Walker & Simpson 07:41 18 Village. Subdivision #1 06:31 6 HAZELTON SECONDARY 3:22 Edlund Bus Shelter 07:42 21 Kitsch Road 03:50 I BUS ROUTE #7 -NEW REMO ~) BgSROUTE #SB - EAST KALUM I P.M. 6 Bridge St,- #216 06:20 19 Village- Subdivision #2 08:32 7 NEWHAZELTON ELEM. 3:30 m Furlong & Mist 07:43 22 Farkvam 03:54 SERVINO:-CaledonlaSt.See., Skeena Jr, See., Vefftas, Claref¢e SERVING:i,.~ ~em.,Caledonia St See.,Skeena Jr. Sec,,Thomhill I 8 Dundas 3:37 = "SCHOOL'S IN" Furlong & Hagen Bus Shelter 07:44 23 Munson Road 03:58 MlohielElem"E'TKe~neYPrlrnary. Parl~ldePdma~y .-- - ...... Jr. Sac. r ,~,.,,***.,~:..... ,;~.~;~,~.;,~ .... ,~ ...... ,, .... 7 Subdivision. #308 08:21 20 Village. Subo;vision #3 & #4 08:34 9 Kruta 3:39 = ~ STOR',NAME ,~,i~[ 02:30 6 Subdivision - #316 08:24 21 Village- Kitwanga Valley Sohool 08:40 10 Sanka's 3:43 I SCHOOL DISTRICT 88 (TERRACE) Clore & Skinner 07:45 24 Krebbs 03:59 STOP NAME A.M, "~'*"""~" ...... ,**,,-,-*****- 9 Subdivision - #331 08:25 22 KITWANGA ELEM/JR. SEC, 08:45 11 Wilson's 3:47 I . I COPPER MOUNTAIN ELEM 07:46 25 Skarland Road 04:00 1 KITI K'SHAN PRIMARY 02:55 10 Subdivision • #343 06:27 ...... 12 Loschberger 3:48 9 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 07:52 26 Kozler Road 04:05 • *****'t' "- ~ - - - **', 07:15 2 CASSIE HALL ELE~ 03:05 11 Subdivision • #410 08:30 ,--,*,,,,- .... - ...... P.M. 13 Forsyth 3:52 m SCHOOL OPENING - CALEDON rA SR. SEC. O8:OO 27 Whitebottom Road #t 04:09 07:15 .1 Kaluml& Dover 07:40 3 P.A.C.E.S. FACILITY 03:13 12 Hwy 37 & Cedarvale Road 08:32 1 KI'r'WANGA ELEM./JR. SEC, 03:00 I 10 SKEENA JR. SEC. 08:0; 1 Zlmmacord 07:39 ,2 Dover]Road (Top of Hill) 07:45 11 Thornhill Nelghbourhood Pub 08:11 28 Whitebottom Road #2 04:14 2 New Remo #1 07:42 35288 Buyer Road 07:46 4 CALEDONIA SR SEC. 03:24 13 Kitwanga Road - #230 08:34 2 Corner 1st & 3rd Ave 03:20 BUS ROUTE #22 - II I SEPTEMBER 1996 12 Cottonwood & Aspen Shelter 08:15 29 Robin Road #1 04:20 3 New Remo #2 07:45 4 Mulle~ : 07:49 5 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 03:40 14 KITWANGA ELEM/JR. SEC. 06:40 3 Bensons' 03:22 NORTH SKEENA/rWOMILE 13 14 Hilltop Store 08:17 4 Reserve #2 07:505 DoverlMerkley 07:50 6 Novotny 03:51 P.M. 4 Corner 2nd & 3rd Ave 03:24 SERVING:John Field E~rn.. HazeltonSee, I THORNHILL JR, SEC. 08:25 *~'**** **** ~" -" " .... " "..... ~ - . - *-,-** * ,-***** ' 5 Hills' 03:25 LEARNING FOR TOMORROW 15 CALEDONIA SR. SEC. 08:35 BUS ROUTE#4 - 5 Reserve #1 07:51 ,, 6 Merkley'Mail Boxes 07:53 7 Copper River Estates. Old Sto 03:54 .... : 02:10 6 Russells' 03:27 STOP NAME A.M. m m Welcome to the School Year 1996/97. I hope each 16 SKEENA JR. SEC. 08:37 JACK PINE FLATS 8 Kalum Hotel 07:52 ,. 70rde Rdad 07:58 8 Copper River Estates. East 03:55 1 KITWANGA ELEM/JR. SEC. 02:45 7 School ~orner 03:26 ...... student has an enjoyable and successful experience and ..... SERVING:ThomhillPdmacy, Thom~lEJem..ThomhtllJr. Se¢ 7 Reel Inn 07:53 " 8 UPI.~NDS ELEM 08:00 9 Copper River Estates. West 03:56 2 Village - Daniels 02:51 8 Firehall 03:29 m m that parents will take the opportunity to visit their child's P.M. STUI-' NAME A.M. 8 CALEDONIA SR. SEC. 07:56 ,i 9 Sparkes & Soucie 08:03 10 Gossen Sub. - West 04:03 3 Village • Store 02:53 9 Church 03:30 1 ForsyIh 07:31 I school and to meet the staff. • ****'*** " " - -****************~- ~ - -~ 9 SKEENA JR. SEC. 07:58 "10 CALEDONIA SR, SEC. 08:05 11 Gossen Sub. - Centre 04:06 4 Village - Tait 02:54 10 Jeremy's 03:31 2 Dahl 07:33 m 02:15 The following information is to advise parents of school 1 Thomas Mailbox 07:30 10 Mountain Vista Subdivision 08:02 11 SKEENA JR. SEC. 06:06 12 Gossen Sub. - East 04:08 5 Village - Williams 02:55 11 Johnson House 03:40 3 Matheson 07;38 1 THORNHILL PRIMARY 02:29 2 Jenson 07:31 11 Robin Street 08:03 '12 Hilll0p Store 08:17 6 Village - Bridge Street 02:57 "~***'~'~"~'****~ ...... *...... 4 Kerr 07:40 m reopening procedures and to encourage pre-registration of 2 THORNHILL ELEMENTARY 02:35 3 Nystrom St. 07:32 12 Mountain Vista 8ubd. #2 08:04 :13 '.'l'homhill Street 08:18 ...... ~ 7 Village- Kim 02:59 BUS ROUTE #18 - STEWART 5 Boch 07:43 m students new to the District. If you have any questions 3 THORNHILL JR. SEC ...... 8 Subdivision #1 03:00 6 Kerr 07:46 m regarding your child's placement please call the school. 4 Hilltop Store 02:46°2:43 54 JackpineWilllamsCreekRoad Road 07:3507:33 1413 LangerSpringCreek 06:09°a:°5 ,1145PennerF°X:St~:eetstreet 08:2008:19 BUS ROUTE #11 - 9 Subdivision #2 03:01 MEZlADIN LAKE 7 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:00 5 Hawthorne/Hemlock m If you are new to the area and wish information on which 02:47 6 Bali's 07:37 COPPERSIDE 10 Subdivision #3 03:03 SERVING:SlewatIElementary & Stewart 8 Parent 08:06 m 6 Hemlock & Balsam 02:48 7 Turn Left on Marion/Pillion 07:38 15 Freeman Road O8:11 .16 lowell Street 08:21 SERVING:Thomhdl Pnm~. ThomhiN Elern.. Thomhill Jr. Sec., 11 Village- David 03:04 S~onOa~ySchoo~ 9 Blackburn 08:09 school your children should attend please call the Board 7 Krumm/White Trailer 02:50 8 Lodgepole 07:39 16 Dover Road 08:14 17 THORNHILL ELE~. 06:29 Cak~doniaSr,Sec:,E,T, Kenney Primary 12 Village - Williams 03:05 STOP NAME A.M. 10 Marshall 06:11 m IIoffice: 635-4931, Local 203 out of town 1-800-665-6134 8 Aspen/Laurel 02:51 9 Stlnson 07:40 171st House on Kalum Lake Drive afb 08:19 18 ~THORNHILLJR. SEC. 08:31 STOP NAME A.M 13 Village - Bausou 03:06 '"**"""~**" 11 Saxon 08:15 9 King/Thornhlll St. 02:52 10 Edgewood Place 07:41 18 Langer 08:21 '19 THORNHILL PRIMARY 08:35 "" .... ;'"; ...... ;;"~; ...... 14 Subdivision #4 03:07 1 EIIsworth Logging Camp 07:05 12 Parent 08:19 ml a1203. Frank Hamilton 10 Centennial Christian 03:20 11 Gillie 07:44 19 Dutch Valley 08:23 • 20 THORNHILL JR. SEC 08:37 07:15 15 Hwy 16 - Tristou 03:09 2 Meziadin Subdivision 07:15 13 Bazac 08:20 11 CALEDONIASR. SEC. 03:25 12 Sockeye/Edgewood Place 07:45 20 Kalum/Halfiwell 08:25 21 LAKELSE LAKE JR. HIGH 08:43 1 Martin Drive #1 07:40 16 Hwy 16/Cedarvale Road 03:10 3 Meziadin Junction 07:20 14 Sunnyside 06:22 m Superintendent of Schools 12 SKEENAJR. SEC. 4 Mezladin Highway Camp 07:25 15 Berg 08:24 13 THORNHILLJR. SEC. 03:27 13 Pierce 07:46 21 UPLANDS ELEM 08:27 ,22 ANNEX:SCHOOL 08:45 2 Otter Drive 07:42 17 KITVVANGA ELEM/JR. SEC 03:20 5 STEWART SECONDARY 08:20 16 Silver Standard School 08:27 m 14 Hilltop Grocery 03:35 14 Seaton 07:47 22 E.T, KENNEY PRIMARY 08:32 23 .CALEDONIA SR. SEC. 06:50 3 Martin Drive #2 07:43 1816 Village.Village - DanielsStore 03:3203:33 6 STEWART ELEMENTARY 08:30 17 Two Mile Bus Shelter 08:30 SCHOOLS WILL OPEN ON 03:40 15 Beaudette's 07:48 23 Centennial Christian School 08:34 24 ;SKEENA JR. SEC. 06:53 15 ThornhillPub 03:42 16 Howe's/Edward 07:49 4 Beaver Crescent 07:44 20 Village - Daniels 03:34 ,- 18 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:35 m II TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 16 Dogwood 03:43 17 Weib's 07:51 24 CALEDONIA SR. SEC. 08:40 5 COPPER MOUNTAI N ELEM 07:50 21 Village. Totem Poles 03:35 P.M. t 9 Wiggins Way 08:42 17 Cottonwood &Aspen 03:44 18 Stop Sign 07:62 25 SKEENA JR. SEC. 08:41 P.M. FOR ALL STUDENTS (Except Kindergarten) AT THE 1 " ...... ~ M M ...... M ...... Nm ..... "** 6 Martin Drive #1 07:57 22 Village - Bridge Store 03:37 ...... "~ ...... '~;"~ ...... ;o-'"' ...... 20 JOHN FIELD ELEMENTARY 08:50 m II 18 Hemlock& Aspen 03:45 19 THORNHILL ELEMENTARY 08:10 02:15 7 Otter Drive 07:58 23 Hwy,16 - Moore's 03:39 1 STEWART ELEMENTARY SCHC 03:00 19 Walnut & Juniper REGULAR STARTING TIME. 24 Subdivision #1 03:41 2 STEWART SECONDARY eCHO( 03:15 P,M. m I BUSES WILL MAKE THEIR MORNING RUNS AT THE 20 Juniper &Cypress 03:4803:46 2120 THORNHILL PRIMARYJR, SEC. 08:1608:13 "'***"* ~" - .... " " - - -***-**P,M ,1 THORNHILL ELEM. 02:35 8 Martin Drive #2 07:59 25 Subdivision #2 03:42 3 Meziadin Highway Camp 04:10 '~'*'**;;~;;~;~;;-; ...... ~-;--;~;~,;; ..... , ...... USUAL TIME AND THEIR RETURN RUNS AFTER 21 Cypress & Hawthorn • 2 Hillt0p~Grocery 02:40 9 Beaver Crescent 08"00 26 Subdivision #3 03:44 4 Meziadin Junclion 04:15 m II 03:49 22 Cottonwood/Aspen 08:23 Check In 02:45 "3 ThomSill Pub 02:4;! 10 THORNHILL JR SEC, 08:10 27 Subdivision #4 03:45 5 Meziadin Subdivi.~io~ STUDENTS HAVE BEEN IN ATI'ENDANCE 23 Aspen/Hemlock Road 08:24 1 THORNHILL PRIMARY 02:35 04:20 1 HAZELTON SECONDARY 03:22 FOR APPROXIMATELY TWO HOURS 24 THORNHILL PRIMARY 08:31 2 THORNHILL ELEM. 02:40 4 Dogwdod - Green Mail Boxes 02:43 11 Queensway #1 08:15 28 Petro-Can 03:50 6 EIIsworth Logging Camp 04:30 22 Mile Shelter 03:25 I !1 BUS ROUTE#2 - USK 25 THORNHILL ELEMENTARY 08:35 3 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 02:455 Laurel'tRue Shelter) 02:44 12 Skeena Valley Trailer Park 06:16 29 Hwy 16 - Doanne 04:06 3 Silver Standard School 03:27 REGULAR HOURS WILL COMMENCE SERVING:C,opp~ Mr. Flea,, "rTtomhill Jr. See., Caledonia St. Sac. ml ClarenceMichlel Flea., Skeena Jr, See., Veritas P.M. 4 River Drive 02:50 .6 Hemlock & Asoen 02:45 13 Queensway #2 08:17 . 30 Cedarvale Care 04:20 '**"~;~; ...... 4 Berg 03:29 ,m WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 STOP NAME A.M. • 7 3717KrOmmAve, 03:46 BUS ROUTE #19 - 5 Graveyard 03:30 I ..... ;~ ...... 53611 Crescent 02:55 ~8 UPLANDS ELEM 03:10 14 Band Shelter 8:18 ...... MORICETOWN/SMrrHERS s Sunnyside Ave. 03:31 m " - - ~ .... **********~ 1THORNHILL PRIMARY 02:29 6 Rifle Range Road 02:56 ,9 Spring:Greek Subdivision 03:17 15 Timberland Trailer Park 08:19 BUS ROUTE#15 - RosewooD SERVING:Lake Kathlyn Flea. Smithem Sr, Sac. Chandler 7 Parent 03:33 1 2THORNHILL ELEMENTARY 02:35 7 KITI K'SHAN PRIMARY 03:02 10 Mount,~in Vista #1 03:19 16 Maple/Lowrle 08:20 SerVirlO;Vide.rids. WatJ K'Shan. C&,u~iaHall. Catedonia.Skeena. 8 Bazac 03:36 I I 2 Chindemash 07:52 3 THORNHILL JR SEC. 02:43 8 CASSIE HALL ELEM. 03:07 11Mountt~in Vista #2 03:20 17 Reserve/Lowrie 08:21 STOP NAME AM. 9 Blackkburn 03:36 PRE-REGISTRATION INFORMATION 3 Usk #1 07:56 4 Miller 02:53 9 E.T, KENNEY PRIMARY 03:14 12 Gordon Road 03:21 18 Kenworth Sir, 08:23 -**-*-,,~.~;;;~;~;--~;---;~-~--~-----' .... ~=~ ..... "**~;~"'~""~"~;""~'"~STOP NAME ..... ;*';"'****""A.M. 1011 SaxonMarshall 03:3803:40 m m ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 4 Usk #2 07:57 5 Zeigler 02:54 10 CLARENCE MICHIEL ELEM. 03:16 ,13 Dutch Y~lley 03:24 19 Riverside Groceries 08:25 1 Brousseau Road 06:55 Kleanza Drive #1 08:01 61st St, Past Reinharts 02:5e 11 Centennial Christian 03:18 1 Telkwa High Road 07:40 12 Matheson 03:53 m m iEI.EMENTARY SCHOOLS listed below will be open for the 5 6 • ,14.,DquglaslMartel 03:25 20 THORNHILL PRIMARY 08:33 2 Geter Road 07:00 2 Telkwa High Road 07:41 13 Kerr 03:57 ~registration of NEW pupils on Kleanza Drive #2 08:03 7 Sockeye Bridge 02:57 12 PARKSIDE PRIMARY 03:21 ,15:Centerinial #1 03:26 21 THORNHILL ELEMENTARY 08:35 3 Geier Road & Egan Road 07:01 14 Kerr 03:56 m 7 cOPPER MOUNTAIN ELEIM 08:15 8 First Junction/VVoeste 03:03 13 Rainbow Inn 03:22 167Centerinlal #2 03:27 4 Egan Road - Rail Fence 07:03 3 Highway 16 07:43 15 Boch 04:00 mm THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 8 Dobble Streel 08:1e 9 Sockeye/Woeste 03:04 14 Kalum Moterl 03:28 5 Friel 07:15 4 Station Road 07:45 16 Forsysth 04:15 m 9 Hwy 16 & River Road 08:18 10 Weibe 03:06 17~',Centednial #3 03:28 P.M. 6 Lagace Road 07:17 5 Station Road Loop 07:49 1996 between 9:00 a,m. and 3:00 P.M, m 10 THORNHILLPRIMARY 08:23 11 Edward 03:07 15 Reserve #2 03:31 t8'.~entennlal #4 03:29 ...... 7 Trailer 07:18 6 Highway 16 07:53 BUS ROUTE #23 • m This includes the following schools. 11 THORNHILL ELEM. 08:25 12 Seaton 03:13 16 Reserve #1 03:32 19.Centennla #5 03:30 I THORNHILL PRIMARY 02:29 8 Spencer 07:19 7 Bambi's Store 07:56 ~"***~;'";~;~""~"~;;'~"~"'~;'~ ..... *"**" m :SCHOOL PRINCIPAL PHONE 12 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 08:28 13 Pears 03:14 17 New Remo #1 03:36 20 Centennial Drive 03:31 9 Mt. Yiew Ranch Via Cedar River F 07:25 KII'WANCOOL/KITWANGA II , Cassie Hall Elementary Paul Axelson 635-5646 13 CALEDONIA SR. SEC. 08:38 14 Stinson 03:15 18 New Remo #2 03:38 2 THORNHILL ELEMENTARY 02:35 8 Beaver Road & Park Ave, 07:58 m, Clarence Michiel Elementary Bill Cook SKEENA JR. SEC. 08:40 15 Edgewood Place 03:16 19 Zimaccrd 03:44 21-Woodland.Park Drive 03:32 10 Parker Road #1 07:28 /HAZELTON 638-0306 16 Bone 03:17 20 CALEDONIA SR. SEC. 03:55 22 Johnson'Road #1 03:33 3 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 02:43 11 Parker Road #2 07:29 9 Fire Hall 08:00 m'C°pper Mountain Elementary Dave Crawley 635-7760 SERVING:Hazelton See. John Field Elem • ** _ .. _ ~ ~-*.****-.~,~********.,.P'M' 17 Salmon Way 03:18 21 SKEENA JR. SEC, 03:57 23 Johnson~Road #2 03:34 4 Hilltop Store 02:53 12 White 07:31 10 Moricetown Loop ARoad 08:02 m IF. T. Kenney Primary Joe Vidal 635-5828 24 Johnson.Road #3 03:35 5 Thornhill Pub 02:55 13 Subdivision Road by Store 07:32 11 Moricetown Loop Road 08:03 STOP NAME A.M m I IKiti K'Shan Primary Brian Phillips 635-3115 18 Lodge Pole 03:19 22 Reserve #2 04:03 14 Store 07:33 "~;~;-;~,~-;;;;;~-;~;;~;-~;;--==~.~-..,,.**,,*- ,!par~s de Elementary 02:1D 19 Old Lake/Marion 03:22 26 Merkley Mail Boxes 03:36 6 Thornhill Street ,~.~, 02:56 12 Catholic Church 08:05 , Christine Fide ~. 635-3513, COPPER MT,ELEM 02:35 20 Balls 03:23 23 Reserve...... #1 - 04:04 " 7..... I%we !',~ ' ': } ;;~ .,(J 02:57 15 cemmunlty' C(~ntre 07:34 13 LAKE KATHLYN ELEM, ~.-.,.... c~,,,, 08:25 , I ~,Thornhill Elementary THORNHILL PRIMARY 02:42 '21 Je'nsol~ ~ 24 New Remo #1 04:08 28 Merkley / Dovei" 03:37 .... .,~ v,.,,~ ...o ~ 1.6 Pa['rni'hter ,~, ,-~, 07..'35,~ m Barry Eyjo~fson 635-5082 03:26 ~ • . -, . - '1 Kitwancool 06:15 "'l'fi~rnhill Primary Jim Steele 635-7066 THORNHILLELEM, . 02:43 '22 Mall Box ~ 03:27 25 NewRemo #2 04:10 27 Dover #1 , 03:38 8 Penner ,, ;~i~ i~i~. 02:58 ~17~Lal~e -Hart Place-; ','~ 07:40 14 CHRISTIAN ELEM. T','"J< ~:;~;,3 08:30 2 Goods 07':23=¢ im Uplands Elementary Dawn Martin 635-2721 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 02:47 23 Buhr 03:38 26 Zimmacord 04:15 26 Mullers' • " 03:39 9 Thornhill/Fox' 03:00 18 Lean To Creek 08:00 15 MUHIEM ELEM. 08:35 3 Marsdens 07:24 John Field Elementary Garry Underhill 842-5313 6 Clore & Walker 02:53 24 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 03:45 29 Dwer 7 Hill 03:40 " 10 CALEDONIA SR. SEC, 03:19 197 Mile 08:06 4 Evans 07;26 Furlong & Mist 02:54 25 Miller 03:53 ;';~;~;~:'~'~';~~;~-'"*"*~** 30 Buyer & K~lum 03:41 ' 20 Findlay Lake - Bus Shelter 08:07 5 Williams I m" New Hazelton Elementary Grog Halfyard 842-5777 7 Edlund & Walker 02:55 . . 11 THORNHILL JR, SEC. 03:35 ...... 07:30 South Hazelton Elementary 8 21 Oscar Road 08:15 6 Moose Road 07:43 Barb Purney 842-6688 26 Zelgler 03:55 BUS ROUTE//8 - 31(" Kalum,'#1'.' 03:43 12 Queensway #1 03:36 22 Terrace Dump 08:17 P,bl 7 Pull Out (Kitwanga) 07:46 m 9 m Kitwanga Elementary Don Currie 849-5484 CoppersideCOPPERMOUNTAINEstates ELEM. 03:0802:56 2827WeibeW°este/OId Lake 04:0304:01 SERVING:up,~ E,,,,,EASTc.,~o~aKALUMSt.sec.,#1s,.~, Jr, Sac., Vedtas 32 Kalum& 'Scott Ave, #2 03:45 13 Riverside Store 03:37 23 Spring Creek Subdivisiuor~ 08:22 ...... 8 Mountain View 07:46 10 Stewart Elementary Arland Paulson 636-2241 Kleanza Drive #1 03:14 11 Kleanza Drive #2 03:15 29 Roy 04:04 PazksidePrinlap/,ClarenceMictlldElem.,CassleHallElem.K~K,Srma. I,-,.~.,~.~;~,,..~.~.~ . " - .*..*** 14 Skeena Valley Trailer Court 03:36 24 UPLANDS ELEMENTARY 08:28 1 LAKE KATHLYN ELEM. 03:00 9 Hippisley 07:50 m m Meziadin Elementary Catherine Kennedy 638-3784 12 Pdrnary BU,~ROUTE#9. WOODLANDPARK 15 Queensway #2 03:39 25 CALEDONIA SENIOR SECONOA 08:31 2 MUHIEM ELEM. 03:20 10 Old Ball Park (Kitwanga Village) 07:54 Usk #1 03:19 30 Beaudettes 04:10 STOP NAME A.M. 26 SKEENA JUNIOR SECONDARY 06:32 11 Trading Post 07:56 I RadtoPhone 13 Usk #2 03:20 31 Stinsen 04:13 ,,;:..~..~,;.~;,.~.;;,~:,.;.;~:.:.;,;:,,~.~,;~..~~ .****t*****t~ SERVING1UpCandsElem,,Caledoniast.Sec..Skeenajr.Sec..K/tJ 16 BandOffice 03:40 3 CHRISTIAN ELEM. 03:25 m (Pro-registration is not necessary for students entering Thornhill 14 THORNH ILL JR. SEC. (Fence) 03:38 32 Salmon Way/Layton Turn Around 04:14 ~,.~ K'ShaoPrimary. HaJI Flea.. Pa~ksldePrimary 27 LAKELSE HIGH 08:40 12 Band Council 07:58 m Elementaryfrom Thornhill Primary; Cassie Hall from Kiti K'Shan; or 15 S.K.B. 03:48 33 Marion/Old Lake 04:17 07:15 " 17 Maple/Lowne 03:41 28 KITI K'SHAN PRIMARY 06:50 4 Catholic Church 03:45 13 Bridge Street 08:00 m Clarence Michiel from E. T. Kenney or Grade 4 at Parkside.) 16 Clore & Walker 03:50 34 Bali's 04:18 1 Pratt Road 07:34 ', ' ~:STOP NAME A.M 18 Reserve~Lowrie 03:42 29 CASSIE HALL ELEMENTARY 08:51 5 Moricetown Loop Road 03:47 14 Petro Station 08:03 I 17 Dobbie Street 03:51 35 Jackpine Road 04:19 2 Freeman 07:35 "*""*~'"~'~ ...... ~'~; ..... ~'~'~'"' ...... 19 Kenworth 03:45 6 Moricetown Loop Road 03:48 15 Two Mile Mohawk 08:42 m SPECIAL NOTE TO PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF 18 COPPER MOUNTAIN ELEM. 03:52 36 Nystrom Street 04:22 3 Muller 07:37 "~ :~ DeuRlas 08:04 "****'"**~;~"~'~;~'~;'~";~';"~""'"~'"" 7 Fire Hall 03:50 16 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:47 m KINDERGARTEN PUPILS 19 Copper side Estates 03:58 37 Mail Box 04:25 4 Red House (Dover Road) 07:39 , 2Centennial Drive #1 08:06 .~.~;~.~;;.~...... ,.,;~,;;.~.,;.;~ ...... 1 KITI K'SHAN PRIMARY 02:55 m 20 Gossen Subdivision 04:00 5 Dover & Merkley 07:40 - :, 8 Centennial Drive #2 08:07 BUS ROUTE #12 - RIVERSIDE BUS 2 CASSIE HALL ELEMENTARY 03:05 8 Beaver Road & Park Ave. 03:52 P.M. m To allow for familiarization of kindergarten pupils to the school and 21 ~;~;;.~;~ ...... ;~.;~.,***.=~;~.~,~ ~ ~ 4 C0ntennial Drive #3 08:09 SERVING:Thornhill Pdmary, Thronhill Elem,,Thomhill J~.. Soc,, 3 LAKELSE HIGH 03:10 9 Bambi's Store 03:54 "*"~;~;~ ...... ~ ...... ~;~;-,~...~.,,**** m the classroom they are requested to begin attending on the date 22 Kleanza Drive #1 04:04 BUS ROUTE#6. HOT SPRINGS 6 Mail Boxes 07:44 ~ 5,M(:Rae 08:10 Cldodoniast, Sac., Sk_e~ Jr. Sac.. ClarenceMichiel Flea., " 4 E.T.KENNEY PRIMARY 03:12 10 Highway 16 03:57 Kleanza Drive #2 04:06 70rde Road 07:45 .-, 6 DaVIes' 08:12 ..... 1 JOHN FIELD ELEM, 02:55 m m arranged by the school. Pupils not pre-registered should register 23 SERvING:ThornhtlIPdmaty,Thomhill Elem.,Thomhi)~ Jr. Sac. 5 CALEDONIA SENIOR SECOND,~ 03:20 11 Station Road 04:01 2 Poplar Grove 02:57 on the above pro-registration dates. 24 Usk #1 04:09 STOP NAME A,M. 6 UPLANDS ELEM. 07:50 ~';:.7.W00dland Park/Cranberry 08:13 STOP NAME A.M. ) 6 SKEENA JUNIOR SECONDARY 03:25 12 Station Road Loop 04:05 m SCHOOL DISTRICT 88 encourages parents to ensure that 25 ChtmUsk #2 Loop O4:1,404:10 ...... ~'~'~'~"~*"*"'****" 9 Sparks Street 07:54 ., ,~ 8,EI0~drberry Lane 08:16 ~ ...... ~...~...... ,~r...***..o 7 UPLANDS ELEMENTARY 03:30 3 Blackstock 02:58 I children have measles Immunization prior to entering school 06:50 10 CALEDONIA SR, SEC. 07:57 " ~- 9 tt/Villew Creek 08:17 07:15 8 Halliwell Mailboxes 03:35 13 Telkwa High Road 04:07 4 Wiggins Way #1 03:00 mm and requests that wherever poaslble proof of measles 11 SKEENA JR. SEC. 07:58 c"10 Or'de Road 08:18 1 #3 Transit Stop - 4388 Queensway 07:46 9 Spring Creek Subdivision 03:40 14 Telkwa High Road 04:09* 5 Wiggins Way #2 03:01 m ImmunlzaUon or a doctor's cerUflcate that a child has had • - BUS~ ROUTE• - - #3- -- OLD- *******-**.,,******-**~ REMO 1 Hullsville Road/Hwy 16 07:25 12 Rainbow Inn 08:03 .; rll UFM.~NDS ELEM, 06:20 2 Band Office 07:48 10 Mailboxes 03:50 6 HAZELTON SECONDARY 03:22 m measles be presented to the school at the time of registration. SERVING:Thornhig PdrP'~Jy, Thomhill Flea., Skeena Jr, Sac., Thom~ll 2 Waterlily Bay Road 07:28 13 Kalum Motel 08:04 ~ ~12 CALEDONIA SR. SEC. 08:27 3 Maple/Lowrie 07:50 11 Terrace Dump 03:52 ~ ...... ,,,,,,**,.,,. . .,,-,,1,...... **-. 7 Mohawk 03:24 m Jr.Sac., CaJedon(a St. Sac, 118 SKEENA JR. SEC: 08:30 4 KenwoMh Sir, 07:52 12 Freemans 03:53 8 Bridge Street 04:04 mSECONDARY SCHOOLS STOP NAME A,M. 31st Avenue & Adele 07:34 14 Reserve #1 08:07 . ,14 Centennial Christian 06:33 5 Riverside Groceries 07:55 13 Oscar Road 03:56 BUS ROUTE #20 - MORICETOWN/ 109 TradingBand Office Post 04:0804:06 41st & McBride 07:35 15 Reserve #2 08:08 : 15 KITI-'K'SHAN PRIMARY 08:40 6 THORNHILL ELEM. 08:03 14 Findlay Lake Bus Shelter 03:58 HAZELTON 11 Old Ball Park 04:10 TERRACE SECONDARY SCHOOLS 1 Robin Road #1 5 McBride & Bruce 07:36 16 Zimmacord 08:16 : 116 CASSIE HALL ELEM, 08:42 7 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 08~,10 157 Mile 03:59 m 07:27 6 oli,s Place 07:38 17 New Remo #1 08:20 SERVING:New Hazellon Flea. Hazelto~ Sac, John Field Elem m SCHOOL PRINCIPAL PHONE 2 Old Remo Road 07:31 8 Old Lakslse Road - Past Hilltop Sto 06:13 16 Lean lo Creek 04:02 12 Hippisley 04:12 Caledonia Secondary Geoff Straker 635-6531 7 Lodge Rd/-rrailer 07:40 18 New Remo #2 08:21 9 Laurel & Asoen 08:16 13 Mina's Care 04:15 3 Whitebottom Road 07:33 P.M 17 Lake - Hart Place 04:1 ,'! STOP NAME A M m Skesna Junior Secondary Rob Greenwood 635-9136 4 Kozler Road 07:35 8 THORNHILL ELEM. 08:04 19 E,T, KENNEY PRIMARY 08:34 "*"'**"~"**==------~-~ ..... ~ ...... ,,,, ...... 10 Aspen & Hemlock 08:17 18 Parminter 04:16 .... ~,~ ...... ~ ...... ~--~,-~ ...... 14 Mountain View 04:16 m Thornhill Junior Secondary Rick Olson 635-9141 5 Skarland Road 07:40 9 THORNHILLJR, SEC. 08:0e 20 CLARENCE MICHIEL ELEM. 06:35 1 KITI:K'SHAN PRIMARY 02:55 11 THORNHILL ELEM. 08:20 19 Brousseau Road 04:17 07:10 15 Pull Out 04:20 m m~ will be open for the registration of NEW pupils on 6 Krebbs 07:41 10 THORNHILL PRIMARY 08;08 21 Centennial Christian 08:37 2 C,~SSIE HALL ELEM. 03:05 12 THORNHILL JR, SEC. 08:23 20 Egan Road - Rail Fence 04:18 1 Church 07:45 16 Moose Road 04:22 17 Goods 04:39 m 7 Munson 22 PARKSIDE PRIMARY 06:40 : ~ 3 Centennial Christian 03:10 13 CLARENCE MICHIEL ELEM. 08:32 21 Geler Road & Egan Road 04:20 2 Fire Hall 07:50 16 Marsden 04:40 Monday, August 26 and 07:42 11 Churchill Drive 08:15 23 Veritas 08:43 ' 4 CALEDONIA SR. SEC. 03:17 14 Centennial Christian 08:33 22 Geier Road 04:22 3 Hill Top 07:53 8 Mattson Road #1 07:47 12 Creek Road 08:17 24 KITI K'SHAN PRIMARY 08:49 • 5 SKEENA JR. SEC 03:21 15 Veritas 08:36 23 Community Centre 04:33 4 Old School 07:54 19 Evans 04:41 m 9 Farkvam Tuesday, August 27 07:52 13 Krumm & Laurel 08:18 25 CASSIE HALL ELEM. 08:51 .. 6 UPLANDS ELEM. 03:28 ...... 24 White 04:34 5 Stop Sign 07:57 20 Williams 04:43 10 THORNHILL PRIMARY 08:02 14 THORNHILLELEM, 08:24 .' ; 70r~le~Road 03:29 P.M. 25 Spencer 04:36 6 MailBox 07:59 ...... _ ...... m from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. It THORNHILL ELEM. m GRADE 10 students new to the area should register at Thornhill 12 THORNHILL JR SEC 08:04 15 THORNHILL JR, SEC. 08:27 ,,~.***** ~:..:z.~,.~.:~... ~,...: ...... ,,,, ***,,..***~,.P'M " 98 Th(NItz'sWill°wCreek Drive 03:3303:31 ...... 02:15 2726LagaceTrailer Road 04:3904:37 87 ChinaSeat°ncreekSawmill 06:1608:07 BUS ROUTE#24 • I Junior Secondary if residing in Thomhill and at Skeena Junior 13 Queensway #1 08:06 16 THORNHILL PRIMARY 08:29 10 Elderberry Lane 03:35 1 THORNHILL PRIMARY 02:29 28 Frlel 04:42 9 NEW HAZELTON ELEM. 08:33 08:11 02:15 SOUTHHAZELTON m Secondary if living in Terrace. 14 Skeena Trailer Court 11' Woodland Park/Cranberry 03:37 2 THORNHILL ELEM 02',35 29 Mountainview Ranch 04:54 10 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:42 " SERVING:SouthHaze]ton Flea. NewHazenon I (Pre-registraUon is not necessary for students entering 15 Band Office 08:13 1 THORNHILL PRIMARY 02:36 12 Fosbery 03:38 3 THORNHILL JR. SEC, 02:43 30 Parker Road #1 & #2- Turn Arour 05'.00 Flea.. HazeltonSee m Caledonia from Skeena or Thornhlll Junior; nor for students 16 Maple 08:15 P,M. 2 THORNHILL ELEM. 02:38 13 Da~i~)s' 03:39 4 Hilltop Store 02:48 **"**~-'~-~'~=~-~---~ .... "" ...... STOP NAME A,M m 08:16 ,~~;..~.~-.~~,~**,.,.******, 3 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 02:40 14 McRae 03:41 5 Hawthorne 02:49 ...... P.IV ~-~--~-~-~---~"'...... entering Grade 8 from the elementary schools unless they 17 Kenworth 08:18 02:15 4 Yellow House (Queensway) 02:46 t5 Centennial Drive #1 03:43 6 Hemlock/Balsam 02'.50 ...... m ,have moved within the District during the summer.) 18 THORNHILL JR, SEO. BUS ROUTE #16 - MEZlADIN LAKE m | 08:25 1 THORNHILL PRIMARY 02:33 ,, 5 Skeena Valley Trailer Court 02:48 16 Cek~tennlal Drive #2 03:44 7 Balsam 02:51 1 Richmond Road 08:05 19 CALEDON IA S R. SEC. m HAZELTON/KITWANGA 08:35 2 THORNHILL ELEM. 02:36 ,n 6 Altex Bus Stop 02:49 17 Cei~t~nnla; Dnve #3 03:45 8 CLARENCE MICHIEL ELEM. 03:07 SERVING:MeziadtnLake Elementary 1 NEW HAZELTON ELEM, 02:53 2 Powell Avenue 08:06 m 20 SKEENA JR. SEC. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL PHONE 06:36 3 THORNHILLJR. SEC. 02:48 7 Kenworth Street 02:50 9 Centennial Christian 03:13 STOP NAME A.M. 2 Dept. of Highways 02:57 3 Palsma Hill 08:08 -'*t'*"~***~=~-~-~-,,.*,~ ...... 10 CALEDONIA SR, SEC. 03:25 ...,.***~....~.~-'~-'-'~;~-~- ...... 3 5th Ave. 02:56 4 SOUTH HAZELTON ELEM. 08:10 m m Hazelton Secondary School Sheila Ryan 842-5214 8 Reserve (Laurie Road) 02:51 i ~ BUS-ROUTE #10 - 11 THORNHILL JR. SEC 03:40 Kitwanga Secondary School Don Currie 849-5484 P.M. 4 Dogwood Str. 02:57 9 Maple Street 02:52 '; ' ; GOSSEN SUBDIVISION 12 Balsam 03:46 1 EIIsworth Logging Camp 08:30 4 Hagwilget Band Office 03:04 5 Geortzen 08:12 m Stewart Secondary School Frank Marisco 636-2238 5 Krumm Road 03:00 10 Queensway (return) 02:53 2 Meziadin Lake Subdivision 08:40 5 Mohawk 03:07 6 College Street 08:15 m SeRViNG:Cogpe¢ MI. Flea.. lhomhdl Jr. See., Thomhill Elern.'rhow~hill 13 Hemlock/Balsam 03:47 I will be open for registration of NEW pupils on: 1 THORNHILL PRIMARY 02:29 6 Creek Road 03:03 11 KITI K'SHAN PRIMARY 03:02 P~.Kit~K'Shan Pnm~7.Cassia HAllElem. 14 Cottonwood/Aspen 03:50 3 MEZIADIN ELEMENTARY 08:50 6 HAZELTON SEC. 03:22 7 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:25 7 Hagwilget Band Office 03:27 8 Mohawk 08:40 2 THORNHILL ELEIVt. 02:35 7 Churchill Drive 03:05 12 CASSIE HALL ELEM. 03:05 • " i STOp N/~,- A.M. 15 Newell/Thornhill Road 03:53 P.M, 8 China Creek 03:42 9 HagwUget 08:42 = Monday,August 26 and 3 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 02:43 8 Waterlily Bay 03:14 13 CLARENCE M]CHIEL ELEM, 03:12 ,,**.,*,,*~,,.,~,~-.~..~.~..~..~.~ ...... 16 Penner Street #1 03:54 -~;~-~;;~;~;~.--~;;~;~--~--.** ...... 9 Seaton Sawmill #1 03:48 10 NEW HAZELTON ELEM, 08:45 m 4 Queensway 02:50 9 Lodge Road Trailer 3:;21 14 Centennial Christian 03:13 17 Penner Slreet #2 03'.54 1 MEZIADIN ELEMENTARY 03:10 10 Seaton Sawmill #2 03:49 5 Riverside Groceries Tuesday, August 27 02:52 10 Oil's Place 03:22 15 PARKSIDE PRIMARY 03:15 ~ 1 Gossen Sub. West 07:0007:35 1819 Foxfl'hornhillKalum/Haugland Road #1 03:5504:03 2 Meziadin Lake Subdivision 03:15 11 MailBox 04:03 """~"~"~"""~"":'~"""-~'"""" m , from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 6 Skeena Valley Trailer Court 02:53 11 Adeline & 1st Ave. 03:23 16 CALEDONIA SR. SEC. 03:19 3 EIIsworth Logging Camp 03:30 12 Stop Sign 04:04 P,M STUDENTS WHO FAIL TO REGISTEI~I IN SECONDARY 7 Kenworth El. 02:54 12 McBride & 1st Avenue 03:24 17 SKEENA JR. SEC. 03:22 ,~.2 :Gossen Sub, Centre 07',39 20 Kalum/Haugland #2 04:05 13 Old School; 04:05 ...... m IJ SCHOOLS PRIOR TO SCHOOL OPENING MAY 8 Band Office 02:55 13 McBride & Bruce 03:25 18 UPLANDS ELEM. 03:27 3 Gossen Sub, East 07:44 21 Graham/Beach 04:07 *******- ~ - - - - * ...... ***'-** 14 Hill Top 04:07 9 Kirsch 19 Orde Road b3:31 ,4 Novotny 07:50 22 Kenney/McDeek 04:09 BUS ROUTE #17 - 15 Fire Hall 04:08 1 NEW HAZELTON ELEM 02:46 m I1EXPERIENCE A DELAY IN BEING ASSIGNED TO CLASS 10 Farkvam Road 02:56 14 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 03:50 20 Merkley Road Mall Boxes 03:38 ., 5 ~ ' Rifle Range Road 07:52 ...... KITWANCOOI./KITwANGA 16 Church 04:10 2 Two Mile Shelter 03:04 I 11 Mattson Road 03:00 15 Woodland Trailer Court .03:55 21 Dover @ Merkley 03:40 :,.6: "COPPER MOUNTAIN ELEM. 07:55 BUS ROUTE #14 - ' - SERVING: K~w=-,gaE~m/,S~o~ Schoo~ Garage 3 Two Mile. Berg 03:06 m 03:02 16 Creek Road 03:56 ***~"~;~;;;~--;~-;~;~------,~-,~.~**, ...... 4 Cemelary 03:08 12 Munson m WELCOME BACK 03:05 17 Krumm 3700 Block 03:57 22 Red House @ Dover Road 03:41 n 7": "Chlor:Street 07:57 KITWANGNcEDARvALE STOP NAME A.M BUS ROUTE #21 • 8 Silver Standard High 03:12 13 Krebbs m 03',07 23 Mullers (Dover Road) 03:42 ~ 8 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 08:06 S.E.RVING:Kitwanga Elem./Sec,, Hazelton Sac ...... BEARRIVER/NEW HAZELTON" 6 Roisum's - Highway 62 03:15 | 1. This bus schedule is subject to 14 Skarland Road 03:09 18 Churchill Drive 04:01 24 Freeman 03:43 ,9 :Larch?Street 08:15 STOP NAME A.M 21 JohnsonLapretres' House 07:4007:25 STOP,SSRVtNO: NO.N~'H=~on STOP E~',,~ NAME S~,.;ohnFl~,4...... E~ 67 BrewsterHAZELTON Street SECONDARY 03;3003:18 mm I revision. 15 Robin Road #2 03:11 19 HullsvUle Road 04:10 25 Pratt Road 03:44 ~10~ ,Thornhill Pub 08:20 ;~;~;~--~;~:.'~.'~, *******...... 16 THORNHILL JR. SEC. 3 4th & 2cd 07:41 A,M. 9 College street 03:33 mm 17 Riverside Store 03:40 20 Lodge Road Trailer 04:15 26 Top of the Hill (Dover Road) 03:45 ~11 THORNHILL PRIMARY 08:25 06:35 4 4th & 3rd 07:42 1 Forsyth 7:57 10 SOUTH HAZELTON ELEM, 03:37 2. Bus times as shown may vary 03:45 21 Oil's Place 04:16 27 Bottom of Hill (Dover Road) 03:46 ~12 THORNHILL ELEM, 08:27 1 Cedarvale Care 07:50 5 Hills' 07:43 2 Staiger 6:01 11 West Avenue 03:39 m 18 Skeena Valley Trailer Park II slightly due to weather and road 19 Kenworth 03:46 22 McBride & lstAvenue 04:17 28 McConnellAvenue 03:59 ,13 THORNHILL JR, SEC, 08:30 32 Kitwanga Road - W #264/62#248 08'.1406:15 6 Russells' 07:44 34 WilsonLoschberger 8:028:04 12 Powell Avenue 03:41 20 Band Office 03:48 23 McBride & Bruce 04:16 29 Mountain Vista #1 04:01 ~14 ~ KITI K'SHAN PRIMARY 08:47 7 4th Avenue 07:45 5 Sanka 8:09 13 Richmond Road 03:42 m I conditions. 4 Brldge Street . #119 08:17 I 8 Firehall 07:47 i 6 Dundas 8:15 03:49 30 Mountain Vista#2 04'.02 :15 ~ -CASSIE HALL ELEM 08:50 5 Bridge Street &Abe Road 08:19 I J 7 Robbers Roost 8:20 "'"~'"'"'~""'""'""""'""'"" m mm|mmm|| | m I m m i m m m mm • mmmm m I I mmmm mmm m| m I m I m m I m m I ~i |mmmm mmmm|,m mm m| mm m mm mmmmm m mmm ml mmmmm mm_J m|m|mmmmlmmm \ I i I I I I I I I I i I i i i i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BUS ROUTE #25. 11 JOHN FIELD ELEM 08:20 KISTUGUKLA #2 12 Old Hazelton High School 08:25 2 Telkwa Hi-Road #2 07:21 I SERVING: John Field EIom., HazellonSec. 13 Forestry Office 08:30 3 Highway 16 07:26 DENTURE SPECIALISTS TIME 14 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:33 4 Station Road 07',28 I STOP NAME A.rvl 15 Two Mile Shelter 08:35 5 Station Road Loop 07:30 We deal DIRECTLY with the Public. 6 Hwy 16 & Modcetown Loop Rd 07:35 16 W,G. Trailer Park 08:40 I New Dentures in 24 hrs., 17 4th Avenue- Baskins 08:42 7 Bambi's Store 07:37 1 Kitsegukla 07:50 18 NEW HAZELTON ELEM. 08:47 8 Beaver Road & Park Ave. 07:39 I Repairs and Relines Sameday Services 2 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:25 9 Fire Hall 07:40 3 Generations- 54 yrs. experience. 3 Hagwilget 08:30 10 Morlcetown Loop Road 07:42 I 11 Catholic Church 07:45 ECKLAND 4 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:37 P.M. 12 Highway 16 & Lorenzo's 07:48 I H. DENTURE CLINIC 13 Highway 16 & Van Tunen's 07:50 P.M. 1 NEW HAZELTON ELEM. 02:45 14 SMITHERS SECONDARY 08:18 I 206-4650 Lazelle 635-1288 [] 2 Kermode 03:04 15 CHANDLER PARK MIDDLE SCH 08:25 3 Aronson Q3:05 I 1 JOHN FIELD ELEM. 02:50 4 Forestry Office 03:06 2 Hagwilget 03:05 5 JOHN FIELD ELEM. 03:07 P.M. I 3 HAZELTON SECONDARY 03:22 6 Old Hazelton High School 03:10 4 Kitsegukla 04:00 7 Forestry office O3:12 Garage 02:55 I I .ee . 8 Hospital O3:14 1 CHANDLER PARK MIDDLE SCH 03:00 9 HAZELTON SECONDARY 03:22 2 SMITHERS SECONDARY 03:20 I BUS ROUTE #26. 10 Highway's Department 03:30 3 Highway 16 & Van Tunen's 03:48 LC's Professional Typing offers a large selection of 4 Highway 16 & Lorenzo's 03:50 I UPPER KISPIOXWEST 11 SOUTH HAZELTON ELEM. 03:37 professionally designed & formatted documents. 12 Johnson 03:45 5 Catholic Church 03:53 SERVING: Rispiox Elem, John Field Elem, 6 Moricetown Loop Road 03:56 I Resumes Cover Letters Hazelton Sec. 13 Homesteader 03:47 Reports Overflow Typing 7 Fire Hall 03:58 TIME 14 Mickelow 03:48 Desktop Publishing STOP NAME A.M 15 David 03:49 8 Beaver Road & Park Ave 03:59 I Top Quality Laser Printing ----*----**--*--*************** 9 Bambi's Store 04:01 16 Fisk 03:60 Call 635-7037 17 North Boundary Road 04:05 10 Hwy 16 & Moricetown Loop R~ 04:03 I 1 Sullivan 07:12 18 Kitsegukla 04:18 11 Highway 16 04:04 2 Henderson 07:28 12 Station Road 04:06 I 3 Fowler 07:33 "r~* W*~"k~t'**"~**'*t* ;, a .; a a ,; ,;.. ;,,; a a a... a a a a a ;~ ~ a ~.~ 13 Station Road Loop 04:08 4 Doboer 07:38 14 Telkwa Hi-Road #2 04:15 I 5 Belanger/Hagen 07:40 BUS ROUTE #29- 15 Telkwa Hi-Road #1 04:16 Terrace Centennial Lions Club 6 Larson 07:41 KISPIOX/GLEN VOWELL I 7 Doehler 07:42 SERVING: John Field Elem, Hazelton Se¢, New 8 Lodge 07:46 Hazelton Elem I BB BE BB i BB B~ B~ I =1 9 Heise 08:00 TIME 10 Wookey 08:02 STOP NAME AM, 11 Braun 08:04 12 Huel 08:06 13 Hagen-Carlise 08:07 1 Kispiox Junction 07:45 Saturday, August 24 14 Kispiox - Stevens 08:15 2 Kispiox Starrs 07:47 15 Kispiox- Fire Hall 08:17 3 Browns 07:48 16 Kisplox Elem 08:19 4 Hillis 07:49 $8.00 each 17 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:38 5 Kispiox Elem. 0.7:50 6 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:05 cooked ready for eating or to be frozen. P.M 7 Glen Vowell 08:18 t BRITISH COLUM BIA Sale Locations 8 Sampsons 08:22 LUNG ASSOCIATION 9 ~n-noon Farmers Market 9 Wesleys 08:25 1 HAZELTC N SECONDARY 03:22 10 JOHN FIELD ELEM. 08:36 731-LUNG or noon-4 pm old Petro Can. stn. Lakelse Ave. 2 Kispiox - Blackwaters 03:32 11 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:40 1-800-66S-LUNG Live crabs also available. 3 Kispiox Elem. 03:33 4 Kispixo - Fire Hall 03:36 P.M. 5 Moraes 03:37 ~*"~*'lrA~r~aaaaaaaaaAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&~k/n,r,t.~t.l**~t.A.~ 6 Stevens 03:38 7 Hagen-Carlise 03:46 1 JOHN FIELD ELEM 02:50 8 Huel 03:47 2 Glen Vowell Band Office 03:00 9 Braun 03:49 3 Samosons 03:04 10 Heise 03:52 4 Wesleys 03:06 BURN 11 Wookey 03:54 5 HAZELTON SECONDARY 03:27 12 Lodge 04:07 6 Glenn Vowell 03:37 13 Dohler 04:11 7 Sampsons 03:38 14 Larson 04:12 8 Wesleys 03:40 SMART 15 BelangedHagen 04:15 9 Kispiox Intersection 03:48 TO MINIMIZEAIR 16 Doboer 04:16 10 Starrs 03:50 POU,UTiOH FROM " Foam'Wa'l] System 17 Fowler 04:21 11 Hillis 03:51 YOURWOODSTOVE: 18 Henderson 04:28 12 Williams 03:52 "' ":'. a '~ .:'":' ..;- ..'- 19 Sullivan 04:38 13 Kispiox Intersection 03:53 Burn only clean, dry wood in your w0odstove Never i! BUS ROUTE #27 - BUS ROUTE #32 - KLEANZA NORTH burn green, wet, SERVING: Copper Mt. Elem. Thomhill Jr. Sec., Caledonia St. Sec., UPPER KISPIOX EAST SkeenaJr. Sec. painted or lreated SERVING: Kispiox Elem, John Field Elem, w0o(J including Hazelton Sac, TIME STOP NAME -A'~. .., plywood, STOP NAME A.M. pressboard, 07:15 STOPS: Cold, heat, water, fire, bugs, drafts, 1 Gold Creek Road 07:35 railway ties or utility poles. rot, sound, deforestation and pollution. 1 Roisum 07:20 2 Bornite Road #1 07:39 3 Bomite Road #2 07:40 Never burn BLUE MAXX FOUNDATION HAS A MI NIMUM 2 Resthaven 07:25 household 3 Hollands 07:35 4 Gitaus Village Subdivision - Four StOl: 07:52 R25 INSULATION RATING 5 Creech Street 08:03 garbage in your 4 John Allen 07:40 wo0dst0ve or The solid strength and permanence of steel reinforced concrete, with the fabu- 5 Dundas Hill 07:46 6 Azorcan 08:04 7 Old Jim's Tackle shop 08:05 ): fireplace! bus insulating capacity of dual two and ha If inch thick slabs of expanded poly- 6 Smith 07:47 foam in a system that is fast, cost efficient and virtually fool proof to 7 Funny Farm 07:48 8 COPPER MOUNTAIN ELEM. 08:06 styrene 8 Water Ouzel 07:49 9 Haaland & Clare 08:09 construct from the basement up to 10 or more stories high. ~ ::. 9 Malfunction Junction 07:51 10 Rifle Range Road 08:13 11 Cresent & SKB 08:14 10 Undertakers 07:52 A wide variely of block forms allows the ....::~:a ~:~:!~ , 11 Northend Spooner's Corner 07:53 12 THORNHILL JR SEC. 08:15 12 Tetreaus 07:55 13 CLARANCE MICHIEL ELEM. 08:26 architect to create sophisticated visual :'~!~: 13 Schomakers 08:00 14 Centennial Christian School 08:28 treatments without having to fiddle with :~ 15 CALEDONIA SR. SEC. 08:31 14 Sportsman's Lodge 08:05 WMLLLVITIN~ custom cutting blocks to fit. 16 SKEENA JR. SEC. 08:33 Maximum Stopping Power. 15 Henwoods 08:08 ~Qt~ 16 Aliens 08:10 Installations Available By: 17 Clay 08:11 BUS ROUTE #33 - 18 Flemings 08:12 19 Nash 08:13 SOUTH HAZELTON ELEM. NY$TROH 20 Kispiox Fire Hall 08:17 SERVING: South Hazelton Elem.. :t:. ENTERPRISES LTD. 21 Kispiox Elem, 08:18 TIME A message from the GENERAL CONTRACTOR 22 Kispiox Old Store 08:19 STOP NAME A.M. BRITISH COLUMBIA Pelri Nystrom Residential,Commercial • Industrial LUNG ASSOCIATION Phone 798-9585 23 Farlieghs 08:22 Box 132, Terrace, B.C. V8G 4A2 Fax 798-2273 24 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:35 25 Poplar Park - East 08:38 1 Marshell 07:50 26 Poplar Park - West 08:40 2 Parent 07:53 27 JOHN FIELD ELEM. 08:45 3 Sunnyside (Mailboxes) 07:55 4 Cemetary 07:56 P.M. 5 Silver Standard High 08:00 6 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:04 7 Old Hazelton Secondary 08:08 1 HAZELTON SECONDARY 03:21 8 Forestry 08:11 Times are changing,., 2 Farleigh 03:33 9 Highway's Yard 08:17 3 Kispiox Old Store 03:35 10 Willow Dale Aots 08:18 4 Kispiox Elem. 03:37 11 Robber's Roost 08;21 5 Kisplox Fire Hall 03:41 12 NEW HAZELTON ELEM, 08:26 6 Nash 03:45 13 College Street 08:30 7 Fleming 03:47 14 Blabey's 08:33 8 Clay 03:48 15 Powell Road 08:36 ICG's history goes back 58 yeai~ and we are as COnlrnitted today as we were in 1938 to 9 Allen 03:49 16 Second Hand Store 08:37 10 Henwood 03:50 17 Anne 'sTrall ~r Park 08:38 supl)ly Canadians with clean burning l)ropane. To make sure we are doing our best for 11 Lodge 03:53 18 Palsma Hill 08:40 you, ICG is making some changes, ICG is teaming up with local businesses that sell 12 Schumakers 04:00 19 SOUTH HAZELTON ELEM, 08:42 13 Tetreaus 04:04 20 College Street 08:44 prol)ane appliarmes, We will continue to be a del)endable source of prol]ane, and local 14 North Spooners' Corner 04:06 21 NEW HAZELTON ELEM. 08:50 15 Undertaker 04:07 cornlmnies will have an exciting new business opl)orturdty. Overall. you the alstomel: 16 Malfunction Junctior~ 04:08 P,M, Ir~ **~r**~.. a a a a.~ a ;.a ;..,.A ~d,k.~,; ;,a A a aa a a a= a aa a a a ;.aaa aaa A~,~ will sti 11 receive expert service from local dea lets and reliable proparle delivery frorn IC(;, 17 Water Ouzel 04:09 18 Funny Farm 04:10 This is lust one mum way ICG is changir~g, to serve you bette~: 19 Smith 04:11 1 SOUTH HAZELTON ELEM. 02:51 20 Dundas Hill 04:12 2 Old Scandla 02:53 21 Allen 04:21 3 Anne's Trailer Park 02:54 22 Holland s 04:27 4 Second Hand Store 02:55 23 Resthaven 04:37 5 Powell Road 02:57 24 Roisum's Turn Around 04:40 6 Blabey's 03:00 Your local services: 7 College Street 03:04 8 NEW HAZELTON ELEM 03:08 ICG PropaneDelivery, Service BUS ROUTE #28. 9 Robber's Roost 03:10 KITSEGuKLA 10 Willow Dale Apts 03:13 and General inquiries: SERVING: South Hazelton Elem, New Hazolton 11 Highway's Yard 03:14 Elem, John Field EIom, 12 HAZELTON SECONDARY 03:20 TIME 13 Klspiox Junction 03:27 STOP NAME A.M, 14 JOHN FIELD ELEM. 03:30 15 Old Hazelton Secondary 03:34 Auto Propaneand Cylinder Fills: Thornhtll Hu sky t 1 Kitsegukla 07:40 2 North Boundary Road 07:50 BUS ROUTE ON - 3097 Hwy. 16 East 3 Flsk 07:53 MORIGETOWN/SMITHER$ i 4 David 07:54 635-3717 PROPANE 5 Mickelow 07:55 OVERLOAD SERVING: emtthers Se~, Chandler Park Middle 6 Homesteader 07:56 School 7 Johnston 07:58 TIME 8 SOUTH HAZELTON ELEM. 08:03 STOP NAME A.M, 9 Dept, Of Highways' Shop 08:10 10 HAZELTON SECONDARY 08:15 1 Telkwa HI- Road #1 07:20 II i I I i I I I I i i i i =i i == i m i i I The Terrace Standard,Wednesday, August21, 1996 - A9 James W. Radelet III i: RADELET& COMPANY.... ~., Auto theft rate shoots up Tax Law, Trusts. Corporate& Commercial AUTO-RELATED crime is skyrock- been stolen in Terrace. Most of these address. 130-1057 West GeorgiaStreel, Vancouver,B.C. V6E 3Cg and Phone: 604-689.0878 Fax: 604.689-1386 eting in Terrace and throughout the have been recovered, indicating that [] Never hide a spare key under the i province, according to ICBC and Ter- many may have been joy-rides. But carpet or behind the sun visor. race RCMP. just why the numbers are up so [] Park in well-lit areas, avoid The police report that thefts of ears dramatically is a bit of a mystery. secluded areas. and trucks in our city has doubled "We really don't know how to ac- [] Consider a car alarm. since last year, while thefts from count for the increases," says Con- [] Call police immediately to report vehicles has increased 150 per cent. stable Tracie Harvie of Terrace any tampering or suspicious activity. And the crime spree isn't just RCMP. "But crime is going up all [] Keep an inventory of all acces- limited to downtown. In residential over. The important thing is to look at sories with serial numbers. areas, thefts of and from vehicles is ways of deterring crime." If you are a victim, report to police up, on average, 165 per eenL In Harvie says that even simple things immediately. Thomhili, such thefts have increased a like remembering to close windows Harvie says you should be able to whopping 400 per cent. and lock the car is an effective deter- supply a complete description of your Today, across B.C. an average of 42 rent for criminals. Other deterrents in. vehicle and items stolen, including vehicles will be stolen, and police say elude: serial numbers and any identifying this figure is on the increase. Appar- [] Never leave luggage or other marks if possible. ently, no vehicle is safe, from trucks packages in view. The RCMP remind the public that to family sedans, domestics to im- [] Put valuables in the truak and anyone with any information regard- ports. credit cards in your wallet. ing auto-theft should contact Terrace So far this year, 71 vehicles have [] Never label keys with your name RCMP or Crimestoppers. est. Tracy Harvie Fish cops net violators HUNDREDS OF vehicles In total, some $1,800 in were stopped and a total of fines were handed out. ten charges have been laid Twenty eight other .as a result of a DFO road- charges have also been laid block, August 5. over the last three weeks, in- SAFE.WAY The Department of cluding nine failures to FOOD & DRUG Fisheries and Oceans road- record adult Chinook block was set up east of the catches. Kalum River. DFO officers will con- Of the 350 vehicles tinue to patrol the shores of stopped, 195 of those were our rivers and set up random checked for fish, firearms roadblocks to catch law- and wildlife. breakers. Two charges of retention The officers remind of undersized trout netted anglers to keep accurate anglers fines of $300apiece, records of their catches and while two other anglers to have their liceuces on were each fined $250 for them whenever fishing or retention of chinook. transporting fish. Leak delays flight A LEAKING cardboard box grounded a Canadian Airlines flight here for nearly an hour last Thursday. Airline officials said the parcel found on the morning flight to Vancouver contained a leaking container of a high-performance fuel additive, which should never have been stored the way it was. The sender incorrectly packaged the product, they said, adding it should not have ended up in Canada Post's regu- lar mail run. Injuries Stop Here,.

Adjust Your se~a~ ~ Head Rest and Buckle Up.


• ya{ &a,ftmy oJ Ih,,cl, 9 Telephone: 638-2077 3226A River Dr., Terrace, B,C. V8G 3P4 I YOUR GROCERYI TERRACE STOCK CAR ASSOCATION 2nd Annual RCHASE TUFF TRUCK & *ON A MINIMUM $50.00 PURCHASE WITH COUPON MUD BOG COMPETITION f ,-.., .- ,,...,,. ..,, ,,_, .,,,. ,,,_ ._ .,. ,,,_, ~ .., ..., ._ ~, ._ ... ,~ Sunday, August 25, 1996 - 1:00 pm at the Terrace Speedway

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t A10 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996

BUSINESS REVIEW. Yo uth interns gain experience ClII|VlI-.".,,,,,,,,,,-,,.,, ~J 635.TIPS I, A LOCAL business has picked intern as FAST, ACCURATE KEYS part of a provincial government program to Complete Locksmith Services jump.start young people into the workplace. • Keys Cut ~I ~ ~, Triton Environmental Consultants has hired • Lockskeyed :~ ; 24-year-old Solvej Patsehke to work as a • locklnstalled :.i~ ~ t~i~ hydrologist with the firm. Patschkc was hired • Locks Master Keyed ~ ! ~' ' through the Environment Youth Team initiative. • Journeyman Locksmiths .:. i.::.ii~;~1~7.,] The E-Team is a provincial government pro- gram aimed at youth aged 16-24 who are not at- ~~f 4624A Greig Ave. ~ i~:'~"!~ ' tending school. The plan is to give youths with Phone: 635-5549 ~' i ~,,-~;..'~;.E!~ limited employment opportunities a chance to Fax: 63S-X918 ~ ~ :4~' protect and enhance the environment while gaining work experience and trainh~g. "It's a great program," says Dave Gordon, northern operations manager of Triton. "This is a luxury for us. We don't usually have the resources to bring a junior member in and train them to have the necessary job skills. This is a very competitive industry." So far, 450 youths have started work through RECENT UNIVERSITY graduate Solvej Patschke is getting her foot in the door, thanks to the program. The government subsidizes wages a new government program aimed at helping young people get work experience. and benefits, while employers cover travel and and how that will impact steams, figures out out of his way to help teach me new things." training costs. And Patschke is happy with the discharge rates and works on ways to improve The E-team program only lasts 15 weeks, but way things are going. the health of a stream. Her job has taken Patschke may be staying around longer. Gordon "It's great," she says. "It's exactly what I Patsehke all over the northwest to work on plans on keeping her on permanently. want to be doing." stream restoration. "This has worked out really well for us," Patschkc graduated in June from Simon Fraser "It involves a lot of flying and helicopter Gordon says. "Solvej's internship ends in No- University with a Bachelor's Degree in Geog- trips." she says. "I'm learning a lot. Dave goes vember, but we want to keep her." raphy. Her new job involves stream restoration and channeling. Patschke looks at slope stability

Out & About Forestry dollars LOCAL FOREST RELATED businesses will be able to borrow up to $250,000 under a new government program. The money is available through the Forest Community Business Program, administered by 16/37 Community Fu- p :~i¸ tures and the Northern Savings Credit Union. Entrepeneurs TWO BIG DAYS 'i can also access the money for business counselling and FRI. planning. THURS. The money can be used to buy equipment, tools, machin- I It'C. ,-)--4 ery, buildings and furnishings. It's supposed to help businesses create and maintain jobs in forestry. To qualify businesses must be registered in BC and must demonstrate commercial viability. And at least 75 per cent of the business' total revenue has to come from processing forest products, or supplying goods or servtces to the forest sector. Mad~" ~ ;Fi{ neuuelr Hydro gives $10,000 SHADES THE HAISLA Nation Rediscovery Camp in the Kitlope Valley south of Kitimat is getting $10,000 from B.C. Hydro. I! Part of the donation is in the form of scholarships and FAC~I~LLE will help with the expenses in running the camp. It's designed to expose people to native culture. APPLIANCES t last PAPER PRODUCTS Three camp periods are taking place this summer in the Kitlope. The valley has a protected status from the provin- OFF cial government and is part of the Haisal's traditional terri- tory. MR.O FFff., OUR HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES MS is the most common s$(~ohnson CLEANING SUPPLIES neurological disease affecting & WAXES EVERYDAY :):MS :;: young adults in Canada. ::FACT: Hultiple Sclerosis LOW TAMPAX :::,#5:: Society of Canada FEMININE HYGIENE 1-800-268-7582 REGULAR VACUUMS & AccESSORIES PRICES • gnchorHocking GLASSWARE BUNDLES PRODUCTS GiUette AUTOMOTIVE TO,-ETRIES R_hdaT~ Royale OFJOY PAPER PRODUCTS PRODUCTS PET PRODUCTS

" Baby's Name: Baby's Name: Cole BrendanAzak Chelsea Janell Smith Date & Timeor Birth: Date & Timeof Birth: July 26, 19964:20pm July I, 1996at 2:11 am Weight:8.1bs.9 oz, Sex: Male Weights:7 Ibs I 1oz Sex: Female AUTOMOTIVEPRODUcTs VIDIEOP~OO~UCt~ Parent: SheilaAzak Parents: Annette& Wayne Smith

Baby's Name: Baby's Name: ThomasJoseph Oldale TalonGabriel Roy Hawkins sNACK AUTOMOTIVE pRoDUCTS neuuell Date & Timeor Birth: Date & Timeof Birth: pRODUCTS PRODUCTS July 19, 1996at 2:58am July 10. 1996at 4:34am WINDOW Weight: 7 Ibs I oz. Sex: Male Weights:8 Ibs 03 oz Sex: Male PRODUCTS -Parents: Trina &TomOldale Parents:Pauline Carlick & Johnny Hawkins TOYS t ~¢~' VID/IL Baby's Name: • OUP,ACEL FoOD Chcl~a RayeMacDonald Baby'sName: Batteries S/~SSOON Date & Placeof Birth: Taryn Rae Lanlerman pRODUCTS HAIRcARE M'~X FACTO R Aug3, 1996at 10:30pm Date & Placeof Birth: INTERNATIONAL Weight: 6 Ihs 12oz.Sex: Female July 30, 1996at 9:28am COSMETIC PRODUCTS Parents: CarlaSmith & Royden Weight:8 lbs 7oz. Sex: Female AM MacDonald Parents: Laura& Las Lanterman REVLON AV HAIR CARE TOYS & CRAFTS pRODUCTS yARNS pRODUCTS pRODUCTS

SNACK BATH PRODUCTS pRODUCTS FOOD BEIT f:,eq 89 10 PRODUCTS STATIONERy PRE-INVENTORY SALE PRODUCTs CANDLE PRODUCTS BAR SOAP The Biggest Sale of the Year! Save on Everything Aug. 19- 31 CAMAY ~uBo0I~(~IMtl~B SOAPS TOOTH PASTE i i 1-800-661.2990 • Skeena Mall • 635-523( SOAPS SOAPS The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 - All

Railway ties head soul ' h TERRACE RCMP Carare investigating blazes two investigatedsuspected.Loss is estimated at $1,000. , vehicle fires that occurred in the early The second fire occurred in the parking morning of August 16. lot of Elks Park at Haugland and Molitor. THOUSANDS OF old rail- The first blaze brought officers to Toyn- The vehicle had been damaged and set way ties that had been bee Street in Thornhill just after midnight, ablaze. No one was injured in the fire, but removed from CN tracks A car had been completely destroyed by foul play is suspected. near Terrace were sent out fire, the cause of which is undetermined. The car was completely destroyed and of the country last week, No one was injured and foul play is not loss is estimated at approximately $2,000. headed south of the border by truck and by train, to be used by ,American businesses for landscaping. Only the useless, damaged ones remained here. Chilliwack-based Valley Tie and Rail bought the old ties from C.N. and sold them, according to one worker, to a Portland Oregon landscape company. The ties are popular for landscaping because they have been treated with creosote, a wood preserva- five. In total, 35,000 old, loose ties were removed by C.N. from the tracks around Ter- SOUTHBOUND:CN railway ties are being shipped out of town for the landscap- race and replaced with new ing market by both truck and by railway flatbed. wood. Valley Tie and Rail then moved in to pick up the The ties are being dumped old ones. cheaper. The ties were "We were going to build in the Thornhill Laudf'dl and Valley owners say the sorted and bundled by a big burner in Vancouver Ministry of Environment company is a small, family workers along the tracks and incinerate them," Salon municipal waste manager 'business that buys and sells near the Terrace Inn before says of the creosote-soaked Alex Grant insists they old ties all over western being sent out. ties. "But the government don't pose a threat to the Canada. In total, Salon had some wouldn't go for that. So we soil or groundwater. "We do between 200,000 18 people working on the have to put them in the land- "The ties are there be- contract in town. and 500,000 ties on an aver- fill, but they don't even like cause they're old," he says. age job," says Mike Salon. "All but two of those that sometimes." "Most of the leaching that "So this one's actually were locals," Salon says would occur, has already pretty small." proudly. occurred." Many of the ties were Salon runs the company While Grant says that with his father, Lou, and his damaged beyond salvage. dumping the ties in the land- These ones are worthless to WE'REON THEMOVE. COME AND JOIN US brother, Wayne. He says fill is acceptable, it is not There is a "Can Do" atmosphere at Q.M.S. that there is a much larger Salon, but he stftl has to find high on the list of accept- a way to get rid of them. WE AIM TO PROVIDE: market for the ties down able alternatives. • an opportunity for students to thrive in a school which delights in their south. According to Grant, the unique strengths, talents and abilities. "We sell the odd one to three best disposal methods • small class size that facilitates a close teacher student and parent folks around here, but are: re-use, landscaping, and relationship. people are used to getting authorized incineration. • teachers with enthusiasm who thrive in an atmosphere where they them for free," he says. Landfilling is number four. L.j~ ,,, can make a difference. Salon points out that there Still, Grant isn't worried • A unique equestrian program on campus for the recreational beginner ~'~.:~.^>,~:,..~ ...... ~,~:; are about a half dozen com- about the old wood. and the more serious rider. panles like his in western "They aren't classifed as ~ ~,.) ...... ,., • A solid academic foundation leading to a rigorous preparation for Canada, all bidding on rail- special waste," be says. university. way ties. "They don't pose a risk." PITCH-IN • 10 National and Regional Scholarships from $3,000.00 to half tuition "It's actually very compe- "Hotel bills add up for Grades 6-12. titive," he says. quick," Salon says."And CANADA! The Head of School,, Dr. Stephen M. Joht~on, welcomes you to It must be. Salon and his we're pretty comfortable "ComeJoin Us" family spent the entire con- where we a re." tract camped out beside the Ironically, most of the ties QUEEN MARGARET'S SCHOOL railway tracks in a series of were sent south by truck, tents and campers. not raft, because U'ucking is K-3 co-ed, 4-12 girls, Day and Boarding 660 Brownsey Avenue, Duncan, B.C. V9L 1C2 Second sheet Tel: (604) 746-4185 Fax: (604) 746-4187 E-mail [email protected]

bids probed SALE DATES ASSESSING the bids that have come in to build a second AUG. 19 to sheet of ice are like comparing apples to oranges. ~\ AUG. 31 i So economic development officer Ken Veldman has gone back to the proponents to try to reword their proposals to make them more comparable. For one thing, they've based their proposals on the city guaranteeing to buy hours for different numbers of years. That's one item Veldman hopes to standardize. Stanfield's Ribbed Levi's 501,512, 550 Mens "We hope to come out to a final number that's much BOXER SHORT more comparable," he said. RED TAB JEANS FALL & WINTER JACKETS Reg. to R~, AE He said that might be finished by sometime this week. So far the city isn't releasing the bids or any detailed in- s6zoo ~lll Entire 200/0 SALE--roT Selection formation about them. Reg. Price One of the two proposals is from Community Facilities Off Development Inc. of Edmonton. The other proposal is from a Vancouver based con- Ladies Stanfield's sortium that includes the architectural firm that designed Kodiak the new medical centre. FALL & WINTER JACKETS REGULAR BRIEF OUTDOORSMAN SOCK Both proposals involve building a second arena adjacent to the existing one, and it's expected their proposals will Entire 20o,; $6.75 L I q} Include taking over the operations of the existing arena, Selection Off Reg. Price ,.,,,,,99 8 and possibly the aquatic centre. SALE The delay means that if city officials pick a preferred proposal, it's increasingly unlikely that there could be a referendum held on the plan in conjunction with this No- 3 Pack WILDERNESS Ladies Pleated & Belted vember's municipal election. WORK SOCKS FLEECE TWILL PANTS Reg. ~ A I1~ Jab $36.98 ,~ Reformers target SALE--~ImW Reg..,2999 air travel points SALE-- AIR TRAVEL points collected by people flying on Ladies "Prospector" "Days" Mens Mens government business are being targetted by a bill intro- WALKING BOOT duced last week by B.C. Reform MLA Richard Neufeld. HOPSACK JEAN 'PROSPECTOR' HIKER Neufeld's scheme is to require that bonus air travel Reg, points earned by MLAs and government employees be $,4499 pooled to reduce travel and accomodation costs for north- SALE--'mir II 3e98s,,,, $114 ern and rural patients who must leave their communities to get medical care. All employees -- including school district, municipal, CSA Approved 8" Leather Pathfinder Crown corporation, and hospital board employees LONG SLEEVE would be legally required to donate all points to the TRACKER BOOT HIKING BOOT TOPS Trsveicare Fund. Reg. ,~ "This is one of those rare opportunities to assist northern $64.98 ~t and rural residents in accessing health care services, s,..$10499 SALE--"Ir,,,__999 '41" ,3299 without any additional cost whatsoever to the taxpayers," SALE-- Neufcld said. "Travel points on taxpayer-funded air travel are still an untapped resource ~ they've been vanishing Into thin air. It's time to take action." MENS FLEECE Levi's Mens S-XL Pants w/pockets S-XLKangaroo Top SHORT SLEEVED T-SHIRTS Reg. Box 22, $22.98 - so ed , , -s2099 IMPROVING Terrace,B.C. MajorCredit Cards s, 1799 99 Reg $26.98 SALE YOUR VCG 4A2 Accepted ODDS AGAINST iarjoriePark Yourdonation is HF.N~ AND SgLOY,£ CANADA'S 638-1167 tax deductible FOUNDATION #1 KILLER Your In Memoriamgift is a lasting tribute. Please send your donationto the address above,along with the name and address and the name and address of the next-of- kin, for an acknowledgementcard,

p f A12 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 $27 million pledged for Digby bridge Frustrated Terrace councillors watch gravy train roll into Rupert THE PROVINCE is pledging to put $27 Terrace city councillor David Hull said will give the Prince Rupert airport a million towards an ambitious plan to come involved in the bridge project he's frustrated that the province is competitive advantage that will someday build a $108 million series of bridges "We can't get the stupid could be part of the recommendations prepared to spend that kind of money on harm the Terrace airport, Terrace eco- that come from the Northwest Tram- from Prince Rupert to Digby Island and a bridge that would help rescue the land ministry to give us the Tsimshian peninsula. nomic development officer Ken Veld- portation Corridor Task Force. Prince Rupert airport, but won't turn 1,000 acres of scruffy old man says he's not overly concerned. That task force is expected to report to That commitment, from transportation over land to secure the Terrace airport. minister Lois Boone, indicates Victoria land. Maybe they'll have "I know there are a lot of people here Anderson by Dec. 1. "It's absolutely bloody frightening that their bridge built before freaking out about it, but I don't think The 920-metre, three-span fixed link is prepared to be a partner in a four-way bureaucrats, politicians and anybody split of the cost of the bridge from Prince we've got the land for our it's a big deal," he said. from Prince Rupert to Digby Island and with common sense would consider Veldman says the bridgg would im- the city's airport. The structure would Rupert to its airport. building a $100 million-plus bridge to a airport." The plan would divide the full price prove the northwest transportation cor- rival the Alex Fraser bridge in the Lower little swampy island," Hull said. ridor as a whole. Mainland. tag between the province, the city of "We can't get the stupid land ministry Prince Rupert, the federal government, He said the province had already made Hull speculated that Prince Rupert's to give us 1,000 acres of scruffy old sustained airport in Terrace will be ex- and the "beneficiaries" of the project. it clear it supports the project, and that MLA -- deputy premier Dan Miller land. Maybe they'll have their bridge tremely difficult if not impossible," Hull Those beneficiaries aren't deemed by last week's written commitment merely has a lot to do with the concept's suc- built before we've got the land for our said. Boone, but would likely include the na- fleshes that out. cess, and joked that Terrace would be alrporL" Assisting the Terrace airport by turning tive villages of Port Simpson and Met- The oniy significant change, he said, is better off if it got lumped into the North City council here sees the land over the land won't cost anything, he Victoria's call for a four-way split. Ad- Coast tiding in the next round of elec. iakatla, and perhaps logging companies which could become a light industrial added. and the future airport authority. ding one more partner ~ or group of toral boundary drawing. park and much needed tax base to sup- "It will not cost the province one thin partners -- will make the project more "If we had the Miller finger come and The federal government has made no port the airport -- as being as vital to tdime," he said. "I defy anyone to think move to embrace the idea ~ and trans- difficult to achieve, swoop into Terrace it might be beneficial this airport's long term survival as the of a really strong reason why this land "It's a long, long ways from being to us. It seems to work for Rupert." portation mildster David Anderson to bridge is to Prince Rupert's. shouldu't be transferred to the city." some degree poured cold water on the done," he said. "We wouldn't mind getting on the "Without that land, the possibility of a While some worry the Digby Bridge concept this spring. A federal decision on whether to be- bandwagon." Rail tax break to cost city $150,000 1T WILL COST local taxpayers $150,000 to give a mas- sive tax break to the province's railways. That's the price tag of changes to laws relating to utility assessments that came down last week. The province agreed last year to what amounts to a 50 per cent property tax break to CN and CP Rail after the railways threatened to ship goods through lines south of the border. For the city of Terrace, the new rules mean a loss of $150,000 from city tax rolls. About $138,000 of that consists of money that CN Rail would have paid into city coffers, says treasurer Keith Norman. The rest is money that would have been paid by other utilities -- like B.C. Tel, Pacific Northern Gas and Skeena Group. Part of the arrangement freezes tax rates for all utilities at 2.5 times the tax rate for the business class to prevent municipalities from simply doubling the utility class tax rate. Union of B.C. Municipalities president Joanne Monaghan said the UBCM has tried to fight the tax break, but notes the province made the agreement with the rail- f ways before even consulting the municipalities. "Right now it looks like we're stuck with it," she said. it you see a wildfire this summer call 1 "800 • 663 * 5555 Province-wide, the tax breaks mean $20 million for CN and CP. The railways claimed they could not remain competitive without a provincial subsidy to replace federal budget cuts to rail subsidies. "NORTHERNERS AT WORK" FROM FRONT 1st ANNUAL PHOTO CONTEST M---PS-cott to Show the rugged outdoors of Northern British Columbia with People at Work through the lens of your camera. lead drive for Grand Prize $500 Gift Certificate treaty vote He said those groups include the B.C. Fisheries Survival Three FIRST PRIZES of Coalition, B.C. FIRE, the B.C. Wildlife Fedraion, Share B.C., the B.C. Forest Alliance, the B.C. Cattlemen's Asso- $150 Gift Certificates ciation, the B.C. Mining Association, and the Council of Forest Industries. Scott said rules proh~it an initiative campaign from awarded, one in each of the paying canvassers to collect signatures, and he also says it wouldn't be appropriate for organizers to use Reform Party membership lists as a starting point. following categories: An Nisga'a treaty referendum would be the fifth time an hfitiative has been attempted. The first three either failed at the petition stage or were withdrawn. A fourth petition is planned to try to force the province to ban bear hunting. • Timber Industry Scott will take his plan to the B.C. wing of the federal Reform caucus in September for their endorsement. He said he'll proceed whether he gets that endorsement or not, but says he expects most B.C. Reform MPs to lend their support to the project. • Fishing Industry Scott discounts the province's select standing committee on aboriginal affairs ~ which is charged with touring the province to gain input into land claims policy -- as a "cynical exercise" by aboriginal affairs minister John • Other Industries Cashore. "I'm flabbergasted that Cashore embarks on this initia- tive now after the agreement in principle's been signed. It would have been much more useful for the government to do this two years ago." "Why bother asking people their views when you've al- All photos will be d/splayed at Universal ready signed a deal?" Workwear Stores after the judging Is complete. Last March's agreement-in-principle would give the Nisga'a $200 million, 2,000 square kilometres of land, resources, self-government, and fishing rights. Call 624-6743 or toll free 1-800-663-3203. Talks between the Nisga'a, federal and provincial negoti- ators are to resume this week to work towards the final text of a treaty. Rules and Regulations 1. Photographer must be an amateur. Sponsored by [CIIINIE I 2, Photograph must be entered by the photographer, 3. Photo must have been taken in the last three years. .,,,,,,..,,,.,, 635.TIPS] 4. Photo must show someone at work. 5, Photo must be UNFRAMED, UNMOUNTED and be up to 5" by 7", Entry Form for "Northerners at Work" Photo Contest Deadline for submitting photos to Universal Workwear is Name: September 30th, 1996, or mailed to Universal Stores Inc., 700 T[{ird AVe, west, Prince Ruperi, British Columbia,: V8J 1M4. Phone Number: Ladies Fashions & Accessories , Each photo must have an entry form attached to it. Address: 4605 Lazelle Ave, 8. Each entrant may submit no more than three (3) photos. Category & Subject of Photo: Terrace, B,C, 9. Photos will be judged in three categories by qualified judges. V8G IS3 10. All photos become the property of Universal Stores Inc. who Date & Place Photo was Taken'. reserves the right to use any of the photos in the fi.~ture. Please complete and submit ~ entry form Tel: 635-6966 11. Winners will be notified by October 15, 1996. with EACH photo entered. Fax: 635-4740 L- PHOTOGRAPHS WILL NOT BE RETURNED .II The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996- B1

INSIDE COMMUNITY EVENTS B2 0 M M U N I T Y rl A bloomin' good contest THE JU'DGES have tallied the blooms and the results are now in for the Terrace Beautification Society's annual garden contest. Winners were announced in five categories. On the eommereiai front Dante's Restaurant took first place for their new patio. N U-TRITiO N ~N OTES "It's a very inviting atmosphere m ideal for outside dining," said JULIE IP judge Chris Hansen. She shared the job with four others -- Lisa Godlinski, Sheila Love, Karen Reid and Bonnie Viveiros. The judges also gave an honourable mention to two Nutritionist businesses who didn't even enter the contest m McDonalds and A&W. says farewell "It's so eye appealing to have a massive expanse of colour in HIS IS probably the hardest article such high visibility areas. It does for me to write since this is where I make a positive impact." say farewell to Terrace for a little Many of the new businesses in while. town also got the nod, for their T efforts in landscaping their I am leaving to take up a job with the Mhdstry of Health in Singapore for a couple of years. I properties. am excited at the opportunity to do this, yet sad "It really is appreciated," said to have to leave behind friends and people I Hansen. have known and worked with for the past few In the industrial category Repap years. took top honours. Looking back so much has happened, but "Another continued effort to there are also so many new projects on the maintaining their worksite," were horizon. Let me fill you all in on some of the the comments from Hansea and exciting projects that are going on in Terrace the other judges. and area right now. She also credited the BC Build- ings Corporation for its continued COMMUNITY KITCHENS - a number of contribution to the community kitchens have been set up in Terrace and there is with the maintenance it does on a waiting list of clients who are interested in the courthouse, the highways of. joining a kitchen. flee and their headquarters on For those of you unfamiliar with colmnunity Keith. kitcheus, a group of three to five people get to- As she gave special mention to gether once or twice a month to prepare meals the staff who planted a selection ['or their families. of shrubs by the weight scales at The meals are hltended to be low cost and the Hwy 37 intersection this lake advantage of bulk buying. This style of spring. cooking gives participants the opportunity to Twin River Estates won again for share new recipes with each other. the apartment or multiple dwell- The kitchens are also an excellent way to ing class. Ha nsen"iipp'reciated the stretch you~r~food dollar when money is tight. effort made by so many tenants to We expect the kitchens to go into full swing in keep the area looking bright and the fall and are still looking for donation of cheerful with hanging baskets, small equipment like knives, peelers, spatulas, potted flowers and even a vegeta- RESIDENTIAL GARDEN winner Harold Wyatt claims horse manure is responsible for much of etc. which will be kept centrally and used by all ble garden. his garden's lush growth. He and his wife Margaret share first place with Kay and George Hagen. the kitchens. In the mobile home category Judy We would like to thank all the churches and Knott, #3 in the Pine Park court "It was a definite labour of love. She also gave special mention to Too many businesses in town let organizations that have come forward to offer on Muller, took first place. Every little center had something the hanging begonia baskets on their garbage dumpsters over- kitchen space. We now have sufficient facilities "It was neat, dean and special," said Hansen. "A Kerr. flow, said Hansen. She suggested available for use, but may need more as the pro- organized," commented Hansen. secluded oasis in the middle of And another thank you went out these businesses should arrange grain expands. And on the residential front Kay town. to Northern Networking, for their for garbage pick up more often, and George Hagen tied with The judges awarded third place to whipper snipping and for keeping or keep the lids closed on their WORKSITE ~T HEALTH PROJECT - Harold and Margaret Wyatt. Joe Bovens of 2803 Skeena. the downtown area clean. bins, so other don't dump refuse Funding has been received from the Heart & Second place went to Ron and "It's a beautiful, quiet park like But the contest wasn't without "a there. Stroke Foundation of BC and Yukon for a heart Trish Gardner of 4807 Davis. setting," said Hansen. big cnion." disease risk factor reduction project at Repap BC, Terrace Lumber Operations site. I have been working with the management and em- ployees at the plant to apply for a community Vines add romance to winning garden grant and now the project is ready to roll for- Wyatt says of the more easy going ap- HORSE MANURE. That's what Harold weeks before the deadline closed. ward. proach he's taken to laying out the garden: Wyatt says is responsible for his garden's A coordinator will be hired to work with the A charming older home half overgrown Sweet peas and honeysuckle climb fences, lush growth. Bright orange and pink flow- plant's newly formed Worksite Health Com- with vines is a natural centerpiece to competing for attention, amidst the bright ers spill over walls and roses weave their mittee to research, design and implement the Wyatt's rambling garden, hidden behind a colours and large healthy vegetables closer buds through a trellis archway. The lawn is project. This project is very exciting for me as hedge of vines at 3917 Old Lakelse Rd. to the ground. a thick, healthy carpet and in the vegetable there is so much potential for good things to You have to duck beneath vine archways "This all used to be a horse corral," says happen. garden Wyatt's potatoes and corn are weeks formed by Virginia creepers to find the Wyatt. He and his wife used to raise ahead of many. patio, hidden behind the house. It's a per- Arabian horses. Now a lone aging mare oc- SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM Funding It was enough to tie for the win in the fect retreat for hot summer days, says continues for another year for the school lunch cupies a paddock at the back of the proper- residential category of the Terrace Beauti- Wyatt. program at Clarence Michiel and ET Kemley ty. fication Society's annual garden contest. Nearby, along a fence is a fish pond, sur- schools. The fertile ground also produces its share Harold and his wife Margaret share first The Ministry of Health has been working rounded by rocks and flowers. Earlier this of weeds and Wyatt says he sometimes prize with George and Kay Hagen of 3213 closely with the Ministry of Education to estab- summer a large toad made his home there spends all day, five days a week working in Kofoed, last year's winners. lish some guidelines and standards which all for a while. the gardens. This is the first time Wyatt has entered the school lunch programs throughout the province The rest of the garden wanders around But it's obviously worth the effort for gardening contest, and he did so on the have to adhere to. Wyatt's one acre lot. Wyatt, as he's created a garden to live in, as The new nutritlonist will work with the school urging of his daughter and son-in-law, two "I don't do this with a goal in mind," well as look at. board, school lunch coordinators and the caterer to ensure the standards are met.

MEAL MANAGEMENT FOR GROUP HOMES - A need has been identified by group homes and adult care facilities staff for further New home the right choice training on planning and preparing appropriate IT'S BEEN THE best summer ever for Now the bureau's hired a full time meals for their residents, particularly those with volunteers, says Volunteer Bureau receptionist Sonja Slana m to help special needs. director Lovina Tyler. And she says it's with the workload. And that workload A collaboration has been established with all due to the bureau's recent move. has been steadily increasing since the Northwest Conununity College Extension Pro- The Volunteer Bureau left their old bureau has been handling advance tick- grams to offer a I2-hour certificate program for home in the St. Matthews Church et sales for the Air Cadet house raffle. staffworking with this client group. building earlier this summer to move Proceeds from the raffle are helping These projects will continue on even after my downtown. Now they're located in the to pay for the bureau's move. Now all departure. I w.ant to thank all the people I have 4600 block of Lakelse, next to Hava that's left is to sell the tickets. had a chance t5 work with during my time here. Java. Tyler reports that already one third of I had a blast and thoroughly enjoyed myself The bureau's new location makes the tickets have been pre-sold. They of. and I could not have done it without the in- them much more accessible to street fieially go on sale on August 28 at a credible support I get from a variety of people. I traffic, says Tyler. And seniors who cost of $65 each. especially want to thank Tim Terrace Standard had difficulty negotiating the steps to The new location is rather nice for a and Skeena Broadcaster's staff for all the media the old office appreciate the new one- non-profit organization, but Tyler says coverage they provide me, as well as all the or- level location. Plus the whole office is it's actually a good deal. ganizations that participate so enthusiastically wheelchair accessible. Construction costs were eased by sig- with me on joint projects. The move became necessary because nificant donations from local com- To all my coworkers at the Skeena Health Unit aud at the hospital, you have been a great the bureau had tripled its services to the panies, and the bureau is planning on bunch, VOLUNTEER BUREAU staff are very happy with the community over the past four years. renting out some spare office space. So the last word from your friendly com- office's new location, That's director Lovina Tyle, And with just two staff and two small "Doing this new building was actual- munity nutritlonlst: "Don't forget to eat from coordinator Freda Schmidt and receptionist Sonja rooms they were becoming un- ly cheaper than renovating an old build- you r Four Food Groupsl" Slana. comfortably cramped and overworked. ing," says Tyler. B2 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996


MUSIC MOVIES ElCETERA • VOICE RECITAL ~ Jen- nifer Zucchiatti performs works • INDEPENDENCE DAY by Mozart, Debussy and Rom- continues at both 7:15 and 9:30 • TERRACE ART ASSOCI- burg at 7 p.m. on August 26 at p.m. with Will Smith, Jeff ATION presents a Summer the Pentecostal auditorium. Ad- Goldblum, and Bill Pullman. At Members Show featuring a dis- mission is free. 7 and 9:15 p.m. Eddie Murphy play of artwork by local artists. is THE NUTTY PROFES- Come take a look at the wide • RICK TIPPE -- Canada's SOR. variety of medias and subjects. newest country music sensation Gallery hours are Wed-Fri, 12- hits the stage at the R.E.M 3 p.m., Fri. evenings, Sat. from Lee Theatre here on Wednes- 12-4 p.m. and Sun. from 1-4 day, Sept. 11. Tickets $20 at Starting Friday p.m. Uniglobe Travel. • Danny Devito and Rhea Perlman star in MATILDA at 7 Make the 'Scene! Call 638- • KARAOKE NIGHT is p.m. At 9:15 p.m. Michael J. 7283 or fax to 638'8432 to add every Thursday and Sunday at Fox takes up a career as a your event to the Standard's George's Pub in the Northem ghostbuster in DEAD YET?. free entertainment listings. The Motor Inn, every Sunday and THE FRIGHTENERS. And at deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday for Monday at Hanky Panky's and 7:15 and 9:30 p.m. John the following week's paper. every Friday at the Thornhill Travolta expands his IQ in Pub. PHENOMENON. • Abracadabra PEACOCK THE CLOWN didn't have any bunny's in her magic hal She thought the children might prefer candy. She was on hand to help celebrate the year end party for the library's summer reading program. Approximately 180 kids took part in the program this summer, more than any other year.

WEDNESDAYS Wednesday, Aug. 21 SINGLE PARENTS SUPPORT sharing and caring. For more informa- ARE YOU HAVING trouble seeing NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS meets HERITAGE PARK is perfect spot to GROUP meets Wednesday afternoons tion, call Pat at 635-5078 or Diane at your grandchildren? Call Marge at Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at bring guests, and show them a little at 1 p.m. at the Women's Centre. For 638-8587. 635-7421 for info. 7:30 p.m. at 4542 Park. For more info about Terrace history. Hours this more info call 638-0228. month are Wed. to Sun., 10 a.m. to 6 call 638-6114. TERRACE HIV INFORMATION p.m. For more info call 635-4546. MIII~ MEMORIAL Hospital Auxil- LESBIAN DROP-IN happens noon SUPPORT Group (T.H.I.S.) meets the iary meets the third Monday of each TERRACE CENTENNIAL LIONS hour on every third Wednesday of the third Thursday of every month at 7:30 Thursday, Aug. 2Z month in the board room at 8 p.m. meet every second Wednesday at lunch month at the Terrace Women's Centre. p.m. in the Mills Memorial Hospital AL-ANON: Men and women whose Everyone is welcome. at the Coast Inn of the West. For more Ask for Elizabeth or Maria. board room. Contact Carrie at 635- lives are affected by someone else's info call Robert Oliver at 638-0913. ALZHEIMER AND DEMENTIA 4885. drinking meet every Thursday at 7 p.m. TERRACE PROFESSIONAL at the Women's Resource Centre at support group meets at 1 p.m. on the THE KINE3"rE CLUB OF TER- last Monday of the months at the Ter- WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION holds" 4542 Park Ave. RACE, a service club for young its monthly meeting the third Wednes- race Mental Health Centre. Call 638- women, meets every second Wednes- 3325 for more info. day of every month. Meet for lunch at ~ze Terrace Standard offers the Saturdayi Sept. 14 ~ day of every month from Sept. to June. the Terrace Inn from noon to l p.m.' What's Up community calendar as a ' DIABETES FALL SYMPOSIUM is New members are needed. Call Fiona TUESDAYS Contact Joyce at 635-9660. public service to its readers and corn' scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 14 at the at 635-1854 or Debra at 635-3262. rnunity organizations. Coast Inn of the West. The conference TERRACE COMMUNrlT BAND meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the THURSDAYS This column is intended for non- is for families and individuals living SCO'rI'ISH COUNTRY dancing profit organizations and ttwse events Caledonia high school. For more info SKEENA VALLEY CAR CLUB with diabetes. Registration fee is $15 happens every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. for which there is no admission call Jim Ryan at 635-4089. meets the fourth Thursday of the per person or $25 per family (up to 4 in the Knox United Church Hall at month at 7:30 p.m. at A&W on Keith. clmrge. people.) This includes lunch and 4907 Lazelle Ave. For more info call Call Bob at 635-9214 for info. Items will run two weeks before each STRETCHING CLASS -- The Min- snacks. Registration forms are avail- 635-5163. event. istry of Health community rehabilita- able at your doctors' office or any CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT We ask tlu~t items be submitted by 5 tion program hosts this seated stretch- drugstore. Deadline for registration is MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Coffee GROUP meets the third Thursday of p.m. on tlm Thursday before the issue Aug. 31. For more info call Jane ing class from 1-2 p.m. at the Skeena Group meets every second Wednesday every month at 2 p.m. in the Skeena in which it is to appear. Braam at 635-2894. Health Unit Auditorium at 3412 Kalum at the White Spot at 10 a.m. Call Judy Health Unit Auditorium. The group Submissions slwuld be typed or St. Call Anne at 638-2272 for more at 635-3258 for info. fights pain with education, laughter, printed neatly. Thursday, Sept. 19 info. THE STEPPING STONE CLUB- HOUSE hosts a 12-week family edu- T'AI CHI FOR SENIORS is held cation course for those dealing with Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:45 a.m. at serious psychiatric disabilities. The the Happy Gang Centre. For more info course is free and includes information call Jean at 635-3159. about coping skills, problem solving techniques and advocacy services. For TERRACE TOASTMASTERS meet more i~ffo or to register call Eileen Cai- the first and third Tuesday of each lanan at 635-3620. month at 7:30 p.m. at the Coast Inn of the West. Learn public speaking in a WEEKLY MEETINGS positive and encouraging environment. .... • +- ' : 1:!i _ ~ .. New members and guests are welcome. MONDAYS For more info call Linda Tanner at 1994 4X4 CHEV BLAZER : POST-PARTUM SUPPORT 638-1856. GROUP meets Mondays till July 8 "SILVERADO" LOADED! from 10-11 a,m, at the Skeena Health CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meets Unit. There is a $2 fee for child care. every second Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at For more info call 638-2200. 3302 Sparks. was TERRACE DOWNTOWN LIONS DAIKO JI SOTOZEN CENTRE meet the first and third Monday of hosts Zazen meditation every Tuesday each month. New members welcome. evening at 7 pm at the centre. For info /ii For more info call Ray at 635-3589 or phone 635-3455. NOW Les at 635-9405, SCHIZOPHRENIA SOCIETY meets SKEENA VALLEY FALL FAIR As- the third Tuesday of every month from ..? sociation meets the second Monday of September to June at 7:30 p.m. at Step- $29,995 "ii every month at 8 p.m. at Thomhill Jr. ping Stone Clubhouse, 3302 Sparks St. Secondary in the library. For more information call 638-2202. I .~"Ltd/~ ~ ~':~ ...... ~!.... ~ ORS Ltd. KERMODE BEARS DANCE MISS TERRACE PAGEANT com- [ GROUP meets every Monday and mittee meets the second Tuesday of Thursday night from 7-8 p.m. at the every month at the Terrace public li- Kermode Friendship Centre. Anyone brary. interested in dancing please come out.Elders are needed for drumming. SHAMROCK 4-H CLUB meets For more info please call Benita at every third Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Cassie 635-7670. Hall Elementary. Call Laurie at 635- [ '95 CHEV HE.,A,V~,~DUTY 3/4T '92 CHEV S-BLAZER "TAHOE" J '93 MERCURYMARQUIS V-S '90 SUBARU LEGACY L.S., 9401 for more info. J TURBODIESEL SILVERADO" LOADED J LOADED AWD WAGON LOADED ORDER OF THE ROYAL PURPLE Ji wasLOADED ~ was ~ J wo, was ~ i: meets the ~nd and 4th Monday of TERRACE COMMUNITY BAND every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Elks rehearses Tuesdays in the Caledonia I oow$31,495 oowS17,995 [now$15,995 oowS10,995 Hall. Call 635-5121 for more info. band room from 7 to 9 p.m. Call Jhn at 635-4089 for more info. • 1993 GMC Ext/Cab 4x4 "SLE" • 4 Pre-owned Mazda B-serie~ / * 1995 GMC Reg/Cab SL; Like New BIRTHRIGHT volunteers meet in ~:!~d~;. ] ~...~ : e~:-^e trucks nstock 2 WD &4 WD: : :Only 15,000 kms Was $16,995:~ ::. ~i:i: :; was ;~/4,4YD " ; ~LLILJ'~'~I • ' " " members' homes on an alternating THE KEIO,IODEI CHORISTERS .... Ponlac Grand AM s in stock, : $14,995 basis. Call Linda at 635-6849 or Betty invite boys and girls ages 8 and up to • 4 Pre.CXvnedMini'vans in stock, '9a & '95 "5 Pre-owned Sport U! tiesin stock i at 635-5394 for bfo. come sing along on Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at the Skeena Band BIG BROTHERS & Big Sisters hold Room. Call Terry Anderson 638-1183 a board meeting the third Monday of tbr info. every month at 3237 Kalum St. at 7:30 p.m. They're looking for volunteers ZAZEN every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the and hoard members. Contact Lois at Dalko-Ji Zen Centre. Call 635-9242 for 635.4232 for more info. more info, The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 - B3 Gardening isn't for the birds ITaking the exit ramp lIE'S DRIVEN nearly two and a half million miles most of that between Smithers and Rupert. Gordon Oliarny, a Smithers-based bus driver, retired last Friday after 33 years of driving for Grey- hound. With the amount of miles he's driven, he could have been to moon and back five times. Oliarny has seen a lot of changes in the roads over |:~l,i, |: !~ the years. For instance the LYNNE CHRISTIANSEN trip from Terrace to Prince Rupert used to take him about three and a half ONE OF THE worst thhgs hours. for a gardener has to be In all the years of driv- watching birds raid the ing through snowy north- fruits of your labour, quite west winters, he's only literally. had four "mishaps." Some gardeners screen off "Once I got blown off portions of their plots; the road," he says of a others use scarecrows to time when 76 mile an hour frighten the birds away. winds caught the bus just Scarecrows come in a as it hit a patch of ice. wide number of shapes and "I've been pretty lucky. sizes and to celebrate the I always made it through great variety that's out there one way or another." the farmer's market is host- Now that Oliaruy has ing a scarecrow contest on retired he doesn't plan to the last Saturday in Septem- give his gas foot nmch of ber. a rest. He's purchased a 30 Bring your scarecrow, SCARY STUFF? Well, maybe for the birds who want to raid this southside gar- ft. holiday trailer and down to the farmers market plans to drive down to LAST TRIP -- After logging nearly two and a half mil. to be judged at 10 am Satur- dens. Scarecrows come in all shapes and sizes and the Farmer's Market is hold- ing a contest to judge the best of them. Bring your scarecrow down to the market Qualicum Beach to spend lion miles on northwest roads, bus driver Gordon day September 28/96. the winter there. Oliarny is calling it quits. I'm working on persuad- the last Saturday in September. ing councilor Rich MeDaniels to judge the con- tesL Most gardeners say that crows are the most bother- some of the birds. Long time Lakelse Lake resident Lloyd Jolmstone tells me that there were no crows in Terrace before the Second World War. He feels that the increase in population at that time, and the increase in garbage dumps, brought the crows and they flourished. Johnstone also noticed a marked decrease in the frog population and that of the I Ci1 h LU 01 i IUUI song birds. He is sure that the crows play a role in this decline. Crows damage a wide va- riety of crops. They can be very noisy and aggressive when nesting. There are ways to chase crows from the garden. Some people shoot the crows and then hang the carcasses around the garden to scare other birds away. However, I'm not sure how well this works. I think the crows -- like More Good Reasons To Sign people, may become im- mune to violence. The dead carcasses hanging around the garden are a bit gruesome, too. Up With I heard of a man who put a kitten in a bird cage and $28.95 for 100 hrs. per month or hourly blocks for casual users hung it in his cherry tree. Great Choices The birds stayed away, but ~ the kitten wailed so loudly Great Service Terrace's most experienced Internet Support Staff to help you with Windows, Win95, Macintosh & 0S/2 : that the man's wife made him release the kitten. Great Business The only Internet providerto give you detailed on-line time checking and detailed usage statements :~ !:ill!!l Coiours iniluence birds. They will prefer dark red, blue, purplish fruit to yel- and of course lunch is still on us. Sign up with before September 30 and you get burger meal from A&W://:: low, white or orange. Call RGS Internet Services- 635-3444 or visit us at the Tillicum building. ;:i'/::~/'.'~':],:i: I Sometimes the best repel- lent is an attraction. When birds flock to elderberry, wild cherry or Mountain Ash trees, it means fewer birds in the raspberry patch. . • . .. You can plant oat seeds or other grains to divert crows from the corn patch. Scarecrows will work k sometimes if made and used \ properly. The arms of the scarecrow should swing a bit in the wind. A steel or wooden fence post can act as the frame of the scarecrow. Put a stick through the sleeves of an old shi~ and hang it from the top of the post with twine, so that the breeze will move the stick. Attach pants to the shirt and tie the waist loosely to the post. Set an old hat on top. A shiny aluminum pie ?/i ili i: plate can be used for the I face. It will scare a bird :.iii %::¸i=': ~,:-'i ~ =/~::, ::;': • [ more than trying to make ~::: ~i:• :, :ii:, - human features. Dangle pieces of aluminum foil from each sleeve for hands. It is more effective tf you move the scarecrow around the gar- den every few days. RGS Internet Services MS FACT #1 i~: :.i~:~i!:i i:i:ii;! :]:; (!:/i~ Canada has one of the highest rares of multi pie sclerosis in the world. " .... i Hulflple Sclerosis Society o| Canada 1-800-268-7582 B4 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996

i i iii ii ~ ; Many contribute to city " L,, _,'" '

I WANT TO offer congratulations to River- r~ ! ~ i boat Days society president Stephanie ~'~ Cik -- "CO t~ C h 0 We~e;o~en.d her committee for another job ,~

There were many people who put a lot of effort into making Riverboat Days success- ful, iucludingJoyceConrad, who organized %~,~ ~Qh5 al~ (~ ,~ A~ q1 A~ ) the parade. Special congratulations goes out to the 1996 Riverboat Days Queen Julia Little and -~ Bud Kirkaldy, last year's Riverboat Cap- lain. Both Bud and Julia come from Terrace pioneer families who helped make the city .... ' U what it is today. It's wonderful that these YVONNE MOEN . , , ' .,, ~ families are still working hard to make Ter- race a better place to live. Here's hoping We're hoping to have the overpass look- Bud and Julia and all the others keep up the ing good in time for next year's tourist sea- hard work. son. f. , .d , _ "k "k "k "k "k Work on the Sande Overpass has been I'd llke to offer a few comments about the delayed this summer, but the Terrace Beau- Farmer's Market, and their current dis- tification Society is hoping to get the pro- agreement with city council, over paving ject back on track. the market area, inst~lling water and electri- The aim of the project is to fill in the cal outlets, . 8 , C, ./ / '~J "" ~1~ " steep bank where the overpass joins Keith I find it rather sad that the city council Ave. So far the fill has been put in place, won't give its full support to the market. I and just recently topsoil was dumped and think the city of Terrace should back them :...j spred. Now the Society hopes to plant 100 per eent. shrubs and low maintenance plants. The Farmer's Market is a wonderful Many groups and individuals have been drawing point for Terrace, and is very suc- very generous in their support of the pro- cessful. ject. They include Jim Taylor, the rotary Come on councilors. Let's give this more club, Dave Dediluke, John Heighington, thought. With some improvements to the Otto Grundmann and a number of local unsightly lot where the market is now lo- businesses. cated, it will benefit the whole city. ?r)%.. v l GREATHOTELS TO SERVEYOU I IN VANCOUVER IN VERNON IN PENTICTON ~ Welcometo Vancouver's English Best Western Clarion (~..,,,..,.~ hy,~eare, The Vernon Lodge Lakeside Resort In Vemon, the Ledge is the phce to stay. BritishColumbia's finest Four Diamond all. L- ol "° O [J: 131 deluxe roomsand suites, three stor~y season resort is the ideal locationfor your By "1~ Su I~tion...l/2 indoor tropicalaaium and naturalstream. vacation,meeting or convention.Siu:atct bl~kfrom the hack3 blods Indoorpool and jactm,i locatedwithin our on thesandy beach of Okam~ Lake, this awayfi~m Stanley Park. 125 deluxe rooms & lush~opi~ garden. Dine in theCourtyard resort often" the fi~t of accommodation : ,)::: :,,::: !: :i: :?:.: :/:~::: ::::.-:':::: .::. store:Hours:::.:: '! suites,mnurant & Io~,e ~th nightly Remurantor join us in Checket~Cantina. andamenities to suit your e;'e~ need. SkeenaMall :.: : :;:::",i MOn::d:sat~ v.,!... :.:: :. enterninment.Free ~. Call Toll Free 1-800-663-4422 Call Toll Free 1-800-663-9400 Call TollFree 1-800-661-7887 You BE THE JUDGE Rotting Balcony and a byClaire Bernstein Few Beers "C'mon, Marty, open your door. This chicken is getting cold." The guys shuffled from one foot to anoth- er as they heard Marry struggling with his front door. "I'm doing the best [ can. This door gets Based On Actual Court Cases stuck." "Look, Marry, we can't wait. We're going piece missing from the balcony railing. He round by the back stairs." said the landlord would fix it. That was 10 Marty gave a loud shout. days ago. AIi they did so far is put up that "You guys crazy? You'll kill yourselves if sign." EARINGS HEALTH & SAFETY REGULATIONS you go by the back, Just wait one more "So what do you do, use the front stairs?" second. This crowbar should do it." "No. That gets stuck. So I still use the But the guys didn't hear Marry. they were back stairs." already heading down three flights of stairs The guys got up to leave. "See you tomor- HOW TO MAKE A SUBMISSION row on the construction site, Marry." carrying three barrels of chicken and a case You may make a submission in writing at any time tip to of beer. But Marty never worked in construction October 18. Forward your submission to the mailing address They pulled their collars up against a again. At midnight, he walked on to the bal- downpour of rain and walked around to the cony to get rid of the garbage, slipped on the or fax number below. All written submissions will be included back. There they found a sign in front of the wet floor, and fell three stories. His injuries in the public hearing record and receive consideraton. were severe. He sued the landlord. stairs. "Danger" Those wishing to make an oral presentation, please notify Marty argued, "Your honor, I would not Marty shouted at them from above. the Secretariat for Regulation Review before the hearing date. "Don't use those stairs: A piece of the have fallen over the side of the landing if a balcony railing is m~ssing. The balcony is balustrade had been there. I would not have Oral hearings are scheduled from 10:00 am to 7:00 pro, except slippery as hock. You're bound to fall off slipped if it were not for the wet and slippery at Prince Rupert, Cranbrook and Fort St. John, where hearings condition of the landing. My career in con- and kill yourself." will be held from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pro. The guys groaned. struction is over. I am only 25. I told the "l got the front door open," Marry said. landlord the place was dangerous. But he "Come through the front." didn't fix it. Make him pay." HOW TO GET A COPY OF THE PROPOSED Back again they lumbered up the front The landlord replied, "Your honor. REGULATIONS stairs. Maloney had been drinking. He knew the You can get a copy of the proposed regulations from the They sat in the kitchen, polished off the balcony was dangerous. He pointed it out to chicken and drank the beer. One of the guys the janitor. He, of all people, should have Secretariat for Regulation Review, or from any WCB office. piped up. "Marty, How can you live in this proceeded cautiously. It was wet. He was The Secretariat's mailing address is: broken-down building. careless. Don't make us pay for his Secretariat for Regulation Review, One of these clays you're going to kill mistake." Workers' Compensation Board, Should the landlord be liable for damag- yourself." PO Box 5350, "You're right. I told the janitor about the es? YOUI BE THE JUDGE. Then look below for the decision. Vancouver, BC, V6B 51,5. The telephone number is 604 231-8600 or toll free in B.C. SPONSORED BY al 1 888 992-6622. Fax: 604 279-7604.


"Helping People Cope with the Legal System" HEARING LOCATIONS

#2 4623 Lakelse Ave., Terrace, B.C. Richmond Tuesday, September 17 WCB Auditorium • Criminal Law Victoria Wednesday, September 18 Harbour Towers • Divorce & Family Law Campbell River Friday, September 20 Coast Discovery Inn • Child Custody Richmond Saturday, September 21 WCB Auditorium • Personal Injury Prince Rupert Tuesday, September 24 Highliner Inn • Adoptions Terrace Wednesday, September 25 Coast Inn of the West • Impaired Driving Prince George Thursday, September 26 Ramada Hotel • Immigration Fort St. John Friday, September 27 Pioneer Inn • Wrongful Dismissal Kamloops Monday, September 30 Stockmen's Inn • Wills Tuesday, October 1 • Small Claims Coast RoyalAnne Cranbrook Wednesday, October 2 Inn of the South 638-1764 Castlegar Thursday, October 3 Castlegar Inn Fax 638-7249 Richmond Friday, October 4 WCB Auditorium

"Mr. Landlord, you are responsible for this accident; however, Marty's negligence was a a contributing factor. FOR MORE INFORMATION The judge ruled that the landlord was responsible for 85 per cent of $160,000 If you have questions about the upcoming hearings, please worth of damages, Marty for 15 per cent. The same percentages applied to addition- contact the Secretariat at any if the above noted numbers, or in al damages for loss of income. writing at the mailing address above. Today's decision is based on the facls of the case and the law of Manitoba Claire 1his notice is issued ~ursuant to s, 71(l) of the ~,~orkersr Compen~'flion Act and s. 4( Ina){i| of Ihe Bernstein is a lawyer and syndicated columnist, Workplace Act, The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21 1996 - B5 'TERRACE STANDARD


Sssssssmokin!!!!!!!! ......

appointed as more than 100 ears tore up Highway 16 at breathtaking speeds. Com- ROB BROWN petitors came from all over the northwest to show thcir stuff. Three classes of vehicles Easy pickings hit the track, including motorcycles, cars that ran e leave Terrace later than planned, the course in less than 8.5 which is the way we do things seconds, and cars that ran these days. It's hot and bright. By over 8.5 seconds, W the time we reach Kineskan Lake it Grudge matches were also is dark. In spite of the feeble rays of the dome held, pitting arch-rivals light, and the fact that my reading glasses are in against one-another. Need- , the camper, I manage to find and trace the road less to say, old scores were to our destination with my index Finger. settled, and new ones surely Moments later, the headlights light up the developed. ' turnoff. I switch off the lamp. It gets darker in- This year's fastest time side and outside. For ten miles we rock and went to Terrace's own Try rattle down an acceptable road bordered by cow Tymoshuk who screamed parsnip and framed by alder, until a brown and through the eighth-mile , white sign proudly announcing a campsite, course in a blistering 5,4 cobbled together by the Ministry of Forests seconds. stands pimled, like a deer, in the hesdlamps. Meanwhile John Gcismar ; ,'This is it," declares Webb pondering the finished first in the motor- : condition of the road. cycle class, with Jim Braid : Even in the dark we can see this is a well- craning in second. i appointed camp site. There is one other camper, Ulffortunately, rain closed i nicely set up next to a small creek, a few strides the track before the cars i from the lake, in what is obviously the premier could finish racing, so i spot in the camp. He sits on the bench next to a drivers from the two dif- ! blazing fire reading a book. The orange light ferent classes had to split ! from the fire lights up his face, reflects from his MORE THAN 100 vehicles turned up for the second annual Riverboat Days drag races, August 11. the winnings. i' glasses before dying in the dark. i Our light meets his. He looks up. I climb from • the cab to guide Webb into another site. ;~ "Sorry to disturb your solitude," I call across gravel. The camper looks up and grunts, then returns to his reading. In search of the body beautiful ',Maybe he doesn't speak Eng!!sh," yentures Webb after we are settled. .... I USED to be very, very "Yeah, a non-resident alien," I say, quoting a shy," says Bernadine favourite line from the sportfishing synopsis. Drake. "I still am really." Webb goes to sleep two minutes into one of Hmmm. his book tapes: some pulp fiction read by Dar- It's hard to believe that a ren McGavin of Mike Hanuner fame. I find my woman who plans to get up reading glasses and read an ancient copy of in front of hundreds of B.C. Outdoors under the faded plastic, yellow people to show off a body light of the camper before drifting off to sleep that's been sculpted to per- with images of caribou crashing across a river fection is shy. riffle in my mind. But it's true. The sun is up early. Webb is up with it. I sit Bernadine Drake is a 24- up, sweep the curtain back and squint. The year-old Terrace native who campsite gleams in the sunlight. Our lonely somehow, between working camper is an Alaskan, as it turns out. He's off two jobs, has managed to by the time we have our canoe in the water, tone her body to the point leaving the entire lake to us; and what a beauty that she's ready to compete at the Canadian Fitness it is. Webb points to the foothills of Spatsizi off in Championships in Hamilton, August 30. the distance. On our side of the lake sparsely "My motto is, keep your treed, steep ramparts sweep up to timberline; on mind busy and you'll keep the far side rollh~g hills are backed by your mind off negative mountains. Everything is a dense and green. thoughts," she says. The light finds the bottom even in deep water. And busy she is. Drake It's a sand coloured floor with few weeds. The works contracting for ICBC gnarled limbs of ancient snags reach out to us through physiotherapy reha- through the prisms. bilitation training and she The lake water is consomme, fish soup is waitresses at Cheers. Be- nearly always a broth, yet there are fish; we can tween jobs, she does weight see them, gray and white, hovering, cruising, h'aining four days a week, disappearing in the flick of a tail, sometimes works on flexibility and rising gracefully to take something invisible movement four times a from the surface -- ghostly animals. Webb has week and does cardiovascular training. some pulsating dragon fly imitations made of Drake is doing all this just to be on stage for a BERNADINE DRAKE is in fine form, and ready the after-shaft of turkey feathers according to a minute and 40 seconds. That's how long she has to hit the Canadian Fitness championships next week. recipe of Ian Forbes' as set out in a recent issue to perform her fitness routine at the of B.C. Outdoors. Championships. We drop two brown versions over the side and There are actually two rounds to the event. marvel at the undulant dance they do because of The first is the two-piece swim wear competi- new sport is really just an intensified version of All this effort will put Drake up against some the extra weight afforded them by the sightless tion, where contestants will be judged on poise, her healthy lifestyle. of the most fit women in the country. She's bead-chain eyes lashed just back of the hook skin tone, and all-around body symmetry. "And it is a sport," Drake says defiantly, ready, but she knows the competition will be eye. The second round is the fitness routine. This is "Lots of people don't see it that way, but I've stiff. It doesn't take long for the fish to spot the where Drake has to show strength, flexibility worked really hard to get where I am. This isn't "I've never done gymnastics in my life," she reflections of our blind dragons against the mir. and balance through gymnastics and dance. She about girls in bikinis.. . . This, is about dedication. ,, says. "And I'll be competing against women ror on the underside of Ealue's surface. They has less than two minutes to perform high- Part of that dedication involves a strict diet who can do flips in the air without using their are rainbows, bright like the bottom of the lake. energy moves, choreographed to music in front what Drake calls eating "clean", hands." They jump, glinting in the sun. of the judges. "I'd say nearly 70 per cent of body symmetry So Drake has been really concentrating on At the far end of the lake there is an extended Needless to say, she's nervous. depends on diet," she says. making her routine perfect. She's been working swamp; we can hear it buzz. This is where we "Yes, I'm nervous, but I'm doing this for That means Drake has to be really careful of with gymnast Trina Matens and choreographer begin to catch fish in earnest, lots of fish, most fun," Drake says. "Not to win. You can't think what she eats. Too much body fat will hide her Laurie Mnnture to make sure she's got all the of them a little over a foot long. There is no Oh, what if I faiH You can't look at it that muscles, too little and she will appear skinny. right moves. diversity here. Good fishing needs the promise way." The goal is to look he'althy. "I've been lucky to be able to surround of a leviathan, and it needs the element of chal- This will be Drake's first competition in a rel- nqself with positive people," Drake says. lenge. In the angling landscape this is an even atively new sport. Drake has to feed her thriving metabolism six "Everyone's been really supportive N from my aged stand. "It's been big in the U.S. for about six times each day to keep her energy level up. bosses, to Dennis Vautour who helped with my We kill two ftsh for lunch, two twelve inehers, years," she says. "And it's really expanding in Breakfast usually consists of oatmeal music. ' ' then paddle back to camp where someone has B.C." without milk, Three hours later she'll pound a Drake heads to Hamilton on August 28th. set a table near the creek for fish cleaning. The Drake used to be involved in bodybuilding, protein shake -- two hours after that, some fruit Two days later she will spend several hours Alaskan's fire is still aglow. We rekindle it then but she says she didn't like having to get so and a granola bar. painting hcr body with a tanning solution. toss pan and fish on the flames. After determin- lean. Later, a broiled chicken breast with fresh veg- Under the harsh lights of the stage, her skin ing two small fish will not satisfy our appetites, So she found a sport where she says she can gles or a bean salad come up on the menu to has to appear much darker to highlight the rip- Webb grabs his rod, walks twenty feet to the be very strong and muscular, but also very femi- supply much'needed protein. Each meal or ples and cuts of her muscles. That requires not creek mouth and, in a dozen casts, catches two nine at the same time. snack consists of 300-450 calories, with no one, but three coats of tanning paint. added fat whatsoever. more. "A lot of women are afraid to get into "My husband has volunteered for that job," "This is nice, but it s too easy," he observes. bodybuilding because they think it will make On top of it all, Drake takes vitamin supple- she says with a smile. After lunch we pack up and drive towards them masculine," she says. "But it doesn't ments that she says are essential to supply her In spite of all the work involved, Drake insists Dease Lake, looking for challenge. Giant dark- have to be that way. I want to show women that hard-working body with enough nutrients. she hasn't let the competition take over her life. bottomed clouds scud across the sky, obscuring they can be strong and very feminine too." "Plus I drink four cups of coffee a day," she "This is just one part of my life," she says. the sun, turning the lakes off and on. Next Drake has always been involved in sports, says with a guilty grin. Its my one bad "But it is an important part. If fitness wasn't week: Challenges. from weight lifting to track and field. So her habit." part of my lifestyle it would be really strange.,' B6 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996

"~ , ~ ][-L ict, ~-. Terrace Co-op Aug 21 - 24 Ger',dd Ecldand, RD, FCAD Tracey Eckland, RD, Ecklands Denture Clinic ...... ~.~- ...... ~ ..... ~~.~..~.~ .,,.~,~,~,~..... ~ '~ i: ~ i ;~.~!~ii'i~7~~!~?~-~,, ~. 3 Generations serving the Lakes District Since 1942...... FI om our Produce Department...... "Trust your smile to experience'

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!iiiii!!iiiiil We deal directly with the public CHECKOUT THESEPRICES: Tydeman apples ~2. $7.99 case Eckland Denture Clinic Freestone Peaches ,20 $12.99case 206-4650 Lazelle, Terrace Bartlett Pears, #14 ..... $1 3.99 case Phone 635-1288 Prune Plums,#~2...... $14.99 case Red Peppers ,1~ ...... $1.99 Ib Orange Peppers ,~. $1.99 Ib Yellow Peppers #~ ... $1.99 Ib Turnips ,25 ...... $12.99 case Dill Cucumbers ,~5... $18.99 case , to Dill Weed ...... $.99 bunch ~iver~ ~ s Baby~i: Cauliflower ,25...... $.79 Ib t, Dean~ai ent ;naMailii!i;! Beets .25 ...... ,$16.99 case i!iii!~:i:il 'ctlan.~.... Corn On Cob ...... 4/$1.00 Carrots .25 ...... $8.99 case Green Beans #2o...... $1.1 e:Mall~iiii;!iiiiiiii 9 Ib i !!!iii iiii iii!ii iiiiii Waxed Beans #25 .... $1.1 9 Ib Green Cabbage #5o.$.25 Ib Broccoli ,22 ...... $.69 Ib And Prep Slicer Cucumbers ,25512.99 case (Adult Basic Education) for Bread & Buffer Pickles The Doorway To OpportunitY Unlock The Door To A Better Future. increase Your Options. Green Peppers #25...$.79 Ib Prepare For Employment. Prepare For Entry Into Natural Resources, Vocational, University, Career, and Technical Meduim Onions #25.$8.49 bag Programs at NWCC or at other Colleges and Universities. Academic and skills upgrading, from basic literacy to grade 12 equivalency, is available in Terrace. Students can choose a single Russet Potatoes ~50...$1 1.99 case course or a full program and can attend in the daytime or in the evening. Fundamental Math 020, Intermediate Math 030, Intermediate English 030 i Bulk Garlic ,23 ...... $1.19 Ib Advanced English 045, Advanced Math 040, Advanced Biology 040, Advanced Computer Studies 040, EEP Evening Program Silverskin Onions #25 $.99 Ib

Phone 635-6511 To Make An Appointment Sunkist Oranges #~$4.99 case • :"; With lan Hamilton Educational Advisor - I kk`T#¢:~::L~:~¢~k~:~:~:::~?~:~:~:~:~:~::~:~::~>;:~::::::~::~::::x<~ :::::::::::::::::::::::: :i:.'iii'[i:: , ::::::::::::::::::::::: ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::~::::'::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Pink Grapefruit ,8. $5.99 case Don't Miss T~ s Great BULK SALE

i ,,., ,.^,,V 4617 Grieg Avenue ~Terrace ° 635-6347 The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 - B7

Under 12 -- August 15 Northmen miss out on Copperside 2 Cedarland Tire 2 Score Board A & W 10 Sight and Sound 4 Elan Travel 8 DaSilva 0 top tournament try Under 14 -- August 13 Brought To You By RGS Internet OUR TERRACE Northmen will miss Waikiki, featuring teams from around Services ~ilden 10 Terrace Builders 5 out on a trip to paradise this Fall, as the world I with an emphasis on the Brady's Football 11 Tolsec 2 they have been forced to drop their Under 17 ~ Auqust 14 Pacific Rim basin. The Northmen first Terrace Youth Soccer Association Coxford Constrictors 12 McEwan GM 1 planned tour to the World Invitational played in the tournament in 1988, and Under 9 -- August 6 Takhar Trucking 7 Bavarian Inn 5 Rugby Tournament in Hawaii. have made subsequent trips to the land Surveyors 6 Elkers Auto 3 Under 14 girls - August 12 Rob Sarich, president of the Terrace of Aloha both in 1990 and 1993. Totem Ford 5 Philpots 4 Terrace Shell 5 Braids Insurance 1 Northmen Rugby Football Club offi- The team is still contemplating a trip Centennial Lions 4 Inland Kenworth 1 Misty River Books 2 Rossco Ventures 2 cially canceled the tour lastweek. to Prince George early in the Fall to Under 10 -- August 14 Wilkinson's 1 Royal Can. Legion 1 "It simply came down to numbers," play the Gnats and Barbarians to round Co-op 3 Shoppers 2 Under 19 girls - August 12 he said. "At the annual meeting of the out the 1996 season. In April they will RGS Terrabytes 8 Caryle Shepherd 3 Richard's Cleaners ¢ Pizza Hut 4 club it appeared we had a strong con- be travelling to Victoria to represent the Skeena Cellulose 5 Warner Bandstra 0 K'san Construction 3 Northern Drugs 0 tingent of players, but as individual cir- North Coast Rugby Union at the cumstances have changed over the Provincial Championships. Terrace Men's Soccer year, the number of players kept dwin- This will be the second consecutive III August 11 dling until we did not have the 19-21 year the Northmen have represented Knights 11 Forestry 0 players needed to play a tournament of this region, by virtue of their first-place Park V&M vs Super BM rescheduled this high calibre." finish over rivals, Smithers Camels and Western Pacific 4 United Nations 1 The World Invitational is a Prince Rupert Seamen. Sports prestigious event held annually in Follow all the Scc)pe Soccer Standings Ansems finds gold at -~:,- on the web at Skater's workshop iI/i www.,e, event THE TERRACE Skating Club is hosting a skaters i Another 'LOCAL RUNNER Ed Ansems finished 19th overall in the event. workshop from Friday, September 6 to Sunday, Sep- tember 8. in fine form at the Delta Half Marathon The Delta race is fairly major compe- two weeks ago. The workshop will be conducted by two previous BC tition, with more than 1,000 starters this Section championship skaters Brad Maclean and First ,om... Ansems was first in his age group, year. Despite the wind, most of them Krlsten MeKay, as well as Brad Sher, National Preci- ~...... "' ~~" RGS Intemet crossing the line at one hour, 19 stuck it out as some 916 runners fin- sion coach. minutes and 52 seconds. That wasn't an ished the gruelling race. All Ca nfigure, Test and Competitive skaters are wel- Your community Internet provider. especially fast time for Ansems, but a Ansems is off to Edmonton next to do come to attend. Call 635-3444 to get connected. windy course likely slowed his stride. the full marathon in that city. He leaves For more information and registration costs call Still, it was good enough to finished on the 25th for the big race. Donna at 635-3648 or Oail at 635-7245. RGS Internet :::/ >?: Services :::::::::::::::::::::::: I Special athletes hope for banner year THE B.C. SPECIAL Olympics have had a great year in Terrace, and volunteers are already LES N working to make next season even better. A total of 34 athletes Our biggest sale of the year! Featuring Marathon Consumer Cash,~ from Terrace were regis- tered last season for great low leasing" or finar, cing rates ~ on selected 96 models. : ,- , rI"~ ~':~ bowling and swimming, along with a number of Hurry! Supplies are limited and the Marathon ends soon! competitors from Hazelton and Smithers. In bowling, a new scor- ing system was used which allowed volunteers to spend more time cheer- ing for the athletes. The teams also did some travelling, including a trip to the Northern B.C. 1996 Chrysler Intrepid 1996 Dodge/Plymouth Neon Highline/Sport Winter Games in Prince George. $1,800 or 4.9% This season, Terrace ,1,500 2.9% Mar,~lhon C:)n.~umcr (2;id~ I:,lctt)r'; l:iu,u~cing, will be hosting the North- Marillholl ( ;t)llxUlnt'r ( ~il~ll I:ac~,)r'. FlllalllCJlll~. em B.C. Winter Games, and Special Olympics will be helping to host Bowling, Swimming and Snowshoeing. Qualifying rounds for the B.C. Spe- cial Olympic Summer Games in Coquitlam will also be held. Athletes have been pre- paring for this big compe- 1996 Dodge Ram 1996 Dodge Caravan/ tition for several seasons PACKAGEDISCOUNTS Plymouth Voyager 24T Pkg and volunteers are UPTO$750 making plans for funding 1or 30 mo~tP.~ pl~$ $ ~. 7k~l this important event. RETAIL VALUE ¢u)wnp4yn~nl o~ eqlllvll~enl The Special Olympics would like to thank all the volunteers, coaches and the community for sup- porting them in the sea- son, and they look for- ward to seeing everyone in the Fail. 1996 Dodge Dakota 1996 Dodge Stratus/Plymouth Breeze *1,500 or 4.9% *1,500 o,: 4.9% ,M,.'alh.n C.n.umer (:a.h l:acl.rv Fm,mt'ine = I}RITISII COI.UMBIA LUNG ASSOCL'.TION ,~.I,Ir, II [I, q I (. :l m ~t tttlt'r ~, S,I,h I',lt h ,rt }:llhlllt 11112 t 731-LUNG or 1-800-66S-LUNG ~ ~--. ~. ,-~..~

1996 Chrysler LHS 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo Z,,Ep~..

3,000 o 3.9% CANAI)A ~o~ 30 ~nlh~ plu~ $4425 doorway, s~u,,r~ aeoO~,l I~lu~q S/CO t~e~l~l MiH.alh(ll~ {',ln~lllllt, r (~'il~ll Fad,,rv Finandtlt~. 'HI,MI " ,*.rt, *r,,llhvl mltlm,,,u , h'.ml ONLY AT YOUR LOCAL B.C. CHRYSLER DEALER. @ BUT HURRY! THIS LIMITED OFFER ENDS SOON! ~H~YSLER ; P, a 10 munth k.a~e for vuhich_' uq.l~ ~cd ,t~ .h'.crdwd. T.lal h'a~e oblu~,lt,on mt hhlmt., trcldll i~ $11,710 ((.:ar.h'an/V(~yat~el I $16 515 ((-],aml (:hurokce I.arcdo). Sub uci to UHRYSLER ,,p ,,m,,I b.,' (:hq4ur Credit {:ilI1H~LI Lid. Tim i~ a d,,wd end Ivasc ;ulh ilt~ I,w(bad< wqulrcmcnt. ~l{cb,,tc i1(: ihlt..P, {,;ST, F:I lllnchl~ t,ll~, ill'= il ~~f(IVHI I'[tllll Chr 'qL.r (:redit (.:.had,, I 1,1 lix,uuplc: $10.L~0 ,it :).q/Lg/4.q% APR/48 mum i icrill. The in,qlll'll,)' piP,'lliPIll i~. $~120.IJL')/2~"~.}415229.,~4 Cml ,d" I~tlrrov¢irqJ in $60L2015816.}21510")L }2, "]'~la o ~ iL,,ation is Dodge $10,60LZO,$lO.816,1L$11.0]L'}2.With rebait, i,,t lHkt.'ll ($1,5L\'~. $~,.000, $1.500), du. vfft,Ctl.¢(., hHetc,.I rate P. 11.29121.Z6/I }.4P)~ co~t of bom~wm~ b $LIOL20, $],.816.1Z, Plymouth $2,5 ~2,',2; u,ud obllgaliOl~ i~ $1Z,10"),20, $1 },816,')2, $12,5 }2,32, "~'~[:rLq~hl (Imre qd $7t)0, (:mwan/Vwfagcr $840, (.]rand Chcrokt'e Larcdo $700, Stratu~/I).ree=e $725, LHS & P..m $000 and Dakota $690) included. LJ~Pr=ce ilY)tlrillICt" rP~JMr;ttiul~ arid hlxcs 1'.. hlchkk.d, Thi~ lilrdlc'd limc, off(.,r ~tpp it's h} reufil ddiveric~ of 1996 m(~lds from &.ak.r mvcm ,ry for Jeep pcr,.{ql d u.,u and tnny nt t bt, c( ml~ined widl mw i Ihur f f~rs t, xevp! (}r d t;m Re ,;,e. Limited lhne .ffur~. See dualcr I'l~r Colulith r'~sand dvtail~, ® Jt'~'p is a re~l~tur(..d |rlk Ulllilrk ()| Jeepl Eagle "hrv cr Cmu, a lad. ®COA. B8 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 CTION D OVER 30 The Terrace Standard reserves the right to classify ads under appropriateheadings and to set rates therefore and to determine page location. The Terrace Standard reminds advertisersthat it is against the provincial Human RightsAct to discriminate on the basis of children, marital status and ACTION AD RATES CLASSIFICATIONS! employmentwhen placing "For Rent:"ads. Landlordscan state a no.smokingpreference. 10. 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ADVERTISING DEADLINES: When a stat holiday falls 90 Cars For Sale on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday, the deadline is 100 Trucks For Sale Phone Start Date ~ VISA 0 MASTERCARD Thursday at 4 p.m. for all dis play and classified ads. 110 Aircraft CLASSIFICATION. Credit Card No. Expiry Date 120 Recreation Vehicles 130 Motorcycles PLEASE CLEARLY PRINT YOUR AD BELOW - ONE WORD PER SPACE TERRACE STANDARD, 3210 CLINTON STREET 140 Snowmobiles TERRACE, B.C. VaG 5R2 150 Seats and Marine 160 Heavy Duty Equipment 5 All classified and classified display ads must be prepaid 170 Farm Machinery 4 by either cash, VISA or Mastercard. When phoning in 180 Pets 190 Uvestook 6 8 9 10 ads please have your VISA or Mastercard number ready. 200 Farmers Market CLASSIFIED WORD ADS OBITUARIES 210 Garage Sales T.Standard 1 insertion - $6•50 (+tax) $22.83 for 3 inches 220 Lost and Found 11 12 13 14 15 W.Advertiser 1 insertion $7.50 (+tax) *Additional at $6.64 230 Personals Both issues (consecutive) - $11.00 (+lax) per column inch. 240 Births ADDITIONAL WEEKS - $5.00 ea. No copy change - consecutive 250 Card of Thanks 16 17 18 19 20 - $6.50 issues. *Additional words (over 25) 15¢ each per issue. 260 In Memoriam CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS CONFIDENTIAL BOX SERVICE 270 Obituaries 280 Business Services 6.65 6.80 6.95 7.10 7.25 $10.39 per column inch Pickup $3,50 Mail out $5.00 290 Bus Opportunities BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY LEGAL ADVERTISING 295. Courses $22.63 for 3 inches, includes 1 photo. $11.90 per column inch 300. Help Wanted 7,40 7,55 7.70 7.851 e.oo *Additional at $6.64 per column inch 320 Work Wanted For Ionoer ~d, please use a separate shoot For regional coverage place your ad in the weekend 325 Situations Wanted Clip & Mail This Form To: Phone Fax 330. Notices Terrace Standard edition of the Weekend Advertiser. 340. Legal Notices 3210 Clinton St.. Terrace, B.C. VaG 5R2 ST -ARD 638-7283 638-8432

10. REAL ESTATE 10. REAL ESTATE 20. MOBILE 30. FOR RENT HOMES 12X63 THREE bedroom mobile BEAUTIFUL LAKE front RENTING SOON, new 3 ~drm home; natural gas heat and hot property on Burns Lake. 1 1/2 1981 14X70 2 br asphalt roof, condos, 1320 sq. ft. 2609 Braun EVENING PRIMROSE OIL. water; .597 acre semi-private lot acres. Two homes- 1 larger 2 front kitchen, built-in counter St., Terrace, B.C. 5 appliances, Suffer from symptoms of PMS. with greenhouse and mini storey older house, well top range, built-in oven. blinds, on site mini storage Menopause, Skin Irritation orchard. $72,000 635-3098. maintained - 1 5 yr old house, Diningroom. New carpet in included. Non smokers, no Rheumatoid Arthritis Diabetic ] 4942 Halliwell Ave 2 BDRM house on West end of ultra modern - large shop 60 x livingroom. Walk-in bath off M. pets, references required. Neuropathy Exceesses of Alco- Walsh with double garage, 30 - heavily treed and nicely Br. with oval garden tub. $875./mo. Apply to 164 B-4th hol. Research shows Evening Saturday basement, fruit trees and patio landscaped - Very private, 5 Excellent condition $27,900. Street, Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2K1. Primrose Oil has beneficial ef- $138,000.00. Call 635-9123. rain walk to downtown. 14x70 3 br., asphalt roof, Call 632-6636. fects on all of these problems. 2 bdrm rancher, new roof, 1033 Presently used as a bed & gyproc walls, new carpet, new ROOM AND board available in For information and ordering , August 24 sq. ft., carport, storage shed, 84 breakfast.l-604-692-7482, line. $23,900. 14x68 3 br, new country home. Hwy side in Usk. call or write Sunshine Distribu- x 186 fully fenced lot, fruit trees, IDEAL STARTER home carpet, newlino, $21,900. Free Food, hydro, laundry facilities tors Box 1571, Burns Lake, 1 pm - 3 pm no-thru street. Close to hospital. approx, one acre west of delivery. 306-694-5455. incl. $600/mo. Call 638-1943. B.C. V0J 1E0. Phone (604) N/g heat/water. Asking Houston• Good water; natural 1992 PARK Model 36 ft. 2 slide ROOM FOR rent in Horseshoe 692-2362. 360 capsules, $112,900.00 obo. 635-2746. gas heat; new roof; fenced outs, approx 340 sq. ft. living area: $400.O0/mon. References 500mg, 10% GLA, with vitamin JIMDUFFY ~. 3 YEAR old home in new yard; has shop; garbage pickup space. Residential furnace, required. Call 635-4760. E 39.85. Price includes GST, subdivision near Uplands. 2 and school bus stop. Call: 845- fridge & bath. Fully furnished. shipping & handling. GST inAttendance. C~~~/, ROOMMATE WANTED to #896931151 Made in Canada. baths, n/g, full basement, 7064 or 694-3533, $21,000.00: Call 798-2213. share new 14 x 70 2 bdrm. Come and view this carport. Call 635-4410. LAKELSE LAKE cleared lot, 1993 14X70 mobile home. trailer. N/s, references required. FOR SALE prefabbed wood 317 ACRE hobby farm 16 miles Beam Station Drive, Near Mail Vaulted ceilings, 5 appliances, $350.00/mo. Call 635-7125. constructed back yard sheds spacious 1300sq ft from Smithers, very private, Box point. Offers. Phone 632- drywall interior, 3 bdrm. 2 - 6 x from $600.00 and up. Also basement home, IndependentlyOwned and Operated crown land on 3 sides, creek 3366. 12 porches & 1 patio. Asking garages, joey shacks, runs through properly, 100 LEASED LOT #29 Mill Bay Rd., $73,000; firm. Phone 635-5148. workshops etc. Phone Dirk acres in hay, 60 acres cleared, Granisle. Shop buildings, dock, 2 1996 2 bdrm S.R.I. bakker 638-1768 eveninqs. several fenced pastures and $50,000.00. 6 light plants, 2KW manufactured homes. Apartments LEASED lot #29 Mill Bay Rd. also some timber (value - 45KW. 4 Lincoln gas weldera, Completely set up in family Granisle shop, buildings, dock. undetermined), full basement, 5 200 amps. Two on trailers. 2 park. Call 635-7447. i & 2 Bedroom Units 50,000.00. 6 light plants 2 KW - bedroom home, vaulted ceiling, large aluminum boats, 20' Her- FOR SALE by owner. Cozy old- Quiet & Clean 45 KW. 4 Lincoln gas welders, oak kitchen, very nicely finished ring skiff, 22' starcraft with trail- er 2 br. mobile in Hudson Bay • No Pets- 200 amps. Tow on trailers. 2 up and down. All with an ers. 12' Fiberglass Travel trail- Park. Many recent renovations large aluminum boats, 20' Her- incredible view, $389,000. 846- er, (has everything), $2400.00 $20,000. OBO 847-5856, 846- Call: 635-5968 ring skiff, 22' starcraft with trail- 9041. without T.V. 1-604-697-2474 or 5392. ers. 12' Fiberglass Travel Trail- 4 BDRM. 2 bath, large finished 697-2720 leave messa.qe.. KERMODE PARK home sales • , .... .,, n~,~,',L,~ er. (has everything) 2400.00 rec room with n/g fireplace, without "IV. 1-604-697-2474 or 2 1/4 Acres CUSTOM BUILT ONE YEAR old home on located accross from weigh large attached garage. Quiet bench. 4 bdrm, 2 baths, n/g scales, featuring modular 697-2720 leave messa.qe. Highway 16W Home on 2/3 acre on the neighborhood. $142,500.00. fireplace, half finished homes and 14 x 70 mobile j MORTGAGES BASED on Bench• This is one of the finest • 296' frontage Call 635-3635. basement. New home warrenty. homes. Call 635-5350. Equity in Real Estate or homes available on today's View lot. Call 635-4730 or 635- Mobiles, not Income or Credit. • 2,200 sq ft shop, market. Complete information 40 ACRE farm. Unfinished 5 MOBILE HOME 12x60; two showroom and office bdrm. house, 2 bathrooms, 0930 leave messaqe. bedroom for sale. 1969 Intel Financial (11 years in will be made available to business) 861-1526. • 2 residential rentals serious buyers by contacting barn, 6 acres in hay. Grat view. OWN OVER an acre of land Glendale is located in Granisle. FOR ~l~J DICK EVANS. 847-8422 eves, 842-5197 leave and a beautiful new home on Must be moved. Asking: ORDER STEPHEN Lyman's message. $65,000. Tchesinkut Lakel 3 bedroom $10,000. Call: 845-2710. MORE LESS Umited edition print "Sunset $350,000 EXC $347,500 EXC EXCELLENT 3 bedroom starter home features: open floor plan, OLDER DOUBLE wide mobile Fire" between now to Sept. 5th * On-Site Professional on large corner lot in Telkwa, includes all appliances, 2 home. Must be moved. 3 at Process 4 Gallery, your newly renovated, 4 new ap- balconies, 1344 sq/ft., 1 1/2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, located Manager Greenwich workshop dealer. Dick Evans 635-7068 pliances and gas hot water & baths. Spacious oak kitchen, in Thornhill. Asking $20,000. * We Pay Heat & Hot Water 692-3434 ask for Wayne for furnace, new roof. $77,000. Call carport, large storage shed, no Call 638-8212. * Mini-Blinds details. Terri 846-5487. wasted space (lots of closets), "EXCEPTIONAL" 1974, Atco, * Laundry Room Facilities RF/A 4I of Terrace POOL TABLE $1200.00 obo hardwood flooring, incredible 14x68, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, new * Carpets Throughout 14" remote colour T.V. $300.00. view. $209,000. to view Call vinyl siding, large front Call 638-7982 for more info. 695-6916 (leave message) livingroom with new front KULDO COURTS Burns Lake. SKYSTAR MINI massagers. FOR SALE: windows, large kitchen and 632-2450 Stiff and sore from camping? SAVE REAL estate fees. dining area, dual sinks in Pizza & Sub Shop VIEWPOINT APTS Muscles cramped form being in ~-l~rivingfeel food business. Take eel only!~'~ Hobby farm, 1 acre prime bathroom, new carpet and line, a boat all day? Arthritis acting ~.~Btoblished dienlele, good in(omel B growing area in New Remo with some walls new panelling. 632-4899 up? Order the Skystar Mini BFordeleik, call SHEIL~ L0VE at Lit own well, 2 mobile homes (with Delivered to Terrace for only KITIMAT, BC Massagefl The go anywhere snow roofs). 1 presently rented. $23,800.00. Call 1-800-470- massager. The go anywhere OPEN HOUSE 5444. Several out buildings incl. large massager. Operates on a single metal storage shed, chicken Saturday, August 24, 1996 "INCREDIBLE" 1977, 14X70 AA battery. 4" long 4 coops, pig pen, root cellar, large (66), 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 interchangeable heads, smooth 1:30 pro- 4:00 pm commercial greenhouse plus appliances, no hallways, for skin, too rough for hair and smaller one (needs some bedrooms on either end, scalp. Fits in a purse or pocket. I work).638-1175: livingroom and family room, 5000 SQ. ft. warehouse with Feel the strong vibrating pulse WELL KEPT 4 bdrm home. neutral warm colours, newer dock level loading. For more anytime, anywhere. Send a Larcle lot. Call 635-5569. carpet and line, excellent information, call 635-2801. cheque or money order for $13.95 to Skystar, c/o Wm. WELL MAINTAINED home for condition. Delivered to Terrace FOR LEASE: retail space 1300 sale, 3910 Terrace, St, Walk to for only $20,900.00. Call 1-800- sq. ft., reasonable rent, call Hardy, #906-1855, 3rd Ave., Uplands School. 1200 sq. ft., 470-5444. 635-2195. Will renovate to suit Prince George, BC V2M 5KR. 4102 Yea Street IMMEDIATE 2+1 bedrooms, 2 baths, tenants. Phone/fax: 562-5049. Canadian 4631 TuckAvenue fireplace, new roof, recently funds, all costs included. Money POSSESSION finished basement. 114x132 lot, Back Guaranteel Free brochure $183,500 MLS $156,500 MLS Attractive 3 bedroom home in fruit trees, very private fenced 1 BDRM apparlment on site of other products. P.S. Lovers good condition, vinyl siding, backyard, carport, garage, large management. No pets. Ref. E SPACE AVAILABLE love Skvstarl large lot in horseshoe with shed, sundeck. $166,500. 635- required. 638-7725 Office spaceoF 450 square feet is available ~or lease in the Hosted by VERNE & OLGA fruit trees. Asking 3384, 2 BDRM trailer for rent in Thornhill. $475.00/m0. plus ALMARUN BUILDING, FRESH SEAFOOD "WANT TO retire or settle in a 3219 Eby Skeet,Terrace, B.C. picturesque community, Look to damage deposit, Phone 635- HALIBUT • SHRIMP 9530. FOR INFORMATION CALL Call Wonda at Granislel 5 bedrooms, large 635-7191 SOLE • COD bright living room, with fire- 2 BEDROOM Basement suite OF TERRACE 638"0371 place. Large formal dining appliances, utilities included 4 CHATHAMSOUND SEAFOOD 638-1400 l~t TI~RRACE REALTY room, bright spacious kitchen, 3 minutes to Terrace. $700/mo. Tel/Fax 638-1050 B,~IKEUR £ i 6380371 full baths, fully finished up and Call 635-0198, down. Great for B&B. comes 3 BDRM 14 wide mobile home with 6 appliances and RSF situated on private lot. N/g heat. woodstove, fireplace insert; all Avail. Sept. 1/96 _ For #8 SPONG meat grinder window coverings and much, appointment to view phone 638- $20.00. Power rower deluxe much more. Must sell. Call now 1885. $850.00/mo. 884 S.I.C. adjustable tension. Beautifully renovated home eon .8 acre on the 697-2767. Retail at $250.00. Make an bench, large country kitchen with parquet flooring, EMPLOYED RECENT UVIC grad requires responsible, offer. Call 635-1685 in the working island, white cabinets, and garden doors that evenincls. lead to a private park. Three bedrooms, new flooring reliable student or working & drywalling throughout. Bathroom features soaker person to share 2 bdrm, apt. CANOES FOR sale. Made of Sellingdue to deathin family. tub, oak vanity, and a separate shower.. Wide wind- References required. Call 638- Western Red Cedar, durable 1994 Winnebago,25'3" ows that bathe the room in light. Full basement for 14X 70 mobile with 12 x 32 7283 8-5 pm Tees, - Sat. for fibreglass, epoxy resin, trimmed fullyloaded, has been used a future development.$212,000 MLS addition, 12 x 24 sundeck, all information. Ask for Dave. out with real oak. Selling at very reconditioned, all appliances reasonable price. Do-it yourself few limesonly. 3811 Marshall Street FOR RENT with option to and furniture. Easy to move. purchase. Brand new four kits are available in many Justlike new,to viewcall ~!~, , ~ .>,,~. Immediate occupancy 842- different styles, Phone 638- ,.: ~... ~ .: bedroom home with finished 798-2544 or 798-2528. 5870, 842-6191. basement on Cory Dr. 1701, DOUBLE STROLLER good 1975 24X48 Canamera Dbl Professional family preferred. condition $80.00.10 ca. ft. deep wide c/w fairly new fridge, Serious enquiries only. Call freeze $200.00. Call 638-8869. stove, w/d built in d/w, approved 638-7950, woodstove 1 yr. old new 60 gal. LIVE WITH Natural Rural HAY, OLD crop square' bails. hot water tank 12 x 12 Joey property aVailable for long-term $2.00 ea. Must be removed by NORT ERN LAB S ~[LTD. 2407 Apple Street $124,900 MLS 4934 Handel Drive $194,900 MLS shack & deck. Must be moved, rental on the Southside of Oct. 31196. Farm sold. * 1,o4o sq. ft. + full basement * 1.722 sq ft custom home Asking $43,500. For appt. to Francois Lake, Beautiful small Cummins Ranch Hwy 16 West, * 4 bdrms- 2 baths * 3 bdrrns. 3 baths view call (604) 692-7866: three bedroom home, garden, S. Hazelton. Call 842-5316. WATER& * 5 appliances * N/G fireplace - skylight 19~ tav 7t mnhll= ham."; workshop and fenced pasture ENVIRONMENTAL yard-paveddrive * Family room off kitchen vaulted'cei~n "'4 ai'~;ancesi'no available if desired. Ideal for a _ ., g, tppH ..... ,_ semi-retired individual ~ or TESTING * Fenced L~J ooup,eReferences w,,, be i |111BUY OR SELL i Sheila Love 635-3004 .. ' .=.... __L.. t. required Preference will be appliances ~;.'z,uuu ug aellV- , , , . Tupperware ered Five nther mnh ,- hnm,~s gtven to applicants wmhmg to KAREN MATTEIS 1-800-990-9522 ~///~ OF TERRACE to choose...... from 1 800809 traae ren" t f"or ca rp e"ntry w o"rK, 8041 ' " ' " Please fax references to 604, 636-7810 Pacific Prince Rupert ' : 692.3872 attention Marlene, The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 - B9 CilIMI' DIESEL LIGHTING plant] 1987 TOYOTA 4x4 Iongbox generator with electric start, with canopy. Excellenl NORTHERN LITE campers all ,,,,.,,,,..-,,,, 635.TIPS 3000-7000 Watts phone 604- condition. Call 635-5377. sizes import, shortbox and full 639-3476 or 604-632-4655, 1988 GMC Jimmy 4x4, a/c, p/I, size. Somersel campers. WANTED STANDING timber p/w. $6000,00 firm. Call 635- Double Eagle boats 17 1/2 & 18 with or without land. No agents 7342. 1/2 in stock. Financing avail. please, 604-330-4433. 1990 DODGE 250 4x4 auto, Phone 604-567-2937 or 604- WANTED: BOARD for 8 to 10 locking hubs, Cummins Turbo 567-2820 or write Box 1187, head of horses from October Diesel, engine v.g. cond. Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0. thru June. Contact: 845-7468 or $11,500. 849-5559, 1-604-633-5200. •.... 130. : 1992 CHEV H.D. 3/4 ton 6.5 THEGARAGE SALE GUIDE turbo diesel. Large bumper, MOTORCYCLES! winch, running boards, boxliner and rack $16,000, 842-5395. 1991 XR250 Honda dirtbike. 1993 CHEV 4x4, short box, Redone engine and 1984 CADILLAC Deville limo. stepside, extended cab, auto, transmission. In excellent White 4.1 L. Fully loaded. am/fm cassette, pb, ps, pl, ac, condition. Asking $2000.00 firm. Asking $6500.00 obo. Call 635- excellent running condition, Call 638-7950. 8214. 63,000 km. Call 635-0~;/5. 1985 PONTIAC Acaidian. Good FOR TRADE or sale. 1981 running condition, redone GMC shortbox truck. 4x4, no brakes. Good tires. Interior rust, 3" lift, V-8 400. Will trade ~'.~ {L ~i ,- ~ i ~" ,=. exterior good condition. for small foreign truck, trailer or 16 FT. Drift boat, new condition, -~ "~. ;'.:':~! ~1~ $800.00 obo. Call 638-0814. A'rv. 694-3572. trailer, $3000. 635-5537. 1986 TOYOTA Tercel 121,000 17 FT. RIVERBOAT w/trailer km. Excellent condition, 5 spd, Aluminum flat bottom stand up 2 door, hatchback asking console w/controls, electric $3600. Phone 638-7223. pump, 2 gas tanks, 80 hp Mer- 1988 IROC Camaro 305, V8 cury outboard, $8500. Call 635- fuel, injected engine, auto, 6880 ask for Craig or 635-1991 $8,000. OBO 1-604-692-3035. 1978 11 1/2' Camper. Sleeps 5, ask for Cathy. i:i?!)ii !iii!!i!i!i!!:ili ..... ~ ~,~:~i:::ili!ili!!:ii!;~::;) : ~ 1990 FORD Festiva LX, 42,500 fridge, stove, furnace, flush toi- 21' CAMPION skeena. km $4500.00 obo. Call 635- let. Upholstery redone. Hydrau- Excellent condition. New marine 9602. lic jacks. Great condition $2700. survey. Salt water cooled, Older 20 hp Merc good condi- sleeps 4, 188 hsp. 302 V-8 1992 PONTIAC Lemans for tion, $600. Skidoo deck 8'x8' Merc cruiser, 25 hsp evinrude. sale. Low miles & very well $5000.00. 1-604-692-3368 or Replacement value over maintained. Asking $6,500 698-7627. $30,000.00. Asking $18,000.00. O.B.O. Call 635-3720. 1984 GMC 4x4 Crewcab with Call 635-9442. (~ ~4006~a~::YullaaUng d.2nt4e;egst~stt:12 p,m,; Put Your Oorage ;; ~'~ ;~ ~ 1993 CHRYSLER Sun Dance. n/g conversion, 1975 9'6" 23' ALUMINUM riverboat 350 Vanguard camper, fridge, stove, 4 Door auto., 4 cyl, c/w a/c, inboard Berkley jet. Closed (~) 4830 L0enAve.Aug. 24.8 am tO1 p,m Sale cruise, new tires, 55,000 km, furnace, bathroom $4500.00. cooling system, cab, full on the Map ~ ~!"/-~ ~ ~x, $9500. Call 632-2905 erc. Call 635-2449. instruments, tilt, heater, fish ' ' for Only ~~ 1995 DODGE Neon low kms 1985 21 ft. Frontier finder, two 30 gal. tanks, asking (~ 105-3614Kalum Aug. 24 . 7 am to12 p.m, ~m_ "]~/ ~" ~.~~ ~--~. $t3,000.00. Calf 635-3171 or Motorhome very low mileage; $21,900. 828-8742 evenings 635-0690. so a model; sleeps 6; awning; Kamloops. '95 NEON, 2 dr, am/fm excellent condition. Asking 26' MARATHON Riverboat. 26 /:~'~ 4808Park Ave Aug. 24 . , am t012 p.m. CI I_ d i ~i?_11~Ii!"~/I~'( $20,000 firm. Call 845-2216. cassette, paint protected. hrs on new 460, 340 hsp. $12,500.00 Ben - evenings 1985 - 21 ft. Frontier Motor- Comes with travelling canvass, (604) 695-6460. home; very low mileage; sofa 2 stand up enclosed canopies. model; sleeps 6; awning; excel- 15 hsp. Honda outboard, lent condition. Asking $20,000, electric downriggers, Eagle firm. Call 845-2216. 9000 fishfinder, heavy duty 1995 - 26.6 RK Citation Fifth tandem axel trailer. Asking $23,000.00 obo. Call 636-2546 i Stop by our office: 3210 CLINTON STREET ./'~.~'~:::~"] , ~ t 1976 CHEVY van, low mileage wheel. Rear kitchen loaded. (Stewart). (76,000 miles)well maintained, Used only last year $31,000. co-ou, oo.. oT,o.) 4:0O p.m. one owner. Phone 635-9466. Please call 1-604-632-2591. VOLVO PENTA boat engine. • for Wednesday publication (~j///~/#~l: ~, ~.:, ~? Price includes hitch. 1979 GMC pickup, 4x4, winch, Volvo 200c (Chev. 305 cu. in) Long Weekend Deadline Is Thursday 4:00 p.~~~ ~) excellent running condition. 1996 23 foot Komfort 5 th wheel complete assembly, includes IN THE TERR..AACE STANDARD ONLY ~4 _r ! .~ Ready to haul skidoos w/flat traUor, loaded, a/c. microwave, starter, carburator, distributor, deck. $5000. 635-5537. electric jacks, awning etc, used alternator, heat exchanger, twice. 6 yr. warrently available exhaust manifolds, complete 1986 CROWN Victoria 351 auto $22,900. No GST. 635-9065. wiring harness. Approx. 700 loaded trans cooler equalizer FOR SALE 9 1/2' Rustler hrs. Good working order, can TANDARD i ; )'4rdE¢ : ) hitch. No rust. $3900.00 692- be seen operating, $1500. Ph. 3750 after 5:00 pm. camper c/w fridge, stove, oven, bathroom, jacks, awning 847-9677. $3000.00. Phone 698-7424.

For IIEAfflland S~@ETYRemember,,, - PRO-VAC- FROM THE GROUND UP "Professional Ya~uum Ser~s~ ~alists tn Cleaei,gAll lle41tng, renUl..o~ =~ cooli.~ S~ems * ~im¢~* ~macs *Dm ¢leadng Rreptaces Bottcrs Clean-OUtS * DryerYeats * AtticInsu~lon Remo~ VolmlleDust Removal, Air ¢ondltiOfitfig" HOME IMPROVEMENT GUIDE t 11 Construcdon Clean Ups Paint Booths Let These ProfessionalsAnd Discount Suppliers Help You With Your Home Work! r Call 635-1132 or Eax 635-1193 I

" Gas & Wood Fireplaces ~¢ counter tops

~:~,;:'-T.=.'=='='= - - : 627-1080 j To see our full line oF door sly[es, colours0 and accessoriesin Terraceand Kifmat call Box 193 Port Edward Ron or Donna: Oikos Builders Ph. 635-5309 • Fx. 635-5381.) HOMi Imagine

DOUBLE GARAGE ~,-~ ~--L ~ 'T:r2r3acRff;'c!vA~n;Le9J~ The Ultimate In Home Theatre ]0 • |B Ph: (604)635-2801 u~ RN AnY ROOM Talk to Sight & Sound About .--J-=~_..j"~, :0.",: ?/2 Custom Home Audio Installation

v • ..... ~ 4708 Keith Ave. KITCHENS SlGHI, > SOUND - . ,.- . , CELLIHI.SIGNAIUR[*0~iACCABIN~ 635-5333 House Plans Available Through FOR YOUR CARPENTRY NEEDS WEBB REFRIGERATIONLTD,, emce]}u les Specializing in major MarkHenry Contracting Inc. MA~I'AG appliance repairs N~w i CertifledTradesmen Construction DoingTop Quality ~ and warranty service for most makes and 3207Munr0e, Terrace Renovation Workmanship GUARANTEED models. Roofing MEMBEROF TIM-BR.MARTS LTD 635-6273 Ph. 635-6891 635-2188 4637 Lazelle Avenue BFRIGIDAIRE For all your decorating needs Panasonic • Carpet , Lighting Fixtures ~. ~ " Linoleum * Hardwood MA~TAG ~ " Ceramic Tiles , Window ~m'.JSNN-Aim • Area Rugs Coverings .=Appliance Experts" O YOUR DECOR wide Furniture& Appliances 4501 LakelseAve 638-1158 1-800-813-1158 B10 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 230: PERSONALS HORSE & Tack Auction Sunday, Sept. 8, 11:30 am. DO YOU Need Some R & R? 2 CATS, OC3 4500.00, 350 jd. Consign your horses and tack MOVING MUST sell: fridge, Come to Lakeside Retreat for a Bucket, blade 9500.00, 2 early. Phone BC Auctions 604- dishwasher, (both new). Queen B & B weekend and enjoy being aluminum boats with trailers, 992-9325 Quesnel, size box spring & mattress, two pampered. Rainbow trout, 12' barrel chairs, microwave, rigged for fishing. 22' starcraft, HORSE BORDING available on boat & gourmet meals. "Sweet- antique encyclopedia Brittanlca, 20' Herring craft. Will take bids 3 acres includes hay. heart Special", family package two lawn mowers, (1 gas, 1 ,ii on both or trade for machinery. $130.00/mo. in the winter or give yourself a treat. Phone electric). Call 638-6485. 12' Fiberglass Travel trailer. $100.00/mo. in the summer. 1-604-573-4549. Pinantan 2200.00. 1-604-697-2474. Call Stacey at 635-6491 during 220. LOST AND*' Lake, Kamloops. FOR SALE or rent 4x4 the day or 635-2443 in the DRILL YOUR OWN WELL, backhoes, 10 loaders, tilt eveninq. ,FOUND ; percussion drill rig mounted on trailers, single axel dump LLAMAS, LLAMAS, llamas, International tandem. Will drill Dayna Pedro is ple~ed to trucks, fork lifts, Iowbeds, geldings, males & bred females, FOUND. bage at airport. Tues. 6'x8' casing down to 300 ft or annou,ce t~ engagement compactors, water trucks, for sale for more information Aug• 6. ID Contents. Phone more. No Sunday calls please of ~r Grandmotfier excavators, tail gate sanders. contact worth western llamas Betty at 635-2325. 847-9748. Call Vic, 604-493-6791. Ranch, Terrace, BC Ph/fx 604- LEFT FISHING rod below EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Jutle JONSERED MINI Chain saw 638-0662. Thornhill Creek bridge. If found and woodworker, renovation, to mill. Comes with Jonsered 2095 ONE OF the best bred quarter pls. Call 635-3098. garages, sheds, will repair Ron cur~ saw. Like new condition. $3000 horse fillies in Western some furniture, No job toe Wedding to taf~ place firm. Call 635-5377 Terrace. Canadall An astounding small, very reasonable rates. Free estimates.Call 638-1701. Aug. 31. K.ARCHER PRESSURE pedegree, lots of disposition, 95 Rustler 24.9 Washer clear out. All popular class and pizzazzl Lots of size, GIRLS! GIRLSI Girlsl ExcitinglH Passionatell! Talk to Congratulatio=~! Was $23,263 models. Full factory warranties• Come see, we delivei'. Phone 40% off for quick sale. Call (604) 692-3722. Let it ringl We them livel 1-900-451-5302 Ext• Direct Psychic Dave Smith at 1-800-492-4136 anser until 1:00 a.m. 2742 $3.99 per minute. Mustbe between 8 am and 5 pm. REGISTERED AND 18 years. Procall Co. 602-954- LinkSlem. i!i 7420. TRAIL KING, 40 tone double commercial hereford cows and (Save 1-900 SURCHARGES) i ~i~; ! heifer calves for sale. Peter and IF ALCOHOL is the problem, 95 CitationWide Body drop Iowbed, 9'x22', detach many have found help with gooseneck, booster package, Anneke Gattiker 846-5494. Free 5 min. Info call DISCOVERY TOYS, Was. $35,059 SHEEP & Goat Sale, Saturday, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. turner air ride, 24.5 pilot mount Phone 635-6533. usualtoll charges may apply to ~ ~ educational toy, books, and wheels, full air auto slack adj, Sept. 14, 11:30 a,m. Consign- SunshineCoast B.C. Canada games. Call LouiseL Anderson at raise and lower kS, 10" ground ments welcome. Phone B.C. JEHOVAHS WITNESSES: is 635-9495. clearance, boom trough, 604- Auctions 604-992-9325. there something about the Micheal is,.: .,~ .... ~:!; .,. ili 762-9320. TRAINED HORSES, western/ Watchtower that makes you (604) 885-9147 English/ jumpers. Pony club uneasy but don't know what it , CoastBooks 886-7744 I ": :,'. 170, FARM .... horses, some reg. 14 hh, 16 - 2 is? If so, you are not alone. hh. Young horses available.Will Phone 1-847-4352 for recorded v,...c TERRACE !%:~...... i ~:~::i#` ~ ii~::i MACHINERY : train horses/ rider. Tack for message. sale. Karen Ritchey. 1-604-695- GUTTERMAN 12'X8' STEEL gin pole deck 6642. SINGLES INTRODUCTION! All Happy 25th with winch and headache rack. nationalities for friendship or $3,000, 692-3368 or 698-7627. 200:~FARMERS marriage. We understand and Wedding 165 M.F. tractor, 3 pt hitch, A.C. • "MARKET we care, strictly confidential. silage chopper and wagon 9 ft 3 Tired of being alone? Call 1- Anniversa~! pt hitch disk. Snowblade 3 pt 604-983-4880 todavl hitch. Cattle rack for pickup. HAY FOR sale: round bales of Love from SPECIALIZING 1975 3 ton Ford truck and cattle Alfalfa mix, in the field. Ph: You Know Whol in 5" continuous 96 Travelaire26 Ft racks and hoist847-2528. (604) 567-9668 (Vanderhoof). LARGE SQUARE balesof hay, PSYCHIC aluminum gutters, Was $28,782 8.50 NEW holland round baler, electric tie and reconditioned. Alfalfa and Alfalfa/ grass mix. Congratulations soffit and fascia Will deliver, ph. (604) 567-4896 ANSWERS Excellent oat baler $3650.00. installations. 717 new holland forage (VanderhooO. LIVE & PERSOHAL Morn & Dad on : SERVICES PLENTIFUL PRESERVES, RATED #1 IN CANADA FREE ESTIMATES harvester $1200.00. 495 new EVANLY RAYSTALK your 25th Wedding jams relishes, chutneys, award LIVE I ON 1 96 Rustler24 ft holland, 12' mower conditioner ATrENTION SMALL business- SERVING TERRACE in excellent condition with winning antipasto. See us every Anniversary! es, why pay high accounting Was$22,332 transport $6250.00. (604)695- Saturday at the Farmers Market LOVE ~ GIFTED fees for your bookkeeping & KITIMAT 6562. or phone 635-3259 or fax 635- GMONEY v* ACCURATE Love, needs? For confidential, profes- 0186. I CAREER ~ PrYCNICS Monica, Alan, Matthew, sional bookkeeping service. 638-7054 OWATONNA SWATHER QUALITY HAY for sale in easy Chad, Melanie, James, Manual or Computer call 635- $1,000.00; I.H. 10' Seed Drill to handle square bales. Can I !-900-451-4055 Kaylee, Kirsten and Jessie 9592. $1,500.00, Agratec Bale Sleek- deliver. Phone evenings i 24 HRS. $2.99/min - 18+ er $175.00; Single Axle Farm (604)694-3456. Trailer $800.00; Tandem Axle 16' Deck Trai~er $3,000.00; 1973 Allis Chalmers Backhoe Rubber Tired $8,500.00; Fibre- COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Network Classifieds 4'' glass Boat, trailer, 70 HP O•B. A S S 0 C IAT I 0 H Depth Sounder $3,900.00. These ads appear in approximately 100 $275 ,or25words To place an ad call Ph.695-6382 British Columbia and Yukon community newspapers in B.C.and Yukon $ 6.00 each this paper or the BCY- VERSATILE TRACTOR, model and reach more than 3 million readers, additional word CNA at (604) 669-9222 145, v6 cummins engine, 4 m wheel drive. Duals on all 4 AUCTIONS BUSINESS EDUCATION FOR SALE MISC. PERSONALS wheels. Very clean, A-1 2 DAY UNRESERVED OPPORTUNITIES A NEW Career? Trained VIDEO GAMES. We buy, CANADA'S MOST Gifted condition. (604)694-3445. Truck and Construction PROFITABLE BOWLING apartment/condominium sell, new, used games. psychics have answers to 95 Rustler 29.5 ft Super-Nintendo, Equipment Auction, Center in friendly town in managers needed - all your problems or ques- Bunks Was $24,206 Nintendo, Genesis, Monday and Tuesday, east central Alberta. areas. We can train you tions about health, love, CKC REGISTERED Rottweiler right now[ Free job place- Saturn, Play-Station, relationships, money, Sept. 9&10, 1996. Selling Possible financing avail- 3DO, Game-Gear, Game- pups. Both parents Canadian ment assistance. For in- lucky numbers. Champions. Hips O.F.A.'d. on behalf of the City of able, will train. Must sell formation/brochure call Boy. Free price list[ ~Toll- Certified. Excellenttemperrnent. Calgary, ACT-Limited, due to health. Phone: free 1-800-463-7529. A.J. $3.49/minute. 18+. *95 Rustler 24 ft 681-5456, t-800-665- 24hours. 1-900-451-4336. Show and pet quality available. TransAIta Utilities, Alberta Jacques/Corrine 1-403- Video Games, Saskatoon...... Bunks Was $21,400 560-5355. 8339. Transportation, Cana 632-4697, 1-403-632- HELP WANTED 20/20 WITHOUT GLASS- GUARDIAN DOGS for A NEW Careert Learn Construction and other 7665. Income Tax Preparation H.D. MECHANIC ESI Safe, rapid, non-sur- livestock, family or property. gical, permanent restora- Maremma puppies, 8 wks consignors. For further in- KIDS ONLY Clothing. or Basic Bookkeeping. Required for CASE-IH tion in 6-8 weeks. Airline $350•00 ea. Anatolian x formation or to consign Start your own home Tax deductible certificate Dealership. Experience pilot developed, doctor 95 Rustler 29 ft Maremma puppies 11 wks. please call CPA based business selling a courses. For free required, competitive $350.00 ea. Australian brochures, no obligation: wage, benefits. Contact: approved. Free informa- Rear Bed Was $23,794 uni(~ue line of children's Shepperd x Maremma puppies Canadian Public Auction U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Ivan 864-2273, Fax: 852- tion by mail: 1-406-961- clothing. 100% cotton, 7 wks $150.00 ea• All pups Ltd. 1-403-269-6600. Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, 8606. Central Valley Farm 5570, Ext.404. Fax: 1- Canadian made, grow dewormed and vaccinated. Manitoba, R3T 2B6, 1- Equipment, Box 549, 406-961 -5577. Phone or leave message at AUTO features. Positions avail- 800-665-5144. Enquire Abbotsford, B.C. V2S http://www.visionfree- 642-6678 MilS Swanson F250 4X4'S, EXPLOR- able for Fall '96. Carolyn about exclusive franchise Grandvisw Ranch. 5Z5. dora.corn Satisfaction 96 Dr!.tter20"~ ERS, Jeeps, Diesels. All 1-403-678-0718. territories. $],e~ps'8""Was $J3;8:~i J MARRAND REGISTERED. JOCUS TOYS needs indi- guaranteed. makes, all models, lease, BUSY DOLLAR Store for WESTERN CANADIAN viduals in B.C. Over 250 Registered German Shepherd ELIMINATE BODY Hair ,w..$15" pups, show, companion or returns, trades. O-Down, sale. Good location, good School of Auctioneering. toys & crafts - 65% under obedience. Guaranteed 604- good financing. Free de- lease. Approximately Book now. Last school $151 Home parties cata- foreverl Tired of shaving, this year Sept. 16-27/96. waxing or electrolysis? 392-2555, evenings, Williams livery. For free approval $190,000. includes stock logue sales. Join us this 96 Drifter 23.5 ft Lake, Free brochure: 1-403- busy season call 1-800- "Ultimate Hair Away" is a call Grant/Joe 1-800-993- and clientele. Phone 777-9388; 1-800-2S2- Bunks Was $19,370 REG. BORDER Collies - pups owner at (604)562-7100 361-4587 Ext.9347. topical solution that, when for sale from champion 3673, Cell 202-1799. 3313 or write: 8315.40 St. applied immediately after Prince George. S.E., Calgary, AB, T2C LEGAL SERVICES bloodlines - excellent stock $3,000,000 TRUCK N- hair removal, saturates dogs. Black & White with heavy INTERESTED IN starting 2P1. CONTESTING WILLS VENTORY. We will beat the exposed hair folicle coats. All pups dewormed and your own business? COMPUTERS. No previ- and Estates. Major ICBC papilla thus retarding hair vaccinated. $350. Phone or any G.M. light duty truck injury claims. Joel A. 96 Bigfoot 21 ft Canadian company & ous computer experience growth. Prepared with bio- leave message at 842-6678, purchase or lease. Call necessary. Exciting op- Wener trial lawyer for 28 Loaded Was $26,309 MilS Swanson Grandview product. •Waterproof vinyl logically active plant en- collect: Klassen Auto decking. Small investment portunities now available years. Call free 1-800- Ranch. 665-1 138. Contingency zymes ,"UHA" is com- Lease. D#5370 ask for secured by inventory. For in computer programming. Now $23,642 THE TACK STORE. Everything We will train suitable ap- fees. Simon Wener& pletely safe and painless. Brad/Rob/Tony 594-2277. more information call: BL Tent Trailers jm for the horse lover. Gifts, har- plicants. CMS 1-800-477- Adler. Keep skin smooth and . ness and saddlery. 4 kms. out (604)882-8783 today] 9578. hair-free for up to 1 year. BUSINESS MUSIC 95 Coleman Fridge of Telkwa on Skillhorn Road, For information call 1-604- Wednesday to Saturday, 10 am OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT ETC Was $10,520 SLED DOG Music, 656-5293. • 4 pm or by appointment 846- GOVERNMENT FUNDS. PERSONALS OPPORTUNITIES Canada's National Music 9863. Government assistance SIZZLINGI EXCITING WANTED QUALIFIED Catalogue. Six sets of gui- REAL ESTATE "I'3NO 5 mos• old CKC programs information Live 1 on 1. Beautiful girls Autobody repair techni- tar strings, electrics 9's or OWN YOUR own moun- registered female Norwegian ready to talk to youl Call cian or 3rd year appren- 10's or acoustic mediums available, For your new or tain retreat in Eik'ford B.C. (2) 96 Coleman Elk Hounds; house broken and Nowl Only $1.99/minute, tice. Required for dealer- or lights - $30. plus S/H. TAOS Sleep6 Was $6,820 leash trained with shots and existing business. Take ship in Williams Lake. Three sets Bass ML's - Newly renovated recre- tattoo. $250 each. 846-5526. 1-800-9705558, 1-900. ational condominiums. advantage of the govern- 451.61 15. 011-995-328. Excellent benefit package. $30. plus S/H. Free bonus Now ~_1_~! wowl THIS woman has 30 ment grants and loans. Apply: Rick Kckesh, pack and catalogue. Priced from only $24,900 gorgeous Siamese catsll All 624. - full ownershipl For infor- I Call 1-800-505-8866. Bodyshop Manager. Fax: Money Back Guarantee. i I ages - both sexes, 2 females STEAMY, HOT, Live, (604)392-4703. 1-800-SLED DOG. mation call Toll-free: 1- f-" , produced"blue points." Seal 95 Coleman-Sleeps BUFFALO BOB Foods 18+. 1 on 11 Dateline: 1- JOURNEYMAN MILL- 888-355-3557. , iFrjdge'~as $10,291" points, $75.00 each. Your PERSONALS choice. Blue points, $100.00 looking for wholesale dis- 800-352-2569. Long dis- WRIGHT or electrician SUNNY KELOWNA. New tributors for big game, tance charges only: 011- with minimum of five HEAVENLY PSYCHIC .....* $ 8~'~'A'~L~ each your choice, Yes, we can Answers, Serving over 50 resort condos on first tee ship nearly anywhere. Health 592-597-003. Fantasy: years experience in lift in- tNQ.W ...... jerky and meat sticks. million readers and multi- at Quail Ridge Golf and guaranteed. Phone (604) 692- Contact: Fred 1-403-706- 011-592-573-579. dustry, advanced trouble J 3722 calls accepted until 1:00 shooting and fabrication talented psychics. Free Country Club. From 95 Oakland 10-11 am• Let it ringl Toy male poodle 9281. Box 355, Sangudo, COMPUTERS skills. Strong commitment astrochart with your first $133,900. 1% Financing. readingl Relationships, - a real cutiel 8 weeks old. Call AB, TOE 2AO. NEW 586X133 PENT to safety and preventative Rental revenue potential, Loaded Was $26,423 (604) 692-3722 for information. maintenance to enjoy Future, Career. $2.99/mln Next to university. Also $150,000/YR POTENTIAL Class, Internet ready full 18+ 24 hours. 1-900-451- multimedia including men- year round employment lots, ranchers, townhomes as Information broker. with competitive compen- 3783, in Kelowna's Premier Canada's fastest growing itor 2 year warranty. sation package. Apply by 15.2 HN Chestnut Gelding $1,699 or $60. per month CLAIRVOYANT PSY- Community, Call: Jack franchise now available in fax to: General Manager, 95 Security 8.9 Appy/ Arab X Easy keeper, O.A.C. (604)734-7377 or CHICSI Master the power Kushner 1-800-765-7720. B.C, Home based, full Jasper Tramway 1-403- s/cWa6517,612 honest, x pony club 12 yrs. Toll-free 1-800-471-1131. 852-5779. to choose your future. $2000. O.B.e. Likenew 3 horse training & support. Truthful, accurate an- SERVICES angle haul Goertzen horse Investment required. EDUCATION NTERNATIoNAL AGRI- swers by authentic psy- CRIMINAL RECORD? trailer, tack room travels CULTuRAL Exchange - Limited territories. 1-800- HELl-LOGGING - TRAIN chics. Problems solved, Canadian pardon seals excellent. $6000.00 03.0. Ages 18-30 with agricul- destiny awaits. 1-900- record. United States 846-5300. 763.5627. for an exciting, high pay- tura experience to 95 Snowbirds8-10 ing career in the forest in- 451-3778, 24hrs, 18+ waiver allows legal entry 5 YR old black/ grey Arab WORKING PARTNER or Ive/work with family In s/cWas $1~,444 Gelding. 15 hh trained Weslern. dustryl Helicopter logging Australia, New Zealand, $2.99/min. I.C.C. without risk of arrest, de- Excellent reining prospect, buyer for building land- ground crew training , Japan. Costs/de- CANADIAN ENCOUN- portation or property Would prefer show home, scape supply store. Good school now offering com- tails 1-800-263.1827. TERS. Meet your match seizure, For a free consul- $3000. 846-5583. opportunity for motivated prahensive 4-6 week pro- #105, 7710-5 Street S.E., 1-900-451-5370 Ext.648. tation 1-800-347-2540. CARIBOO SHEEP and Goat person(s), Requires in- gram. For information call Calgary, AB, T2H 2L9, Local singles want to Con- sale September 21st, 1996 at STEEL BUILDINGS 95 Snowbirds8-10 vestment. Will train. (604)897-1188, FINANCIAL SERVICES nect with you. Min. 18 yrs, Williams Lake Stockyard. Small $2,99/min, Call now for STEEL BUI'LDINGS: s/cWas $19,271 animal sale: 10:00 am Sheep & (604)837-9635 after six. COUNSELLOR TRAIN- CONSOLIDATE ONE Love and Friendship. "Cheaper Than Wood". Goat auction: 12;00 pm, For First good deal takes, ING Institute of easy payment. No more Quonset-Stralghtwall more Information call 604-398- Vancouver offers corre- stress, No equity-security, THE SWAN And The A WELL established pre- quonset, Structural Steel 7174. spondence courses for good or bad credit. Rose Matchmakers Ltd. cast and RIM concrete For single adults sincerely Buildings, B.C. Company, Ask about our ~le~hl~eata,, CERTIFIED C.E.F. English & the Diploma in Immediate approval, im- Western Equestrian coach mediate relief. National interested in meeting a we won't be undersold, outbo~ds~'~¢l boattr~ile~ business in the Victoria Counselling Practise be- available for lessons. Available area. Excellent family op- Credit Counsellors of companion for a sharing Service and satisfaction jr~ Hw~ ~west to school your horse as well, ginning this month, For a Canada 737-8285, 951. and caring relationship, guaranteedl Western ..... '~" eration. For more info call: ...~15-20~ ~tOl, Call Usa Hamer @ 635-7250. brochure phone Toll-free 1073, 1-888.777.0747. Fran Peters 1-800-266- Steel Buildings 1-800- 16041479-1362 evenlnc=lS, ,1-800-665-7044. Licensed & bonded, 8818. I I IIi I 6~5.98oo, ..... The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 - B11 MS FACT #1 Canada has one of rhe highest rates of mulriple SPEED iS WANTED: FLAGPERSONS BUSINESS: EXCITING home sclerosis in the world, A GROW'Ill opportunity awaits with own transportation based gift business for sale. preferrablv. Call 635-2900. Hultlple Sclerosis KILLING US. Eaniak Entire stock, shelving, work the success-minded self-moti- Society Of Canada supplies and help starting up for vated individual who is accept- 1-800-268-7582 under $2,0001 Serious inquiries ed into our training program. Road Masonary phone 1-604-692-3628. For those students with market- ing, hiring and training skills, S ense Brick • Block THRIVING ARTS and crafts The Terrace Women's Centre Society fast promotions to Branch and is seeking applications for the position of Part of the Provincial Road Safety Program. Stone • Tile store for sale in growing division responsibilities are in Houston, BC. Located in the store. Call 635-3066 for an in- Street Proofing Our Kids Trainer/Coordinator No job too small Houston Mall. Selling price: terview and ask for Kathy. $59,000. Serious enquiries The six month Slreel Proofing Our KidsProjed is designedto help childrenand 635-4167 only. Current financial BABYSrn'ER WANTED in my youth gain the skills Io identifyrisk siluaticns,to use awarenessand avoidance statements available. Please home for 1 end 3 year old. National ~, Starting aimed. 10 days per as a method of personalsafety as well as give Ihem the apporlunityto horn . Institute ~ call Naomi Himoch at Kxim some pradicoldefensive techniques. Ghan-Ada Arts & Crafts in the month. Call 638-0'122. CNIBorth,..d Houston Mall at 1-604-845- COOKS NEEDEDI Motivated, The successfulapplicanl will be respomibhfor: 7106. energetic, flexible cooks • coordinatingIroining sessions ~ If you are a dynamic person with great organizational i} UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to wantedl P/t or f/t available! Experience necessary. Call Ted • lioisingwith communityagencies and program partners /~; skills, the Canadian National Institute for the Blind ~i obtain home based franchise • designingon efficienl communilypublic relationsand program promotion from western Canada's leading at Gusto's Restaurant 635- ~i~ needsyou to share our vision. ~ process service agency. We 2545 .... strategy i~ Pleasecall Tracey collect 563-1702 or Fax 563-1787 • providinginstrudion Io sludents provide exclusive territory, ENUMERATORS WALK for ;~ if you can see a way to help, continues operational and $$$ nowH! Update your Applicantsshould possess: accounting support. National Terrace/Kitimat City directory in advertising. No experience; you home area. No selling, no • lhe ability Io adapl malerinlsand approaches Io effedively relate Io bolh childrenand youlh 'Round The Clock training provided. Small experience necessary. Paid investment required. Eleven weekly, approx. 3 weeks work • a feministperspedive on individualand communityresponsibilily for person- Freshness locations already established in starting approx. Sept. 9. al safety COLLEGESTORE ASSISTANT Make Your Choice From a B.C. Contact Lormit Prepare to work man. 32 hrs/wk. • experiencein leachingself-esteem or self-dehnce Terrace,B,C. Wide Variety of Baked Management Systems Inc., apply in writing giving street • goodwritten and oral communicationskills Goods, Soups Chili, 310, 10232 112 Street, address, phone number, etc. to • excelhnlorganizolionol skills Northwest Community College requires personnel to assist in Sandwiches and Bagels. Edmonton, AB T5K 1M4 Ph: 1- BC Directories, file no. 24 3210 • lhe ability Io work independenllyas well as (olhdively the College Store on a basis, as required. The salary will 800-459-7468. Clinton Street, Terrace, BC, Made Fresh Daily. Enjoy • a valid driver'slicence and accessIo a vehicle be in accordance with the College Agreement with the BCGEU WELL ESTABLISHED family V8G 5R2. Your Choice with Our Level 2 scale. Famous Coffee. business grocery, post office, EXPERIENCED BARBER and This is a part time position,25 hours per week for 2S weeks in a unionized Two Locations To Serve service station. For sale or hairstylist wanted for busy environment. Hoursof work are somewhatflexible but lhe successfulapplicant DUTIES.' Front-line service and sales including handlin~ cash and You Better lease. More information (604) progressive salon. Established will be expeded to work over lhe schoollunch period os well as some offer bank deposits; stocking shelves and displays; shipping and 837-6680 daytimes (604) 837- clientele. Send resume to school hours. Employment is tontingent on acceplabhresulls of a criminal OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY I 3485 evenings located in. Fourth Ave. Hair Design, Box receiving freight including packing and returning items to Revelstoke. 3100, Smithers, BC VOJ 2N0. record search publishers; recording inventory; processing purchase requests 635-2662 Phone 847-5515 Attn: Laurie or and financial documentation; properly code, distribute and check Fax 847-4184. Applicnntswill be accepleduntil 4:00 p.m. WednesdayAugusl 28, 1996 for a 4655 Lakelse, Terrace HERBALIFE projed slart date of Seplember 9. Resumes Io the Terrace Women's Centre, books; other duties as assigned. NEW SATELLITE launched SKEENA MALLFOOD COURT IHDEPEHDENTDISTRIBUTORS 4542 Park Avenue,Terrace, B.C.V8G lV4 OUALIFICATIONS: Completion of Grade 12 with computer skills I Joelinihes ,,,yeight0ndho;'e 10isof enel9~, programming reps required MALL HOURS immediately for a national including Lotus 1-2.3 and WordPerfect. Operating knowledge of You'veAlways (;ot13me F'or Tim Ilonuns : :. Fo,,noie i,tO~nialio-~icali Yvoh--'~lo at. : ~ . : 635"4857 : satellite company. Earn up to all standard office equipment. Demonstrated typing and math $2000.00 weekly. Must have a skills. Must be able to communicate well, relate well with the reliable vehicle & must be able to travel, full training provided student body and community, work as a team member and able MS is the most common for an interview call Steve at 1- to work with minimum supervision. Applicants must be able to neurological disease affecting 800-809-4422. lift 25 kg boxes on a frequent basis. Prefer two years previous young adults in Canada. QUALIFIED LIFE guards retail sales experience, needed for resort pool, apply in We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those FACT:! person at MS. Layton Hot Experienced Parts/Salesperson Hultiple Sclerosis Sprinfls. selected for an interview will be contacted. The closing date for #511/ Society of Canada SKEENA CHILD Care Support applications is August 28, 1996. Applications and resumes Program is currently registering should be submitted to: 1-800-268-7582 nurturing, energetic people who Progressive Recreational Dealership wish to provide child care for Competition 96.072B .~ one or two children or to open a has an immediate opening for a Director, Human Resources Family Day Care. Care Box 726, Terrace, B.C. V8G 4C2 HIGHLAND providers are required close to highly motivated individual, cap- FAX 635-3511 most schools. For registration DANCING information, call 638-1113 or able of being a team player. NORTHWEST COMMUNITY COLLEGE drop in to the new Family Place, Register now for fall 4553 Park Ave. Competitive wages commensurate instruction. TRIMOUNT APARMENTS in LONG RANGE PLANNER Houston is accepting with qualifications and experience. Beginners to Advanced applications for a management & ASSISTANT PLANNER Kandy (Cameron) Dilley position. 36 units in total. For We also offer a great benefits The Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine is seeking candidates for 2 information call: 1-604-845- positions in its Planning and Development Services Depadment. Member of H.D.T.A. 2111 or 1-604-845-7697. package. The Regional District provides local government services within a Ph: 638-2099 WANT AMIBITIOUS go-getter rural region of 100,000 km ~in northwest 8.C. The offices are located for summer work... Full-time ca- in the regional service centre of Terrace (pop. 20,000). reer potential. Earnings oppor- Apply in person with resume to: tunity of $250+ per week. Call The LONG RANGE PLANNER will be responsible for preparation Kathy 635-3066. of official community plans, zoning and other regulatory bylaws. For Lease Other administrative tasks will be assigned such as supervising con- New Office/Warehouse sultant studies and overseeing consultation programs for the Solid Complex W::TE,Oa~oRETlRdEtDion:andy HElD ENTERPRISES LTD. Waste Management Plan. A minimum of 5 years experience, uni- 2,000 or 4,000 sq. ft. units, exchange for repairs, general Recreational Sales and Services versify degree in planning or related field and familiadty with British storefront, warehouse with upkeep., ,& ahander~;t:;drt~le 4921 Keith Ave., Terrace, B.C. Columbia legislation are expected. OH door, mezzanine p pr[y y py . to file #25. c/o Terrace Attn. Greg Delaronde The ASSISTANT PLANNER will padicipate in the day-to-day oper- option, NG heat, parking. Standard. ~ 5008 Pohle Avenue ations of the Planning Department. Primary responsibilities will be in Phone 635-7459 interpretation of land use bylaws, and processing of subdivision and Agricultural Land Reserve applications and land referrals. A techni- ROGRESSIVE cal background or appropriate university degree in land use plan- | I VENTURES LIrID Office/Warehouse .- /OOkln" g for .- ning is required. Good oral and written communication skills are - - @ H required for both position. Salaries will be commensurate on experi- We , re UNIGLOBE TRAVEL, the largest travel ._.- Child. Care.. ence and qualifications. Storefront, offices, r ~. . t • •, ./. • ~,~.sKeena cnild care suppodH warehouse, agency rrancmse neTworK m r~orm ~menca. ~| program can help you make the ~ Reply in confidence by Friday, August 30,1996 to c/w OH door, NG heat, Fast grow • ng agency requires" a part-t "me trove ~.~4 right choice. for. your child' For~.. ~ Inzormallonon ChOosingcare aria e~ Personnel Manager Keith & Kenney Street consultant to begin Se tember 3, 1996 ~ availableo tions call -1'1 Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine 11635.7 Phone: 635-7459 p . , P ,, 300-4545 Lazelle Avenue Terrace, 8.C. Please forward resume to: UNtGLOBECOURTESY ~,~ COCO at 638-1113 ~ 1'4 " H V8G 4E1 TRAVEL ~4 A flee serviceprovided by the H Phone: (604) 635-7251 4718 Lazelle Avenue H TerraceWomen's Resource Centre 1.4 Fax: 635-9222 Terrace, BC ~ and funded bytheMinJstryof ~ Women'sEquality. 1'4 Piano ~z=zzzz=z:zzz:z:=±~, 0nly those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. REACH 40,000,000 INTERNET USERS AND SELL Instruction YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE FREE -,, ON THE INFORMATION SUPER HIG • Reach 40,000,000 Internes User /SYLVAHA DROMAH • Show Your Products In Full Color Graphics • Immediate Response , ~ +. .:'+ .'+.~.,+ t~..~: "I • INTRODUCING Comprehensive piano studies for beginners • Don't Miss This Once-M-A-Lifetime FREE Advertising Offer! WAX 'N' WORX (adults or children) to Grade 7 Royal YES,I WOULDLOVE TO ADVERTISE MY PRODUCrOR SERVICETO 40,OOO,O00 ml by Diane IHTERNETUSERS FOR FREE! PLEASE SEND ME MOREINFORMATION. TOPPERS, RENTALS& SALES J ~ YearsExperience in: Cutand Mail to: Tents for banquets, weddings or outdoor I • Electrolysis • Make-up • Manicure Name ...... FREEAOVERnSING Offer BlendThermolysis * Facials & Pedicure ISE activities. Rent by the day, week or month. I (DisposableFilaments) ,, Waxing ,, Lash& BrowDye P.O.BOX 22023 Phone/Fax 635-2157 j Call l)iane Krmmi~aifor an at~ointment at 635.5875 Address ...... PRINCERUPERT, B.C. V8J4P8 (604) 624.6905 Phone ...... 0R fOR F/Sff.RSERVICE F~ 10 ] . Harmony Clowns (6(N) 627-4397 uter 638-860e

HIRE A LOGGERCONSULTING 'N KSAN HOUSE SOCIETY 3987 Kerby Street, Terrace, B.C.'~#! ~'FE.202 - 4630LAZELLE AVE. & TRAININGAGENff TERRACE.B,C. VgO IT~ PHONE: (604)633,2173 FAX: (fi04)53~-2315 IVATE POST SECONDARY TRAINING INSTnlJTION AT TERRACE TERRACE SEXUAL ASSAULT CENTRE LEVEL 1 FIRST RID SUPPORT COUNSELOR August 21 & 22, 1996 EVENING ...... $75 Full time salaried union position, 35 hours per week with 3 Lessons August 24, 1996 ...... $75 weeks annual vacation and complete benefit package. Hourly couot~~° o=,Accessonos n,~ Ray the piano for funl Studythe ToronloConservalory TRANSPORTATION ENDORSEMENT rate of pay, as established by our collective agreement, is bet- T%~'.,~ program (off grades).21 yearsexperience wilh LR.S.M., August 25, 1996 ...... $75 wean $15.73 and $1632, .~.~ Cu~*omOrders 8. MUS.,M. MUS., RM.T. and a memberof T I.M.E QUALIFICATIONS: A bachelor of social work degree and/or • e=.,6~s.m~ ~ ~oo, c,..... , ' CallMrs. Oktmt LEVEL 3 FIRST AID extensive related training and experience in 'FZ.f~~Finlshe¢t 635.1261 August 19 - 31, 1996 (8 spots left) ...... $595 cdsis management, sexual assault, wife assault, Sept. 16.27, I996 ...... $595 child sexual abuse, and knowledge of first NOW OPEN •" " TRAFFIC CONTROL nations cultures. Sept 12-13, DAYS 8:00 TO 4:00 ...... $150 Applicants should possess: .Artistic ~air ~tttbi, " "":';' " -Ability to maintain accurate client flies, ~ Invltou you to atop In for a visit. The hours are ~ -. ,~.;,! FIRE SUPPRESSION -Ability to work effectively In a "team" environment especially convenient for all you busy people who I -Understanding of the legal system as It relates care about your hair. Prs¢lslon cuts, penni, colo~, I 1~ J.T. DISTRIBUTORS LTD. g August31, 1996 ...... $100 tovictims. carsC°mproduct=raw|' eartoo.plar©lng, was, make.up and hal, I TENT RENTALS & SALES | -Ability to recruit, train and edentate volunteers. ...Come oft Inl You have to tee It to betlcveItl e SPECIALEVENTS/CO/WV~ERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL | NOTE: There will be a $25 non-refundable J DEBBIE BLANCHETT ~tS=D~Hr 964-4560 I -Knowledge of community agencies and ablUty 4844 w~.. ~t 638-8928 I ROBERT KELLY ttR~CE 638" 1833 | deposit required to hold your seat. toworkeffectively with same. Employment is conditional pendlng results of a Cdmlnal Record Call for information on other courses. Search and the employee will be required to stgn an oath of Confidentiality. q• ':" ' " ' S Y Please send resumes and references by September 6, 1995 to Th ,Bed of Ro espy!= the address listed above A1"I'IEN11ONISexual Assault Centre Coordinator. Only successful applicants will be notified. 4.34C~"'VAV...T,,;,-~-. ~'~0~'C"~635"1720 '2:I i B12 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 Adult SpecialEducation FRASER LAKE & Dist. tSmart Support Worker Chamber of Commerce Fall Trade Fair, Sept. 13, 14, & 15 Terrace, B,C, at Fraser Lake arena. Opening (~ FIGHT THE The Developmental Studies Department of Northwest Community hours: Fri. Sept. 13 - 6 pm to 9 College in Terrace requires a support worker in the Adult Special pm set up, 9 pm to 10 pm wine LUNG & cheese for participants. Sat. Education Programmefor students with disabilities. This position is a Sept; 14 - 10 am to 9 pm Sun. CRIPPLERS part-time (28 hours per week) recurring appointment commencing Sept, 15 - 10 am to 4 pm to August 30, 1996 and terminatingJune 2, 1997, The salary will be in book your booth or for more accordance with the CollegeAgreement with the BCGEUsupport staff information call 699-6219 scale, LevelSix, (Sherri) or fax 699-8874. Exhibit NOTICE TO fee $65.00. • see a wildfire this summer call 1,800,663'5S55 J~JEe,&: Under the direction of the Instructor, the Support Worker will CREDITORS accompanythe instructor and students on field trips; model work skills A NIRVANA METAPHYSIC and work-relatedbehavior at the work site; providejob coaching;Obtain, & HEALING CENTRE AND OTHERS set up or prepare equipment and instructional resources; assist Your Welcome Re: The estate of individualsor small groups with various learningassignments, including A,qOMATHEnAPY.EssenffalOtis balanced with JANICE FAYE MASON, a tutor.role following the Instructional plans. The support worker will Massagefor Your Personal ffe~llng Wagon eEFLEXOLOGY.tebalance all BodySystems also known as JAN Canada has one of the highest also be involvedin arrangingwork placementsites. creatinga stateof Well Being. Hostesses for MASON, deceased, for- rates of multiple sclerosis in Oualifications: Social Service Worker Certificate or equivalent Qua(fliedPractitioners - for Appointments merly of 4734 Park the world. educational background. Experience in thefieldof adult special "ff: 635-7776 Terrace, B.C. Avenue, Terrace, British educationand an attitude and philosophywh!ch will promoteand foster Columbia. FACT, 3611 Cottonwood are: Creditors and others Hultiple Sclerosis independencein students. A valid B.C. driver's license and use of a Society of Canada vehicleare required, in Thornhill Elaine 635-3018 having claims against the estate of Janlce Faye .., I -800-268-7582 We thank oil applicantsfor their interest, however,only those selected Francine 635-2688 Mason are hereby for an interview will be contacted. Resumes should be submitted by notified under section 38 August 27 to: Terry 635-6348 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their Gillian 635-3044 Competition 96.0718 .~ CORRECTION claims should be sent to the executor at WARNER Director, Human Resources If you have 340. LEGAL .i , ' 340! LEGAL In this week's Kmarl flyer the BANDSTRA, 200 - 4630 Box 726, Terrace, B.C. V8G 4C2 Boys' 8-16 Striped Polo Shirt fea- moved to Terrace Lazelle Avenue, Terrace, ' :~:NOTICES ~ NOTICES NORTHWEST COMMUNITY COL[EI3E tured on page19 will not be avail- or have just had a B.C., VaG 1S6 on or able due to unforseen before September 12, circumstances. new baby, or are lg96, after which date REQUEST FOR TENDER ~:~ getting married, or the executor will distrib- Local Work Contract Number E704-96-18 ,~, ": We appohgizefar any inconve- ute the estate among the 'a~t',,,.=,~ VACANCY niencethis may havecaused. starting a new parties entitled to it, hav- BC Hydro invites tenders to perform the following work: SCHOOL DISTRICT 88 (TERRACE business, just give ing regard to the claims New Aiyansh - Build subdivision extension as per B.C. KmortCanada Umited of which the executor Hydro Drawing//6730-643459. CO-ORDINATOR ~ne of us a call.,) then has notice. Stewart - Build 10 pole 3 phase 25kv extension to sewage lagoons as per B.C. Hydro drawing 6730-661531 RESOURCE CENTRE SERVICES Stewart - Build transformer bank and install secondary as Got a complaint per B.C. Hydro drawing #6730-662468. Duties: This is a part time(.5) position for a about the press? Tender closes August 23/96 person to have sole responsibility for the ... let the Press Council know operation of a First Nations Resource Centre HAZELTON DISTRICT Tender Packages are available at the BC Hydro Terrace Formed at the initiative of the office. Please refer to Local Work Contract Number E704- 96-18. which will support First Nations teachers newspaper publishers in British ordering of the collection, supplies and Cohlmbia, we are a non-judicial PUBLIC LIBRARY For further information, please contact R.G. Bowles at 638- equipment is expected. review board which hears 6612. unresolved complaints about Monday ...... 7:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. BC Hydro, 5220 Keith Avenue, Terrace, V8G 4R5 A .~l Qualifications: Desirable qualifications are a the press. Tuesday ...... ll:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. M.L.S. degree and experience in establishing The Press Council seeks to ...... 7:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. BChgdro • special collections. ensure fairness and accuracy Wednesday ...... 11:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Pay rate and benefitsto be discussed. and promotes quality journalism ...... 7:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. while protecting the free flow Closing date is August 24. To apply please of information: Thursday ...... I h00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. submit a resumewith at least three references Friday ...... 11:00 a,m.- 5:00 p.m, B.C. Press Council Saturday ...... Noon- 4:00 p.m. to: 900- 1281 \V. Georgia St. Mr. Skip Bergsma, Vancouver B.C V6E3J7 CLOSED SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS Assistant Superintendent of Schools Tel/Fax: (604) 683-2571 School District 88 (Terrace) 3211 Kenney St., DAIRY AVENUE Terrace, B.C. V8G 3E9 ROAD RECONSTRUCTION & Fax: (604) 638-4409 RELATED INFRASTRUCTURE CONTRACTS

Tender Documents and Offer Forms for road reconstruction and related infrastructure are PRr~J~k Thornhill C01d Storage, 3446 Edhnd St., Terrace, B.C. Marc Lissoway, Regional Manager and Staff available from Friday, August 23, 1996, and may A/fi~ra Ex.'t~er~/~oro~d.~ V8G 4T5, Phone: (604) 638-8233, Fax: (604) 638-8946 of the Great-West Life Assurance Company be picked up for a non-refundable fee of $25.00, PRTis lookingfor o manager for our tree seedlingstorage cooler in Thornhill.The managerwill be responsible wish to give recognition to: at the PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING, 5003 for shipping,receiving, monitoring stock quality, thawingseedlings, site security,some supervision, and site Graham Avenue, Terrace, weekdays between the maintenance. "James M. Lynch" hours of 8:00 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. It is with great pride that the Central BC Operationstake place in Sept. and Nov. through to June. Employmentis full time only in Sept and April Tender to close at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, August throughJune. Regional Agency takes this opportunity to thank Jim Lynch for his "30 YEARS" 30th, 1996. Applicantsmust be responsible,self motivated,and able to administershipping invoices. The applicantmay of hard work and dedicated service. work either as a contradoror on employee.Annual salary is $18,000 to $20,000 dependingon qualifications. Great job Jim and continued success!! Positionmay beginimmediately. Fax resumesc/o: PRTSummit Hursery, P.O. Box 540, TelkwaB.C., VOJ 2XO, Fax: (604) 846-5796, Attn: NurseryManager.

CHOICES LAND ACT Take notice that Doublas M. Russell and Lemuol Russel of Terrace, B,C. SERVICE TO PEOPLE occupation Painting Contractors inland to make aft application for a light industri- ~ ,L~320.:wORKI~I :;: WITH MENTALHANDICAPS al crown lease of land genoraUy situated East of Terrace off highway 16 and more specificagy described in Ca) or (b) below: ::: :WANTED :: ). ( a) Portion of lot 1. DL 351 Range 5, Coast District Plan 10504 Except Plan COMMERCIAL FISHING in •T' :.." ..,.:':.'..,M,,~: .".. "/i ~ .: THORNHILL 12142 containing approximaaey 1,65 ha. Alaska. Make up to $30,000.00 THANK YOU (b) Commencing at a post planted by survey pin (rPR A REM-t) marked by in three months. Other positions BUTTON TOP loader and CO~NITY All participantsof the drop-in centre for the Choices Communitycli- post no. 1, thence 140m. East Post #2; thence 15Ore South to power pole thence available. Both men/women, trucks looking for work. Ph: C]~q3RC H ents would like to thank the following people for making their 110 m. West; and containing 1.65 ha more or less. Call 7 days. 1-504-643-7970 (604) 567-9668 (Vanderhoof). The purpose for which the land is required iS light industrial• dream come true: Other interested parites are inviled to make their intentions known to BC Ext. 0565K34. PAINTER, 15 years experience, At The.~hmJ~llCo~z=~ Hall Lands within 30 days of the date of this notice. special rates on interior, exterior Teens& ,NlifltBible Classes houses, Special rates for sen- Stmday'sCool Clp F~ ~es 2.12 9:30 The Church of Christ for allowing us to use their facility. The follow- Comments concerning this application )~.~~~ iors. Free estimates. Phone ing organizations and individual for donating furniture: Sean may be made to the Senior Land concg~ &~Careers Officer, Ministry of Environment, Lands/"~. 635-3783. Teens Y0utla Groups Moldenhaur, Kondolas,Terrace Furniture,and Totem Furniture. and Parks Lands Division. ~7"--7"" cs;~.,i.;, ol ~6h<=,o, ,d.,) " RESPONSIBLE MOM of two Adult Mid-w~eklBibte Studies Bag 5000, Slithers. B.C, V0J 2N0 Tetophone: 847.7334 wishes to babysit (days) in my The following for donatingfood and beverages: Red Carpet Coffee own home Uplands area. Cd~'e's Prosch~o~ &'M.U~.M.S File No: Tl~mdays a:3o-rj:oo act.May Service, and Totem Beverages/OldDutch and to Wallindas Craft Dated: ~ Jg,_C_L93~ Excellent references. Call 635- )Piastor Ro~0okcr Supply and Misty River Tackle Shop for donating activity Be advised any responses to this advertisement will be considered part of the pub- 6350. P~Lst6~Rbb] B~s~0h lic record. For inlormation, contact an FOI Advisor, BC Lands, Skeena Region, P,~ ,w,,~ ~d,,e 13, 1996 equipment. 847.7034. /T ii 260:tNI:~ i We appreciate your support.. MEMORIUM" .... Self Help/RSP staff and clients St. Matthew's Anglican Church 4514 LakelseAve. .__...... Ph. 635.9019 Emergencies: 638.1472 HumanResources Ddveloppementdes N,/ DevelopmentCanada ress0urceshumaineo Canada OIFl --,,-.llu Pastor:The Rev.Dean Houghton LOGGING LIMITED Deacon:The Rev.Jim Cain I Come Worship With us Sad to be Closing but ORENDA LOGGING LTD. Sundays 10:00 a.m. I FOREST LICENCE A-16883 Holy Eucharist see you next summer! PROPOSED SILVICULTURE PRESCRIPTIONS Sunday School & Nursery I available Notice of Pre-Harvest Silviculture Prescriptions Or Silviculture The Student Prescriptions For Areas To Be Logged. Wednesdays 7:00 p.m, I Employment Centre (Pursuant to Section 12 of the silviculture regulation) In loving Memory Of I 0 ~ would like to thank The following areas have proposed prescriptions that will Jose Garcia Soares all who participated apply if approval to log the area is obtained from the Ministry I of Forests. The proposed prescriptions will be available for April 7, 1933-Aug.25, 1995 '~ Lll IH I"1 J in the Hire-A-Student AREYOU..... ,i, a.,i t program this viewing until September 27, 1996 at the location noted I below, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Gods~ yougetting tired, TERRACE TRANSITION HOUSE summer. We Ando curewas not to be, offers 24 hour safe shelter to Sohe wrapped you in his lovingarms, women with or without childrer I appreciate your To ensure consideration before logging commences, any andwhispered "Came wilh me." You can call. Evenjust to talk. support and look written comments must be made to Rod Amod, R.P.R, Yousuffered much in silence, Battering is not o.kl I Woodlands Manager, at Orenda Logging Led., Box 1000, forward to working Mezladin Lake, B.C, V0J 3S0, by the above date. Yourspirit did not bend, It is not o.k. for someone with you next year! Youlaced your pain with courage, to hit you I Untilthe very end. or push you To hire staff this fall, Cuffing Cut Youtried so hardto staywith us, or yell at you I call the Student Location Area ~mend Yourfight was nil in vain, or scare you Employment Centre , Permit Block (ha) Yes/No ,,l( %t Godtook you in hislovingarms, You can be safe. I at 635-7134, 152 I Windfall 50.0 No Andsaved you from oil the pain. There are safe places. 153 1 Windfall 55.0 NO Wemourn him in silence, I noeyes can see us weep, TERRACE TRANSITION 270 I Sigma 55.0 No but manya silenttear is shed HOUSE: I 277 1 Sigma 35.0 No CONFIDENTIAL - Your self im- whileothers are off asleep 325 I Kwinageese 40.0 No provement plan will be OUR 635-6447 I loveyou and mess you dearly, I 703 1 Grief 60.0 No LITTLE SECRET. More energy, 24 HOURS A DAY better health, weight control? yourdaughter, He(alia& Family i I a student. Canad Free consultation. CDT Health Orenda Logging Ltd. & Nutrition. Burns Lake 1-800- Bi n n m n i m n an n m m 600-7319. The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 - B13

i. r CLEAR ICI|I|VlIE .=hill THE AIR | I..;r()l,l,l--Ii..; b O'llP [ ,,~ A~ Reduce alr |

"~" woodsmoke I and oulo emissionswilh tips | i I :iI i from the Association. / BRITISH COLUMBIA / ./:' :: ' ~ . I LU~GASSO~ATZON.o.~m9s,..o,O i/ I I the timesaving of a laundromat all at one v...... ucw~m / II convenient location. IIii I" Laundromat • Snacks • ConfectioneryI II I" DairyPr°dum " Gr°=eries" PetF°od I IRende ous Restaurant NOTICES [12701 Kalum Street, Terrace 638-7890 F~OU~NN DEATI OCNO& F~R TI ~RG~CO~T~AIcTNs @. Rendezvous=Sangarn=MeetingPlace r--,. SIDING & ROOFING - 7 / BRICKS & CERAMIC TILES DIStrict of Stefl,art FLOORING INSTA LLATIONS "" ~ ~{ ~;Zturing l Reauest for proposals RENOVATIONS ,r |, , ~l~iAul~enfic East Indinn Foodr'\ Community Forestry Brlslness Plan (~ FREE ESTIMATES Wood Fibre Supply Assessment & Value.Added lm,estment StrateEy PHONE: ', ' /! I ( II I " I 4644 LAZELLE635-4494 r /| / fl i /" 1.0 Key ProoonentInformation B38-7828 Proposalsclearly marked "Community Business Plan" will be accepted up to 4:00 p.m,, September 12, 1996. • CONTRACTING Any inquiries regarding this proposal should be directed to the contact person listed below. Proposals received after the closing time will not he consideredand will be returned unopened. No fax proposalswill be accepted.

Please direct proposals to: Mr. Brian M, Wocdwarcl,CMC Administrator Box 460-705 BrightwellStreet FLUID APPLIED ELASTOMERIC COATING Stewart, B.C. V0T lWO FreeEstimgles AsphaltShingle MelalRoof MossRemoval Information offered from other sources other than the above Is not official end may be Inaccurate, PressureWash Send two (2) copies of each proposal to the above named contract. Proponenls are advised to read and NOR-RANGE DISTRIBUTORS LTD. respondto ALL sections of this RFR An incompleteproposal may be rejected. 3980 OLD LAKELSELK. RD. 2.0 BB~ 0ve~le. Terrace, B.C. 635-7855 2.1 The contract objectives are: • To investigatethe options, opportunitiesand constraintsof securing a wood fibre supply that can either be PIONEER UPHOLSTERY SHELL CANADA PRODUCTS LTD. controlled by the Distdct or awarded to potential investors that meet the District's investment or value- since 1973 BRIAN BURDETT added processingobjectives; For ALL Your • To develop a strategy and a business plan for attracting incremental or value-added solid wood invest- FOR ALL YOUR UPHOLSTERY NEEDS BURDETT DISTRIBUTORS (1977) LTD, Bulk Lubrication ments of Stewart; 4760 KEITH AVENUE TERRACE, B.C. V8G 5P3 Gas and Diesel • To outline the major constraints and relative benefits to forest industry investments in the District of We Re-Cover:Sofas,Chairs, Motorcycle Aml BoatSeals Stewart. BUS: (604} 635-2818 Needs • Car SeatsRecovered With OriginolFabric~ FAX: (604) 638-1188 2.2 BoatF_r_aming, Tops And Cushions +.*.+ ., RES: (604) 635-3367 JeepAndTent Zippers ~ Fabrics,Vinyls, Canvas '- Stewartwishes to improve the economicstability of its communityand minimizethe vulnerabilityof job losses PRINCE RUPERT associatedwith its past. Over the years, the District has lacked local control in the decision making process for the greater area. The contractoris expectedto accomplish the following objectives: (604] 627-4192 3901 Dobbie St. STEWART 1. Researchoptions for secudng a wood fibre supply,including: Claudette Sandecki 635-9434 (604] 636-2344 Shell (i) an examinationof the current log volumes being exportedthrough the District of Stewatt's harbeur with a focus on the potential for a portion of these volumesto be available for value-addedprocessing in or near Stewart; (it) a search for uncommitted timber, including "problem forest types" in the surrounding "timber Supply SIMONS CONSTRUCTION Areas (TSA) with a special focus on the Nass and CassiarTSA's; (iti) an analysis for the potential for wood residues to be secured as a fibre supply for remanufacturing rpentry - Renovations options; ~ (iv) an analysis of any such uncommitted timber to determine the potential for the District of Stewart to VICTOR P. WE$ No Job too Small ~+~, "~.~. secure a fibre supply. This analysis will include a feasibility study of applying for a Community Based OPTOMETRIST Forest Tenure; ,l~+/ ?~ Seniors Rates (v) the developmentof applicafionsto secure a fibre supply.

638-8055 3678 Juniper St. Malcolm Simons 2. Outlinethe major constraints and relative benefits to forest industry investments in the District of Slewed Terrace, B.C. Ph. 635-7724 including, but not limited to: #1 - 4748 Lakelse, Terrace V8G 5E7 (i) accessto timber supply; (Also with locations in Smithers and Houston) (it) constraintsand benefits of location; .~- (iii) constraintsand benefits of infrastruction, includingindustrial area and services Such ~)he'l~ur po'Gi~.'~, and deep water shipping facilities. -...... ~" ~..... *'

3. Developa strategy for attracting value-added investments1o Stewart by conducting a review o the policies and strategiesused by other remote communitiesto attract investmentand jobs with a focurs on forest sector investments,including but not limited to: (i) researchingthe essentialsof a businessplan for provision to potential inveslors; [H: EIiI ;I =:Ill ;l :I,11 h,d,lIM I~1:! f1:1dl #.I zl.-i :l;i,~ [d :(.1 (ii) an identificationof the most likely forest seclor investors; (iii) a promotion plan to attract investmentin Ihe wood processingfacilities; Weddings, Grads, Birthdays, Anniversaries, To & From Dinner. Scenic (iv) opportunitiesfor partnershipand joint ventures Tours, Airport Service and any other Custom Special Requests. Serving the Pacific N0rthwesr. The proponentwill need Io supply a muitidisciplinaryteam of professionalsthat can work effectivelytogelher Call 635-5588 to accomplish the wide scope of activities. In addition, the proponent will need to work with elaff from the FAX 635-4403 District and other agencies. Advanced Bookings #7, 3330 River Drive 2,3 Recommended Terrace, B.C. V8G 3P1 The followingdeliverables ate envisagedfor this project: • Meetingswith the Distdctstaff and/or Council • Productionand delivery of the findings and report In a disk format (WordPerfectfor Windows) • Five copies of the completedanalysis, recommendationsand business plan for the District. I TwilightSpas & Pump Supply WINDSURFING LESSONS @ I 3,0 RFP Process I~h~,,~ ~ • Super Selection of Col Spas gister Ca!l Aaron~t: ... 3,1 "r]mlnoand Budo@t I~~"z " Chemicals & Fragrances (604) 638 8004 The contract will commence immediately upon being awarded and will need to be completed wilhin 90 Billiards: Filter Cleaning Services days, Proponentsshould supply a timeline outliningIhe processand work-plan and budget details. • FREEWater Testing Lessons~ns includeInclude a wind~windsurfer, ~ y wetsuit, and P.F.D. 32 Evaluation Criteria Novice Certification AIR-N-WATER Proposals will be evaluated by the District staff and Council. Proponents must demonstrate in their pro- Group of 2-4 people posal that they have a clear understanding of this RFP, Proponenls need to articulate their porposals, ADVENTURES Including intentionsand expectationsindicating how thel will fulfill lhe requirementsof the RFP and what 6 hr. lesson over 2 days, 638-8004 semcas they will provide. Evaluationcriteda used to evaluate proposalsfall into the following three main categories:

Contractor aualifleMi; , Vicki Perviainen , applicableexperience/capabitity KERMODEI DIVE SHOP ' qualificationsof key pemonnel Dance Stud,o , related project of knowledgeof the area , references A variety of: Jazz, Ballet, O'NEILL P.~ *, Ethnic character and ii: See Us FirstFor Your,Waterski );I • quality of proposal Tap within classes. ,i( & Diving Wetsults! .:.;i;iI • ability to underslandrelevant issues and options 1o investigate AGES: 41/2 to Adult • methodologyand approach 4546 Lazelle Ave., Terrace • managemenUorganizationalalan Phone: 635-7483 ProoonentCost: 635-9440 • contractors price proposaland allocationof costs

3.3 KeyPersonnel Proponents shall identify the managementstaff and key personnelto be responsiblefor implementation of the anlicipeted contract. Provide educationalbackground, professional designation, experience and I Other relevant information. Special considerationwill be given to proposals that demonstrate the abilily _ PRIMERICA and/or interest potential investor/operatorsto the District. Financial Services 3.4 ChimneyF Proponentsmay request changes to the conlract requirementas described in this RFP with an indication Cleaning of a PETE ARCADI of the reason, and if applicable,the impact on the tolal contract price.... blems improv{ Branch Manager 3.5 We work Bus: (604) 635-7800 Res (604) 638-8505 Proposalsshall include the following signed certificate: "The statementmade in Ihis proposal ate correctand truthful reoresanfalions.If selected, I/we wilt nogo. By Appointment Only ffale in good faith with the Disldct of Stewart.' trr,umxe offed Ib=.,~ ~ WeImurmx, (w, Wq d (or~= Mm'udFur~ off.ed lhm~ IFJ. Im,egmer~ Qmdo Ut[ Proponent (please lype/pdnf) I'I~ O~m,:'.=~ Or,~o Officer: Signature: "title: Date: I CIIlMI[ I 3.6 q=' ) ) ; 4" All documentssubmitted by the proponentsshall become Ihe propertyof the District. ,,,o,,,.,,., 3.7 P_~ 635.TIPS The District reservesthe fight to reject any or all proposals,and to accept the proposal that best fits with- in the above criteria.All costs for preparingthe proposalare the responsibilityof the promonem. B14 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 21, 1996

< ":" TROL

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