Leading the Way for Seniors and Supportive Housing

Lac Ste. Anne Foundation is for Albertans and with ’s government

For Albertans and with Alberta's government – this the Premier's vision of providing choice to seniors so is the simplest way to describe the operation of the that they can stay in their home communities.” Lac Ste. Anne Foundation. Year after year, the facili- ties of this organization have increased in numbers All of the above became a reality in 2010, when the and improved in services. They go hand-in-hand with Foundation entered into partnership agreements with their mandate – To provide quality living options and Alberta Health Services to provide personal care ser- support services within the communities we serve. As vices in its Facilities. With the addition of Personal George VanderBurg, a Member of the Legislative As- Care Supports the mandate of the Foundation con- sembly of Alberta, puts it: “This partnership helps fulfill tinues to enhance as residents dignity is maintained

2 Business View Magazine Business View Magazine 3 and their independence promoted daily. A new facil- units, 22 supportive-housing units, numerous private ity was constructed in 2011, Vera Wolfe, a resident of landlord rent supplement designations and direct to the Pleasantview Lodge, testified: “The new, spacious tenant rent supplement. The facilities include Spruce building is much nicer than the old one. I really like it View Lodge in (50 Units), Pleasant View ... It's more roomy.” Lodge in (51 Units), Chateau Lac Ste. Anne Lodge in (50 Units), Woodland Villa in Without a doubt, there are many more aspects to Lac Whitecourt (16 Units), Sunnydale Manor in Mayer- Ste. Anne Foundation than larger rooms and facilities. thorpe (12 Units), Highview Haven in Mayerthorpe (12 It is governed by a Board of Directors that consists of Units), Westwind Manor in Sangudo (8 Units), Tri-Lakes the representatives from many municipalities: Town of Manor in Darwell (12 Units), Lakeview Manor in Gunn Onoway, Town of Whitecourt, Woodlands County, Lac (33 Units), Seeley Manor in Onoway (12 Units), Beau- Ste. Anne County, Town of Mayerthorpe, Village of Al- pre Court in Onoway (8 Units), Community housing in berta Beach, Summer Villages of , Castle Is- Whitecourt (19 Units), Community housing in Mayer- land, Nakumun Park, , Sandy Beach, Silver thorpe (3 Units), and rent supplement designation and Sands, South View, Sunrise Beach, Sunset Point, Val direct rent supplement in Whitecourt, Mayerthorpe, Quentin, and Yellowstone. Sangudo, , Gunn and Onoway.

The Lac Ste. Anne Foundation manages 151 lodge/ The Foundation operates within a 7.6 million dollar op- supportive living units, 113 senior self-contained erating and capital budget and mirrors the calendar

2 Business View Magazine Business View Magazine 3 4 Business View Magazine Business View Magazine 5 year with respect to its twelve-month fiscal period. The Their mandate is to fundraise on behalf of the Pleas- staffing components consist of Kitchen staff, Lodge Assistants, Social & Leisure Staff, Licensed Practi- cal Nurses, Heath Care Aids, Maintenance personnel and casual helpers. In addition, a Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Administrative Assistant/Reception, Fi- nance Officer, Finance Clerk, Administrative Services Maintenance department/Safety Officer and 5 Site Managers. Currently, the Foundation employs over 100 staff.

Employees of the Lac Ste. Anne Foundation are as much of a priority as the residents and tenants they serve. The Foundation is committed to providing edu- cation opportunities for all staff, not only profession- ally, however, personally as well. Employees that work in this industry are unique, they deserve every oppor- tunity to succeed and the Foundation is committed to providing the tools to do so.

The Lac Ste. Anne Foundation is very fortunate to a group of committed volunteers from the Mayerthorpe community, the Friends of Lac Ste. Anne Foundation.

4 Business View Magazine Business View Magazine 5 6 Business View Magazine Business View Magazine 7 ant View Lodge (Mayerthorpe) to assist in providing No matter how far the Lac Ste. Anne Foundation has Social & Leisure services and programs in the facili- progressed and how unique their services may be, ties for residents to participate and have input in. To they always look to the future, with specific goals at date the Friends have contributed over $350,000 to the forefront. The foundation will continue to work the Lac Ste. Anne Foundation. collaboratively with all the partners they do business with, improve and exceed the ongoing education and Overall, Alberta Health Services provide support for training for staff and continue to strive for excellence over 3.7 million Albertans. Their focus is to establish and the best interest of the seniors and supportive a patient-based, quality health system, just like Lac housing clients. Lastly, they are committed to provid- Ste. Anne Foundation is determined to continue their ing person-centered housing options recognizing every resident-based focus. The seniors care counts over resident is unique and requires an individual approach 100, 000 Albertans annually. Such aspects of this and attention. care like independent living and the supportive hous- ing components have become possible not only due to PREFERRED VENDORS the Alberta's government initiative, but also with full cooperation and willingness to strive for excellence of Capital Estate Planning the Lac Ste. Anne Foundation. www.capitalestateplanning.com

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