U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey

Volcano Hazards in the Region,

Open-File Report 01–366

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 1 Cover photograph San Salvador volcano viewed from the southeast. The broad edifice of El Boquerón is on the left, and steep-sided El Picacho is on the right. San Salvador city is in the foreground. (Photograph by J.J. Major, U.S. Geological Survey).

2 Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador

By J.J. Major, S.P. Schilling, D.J. Sofield, C.D. Escobar, and C.R. Pullinger

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Open-File Report 01-366

Vancouver, Washington U.S.A. 2001

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Gale Norton, Secretary

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Charles G. Groat, Director

This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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4 Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador CONTENTS

Introduction ...... 1 Volcanic Phenomena ...... 2 Hazardous phenomena at composite volcanoes ...... 4 Tephra ...... 4 and pyroclastic surge ...... 5 flows and lava domes ...... 5 Volcanic gases...... 6 Debris avalanche, landslide, and lahar ...... 6 Hazardous phenomena at monogenetic volcanoes ...... 7 Past Events at San Salvador Volcano ...... 7 Future Activity at San Salvador Volcano ...... 10 Events at Other Volcanoes Can Affect the San Salvador Region ...... 11 Volcano-Hazard-Zonation Maps ...... 11 Proximal volcanic hazard zone ...... 12 Lahar hazard zones ...... 12 Regional volcanic hazard zone ...... 13 Hazard Forecasts and Warnings ...... 13 Protecting Communities and Citizens from Volcano-Related Hazards ...... 14 References ...... 15 Additional Suggested Reading ...... 15 End Notes ...... 15

PLATES [In pocket] 1. Volcano hazards in the San Salvador region, El Salvador. Proximal-volcanic and lahar hazard zones from an event at San Salvador volcano. 2. Volcano hazards in the San Salvador region, El Salvador. Regional volcanic hazard zone that could be affected by eruptions of monogenetic volcanoes.

FIGURES 1. Location of major cities and significant Quaternary volcanoes in El Salvador...... 2 2. Simplified sketch showing hazardous events associated with volcanoes like San Salvador .... 3 3. Summary of eruptive history of San Salvador volcano, based largely on Sofield (1998) ...... 8

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 5 6 Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador

By J.J. Major, S.P. Schilling, D.J. Sofield1, C.D. Escobar2, and C.R. Pullinger2

INTRODUCTION fissures on its flanks [1] (numerals in brackets refer to end notes in the report). In addition, several San Salvador volcano is one of many volca- small cinder cones and explosion craters are noes along the volcanic arc in El Salvador located within 10 kilometers of the volcano. Since (figure 1). This volcano, having a volume of about about 1200 A.D., eruptions have occurred almost 110 cubic kilometers, towers above San Salvador, exclusively along, or a few kilometers beyond, the the country’s capital and largest city. The city has a northwest flank of the volcano, and have consisted population of approximately 2 million, and a primarily of small explosions and emplacement of population density of about 2100 people per square lava flows. However, San Salvador volcano has kilometer. The city of San Salvador and other erupted violently and explosively in the past, even communities have gradually encroached onto the as recently as 800 years ago. When such eruptions lower flanks of the volcano, increasing the risk that occur again, substantial population and infrastruc- even small events may have serious societal ture will be at risk. consequences. San Salvador volcano has not erupted for more than 80 years, but it has a long Volcanic eruptions are not the only events that history of repeated, and sometimes violent, erup- present a risk to local communities. Another tions. The volcano is composed of remnants of concern is a landslide and an associated debris flow multiple eruptive centers, and these remnants are (a watery flow of mud, rock, and debris--also commonly referred to by several names. The known as a lahar) that could occur during periods central part of the volcano, which contains a large of no volcanic activity. An event of this type circular crater, is known as El Boquerón, and it occurred in 1998 at Casita volcano in Nicaragua rises to an altitude of about 1890 meters. El when extremely heavy rainfall from Hurricane Picacho, the prominent peak of highest elevation Mitch triggered a landslide that moved down slope (1960 meters altitude) to the northeast of the crater, and transformed into a rapidly moving debris flow and El Jabali, the peak to the northwest of the that destroyed two villages and killed more than crater, represent remnants of an older, larger 2000 people. Historical landslides up to a few edifice. The volcano has erupted several times hundred thousand cubic meters in volume have during the past 70,000 years from vents central to been triggered on San Salvador volcano by torren- the volcano as well as from smaller vents and tial rainstorms and earthquakes, and some have

1 GeoEngineers, Inc., Tacoma, WA, 98402, U.S.A. 2 Servicio Nacionale de Estudios Terretoriales, Ave. Roosevelt y 55 Ave. Norte, Torre El Salvador (IPSFA)

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 7 transformed into debris flows that have inundated Salvador volcano in the past and will likely occur populated areas down stream. Destructive rainfall- in the future. Most of these events are caused by and earthquake-triggered landslides and debris the eruption of molten rock, or magma, but some, flows on or near San Salvador volcano in Septem- like debris avalanches (landslides) and lahars, can ber 1982 and January 2001 demonstrate that such occur without eruptive activity. The nature and mass movements in El Salvador have also been scale of eruptive activity depends in part on the lethal. size and type of volcano, the composition of the This report describes the kinds of hazardous magma, and on interactions between magma and events that occur at volcanoes in general and the water. kinds of hazardous geologic events that have Two types of volcanoes are present in the San occurred at San Salvador volcano in the past. The Salvador region: composite volcanoes and monoge- accompanying volcano-hazards-zonation maps netic cones. Composite volcanoes erupt show areas that are likely to be at risk when episodically over time intervals of thousands to hazardous events occur again. hundreds of thousands of years and can have a wide range of eruption styles. San Salvador volcano is a composite volcano that has been active VOLCANIC PHENOMENA episodically for more than 70,000 years. Volcanoes pose a variety of geologic hazards-- Monogenetic volcanoes typically erupt for both during eruptions and in the absence of only brief intervals of time--weeks to perhaps eruptive activity (figure 2). Many of the hazardous centuries--and they generally have a narrower events depicted in figure 2 have occurred at San range in eruptive behavior. The magma of many

90ºW. 88ºW.


14ºN. V. Santa Ana Santa Ana Lake Coatepeque V. Izalco V. San Salvador

San Salvador Lake Ilopango V. San Vicente San Miguel V. San Miguel Pa cific O V. Cochague ce an 040 km

Figure 1. Location of major cities and significant Quaternary volcanoes in El Salvador. Circles indicate major cities, triangles indicate major volcanoes. Lake Coatepeque and Lake Ilopango are large silicic .

8 Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador Eruption Cloud Eruption Column Ash (Tephra)Fall Landslide AcidRain Prevailing Wind (DebrisAvalanche) Bombs Pyroclastic Flow Dome Collapse LavaDome

Pyroclastic Flow Fumaroles Lahar(DebrisFlow)

Lava Flow

Conduit Ground Water

Magma Silica (SiO2) Crack Types Content Rhyolite >68% Dacite 63-68% Andesite 53-63% Basalt <53% Magma Reservoir Magma

Figure 2. Simplified sketch showing hazardous events associated with volcanoes like San Salvador. Events such as lahars and landslides (debris avalanches) can occur even when the volcano is not erupting. Inset box shows classification of magma types on the basis of silica content. Illustration by Bobbie Meyers, modified from USGS Fact Sheet 002-97.

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 9 monogenetic volcanoes is basaltic in composition, accumulations are thick, or are saturated by rain- but some magmas may have higher silica contents fall, and thus are heavy enough to collapse building that range from andesite to dacite (see inset roofs. Fine tephra suspended in the air can irritate figure 2). The more silica in the magma, the more eyes and respiratory systems and exacerbate explosive an eruption. In the San Salvador region, pulmonary problems, especially in the elderly and eruptions of monogenetic volcanoes have produced infants. explosion craters, cinder cones, and lava flows. Indirect effects of tephra falls can be perhaps The rocks from most of these monogenetic centers more disruptive than the direct effects of tephra have andesitic compositions (silica contents falls. Even thin accumulations of tephra fall can ranging from about 54% to 61%), but a few have significantly disrupt social and economic activities basaltic compositions (<53% silica content). over broad regions. Tephra plumes can create tens Prominent cinder cones in the area include Cerro El of minutes or more of darkness, even on sunny Playón, Montána Quezaltepeque, Plan del Hoyo, days, and tephra falls can reduce visibility and Cerro Las Viboras and Laguna (Plates 1 navigability on highways. Tephra ingested by and 2). Prominent explosion craters include vehicle engines can clog filters and increase wear. Laguna de Chanmico, Resumidero crater, crater Deposits of tephra can short-circuit or break Las Granadillas, and other unnamed craters mainly electric transformers and power lines, especially if on the northwest flank of the volcano (Plates 1 the tephra is wet, sticky, and heavy. Tephra can and 2). Lava flows erupted from monogenetic contaminate surface-water drinking supplies, plug centers or from fissures on the volcano’s flanks are storm- and sanitary-sewer systems, and clog found mainly to the north and extend a few irrigation canals. Even thin tephra accumulations kilometers northwest of Quezaltepeque. may ruin sensitive crops. A serious potential danger of tephra stems from the threat of even small, dilute tephra clouds to jet aircraft that fly Hazardous phenomena at composite into them. Ingestion of even small amounts of volcanoes volcanoes tephra into jet engines can cause them to malfunc- Tephra tion and lose power. As magma nears the surface of a volcano, Lessons learned from the 1980 eruption of gases dissolved in the magma are released. If the Mount St. Helens in the United States can help gas is released rapidly then the magma can be governments, businesses, and citizens to prepare broken explosively into small fragments and be for future tephra falls. Communities downwind of dispersed into the atmosphere. Fragments from Mount St. Helens experienced significant disrup- such eruptions, which range in size from micro- tions in transportation, business activity, and scopic ash to meter-sized blocks, are collectively services from fallout of as little as 5 millimeters of called tephra. Tephras form deposits that blanket tephra. The greater the amount of tephra fall, the broad areas downwind from a volcano. A deposit’s longer it took for a community to recover. As thickness and particle size generally decrease away perceived by residents, tephra falls of less than 5 from the vent, but a deposit can cover large areas millimeters were a major inconvenience, whereas tens to hundreds of kilometers from the source. falls of more than 150 mm constituted a disaster. The largest tephra fragments, called ballistic Nonetheless, all of the downwind communities projectiles, fall to the ground within a few kilome- affected by Mount St. Helens resumed normal ters of the vent. activity within about two weeks of the event. Tephra falls seldom threaten life directly, Eruptions of San Salvador volcano and except within a few kilometers of a vent. Large associated cinder cones have deposited several ballistic fragments are capable of causing death or tephra layers over the past 70,000 years [1]. injury by impact. Large projectiles may also still Although many of the layers are relatively thin be hot when they land and can start fires if they fall (less than several centimeters thick) beyond the onto combustible material. Most injuries and volcano, an eruption that occurred about 30,000 to fatalities from tephra falls occur when the tephra 40,000 years ago deposited a tephra layer that is as

10 Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador much as 1 meter thick within 10 kilometers of the There have been at least two eruptive episodes volcano. This tephra layer is composed mainly of at San Salvador volcano that have produced pumice, a light frothy fragment of exploded pyroclastic flows and surges. One episode is magma, which indicates that gas-rich magma related to an eruption that produced the thick intruded the volcano and erupted violently. The pumice tephra-fall deposit about 30,000 to 40,000 compositions, textures, and distributions of other years ago. A younger eruptive episode in 1200 tephra layers, especially those erupted from cones A.D. also produced pyroclastic flows and surges. on the flanks of the volcano, indicate that some explosive eruptions were phreatomagmatic and involved interactions of magma and water. Lava flows and lava domes Lava is liquid magma that reaches Earth’s surface nonexplosively. Depending on its viscosity Pyroclastic flow and pyroclastic surge and rate of discharge, lava will form a bulbous lava Sometimes the mixture of hot gases and dome over a vent or a lava flow that can travel volcanic rock particles produced by an explosive several kilometers or more down slope from a vent. eruption is denser than air, and instead of rising Lava flows commonly move down slope as streams above the vent to produce tephra, this dense of molten rock a few to tens of meters thick. The mixture behaves like a fluid, stays close to the rate at which flow depends chiefly upon their ground, and flows downslope. If the mixture is chemical composition. Basaltic lavas of the kind made up mostly of rock particles, then it has a high observed in Hawaii can move rapidly, at tens of density and its path will be confined to topographi- meters per minute, whereas andesitic lavas of the cally low areas, much as topography will control kind commonly erupted by the volcanoes in El the flow of water. This type of dense flow is called Salvador are more sluggish and move at most at a a pyroclastic flow. However, if the mixture is few tens of meters per hour. Although lava flows made up mostly of gas with a small proportion of can be extremely destructive, they typically are not rock fragments, then it will have a lower density life threatening. People and animals can usually and its path will be less controlled by topography. walk out of the path of an advancing flow. How- This type of gas-rich mixture is called a pyroclas- ever, fronts on sluggish lava flows moving across tic surge. Pyroclastic flows and surges also steep slopes can sometimes collapse and generate produce ash clouds that can rise thousands of blocks of hot debris that cascade downslope, break meters into the air, drift downwind, and transport apart, and form hazardous, fast-moving pyroclastic tephra for tens of kilometers or more from a flows or surges. volcano. Lava domes can pose a greater hazard than Pyroclastic flows and surges often occur lava flows. Lava domes form from lava that is together, and both are exceedingly hazardous. more viscous than that in lava flows, and as a result They move at such rapid speeds, 50 to 150 kilome- they can grow on steep slopes or construct steep- ters per hour, that escape from their paths is sided landforms. As lava domes grow, they can difficult or impossible. Temperatures in pyroclastic become unstable and collapse repeatedly, also flows and surges commonly are several hundred generating blocks of hot debris that cascade degrees Celsius or more. Owing to their high downslope, break apart, and form hazardous, fast- density, high velocity, and high temperature, moving pyroclastic flows or surges. pyroclastic flows can destroy all structures and kill Lava flows extend down all flanks of San all living things in their paths by impact, burial, or Salvador volcano, but many of the flows are incineration. Although pyroclastic surges are more concentrated on the north and northwest flanks of dilute and less dense than pyroclastic flows, surges the volcano. Although some individual lava flows can affect larger areas and still be very destructive are difficult to follow completely, fields of lava and lethal. People and animals caught in pyroclas- flows extend from about 5 to more than 10 tic surges can be killed directly by trauma, severe kilometers from the summit crater. No lava domes burns, or suffocation. have been recognized at the volcano.

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 11 Volcanic gases debris avalanches. A volcano’s slopes can also fail All magmas contain gases that are released without direct involvement of magma. Unexpected both during and between eruptions. Volcanic gases earthquakes, torrential rains, or steam explosions consist mainly of steam but also include carbon can trigger slope failures, but these failures are dioxide and compounds of sulfur and chlorine, as commonly smaller in volume than those triggered well as minor amounts of several other gases. by magmatic intrusion. A debris avalanche can attain speeds in excess of 150 kilometers per hour; Generally, volcanic gases are diluted rapidly generally, the larger the avalanche, the faster and downwind from the vent, but within a few kilome- farther it can travel. Small-volume debris ava- ters of a vent they can endanger life and health if lanches typically travel only a few kilometers from concentrations are high and exposure is prolonged. their source, but large-volume debris avalanches Eyes and lungs of people and animals can be can travel tens of kilometers from a volcano. injured by acids, ammonia, and other compounds. Debris avalanches destroy everything in their paths People and animals can suffocate in denser-than-air and can leave deposits of 10 meters to more than gases like carbon dioxide, which pond and accumu- 100 meters thick on valley floors. late in closed depressions. The greatest hazards arising directly from Deposits of debris avalanches have been gases emitted by San Salvador volcano are likely to recognized at numerous volcanoes around the be confined to the summit crater, and thus of world, including volcanoes in El Salvador. How- concern to those who work or recreate within the ever, no deposits of large debris avalanches have crater. Outside the summit crater, direct hazards yet been recognized at San Salvador volcano, from volcanic gases are likely to be minor. suggesting that large parts of the volcano have not collapsed catastrophically. Nevertheless, San A widerspread, but indirect, hazard arising Salvador volcano is a large volcano, and the from volcanic gases emitted by San Salvador possibility of a future flank collapse cannot be volcano involves formation of acid rain. dismissed. Compounds of sulfur are one of the main gases emitted by volcanoes, and excessive acidification Lahars, also called mudflows and debris of rainfall can occur when sulfur compounds flows, are flowing masses of mud, rock, and water combine with water vapor and droplets and form that look much like flowing concrete. They are sulfuric acid that is deposited during storms. If produced when water mobilizes large volumes of such acid is sufficiently concentrated it can damage loose mud, rock, and volcanic debris. Commonly, crops, reduce land productivity, and pollute surface landslides and debris avalanches transform into water. In El Salvador, acid rain resulting from lahars as they move down valley. Lahars, like emission of volcanic gases has damaged coffee floods, inundate floodplains and submerge struc- crops locally, particularly around Santa Ana tures in low-lying areas. They can travel many tens volcano [2]. of kilometers at speeds of tens of kilometers per hour. Lahars can destroy or damage everything in their paths through burial or impact. They follow Debris avalanche, landslide, and lahar river valleys and leave deposits of muddy sand and The slopes of a volcano can become unstable gravel that can range from a few to tens of meters and fail catastrophically, generating a rapidly thick. They are particularly hazardous because moving landslide called a debris avalanche. they travel farther from a volcano than any other Slope instability at volcanoes can be caused by hazardous phenomenon except tephra, and they many factors. Magma rising upward through a affect stream valleys where human settlement is volcano can push aside older volcanic rock and usually greatest. In some instances, landslides and deform and steepen the flanks of a volcano, or lahars can clog a channel or block a tributary warm acidic ground water can circulate through channel and impound a lake behind the blockage. cracks and porous zones inside a volcano, alter Commonly, the impounded water will spill over the strong rock to weak slippery clay, and gradually blockage, quickly cut a channel, catastrophically weaken the volcano so that it is susceptible to drain the lake, and generate a flood that moves

12 Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador down valley endangering people and property. many eruptive products from San Salvador Breaching of the blockage may occur within hours volcano, the effects of their eruptions generally do to months after impoundment. not extend far from the source. Future eruptions of Like floods, lahars range greatly in size. The monogenetic craters and cinder cones may involve smallest lahars recur most frequently (perhaps modest explosions and emplacement of lava flows. every few years), whereas the largest recur on the Perhaps the most dangerous events associated with order of centuries to millennia. The size of lahars monogenetic volcanoes occur when rising magma is controlled by both the amount of water and the interacts with surface water or shallow ground amount of loose sediment or volcanic debris water and produces steam explosions and available. Large debris avalanches or eruptions can pyroclastic flows or pyroclastic surges, which can dump tens to hundreds of millions of cubic meters travel rapidly outward for several kilometers from of sediment into channels and produce large lahars. the vent. Deposits and explosion craters produced Small debris avalanches or eruptions produce by interactions of magma and water are found on smaller lahars. Lahars have occurred on San the northwest side of San Salvador volcano. Salvador volcano, and historical landslides and lahars of more than 100,000 cubic meters in volume have failed from the volcano’s steep upper PAST EVENTS AT SAN SALVADOR slopes and traveled more than 4 kilometers from VOLCANO their sources [1]. San Salvador volcano has erupted intermit- Landslides and lahars can cause problems long tently for more than 70,000 years, and historical after the event that formed them ends. Once observations of eruptions date back nearly 500 landslides and lahars fill stream channels with years [1]. However, only three eruptions have sediment, the streams begin to erode new paths, occurred since the early 1500’s, and those eruptions and the new stream channels can be highly unstable consisted of a series of small explosions of low and shift rapidly as sediment is eroded and moved viscosity basaltic magma and emplacement of farther down valley. Rapid stream shifting can basaltic lava flows on the flanks of the volcano. cause rapid and dramatic bank erosion. Most of the information about San Salvador’s past Furthermore, because stream channels are clogged behavior comes from studies of deposits produced with sediment, they have less ability to convey by prehistoric events. Many details of past erup- water. As a result, relatively small floods, which tions as well as the precise age of the volcano are may have previously passed unnoticed, can pose unknown, but it is clear that the volcano has potentially significant threats to people living in exhibited a wide range of eruptive behaviors--from low-lying areas. In general, people living in low- highly explosive events to relatively quiet lava lying areas along river valleys are most susceptible flows (figure 3). to these secondary affects from landslides and The bulk of the volcano was constructed more lahars, but areas on higher ground adjacent to river than 70,000 years ago. The oldest rocks exposed at channels apparently safe from flooding may be San Salvador underlie deposits from a 72,000-year- threatened by bank erosion. Examples from many old eruption of Coatepeque, a caldera that is volcanoes around the world show that the effects of located about 50 kilometers west of San Salva- sediment deposition by landslides and lahars in dor [4]. These old rocks of San Salvador volcano stream channels can persist for years to consist of blocky basaltic to andesitic lavas and decades [3]. tephras, and they are exposed at the bases of El Picacho and El Jabali and in scattered outcrops Hazardous phenomena at monogenetic around the volcano. El Picacho and El Jabali consist entirely of layered volcanic rocks that dip volcanoes away from the center of the volcano, suggesting Monogenetic volcanoes in the San Salvador that these two peaks are remnants of an ancestral area have dominantly andesitic composition. cone, which is called the San Salvador edifice. Although their compositions are similar to those of Presently, El Picacho and El Jabali mark the

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 13 Years ago Activity

Eruptions of flank cinder cones and lava flows; eruption of summit crater 0 cinder cone; landslides Explosive eruption of Boquerón; emplacement of pyroclastic flows, tephra fall San Andrés Tuff 1200 A.D. 1,000 Eruptions of flank explosion craters; cinder cones, and lava flows

Ilopango Tierra Blanca Joven (TBJ) 260 A.D. 2,000

4,000 Eruptions of explosion craters, cinder cones, lava flows. Precise timing is unknown; activity is broadly bracketed by Ilopango caldera tephra deposits TBJ and TB2 6,000

EXPLANATION Eruptions of tephras, cinder cones, lava flows, explosion craters 8,000 Violent explosive eruptions of tephra, pyroclastic flows, pyroclastic surges


Ilopango Tierra Blanca 2 (TB2)


Ilopango Tierra Blanca 3 (TB3) Violent explosive eruptions of ancestral San Salvador volcano; emplacement of pumice 40,000 fall. Eruptions of tephras and lava flows during construction of Boquerón edifice Ilopango Tierra Blanca 4 (TB4)


Coatepeque Arce tephra fall 72ka 80,000 Eruptions of tephra and lava flows; construction of ancestral San Salvador volcano. Precise timing unkown.

Figure 3. Summary of eruptive history of San Salvador volcano, based largely on Sofield (1998). Timescale is approximately calendar years. Regional fall deposits having known dates are shown as dashed lines; regional fall deposits having approximate dates are shown as dotted lines.

14 Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador location of an older volcanic edifice that has been El Boquerón volcano exploded violently about deeply incised. Beyond the volcano, outcrops 800 years ago in an eruption that was perhaps expose sections of a series of andesitic and basaltic similar to, but smaller than, the eruption that tephra-fall deposits. Some of these fall deposits are produced the G1 fall deposit. Pyroclastic-flow and only a few centimeters thick and are separated by tephra-fall deposits, known as the San Andrés tuff, erosional surfaces, suggesting that they are deposits are found at the rim of El Boquerón, and these from many small explosive eruptions that occurred deposits have been correlated with similar deposits, during a long interval of time. known as the Talpetate tephra fall, on the western flank of San Salvador volcano. The Talpetate A distinctive gray, dacitic pumice-fall deposit, tephra has been dated archeologically at 1200 A.D. known as the G1 unit, marks a significant episode Together, the Talpetate fall and San Andrés tuff of explosive activity at San Salvador volcano. The deposits have a volume of about 0.5 cubic kilome- G1 deposit is widespread and locally is more than 1 ters, indicating that this explosive eruption was meter thick within 10 kilometers of the volcano’s roughly one tenth as large as the eruption that crater. Near El Picacho, this distinctive fall deposit produced the G1 fall deposit. Sedimentary struc- is interlayered with pyroclastic-flow and surge tures in the Talpetate fall deposit suggest that it was deposits, and multiple flow and surge deposits produced by an eruption in which the magma extend about 6 kilometers from the summit. Rock interacted with water. fragments within these flow and surge deposits consist of the older San Salvador lavas. The nature Some of the youngest volcanic features and and volume (about 2 to 8 cubic kilometers) of the deposits at San Salvador volcano are along the flow and surge deposits indicate a large explosive northern and northwestern flanks of the volcano. eruption that may have largely destroyed the older These features and deposits consist of explosion San Salvador edifice and formed the crater now craters, cinder cones, and lava flows that are defined by the peaks of El Picacho and El Jabali. generally concentrated along two prominent fault Although the exact timing of this event is un- zones. Several explosion craters formed between known, stratigraphic relations with tephra-fall 260 A.D and 1200 A.D. They are older than the deposits from eruptions of Ilopango caldera, which San Andrés tuff deposits, but overlie the distinctive is located on the eastern outskirts of San Salvador Tierra Blanca Joven (TBJ) tephra deposit, the city, help constrain the time of this eruption. The youngest regional deposit associated with eruptions G1 unit lies between Ilopango caldera tephra-fall of Ilopango caldera [4]. Many of these explosion deposits Tierra Blanca 3 (TB3) and Tierra Blanca 4 craters show evidence that they are products of (TB4). On the basis of paleosols, buried soil eruptions in which the magma interacted with horizons, formed on these tephra deposits, TB4 has water. been estimated to be about 40,000 to 50,000 years Many monogenetic cinder cones and associ- old. ated lava flows are on the northern and Eruptions subsequent to the G1 fall deposit northwestern flanks of San Salvador volcano and produced tephras and lava flows that now largely beyond (Plates 1 and 2). Many of these cinder fill the crater formed during the G1 eruption and cones and lava flows are younger than the San form a cone called El Boquerón. El Boquerón is Andrés tuff deposit, and thus are less than 800 composed of multiple blocky lava flows years old. Three prominent lava flows formed on interlayered with tephra-fall deposits, all of which and beyond the northwestern flank of San Salvador are chemically distinct from the lava flows of the volcano within the past 500 years. In addition to ancestral San Salvador edifice. Lava flows from El these volcanic events, landslide deposits younger Boquerón spilled over the north, east, and south than the Talpetate tephra are present on the north- rims of the San Salvador edifice. In addition to ern and northwestern flanks. eruptions from the central crater, several smaller The most recent volcanic activity at San explosion craters, cinder cones, and lava flows Salvador began in June, 1917, when, following an erupted on the volcano’s flanks. earthquake, steam billowed from El Boquerón

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 15 crater and several fissures opened along the north- less, even accounting for the imperfections of the western flank of the volcano. Within a month of geologic record, evidence clearly indicates that San this activity, a lake in the crater of El Boquerón had Salvador volcano erupts sufficiently frequently, boiled off, and small explosions formed a cinder with an annual probability of perhaps 1 in 1000, cone called Boqueróncito. The eruption lasted that potential hazards from future eruptions need to several months, constructed Boqueróncito and be taken seriously, as densely populated areas will extruded a lava flow on the northwestern flank of be at risk. the volcano. After the 1917 eruption, fumarolic activity continued until the late 1970’s. Although no eruptive activity has occurred at FUTURE ACTIVITY AT SAN SALVADOR San Salvador volcano for more than 80 years, lethal VOLCANO volcano-related events have occurred. In 1982, heavy rainfall triggered numerous landslides in El On the basis of eruptive activity during the Salvador, and at San Salvador volcano a rainfall- past 2000 years, future eruptive activity at San triggered landslide from the flank of El Picacho Salvador volcano may involve violent eruptions swept along a channel and into the northwest part from the summit crater, and likely will involve of the city. The landslide, having a volume of relatively small explosions and tephra fall from the between 200,000 to 300,000 cubic meters, rapidly summit crater and monogenetic centers, and transformed into a lahar that traveled more than 4 emplacement of lava flows on or beyond the flanks kilometers from its source. Near the base of the of the volcano. The volcano has erupted violently volcano the lahar destroyed or buried several at least twice from the central summit crater, once homes and killed between 300 and 500 people. as recently as 800 years ago, and could do so again in the future. Explosive eruptions are more danger- More than 30 volcanic events have occurred at ous than those that generate lava flows or cinder San Salvador volcano in the past 40,000 years cones. Such explosive eruptions can produce (figure 3). Hence, the average apparent frequency pyroclastic flows and pyroclastic surges that of eruptions is roughly 1 per 1300 years. The simultaneously affect multiple sectors of the volcano has undoubtedly erupted more frequently, volcano, as well as produce thick tephra falls and because some eruptions do not leave conspicuous lahars that could affect areas more than 10 kilome- deposits in the geologic record. If we separate ters from the volcano. If magma rising into the eruptive events into discrete, datable time periods, volcano or a nearby monogenetic center interacts then we establish the following apparent frequen- with ground water or shallow surface water, it cies of eruptions: between 40,000 years ago and could produce energetic steam explosions and 260 A.D. about 13 identifiable events indicate an destructive pyroclastic surges. Landslides and eruption frequency of about 1 event per 3000 years. lahars, triggered by any of several mechanisms, can Between 260 A.D. and 1200 A.D. about 9 identifi- occur on any flank of the volcano. able eruptive events indicate an eruption frequency of about 1 event per 100 years. Between 1200 A.D. The primary effects of future eruptions or and 1917 about 9 identifiable eruptive events landslides will likely be confined to within about indicate an eruption frequency of about 1 event per 10 kilometers of the summit of the volcano. How- 80 years. These eruption frequencies are only ever, large lahars could travel more than 10 statistically averaged values. Many of these kilometers away from the summit, monogenetic eruptive events are likely associated with a single centers could erupt beyond a 10-kilometer radius, eruptive episode, such as eruptions of cinder cones and heavy tephra fall could be carried more than 10 and lava flows, rather than distinct events widely kilometers downwind. separated in time. The apparent eruption frequen- Upper-level wind patterns in Guatemala cies should not be interpreted to mean that the time between 3000 and 15,000 meters altitude are between eruptions is necessarily decreasing. The strongly seasonal [5]. Similar wind patterns are apparent decrease with time is related primarily to likely in El Salvador. From January to March, better preservation of younger deposits. Neverthe- westerly winds dominate. April and May are

16 Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador transitional months in which westerly winds give Tierra Blanca Joven (TBJ) unit, are dated at 260 way to more northerly and easterly winds. June A.D. [4], and these deposits extend from several through October are characterized by easterly kilometers east of San Vicente volcano (figure 1) to winds, and November and December are transi- several kilometers west and northwest of San tional months during which westerly winds Salvador volcano. Such large catastrophic gradually become dominant. The strong seasonality eruptions of Ilopango occurred about once every of these winds will influence areas affected by 10,000 to 15,000 years during the past 40,000 to tephra falls. Erupted tephras will likely fall east- 50,000 years, so the annual probability of another ward of the volcano from January through March, eruption of this magnitude at Ilopango is very low. potentially cover broad regions to the east, south, Depending upon the season and prevailing wind and west in April and May, affect areas west of the directions, tephra from eruptions of other volcano from June through October, and possibly volcanoes, such as Santa Ana, San Vicente, or San areas west, north, and east of the volcano in Miguel (figure 1), for example, could affect the San November and December. Surface winds may also Salvador region. affect tephra distributions, and their patterns are diurnal as well as seasonal [5]. Therefore, all sectors around San Salvador volcano can be VOLCANO-HAZARD-ZONATION MAPS affected by tephra fall, but some areas are more The accompanying volcano-hazard-zonation likely to be affected than others depending upon maps (plates 1 and 2) show areas that could be the season in which an eruption occurs. affected by future hazardous geologic events at or The primary effects of eruptions and landslides near San Salvador volcano. Individual events are serious, but secondary effects can be equally as typically affect only part of a hazard zone. The severe, can affect areas beyond the zone of primary location and size of an affected area will depend on impact, and can linger for several years. Such the location of an erupting vent or landslide, the secondary effects, which are associated chiefly volume of material involved, and the character of with sediment deposited in river channels by an eruption, especially its explosivity. landslides and lahars, involve reworking and Potentially hazardous areas around San redistribution of sediment, bank erosion, loss of Salvador volcano are divided into proximal- channel capacity, and enhanced hazards of floods volcanic, lahar, and regional-volcanic hazard zones in low-lying areas. Secondary effects that occur in depending on distance from the volcano and the the aftermath of an eruption of San Salvador type of hazard. The lahar hazard zones are subdi- volcano or a large landslide can affect areas many vided further on the basis of the relative degree of tens of kilometers down stream from the volcano. hazard from lahars of various volumes. Hazard- zone boundaries are drawn on the basis of (1) the EVENTS AT OTHER VOLCANOES CAN magnitude of past events at the volcano, as inferred EVENTS AT OTHER VOLCANOES CAN from deposits; (2) mathematical models that use AFFECT THE SAN SALVADOR REGION calibrations from other volcanoes to predict the San Salvador volcano and nearby vents are not probable extent of lahars; and (3) our experience the only sources of volcanic hazards in the region. and judgement derived from observations and The most devastating volcanic events that have understanding of events at similar volcanoes. affected the San Salvador region are related to large Although we show sharp boundaries for explosive eruptions from Ilopango caldera, which hazard zones, the limit of the hazard does not end is located on the eastern outskirts of San Salvador abruptly at these boundaries. Rather, the hazard city (figure 1). Four explosive eruptions from this decreases gradually as distance from the volcano caldera within approximately the past 40,000 to increases, and for lahars decreases rapidly with 50,000 years left tephra-fall and pyroclastic-flow increasing elevation above channel floors. Areas deposits that are as much as several meters thick in immediately beyond outer hazard zones should not the San Salvador region. Deposits of the youngest be regarded as hazard-free, because the limits of explosive eruption from Ilopango, the regional the hazard can only be located approximately,

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 17 especially in areas of low relief. Many uncertain- zone during periods of volcano unrest is ties about the source, size, and mobility of future realistically the only way to protect lives. Debris events preclude locating the boundaries of zero- avalanches and lahars will originate in the proximal hazard zones precisely. Furthermore, we show area, and deposits from small slides and flows may only those hazards associated with events that be restricted to this zone. Large debris avalanches originate at San Salvador and distal monogenetic and lahars, however, will travel away from the volcanoes. Events not directly associated with volcano and flow onto adjacent lowlands. The activity at San Salvador volcano or surrounding extent of inundation from lahars of various monogenetic volcanoes may increase the hazards volumes is the basis for defining lahar hazard within apparently low-hazard zones shown on zones. plates 1 and 2. A good example of this is the lethal January 2001 landslide from Balsamo Ridge, located south of San Salvador volcano, that devas- Lahar hazard zones tated Las Colinas neighborhood near Nueva San Lahar hazard zones lie along the primary Salvador. Plate 1 shows this area as having a channels that drain San Salvador volcano. Depend- relatively low degree of hazard from landslides and ing on the distance from the volcano, these areas lahars that originate on San Salvador volcano. Las will be affected a few minutes to about one hour Colinas and other communities at the base of the after a the onset of a lahar. Beyond 10 kilometers steep ridge to the south of the volcano clearly are from the volcano’s summit escape may be possible located in a geologically hazardous area, but if people are given sufficient warning. Within 10 hazards from regional landslides are not defined in kilometers of the volcano lahars may happen too our analysis of volcano-related events. quickly to provide effective warning. Users of the hazard maps in this report should We used a mathematical technique calibrated be aware that the maps do not show all hazardous with data from other volcanoes [7] to estimate areas subject to landslides and lahars from San potential areas of inundation from lahars of various Salvador volcano. The volcano is extensively volumes. For each channel analyzed, we define incised, and landslides could occur in any drainage. four to five nested hazard zones that depict antici- For this report, we defined zones of inundation pated inundation by hypothetical “design” lahars from lahars of various volumes for prominent having different volumes. The largest design lahar, channels directed toward populous areas. Other 2 million cubic meters, reflects our estimate of the channels for which we have not modeled lahar largest probable lahar generated by a debris ava- inundation should not be considered as areas lanche that might descend suddenly from San devoid of lahar hazard. Landslides and lahars from Salvador volcano [7]. However, a debris avalanche other unmapped channels could just as well of sufficient volume to generate a lahar of this size threaten life and property. requires failure of a large part of the volcano’s upper flank, and such an event would likely be restricted to the eastern flank of the volcano [7]. Proximal volcanic hazard zone We therefore use 1 million cubic meters as our The proximal volcanic hazard zone includes largest design lahar from other source areas. areas immediately surrounding San Salvador Debris avalanches of 1 million cubic meters or volcano, and extends about 5 to 7 kilometers from more require catastrophic failures of relatively the summit depending upon local topography [6]. large pieces of the volcano, but avalanches of this This zone delineates areas subject to devastating size might occur on any flank of the volcano. volcanic phenomena including pyroclastic flows Avalanches might occur in conjunction with and surges, debris avalanches, lava flows, and volcanic activity, such as intrusion of magma into ballistics. Owing to the high speed and the edifice, that would be detected by monitoring. destructiveness of many of these phenomena, However, the possibility that large flank failures escape or survival is unlikely in the proximal could be triggered by mechanisms other than hazard zone. Therefore, evacuating this hazard magma intrusion, such as strong earthquakes or

18 Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador torrential rains, cannot be dismissed. In general, hazard zones extend well into areas that are now landslides and lahars triggered by mechanisms densely settled. other than volcanic activity are most likely to be smaller than 1 million cubic meters in volume. Regional volcanic hazard zone The intermediate (300,000 to 500,000 cubic Eruptions from monogenetic cones located meters) and smallest (100,000 cubic meters) design beyond the flanks of San Salvador volcano have lahars are more typical lahar volumes for a small to affected areas more than 10 kilometers from the moderate eruption or for a landslide that occurs summit of the volcano. Eruptions from these without warning. Lahars of these sizes have monogenetic vents have produced lava flows, occurred historically at San Salvador and other pyroclastic surges, ballistics projectiles, and tephra volcanoes in El Salvador, and lahars of these sizes falls. Much of this activity has occurred to the and smaller are the most likely sizes to occur again. north and northwest of San Salvador volcano. We Large lahars are less likely to occur than small define a regional volcanic hazard zone (plate 2) by lahars. Thus, the nested lahar-hazard zones show determining the distribution of monogenetic vents that the likelihood of lahar inundation decreases as in the area and assuming that future monogenetic distance from the volcano and elevation above the vents or fissures will erupt only within this area. valley floors increases. To our knowledge, no lahar Lava flows, pyroclastic flows and surges, and as voluminous as 1 million cubic meters has ever ballistic projectiles produced by eruptions from occurred at San Salvador volcano. The annual these monogenetic centers are assumed to travel a probability of a lahar of this size is difficult to maximum of 5 kilometers from their source vent. estimate, but is probably less than 1 in 40,000 [8]. Therefore, we establish a hazard zone boundary Smaller landslides and lahars triggered by earth- either 5 kilometers downslope from where vents quakes or torrential rains are much more likely to may open, or where significant topographic fea- occur but would probably inundate only parts of tures would likely stop or divert lava flows. The the design hazard zones adjacent to stream chan- regional hazard zone encompasses land that is nels. Lahars of about 300,000 cubic meters or less largely populated. An eruption from a monogenetic may have an annual probability of about 1 in 100 to vent within this zone will cause significant societal perhaps as great as 1 in 10 [8]. disruption, because lava flows, pyroclastic flows, and pyroclastic surges destroy everything in their In general, lahar hazard zones are within about paths. 10 kilometers of the summit crater. Even the At least 8 lava flows have occurred in the past largest volume “design” lahars of 2 million cubic 1700 years, suggesting that the annual probability meters extend no more than about 15 kilometers of a lava flow occurring in the local area north or from the summit crater. Local topography plays a northwest of the volcano is about 1 in 200. large role in controlling lahar runout. Although However, because only a relatively small area of landslides and lahars originate in and flow along the regional hazard zone will be affected during steeply incised drainages on the flanks of the any given eruptive episode, and because large areas volcano, these channels abruptly shallow and the within the hazard zone never have been covered by topography abruptly flattens near the base of the lava flows, the annual probability for any specific edifice. As a result, lahars rapidly spill out of point in the zone being inundated by renewed channels, spread, and stop. The most distant volcanism is less than 1 in 200. hazard zones are associated with the deepest incised channels in which lahars will remain confined, such as in the southwestern and HAZARD FORECASTS AND northeastern sectors of the edifice. Despite their relatively short runout distances, even the smallest WARNINGS lahars can be devastating. The city of San Salvador Scientists normally can recognize and monitor and surrounding communities have encroached several indicators of impending volcanic eruptions. onto the lower flanks of the volcano, and the lahar Magma rising into a volcano prior to an eruption

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 19 causes changes that can usually be detected by PROTECTING COMMUNITIES AND various geophysical instruments and visual obser- CITIZENS FROM VOLCANO-RELATED vations. Swarms of small earthquakes are generated as rock breaks to make room for rising HAZARDS magma or as heating of fluids increases under- Communities, businesses, and citizens must ground pressures. Heat from the magma can plan ahead to mitigate the effects of future volcanic increase the temperature of ground water and raise eruptions, landslides, and lahars from San Salvador temperatures of hot springs and steaming from volcano. Long-term mitigation efforts must include fumaroles; it can also generate small steam explo- using information about volcano hazards when sions. The composition and volume of gases making decisions about land use and siting of emitted by fumaroles can change as magma nears critical facilities. Future development should avoid the surface, and injection of magma into a volcano areas judged to have an unacceptably high risk or can cause swelling or other types of surface defor- be planned and designed to reduce the level of risk. mation. When volcanoes erupt or threaten to erupt, a El Salvador has a national seismic network, so rapid, well-coordinated emergency response is a significant swarm of earthquakes at San Salvador needed. Such a response will be most effective if volcano would be noticed quickly. At other volca- citizens and public officials have a basic under- noes similar to San Salvador, notable increases in standing of volcano hazards and have planned the seismicity have occurred days to months before actions needed to protect communities. eruptions. An increase in seismicity near the Because a volcanic eruption can occur within volcano should prompt deployment of additional days to months after the first precursory activity seismometers to better locate earthquakes, and and because some hazardous events, such as stimulate other monitoring efforts that examine landslides and lahars, can occur without warning, signs of volcanic unrest. suitable emergency plans should be made in Periods of unrest at volcanoes produce times advance. Although it has been more than 80 years of great uncertainty. During the past few decades since San Salvador volcano erupted and it is substantial advances have been made in volcano unknown when it will erupt again, public officials monitoring and eruption forecasting, but still need to consider issues such as public education, scientists can often make only very general state- land-use planning, communication and warning ments about the probability, type, and scale of an strategies, and evacuations as part of a response impending eruption. Precursory activity can go plan. Emergency plans already developed for through accelerating and decelerating phases, and floods may apply to some extent, but may need sometimes will die out without an eruption. Gov- modifications for hazards from lahars. For habitats ernment officials and the public must realize the in low-lying areas, a map showing the shortest limitations in forecasting eruptions and must be route to high ground will also be helpful for prepared to cope with such uncertainty. evacuations. Despite advances in volcano monitoring and Knowledge and advance planning are the most eruption forecasting, it is still difficult, if not important items for dealing with volcano hazards. impossible, to predict the precise occurrence of Especially important is a plan of action based on landslides triggered by earthquakes or torrential the knowledge of relatively safe areas around rains. Therefore, government officials and the homes, schools, and workplaces. All of the public need to identify the locations of lahar hazard volcano hazards described in this report are serious, zones and realize that potentially lethal events in and many different hazardous phenomena may these hazard zones can occur with little or no affect an area that extends about 7 kilometers from warning. the summit of San Salvador volcano. Lahars pose the biggest threat to people living, working, or recreating along channels that drain San Salvador volcano, even at distances of as much as

20 Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 15 kilometers from the volcano. The best strategy report: Publication of Department of Geological for avoiding a lahar is to move to the highest Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technologi- possible ground. A safe height above river cal University: Houghton, MI, 34 p. channels depends on many factors including the Portig, W.H., 1976, The climate of Central America, size of the lahar, distance from the volcano, and in Schwerdtfeger, W., ed., World Survey of shape of the valley. For areas beyond about 10 Climatology, Climates of Central and South kilometers from the summit of the volcano, all but America, v. 12: Elsevier, New York, p. 405-478. the largest lahars will rise less than about 20 meters Rose, W.I., Conway, F.M., Pullinger, C.R., Deino, A., above the channel bottom. San Salvador volcano and McIntosh, W.C., 1999, An improved age will erupt again, and the best way to cope with framework for late Quaternary silicic eruptions in future eruptions is through advance planning in northern Central America: Bulletin of Volcanol- order to mitigate their effects. ogy, v. 61, p. 106-120. Rymer, M.J., and White, R.A., 1989, Hazards in El Salvador from earthquake-induced landslides, in REFERENCES Brabb, E.E., and Harrod, B.L., eds., Landslides: Extent and Economic Significance. Balkema, Bäcklin, C. and Finnson, H., 1994, Landslide hazard Rotterdam, p. 105-109 at the San Salvador volcano: M.S. thesis, Depart- Sofield, D.J., 1998, History and hazards of Volcan ment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, San Salvador, El Salvador: M.S. thesis, Michigan Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Technological University, 116 p. Sweden, 136 p. Baum, R.L., Crone, A.J., Escobar, D., Harp, E.L., Major, J.J., Martinez, M., Pullinger, C.R., and ADDITIONAL SUGGESTED READING Smith, M.E., 2001, Assessment of landslide hazards resulting from the February 13, 2001, El Blong, R.J., 1984, Volcanic hazards: Academic Press, Salvador earthquake: U.S. Geological Survey Orlando, FL., 424 p. Open-File Report 01-119, 22 p. Sigurdsson, H., Houghton, B., McNutt, S.R., Rymer, Hart, W.J.E., and Steen-McIntyre, V., 1983, Tierra H., and Stix, J., eds., 2000, Encyclopedia of Blanca Joven tephra from the A.D. 260 eruption Volcanoes: Academic Press, San Diego, CA., of Ilopango caldera, in Sheets, P.D., ed., 1417 p. Archeaology and Volcanism in Central America: Tilling, R.I., ed., 1989, Volcanic hazards: Short University of Texas Press, Austin, p. 14-34. course in geology, v. 1, American Geophysical Hayashi, J.N., and Self, S., 1992, A comparison of Union, Washington, D.C., 123 p. pyroclastic flow and debris avalanche mobility: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 97, p. 9063-9071. END NOTES Iverson, R.M., Schilling, S.P., and Vallance, J.W., [1] The geologic data upon which this report is 1998, Objective delineation of lahar-hazard zones based come largely from Sofield (1998); downstream from volcanoes: Geological Society Bäcklin and Finnson (1994); communications of America Bulletin, v. 110, p. 972-984. with personnel at Centro de Investigaciones Major, J.J., Pierson, T.C., Dinehart, R.L., and Costa, Geotécnicas, San Salvador; and our own J.E., 2000, Sediment yield following severe reconnaissance investigations. volcanic disturbance—A two decade perspective from Mount St. Helens: Geology, v. 28, [2] Diario del Hoy reported on gas emissions, p. 819-822. acid rain, and crop damage at coffee planta- tions around Santa Ana volcano in a story Malin, M.C., and Sheridan, M.F., 1982, Computer- published on January 19, 2001. assisted mapping of pyroclastic surges: Science, v. 217, p. 637-640. [3] Analyses of limited data from volcanoes Mercado, R., Rose, W.I., Najera, L., Matías, O., and around the world indicate that sediment yields Girón, J., 1988, Volcanic ashfall hazards and from river channels filled with volcanic debris upper wind patterns in Guatemala, preliminary by an eruption can remain higher than typical

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 21 background levels for years to decades after landslides have estimated volumes of more an eruption. In some cases sediment yields than 10 million cubic meters, but most land- can remain 10 to 100 times greater than slides triggered by these mechanisms have had typical background levels for more than two volumes of a few hundred to a few tens of decades (Major et al., 2000). River channels thousands of cubic meters (Rymer and White, heavily clogged with sediment typically are 1989; Baum et al., 2001; E.L. Harp and A.J. unstable. Heavy sediment deposition causes a Crone, U.S. Geological Survey, personal river to wander across the valley floor, which communication). At Casita volcano in Nicara- can trigger significant bank erosion that gua, extremely heavy rainfall from Hurricane further adds to a river’s sediment load. Mitch triggered a landslide of about 1.5 [4] Ages of eruptions from large silicic calderas million cubic meters in volume, but as it in Central America are given in Rose et al. moved down slope it transformed into a lahar (1999). Detailed discussion of the Tierra that scoured its channel and its volume Blanca Joven (TBJ) tephra from Ilopango enlarged to more than 3 million cubic meters caldera is given in Hart and Steen-McIntyre (K.M. Scott, U.S. Geological Survey, personal (1983). communication). On the basis of these data, we select a landslide and associated lahar of 1 [5] Upper-level wind patterns in Guatemala are million cubic meters to be a probable maxi- given in Mercado et al. (1988). Diurnal and mum size likely to be triggered in most seasonal surface-wind patterns in San Salva- channels at San Salvador volcano by earth- dor are given in Portig (1976). quakes or torrential rainfalls. Locally, we use [6] The maximum extent of the proximal volcanic a larger design lahar as noted below. hazard zone is estimated from the formula A volume of 10 million cubic meters is H/L = 0.2, where H is the elevation difference considered the largest likely debris avalanche between the summit rim of El Boquerón and from San Salvador volcano, on the basis of the the hazard boundary line, and L is the horizon- following analogy to the 1980 debris ava- tal distance from the center of the summit lanche of Mount St. Helens and other geologic crater to the hazard boundary line (see, for arguments. The 1980 Mount St. Helens example, Malin and Sheridan, 1982; Hayashi avalanche removed about 2300 million cubic and Self, 1992; and Iverson et al., 1998). The meters from the north flank of the volcano, value 0.2 was selected because it approxi- which had an average slope of about 30 mately encompasses the distal extent of lavas degrees. This avalanche removed about 25% erupted from the central summit area, and of the cone’s total volume above the altitude because it is consistent with H/L ratios of at which the failure plane intersected the proximal hazardous phenomena at many other lower north flank. In contrast to Mount St. volcanoes. Helens, San Salvador volcano has a broader [7] Lahar hazard zones were constructed by topographic profile and, with the exception of modeling lahar volumes of 100,000; 300,000; El Picacho, few slopes exceed about 20 500,000; 1 million, and on the east flank of degrees. On El Picacho, slopes above 1400 the volcano, 2 million cubic meters. Using meters altitude equal or exceed 30 degrees, mathematical and digital cartographic tech- and the volume above 1400 meters is about niques (Iverson et al., 1998), these volumes 950 million cubic meters. If the 25% value were used to compute the estimated extent of from Mount St. Helens is applied to San inundation down stream from a source area. Salvador, then the maximum volume of a large Historical landslides from San Salvador debris avalanche from El Picacho is slightly volcano have had estimated volumes of as more than 200 million cubic meters. The much as 300,000 cubic meters (Bäcklin and analogy with Mount St. Helens, however, is Finnson, 1994; Centro de Investigaciones for a debris avalanche triggered by local Geotécnicas, personal communication); magmatic intrusion. El Picacho is signifi- regional earthquake- and rainfall-triggered cantly separated from the central crater of San

22 Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador Salvador, is composed of relatively unaltered tephra fall about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. lava flows, and is unlikely to produce such a We estimate possible annual probabilities of large debris avalanche unless the volcano landslides and lahars having volumes of about undergoes extreme deformation. Future 300,000 cubic meters or less as follows. magma intrusion is likely to occur in the Historical earthquake-induced landslides have central vent or along the weak fault zones on occurred throughout El Salvador at least a the northwest flank of the volcano rather than dozen times from 1857 to 2001 (Rymer and beneath El Picacho. In our judgement, a White, 1989; Baum et al., 2001). Volumes of better estimate of the largest debris avalanche these landslides have ranged from a few that could come from El Picacho is perhaps on hundred to more than 10 million cubic meters, the order of 10 million cubic meters, similar in but most have had volumes of less than a few volume to a recent earthquake-triggered to a few tens of thousands of cubic meters. landslide along the Río Jiboa near San Vicente Thus, earthquake-induced landslides of small volcano (Baum et al., 2001). San Salvador to moderate volume occur in El Salvador volcano does not have a geologic history of about once every 12 years. At San Salvador producing large landslides, and many of the volcano, the rainfall that triggered the ap- largest landslides generated throughout the proximately 300,000 cubic meter landslide in country by strong earthquakes in 2001 were 1982 was the greatest on record at some less than 1 million cubic meters (E.L. Harp stations, and nearly equal to the greatest on and A.J. Crone, U.S. Geological Survey, record at others. The longest precipitation personal communication). Although we limit record in the area extends more than 50 years the largest likely debris avalanche to 10 (Bäcklin and Finnson, 1994). Thus the 1982 million cubic meters, we think that a lahar of landslide and lahar perhaps had an annual this volume is not likely to flow down a single probability of less than 1 in 50. However, a channel. The east flank of San Salvador similarly sized landslide occurred in an volcano is deeply dissected with closely adjacent gully sometime in the 1940’s (Centro spaced channels. Thus a large debris ava- de Investigaciones Geotécnicas, personal lanche would likely be dispersed among communication). At San Vicente volcano, several channels. Accordingly we selected 2 landslides and lahars of comparable volumes million cubic meters as the largest lahar have occurred at least four times in the past volume that might travel along any single 225 years, and at least three times in the past channel beneath El Picacho. 65 years, suggesting that such events there [8] The annual probability of a lahar having of may have an annual probability of occurrence volume that equals or exceeds 1 million cubic of about 1 in 60 to 1 in 20. Although these meters from San Salvador volcano is less than probabilities are highly generalized across the 1 in 40,000. We estimate this probability on region rather than specific to San Salvador the basis of the observation that no deposits volcano, we conclude that the annual prob- from a lahar of this size are found in the ability of landslides and lahars ≤300,000 cubic geologic record at least since the time of the meters in size at San Salvador volcano is explosive eruption that emplaced the G1 about 1 in 100 to perhaps as great as 1 in 10.

Volcano Hazards in the San Salvador Region, El Salvador 23

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