Report Number 516 The status of smelt Osmerus eperlanus in England English Nature Research Reports working today for nature tomorrow English Nature Research Reports Number 516 The status of smelt Osmerus eperlanus in England Peter S M aitland Fish Conservation Centre, Haddington, EH41 4NR Tel: 01620 823691; E-mail:
[email protected] English Nature Nominated Officer: Dr David Fraser This report is an official document prepared under contract between the author and English Nature. The views expressed are the author’s and not necessarily those of English Nature. The report should not be quoted without permission from both the author and English Nature. You may reproduce as many additional copies of this report as you like, provided such copies stipulate that copyright remains with English Nature, Northminster House, Peterborough PE1 1UA ISSN 0967-876X © Copyright English Nature 2003 ‘It is evident from the imperfect returns rendered to Mr. Harding, that the amount of interest taken in the Smelt fisheries of the United Kingdom, either by the imperial or local authorities, is small indeed, and that this delicate and delicious fish is, from utter neglect and unfair treatment, becoming lost as a source of food and profit in the localities where it formerly abounded.’ (Southwell 1888). Summary Like many other diadromous fishes, the Smelt Osmerus eperlanus has declined in many places across Europe. In Scotland, for example, most of the previously recorded populations are extinct. The situation in England is less certain and is the object of this review, which also includes Wales. Information from fisheries and wildlife organisations, from the literature and from questionnaires carried out in 1966, 1969, 1980 and 2002 was ingathered and assembled on a river by river basis.