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[0O9Xv.ebook] Almost a Hero: The Voyages of John Meares, R.N., to China, Hawaii and the Northwest Coast Pdf Free

J. Richard Nokes *Download PDF | ePub | DOC | audiobook | ebooks

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#232621 in Audible 2017-02-01Format: UnabridgedOriginal language:EnglishRunning time: 381 minutes | File size: 67.Mb

J. Richard Nokes : Almost a Hero: The Voyages of John Meares, R.N., to China, Hawaii and the Northwest Coast before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Almost a Hero: The Voyages of John Meares, R.N., to China, Hawaii and the Northwest Coast:

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Bringing a Greater Understanding of Meares and his TimesBy KamohomohoI have studied this period for some time and found J. Richard Nokes book 'Almost a Hero' to be very well researched, well written, and quite gracious with regard to all the individuals who walked and sailed the Northwest in the last years of the 1700's. Frankly, quite an accomplishment given the cast of characters.Nokes does much to explain the motives and actions of John Meares, who has often been the brunt of much criticism, and Meares comes across as a hard working dedicated and quite accomplished sailor and trader--all be it one who endured quite a bit of bad luck.I was impressed with the even chronology of events, which is difficult considering the various ships, locations, and personalities involved in telling Meares' story. Nokes has relied heavily on Meares himself to explain actions and events, and it provides much clarity that has been lacking in understanding this particular nitch of history. However it is always wise to consider the source, and there are many events that have been interpreted quite differently by others. But given Nokes fine accounting I don't think there is much doubt that Meares was not the great rouge that many painted him as, and was likely quite a capable and just man. Though it is unlikely he was quite the man he claimed to be. Yet, anyone plying the Northwest fur trade at the end of the eighteenth century needed a set of skills that eliminated incompetence and to a great extent, weakness of character. Meares accomplishments stand on their own, and one is likely to close this book on John Meares with a significantly greater respect for the man.My only criticisms are negligible. Nokes makes a number of minor mistakes with regard to Hawaiian figures. Rulers are mixed between islands, and there is some confusion concerning relationships and who held power where. On the other hand, there is some very informative material provided about these times in Hawaii which I have not seen elsewhere.This book should be regarded as a primary source of information about the early Northwest fur trade and early trader visits to Hawaii. It is a great starting point for anyone interested in the period and a wonderful resource of further referance for those who study the time. Anyone interested in this period and trade cycle should have this book on their bookshelf. I was so impressed I returned to and bought everything else I could find by Nokes concerning this time period. Beginning in 1786, Captain John Meares of Great Britain bravely explored the North Pacific, but his attempt to dominate the fur trade between the Northwest Coast and Asia was frustrated when the Spanish navy seized his ships off . Meares missed the opportunity to explore the Strait of Juan de Fuca or discover the . Hence, he was almost a hero.

[0O9Xv.ebook] Almost a Hero: The Voyages of John Meares, R.N., to China, Hawaii and the Northwest Coast By J. Richard Nokes PDF [0O9Xv.ebook] Almost a Hero: The Voyages of John Meares, R.N., to China, Hawaii and the Northwest Coast By J. Richard Nokes Epub [0O9Xv.ebook] Almost a Hero: The Voyages of John Meares, R.N., to China, Hawaii and the Northwest Coast By J. Richard Nokes Ebook [0O9Xv.ebook] Almost a Hero: The Voyages of John Meares, R.N., to China, Hawaii and the Northwest Coast By J. Richard Nokes Rar [0O9Xv.ebook] Almost a Hero: The Voyages of John Meares, R.N., to China, Hawaii and the Northwest Coast By J. Richard Nokes Zip [0O9Xv.ebook] Almost a Hero: The Voyages of John Meares, R.N., to China, Hawaii and the Northwest Coast By J. Richard Nokes Read Online