!'0 ! -.Д Not Just a Shot in the Dark

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!'0 ! -.Д Not Just a Shot in the Dark THE GRISTLE, P.6.*0).*!(0.$+x{RUMOR HAS IT, P.20 cascadia REPORTING FROM THE HEART OF CASCADIA WHATCOM*SKAGIT*ISLAND*LOWER B.C. 11.xx.09 :: #45, v.04 :: !- #6*-55041*--+ y !'0! -.NOT JUST A SHOT IN THE DARK, P.8 /$( ./*-$ . TITILLATING TALES, P.12 /# '$"#//# - GET TURNED ON, P.18 cascadia 34 34 ))(*--$.. “HERON BOWL” FOOD IS AMONG THE BEVY OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL WORKS YOU CAN SEE AT A RECEPTION FOR 27 27 “OBJECTIFICATION 2” NOV. 14 AT EDISON’S A glance at what’s happening this week SMITH AND VALLEE GALLERY CLASSIFIEDS 24 2 ) .4[11.xx.09] FILM FILM MUSIC Richard Tucker: 7:30pm, Roeder Home 20 WORDS Pete Davidson: 7pm, Village Books MUSIC Chuckanut Writers’ Theatre: 7pm, Firehouse Café 18 ART ART /#0-.4[11.xy.09] ON STAGE Talent Show: 7pm, Ferndale High School 16 Good, Bad, Ugly: 8pm, Upfront Theatre The City of Crooked Teeth: 8pm, iDiOM STAGE STAGE Theater The Project: 10pm, Upfront Theatre 14 WORDS Malalai Joya: 12pm, Arntzen Hall, WWU GET OUT Langdon Cook: 7pm, Village Books 12 !-$4[11.xz.09] ON STAGE WORDS Cosi Fan Tutte: 7:30pm, WWU Performing Arts Center 8 The Sound of Music: 7:30pm, McIntyre Hall, Mount Vernon $/'' #-/*./4$)4*0-. / A Tuna Christmas: 7:30pm, RiverBelle Dinner WHEN THE PAPERBOYS BRING THEIR “CELTIC-ROCK STOMPGRASS” SOUNDS Theatre, Mount Vernon CURRENTS CURRENTS Arcadia: 7:30pm, Phillip Tarro Theatre, Mount TO THE STAGE NOV. 14 AT MOUNT VERNON’S LINCOLN THEATRE Vernon 6 Games Galore: 8pm, Upfront Theatre The City of Crooked Teeth: 8pm, iDiOM VIEWS VIEWS Theater Doubles Improv: 10pm, Upfront Theatre 4 MUSIC MAIL MAIL Leslie Johnson: 7pm, Firehouse Performing Arts Center Talent Show: 7pm, Ferndale High School 2 A Tuna Christmas: 7:30pm, RiverBelle Dinner WORDS Theatre, Mount Vernon DO IT IT DO DO IT 2 Amy Foster: 7pm, Village Books Arcadia: 7:30pm, Phillip Tarro Theatre, Mount Humans will Bedtime Stories for Grownups: 8pm, Jinx Vernon perspire for 09 09 Art Space Games Galore: 8pm, Upfront Theatre .11. The City of Crooked Teeth: 8pm, iDiOM Theater a cause— 11 COMMUNITY Doubles Improv: 10pm, Upfront Theatre Peace Builders Awards: 7pm, the Majestic specifically, .04 DANCE the Bellingham 45 GET OUT Contra Dance: 1-11pm, Eagles Hall # Sweat 24: Bellingham Tennis Club Tango by the Bay: 8-11pm, Squalicum Yacht Club Food Bank and the Lighthouse VISUAL ARTS MUSIC Photography Club Show: 5-9pm, Roeder Home Onyx Chamber Players: 7pm, Maple Hall, La Mission—at the Reaching for the Light: 6-9pm, Blue Horse Conner Gallery Judy Collins: 8pm, Silver Reef Casino Hotel annual “Sweat The Paperboys: 8pm, Lincoln Theatre, Mount 24” starting CASCADIA WEEKLY Vernon Friday night at ./0-4[11.x{.09] 2 COMMUNITY the Bellingham ON STAGE Bellingham Farmers Market: 10am-3pm, Depot The Sound of Music: 2pm and 7:30pm, McIn- Market Square Tennis Club tyre Hall, Mount Vernon 34 34 YOUR LOCAL PLACE FOR FUN FOOD EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! 27 CLASSIFIEDS 24 VISUAL ARTS FILM Art by the Lake: 9am-6pm, Bloedel Donovan Samish Island Arts Fest: 10am-4pm, Com- munity of Christ Church 20 Artists’ Studio Tour: 10am-5pm, Lummi Island MUSIC Photography Club Show: 10am-8pm, Roeder Home Objectification Reception: 5-8pm, Smith and Vallee Gallery, Edison 18 Tony Angell Talk: 7pm, Village Books ART .0)4[11.x|.09] 16 ON STAGE The Sound of Music: 2pm, McIntyre Hall, This November STAGE Mount Vernon Taking Steps Auditions: 7pm, Bellingham 14 Theatre Guild At Nooksack Seattle International Comedy Competition: 8pm, Fairhaven Pub River: Pick Your GET OUT MUSIC John Lilly: 2pm, Nancy’s Farm 12 Mt. Baker Organ Society: 2pm, Mount Baker Mark Your Calendars! Prize Thursdays Theatre WORDS WORDS Valley Voices: 1:30-4pm, Skagit County 0RQGD\V &UDFNWKH&RGHRIRXU6HFUHW9DXOW 3OD\ DW RXU VSHFLDO VORW PD 8 Historical Museum Alvin Ziontz: 4pm, Village Books DQG:LQ<RXU6KDUHRI FKLQHV DQG ZLQ GUDZLQJ HQ WULHV3LFNHLWKHUWKH$79IURP CURRENTS VISUAL ARTS 6HH:LQQHUV&OXEIRUGHWDLOV Art by the Lake: 9am-6pm, Bloedel Donovan 0W %DNHU 0RWRVSRUWV RU D 6 Artists’ Studio Tour: 10am-5pm, Lummi 7XHVGD\V )5((6ORW7RXUQDPHQWV VKRSSLQJ VSUHH IRU Island Photography Club Show: 11am-4pm, Roeder DQGH[WHQGHG;3RLQWV \RXU 3UL]H 4XDOL¿HU GUDZLQJV VIEWS Home KHOGHYHU\7KXUVGD\IURPSP Collection Reception: 4-11pm, Depot Market :HGQHVGD\V [3RLQWVRQDOOJDPHVDOOGD\ 4 Square WR SP DQG WKH ¿QDO 3UL]H 7KXUVGD\V )5((%ODFN-DFN7RXUQDPHQWV 'UDZLQJZLOOEH7KXUVGD\'H MAIL 2 FHPEHUDWSP6HH:LQ 2 (*)4[11.x}.09] DQG3LFN<RXU3UL]H7KXUVGD\V QHUV&OXEIRUGHWDLOV DO IT IT DO DO IT ON STAGE )ULGD\V :LL:LQ)ULGD\V² Taking Steps Auditions: 7pm, Bellingham Theatre Guild :LQD:LLFRQVROHIURPSPSP 09 .11. WORDS 6DWXUGD\V %RQXV)UHQ]\:LQMXVWIRU 11 Grand Slam: 8pm, Jinx Art Space SOD\LQJ\RXUIDYRULWHJDPHV .04 45 # /0 .4[11.x~.09] 6XQGD\V )5((3RNHU7RXUQDPHQWVDW MUSIC Built to Spill: 9pm, Nightlight Lounge 9LVLWRXUZHEVLWHIRUPRUHLQIRRUVWRSE\WKH:LQQHUV&OXE FILM GXULQJ&DVLQRKRXUV The Story of Stuff: 7pm, RE Sources CASCADIA WEEKLY TO GET YOUR EVENTS LISTED, 3 SEND DETAILS TO CALENDAR@ CASCADIAWEEKLY.COM WWW.NOOKSACKCASINOS.COM 877.777.9847 5048 MOUNT BAKER HIGHWAY DEMING WA MAIL Contact Cascadia Weekly: THIS ISSUE E 360.647.8200 34 34 Editorial FOOD Editor & Publisher: Tim Johnson 27 27 E ext 260 mail ô editor@ cascadiaweekly.com CONTENTS CREDITS LETTERS Arts & Entertainment CLASSIFIEDS Editor: Amy Kepferle Eext 203 ô calendar@ 24 Mon., Nov. 9, marked the 20th anniversary of the historic cascadiaweekly.com crumbling of the Berlin Wall, a 104-mile-long concrete barrier FILM FILM that, since 1961, had separated East Berlin from West Berlin Music & Film Editor: and symbolized the failings of the Cold War. Carey Ross Eext 204 20 ô music@ VIEWS & NEWS cascadiaweekly.com MUSIC 4: We’ve got mail Production 6: Choosing Whatcom’s future Art Director: Jesse Kinsman 18 8: Flu flubs ô graphics@ ART ART 10: Drugs and detonations cascadiaweekly.com 11: Last week’s news Graphic Artists: Kimberly Baldridge 16 ô kim@ ARTS & LIFE kinsmancreative.com STAGE STAGE 12: Titillating tales Stefan Hansen ô stefan@ 14: Raindrops, roses, nuns cascadiaweekly.com 14 Send All Advertising Materials To 16: Paddle particulars [email protected] 18: Turning on the Lightcatcher GET OUT Advertising 20: Spill it Advertising Director: 24: Fashion and passion Nicki Oldham 12 E360-647-8200 x 202 ô nicki@ cascadiaweekly.com WORDS REAR END 27: Services, Sudoku Account Executives: 8 Marisa Papetti 28: Free Will Astrology E360-647-8200 x 252 THRILLINGHAM to say that Live Consciously, an experience to share and a 29: Wellness ô marisa@ It is with gratitude and the organizing force behind story to tell has helped us to cascadiaweekly.com “Thrillingham,” and our crew take a step toward realizing CURRENTS CURRENTS 30: Advice Goddess relief that I offer a public Frank Tabbita “thank you” to the Belling- of zombies is grateful to the our vision. 31: Crossword E360-739-2388 6 ô frank@ ham Police Department for incredible number of revelers —Jamie Crawford, 32: This Modern World, Tom the Dancing cascadiaweekly.com their support and cooperation who attended the event in all Program Director VIEWS VIEWS Bug Holley Gardoski during Halloween’s “Thriller” their Halloween spirit. Thank Live Consciously, Bellingham 33: Troubletown E360.421.2513 performance at Maritime Heri- you for behaving yourselves. 4 4 ô holley@ tage Park. The thousands of Live Consciously is a non- 34: Talking turkey cascadiaweekly.com CANDY MOUNTAIN MAIL MAIL MAIL Bellinghamsters who attended profit dedicated to the de- MELTDOWN Distribution the evening’s “Thrillingham” velopment of social capital I recently read a Washing- 2 JW Land & Associates performance created a rather in the Bellingham community ton dentist quoted as saying cascadia ô distro@ DO IT IT DO large logistical challenge. Of- through events, activities, he “is tired of seeing cavities, cascadiaweekly.com initiatives and information ©2009 CASCADIA WEEKLY (ISSN 1931-3292) is published each Wednesday by ficers on bikes arrived just as childhood obesity and diabe- Cascadia Newspaper Company LLC. Direct all correspondence to: Cascadia Weekly the crowd began to swell. With focused on environmental tes.” So he’s encouraging den- 09 09 PO Box 2833 Bellingham WA 98227-2833 | Phone/Fax: 360.647.8200 Letters Send letters to letters@ [email protected] respect and kindness, they of- sustainability, social respon- tists to buy back Halloween .11. Though Cascadia Weekly is distributed free, please take just one copy. Cascadia cascadiaweekly.com. 11 Weekly may be distributed only by authorized distributors. Any person removing fered their assistance to keep sibility and civic engagement. candy from American children papers in bulk from our distribution points risks prosecution our performers, audience and Our vision is to create a model and ship thousands of pounds SUBMISSIONS: Cascadia Weekly welcomes freelance submissions. Send material .04 to either the News Editor or A&E Editor. Manuscripts will be returned of you THE GRISTLE, P.6.*0).*!(0.$+x{RUMOR HAS IT, P.20 organizers safe. Their presence of community that engages of it to the troops in Afghani- cascadia 45 REPORTING FROM THE include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. To be considered for calendar list- HEART OF CASCADIA # WHATCOM*SKAGIT*ISLAND*LOWER B.C. ings, notice of events must be received in writing no later than noon Wednesday 11.xx.09 :: #45, v.04 :: !- and consideration facilitated its members through creative stan to give to the kids there the week prior to publication. Photographs should be clearly labeled and will be and unique approaches that returned if accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelope. an event that, quite frankly, as a friendly gesture. LETTERS POLICY: Cascadia Weekly reserves the right to edit letters for length and might not have deserved to be enhance quality of life.
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