1937-08-22 [P B-10]

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1937-08-22 [P B-10] Bomber Packs Full Charge of TNT for First Defense of Crown GRAND EXPLOSION Heavy Champion and Two Invaders Who Are Occupying His Attention Soft Ball Title At Stake Today CONTRACTS SIGNET of the most torrid soft ball ONErivalries of the year will reach a climax today when the Carr FOR IROI Bros. & Boswell ant’ Art's Diner CLASSIC teams clash at Fairlawn at 2:30 Joe Expected to Put More o'clock. Each has won a game In the Greyhound and Muscletone Snap Into Blows Than three-game series for the cham- pionship of the Prince Georges Race in U. S. in October, He Gave Braddock. County League. in BY SPARROW McGAXN. Italy December. YORK, August 21.—Cham- By the Associated Presa. pion Joe Louis ran be expected COLORED TANKERS YORK, August 21—Ar to make the same smart fight rangements for the Interna NEWhe made against Jim Brad- tional home and abroad matcl races dock when he stacks up against SET FOUR RECORDS NEW between Greyhound Tommy Parr Thursday evening. Joe champion trotter of America, anc best has no personal quarrel with the Muscletone, performer in Italy were Welshman. But he does value his Washington Wins South Atlantic completed today with the sign- ing of contracts by E. J. Baker o: world championship and can be ex- Honors From Four Other St. Charles, 111., and Giovanni Maian pected to more in his put snap Cities. of Milan, Italy. punches against the challenger than Hajor The first he did against Braddock. pOUR South Atlantic colored swim- race, a dash of 1»£ miles will be held between = meet records were broken October 5-1 He knew Braddock could and ming punch at either or as the Indianapolis Springfield had to be moment he yesterday Washington captured wary every III. The return match will be racer faced the annual sectional meet for members Jersey Irishman. He knows either in Rome, Naples or Milan be- of their race at the Banneker pool. Tommy Farr cannot, punch his way tween December 15 and 25. i The local 78 out of a entries scored points to subway rush and so can Baker and lead four other cities. Pitts- Sep Palin, veteran tram, afford to take chances to over major get er of Greyhound, have guaranteed = his left hook. Farr is burgh placed second with 50 points, pet in for a purse of *20,000, which wi Philadelphia third with 37, Baltimore probably •tormy evening. be absorbed by the track staging the fourth with 25 and New York last Farr has fooled race in this country. In addition no one with talk with 15. Baker and of working himself into condition by Maiani have agreed to poc One of the records was broken by side bets of With the *10,000 each 10 days oe. gradual stages. exception a Washingtonian. George Olden, set- fore the race. of Abe Feldman, his spar mates were ting a new time of 64 2-5 seconds in a poor lot and hardly the to type the 100-yard free style for boys bring out the best in him. If what Muscletone Races In Berlin. under 16. he showed in is criterion in of training any Ernest Colburn of Philadelphia broke JUSCLETONE, rharge Aliev- of his true ability, he has no more andra Finn, his trainer anr Max Schmeling, German, who holds a over Joe and the 100-yard free style record for men, business In the- ring with Louis than victory driver, will arrive in New York who is looking to another with the Bomber. John Strothers of Pittsburgh smashed th< our scrap any of second-rate heavies. — week of September 6, after fuLflllin; --—-----— J the 200-yard free style mark for men an engagement in a *10,000 race ir and Edith Jetter of New York bettered Berlin. Maiani, who has been in th;. Farr an Easy Target. the old time for the 100-yard breast country for two weeks arranging foi is rough and tough. There stroke for women. pARR the race, asked that his horse be givp- was never any doubt about that Summaries: low at least 30 days in which to get lr from the first BOARD DIVING—Won hv gterl- day he for in- ln* < peeled Thomas Washingtoni: second. Kav- condition. The Italian sportsman ha spection before a critical audience. 'Philadelphia i. third. Janjes ! b°en a *4.000 Spann H-Vde,'Pniladelphia*. ! given guarantee to cove; bounced off his Sixteen-ounce-gloves Joe. Louis, icho is expected HIGH BOARD DIVING—Won by Jam*« expenses of bringing the horse hep chain with no effect. Spann 'Philadelphia *: second. Kavanzo' But 6-ounce to have in rase the rare is called off for somt little difficulty in de- Hyde (Philadelphia*: third. Sterling those I nomas Aathmalnm gloves, especially propelled by his crown BY unforeseen reason. fending against BURTON HAWKINS. IOO-YARD Joe a DREW MEMORIAL—Won bv Louis, are different matter. If John Strothers Tommy Farr, Britisher, next CHRONOLOGICAL list ol what we see in the papers reveals 'Pittsburgh', second W Springfield, over which Greyhounr raw 'uns like Basher Tommy Dean and Joe at the with L^gan Philadelphia»: third. B Tatum Thursday night the Yankee Farr, guy the broad "A’’ who mingles with Joe Louis 'Washington;. Time—5 hung up his record of l.57’4 la= can find the Thursday minutes 12>» Wagner target with large Stadium in New York. at \ankee seconds. I Stadium, has made as much of a dent on the fistic public year, appears to have the inside trad it is to assume that 50-YARD MILLER MEMORIAL—Won gloves, logical as shooters on the race. Gov. Horner A pea against the side of a battleship. The attitude of by Ernest Colburn 'Philadelphia1, second. \ Henry' i: Sharpshooter Joe Louis will find it just Kooert Ware studied indifference presages an almost of ticket sales. 'Baltimore); third James reported to be behind the match an' complete collapse ’• Time—*-*»>' seconds as easy. And Farr, boxing with open The Mii-5.«!.Pl.ttsbMri?h 3 desires it for the Illinois general opinion of scribes who have covered Farr's training camp MEDLEY RELAY—Won b.v Pittsburgh capital, n mouth, suffer severe 'Sullivan may injury m nnrt a f -- Miles. Strothers*: second W'asn- I view that thf* Wplsh inn 1 of the close wit ington. third. friendship should one of Joe's land Baltimore. Time—b4-s punches fight his way out of a bubble and is I seco.ia. Baker. Inoianapolis is thp home o; Tommy Farr, whom the experts is in a IOO-YARD FREE w-hen the teeth are parted. This de- August. 19—Farr's right cheek bone figure for speedy kayo. STYLE FOR MEN— ; Palin and has bid Just as durable. Being floored three ! Won by strongly for th< is —Wide World Fhoucs. Oiliest Colourn (Philadelphia', fect In Farr's defense was noted and gashed by an unknown, Joey Wag- second. W. < event. times by the light-hitting Bob Olin __ Logan Pmlade.phu >. third often commented on. Farr can take ner, a light-heavyweight, some 30 A. Mi.es 'Pitisourgh;. Time—*il seconds would seem to indicate his chin is not inew .nee record* a hard blow a.nd come back pounds than And a fighting. the resistive lighter Tommy. 200-YARD FREE STYLE FOR MEN— type. Won by St He can swarm all over a bewildered left hook did it. Pretty left hooks roiiiei s (Pittsburgh': second. Ty.er Washington *: third Locan 'Phila- HORSE SHOW ALL Tommy is regarded somewhat these are tossed almost SET fighter. But taking a hard blow on lightly days exclu- delphia' 'lime—2 minutes le-% seconds by the typewriter pokers and thp (new meet record1 a relaxed jaw is something not being pub- sively by Louis. They said Farr didn't lic 50-YAKD .11 Vt.MI.E. BOYS I'NDER 12 print has shown it. The trend of a ■ Fairfax Lists done with a thumper of Joe Louis' cut easily, but mediocre sparmate EARS—won bv Mauiews 'Washington' Eighteen Classes Victor In secono. Maryland Champ the type doesn't augur well shops him. Now how about Cnapmap 'Washing; on*, third caliber. exactly that mine A Francis ( a&hington t. Tune—.>2's sec- Palmer to Direct Program. for any attendance records .simply accident? And does anybody want onds Louis concentrated on out boxing Mahaffey Sweepstakes. because Farr, the challenger, has no to buy a ticket? v-T?S“>ARD RELAY BOYS I'NDER l« Spec,al Dispatch to The S ar of a weaving crouch during the three lEAKs*—Won by Baltimore 'Briscoe Mc- salable assets. You hardly become Rea. Lanse,. Hansiey*. second. Washing- FAIRFAX, Va., August 21.—Eight weeks he spent at Lakes. ton. tmrd. Pompton Battiste excited over like Wasnington. Time—1 minute een classes will be run off Runner-up. things these: o835 in th It was noticeable that he came up seconds 150-YARD BACK STROKE FOR MEN— Fairfax horse and pony show to b with both FLESHMAN. July 15—Jack Dempsey says punching hands and did champion Wron by Strotners Pittsourgn *. second. COFFEY TEAM GOES , of the held on the local show grounds Sep not seem at a loss over what to dn ringer thrower of the Metro- Farr's changes of whipping dog show, the Sandy Cove fea- Henderson 'Washington*, third Colburn ture offered a •Philadelphia'. Time—2 minutes s sec- i tember 11. it is announced by Rober with his hands when he stood politan Singles and District Louis are nil. delightful place for onds.
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