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TELLING IT AS IT IS MMA lauds govt page Cops monitoring page move to join Covax 3 ‘Dark Side’ 5 initiative pornography sites

ON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 No. 7622 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) www.thesundaily.my

FIRST CLASS ... Teacher Norhaliza Che Ahmad telling her charges about the solar system during lessons at The Whytehouse, the first kindergarten at the Tech Dome in the Komtar Building, Penang. – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN

Fry the frogs Perfect equilibrium oVoters should use Sabah polls to stop in her life party hopping for good, says Suhakam chief

█ BY NICOLAS ANIL Mah told theSun yesterday. [email protected] “If party hoppers aren’t elected, then the message is clear. Don’t party hop.” ETALING JAYA: The Sabah election on Mah said another strong reason Sabahans Saturday could present an opportunity will be going to the polls is to stamp their mark for voters to show party hoppers the at the federal level. door once and for all. “This is very much in the minds of Sabahans P In fact, this election and Sarawakians. They feel strongly about should be the well from ensuring that the Malaysian Agreement 1963 (to which “political frogs” can protect the rights of Sabah and Sarawak) is never jump out of again. inclusive,” he said. This is the message that The retired Court of Appeal judge said he the Human Rights will be joined by a delegation of more than 30 Commission of Malaysia Suhakam members in Sabah by Thursday to (Suhakam) hopes voters will remember when monitor the polling process. they make their way to the polling booths. He said he foresees a smooth election, but Suhakam commissioner Datuk Mah Weng expressed concern over the Covid-19 threat. Kwai said the commission had proposed laws to “We must be extra careful. We won’t be prohibit party hopping, but the real power to forgiven if we bring this (virus) back. The Sabah stop these “frogs” and make a bold statement government is welcoming of us, which is a big page (against such acts) lies in the hands of voters. plus.” “The snap polls are a direct result of party Many Sabahans will not be hopping. It is not in line with the mandate given making the trip home this Turn to 17 to our politicians, and we will maintain that Saturday over fears of contracting — position. This election will be to correct that Covid-19, and the cost of making page 2 NEXT GEN NEXT situation. Party hoppers should not be elected,” the trip. 2 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS ‘Macho men’ open to health risks He cited the positive reactions of doting Lim added that as long as society rewards oHolding back emotions to conform with image of fathers who openly express their love for their this form of masculinity, men will continue to children. behave in this manner and any sort of change manliness can be harmful in later years, say experts “While I agree that men should be in control would be a long time coming in Malaysia. of their emotions, they should also be allowed Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman lecturer to show a limited range of emotions.” Asst Prof Dr Charanjit Kaur said the existence of █ BY SHIVANI SUPRAMANI feelings can shorten a man’s life, adding that While it is unfair to say bottled up feelings gender differences is due to family institutions [email protected] men find it hard to visit a doctor when they are the sole reason for mental health issues, it is and culture. suspect something is wrong with their health. a contributory factor, he said. “Girls are told to communicate in feminine PETALING JAYA: Experts have cautioned that “Men have a tendency to avoid coming for “I am glad there is attention being paid to ways whereas boys are encouraged to cultivate men who strive to be the “strong and silent” check-ups. Their wife or daughter have to bring mental health in the media recently because masculine traits. I believe every individual type may find that it works against them in later them in for treatment. This delays the diagnosis Malaysians tend to brush it off,” he told theSun. should possess both traits.” years. time. Commonly, we hear families of heart However, Lim agreed that patriarchal Charanjit added that gendered socialisation “Men’s lack of expression puts them at risk of attack patients saying that the victims refused to standards do harm to the well-being of men. that is spread through media agents such as developing unhealthy coping mechanisms that get help because they played down their “If someone told a boy to stop acting like a films and online ads tend to represent men as later contribute to issues such as cardiovascular symptoms as muscular pains.” girl, they are perpetuating the existing ideals of emotionally lacking and women as naturally diseases and mental health issues,” said Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman lecturer Dr masculinity and societal norms. Men adept at relationships. Internal Medicine specialist Dr Rajbans Singh. Lim Soo Jin from the Faculty of Creative Studies overcompensate when their masculinity is “Many men prefer not to discuss issues The Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur specialist pointed out society’s shifting perceptions of the threatened, thus causing them to guard their openly and accept them as part and parcel said statistics have shown that suppression of emotional side of men. emotions and come across as distant.” of life.”

Election Commission official Nelly Golor 26,572 M’sians preparing ballot boxes at the Sabah contingent Voters upset over police headquarters yesterday for early voting. stranded abroad absence of mail ballots – BERNAMAPIX brought home A voter, who gave her name only as KUALA LUMPUR: The Foreign Ministry Shirley, echoed the dissatisfaction of has facilitated the return of 26,572 many Sabahans who wanted postal Malaysians stranded abroad following the voting, which would have allowed them Covid-19 pandemic, said its Deputy to vote without having to Minister Datuk Kamarudin Jaafar. return to Sabah. They were brought home via 528 From “If (the Election flights from 94 countries. front Commission) had put “This number includes 20 members of page enough thought into it, the Malaysian tabligh congregation who Sabahans living outside were detained and taken to court in India. could vote. I have two They were brought home three days ago. children and there is no one to “Currently, only 56 people are reported take care of them if my husband and I go to be still stranded abroad. They are back to vote,” she said, while expressing waiting for airports to reopen and hope that the election would bring commercial flights to resume,” he said in development, especially better roads and the Dewan Negara yesterday. electricity supply. Kamarudin said the ministry Another resident, Mohamad Yazid estimated there are about 457,000 Osman, said: “We need more forward- Malaysians currently abroad, but could thinking politicians who can create more not confirm the number as not all are jobs and improve the people’s lives.” registered with Malaysian representative Sabahans are going to the polls offices. again after only 26 months since However, he said Malaysian the last general election representatives will ensure that those that saw the defeat of affected by Covid-19 are given assistance, Barisan Nasional at including medical treatment and help to the federal level as facilitate their return journey. well as in several He urged those travelling abroad to states. register with the nearest Malaysian A total of 447 representative office. – Bernama candidates from various parties, as well as Fake social media independents, are vying for 73 seats. accounts deleted KUALA LUMPUR: Close to 3,000 social media accounts were deleted between early 2019 and August this year. They were among 3,224 accounts that were either phoney or disguised as legitimate ones, according to Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah. He said the action was taken by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission with the cooperation of social media platform Will there be a surprise in Melalap? providers. The contents in these accounts were KOTA KINABALU: Tenom, often called Sabah’s observers are keenly watching to see whether For the record, Radin was rural development found to have elements of cyberbullying, “Coffee Capital”, has been gaining a lot of there will be a repeat of the 1985 drama. minister in the state government that was led Saifuddin told the Dewan Negara attention, and not just for the aromatic drink. However, the conditions today are different. by former chief minister Tan Sri Musa Aman. yesterday. There are several new tourist attractions There are two state constituencies in Tenom – He had held the seat for four consecutive A study is underway to determine such as Rundum Highlands, that have drawn Melalap and Kemabong. Allies are fighting one terms, losing it to Anthony in 2018. whether specific laws were needed to visitors to this otherwise quiet place. another for the Melalap seat. Anthony is focusing his campaign on issues combat cyberbullying, he said, adding Lately, visitors of a different kind, namely Barisan Nasional (BN) is fielding Jamawi such as the local economy. that discussions were being held to find politicians from across the state and even from Jaafar, the incumbent assemblyman in Jamawi, who is a familiar face in the solutions and a suitable framework with the peninsula, have been arriving. neighbouring Kemabong, and PBS is constituency, plans to focus on the agricultural the best mechanism to address it. Incidentally, the Tenom parliamentary represented by its deputy president Datuk Seri and tourism sectors. Saifuddin said several existing constituency was the scene of a “giant-slaying” Radin Malleh. Both are allies in the Perikatan Apiang, a popular Murut singer, wants to legislations can be utilised to tackle the 35 years ago. Nasional coalition. offer new hope to his community and those of menace, such as the Communications Back in 1985, then Sabah chief minister Tan Also in the fray to snatch the seat from other ethnicities. and Multimedia Act 1998, Computer Sri Harris Salleh lost the seat, that had been his incumbent Datuk Peter Anthony of Parti Sabah political analyst Dr Syahruddin Awg Crimes Act 1997 and the Penal Code. personal stronghold, to Kadoh Agundong, a Warisan Sabah are Apiang Sausun of Parti Cinta Ahmad said Apiang seems to have the “If existing laws are found to be relatively unknown candidate from the newly Sabah, Sazali Justi of United Sabah National advantage and could spring a surprise if he inadequate, appropriate amendments formed Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS). Organisation and Masdin Tumas of Liberal continues to raise unresolved issues of the can be made,” he said in reply to Senator Tenom now has two state seats, and political Democratic Party. Murut people in his campaign. – Bernama Datuk A. Kesavadas. – Bernama theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 3 NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS


Graphics_1 > Graphics Logos >The Sun Masthead .ai Time to rethink strategy to address KL’s flood problem

█ BY EDDIE HOO identified, DBKL hopes to resolve Department of Irrigation and thunderstorms, severe flash floods the matter and prevent it from Drainage director-general Datuk and higher temperatures. UTILITY pipes installed in the worsening by ensuring that Nor Hisham Mohd Ghazali told a China is looking at creating drainage system without the construction sites only instal pipes publication that the city was sponge cities that are designed to approval of Kuala Lumpur City in the drainage system of the right probably overdeveloped and its absorb large amount of water and Hall (DBKL) were said to have specifications. drainage system was unable to disperse it back into the contributed to the flash floods in However, that alone will not handle the deluge. environment slowly but effectively. the capital recently. ensure an end to flash floods in the That is where the main problem Instead of concrete pavements Federal Territories Deputy capital city. Kuala Lumpur is lies. The Global Forest Watch that do not allow water to be People should be Minister Datuk Seri Dr Santhara struggling to cope with floodwater said Kuala Lumpur lost 11ha of absorbed in the ground, they are Kumar said drainage capacity had diversion. Widening and humid primary forest from 2002 to opting for more permeable allowed to choose been reduced by up to 40% deepening our huge monsoon 2019. surfaces. because of various illegal utility drains to carry floodwater out of The total area of humid primary On top of ensuring efficient their gender identity pipes installed within the drainage the city is no longer a feasible forest in Kuala Lumpur decreased stormwater management, we system. solution. by 93% in this period, according to could also look at mitigating the The deluge of rain that hit Kuala Had it not for the Stormwater the online platform that provides Urban Heat Island effect by oStrongly disagree - 33% Lumpur caused flash floods in Management and Road Tunnel data and tools for monitoring reducing heat-trapping asphalt oDisagree - 21% several parts of the city with water (SMART Tunnel) being activated forests. and increasing tree cover in the level reaching as high as three to its full capacity, an area of 15ha Due to the Urban Heat Island city. The two problems of flood oUndecided - 20% metres. in the city could have been effect, Greater Kuala Lumpur is set management and urban warming oAgree - 18% With one of the causes submerged in floodwater. to encounter more frequent freak need to be tackled together. oStrongly agree - 8%

Agree or strongly agree Race MMA hails govt decision Malays - 16% Indian - 44% Chinese - 43% Other Bumi - 29% Age Gender to join Covex vaccine plan 46+ - 27% Male - 28% 31 to 45 - 23% █ Female - 24% BY RAJVINDER SINGH Ganabaskaran said under the 18 to 30 - 28% [email protected] oKeep public updated on the global Covax Vaccine Plan, “subject to funding availability, funded PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian programme, says Ganabaskaran countries will receive enough [Source: Vase.ai Survey, Sep 2020, based Medical Association (MMA) has doses to vaccinate up to 20% of on 1,027 respondents of Malaysia’s theSunGraphics© welcomed the government’s their population in the longer Temperature Check; survey report] - Magenan decision to join the Covax Vaccine shedding light on the direction to transparency in carrying this term”. Plan. be taken by the government to out and the public must be He said since demand is MMA president Dr N secure Covid-19 vaccines for the kept informed on the progress,” he initially likely to exceed supply Ganabaskaran said this move can country” he said. said. once vaccines do become 293 held for be seen as an insurance policy to Ganabaskaran said the Ganabaskaran said MMA available, allocation will be spread ensure access to vaccine supply. government should provide supports Mosti’s suggestion for the across countries based on the He said this is on top of the regular updates to the public as it vaccine to be made available at no number of doses that are available violating RMCO government’s efforts to secure will be well appreciated by all cost to the public and looks and increase as availability vaccine supply through bilateral Malaysians as the issue of vaccines forward to ways this can be made increased. negotiations with candidate for Covid-19 is of national interest. possible. He said we will need to vaccine manufacturers. He pointed out that the He said Mosti and MOH will determine which vulnerable or He said MMA hopes that the medical fraternity and the public need to address the big question of high-risk groups will be given PETALING JAYA: The crackdown on those who Science, Technology and had expressed concern over who or which groups will be priority for vaccination among this continue to violate the restricted movement Innovation Ministry (Mosti) will Malaysia’s preparedness to obtain prioritised for vaccination. 20% mentioned. control order (RMCO) continued yesterday work closely with the Health supply of Covid-19 vaccines as the “The universal approach would “This can be a challenge and with 293 people arrested. Ministry on vaccination plans for deadline for joining the Covax be to prioritise vulnerable groups. important decisions will need to be Senior Minister (Defence) Datuk Seri Ismail Covid-19. Vaccine Plan was coming to a Who will fall under the category of made in the near future. Sabri Yaakob said 269 were issued compounds “Besides consulting experts and close. ‘vulnerable’ or high risk will need “Finally, apart from consulting while 24 were remanded. professional groups, the “The public will be more to be determined and listed in the experts and professional He said the majority of the arrests were government must also engage encouraged with Mosti and the proper order. groups, we believe obtaining made at pubs and nightclubs. stakeholders and gather public Health Ministry working closely “This needs to be well planned public feedback will also be an He said that among those arrested, 124 were feedback. together on the vaccination plan. ahead of vaccine distribution,” he important step to take through patrons of nightclubs and pubs, 85 failed to “MMA thanks Mosti for The government must ensure full said. stakeholder engagement,” he said. observe social distancing, 24 failed to wear face masks, two for ignoring the RMCO and two more for being out without a valid reason. Also arrested were 31 business operators 5mil ha of forest who failed to provide equipment for contact tracing registration, 10 for operating beyond the in Malaysia permitted business hours and six for operating without a licence. Nine illegal migrants were certified also nabbed. Ismail Sabri said a total of 2,475 compliance PUTRAJAYA: More than five task force teams involving 11,016 personnel million hectares of forest in conducted checks at 54,825 premises including Malaysia have been certified under supermarkets, restaurants, hawker stalls, the Malaysian Timber Certification factories, banking premises, government Scheme (MTCS) and Forest offices, as well as land, water and air transport Stewardship Council (FSC) terminals. scheme. On the mandatory home quarantine, he said Energy and Natural Resources 31,830 people who arrived through KLIA were Minister Datuk Dr Shamsul Anuar screened for Covid-19 from July 24 to Sept 20. Nasarah said efforts to introduce Ismail Sabri said 71 tested positive for Covid- forest certification in compliance 19 and were sent to the hospital, while 23,417 with forest sustainability in were allowed to return home. Malaysia began as early as 1994 He added that a total of 8,342 people have when a set of criteria and already been put under mandatory quarantine. indicators for sustainable forest “The authorities also detained 75 illegal management were formulated. migrants, five suspected smugglers, and two Malaysia, he said, had been Shamsul and Nestle Malaysia chief executive officer Juan Aranols at the launch of Nestle Malaysia’s Project RELeaf boat skippers on Sunday under Op Benteng. practising sustainable forest at Taman Rimba Alam, Putrajaya. – ASHRAF SHAMSUL/THESUN “The authorities also mounted 91 management (SFM) since 1901 roadblocks nationwide, and four vehicles were and the overall harvesting of He said Malaysia is committed SFM. cover is at 55.31% with an area of seized in the operation,” he added. timber in Malaysia was based on to maintaining at least 50% of the “With more than 50% forest 18.27 million hectares,” he added Ismail Sabri said the government will each state’s stipulated quota that country’s land area with forest and tree cover, Malaysia’s forest when launching Nestle Malaysia’s continue to monitor the country’s borders, was approved by the National and tree cover in line with the can help in limiting global Project RELeaf at Taman Rimba especially the rat lanes, and will take stern Land Council and adopted by the pledge made at the Earth Summit temperature rise to below 2°C. Alam, here, yesterday. — action against those who work with human states. in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 through “Currently, Malaysia’s forest Bernama traffickers to bring in illegal immigrants. 4 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS Another cluster surfaces in Sabah, six in total KUALA LUMPUR: Another Covid-19 referral to a hospital. However, the screened involving this cluster, with clusters in Sabah, Noor Hisham said of Noor Hisham added five new cases cluster has surfaced in Sabah, making confirmation test through -PCR 112 of them awaiting results while the the 57 new cases reported yesterday, were reported from the Benteng LD it the sixth cluster in the state. screening proved negative. The index case is still being traced. 14 were from the Pulau Cluster, thus Cluster yesterday, bringing the total Health Director-General Tan Sri screening done around the Tongod Prevention measures, including bringing cumulative cases there to 29 number of positive cases there to 583 Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah yesterday district that started on Sept 6 involved disinfection and cleaning, have been (26 Malaysians and three Filipinos). after 9,610 people were screened. said the latest cluster, named the the local community, including staff undertaken at the Tongod Health To date, 451 individuals have been “In Kedah, only one new case was Kuarters Cluster, was found in at the local health clinic. Clinic. All patients having screened involving 371 in Kunak, reported from the Sungai Cluster, Tongod, Sandakan. Five positive cases “All the positive cases (cases 10,253 appointments there have been including the 14 new cases there, and bringing the total number of positive have been reported following to 10,257) in this cluster are referred to the nearest health clinic. 80 in Semporna. cases involving this cluster to 74, with screening done in the district. Malaysians. They were asymptomatic “Health services at the Tongod He also said 12 new cases were 24,699 people screened as of noon He said on Sept 4, a health worker and were admitted to the Duchess of Health Clinic will resume when the reported yesterday involving the yesterday,” he said. from Tongod tested positive during an Kent Hospital in Sandakan for disinfection and cleaning operations Selamat Cluster, bringing the tally of The Sungai Cluster involves the RTK Antigen screening. treatment,” he said in a statement. have been completed,” he said. positive cases there to 19, with 215 states of Kedah, Penang and Perlis in “This worker was screened upon So far, 117 individuals have been On developments involving individuals screened so far. the peninsula.

Ordinary people, extraordinary lives Three siblings found living in horrid conditions KUANTAN: Three sisters aged 12, 10 and nine were recently found living in squalor on the Overcoming adversity upper floor of a business premises at Batu 6, Jalan Gambang. The living space was covered with rubbish and dog faeces and bird droppings. They were living under the care of an uncle in through sheer grit his early 30s, who rented the premises for RM500 a month. Their plight was discovered after SJKC Taman Tas president of the Parent-Teacher Association oAmputee Hairuman was Yeoh Kok Bin visited them with a representative from the Pahang Social Welfare Department. given a new lease on life Food wrappers, bottles and scrap items were seen strewn on the stairs, while visitors waited for with the aid of prostheses, almost 10 minutes as the siblings struggled to put a dog in a cage. An odour hit the vistors as soon and now has a job while as the door was opened. “The eldest sister said they would usually eat helping others like him instant noodles or bread after returning from school while waiting for their uncle to come home with food. If there were any ingredients, █ BY ELLY FAZANIZA the eldest sister would cook simple meals,” Yeoh [email protected] said yesterday. Their uncle works as a welder in Air Putih and ALL it took was a jolt to end Muhamad would leave early in the morning, while their 35- Hairuman Miskon’s dream of becoming an year-old father only returned home during the electrician. weekend as he worked in a forest in Rompin, In an interview with theSun recently, about 136km away. Hairuman recalled that he was working part- Their 34-year-old mother is said to be working time in an oil palm estate near his home in in Johor or Singapore for the past three years. Tanjung Karang, Selangor, when he was “The girls’ father would give RM50 to each struck by a high voltage cable. child for their daily expenses while the uncle “The blow knocked me out, and I was would give RM60 to the eldest sister to buy disoriented and confused when I came to at instant noodles and other cooking ingredients, about noon that day. It was only later that I and would top it up if the money ran out,” he realised I had been electrocuted,” he said. said. Hairuman was rushed to a hospital in The siblings had skipped classes for two Tanjung Karang but was later transferred to weeks straight despite the school being less than the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for further a kilometre from them. treatment. Yeoh had suggested the three siblings be “The doctors told me both my arms would placed in a childcare centre, but they did not have to be amputated just below the elbow want to be separated from their uncle. and my left leg also had to go,” he said. However, following the inspection, their uncle Hairuman knew if he lost both his arms, has agreed to temporarily place the siblings at a he would no longer be able to pursue his care home to give him time to clean up the place ambition of becoming an electrician. or find another living unit. – Bernama “But I also understood that I needed to heal and be independent again,” he said. Hairuman testing a leg prothesis while Nasrul Anuar checks his progress. – ASYRAF RASID/THESUN Hairuman, 31, said he was in hospital for seven months before he could start the the time. There was nowhere I could go,” Razak, who found him the right prostheses. Mandarin version of process of rehabilitation. he recalled. Hairuman has completed a year’s Despite his disability, he was still Fortunately, a woman he now refers to as programme in information technology and is portal not new: MACC determined to find a job, so he began calling “Mak” (Mum) as she is a mother figure to now a real estate agent, motivational speaker, several companies. him, volunteered to take him for his job e-hailing driver and part-time prosthesis PUTRAJAYA: The Mandarin option on the “I told them that I wanted to work. I interviews. “She has been my tower of model. Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s wanted to be useful,” he said. strength.” He also plays the role of primary carer to (MACC) official website is a recently reactivated Using the phone was also a challenge, but Eventually, the Social Security two disabled sisters and a brother. version with changes and improvements. with much practice, he was finally able to dial Organisation answered his call for help. “I want to be the voice for those who are MACC deputy chief commissioner numbers with his elbow. Hairuman was put under its “Return to Work” like me. I remember a parent pointing at me (prevention), Datuk Shamshun Baharin Mohd But his troubles did not end there. programme, but they quickly realised that to and telling her children that if they were Jamil said the version had been in existence Eventually, his elderly sister felt he had make him employable, he needed prostheses. naughty, they would end up like me. It made since 2015, but was shut down temporarily in become a burden and wanted him to That led him to the coordinator for the me feel so ashamed,” he said. 2018 before being reactivated with leave. Prosthesis and Orthotics Engineering Centre “I believe education can help our children improvements to ensure anti-graft messages “But I had only RM400 to my name at at Universiti Malaya, Dr Nasrul Anuar Abd learn to respect those who are different.” reached a wider audience. “We have reactivated it because there are officers now to manage it … we may even come up with a Tamil version if there is enough Police call off search for ‘crashed’ aircraft allocation,” he said when commenting on reaction from various parties over the portal’s GEORGE TOWN: Police have ceased a search coloured plane had plunged into the sea,” Police also questioned a beach boy who Mandarin version. for a light aircraft that was believed to have Northeast district police chief ACP Soffian said he did not see such a thing while Marine Yesterday, Parti Bumiputera Perkasa crashed into the sea near Tanjung Bungah on Santong said at a press conference. Police Force personnel monitoring the area Malaysia, through its Wira movement, handed Sunday. “The distance between the three said anglers and fishermen there at the a letter of protest to MACC over the matter. “On receiving information from witnesses, witnesses, in their 50s, was about 20 metres. time had not seen anything either. Shamshun Baharin said MACC had always we conducted a search and rescue operation They claim to have seen an object crash into However, as the three witnesses were prioritised Bahasa Melayu as its primary and gathered information from the public, the sea near Pulau Keramat. The incident consistent in their claim on what they had seen, language on its official portal although other two fishermen and a security guard, who allegedly took place about 1.5km to 5km off Soffian said the police will conduct further language options were also available. informed us that an object resembling a dark- the beach,” he added. investigations into the report. – Bernama – Bernama theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 5 NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS

Anwar fails to strike out suit Providing safe haven KUALA LUMPUR: PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim failed in his bid to strike out an originating summons filed by lawyer Mohd Khairul Azam Abdul for disadvantaged children Aziz, over the full pardon granted to him over his conviction and imprisonment for sodomising an aide. Three years on, the couple now play parents High Court Judge Datuk Akhtar Tahir oAfter suffering personal loss, businessman turns his home to 20 children, including two babies, all of also dismissed a similar application by whom are from disadvantaged background. His the Pardons Board. into shelter for orphans and raises them with his own child wife, who chose to remain anonymous, helps Akhtar ruled that the plaintiff (Mohd out by cooking for the children and taking care Khairul Azam) has locus standi in █ BY KEERTAN AYAMANY He continued the tradition even after he got of their other needs. initiating the legal suit and that there are [email protected] married a few years later, this time with his wife, As far as Kanagendren is concerned, the triable issues that need to be heard in and later their only daughter, in tow. children are not orphans. “They are my full. PETALING JAYA: Spurred by the loss of his Kanagendren recalled how his children. As long as I am here, they He also held that the Yang di-Pertuan parents at a young age, B. Kanagendren decided daughter Kevisha began to display a have a father,” he said. Agong had exercised executive power to take in children who had felt similar pain. “surprising amount of Kevisha, now aged 10, said when granting the pardon to Anwar. Living with them and raising them under one compassion” when she turned she’s happier now that she is “If the Agong exercised executive roof with his wife and daughter, 38-year-old six. living with her new-found power, how can it not be justiciable. It’s Kanagendren also finances his shelter with his She would urge her parents siblings. “It’s like having not a royal pardon. It’s an executive own earnings through his businesses, a cleaning to give the orphans as much siblings of my own. I like pardon because he is taking the role of service and a partnership in a mamak attention as they were giving to having them around,” she the executive. And if he is exercising restaurant. her. said. executive power, there are procedures However, the Covid-19 pandemic has all but “There was once when she Despite the good and laws where you can question the depleted his earnings and he is now appealing would not let me buy her new intentions, Kanagendran is executive power.” – Bernama for financial aid to help him continue providing shoes until I promised to buy now hard-pressed to keep the for the children. shoes for her friends at the home running. His monthly costs Kanagendren was just 21 when he lost his orphanage as well,” Kanagendren told go up to RM12,000 for expenditures mother and father to illnesses. theSun. including rent, utilities, Former T’ganu MB To cope with the loss, he began to visit This made him realise that he groceries and transport. orphanages where should do more for the Anyone who wishes to Wan Mokhtar dies he could help the children without waiting donate can reach him on children. for someone else to do it. his cellphone (016-2090901). KUALA TERENGGANU: Former This desire to help Kanagendren has compiled a Terengganu mentri besar Tan Sri Wan eventually materialised into list of necessities, including groceries that can Mokhtar Ahmad passed away at 6.20am a shelter for children 12 be donated to the home. Donors can also yesterday from heart complications. years later. deposit cash into his Maybank account: He died at the Prince Court Medical Kanagendren has aptly 512866193222. The shelter is at 171, Jalan PP Centre, Kuala Lumpur. His remains was named it “Heavenly 1/2, Taman Putra Prima, buried at the Section 21 Muslim Home”. Puchong, Selangor. Cemetery in Shah Alam, Selangor. He was known as a state leader who emphasised the importance of education as one way out of the shackles of poverty. Wan Mokhtar, 88, from Kuala Terengganu, served as mentri besar for 25 years from 1974 to 1999. His political journey began in 1963 with his active involvement in Umno where he subsequently became the MP for Kemaman after winning the second general election (GE) in 1964. He won the Chukai state constituency in the Fourth GE in 1974 and was subsequently given the mandate as mentri besar. During his tenure, he brought a lot of infrastructure development such as roads and electricity to rural areas. – Bernama

CHARGED WITH MURDERING FATHER IPOH: An unemployed man was charged in the magistrate’s court yesterday with murdering his father.

BRIEFSPang Kar Foong, 49, appeared calm while the charge was read out to him before magistrate Noor Azreen Liana Mohd Darus. No plea was Kanagendren with his children at the shelter. - AMIRUL SYAFIQ/THESUN recorded. Kar Foong was alleged to have intentionally caused the death of his father, Pang Kei Tat, 75, by using a bottle and a fragment of a soy sauce bottle at a house in Jalan Cops monitoring ‘Dark Side’ sex sites on social media Besar K/B Gunung Rapat here, on Sept 12. The accused faces the KUALA LUMPUR: The public are reminded and videos, and some even display unnatural Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia Prof Datuk Dr mandatory death sentence. that advertising, possession and distribution of sex acts. Mohamed Fadzil Che Din said the DS trend is – Bernama pornographic material is an offence under The 26-year-old, who preferred to remain seen to be closely related to mental health. Section 292 of the Penal Code and Section 233 anonymous, said account owners and their He said the individuals involved have failed REPORT ILLEGALS TO US, of the Communications and Multimedia Act followers also unabashedly chat about to balance their instinctive sexual urges with 1998 and criminal charges can be imposed. pornographic topics, sexual fantasies and their rational thinking based on strong religious POLICE TELL PUBLIC The warning comes from the Bukit Aman exchange pornographic content, and even and moral values. LAHAD DATU: Police have urged Criminal Investigation Department and is in invitions to have sex. “As they are mentally weak, they fail to anyone with information on the light of a new trend that has taken on, on social “There are accounts that post pictures, nude manage libido or strong instincts of pleasure. If influx of illegal immigrants or any media. videos of themselves … for fun.” their mentality is strong ... all instinctive urges kind of outside threat to Sabah, to immediately report to authorities. The “Dark Side” or DS account is where the He said some DS account owners are selling will be managed well and successfully. If not Lahad Datu district police chief ACP owner of a social media account chooses to pornographic videos and photo collections to treated, it will become a cancer in society, Nasri Mansor said the call was a step display their dark side, especially sexual desire selected customers from as little as RM50 to especially for users of social media,” he said. towards tackling cross-border crime and fantasy, on their account. hundreds of ringgit. Meanwhile, Bukit Aman Criminal and curbing the spread of Covid-19 DS accounts are easy to set up. In fact the The modus operandi of these social media Investigation Department deputy director from neighbouring countries. “We number of such accounts is increasing, with users will see the account owner upload a short (Investigation/Legal) DCP Mior Faridalathrash are also worried that something most involving pornography-related posts, video as an advertisement to attract customers Wahid said police have been monitoring the DS untoward will happen during the abusive words and invitations to have intimate and then put the sale content in a group trend and have been cooperating with the state election, which is why people relations, as well as uploading and selling through the chat application after receiving the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia need to report any information on personal pornographic videos and pictures. payment. Commission to identify account holders found illegal immigrants.” – Bernama An account holder said the platform allows Commenting on the matter, an expert in selling or distributing pornographic or erotic users to upload personal pornographic pictures counselling in psychology from Universiti images. – Bernama 6 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS India eases restrictions despite spike people, the government is easing more and only be bought online. “I think, not just in India but all over the oCountry records about more restrictions, including on many train “So many people lost their job during the world, fatigue with extreme measures that were routes, domestic flights, markets, restaurants lockdown. People have suffered a lot and it is taken to restrict the growth of the coronavirus is 100,000 new infections and and now, visiting the Taj Mahal. time the country opens up fully,” said bank setting in,” said Gautam Menon, professor of The world-famous white-marble official Ayub Sheikh, 35, visiting the Taj with his physics and biology at Ashoka University, 1,000 deaths daily mausoleum in Agra, south of New Delhi, wife and baby daughter. predicting that infections will keep rising as a reopened to visitors yesterday in a symbolic “We are not afraid of the virus. If it has to result. business-as-usual gesture even as India looks infect us, it will,” Sheikh told AFP. Many experts say that even though India is AGRA: India Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to overtake the United States as the global “Not many people are dying now. I don’t testing more than a million people per day, this reluctant to copy some other nations and leader in coronavirus infections. think it is going to go away soon. We have to get is still not enough and the true number of cases tighten the screws on activity again despite the The Taj Mahal is India’s most popular tourist used to it.” may be much higher than officially reported. country, which is home to 1.3 billion people, site. It usually draws seven million visitors a Elsewhere, particularly in rural areas where The same goes for deaths, which currently reporting around 100,000 new infections and year but has been closed since March. infections are soaring, anecdotal evidence stand at more than 86,000, with many fatalities over 1,000 deaths daily. Officials said strict social distancing rules suggests that government guidelines on not properly recorded even in normal times in After a strict lockdown in March that were in place and daily visitor numbers capped avoiding the virus are more often ignored than one of the world’s worst-funded healthcare devastated the livelihoods of tens of millions of at 5,000, a quarter the normal rate. Tickets can adhered to. systems.

INDONESIAN GROUPS Thousands fined over ‘unclear’ lockdown laws WANT POLLS DELAYED JAKARTA: Indonesian religious LONDON: Britons are being fined for breaches Currently, there is no realistic way for rules and “distinguish between advice, groups and experts, including a of coronavirus lockdown regulations that are people to challenge FPN, which could result in guidance and the law” as regulations change former vice-president, are urging “unclear and ambiguous”, a parliamentary fines in excess of £10,000 (RM53,024) in on average once a week. BRIEFSauthorities to delay regional committee has warned. England. “In particular, more must be done to make elections set for December, as The Joint Committee on Human Rights said “This will invariably lead to injustice as the the up to date regulations themselves (not only coronavirus infections surge in the it was “unacceptable” that “many thousands” public who have been unfairly targeted with guidance) clearly accessible online, world’s fourth most populous were receiving fixed penalty notices (FPN) an FPN have no means of redress and police particularly as the law has changed, on country. The Dec 9 elections for despite evidence the police did not fully will know that their actions are unlikely to be average, once a week,” the committee said. hundreds of key local leadership understand their powers, according to a Sky scrutinised,” the committee said. “It ought to be straightforward for a posts are a huge logistical News report yesterday. Many of the regulations were “confusingly member of the public to find out what the undertaking in an archipelago of It added that the way regulations were named,” the committee warned, which makes current criminal law is, nationally and in their more than 260 million people and being enforced by the police was having a it difficult for people to establish what they can local area, without having to trawl through have already been delayed once “disproportionate impact” on different ethnic and cannot do. The committee advised the multiple sets of confusingly named due to rising virus fears. Former Vice President Jusuf Kalla, who now backgrounds. government to call for greater clarity on the regulations.” heads Indonesia’s Red Cross, in a newspaper commentary yesterday said a December poll could be Breathing, singing or talking can spread Covid-19 dangerous. “Forcing something that clearly, rationally endangers the WASHINGTON: The US Centre for Disease an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks”. during choir practice, in restaurants or in people isn’t only reckless but fatal. Control and Prevention (CDC) has changed its The page, updated on Friday, still says fitness classes),” the page now says. “In Every political process, the noblest advice about how Covid-19 can spread to Covid-19 most commonly spreads between general, indoor environments without good goal is for the public’s benefits. Not include breathing, singing or talking. people who are in close contact with one ventilation increase this risk.” harm,“ he said. – Reuters Updated guidance on the centre’s website another, and now says the virus is known to For months, scientists have noted the says the coronavirus can commonly spread spread “through respiratory droplets or small likelihood of coronavirus transmission CZECH HEALTH MINISTER “through respiratory droplets or small particles, such as those in aerosols, produced through viral particles in the air and pushed particles, such as those in aerosols,” which are when an infected person coughs, sneezes, health agencies to acknowledge it. RESIGNS AS CASES SURGE produced even when a person breathes, sings, talks or breathes”. “Most public health organisations, PRAGUE: Czech Health Minister 9News reported yesterday. These particles can cause infection when including the World Health Organisation, do Adam Vojtech said yesterday he had submitted his resignation following “Airborne viruses, including Covid-19, are “inhaled into the nose, mouth, airways, and not recognise airborne transmission except criticism over his handling of the among the most contagious and can easily lungs,” it says. “This is thought to be the main for aerosol-generating procedures. coronavirus pandemic as the central spread,” the site now says. way the virus spreads. “Hand washing and social distancing are European country sees a surge in Previously, the CDC page said that Covid- “There is growing evidence that droplets appropriate but in our view, insufficient to cases. Prime Minister Andrej Babis 19 was thought to spread mainly between and airborne particles can remain suspended provide protection from virus-carrying thanked Vojtech for his work, saying people in close contact, about 1.8m, and in the air and be breathed in by others, and respiratory microdroplets released into the air he could have been remembered as “through respiratory droplets produced when travel distances beyond six feet (for example, by infected people,” they added. the country’s best health minister if he did not have to use all his energy to fight the coronavirus pandemic. The Czech Republic has reported rise CALL TO SAVE EARTH ... A climate activist in coronavirus confirmed cases at standing on an inflatable globe during a ‘Rise ’s second fastest pace in up for Change’ demonstration in front of the recent weeks, behind Spain, after the Swiss House of Parliament in Bern yesterday. country lifted just before summer – AFPPIX almost all measures taken during the first wave of the pandemic. – Reuters

DISPLACED PEOPLE BEAR BRUNT OF COVID: REPORT OSLO: The coronavirus pandemic is having a “devastating” impact on people displaced and affected by conflict, tipping many into hunger and homelessness, a new study by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) showed yesterday. The report, titled “Downward Spiral,“ is based on assessments and survey in 14 countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Somalia and Yemen. According to NRC, nearly three quarters of the 1,400 people surveyed said they had seen a clear deterioration in their conditions since the pandemic broke out. For instance, 70% “had to cut the number of meals for their household”, 77% had lost a job or income from work and 73% said they were less likely to send their children to school due to “economic hardship”. “The world’s most vulnerable communities are in a dangerous downward spiral,“ Jan Egeland, NRC secretary-general said in a statement. – AFP theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 7 * NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS Cops appeal for witnesses over Taiwan vows retaliation stolen Bond guns

LONDON: Police launched a fresh appeal yesterday for witnesses after five guns used as props in James amid threats by China Bond films were stolen during a burglary in a London suburb. press conference yesterday that the across the mid-line of the Taiwan One of the deactivated firearms, a oWarns Beijing of its right to act in envoys’ visits were a “political Strait and into the island’s air yellow-handed Llama pistol provocation” and threatened defence identification zone on featured in 007 movie Die Another self-defence and counter attack retaliation. Friday and Saturday, prompting Day, was recovered in a field in the “China will take appropriate Taiwan to scramble jets to intercept days after the March 23 theft from a countermeasures, including and President Tsai Ing-wen to call house in Enfield. TAIPEI: Taiwan said yesterday its “self-defence and to counter attack” targeting relevant individuals,” said China a threat to the region. But the other four remain armed forces have the right to and that it followed the guideline of foreign ministry spokesman Wang The drills took place last week as missing, including the Walther PPK self-defence and counter attack “no escalation of conflict and no Wenbin. Beijing expressed anger at the visit of used by Roger Moore in a View to a amid “harassment and threats”, in triggering incidents”. He warned the US actions will a senior US official to Taipei. Kill as he pursues Grace Jones up the an apparent warning to China, Taiwan would not provoke but “further damage the cooperation” Yesterday, the official China Daily Eiffel Tower. which last week sent numerous jets was also “not afraid of the enemy”, it between the US and China. newspaper said in an editorial that London’s Metropolitan Police across the mid-line of the sensitive added. Wang added that any support for the US was trying to use Taiwan to issued new security camera footage Taiwan Strait. Meanwhile in Beijing, China Taiwan’s independence is a “dead contain China but nobody should showing a vehicle parked near the Taiwan’s defence ministry said it ramped up its rhetoric over Taiwan end... doomed to fail”. underestimate its determination to scene of the crime. had “clearly defined” procedures for yesterday, describing any support Tensions have sharply spiked in assert its sovereignty over the island. “In scenes reminiscent of a James the island’s first response amid for its independence as “doomed to recent months between Taipei and “The US should not be blinkered Bond movie, you can even see the “high frequency of harassment and fail”, and threatened retaliation Beijing, which claims democratically in its desperation to contain the flash of a camera from the occupant threats from the enemy’s warships against US diplomatic visits to the run Taiwan as its own territory, to be peaceful rise of China and indulge in engaged in the surveillance,” and aircraft this year”. island. taken by force if needed. the US addiction to its hegemony,” it Detective Inspector Paul Ridley said It said Taiwan had the right to The foreign ministry said at a Multiple China aircraft flew said. – Agencies in a statement. He said the firearms were “very distinctive” and the owner was “devastated” at the loss, particularly as they were due to be showcased as part of a national exhibition. Another gun stolen was the Smith and Weston 44 Magnum featured in Live and Let Die, and the Beretta “Cheetah” and “Tomcat” pistols used by Halle Berry in Die Another Day. – AFP

COPS TO CHARGE THAI ACTIVISTS BANGKOK: Police have warned that they may charge those who placed a plaque near the Grand

BRIEFSPalace declaring that Thailand belongs to the people and not the king. The plaque, which was removed yesterday, was placed by Thai pro-democracy protesters as a symbolic gesture after a rally by tens of thousands of people who called for reforms to King Maha Vajiralongkorn’s monarchy. “I’ve received a report that the plaque is gone but I don’t know how and I don’t know who did it,“ Bangkok’s deputy police chief Piya Tawichai told Reuters. “Police are checking with the BMA (Bangkok Metropolitan GREAT BALL Administration) on who took it OF FIRE ... A house out as the plaque is part of the burns as the sun sets evidence to charge the protest behind smoke and flames group (for this wrongdoing),“ Piya during the Bobcat Fire in Juniper Hills, said. California. – AFPPIX

VIDEO SHOWS CHINA ATTACK ON U.S. BASE BEIJING: China’s air force has Replacement for judge heats up US election race released a video showing nuclear-capable H-6 bombers WASHINGTON: The race for the brilliant woman”. desperate to stop Trump moving the replacement should be left to the carrying out a simulated attack White House heated up on Sunday He said he had not made his final court lastingly to the right. next president. on what appears to be Andersen with both sides galvanised by the decision, however, on a replacement It augurs a seismic battle in a year Biden, speaking on Sunday in Air Force Base on the U.S. Pacific battle to nominate a new Supreme for liberal Justice Ruth Bader that has already seen an Philadelphia, accused Trump of island of Guam, as regional Court justice and President Donald Ginsburg, who died on Friday at 87. impeachment vote, the Covid-19 exercising “raw political power” by tensions continue to rise. The Trump vowing to soon name his The prospect of a Senate pandemic and a bruising economic attempting to “ram” through his video, released on Saturday on choice. confirmation vote on a Trump collapse. court choice amidst a bitterly fought People’s Liberation Army Air Trump said on Saturday that he nominee even before the Nov 3 Trump’s opponent in the election campaign. But with Force Weibo account, came as expected to announce his nominee election, or in the lame-duck session election, former Vice President Joe Republicans holding 53 of the 100 China carried out a second day of in the coming week and that it “will immediately following, has sparked Biden, has joined other Democrats Senate seats, Democrats face an drills near China-claimed Taiwan, be a woman, a very talented, very furious pushback from Democrats in saying the choice of Ginsburg’s uphill battle. – AFP to express Beijing’s anger at the visit of a senior U.S. State Department official to Taipei. Guam is home to major U.S. military facilities, including the air Court block of WeChat ban only short-term relief, says expert base, which would be key to responding to any conflict in the NEW YORK: The ruling by a US If the government appeals and to take effect in an ongoing WeChat down and made it unusable Asia Pacific region. The air force’s judge on Sunday to block the wins, the plaintiffs can appeal that technology and espionage battle in the US for video chats with family two minute and 15 second video, government’s ban on WeChat decision. between Washington and Beijing. and friends, according to experts. set to solemn, dramatic music like downloads is only a short-term “The plaintiffs wanted to just buy A California court ruling said it The Trump administration had a trailer for a Hollywood movie, relief, according to a law professor. time,” Tobias said. “It may be very granted a “motion for a nationwide ordered a ban on downloads of the shows H-6 bombers taking off Carl Tobias, a law professor at the soon that the president is no longer injunction against the messaging platform WeChat as well from a desert base. The video is University of Richmond, said the the president.” implementation” of the government as hugely popular video-sharing called “The god of war H-6K goes ruling “is a short-term relief for the A US judge on Sunday blocked order on WeChat, with the judge app TikTok, both owned by China on the attack!” – Reuters plaintiffs who wanted to be sure that the government’s ban on WeChat citing concerns over free speech. companies. Both bans have now the app was not shut down tonight”. downloads, hours before it was due The order would have slowed been suspended. – AFP 8 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 SPEAK UP Trump’s Middle East mirage █ BY ERIC S. MARGOLIS Mideast strategy American Raj, the for a leading US firm that smuggled key beneficiaries of any high-end cosmetics and perfumes Status of Jerusalem holy site in doubt HE Trump administration, Arab-Israeli peace deal would be into India, Pakistan and the USSR A clause in the UAE-Bahrain accords with Israel may open the door for desperate for some good Israel’s bankers, businessmen and via Dubai’s busy port. Jews to pray at the Al-Aqsa Compound in violation of the status quo, news, just manufactured its arms makers. If a decent peace deal Back in the day, Britain’s according to Israeli analysts own news by confecting a can be made with the Palestinians, intelligence agency MI6, controlled T“peace” deal between Israel and a the doors of the entire Muslim Oman and its royal rulers. Clause states: “all Muslims who come in peace may visit and pray bunch of pipsqueak Arab world (a fifth of humanity) will be Similarly, the CIA today exercises at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and Jerusalem’s other holy sites should monarchies – just in time for opened to Israel’s commerce and great influence over Kuwait, Saudi remain open for peaceful worshippers of all faiths” November US elections. finance. This will be a huge Arabia and Jordan, not to mention The Gulf monarchies – the bonanza worth orders of Egypt and Morocco. Tiny Qatar Israel defines Al-Aqsa as mosque structure alone, but Muslims define United Arab Emirates and Bahrain magnitude more than the West maintains a degree of it as entire esplanade. Wording of clause raises fears that Jewish – that signed this agreement are so Bank’s scrubby slopes. independence in the face of Saudi prayers will be allowed inside compound frightened of neighbouring Iran But to do so, Israel’s hard right threats and efforts by the Trump that they would happily have opted and religious extremists will have to people to crush it. AL-AQSA COMPOUND: Also known by Muslims as Al-Haram al-Sharif for Israeli rule rather than welcome lessen their demands for Arab land The big Mideast deal ballyhooed and by Jews as Temple Mount. Under long-standing agreement the angry, unforgiving Iranians, and water – that is, what they term, by Trump and Co is in reality a non-Muslims can visit but cannot pray at site who call the Gulf Arabs “traitors, Greater Israel. Just as difficult and phony peace between secretly cowards and backstabbers”, a obdurate will be Trump’s allied Gulf states and Israel. They Western, or Wailing sentiment shared by much of the evangelical core voters who want to have been playing footsie for over a Wall: Retaining wall Arab world. see a mythical Biblical Israel decade. It is not primarily about of mount on which Few Americans could find these recreated, paving the way for the peace but about Iran and arms Jewish temple little sheikdoms on a map. But return of the Messiah and earth’s sales to the Gulf States and Saudi once stood many evangelical voters, who have fiery destruction. Arabia that they have no idea how Dome of the Rock: a comic book view of the Mideast, The United Arab Emirates, to use. Weapons sales are a Muslims believe this will think the Trump population just under 10 million, is protection payoff to Washington, is where Prophet administration has achieved a only 10% Arab. The rest of its which has important bases in Muhammad ascended major feat by supposedly bringing people are mainly Indians and Qatar, the UAE, Oman, Saudi to heaven peace to the Holy Land. Pakistani labourers, giving rise to Arabia and Israel. Cynics, among them many the old bon mot that Dubai and Abu What next? Will Trump declare a Israelis, will likely scoff at such Dhabi are the world’s best Indian- trans-Pacific alliance between falafel in the sky thinking. Oman is run cities. Tonga and the US to “contain” expected to sign the new accord. Non-Arab members of the UAE China? Israel remains intent on are treated like slaves. They are paid As for peace in the Mideast, expanding its borders to gobble up a pittance, poorly fed, and live in recall the biting words of Roman all of what was historic Palestine squalor. Non-Arabs have no rights. historian Tacitus: “Where they and its water resources. Five Arab citizens don’t have any rights make a desert they call it peace.” million Palestinians will remain either, just a better standard of That is what awaits over five Al-Aqsa mosque: Islam’s third-holiest site after Al-Masjid al-Haram stateless. Israel also has its eye on living. million Palestinian refugees, not a mosque in Mecca and Al-Masjid An-Nabawi in Medina, Saudi Arabia fertile parts of Syria and Lebanon. I remember these tiny city states new dawn promised by the Trump As I suggested in my book on from the early 1970s when I worked administration. Sources: Terrestrial Jerusalem, Reuters, Middle East Eye Picture: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS

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Promote your business and services with us today! Contact theSun's Sales & Marketing team to book your advertising space. 03-7784 6688 [email protected] theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 9 SPEAK UP Nature may show us the exit ITH jobs going bust and mosquitoes become nutritious meals for airline pilots turning into birds, bats, and spiders. e-hailing drivers, the last During the hunter-gatherer era that Global wildlife populations in freefall thing you want to hear is lasted 300,000 years, primitive humanity Wildlife populations have fallen by more than two-thirds in less than yourW boss telling you that he can’t figure did fit into the natural ecosystem as they 50 years as humanity pushes the planet’s life support systems to out what role you play in the office. If he took only what they needed from the 1.2 the edge, according to a report by the conservation group WWF is certain you have no role, you will be forest – much like a shopper in a shown the exit. hypermarket who takes from the shelves WILDLIFE DECLINE, 1970-2016 Living Planet Index (Measure of diversity) All 7.8 billion people in the world are only what he is able to carry in his hands. 1.0 now in a situation where the boss may But humans started to change some Confidence limits soon tell them that they are not of any 10,000 years ago when tribes merged use, and so please step out of planet and settlements grew into cities that 0.8 Average abundance of Earth or get snuffed out. Not only are we became the starting points of civilisation 20,811 populations of of no use, we terrorise every other 5,000 years later. By 4000 BCE, one “The rate 4,392 species declined worker in the office. That’s to say, we are giant-sized animal – the mammoth – 0.6 by alarming 68 percent destroying non-human life. had become extinct because of human Mother Nature is a stern boss and encroachment. It was just the beginning of extinction every species has its work cut out. The of civilised humanity’s unrelenting war 0.4 insects that crawl or buzz everywhere of terror against nature. is now Freshwater decompose dead plants, carrion, and Before the advent of civilisation, only species have declined dung into nutrients for use by the one species in a million would go extinct 1,000 times 0.2 by 84%. Other worst-hit wildflife ecosystem. They pollinate flowering every five million years. But the rate of include eastern lowland gorillas plant species and crop plants, help dry extinction is now 1,000 times the natural the natural in D.R. Congo soil retain water, and themselves baseline rate due to the push from 0 become food for birds. human overpopulation, continued baseline rate 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2016 Without insects, 90% of plants cannot population growth, and high reproduce. There are five million insect consumption. It will keep accelerating due to the push LIVING PLANET INDEX BY REGION species, but a million are going extinct unless there are cutbacks on population North America and the reason is obvious to insect growth and consumption. from human experts. Swelling human populations At the height of the Covid-19 Europe & lead to more forest loss, greater pesticide lockdown, there were tales across the overpopulation, 33% 24% Central use, widespread pollution, and globe of wild animals roaming places Asia plantation monoculture – all deserted by humans. These spots were detrimental to wild insect life. once their habitats converted into urban continued Butterflies used to be a common sight spaces. in Malaysian gardens after rain. These In Malaysian cities, monkeys were population 94% days, you hardly see them any more chilling out in some condo swimming except in butterfly parks. With fewer pools. If you check the history of these growth, insects, there will be fewer birds, fewer condos, you will find that they were built Latin America Asia- trees, and less fertile soil for crops. on flattened monkey hills. and high & Caribbean: Africa Pacific Insects are the foundation of every A black panther was spotted at the Greatest decline natural ecosystem. National Geographic Universiti Teknologi Mara Kuala Pilah consumption.” due to habitat loss, in its May 2020 issue carried this grim campus, once a patch of dense forest overexploitation, 65% 45% quotation: “Plants and insects are the that serve as home to panthers, leopards, climate change fabric of this planet. We’re ripping it to tapirs and sun bears. and disease shreds, and we need to knit it back Human survival is of no benefit to Sources: 2020 Living Planet Index by WWF, ZSL Picture: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS together.” nature, as we have caused wildlife to go Name one species of plant or animal into catastrophic decline. To avoid being – other than humans – that doesn’t play shown the exit, our irreverent treatment featured all the major religions in Thankfully, some property a role in the natural ecosystem. of nature must be replaced with a sense Malaysia working together? developers have initiated a return to Even the nasty mosquito does some of reverence. We need a conversion back to the nature by converting old mining land good for others. The larvae of pond You may be playing a role in society, primeval spirituality of the orang asli into parks that become sanctuaries for mosquitoes play an important role in the but what role are you playing in nature? and orang asal in their ancient birds and small animals. aquatic food chain as they are, in What role is your ethnic or religious hunter-gatherer mode. These folks see But more needs to be done. essence, nutrient-packed snacks for fish community playing in nature? When divinity in the myriad forms of nature. Do you want your grandchildren to and other aquatic animals. Mosquito was the last time your preacher rallied Call it natural revelation. While it may be be shown the exit 80 years from today? larvae feed on the waste products of the congregation against the destruction said that their faith is simple, their belief drowned insects, making nutrients such of wildlife habitats? When was the last in nature ensures a harmonious The writer champions interfaith as nitrogen available for the plant time your community joined a existence between the tribes and the harmony. Comments: community to thrive. As adults, save-the-environment drive that forest habitats teeming with animals. [email protected]

LETTERS [email protected] Don’t share nude photos with anyone Asphyxiation is most likely cause of deaths SHARING her nude photos with a boyfriend Over the years, reports of female lawyers, from sleeping in cars proved costly for a woman when her bankers, businesswomen and lecturers who boyfriend lost his phone (theSun, Sept 14). have lost their hard-earned money to these I REFER to the opinions aired about the When a car is moving the oxygen content in The woman received phone calls from a love scams have gone viral on the internet. deaths of three students who died napping the car is replenished with external air person who threatened to upload the photos The modus operandi is to prey on lonely in a car recently. Everyone was quick to forced into the car. on the internet if she did not pay him. and vulnerable women and befriend them via point out that the cause of death was due to For a stationary car the oxygen content Out of fear, she paid the man but as the social media and then woo them with inhalation of carbon monoxide. The would gradually drop as a result of human extortion continued, the woman reported the affection and passion. In some cases, the conclusion was arrived before any respiration. No external air would get into matter to the police and the man was caught. women trusted the men and were so investigation was conducted. This is also the car if the windows are fully wound up. The woman is lucky that the extortionist bedazzled that they send their online lovers the conclusion persistently reported in all When the oxygen level drops to 19% only demanded money because in most cases, their nude photos, thinking that the men cases of deaths inside a stationary vehicle occupants in the car would start to yawn. extortionists will demand sex from their would marry them eventually. over the past decades. This is a dangerous This is a reaction of the body trying to get victims. Then the men would threaten to expose misconception. more oxygen. When the oxygen level drops Sharing intimate photos with your the women’s nude photographs if they do not Here I wish to point out that the to 16%, people would become unconscious. boyfriend can take a turn for the worse if the bank in money into their accounts. conclusion could be wrong. We must dispel If the victim was discovered at this moment, relationship breaks down. Some of the women would borrow from the fallacy that carbon monoxide poisoning he could be saved. When the oxygen level The boyfriend can threaten the woman to loansharks to pay the extortionists. is the only cause of death napping in cars. drops to 10% and below, death would occur. give in to his sexual demands or he would Despite widespread media coverage, Death from carbon monoxide would Hence if you need to take a nap in your car, expose the photos. gullible women still fall into these licentious happen if the exhaust gas is routed into the I would advise you to roll down the window And then there are cases of local women relationships – losing their hard earned car via a hose as in the cases of suicides. an inch or more to prevent asphyxiation. Do who fell prey to online love scams run by money and themselves. Women need to be Otherwise leaks from the exhaust system the same when you are caught in a traffic foreigners. more careful and exercise greater caution would dissipate freely into the atmosphere jam. These online “lovers” prowl the internet in when they get into relationships with new rather than find their way into the car. Furthermore it is easy to identify death search of lonely single women. Somehow they acquaintances online. I worked in an industrial gas company due to carbon monoxide. In spite of managed to convince the women into giving Sharing photographs of themselves in the for nearly 30 years. Death napping in cars is asphyxiation, cyanosis (turning blue) does them money for their expenses in exchange nude, even with their husbands or boyfriends, most often the result of asphyxiation. not occur; the skin of the victim is pink or for promises of marriage. is an act of stupidity. Atmospheric air contains 21% oxygen. pale and the lips bright red. Since 2017, a few thousand women have When we breathe our body uses up collectively lost a staggering amount to love Samuel Yesuiah approximately 5% of the oxygen. The air we Wong Soo Kan scams. Seremban exhale contains approximately 16% oxygen. Petaling Jaya 10 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 MEDIA & MARKETING A new way to refuel oIndulge in plant-based versions of Starbucks beverages

HOCOLATE indulgence The whimsical anniversary collection is the Anniversary Blend meets the creamy goodness collection includes a wide array of Starbucks Card, which brings the of oatmilk with the new merchandise, suited for all customers, Starbucks Siren to life in layers of blue, Starbucks Oatmilk Cocoa including mugs, tumblers and water green and seafoam. CMacchiato – a delicious new way to bottles, with a palette that is a mix of Accenting the card’s illustration is love your macchiato. Its signature turquoise and mint hues layered with gold embossing to signify the starry Safe travels to espresso pairs perfectly with smooth, pink and gold elements. night sky as the Siren takes a confident creamy oatmilk and vanilla syrup, Complementing the merchandise plunge down the ocean, which the Maldives topped with a drizzle of rich cocoa represents freedom, sauce to create a perfectly balanced empowerment and the love THE World Travel and Tourism Council layer of espresso sweetness in every for the environment. (WTTC) has recognised the efforts of the sip. This limited-edition Maldives in implementing enhanced health The Starbucks Oatmilk Cocoa card has a minimum Starbucks Autumn Blend and safety measures, in line with the WTTC Macchiato is available as a hot, activation of RM30 and is whole bean coffee. global Safe Travels protocols, and creating a iced or Frappuccino blended currently available at all safe, gradual plan by rebuilding confidence handcrafted beverage by Starbucks Oatmilk Starbucks stores in among travellers and ensuring a coordinated request. Cocoa Macchiato. Malaysia. approach in restarting its tourism industry. This year, for the Returning to Starbucks Maldives achieved the Safe Travels Anniversary Siren stores is the Starbucks Stamp, which is endorsed by the World Collection merchandise, Autumn Blend whole bean Tourism Organisation and more than 200 the design is focused on coffee. This unique blend travel companies. the Starbucks iconography brings three independently The objective of the Safe Travel Stamp is swimming in underwater amazing coffees together in to provide confidence to travellers and re- scenes, complemented a harmonious blend to establish consumer confidence in Travel & with a unique depiction of warm the cool weather and Tourism and ensure travellers of enhanced the Siren’s tail and delicate accompany the heartier standards of hygiene are in place and the pink seashells. foods of Autumn. assurance that they can once again The assortment Joining the whole bean experience ‘Safe Travels’. It is the world’s first utilises clean and coffee lineup for the very first ever global safety and hygiene stamp for straight body time is the Starbucks Travel & Tourism, designed to address s h a p e s , Colombia Santander. Covid-19 and similar outbreaks. with small This coffee is part of a The United Nations World Tourism touches of great history of coffee Organisation (UNWTO) also embraced the m y s t i q u e farming in Colombia and WTTC Safe Travels stamp, which has the s p r i n k l e d brings generations of safety and hygiene of travellers as its top throughout the experience into a cup. Sweet priority. Since the launch of the stamp, major assortment on lids flavours of apple bring destinations around the world have signed and handles featuring playful juiciness to this full-bodied Starbucks Colombia up to the world’s first ever global safety and ‘under the sea’ elements. medium roast coffee. Santander. hygiene stamp.

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Contact theSun's Sales & Marketing team to book your advertising space. BOOKING & STORY DEADLINE 29 SEPTEMBER, 2020 (Tuesday) 03-7784 6688 [email protected] MATERIAL DEADLINE 8 OCTOBER, 2020 (Thursday) TUESDAY SECURITIES SDN. B HD. 197201001092 (12738-U) SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad A Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad Editorial: Tel.: 03-7784 6688 Fax: 03-7785 2624/5 Participation Bought Sold Net Email : [email protected] % RM m RM m RM m Advertising: Tel: 03-7784 8888 Fax: 03-7784 4424 47.6 Institutions 1819.8 1562.1 257.7 Email: [email protected] 38.4 Retail 1364.2 1365.9 -1.7 11.0 Foreign 368.1 624.1 -256.0 Sun7.20 12.00 504.72 BIZ21.15 80.50 23.01 41.88 100.0 3552.1 3552.1 0.0 CLOSED KLCI STI HANG SENG SCI NIKKEI TSEC KOSPI S&P/ASX200 Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to www.bursamalaysia.com Source: Burs Malaysia 1,499.43 2,485.71 23,950.69 3,316.94 12,795.12 2,389.39 5,822.62

KL MARKET SUMMARY September 21, 2020

INDICES CHANGE SMEs, micro firms still need FBMEMAS 10,762.48 -75.14 FBMKLCI 1,499.43 -7.20 CONSUMER PRODUCTS 564.74 -3.53 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 135.47 -1.23 CONSTRUCTION 162.95 -1.55 financial help: RAM survey FINANCIAL SERVICES 12,487.52 -81.83 ENERGY 762.87 -13.38 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 592.51 -4.43 stated they would have to shutter their HEALTH CARE 3,529.30 -84.05 oThey require further support to stay afloat operations, compared with just 8% of SMEs, TRANSPORTATION 657.92 -14.29 if an extension was not made available. PROPERTY 621.10 -5.80 In terms of the type of assistance PLANTATION 7,135.33 -16.62 as economy remains fragile needed, a respective 79% and 75% of FBMSHA 12,752.70 -84.37 medium and small firms indicated the FBMACE 10,954.85 -106.69 PETALING JAYA: The latest RAM Business have taken up this offer with almost 90% need for wage subsidies to continue, as TECHNOLOGY 53.77 -0.94 Confidence Survey indicates that small and need an extension beyond the expiry date opposed to 51% of microenterprises. In medium enterprises (SMEs) and micro of Sept 30, as cash flows remain tight. contrast, microenterprises expressed their TURNOVER VALUE businesses still need supportive policies to More than half of the firms surveyed said preference for subsidised loan schemes. 7.025 BIL RM3.552BIL stay afloat, as the economy remains fragile, that without an extension, they would face “Amid the gloom, a silver lining emerges with uncertain prospects through the next negative repercussions of either having to in that our survey reveals the resilience of three months. scale down or cease operations, or even SMEs and microenterprises. Even when 5 MOST ACTIVES In a statement, RAM said its Business default on their loan. Most of the prospects are bleak and challenges appear September 21, 2020 Confidence Index (BCI) for third-quarter respondents also value wage subsidies daunting, the majority of firms surveyed 2020 hit a low of 33.7, substantially below (68%), loan subsidies (62%) and grants wanted to keep their businesses at status STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) the neutral point of 50, and reflects the (66%) as aids to keep themselves afloat. quo instead of scaling down through the MTRONIC 398,880,900 8.5 +0.5 disruptions plaguing small businesses “A targeted approach by the next three months. It also indicates that MMAG-WB 237,617,600 34.5 -6.5 amid the Covid-19 pandemic. government, based on firm size and sector, businesses are hopeful demand will PERMAJU-PA 132,356,900 4.5 -1 “Almost 90% of the survey’s respondents is the best way to assist firms. The BCI eventually recover in the medium term,” CME 132,283,100 12.5 +1 cited weak economic conditions as their survey suggests that the extension of the RAM said. RSAWIT 30,236,600 29 -2 most significant challenge in the next three loan moratorium is most useful to bigger It concluded by urging policymakers to months,” it said. SMEs as they may have heftier loan keep engaging with SMEs and While it lauded the government’s efforts commitments; up to 85% of larger SMEs microenterprises in order to understand 5 TOP GAINERS to help SMEs and microenterprises, needed an extension, as opposed to 69% of the specific requirements of and provide September 21, 2020 including the loan moratorium, its survey microenterprises,” it said. the necessary targeted financial aid to tide showed that some 86% of the respondents However, some 20% of microenterprises them over the current crisis. STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) RM SP500-HP 400 1.40 0.57 UTDPLT 253,200 15.00 0.44 SCIENTX 1,813,600 9.90 0.40 MMAG 29,990,900 1.63 0.37 NESTLE 33,600 139.30 0.30 5 TOP LOSERS September 21, 2020 STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) RM PETDAG 110,300 20.40 0.76 F&N 25,300 32.50 0.50 HEIM 112,700 21.50 0.50 KHIND 239,500 2.01 0.37 HLFG 60,300 13.96 0.36 Almost 90% of EXCHANGE RATES SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 the RAM survey’s respondents see Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy weak economic conditions as TT/OD TT OD their most 1 US DOLLAR 4.1780 4.0500 4.0400 significant 1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 3.0680 2.9440 2.9280 challenge in the 1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.0760 2.9840 2.9760 next three 1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1640 3.0780 3.0660 months. – 1 EURO 4.9600 4.7960 4.7760 BERNAMAPIX 1 NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR 2.8370 2.7310 2.7150 1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 3.0760 2.9840 2.9760 1 STERLING POUND 5.4150 5.2410 5.2210 1 SWISS FRANC 4.5720 4.4640 4.4490 S&P warns of new Europe sovereign-bank ‘doom loop’ 100 UAE DIRHAM 115.0600 109.0300 108.8300 LONDON: Europe could be facing a new “Despite European governments’ efforts economies, like Spain and Portugal, the 100 BANGLADESH TAKA 5.0080 4.6980 4.4980 sovereign-bank “doom loop” if a to increase risk sharing of the fiscal cost of ratio is closer to 20%, whilst in some central 100 CHINESE RENMINBI N/A N/A N/A coronavirus crisis surge in government the pandemic, we have seen few signs of or eastern European countries the ratio is 100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 54.4800 51.7300 51.5300 bond buying by banks in those same this on the part of European banks,” S&P close to 50%, the rating agency said. countries persists, rating agency S&P said. “Although it’s a fairly remote scenario at 100 INDIAN RUPEE 5.7800 5.4200 5.2200 Global has warned. “In contrast, they have concentrated this stage in Europe, in case of sovereign 100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 0.0293 0.0265 0.0215 The “doom loop” was at the heart of the more risk to their home country by buying distress and higher credit spreads for 100 JAPANESE YEN 4.0010 3.8740 3.8640 eurozone debt crisis when banks had huge more home country sovereign debt, government bonds, banks would have to 100 NEW TAIWAN DOLLAR N/A N/A N/A holdings of their own governments’ debt. especially in countries with the highest devalue their sovereign debt security As it tumbled in value the banks needed share, increasing the risks of a new doom holdings causing asset losses and 100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 2.5600 2.3900 2.1900 bailing out which made the governments’ loop if this trend persists.” weakening capital adequacy,” S&P said. 100 PHILIPPINE PESO 8.7500 8.2400 8.0400 debt problems even worse. The share of “home” sovereign debt that It added it was even more important to 100 QATAR RIYAL 115.9700 110.0900 109.8900 A report yesterday by S&P said the domestic banks hold varies greatly from watch in light of the large-scale loan 100 SAUDI RIYAL 112.5700 106.8700 106.6700 European sovereign-bank “nexus” – where country to country in Europe, S&P added. guarantee schemes that have been put in banks buy bonds issued by the countries they In countries like Germany and France, it place to help firms, and that increasing 100 THAI BAHT 14.0600 12.4700 12.0700 are based in – has deepened by €210 billion is typically about 5% and 10% of total governments’ contingent liability risks Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama (RM1.02 trillion) since start of the pandemic. private-sector lending. For many other across Europe. – Reuters 12 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 SUNBIZ

KiplePay in e-wallet JV with MMANTAP QES to acquire Shah Alam

PETALING JAYA: KiplePay and MMANTAP Sdn Bhd announced yesterday that they are entering into a partnership that will provide an e-wallet platform for factory for RM21m salary disbursement and digital services platform for foreign workers. KiplePay will enable employers to an annexed five-storey office building with a digitalize salary payments for foreign oMove will allow the company to have its own premises, basement level car park. workers; effectively reducing the cost Its managing director and president Chew and risk associated with cash handling save on rental, and enable it to expand office and Ne Weng commented that the proposed for salary distribution. acquisition is in line with the group’s expansion The e-wallet will also support eKYC manufacturing space plans to increase its existing manufacturing (Know Your Customer), a process for capacity by commissioning new production which KiplePay will obtain an approval lines. from Bank Negara Malaysia to ensure that PETALING JAYA: QES Group Bhd has entered the premises, save on rental cost, and allow for “The expansion is estimated to double QES’s foreign workers are digitally onboarded into a sale and purchase agreement with further expansion of office and factory space. manufacturing capacity as well as to support securely. KiplePaywill also issue a Visa Astronautic Technology (M) Sdn Bhd for the It stated that the purchase consideration of future growth and expansion plans for the prepaid card that gives foreign workers acquisition of a five-storey factory in Hicom RM21 million was reached at a willing buyer- manufacturing and distribution division of the access for spending and access to ATMs in Glenmarie Industrial Park, Shah Alam, via its willing seller basis, after taking into company,” he said in a press release. Malaysia and worldwide for cash out. wholly owned subsidiary QES (Asia-Pacific) consideration the prime location of the The proposed acquisition will be funded via MMANTAP will lead, plan, manage Sdn Bhd for a cash consideration of RM21 property and the prevailing market value of internally generated funds and/or bank and execute programmes and events for million. property in the surrounding area. borrowings. targeted users and merchants as well as According to its Bursa filing, as the group QES revealed that the factory is sitting on Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the carry out merchant acquisition and operates from a rented premise close to the land measuring 5,833 sq m and the building acquisition is expected to be completed within training to onboard targeted merchants. property, the acquisition would allow it to own comprises a single-storey detached factory with three months. Perak Corp says it’s not under liquidation or winding-up PETALING JAYA: Perak Corp Bhd has clarified that none of the subsidiaries, associate companies as well as the company has been placed under liquidation, winding-up or judicial management, save for Animation Theme Park Sdn Bhd which was placed under receivership on Dec 4, 2019 and ceased operations on Jan 28, 2020. On the company borrowing RM520 million from banks to invest in Movie Animation Park Studios (MAPS) and an additional RM200 million borrowed to pay contractors, it clarified that the investment in share capital in MAPS by PCB Development Sdn Bhd was for RM58.35 million. “Total shareholders’ advance from Perak Corp group amounts to RM275.2 million, funded via internally generated funds and bank borrowings,“ Perak Corp said in a bourse filing in response to a recent media report that it is going Latest landbanking exercise in Johor would allow the company to deliver more affordable homes to meet rising demand. bankrupt. The article had quoted Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (Putra) vice-president Datuk Scientex strengthens presence in Johor with RM185m landbank buy Hamidah Osman saying Perak Corp, which holds about 60% of Perak State Development PETALING JAYA: Scientex Bhd is “We are constantly on the lookout for expected to be completed in the first half of the Corporation’s assets, is in the midst of winding strengthening its presence in Malaysia’s suitable landbanking deals, to ensure we calendar year 2021. This purchase will be up its operations. affordable housing development market continue building a sustainable pipeline of financed by internally generated funds and Perak Corp added that it had on July 23, 2020 through its 202.2 acre land acquisition in Pulai, future launches, as well as further expand our bank borrowings. applied and obtained a restraining order from Johor for RM185 million. affordable homes footprint across various states This landbanking deal comes on the heels the Ipoh High Court for 90 days, which will expire Through its wholly-owned subsidiary in Peninsular Malaysia,“ Lim said in a statement. of the group’s recent acquisition of a 1,357.5 on Oct 20, 2020, to enable the company to call for Scientex Quatari Sdn Bhd, Scientex entered The new land is situated near its townships: acre land in Jasin, Malacca. With this proposed the court convened creditors’ meeting pursuant into a sale and purchase agreement with Lee Taman Pulai Mutiara that was launched in new acquisition, the group’s total landbank to Section 366 of the Companies Act 2016. Pineapple Company (Pte) Limited for the 2016, and Taman Pulai Mutiara 2 that was would increase to more than 5,700 acres across “The restraining order was applied by the proposed acquisition of eight parcels of launched in December 2019. Johor, Malacca, Selangor, Perak and Penang, company and PCB Development Sdn Bhd to freehold land, which are in close proximity to The group plans to launch a mixed which is sufficient for more than 10 years of formulate and finalise a proposed scheme of Scientex’s existing developments. development project on the proposed land, development activities. arrangement between the companies and its Scientex CEO Lim Peng Jin said this latest where its gross development value (GDV) is Currently, Scientex has ongoing property scheme creditors, to be put forward to the landbanking exercise in Johor would allow the yet to be determined. developments worth a total GDV of RM1.8 creditors at a creditors’ meeting to be convened,“ company to deliver more affordable homes to The proposed acquisition is conditional billion, across its developments in Johor, said Perak Corp. meet the rising demand. upon the Estate Land Board’s approval, and is Malacca, Selangor and Perak. By way of an application, an extension of the restraining order may be allowed by the High Court provided all the relevant conditions set out in Section 368 of the Companies Act 2016 are Sapura Energy names successor to founder/CEO Shahril, who retires in March fulfilled. The company had on July 3, 2020 appointed PETALING JAYA: Sapura Energy Bhd’s Its chairman Tan Sri Shamsul Azhar Abbas during the current difficult operating M&A Securities Sdn Bhd as its principal adviser to president and group CEO, Tan Sri Shahril commented under his leadership, Sapura Energy conditions; sustaining progress from its conceptualise a proposed restructuring scheme. Shamsuddin intends to retire after leading the has grown from a domestic focused player into a comprehensive transformation plan. The company will make further announcements group for 25 years, upon reaching the renowned global oil and gas company serving the “We are transforming Sapura Energy to to Bursa Securities as and when there is a material retirement age of 60 on March 22, 2021. entire upstream value chain. remain relevant and competitive in the new development in relation to its regularisation plan With that the group’s board has appointed “Shahril’s legacy will be the group’s highly energy landscape. Our agile strategy, the right to uplift itself from its PN17 status. Datuk Mohd Anuar Taib as its COO and CEO skilled and technically capable multinational capabilities and entrepreneurial spirit nurtured It added that no discussions had started designate effective Oct 1, 2020 as part of a six- human capital, strategic world-class assets, throughout the years will enable us to embrace between the state government of Perak with any month transition plan. sound processes and strong project management the new energy transition,” he commented. parties for the sale of Lumut Port, stressing that it Shahril founded Sapura in the mid 90’s as a capabilities,” he said in a press release. As for CEO designate, Mohd Anuar was has no intention whatsoever to sell Lumut Port. diving contractor and subsequently expanded The group CEO will pass the baton after appointed to the group’s board as an independent Trading in Perak Corp shares was halted for into a global integrated oil and gas company. ensuring Sapura remains agile and resilient and non-executive director in August 2020. an hour yesterday. theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 13 SUNBIZ MajuPerak, Lagenda in Tapah project oTheir subsidiaries team up for affordable mixed development with GDV of about RM295 million

PETALING JAYA: MajuPerak Holdings Bhd via RM284,000 to RM299,000 a unit. MHB together its subsidiary Tenaga Danawa Sdn Bhd with its JV partner via the special purpose yesterday entered into a joint venture and vehicle company will jointly develop and shareholders agreement with Lagenda manage the project entirely. Properties Bhd’s wholly owned subsidiary Taraf MajuPerak group CEO Nizran Noordin said Nusantara Sdn Bhd to undertake an affordable it stands by its mandate to develop affordable mixed development project in Tapah, Perak, homes in Perak. Leveraging on Tenaga with an estimated gross development value of Danawa’s expertise in this segment coupled RM295 million. with Taraf Nusantara’s track record in Located in Mukim Batang Padang, the developing large-scale housing projects, this mixed project on the 229.73-acre site marks partnership is testament to its ongoing efforts to MajuPerak’s maiden foray to develop its own contribute to the development of the state and landbank in partnership with an experienced to benefit the people of Perak. property developer. It entails the development “We are optimistic on the outlook ahead of 1,374 units of single-storey terrace houses, particularly in the property segment over the 264 units of double-storey shop houses, as well long-term, in tandem with the nation’s as a plot for various amenities for the residents economic recovery from the impact of Covid- such as petrol stations, hypermarkets and 19.” offices for government agencies. The development is targeted to commence The houses are priced at RM152,000 to early next year and is aimed for completion in Nizran (left) and Taraf Nusantara director Datuk Doh Jee Ming at the signing ceremony between RM172,000 a unit and the shop houses at 2026. MajuPerak via its subsidiary Tenaga Danawa and Taraf Nusantara TRX Residences Tower A units sold out in pre-sales Supermax’s unit to acquire land PETALING JAYA: TRX Residences has officially statement yesterday. around the world. launched Tower B for sale after all available TRX Residences is part of The Exchange “Market feedback has been very positive, units in Tower A were snapped up during its TRX, and offers one- to three-bedroom freehold and we will be showcasing the project locally for RM73.48m pre-sales period. residences that cater to varied lifestyle needs. and internationally to interested investors, “The overwhelming market response The built-up size for the residential units is from commencing with a digital launch on 24 KUALA LUMPUR: Supermax underlines the strong desirability of this world- 474 sq ft and priced from RM970,000. September 2020. Meanwhile, in Malaysia, the Corp Bhd’s unit, Maxter Glove class master-planned developments with Construction of TRX Residences has Discovery and Experience Gallery is officially Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, has unrivalled connectivity. The placemaking progressed with piling and foundation works open for viewing on an appointment basis,” he proposed to acquire two quality of the project, coupled with Lendlease’s completed. The development is slated for said. hectares of freehold land from strong international track record and TRX’s completion by the end of 2023. The launch of TRX Residences will take Bandar Setia Alam Sdn Bhd for stature as Malaysia’s first international financial The Exchange TRX residential director Eric place via a public digital launch, which will RM73.48 million. district offers compelling reasons for Chan said there has been tremendous showcase the project through interactive The proposed acquisition of investment,” Lendlease and TRX said in a joint response to TRX Residences from buyers content. the two pieces of land is to build an operational headquarters for Maxter Glove Manufacturing, the rubber glove maker said in a Foreign investors turn net sellers again on Bursa Malaysia filing to Bursa Malaysia yesterday. PETALING JAYA: Foreign investors reverted to of net RM5.61 billion, in comparison of local So far in 2020, foreign investors’ net selling It added that the construction net selling to the tune of RM559 million last institution as net sellers at -RM727.46 million amounted to RM21.43 billion worth of equities would complement the group’s week, marking the second net outflow of and foreign investors at -RM4.58 billion since on Bursa. Local players, institutions are net future operational needs. September, according to MIDF Research. early July,” MIDF said in its fund flow report buyers at RM9.59 billion and retailers at The proposed acquisition will Comparatively, the second week of the yesterday. RM11.47 billion. not have any effect on the share month saw foreign investors as net buyers at As the market reopened on Monday last “In comparison to another three South East capital and substantial RM70.9 million. Combined, for the first three week, foreign investors sold RM187.90 million Asian markets that we tracked last week; the shareholders’ stakes in the weeks of September, foreign investors were net net of local equities, with retailers and local Philippines recorded the least foreign net company. sellers to the tune of RM1.07 billion. institutions as net buyers and net sellers at outflow while Malaysia experienced the biggest It is also not expected to have Meanwhile, retailers were net buyers of RM279.48 million and RM91.58 million outflow compared to the others,“ said MIDF. any material effect on the RM579.1 million worth of equities last week, respectively. In terms of participation, the retail investors earnings per share, net assets with local institutions at -RM20.1 million net Foreign selling happened every trading recorded a weekly decrease of 9% in average per share and gearing of the during the same period. day of the week, with the largest on Tuesday daily trade value (ADTV) while the foreign company for the financial year “Last week was the 11th consecutive week of at RM223.22 million and smallest on Friday at investor experienced an increase in ADTV of ending June 30, 2021. – local retailers as net buyers on Bursa to the tune RM63.21 million. 25.41%. Bernama Sapura Energy fails to convince analysts despite positive Q2 FY21 surprise PETALING JAYA: Despite the positive surprise million from RM14.9 million in the previous turnaround has to be interpreted in light of second-quarter FY20’s 1% margins, but below delivered by Sapura Energy for second-quarter quarter, with revenue dropping 22.2% to the sizable kitchen-sinking done during the “high-teens” EBITDA margin that Sapura financial year 2021, which saw a net profit of RM187.4 million quarter on quarter. 4Q’FY20,” it said. represented as being sustainable. RM23 million against a net loss of RM112.6 PIVB Research pointed out rig utilisation “We know that those provisions were made CGS-CIMB highlighted that the segment’s million previously, analysts are unconvinced stood at seven units which is expected to with respect to foreseeable project losses as a margins has been volatile in the past, and with the performance would be sustainable post- reduce to five in second-half FY21 as work is result of expected liquidated ascertained the complexities surrounding project pandemic. being suspended amid the current uncertain damages (LAD) for the potential failure to execution timelines, project costing, variation Public Investment Bank (PIVB) Research oil price environment. meet project completion timelines and project order and LAD estimates, for which the group noted the performance for the period was “Overall, we foresee Sapura’s earnings cost overruns, among others.” can only supply cursory and imprecise attributed to a positive surprise from its outlook remaining uncertain and unlikely to Following the group negotiations and guidance, there is significant risk to any engineering and construction (E&C) business’ return to sustainable profitability in the near clients’ agreement for various variation orders estimates of how the E&C business will profit margins arising from US$20 million in term. Activity levels remain low while profit to cover cost overruns, and to extend project perform in the future quarters. variation orders recognised during the quarter. margins could be volatile depending on the completion timelines (which may now make With the writeback in first-half FY21, it has This was also supported by cost work progress,” it said. LAD provisions unnecessary), more than raised its margin forecast for the year to 18% from rationalisation exercises with RM450 million With that, PIVB Research narrowed its loss US$20 million of the fourth-quarter FY20 5% previously and 12% for FY22-23 (from 2%). worth of initiatives that had been fully projections for the group’s FY21/22/23 to provisions were written back in second- “We doubt that the FY21F EBITDA margin implemented via salary cuts, procurement RM95 million, RM286.7 million and RM115.1 quarter FY21. of 18% will be sustainable at that level into savings, productivity efficiency and others. million from RM448.5 million, RM401.2 million The research house does not believe the FY22-23F in the absence of writebacks and in “We do not see this improvement as and RM198.9 million net loss respectively. It latter writebacks are regularly repeatable, thus light of the continuing tough and competitive sustainable for now however, with changes in also maintained its neutral call with a slightly the E&C EBITDA margin of 24% in for the bidding environment due to the low oil prices operating procedures amid the current higher target price of 10 sen. second quarter should not be extrapolated to that has led to oil majors’ capex cuts, although operating environment post-pandemic, as well Similarly, CGS-CIMB noted that Sapura was the full year. some cost optimisation gains may be as lower oil prices weighing on margins,” keen to emphasise that the quarter’s earnings It pointed out stripping out about US$25 sustainable.” explained the research house. turnaround is sustainable on the back of cost million in profits from the E&C segment would With that the research house has reiterated It also highlighted that the group drilling rationalisation measures. cause the quarter’s EBITDA margin to fall to its reduce call on the counter with a target segment’s pre-tax losses widened to RM32.4 “On the other hand, the 1HFY21 E&C 14%, better than first-quarter FY21’s 9% and price of 6 sen from 4 sen previously. 14 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 SUNBIZ

NIKOLA’S FOUNDER AND CHAIRMAN MILTON STEPS DOWN Top banks moved huge sums BENGALURU: US electric-truck maker Nikola Corp’s founder and BRIEFSexecutive chairman Trevor Milton has stepped down, the company said on Sunday, as it battles allegations from a short- of illicit money: Buzzfeed, ICIJ seller that it misled investors and automakers. Milton approached WASHINGTON: Massive sums of or convicted for financial misconduct. the board and proposed to allegedly dirty money have flowed for oProfits from drug wars, fortunes embezzled “The networks through which voluntarily step aside, and years through some of the world’s dirty money traverse the world have Stephen Girsky has been named largest banking institutions, said an from developing countries, and savings stolen in become vital arteries of the global as chairman with immediate international journalism investigation economy,“ Buzzfeed News reported. effect, the company said. Short- a Ponzi scheme allowed to flow into and out of seller Hindenburg Research published on Sunday, which In a statement, Deutsche Bank alleged the company misled denounced shortcomings in sector some major financial institutions, probe shows said that the ICIJ’s revelations were investors and large automakers regulations. “well known” to its regulators. The over its technology in a scathing “Profits from deadly drug wars, bank also said it had “devoted report that had sent Nikola’s fortunes embezzled from developing significant resources to shares lower. – Reuters countries, and hard-earned savings on thousands of suspicious activity the introduction of its report. strengthening our controls,“ as well stolen in a Ponzi scheme were all reports (SARs) submitted to the US The documents relate to US$2 as focused on “meeting our allowed to flow into and out of these Treasury Department’s financial law trillion (RM8.2 trillion) in responsibilities and obligations.” UK TO EXTEND BUSINESS financial institutions, despite enforcement agency, FinCEN, by transactions that circulated between The probe also highlighted the SUPPORT LOANS warnings from the banks’ own banks from around the world. 1999 and 2017. American authorities’ lack of power in LONDON: British finance employees,“ according to the probe “These documents, compiled by The investigation points in regulating dirty financial transactions. minister Rishi Sunak is set to from Buzzfeed News and the banks, shared with the government, particular to five major banks – In a statement released prior to extend the Treasury’s UK-wide International Consortium of but kept from public view, expose JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, Standard the investigation’s publication, programme of business support Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). the hollowness of banking Chartered, Deutsche Bank and Bank FinCEN said that the “unauthorized loans to help companies affected by the coronavirus The investigation, which was led safeguards, and the ease with which of New York Mellon – accused of disclosure of SARs is a crime that can pandemic, the Financial Times by 108 international media outlets criminals have exploited them,“ continuing to move assets of alleged impact the national security of the reported late on Sunday. Sunak from 88 different countries, is based wrote US outlet Buzzfeed News, in criminals, even after being prosecuted United States.” – AFP is expected to unveil plans to extend its four loan schemes for applications until the end of November, with banks allowed Shell starts huge cost-cutting drive to prepare for energy transition to process loans until the end of the year, the newspaper said. – LONDON: Royal Dutch Shell is Nigeria and the North Sea, the Reuters looking to slash up to 40% off the cost sources said. Oil refiners close plants amid demand slump of producing oil and gas in a major The company’s integrated gas Oil refiners are shutting down processing plants in Asia and North drive to save cash so it can overhaul division, which runs Shell’s liquefied America, and facilities in Europe could be next, as global fuel demand its business and focus more on natural gas (LNG) operations as well remains below levels seen before the coronavirus pandemic PBoC says China renewable energy and power as some gas production, is also markets, sources told Reuters. looking at deep cuts, the sources needs first-mover Shell’s new cost-cutting review, said. known internally as Project Reshape For downstream, the review is edge in crypto race and expected to be completed this focusing on cutting costs from Shell’s year, will affect its three main network of 45,000 service stations – Europe SHANGHAI: China needs to become divisions and any savings will come the world’s biggest – which is seen as United the first nation to issue a digital on top of a US$4 billion (RM16 one its “most high-value activities” States Japan currency in its push to billion) target set in the wake of the and is expected to play a pivotal role internationalise the yuan and reduce Philippines Covid-19 crisis. in the transition, two more sources Refinery its dependence on the global dollar Reducing costs is vital for Shell’s involved with the review told Reuters. closures payment system, a commentary plans to move into the power sector “We are undergoing a strategic Possible threat published by the country’s central and renewables where margins are review of the organisation, which of closure Global oil bank said. relatively low. Competition is also intends to ensure we are set up to Conversion demand on track An article published in China likely to intensify with utilities and rival thrive throughout the energy to biodiesel to slump by Finance, a magazine run by the 7.9 million bpd*, New Zealand oil firms including BP and Total all transition and be a simpler or about 8%, People’s Bank of China (PBoC), said battling for market share as economies organisation, which is also cost *Barrels in 2020 the rights to issue and control a around the world go green. competitive. We are looking at a per day digital currency would become a “We had a great model but is it range of options and scenarios at this “new battlefield” of competition right for the future? There will be time, which are being carefully between sovereign countries. differences, this is not just about evaluated,“ a spokeswoman for Shell Issuance and circulation of the structure but culture and about the said in a statement. UNITED STATES EUROPE ASIA-PACIFIC digital currency would bring great type of company we want to be,“ said Shell’s restructuring drive mirrors changes to existing international a senior Shell source, who declined moves in recent months by Marathon plans to Belgium: Gunvor Japan: Planned finance, it said. to be named. European rivals BP and Eni which halt refining at Martinez, Group could mothball closure of 115,000-bpd “China has many advantages and California, and Gallup, 110,000-bpd refinery JXTG Holdings Osaka Last year, Shell’s overall operating both plan to reduce their focus on oil New Mexico in Antwerp refinery in 2021 opportunities in issuing fiat digital costs came to US$38 billion and and gas in the coming decade and currencies, so it should accelerate capital spending totalled US$24 build new low-carbon businesses. Phillips 66 to close Other plants on list of Philippines: Royal the pace to seize the first track,” the billion. The review, which company refinery in Santa Maria, potential closures Dutch Shell to shut article, which was published on the Shell is exploring ways to reduce sources say is the largest in Shell’s California, in 2023 France: Total’s 110,000-bpd Tabangao weekend, said. Phillips 66 refineries 102,000-bpd Grandpuits facility spending on oil and gas production, its modern history, is expected to be refinery Local media last month reported largest division known as upstream, by completed by the end of 2020 when in Rodeo, California, Australia: Viva’s some of China’s major state-run 30% to 40% through cuts in operating Shell wants to announce a major and Dickinson, North Netherlands 120,000-bpd commercial banks have already costs and capital spending on new restructuring. It will hold an investor Dakota, to become 377,000-bpd BP facility refinery at risk started conducting large-scale projects, two sources involved with the day in February 2021. biodiesel plants in Rotterdam New Zealand internal testing of a digital wallet, review told Reuters. Speaking to analysts on July 30, HollyFrontier facility UK: Petroineos’ Refining NZ’s only moving a step closer to the official Shell now wants to focus its oil Shell CEO Ben van Beurden said Shell in Cheyenne, Wyoming, 200,000-bpd plant in plant could become fuel launch of the home-grown digital and gas production on a few key had launched a programme to to produce biodiesel Grangemouth, Scotland import terminal currency. hubs, including the Gulf of Mexico, “redesign” the Anglo-Dutch company. Sources: Bloomberg, LA Times, Reuters, SMH Picture: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS The China Finance article argued that the improved data feedback from a digital currency would help enhance monetary policy transmission, which support an ByteDance: TikTok Global to launch public offering economic recovery in the post- pandemic era. BEIJING: TikTok Global plans to TikTok Global. corporate governance structure and and the west. China also needs to establish a hold a public listing, its Chinese Yesterday, ByteDance said in a transparency,“ the statement said. It Trump has claimed TikTok is new payment system network to parent company ByteDance said statement on social media that did not say how much it intended to collecting user data for Beijing, break the dollar monopoly as a key yesterday, after announcing a deal TikTok Global plans to launch a raise or where it plans to list. without providing evidence, and in part of the yuan internationalisation, over the weekend that would avert a “small round of pre-IPO financing”, Bloomberg News reported that early August gave ByteDance until the article said. shutdown of the popular app in the after which it would become an 80%- Bytedance was seeking a valuation of Sept 20 to hand over TikTok’s US It added that a PBoC digital US. owned subsidiary of ByteDance. US$60 billion (RM247 billion) for operations to an American currency research unit has filed 130 The agreement, which has been The company added that the TikTok, citing a person familiar with company. patent applications related to approved by Donald Trump, sees board of directors of TikTok Global the matter. While Oracle has the authority to cryptocurrency ranging from Silicon Valley giant Oracle become includes ByteDance founder Zhang TikTok – which became a global check the source code of TikTok in issuance, circulation to application the data partner for the video- Yiming, along with its current phenomenon with its brand of short, the US, ByteDance said displaying as of end-April. Those functions sharing platform while Walmart directors and the CEO of Walmart. addictive phone videos – has come the source code is a way for would form a complete supply chain becomes a commercial partner, “TikTok Global will also launch a under fire in recent months as multinationals to allay local data to support the launch of a digital creating a new US company called listing plan to further enhance its tensions escalate between China security concerns. – AFP currency. – Reuters theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 15 ENTERTAINMENT Plucking the heartstrings other artistes over the years, playing her oSara Heng wants to show the world that playing guzheng to accompany visual artist Haze Leong during one of the latter’s speed painting sessions, or joining Sarawakian sape maestro guzheng is not limited to classical Chinese music Alena Murang and her band at a recent show. Heng also harbours aspirations to bridge the █ BY S. INDRA SATHIABALAN beautiful. That is when I wanted to learn how divide between classical and pop music. to play it. She explained: “After I finished high school, I HE Chinese string instrument guzheng “Guzheng is like a harp, and you don’t use it went to study music in Beijing, where I majored has a history that is over 2,500 years old. often in an orchestra. That’s why we needed to in guzheng. After that, I decided to come back Those who recall the hit film Kung Fu find a private tutor to teach us guzheng.” and l collaborated with different artistes. Hustle (2004) would recall a fight scene Heng ended up learning from Penang- “I find that there are a lot of people who are Tfeaturing a pair of assassins who play a version based guzheng player and conductor Lai Ah not familiar with the guzheng, so I decided to of a guzheng. The instrument was also played Lai, who also became her Chinese orchestra find a way to promote this instrument and by the character Xia Ziwei in the late-1990s hit coach in high school. There, she also learned to promote the music. China drama series My Fair Princess. play other Chinese musical instruments. “I needed to show that guzheng was not old In the world of contemporary music, Today, Heng owns 10 guzheng, and school, not boring. A lot of people have this Mandopop star Lay Zhang is known for using it, sometimes plays on two or three of them per mindset that Chinese instruments are only for while the British band The Korgis featured it in show. “In these past two years I have performed playing traditional Chinese music or Chinese their 1980 hit Everybody’s Got to Learn a lot with the electric guzheng,” she added. New Year songs. Sometime, and virtual band Gorillaz had it on “It has an interesting [tone], and produces a “Actually it is very innovative, so I decided to their 2005 hit track Hong Kong. lot of sounds that the traditional guzheng collaborate with other artistes.” Penang-born Sara Heng is one of Malaysia’s cannot. So I play a lot of music that is outside When asked if she has received any feedback Madonna to direct top guzheng performers, graduating from the the box. This is very inspiring for me.” from music lovers regarding the direction she is Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. Most of us have seen the guzheng being taking with her music, Heng said: “There are a own biopic During our interview, Heng said: “I started played in various Chinese costume dramas, and lot of different opinions. Some people really like when I was 12 years old. My brother was one of today, some upmarket Chinese restaurants it, the way I use the guzheng in a modern way. MADONNA has revealed that her next my biggest influences because he joined a often employ a musician to play it on the Some students like it. Even on social media I project will be the movie of her life – and Chinese orchestra. He wanted to learn guzheng, premises as it lends to a certain regal ambiance found people like music that is creative and the final product should meet with her and wanted me to learn with him.” to the place. innovative. approval as she is bringing it to the screen She was not familiar with the “It is a solo instrument, like a “Even though I play modern music, I haven’t herself. instrument until her brother piano. That is why there are so stopped playing traditional pieces. That is The 62-year-old Material Girl, whose showed her a video of a scene many soloists and solo pieces for actually the spirit of this instrument, to keep the four-decade career as a singer, actress and from My Fair Princess. this instrument.” traditional touch. cultural touchstone has taken in sex, “There was an actress Heng did take up piano “When I teach or play in concerts I still play religion and other traditional taboos, will playing it, and she herself, but had to stop traditional Chinese music. I think it is important direct the biopic, according to a statement looked so elegant and playing, something which for an artist to have different sides and to be from movie studio Universal. the sound of the she still regrets. open-minded, and not stick to one genre of Madonna will also co-write, with Diablo instrument was She has collaborated with music.” Cody who won an Oscar for the screenplay of coming-of-age dramedy Juno (2007). “I want to convey the incredible journey that life has taken me on as an artist, a musician, a dancer – a human being,“ Madonna said in a statement posted to her website. “The focus of this film will always be music,“ she added. “Music has kept me going and art has kept me alive.” The entertainer enthused about “so many untold and inspiring stories” from her “roller coaster” life and asked, “who better to tell it than me?” Universal’s Donna Langley described the Michigan native – real name Madonna Louise Ciccone – as “the ultimate icon.” “With her singular gift of creating art that is as accessible as it is boundary- pushing, she has shaped our culture in a way very few others have,“ Langley said. Madonna, responsible for hits such as Like a Prayer, Material Girl and Like a Virgin, is one of the most prolific artists of her time, having sold 335 million albums. She made her film debut in 1985’s Heng wants to showcase the many Desperately Seeking Susan and won the facets of the guzheng – COURTESY Best Actress Golden Globe for 1996’s Evita OF SARA HENG before directing and co-writing W.E. in 2011. – AFP-Relaxnews Amazon cranks up its music service with podcasts AMAZON recently added podcasts to its publishers seeing millions of streams and streaming music service, tapping into a trend downloads monthly, Statista concluded. and taking on rivals including Spotify and A follow up survey in the US found that 10% Apple, with a line-up of original shows from of younger listeners, ages 18 to 34, said they radio host DJ Khaled (right), actor Will Smith believe people should pay for podcasts and they and others. The podcasts are included in should be ad-free, according to Statista. Amazon’s streaming service in the US, Britain, “We’re thrilled to offer customers a Germany and Japan. convenient podcast listening experience that “Our customers’ listening habits are fits their lifestyle,” said Amazon Music podcasts constantly evolving, and we know they’re director Kintan Brahmbhatt. looking to us to provide them with a rich Productions coming to Amazon Music experience rooted in music and entertainment,” include a new multi-media podcast from said Amazon Music vice president Steve Boom. musician Rebbeca Gomez, known as Becky G, Amazon Music subscribers can listen to the exploring issues and trends, with each episode service at its website, through smartphone devoted to a nonprofit organisation. apps, or on Echo smart speakers sold by the “In quarantine, with so much time to Seattle-based company. consider the world around us, it felt like the A survey on podcast consumption this year perfect opportunity to open a new line of showed that around 37% of US adults had communication and pay it forward,” Gomez listened to a podcast within the previous said. month, a figure which has more than tripled Shares in Spotify, which features podcasts at over the past decade, market tracker Statista its streaming music service, slid some 3% in reported in June. trading on the New York Stock Exchange in the Weekly consumption of podcasts has also wake of the Amazon Music news. – AFP- jumped, with some of the world’s top Relaxnews 16 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 ENTERTAINMENT Reliving the heyday of Cantopop

monthly feature as part of klpac and The Actors oThe musical Cabaret Series: Golden Melody will be staged Studio’s ongoing Covid-19 Relief Fundraiser. The final edition under this series is Divas Live!, at klpac from Sept 23 to 27 set to take place from Oct 28 to Nov 1. klpac and The Actors Studio are fundraising to cover the almost RM1.4 million losses it has ONG before the rise of K-Pop, Cantopop Have a Date with Spring (1994). incurred due to the Covid-19 pandemic. klpac dominated the music scene in this Cabaret Series: Golden Melody will be itself has to raise another RM300,000 by end of region. For the very first time, klpac and directed by Ian Chow, a Cantopop fan himself, December to stay afloat. The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat’s who also directed the past three Yesterday Once Members of the public can help by buying a LCabaret Series pays tribute to the biggest stars of More concerts under the Cabaret series. ticket to a show, shopping on Barang Best @ Cantopop with Cabaret Series: Golden Melody, This time, he has enlisted performers klpac, or making a donation via supported by MUKA SPACE, staging from Sept including MayJune Tan (ntv7 Star Idol www.klpac.org/donations/. 23 to 27 in Pentas 2, klpac. Malaysia), Ruby Faye (winner of NEWAY klpac has comprehensive safety measures in The 80s, also known as the Golden Age of Advocating the Great Leap Forward Female place including compulsory mask-wearing, Cantopop, saw the rise of several mega Singer Award), Tan Li Yang (leader of health screening, physical distancing measures, superstars. Singers like Alan Tam, Anita Mui, La Voce Choir), Dickson Chai sanitisation and disinfection, visitor Danny Chan, Leslie Cheung, Priscilla Chan, (winner of Best Original Music, education, and a contactless experience Sammi Cheng, Hacken Lee, Grasshopper and ADA Drama Award) as well as via e-ticketing and staff training. many more became household names, with Toh Shir Ling & Jacqueline Patrons are advised to read through its legions of fans all over the world. Teng (Best Overall Production, full SOP guide on bit.ly/klpacSOP or One cannot stage a Cantopop tribute Short+Sweet Malaysia). watch the instructional video at without featuring at least one of the Four The Cabaret Series is a bit.ly/klpacSOPvideo. Heavenly Kings of Cantopop. In this case, the spotlight is on Jacky Cheung, also known as the God of Songs. His track I Just Want To Spend My Lifetime With You will be one of the highlights in the upcoming concert. Bringing classics to Cabaret Series: Golden Melody life ... (from far left) also pays tribute to two stars who are MayJune Tan; Ruby still fondly remembered today – Faye; Dickson Chai; Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui, who and (above) Ian both passed away in 2003. Chow. Cheung was much beloved as an actor, and his music managed to reach the Japanese and South Korean music charts. His legendary track Chase will be performed during the show. Meanwhile, Mui earned the title of the Madonna of the East for her showmanship, and fans will be thrilled by the performance of her song Dream Partner. The tribute show will also feature music from iconic films, including Faye Wong’s rendition of Dream Lover from the Wong Kar Wai-helmed Chungking Express (1994), George Lam’s Need You Every Minute from Silent Love (1986), as well as For L o v e from I

Remembering the late Leslie Cheung THE year 2020 marks the 64th year In producing this new album, Tong softly combing through a wide since Leslie Cheung’s birth. To said he felt no particular pressure. pasture. The breeze went with me honour his legacy, Universal Music “For me, Leslie’s music holds the through time, and brought me hope has released a new album that same level of familiarity and intimacy. to welcome another prolific season. remakes some of his classics. The first Therefore I wish, once again, to “[I am] highly anticipating the new track of the album, Four Seasons (A present to all what Leslie would have arrangement by Gary Tong, and Balloon’s Journey), together with its loved.” curious how the new wine will taste music video, was made available In contrast, Kong hints upon the after decanting in this old bottle!” worldwide on Sept 12 to mark what project’s difficulty. Asked if he had ever imagined would have been his 64th birthday. He said: “Leslie’s music has what it would have been like to live The release of Four Seasons (A retained a status of legacy. and work with Cheung as his Balloon’s Journey) also heralds the Rearranging these works [which are] contemporary, Chan replied: “I launch of a new album, REVISIT, so well remembered by his fans would definitely have invited him to produced by Cheung’s long-time would not be an easy task.” sing with me, and I hope he would producer friend, Alvin Leong, Four Seasons (A Balloon’s Journey) have agreed!” arranger Gary Tong and C. Y. Kong, is rearranged by Tong and produced Veteran singer Sandy Lam, who who have remade some of his best by Leong. In this new release, Leong had worked closely with Cheung classics. uses a previously unreleased take of during her career, remembers him Leong noted: “It has long been my Cheung in producing the final track. It fondly. “Hearing his voice again desire to remake some of Leslie’s will certainly bring back vivid makes me feel warm and music. This year also celebrates the memories for fans. melancholic at the same time. Life is 50th anniversary of PolyGram, which Hong Kong singer-actor Eason so fragile, and I would save my words is also a good time to revisit old Chan said: “Leslie is elegant, calm to him in my heart. I wish we all can friends and memories. And [that and sincere. When I first heard Four give thanks to all we have and inspired] the album title REVISIT.” Seasons, I felt it was like a breeze treasure the people around us.” theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 17 YOUTH Starting her journey oRising singer-songwriter Sarah Soon is taking things at her own pace

█ BY MARK MATHEN VICTOR “The process of learning about classical music was not pleasant, because there was no space for HEN 26-year-old dental school creativity. I eventually learned to love it and started graduate Sarah Soon is not hiking or writing songs secretly for myself, but I hadn’t out-and-about amongst nature, she thought about ‘entering the music industry’ until I occasionally paints. was brought into a project by my friend’s brother. WBeyond that, she is also a musician, and is known “They were aspiring music producers tinkering for light, breezy tracks like Didn’t Know and The around trying to create music, and somehow, we Things That I Miss. managed to create something together. Her side interests vary, and on a surface level, “Although we were all amateurs at that point, and seem to be at odds with her main profession, but it wasn’t something too astounding, this gave me the Next Gen Next perhaps there is a balance there. confidence to start writing songs for myself and sing In a recent correspondence with theSun, Soon them in public. I learnt [to play] the guitar for graciously agreed to take some time away from convenience’s sake because [a guitar] was easy to making music to share what she has been up to bring around. I am mostly self-taught, so there is lately with our readers. definitely space for improvement. A lot, in fact. “I tried learning music production so that I How did you get into music? wouldn’t be too dependent on music “I started making music by producers to get my music out chance. I’ve loved music there, but it hasn’t been easy. since I was young. I love to “I had to juggle between my sing. However, I used to studies and music back then; TRIVIA dislike piano and music dental school was tough, and so \ lessons when I was a was making music. Everything has Aside from the instruments at that moment.” kid, because I did not been slow. [The process of] you already play, what else get why I had to learn making music, from would you like to take on? According to Spotify, you’ve Soon is them. composing to production, “I would like to perform at more released three singles since currently “Also, there was has a steep learning curve, events as I feel that’s the best December of last year, with the no [information but I hope I am getting most recent coming out this trying to find way for my music to reach about] how to somewhere.” people.” August. Will there be an album her voice in get into the Who are the musicians you in the future? an ever- music industry, How would you define your draw the most inspiration “[I have released] two singles Regina Spektor’s music changing so it kind of seemed music? from? “ and one cover. I would be music pointless to me. “My music is not complicated. and storytelling, Lucy Scwhartz, happy if I can have an EP. An industry. – There’s nothing about social and Sasha Sloan’s “Both. songwriting.” I love album would be too COURTESY OF issues or any political topics. Cats or dogs? farfetched. SARAH SOON It’s just how I feel, what I animals.” “I don’t think I am that matured of a think and what I’ve been writer to produce that much good music for through being put in a song. now (laughs). I’m doing it all alone and it takes “Sometimes it can be about the life time. lessons that I want to remind myself “I’m taking time to practice writing songs. My of. I don’t have a specific style, goal for now is just to regularly upload songs to because I can streaming platforms and to perform more.” g e t indecisive, You were recently featured on Drum Asia’s Open especially Mic livestream. What was the ‘livestream gig when the during a pandemic’ experience like? As a whole, m u s i c do you think this format is sustainable until live l a n d s c a p e music is able to return safely? nowadays is “I felt extremely grateful for the opportunity to sing expanding, so for other people, despite the pandemic experience I just start writing limiting public performances. I think this ‘virtual’ and see how it goes, and see what live show is probably the best platform any feels right. performer can ask for when public places were “One of my songs ended up having made to close. R&B beats and another ended up being “But as a performer myself, nothing can beat folk. I listen to all sorts of music, and I get being out there performing in real life. There is just my inspiration and influences from different something special about performing in front of genres, so I just make what feels right. people, which I hope to do more often. “Also, I think the production style decides “I think people are resuming their normal what [type of] song it will become, so it lifestyles, and live music is still ultimately more really depends on my mood and my skillset enjoyable than looking at a screen.” 18 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 GOING PLACES

(left) A former hunting lodge in the Czech city of Pardubice is now a gingerbread museum. (right) The castle in Podebrady in the Czech Republic rises from the banks of the Elbe River. (far right) Tens of thousands of visitors come to the picturesque Czech city Melnik, for its wine.

HILE the Elbe River becomes impressively wide in Germany, it starts as a series of streamsW in the north-western Czech A train ride along the Elbe River Republic. To see for yourself, simply follow ever since, the spa established here the river to its starting point – which oVisit scenic landscapes in the Czech Republic on a rail tour has been treating people with heart coincidentally can be done quite and circulation troubles. If you’re in unhurriedly on a train. the park, meanwhile, you can take This delightfully historic train mineral water from several springs. begins in the eastern German city of Head next for Pardubice and Dresden, but it won’t be long until exchange the train for a bike. It won’t you’re in the picturesque region be difficult, as every city in the known as Bohemian Switzerland, in country has a bike rental service the north-western Czech Republic. courtesy of the Czech Railways. Time will especially fly if you’ve It’s an easy ride, with flat bike made it to the restaurant car, all plush paths and views of meadows and red seats and white tablecloths. A forests, and the little canals and waiter approaches you and asks what endless fields of sunflowers are all you’d like to eat. A cold pilsner delightful. perhaps to wash down a schnitzel, If you’re a fan of the funky, potatoes and cucumber salad? though, then check out the Half an hour later, you’re at the gingerbread house – Pernikova Czech border, in Bad Schandau, a chaloupka – in the forest near gem in the Elbe Sandstone Kuneticka Hora Castle in Raby. You’ll Mountains. It’s the last town before find plenty of gingerbread in the you cross the border. Tourist boats museum, a hunting lodge from 1882. used to traverse the region too, but Head now for the source of the these days, there’s not enough water Elbe: Take the train from Pardubice in the river, so the railway is your best through Stara Paka and Kuncice to bet. Vrchlabi. Change twice then grab a Before you know it, it’s time to taxi to Spindleruv Mlyn, where you’re change trains and head for Melnik, a The Czech wine back at the river side. wine town above Usti nad Labem. It’s town of Melnik is Now lace up your hiking boots a picturesque spot right by the picturesquely and take a stroll through the clear air confluence of the Elbe and Vltava situated at the of the Krkonose National Park. It’s rivers – and an excellent place for confluence of the lined with trails, meadows and pretty those who are thirsty, with 90 Elbe and Vltava rivers. mountain ridges. You should pass a winegrowers for every 20,000 typical Martinova bouda, a mountain inhabitants. chalet, as there are plenty of these This summer’s day is a sweltering homeland in central Bohemia. She Christian, bringing Christianity – and Melnik. If you’re visiting the little places to stay. 38.5 degrees, but tour guide Sarka speaks of Saint Ludmilla, who wine. renaissance chateau, now privately Stick to the path and you’ll find a Kalfarova is not distracted as she tells married the first prince of the Speaking of which, plenty of wine owned, with its impressive rooms, spring emerging into the Elbe the stories and history of her Kingdom of Bohemia and became a can be found stored in Chateau don’t miss out on the cellars. meadow. You might miss it if it The owner, Jiri Jan Lobkowicz, weren’t for a ring of stones. describes his holdings as spanning The actual source is in a boggy “three castles in Bohemia, two in moorland a little farther up, but that France.” He notes that 80,000 tourists isn’t accessible. But if you’ve chased visit each year, and they put on 25,000 the Elbe River this far, wine tastings too. then the ring of “Wine sales have grown, quality stones isn’t bad has improved,” says Lobkowicz. The at all. – dpa local wines are impressively full- bodied. In the charming heart of Melnik, Lobkowicz meanwhile, you can see houses owns the that were once Gothic and have renaissance since been redesigned. They now chateau in span a range of styles from Bohemia. renaissance, baroque to some art Hop aboard a delightfully historical train and head through A circle of stones marks the symbolic start of the Elbe River. nouveau. the Czech Republic, all the while following the Elbe River The actual source is about 150 metres higher up. Back on the rails a day later, towards its source. the next stop is Podebrady. Step off the train, and you’re practically in the gardens of the spa already. It’s a soothing place with fountains, flowers and smartly trimmed box trees lining the path to the river. Podebrady castle is on the banks of the river, and here, a diviner found a source of water in 1905. A well 100 The Elbe River is metres deep quite magical at revealed a sundown. m i n e r a l spring, and theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 19 GOING PLACES

HO hasn’t strolled The lake around a botanic garden pyramids at or a well-known green Fuerst Pueckler space while on Park in eastern vacation?W It’s usually a nice way to Germany are unwind, surrounded by familiar and covered in wild unfamiliar plants, and other vines. decorations. But travelling somewhere specifically to visit a certain garden? It’s becoming increasingly common, especially in these pandemic times, say garden experts. “People want to enjoy a positive alternative world, a desire that’s strengthened in these times of coronavirus,” believes Franz Gruber, managing director of the Tulln garden in Austria. The numbers speak for themselves: Last year, 1.2 million visitors came to Mainau, the flower island in Lake Constance in Germany, while 715,000 visited painter Claude Monet’s garden in Normandy and some 400,000 people visited the gardens of Italy’s Trauttmansdorff Castle. And it’s not just the over-50 generation who are interested in garden tourism; younger people have also caught the bug, says Carsten Seick, a tour operator specialising in cultural and garden excursions. England was and remains the top Garden tours growing dog when it comes to gardens you can lose yourself in, so it’s no surprise that these green spaces alone have inspired people to book a trip. Even nobles across Europe were drawn in popularity to England in the 18th century to find some inspiration. For modern tourists who don’t feel and doubtless one of Europe’s most like driving on the left, there are bus oMore and more people are picking their next vacation spot based on beautiful landscapes in the English tours that will cart them around to an garden style. Based on its size and array of gardens, with some providing what over-the-top gardens they can visit while there variety, visitors can easily spend the a high-quality professional tour guide entire day strolling around this for the ride. Arcadian space. The most sophisticated tours will Istabelle Van Groeningen, a garden ones in the north. In May 2021, the historical green spaces being restored The Fuerst Pueckler Park in the even include tea time “with her historian from the Royal Garden so-far largest garden project in after laying fallow for many years state of Brandenburg, the ladyship” in the garden of a noble Academy in Berlin who leads group Europe is set to open near following the devastation of World Herrenhausen Gardens near estate on the programme. tours of England’s green oases. Manchester – the Royal Horticultural War II. Hanover and the private landscape ”Especially in the private gardens, Gardens that demand to be toured Society’s Bridgewater Garden spans Eastern Germany has especially park of the Schloss Dennenlohe in which otherwise aren’t accessible to include not only the world-famous some 62 hectares. bloomed after the fall of the Berlin southern Germany are also popular the public, we have great ones in southern England, such as Germany is also a destination for Wall. Woerlitzer Park in the state of stops. conversations with the hosts,” says Sissinghurst or Great Dixter, but also garden lovers, with many of its Saxony-Anhalt is a prime example, If you’re planning for a organised garden tour by a tour operator, pay attention to which themes they focus on. Some tours, for example, are purely focused only on the botanical. It’s also worth keeping in mind that a guide’s personality and experience go a long way in determining how accessible a garden is. Austrian garden journalist Karl Ploberger, for example, is well-known through his TV shows and publications, and spends about half of the year doing garden tours. “I’ve known many gardens for some two decades and can thus also talk about their development,” he says. Regardless of how, with whom or where you take a garden trip, you should be fit enough to walk around for one to two hours, and stand still for long periods. In return, you’ll be The garden of Claude Monet in France’s Giverny is world famous: The painter The gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle in Meran, Italy, are famous around the rewarded with overwhelming immortalised it in his paintings. world, attracting 400,000 visitors in the past year alone. splendour. – dpa Glamping is the luxury vacation we all deserve in pandemic times IT’S OK if you’re not an outdoor machine. experiences, but we don’t want to person. If we’re being honest, the Vacationers don’t even need to give up our comforts,” says Bossanne, idea of sleeping on the ground and leave the tent’s bed to see the explaining the need to glamp. eating only slightly warmed-through opposite shore of the Mosel. Fireflies The coronavirus has made taking a tinned food isn’t really that flit by, the scent of lavender fills the vacation in nature all the more appealing. But with many of us stuck nighttime air. An owl hoots – a little popular. On portals such as at home and looking for new ways to nature after all. glamping.info, vacationers who can use up our vacation days, glamping Master glamper Celine Bossanne make their way to Europe can book offers the peace of nature without the knows a thing or two about how to go accommodations across the downsides. camping in style. She and her continent. The Heritage and Nature Glamp husband founded their first camping Even though glamping used to be Camp, which is located right along village, Huttopia, in France in 1999. a thing of extreme luxury, on the five- Germany’s Mosel river, provides a “We wanted to transform the image star level, Bossanne says that has not perfect example of peak glamping – of camping, to offer stays in nature, at been the case for a long time. which is a portmanteau word beautiful spots – but in comfort,” she “Operators have different combining “glamour” and explains. Two decades later, Huttopia understandings of what glamping “camping.” has expanded to 60 spots around the means,” explains Sven Schuurmans, There’s a garden for relaxing, a world, offering tents, huts and little who runs the Glampings portal. terrace and a firepit at the site, while houses. ”A safari tent with a bathtub and under a huge tent, visitors can sleep ”We all have a real need for nature. panorama view, or a row of caravans in a real bed while enjoying running We are increasingly urban and need with verandas – these days, it’s all Glamping can mean a room that’s almost like a hotel, but just in a tent, as this water and a kitchen with a coffee special, natural and simple considered glamping,” he says. – dpa example of accommodation from Huttopia in France shows. 20 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 FEATURE Diving into different waters football and badminton. oFormer sports personality Ahmad Amsyar “I think parents should encourage their children to be active in sports. It Azman wants to make his mark as a businessman makes you healthy and creates a system of discipline in you.”

█ BY BISSME S. training on my own. I have been keeping What advice would you give youngsters who myself fit. want to be a national diver like you? HMAD AMSYAR AZMAN is one of the “You can never tell what will happen in the “You must be prepared to work hard. You best divers that Malaysia has future. Who knows? I might go back to the will be spending a lot of time in produced over the last decade. He is a diving team again, and train for the next training. There were times when I four-time SEA Games gold medallist. Olympic Games in 2024. Anything is possible.” had to be away from my family TheA Perlis-born lad also competed in the 2016 and my country. I was in China Olympic Games that took place in Rio de Some say you quit because you performed for my training. Janeiro, Brazil. badly in Brazil. “I missed so many Hari Raya Last year, he shocked everyone when he quit “Everyone enters the Olympics to make their celebrations with my family. I the sport at the relatively young age of 27. country proud, and the same goes for me. only talked to them through theSun recently caught up with Ahmad to “I trained very hard for the Olympics. I was WhatsApp during these find out the latest developments in his life. very disappointed with my result. But my coach occasions. Sacrifice is necessary if believed since this was my first Olympics you want success.” What have you been doing since you retired? [result], I would perform better in my future “I have been coaching children and adults. Olympics, and I trust his judgement.” Early this year, I opened two sports centres. “The first is called Amsyaro Sports. It focuses What was your reason for quitting the team? on building your fitness. The other one is called “I really needed a break. I felt so drained with Eagles Diving Academy, where I give diving all the training. Now, I feel a little more lessons.” relaxed. I have regained my lost energy. “One of the reasons I quit the team was Where do you see yourself in five years? because my coach was no longer there, as “I would like to be a successful businessman. his contract was not renewed. I felt so lost My business will likely be related to sports. without him. “I am also currently taking a degree in sport “But the last I heard, the coach is back management. After I have completed my with the team again, and I am happy to hear degree, I might consider taking a masters in that.” sport management. “Sports is my life and I do not think I can lead What do you do in your free time? a life without sports.” “I love to karaoke. Faizal Tahir is my favourite singer. I love his voice. I love Have you ever considered joining the to sing his songs. I also entertainment industry as a model or an play the guitar and the actor? ukulele.” “I am too short to be a model or an actor. Describe your “But if an offer comes my way, I childhood. would consider it seriously. I am “Both of my parents are game for anything.” lecturers. I am the second of their four I heard you have a girlfriend. Is children. marriage on the cards? “My parents “Not at the moment. She will be always encouraged going to Germany for three years to me to be active in further her studies in engineering. sports. I love Once she has completed her studies p l a y i n g and returns from Germany, we can talk about marriage. “For the time being, I want her to focus on her studies. Nothing should distract her.”

Some believe you quit the diving team a little too early. “I miss being with the team. I miss doing all the training. Ahmad has been keeping busy since he retired from “But I have not let myself go. I have been diving. – AMIRUL SYAFIQ/THESUN Pinterest users seek contentment in post-pandemic times WHAT changes have you made in your daily life being. Generation Z searches for “ASMR food”, users had plenty of time to notice flaws in their for the autumn of 2020? In a bid to answer this which offers a pleasant sensory experience, domestic environments, which they now want question, Pinterest took a close look at the have increased by 84%, while those who find to transform into havens of well-being. behaviour of its 400 million users around the out more about “mindful eating” are up by 44%. This is particularly the case with members of world. And the social media service found that Millennials are also showing more interest in generation Y, who performed five times more their interests had evolved considerably. well-being, but for this age group it is more a searches for “zen bedroom ideas”, while also After months of stress and worrying caused matter of well-being for children. looking for “calming bedrooms” and “feng shui by the health crisis – which is still with us – As a result, there has been a 3.5-fold increase bedroom layouts.” Pinners, as they are called, are doing all they can in their searches for “mental health activities for Let’s note in passing that they are not to create an ideal environment for well-being kids”, while searches for “occupational therapy planning on redoing their bedroom interiors to and inner peace. for kids” and “mindful parenting” have make them a calmer environment for remote The autumn of 2020 will not be a frenetic doubled. working, but to optimise them for cocooning. whirlwind of wardrobe renewal nor will it be a They also seem to be seeking practices Pinterest calculated these trends by return to life in the fast lane. On the contrary, it dedicated to harmony for their kids with comparing normalised searches in July 2020 to appears that people are more interested in searches for “training routines for kids” and July 2019 among the indicated audience; Gen Z slowing things down so as to focus all of their “animal inspired yoga poses for kids.” refers to users aged 18–24, and millennials energy on going inside physically and mentally are users aged 25–44. – AFP-Relaxnews in search of the best possible environment. A harmonious interior This is reflected by a spike in Pinterest Having spent an average of three searches for “positivity” (+64%) in one year. months of lockdown stuck at home, Pinterest A healthy mind and a healthy body Members of Generation Z, that is to say, users of the service who are less than 25 years old, are particularly interested in mental balance and boosting their health, as evidenced by a five- fold increase in their searches for “mental health check.” They also have a growing interest in healthy eating and meals that augment a sense of well- theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 21 IN THE MATTER OF THE 322 Notices 322 Notices COMPANIES ACT, 2016 * SPORTS AND IN THE MATTER OF DALAM PERKARA IN THE MATTER AKTA SYARIKAT 2016 OF THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 C.K. TANG PROPERTIES DAN (M) SDN. BHD. AND DALAM PERKARA IN THE MATTER OF Company Registration No. TIONG SING TIONG SING TRADING CO. 198901003942 (181249-W) TRADING CO. SDN. BHD. SDN. BHD. 030 Cars for Sale (In Creditors’ Voluntary (No. Pendaftaran: Pogacar crowned Tour (Registration No. Winding-up) 199301026690 (281428-T)) (Penggulungan Syarikat 199301026690 (281428-T)) Sukarela Oleh Anggota) (In Members’ Voluntary NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING Winding Up) Pada Mesyuarat Anggota Syarikat de France champion NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tersebut di atas pada 17hb. At a General Meeting of the pursuant to Section 459(1) of the September 2020, Resolusi-resolusi abovenamed Company held on LOVENIAN rookie Tadej recalled for outsprinting the dark Companies Act, 2016, the Final seperti berikut telah diluluskan:- 17th day of September, 2020, the Meeting of the abovenamed following resolutions were duly Pogacar won the Tour de shadow of Covid-19. Company will be held at 229- “BAHAWASANYA Syarikat tersebut passed:- France yesterday, riding The race was a triumph of 1, Jalan Perkasa Satu, Taman digulungkan secara sukarela menurut Seksyen 439(1)(b) Akta “THAT pursuant to Section 439(1) triumphantly into Paris in organisation after receiving Maluri, Cheras, 55100 Kuala Syarikat 2016.” Lumpur on 22 October 2020 at (b) of the Companies Act 2016, the Sthe race leader’s yellow jersey at belated clearance to stage the Company be wound up voluntarily.” 10.00 am (via teleconference) “BAHAWASANYA Encik Khor Yong just 21 years old. event, although just 5,000 fans for the following purposes :- Yong (I/C No. 760718-07-5119) yang beralamat di Tingkat 6, 33B, Jalan “THAT Mr. Khor Yong Yong (I/C No. Pogacar became the Tour’s lined Sunday’s finish due to the 760718-07-5119) of Level 6, 33B, A G E N D A Pahang, 10400 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang dilantik sebagai Pelikudasi Jalan Pahang, 10400 Georgetown, youngest champion since 1904 as health protocol. untuk tujuan penggulungan tersebut Pulau Pinang be and is hereby Ireland’s Sam Bennett won the Dutch team Jumbo-Visma 1. To receive and consider the dan Anggota-anggota Syarikat appointed Liquidator to act for the Liquidator’s Final Accounts tersebut menanggung kesemua purpose of such winding-up of 21st and final stage after the eight- dominated the 2020 race with their showing how the winding- kos, caj, kerugian, perbelanjaan dan the Company and that he shall be lap dash around the iconic yellow and black jerseys always up has been conducted and liabiliti yang ditanggung atau dialami indemnified by the Shareholders to receive any explanations oleh beliau dalam menjalankan against all costs, charges, losses, Champs-Elysees to clinch the grouped at the head of the race as thereon under Section 459(1) tanggungjawab berkenaan.” expenses and liabilities incurred or green sprint points jersey. they outpowered everyone until Home Appliances of the Companies Act, 2016; sustained by him in the execution Business TEOH AH CHAI and discharge of his duties in The champion mounted the the last and crucial day. 106 260 and PENGERUSI Electricals Opportunities relation thereto.” podium as the sun set behind the Winners of the past five 2. To determine pursuant to Tarikh: 22hb. September 2020 Arc de Triomphe to pick up the editions, Britain’s Team Ineos also RECENTLY LAUNCHED Section 518 (3)(c) of the TEOH AH CHAI Companies Act 2016, the DALAM PERKARA CHAIRMAN best climber’s jersey, the white top had a Tour they may regret. BIZ OPPORTUNITY manner in which the books, AKTA SYARIKAT 2016 accounts and documents of DAN Dated this young rider’s prize and finally the They put their faith in the Company thereon shall be DALAM PERKARA 22nd day of September, 2020. Tour winner’s famous yellow defending champion Egan Bernal, TIONG SING Aircond,tiles, destroyed after the expiration TRADING CO. SDN. BHD. jersey. but he struggled to of 5 years from the date of IN THE MATTER plumbing,painting, (No. Pendaftaran: OF THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 “I can’t find the words to thank i m p o s e final meeting. 199301026690 (281428-T)) AND renovation, (Penggulungan Syarikat IN THE MATTER OF everyone, but it’s been amazing himself and TAN CHIL KIN Sukarela Oleh Anggota) TIONG SING TRADING CO. wiring Liquidator this three weeks where the fans d r o p p e d NOTIS ADALAH DIBERIKAN SDN. BHD. ONLY RM50 gets you BAHAWA pemiutang-pemiutang (Registration No. cheered me all the way,” said out stage - 6000 global TV prog, movies, Date : 22 September 2020 Syarikat tersebut di atas yang 199301026690 (281428-T)) Pogacar. 15. – AFP documentary and more Kuala Lumpur telah digulungkan secara sukarela, (In Members’ Voluntary - 4 income streams adalah diminta pada atau sebelum Winding Up) Long-time race leader Primoz - Global Biz, Anyone and 23hb. Oktober 2020 menghantar Roglic ended second while Call : Everyone can participate. nama mereka, alamat mereka dan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN THE MATTER OF THE butir-butiran mengenai hutang dan the Creditors of TIONG SING Australia’s Richie Porte came third. Call: COMPANIES ACT, 2016 tuntutan mereka dan nama serta 0172860838 012-2921616(KL) TRADING CO. SDN. BHD. which is The Tour will forever be AND alamat penguam mereka (jika ada), being voluntary wound up must 016-5459385(Ipoh). 0173456618 IN THE MATTERS OF kepada penandatangan di bawah, send details, in writing, of any remembered for a dramatic last- WANG SEPAKAT SDN. BHD. Pelikudasi Syarikat tersebut di alamat claims against the Company to Tingkat 6, 33B Jalan Pahang, 10400 gasp turnaround as Pogacar Home Repairs (510629-K) the Liquidator at Level 6, 33B 110 296 Others Georgetown, Pulau Pinang, dan jika Maintainance (IN MEMBERS VOLUNTARY dikehendaki, melalui notis daripada Jalan Pahang, 10400 Georgetown, grabbed the overall lead when WINDING-UP) Pelikudasi Syarikat tersebut, peguam Pulau Pinang, by the 23rd day of his rival Roglic suffered a mereka atau pemiutang hadir secara October, 2020, which is the last NOTICE OF THE peribadi untuk membuktikan hutang- day for admitting claims. The mountainside meltdown FINAL MEETING hutang atau tuntutan-tuntutan Liquidator also give notice that he on the penultimate day. LOOKING FOR tersebut pada masa dan tempat yang will then make a final distribution A SKILLED dinyatakan dalam notis tersebut dan to Creditors and that a Creditor This storied HANDYMAN Notice is hereby given that kalau gagal membuat sedemikian, who does not make a claim by the edition of the FOR REPAIRING? the pursuant to Section 459 of mereka akan dikecualikan daripada above date will not be included in the Companies Act, 2016, the manfaat pembahagian sebelum the distribution. century-old race Final Meeting of the Members hutang-hutang dan tuntutan-tuntutan packed with Post your repair requests of the Company will be held tersebut dibuktikan. KHOR YONG YONG on our site for free and get at the office of the Liquidator, Liquidator thrills and spills it matched with our skilled KHOR YONG YONG No. 691, 1st Floor, Jalan Taib, Pelikudasi will be equally Pogacar handyman instantly. 82000 Pontian, Johor. on 18th Dated this Tarikh: 22hb. September 2020 22nd day of September, 2020. If you are a skilled October, 2020 at 11:00 am for handyman, you can join the purpose of: our site for free and start SHORTS earning a part-time 1. Receiving an account from 322 Notices 322 Notices 322 Notices income. the Liquidator showing the manner in which the winding WWW.HANDYMEN.MY IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT ‘Strange not facing Nadal’ Whatsapp 012-3847961 up has been conducted and KUALA LUMPUR KUALA LUMPUR KUALA LUMPUR RAFAEL NADAL may have crashed out, but the property of the Company (COMMERCIAL DIVISION) (COMMERCIAL DIVISION) COMPANIES (WINDING UP) NO: COMPANIES (WINDING-UP) COMPANIES (WINDING-UP) WA-28NCC-623-09/2020 great rival Novak Djokovic booked his ticket to disposed of and of hearing NO: WA-28NCC-610-08/2020 any explanations that may NO: WA-28NCC-613-08/2020 Distributors the final of the Italian Open yesterday. 252 be given by the Liquidator. In the matter of Section 465 (1) (e) and In the matter of section 464, 465, 466 322 Notices In the matter of Section 465 (1) (e) and & 467 of the Companies Act, 2016 A week before the start of Roland Garros, Agents Wanted 466 (1) (a) of the Companies Act 2016; 466 (1) (a) of the Companies Act 2016; 2. To approve and accept the the Serbian, a four-time Rome winner, will play And And AGENT WANTED IN THE MATTER OF THE resignation of the Liquidator And his 10th final on clay at Foro Italico after CASHLESS MEDICAL CARD COMPANIES ACT, 2016 pursuant to Section 513, and In the matter of All Prefer Travel Sdn In the matter of Radius Hotel dominating the Norwegian Casper Ruud 7-5, AND Bhd (Company No. 677587-K) Management Sdn Bhd (Company No. In the matter of HONG KONG BAN KAH Annual limit up to IN THE MATTER OF 3. To resolve that under Section 616239-U) CHAI MEDICAL FACTORY SDN. BHD. 6-3 in thes semifinals. Between (No. Syarikat: 212079-U) RM2 Million C.K. TANG SDN. BHD. 518(3)(b) of the Companies Between Nine-time Rome winner Nadal crashed out Company Registration No. No Medical check-up up Act, 2016, the books, ESHAL MARKETING SDN BHD And in the quarter-final on his return from a 199401020701 (306380-W) accounts and documents of ESHAL MARKETING SDN BHD to 65 years old (Company No: 1253767-T) (Company No: 1253767-T) coronavirus-enforced break. (In Creditors’ Voluntary the Company be destroyed … PETITIONER … PETITIONER In the matter of the Companies Cashless outpatient Winding-up) after the expiration of three (Winding Up) “Of course, you know, with Nadal in the Cancer treatment NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING (3) months from the date of And And Rules, 1972 finals and without Nadal in the finals makes a Hospital Cash Income the final meeting. ALL PREFER TRAVEL SDN BHD RADIUS HOTEL MANAGEMENT SDN BETWEEN big difference,” said Djokovic, who has lost benefit up to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN (Company No: 677587-K) BHD Rm200 per day THAT pursuant to Section … RESPONDENT TAN SAW BEE Tong Han @ Tee Tong Han (Company No: 616239-U) (NO. K/P: 640801-07-5244) three to Nadal, including last season. INCOME 459(1) of the Companies Act, Liquidator … RESPONDENT … PETITIONER The 33-year-old, who along with Nadal has 2016, the Final Meeting of the ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION RM5k to Rm35k Date: 14/09/2020 ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION AND abovenamed Company will be HONG KONG BAN KAH CHAI been present at each Italian Open final since Contact No : NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition held at 229-1, Jalan Perkasa for the winding-up of the abovenamed NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition MEDICAL FACTORY SDN. BHD. 2005, plays Argentine eighth-seed Diego 0182175363 Satu, Taman Maluri, Cheras, IN THE MATTER OF THE Company by the High Court was on for the winding-up of the abovenamed (No. Syarikat: 212079-U) Schwartzman, who shocked Nadal in the 55100 Kuala Lumpur on 22 COMPANIES ACT, 2016 28th August, 2020, presented by the Company by the High Court was on … RESPONDENT said Petitioner, ESHAL MARKETING October 2020 at 10.00 a.m AND 26th August, 2020, presented by the overnight final. SDN BHD. said Petitioner, ESHAL MARKETING ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION (via teleconference) for the IN THE MATTER OF SDN BHD. “Most of the finals that I reached in the big following purposes :- TANGS DEPARTMENT STORE And that the said Petition is directed Notice is hereby given that a petition events on clay I played against Rafa,” ISLAMIC (HOLDINGS) SDN BHD. to be heard before the Court sitting And that the said Petition is directed for the winding-up of the above- Company Registration No. at Kuala Lumpur High Court at to be heard before the Court sitting named company by High Court was continued the Serb. “So it’s going to be A G E N D A at Kuala Lumpur High Court at 9.00 o’clock in the forenoon on on the 2 September 2020 presented SAVING 199301010820 (265557-U) Wednesday, the 28th October 2020, 9.00 o’clock in the forenoon on strange not facing him.” 1. To receive and consider the (In Creditors’ Voluntary and any creditor or contributory of Wednesday, the 28th October 2020, by TAN SAW BEE (NO. K/P: 640801- “I still am as motivated to get my hands on PROGRAMME Liquidator’s Final Accounts Winding-up) the said Company desiring to support and any creditor or contributory of 07-5244) And that said petition is showing how the winding- or oppose the making of an order the said Company desiring to support directed to be heard before the Court the trophy. It’s super important, otherwise I AGENT WANTED NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING on the said Petition may appear at or oppose the making of an order sitting at 9.00 a.m. on the 4 November wouldn’t be here. up has been conducted and the time of hearing by himself or his on the said Petition may appear at 2020; and any creditor or contributory Q Life and PA coverange to receive any explanations Counsel for that purpose, and a copy the time of hearing by himself or his of the said company desiring to “I don’t take anything for granted, even NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Counsel for that purpose, and a copy Q No Medical check up thereon under Section 459(1) of the Petition will be furnished support or oppose the making of the of the Companies Act, 2016; pursuant to Section 459(1) of the to any creditor or contributory of the of the Petition will be furnished order on the said petition may appear after 15 years on the Tour, I still enjoy it. to any creditor or contributory of the Q Existing illness Companies Act, 2016, the Final said Company requiring the same by at the time of hearing by himself or his and said Company requiring the same by “I still have a hunger for the titles and Meeting of the abovenamed the undersigned on payment of the counsel for that purpose; and a copy assured Acceptance regulated charge for the same. the undersigned on payment of the putting myself in a position to fight for the 2. To determine pursuant to Company will be held at 229- regulated charge for the same. of the said petition will be furnished Q Last Joining age up 1, Jalan Perkasa Satu, Taman to any creditor or contributory of the title is exactly where I want to be.” Section 518 (3)(c) of the The Petitioner’s address is at 31- said company requiring the same by to 80 years old Maluri, Cheras, 55100 Kuala 1, Jalan Seksyen ¾, Taman Kajang The Petitioner’s address is at 31- Companies Act 2016, the 1, Jalan Seksyen ¾, Taman Kajang the undersigned on payment of the manner in which the books, Lumpur on 22 October 2020 at Utama, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul INCOME Ehsan. Utama, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul regulated charges for the same. accounts and documents of 10.00 a.m. (via teleconference) Ehsan. Stoinis stars for Delhi RM5k to RM35k above the Company thereon shall be for the following purposes :- The Petitioner has residential address The Petitioner’s Solicitor is Messrs. The Petitioner’s Solicitor is Messrs. AUSTRALIA’S Marcus Stoinis smashed a destroyed after the expiration Hariati & Khoo, address for service is at No. 143, Tanjong Dawai, 08110 CONTACT 019 9321315 A G E N D A Hariati & Khoo, address for service is Bedong, Kedah. whirlwind half-century as Delhi Capitals edged of 5 years from the date of at Suite 11-09, Level 11, Wisma UOA at Suite 11-09, Level 11, Wisma UOA final meeting. II, No. 21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala II, No. 21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala out Kings XI Punjab in a super-over thriller after Business 1. To receive and consider the Lumpur. Lumpur. The Petitioner’s solicitors are Messrs. 260 Siau Suen Miin & Tan of No.2 (2nd the second match of the Indian Premier League Opportunities TAN CHIL KIN Liquidator’s Final Accounts showing how the winding- t.t. t.t. Floor), Jalan Selasih, Taman Semarak, ended in a tie yesterday. Liquidator ………………………… ………………………… 09000 Kulim, Kedah Darul Aman. up has been conducted and MESSRS HARIATI & KHOO MESSRS HARIATI & KHOO Tel: 04-4918943 Stoinis proved his worth for Delhi, who to receive any explanations Petitioner’s Solicitors Date : 22 September 2020 Petitioner’s Solicitors Fax: 04-4918942 thereon under Section 459(1) brought the all-rounder in the December Kuala Lumpur of the Companies Act, 2016; NOTE: NOTE: Note- auction, with his 21-ball 53 to lift the side to Any person who intends to appear Any person who intends to appear Any person who intends to appear and on the hearing of the said Petition on the hearing of the said Petition on the hearing of the said petition 157 for eight after being put into bat in Dubai. must serve on or send by post to must serve on or send by post to the 2. To determine pursuant to the abovenamed Solicitors, Messrs abovenamed Solicitors, Messrs Hariati must serve on or send by post to the Mayank Agarwal nearly trumped the Section 518 (3)(c) of the Hariati & Khoo notice in writing of & Khoo notice in writing of his intention Petitioner’s solicitors, Messrs. Siau notice in writing batting blitz with his 89 off 60 balls as Punjab Companies Act 2016, the his intention so to do. The notice so to do. The notice must state the Suen Miin & Tan must state the name and address name and address of the person, or, of his intention so to do. The notice closed in on their target but Stoinis claimed manner in which the books, of the person, or, if a firm, the name if a firm, the name and address of the must state the name and address accounts and documents of and address of the firm, and must be firm, and must be signed by the person of the person, or, if a firm, the name two wickets on successive balls in the final over the Company thereon shall be signed by the person or firm, or his or or firm, or his or their Solicitors (if and address of the firm, and must be to take the match into a super over. destroyed after the expiration their Solicitors (if any) and must be any) and must be served or if posted signed by the person or firm, or his “It’s a weird game, sometimes the luck goes of 5 years from the date of served or if posted must be sent by must be sent by post in sufficient time or their solicitor (if any) and must be to reach the above named not later final meeting. post in sufficient time to reach the served, or, if posted, must be sent by your way, but it’s easy to become the villain above named not later than twelve than twelve o’clock noon on 27th post in sufficient time to reach the o’clock noon on 27th October, 2020. October, 2020 from the hero. So it’s important to enjoy the TAN CHIL KIN above-named not later than 12.00 Ref: noon of the 3 November 2020 (the good days,” said Stoinis. Liquidator [Tel: 03-2161 0511 day before the day appointed for the Fax No: 03-2161 0513 HK/WT/EMSB/RHMSB/L1167/20/ya “It’s nice that the IPL has gotten going E-mail: [email protected] hearing of the petition) Date : 22 September 2020 Ref: HK/WT/EMSB/APTSB/L1157/19] E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: 03-2161 0511 (Our Ref: LT/MISC 903/19 (HKBKC) again, and tonight has been great Kuala Lumpur my Fax No: 03-2161 0513 (W-Up)) entertainment.” 22 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 SPORTS Real toil in goalless I’m no copycat, says Pirlo draw at Sociedad REAL MADRID began the defence of their Spanish title New Juve boss makes perfect start as Old Lady takes aim at 10th straight title with a tepid 0-0 draw at Real Sociedad yesterday as Martin Odegaard made his first league start for the reigning UVENTUS coach Andrea Pirlo is not out Juve dominated possession, something immediately returning to Parma on loan. champions against his former club. to copy anyone, he said yesterday after Pirlo said he wanted them to do, and also Kulusevski curled in the first goal in a move Norwegian Odegaard, whose only other league beginning his new career with a pressed Sampdoria aggressively and broke started by Ronaldo, who hit the bar minutes appearance for Madrid came in May 2015, lasted 69 Jcomfortable 3-0 win over Sampdoria in quickly when they had the ball. However, they later. minutes before he was replaced by Casemiro. Serie A. still needed two late goals to ensure the three But it was not until the last quarter of an “We didn’t get the win. I’m not happy about that, but Pirlo, who only received his coaching points. hour that the champions finally killed off the I’m pleased to play with Real Madrid,” Odegaard told badge the previous week, has cited Pep “It’s about finding the right balance,” he game they dominated, with Aaron Ramsey Movistar. Guardiola, Carlo Ancelotti and Antonio Conte said. “Quality players are always welcome, as missing a chance for a fourth late. “It’s always a bit difficult at the start but it’s easier for as his biggest influences but said that his style long as they have the characteristics to bring Pirlo’s opposite number Claudio Ranieri me with all these incredible players I have around me.” of football would be a mix of everything. balance to the team.” was anything but happy as he slammed Zinedine Zidane has brushed off suggestions his Real “I don’t want to copy anyone, I have my Swedish debutant Dejan Kulusevski Sampdoria for a lack of courage. Madrid side could lack freshness this season, with a very own ideas and I will take my cue from the opened the scoring after 13 minutes in Turin “Today I didn’t see the Samp I wanted to familiar XI starting this first game. teams that impressed me,” he said. with Leonardo Bonucci adding a second on see, I’m very disappointed,” he said. “It’s two points lost but we struggled to make chances, “We haven’t had much time because the 78 minutes and Cristiano Ronaldo a late third. “We were too fearful. You can lose games particularly in the second half. We had two or three in the boys have only been back for a week from The match was played in front of 1,000 but you have to try and play. Juventus played first half,” said Zidane. their national team commitments.” spectators as Serie A stadiums reopened with hunger and my team didn’t. “We played a good game, especially defensively. We “We saw a few things today and in the yesterday to a limited number of fans after a “We were lucky to get away with 3-0 didn’t concede anything but we lacked a bit in attack, and friendlies but it will take time to assimilate seven-month coronavirus lockdown. because we could have conceded a lot above all, a goal.” things. Juventus handed debuts to new signing more. We were timid, fearful and weak and One of the best performers for Madrid was goalkeeper “We are missing players but, with the ones Weston McKennie and Kulusevski, who I don’t know why this happened.” – Thibaut Courtois, who made a fine save to deny Alexander we have, we will try to do the best we can.” joined from Atalanta in January before Reuters/AFP Isak in the clearest chance of the match. The veteran shot-stopper assured fans that the team’s attacking players would produce the goods that was sadly missing yesterday at the Reale Seguros Stadium. DeChambeau muscles his way to US Open victory ”We can score goals, you see it in training and in the game against Getafe (in a pre-season friendly) at A BULKED-UP Bryson DeChambeau bashed major, was one shot back of DeChambeau at “Not everybody has to do it my way. I’m Valdebebas, but sometimes it doesn’t come off,” Courtois his way to a six-shot US Open victory the turn but fell apart over a back nine that not saying that. I’m just saying in general that told Movistar. yesterday, silencing any lingering questions included two bogeys and a double-bogey. there are different ways to do things.” Real Sociedad coach Imanol Alguacil was satisfied with as to whether his brawny game could A fearless DeChambeau, whose final DeChambeau grabbed the solo lead after the draw but he was left wondering what could have translate to the major stage. round included an eagle, two birdies and a five holes, hit a perfectly-paced 40-foot eagle been. World No. 9 DeChambeau, who began bogey, attacked at every chance and for his putt at the ninth to maintain a one-shot “We played against the champions, so the feeling is the day two shots back of US. Open efforts was the only player to break par in the cushion in a tournament that came down to good and I think a point is good news,” Imanol said. debutant Matthew Wolff, clinched his first final round as he cruised to a maiden major a two-horse race between him and Wolff as “The feeling is that we finished well and could have major title with a mix of jaw-dropping drives at his 16th attempt. they made the turn. taken all three points.” – AFP/Agencies and clutch putts, shooting a virtually flawless So confident in his approach, Yet the 21-year-old Wolff, who was 3-under 67 to reach 6-under for the DeChambeau unleashed his driver on bidding to become the first player to win the tournament. practically every par-four and par-five hole as US Open on his tournament debut since PIN HIGH “I did it. I did it. As difficult as this golf he figured the birdie chances would Francis Ouimet in 1913, bogeyed the 10th course was presented, I played it beautifully,” outweigh the risk that Winged Foot’s nasty and 14th holes before a double-bogey at 16. It is what it is, says Wolff DeChambeau said of Winged Foot, on one of rough creates. “I battled hard. Things just didn’t go my the hardest layouts the United States Golf “I hope that inspires people to say, hey, way,” said Wolff. “But first US Open, second AMERICAN Matthew Wolff's howl was reduced to a Association has to offer. look, maybe there is a different way to do it,” place is something to be proud of and hold whimper in the final round of the US Open yesterday, as Wolff (75), appearing in only his second said DeChambeau. your head up high for.” – Reuters his charmed run for a maiden major golf title came up short. Locked in a two-man race with hard-hitting Bryson DeChambeau in his first-ever US Open, the 21-year-old couldn’t match his opponent’s power or finesse despite heading into the finale with a two-stroke lead, carding a 5- over 75, 10 strokes more than he put up the previous day. After exiting the course, Wolff struggled to pinpoint one specific flaw in his game, telling reporters, “it is what it is”. “I felt like my ball striking was really good. There was a couple shots, a couple 3 woods that I hit that were really uncharacteristic,” he said. “I’m not looking to have a consensus of I got bad breaks out there, but I definitely can say that it just wasn’t meant to be.”

… as McIlroy backs rookie for future success RORY MCILROY is confident Matthew Wolff will have many more opportunities to win a major after the Bryson DeChambeau American’s US Open bid unravelled in yesterday’s final (centre), caddie Tim round. “It’s not as if he blew up like I did and was going to shoot 80, like what I did at Augusta,” said McIlroy, referring Tucker (2nd right) and to his collapse at the 2011 Masters where he entered the team celebrate with final round with a four-shot lead but finished 10 strokes the championship behind champion Charl Schwartzel. “I probably thought trophy after winning that, if he went out there in today’s conditions and shot a the 120th US Open couple over par, that he’d win the tournament. He’s Championship at resilient. He’ll have plenty more chances,” added the Winged Foot Golf Northern Irishman, who finished in a share of eighth place. Club in Mamaroneck, New York yesterday. Champ was playing his own – AFPPIX little course: Oosthuizen LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN was left with little choice but to doff his hat to Bryson DeChambeau after the muscle-bound ‘Mad scientist’ Bryson validated at Winged Foot American battered the Winged Foot course into submission to win his first major at the US Open yesterday. BRYSON DECHAMBEAU’S unorthodox transformation that saw the 27-year-old Four-time major winner Rory McIlroy, South African Oosthuizen, who won the 2010 British style got major validation yesterday, as the pack on roughly 14kg of muscle with a high who finished tied for 8th at Winged Foot Open, started the day four strokes off the pace but his power-driving “mad scientist” of the PGA calorie diet and hours spent at the gym Golf Club, told reporters he was initially hopes of landing a second major quickly faded and he Tour claimed the US Open by a definitive during the PGA Tour hiatus this year, in sceptical that DeChambeau’s hard-charging finished a distant eight shots behind DeChambeau in third six-stroke margin and silenced his sceptics. order to add jaw-dropping velocity to his approach would work in the long term, after place. “Finishing third in a major is always great (but) it was Since he unveiled his single-length set of drive. playing with him at Colonial in June. going to be tough,” the 37-year-old told reporters after clubs at the start of his pro career, the “I all of a sudden got a lot stronger, “I sort of said, okay, wait until he gets to signing for a 2-over 73. “Bryson is playing his own little golf former physics major has embarked on a worked out every day, been working out a proper golf course, he’ll have to rein it course at the moment. This golf course definitely showed one-man mission to revolutionise golf, every day, and all of a sudden – not because back in,” McIlroy said. its teeth today with the firmness of the greens and the facing plenty of doubts in a sport where of clubs, but because of me, I was able to “This is as proper as they come, and look fairways and the wind, and it was just tough. I think he’s tradition is valued above all else. gain 20, 25 yards,” said DeChambeau after what’s happened. Yeah, he’s got full belief in busy setting his own little way of playing,” Oosthuizen His most recent experiment was perhaps winning his maiden major title over fellow what he’s doing, and it’s pretty impressive.” – added. “Hats off to him for what he’s doing. He went out his most ambitious yet: a physical American Matthew Wolff. Reuters on this journey, and he's pulling it off. He’s playing great golf." SECURITIES SDN. BHD. theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 23 197201001092 (12738-U) A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad A Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad * SPORTS Five things we learned from the Kai question mark Premier League New signing Havertz struggling during early days with the Blues Have Everton found their new great no. 9? RANK LAMPARD’S plan to to put mildly. Christian Pulisic, Hakim them as much in football now. play Kai Havertz up front But that is exactly what Ziyech, Thiago Silva and Ben Where he played today, I don’t Dominic Calvert-Lewin’s first hattrick against Liverpool failed by Lampard did against Liverpool, Chilwell and a handful of players think that suited Chelsea,” in professional football showed all his his standards. when Havertz – a No. 10 by trade – missing. Carragher said. predatory qualities that eased Everton FIt follows Chelsea’s 2-0 loss to was told to play as a striker. But Lampard got his team And his fellow pundit Jamie to a 5-2 home win over West the Premier League champions, It did not work, the players selection wrong and the fact he Redknapp insists Havertz needs to Bromwich Albion. and while it is too early to make looked confused and toothless in chose to pull Havertz off at half- be given time to settle following Everton have enjoyed many great judgments that does not mean attack, basically giving Timo time for Fikayo Tomori to his tricky start to life in west No. 9s down the years, from Dixie observations cannot be made. Werner the ball and telling him to accommodate Andreas London. Dean to Duncan Ferguson, and it is a This is set to be a season like make something out of nothing. Christensen’s red card spoke “You’ve got to give Havertz position that holds huge importance none other – with no pre-season, In Lampard’s defence, it must volumes. time,” Redknapp said. “We have to at Goodison Park. we may see some shock results, also be remarked that this is not a Sky Sports pundit and Liverpool be careful. We’re judging a player. Calvert-Lewin’s form in the first two wild scorelines but, mainly, players full-strength Chelsea legend Jamie Carragher “I think Havertz is a No. 10. matches of the season, which has will be struggling with fitness. team. questioned whether Havertz is a With the three they played in seen him net four times already, sug- Essentially, these first few good signing for the Blues and midfield today, you need a bit gests he could add to that list, espe- games are a makeshift means of wonders where Havertz fits in more craft.” cially with the midfield creativity friendlies – but with points at stake. with Lampard’s current system. Chelsea return to action in the behind him that has seen the And every point in the Premier “I do look and think, League Cup this week, taking on Merseysiders create 32 scoring League is worth more than gold. ‘where does Havertz play? Barnsley on Wednesday before chances so far. So playing your club-record Where does he fit into a 4- visiting West Brom on Saturday in transfer out of position against the 3-3?’ He almost looks like a the Premier League. – Express Reinforcements needed best team in the League is a gamble No. 10 and we don’t see Newspapers at United With three weeks of the transfer window left, the need for Manchester Moffi’s move opens door for Luqman at KVK United to recruit defensive reinforce- ments is painfully clear after their BELGIUM first division team KV Kortrijk The year deal in September 2019 and was suppose backline was exposed by Crystal (KVK) and French Ligue 1 side Lorient Kelantan born to join the club upon turning 18 in March this Palace in a 3-1 home defeat on have agreed on a €8 million (RM38m) striker, who year. But because of the Covid-19 pandemic, Sunday. transfer for Terem Moffi. made it into a list Luqman only relised his dream this July. Palace went the entirety of last Lorient beat several top clubs, namely of 60 of the best Luqman had previously trained with English season without scoring more than Anderlecht as well as Galatasaray, for the young talents in Championship side Cardiff City, also owned by twice in a match and could have promising striker. world football by Tan, for three months. scored more. United manager Ole Kortrijk, owned by Malaysian business British newspaper The teenager continued his meteoric rise by Gunnar Solskjaer blamed a lack of a tycoon Tan Sri Vincent Tan, signed Moffi on a the Guardian, finding the back of the net as Kortrijk defeated proper pre-season but that cannot be three and a half years deal in January signed a BX Brussels 2-1 in a friendly match in Belgium used to excuse so many defensive mis- this year for only US$150,000 five- early this month. takes against Palace. (RM720,000). It was Luqman’s second time on the score The centre-forward sheet after scoring his maiden goal during Gareth who? scored five goals in the club’s 4-1 defeat to KRC Gent at the nine league end of last month. With the returning Gareth Bale wait- matches for KVK On Luqman’s move to Kortrijk, club ing in the wings, Harry Kane and Son since his arrival owner Tan revealed that the Belgian Heung-min proved Tottenham from Lithuania. side had initially been reluctant to Hotspur’s forward line is already Moffi’s sign the forward because of his potent in a 5-2 win on Sunday. departure to young age. Son scored four times from four France comes “It was a big decision by the shots, all set up by Kane, who also on the back of club, to give him a five-year scored his side’s fifth. Malaysia’s contract,” Tan said. Jose Mourinho’s Tottenham were Luqman “The management thought lambasted after a 1-0 home defeat by Hakim that he is too young, but as Everton but the prospect of Bale, who Shamsudin’s the owner I said ‘we’ll give will not be fit until October, linking up move to him a chance.’ with Kane and Son, has suddenly ele- KVK. “I told the club vated the mood in north London. that they must let him play instead of Time running out for simply benching him. He needs to Arrizabalaga? prove to the coaches Kepa Arrizabalaga’s chances of that he’s good remaining Chelsea’s first-choice keeper enough. look slim after the Spaniard’s dreadful “As the owner, I error allowed Sadio Mane to double decided to give an Liverpool’s lead as the champions won opportunity to another 2-0 at Stamford Bridge yesterday. Malaysian. And the While Arrizabalaga is a problem, club need to train him Chelsea’s backline is hardly pulling up LUQMAN and give him trees and the introduction of new sign- opportunities,” Tan ing Thiago Silva cannot come soon HAKIM added. enough.

VAR shows signs of improvement Alli ‘doesn’t need to be sacrificed’, says Mourinho The Video Assistant Referee (VAR) TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR manager Jose When asked if he wanted Alli to stay at Spurs, According to ESPN, the Spurs boss has spoken system continued to have its share of Mourinho has said Dele Alli “doesn’t need to be Mourinho said: “I want a balanced squad, that’s to chairman Daniel Levy about signing Lingard the spotlight in the second week of the sacrificed” but that he wants a balanced squad what I want. He doesn’t need to be sacrificed, but the move could be dependent on Alli exiting Premier League season but there were and it is difficult to fit all of his players into it. but the squad is a puzzle.” the club after he has attracted interest from Paris signs the much-maligned system is Alli was left out of Spurs’ 5-2 win against Mourinho is looking to make his fifth transfer Saint-Germain and Real Madrid. getting over some of its teething trou- Southampton on Sunday and speculation over signing of the window soon and is reportedly Back in the summer of 2018, when he was ble. the England midfielder’s future has grown since keen on signing Manchester United midfielder playing regularly for club and country, Lingard On-field officials are increasingly he was substituted at halftime in their 1-0 defeat Jesse Lingard. hailed Mourinho for the impact he’d had on his using pitchside monitors to review by Everton in their Premier League opener. Lingard has fallen out of favour under United development. incidents and take corrective action. The 24-year-old also missed the trip to boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer after poor form and “(Mourinho) has been great with me,” Lingard Brighton & Hove Albion’s Yves Bulgaria for Spurs’ Europa League clash with he was not included in the squad which lost said. “He’s played a massive part in my Bissouma was shown a yellow for his Lokomotiv Plovdiv last week and British media Crystal Palace. development and I can only thank him for that.” challenge on Newcastle United’s have linked him with a move to Paris St Germain. The 27-year-old’s contract expires at the end Mourinho however has confirmed Alli will Jamal Lewis but the referee upgraded “You could see our team. I cannot start with of the season but United have the option to play in tomorrow’s League Cup match away to it to a red after a second look. all of them and I cannot have a bench without trigger a 12-month extension. Leyton Orient but added: “He will play Tuesday Chelsea’s Andreas Christensen was defenders or midfielders. In the same way the Despite his drop in form, Mourinho wants to (Wed 1am Malaysian time), he needs to show similarly sent off after hauling down squad is a puzzle, the bench is also a little reunite with Lingard, having worked together at how good he is.” – Reuters/Express Newspapers Liverpool’s Sadio Mane. – AFP puzzle,” said Mourinho. Old Trafford. QUOTE OF THE DAY It was a big decision by the club, to give him (Luqman Hakim) a five-year contract… As the owner, I decided to give an opportunity to another Malaysian. And the club need to train him and give him opportunities.”

KV Kortrijk owner Tan Sri Vincent Tan TUESDAY • SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 Table-topping Foxes ready to attack, says Rodgers BRENDAN RODGERS said Leicester poor run when football resumed Irishman said it was far early to Chris Wood opened the scoring into the top-right corner put the were “ready to “attack the season following the coronavirus describe them as potential for Sean Dyche’s under-strength gloss on Leicester’s win. again” after two wins from their shutdown. challengers. side, firing into the bottom left While Burnley’s determination opening two Premier League “It (starting well), was always “It’s only two games. After 10 corner after outmuscling home and desire was admirable, in the matches eased the pain of a going to be important because games you start to get an idea of defender James Justin at the far end it proved no match for disappointing end to last season. there can be a hangover, if you where the League is at,“ said post. Leicester’s fluid attacking play and The former champions are top of don’t address it,” said Rodgers. Rodgers. “We’re not even thinking But the Foxes, who enjoyed the extra sharpness. the table on goal difference after “But we spoke about it in our about that (a sustained challenge). majority of possession, The home side controlled the beating Burnley 4-2 yesterday. short pre-season period and felt “We’re looking to develop the immediately responded with ball throughout with Barnes and It was the 100th victory for ready to move on. team and the experiences of last Harvey Barnes’ placed effort Belgian midfielder Praet coming to Rodgers in the Premier League in “The players have good season, both in the league and the drawing them level. the fore on the left of midfield. his 210th game – Alex Ferguson, motivation, they’ve scored seven cup, will really enrich us. Erik Pieters’ own goal put the Barnes’ movement and pace was Kenny Dalglish and Kevin Keegan goals in two games and it shows “Whatever way it finished last hosts ahead after the break with a key ingredient of Leicester’s are the only British managers to we’re ready to attack the season season we still had a fantastic Justin doubling their advantage. attacking play. have reached the landmark in fewer again.” season to finish where we did (fifth). Top-flight debutant Jimmy “Harvey Barnes was outstanding matches. Yesterday was the first time Leicester had to came from Dunne raised hopes of a Burnley tonight,” Rodgers told the BBC. “He Leicester lost out on a Leicester had ended the day at the behind to maintain their 100% start recovery when he headed in Dwight keeps on getting into areas you Champions League spot on the final top of the table since they won the against Burnley at the King Power McNeil’s left-wing delivery, but want him to and is a big talent.” – day of the last campaign after a title in 2015/16, but the Northern Stadium. Dennis Praet’s superb 20-yard strike Reuters/Agencies Flawed Kepa Liverpool’s Alisson shows Chelsea

the value of a great goalkeeper goalkeepers in the world as Alisson showed by saving Jorginho’s penalty yesterday having had HE gulf that still exists between Liverpool barely anything to do for the first 75 minutes. and Chelsea was on show yesterday as the Kepa Arrizabalaga “Even at 2-0, we could have scored Premier League champions secured a 2-0 (left) and Alisson more but we didn’t and the game is win at Stamford Bridge in a match defined Becker. open,” said Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp. Tby the differing fortunes of the world’s two most “We produce the penalty, I’m not expensive goalkeepers. sure I would have given it, then Ali had Alisson Becker’s record £67 million (RM368m) to make the save. move from Roma to Liverpool in 2018 lasted just “This is a proper team three weeks before Chelsea paid £72m (RM396m) performance, everybody had to work to buy Kepa Arrizabalaga from Athletic Bilbao. hard.” Just over two years on there is no doubt who Commenting to liverpoolfc.com got value for money with Chelsea prepared to on Mane’s opening goal, Klopp said: spend again to solve their ‘keeper crisis with the “The first goal was a nice piece of imminent arrival of Edouard Mendy from Rennes. football, everybody involved pretty Kepa’s latest calamity saw him gift possession much. Firmino cross and then to Sadio Mane for the Senegalese’s second goal Sadio comes in front of his after heading Liverpool into the lead early in the man, so it’s really difficult to second-half. defend. Chelsea’s decision to spend £200m (RM1.1b) “I love it when we get in recent months before addressing their the rewards for these kind goalkeeper situation raised questions before of situations. Good goal the season started as to their title credentials. and gave the game the Just two games in, doubts over Kepa’s right direction. That’s ability to start for a title contender have exactly what we have proven well founded as he also let Leandro to show all the time, Trossard’s long-range striker under his arm that’s what we in last week’s 3-1 win at Brighton. wanted to show “He’s our player and it’s clear there today. are two games where we feel (he made “I saw us mistakes),” said Lampard. “Brighton was today, I saw a mistake as well. He’s reflected on that. us playing “It’s a clear mistake that’s cost us football because at that point we go onto have a today and penalty which we might score and I ’ m those fine margins change games at completely this level. fine with that. I “Kepa has to keep working, he has to loved it.” have support around him that’s very Chelsea have clear but it was a clear mistake.” RESULTS spent big and The Spaniard was dropped twice by looked to the Lampard in favour of 38-year-old Willy ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE: Chelsea 0 Valladolid 0, Real Sociedad 0 Real Madrid 0. future in the Caballero last season and Chelsea’s Liverpool 2 (Mane 50, 54), Newcastle 0 signings of Timo failure to solve their goalkeeping problem Brighton 3 (Maupay 4-pen, 7, Connolly 83), SERIE A: Parma 0 Napoli 2 (Mertens 63, Insigne Werner, Hakim before splashing out to reinforce in other Southampton 2 (Ings 32, 90-pen) Tottenham 5 77), Genoa 4 (Destro 6, Pandev 9, Zappacosta 34, Ziyech, Kai (Son 45+3, 47, 64, 73, Kane 82), Leicester 4 (Barnes Pjaca 75) Crotone 1 (Riviere 28), Sassuolo 1 areas of the field, where they are better 20, Pieters 50-og, Justin 61, Praet 79) Burnley 2 (Bourabia 87) Cagliari 1 (Simeone 77), Juventus 3 Havertz and Ben stocked, has been a puzzling one. (Wood 10, Dunne 73). (Kulusevski 13, Bonucci 78, Ronaldo 88) Sampdo- Chilwell. Kepa had the lowest save percentage ria 0. But without of any goalkeeper to play at least 10 CHAMPIONSHIP: Stoke 0 Bristol City 2. a world-class keeper games in the Premier League last season LIGUE 1: Nantes 2 Saint-Etienne 2, Nice 0 Paris behind them, they still do and conceded 10 more goals than he LA LIGA: Huesca 0 Cadiz 2 (Negredo 11, Pombo Saint-Germain 3, Brest 3 Lorient 2, Metz 2 Reims not have the should have, according to Opta’s expected 83), Granada 2 (Soldado 7, Machis 79) Alaves 1 1, Montpellier 4 Angers 1, Strasbourg 1 Dijon 0, foundations of a title goals metric. (Joselu 22), Real Betis 2 (Fekir 10-pen, Carvalho 18) Marseille 1 Lille 1. contender. – AFP/ Liverpool can now boast one of the best Reuters/Agencies

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