A. Spiritual gifts are manifestations of the ’s presence and power. They enable a normal believer to do abnormal things in life and ministry. Biblical, taught by and the Apostles is supernatural and Spirit‐empowered [Mark 16:15‐20].

1 Corinthians 12:1 “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed…”

B. There are 3 recognized categories of Spiritual Gifts: #1. Inspiration Gifts‐ Gifts that say something. #2. Power Gifts‐ Gifts that do something. #3. Gifts‐ Gifts that reveal something.

1 Corinthians 12:7‐11 “The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of , to another , to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of , to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

C. Inspiration Gifts – Gifts that say something.

1. The Gift of Prophecy: A supernatural message of edification, exhortation, and comfort [1 Cor. 14:3]. It is not a word of warning, direction, or correction. Its purpose is to build up or strengthen another. Paul taught that it is the most important of all gifts [1 Cor. 14:1].

1 Corinthians 14:31 “You can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all may be encouraged.

2. Different kinds of Tongues: A supernatural message spoken in an unknown language. This was the first manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts [Acts 2:1‐13]. It is an inspired message spoken to the congregation that must be interpreted [1 Cor. 14].

3. Interpretation of Tongues: A supernatural message given by that interprets a message of tongues. Tongues as a ministry gift to the Church is useless without this gift in operation. It is an interpretation, not a word for word translation.

1 Corinthians 14:23 “If the whole church comes together in one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those who are uninformed or unbelievers, will they not say that you are out of your mind? 1 | P a g e

D. Power Gifts: Gifts that do something.

4. Faith: A supernatural ability to believe God for impossible things. The Gift of faith enables the believer to bring about that which otherwise would not be possible through human effort.

5. Gifts of Healings: A supernatural ability to heal the broken, sick, or diseased. In Greek both ‘gifts’ and ‘healings’ are in the plural. It has many dimensions (Physical, mental, emotional, etc.) [1 Cor. 12:30]. Healing is a process that can take seconds, weeks, or months.

6. Working of Miracles: A supernatural ability to release God’s miraculous power. It is literally the working of “dunamis,” the root word for dynamite [Acts 1:8]. It implies something explosive and powerful that is instantaneous in its working.

D. Revelation Gifts – Gifts that reveal something.

7. Word of Wisdom: A supernatural revelation of something in the future. It gives prophetic insight, wisdom, and understanding into people, events, or things in the future.

8. Word of Knowledge: A supernatural revelation of a fact that exists. It reveals the present or the past in part. It often operates as a ‘knowing’ in your Spirit. It can also come through a dream, , picture, etc. This gift cannot be seen or known naturally.

9. Discerning of Spirits: A supernatural revelation into the spiritual realm. It is the ability to see the presence or activity of a spirit that influences a particular person or situation. It is not ‘the gift of ’ or ‘the gift of suspicion,’ it is the ‘distinguishing of Spirits’ [Acts 8:20‐23; 13:6‐12].


A. God glorifies Himself by giving supernatural gifts to build up the Church and reach the lost [Acts 2].

1 Corinthians 14:12,24 “Since you are zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to excel… 24 But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an uninformed person comes in, he is convinced by all, he is convicted by all… falling down on his face, he will

B. All gifts of the Holy Spirit are owned by the Holy Spirit. Individual believers do not have spiritual gifts in themselves. No one person has or is limited to “The Gift of Discernment” or “The Gift of Healing,” etc. Scripture nowhere teaches that believers are restricted to having one or two gifts. God gives gifts as He pleases, whenever He pleases, to the vessel that is willing to participate with Him [Acts 2:4].

1 Corinthians 12:11 ESV “All these [gifts] are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as He wills.” 2 | P a g e

C. God commands every believer to earnestly desire every . His gifts are not to be admired or looked at from a distance, or believed only as a ‘;’ but be pursued with and faith.

1 Corinthians 12:31 “Earnestly desire the best gifts.”

1 Corinthians 14:1 “Pursue love, and earnestly desire spiritual gifts…”

1 Corinthians 14:39 “Brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid… tongues”


A. The word of wisdom is a supernatural revelation of something in the future. It is a supernatural impartation of wisdom and revelation beyond the natural wisdom of the recipient. It provides prophetic insight, guidance and counsel into people, events, or things that have not yet happened..

B. It is not the ‘gift of wisdom’ but a ‘word of wisdom.’ It is a short phrase [or word] spoken by the Holy Spirit concerning something yet unknown [Acts 11:28]. It is similar to prophecy or the word of knowledge that operates in part. We usually only get small glimpses of what God is doing.

Example A: Witnessing to a young girl in York City and knowing she was planning on having an abortion. It was both a word of knowledge (that she was pregnant) and word of wisdom (that she was going to have an abortion). Through that one ‘word’ God saved her and her baby.

C. Receiving a word of Wisdom is very similar to receiving a word of knowledge or other forms of prophetic insight. It often comes as a knowing, a mental picture, dream, a still small voice, or a subtle impression. Many times you will just “know” what to do in a situation, or “know” what God is saying to a person.

Example B: While living in the city God spoke to me a short phrase: “Do not open the door.” Within 15 seconds of hearing His voice someone was knocking at the door desiring to come in. God gave me a word of wisdom to keep me from a neighbor who was seductive.

Example C: When I first met Joseph and Marci Paniagua at The HOP I received a word of wisdom that God was going to give them a baby. Baby Ava was the first baby born at the UR.

Example D: My brother Kirby received a dream that our first child Eden was at home, small and perfectly healthy. A few days later my wife goes into labor almost 3months early. Eden was 2lbs. 12oz., and despite the doctor’s fearful diagnosis, she came home 2 months later perfectly healthy.

Example E: Alex (my wife) had a dream that she was driving a car that was speeding dangerously down the road at night. In the dream the spoke, “Pull over and pray no one gets hurt.” She woke up prayed fervently and 5 minutes later received a phone call from her sisters they were in a high speed car accident. 3 | P a g e

D. Biblical Examples:

Genesis 6:12‐14 Noah received a word of wisdom to build a boat for the coming flood.

Genesis 18:17, 19:14 received a word of wisdom that Sodom would be destroyed, and Lot was told to “Flee the city” before it burned with fire and brimstone.

Joshua 7:10‐20 Joshua received a word of wisdom that there would be no victory in ’s camp because of a hidden that Achan carried out.

Matthew 1:20‐25 Joseph received a word of wisdom that Mary was to give birth to Jesus.

John 21:18,19 Jesus received a word of wisdom that Peter would die the death of a martyr.

Acts 11:28 Agabus received a word of wisdom that there would be a famine throughout the whole earth, which happened in the days of Claudius Caesar.

Acts 16:6,7 Paul received a word of wisdom not to preach in Asia or Bithynia, but received a dream that they were to go to Macedonia instead.

Acts 16:6‐9 “…They were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. 7 After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them… 9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us..."


A. The word of knowledge is a supernatural revelation of a fact that exists. It is supernatural ‘knowledge’ received from the Holy Spirit to enable us to more effectively minister to the needs of the people, to know and understand situations, circumstances, sickness, demonic influence, etc.

“This is a supernatural revelation of fact about a person or situation, which is not learned through the efforts of the natural mind, but is a fragment of knowledge freely given by God, disclosing the truth which the Spirit wishes to be made known concerning a particular person or situation.”

B. The word of knowledge is a word from the Lord that the recipient would have no other way of knowing. It is an instant word for a particular time or person or to accomplish a special purpose. There is no academic or intellectual requirement to receive the word of knowledge.

C. Like the word of wisdom it reveals the present or the past in part. It too is not a complex statement, but a word. It often operates as a ‘knowing’ in your Spirit. It can also come through a physical sensation, prayer burden, dream, mental picture, still small voice, etc. This gift cannot be seen or known naturally. 4 | P a g e

Example A: The first time I experienced this gift was as a teenager and during Sunday morning worship the Lord spoke to me about a man on the stage: “That man is addicted to pornography.” God was leading me to pray for his deliverance.

Example B: In Pasadena California, during street a drunken woman that I never met came up to me asking for a word from God for her. The Lord gave a word of knowledge; she was convicted of sin, and sobered up by the end of the conversation.

Example C: On an airplane flying to BWI from Dallas Fort Worth the Lord gave a word of knowledge and word of wisdom to a young man going to war in . The word was “Safety.” After sharing the revelation with him he informed me that the very same word was given to him by a woman at another airport just a few hours before.

Example D: When Eden (our little girl) was less than 1 year old she went into a mode of being extremely upset for weeks on end. One day in prayer I simply asked the Lord why she was like this and the Lord said, “There is a demon in your house.” I opened the front door, commanded every demon throughout every square inch of the house to flee, and Eden woke up from her nap like a little . This could also be considered as the Discerning of Spirits.

Example E: Graham Cooke’s story of to a young around a Church board: “Tell her I hate mommies and daddies.”

D. Biblical Examples:

2 Kings 6:12 Elisha would tell the leaders of Israel the plans of the Syrian army, because he could see what the king was speaking in his bedroom.

“One of his servants said, "None, my lord, O king; but Elisha, the who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom."

Mark 2:6,8 Jesus received a word of knowledge about what the scribes were thinking and reasoning in their hearts

John 1:47 Jesus received a word of knowledge that He saw Nathaniel under a tree through a vision before He ever met Him.

John 4:16‐19 Jesus received a word of knowledge that the woman at the well had 5 husbands and the one she was with was not truly her husband.

Acts 8:23 Peter received a word of knowledge that Simon the Sorcerer was poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.

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1. War against Unbelief – Unbelief in our heart cripples the Holy Spirit’s ministry.

2. Desire the Gifts of the Holy Spirit‐ Ask God for His gifts through prayer. If you ask for bread He will not give you a stone.

3. Be sensitive to God – Learn to ‘tune in’ to the Holy Spirit on all occasions. Words of wisdom and knowledge are often felt, heard, or impressed upon us very subtly.

4. Develop a history in flowing in spiritual gifts‐ The saying goes, “What you don’t use you will lose.” A history in ministering in spiritual gifts helps you to minister with more confidence.

5. Take risks – Obey the Spirit (though it may sound ridiculous) by stepping out in faith. John Wimber always said, ‘Faith is spelled R‐I‐S‐K.”

6. Be humble‐ Think of yourself simply as a Mail Man. God is the sender and you are simply the messenger. Your job is not to understand the message but to simply deliver it from the Sender to the right recipient.

7. Speak Normal ‐ Use phrases like “This is what I feel like God is saying…” rather than “Thus sayeth the Lord.” The Holy Spirit usually does not communicate to us in the King James Version.

8. Grow from your mistakes‐ Hundreds of times I have asked people if they have a particular physical condition and missed it. Remember we prophesy ‘in part’ until that which is perfect (Christ Jesus) comes.

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