For Your Meditation

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Stand and be restored, all of you who were once flattened. Speak, you who were silent, because your mouth has been opened. … For the Right Hand of the Lord is with you all, and she will be a helper for you.

from Ode 8, A New New Testament for the 21st Century

Connecting Community, Remotely Sunday, July 18, 2021

Minister – Rev. Micah Bucey | Associate Minister – Rev. Dr. Valerie H. Holly

Preacher: Rev. Elizabeth Perry Music Director:: Henco Espag; Guest Musician: Tony Perry Liturgist: Sarah Duncan Sound Technician: Brendan Reilly Filming/Editing: Zac Mosley

*Want to view the service with friends? Join Our 11AM Watch Party and Coffee Hour via Zoom

Visual Prelude Zac Mosely Music by Henco Espag


Land Acknowledgment

Our physical space stands on the unceded land of the Lenape people. Judson Memorial Church acknowledges the Lenape community, their elders both past and present, as well as future generations, and we make this acknowledgement as part of our work to dismantle the ongoing legacies and lies of Christian supremacy, settler colonialism, and white supremacy.

Call to Worship

Let us turn our minds and hearts to the worship of God in the presence of the community of faith, and in the knowledge of our infinite need for grace and help. Let us turn our minds toward self-understanding, self-evaluation, and self-adjustment. Let us turn our hearts toward each other, the world around us, and the time that stretches out in every direction.

Opening Song Like a Mother Who Has Borne Us, stanzas 1,2, 4

Connecting Community, Remotely | Ancient Testimony Mark 5:21-23, 38-42 Sarah Duncan A New New Testimony for the 21st Century

One of the leaders of the synagogue, whose name was Jairus, came and, as soon as he saw Jesus, fell at his feet. He begged him, “My little daughter is at the point of death. I beg you to come and place your hands on her so that her life may be spared.”

Presently they reached the president’s house, where Jesus saw a scene of confusion – people weeping and wailing incessantly. “Why this confusion and weeping?” he said on entering. “The little child is not dead, she is asleep.”

They began to laugh at him, but he sent them all out, and then, with the child’s father and mother and his companions, went into the room where she was lying.

Taking her hand, Jesus said to her, “Taleitha, koum!” – which means, “Little girl, I am speaking to you – rise!” The little girl stood up at once and began to walk about; for she was 12 years old. And as soon as they saw it, they were overwhelmed with amazement.

Connecting Community, Remotely | Special Music Where Is The Love performed by the Black Eyed Peas words and music by Will Adams, Allan Pineda, Jaime Gomez, Justin Timberlake, Michael Fratantuno, George Pajon Jr., Printz Board and J. Curtis.

Also Ancient Testimony The Thunder: Perfect Mind, Chapter 3 A New New Testament for the 21st Century

I am she who was hated in every place And she who was loved in every place I am she whom they call life And you all called death I am she whom they call law And you all called lawlessness I am he the one you thought about and you detested me I am she whom you detested and yet you think about me I am he from whom you hid And you appear to me Wherever you hide yourselves, I myself will appear

Interpreting for Our Time Jairus’ Lost Dignity Rev Elizabeth Perry


“Change” Performed by Tony Perry recorded by and , words and music by Charlie Puth, Ross Golan and Johan Jens Erik Carlsson.

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Benediction Rev. Elizabeth Perry

Closing Hymn O for a World, stanzas 1, 3-5

Connecting Community, Remotely | *Heart of the Community Celebrations & Concerns listed below Rev. Dr. Valerie H. Holly & Rev. Roy Atwood

During this time of “Connecting Community, Remotely”, our usual Agape Communion, Celebrations & Concerns sharing, and Community Prayer time occurs in our live 11am Sunday Zoom watch party ( All are welcome to join these weekly gatherings, but if you are unable to join, please do take time to read over our Celebration & Concerns (listed below), or sit for a few moments in silent reflection, or raise up a prayer for a concern or thanks. Questions, Celebrations, and Concerns may always be sent to Rev. Dr. Valerie H. Holly at [email protected].

Connecting Community, Remotely | Prayers for Jean Montrevil as conditions in Haiti are getting worse and worse.

Prayers for the family of the late President of Haiti and the Haitian country.

Craig and Jane share deep concern for South Africa, especially their friends and former colleagues, who report that the situation is far worse than reported in the press. There are shortages of many vital commodities, including flour, oil and petrol. Those who can afford it have private guards. Much of the nation has descended into anarchy and police are ineffective at best. Comment: This is what happens when a charismatic politician, rotten to the core, decides he is above the law and defies the courts.

And also your prayers and best wishes to their nephew Ryan Smith, a strong young man beset with a mysterious heart infection. He is scheduled for open-heart surgery on July 23 at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL.

Prayers of celebration for successful shoulder surgery for Peggy Halsey, a long time Judson member and lay leader, now living in Gainesville, Florida. And prayers for a smooth recovery.

Prayers for Rev. S. Faith Holman's mother, Lorraine LeGall, who has colon cancer and is currently hospitalized in Stockbridge Georgia- near Atlanta, GA

Please raise up some energy of strength, hope, love and light to the Sandwich generation. And for those who are not experiencing the sandwich, please send comfort to their hearts.

Continued prayers for the work we face as a country and as global citizens. Celebrations to every moment we are blessed to experience.

Josephine and her family appreciate your continued prayers for her dad, Willie Mac Vass, as he continues in his cancer treatments.

Lynn Denton and Charlie Kaprelian ask for your prayers as Charlie continues to fight Alzheimer’s. Thank you.

~May prayers, positive energy, love and light continue to be lifted up~ All of us at Judson send strength and energy to our friend, Jean Montrevil, and all in Haiti.

The Judson Food Bank and the impact that they bring citywide in providing much-needed relief to underserved families across our city. Many thanks to everyone for all the ways you continue to help us make an impact.

The communities that are concerned about taking the vaccine due to historical negative experiences in the hands of medicine. Vaccine hesitancy will need conversations and sharing of our experiences to help move everyone to a place of being able to get the vaccine when one is available to them. May we all continue to work on being safe as this need for care is still high and impacts us all worldwide.

Connecting Community, Remotely | To our dear friends at Middle Collegiate Church, all of us at Judson send our continued love, solidarity, and prayers. As they recover from a devastating fire and seek the support of their interfaith and community partners in renewing their hope and rebuilding their home, please, if you can, donate to Middle at

To the family of Judson community member, Vivian Hamilton, in Honduras and to all in Honduras, Nicaragua, and beyond as they suffer the continuing effects of Hurricane Eta and Hurricane Iota. Prayers to all who are displaced by the changes of their natural environment as Nature does what is needed.

We lift prayers for the United States of America and the future we create as a Union. We lift up those especially in need of good energy and prayers, those navigating mental and physical health, and we shoulder these needs together, knowing that burdens can be a bit lighter when they are carried together, that joys can be more grounded when we celebrate them together.

We celebrate and hold in our hearts those on the front lines of this crisis, the healthcare professionals, the essential workers, the store clerks, the postal carriers, the MTA workers, all who serve and clean and make certain that we are fed and sheltered and healthy, especially as we enter new phases of reopening and enter into the next part of the learning in this pandemic journey.

We continue to celebrate and hold in our hearts all of the schools: administrators, teachers, support staff and aides, program facilitators, food services, custodial, and transportation. All of the individuals that make up the school community and provide education and social-emotional support to every child and family. To all students, parents and families, we send continued strength and light as we turn the corner on this school year, and move towards SY21-22.

We hold those who have lost work, who have lost income, who have lost a feeling of purpose, who have lost loved ones, who fear for their health and for their future.

We also continue to celebrate all of you, a congregation of beloved souls who continue to hold one another in astonishing, intimate, and life-giving ways, even while we are physically apart.

Connecting Community, Remotely | In-Person Worship Survey

The Judson Reopening Working Group is seeking feedback from individuals participating in in-person worship to help improve the worship experience. Please let us know what you think about these issues.

Date of Service: ______

About seat spacing:

• The seats are too close. • The spacing is about right. • The seats can be closer, but we should keep some space. • The seats can be close like they were before COVID.

About masks:

• We should continue to wear masks for the entire service. • It’s OK if people take their masks off when we’re sitting down and not singing. • We don’t need to wear masks at all.

About the audio:

• I could hear well all the time. • I could not hear well all the time. Please tell us more:

About the video:

• I could see the video easily all the time. • I could not see the video easily all the time. Please tell us more:

Anything Else? Please let us know anything else that can help us make this a better experience for others. Feel free to continue on the back.

Connecting Community, Remotely | THIS WEEK @ JUDSON

JUSTICE. ART. WORSHIP. Sunday, July 18 Welcome To Judson! Every Morning l @ 9am Virtual lll **11AM JMC Virtual Sunday Meditation & llll Prayer Circle llll Service Video Streaming available online at ! ======Together in Faith, Together in Heart at 1pm Monday, July 19 No Public Events this day

Tuesday, July 20 Pioneers Go East Collective present: LUCKY STAR (0.3) 8pm RSVP required Wednesday, July 21 Judsonista Lulu Fogarty’s weekly No Public events this day a r t - m a k i n g a c t i v i t y t o supplement Judson Memorial Thursday, July 22 Church Virtual Sunday School Pioneers Go East Collective lessons. All Ages Welcome! present: LUCKY STAR (0.3) ! 8pm RSVP required ======Black History ======3:00PM Judson Bible Study with Rev. Dr. Valerie H. Holly is American History black-history-month-2021 Friday, July 23 ======Pioneers Go East Collective present: LUCKY STAR (0.3) 8pm RSVP required Saturday, July 24 ======No Public Events this day ======Pastoral Care:

Rev. Dr. Valerie H. Holly at [email protected] 917-797-5051 Theatre is dark until further notice. ======Wellness Resources at Judson: Are you watching? Are you listening? To subscribe to the Judson Community listserv and stay Are you connecting? connected throughout the week, WWW.JUDSON.ORG email [email protected] ======

Connecting Community, Remotely | Connecting Community, Remotely |