BCSO: SCAMS RAMPANT AFTER MICHAEL LOCAL | B1 PANAMA CITY LOCAL & STATE | B1 YES, BAY INCINERATOR IS REPAIRED, WORKING Thursday, January 31, 2019 www.newsherald.com @The_News_Herald facebook.com/panamacitynewsherald 75¢ Tiny homes create big buzz Georgia company trying recent weeks after at least one the county must have at least to help Bay residents out-of-state tiny home man- one 70 square-foot room. fi nd housing aft er ufacturer started advertising Also, ceilings must be at least Hurricane Michael its product in the area to help 7 feet high. address the housing shortage According to current By Patrick McCreless since the hurricane. county records, there have
[email protected] Ian Crelling, community been no permit requests for @PNCHPatrickM development director for tiny homes since the Oct. 10 Bay County, said tiny homes hurricane, which damaged PANAMA CITY — Modular are allowed in the unincorpo- or destroyed thousands of houses typically referred to as rated areas. houses in the area. tiny homes could be a quick, “They’re allowed, they just Crelling said the only ques- relatively cheap living option need to meet Florida building tions he really has gotten from for area residents recovering codes on things like wind load residents on the issue are if from Hurricane Michael. designs, and meet certain they can buy storage units and Some area officials said, requirements for founda- convert them into tiny homes. as long as it adheres to basic tions, room height, energy Again, such a structure must Florida building codes, a tiny codes and, of course, flood meet all state codes and the home can be erected in the zone requirements,” Crel- building would need proper county in residential zones.