MATHEMATICS + BERKELEY Newsletter of the Department of Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley Fall 2012
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MATHEMATICS + BERKELEY Newsletter of the Department of Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley Fall 2012 Message from the chairs hardly changed in the last hundred years, but this is not true at Berkeley! We are in- A TIME OF RENEWAL augurating a major new addition to our lower-division courses: Math 10, Methods Dear Friends, of Mathematics. This year-long sequence It is an exciting time for the Department offers a fresh perspective on twenty-first of Mathematics, and we have a lot of century mathematics to students who news to share with you. Restarting the intend to major in the life sciences by regular publication of this newsletter combining elements of calculus, sta- (the previous one was published over Chair Arthur Ogus Co-Chair Denis Auroux tistics and discrete mathematics. The course was first taught as a pilot project three years ago) is just one of the many Changes to the department’s leadership by Professor Lior Pachter during the last new strategic initiatives taking place in also include two new vice chairs: Profes- academic year; you will find his report the department. sor Bernd Sturmfels is now Vice Chair for Faculty Affairs, and Professor Martin on page 7. This initiative comes on New People Olsson is our new Vice Chair for Gradu- the heels of the recent updating of our ate Affairs. Professor Ken Ribet contin- upper division offerings, which saw the The department is first and foremost a creation of new courses in mathematical community of people, and this communi- ues as Vice Chair for Development, and Professors Michael Hutchings and James biology, wavelets and signal processing, ty is evolving at a rapid pace. This fall we and cryptography. are excited to welcome three new faculty Sethian continue to share the duties of Vice Chair for Undergraduate Affairs. members whose arrival will bolster our Thanks research leadership in several areas of Many of the seeds for these new ini- mathematics: Associate Professor An- Renovated Facilities tiatives were planted by the dedicated tonio Montalbán (mathematical logic), Perhaps the most visible sign of change stewardship of the previous chairs, Professor David Nadler (geometry and in the department is the recently com- Professors Hugh Woodin and Ted Slaman. representation theory), and Assistant pleted renovation of our common room, Let us take this opportunity to thank Professor Xinyi Yuan (number theory). 1015 Evans. The common room serves You will find their profiles on page 2. as the main space for social interactions continued on page 2 The renewal of our faculty will contin- among the entire Berkeley math commu- ue this year, with up to three faculty nity, both during scheduled events such Contents positions to be filled. We are also looking as the departmental teas and in the form A TIME OF RENEWAL 1 forward to the new opportunities offered of spontaneous, chance encounters. See NEW FACULTY 2 by the arrival on campus of the Simons the article and photos of the new com- Institute for the Theory of Computing, mon room on page 12, and please stop FAREWELLS AND WELCOMES 3 by next time you happen to be in Evans which will invigorate research at the IN MEMORIAM 4 interface of mathematics and computer Hall! The next key project in the renewal science. of our physical spaces concerns the ninth AWARDS AND HONORS 5 floor of Evans Hall. We are planning to GRADUATE PROGRAM NEWS 6 Meanwhile we were sad to bid farewell renovate the ninth floor courtyard in the to Barbara Peavy, who was the Director of near future and, if funds can be secured A NEW MATH COURSE 7 Student Services for many years until her for that purpose, turn the adjacent mail THE BERKELEY MATH CIRCLE 8 retirement this June. Although we will room into a graduate student lounge. miss her enormously, we are very pleased ALSO IN THE NEWS 9 to have been able to recruit Rebecca Paul- New courses ALUMNI BROADEN PARTICIPATION 10 ing, from the Berkeley/UCSF Bioengineer- It is often said that the basic curricu- FACILITIES UPDATE 12 ing program. lum in undergraduate mathematics has MATHEMATICS + BERKELEY 1 A time of renewal Faculty Profiles continued from page 1 them for their service to the department. NEW FACULTY We would also like to thank all of the de- partment staff led by Mary Pepple for the Antonio Montalbán innumerable contributions they make to Associate Professor Antonio Montalbán comes to the life of our department day after day. Berkeley from the University of Chicago, where he Finally, we would like to thank all those joined the faculty in 2007. Montalbán’s research of you who have supported the Berkeley area is mathematical logic, and more specifical- Math Department over the past years, ly computability theory. His work studies the and those who may be thinking of doing complexity of mathematical objects, construc- so in the future (see page 11). In these tions, statements and proofs. After undergraduate times when the State of California is studies in his native Uruguay, Montalbán obtained cutting back on its support to our Uni- his PhD at Cornell University in 2005 as a student versity, and when our limited resources of Richard Shore; his dissertation was awarded the are placing us at risk of falling behind 2005 Sacks Prize. His more recent work earned our better-funded private peers, contri- him an AMS Centennial Fellowship in 2009 and a butions by alumni and other friends are Packard Fellowship in 2010. essential as we work hard to maintain our standing as the top mathematics department in a public institution worldwide. David Nadler Professor David Nadler joins our depart- Please Stay In Touch ment from Northwestern University, where We hope you will keep in contact with us. he began his faculty career in 2005. Nadler’s Please visit our new website (see page research is very broad, ranging from topolo- 9). We hope you will attend some of gy to representation theory and mathemat- the events listed there. We also hope you ical physics. His work illuminates central will send us your e-mail address so we questions of modern mathematics such as can stay in touch with you and send you the geometric Langlands program and the future issues of this annual newsletter. homological mirror symmetry conjecture. Please send your contact information to: Nadler obtained his PhD from Princeton [email protected]. We look University in 2001 as a student of Robert forward to hearing from you. McPherson; he was the recipient of a Sloan Arthur Ogus, Chair Fellowship in 2007. Denis Auroux, Co-Chair for Strategic Planning _______ Professor Ogus (PhD Harvard 1972) has been a Xinyi Yuan member of the department faculty since 1974. His Assistant Professor Xinyi Yuan comes to our research area is algebraic geometry. Professor Au- department from Princeton University. Yuan roux (PhD Ecole Polytechnique 1999) joined the is an expert in number theory, and more spe- department in 2009. His research is in symplectic cifically Arakelov geometry, Shimura varieties geometry. They became respectively Department Chair and Co-Chair for Strategic Planning in Fall and automorphic forms. His work studies 2011. arithmetic intersection theory, algebraic dynamics, and special values of L-functions. Yuan obtained his PhD from Columbia University in 2008 under the supervision of Shou-Wu Zhang. He was awarded a presti- gious three-year Clay Research Fellowship in 2008. 2 MATHEMATICS + BERKELEY Faculty and staff News FAREWELLS AND WELCOMES Ladder Faculty Even as we welcome three new members of the ladder faculty, Associate Professor Antonio Montalbán, Professor David Prof. Marina Ratner Prof. John Neu Prof. Don Sarason Barbara Peavy Nadler, and Assistant Professor Xinyi Yuan (see their profiles on page 2), New Visitors and Postdocs Steven Sam (Commutative Algebra), we must also bid farewell to several of PhD MIT 2012, Miller Research Fellow. our esteemed colleagues: The department welcomed a number of new postdoctoral fellows this fall: Ted Stadnik (Geometric Representation Professor Marina Ratner retired in July Florian Block (Combinatorics), PhD Theory), PhD Northwestern 2012, RTG 2011; Professor Don Sarason retired in Postdoctoral Fellow. January 2012; and Professor John Neu University of Michigan 2011, Humboldt retired in July 2012. Professor in Resi- Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow. We are also hosting a number of distin- dence Emeritus Grigory Barenblatt will Atoshi Chowdhury (Algebraic Geome- guished Visiting Scholars, including be leaving the department in November try), PhD Stanford 2012, RTG Postdoctor- Federico Ardila, Jean Bourgain, Mei- 2012. These colleagues have made many al Fellow. Chu Chang, Alberto Ibort, Franz Luef, remarkable contributions to the field of Mariya Soskova and Masaru Tanaka. Mathematics and to the Department, and Damir Dzhafarov (Mathematical Logic), Finally, Dylan Thurston is this year’s we wish them well. PhD University of Chicago 2011, NSF Chancellor’s Visiting Professor. Postdoctoral Fellow. We are very saddened by the deaths of our former colleagues Professors Emeriti James Freitag (Model Theory), PhD Uni- William B. Arveson, William G. Bade, versity of Illinois at Chicago 2012, NSF and Shoshichi Kobayashi (see In Me- Postdoctoral Fellow. moriam, page 4). The mathematical Noah Giansiracusa (Algebraic Geom- community also mourns the loss of etry), PhD Brown University 2011, NSF William Thurston, who was our col- Postdoctoral Fellow. league from 1991 to 1996. Matthew Gill (Differential Geometry), Staff PhD UC San Diego 2012, RTG Postdoc- Damir Dzhafarov Noah Giansiracusa There were two departures among the de- toral Fellow. partment staff in the past year: Barbara Max Glick (Algebraic Combinatorics), Peavy, our Director of Student Services, PhD University of Michigan 2012, RTG retired in June 2012, while Lynn Greene Postdoctoral Fellow. left the department in August 2012 for a position in the Operational Excellence Owen Gwilliam (Quantum Field Program.