Appendix A: Existing Conditions Inventory and Analysis
Volume 2 {00 Appendix A: Existing Conditions Inventory and Analysis {00 B FINAL TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM #1 Eugene Transportation System Plan: Existing Conditions and Deficiencies PREPARED FOR: Eugene TSP Project Management Team PREPARED BY: Mariah VanZerr, CH2M HILL Jessica Roberts, Alta Planning + Design Dana Dickman, Alta Planning + Design Joe Bessman, Kittelson and Associates Serah Breakstone, Angelo Planning Group CC: Theresa Carr, CH2M HILL Julia Kuhn, Kittelson & Associates Matt Hastie, Angelo Planning Group DATE: March 4, 2011 This memorandum describes and analyzes the current (2010) transportation system in Eugene, including existing conditions and deficiencies. The report evaluates the roadway network, public transportation routes and service, bicycle facilities, pedestrian facilities, rail facilities, airports, and pipelines within the project study area. This memorandum also describes general land use patterns and major activity centers that generate traffic. The information used to describe the existing system and identify deficiencies in this report came from the City of Eugene, Lane County, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Lane Transit District (LTD) and from the consultant team through a site visit on July 27-28, 2010. While this document attempts to accurately reflect the existing conditions of the transportation system within Eugene, it is not meant to serve as an all-encompassing and comprehensive final assessment. Rather, the document is meant to serve as a starting point for discussion by the broader community,
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