Journal of Human Hypertension (2001) 15, Suppl 1, S75–S77  2001 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0950-9240/01 $15.00 A Sub-study of the ASCOT Trial Left ventricular and silent ischaemia: a pilot study to examine the relationship in hypertensive patients

E O’Brien1, C Gribbin1, A Stanton2, N Atkins1 and S Lyons1 1The Blood Pressure Unit, Beaumont Hospital, Beaumont Road, Dublin 9, Ireland; 2Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 123 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland

Keywords: silent ischaemia; transient ischaemia; left ventricular hypertrophy; combined ambulatory blood pressure; ECG monitor

Introduction described as real ischaemia without pain or other ischaemic symptoms in patients with coronary Hypertension is a well-known risk factor that predis- disease or coronary artery spasm.4 There are two poses to the development of left ventricular types of ‘silent ischaemia’,5 type I (no previous myo- hypertrophy (LVH), coronary disease and sys- cardial infarction or angina pectoris) and type II tolic and diastolic dysfunction. This complex of (previous myocardid infarction or current angina abnormalities is known as hypertensive heart dis- pectoris). ease and eventually leads to . Clinically, Transient ‘silent’ ST depressions are associated hypertensive heart disease manifests itself by with left ventricular hypertrophy in end-stage renal anginal complaints and sometimes by silent isch- 3,6 1 disease and diabetes mellitus. We hypothesise aemia, and sudden death. Ischaemic that hypertensive patients with LVH have an heart disease, once limited to a number of well- increased incidence of ‘silent ischaemia’ when com- defined entities such as angina of effort, unstable pared with hypertensive patients without LVH. This angina, and , must now be may result from various mechanisms, for example regarded as a much more complex and elusive decreased coronary flow reserve, disease of small entity. Silent ischaemia was one of the first of the intramuscular arteries, ‘inadequate’ size of coronary new ischaemic syndromes to be described and its arteries relative to hypertrophied myocardium, significance remains unclear.2 diminution of coronary flow during systole, Patients who participate in the Anglo-Scandin- compression of septal perforator arteries during avian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) are hyper- systole, coronary artery spasm, and co-existent tensive and have not suffered a primary cardiac atherosclerotic .7 event, nor do they suffer from current symptomatic The risk of infarction and sudden death is con- angina. Thus, ASCOT provides us with an opport- siderable in patients with ‘silent ischaemia’.8 It is unity to examine the relationship between silent ischaemia (without symptomatic ischaemia) and not yet clear whether treatment improves outcome, although the limited available data suggest that it hypertensive heart disease, specifically left ventricu- 8 lar hypertrophy. does. Agents used to treat ‘silent ischaemia’ have included nitrates, beta-blockers and calcium chan- nel blockers.9 The Atenolol Silent Study Background rationale (ASIST) showed that atenolol treatment reduced ST segment depression on ambulatory electrocardio- daily life ischaemia and was associated with graphy without patient awareness is a marker of reduced risk for adverse outcome in asymptomatic 10 what has been termed ‘silent ischaemia’.3 It can be patients compared with placebo. The Canadian Amlodipine/Atenolol Silent Ischemia Study (CASIS) concluded that asymptomatic ischaemia Correspondence: Prof Eoin O’Brien, The Blood Pressure Unit, during treadmill testing was more effectively sup- Beaumont Hospital, Beaumont Road, Dublin 9, Ireland pressed by amlodipine, whereas ischaemia during Left ventricular hypertrophy and silent ischaemia EO’Brien et al S76 ambulatory monitoring was more effectively sup- у1 mm (0.1 mV) within the interval of 60 to 80 ms pressed by atenolol. The combination was more from the J point, if it lasts at least 1 min, and if there effective than either single drug in both settings.11 is a duration of at least 1 min between two events. Ambulatory ECG (Holter) monitoring is an effec- The ischaemic event begins when ST depression tive way of measuring ischaemic events over a 24- reaches 1 mm, while the event is considered fin- h period. It has advantages over exercise testing in ished when the value falls below 1 mm. identifying the circadian distribution of silent To be included in this sub-study patients must ischaemia. Circadian distribution shows two peaks: have already met the inclusion criteria for the main on awakening and in the late afternoon periods.12,13 ASCOT study; male patients with р80 gm−2 and It has been suggested that blood pressure variations, female patients with р70 gms−2 as assessed during mainly elevations, may play an important role in examination will be suitable for triggering episodes of ST-segment depression.13 the no-LVH group. Male patients with LVMI Thus, the ideal way to record ‘silent ischaemia’ and у150 gm−2 and female patients with у130 gm−2 will its possible triggers (blood pressure elevation, heart be suitable for the severe LVH group. Patients with rate variability) is using a combined ambulatory borderline/mild/moderate LVH (LVMJ between 81 blood pressure and ECG monitor. and 149 for males and between 71 and 129 for females) will not be included in this pilot study. Objectives This sub-study is designed to have minimal impact on the main ASCOT study. Participating • To demonstrate that hypertensive patients with patients will undergo 24-h combined ambulatory left ventricular hypertrophy have an increased blood pressure and Holter monitoring on a single incidence of ‘silent ischaemia’ compared to hyper- occasion. This should result in little discomfort or tensive patients without LVH. inconvenience and the only additional expense is an • To examine suggested triggers of ‘silent isch- extra clinic visit to return the monitor. No additional aemia’; namely blood pressure and heart rate blood sampling or a drug-free period is required. variations. There are no discrete ethical implications. The 40 participating patients will be asked to sign a modi- Study methods/design fication of the standard ASCOT documentation which will include reference to the ambulatory A sample of patients from the ASCOT population at monitoring procedure and the risk of discomfort the Beaumont hospital site will be studied. In this and inconvenience. pilot study 40 patients will be included. Twenty patients with severe LVH and 20 patients with no evidence of LVH will be selected. Patients in both Discussion groups will be matched for race, sex, age ±5 years, ± The natural course of silent ischaemia, type I (no medications, and systolic blood pressure 5 mm Hg. previous myocardial infarction or angina pectoris) is Left ventricular hypertrophy will be assessed poorly defined. We hypothesise that patients with during echocardiography examination using the 14 hypertensive LVH have an increased incidence of estimation of left ventricular mass equation. Using silent ischaemic episodes. The CardioTens device the Echo data of 500 patients taking part in the provides us with the ability to record all episodes phenotyping sub-study, we will assess patients of transient ischaemia, over a 24-h period while also according to left ventricular mass index (LVMI). We examining the possible triggers of ischaemia will select 20 patients for the no-LVH group and 20 namely, blood pressure elevation and heart rate patients for the severe LVH group. variability. All 40 patients will undergo 24-h-combined Hypertensive patients with LVH are at increased ambulatory blood pressure and ECG monitoring risk of cardiovascular complications and sudden with heart rate variability analysis on a single death, as are patients with silent ischaemia.2 This occasion following year 1 echocardiography. We sub-study is a unique opportunity to examine a propose to use the CardioTens device. This device possible relationship and assess the significance of allows for recording of ischaemic events on ECG any association. while simultaneously triggering an extra sequential blood pressure measurement, thus providing EGG data relating to the ischaemic event and correspond- References ing blood pressure data. The most generally accepted definition of an 1 De-Leeuw PW et al. Hypertension and the develop- ischaemic event within the context of ambulatory ment of heart failure. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1998; 32 × (Suppl 1): S9–S15. ECG monitoring is the ‘rule of 3 1” which is re- 2 Opie LH et al. The multifarious spectrum of ischemic commended by the American Heart Association. A left ventricular dysfunction: relevance of new isch- transient ischaemic event, during ambulatory ECG emic syndromes. J Mol Cell Cardiol 1996; 28: 2403– monitoring, is said to have occurred if a horizontal 2414. or descending ST depression occurs with a measure 3 Conlon PJ et al. Incidence and long-term significance

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Journal of Human Hypertension