More Gambling
COPYBIOHT, 1888, BY THETHE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING Co. SPORTING LIFE.ENTERED AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS SECOHD ctiss MATTE*. VOLUME 11, NO. 7. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MAY 23, 1888. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. clean hits la the Wo.r< eiter game, and in several other the press to try and stop It. Did you do it? One ploded. T had teen playing pok-T with a party ef gainea our players have had ordinarily clean hiU gob paper I believe mentioned it the next day. strangers, and had w»n nearly all the monpy. I had bled up by some fielder. It seems ai if every team After the gamo you tried to do me by getting out a just put 82.100 iu my pocket, wheu boom! boom! and MORE MORE LAW TALK. report that I advised certain pirttes to bet on the LATE NEWS. GAMBLING. we have tackled play an unmerciful game of ball wo all went into the air together. I felt of myself when they fall up againat iw, aud make their errors pame. This 1 nailed as a lie to the satisfaction of Mr. when I was gulnx, and fouud that I was unhurt. The in games with other clubs. Ztcher and Mr. Lolcholt. An-1 I say now as I said fellow next to mo had lost ao nrin and the fellow next Our pitcheni, excepting Kimber, who bos gone home ttien, the par tie a who started the report lied, and are to him was minus oue leg. \Vheu we started to coine The Pool-Selling Evil in to nurse a lame arm, are iu good condition, aud young Differences Between Club mean, low cowards.
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