VVolumeolume XXVIIVII / NNumberumber 4 WWINTERINTER 22008/09008/09 CHANDLER FURMAN PAUL SHERMAN PAUL INSIDE USTA LEAGUE YEAR-END RATINGS ZACK ELLIOTT USTA PACIFIC NORTHWEST Published four times/year by the United States Tennis Association Pacifi c Northwest 4840 SW Western Ave, Suite 300, Beaverton, OR 97005-3430 Ph: 503/520-1877 Fax: 503/520-0133 email:
[email protected] Web site: http://www.pnw.usta.com Editor-in-Chief: Blair Thompson ț Managing Editor: Hillary Moore Area Reporters: Alaska/Mona Yarnall; British Columbia/Lenka Moravcova; NW Wash/Lori Brillhart; SW Wash/Barbara Wyatt; E. Wash/Victor Kollock; N. Oregon/Glenn Good; S. Or- egon/Gail Patton. Community Tennis Development: Ruth Turner, Valerie Wright, Mark Toppe, Becky Tallent, Gail Benzler, Adam Rogers, Terry Valdez. USTA Leagues: Sheila Banks. Junior Development: Jim Markin, Valerie Weaks. Fitness Files: Carl Petersen. Advertising Sales: Blair Thompson. Graphic Design: Print Media Productions Ph: (503) 359-9727 > Email:
[email protected] Please notify the USTA at 1-800-990-8782 of change of address. Tennis Times cannot be forwarded. Deadline for 2009 issue No. 1: Jan. 30, 2009. CALL (503) 520-1877 TO SUBSCRIBE TO TENNIS TIMES $10 per year (four issues); Send check/money order in U.S. Funds to Sectional Offi ce. AArere yyouou oorr yyourour kkidsids thinkingthinking aboutabout collegecollege oror graduategraduate school?school? TThenhen yyou’reou’re aalsolso tthinkinghinking aboutabout admissionsadmissions tests.tests. TheThe PrincetonPrinceton RRevieweview hhasas beenbeen helpinghelping studentsstudents getget intointo theirtheir top-choicetop-choice schoolsschools ssinceince 11981,981, withwith coursescourses thatthat taketake thethe tediumtedium outout of,of, andand putput thethe rresultsesults iinto,nto, ttestest ppreparation.reparation.