THE POR AND DAILY THE EXCESSIVE HEAT. desolation. all the trees THE Base 9. Errors— PRESS, Nearly are damaged PRESIDENT’S VACATION. hits—Lowells, 7; Lawrences, FOREIGN. 1 wariness of his nature to his aid. He MARRIAGE FOR MONEY. Published and many ol them Lowells, 14; Lawrences, 13. Pitchers—Meade every day (Sundays excepted) by tb entirely destroyed. Un- until the bull was almost upon him roofed houses are to be seen all and Turner. wajlfd PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, over the and then sprang aside with marvelous quick- Many More Deaths Reported western lection of the city. At the Cltv Ma- He Visits M ANC’H 7. Blaine Delivers an Address In Borne of Modern Social Llfo At 97 Exchange Street. Portland, Me Fayetteville and Recalls ESTERS, 13; I.YNNB, Mr. ness, seized his assailant’s horns in his pow- Aapecta rino Hospital, down the Patapsco the ul an<* L Vie wed with Common Sense- Terms- Dollars a Year. To mail sub the Country. River, Scenes of His The defeated the Lynns at Scotland. his head down Eight Throughout hail of yesterday afternoon broke all the Youth. against the pressed scrlbers, Seven Dollars a Year.If in advance ground Dy his strength and paid windows on south yesterday. The score: great the side, and the entire the weight of his at of Advertising—One Inch of spaci 23456789 enormous body, biting [Harper’s Bazar.] ■'sJiATEB building was Hooded. The aggregate loss to Innings.1 An a Town In the bull s nose and 01 column, or twelve lines nonparie ! Another Hot Wave Predicted in a A Crowd Manchesters.0 0 1 6 1 O O 2 3—13 Earthquake Destroys tearing the flesh from nis than theism?11 the city is immense. Large Listens to His "boulders Nothing can be more contemptible constltuW! a “square.” Lynns.0 0 4 2 1 O O 0 0—7 Mexico. a“!?. with his long, sharp first 76 cents Few Days. claws. I his the life of a man who makes a show for a *1.60 perSOnAte, dally, week; pe Speech. Base 9. Errors— position was maintained for at Insertions or less, *1.00, con hits—Manchesters, 10; Lynns east five minutes, week after liircc Death of R. M. 24. Pitchers—Ellis the bull des- few years that he an heiress. first week, 60 cents F. Hunter. Manchesters, 11; Lynns and struggling may marry [He tlnuing every otiSSjr day after hut unable to insertions or 76 cents Sprague. A Number of Deaths from Cholera ¥i*2 if*® being lives a selfish he is a mere Half square, tint-® less, But It will Probably Not be so Torrid Richmond, Va., July 19.—R. M. F. Hun- How the accomplish while the purely existence; After. President and His OF THE E. it, bear put forth every one week, *1.00; 6(lcat night am sault. The herd of cattle had this time him; Washington, July the river fleet in 1804, that Gen. who I unchanged ttv-day as far as my feeling Is AT . bitter must some break out In a by he terrilif shum ever witnessed here. The rain Tuttle, concerned toward the feeling day gathered in from the and must be a pure and perfect snob. The Indications for Maine are southeaster was then in command at Vieksbnrg, was people of Fayetteville, aud 23466789 plain surrounded and vvfiTt? were the heaviest, demolisning it is with extreme I Innings.X war such as civilization never yet seen. the He will then be spoken of as a young man a to a gratitude am with you. I And Bostons.2 haq combatants, moaning and bellowing and ly winds, fair, followed an to are a part o' this administration. I have been a A despatch Irom Rockland “The monument. Mr. is going to make taneously the appearance of the eagles, only $1.25 graphic order peremptorily dismissing Behle, ning, ex-Seeretar.v of the Treasury, had sev- says: Carnegie places. Nothing passes so current in g had truant, but 1 ask that you keep au eye on me. of the Maine State for the re- the most of lie has I saw the heads of half a dozen society and a hearing will be accorded to him. eral thats with Gov. Hill. Mr. games League tally-ho pleasure, order- huugry as conversational inanities and fossil (acts Manning’s I promise to perform my duties so as to receive mainder of the week have been cancelled to ed twelve additional the best wolves emerge from the bushes where the Behle is au old soldier and lias held his condition still improves and he is now able the roadsters, very well into inexpressive smoothness. East port, Me 30.14 64 ON |Lt Clear approbation.of Hie people of Fayetteville, my the Kocklands to to be had for in fight had begun. I knew that the battle must polished office for was a about without reorganize, the club money Edinburg, which will If he can simulate a Portland, Me 30.14 64 0 S Lt Clear present many years. He lofo assistance. It was a dearest and best friends. permit soon and that the passion for the young Carl of being so unfortunate as to lose some of its complete a stable of three changes. This end, eagles and the wolves Mt.Washin’n 29.16 60 4-4 8 Lt Clear Schurz mugwump in 1884. The offence matter comment witli many of the guests With this President had scented the lady, so much the better. If he cannot, a speech Cleveland bade The series will begin again next means that the Carnegies will do contest from afar, and knew I..