109_Axel Hoarau ‐ UMR Processus Infectieux en Milieu Insulaire Tropical (CNRS 9192, INSERM 1187, IRD 249) ‐ Université de La Réunion ‐ France axel.hoarau@univ‐reunion.fr

Viral coinfection dynamics in Reunion free‐tailed ( francoismoutoui)

Hoarau AOG, Koster M, Le Minter G, Dietrich M, Mavingui P, Lebarbenchon C

University of Reunion, UMR Processus Infectieux en Milieu Insulaire Tropical, INSERM 1187, CNRS 9192, IRD 249, Saint Denis, Reunion Island

Simultaneous circulation of multiple infectious agents in vertebrate hosts is common. Coinfections can affect host fitness and transmission dynamics of infectious agents, although these aspects remain understudied in wildlife. We focused on the epidemiology of astroviruses, coronaviruses, and paramyxoviruses in a Reunion free‐tailed (Mormopterus francoismoutoui) maternity colony. A total of 1,604 feces samples was collected during a longitudinal study, for three consecutive seasons. Samples were tested for the presence of viral RNA by PCRs. Viruses were detected during the three birthing seasons, with significant differences in the overall proportion of positive individuals: 1.8% ± 0.6% for astroviruses, 6.1% ± 1.2% for paramyxoviruses, and 18.7% ± 1.9% for coronaviruses. Coinfection was relatively low: 1.3% ± 0.6% of positive bats and no interaction was detected between viruses. We observed a significant variation in coronavirus and paramyxovirus prevalence over time, potentially associated to changes in the structure of the host population throughout the breeding season. This study highlights the importance of longitudinal studies and the need for a better understanding of the potential interactions between infectious agents, and their consequences on disease transmission dynamics and spillover to other hosts.

1. What is your pathogen? Multiple options possible (e.g. if working on coinfections)

Coronavirus : Bat coronavirus

Other viruses : Bat astrovirus and paramyxovirus

2. On a scale of 1‐5 is your work mostly eco/epidemiological or evolutionary? 2

3. On a scale of 1‐5 is your work mostly theoretical or experimental/empirical? 3

Extraction du 10/5/2021