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Health Care Technology Adoption and Diffusion in a Social Context Peter C. Coyte and Dave Holmes POLICY POLIT NURS PRACT 2007; 8; 47 DOI: 10.1177/1527154407299646

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Downloaded from http://ppn.sagepub.com at UNIV TORONTO on May 19, 2010 Health Care Technology Adoption and Diffusion in a Social Context

Peter C. Coyte, MA, PhD This article highlights mechanisms that may fur- Dave Holmes, PhD, RN ther sustainable technological development for the 21st century. The distributional effects associated with the adoption and diffusion of health care tech- nologies are addressed wherein the capacity to cap- INTRODUCTION italize on the health gains from the adoption of Unprecedented growth in health care expendi- technology varies in society. These effects are tures has become a common feature of health care caused by the actions of individuals as they seg- for all Western countries. Indeed, over the past 40 ment themselves into distinct social groups. The years, member countries of the Organization for circumstances under which social institutions are further segmented are explored and may motivate Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) public sector limits on the funding for and diffu- have experienced at least a 50-fold increase in sion of health care technologies. Safety and efficacy total health expenditures, a 20-fold increase in per benchmarks are necessary but insufficient condi- capita health expenditures, a 10-fold increase in tions for sustainability as product advantage on inflation-adjusted health expenditures, a 5-fold grounds of cost-effectiveness must also be demon- increase in inflation-adjusted per capita health strated. Furthermore, given the substantial role expenditures, and a doubling of health expendi- played by public sector decision makers in pur- tures in gross domestic product (GDP; Canadian chasing health care technologies, the distributional Institute for Health Information, 2004). Such pres- consequences associated with the uptake and diffu- sure on society’s available, yet limited, resources sion of technology need to be gauged by product raises questions about the sustainability of health designers and those responsible for marketing. care and the ability of the public sector, which Keywords: adoption; diffusion; health care accounts for approximately 75% of total health settings; health care technology; expenditures in OECD countries (www.who.org), health policy; social context to continue to fund the sector in a manner to which it has been accustomed.

Authors’ Note: This research was funded by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement grant (ICH-62329), by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Strategic Research and Training Initiative grant in Health Care, Technology and Place (HCTP) (STP-53911), and by the HCTP and the Change Foundation Strategic Alliance. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any funding agency or institution. The authors thank seminar participants at the University of Melbourne, Griffith University, the University of Auckland, and the for comments on earlier aspects of this subject. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice Vol. 8 No. 1, February 2007, 47-54 DOI: 10.1177/1527154407299646 © 2007 Sage Publications


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These fiscal pressures have been the backdrop century. We are concerned with the distributional to an equally important explosion in the avail- effects associated with the adoption and diffu- ability of innovative health care technologies and sion of health care technologies but, in particular, products that offer the potential to enhance where the capacity to capitalize on the health gains health outcomes and, sometimes, to contain the from the adoption of technology varies in society. growth in costs. These new user-friendly, minia- For example, only a segment of society may have turized, and innovative technologies (that occur the mental and/or physical capacity to take throughout the spectrum of devices, drugs, and advantage of technologies that provide the oppor- information systems) have been the precursors to tunity to self-manage an underlying health condi- changes in health care practices (such as nursing tion, thereby yielding distributional effects. These care), services, and settings and have important distributional effects are brought about by the implications for the efficient, effective, and equi- actions of individuals as they segment or stratify table allocation and use of health care resources. themselves into distinct social groups. This stratifi- These technologies are reshaping the contours of cation represents a separating equilibrium that the health care landscape and dramatically alter- may be considered a form of social exclusion as ing the manner in which health care is sought, some members of society may be excluded from organized, delivered, and received (McKeever & the potential benefits associated with a new tech- Coyte, 2002). As a consequence, a comprehensive nology. Thus, one further purpose of this article is assessment of the sustainability of technological to explore the circumstances under which such innovations needs to consider not just the tech- divisive policies and associated institutions are nology itself but the manner in which these inno- created, maintained, and enforced. These potential vations alter the context in which health care distributional consequences are important to rec- transactions occur. ognize as they may motivate public sector limits to Health care in the 21st century includes more the funding for and diffusion of health care tech- than one or two traditional health care settings, nologies. Specifically, the article shows that such as hospitals and clinics, and many more than although health care technology may be devel- a few privileged providers. Today, health care is oped within a laboratory and adopted in a health sought, delivered, and received in a wide variety of care setting, there are major social dimensions to settings (Winch, Creedy, & Chaboyer, 2002) and is the diffusion of technology, especially when the mediated by providers of care (paid and unpaid) public sector plays a significant purchaser role. and health care technologies, including medical Technologists should become more aware of the products (Coyte & McKeever, 2001). These config- broader social implications associated with the urations of people, places, and technologies are as uptake and diffusion of technology and, accord- diverse as the underlying health needs of the ingly, develop strategies to minimize any potential population. Moreover, these health care settings adverse distributional consequence. Assurance include very different institutional and social set- that health care technology satisfies safety and effi- tings and sites than traditional health care settings cacy considerations is not sufficient for it to garner as they encompass places where people live, work, a market niche. Rather, broader social issues, such play, and attend school (Armstrong, 1983, 1995; as cost-effectiveness and distributional considera- Holmes & Gastaldo, 2002). Although these flexible tions, need to be addressed to enhance the course configurations are the hallmark of health care in the of product design and marketing. 21st century, little is known about the consequences of seeking, providing, and receiving technology- SETTING THE STAGE mediated health care in these diverse settings and sites. This article responds, in part, to the urgent This article is the product of interdisciplinary need to assess, from an interdisciplinary perspec- reflection (health economy and nursing) con- tive, the spatial, technological, and social dimen- cerning the distributional effects of health care sions of contemporary health care. technologies advanced by various levels of govern- More specifically, this article highlights mecha- ment, nongovernmental organizations, corpora- nisms that need to be addressed to achieve sus- tions, or groups of individuals. Our intention is to tainable technological development for the 21st take a critical stand to challenge taken-for-granted

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“truths” (dominant discourses) with regard to needs. These distributional effects emerge from so-called “universal” benefits of innovations to the actions (or inaction) of care recipients when health care technology. they and their resources (physical, psychological, This approach enables us to highlight the factors financial, time, and social capital) confront a mod- that might limit the diffusion of health care tech- ified policy environment. nologies, even when such innovations yield uni- In the next section, we initiate dialogue by out- versal gains to those who adopt such technology. lining a simple conceptual representation of soci- Therefore, our objectives are to explore the conse- ety that highlights the factors that influence the quences to care recipients (and their unpaid care- adoption of health care technology and, simulta- givers) from the adoption of health technology; to neously, has the potential to yield social segmen- gauge the intended and unintended effects of tech- tation as the outcome of the atomistic actions of nology diffusion; and last, to examine the circum- care recipients and their caregivers. We then turn stances under which limits to technology diffusion our attention to the factors that are important in are created, maintained, and enforced. the determination of public policies that advance Suppose we were to embark on a series of health or limit the diffusion of health care technologies. policy initiatives designed to advance innovations We suggest that if those who benefit from the in and the uptake of health care technologies. diffusion of health care technology are numerous, Suppose further that the uptake of such tech- if they stand to obtain significant advantage (or nologies occurs at the level of the individual care incur limited costs) in advancing their own well- recipient and that these technologies have satisfied being, or if those adversely (or not) affected are safety and efficacy requirements. Under these cir- scarce or hidden (or are perceived to suffer only cumstances, health care services and settings may marginally), then diffusion is more likely to occur. be enhanced, and population-based health out- Brief concluding remarks are offered at the end of comes improved. These policies and the comple- the article. mentary organizational and personal strategies designed to operationalize them may advance the HEALTH CARE well-being of care recipients in health care decision TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION making; may provide for the customization (or tai- loring) of health care services and technologies to This article examines the distributional conse- the unique circumstances of care recipients; and quences associated with the adoption of health may offer the potential for a better match between care technologies and assesses whether these con- individual resources (and willingness to pay) and sequences might impede the diffusion of such the underlying preferences and needs of care technologies within a fiscally constrained environ- recipients. But once the onus shifts to care recipi- ment for health care. To achieve our goal, we out- ents (and their unpaid caregivers) to articulate line a simple conceptual representation of society their needs and preferences and, accordingly, to that highlights the factors that influence the adop- select a course of action, and associated technolo- tion and diffusion of health care technology. gies, from an array of competing alternatives, the outcome may be one where the benefits garnered Individual Adoption Decisions from the diffusion of technology are unevenly dis- Consider a society in which individuals differ tributed in society. in their capacity, K, to capitalize on a new tech- The difference in payoffs that stem from the nology, for instance, where individuals may differ diffusion of health care technology might be in their ability to use a technology either because attributed to variations in the return to the effort of physical, psychological, or intellectual limita- expended in articulating health needs and prefer- tions. Let individuals have the freedom to adopt ences or may be due to variations in the capacity or not to adopt such technology in their everyday to either expend such effort or capture such life. Adoption entails uniform costs, C, but the returns. For example, some individuals are better benefits, B, to adoption are an increasing general able to explain to care providers their symptoms function of each individual’s underlying capacity and health needs, whereas others are better able to use (or to capitalize on) the technology, B(K). to use the technology that may address their Under these circumstances, individuals adopt the

Downloaded from http://ppn.sagepub.com at UNIV TORONTO on May 19, 2010 50 POLICY, POLITICS, & NURSING PRACTICE / February 2007 technology if the benefits of adoption exceed the Technology adopters obtain a larger boost to their associated costs, namely, B(K) > C. As long as the well-being than that received by nonadopters, benefit function, B(K), were an increasing func- and moreover, those with greater capacity to cap- tion of underlying capacities, there would be a italize receive even larger gains than those who capacity threshold for adoption, K*. Individuals adopt with a limited capacity to capitalize. with capacities in excess of that threshold would Society as a whole may benefit from the new tech- be the only members of society to adopt the new nology, but it is important to note that not all technology. members of society benefit. Indeed, to the extent To yield a closed-form solution to the opti- to which the public sector incurs some of the costs mization problem, let us suppose that the capac- associated with the diffusion of technology, it is ity to capitalize on new technology is uniformly possible that nonadopters may be worse off distributed between K1 and K2, where K2 > K1. through diffusion, especially if public sector costs Furthermore, let the benefit from adoption be lin- were borne through increased general taxation. ear in capacity, K, with the maximum benefit These distributional consequences associated defined as M. Specifically, suppose that the bene- with the diffusion of health care technologies fit from adoption is specified as may play an important role, as described in the next section, in limiting access to health care tech- B(K) = [(K – K1)/(K2 – K1)] M. (1) nologies, especially when the public sector is a significant purchaser of such technology. Under these circumstances, the threshold for adoption, K*, is defined where the incremental DIFFUSION UNDER gain from adoption, [(K – K1)/(K2 – K1)] M, is just offset by the incremental cost of adoption, C. VARIOUS OBJECTIVES Thus, the threshold for adoption is defined as In this section, we consider the determination of health policies that may limit the diffusion of K* = K + [C(K – K )/M]. (2) 1 2 1 health care technology under various objective functions for policy decision makers. Traditionally, As a consequence, the larger the cost, C, or the economists have advanced a utilitarian optimiza- smaller the maximum benefit, M, from adoption, tion maximand for health policy decision makers the greater is the capacity threshold required for (Dolan, 2001). In this formulation, the distribu- adoption. Moreover, because an increase in the tional effects of public policies have no bearing, in range of capacities in society (namely, an increase themselves, on policy decision making. We dis- in the difference between the capacity of the most cuss this situation in section 4.1, “The Utilitarian and the least able), (K – K ), is associated with a 2 1 Approach.” A more comprehensive approach to reduction in the benefit from adoption, an increase the formation of health policies is considered in in that range would raise the capacity threshold section 4.2, “The Role of Distributional Concerns,” and thereby reduce the number of adopters. wherein both distributional and aggregate well- If the well-being of nonadopters is defined as being are important to health policy decision mak- U*, then the well-being of adopters is written as ers (Little, 2003). The associated policy outcomes U* + {[(K – K )/(K – K )] M – C} (3) derived in section 4.2 incorporate those derived in 1 2 1 section 4.1 as a special case when the preferences where well-being is greater for those with of decision makers rest solely on aggregate well- greater capacities to capitalize on the technology. being without there being any consideration for Moreover, an increase in the maximum benefit distributional concerns. from adoption, M, or a reduction in the cost, C, would both be associated with enhanced well- The Utilitarian Approach being for adopters and, hence, a greater propen- There are various methods used to characterize sity for technology uptake. the well-being of society as a whole. Suppose In this simple characterization of the technology well-being were defined in a utilitarian manner uptake decision, individuals differ in their capacity (Bentham, 1879; Mill, 1848), namely, as the sum of to capitalize on the new health care technology. the well-being derived by technology adopters

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(i.e., where K > K*) and nonadopters (i.e., where their average incremental gain in well-being were K < K*), less the costs of technology, T, incurred at small, or if the costs of diffusion at the societal a societal level. These technology costs are distin- level were large. As a consequence, to enhance guished from those that are incurred at the level diffusion of health care technologies, it is not of the individual adopter/user, C. Thus, aggre- merely sufficient to demonstrate that the technol- gate well-being in society is defined as ogy is safe and effective. There must also be a concerted effort to demonstrate (a) that the tech- ͐ ͐ K* { K* [U* + B(K) – C] f(K) dK + U* f(K) dK} N – T (4) nology is cost-effective at the level of the individ- ual adopter, so that the number of adopters is where f(K) reflects the distribution of the capac- increased; (b) that the enhancement to well-being ity to capitalize in a population of size N. for adopters is increased at the individual level to Invoking the previously specified distributional ensure that the aggregate gains from adoption are and functional assumptions yields aggregate increased; and (c) that the costs incurred at a soci- well-being as etal level are contained so that the net gains for society are enhanced. N U* + N{[M – C]2/2M } – T. (5) The Role of Distributional Concerns Knowing that the number of technology Although section 4.1 discusses health policy adopters is defined as N(K2 – K*)/(K2 – K1), which may be expressed as N[M – C]/M, and knowing decision making in the absence of distributional that their average incremental gain in well-being concerns, a more complete (and realistic) charac- is defined as [M – C]/2, Equation 5 indicates that terization of such decision making would be one aggregate well-being is equivalent to the level of in which distributional concerns are front and aggregate well-being in the absence of technology center. In fact, there are many circumstances in adoption, N U*, plus the incremental gain in which advancement to well-being for one seg- well-being for those who adopt the technology, ment of society would not be pursued unless N{[M – C]2/2M}, less the cost of the technology such benefits are also available to others in soci- incurred at a societal level, T. ety. For example, if only one segment of society In the absence of concerns, at a societal level, were to benefit from a new technology, and if about disparities in well-being, technological there were strong feelings of envy if some were innovations that ensure that the incremental gains excluded from those benefits, limits may be placed in well-being to adopters are more than sufficient on the introduction and diffusion of such tech- to cover the costs of technology incurred at a soci- nologies. In these circumstances, this section may etal level would permit the diffusion of technol- be useful in offering an interpretation of why ogy; that is, if the gains to adopters are sufficiently health policies might be pursued that limit the large relative to the cost of the technology, adop- diffusion of health care technologies. tion would be permitted. Specifically, if decisions In general, there are many objective functions concerning the diffusion of health care technolo- that might be advanced for health policy decision gies were determined as the outcome of the opti- makers that characterize their preference ordering mization problem represented by Equation 5, then for enhancements to aggregate well-being and that diffusion would occur if, and only if, the gains also incorporate distributional concerns (Hauck, outweighed the costs, namely, Smith, & Goddard, 2003; Mooney, 1998; Nord, Pinto, Richardson, Menzel, & Ubel, 1999; Rabin, N{[M – C]2/2 M} – T > 0. (6) 1998; Sen, 1970, 1992; Wagstaff, 1991; Wiseman, 1998). One such formulation is associated with Thus, if the incremental gains captured by the mean-variance approach to decision making those who adopt the technology are more than under uncertainty (Feldstein, 1969; Markowitz, sufficient to cover the costs incurred at the level 1959; Tobin, 1969). Under the mean-variance of society, then social well-being would be approach to decision making, both the extent to enhanced through diffusion. Limits to diffusion which aggregate average well-being is enhanced would occur if the reverse took place, namely, if (“the mean”) and the distribution of that well- the number of technology adopters were small, if being among those in society (“the variance”) are

Downloaded from http://ppn.sagepub.com at UNIV TORONTO on May 19, 2010 52 POLICY, POLITICS, & NURSING PRACTICE / February 2007 unique aspects to decision making. Whereas we σ2 = {[M – C]/M}{[M – C]2/12M2} [M2 + 3C2] have, to date, abstracted from uncertainty, the + [C/M]{[M – C]2/2M2}2 (10) objective function advanced for decision makers who adopt a mean-variable approach, U(.), would where the variance of well-being across society be one that depends on only two parameters: first, depends on the sum of two components: first, the aggregate average well-being for society, µ; and product of the proportion of technology adopters, second, the variance of such well-being across {[M – C]/M}, and the squared deviation in their individuals in society, σ2. This may be written as well-being from the societal average; and second, the product of the proportion of technology non- U(µ, σ2). (7) adopters, [(K* – K1)/(K2 – K1)] = [C/M], and the squared deviation in their well-being from the The well-being of decision makers (or the proxy societal average. Equation 10 may be summarized well-being that guides their behavior) is defined further to yield as an increasing function of aggregate average well-being, µ, but a decreasing function of the σ2 = {[M – C]3/12M2}[M + 3C]. (11) variance of well-being in society, σ2. (This might characterize a decision maker who is interested in In the presence of concerns about the distribu- avoiding controversy by advancing the interests tional implications derived from the diffusion of of all in society in preference to advancing the technology, the optimization problem faced by interests of just a single subset of the population.) decision makers (or the process of decision making In this form, enhancement to aggregate average undertaken) entails a comparison of the potential well-being, after holding distributional effects enhancement in aggregate average well-being unchanged, is seen to improve the well-being of attributable to the diffusion of technology and any policy decision makers and thereby make them potential adverse consequences associated with an more likely to take actions that so enhance their increase in the variance of well-being in society. If well-being. Similarly, any reduction in the vari- decision makers held strong preferences against an ance of well-being in society, holding aggregate increase in inequality, then although an innovation average well-being constant, would also improve might enhance aggregate average well-being, any the well-being of decision makers and, again, upward growth in the variance of well-being in would guide decision making. Thus, policies that society might limit the diffusion of such technology both enhance aggregate average well-being and on distributional grounds. Thus, if diffusion deci- reduce the distribution effects are dominant pol- sions were determined as the outcome of the opti- icy options as they yield unambiguous gains in mization problem represented by Equation 7, well-being for decision makers. diffusion occurs if the contribution to decision From our earlier discussion in section 4.1, maker well-being attributable to enhancements to whereas Equations 4 and 5 define aggregate aggregate average well-being more than compen- well-being for society associated with health sates for the disutility attributable to any potential care technology, aggregate average well-being increase in the variance of well-being in society. (or per capita well-being) is defined as Of course, limits to diffusion occur if the gains in average well-being are insufficient to compensate µ 2 = U* + {[M – C] / 2M} – T/N. (8) for the disutility associated with the distributional effects. Furthermore, the variance of such well-being Our discussion in this section has demonstrated in society, σ2, may be written as that although safety and efficacy are necessary

σ2 ͐ µ 2 considerations for the adoption and diffusion of = K* {U* + [(K – K1)/(K2 – K1)] M – C – T/N – } f(K) dK + ͐ K* {U* – T/N – µ}2 f(K) dK. (9) health care technologies, decision makers may also consider a wide range of other factors before Here, the variance is made up of two portions. they embrace such technologies. We believe The first is attributable to technology adopters, nurses could play a determinant role in informing and the second to nonadopters. Simplifying this decision makers of the sociopolitical contexts and expression yields issues that influence the diffusion of health care

Downloaded from http://ppn.sagepub.com at UNIV TORONTO on May 19, 2010 Coyte, Holmes / HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY 53 technologies. In contrast to the discussion in section to multiple settings highlights the significance of 4.1, we have shown that notwithstanding enhance- place and technology; it underscores the need to ments to aggregate average well-being, circum- link an array of public policies, such as industrial stances exist in which limits may be placed on the development and housing, to health policies; and diffusion of technology if diffusion yields suffi- it opens the door for new understandings of ciently large adverse distributional consequences. health care practices and outcomes that demand Although the results advanced in section 4.1 are contributions from hitherto nontraditional areas of useful, they represent a special case of the more health research. comprehensive framework advanced in section The transformation of homes, schools, and 4.2. Consider a situation in which the preferences other settings into clinical environments and the of decision makers rest solely on aggregate well- restructuring of traditional settings are advanced being in society without there being any consider- by medicine, engineering, and the basic sciences ation of distributional concerns. In this case, the but will be best understood through the marriage preferences of decision makers only emphasize of theories and concepts developed in the social the first parameter in Equation 7, namely, µ, which sciences and the humanities with our knowledge represents aggregate average well-being. This for- of physiology, basic science, and clinical practice. mulation is described in section 4.1, where policy There are clear opportunities and an urgent need decision makers are not concerned with distribu- to capitalize on the creative synthesis of the arts tional considerations. and the sciences to ensure that health research is One important “take home” message offered relevant to the challenges of the new century. by this article is that although health care tech- This article has demonstrated that if care recip- nology may be developed within a laboratory ients (and their unpaid caregivers) were to differ and adopted in a health care setting, there are in their capacity to take advantage of new health major social dimensions to the diffusion of such care technologies and products, then the potential technology, especially when the public sector plays increase in inequality generated through the dif- a significant purchaser role. Technologists should fusion of such technologies might yield restric- become more aware of the broader social implica- tions on the level of public funding for such tions associated with the uptake and diffusion of technologies and, hence, limit their effective dif- technology and, accordingly, develop strategies fusion. However, if those who benefit from such to minimize any potential adverse distributional technological innovations are numerous, if they consequence. Assurance that health care technol- stand to obtain significant advantage (or incur ogy satisfies safety and efficacy considerations is limited costs) in advancing their own well-being, not sufficient for it to garner a market niche. or if those adversely (or not) affected are scarce or Rather, broader social issues associated with the hidden (or are perceived to suffer only margin- uptake and diffusion of technology, such as cost- ally), then diffusion is more likely to occur. effectiveness and distributional considerations, In addition, we believe that this article has need to be addressed to enhance the course of highlighted the mechanisms that need to be product design and marketing. addressed to achieve sustainable technological development for the 21st century. Achievement of safety and efficacy benchmarks are necessary but CONCLUDING REMARKS by no means sufficient conditions for success. A confluence of technological, demographic, Given the substantial role played by the public and fiscal forces has dramatically increased the sector as a purchaser of health care services and range of settings and sites in which health care is technologies, product designers and those engaged sought, delivered, and received. Health care in the in the marketing of such technologies need to also 21st century is technologically mediated and geo- demonstrate product advantage on grounds of graphically dispersed. It is no longer solely avail- cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, because policy able in restructured traditional settings, such as decision makers are often responsive to all mem- hospitals, but is also available in places designed bers of society (rather than a defined subgroup), for other purposes, such as the family home. This the potential distributional consequences associ- dispersion of technologically mediated health care ated with the uptake and diffusion of technology

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