Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society emdlplss A rvdsaNF ufrn system process buffering (a organs NEFA other TAG a for provides hydrolyse WAT to lipolysis) ability termed and its capacity With (LD). storage droplets an lipid hydrophobic from represents highly-structured originating or NEFA essentially WAT intake In dietary energy. (WAT) of pool tissue unlimited adipose White Crepnigauthor: *Corresponding Abbreviations: Society g Nutrition the of Proceedings kltlmsl n ie n a edt nui resist- insulin in to metabolism lead may lipid and and Chronically- liver ance diabetes. and glucose 2 muscle type alter skeletal and obesity NEFA in elevated case metabolism, the normal only is with Over- as interfere not molecules. can are signalling NEFA also of NEFA are abundance tissues. they glycerol source, other are energy one and by an bloodstream uptake and the for into NEFA available released are energy-rich which three molecule, to molecule aehlmnsadisln(i.1.Tehormone The 1). (Fig. insulin and catecholamines 8 A,daygyeos AP at cdbnigpoen S,hroesniielps;L,lpddolt G,mnaygyeo iae PK, ; monoacylglycerol MGL, droplet; lipid LD, lipase; hormone-sensitive tissue. HSL, adipose protein; white WAT, acid-binding perilipin; fatty PLIN, FABP, kinase; protein diacylglycerols; DAG, 58; etn fteNtiinScey otdb h ctihScin a eda h oa oit fEibrh dnug n7and 7 on Edinburgh Edinburgh, of Society Royal the at held was Section, Scottish the by hosted Society, Nutrition the of Meeting A ih euaoycnrlo ioyi spoie by provided is lipolysis of control regulatory Tight h uhr 09Frtpbihdoln 4Ags 2009 August 24 online published First 2009 Authors The 2 (2) Universite . omnlrglto faioyelipolysis adipocyte of regulation Hormonal 3 MK M-ciae rti iae R deegcrcpos TL dps A iae G-8 oprtv eeidentification gene comparative CGI-58, lipase; TAG adipose ATGL, receptors; adrenergic AR, kinase; protein AMP-activated AMPK, aoaor eBohme ntttFe Institut Biochimie, de Laboratoire ´ (1) eTuos,US ntttd Me de Institut UPS, Toulouse, de enovo de ioyi stebekono n TAG one of breakdown the is Lipolysis . 1 nemU5,Lbrtied ehrhssrlsObe les sur Recherches de Laboratoire U858, Inserm nowoeaioetsu eaoimadisssei fet sas rsne ntecnetof context the in presented also is adipose effects resistance. in findings systemic insulin these involved its of and and pathways Integration inflammation metabolism states. and tissue dynamic metabolic partners adipose pres- various a whole numerous under The of into interaction the lipolysis. that their over of to and control overview lipolysis revamped lipolysis. regulatory tissue an appropriately stimulated offers provides been and itself interactions review has basal in and droplet ent of that lipid cofactors regulation organelle inert , lipo- the highly-structured an to the and new of central of of idea are Knowledge dated identification that tissue. The to lipids tremendous the under- adipose and years central with to and proteins 15 relating are grown between past avenues developed it has the several control Over machinery in in resistance. that lytic made burden insulin mechanisms been and increasing has the obesity progress an and of aetiology mass are the tissue elucidating complications Adipose its countries. developed and obesity Human . rfso oiiu agn fax Langin, Dominique Professor euaino dps iselplssrevisited lipolysis tissue adipose of Regulation ypsu n‘rnir naioetsu biology’ tissue adipose in ‘Frontiers on Symposium ytei r trda A in TAG as stored are synthesis . IPaddress: Ve (2009), ´ oi Be ronic dps ise ioyi:Lps:Lpddroplet Lipid Lipase: Lipolysis: tissue: Adipose 68 5–6 doi:10.1017/S0029665109990279 350–360 , ´ , on zaire ´ + 08 Oct2021 at06:28:31 eieMole decine 351263 mi [email protected] email 561325623, 33 ´ de 1,2 ´ ai eBooi ePra,F309Tuos,France Toulouse, F-31059 Purpan, de Biologie de ratif pi 2009 April 8 n oiiu Langin Dominique and ´ uar eRnui,IR5,F342Tuos,France Toulouse, F-31432 IFR150, Rangueil, de culaire noeiyi huh orsl rmacnutdstimulation accentuated from result to of thought is pro- obesity in the cAMP by pro-lipolytic and dictated a of is action effects lipolysis combined cyclase AR-dependent Thus, adenylyl duction. The receptors. inhibit protein latter GTP-binding inhibitory to coupling a nii ioyi i h ciainof activation the perilipin via catecholamines lipolysis protein Conversely, inhibit lipolysis. can LD-coating hormone- stimulate and phosphorylates to activates (PLIN) (HSL) which cAMP lipase A, in sensitive (PK) rise kinase A cyclase, protein production. adenylyl cAMP activate increasing receptors protein GTP-binding of Coupling of stimulate (AR). activation receptors the noradrenaline through neurotransmitter lipolysis and adrenaline K ciain hs napspada tt nui not insulin state postprandial a reduces acti- in consequently Thus, 3B and activation. cAMP, PKA to degrades insulin which leads to vation, binding 1 Insulin substrate adipocytes. on receptor receptor its to ing , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at -R mareti K-tmltdlplssobserved lipolysis PKA-stimulated in Impairment 2-AR. a 2-AR ´ site (3–5) ´ ,F342Tuos,France Toulouse, F-31432 s, nui lorgltslplsswe bind- when lipolysis regulates also Insulin . 1,2,3 * b -and 1- b b A n anti-lipolytic and -AR -and 1- b -Rt stimulatory to 2-AR a -Radtheir and 2-AR b 2-adrenergic Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society ciiy(i.1.Rssi GPatvt K,which PKG, activate PLIN cGMP and HSL in phosphorylates Rises PKA to cyclase 1). similarly guanylyl intrinsic (Fig. possess is activity which receptors, insulin, bind A peptides and Natriuretic type events. catecholamines pro-lipolytic in of implicated independent mini- pathway, also but adipocytes. storage in and breakdown TAG uptake mizes substrate favours only antd ota fctcoaie n sparticularly similar is of and is catecholamines peptides exercise of during natriuretic pronounced that by to lipolysis magnitude of lation eae S a huh ob h aelmtn tpin cofactors step lipases, other rate-limiting that the established three be now approximately is to For It thought lipolysis. of years. was regulation 10 HSL the past decades in the made over been lipolysis has progress Tremendous still is relevance physiological and anti-lipolytic the PG unknown. of which adenosine, wealth for catecholamines, machinery a metabolites by lipolytic also activated is or systems There pathways growth earlier. signalling described as the such adipo- altering factors human TNF and in hormone, lipolysis hormones of Additional control cytes. regulatory main the nhmnftclsa diinlsga transduction signal additional an cells fat human In aruei etds aehlmnsadislnprovide insulin and catecholamines peptides, Natriuretic iae nlplssregulation lipolysis in Lipases a n L6as nunelplssby lipolysis influence also IL-6 and , . β idn rti;G,ihbtr T-idn rti;IS nui eetrsbtae PI3-K GTP- substrate; droplet. stimulatory receptor lipid Gs, insulin LD, cyclase; hormonally-regulated. IRS, guanylyl monoacylglycerol protein; directly GC, and kinase; GTP-binding be (ATGL) phosphate inhibitory to phosphatidylinositol-3 lipase hormone-sensitive Gi, thought TAG phosphorylate protein; not Adipose PKG binding (PLINA). are and A PKA (MGL) (PKA) perilipin receptor. lipase A A and kinase type (HSL) accumulation via protein lipase cGMP and promote activation and B peptides PKG (PK) (AC) Natriuretic kinase and activity. protein cyclase of (PDE-3B) adenylyl activation 3B through by phosphodiesterase degradation cAMP production favours Insulin cAMP activation. inhibit and late ioyi.Culn of Coupling lipolysis. 1. Fig. 1/2 -AR (7,8) inltasuto ahasipiae nhroa oto fhmnadipocyte human of control hormonal in implicated pathways transduction Signal . IPaddress: . α 2 -AR b euaino dps iselplssrvstd351 revisited lipolysis tissue adipose of Regulation PDE-3B 1 PI3-K receptor Insulin PKB and cAMP b 2 (6) , on ( b Stimu- . 1/2 08 Oct2021 at06:28:31

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S AMP a 2 arnri eetr A)rsetvl stimu- respectively (AR) receptors -adrenergic receptor A Natriuretic peptide cGMP h abx emnlo S abusteatv site active the the of harbours module HSL structure. regulatory of protein and terminal and gene carboxy its into The insight an provided has n1ads- oiino A molecules TAG of position sn-3 and sn-1 nte16sHLwscaatrzda ioyi enzyme lipolytic a adrenaline as characterized to was sensitive HSL 1960s the In regu- the in lipolysis. participate of each lation proteins lipid-associated and shgl xrse nWAT in HSL expressed lipolysis. of highly regulator undisputed is the remained HSL e oerir S cini npr euae yPKA. by in regulated identified been part Ser have in HSL: sites is rat phosphorylation action PKA HSL Three earlier, to ded hshrlto frtHLrsdeSer residue HSL rat of phosphorylation t eaieafiiyi e ie rae o A than DAG for greater times ten is affinity TAG relative Its euaeitiscactivity intrinsic regulate yrlssatvt o A,daygyeos(DAG), diacylglycerols TAG, for monoacylglycerols activity hydrolysis nhmnHLaeSer are HSL human in emnl lhuhls hrceie,apast be to later) (detailed appears fatty 4 with (FABP) protein notably characterized, acid-binding interaction, protein–protein less for required although terminal, Ser PKG PKA h lnn fHLi h a n ua subjects human and rat the in HSL of cloning The , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at 660 (12,15) aortetasoaino rdmnnl cytosolic predominantly a of translocation the favour n hw rfrnefrftyaisi the in acids fatty for preference a shows and 563 Ser ; omn-estv lipase Hormone-sensitive HSL PLINA (12) MGL 659 TG AT hlseo n eiy esters retinyl and cholesterol , Ser ; (9,10) L 552 (23) LD LD LD 660(21) o h olwn 0years 30 following the For . Ser , hl eiusSer residues while (11) 649 h orsodn sites corresponding The . n displays and n Ser and (16) (19) 563 . h amino The . 650(22) (20) per to appears sallu- As . nvitro in 659 PKA . (13,14) (17,18) and . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 5 .Be V. LD to HSL 352 TLaetopopoyainsts Ser sites, phosphorylation two are ATGL iseadt oe xeti ets kltladcardiac and skeletal testes, in extent adipose lower brown muscle a and to WAT domain-containing and in expressed tissue highly is It patatin-like proteins. A2 of phospholipase or family desnutrin as known auedah togbd feiec a further has evidence murine in lipolysis of in pre- ATLG body in of role strong resulting central the A tissue, established in death. heart storage including TAG mature ectopic tissues, and mass several WAT increased display motn nicesn nyi activity enzymic increasing in important xrclua inlrgltdkns aha i phos- the via by Ser pathway regulated of kinase positively phorylation PK signal-regulated is AMP-activated HSL extracellular and pathways. kinase (AMPK) signal-regulated cellular its context. whole-cell promoting a in activity; molecules two-pronged: TAG intrinsic therefore to is access enzyme’s HSL the on PKA increasing of effect lipolytic rti LNwudltrse ih nti issue this on light mice structural adi- shed HSL-null in LD of accumulation tissue later the DAG pose of Additionally, would later). role (described critical PLIN The regulatory protein lipolysis. unidentified, in yet steps additional, suggested vations iaewt A yrls activity TAG additional an with identified independently lipase groups three 2004 In vrxrsint rmt hl-ellipolysis whole-cell promote to overexpression MK MK h ellreeg esr sactivated is levels energy sensor, restore to energy AMP:ATP cellular increasing by the AMPK, AMPK. eeietfiain5 CI5)aedpneto the on dependent are (CGI-58) region 58 comparative carboxy-terminal activity co-activator identification enzymic with functional the interaction gene Last, the its unknown. and and ATGL are ATGL of sites targeting such PK of the role of nature The adipocytes otisahdohbcscinpritn protein–lipid permitting section hydrophobic interactions a contains ellnsntv retpcAG smsl soitdwith associated mostly is ATGL ectopic LD or native lines cell eiusSer residues hraooia inhibition pharmacological neo TLi nryhomeostasis energy in ATGL of ance aiuain o xml,rsda A yrls ac- silencing hydrolase HSL HSL TAG despite from lipolysis residual and obtained The tivity example, findings DAG. for (see recent 2004 for manipulation; more in HSL (ATGL) supports lipase of later) TAG adipose affinity of to strong identification possibly molecules, the TAG complement targeting lipase alternative an ciae MKpopoyae S nSer on HSL phosphorylates AMPK activated odices nTGhdoaeatvt,wiewhole-cell while activity, increases hydrolase three- TAG lipolysis to PKA- two- in a activation. increase to PKA fold leads HSL to and of revolved phosphorylation response activity dependent puzzlement in HSL between First, lipolysis mismatch adipocyte years. important the an around over grew slowly diinlHLrgltr ahasicueteextra- the include pathways regulatory HSL Additional tde ihAG-ulmc aervae h import- the revealed have mice ATGL-null with Studies ob nteln euaoyrl fHLi lipolysis in HSL of role regulatory lone the on Doubt (43,47,48) (36,43,45,46) (32,33) lowti h abx-emnlrgo of region carboxy-terminal the within Also . (24–27) (47) 649 codnl,i os oesadCOS-7 and models mouse in Accordingly, . n Ser and eutn na nilpltceffect anti-lipolytic an in resulting , h abx-emnlrgo fATGL of region carboxy-terminal The . nhmnHLPApopoyainof phosphorylation PKA HSL human In . . dps A lipase TAG Adipose 660(29,30) O 0-od hs otatn obser- contrasting These 100-fold. 650 (47) . a ensont etemost the be to shown been has (39–41) . IPaddress: n eaieyrgltdby regulated negatively and (35) ugse h rsneof presence the suggested n h alr fHSL of failure the and (50) (43–45) TLnl mice ATGL-null . 404 x (36–38) eog othe to belongs ) TL(also ATGL . (28) n Ser and 565 , on (38,42) h pro- The . rspecific or (31) nhuman in 08 Oct2021 at06:28:31 (34) Once . . 428(49) ´ . ar n .Langin D. and zaire . dpctso o-dpct ellns vrxrsinof hydrolysis Overexpression TAG lines. increases cell ATGL non-adipocyte or adipocytes MGL n stems bnatlpdcaigpoeno mature on protein lipid-coating abundant most LD the is and oocllcrllps ML a uie rmrat from purified 1970s the was in tissue (MGL) adipose lipase Monoacylglycerol adipocytes. PKA- human controls in ATGL lipolysis of by stimulated capable supply for DAG enzyme but capacity lone hydrolysis, the common DAG remains their HSL and with hydrolysis. despite ATGL enrichment TAG that sequentially, its suggest act consequently findings HSL these and Collectively, LD HSL. to from ATGL cytosol of the translocation PKA-stimulation, to response oe hnta fHSL of that than how- lower adipocytes, human the In ever, TAG. towards targeted mainly raioye aual eodo LNsget that suggests PLIN of devoid naturally preadipocytes inadgn iecn ittsbsladPKA-stimulated and basal dictates lipolysis silencing gene and tion uaeei a ofimdteiprac fSer of importance the Site-directed confirmed esters. cholesteryl has no or has but TAG mutagenesis rates DAG, equal for at affinity monoacylglycerols of bonds ester igemN rncit LN en otaudn in abundant most being LD PLINA WAT transcript, mRNA single rtrnlsiuae lipolysis proterenol-stimulated opeelipolysis MGL complete of presence the acylglycerols, erae A yrls activity hydrolase TAG decreases yi eas fisabundance its of because lysis rca oei rhsrtn ioyi nhmnadipo- human in lipolysis orchestrating in cytes role crucial fec ii-otn rti nL satrda LD as altered is LD on protein lipid-coating mature each proportion The of S3-12 protein. PAT kDa, 47 peri- tissues-enriched oxidative of includes and protein adipocytes tail-interacting human termed adipophilin, in proteins lipin, family lipid-coating PAT of Providing family The molecules. a PAT. is signalling LD lipid homeostasis to of structure cellular synthesis for not the highly- are and and important LD dynamic that organelles, rather clear but structured become lipids has of it aggregates years simple 15 past the Over of LD, control homeostasis. regulatory with in lipid additional alone and interact offer act lipolysis to not proteins NEFA do and Several lipases lipases that lipolysis. accepted widely regulating now is It ihyepesdi A n rw dps tissue adipose brown and WAT in expressed highly A,ln,lvr iny ets ri n heart and brain testes, kidney, liver, lung, WAT, Dsize LD Asp the Despite , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at ii rpe-soitdpoen n lipid-binding and proteins droplet-associated Lipid (54) 239 (38) (52) he sfrsaiefo lent piigo a of splicing alternate from arise isoforms Three . (54,55) n His and ouaino TLwt dnvrltransduc- adenoviral with ATGL of Modulation . (38) (37) G snttogtt ert iiigi lipo- in limiting rate be to thought not is MGL . (56,57) nvitro in h atrsuyhsas eosrtd in demonstrated, also has study latter The . nieHL TLhdoyi aaiyis capacity hydrolysis ATGL HSL, Unlike . eiii,wihwsdsoee n1991 in discovered was which Perilipin, . nvitro in coi xrsino LN n33L1 3T3 in PLINA of expression Ectopic . 269 oocllcrllipase Monoacylglycerol (53) A yrls aaiyo TLis ATGL of capacity hydrolase TAG ntelps n seaeatvte of activities and lipase the in aaiyo S ohdoyemono- hydrolyse to HSL of capacity G yrlsste13 n 2- and 1(3) the hydrolyses MGL . Perilipins (41) proteins (51) oehls,AG ly a plays ATGL Nonetheless, . hsezm sepesdin expressed is enzyme This . (53) (36) . (45,46) (36,43) nvivo in hl t silencing its while A trg and storage TAG , n aa n iso- and basal and srqie for required is (56) (56–59) (52) 122 ,is , . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society nacoigPIAt LD to PLINA anchoring in LN om hsclbriraon Dt euelipase reduce to LD around access barrier physical a forms PLINA hsgntp,btrte increased rather but genotype, this ucin,icuigpriiaini inltransduction signal in participation including functions, aelnrslsi h omto fivgntoson invaginations of formation the membranes of in expression cellular ectopic results that such caveolin structures these for protein aeleaesalivgntoso elpam mem- plasma cell on invaginations branes small are Caveolae stimulated fragmentation in promoting and lipases LD. HSL basal to of the docking access in by greater LD conditions to provides access lipo- but lipase facilitates state increased limits fragmentation but PLINA Thus, LD following lysis. of area surface surface the LD on remains PLINA lation fcvoi- nterglto flplsshsytt be to yet has lipolysis of regulation contribution the the in Importantly, caveolin-1 of phosphorylation. therefore caveolin-1, PLIN membranes for function via plasma pro-lipolytic important on an suggests caveolae of resentation LD hw htHLfist rnlct oL nrsos to response in LD to have translocate PLIN to lacking fails b cells HSL In- COS-7 that and lipolysis. shown mice fibroblasts stimulated PLIN–/– embryonic from mouse attenuated with experiments and terestingly, lipolysis basal oytriasta r rtcli rmtn A sto- TAG promoting in critical are rage that terminals boxy ihyepesdi adipocytes in expressed highly ebaetafikn ahasadNF idn and binding NEFA and transport pathways trafficking membrane epnet hraooia n hsooia lipolytic physiological and blunted pharmacological stimuli a to display response mice caveolin-1-deficient Accordingly, ae ursec eoac nrytase between PLIN and transfer HSL to energy fused resonance probes fluorescent facili- fluorescence activation PKA tates that demonstrated have experiments aino Ser of lation en aesalraioye n r eitn odiet- to resistant are and adipocytes obesity induced are smaller mice PLIN-ablated have lipolysis. in lean, PLIN of role regulatory si assarmdligo ag Dit yidof myriad a into LD lipolysis large of of remodelling independently a microLD, causes it as aayi uui fPAadPLIN and PKA of the between subunit likely interaction catalytic the A facilitates the caveolin-1 caveolin-1. that from of dence arisen dra- absence has is the explanation phosphorylation in reduced PLIN matically activity, PKA accentuated sapyia are oHL u losgetta PLIN that suggest PKA LD. also on but site HSL-docking HSL, an to PLIN provide of barrier may role physical regulatory a the highlight as only not results these n oanta eit K inhibition PKA mediate that scaffold- caveolin domain the within ing residues aromatic of absence eosrtdt eesnilt TLdpnetlipolysis conditions ATGL-dependent stimulated to in essential be to demonstrated arnri stimulation -adrenergic netgtoswt LNnl ieceryilsrt the illustrate clearly mice PLIN-null with Investigations LN a i eiepopoyainststree by targeted sites phosphorylation serine six has PLINA (75–78) (62) (27,56,65,66) (60) (69,70) (79) . (74) itn tarl o aeln1i lipolysis. in caveolin-1 for role a at hinting , he yrpoi eune lyamjrrole major a play sequences hydrophobic Three . upiigy K ciiyi o mardin impaired not is activity PKA Surprisingly, . hyaecmo omn eltpsbut types cell many to common are They . neetnl,cvoi- loascae with associates also caveolin-1 Interestingly, . 492 ftoests eiu Ser residue sites, those Of . (58,59,63) nmrn dpctsi loo importance of also is adipocytes murine in (72) . aelehv eea putative several have Caveolae . nadto,te xii elevated exhibit they addition, In . Caveolin-1 (67) (63) oee,seicphosphory- specific However, . (61) diinly iecluecell culture live Additionally, . . IPaddress: (71) e ti h mn n car- and amino the is it yet nvivo in aelni h marker the is Caveolin . (79) (80) (68) sarsl fthe of result a as euaino dps iselplssrvstd353 revisited lipolysis tissue adipose of Regulation h ev rep- heavy The . nphosphory- On . and (64) 517 (80) nvitro in Together, . , on Despite . a been has 08 Oct2021 at06:28:31 evi- (73) , uha EAadrtni acids species retinoic hydrophobic and for NEFA affinity as high such in a This displays expressed proteins. and highly protein, WAT lipid-binding is of protein lipid-binding soluble family adipocyte low-molecular-mass large the as to known belongs also FABP4, atten- warrants certainly but cells fat tion. human in explored rti ,i e nte rti soitdwt D CGI- LD. lipase a with a sembles associated is protein another 58 yet is 5, as protein known also CGI-58, yi nhASaioye ahmnwieadipocyte white human (a adipocytes lipo- by Gene PKA-stimulated lipolysis hMADS model) abrogates basal adipocytes. in completely reduces lysis human also only but in not half CGI-58 shown PKA-stimulated of and been silencing basal has both the in Recently, lipolysis lipolysis. CGI-58 PKA-stimulated of and importance basal to vant ail ipre otectsl neetrvril with reversible event an of cytosol, addition the the to dispersed rapidly ye G-8i oaie otesraeo Dvaasso- via LD of surface the PLINA to with localized ciation is CGI-58 cytes ain fCI5 aebe dnie nptet with patients in identified been syndrome have Chanarin-Dorfman CGI-58 of tations G-8 LN n TLi aa n PKA-stimulated and basal in ATGL and PLINA CGI-58, hrceie yteacmlto fanral large organs several abnormally in of LD accumulation of the amounts disorder a by syndrome, Chanarin-Dorfman characterized the of gene phospholipid causal overall content. lipid neutral increases reduces CGI-58 it yeast while content, Thus, ATGL. in of activator overexpression an as functions its a eetybe on oeetlspopaii acid lysophosphatidic exert to found activity been acyltransferase recently has n olwrlvl nlvr kn iny er,stomach, heart, kidney, skin, liver, testes, in lung and WAT levels and in lower In expressed to activity. highly and lipase is lacks serine CGI-58 usual therefore mouse the the itself of in place CGI-58 in residue. asparagine an contains CGI-58 ntectsli epnet cetae lipolysis accentuated to response in cytosol the in eetvl ciaigATGL activating selectively nlss hscmlxtasoae oL nPAacti- PKA on LD to transfer translocates energy vation complex resonance this fluorescence analysis, by demonstrated hnrnDrmnsnrm on uain r not interactions weak display are and PLIN expected mutations with as LD point to recruited syndrome Chanarin-Dorfman n ed omgaet ml LD accentuated small to greatly migrate is to tends co-localization and ATGL and CGI-58 opoieslblt oNF n aiiaeterintra- their mem- facilitate and and metabolic branes NEFA between to trafficking cellular solubility provide to okn oanfrFABP4 for domain docking vivo in nhmnsbet G-8hsbe dnie sa as identified been has CGI-58 subjects human In , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at (86) (83,84) (38) h rt30aioaiso S rvd a provide HSL of acids amino 300 first The . (88) . a h rcs hl-eldnmc involving dynamics whole-cell precise The . (90) / oprtv eeietfiain58 identification gene Comparative AP hsclybnst HSL to binds physically FABP4 . G-8siuae ioyi yptnl and potently by lipolysis stimulates CGI-58 . b hdoaefl-otiigpoenta re- that protein fold-containing -hydrolase hsotoemyb hsooial rele- physiologically be may outcome This . at cdbnigpoen4 protein acid-binding Fatty (87) b A naoit.Udrteeconditions these Under antagonists. -AR oee,tepttv aayi ra of triad catalytic putative the However, . (88,90) (91) a .On hsatvt sidpnetof independent is activity This . / b (20) hdoaedomain-containing -hydrolase (89) (92,93) b S n AP id1:1 bind FABP4 and HSL . A tmlto G-8is CGI-58 stimulation -AR nmtr uieadipo- murine mature In . (64) (81,82) G-8mtnswith mutants CGI-58 . (92) neetnl,CGI-58 Interestingly, . nttl iemu- nine total, In . APaethought are FABP . nvitro in (85) .As and Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society dnie TLit lipolysis into ATGL human identified of model hypothetical a PKA-stimulated drastically lipolysis. presents and adipocyte 2 basal have of Fig. model interactions lipolysis. working protein– lipid–protein the novel changed of and co- characterization its the and protein as lipase well additional as an activator, of identification recent The appears states. CGI-58 both but in elucidated important fully been not have lipolysis Be V. 354 yrlss hsmdlspot TL n HSL- lipolysis. but basal and of conditions control the ATGL- PKA-stimulated into insight supports to in limited offers enzyme lipolysis model the dependent allow This DAG would catalysing by LD hydrolysis. PLINA initiate lipolysis of PKA-stimulated and on surface in LD participate docking the on to its ATGL translocation via activate HSL and on hydrolysis. bind Only from TAG DAG. to dissociate or latter CGI-58 TAG would the the to PLINA in access of found association limited phosphorylation mainly the has is surface of and HSL the because cytosol PLINA. on activity and located little CGI-58 mostly exerts between is and ATGL LD state of basal the in oe a enpooe htitgae h newly- the integrates that proposed been has model A oeso ioyi activation lipolysis of Models nue h nrclua rfcigo Afo Dt h lsamembrane. plasma the FABP4 to molecule. LD glycerol from and with FA (FA) (MAG) associates acid of Monoacylglycerol highly-active fatty trafficking HSL ATGL. a a intracellular by to Phosphorylated DAG the produced form hydrolysing degradation. ensures DAG CGI-58 by hydrolyses lipolysis TAG and it completes catalyse where (MGL) ATGL lipase LD they CGI-58. to where translocates of and LD release FABP4 the small phosphorylation PLINA involved and on (b) is fragmentation complex conditions also PKA-stimulated LD of but In hydrolysis cytosolic promotes action. the mainly ATGL (P) facilitate which by is CGI-58 (CGI-58), provided (HSL) and degradation 58 surface lipase ATGL DAG identification the lipolysis Hormone-sensitive in gene on basal (DAG). and comparative During diacylglycerols cytosol (PLINA). by to the A activated TAG in perilipin is both to ATGL found bound LD is also On (ATGL) is lipase (LD). TAG droplets adipose lipid (a) of state basal the In cytes. 2. Fig. . TAG HSL yohtclmdlo aa n rti iaeA(K)siuae ioyi nhmnadipo- human in lipolysis (PKA)-stimulated A kinase protein and basal of model Hypothetical ATGL . IPaddress: G5 CGI58 CGI58 FA (94) (a) ti yohszdthat hypothesized is It . PLINA DAG TGL AT FABP4 FA MAG , on Glycerol 08 Oct2021 at06:28:31 + FA HSL MGL ´ ar n .Langin D. and zaire lctyterl fAG nbsllipolysis basal in ATGL of role the plicitly rvd diinlinformation completes additional MGL provide HSL. glycerol. and by NEFA generating hydrolysed by further lipolysis a Generated are in hydrolysis. TAG DAG LD a PKA-stimulated CGI-58 to forms in and migrates it participate ATGL and or Together manner. ATGL lipolysis PLINA-independent cytosolic stimulated with in complex involved is and not CGI-58 ATGL cytosolic either for conditions; DAG. envisaged PKA-stimulated are in hydrolyses scenarios CGI-58 CGI-58 Two of cytosol. and release the the to in PLINA leads also to phosphorylated phosphorylation activation translocates PLINA PKA HSL via On phosphorylated. and DAG. are LD cytosolic or by PLINA largely TAG and lipolysis to is HSL basal access HSL of minimal DAG. rate has to Together the TAG PLINA. dictate hydrolysing on CGI-58 docking and latter’s ATGL the co-activator its in despite to LD bound CGI-58 with is associated It is manner. ATGL PLINA-independent state a basal the in that gested yrlss eod muoursnerslsindicate TAG results through lipolysis immunofluoresence basal Second, that govern suggests hydrolysis. CGI-58 strongly HSL finding and while This CGI-58, ATGL single effect. and no following ATGL has lipolysis of silencing silencing basal gene in dual reduction and 50% a strate , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at oe a enpooe htadessmr ex- more addresses that proposed been has model A eut eeae rmahmnaioyecl line cell adipocyte human a from generated Results CGI58 ATGL P P P PPP PL (b) FA






P 4 HSL HSL FA MAG P P (38) P P P P Glycerol is,tedt demon- data the First, . + FA FABP4 MGL (95) ti sug- is It . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society S hshrlto rcd h soito between association and the FABP4 HSL precede and to FABP4 binding phosphorylation NEFA HSL. HSL and FABP4 between response in action release activation. NEFA MGL PKA in ATGL-accentuated and to increases massive of HSL lipolysis. yields effect phosphorylated that PKA-stimulated sequential hydrolysis, the govern TAG is LD it small Overall, and on ATGL–CGI-58 phosphorylation of PLINA docked number following increased formed Thus, the CGI-58. complexes that and sup- believed ATGL is of further silencing it is dual lipolysis and notion PKA-stimulated single of This with abrogation NEFA). complete adipocyte by third ported whole and releasing the MGL second and in (HSL the TAG that release hydrolyses suggests NEFA ATGL uniquely this which reduces In inhibitor 60–65%, activation. HSL state, by PKA specific basal on a the LD condition small in to ATGL translocation cytosolic with of amounts important epciey u ahrudrocntn yln nboth states states in catabolic postprandial cycling constant and and undergo fasted anabolic esteri- rather to but and limited respectively, Lipolysis not are esterification. mainly also fication NEFA been is mass has on WAT far but dependent pathways thus catabolic towards metabolism directed WAT in Attention release. NEFA reduced membrane, explain plasma may the FABP4 to of (LD) loss hydrolysis the of site the from otn ihnaioye stretmsgetrta that than NEFA greater the times littermates and three wild-type is decreased in adipocytes is within lipolysis content FABP4 of absence ftetovralsrmiigcntn n lvtdat elevated and constant remaining variables coupling 86% two the the fluxes, quantitatively re-esterification of content and lipolysis lipase changes altering adipocytes hMADS soito ol ihrlmtHLatvt ratrthe LD alter on or complex activity the HSL acid–FABP4–HSL of limit Fatty LD. formation either of phosphory- could surface FABP4 activated the association with is HSL, on associates HSL that with acids lated reaction fatty association a to physical in bound membrane of plasma independent the to trafficking seicto cuscnurnl ihlipolysis with concurrently re- esterification, occurs to Similarly esterification molecules. acylglycerol ing rvdsgyeo akoe rmprvt i h gly- the Forest via see review, pyruvate (for from pathway ceroneogenesis backbones support glycerol carboxykinase cannot esteri- provides phosphoenolpyruvate levels facilitates glucose rather, glucose states The esterification; and catabolic backbone. glycerol NEFA In the fication. both of of source main abundance the is glucose ierneo ioyi u aebe bevdi mature in observed been have flux adipocytes lipolytic cor- a of over Strong range rates lipolysis unclear. wide and is re-esterification between re-esterification relations of regulation The rsinadatvt r nrae ihfasting with increased ex- are activity carboxykinase and pression phosphoenolpyruvate Accordingly, b A gns treatment agonist -AR euaoyse sas rvddb h association the by provided also is step regulatory A eetrfiaini h seicto fNF nexist- on NEFA of esterification the is Re-esterification nerto flplssit dps isebiology tissue adipose into lipolysis of Integration (38) nhmnsbet eetrfiaini siae at estimated is re-esterification subjects human In . (102) ioyi n re-esterification and Lipolysis n ua dpct elline cell adipocyte human a and (96) hs nadto ospotn NEFA supporting to addition in Thus, . . (97) (101) sNF edt etrafficked be to need NEFA As . ohhgl aaoi states. catabolic highly both , . IPaddress: (98) npspada states postprandial In . (96) oee,i the in However, . euaino dps iselplssrvstd355 revisited lipolysis tissue adipose of Regulation tal et , on (100) (102–104) (38) 08 Oct2021 at06:28:31 . (99) .In and ). . 50–75% eietmcohgs saioiyicess odoes so macrophages WAT- increases, of by adiposity also infiltration As but WAT adipocytes macrophages. immune intrinsically by resident only secreted the not blood and are and proteins homeostasis, produced proteins vasculature system energy numerous Immune coagulation, of system. secretes and control WAT the pressure in endocrine WAT. the implicated of of evidence provided have function years 15 past The n exercise and t agtgnsi eue,icuigHSL including reduced, is genes target its neednl flps otn.Frt TNF First, content. lipase of independently nete arpae raioye mrvsinsulin improves adipocytes or signalling and macrophages action either in thspeiul ensonta A r preferentially are lipolysis one DAG PKA-stimulated interest. during that of TAG shown of over been hydrolysed therefore esterification previously is has or another It over hydrolysis species hydrolysed Preferential acylglycerol and LD. stored but in the reticulum with acyl- association to endoplasmic in apply smooth synthesized are also that They species NEFA. glycerol trafficking beyond to extend relating dynamics questions structure, LD of knowledge custruha xrclua route extracellular an through occurs A ihoeiyadblee ob nipratme- important an be resistance to insulin believed of and diator in obesity observed state with inflammation WAT low-grade the factors establish pro-inflammatory and secrete and express macrophages sacneuneo nqelpdpol nFABP-null in profile lipid unique a of mice consequence a as yrlssocr eas ftesrn aaiyadaf- WAT human and in capacity preferential DAG strong for this HSL the of of lipolysis, finity because of occurs activation hydrolysis overall Despite r rsial reduced drastically PPAR are obesity. whereby de-differentiation, in cyte expressed TNF TNF highly Chronic resistance. cytokine insulin aggravate pro-inflammatory levels further circulating NEFA elevated of resulting The lipolysis. promote K-ciae A radw yHLi chal- is HSL by be breakdown could whom for adipocytes lenged DAG individuals, human obese in PKA-activated in coupling findings re-esterification the these favoured restores of adipocytes. HSL cation lipolysis, hMADS of from fixed re-esterification a inhibition in of uncouples preservation forskolin rate the While to re-esterification re-esterified crucial preferentially and fractional state are basal DAG the that in found been has it APwt ml-oeueihbtrrdcsWAT reduces inhibitor macrophages inflammatory by of expression products small-molecule the and a infiltration macrophage with Targeting effects. systemic FABP and inflammation WAT linking ciae Kpathway mitogen- p42-44 PK promot- the by through activated phosphorylation activation serine 1 its substrate ing TNF receptor Specifically, insulin insulin. of inhibits action anti-lipolytic the with ATGL twspeiul huh htr-seicto fNEFA of re-esterification that thought previously was It eetdgopo r-namtr yoie directly cytokines pro-inflammatory of group selected A , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at (117) (120,121) (3,40,111) (105,106) ioyi n dps iseinflammation tissue adipose and Lipolysis . (107,108) a oee,TNF However, . . ramn nue rcs emdadipo- termed process a induces treatment u a eraet 03%wt fasting with 20–35% to decrease can but . (116) (122,123) (118) hspoesi huh ooccur to thought is process This . (115) (113,114) osqety xrsinof expression Consequently, . oevr APdeficiency FABP Moreover, . a eod TNF Second, . xrspolpltceffects pro-lipolytic exerts APaeivle in involved are FABP . (112,113) g (109) (38,41) xrsinlevels expression (38) WAT-resident . ihcurrent With . h impli- The . Conversely, . a a (119) interferes increases a (110) sa is and a . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society adipocytes sbte end IL-1 defined. adipocytes better is n nue nui resistance insulin induces and cells GTP- fat inhibitory on three all subtypes of protein content markedly binding protein by the receptors reducing protein-coupled GTP-binding receptors:inhibi- tory protein-coupled GTP-binding stimulatory sarsl fipie hshrlto fislnreceptor insulin of phosphorylation 1 impaired substrate of result a as rmvsea WAT visceral from HSL. and ATGL to lipids of exposure ainssfeigfo bst n ye2diabetes 2 type and obesity from suffering patients fI-,isoealssei fet aebe ahrchal- rather been have discern effects to systemic lenging overall its IL-6, of namto naioetissue mediate adipose to shown in been have inflammation lipolysis of products lipolysis, pathway aao h euaino A eeepeso uiga during expression gene WAT programme of weight-loss regulation dietary the by on The metabolism supported data fat is macrophages adipocyte inflammation. activation between macrophage talk and and tissue cross a adipose of adipocytes existence aggravates between probably loop paracrine auae EAcnatvt arpae n edt the genes to lead macrophage-related and of macrophages that up-regulation activate demonstrated can been NEFA has saturated it macrophages and adipocytes L6siuae basal stimulates IL-6 otn nadipocytes in TNF content Last, adenosine. of yi stogtt aepaeidpnetyo PKA, of independently content place PLINA pathway, diminished kinase take in signal-regulated resulting to extracellular the thought through is lysis nowoeaioyelplss h nesadn fthe insight of understanding important lipolytic The an of the lipolysis. provide is whole-adipocyte should conditions of into and physiological interest distribution stores. various current lipid and under cellular machinery influence caveolin– trafficking to and shown Protein– Cellular FABP4–HSL been identified. as have been PLIN such have interactions e.g. ATGL, protein mechanisms, on basal action Co-activation of regulation CGI-58 lipolysis. the and in stimulated role CGI-58 Other important and hormonal ATGL, an HSL. play characterized. to The each been limited PLIN years. have longer no players recent con- is key lipolysis been the of has in regulation lipolysis expanded tissue siderably adipose about Knowledge lopooe at cdoxidation acid fatty promotes also PKA 5 .Be V. 356 huh otk lc hog h ioe-ciae PK mitogen-activated the is through response NF- place This and take inflammation. to WAT para- thought of adipocyte-derived as mediators defined crine be therefore can NEFA erdto fihbtr T-idn rtisb the by proteins GTP-binding pathway inhibitory proteasomal of degradation feti iie ordn a cells fat rodent to limited is effect L6i r-namtr yoiehaiysecreted heavily cytokine pro-inflammatory a is IL-6 hl eti r-namtr yoie stimulate cytokines pro-inflammatory certain While (128) (138,139) hsefc rmtslplssb increasing by lipolysis promotes effect This . k pathways B (144) (142,143) (145) hs fet r huh oprilyoccur partially to thought are effects These . . hs ept h r-namtr status pro-inflammatory the despite Thus, . (140,141) n niislpgnssi oemarrow bone in lipogenesis inhibits and . (126) (129) (132) (30,127) (147,148) b Summary a t xrsini lvtdin elevated is expression Its . ovrey h cino IL-1 of action the Conversely, . iiae h nilpltcaction anti-lipolytic the mitigates tmltslplssi cultured in lipolysis stimulates n K-ciae lipolysis PKA-activated and ramn eue oa PLINA total reduces treatment . IPaddress: n hi hshrlto by phosphorylation their and hs h rsneo a of presence the Thus, . (134,135) (149) (146) . (132,137) sn oclue of co-cultures Using . tmlto flipo- of Stimulation . (125) (136) (124) TNF , oee,IL-6 However, . lhuhthis Although . i h AMPK the via (147) nvivo in , on Saturated . a 08 Oct2021 at06:28:31 -induced (130,131) clinical ´ (133) ar n .Langin D. and zaire b . aua cecsadEgneigRsac oni of Council Research Project Engineering (NSERC-PDF). and Canada the and Sciences Collaborative 00) Natural HEALTH-F2-2008-2011 no. contract Inserm the no. 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