Magazine ST EDMUND HALL 2019-2020 ST EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE Editor James Howarth (Librarian) St Edmund Hall With many thanks to all the contributors to Oxford OX1 4AR this year’s edition: especially overwhelming 01865 279000 thanks to the Hall’s Communication Manager Claire Parfitt and Assistant Librarian Sophie Quantrell for their
[email protected] enormous help with the production. The editor and the College also wish to pass on their great thanks to Dr Brian Gasser (1975, DPhil English), Editor of the @StEdmundHall Magazine 2014-2019, for his herculean efforts on behalf of the Hall. The current issue would have been impossible without the legacy of his work and the comprehensiveness of the notes he left for the incoming editor.
[email protected] Front cover The Front Quad. Photo Credit John Cairns. Freshers’ Photographs By Gillman & Soame Credits All the photographs in this Magazine are from Hall records unless otherwise stated; the following photos of academics are reproduced with appreciation: Samira Ahmed Foreign and Commonwealth Office Dr Christopher Armitage UNC Dr Jo Ashbourn Oxford Centre for the History of Science Alastair Borthwick University of Edinburgh Keith Bowen Professor Adrian Briggs Oxford Law Faculty Professor Maia Chankseliani University of Oxford Sir David Cooksey Royal Society This SEH Magazine was printed using paper from sustainable sources. VOL. XIX No.2 ST EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE St Edmund Hall Oxford OX1 4AR OCTOBER 2020 01865 279000 Part 1: College List 2019-2020 ...........................................................................1
[email protected] Section 2: Reports on the Year ...........................................................................11 From the Principal ..............................................................................................