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’ Children

16 Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan

Series: THE STORY, Part 3

Chapter 21 Rebuilding the Walls February 24-28

Recommended version of the Bible to read: (NLT)

Ezra and Nehemiah were faithful followers of God. They were determined to help the people of Israel to stay faithful to God, too, and not to fall back into their old ways of disobedience. We can be people who inspire others to follow God, too!

Day 1: Read Ezra 7:27-28. Why did Ezra praise the Lord? What can you praise the Lord for today? How is praise part of being a faithful follower of God?

Day 2: Read :1-11. What does Nehemiah confess to God? Do you have any sins you need to confess to God? How is confession part of being a faithful follower of God?

Day 3: Read Nehemiah 4:1-4. When the Jews were being mocked, did they mock their enemies back or did they pray to God instead? How do you respond when someone is mean to you?

Day 4: Read Ezra 8:1-3. How is what Ezra and the people did similar to what we do at church today? How is going to church part of being a faithful follower of God?

Day 5: Read Ezra 8:10-11. According to this verse, what gives us strength? How is being joyful part of being a faithful follower of God? Can you inspire other people to follow God by being joyful?

Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you become a faithful follower of the Most High God!

2 15 Overview for Parents: Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan We’re picking back up with Part 3 of The Story ! In these next eight Series: THE STORY, Part 3 chapters we will be covering the remainder of the , focusing primarily on the prophets and the messages they delivered from Chapter 20 The Queen of Beauty and Courage God to both the kings and the people they ruled. We’ll read stories of February 17-21 men and women showing extreme courage and bravery as they obeyed and served God.

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT) The Story Bible Reading Plan for children is your opportunity to encounter God in His Word with your family in a meaningful way. In this part, preschool age children will be learning from their Beginner’s Bible, was an orphan who was raised by her covering only the stories found in it, which differ slightly from what the cousin . She was very beautiful, and the older children will be covering. Elementary age kids will read through the King of Persia chose her to be his wife. In the basic stories from the prophets and history sections of the Old Testament, story of Esther, we see how God works behind getting a bird’s eye view of what happened when the people turned away the scenes to fulfill his plans. Even when we from God and starting worshipping idols. cannot see God working, he is. He is always in control and works things out for our good! We We encourage you to share your own love of God’s Word with your child, also learn from Esther’s courage and bravery. and talk with them about what you are learning in your daily reading, on Sometimes we have to take a stand for God, Sunday mornings, and in your group sessions. Allow your child time to even when it isn’t the popular thing to do. freely talk about and ask questions about what is being learned.

Day 1: Read Esther 2:15-18. What did the King think about Preschool Bible Reading Plan Esther? What position did she gain because of his favor? Series: THE STORY, Part 3 How do you think God is going to use this position?

Day 2: Read :1-6. Why did want to destroy the Chapter 14 God’s Messengers: Elijah January 6—10 Jews? Do you think Mordecai was doing the right thing? This week read these two stories in The Beginner’s Bible with your child Have you ever chosen right even when it wasn’t the popular and use them to teach that God is more powerful than any other god, and thing to do? that He is the one who takes care of us. God called some people to be His prophets. A prophet is someone who speaks messages to others for Day 3: Read :1-17. What does Mordecai ask Esther to God. Elijah was one of His prophets. Some people did not love God and do? What is dangerous about this task? How does Esther did not obey Him, like King Ahab, and this was not pleasing to God. So respond? Think of a time when you have been brave like God gave messages to these people through prophets, to help them Esther. know that He is the only true God. And God took good care of His prophets and the people who helped them. Day 4: Read :1-14 & Matthew 23:12. What happened to Mordecai? Why did it make Haman so mad? How does the verse in Matthew apply to the situation with Haman and Mordecai?

Day 5: Read :1-8, 9:1-4. What happened to the Jews? How has God changed a bad situation into a good situation in your own life?

Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you be brave like Esther, and experience God’s Page 201 Page 206 goodness in your life. 14 3

Preschool Bible Reading Plan Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 3 Series: THE STORY, Part 3

Chapter 15 God’s Messengers: Elijah & Elisha Chapter 19 February 10-14 January 13-17 The Return Home

This week read these two stories with your child and use them to talk about Recommended version of the Bible to read: how important it is to love and obey God alone. Explain that in the Bible New Living Translation (NLT) people sometimes worshipped idols instead of God. Idols can be made out of many different things and look many different ways. When people choose After 70 years of being in Exile, God’s people to worship idols in their hearts over God, He would send prophets to warn them about it and to turn them back to loving and worshipping God alone. were sent home to their own land. Imagine if you Talk about what a idols may be today, like money or another person, and left your home, city, school, and church for 70 emphasize that there no one who is like God; He alone deserves our love years. What would it look like? The people’s land and praise. was torn apart. They had to start from scratch! The people began to rebuild the temple, but they got lazy. They wanted to build nice things for themselves before they worked on a dwelling place for God. Their priorities were out of whack. God used his prophets yet again to show the people to honor God above their own interests.

Day 1: Read Ezra 1:1-4. What did King Cyrus tell God’s people to

Page 209 Page 216 do? Why do you think rebuilding God’s temple was so important?

Day 2: Read Ezra 4:1-5. Who tried to stop God’s people from Chapter 16 God’s Messengers: Elisha January 20—24 building the temple? Has anyone ever tried to tell you to stop This week read these three stories with your child to teach them that God doing what God has told you to do? How did you respond? also used prophets like Elisha to help take care of people. God sometimes used the prophets to do some amazing things that showed people how Day 3: Read Haggai 1:1-11. What happened to the Israelites good, powerful and loving He is. Talk about the kinds of things God does for because of their disobedience? What would their reward be for us today through other people, and discuss ways you can help a neighbor putting God first? How do you put God first in your own life? or friend in need. Day 4: Read Haggai 1:12-15. How did the people respond to

God’s call? Are you obedient to the things God tells you to do?

Day 5: Read Zechariah 8:9-13. How does the Lord encourage the people? How does he promise to bless them? How has God encouraged you and blessed you?

Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you be quick to obey the Lord and receive all the blessings Page 222 Page 226 Page 230 He has for your life!

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Preschool Bible Reading Plan Series: Series: THE STORY, Part 3 THE STORY, Part 3

Chapter 18 God Watches Over Daniel February 3-7 Chapter 17 King Josiah January 27-31

This week read this story a few times with your child, each time focusing Recommended version of the Bible to read: on a different truth of the story. First, talk about how God can use even a New Living Translation (NLT) young person to do great things. Come up with ideas of what your child my be able to do out of his/her love for God. Next as you read it point out how important it is for us to worship God— and not just on Sunday but all Daniel was a faithful follower of God. He was the time. Explain that worship is about showing God that we love Him by not afraid of what others thought about him. our daily choices, by what we say and do. Give examples of good choices He worshipped God alone and was fully that honor God, and bad choices that don’t. And then read the story and devoted to him. God was faithful to Daniel, too. talk about why we need to read the Bible, (aka Book of the Law) and obey He saved him from the mouth of the lion, and what it says. Give examples of some commands God gives us and why they are important. protected his friends from the fiery furnace. God is always faithful to his people, no matter what.

Day 1: Read Daniel 6:1-23. Why did Daniel get thrown into the Lion’s Den? Why did God save Daniel? Do you trust God to rescue you in hard times?

Day 2: Read Daniel 3:1-18. What did King Nebuchadnezzar Page 235 want everyone to do? How was this against what God wanted? How did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Chapter 18 Daniel in Exile February 3-7 respond? This week read the story of Daniel a few times with your child, focusing on a different aspect of the story each time. First, show how Daniel is loyal to Day 3: Read Daniel 3:19-30. What happened when God, and God protects him. Doing what God wants us to do is always the Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the best choice. People may not like what we do or try to get us to do wrong fiery furnace? How did Nebuchadnezzar respond? things, but we must obey God. Read the story again and focus on Daniel praying to God even when he knew it would get him in trouble. Daniel Day 4: Read 2 Thessalonians 3:3. How did this promise prayed three times a day because prayer is an important habit. Ask your apply to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? How does child what he/she thinks should be included in a prayer. Then read the this promise apply to your life? story and talk about how the king was amazed that God protected Daniel and how he also then honored God. Our choices impact others. Day 5: Read 2 Timothy 2:13. Is God still faithful even when

we are unfaithful? Why or why not? Can you think of a time in your life where you were unfaithful to God, but he remained faithful to you?

Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you experience the faithfulness of God that never leaves you.

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Preschool Bible Reading Plan Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 3 Series: THE STORY, Part 3

Chapter 17 The Kingdoms’ Fall January 27-31 Chapter 19 The Fiery Furnace February 10-14 This week read this story a few times with your child, each time focusing on a different truth of the story. First, explain that there may be times when Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT) people will tempt us and even push us to take our focus off of God, much like King Nebuchadnezzar did in the story. Read it again and talk about how God can rescue those who trust in Him. Trusting God means we know God’s people continued in idolatry and eventually He always cares for us. Talk about things we trust God to do for us. Last, found themselves in exile – ruled by other read the story and talk about how the king and others must have felt when nations. God continued to use his prophets to they saw what God had done. turn the people’s hearts back to him, and to share the promise of the coming Messiah. God revealed the coming New Covenant through the prophet Jeremiah and also through Ezekiel. It would be different than the Old Covenant. Instead of laws being written on stone and paper, God’s law would be written on his people’s hearts. He would make a way for his people to know him personally and forgive their sins forevermore.

Day 1: Read Jeremiah 1:4-8. Why was Jeremiah worried? Have Page 247 you ever felt like you were too young to do something great for God? What do you think God would say to you? Chapter 20 The Queen of Beauty and Courage February 17-21 Day 2: Read Jeremiah 2:14-17. Why did God’s people become This week read the story of Esther a few times with your child, each time slaves? Have you ever done something wrong and been focusing on a different aspect of the story. Start with talking about Esther punished for it? How did you make it right? herself, and how her bravery saved the Jewish people from Haman’s evil plan. Talk about what courage means— its not being unafraid, but doing Day 3: Read Jeremiah 31:31-34. What things does God promise in something even when you are afraid. Read the story again, and this time the New Covenant? Did God’s people deserve these promises? focus on Mordecai and his strong faith in God. Talk about how different he Why did God give these promises to his people? was from Haman, for example Mordecai loved God and Haman loved himself. Read one more time and talk about how God used Esther, Day 4: Read 2 Corinthians 3:6. According to this verse, what are Mordecai and the king. Sometime God may put us in a certain place or the differences between the Old and the New Covenant? position for Him to use for a good purpose!

Day 5: Read Hebrews 10:1-10. How were the people made holy under the Old Covenant? How are we made holy under the New Covenant? Which one is better? Why?

Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you know the Lord like He promised you would under the New Covenant.

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Preschool Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 3 Series: THE STORY, Part 3

Chapter 16 The Beginning of the End January 20—24 Chapter 21 God’s Messengers: Jonah February 24-28

Recommended version of the Bible to read: This week read the story of Jonah a few times with your child, each time focusing on a different truth. The first truth your child should hear is“ God New Living Translation (NLT) loves you very much and God is willing to forgive you when you tell him that you are sorry.” We see this truth in how God gave Jonah a second chance, and how He forgave the people of Nineveh for doing bad things. No matter how much love and mercy God Next, help your child understand that disobedience to God negatively showed them, his people still lived in sin. God affects others. Jonah didn’t like the special job God gave him to do, so he continued to send prophets to turn the decided to run away. God sent a storm to get Jonah’s attention. The other people’s hearts back to him. The prophet people on the boat had to go through the storm too. Our wrong choices Isaiah not only told God’s people to repent – impact others, not just us. Think of examples in your life to share this truth but he spoke of a coming Savior who would with them. Last, use the story to emphasize the truth that God hears our take away their sin once and for all. prayers. Jonah prayed when he was inside the whale, and God heard his prayer and rescued him. Share how God has answered your prayers and/ or remind your child of prayers he/she has prayed, too.

Day 1: Read 2 Kings 17:7-12. What were the people of Israel doing wrong? Have you ever been warned to not do something, but did it anyway? What was the consequence?

Day 2: Read 2 Kings 18:5-8. How did King Hezekiah’s actions compare to the Israelites? What does it look like to be faithful to God in your life?

Day 3: Read Isaiah 6:1-5. What did Isaiah see that made him realize Page 257 how sinful he was? What do you think you would feel if you saw what Isaiah saw?

Day 4: Read Isaiah 49:5-6. What was Isaiah’s purpose in life? How is this similar to your purpose in life?

Day 5: Read Isaiah 53:1-12. Who are these verses talking about? Why did God allow his Son to go through so much pain? How does it make you feel that Jesus went through all of that for you?

Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May God’s love and mercy inspire you to please Him in all you do!

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan

Series: THE STORY, Part 3 Series: THE STORY, Part 3

Chapter 14 A Kingdom Torn in Two January 6—10 Chapter 15 God’s Messengers January 13-17

Recommended version of the Bible to read: Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT) New Living Translation (NLT)

God’s people were called to be holy and set apart. God’s people were still choosing to live in sin. But However, they didn’t always trust God. King Solomon God loved them too much to let them continue and his sons fell into the sin of pride and idolatry, down a path of destruction. He began to call to which lead to God’s kingdom being torn in two. Sin speak on His behalf. Not everyone liked the always leads to brokenness and separation. We were prophets because they spoke truth to people who once separated from God because of our sin. did not want to hear it. God used the prophet Elijah Thankfully, Jesus came to reconcile us to God so that to show his people that he is the one true God, and our relationship with him is no longer broken! that worshipping idols was meaningless. God used the prophet Hosea to show his people that he still loved them, even though they were unfaithful to him. Day 1: Read 1 Kings 11:29-33. Why did God punish Solomon? What is the sin of idolatry? Have you ever “worshipped” Day 1: Read 1 Kings 17:8-24. What miracle does God perform something other than God? through Elijah? What does the widow believe at the end of the story? Day 2: Read Exodus 20:3-6. What does God’s law say about idols? Why do you think it hurts God’s heart when we worship Day 2: Read 1 Kings 18:20-39. How did God show the people that anything other than him? he was the one true God? Do you believe that our God is the one true God? Why or why not? Day 3: Read 1 Kings 11:34-39. How did God show grace to Solomon even though he had sinned? How has God shown Day 3: Read Hosea 4:1-3. What were the sins of God’s people? grace to you? Why do you think God was upset with them?

Day 4: Read Romans 5:6-11. How is being made right with God Day 4: Read Hosea 6:6. What does God really want from us? How like fixing something that was broken? What made us right do we do these things? with God? Day 5: Read Hosea 11:1-4. What kind of relationship is God Day 5: Read Colossians 1:19-22. What separated us from God? describing in these verses? What kind things do your parents do How were we reconciled to God? How does God see us for you? What kind things does God do for you? now? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you know that God is the one true God, and that He loves May you worship God alone and experience the joy that you deeply no matter what! comes from a restored relationship with Him!

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